Men Aren't Obliged to Chase Women

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Ай бұрын

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@Anicca108 Ай бұрын
“Hey if you’re free tonight, do you want to get together and blow up my life, which is currently full of contentment and peace?” - My pickup line
@elmateo77 Ай бұрын
Oh you know how to get the 38 year old single mom of 3 kids from 4 different men wet...
@hillsideonly Ай бұрын
Absolutely brutal
@josiah5776 Ай бұрын
@travarouswiley3564 Ай бұрын
@user-zv8md9xv8c Ай бұрын
JoJi vibes
@dragonsoldier1829 Ай бұрын
I am 41, divorced, and I have a 20 year old son. I will never do it again. My peace is worth more.
@trickywily2823 Ай бұрын
Me 40 Daughter never will get hitched
@chualarbill Ай бұрын
Just turned 40 and I have a toddler sleeping on my lap. I guess I’m behind the curve! :)
@eleveneleven572 Ай бұрын
Same here. I married at 21, divorced at 59. I never realised how peaceful my life could be until I got her out of my life.
@alexmuenster2102 Ай бұрын
>>I have a 20 year old son. I will never do it again.
@eleveneleven572 Ай бұрын
@@alexmuenster2102 You need to brush up on your humour. That was a fail.
@mckeeasdf Ай бұрын
When you see that (more than) half of the men that go down a certain path, wind up getting destroyed as a result, you start to realize that, well, maybe I'll just not go that way.
@Torgo1001 Ай бұрын
I will chase women again when they are worth the time, money, and effort to chase.
@audie-cashstack-uk4881 Ай бұрын
Imagine ever chasing them simp as hell
@winterwulf1995 Ай бұрын
You shouldn't be chasing women. The police take a dim view of that apparently.... Especially at night
@elmateo77 Ай бұрын
Be careful, once you experience peace and solitude you may find you enjoy it more than chasing 😺
@DMH51 Ай бұрын
Yup, been single for almost 12 years now, and I'll be honest. It's been great.
@bettermessage2595 Ай бұрын
weird is that I discovered it before I managed to get into any relationship
@The_Natalist Ай бұрын
​@@bettermessage2595 Same, though i still really want kids. Bit of a dilemma 😂
@LADlifeafterdivorce Ай бұрын
1 year in and loving it
@raymond_sycamore Ай бұрын
I haven't had sex in 7 years. I've been with around 20, I honestly have no idea, total. I'm 35 now. I don't care anymore. I'm tried of the constant shaming from red-pill guys saying you're not a man if you're not absolutely constantly slaying poon. Some of us simply don't derive our personal value from the willingness of another person to allow us to stick a body part into them or not. I also was not brought up to be a womanizer, and I come from a very red state and truly conservative background. I can't do it anymore. Won't let myself be shamed. I think that's the bigger thing the requester was trying to get at, it's okay to just be winning and not constantly trying to get laid.
@Anicca108 Ай бұрын
If it turns out there’s an afterlife or spiritual realm, “body count”probably works against you.
@michaeldavid6832 Ай бұрын
I'm too disagreeable to tolerate most people in general. My disagreeability outstrips my thirst. As soon as someone shows me even a hint of disrespect, I just walk away. With modern XXs, it's nothing but constant disrespect. It's over before it begins. I quit my job when they were requiring us to get the jab. I react to any form of petty tyranny with epic intolerance. There's a part of me which will permit nothing to put its boot on my neck. If I'm not able to walk away, I get kinetic -- even against guys who are much bigger than me. When the yearning for freedom is so great you're willing to risk certain bodily harm to assert it, it's nothing at all to walk away from a petty tyrant who is promising you an everlasting stream of petty tyrannies. There's nothing wrong with my segx drive -- it's close to what it was in my early 20s. It still gets me close to trouble when I should know better. Even so, when anyone attempts to assert dominance, I'll never let them have a win... even if I have to deprive myself of some small prize and walk away. My ex GF would constantly attempt to get me to cancel Saturday plans with my friends when she suddenly was off work. I never caved. I knew instinctively that it would be a severe loss for me if I bowed to her demands. Even with her implied promise of some box, I still couldn't cave in to her. What I would've lost in the long run would've been far greater than what I gained in the short. This is why men who are too thirsty are self destructive and worthless as friends. They're easily manipulated and possess no principles. I ain't that f'n guy.
@correocarlosgarcia Ай бұрын
You instantly get all women you meet right into your friendzone, and make it clear to them that you only want a friendship, you aren't hitting on them.
@hasnogood6012 Ай бұрын
@@michaeldavid6832 bro has has strong moral code and sticks to it
@city_of_coompton6832 Ай бұрын
@Reon_L Ай бұрын
Imagine citing those grifters Fresh and Fit at this point.
@ColonelHoganStalag13 Ай бұрын
The only girls they're getting are ones they're buying or street chicks that if you held a black light up to would glow. I mean sure, every guy could sleep with 50+ women if you're going to pay for it. The goal would be finding a quality woman who adds to your life not drains your wallet and ruins your mental health. Those two grifters have no help for men wanting real success.
@whiterabit09 Ай бұрын
They are the thirstiest simps ever....
@_Azur Ай бұрын
Never liked them
@alexmuenster2102 Ай бұрын
>>citing those grifters Fresh and Fit
@tamadeus7189 Ай бұрын
The only thing more fake than professional wrestling is American politics.
@Torgo1969 Ай бұрын
It disappoints me that Cappy has to make a video trying to convince grown men that they don't have to derive self-esteem from the opinions of mostly strangers. As Rand wrote in The Fountanhead: "A self-sufficient ego...Nothing else matters."
@Manchuwook Ай бұрын
I stopped dating in 2001 and went through a transitional 10-year period of loneliness... I realized that peace is far more important at the age of 42, and I will never have that with the whirlwind of a woman in it.
@claytonbouldin9381 Ай бұрын
I wouldn't put too much thought into what F&F says. F&F don't follow the advice they give to men.
@oceanhedonist265 Ай бұрын
"I'm currently taking applications for the next woman to ruin my life." A line that a friend of mine used when he chatted on the mic on stage with his bar band. 😂
@sunso1991 Ай бұрын
so true about being hit on by gay guys lol i work out alot, dress okay. i went to a bar in Cali 7 years ago, not knowing it was a gay night. was hit on the whole night getting free drinks, and had a really great time chatting and some kino i thought, wow is this what being an 6 or 7 girl feels like? this is insane
@Meton2526 Ай бұрын
What is an alot, and why are you working it out?
@city_of_coompton6832 Ай бұрын
When I was younger and actually went out at night - I was like a magnet for gay dudes. They hit on me way more often than chicks. It was weird...
@BritishEcho Ай бұрын
I remember the first time I went to a g*y bar, didn't know at the time, as the guys said it was a real chill place to hang and drink. I got hit on by SO many guys..... (As you would expect you could say, but since women didn't even so much as look my way I found it odd and I didn't know how to react lol) I am firmly straight, but I did wonder for a while if I did bat for the same team.
@manager4409 Ай бұрын
I had a friend who was short, ugly, and basically had no chance with girls. He said he really liked gay bars because it was the only time he was ever treated well.
@anthonytokar3961 Ай бұрын
Same here I'm straight but take very good care of myself and workout and dress well. Gay men are drawn to me like flies to shit and women are indifferent I might as well not exist.
@mark98115 Ай бұрын
"We've all ridden a moped". No, all of us have not "ridden a moped". I've had moped present themselves to be ridden but I had always declined to get on one. As I told a friend of mine when he asked if I would be willing to ride a certain moped, I told him "there is not enough alcohol in this bar, hell there is not enough alcohol in this world".
@allynflinchbaugh4570 Ай бұрын
After my college gf broke up with me in 1993 the day after a family member of mine died, over me having a platonic female friend that she was jealous of and who was more supportive of me after that death (and I would note is still strictly a platonic friend as of this year), I wish that I had stopped pursuing relationships and had worked on the 6 books that I had outlined -- I had 50 pages or so of outlines - with the rest in my head, that I never forgot. (As of this date, I am working on those books and 4 others -- have 2 second drafts done and 2 first drafts done, all 10 books 2,800+ pages written, most of it since June 2023). I wonder where I would be now had I never pursued poonany.
@jonathanmichaelsmith9012 Ай бұрын
Dammit, Cappy. I wish I had you in my corner during my teens and early 20s. I would've saved so much time, money and heartache.
@ICFUBAR Ай бұрын
Some guys who could pull gals are just confirmed bachelors seeing life without romantic entanglements as their modus operandi. These guys are usually fairly happy in and with their lives. So all the power to these gents for being true to themselves.
@treznor6992 Ай бұрын
Yep there come a time when you realize youre not built for relationships. But you still like women and s3x thus the perpetual bachelor is born.
@mrconfusion87 Ай бұрын
IF she actually likes you, she will pull her weight!
@JKGrimm Ай бұрын
The collapse started when food prices doubled. We're in it. When you can't trust any city in the country to be safe, what more needs to be said?
@jpowe2822 Ай бұрын
If there's one thing you got to learn about women is that once they're bored?. The relationship is almost over. And if they have to start a fight just to bring some excitement into the relationship or some form of chaos through a substantial purchase or wearing certain clothes to go out just to get your attention they will do that....
@The_Natalist Ай бұрын
Not being interested in casual *** makes total sense, way to much work and drama.
@jarrodschaub4913 Ай бұрын
Its fucking soul crushing man.
@The_Natalist Ай бұрын
@@jarrodschaub4913 Wouldn't know to be perfectly honest, I didn't even try to go there. But I absolutely believe you
@righthandwolf306 Ай бұрын
A great comment I remember seeing years ago cited the divorce rates, and then posed the question: *_”If you were informed that there was a 50% chance that your parachute wouldn't open, how eager would you be to go skydiving?"_*
@michaeldavid6832 Ай бұрын
I just thought of a new one. Your buddy says he's getting married. You say: "Would you bet 2 fingers on your left hand that it will last?" I'll explain: if you end up divorced, it will cost you so much that you'd rather willingly sacrifice 2 fingers instead of the financial devestation which would be inflicted. If you won't put up 2 fingers with a 50% chance of being severed, then you shouldn't be marrying someone with those same odds of failure. The analogy doesn't have to be so extreme as death.
@rogueinvestor2375 Ай бұрын
I wouldn't even touch the parachute, let alone go skydiving. 50% is extreme uncertainty.
@VanlifeNoonan77 Ай бұрын
that’s funny . I just spent a week in Gettysburg and was sooo happy. I am a single 65 year old guy . Actually hung out with an author of a civil war book . I am divorced and have two children. P G T
@michaelhurlbut4830 Ай бұрын
The Man/bear trend. Grizzle Grizzle.
@BrianManning-wh6rl Ай бұрын
@foxfmx117 Ай бұрын
I see you came from the chowtimepod comment section 😅
@holdtheline-gm8en 17 күн бұрын
👏 👏👏👏 👏
@EightFrancs Ай бұрын
THE LEGAL SYSTEM Are women seriously fighting for the divorce laws, child custody laws, domestic violence laws and false accusation laws to be made fairer to men???
@CyberCommander1990 Ай бұрын
I spent my twenties in that tradcon, "get married and make babies asap" culture. And I wanted it to happen too! I once prayed to the Lord if He wanted me to be with X, then I would diligently save every penny towards building that future with her, but if not, I would immediately buy a Playstation. She shot me down in flames, so I can only conclude that God wanted me to have a Playstation over wife and babby.
@nap871 Ай бұрын
Evangelicalism is BP to the 10th power.
@jackthetech5105 Ай бұрын
I was a li'l too drunk to drive home at the time and 30 mins of athletic activities in the back seat of her car was very.. umm.. sobering...
@cruiser6260 Ай бұрын
I drank heaps on my wedding night too
@doctorgames101b 7 күн бұрын
You cannot force a woman to love you, that's for certain.
@elhazelrah Ай бұрын
Thanks for talking about this. I’m in the same boat as this guy! I’m content though!
@soldatheero Ай бұрын
a lot of good poitns man. this is shit ib used to think about even when i was like in grade 1-2 I remember having a moment of being embarrased and than just thinking about how one day im going to die and nothing really matters, hard to articulate but it was a weird thought for a little kid. In a way life is just subjective and nothing matters in terms of materiality
@hyedefinition1080 Ай бұрын
I've found a great amount of respect for the goths that I used to call losers in high school. They were at least questioning mortality, hence wiser in that regard.
@czarodziejmarx Ай бұрын
„Don’t have another man’s tattoos.” Erin Celery Noted, Mr Celery
@MurphWilds Ай бұрын
I finished A life without men yesterday.. blew me away! Really good book.
@odiniskyvolk5167 Ай бұрын
With the realized divorce rate, i.e. non-marriage with children coupling included in the divorce and single mother statistics; why would anyone pursue game until the gynocentric system collapses?
@searlearnold2867 Ай бұрын
Taking care of women's family? In immigrant world, our women join your family and take care of your family. If you have the wealth to care for hers, that is at your discretion and a blessing, not a requirement.
@capitanclassic8624 Ай бұрын
They kind of cheat with the Man vs Bear question. They phrase it, “Would you rather be trapped in the forest with a Man or Bear.” The TRAPPED word is tricking the answerer to interpret that it is the Man in question that is trapping her, not some unknown accident (plane crash, etc.)
@sigmaramen Ай бұрын
Grizzle grizzle!
@Nsimpson Ай бұрын
Exactly, I’m done with the chasing. Just that the ones that I think should approach me aren’t. It sucks.
@imagoodlistener2730 Ай бұрын
South side of Houston. I just seen a Eye syphillis warning billboard. USA USA USA
@alexmuenster2102 Ай бұрын
28:00 "I've got to imagine that men's $€x drive runs the GAMBIT, too..." Should be "gamut." A "gambit" is a risky move or even sacrifice in chess, for the purpose of achieving a long-term advantage.
@monoXcide01 Ай бұрын
This dude needs to get a passport and see the world. Not necessarily saying be a passport bro but just to have an adventure. He needs a change of people and scenery.
@nathanbutcher7720 Ай бұрын
Never chase women. Remember that love is about giving and not getting. So by that logic, you're doing them a favor if you approach them at all.
@DylanOConnorGuitar Ай бұрын
Dating and chasing women is a full time hobby. I agree that you need to a get decent amount of sexual experience as a young man just to get it out of your system and not have any regrets, but honestly the novelty wore off quick for me. Sex is great, but the time/money/energy investment that goes into consistently meeting and bedding new women is just not worth it at all for me. If you’re a Chad that can just hop on tinder and tell them to “come over” then great, but most guys are gonna have to invest all of their spare time/money/energy to be getting laid consistently. Im 35 now and the juice ain’t worth the squeeze as you start getting older IMO. Not even to mention the constant drama and chaos that women will always bring into your life 😂
@adamjames1375 Ай бұрын
Same scenario. I'm half as hungry & she's half as delicious.
@extremisttotheextremeantid7554 Ай бұрын
That’s why you hire E$corts. It’s $20USD in Egypt where I am from. A nice 3 month sinful holiday for me soon.
@hyperteleXii Ай бұрын
Risk of disease still remains. Also, it's unfulfilling because that's not what it was meant for.@@extremisttotheextremeantid7554
@theplasmacollider6431 Ай бұрын
@@extremisttotheextremeantid7554 I used to live in Egypt. Where did you find them? Sharm Es Sheikh?
@RasheedahsWifeSchool Ай бұрын
Women can be just as hypocritical about the "body count" question as men. On the one hand, having multiple partners can make a man look more manly in some ways. But no one can seem to find the line where that goes into the "loose peen" category that I have watched become the reason that plenty of stable and mentally healthy young women reject men. It's so hypocritical but it's the reality. The only reason that having a (I despise myself for using this term) "high body count" gives any man a chance at social approval is that it indicates that women approve of him, and approval of women is becoming the stamp of approval more by the day. A man doesn't need to have romantic relationships to get that approval. Being around women, even his family, is good. Seeing a photo of a dude with women in it is a universal green flag. If you don't need that approval, you are doing something right.
@raymond_sycamore Ай бұрын
and boy howdy if you DON'T have ANY female companionship of any kind, or any photo evidence, fake or otherwise, or said female "approval," god! Might as well off yourself!
@pancakewsx Ай бұрын
For me it's like heinz bake beans. I like them with my scrabled eggs several times a month, but after some time I need a longer break - rougly 6 months of no baked beans at all. There are other foods to eat.
@Necroverse19 25 күн бұрын
Why would I chase a burden?
@whittakerwinstanleyiii4051 Ай бұрын
Fifty women? ive probably done double. Not proud of it either, 10 is enough in my opinion as a guideline for young guys.
@w3s77 Ай бұрын
Math says reject the first 37% of your suitable partners to optimize the selection. Guys who go to Vegas/Miami/LA and sample working women, none of these count, actually counter-productive to mate selection. NYC/Miami/LA are also not real markets where there are 3x-5X more single women than decent men, but few are relationship material (tons of hot BPD that can be picked up by Red Pill, Manosphere, Alpha communities but not a representation of general women in the rest of the US/world).
@klein2252 Ай бұрын
My family is ALWAYS asking me when I’ll get married and have kids. I’m 28. You know who they don’t ask these questions to? My 26 year old female cousin. Why?!
@georgeedward1226 Ай бұрын
Because they're afraid of the response.
@Adrian-qr6gk Ай бұрын
Cuz they know eventually she'll have kids somehow, most likely not in a committed relationship but regardless many women will have children one way or another. It's with men that families have to ask his intent because we have the social responsibility when it comes to impregnating women. They know if a man does it it's usually he wanted it, or not but it's a clear decision. Women will say and do whatever but usually end up pregnant in the end. Just how it is but tell them to shut up about it I know how annoying that can be.
@manager4409 Ай бұрын
girls have a sexual value so their dating life is taken care of regardless of how weird / quiet / strange / bitchy she is. If you have a daughter you're significantly more likely to get grandkids, they just have a much higher sexual value than a young man. A man has to put in a shitload of effort to "win" or achieve something before he can make all that happen. Your daughter doesnt have to buy a house to be suitable for marriage, the young man does.
@matejfele9971 Ай бұрын
I'd tell them straight, one more loaded question like that and I'm breaking all the contacts. Life's too short to be dealing with their crap.
@hippyjason Ай бұрын
When family members pester you again, just answer "When they change the marriage and divorce laws." When they say "What do you mean", then you can education them _properly._ They'll never ask you again. And if they forget, and ask you again out of sheer stubborn habit just ask them "Oh. Did the divorce laws change?"
@erikmagnuson4499 Ай бұрын
5'8"? How dare you for being short? Damn, I'm 5'3" and I would kill for another 5 inches. Being a munchkin has destroyed my life.
@matrixInvader Ай бұрын
waaayy ahead of you
@jjmartin6422 Ай бұрын
28:39 wait, so comparing evolution of T.V. tastes to sexual partners, you're saying I lost my virginity to the Teletubbies!? I KNEW THAT WASN'T JUST A WET DREAM!!!! 🤣
@tamadeus7189 Ай бұрын
"WHA HAIN' ALL YALL MARREED, YA QUEER OR SUMPTHIN'?!" - Religious Johnny-Reb N0, I'm SMART...You should try it! Put it on your bucket list.
@thepassionate3335 Ай бұрын
Tequila and whiskey will turn of red flag mode when it comes to women. Its the main reason i dont drink around them
@KillerstingrayK-cm4pi Ай бұрын
Im in the Hot boy era. Sizzle sizzle
@glenfordburrell1076 Ай бұрын
Maybe they mistook bear for bare!
@tamadeus7189 Ай бұрын
The woman that could turn me back on, doesn't exist. I need LESS Drama & Trouble, not more.
@AllThingsBrandie Ай бұрын
😂😂😂you’re right I guess that’s why 40% of men under 30, haven’t had sex in the last year!😂😂😂
@negusnutrino8863 Ай бұрын
Adventure Time is great 😂😂
@JohnMasterson-ew6mg Ай бұрын
@tbobtbob330 Ай бұрын
When I first started going gay and lesbian bars with my bi ex gf, I got freaked out if a gay man came on to me. Now I get my feelings hurt if they don't - lol!
@sigmaramen Ай бұрын
Weird way to come out but ok
@bloomlater1168 Ай бұрын
You were always gay
@Torgo1969 Ай бұрын
Chase excellence out on the lanes, brothers!
@jakobbednarchuk5761 Ай бұрын
I agree with cappy on a lot of things, ibut here with the average guy bang 20 girls? Almost impossible. Metoo fear, dating apps useless, unrealistic expectations, and in bars it’s usually too loud to have an actual convo with a chick. Do hobby groups and try that way
@hippyjason Ай бұрын
Yeah, the part you missed was _averages._ So a Chad nailing 100 chicks, and 4 virgin dudes, _averages_ out to 20 girls per guy.
@jakobbednarchuk5761 Ай бұрын
@@hippyjason if he’s speaking about average guy quantitatively, yea. I was referring to the average guy by quality; average looks, average income, status, etc.
@jakobbednarchuk5761 Ай бұрын
@@hippyjason right, but for the past 7 years let’s say that average guys got no action. Even talking numbers in that timeline I don’t think there are enough chads to land the average number of girls/ a guy at 20. Meaning the 90/1 rule has way more virgins or guts with a few lays. The chads would have to probably sleep with more than 100 chicks now to bring up the average to 20.
@HelloKittySGTC 29 күн бұрын
Learned that the hard way, thats why I have a boyfriend. (Im a guy btw)
@DeionSardines Ай бұрын
@DeionSardines Ай бұрын
Good response AC 😏, good joke @NonstopDRE
@Anicca108 Ай бұрын
@JamFlava1 Ай бұрын
Drop bread crumbs so she can chase you. Never chase a women NEVER. You’re the prize gentleman, remember that.
@NikosDelight Ай бұрын
Chase Hos for what ?
@dustinasher9643 Ай бұрын
I started chasing women at 18 and smashed hundreds over the next 20 years. It's not all it's cracked up to be.
@hippyjason Ай бұрын
It's all pink in the middle, after all.
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