Millennials: We Suck and We're Sorry - comedy sketch

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10 жыл бұрын

Millennials. They sucked, and they were sorry about it.
check out t-shirts and other merch by us!
#millennials #comedy #sketch

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@Dustpuuppy 8 жыл бұрын
At 51, about all I can say is that I hope yo guys do better than we did. And pay no attention to people in my generation who have forgotten all the stupid shit THEY did at your age.
@Dustpuuppy 8 жыл бұрын
***** THings are very fucked up, indeed, when *I* have to be the voice of reason. lol But most people start to fear change, as they get older. And most people really do forget what they did in their youth. Most of your generation will do the same thing, by time they're my age. Only about 2% of people can remember these things with any clarity. It's a neurological thang. :)
@OmegaTungsten 8 жыл бұрын
+Dustpuuppy Wow, a fairly reasonable comment. Considering the average KZbin comment section, this is fairly amazing. All encompassing stereotypes are seldom productive, let alone have any truth. In the end, we are all responsible for our actions and no one is perfect.
@Dustpuuppy 8 жыл бұрын
Crescent Heh. Most people have selective memory. A small percentage of us have an odd neurological make up that prevent this and make us remember most things as they actually happened, most of the time. It's surprisingly inconvenient. lol But most folk get more selective in their memories, as they get older. Just the way the human mind works, for most.
@OmegaTungsten 8 жыл бұрын
+Dustpuuppy I know this appear potentially insincere , but seriously this is refreshing to read a comment that isn't ironic, snarky or the atypical awful KZbin comment. Thank you for making a response that took time to create. As we grow older, certain issues might arise and in some cases, this is a legitimate medical condition. However, let's be honest, no generation was "the best" and the same could be said about future generations. We all have our issues and no one is exempt for this, as at some point at time, we as humans have all made some mistakes. Some more than others and some of these mistakes for reasons I'll probably never understand, we keep repeating. Cheery picking only the "good narrative" and divorcing oneself from reality isn't realistic at all. If there is to be legitimate change, one must be the change they want to see in the world. This doesn't guarantee success, but all that "evils" of world need to prevail is for good men and women to do nothing. Even if you feel powerless against the multi million-billion dollar corporations, governments, inaction is not the answer.
@Dustpuuppy 8 жыл бұрын
Crescent It's been said that people seldom make the same mistakes their parents did but often make the same mistakes their grandparents made. I think there's some truth to this. Each generation kinda tends to overcompensate for the mistakes of the last, often without fully understanding all the mechanics of the situations. It keeps the pendulum swinging back and forth. A fine example of this is that most in my generation thought that older folks were silly to be so suspicious of banks. So we let the government deregulate them. Now we have banks acting the same way they did in the 1920's, which lead to the depression and made those older folks so suspicious. The millennials have the advantage of more raw information from the net, without the corporate whitewashing. Plus they're pretty motivated, because they can see what their future looks like... and it ain't good. They aren't inherently better than we were. Just better educated and more driven. At least a significant number of them.
@HaasGrotesk 7 жыл бұрын
Excuses, excuses, excuses! I came from a war torn country where at the age of 7 people shot at me with assault rifles. I had to crawl through mine fields just to get away from another danger. I made a life for myself and now I have everything I could ask for and more! I didn't get here by making excuses and feeling sorry for myself that I didn't get the "optimal start" in life. I used what I got and took every opportunity that was presented to me. Today I can say that it never came down to luck! Everything came from hard work and the will to learn and adapt.
@TheFamousMockingbird 2 жыл бұрын
If you came from a country where you were crawling through minefields and having to dodge bullets at age 7 and are trying to pretend that luck doesn't have to do with where you are in life then you either got hit with one of those bullets or are full of shit
@HaasGrotesk 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheFamousMockingbird Yeah, keep telling yourself that if you feel better. I've never had luck in my life. Not one single time. It's hard work and nothing else.
@mikeemmons1079 7 жыл бұрын
"had something to do with that housing bubble in the 90's" *votes for the wife of the guy that caused said recession*
@U9B 4 жыл бұрын
You voted for the husband of that wife
@Enoughsenoughnomas Ай бұрын
I didn't know bush's wife ran for president.
@bakergames6275 8 жыл бұрын
I'm a millennial... And I've had a job since I was 16 I'm now 21... (A full time job) why am I being called lazy and entitled I've worked hard for everything I've had...
@acester5 8 жыл бұрын
because well off people need to believe if you're people who aren't like them must haven't put in the work
@acester5 8 жыл бұрын
***** what are you talking about?
@acester5 8 жыл бұрын
***** why the fuck are you working 3 jobs?... that's not normal LMFAO no one should have to work 3 FUCKING JOBS. The most I've ever done was 2. People are supposed to have lives. You're waaaay to busy trying to prove that you work hard for the "life" that you now just sound stupid
@Shoth 8 жыл бұрын
yes we are not slaves for this fuc...k system!!!!!!!!!! in my country pay less then 500e/per month, but is very problem find here normal job, happy home.
@acester5 8 жыл бұрын
***** my point is that no one should have to work three jobs, and if you need three jobs that's very concerning. And very unlikely. If it is the case then you don't need three jobs you need a BETTER PAYING JOB. Go ahead make fun of name that I had long before this video it's stupid. It's obviously sarcasm against stupid people who believe we're lazy. And you bragging about working three jobs just makes me believe you aren't worth more than minimum wage. And you're not proving anything, anyone could come in here and say some shit like: ONLY 3 JOBS when I was 12 I worked 12 jobs!... you see how stupid that sounds?
@formerevolutionist 9 жыл бұрын
Thank the socialists, progressives, liberals, and all other leftists for the problems you have now, not just all baby boomers.
@formerevolutionist 9 жыл бұрын
For what? Should we think them for brainwashing these millenials to think they are precious little snowflakes? Should we thank them for destroying economies? Detroit was one of the richest cities in the world before the leftists took over. Should we thank them for prolonging the Great Depression for over a decade? Should we thank them for starting WW2? Should we thank them for the Korean War? The Vietnamese War?
@formerevolutionist 9 жыл бұрын
***** So we can thank the leftists for all the unemployment. Socialists place so many restrictions, regulations, taxes, fees, and other nonsense onto the employers because they think employers are evil and greedy. Those employers then have to either stop hiring or move to another country.
@formerevolutionist 9 жыл бұрын
***** I don't know what universe socialists live in. They think that if THEY don't help the poor working people that the evil employers will enslave them. Think about it. Would YOU work for nothing? How many people do you think are lining up for jobs that pay nothing and then work them to death?
@formerevolutionist 9 жыл бұрын
***** If you are a millenial, then you have no right to whine about the world. You are embracing the ideas that got us into the mess we are in. Most of the problems in modern history are a direct result of too much government interference.
@formerevolutionist 9 жыл бұрын
***** Ah, so YOU'RE one of the people who have screwed everything up! No wonder you are saying how great socialism is. I'll bet you blame those evil capitalists and conservatives for opposing your good ideas, right? Socialists think that government and society are the same. They also think that if the government doesn't deal with a problem, then it either won't be dealt with well or it won't be done at all.
@jo23bulls 10 жыл бұрын
The boomers had it good. Any class clown who was able to hobble out of high school could go into GM or any other manufacturing company and make an income to provide for a family and retire happily.
@brad4058 9 жыл бұрын
ellzedd41 I'm an 88, the generation that has inherited the problems from the previous generation, which is the same idiots that believed in a trickle down economy and voted Ronald Reagan in as a president. Which is the reason why now most of the production jobs are going overseas and the rest of the office work is up for grabs by steadily increasing force of feminist workers compared to before and a decrease of job availability for all genders nationwide. All the while, the same idiots that voted for a trickle down economy is also trying to push this generation to get an education as if a surplus of over qualified workers and degrees with no work experience is going to ever match up to a healthy 60 year old veteran employee who refuses to retire due to a shrinking 401k plan. Oh and don't forget about the tons of student loan debt you'll acquire if your major is no longer in need by the time you graduate. PS: My father got a house for 60,000 back in 85. It's bigger then the one we live in now. That house sold for around 130k 10yrs later. In 2006 we got a new house in the same area. This house is smaller and it costed around 400k. So... fuck yeah it was cheaper back then. Don't tell me that shit, my father admits that property was cheaper back then. A lot of shit was cheaper back then... I remember seeing gas go for 98c a gallon. Don't tell me shit got much better than it was before. You old turds must be going blind as hell.
@nat7747 9 жыл бұрын
B Rad i was just sayin to my kid everything was cheaper in the 80s like wayyy cheaper, i could buy groceries for 3 people for about 100 bucks a month, it cost 10 bucks to fill a huge gas tank, cigarettes were 1.50 bread was about 35 cents, diapers were 5-7bucks a pack. BUT it wasnt us that voted for regan, we werent a big enough group, it was boomers that loved that guy and they turned out in droves to vote for him. my parents bought a house for 45 G in 79 sold it in 86 for 100 grand more. no homes in that area are less than 300 gs now, so everything was cheaper, and money bought way more than it does now
@nat7747 9 жыл бұрын
ellzedd41 i didnt call anyone old... in any of my comments, idk what u talkin about. but millenials do suck. i've had to work with them. they are the most "calling off because i'm sick (hungover, did too many pillls, partied to hard and cant handle it)" generation. lazy, with no respect for other people at all not even self respect. and no critical thinking skills
@0910milena 9 жыл бұрын
Jo23 Can you imagine to study that much to end up in a factory? Those kind of "jobs" are mind, spirit and body killers. So, boomers didn't have it better.
@0910milena 9 жыл бұрын
ellzedd41 selfish yes, happy? Mmmm? I don't think so, appearances only.
@terryfriend16 5 жыл бұрын
I am a Boomer and work with Millennials. I happen to love the younger generation, they've taught me so much.
@SYDAirlineEnthusiast 4 жыл бұрын
terryfriend16 i am a millennial who tutors gen z kids, and I am fascinated by their childhood despite it does scare me.
@christinamowatt2419 6 жыл бұрын
I'm glad I'm a Gen Xer! Everyone forgot that we exist!
@andtou1342 4 жыл бұрын
Christina Mowatt Lucky
@michaelhorton51395 3 жыл бұрын
They invented technology and music not boomers
@rickydavis5541 3 жыл бұрын
The generation that never grow up lol
@rickydavis5541 3 жыл бұрын
@green-ghost- 24 every generation is stupid and make fun of each generation lol
@rickydavis5541 3 жыл бұрын
@green-ghost- 24 at least the millennials is not the one who care about the money being greedy and overweight drunks bitching about the younger people telling them they are lazy even though they are the harder workers generation!
@rjzimmerman 10 жыл бұрын
My god. They're still whining. Ironically, but whining.
@Matt-qx3ne 10 жыл бұрын
Baby boomers write off my generation as "lazy" while they hold all the jobs. I managed to get really lucky after college and find a full-time job with decent pay and okay benefits, but it was a struggle. Here's my experience looking for employment after graduating from university: *sitting in the office of some 50-something year old manager* "This job requires 5-7 years of experience." "Wait- I thought you were hiring entry-level, new college graduates..." "Yes, but we prefer someone with 5-7 years of experience." Fucking bullshit.
@gregorymckinley-powell409 10 жыл бұрын
THose numbers keep going up, pretty much to exclude us. Right around the recession it was 0-2 years. around 2010 it was 2-5. now it's 5-7. They also jumped from needing a Bachelors to needing a Masters. by 2015 it'l be 7-10 with a PHD. There is literally no way to get those jobs, and that's the whole point. They put up these absurd postings and then complain that there aren't enough skilled workers. And then make their existing workforce just work Saturdays. It's insane. The whole "work internships to get the experience" line is about as attainable as a slave buying their freedom.
@Matt-qx3ne 10 жыл бұрын
Gregory Mckinley-Powell Yeah, and half of the internships nowadays require 5-7 ears of experience. Like I said, bullshit.
@timboslice3354 5 жыл бұрын
Well that's why you start at the bottom like we all did , do you think before I start making 100 000 a year that I didn't have a shitty job with no benefits ? I slowly made my way up and made contacts. Did you really think that right after university that you were going to have a great job with benefits omg you gotta work hard for it first and prove yourself. That's the problem now people think that right after university they'll get that awesome job sry but life definitely doesn't work that way. It's like the military before you get on top well you gotta prove yourself for years (integrity, courage, loyal, honesty) I say that bc I used to be in the military. Life is definitely not an easy go.
@snakechrmr6398 5 жыл бұрын
BS The career field I chose some 45 years ago always kept me employed as I worked around the world changing companies every few years. Even today a company I worked for in the 80s always has 20-30 open positions around the US starting in the $60K-$65K range with 7 days on/7 days off schedule, full benefits and minimum qualifications. But it's a skill with no college needed. But I went in the Army at the end of Vietnam (never went) and exited after 6 years with no debt, nice savings, GI Bill if I wanted to go to college and job ready qualifications. Made 6-figures last 20 of my working years while working/living around West Africa and Europe. Retired 5 years ago in Europe still debtless and still only a high school diploma. I'm not sure if lazy is the problem of if it's the "follow the pack" mentality.
@avarma6313 5 жыл бұрын
those idiots wont retire
@chrisbellairs5643 7 жыл бұрын
I would pay money (a small amount) to sit down and watch this with the kids who made it when they are 40.
@irrelevant1963 8 жыл бұрын
Typical Millennial to blame others instead of taking responsibility without being sarcastic. *NOTE: I'm 22 years old*
@UrbanFoxRed 8 жыл бұрын
Every generation sucks. Every generation blames another. This video is funny as fuck. Get over it.
@allaurely47 8 жыл бұрын
Except that we aren't the ones making the stereotypes and being condescendent to ourselves so I don't see why we would have to blame ourselves
@AlluneedisLuve 8 жыл бұрын
you're a moron
@andtou1342 4 жыл бұрын
Irrelevant What about the people who blame millennials for every bad thing that happens? I see it everywhere.
@Lazmiraa 10 жыл бұрын
ROFL! Oh my god this is great. Good job guys. It's sad when I hear people in their 50s and 60s. Including some of my teachers tell me 'good luck with trying to survive with retirement, let alone have any savings. '
@timetuner 10 жыл бұрын
This misses one of my biggest gripes about the last generation; they're trying to tap out early. I've heard people in their forties, more than half of their lifespan left, saying that they aren't the ones who are going to have to fight to change everything that's gone wrong. No. You are not starring down death's door. You are still well and able and more than capable of political action. The world's problems are still your problems as much or more than they are for the kids who are still in education or trying to recover from education. If you can still walk and talk without assistance then you have no right to think that changing the course of the world isn't your responsibility.
@JustinJayBeats 8 жыл бұрын
I thought this was a real apology and not some sarcastic bullshit. Also, I just found out I'm a Millennial and not a part of Gen X. My whole world is turned upside down.
@jabberjaws09 8 жыл бұрын
+Real Life Prodigy Welcome to the darkside!
@JustinJayBeats 8 жыл бұрын
@kevinmoore2501 5 жыл бұрын
The sarcasm in this was undetectable. I had no idea it was even there. Subtle😜
@CyberSpectrumND 10 жыл бұрын
This is satire, and pretty fucking real
@danielgalindo3494 10 жыл бұрын
Well it would be hard to satire something that didn't exist.
@emilydaniels9063 10 жыл бұрын
It's not even good satire.
@st3ady 10 жыл бұрын
thanks this video made me feel better about being $400,000 in debt and not having a job. ok back to playing vidya gamez
@turbojake3457 4 жыл бұрын
Boomer: kicks millennial Millennial: ow Boomer: lmao snowflakes all you do is whine
@Regrettable-Username 6 жыл бұрын
I remember one time my parents and I were talking about the economy and my dad was like "sorry my generation fucked yours over" and then I was like "yeah, sorry mines not doing a ton to fix the situation..." We decided that people are assholes, the world is complicated and whiskey makes things feel a little bit better.
@webstercat 9 жыл бұрын
Millennials. You need to save your apologies. The people who you will be apologizing to aren't born yet.
@syn010110 9 жыл бұрын
Actually... we're too broke to even think about having children.
@Zoza15 9 жыл бұрын
Corinn Heathers THIS!!!.. I would like to have children, but in this shitty artificial economic crisis we create for absolutely no reason, it's not wonder why most of us Millennials don't have the incentive to procreate. So no, i won't apologize for the next generation, but i like many other will strife and work on a better future for the next generation..
@bananabutt62 9 жыл бұрын
BAHAHA! 38k in student loan debt, don't qualify for a mortgage (you know, cuz debt), paying more in rent than I would for a mortgage, working minimum wage in retail because a bachelor's is the new high school diploma, and you think we're thinking about spawning money leechers? You're silly, Billy.
@rekabneb 9 жыл бұрын
Leah Graced So who forced you to get a worthless degree instead of a valuable trade or higher skill?
@syn010110 9 жыл бұрын
Ben Baker It's cute that you think that even makes a difference.
@rbsadler 10 жыл бұрын
So many stupid comments. No one is saying that Millennials shouldn't try to improve the world they live in. We're just saying that the world should stop blaming and shitting on us for things that happened when we were still trying to learn how to tie our shoes. I have absolutely nothing to do with the recession. That's ENTIRELY the previous generations' fault, but somehow I'm lazy for not being able to get a job. I don't know why anyone thinks the Millennials have even had a *CHANCE* to change anything. We're 20-30 somethings trying to drag ourselves out of our student loan debt because our parents told us we're all special snowflakes that need to go to college, then jacked up the price, created an economic disaster, and then said, "Oh, it's those lazy Millennials!" All the policies and economic decisions in the world right now are being made by the Gen. X. "Oh, aren't we all happy we bought this new house!" says early 90s mom to her 4-year-old. "But just remember, when the housing bubble bursts when you're hitting puberty, it'll be your fault! It's because you're obviously innately lazy, entitled, and apathetic. My parenting has nothing to do with any of it."
@predwarlord 10 жыл бұрын
***** Getting married age 20? That happened more in past generations than this one. The average marriage age is going up, not down, dumbass.
@THELETDOWNSMN 10 жыл бұрын
***** Hi, I'm 20 with a full time job,n a rock and roll band, and have my own place i rent out while occurring interests in my investments.....Sorry to burst your bubble.
@NatLawrenceMusic 10 жыл бұрын
Chris Wald well isn't that nice for you
@anchralinc 10 жыл бұрын
You have a college education, now get a job in your field and put down that phone. You don't need to post to the world about every little thing in your life. Life doesn't have a remote, you don't like it? Get up and change it and quit blaming others for your misfortunes.
@damonapelt7332 10 жыл бұрын
Anchram Miller What if we majored in a field with practically no financial security? Right, I'll just up and use my magic wand to manifest an income for my acting career. Silly Boomers. Ruined the 'arts and expect us to pick up the tab. No. I'll take my food stamps and my welfare check thanks, until the rest of you get on your game and make some jobs for me. I'm ready and waiting.
@heidiadams2081 7 жыл бұрын
Look they are still at it.. trying to be sarcastic and still ended up proving our point. Blaming others for their actions. (or lack of)
@ArccRnn 7 жыл бұрын
Not sure if irony or serious... O.o
@UrbanFoxRed 8 жыл бұрын
Don't talk shit to a bunch of kids and they wont point out your shortcomings.
@TheSuburbanBase 9 жыл бұрын
I hate being a millenial. College is expensive, jobs are scarce, and rents are high.
@epicxel 9 жыл бұрын
TheSuburbanBase me too i hate being a millennial i graduated from pharmacy school with 3 degrees including a doctorate and jobs are not only scarce in my feild depending on where you like to live but competitive even when you get an interview. i have a 200K some debt loan with 6% interest. I am considering moving away out of my parents house and moving out of state to get licensed and work in a different state. Am i spoiled, i can admit yes i live with my parents an moved away for 4 years on my own which was all right during grad school but now im back an im 29 and single and still trying to move on to financially secure myself and get more into dating and social life more.
@blakeh6250 8 жыл бұрын
+epicxel Move to where the jobs are...
@mwells219 8 жыл бұрын
+TheSuburbanBase I hate millenials because you can't, as previous generations used to say, hack it. Life is hard and unfair. Every, and I emphasize EVERY, generation has had shit to put with. However, the reason nobody likes millenials is because you whine incessantly about how life should be nice to you 24/7. I imagine because you think you deserve and are a unique human? Fuck you, get over yourself. You are not special and unique. You do not matter to anyone else. You are not owed anything by the world. The universe is big and impartial and does not have your needs or anyone else's at the center of it. Do you think life is unfair? Maybe spend less time being pissy on the internet, roll up yoursleeves, put on your big girl panties or grow some balls, and GET TO WORK! Work is the only way things get better. That time you spend complaining about how unfair the world is, that time is put to better use putting your nose to the grindstone and tearing yourself to pieces to achieve something. I don't mean work an eight hour job. I mean work 16 hours a day six days a week for a worthwhile goal. Yes it sucks. But life sucks. This is a truth that you are just going to have to accept the way every generation before you accepted it. Sure if you're part of the two percent of the population that have a last name like Kardashian or Hilton you're born into obscene wealth and never have to really suffer for a thing. But I imagine you're not, and neither am I. For people like us we just have to struggle.
@unkono 8 жыл бұрын
+TheSuburbanBase move to china where the jobs are.
@thenobleandmightybeaver4411 8 жыл бұрын
+TheSuburbanBase Yeah, I hated being a gen middle ages. Black plague, famine and serfdom. Aggghhh, if only colleges existed or a way for us to buy property. But you're right, millennials have it pretty bad playing x-box in their parent's basement.
@xxivherut4691 8 жыл бұрын
I'm a millenial and never got along with my peers, til this day there is a major detachment. I get along well with much older or even much younger, but most people my age seem to be real life scumbags.
@willforrhall 7 жыл бұрын
Ooohhh, they turned their apology video into a chance to whine. How typical
@cdmay4 5 жыл бұрын
Says the person whining in the comments of video they probably knew they would disagree with but watched it anyway
@andtou1342 4 жыл бұрын
Forrest Man It’s called satire.
@revolutioninthedark7048 3 жыл бұрын
Dean Caputa Wow you’re such a kid, dean shut up your boomer is showing. “ resorting to arguing about grammar, automatically makes you lose.” But hey, I’m not the one validating our points BOOMER.
@atadoff62 8 жыл бұрын
This is hilarious... a satire intended to discount complaints against millennials that actually underscores the case against them !
@aedwardsss 8 жыл бұрын
+atadoff62 How? Explain your ass-backward reasoning?
@knowwhey7559 8 жыл бұрын
+Anthony Edwards You don't get it, and you probably never will.
@chelseaw9009 8 жыл бұрын
+Anthony Edwards I would give you multiple thumbs up if I could. :)
@knowwhey7559 8 жыл бұрын
The evidence is in the video. Apparently, you still don't understand the meaning of the initial comment, so you've resorted to shit talking. Oh, and good luck landing a job with that demeanor.
@aedwardsss 8 жыл бұрын
Know Whey Nope. Clearly it doesn't because people - not just me, look around the comments - aren't agreeing with you so there's clearly a lot that you have got to explain. What you think is obvious is like... not obvious... at all. In fact it's downright I didn't shit-talk. I made up things and pretended that they were true. I did exactly the same things you did. Just like you just did. Again! I am gainfully employed. Strike two! One more and you're out!
@GrantMolnar 8 жыл бұрын
My question is, why are a bunch of baby boomers watching a video like this in the first place? I watched it as a millennial because I was hoping to get a little humility. They watched it because... they wanted their feelings of frustration towards us to be validated...? in which case turning the apology around and holding them accountable for their part in all this is hilariously on-point.
@bnic9471 2 жыл бұрын
Not a Boomer, but an Xer. I watched for a laugh and got it, despite the moralizing. I love how these milennials parodied themselves. The oldest milennials are becoming grandparents, now. Have y'all sorted your problems out, yet, or do the grandkids look at you as oversized fellow toddlers?
@DocUno1 10 жыл бұрын
Yup I've been trying to get a job and guess what no luck even at God damn fast food joints it seems impossible to get a job unless you get lucky or you know someone its sad really
@codywst 10 жыл бұрын
Or if you live in Canada, where I live we just talk about about the recession. It's been virtually untouched by the "recession".
@FriendlyIntentions 10 жыл бұрын
cody westle lol bullshit I live in Canada and its just as bad here.
@raestar317 4 жыл бұрын
getting a job isn't hard if you make it your full time job to get a job. time and persistence.
@yusufcagowayne1990 5 жыл бұрын
Thank GOD I was born in Africa and grew up there.
@SorryIBlackedOut 8 жыл бұрын
I'm a millennial, and all I want is to feel pride in my country again. ):
@BigGreen945 8 жыл бұрын
Then vote Trump!
@heylost4407 8 жыл бұрын
+Kyle Coyne no
@MegaMackproductions 8 жыл бұрын
and who would you vote for? the job killing green party or the job and economy wrecking demorats?
@happyjoyjoy9379 7 жыл бұрын
Vote for Trump.
@TinaDFlorance 7 жыл бұрын
I voted for Trump and I am so glad he won. Now maybe we can feel pride in our country again. Instead of having Obama (Obango) go to other countries and apologist for the U.S.A. Worst run of Democrats for the last 8 years ever.
@OhSnapitsJuzDin 10 жыл бұрын
Why is it only now, that I see this video?
@thartle8 10 жыл бұрын
you're too lazy, obviously
@OhSnapitsJuzDin 10 жыл бұрын
Troy Hartle lol, read this comment about 45 minutes ago, just now I'm replying back. I think you're right. I suck. Great video bro!
@disregardingsanity2890 10 жыл бұрын
And the cast were too lazy to make it sooner..... The director was too lazy to think of it sooner.... I'd see a trend but I'm too lazy AND obtuse.
@bluestreak711 10 жыл бұрын
I cannot express my gratitude enough on how liberating this video is for me. I have had a lot of guilt and shame projected on me. It is my fault that parents and grandparents did not manage their money correctly and is now struggling to pay bills to keep me up. It is my fault that I have stress and anxiety because of being locked up in my room and isolated for six years of my adolescence. It is my fault that I am a slow learner and can only manage two classes at one time (I have tried more and failed miserably, A student otherwise). It is my fault that I am very picky about the type of job I am looking for in school that it does not pull me away from my studies. And though my grandfather committing suicide is not my fault, it is my responsibility alone to take care of my grandmother and none of the responsibility falls to her son (my father). It is soley my responsibility to stay with her and care for her and not go out. Do not even think about leaving the country for a span even if you get the opportunity. No your responsibility is to care for your grandmother while I (her son) goes instead. Do not even think about staying at school late to study and see tutors my grandmother will accuse me of sneaking off doing something underhanded. I get accused of wanting to make all A's like it is a bad thing. I am just a lazy self-centered good for nothing who only takes two classes at a time, struggles to succeed, is a part of an honor society, college completion ambassador, and Scholar of Global distinction. I was lazy and was a good-for-nothing during my six years of isolation. The only things I did were learn another language, teach my self math, teach myself to type, teach myself to play various musical instruments (after receiving a bit of help), learn how to read braille, learn how to maintain and reload operating systems on computers and various technologies. The only thing I am doing right now is trying to build the best resume ever while at the same time accepting the fact that I cannot provide for myself. I am the most self-centered jerk who ever has lived. Parents, do you really appreciate your children who are whole-heartedly trying to follow Christ and be the epitome of His love. When they fail in the aspect of respecting you do you not pray for them? Do you not every think that they are struggling to respect you, but they are struggling to do so because of your controlling them? Think about these things and meditate on it a little bit. There is so much other I could say, but I won't. This is plenty for now.
@bluestreak711 10 жыл бұрын
I do have to add that I would not change any of it because these trials has made me the person I am today. And I still choose to bless the holy name of Jesus Christ. I may falter. I may stumble. I may mess up. I am only human like everyone else. The only difference is that when I fall the Christ that lives in my heart picks me back up, brushes me off, and sends me on my way once again.
@jma00a1 8 жыл бұрын
thank you for taking all of the blame...signed GenX
@RecklessFire29 7 жыл бұрын
I didn't take it as them "blaming everyone else". It's the idea that generations past think they're so much better than the new generation, when the generation before them also had growing pains/fuck ups. Also, as much as people like to whine, it's no one party's fault. Since 1980, we've had 3 Republican Presidents, and 3 Democratic Presidents, and they all had their fair share of screw ups.
@happyjoyjoy9379 7 жыл бұрын
But Millenials voted for Obama twice then wonder where all the jobs are. Socialists never learn.
@alexanderrofes 10 жыл бұрын
Dear commentors on every side, I think it's super groovy to use blanket descriptors to describe entire generations of people. We should try that with race. And religion. And class. Seems like a great recipe for success. All this bullshit about finding the super-secret x-factor that defines all people between age 18-30 or age 50-65 is just well-camouflaged stereotyping.Wow! It was those damn trophies for participation (I think I got one...maybe? and that supposedly defined my whole life?). Oh. For the Boomers it was counterculture. Cuz so many people did that. That's why it was still counter and not just culture. Right. Right? Assuming characteristics about someone (i.e. they suck, or they're awesome) because of the year they were born is really absurd. Do y'all believe all your horoscope stuff too? We should make a video about how Scorpios are just the worst. Or the best. Because that wouldn't be ridiculous or anything.
@MrDrachian 10 жыл бұрын
Those damn Scorpios are totally not groovy.
@cynniminnii 9 жыл бұрын
You know, as a Millenial, it saddens me greatly when the previous generation raised us to work hard, follow our hearts, choose a major we like, and then shits on us for doing just that when things don't play out the same way it did for you 30 years ago. We listened to you, we believed you, and we followed what you did because WE ARE YOUR CHILDREN AND YOU ARE OUR PARENTS, and when things didn't work out? Suddenly, we're lazy. Suddenly, we're absolutely entitled losers for thinking we're owed the same things you had growing up. Yeah, we're sorry. We're sorry we ever believed you.
@user-om5xx4ce3p 9 жыл бұрын
@geneanthony3421 9 жыл бұрын
yummygreentea What saddens me is that all this shit about the economy and the current job market has been known for a long time now yet a lot of people wouldn't listen (I've been preaching about it for years myself) and there's still a lot of people who still aren't listening. Now they're acting like it came out of nowhere when their kids can't find work.
@dco2006 9 жыл бұрын
yummygreentea Great stuff!
@piftisha 9 жыл бұрын
yummygreentea oh sure, blame the parents. Why didn't things work out? Because you couldn't find a job you "like?" Guess what, we all have to pay our dues and start off in lower paying jobs we don't like, and work our way up to better paying jobs we DO like. That's not just this generation, that's ALL generations.
@geneanthony3421 9 жыл бұрын
Patricia F. there are some differences between this generation and previous generations. A lot of these kids are starting off with insane debt (from college) and can't find any work in those fields. If you're $50,000 in debt it's going to put a huge damper on starting a family, moving out on your own, etc. (granted I do mock some of these kids and the nonsense degrees they do get). I also know a lot of employers who won't hire millennials, especially since there are so many older people out there who are unemployed (so they can find people who tend to be more reliable with more experience). I agree with you though that they should look at themselves since taking responsibility is far healthier than looking for someone to blame. However, I'm not even remotely surprised with how things are turning out for them, it's a result of the way the world has been going for years.
@dudett4 6 жыл бұрын
I am a millennial. Worked hard since I was 16 and put myself through college. I wasn’t eligible to get grants because my parents made too much. But then, my parents didn’t help me pay for college at all. I feel that college was a scam for me because I’m in my senior year and feel like I have no skills. I spent all that time and money getting a useless degree, and people just cheered me on. What a fool I am. I have a worthless degree and I’m just going to be a housekeeper the rest of my life.
@redKheld Жыл бұрын
College does tend to be very deceptive. And very overvalued. What kind of degree did you get?
@evythginmod1 8 жыл бұрын
Much of this debate comes down to the fact of how were baby boomers created. 1946 - Russia decimated, Germany destroyed, Japan nuked. And America after WWII? We had the largest increase in the standard of living ever - in the history of the world. Why? We had almost no competition, a huge manufacturing industry, and a world-dominating military. That time period after WWII was unique and will never be repeated. Believing that it's "sustainable" is the big mistake, because it's impossible to have all those factors align together again.
@dumbodonus 9 жыл бұрын
I know this video is a joke but our generation truly does suck. We're a generation that would rather be fully immersed in reality TV and twitter posts by Kardashians than living worth living. We spend our entire life working dead end jobs to buy shit we don't need to impress people who don't give a shit about us. We spend our entire life fighting each other to become upper middle class when in the end we had the power all along if we only worked together to do it. Remember that occupy wall street thing that happened? Remember that Kony 2012 thing? Remember all those honorable ideas we truly cared about until it asked us to do something? The worse part about this generation is that we see the atrocities from every corner of the world and we still don't do a thing about it. We blame, we complain, we vicariously live through pop media and celebrity culture ,we find more associations with brands than truly great ideas. Just because you think you transcend our generation by wearing edgy clothing and embracing the hipster/yuppie culture, doesn't mean you have evaded the overall terribleness of our generation. Go drink a fucking $9 greenwashed green tea and buy some more urban outfitter you yuppie douche bag. We suck... sorry
@syn010110 9 жыл бұрын
Yuppie hipsters are the minority. There are millions of millennials who can't afford a nine-dollar tea because that nine dollars has to buy a week's worth of food.
@swamprat2 9 жыл бұрын
Corinn Heathers According to Forbes Magazine (July 2014), the median income of 26 year old American males is $51,100. For 26 year women it's $42K, which is also pretty darn high, but depressing as it relates to gender gap. This is far higher than previous generations, adjusted for inflation. However it ignores student loans, which got serious when the Boomers de-funded the public universities and made it easy for their kids (X-ers) to borrow....still getting worse.
@Atombender 9 жыл бұрын
Kirk River Mud Adjusted for inflation the cost of living was also far lower back then, allowing earlier generations to invest a sizable portion of their income. No housing bubble then.
@dumbodonus 9 жыл бұрын
Corinn Heathers 1. Yuppie hipsters are a minority but no more than richest 1% or any other segmented part of society. 2. Don't even try to pretend like people can't afford food these days. In the United States people are never going to starve to death. You are right, some people can't afford a $9 green tea but you forget that even though they don't they are still willing to go into debt to buy another f*%#ing IPhone.
@syn010110 9 жыл бұрын
dumbodonus People do go hungry here, and oh, look, a financially-stable person shaming poor people for daring to have anything nice or fun. Go fuck yourself.
@manamaster6 10 жыл бұрын
My age is probably the same as theirs, but I do not feel like I fit in this, I just can't apologize for something I haven't done.
@FlyingAero 10 жыл бұрын
Something tells me that you may have missed an important part of the video
@sk8erBG 10 жыл бұрын
***** Just like the rest of the world that doesn't understand satire.
@muchasenchiladas 10 жыл бұрын
SOMEONE needs to take a class on understanding sarcasm..
@goose1077 10 жыл бұрын
You don't see the satire in it?
@andtou1342 4 жыл бұрын
If millennials are the snowflakes, then why are older people in the comments section getting upset over a satirical video?
@knicks3085 7 жыл бұрын
Dear Millennials, If you could never find a job after college then either think outside the box, start a business, and create jobs! Or learn a trade by joining your local unions. Sincerely, your fellow Mellennial Carpenter with a Liberal Arts degree (political science).
@345635356 9 жыл бұрын
The plus side of millennials: Addaptable, living life as we want to live it, and trying hard to live in the now. Here is a perfect example: Traveling is a center theme for millennials, and many of us travelers (myself and many of my friends included) will travel in a dog cage or worse if it means getting about, and those of us that cant travel admire the ones that do. We are also well educated (in theory), and have a backbone, standing up to older generations and saying "we have as much a say in this as you do, so dont treat us like kids" Our cons: We are egocentric, i do admit we are a bit lazy, we are devided in to highly individualistic cultural outcasts that believe the past culture was better, and therefore sound like bitter old people, and sheep people that will follow any trend for the sake of popularity, even dumb stuff, or dangerous stuff.... ESPECIALLY dumb stuff AND dangerous stuff. This division also makes a huge group of people that wont think critically, and another group that do, but dont have the patience to deal with the other side, squabeling and insulting eachother for just about anything. We have ego issues, wanting grown ups with years of experiance to treat us like equals, not always a good thing. Things to consider: as the video points out, the earth that millennials have been given to work with has been ravaged in more way than one. In many countries millennials spend big chunks of their lives in debt, paying for education as an example, not exactly helpfull when you want to be independant (remember that at age 18, when you start this situation, you dont have allot of cash, and because of the high price of education, neither do your parents). The culture we live in is egocentric economy system where the rich are getting richer, and the rest are loosing money ("Buy the new car (with your left nut and leg) and be one step ahead of your friends!" sort of deal, never mind the fact that due to quality drops maintaining that car will cost you your other nut, leg, and an arm). Also, as pointed out, this generation was raised with a protective bubble mentality, so we are a little spoiled as a result, ergo the lack of respect. All in all, we millennials are not the best nor the worst out there, but if there is one thing that people are noticing, it is that millennials are taking the world by storm, changing politics, economy and life goals as they we go.
@StarrEyes86 9 жыл бұрын
Alexander Greyling I'm a Millennial and can't relate to Millennials. I wasn't raised in a bubble but was actually taught about everything there was out there. I can't relate to the structured playdate thing or the "everyone gets a trophy" mentality. Everything in my life was unstructured and chaotic actually. I live in the future and want the future to come. I believe in no debt and think frugality comes before personal values if it means staying out of debt. I think Millennials were not taught to be polite or how to negotiate with people. They think insulting someone is doing them some sort of favor just because they were raised in a bubble and think everyone else was.
@345635356 9 жыл бұрын
Nobody can fit in to a definition perfectly, and you are one of the people that is an exception to the rule. I have some traits in common with the steriotype, and while i am a millennial, i dont always behave like one. As i metioned before, this generation has pros and cons, and i guess the lack of respect is deffinatly a con
@StarrEyes86 9 жыл бұрын
Alexander Greyling I find myself having to lecture them. They seem to have never been taught manners. What generation do you behave like other than Millennial?. My generation seems to lack wanting to search for meaning or closeness. They think any form of spirituality or search for meaning is dumb. I don't relate to their obsession with probabilities and thinking someone is stupid if they do something that's right for them despite the statistics. I also don't relate to their pessimism and blandness and how they seem to hate anyone who stands out. They think of me as "naive" because I'm hopeful, have optimism, and my self esteem isn't dependent on other people's perceptions.
@345635356 9 жыл бұрын
I behave my own way. I have some value for respect and value for elders, but i dont like older people that treat me like a kid, and if someone gets agressive i wont hesitate to bring the pistons to full effect. As a traveler, i'm used to beeing an outsider, so i like my alone time, i like my socializing time, and i'm used to people finding me astounding.
@algonquin73 9 жыл бұрын
StarrEyes86 You are so correct. Many are King Babies. Rude, yes. Others are good but hard to find.
@njjazz2002 10 жыл бұрын
funny funny video....well done. I'm a baby boomer and I loved it. The fact is every generation will have its crosses to bear. We had the Vietnam War, Watergate, horrendous inflation, assasinations, riots etc. We all do the best we can at any given time. I wish the best for our younger folks as they gradually shoulder the mantle of life.
@headzapp99 8 жыл бұрын
The first minute of the video was right, but then it turned into a hipster joke.
@brandonmc2949 8 жыл бұрын
+Tim Tindall Didn't sense the sarcasm in the first minute, didja?
@headzapp99 8 жыл бұрын
I did haha, but doesn't mean what they were saying, wasn't true
@brandonmc2949 8 жыл бұрын
+Tim Tindall oh lol true. Those are such general statements though. What generation didn't have people with those qualities? Every generation brings positive and negative - such is life. Just gotta accept these things, nobody's perfect or has figured out the "right" way to live life.
@headzapp99 8 жыл бұрын
+Brandon Mc Great point! I respect that.
@MarcusGalatix 2 жыл бұрын
A true millennial would cut this video down to 15 super compact seconds and the play it at double speed.
@AMPProf 2 жыл бұрын
"and the play it at"?????
@runescapeplayer22 10 жыл бұрын
baby boomers were great. Cold War was a blast. LOVED Vietnam but Korea was good too. But my FAVORITE was the Cuban missile crisis.
@deandogg122112 10 жыл бұрын
No,the best of times for "Boomers" was when Pres. Dwight D. "ike" eisenhower gave a speech warning us of the Military Industrial Complex.The next best was when J.F.K. warns us of the Global Conspiracy of the Military Industrial Complex then is sadly silenced.Next time there is any real talk is when Bush Sr. addresses Congress for the"State of the Union" speech and for the first since it was printed onto the back of the 1 Dollar bill uses the phrase "New world Order" and remarking how it will be achieved says "and we will get there " its then the whole notion of the long extinct Illuminati comes into play as the Global Conspiritus for the "One world Gov't" and that objective is brought fourth and at that same time roughly, the mysterious Goegia Guide stones are unveiled to list the 10 objectives that make up the protocol agenda for the near future of the world and the inhabitants thereof. Everything else that has happened in the world after that has been for the advancement of them or they or any other name you can know them by,for they are the 1%ers of the population that make up the wealthiest people who own the most successful corporations who own the smartest most brilliant minds a have gotten their hands into every faction of politics,religion and anything else that will help move forward this cause unimpeded by normal laws,regulations or any other circumstance that could possibly slow them down including the one if deadly force weather it be by a sanctioned war or a false flag operation like 9\11 to destroy buildings and sensitive documents (Building#7 tenants CIA + FBI) and take away personal rights and freedoms (the UN patriot act) and give the war machine and its profiteers the ability to declare war on a thing (terrorists) which is illegal,for the reason that anyone could be deemed as such, then go into any country that may or may not have anything to do with it, blow the shit up out of that country just so you can give NO-BID CONTRACTS to your Vice President buddy who just so also happens to own the company who will be receiving those contracts worth billions of dollars. All the Presidents of the U.S.A. are related(a 12 year old girl just did the research and released it typo the schock of the American people) and this bloodline goes all the way back to the pharaoh's of Egypt. P.S. The U.S. under the direction of Bill Clinton ,had the single largest surplus in its entire debt riddled history of 600 billion dollars and was paying back on just the interest on the national debt which after Reagan/Bush had left the U.S. in debt to 1-3 trillion the largest of any Pres.yet more millionairs were created in all history because of it. When Bush Jr. stole the election, another first for the U.S. and masterminded by Bush Sr.. the former head of the CIA .The first thing Bush Jr did was give a tax break to Americans that gave $300 dollars to everyone,but since most people owe the IRS the money went into the general fund where it was easily absconded. It has nothing to do with us babyboomers for which I bring up the tail end being born in 1962. Your ma's and pa's could be my great grandkids making you Gen ??? my Great Great Not So Grandkids. Now go play in a freeway.
@knowwhey7559 8 жыл бұрын
Generation butt hurt, and nothing in this video changed my mind.
@aedwardsss 8 жыл бұрын
+Know Whey Ahh, wanton ignorance is almost as blissful as just not knowing the truth.
@tommoore2012 5 жыл бұрын
I'm a millennial that didn't go to college because I couldn't care less about furthering my education. Also I realized a few years later that college is a scam.
@GenXer82 7 жыл бұрын
34-Year-old man here, eating "Lucky Charms" cereal for breakfast this a 12-Year-Old millennial (i.e. born late-2004.)😋 .........according to Strauss & Howe.......these are my "cohorts"!
@GenXer82 7 жыл бұрын
Hmm...what should I do this evening? ......head to the BARS? ....or go play 4-SQUARE?
@darleneluna9544 9 жыл бұрын
Your video left out "we are millennials and we are divas and drama queens"
@THXEB-nj5wr 9 жыл бұрын
wish I can thumbs up your comment 1000 times....
@macgawain3645 9 жыл бұрын
You admit to sucking, making excuses, and blaming others; *MAKES EXCUSES, BLAMES OTHERS.
@theclawcadet755 5 жыл бұрын
I'm late Generation Z. 2005. Things are going to get a whole lot shittier from here on out. It's horrifying.
@SYDAirlineEnthusiast 4 жыл бұрын
The Claw Cadet you are an early gen z actually
@mariposa9506 4 жыл бұрын
Watch your language little one.
@cristyriojas7034 Жыл бұрын
😂 soo true…. Millennials get blamed for feeling entitled but Generation X won’t take accountability for raising them like this…. 😅
@NikitaOnline17 10 жыл бұрын
I love all of the "yeah just get a job you lazy fucks" comments. Sorry, I do have a full time job. I also have a mechanical engineering degree, and I hate to break it to you, but I did not create the market where an engineering degree is now useless unless you have years of experience by your early 20's (lol) in the field which you can only get while working a payless internship while working another job because you're also having to pay off student loan debt.
@comcody25 10 жыл бұрын
Don't forget, like the video states, job out-sourcing.
@Greenviper98 10 жыл бұрын
Holy shit this.
@JumpingWatermelons 8 жыл бұрын
Generation passive aggressive....
@boneheaded9751 8 жыл бұрын
***** Ah, you're one of those Liberals that identifies as a Libertarian. No he's a Socialist...exactly what you Liberals adore. You're the experts on bitching, I'm simply throwing it back in your faces.
@boneheaded9751 8 жыл бұрын
***** Same ol bullshit... projecting, repeating yourself, and doing exactly what you're saying I'm doing. How pathetic...just add unoriginal to the list of shit qualities your generation possesses;) Besides, I think it's time for your mommy to tuck you in, snowflake.
@boneheaded9751 8 жыл бұрын
***** How was yhe breakfast your mommy made for you this morning?
@thomasbryant6512 8 жыл бұрын
Millennials need to start thinking about what kind of world they are going to leave for Keith Richards when they are gone...
@oscarwildeghost 8 жыл бұрын
+Thomas Bryant LMAO!
@Mewted 8 жыл бұрын
+Thomas Bryant hahahaha. fantastic.
@PatrickJWenzel 8 жыл бұрын
You win the internet.
@CCRider100 8 жыл бұрын
Haha, well played.
@murdamomz 6 жыл бұрын
So Funny these lazy asshats can't fix it with Snapchat then were Fucked
@rh1507 6 жыл бұрын
I'm apart of generation X. I still like flannel like to read and still get down with the alternative grunge. Miss Curt Kobain love the outdoors....
@patspriggs 10 жыл бұрын
All of this self indulged, whiny, pretentious finger pointing is about all I could take. 1:59 and I'm out.
@rippinstitches7394 10 жыл бұрын
What? It's called facts but ok.
@CjWalsh928 10 жыл бұрын
It's called sarcasm. It was funny and worth watching.
@asteriadiana 10 жыл бұрын
Sorry you don't really understand the concept.
@patspriggs 10 жыл бұрын
No, I get the concept. "You think we're bad? Well, it's all your fault". Stop blaming, grow up and get moving!
@asteriadiana 10 жыл бұрын
Alright that's fair. You have your interpretation.
@kevs4670 8 жыл бұрын
Even Millennials trying to be witty and ironic about Millienials still sucked. Go figure
@cra602 8 жыл бұрын
lol noticed same
@danielmancillas5672 6 жыл бұрын
How about that future huh?
@rcbrooks5062 6 жыл бұрын
Too funny... I was thinking the same thing.
@avarma6313 5 жыл бұрын
hippy piece of shit
@wildfire9280 4 жыл бұрын
@@avarma6313 Boomers?
@luceafarul579 8 жыл бұрын
I am on my phone too much, that probably has something to do with the fact that I'm pretty much on-call/text with my bosses like all the fucking time.
@joelsavoie9555 7 жыл бұрын
The definition of a Millenial , is Someone born in the last century who came of age in the new millennia, the general consensus is that the millenial generation starts from the year 1982 and ends in Y2K.
@mikeh7917 8 жыл бұрын
The Generations from best to worst: 1. WWII - Set the US up for success before the Boomers ruined everything. 2. GenX - Raised by Boomers earlier in their careers (when Boomers were still not affluent), at least capable of fending for themselves. 3. Millenials - Raised by Boomers when they were more established and affluent. Had Helicopter Parenting...spoiled...helpless with Liberal Arts degrees, etc. 4. Boomers - From the hippies to the 'Me' generation. Ruined the work of the WWII generation. Created helpless Millenials by spoiling them.
@StarrEyes86 8 жыл бұрын
+Mike H What would you suggest for a Millennial who can't fit into their generation because their childhood was nothing like the Millennial descriptions?
@mikeh7917 8 жыл бұрын
+StarrEyes86 That is what generalizations are....they do not apply to all. Just continue to be strong and committed to what you do.
@pappy439 7 жыл бұрын
Mike H hate to tell you the WW2 gen was in power up to the mid nineties...Reagan and first Bush are WW2... generation..most of mils were raised by X generation. Clinton was first boomer president
@Bleachbadger 8 жыл бұрын
Blame Millennials for everything, forgot they are the ones who raised them.
@pappy439 7 жыл бұрын
Arch Angel blame blame blame, wah! go back to your safe
@lifeisbutadream4945 6 жыл бұрын
pappy # You're just in denial man... Holy shit you're all in denial for being terrible parent's and not raising your kid's properly. Having fun having a bunch of sex being wild and doing drug's than wondering why your kid's are doing the same shit. Than handing them everything not teaching them shit than wondering why they are the way they are. YOU fucked up.
@splendidtime1 6 жыл бұрын
Get off of the internet all night. Get off of your cyber sex addiction and get off of facebook. get up in the morning, find a job and work it. stop blaming the last generation. every generation had wars, economic ups and downs and many issues. This is what humans do.
@mr.g4272 6 жыл бұрын
They seem to forget that part huh. A whole generation failed another generation. Now, they feel guilt because they themselves came home from work ( did nothing) except smoke weed and blame us for being lazy.
@earp1673 7 жыл бұрын
Saying societies ills are caused by a generation is like saying the house burned down because there was a kitchen equipped with an oven in it. It is beyond ignorant. The issues sarcastically(and nauseatingly) addressed in this video were caused by a very universal, comprehensive non-generational issue, and that would be greed. The housing bubble was caused by the insatiable greed of a few people in positions of power to make the whole house burn down just so they could have toast. They actually happened to be members of a generation referred to as "silents". The silent generation experienced the Great Depression and WW2 as children. They felt the misery of poverty, doing without, and the rationing and pain of world war as children, and then experienced the prosperity of post world war America(*cough* those who were actually Americans that is heh). But is all of that generation to blame? Of course not. Just the elite few who made their incredible amount of wealth on the backs of their predecessors, the GI generation and those before; the pioneers, etc. So, forgive the ignorance of the jackasses who blame millenials for being whateverish. Then stop being such same jackasses yourselves.
@sparkhurst 7 жыл бұрын
Ok, but also, houses do often burn down because they're equipped with ovens.
@earp1673 7 жыл бұрын
Stephen Parkhurst Is that an attempt at humor? Or do you have a learning disability(not sarcasm)? I'm sorry but I am sure my logic is sound. It's not a very complex concept. At no time anywhere in all of human history did a house burn down because it had an oven in it, as I stated. It's just not physically possible. The point is there is always another determining factor, such as an electrical issue, improper use of said oven, etc. ..can you understand..?
@sparkhurst 7 жыл бұрын
um ok wow, how long have u been in the pocket of Big Oven? wake up Sheeple.
@earp1673 7 жыл бұрын
Stephen Parkhurst ah ok attempt at humor gotcha
@tomthx5804 7 жыл бұрын
Big this and Big that caused all our problems, said the whiny little millenial who demonstrate how pathetically uneducated millenials are.
@GrumpSkull 7 жыл бұрын
Just take away their iPhone and McDonalds and they all go Wah Wah Wah!
@Tai112336 7 жыл бұрын
GrumpSkull Yeah but watch what happens when you show a baby boomer two men kissing
@Pati3ntSoul 10 жыл бұрын
Who noticed the stealthy cockroach in the background? ;)
@efeezy619 10 жыл бұрын
this video shines light on the fact that previous generations have lived in excess never before seen in history, even today, and now we have an environment that was destroyed in just a few generations and those generations didn't even reap what they sowed because the top 1% now has all the money and the rest can't retire. FTW
@sergiozalamea6922 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this sincere declaration. We the previous generation have to accept that we were a terrible at parenting...
@billwhitman1326 8 жыл бұрын
You want some cheese with that whine? - GenX
@bernardqblack 10 жыл бұрын
They suck at sarcasm as well....and are so educated (with that degree in communications) they don't realize their parents weren't the baby boomers. /slap
@cieraadair 10 жыл бұрын
Before anyone gets their depends in a bunch, this is JUST saying that no generation is any more messed up than the last. No one is superior , no one is inferior, so just stop generation shaming.
@taniapdll 8 жыл бұрын
I'm a baby boomer. And this hits home hard especially since I always say kids are only bad due to the parents.
@bootsontheground9744 6 жыл бұрын
Quick, somebody call a wambulance!!!
@librazone 8 жыл бұрын
Most pampered generation in history but of course everything evens out in the end. They may be scrounging for food when they hit 60.
@steelplatedheart 8 жыл бұрын
+librazone that's actually extremely common you know. And it's not the millennials getting fucked. People in their 60s, 70s, and on face the highest rates of suicidal depression, homelessness, and poverty than any other demographic except one. EVERYONE is getting dicked over in our society right now, and the millennials are the only ones with the brass to say anything about it.
@emilysingh3824 8 жыл бұрын
I think most millennial's are just angry because we were told that if we had a college degree we can get a substantial income and that's bullshit. We were told if we didn't have a college degree we would be a shame and disgrace and forced to flip burgers and live in poverty and be worthless as a human being. We watched our parents work half as hard for twice as much they took second jobs to save up a down payment on a house that was paid off in four years, and we have to take second and third jobs to pay for food. The boomer generation doesn't understand because they could work a part-time job and pay their way to school we have to take out loans because that's the only way we could get in school in the first place. Supplemental income jobs have now become the new career jobs. Our children are screwed!
@dickhardigan5516 7 жыл бұрын
love it on two levels
@searching1260 3 жыл бұрын
What an awesome video. So the moral of the story here is STOP HAVING BABY's until we fix this crap! Oh wait, that's all we have to look forward to in life. Never mind! That takes no effort.
@ChristianSalafia1972 9 жыл бұрын
Translation - "Sorry we suck... y'all screwed up the world...what are we supposed to do?"
@kylesmith1005 8 жыл бұрын
Fix it.
@kylesmith1005 8 жыл бұрын
Fix it.
@sissonsk 8 жыл бұрын
I'm a babyboomer and this video makes me happy. All I have to say to Millennials is, "don't repeat our mistakes." Laws will not protect you. Passing laws does not solve problems. Handing out public money is a quick way to destroy everything that makes a great country great. Who would want to work if he/she is getting free stuff? Don't be Conservative and don't be Liberal. Government is not the answer to any problem because government causes problems. Good luck.
@neo.616 8 жыл бұрын
+Kevin Sissons click newest comments
@CaptainAlliance 8 жыл бұрын
+Kevin Sissons "Passing laws does not solve problems. Handing out public money is a quick way to destroy everything that makes a great country great." I don't know about you, but passing laws prevents most people from doing some pretty twisted shit out there, in addition to providing people with a sense of security and well-being. In addition to this, public services, such as police and fire departments, run on public money, as well as social security benefits and departments that regulate the food we eat so that it is free from rats and pests having previously defecated on the products.
@jenniferellison6004 8 жыл бұрын
I'm not asking for free anything, especially money. I'm asking for AFFORDABLE.
@foldr 8 жыл бұрын
+Kevin Sissons "Don't be Conservative and don't be Liberal." damn right, be REACTIONARY! ;)
@samvise7404 6 жыл бұрын
IamCancer624 You can't even put together a coherant argument, it's just sad.
@ruckboger 6 жыл бұрын
I used to share an office with a Millennial. Every day he would come into the office and move the shared trash bin under his desk. When I got two new monitors I came in the next day and he took one of them and replaced it with one of his, which made them look weird because of the different sizes. When I cleared off a book shelf he moved the shelf from next to my desk to the space between us; and he started put his crap on it. I could go on and on. His entire mindset seemed to be that in order to be fair he was entitled to half of what I got. The funny thing is that if he had just asked I would have gladly given him any of that and there would have been no hard feelings. It's the rudeness of taking without asking that really bugged me. Since then I've seen this kind of behavior in most of the Millennials I've worked with.
@millennialpopculture669 6 жыл бұрын
Danny Bennett: the property in the office are not ur property and the office is not your house so u have to share with ur young co-worker fairly No hard feelings
@ruckboger 6 жыл бұрын
So you're saying that if the company orders me a new laptop, my coworkers are allowed to take it? Or, as in the case above, if the company orders me new monitors, my coworkers are allowed to take one of them? I think the company might have had a problem with that thought process, seeing that since I was in a higher role with greater responsibilities; they felt I should have better hardware. Although, I never raised it as an issue. There are no hard feelings. I suppose millennials just come across as douchebags to other folks but they probably make sense to one another.
@millennialpopculture669 6 жыл бұрын
Here is my issue with this, why would your company orders for u a new laptop? why are they giving u a new monitors?? What makes u special than ur co-workers?? I see no reason for all this and if u doing a great job they should give a raise not a new laptop Anyway most of those companies operates like as if they were in 1950s
@ruckboger 6 жыл бұрын
I guess you didn't read my post. As a systems architect I was provided better hardware. Also, I don't understand what you mean by this, "Anyway most of those companies operates like as if they were in 1950s". Is English a second language to you?
@millennialpopculture669 6 жыл бұрын
Looks like you're very old guy, nothing stays the same old man and this is why young people are different than old people even how they talk u care about the grammars and we care the meanings behind it I speak 5 languages and I travel alot so by the look my english is getting affected but unlike u I'm young open minded person
@SStoge21 8 жыл бұрын
Just like millennials they make it all the way to the end just to say "it's not my fault".
@Coatsieboy1 10 жыл бұрын
Forgot to apologize for the fucking awful acting. Gags were weak as piss as well
@dourabbawinner 10 жыл бұрын
I have no idea what generation I am but whenever someone tries to brand me and blame me for being young I tell them to go eat a bag of sand.
@gorkkahli5539 8 жыл бұрын
Seriusly I think the issues are that Americans think that Red underpants blame Blue underpants. Meenwhile the problems are still around
@Sirmachinery1 7 жыл бұрын
Wow, they're really upset about that recession from 11 years ago.
@robertbeeson1564 4 жыл бұрын
Research about the recession in the 1980's. Suck it up buttercup.
@Fry2k23 10 жыл бұрын
Nope, i'm a asshole, and i'm proud of it
@perseuswong6864 9 жыл бұрын
I thought this was a parody of Millennials until they blamed the 90s for all their First Worlder hardships. Makes me wonder if the generation which grew up between the Great Depression and the eve of World War II had also indulged in such remarkable snark and navel-gazing.
@cruiseny26 9 жыл бұрын
Nope. They have more class than that. Lol
@mshara1 9 жыл бұрын
Life for the GI Generaation was pretty shitty until they took power in 40s. During the 30s, the USA was on the verge on general insurrection because of the GI generation.
@dikichomu 6 жыл бұрын
Is that Ryan Reynolds from Deadpool fixing his bike?!
@PatchTM983 6 жыл бұрын
"I wish we could be more like our parents. Yeah, the baby boomers..." B..Baby bo...? Yeah, that's fine. Just ignore us again. Whatever.
@andtou1342 4 жыл бұрын
Kiwo Ellen Degenerate called a 17 year old a “millennial”.
@ukeleledotlove 8 жыл бұрын
This was awesome. A lot of comments are saying our generation is blaming the other for everything when really, you need to put blame where it's do. In boomer generation you could afford both college and housing on a entry level job. Today we have to be more creative and hardworking than ever because that's is no longer the case. But lazy! But selfies and rap music and! Ugh
@RockWillLiveOn 8 жыл бұрын
+Emma Cox And as we destroy more and more of our jobs by shipping them overseas for cheaper manufacturing, and the population grows, we are expected to somehow keep up!!!! How does that compute?? Oh well, deal with it!!!! (sarcasm)
@RockWillLiveOn 8 жыл бұрын
***** Sorry, but everything you describe there is fascism. Volunteering your time is just a loophole trough which employers can learn to exploit its workers. If you have to move out of state to find a job, that's very revealing all by itself how badly this economy is. Your narrow-minded view doesn't take into account that the recession/depression spreads OUTWARDS... so eventually it hits everywhere. I work 30-40 hours per week just to BARELY survive, (and i'm single without any kids) whereas 30 years ago that was a whole different ballgame altogether. Suggesting to work LONGER than that just makes you a fascist. Sorry, but you really don't have a clue here.
@RockWillLiveOn 8 жыл бұрын
***** Yes, my dad said the EXACT same things to me back when I was entering the workforce at 15 years old. But you know what.. life is drastically different now. All those jobs you mentioned - the filthy, backbreaking ones - those are the jobs "I" have always done, and still do. However, I completely understand why many young people my age don't want to do them. They no longer reward you. Who wants to d that kind of work JUST to barely survive?? Since I require less money (since I don't want a family, house or car), I'll happily do this job and be fine since I live frugally. But for everybody else who needs a lot of money to start families, these jobs simply don't cut it. We need wages to go higher, instead of cutting the existing jobs and forcing everybody to compete for the slim pickens that are available. And that's where the fascism angle comes in. The richest people hoard all their wealth, don't pay shit in taxes, and continue to steal from the middle class. I understand and appreciate that you have high work ethic, as do I, but eventually a time comes where you realize you're being deliberately screwed, and you have to say "enough is enough"
@pappy439 7 жыл бұрын
Emma Cox but we didn't demand having cell phone bill, internet provider, newer car payments...etc...etc
@jaybartgis5148 9 жыл бұрын
I can't wait for Generation Z to come along so everyone can scapegoat their problems on instead.
@punksodead9795 9 жыл бұрын
Jay Bartgis i know screw gen z, goddamn 2000s kids
@wolfworks7339 9 жыл бұрын
They're getting older and we're about to make up most of the workforce. So can we start blaming them now? :3
@danieljohnson2046 8 жыл бұрын
+Jay Bartgis they're already here.
@jaybartgis5148 8 жыл бұрын
***** I blame them for ISIS.
@billybassman21 8 жыл бұрын
+Jay Bartgis I have a feeling they are going to be our saviors. They will do the opposite of their parents as the Millennial's did.
@neo.616 8 жыл бұрын
Kevin Sissons wrote "Handing out public money is a quick way to destroy everything that makes a great country great." Big Oil may send its henchmen after you when they find out where you live. Without government handouts (subsidies, tax loopholes, etc) they would be out of business.
@glyphhunter 7 жыл бұрын
These kids will be ok. I remember when they told us when Gen X wasn't worth a damn, and they're ok.
@Skripturz 10 жыл бұрын
my favourite part of this video was the bug @ 1:26
@robertalbrecht5735 10 жыл бұрын
At 1:12 there is one on miss snarky chicks left shirt sleeve. LOL
@AnkrialHunter 10 жыл бұрын
So instead of actually doing something you create a passive-aggressive video? Way to buck the trend guys.
@5150hep 7 жыл бұрын
It's very amusing how they list government actions for the Babyboomers and nothing of their individual traits. Nothing was apples to apples as usual. This video just proved their ignorance again.
@yvonnesavage6355 6 жыл бұрын
I know it was meant to be funny and I did laugh. Boomer here and have to note that I love my Millenial children, and my Gen Xs cause I have both. I didn't destroy your world because I was busy working to support my kids in a world that was becoming much more expensive, trying to keep house like my mom and fending off bosses who thought signing a paycheque was like getting a permission slip. I have hard working, responsible, generous and loving children. Plus you can't sum up an entire generation, yours, mine or my parent's or grandchildren's with any such generalizations. Anyone who condemns an entire generation needs to take a good, hard look at why they feel that way. I certainly don't.
@Cacowninja 5 жыл бұрын
We need more comments and people such as you.
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