Microsoft What Are You Doing??

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Sonsie Face

Sonsie Face

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@MMOStein 2 ай бұрын
One day I booted my pc after recently upgrading to Win11, only to discover that one drive was busy destroying my SSD so I had to spend half the day franticly recovering my VERY PERSONAL files and deleting that stupid fucken "'""cloud""" account. Obviously, I nuked every remnant of that shit off my pc after going through that insanity. One Drive is literally a kernel level ransomware that virtually hijacks your files and moves *your shit* off your *PHYSICAL* storage *WITHOUT YOUR PERMISSION.* How is this legal? I don't know, and frankly don't care anymore. I immediately switched to Linux after that, because it dawned on me that microsoft (big tech in general) is genuinely dangerous, be it from pure stupidity or malintent. Been dual booting Arch Linux ever since (Arch because it's community driven, I want NO fucken conglomerate overseeing my pc again). I only keep Win10 around for a single game that requires it. Even then, I can get it on Linux if I wanted to, I just chose to respect the game's ToS. Microsoft is just one stupid decision away from me moving to Linux/FOSS completely. *Forever.* I'm done with big tech, the BS is just getting old. I have zero good will nor tolerance left for corporate.
@bobmcbob4399 2 ай бұрын
The slow rising tide of enshitification finally made you throw your toys out the window eh?
@walter_lesaulnier 2 ай бұрын
Windows 11 would be tolerable if it could be "de-Microsofted" the same way there's a "de-Googled" Chromium.
@TheRealSpeedWolf 2 ай бұрын
These are the options: AtlasOS, ReviOS, and Ghost Spectre. They come de-bloated. The only caveat is the security with them, but considering how bad Microsoft is right now, they are far more stable and just work without any of the bloat. Note: These are versions of Windows 10 and 11 with the bloat removed, but without Microsoft's approval.
@Jayteaseepiirturi 2 ай бұрын
@@TheRealSpeedWolf Aha! Interesting. Thank you. Gonna look into this.
@bm1066 2 ай бұрын
Windows isnt open source though.
@Jayteaseepiirturi 2 ай бұрын
@@bm1066 No, it's not. But the concept here is still worth looking at. In the end, we're in an abusive marriage with Windows so... any option is worth looking at.
@bco1981 2 ай бұрын
Make a tiny11 iso, disconnect the computer, install the tiny11 iso you made, pause updates, connect to internet and get and run Chris titus tool.
@erikferguson71 2 ай бұрын
I erased Windows 11 and installed Linux.
@MrBobWareham 2 ай бұрын
I only used Windows 10 as my old computer did not want to work with w11, so I dumped it all and just use Linux Mint that just works, so thank you, Microsoft from stopping me using W11
@erikferguson71 2 ай бұрын
@@MrBobWareham Mint is fantastic. So much better than Windows in my opinion.
@Mr_Meowingtons 2 ай бұрын
i tried that but i like using my PC not being Tech support every day..
@erikferguson71 2 ай бұрын
@@Mr_Meowingtons I don't know what you mean. I haven't had any issues I couldn't figure out on my own, which were few and far between.
@philB666 2 ай бұрын
So stupid I'm still not on Linux just because My win 10 works well (and I play games and use 3D softwares). I got books... I need more time to know more about it more than the minimum as I always want to improve things. Ho man, I got to...
@robertjames4908 2 ай бұрын
And Microsoft still charge £200 for a license. Criminals!!!!
@D.von.N 2 ай бұрын
I don't know what MS is doing with Win11, but I can tell what I did. Parked the a SSD with Win11 into an enclosure for rainy days and switched to Linux with 4x the storage that my machine came with. Freedom! And better privacy. You see the big fat middle finger, MS?
@ayushsahoo2078 2 ай бұрын
I think that Windows 11 is 'Windows 10 with added curved edges'
@D.von.N 2 ай бұрын
And more surveillance.
@ethograb 2 ай бұрын
And longer draw times for windows explorer. I'm still not sure how they managed to do that...
@haroldcampos9661 2 ай бұрын
That one drive ransomware attack sounds pretty dystopian...
@bobmcbob4399 2 ай бұрын
@KneelB4Bacon 2 ай бұрын
Never bet against Microsoft doubling down on a bad idea. Recall WILL be back, and it will NOT be optional.
@sonsieface 2 ай бұрын
Would not shock me at all
@The_Penguin_City 2 ай бұрын
Don't want swindlows?, use Mint.😊
@justinmoggach1062 2 ай бұрын
Try Linux Mint, I did and was pleasantly surprised, I will never go back to Windows. No ads at all and easy to use no spyware or telemetry
@charlesmangum2100 2 ай бұрын
I upgraded to Linux.
@user-fed-yum 2 ай бұрын
So this is why we are seeing so many folks making how to migrate to Linux videos.
@SherrylCursed 2 ай бұрын
With what they're doing with Windows 11 I see Linux and a virtual machine if I absolutely *have* to use windows in my future
@WWIIREBEL 2 ай бұрын
All of these mentioned annoyances with windows is why I dumped them for a different OS.
@Merializer 2 ай бұрын
Here is what happened when I tried Windows 11 a while back, and why I quickly went back to Windows 10: 1) I could not choose my own photo viewer to open pictures, they forced me to use the default Microsoft one. For decades I have used Irfanview, if I remember correctly I think it was only possible to make this program the default photo viewer through an annoying process with DOS commands. 3) The standard right click menu was inefficient. More clicks were required. When i right clicked there was this "simplified menu", to see all options I had to click at the bottom. Very annoying. I could get the full menu back, but this was also again through a DOS command I believe. This should be an option build in Windows itself. Cut and paste were small icons without text. 4) Adjusting the volume via clicking the volume bar took frustrating long. The audio volume icon was grouped with some other icon, and when I clicked on the volume icon it took way too long to show up. It's like loading the volume bar....common... Do you now need an IBM supercomputer just to be able to load the volume bar properly??? And if you think my pc was slow it wasn't, it was a brand new high-end I7 computer. I noticed in a store with new PC's the exact same thing, when I went there to try a headphone. I saw the employee that was assisting me being frustrate about this, when he clicked on it to adjust the volume and it didn't pop up immediately. It was especially the first time when you went in Windows, I think clicking it a second time loaded it faster, but I'm not sure it was always like this though. Every new windows seems a bit worse. I didn't see the benefit for staying with Windows 11, you can already do everything with Windows 10 unless they start taking things out. and Windows 10 felt faster and smoother, even though it shouldn't have mattered because I had e new PC. Too many settings I was used to I needed to force back via DOS commands and registry entries, instead of being able to do so through a setting in Windows, having a CHOICE. In the end it takes more time to find solutions to these issues than installing their OS. I also remember back when I had a Windows XP laptop I believe, after an update my PC started using like 99% of my CPU for no logical reason. Just something that popped in my mind.
@Merializer 2 ай бұрын
- Windows 10 now nags you to do a Windows 11 update, you can't get rid of it, it always comes back and covers the entire screen to make you pay max attention, it's alsmot like ransomware. there is no "leave me alone" button, only a choice between: "remind me later" or "accept our bs". - There is also the constant Windows updates, who are are applied too slow imo. - One of the last updates in Windows 10 changed my background (to a Windows spotlight background), and I couldn't see my desktop icons well anymore. Not long to change it back, but again a change that I didn't ask for. - There also was that update that the login screen has all that random text spammed all over the login screen background.
@davidpenaloza1586 2 ай бұрын
Using explorer patcher was a little relieve for me. 😊😊 But windows 11 is a trash full of really slow apps. It destroyed 3 of my pendrives just by copying files. It also takes more time transferring files. It has a lot of bugs like no able to change your account picture. Slow visual effects, missing option, errors extracting external HDD and a high resources consume. the more you have the more consume. in a gamer laptop consumes more than in a home laptop. it is because of the extra features gaming laptops have. one issue that I have is the DTS effects consume like 1gb of ram lol. I am not able to use the touchpad like before because windows 11 has limited configurations
@Merializer Ай бұрын
​@@davidpenaloza1586 For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every evil practice. - James 3:16 (Hearing this verse in a KZbin video made me think about Microsoft.)
@repairman2be250 2 ай бұрын
For what you are using Windows at home, you do not need Windows at all. Go Linux like Mint, Zorin to mention some of the Windows like friendly distribution.
@TalmidAndy 2 ай бұрын
Microsoft has gone too far out of arrogance and greed. It has been a slow progression over many years rather than just a Window 11 issue. There is, almost, no reason to stay with this operating system as Linux is capable of doing pretty much everything that Windows can and can even run an ever increasing number of Windows programs. It is also more secure, more stable, and most importantly free. There is a small learning curve for new users but there are resources, tutorials, and even support groups that can make it easier.
@Jayteaseepiirturi 2 ай бұрын
You're totally right. And then there's that, what, hardware security whatsitsname thingy and requiring some sort of a secure boot thing which effectively prevents dual booting. This sounds like how woke movie industry works. Push the product no one wants and call the audiences stupid.
@lainverse 2 ай бұрын
Oh, they know what they are doing. They are looking for as many ways to monetize something that already monetized through services nobody asked for in hope some of them stick. And some of them will stick. And they have nothing to worry about. Well, maybe 1% more of PC migrate to Linux, but they'll get 10× more money from people paying for their services. Nowadays, nobody want to sell you a program, everyone want to sell you a service. It'll pay for itself in the first few months, and then it's pure profit for them.
@gslim7337 2 ай бұрын
I'm a Microsoft account user. I manage my work with products like Teams Azure and OneNote, and being able to access data through One Drive over a number of machines is important. Having an additional backup is important. Windows 11 functions well for me, and paying for these components is part of business. I have a top end machine that functions okay despite the bloat. So all that Microsoft is doing is targeted towards someone like me. Try getting anyone at Microsoft to understand my needs is near on impossible. I have had to learn by trial and error how one-drive works. Some information is proprietary and can't be automatically backed up on an external server. Ads for X-box don't belong on my machine. Ads of any kind don't belong on a productivity device. Recall is of limited use but extremely dangerous. Some data leaks have a real-world consequence. Does anyone really understand the range and variations between access to work or school as compared to home. Does anyone at Microsoft remember how to listen to a customer? As a consumer of Microsoft products, I have taken the trouble of learning how to use Ubuntu and Libreoffice in case.
@sonsieface 2 ай бұрын
My main beef with the whole Microsoft ecosystem is just making it clear what you are agreeing to, and give meaningful clear options that everyday users can deal with. I suffer no end of frustration with the “marketing-speak”, obscure and often misleading options, and Microsoft apparently not actually providing what home users want or need.
@tonywise198 2 ай бұрын
Microsoft are killing Windows. Windows is trying to be the best advert for Linux these days. It a sad These days, the Marketing Dept has taken over Microsoft. Hand it back to engineering and Quality Assurance.
@kayl456jenna 2 ай бұрын
Can you say "Boeing"?
@peterjackson2625 2 ай бұрын
I bought a refurbished Windows 11 laptop with SSD drive. Booted up in 5 seconds! But ..... I could not install any useful apps on it like Microsoft Word. After 6 months of it sitting around like a doorstop, I gave it away and upgraded to a Windows 7 laptop with SSD drive. It's brilliant, fast, and above all, it's useable with ALL my cherished Windows and Google applications.
@BasicMike 2 ай бұрын
Yep. I totally agree! If you want to use windows on a local account you need to hunt for the steps on how to do it. And, where I think office 365 is the best office suite available, I'd like it better without oneDrive. Certainly, there are workarounds for all the points you've brought up, but why? Why can't I buy a product, like an operating system, without suffering through all the third-party crap that comes with it? And the telemetry! All the network connections Microsoft keeps running on your computer ALL THE TIME is amazing, There are dozens of connections aside from the daily software updates. And those connections communicate with the OS, Office software, and other "partners" that Microsoft adds to the OS. If you want to see your computer instantly speed up, uninstall Microsoft Edge. The browser itself is still a good package, but like all the other packages, it is constantly sending telemetry data to Microsoft. Who has to worry about keyloggers, when Microsoft is sending nearly every keystroke back to its maker multiple times. It's enough for a guy to wonder if Linux wouldn't be better.
@dj_paultuk7052 2 ай бұрын
Re Logging in with a MS account. When Win11 asks for a MS account during setup, turn your router off for a min. Click next, it will then fail and ask you for a User Name. So you can create a local account and password. As soon as you do that, turn your router back on. I build 15 or so win11 machines a week and this works sweet.
@sonsieface 2 ай бұрын
You may be lucky enough to have an older . ISO file - that doesn’t currently work with Windows 11, you need to disconnect any networking AND open a command prompt during the setup and run the oobe\bypassnro command. It will then restart and allow the trick you mentioned. My whole beef with Microsoft is that they could (and have) make that option SO much more obvious to Joe Public.
@alanwilson175 2 ай бұрын
I have too many issues or problems with Microsoft to try and explain them here. I will just touch on one problem that recently became apparent to me. In a few words: Windows is very HARD to use. I have been using Windows for more than 3 decades now, and in that time I have learned many shortcuts and habits to avoid the many booby traps in Windows. I only figured this out recently when I tried to explain to people why certain things happened that were unexpected, and inexplicable. For example, I tried to get Discourse to work in a conference call with my microphone, for audio. I could not get it to play. It turns out one reason for this was that another app (Teams) was “holding” the microphone and blocking other apps (Discourse) from using the microphone. I could only reset this condition by finding an audio setting buried under a couple of menus in Windows. This may seem obscure, but it is just typical of many other problems with Windows.
@sptrader6316 2 ай бұрын
I agree. I hate when Win10 starts an update, when I have an open program. It's like the computer is in charge, instead of me telling the computer what to do. My fear is that AI will make it even worse.
@adamtajhassam9188 2 ай бұрын
AI will not make it worse, but rather boring to use. It will make you think 2 times when buying a cheap PC those extra cores faster ssds will be critical. i use face detection to log in w out passwords needed now :) 4 example
@bobmcbob4399 2 ай бұрын
It's like having to pay a mandatory tax to have a govt worker live in one of your rooms, occasionally taking over your living room/kitchen etc and berating/insulting you at the same time. Why do people keep putting up with this?
@mtbboy1993 2 ай бұрын
The endless set up is absurd. Just let us select language and other essential. I've been testing other OS in a virtual machine, currently so far the easiest and best, and great install I've experienced was Linux Mint, Texudo OS. Language, keyboard layout... Just the necessary options, to get you ready. The hardware requirements is absurd.
@stevejohnson1321 2 ай бұрын
Not needing commercial applications, I evicted "windows" back in January of 2009. Originally that was a move to Ubuntu, but I'm now transitioning to Debian 12.
@sonsieface 2 ай бұрын
I’ve been using Linux on my laptop for years, inveterate distro hopper currently on Pop OS
@galimirnund6543 2 ай бұрын
Well, I just started using 11 a few days ago and has just a multitude of utter crap on it that I will NEVER use!! MS decides what will be on your PC now... not YOU!! I will never use office, I have never owned a XBOX and will NEVER own a XBOX!! I'm prob going to go back to 10. I will NEVER use people, meetings.... none of that BS!!! Satya can rot in hell!!
@nopenoperson9118 2 ай бұрын
just fucking get LTSC and stop being so dramatic
@johnjakson444 2 ай бұрын
Here is how bloated Windows is. The free Haiku OS which is now useable can do a clean install from an installer drive onto SSD in about 10sec flat, a full bloody install, in less time than Windows can boot its sorry ass off same SSD. Even Linux can do full install in a few minutes, while windows requires several hours to install if you pay attention to turning all the shit off. Win11 is just a trainwreck to deal with.
@oldspice5964 2 ай бұрын
Uninstalling it. Replacing it with an operating system.
@christianguy6428 2 ай бұрын
I recommend Linux Mint 😁
@231pilot Ай бұрын
We all use Linux Mint Cinnamon, bye Windows!
@canlelola 2 ай бұрын
It will be very interesting to see what things are like after ten support is dropped.
@nadtz 2 ай бұрын
Gave up on 11 and moved my main machine and laptops over to Linux. I have a mini PC that I use for the things I need to do on windows so it's not like I've totally gotten rid of windows but i'm much less annoyed by 11 when I only have to deal with it a few minutes at a time.
@WarrenOsborne-n3x 2 ай бұрын
I played "The Rodeo Song" for Microlimp, and have been Linux for months now.
@adamtajhassam9188 2 ай бұрын
wish all programs are compatible w Linix tried linix half the programs i use w no alternatives is 1 majoy problem to fic still. ie bluestacks.
@VirtutisTipheret 2 ай бұрын
I windows sells me Microsoft 365 to be native in Linux…SAYONARA Windows forever.
@bobmcbob4399 2 ай бұрын
Enjoyed the audio, but what is up with that tide of BRoll going on?
@sonsieface 2 ай бұрын
I don’t appear on camera and since it’s a video, I figure folk should have something to look at as well. I’m definitely still learning this stuff, so I’ll take any pointers I can get ☺️
@bobmcbob4399 2 ай бұрын
@@sonsieface ok cool
@petervd6207 2 ай бұрын
Windows will eventually become a subscription service, SaaS software as a service where you pay for anything extra than a basic home user. Think enterprise services.
@sonsieface 2 ай бұрын
I believe that’s what’s coming, yes
@raybob8238 2 ай бұрын
Zero Trust... is it protecting you from software companies. or does it work against the user where the software companies can trust and control your system and data against you?
@bobmcbob4399 2 ай бұрын
Same for "Digital Rights Management". Are these my rights being managed in a way that is good for me? No. It is IP rights holder rights being managed and upheld on your PC - now shut up pleb and consooom product.
@michaelkeudel8770 2 ай бұрын
Linux is my next upgrade.
@Mr_Meowingtons 2 ай бұрын
I just rolled back to 10... And WHY did they change Notepad??? there is no need for tabs!
@davidpenaloza1586 2 ай бұрын
Now you can disable the tabs on notepad. But the old notepad is faster than the new one 😊
@This-Is-The-End 2 ай бұрын
..And it's becoming the buggiest Windows OS Ever! AKA Explorer.exe
@vincecooper2672 2 ай бұрын
I uninstall one drive. I install my own storage drives
@JanetDax 2 ай бұрын
One Drive can seriously interfere with online games like ff14 and WOW even if you install them on a separate drive.
@sonsieface 2 ай бұрын
Annoying since Windows is general considered the go to gaming platform for non console folks
@JanetDax 2 ай бұрын
@@sonsieface Wouldn't it be lovely if all games ran on Linux without any hassle and you could tell MS where they could stick windows
@livreene7250 2 ай бұрын
@@JanetDax I think with Steam proton it's already a reality that almost all games work on Linux, except some need kernel level anticheat ones.
@TheRealSpeedWolf 2 ай бұрын
Windows 11 is a good operating system, but it has some issues. One problem is the bloatware that comes pre-installed. Another major issue is the forced mandatory updates that can sometimes break functionality and are not optional. Additionally, a significant amount of metadata is being transferred without your consent, even if you disable these settings, as they can re-enable after an update. I have to modify the registry just to get the system to work the way I want, which is quite difficult even for someone tech-savvy like me. Most people are not tech-savvy. The person in charge of Microsoft right now is very arrogant, and they are breaking their own operating system, which could lead to accountability issues with the European Union. The time lost due to unexpected updates when I need to work is costing me real-world money. I am surprised no one has sued them for lost productivity because of their operating system’s inability to disable auto updates.
@D.von.N 2 ай бұрын
I think I have set up updates that need my permission first, to even download, let alone install. And Win10 will stay on 2H22, doesn't matter what. After Oct 2025 Linux has it.
@TheRealSpeedWolf 2 ай бұрын
@@D.von.N There's too much troubleshooting for video games and certain software that only work properly on Windows. It is something that is very arrogant with Linux users as they have gotten used to it without thinking that a person starting to use Linux has to start from scratch. You will come to a crossroad where you will have to use command prompts. I myself am dyslexic, so it's very difficult for me to use Linux. I also use Photoshop and other software that are only supported on Windows, as well as being a gamer, which requires too much troubleshooting on Linux and would always underperform in comparison to the software that they are designed to function on, which is Windows. The simplest thing to do is to create an unattended Windows installation disk without the bloat, as well as removing certain requirements for Windows installation. There are also other options such as Tiny11, AtlasOS, ReviOS, and Ghost Spectre, to name a few, that are optimized to run with low requirements and the least amount of bloat. I'm going to repeat myself every time Linux is suggested: if it was simple and convenient, everybody would have already moved to it, which is not the case for the majority of software and gaming that people need. You just happen to have it suitable enough for you, but not for the majority of people in its current state. Understand that.
@sonsieface 2 ай бұрын
@TheRealSpeedWolf I’m not trying to covert people, but for many (not all, like yourself) Linux is a decent option for “ everyday” computing if you have hardware that can’t be upgraded to Windows 11. I don’t really game anymore, nor do I use Photoshop unlike yourself.
@TheRealSpeedWolf 2 ай бұрын
@@sonsieface The problem with many Linux users is that they often forget how much troubleshooting they had to do to get their systems working the way they want. Not everyone has the time, patience, or technical know-how to understand how an operating system works. For people who are not tech-savvy, Windows is generally easier to use. If someone is just looking for a Microsoft Word equivalent and to browse the internet, Linux can be a simple solution. In such cases, a Chromebook might also be a good alternative. However, when people have issues with Windows, it's often due to problems created by Microsoft's policies, like mandatory updates that can disrupt work or even break the system. While there are always people who recommend Linux, the barrier to entry is not that easy. I've been familiar with Linux for about 20 years, and I can say that the community can be one of the most arrogant I've ever come across, especially towards newcomers. You might have the technical knowledge to use Linux the way you want, but it is not as user-friendly as Windows. The Linux community needs to be more empathetic and supportive, recognizing that not everyone has the same level of expertise or the same needs.
@D.von.N 2 ай бұрын
@@TheRealSpeedWolf you pay for convenience. It always was like that. Photoshop has alternatives, at a fraction of the price. The more people will switch to Linux, the sooner developers will create stuff for Linux based systems. I don't do much gaming. So that part doesn't affect me. I am an adult :) A bit of coding isn't an issue. Chat bot provides some assistance when it comes to coding, or there are forums with people always willing to help with a code, you just need to adjust it a bit to your own infrastructure. I am not a programmer, but I have managed to use commands successfully on Windows and Linux alike, with some help from the community. The majority of peope don't do complicated things on computers, so that is your false impression Linux wouldn't suit them. For writing text, browsing internet and playing music or videos, it would be more than satisfactory. OS is like a religion. You are born into it and get accustomed to it, for life. Only a small minority will either flip to another faith or ditch them all. If born into the Linux system, this majority, for which elevated privileges to break their system was dangerous (newly installed system in Windows was an admin account straight way), Linux would be safer for them.
@anxaxw7546 2 ай бұрын
Microsoft hid the feature to create a local account in Win 11 but it's still possible. You must still open an MS account at the set up, but you dont have to use it. I recently set up a new PC; I got an error when I was forced to connect to my wifi and I didnt have the option to go back and reconnect in case I made a mistake writing the passowrd, so I had to connect through the LAN cable, well it worked. Well, after creating the MS account I created the local account in the same way you do it in Win 10, but fewer steps. The info to create local accounts in Win 11 is available in an old page still available i wayback machine, they removed it from their site.
@sonsieface 2 ай бұрын
Yep, you can still do it for now but it’s pretty much shut out for the average pc user
@michaelrowland2590 2 ай бұрын
The system requirements are stuipd I have six year gaming pc works but get this no tpm and processor being 7gen will not cut the mustard in for dumb os to work 8th gen or better processor with tpm 2.0 Cuz of this I would have to buy brand new pc e waste old one lame
@sonsieface 2 ай бұрын
Yep, very much so!
@nopenoperson9118 2 ай бұрын
Since you don't have the brain power to find out about it yourself, look into Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2024. No TPM required. Don't bitch about it seeming too complicated.
@CoolTebza-eh7ig 2 ай бұрын
I hated the edge sync nonsense enabled by default taking things from chrome i hated that i saw something was off when i use chrome. I remembered that edge head feature of getting things from other browsers and i didn't think they enabled by default Jesus Christ i was like disable that nonsense they it's like forcing things on people Lol 😂😆 it's bad 😞😔 i even bought a Chromebook just to runaway from such nonsense once i learn to use I'm out no more Microsoft nonsense 😂
@firestormjupiter 2 ай бұрын
Edge is one of the most optimised browsers . Not only does chrome eat RAM, it has also been revealed to phone home to google frequently (and I expect chromebooks to do the same considering google’s main source of income is advertising, which means YOUR data). Linux and browsers like firefox are probably way better alternatives
@CoolTebza-eh7ig 2 ай бұрын
@@firestormjupiter Thanks but it's worse now on everywhere is like spy this spy that, also something I can afford, yeah I know it's not forced like Microsoft, I know where I'm going it's now their laptops batteries don't even last larger. Huge set back on everything. Microsoft is like bought it by tomorrow something I'd wrong about it, when first used the laptop it hard screen problems, terrible 😔 they force you pay after some time for OS really, unless start over it will keep reminding you. What's the point so far this thing works fine, everything is spying unless you're a tech genius can over come what ever spying method, rather go where they tell I spy on you than open back doors on updates Lol 😂😆 like seriously stone cold 🥶❄️ , now their browsers stay active by force open it see what talking about many browsers also do it , I hard to remove opera browser because it's always active not using it active, they are again you using your own choices, it's like hate, but now it's on a level of google, rather go away chill see where they going with this technology but soon as I think it's better I'm out
@alanbutcherer4907 2 ай бұрын
Anyone using Microsoft Account + Edge + Office is MicroSheep
@GrymsArchive 2 ай бұрын
Non-technical people shouldn't have a computer. Been saying that since the late 1980's
@sonsieface 2 ай бұрын
@user-fed-yum 2 ай бұрын
And I've been saying since that time that the average IQ of computer users will just keep dropping, and time has proven me correct
@diaman_d 2 ай бұрын
@@saltee_crcker2363 as with cars, accidents still happen and people still die, can't prevent user error.
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CrowdStrike IT Outage Explained by a Windows Developer
Dave's Garage
Рет қаралды 2,1 МЛН
The Sad Reality of Microsoft Edge
Surfshark Academy
Рет қаралды 103 М.
How bad is Windows spying?
Eric Parker
Рет қаралды 191 М.
5 reasons EVERYONE needs a home server
Рет қаралды 484 М.
You Need These 5 Apps For Windows 11
CyberCPU Tech
Рет қаралды 198 М.
This One Step Could SAVE Your Private Data From Windows (Dual Boot)
NEVER install these programs on your PC... EVER!!!
Рет қаралды 3,4 МЛН
История одного вокалиста
Рет қаралды 6 МЛН