Foucault - Patron Saint of Child Indoctrination | Logan Lancing

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Jordan B Peterson

Jordan B Peterson

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@DDCrp 2 ай бұрын
Groomers. What we've all noticed.
@CriticalEyeMMA 2 ай бұрын
If you read Foucault through the lens of the beginning of Nietzsche's Beyond Good And Evil ("Supposing truth is a woman -- what then?"), where he argues that every philosopher is implicated in his own philosophy which reveals his base, human desires: and then look at the work of Foucault (specifically 'The History of Sexuality', both volumes), it becomes very clear Michel Foucault was trying to justify all manner of perversion, including pedophilia. Looking at how he lived, how he died (and what he died from) further exemplifies this. Common Nietzsche W. :D
@creed22solar123 2 ай бұрын
@@CriticalEyeMMA you live up to your name well haha
@CriticalEyeMMA 2 ай бұрын
@@creed22solar123 I would hope so. Intellectual combat skills are at leasts as necessary as skill in physical combat. haha
@aditya5162 2 ай бұрын
@@CriticalEyeMMA guy sorman didnt even know foucault well and he retracted his statements. you all are showing a very strong case of confirmation bias. from the same crowd that proclaims innocence until proven guilty says this about foucault without looking much into it. He very well may have been a pederast but the evidence is shaky in my honest opinion. Good article on this called "The Black Masses of Michel Foucault, the Bullshit of Guy Sorman".
@CurtHowland 2 ай бұрын
See the videos of Karlyn Borysenko, where they lay it all out in their own presentations. It is so much worse than you know.
@christophergriffin5551 2 ай бұрын
That line at 5:30 about unstable identity and mental illness is literally the single biggest societal issue today. The destruction of identity is deliberate.
@BearbearbearbearbearbearRarrrr 2 ай бұрын
@@christophergriffin5551 nah. Stigma is.
@aidanm.655 2 ай бұрын
Are you implying identity never changes? Of course we are always undergoing struggle and change with who we are, to imply otherwise is absurd. JBP seems to think that uncertainty = despair, when that couldn't be further from the truth. It's ironic that JBP talks about Nietzsche so much yet seems to fall right into the trap that Nietzsche outlines with objective theories of truth. Rebelling against change and our desire to evolve (the will to power) results in the very misery JBP claims is caused by embracing it. If we mold ourselves to the expectations of society we are never capable of becoming who we want to be. This is why Nietzsche was so against Christianity, yet JBP seems to think that changing this identity will result in misery.
@ronfox5519 2 ай бұрын
This is why I absolutely hate the concept of 'deadnaming'. Absolutely demonic.
@SeraphimVolker 2 ай бұрын
​@@aidanm.655You're conflating the growth or transformation of personality for those persons who're unable to commit to any given identity. The unstable identity talked about does not imply that this identity is constantly transforming and growing; thereby being unstable. Rather, it's asserting that the person is unable to commit to any identity and therefore has to change their identity in order to avoid confronting who/what they are.
@SeraphimVolker 2 ай бұрын
​@@aidanm.655 Also, Nietzsche is guilty of this dodging of identity; of masking in the same way he accuses Christians of. His obsession with Christ but unwillingness to submit himself to the Eternal Logos is what gives him his characteristic thirst for life and being. So in order to cope with wanting and desiring Christ, who is the Bread of Life, Nietzsche has to reinvent Christ through his Übermensch whom he said would have to be "The Roman Caesar with Christ's soul." Which quite literally just describes the hypostatic union in Christ of the Divine and Human natures. He wants Christ but will do anything but submit to Christ. Exhibiting the spirit of Antichrist and necessitating that he never examines himself too closely. Less he finds that Christ Jesus was all he needed.
@metaspacecrownedbytime4579 2 ай бұрын
The simple explanation is that they are "gaslighting" the children. Confusing them by telling them that they are a certain way and they are not aware of it.
@Fuego958 2 ай бұрын
It's a form of psychological warfare in the service of destabilizing society
@ckckck12 2 ай бұрын
Brainwashing is the word.
2 ай бұрын
Never is a person so sure as the first book they read on a subject. Same for imprinting ideology like this.
@Nowhy 2 ай бұрын
Children can't handle metaphors and can't think critically - many parents are immature and can't handle that stuff either...
@robinh.524 2 ай бұрын
Real example happened to my kids in the 90's. Schools preach against bullying. A kid squirted a ketchup pkt at another. Next day, Principle announces no one will be allowed condiment packets until further notice. Result? The whole lunchroom is cussing out the kid who squirted the pkt. Mass bullying.
@rareword 2 ай бұрын
Michel Foucault's dark past in Tunisia resurfaces. ‘Ignoble’, “morally hideous”, Guy Sorman's words are unequivocal when he talks, not only to the Sunday Times but also elsewhere, about the actions of Michel Foucault that he allegedly witnessed. The events date back to the late 1960s, when Michel Foucault was living as a teacher in Tunisia. At the time, essayist Guy Sorman was spending his Easter holidays in the village of Sidi Bou Saïd, on the northern outskirts of Tunis, where Michel Foucault had made his home. ‘There were children of 8, 9 and 10 running after him,’ he recalls. He threw money at them and said: ‘Meet me at 10pm at the usual place’. That place, according to Guy Sorman, was the village cemetery. ‘He had sex here, on the graves, with young boys’, continues the essayist. The question of their consent didn't even arise. He would never have dared to do that in France, there's a colonialist dimension, a white imperialism’. Today, Guy Sorman says he regrets not having denounced Michel Foucault's ‘despicable’ and ‘morally hideous’ actions to the police or in the press.
@Sniperkitten971 2 ай бұрын
When you know that, you see his philosophy in a new light : he was trying to justify himself being deviant.
@MassimoAngotzi 2 ай бұрын
Ah, good old times! Bring back the colonies!
@CanadianEhHole 2 ай бұрын
Guessing him doing it in a cemetery, over graves, was not just some fetish of his but was the purpose of doing it in the most taboo way possible, embracing the essence of Queer theory in every way.
@gokhanersan8561 2 ай бұрын
I don’t know if the allegations are true or false. But, knowing Foucault followed Nietzche, wouldn’t be surprised if true… Nietzchean philosopher-king does not ask for consent. He takes whatever he wants. This is the philosophy that is worshipped in the academia all over the world.
@Xbalanque84 Ай бұрын
Too little, too late.
@albertfromgc5599 2 ай бұрын
Most people do not know about the fact that Foucault was also employed as a propagandist by the French intelligence agencies.With the blessing of French and American intelligence agencies he frequently travelled between US and France ,spreading post-modern propaganda among academia people .The reason western intelligence agencies would promote him is due to the fact that they wanted the academic left to support another radical leftist alternative to Soviet supported marxism (during the Cold War marxism was very popular among many leftist intellectuals and Western governments feared Soviet intelligence agencies would Ideologically subvert the West though academic marxist propaganda).So postmodernism was “sold “ by the French intellectuals (supported by French intelligence agencies) as the “new left”,to redirect leftists from economic issues (for e.g. , criticism of capitalism) to social issues (gay rights,trans rights,african american rights,etc),so capitalist governments would not have to worry about the marxist propaganda.
@juliancate7089 2 ай бұрын
The problem with that thesis is that other Leftists who predated Foucault by decades had already been advocating for a switch from traditional Marxism (class warfare, anti-Capitalism, etc...) to social issues. The likely first among them was Antonio Gramsci, and followed by various members of the Frankfurt School - notably Herbert Marcuse. But remember, the idea of "queer" as defined by Halperin, was baked into the cake of Marxism from the start by Marx himself. In Chapter 4 of "Das Kapital", Marx says that the ends of Communism can only be attained by the violent overthrow of all existing social conditions. Essentially a less gnostic, more direct definition of queer.
@jensfrisch8659 2 ай бұрын
"Wer für alles offen ist, kann nicht ganz dicht sein." "Who is open to everything, can't be 'tight'" (meaning: sane)
@andsalomoni 2 ай бұрын
"Do what is good for you, because it is all you know" - Pat Metheny
@Other_Kev 2 ай бұрын
As Michael Knowles likes to say, "these people are so open-minded that their brains are spilling out!"
@rawls101 2 ай бұрын
"A double minded man is unstable in all his ways."
@guillermochavez2515 2 ай бұрын
Guten tag! Ich spreche Deutsch ein bisschen 🙂
2 ай бұрын
​@@andsalomoniWhat is good... for you?
@howdarei6761 2 ай бұрын
sounds like trauma based mind control
@maryellengodfrey 2 ай бұрын
@@howdarei6761 Exactly 👍 what it is!
@ryanstroud5665 2 ай бұрын
Sounds like a mainstreamed version of mkultra.
@whatdoyoulivefor735 2 ай бұрын
When I saw Foucault in the syllabus at school last year a chill ran through me
@CriticalEyeMMA 2 ай бұрын
His work is undeniably significant, and his writing is decent. Morals aside, you could do worse as far as academic reading lists. lol
@whatdoyoulivefor735 2 ай бұрын
@@CriticalEyeMMA not saying I didn't get anything out of it, in fact, I learned a lot. Still runs a chill through me nonetheless.
@CriticalEyeMMA 2 ай бұрын
@@whatdoyoulivefor735​​⁠Ya, Foucault was a creep and his work has had some seriously negative implications. He is a good writer, though, and gives a clear and detailed look at the psyche of a degenerate intellectual.
@CriticalEyeMMA 2 ай бұрын
@@whatdoyoulivefor735 Foucault was a creep, no doubt. But his writing gives a glimpse into the psyche of a degenerate intellectual unlike anything else.
@Aaron-fo1sy 2 ай бұрын
I’m the early 2000s I had a prof that had us read Foucault. She thought no one understood it. I think she misunderstood lack of agreement with misunderstanding
@Ricardo-r7x6m 2 ай бұрын
Foucoilt was a demon
@jrr570 2 ай бұрын
For sure.
@ckckck12 2 ай бұрын
He was a Russian plant to seed fundamentally seditious ideas into Western open minded societies.
@jamesbarrett9066 2 ай бұрын
Look within, you will find you are the demon.
@PureEnergy6549 2 ай бұрын
Demon: Of Man. English isn't the only pattern in the English language. It contains German, French, and Spanish. De: Of in Spanish Mon: Man in French.
@TheRealInscrutable 2 ай бұрын
Or possessed by one.
@gabeo9474 2 ай бұрын
In a way, creativity can only exist in opposition to society, because creativity that is incorporated by society becomes normalized and thus is no longer creative. I think the problem is that many have made the error of believing that opposition to society itself is a form of creativity, which it is not.
@gabrielegagliardi3956 2 ай бұрын
And if you join a massive sub culture that counts millions of individuals you are still subjected to the same level of scrutiny and conformity to an ideology. "It doesn't matter if they are black or white sheep, they are still sheep".
@pelqel9893 2 ай бұрын
No, it's simply antagonism - a negative reflection of what is "normal". There have always been people who live/function at the antagonist fringes, myself somewhat included... what the woke have done with queer theory is to attract and harness their energy for its own ends.
@GVSHvids 2 ай бұрын
I've often thought, if you want to predict the future, look at what the creative people are doing
@JakobusMaximus 2 ай бұрын
I disagree. I don't think creativity is necessarily at odds with anything. If we associate the word 'creative' with the words 'new' or 'different', the instinct is to assume that it must be at odds. But a different method of stacking bricks might simply be more efficient than the old, it might accomplish the same end result with less work. That doesn't put it at odds with stacking bricks; that puts it at greater harmony with it! This is not to say creativity is always part and parcel, in fact it often is not. Perhaps a better lesson would be to temper creativity with caution?
@MaraKatria 2 ай бұрын
So important to highlight the attraction of any version of Marxism (veiled or otherwise) for creative young people. And why it is devastatingly misleading. I wish that these things would have been stated much more explicitly... Or even hinted at when I was in school.
@MaraKatria 2 ай бұрын
I've watched the full length of this intense and important conversation twice now. Thank you to both of these gentlemen; excellent work!
@Robjay1795 2 ай бұрын
You can say this about any totalitarist system and religion. Young people need structure and are quite easily mislead.
@johnobrien5037 2 ай бұрын
How much of this is shrouded and part of everyday public school curriculums? The concept of this is so alien to regular moms and dads that if JP spelled it out to them in an auditorium, most would probably go into a disassosciative state. It's just a bridge too far.
@MaraKatria 2 ай бұрын
@@johnobrien5037 what you say is chilling... And yet I absolutely agree. That is so well put.
@madfoxcityemnau6414 2 ай бұрын
The call is to be vigilant on what one is internalizing. So if I am positioned psychologically against the dominant grain, am I actually "queer"? Or in this example a mideval saint, everyone's got to sort themselves out and no doubt the actual lives of queer identified and saint may have more in common than what we'd assume. Basic logic and common sense and probability would lead to a no, most of the time; just being against the grain would make you no more queer than someone experiencing stigmata. Unfortunately there are so many ideas out there now all vying for attention self publishing and podcasting being what they are, to hopefully take hold and yet there is no educational framework for evaluating the functionality or morality of any idea over another. If you understand Foucault good for you, he's quite tedious as are most men sitting around extrapolating the world pen in hand. But few leave university with backbone common sense and strong sense of moral purpose. My takeaway on the point about foucault is that your life's work can exist in a silo cut off from who you actually are which is not living bit hiding& that all students of life should be aware of this trap/disassociation from consensual reality, whether you align with it or not. Though the latter, is quite an uncomfortable existence if you are not attached to good people that care about you and work with you to arrive at healthy outcomes. The work of parenting in this world is quite arduous today. Requires less reading than I once did and way more prayer and meditation to bring measure and patience into a child's life when all the world would lead a child to believe sky is falling nonstop for some bs soc med driven "reason". I appreciate the discussion in this piece. I listened a few times.
@user-oo8xp2rf1k 2 ай бұрын
I worked with some very woke orientated people in the early 2010's and it took me really long time to realise what they wanted was power to bully their peers. What shocked me in particular was their tendency to target a young , gay , vulnerable, hyper agreeable man. Vulnerability inflamed their desire for dominance. It took me a long time to realise that. I thought their tantrums and cruelty came from a desire for a spontaneous and open world where harmony was arrived at by a kind of cathartic Freudian openess if the dark side. It took me about five years to realise what they wanted was the freedom to indulge hatred of anyone they considered an easy target. I am - or was - very idealistic and post modern. I'm in favour of no rules. But that's not what they want. It took me a long time to realise the difference between what they said and what they wanted. They want the cruelty of despotism. If course as Peterson said - they suffered immensely. The harder they bullied and punched and manipulated and lied - the less they felt they were surrounded by unconditional love and support , which is probably what they wanted in the beginning before all this stuff rotted Thier brains like golumn in his cave .
@mingus445_gaming 2 ай бұрын
It's will to power. The idea to put one's suffering on another so they will not have to feel it. It is a lie as there is no avoiding suffering
@carolynbrightfield8911 2 ай бұрын
Thank you. I found your comment resonated with my experience and was very helpful to me.
@GeorginaJett 2 ай бұрын
You are correct
@AlexReynard 2 ай бұрын
Gosh, it's almost as if people who will not recognize/incorporate their shadow, who instead believe themselves to be completly morally pure, end up being puppeted by all the animalistic urges they insist they don't have.
@user-oo8xp2rf1k 2 ай бұрын
@@AlexReynard indeed, exactly.
@suitcase_carwash 2 ай бұрын
The distinction made between gay and queer in this video was eye opening. Ive known some normal gay people through my life and met one group of queer people. They had a distinct energy to them which differed to normal gays. I hadnt figured out how or exactly why they were different till now
@CriticalEyeMMA 2 ай бұрын
William Burroughs laid the foundation for the development of the queer, postmodern paradigm. Bit of a degenerate, but definitely worth a read.
@momo_genX 2 ай бұрын
I appreciate you Jordan because I have a good grasp of the English language. Not all do. Keep up the noble fight. I am trying my best to simplify your ideas for a broader audience with my own art.
@aryanchaudhary4400 2 ай бұрын
Welcome to my club lol
@The_Lord_has_it 2 ай бұрын
Satan can only counterfeit. Never create.
@KevinMannix-sf5zk 2 ай бұрын
Yes that's empirically true The human LEFT PFC the thought process never learns anything, or makes a new thing or creates a new idea No matter how much we worship the false idol of human cleverness All we are doing is remembering what was created before, just using dead unmoving things and pretending we create movement, Its all just a poor imitation of biological reality
@polina_piter 2 ай бұрын
Absolutely. 100%.
@crockmans1386 2 ай бұрын
Satan apparently is a way cooler role model than the saints. (According to the heavy metal bible)
@dmsdad6866 2 ай бұрын
How'd you come to this conclusion?
@polina_piter 2 ай бұрын
@@dmsdad6866 Bc only God is the Creator. He created literally every thing. Satan doesn’t have that power. He can only corrupt what’s already there. He can disguise his corruption to make it appear enticing but he can’t create/make anything. Only steal, kill and destroy.
@jeremytitus9519 2 ай бұрын
I get the feeling Professor Peterson doesn’t like Foucault very much
You know anyone who likes P3do’s?
@JS-dt1tn 2 ай бұрын
I get the feeling Professor Peterson hasn't read much Foucault.
@unknowninfinium4353 2 ай бұрын
​@@JS-dt1tnNo one needs too. Nothing will be missed.
@JS-dt1tn 2 ай бұрын
@@unknowninfinium4353 Foucault's concepts of biopower and biopolitics are the perfect antidote to the hellish covid lockdowns we lived through. You don't have a clue.
@unknowninfinium4353 2 ай бұрын
@@11235but Well said.
@wmarkfish 2 ай бұрын
Foucault, Kinsey, and Money...Hell’s unholy trinity.
@mereutia 2 ай бұрын
Sartre Simone de Beauvoir etc etc
@aldonapolitano5979 2 ай бұрын
“Children who know how to think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collective society which is coming where everyone is interdependent.” John Dewey, father of American public education. From his 1898 essay "The Primary-Education Fetish". Homeschool, please.
@mollsch6820 2 ай бұрын
Whoa, context please? 😮
@aldonapolitano5979 2 ай бұрын
@@mollsch6820 Kinda loose really but the context is (my bad) child indoctrination.
@madfoxcityemnau6414 2 ай бұрын
Yes but the problem is most 2 parent households require both parents to work. And homeschooling has been so bashed. It's too bad. John Dewey is a forgotten genius of social theory and education
@aldonapolitano5979 2 ай бұрын
@@madfoxcityemnau6414 I couldn't possibly agree less. Dewey's not forgotten. His cynicism and fervent desire to impose "a fully formed public opinion" is embedded deeply in our education system. I'm not at all sure what you mean about homeschooling being "bashed" but the majority of spelling bee winners and most of the really bright people we've met lately have been homeschooled. Dewey is one of the greater parts of the problem. My suggestion was to home school. There are other alternatives that will keep the state from inculcating children with their garbage. The oft proposed voucher system and or private schools where parents can monitor what their children are learning are good ways to go.
@CanadianEhHole 2 ай бұрын
@@aldonapolitano5979 Homeschool is bashed by the majority of people is what they meant. It's seen as raising weirdos with no social skills... all while kids attending public schools have higher and higher rates of social anxiety, depression, bullying, etc.
@MsJilliard 2 ай бұрын
I just finished a sociology degree in Ireland, as a mature 32 year old woman... and I am furious that nobody told me this about Foucault when we were learning about him.. wtf
@Thanksphils 2 ай бұрын
That's wild to skip over
@kittentacticalwarfare1140 2 ай бұрын
Everytime I mention this truth, and that every other forefather of it was as sick. Like a mantra, all people who have bought these lies have said a variant of "the past should not ruin our present and future". Makes me wonder if they have been told this, and have witnessed how is always someone else infecting others with the sick ideology.
@The_Lord_has_it 2 ай бұрын
Unburdoned by what has been, huh? Is that a deceptive way of saying "socialism didn't work ANY of the times before but it will work THIS TIME because we infiltrated every nation and began by lying and deceiving all the citizens to bring you all utopia. The end will justify those means and you're all going to thank us in the end!" OR CONVERSELY "we're going to make the attrocities of the 20th century look like a girl scout weenie roast and we have 7 billion people owned by a global govt to sacrifice along the way. Whoever is left in the end will THANK US!" Signed ~ The evil mofo's forcing compliance to their sick ideology upon everyone on planet earth. No more Americans. No more British. No more Italians or Irish or Mexican or ANY of the nationalities that once made up our world. We are all to fight amongst ourselves until all cultural cohesion is lost and everyone is the same compliant NOTHING ruled over by our masters that expect gratitude and obedience for raising THEIR utopia. Own nothing and be happy!
@richardjoslin2549 2 ай бұрын
Sick indeed it is.
@garyconnors2104 2 ай бұрын
It is now a political slogan, "What can be, unburdened by what has been."
@AlexReynard 2 ай бұрын
""The past should not ruin our present and future"." "Okay, then I am not responsible for my ancestors owning slaves." "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE."
@MaraKatria 2 ай бұрын
It reminds me of that amazing and appropriately disturbing Leonard Cohen song: "You want it darker, we kill the flame." Thank you again for this invaluable conversation!
@markraftis 2 ай бұрын
I like that Cohen song.
@MaraKatria 2 ай бұрын
@@markraftis me too 💛
@ChrisSummers-AlienFaeRE 2 ай бұрын
High class contrarianism gone feral and infanticidal. You are exactly what we say you are. Society is exactly what we say it is!
​@@danie-v2o I enjoyed your comment but I don't think it's such a difficult thing to figure out. Raise your own kids how you like. Education isn't supposed to be religious or dogmatic. Science certainly shouldnt be. I don't understand the desire by some, usually those without children, to spend so much time trying to set up these weird systems. Most of which us decent parents have to guard our children against. Especially these days. I don't mean to dismiss any of what you said but I do think it's really that simple. W/respect I'm a simple guy though.
​@@danie-v2o I truly do enjoy your comment. You seem incredibly intelligent and I'm actually envious of your ability to make such a complete and comprehensive comment.
@mountainmover777 2 ай бұрын
This is on par or worse than slavery.. It should be opposed with the same fervor. All children should be protected!🛡
@johnsmithers8913 2 ай бұрын
Sounds worse than slavery, it's more in the Satanic realm.
@hmgissing 2 ай бұрын
Sadly they cannot be protected within a society that refuses to acknowledge there is a God (of Abraham, Isaac & Yacob).
@olliefoxx7165 2 ай бұрын
​@@hmgissingYou don't have to believe in the chosen ones religion to understand these people are evil.
@Cotillion308 2 ай бұрын
​@@hmgissing does any group love little boys more than priest?
@Ggdivhjkjl 2 ай бұрын
Always remember the reason Foucault himself gave for going into education - "Because of the beautiful boys."
@nothingnew765 2 ай бұрын
I didn't know what Jordan said about Foucault. I was taught him while I was at University when going for an English degree. I got a lot of indoctrination information, and this was back between 2009-2013.
@tphrgrcinri 2 ай бұрын
This explains so much so quickly.
@johnsmithers8913 2 ай бұрын
This certainly explains the nihilism of the Left. Never understood why they seemed to want to destroy society even if it meant going down with the ship themselves. However, what's a bit shocking is that the LG+B_T movement appears to have been essential in creating this ideology. Does this mean they are an existential threat?
@DisasterMaggot 2 ай бұрын
If you are ruled by your emotions, you can be controlled by anything. This should be self evident by now for people, especially since the Stoics have been writing about this for centuries.
@DonnaBurke-p7b 2 ай бұрын
I had a daughter-in-law who had blue hair when I met her. I thought it was just a style.. my son divorced her 2 years later. Thank you for sharing.
@louisgreen3071 5 күн бұрын
What was she like?
@the_main_character447 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for saying this. I am transgender, I like to dress very liberal and behave very liberally, but I am very far right politically. I am a diligent supporter of the free market, unrestricted firearm access to law abiding citizens, I strongly dislike government, I strongly dislike controlled expression (especially with regards to language), and I have never belonged with the crowds of raving narcissists that makeup the LGBT cult.
@heinzlandgraf7311 2 ай бұрын
Maybe the majority of homossexual and transgender people are just like that, willing to carry on with their lives without bothering anyone. But the histerical whistleblowing minority ruins the whole group's reputation.
@sarahhale-pearson533 2 ай бұрын
Fair enough. But do you use the bathroom reserved for the opposite sex?
@the_main_character447 2 ай бұрын
@@sarahhale-pearson533 no
@JakobusMaximus 2 ай бұрын
If you don't mind my asking, as you seem sane enough, what prompts your categorization as transgender? Some form of dysphoria? Sexual thrill? Social necessity? My experience with myself and others I have met leads me to believe that the dysphoria in particular is usually a misguided attempt of the mind to reassociate with a pre-abuse state of childhood which is at odds with the physically changed stage after puberty. A boy is more feminine than a man, a girl more masculine than a woman. Very difficult to find people not neck deep in cult thinking to ask about it.
@Cuttuttlefish 2 ай бұрын
Seriously you guys those are insane questions to ask a stranger on the internet and OP being trans doesn't change that. Insofar as you have legitimate questions, google is your friend. If google doesn't have the answer because it relates to them personally, there's zero chance it's appropriate to ask a stranger online about it in a public forum! I say in all candor if you asked an ordinary straight cis man such things IRL there is a very decent chance they'd think very seriously about knocking you out... I am pretty sure there is no way you ever would ask stuff like that to a non-trans person though, it'd be frankly loony, like "hey you don't know me, but mind telling me about how you go to the bathroom and all about any childhood trauma you have? Cos like I have a bunch of weird homebrew psych theories I'd like to soundboard off you". I am a very right-wing guy but this thread actually makes even me wonder if maybe the left had a point on this topic all along because it's totally WHACK. Honestly folks like yall give so much more ammunition to the socialist crazies than they deserve, if I wasn't so firm in my belief that much of the LGBT activist crowd has gone completely insane I'd be seriously questioning the side I was on reading a thread like this... Reminds me of that Mitchell and Webb "are we the baddies?" bit lol, and I guess just reminds me that everyone has smart folks and folks who haven't got a clue on "their team"...
@sacredgeometry 2 ай бұрын
Then why are these people so lacking in creativity now?
@TammyGordin 2 ай бұрын
I think you mean originality. If you're a creativity is manifested by copying someone else's creativity that is still creativity. It's just not original.
@SeyhawksNow 2 ай бұрын
It's much easier for them to mimic creativity than to actually be creative.
@poleonpoleon706 2 ай бұрын
​@@TammyGordinthat's not creativity that's resourcefulness
@DonTruman 2 ай бұрын
Good point. The woke are lock step conformists to whatever the elite of woke say it is, and anyone who deviates from that even a tiny bit gets kicked out of the club. So, I'll say, this is just a powerful weapon being used to tear down western civilization, not "normal" per se. The street level wokies don't know that, they feel they are just being rebels for the sake of maximum "inclusiveness." But the leaders know the long game is Communism, so the destructive forces are always tightly focused on the western order exclusively.
@BearbearbearbearbearbearRarrrr 2 ай бұрын
Who specifically are you referring to?
@RedAndBlueAndOthersToo 2 ай бұрын
Not to detract from this video, but I wanted to say shoutout to Dr. Peterson for going onto Kill Tony! He continues to reach different parts of the internet community and I love it! Hats off for that.
@chesterlestrange7725 2 ай бұрын
It was a very pleasant surprise
@Thanksphils 2 ай бұрын
Yeh it was like therapy for Jordan. Good to see him relax
@Mercyme57 2 ай бұрын
Make no mistake…the demonic is at work. It’s a spiritual battle…turn back to God (repent) accept Christ…be baptised and be indwelled by The Holy Spirit…and pray, pray like never before…this is not going to be stopped by conversations, debates or opposing theories.
@Lucyavamaria 2 ай бұрын
More people need to know this stuff
@CriticalEyeMMA 2 ай бұрын
Some people know more, but we are ignored, marginalised because we say too much.
@CanadianEhHole 2 ай бұрын
It's not a numbers game. You will never half a huge portion of the population aware of these things or care about it.
@Instructorben 2 ай бұрын
Habermas asked Foucault how is it that you can affirm propositions in public policy, affirm political philosophy, and philosophical ideas and yet make no affirmation or negation of any moral judgement. Foucalt raged and said nothing. He later would say it was enlightenment blackmail😂
@maryellengodfrey 2 ай бұрын
I call my city a country town. That’s the way that it feels. Sections of the city have a identity of there own. Yesterday at the grocery store a big group of giggling girls just cut off from the rest of the world. He he laughing. So when I said something to them. I was behind them in line and in leaving , they all turned around to face me . Then they pointed to a boy in the middle of the group dressed in a halter top and mini skirt. These kids were maybe 10. They then asked me if I thought he looked “ pretty “. As they went on I knew why they were guarded and seemed rebellious in their laughter. I was shocked. This definitely looked like kids that hadn’t made it even to middle school yet. I felt so bad for that boy. Wondering how he came to be in that situation and also if his parents even knew anything like this was going on. I thought no more denying it. This is a real social issue that has to be addressed - like yesterday. I am still shocked by the memory. 😮
@maryellengodfrey 2 ай бұрын
Poor kid in make up and the whole group of girls laughing about it. 🤬
@gregcook9856 2 ай бұрын
Foucault is like the undead--he keeps coming back in academic circles, in spite of how he has been unmasked by people like Roger Scruton.
@davidtehr2993 2 ай бұрын
Feelings are good servants, still better friends, but terrible masters. Any feeling, no matter how elevated or beautiful in itself, if not controlled, can unhinge my mind and disorganise my life.
@AxeRedrum 2 ай бұрын
Jordan Peterson on Kill Tony!!! You are a really cool person, You are naturally hilarious. 😂🍻♥️🇺🇲
@P46430 2 ай бұрын
A LOT of kids from single parent households, already stressed and vulnerable, are PERFECT targets of these groomers/teachers
@JakobusMaximus 2 ай бұрын
Almost makes one think there was a point to the nuclear family!
@DeflatingAtheism 2 ай бұрын
“Leftists don’t have children, they have yours.”
@syloui 2 ай бұрын
@@JakobusMaximus More of the point was that kids will grow up into a world that consists of both men and women, and thus need positive examples of both so as to be experientially familiar with both sexes. Those who have limited exposure to one or the other find themselves more uncomfortable and anxious around those they had little exposure to, therefore contextualizing expectations of interaction from a maladaptive set of assumptions. We took that for granted for decades in our struggles to adapt to an unorthodox social fabric
@JakobusMaximus 2 ай бұрын
@@syloui Very well stated.
@JohnnyFaber 2 ай бұрын
These interviews, while highly informative and insightful are difficult to follow when Jordan constantly interrupts and interjects. I love Jordan Peterson, don't get me wrong, but allowing the interviewee to finish and completely articulate their thoughts and points would be awesome. I definitely want to hear Jordan react and his subsequent analysis but I feel he often asks a question only to cut off the answer and replace it with his own.
@BelowTheHardDeckDoesNotCount 2 ай бұрын
Glad Peterson had this conversation. James Lindsay has been talking about this in his small speaking events around the country and world. Especially the meaning of Queer.
@indiosveritas 2 ай бұрын
There ARE no more adults . Just narcissists .
@DavidMorrison-ol7cn Ай бұрын
Of all the things I’ve watched on YT this year, THIS one is the most compelling and fascinating! I’ve watched it 5 times and it is so revelatory! Thank you to both of these brilliant authors for casting a bright light in the darkness that is Marxism and all of that evil and foul man’s adherents.
@NoRunArea1988 8 күн бұрын
You should listen to New Discourses podcast then.
@PanicPixie 2 ай бұрын
12 minutes of mind-blowing. Thank you.
@iamacalmocean2080 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for the short snippet. He’s great! I’ll watch the whole interview later💚🇦🇺✌🏼
@FLGurl 2 ай бұрын
I need to take a day and binge watch Jordan's videos. He is just all that and then some! 🤗
@konstantinatsaka4596 2 ай бұрын
Congratulations. Another extraordinary episode by Jordan Peterson.
@davidgreenwood6029 2 ай бұрын
This was excellent, high consciousness, not hateful or overly angry, informative, grounded in fact, and highly relevant, Peterson at his best. Sometimes, in recent years, he has seemed adrift in the culture wars, discourse descending into rants, but this is him at his best, glad to see it.
@Crumbsoftotailtariansim 2 ай бұрын
A celebration of depression and despair, exactly.
@Eng_Simoes 2 ай бұрын
Adversarial spiritual disposition. That's all you need to know.
@OpenHLZFocus 2 ай бұрын
I love this guest Mr Lancing. 😃 He is an intellectual who improves proportionally to the interviewer's speech. 😊 And he is the most daring of those who know how to talk about rude 🤤and well-educated🏅 people. And it's finely sarcastic.😸 From Europe 🏰🥓🍷🥐🩰🎻👙💂‍♂️
@Harmonizationtheory98 2 ай бұрын
The West’s deterministic acceptance of collateral damage is troubling.
@marielajara2331 2 ай бұрын
Foucault y niños nunca, nunca ,deberian ni siquiera haberse nombrado juntos .
@mattdickerson9642 2 ай бұрын
Touchy subject. A difficult truth to hear. Well done. Good lesson.
@petewilliamson2609 2 ай бұрын
Foucault ... I recall reading something he wrote once and finding it intriguing until...after thinking about it some more, realized he had spouted nothing but unrestrained empty nonsense. Blathering meaningless words. It is startling to think he is still influential. I thought he would have been long forgotten after the 80s cocaine hangover had subsided.
@FredSpade 2 ай бұрын
In other words, rgooming children with the usual word salads.
@xandr13 2 ай бұрын
"You know, I did a study at Harvard. That we never published." - borrowing that one!
@themysteriousdomainmoviepalace 2 ай бұрын
Foucault does not look French. I was always creative, open and in the arts with NO family support, but never wanted to be like these woke types. It doesn't follow ooeness to be a communist or a freak. Itjust means you are more tolerant of others. But that is also Catholic teaching.
@AdullFiddler-ez7tm 2 ай бұрын
You call it openness. I call it "a bunch of copycats" who like being part of the herd mind, and very childish and tasteless.
@antirnator8194 2 ай бұрын
Children should experience difficulties i.e. crisis for growing stronger but forcing crisis on children to turn them into prey is evil.
@218philip 2 ай бұрын
It would have been nice to hear a bit more about what the guest had to say. I always enjoy what Jordan has to say, perhaps the video was to short.
@Alacard0malley 2 ай бұрын
Finally a face to the name. Good to see you Logan
@davidcontreras8583 2 ай бұрын
it says a lot that psychology elevated Foucault the way it did. It seems to me like, it's another of the breaking apart signs of what psychology used to be, before the education system that we know today, and what it used to be when It was more deeply related to philosophy and Theology.... huge gap in what it's values were against what they're now.
@matthewtaber9635 2 ай бұрын
To what degree do the social presuppositions about what men or women should do or how they are anticipated to be play into the formation of the "genuine" identity? In other words, how do we demarcate the genuine expressions of identity from the adopted? Does the adoption of some aspect of identity become genuine at some point? And to this extent, how genuine can the lens through which we identify these identity aspects, whether genuine or adopted, are indeed genuine? Or is it all merely a matter of choosing what the most helpful lens to view it all is? Food for thought, would love to discuss. Cheers
@jasonmartinez9909 2 ай бұрын
What wickedness.
@stewartgillis4851 2 ай бұрын
Foucault knew Foucaul .Spouted nothing but Foucaul.
@Nicolas-x7v4z 2 ай бұрын
Tout d'abord, merci beaucoup pour ce travail. Mesdames et messieurs, Je suis de tout cœur pour un nouveau modèle d'humanité de paix totale et de coopération mondiale et universelle. Néanmoins, ce nouveau modèle doit être bâti sur la JUSTICE. Ce genre de personnages coupables doivent être recherchés, capturés, jugés sans défense et acculés des preuves nombreuses, puis exécutés ! L'amour, la compassion doivent connaître l'équilibre via la justice intransigeante et consciente de ce qui NE FONCTIONNE PAS et ne saurait ÊTRE AUTORISÉ ! Avec sérénité ❤
@orthodoxboomergrandma3561 Ай бұрын
Excellent! Thank you Mano!
@orionstark 2 ай бұрын
This all sounds like 40k chaos daemon shit.
@gadsby 2 ай бұрын
Take my like you fukn nerd!
@merrillmilner8717 2 ай бұрын
There's also Magnus Hirschfeld, who preceded Michel Foucault
@fatalberti 2 ай бұрын
hi-lighter hair, hardware faces does NOT auto-indicate ‘creativity’. many and most of us who dont “fit in” dont care and/or have no interest in participation and identification with another group or group think.
@richardscathouse 2 ай бұрын
Just bad hygiene
@ioio8021 Ай бұрын
Hope parents and families will rise up to protect their children. ❤
@malkomalkavian 2 ай бұрын
When I set myself up against the world, because I was young and creative and angry, I just called it satanism because it was the perverse worship of opposition, and now I find that that's the same as queer. Well, you live and learn. Hail Malal
@siriuslili 2 ай бұрын
Great discussion
@francismcglynn4169 2 ай бұрын
In one sense the attempt is being made to say: "Join me and together we will oppose everyone who believes in stability and social order until we have everyone disagreeing with everyone then we can disagree with each other. And by disagree we mean attack and try to destroy!"
@mysticoraclemary 2 ай бұрын
thank you @Jordan B Peterson for all the hardwork you do big hugs. :)
@Pedro38627 2 ай бұрын
Jordan can't cease to interrupt but I don't see that as narcissism unless narcissism is a compulsion not to miss a chance to fluster someone else's idea.
@lyd555 2 ай бұрын
Hello, can someone please help me. I’m looking for the book Mr. Lacing mentioned, the reason he started his book. He said the name Kevin + last name. And I would love to find and read it, so if you know the book I would greatly appreciate your help :). Thank you!
@lyd555 2 ай бұрын
*Mr. Lancing
@HisDudeness2023 2 ай бұрын
I have a topic that you may want to do a video on that is quite insightful yet has some aspects of it hat makes it a little lighthearted. In the 20th century, a number of authors evolved exploring major Society issues. A number of them came through Science Fiction, which will allow them to do profound analysis, but in alien settings, so it wasn’t as challenging to humans per se. It was easier to criticize aliens in those situations than our current society. Here are a few of the novels and books that you may want to consider as a store and add many as you like : 1. Forbidden planet n the discussion of the ID. 2. The blending has psychology and mathematics in the foundation series. Novel not the films. 3. Things to come HG Wells film n book 4. Dune by Frank Herbert book the films aren’t as good
@thibauthanson7670 2 ай бұрын
The idea of fighting an existential threat doesn't mix well with a paywall...
@jimcorbett3764 2 ай бұрын
This makes me think of the Bohemians in the late 19th-early 20th century, who flouted societal norms, and practiced homosexual lifestyles as part of that.
@pound7816 2 ай бұрын
foucoult was an actor. he is not a producer of media and academia. Unfort., most people are the audience.
@b-m605 Ай бұрын
in my work with acults with extreme piercings, it has little/nothing to do with creativity. It is about looking fearless and dangerous. It is a reaction/adjustment to some kind of traumna
@matthieubourguignon1029 Ай бұрын
I hope JP isn't suggesting that pointing out what we feel needs improvement here or there in society is equivalent to being ungrateful for having things better than people in the 13th century. Otherwise this suggests that being grateful would mean we can't exercise freedom of speech and criticise anymore.
@imnotanalien7839 2 ай бұрын
Great discussion!!
@jim7858 2 ай бұрын
There was a religious movement that had as their slogan "Ecclesia Semper reformanda est" which is The Church must always be reformed. Isn't it ironic, that a few centuries later, Marx developed his religion based on the revolution forever. Division, strife, etc are hallmarks of both faiths. Seems the same spirit, not Christian, seems to be at work in both faiths.
@flamechick6 2 ай бұрын
Im 40 and have piercings and tattoos, and now everyone has them 😂 we all look like walking doodlebears 😂 whoops
@Andrew-nu4hi 2 ай бұрын
@estelaguidote3658 2 ай бұрын
To veer away from the norm can still be normal but Jordan Peterson is right to say in so many words, “but what gives” if it is not based on principles that would make things right or better, that would be hell from youth to a certain age. Man is for a woman and woman is for a man, no offence to the saint who defined queer, being gay at that.
@adultsdayoff Ай бұрын
I was taught about Foucault at university, but only learned about his paedophilia through Peterson - feeling betrayed by one of my educators (a major Foucault fan). 😡
@glennjames7107 Ай бұрын
12 minutes may be the typical lifetime for plastic bags in urban settings, but where most people live it's probably closer to double that. Not to mention, most people living in urban and suburban areas tend to save these plastic bags and reuse them for many other things. I don't know anyone that doesn't have a stash of plastic grocery bags at home. So maybe its a cultural issue more than a consumer issue. Paper bags are just as strong, that is if the store is willing to spend a few dollars more on the standard weight bags instead of opting for the cheapest, ie. lightest bags they can find. But plastic is far cheaper. Not to mention paper bags are a sustainable solution, but you won't hear that point brought up anywhere because it's about money, not the planet. Paper bags are produced from trees grown by the same companies that produce the paper. Just like any other farmed plant trees are harvested, and replanted to be harvested again in around 20 years. This has been done for a century at least.
@NGAOPC 2 ай бұрын
Two things to search up, setting their specific ideological factors aside for the moment, as they pertain to this vid; “Derrick Jensen Qeer theory jeopardy” where he presents some founding sources, and “disturbing attachments” by Amin, a Q theoretician or such who attempts to wrestles with the problematic origins of his crowd.
@Batosai11489 2 ай бұрын
I don't understand why so many people care when they are told that they may hold racist or homophobic beliefs. Those are actually the normal and natural beliefs that humans have held for most of history and there is absolutely nothing wrong with them. In truth, it is incredibly unlikely that everyone doesn't have those innate inclinations. Now, society currently thinks that it is unacceptable to exercise or act on those beliefs and that's probably a good thing. But simply having them is normal.
@southkingable 2 ай бұрын
Finally, he spoke the truths about Foucault as they are.
@ewan7255 2 ай бұрын
Logan is so patient.
@ashleywebb2736 2 ай бұрын
Thank you
@vasilymartin4051 2 ай бұрын
Normal society is deeply creative. Look at its wholesome art, cathedrals, community, families, etc. Anyone not attuned to that has had their creativity perverted, leading to many things mistaken for creativity simply because destruction follows an order, too. In the physical realm, the order of destruction can be seen more for what it is, but in the metaphysical, to which thoughts and art can be related, destruction can appear as the heights of creativity, with many people today being none the wiser.
@aicolorz 2 ай бұрын
I think it can be a reflection of impulsiveness when someone has tattoos all over their body.
@JamesMolyneux62 2 ай бұрын
These are terrifying propositions… how did we get to this… how do we get out of it.. it’s like saying the devil exists and wants your children
@JakobusMaximus 2 ай бұрын
Well, Peterson has a particular axe to grind with those targeting children. You are part of the radical left by your own admission, can we hear your defense of the policies of your kin? What say you to the accusations levied against you? Have you a case for the transgendering of children? Have you a case for normalizing sexual deviancies to 5 and 6 year olds? Have you a case for Marxist praxis? The stage is yours, friend. Make your case!
@einwd 2 ай бұрын
the devil originates from hypothesis and enters reality through human memory,habit and behavior
@einwd 2 ай бұрын
that is the most secular way of putting it
@einwd 2 ай бұрын
but in all seriousness you have got to understand the spirit. the spirit if the devil is numbness
@emperornero2511 2 ай бұрын
A creative person can fit in society if they truly have empathy for others. In Christian thinking - Love God and others as He does.
@PWizz91 2 ай бұрын
I thought a sponsored Segway to a RAID advertisement was coming at the beginning
@squidward6187 2 ай бұрын
I had to figure out the world on my own. My parents weren't parents. My dad ignored me, my mom used me as a sounding board to reminisce about her glory days when she was a child prostitute and she tortured me, quite literally. The world was so chaotic and confusing to me. But I read a lot. And that provided a foundation for me. literature is a simulacrum of the world and at the same time it's idealized. I'd say the most accurate book I've ever read is American Psycho. But most people are afraid to look at the dark underbelly of society.
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