That LH body Chrysler you had and this Ford are 2 of the worst cars on the road and cheapest cars on Craigslist. Reminds me of my mother, she had really bad taste when buying cars. She owned a Volkswagen, Corvair, Vega, Chevette, and the ugliest was AMC Pacer! She was always breaking down and that's how I got into this repair business because she was getting cheated by the local shops. My uncles claimed to be mechanics and could not even set the points and really didn't know much of anything. Mother almost bought a used Matador but I talked her out of it. But even my mother wouldn't buy a Ford Taurus 😂 Now grandmother on the other hand bought Chevy and big Pontiacs. She rarely had car trouble. Thinking back, every Ford I ever owned had problems and every one the transmission went out without warning. The transmission man at Ford has a $900 per week guarantee and is busiest tech in the shop! He would be the highest paid it wasn't for their crappy diesels.
@MuhammadAli-su3oo7 жыл бұрын
So much congratulations to you Brother Matt for your Marriage (and Graduation, Job) :) you know; you look more Handsome now ;) DIS; Distributorless Ignition System, right?