Dr Abdul Majid | BukhariGate Unhinged or Unhindered? You decide | MindTrap 47 |Mufti Abu Layth

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Mufti Abu Layth

Mufti Abu Layth

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This Discussion's aim was to highlight whether the questions raised in BukhariGate hold their strength or whether they may be easily dismissed as being built upon a frail foundation.
I'll allow the viewer to make up their own mind on that.
It was a pleasure to have this dialogue and the respect & love from and to Dr Majid was testament to the fact that such dialogues can be had despite polarising differences of belief towards the sacrosanct phenomenon of Bukhari. Enjoy mi gente! 😉🤟
Navigating through Crucial Conversations & Difficult Dialogues on Faith in our World today.
*[Timestamps below]
00:20:14 Discussion begins. Mufti's reason for Bukharigate.
00:32:33 Question: Is Sahi bukhari established with certainty like Qur'an or is there some doubt.
00:55:12 Bukhari's student Farabri had an incomplete draft copy which was later edited by his (Farabri) students.
1:10:54 Mufti reveals that Imam Bukhari used to do Tadlis, that is hide name of his sheikhs. Abdul Majid reveals that even Imam Muslim did the same thing.
1:16:39 Mufti mentions two other features of Bukhari that he never translated exactly how he heard it and used to paraphrase the hadith.
1:33:53 Mufti argues that nobody from Muhadditheen vouched for Farabri during the time he was alive.
2:09:28 Mufti argues that during Bukhari's time his Sahih bukhari was not highly rated and his other books were more highly praised.
2:35:00 Mufti's answer to BukhariGate rebuttal that even if Bukhari is removed, the same hadith are present in other books.
3:02:27 Discussion on Hadith about slaughtering of alcohol by Sun and Ninan
3:34:25 Discussion on Hadith about Prophet(pbuh) forgetting verses from the Quran.
4:05:29 Discussion on Hadith where Prophet(pbuh) says to a woman to give herself to him.
4:23:00 Discussion on Hadith about Prophet Moses(pbuh) bathing and a stone running away with his clothes.
4:36:10 Discussion on hadith about magic being done on Prophet(pbuh) and him having false memories.
5:00:29 Discussion on Hadith of Isra, hadith number 7517 in Bukhari.
5:31:52 Conclusion
Today's Guest:
Dr Abdul Majid
Luton, UK
*The objective of these videos is to bring to the public such conversations that have for too long remained private for the privileged and seldom spoken before the flock.
And so the legend has it, the noose eventually loosened from around the neck of Liberty.
With Love / un fuerte abrazo ❤🤟
Muft Abu Layth al-Maliki [MALM]

Пікірлер: 680
@MuftiAbuLayth 4 жыл бұрын
Much love to Dr Abdul Majid, thoroughly enjoyed the dialogue. ❤🙌 I' d like to say this discussion is a testimony to any claim that guests wont be respected on my show if they disagree with me. That's simply not true and 5+ hours above demonstrates that. Furthermore, for some while now certain detractors had claimed that the challenges presented by BukhariGate were baseless and only deceiving naïve Facebook/KZbin viewers who have no Islamic knowledge and was i to sit infront of a scholar, he would easily dismantle the claims. I feel this Video stands testament to the cogency and potency of the challenges raised in BukhariGate. the challenge remains open for any scholar who feels they can seal the deal HMU 😉👌
@maturidiwesley4107 4 жыл бұрын
@hazardghazali4113 4 жыл бұрын
Love Your confidence, you are such a great muftiii. So much respect.
@nrjee6041 4 жыл бұрын
Proud of you Mufti Saab ❤️❤️❤️
@belowed1190 4 жыл бұрын
I’m waiting for you Farid Ji 🌶
@lightyagami8876 4 жыл бұрын
Dear Mufti, I think the reason why some people don't like to have a discussion with you is becoz you mock people too much(when you are making videos about them. Not when you are in conversation with them) when there is absolutely no need to insult them like that, like in the case of Farid. I can't believe that such an intellectual and knowledgeable person like you(especially a Mufti) behaves so childish and immature. Mocking people like that only degrades your reputation among the people and no one takes you seriously. Please don't get me wrong. This is my geniune observation and a suggestion to you.
@DrAbdulMajid 4 жыл бұрын
TIMESTAMPS 0:00 Intros 10:30 Mic Issue Resolved 13:00 Dr. Abdul Majid's Epic Extravaganza for Mufti Abu Layth & Audience. 16:10 Mufti Introducing Dr. Majid. 17:20 Dr. Majid Introduces himself; Discussing early childhood, journey from BOLLYWOOD to ISLAM, dealing with Jinns. 24:10 Story on Al-Muhalla by Ibn Hazm. 26:30 Dr. Majid family issues and life after coming to Islam. 30:30 Bukharigate discussion starts. Why Mufti Abu Layth did Bukharigate? 37:10 Dr. Abdul Majid explains his involvement in Bukharigate. 43:00 Mufti questions Is Sahih Bukhari Kat'i (Established) or Dhanni (Doubtful)? Dr. Majid answers it’s Both and explains how? 47:40 Dr. Majid questions Who claims that Sahih Bukhari is Divine? 48:25 Mufti questions if you feel Sahih Bukhari is Kat'i then how is it different from the Glorious Quran? 52:35 Mufti questions Does Sahih Bukhari reach us the way Quran has reached us? Dr. Majid answers Yes and explains how? 56:55 South-Asain Deobandi and Nadvi scholars tried to change the verse of the Glorious Quran and contrast with Sahih Bukhari. 59:30 Mufti questions How can we be 100% confident on Sahih Bukhari despite all the corrections made over the course of history? 1:03:20 Reply on above topic by Dr. Abdul Majid. Makhtutat manuscripts, corrections & errors? 1:04:55 Mufti explains how Sahih Buhkari reached us? Arguing Imam Farabri's copy of Sahih Bukhari was incomplete, inconsistencies, Imam Farabri students disagreements on his copy, editing it with editorial license and when did Sahih Bukhari begin to spread. 1:10:00 Reply on above topic by Dr. Majid. 1:15:55 Mufti argues Imam Farabri's student edited the Hadiths and moved them around including the Sanads not only the chapter headings? 1:19:00 Mufti argues if you agree this took place by Imam Farabri's students then all the students can't be right, at best one student will be. Dr. Majid agrees Yes but argues existing Ahadith were used to fill in the blank and nothing new was added to the hadiths. 1:20:50 Dr. Majid moves to Mufti's argument concerning Imam Bukhari doing Tadlees, inorder to address the issue of Sanad forgery. 1:22:10 Mufti questions; do you accept Imam Bukhari used to do Tadlees. 1:25:00 Dr. Majid argues Imam Bukhair never did Tadlees on his Muttasil Ahadith (hadiths with complete chains that go back). Dr. Majid Argues the matter is layered and not so simple as even Imam Malik did Tadleees so did Al Darqutni and Imam Muslim. 1:27:00 Mufti mentions two other features of Imam Bukhari: 1st point. Imam Bukhari would not transmite many ahadith exactly how he heard it, for verbatim literally. 1:30:40 2nd point. Imam Bukhari would allow hadiths that were paraphrased. Bartlett's Recontructive Memory theory. Mufti argues this shows the books subjectivity. 1:39:45 Dr. Majid present a hadith showing Capital Punishment is not always applicable for Apostasy in Sahih Bukhari. 1:43:00 Mufti argues nobody successfully transmits Sahih Bukhari except for Iman Farabri which makes it suscpicious. Inaddition nobody from the Muhadditheen have vouched for Imam Farabri during the time he was alive. 1:45:20 Dr. Majid states that no one has also discredited Imam Farabri? 1:56:30 Mufti asserts hadith transmission is a members only club and requires vouching from the giants of the time Nasaee, Abu dawood etc... 2:00:40 Dr. Majid quotes Abu Dawood countering Mufti. 2:02:50 Mufti argues the earliest person to vouch for Imam Farabri came 200 years after him. 2:15:45 Dr. Majid questions Mufti on what he makes of Imam Nawawi's, Ibn Salahs & Daraqutni's vouching for Sahih Bukhari and why none of them question Imam Farabri. 2:17:10 Mufti's reply. 2:26:00 Mufti argues Imam Bukhari was a Don of Hadith however his book Sahih bukhari was not highly rated by authorities and his other books were more highly praised during his lifetime. 2:30:00 Mufti requests even one reference of any authority during Imam Bukhari's lifetime that praises his book Sahih Bukhari. Dr. Majid argues if a scholar acknowledges out of 7563 ahadith collected in a single book only 3 or 4 are weak and they too are later are proven strong is a great praise in the context of hadith literature. 2:42:15 Mufti presses Dr. Majid back on Imam Farabi and the vouching dillema. 2:43:00 Mufti argues that later Islamic Scholarship vouching for Imam Farabri had a bias vested interest in Sahih Bukhari as questioning the gold standard would have send the entire sunni hadithdom crumbling. Dr. Majid argues this is a false conclusion as even if Sahih Bukhari is removed, all the same ahadith are present in the other great books of hadith with their own chains. 2:57:00 Dr. Majid replies. 3:07:30 Mufti presents a Hadith about the Prophet PBUH recalling dropped verses of the Quran upon over hearing another person reciting them and argues such Sahih Bukhari narrations dishonour the Prophet PBUH. 3:09:00 Dr. Majid engages the Mufti in a narration he presented on another occasion showcasing Imam Bukhari being in his own chain. 3:12:10 Dr. Majid states the Hadith stating the Slaughter of alcohol the Ninan and Sun. Is not from the Sanad of Buhkhari and is Muallaq, Mawqoof at Abu Darda. Discussion commences. 3:44:45 Mufti brings back Hadith about the Prophet PBUH recalling dropped verses of the Quran. Discussion commences. 4:16:00 Mufti presents Ahadith where Prophet PBUH tells a woman to give herself to him. Discussion commences. 4:33:20 Mufti presents a Hadith about Prophet Moses PBUH bathing in seclusion out of modesty and not in a group which was the norm. This raised doubts about his testicles in the minds of people... then a stone ran off with Prophet Moses PBUH clothes which lead to the people seeing him naked. Discussion commences. 4:46:40 Mufti presents a hadith speaking about the Blackmajic done on the Prophet PBUH, explaining its negative impact on him and causing false memories. Discussion commences. 5:10:40 Discussion on the Hadith of Isra, Night Journey in Sahih Bukhari. 5:42:10 Conclusion
@Habsab 3 жыл бұрын
not all heroes wear capes
@IAmChadBroseph 3 жыл бұрын
@farhannabi6468 2 жыл бұрын
@thamimahmed6108 2 жыл бұрын
Dr sir please tell me how hadees about yajuj majuj is logical and make sense...it's causing me doubt
@DrAbdulMajid 2 жыл бұрын
@@thamimahmed6108 my dear it makes sense to me.
@sahandmahmoud1192 4 жыл бұрын
If Mufti took life seriously he would be a high level professor. He has exceptional memory, logic and clarity. I came back to Islam because of doubts he cleared. People look at Mufti and dismiss him but I don’t know many more scholars in the world who connect with people like him. And few independently think. Bukhari gate was fully open last night. Appreciate it guys.
@asathelogiclaman637 4 жыл бұрын
@@abdullahk9606 jelous of merits??? UNDERSTANDABLE!!!! DR MAJID CLEARLY COULD NOT CLOSE THE GATE .... At times he was embarrasing and if only mufti had been rough and tough or in his elements dr majid would had left the discussion....the gate remains open! 😓😓😓✌️
@sahandmahmoud1192 4 жыл бұрын
@@abdullahk9606 if you serious about wanting to do an interview then here is a suggestion; he has an open mic live chat every month. You can even hide behind your fake name if you like. We would love to see you talk live to him. You may even enlighten us.
@polymathpolemics 4 жыл бұрын
@@asathelogiclaman637 The only thing Mufti did was speak over Dr, direct the discussion away when he knew Dr would refute him and annihilate his argument, because Johnny Bravo is aware of the counter-arguments, but he chooses to ignore them and not bring them to his audience of nerds because it doesn’t suit his agenda. Johnny Bravo was merely speculating and asserting conjecture and he lacked academic and general integrity and robustness, it was whimsical and full of pontifications based on his own doubts, misconceptions and shame at being a Muslim. Dr’s videos before and after the debate annihilate Johnny Bravo, the latter is n ego-maniac only concerned with preserving his image and engaging in sophistry.
@JA-be7me 3 жыл бұрын
Why come back to islam? It’s nonsense written by dessert Arabs
@worlddj1364 3 жыл бұрын
@@polymathpolemics look at u using sophisticated words but believe your prophets had their testicles checked due to a running stone. You're very intelligent indeed.
@SuperSaf 4 жыл бұрын
And they said the Avengers was the greatest crossover of all time!
@ashfaqaslam2971 4 жыл бұрын
Mufti stark
@BASiTBiiGG 4 жыл бұрын
Omg is that you yeah Saf. You should go on Mindtrap!!!
@MuftiAbuLayth 4 жыл бұрын
@sasuke.7251 4 жыл бұрын
Yoooo Supersaf 😹😹
@Fahad-gf1wx 4 жыл бұрын
omg you watch mufti?? when r u coming on mindtrap
@subhaanahmad2149 4 жыл бұрын
I wish more religious discussions would be like this. Good behaviour and etiquette from both sides and no hatred shown by either of them.
@JDVmusicSound 4 жыл бұрын
Both of them had some Jerkish moments, particularly Dr Sahib’s blatant overconfidence. But overall ... great decorum.
@DrAbdulMajid Жыл бұрын
Assalamualaykum, bhai,can you please send me the link to download this discussion of mine with you, because I want upload it to my channel. Jazak Allahu khayran
@majidwahid7793 4 жыл бұрын
Great discussion, hope Mufti has more people like Dr Abdul Majid to come on and give their views without coming to fight. Both were respectful and the ideas were conveyed in a respectful and insightful manner, allowing the ideas to flourish and be challenged.
@mazhan6480 4 жыл бұрын
Updated timestamps after video processing. 00:20:14 Discussion begins. Mufti's reason for Bukharigate. 00:32:33 Question: Is Sahi bukhari established with certainty like Qur'an or is there some doubt. 00:55:12 Bukhari's student Farabri had an incomplete draft copy which was later edited by his (Farabri) students. 1:10:54 Mufti reveals that Imam Bukhari used to do Tadlis, that is hide name of his sheikhs. Abdul Majid reveals that even Imam Muslim did the same thing. 1:16:39 Mufti mentions two other features of Bukhari that he never translated exactly how he heard it and used to paraphrase the hadith. 1:33:53 Mufti argues that nobody from Muhadditheen vouched for Farabri during the time he was alive. 2:09:28 Mufti argues that during Bukhari's time his Sahih bukhari was not highly rated and his other books were more highly praised. 2:35:00 Mufti's answer to BukhariGate rebuttal that even if Bukhari is removed, the same hadith are present in other books. 3:02:27 Discussion on Hadith about slaughtering of alcohol by Sun and Ninan 3:34:25 Discussion on Hadith about Prophet(pbuh) forgetting verses from the Quran. 4:05:29 Discussion on Hadith where Prophet(pbuh) says to a woman to give herself to him. 4:23:00 Discussion on Hadith about Prophet Moses(pbuh) bathing and a stone running away with his clothes. 4:36:10 Discussion on hadith about magic being done on Prophet(pbuh) and him having false memories. 5:00:29 Discussion on Hadith of Isra, hadith number 7517 in Bukhari. 5:31:52 Conclusion
@MuftiAbuLayth 4 жыл бұрын
@m Azhan: ive edited it to removed the first 11mins 31 seconds (is being processed by youtube, will take couple of hours) in light of the timestamps 😭😂 much love for doing them ❤ DM me on insta
@mazhan6480 4 жыл бұрын
@@MuftiAbuLayth LOL, I will redo the editing later in two to three hours. No problem. The timestamps are important as it is an important discussion.
@maturidiwesley4107 4 жыл бұрын
Bismillah, 18:40 background Dr. Abdulmajid 31:45 Mufti’s reasons for Bukharigate 38:23 Dr. Abdul Majid weighs in on his reasons to engage with Bukharigate 44:04 discussion on whether bukhari is dhani’ or qati’i 58:03 discussion proceeds on whether Bukhari reached us the same way as the quran reached us 01:02:50 discussion proceeds on how the copy of Bukhari today is the sultaniyya version, a 20th century version that is compiled by scholars from al azhar. Given the fact that scholars corrected the mistakes of of the manuscripts, how can we be sure that the sultaniyya version reached us with certainty and that everything inside is, is perfect. 1:06:46 farabri discussion, and how his copy was incomplete. Chapters and names were missing. And how the versions of scholars who took from farabri were different from eachother. Narrations were missing, narrators wee different. 1:10:13 the spreading of sahih al-bukhari begins 100 years after bukhari. It begins in the after the students of farabri 1:16:25 discussion goes back to the missing chapter headings and more importantly the missing ahadith in the copies of bukhari, and how the students were editing the copies. 1:22:26 discussion on the tadlees of imam al-Bukhari 1:28:06 imam Bukhari never transmits the ahadith exactly how he hears it and how he would hear ahadith in one country and wrote them in another country
@mazhan6480 4 жыл бұрын
@@maturidiwesley4107 Thank You.
@maturidiwesley4107 4 жыл бұрын
@@mazhan6480 many thanks to you as well
@usmant100 4 жыл бұрын
When Mufti smirks and grins prior to dropping a major point! True sign of a man passionate about his work 😅🤘 Love you Malm!
@sonicstooge 4 жыл бұрын
Don't forget to show love to Brother Dr Abdul Majid!! What a beautiful soul and much love to him for coming on and discussing it with Mufti. He really disarmed any possible tension from the jump with what seemed to be his natural predisposition (at least from what I could tell from the first three hours or so). I fell asleep to this last night with my wife waking me up to PLEASE TURN IT OFF!!
@rafiahmed8416 4 жыл бұрын
Mufti, the legend. The patience and respect shown here is truly admirable. This is why you are my favourite scholar. Shoutout to Dr Abdul Majid but there are levels to this.
@mazhan6480 4 жыл бұрын
Posting again. Updated timestamps after video processing in case anyone needs it. 00:20:14 Discussion begins. Mufti's reason for Bukharigate. 00:32:33 Question: Is Sahi bukhari established with certainty like Qur'an or is there some doubt. 00:55:12 Bukhari's student Farabri had an incomplete draft copy which was later edited by his (Farabri) students. 1:10:54 Mufti reveals that Imam Bukhari used to do Tadlis, that is hide name of his sheikhs. Abdul Majid reveals that even Imam Muslim did the same thing. 1:16:39 Mufti mentions two other features of Bukhari that he never translated exactly how he heard it and used to paraphrase the hadith. 1:33:53 Mufti argues that nobody from Muhadditheen vouched for Farabri during the time he was alive. 2:09:28 Mufti argues that during Bukhari's time his Sahih bukhari was not highly rated and his other books were more highly praised. 2:35:00 Mufti's answer to BukhariGate rebuttal that even if Bukhari is removed, the same hadith are present in other books. 3:02:27 Discussion on Hadith about slaughtering of alcohol by Sun and Ninan 3:34:25 Discussion on Hadith about Prophet(pbuh) forgetting verses from the Quran. 4:05:29 Discussion on Hadith where Prophet(pbuh) says to a woman to give herself to him. 4:23:00 Discussion on Hadith about Prophet Moses(pbuh) bathing and a stone running away with his clothes. 4:36:10 Discussion on hadith about magic being done on Prophet(pbuh) and him having false memories. 5:00:29 Discussion on Hadith of Isra, hadith number 7517 in Bukhari. 5:31:52 Conclusion
@mazhan6480 4 жыл бұрын
@fahad alam hello, comments can be pinned to the top only by channel owner which is Mufti, not me.
@MrSaliheenm 4 жыл бұрын
Salute for both of you. Really enjoyable conversation. But it took damm long. I think Mufti is one of the most sensible Scholar on this platform. Dr. Sahab is a adorable loving character. Despite the duration of the conversation it was worth it.
@shahrukhgilani5246 4 жыл бұрын
Hats off to both of you Much respect to Dr Majid despite leaning towards MALM's opinion, I appreciate the fact that Dr Majid took time to engage with MALM instead of just "writing him off"
@shanedivix9306 2 жыл бұрын
A 6 hour academic discussion on a variety of topics, focused around bukhari. Very informative and I benefitted a bunch. Jzk kher But this is why I am a Qur'an only student. Thanks brothers
@fullmetalchamploo 4 жыл бұрын
With all the mental gymnastics Dr. Saab was doing, I thought I was watching the Olympics. Very insightful discussion Mufti, may Allah bless you and your family. Props to Dr. Saab for having the courage to have this discussion in a respectful way. Love from Texas!
@awakenedsight 4 жыл бұрын
Prophet muhammad would be so saddened by what happened to his message, he came teaching people to be mindful of their lord who is one and not be hateful , jealous , egoistical toward other fellow human, to love nature, animal etc.. to be contributor in our society, to help the lame, the blind, and the weak . Now we have reduce he's whole message down to ritual transmitted from people that we can't even trust or we can't even relied upon . We have depending all our understanding on mullas and imams telling us how to love life, who themselves are so miserables, full of insecurities with which they are interpreting the religion of islam . Wonder we are so much in a mess
@awakenedsight 4 жыл бұрын
@@No1TV4CATS come on man, who else deliver it
@fushiigso7145 4 жыл бұрын
Thankyou for that comment but we at least we have mufti were doing our best
@awakenedsight 4 жыл бұрын
@The Real Joe Biden how
@dbr295 4 жыл бұрын
Study the history of early Christianity & the development of New Testament canon. Before that it was the Jews with the Midrash & Talmud. It's the same thing happening again & again throughout history. It has always been the priesthoods that destroy the religion from within.
@awakenedsight 4 жыл бұрын
@@dbr295 indeed and also whenever a master leaves his body, he's message would leave with him because the people behind him would misinterprete it according to their understanding .
@muhammadismaeeljaumeer7755 4 жыл бұрын
Awesome discussion. This can be summarised that the scholars were and are divided about hadiths. As Shabir Ally once mentioned in a debate that there are 2 types of scholars and views when it comes hadiths: 1) Those who would amend the hadith (and its meaning) and at times do same for some verses in the Quran to make the hadith sounds good and 2) Those who analyse and reject the hadith if need be. I see Dr Abdul Majid who I respect a lot in the first category while Mufti in the second which I am more inline with. In my humble opinion, it was a great display of patience, knowledge and respect from both sides and may Allah keeps them both in goodness and ease the hardships of both.
@rizwanhussain8980 4 жыл бұрын
Two Muslims having an intellectual conversation ,, wah, wah wah, really enjoyed it, jazzak Allah to you both,
@MrZubi02 4 жыл бұрын
It was great discussion between two learned men, I think Mufti spoke 95% of time with references and logic, that must have been exhausting , that shows the level of knowledge and memory of Mufti, but I feel Mufti was interrupting Dr. sb where he should not have, but Dr. sb showed more patience. Hats off to both of You, it was great and enlightening discussion, we need more such discussion with patience, knowledge and respect. Love You Mufti.
@MuftiAbuLayth 4 жыл бұрын
yep did interrupt Dr Majid although i would mainly do so for: 1. to get us back on track 2. to explain to the viewers 3. if Dr Majid would begin a process of explanation that was irrelevant to the points he was being asked. but overall, we're all human, loved the dialogue and the atmosphere. 🙌
@maturidiwesley4107 4 жыл бұрын
@@MuftiAbuLayth especially number 3 was very clear in this debate.
@MrZubi02 4 жыл бұрын
@@MuftiAbuLayth You are right Mufti, I have watched the discussion again, now I stand corrected, Dr. sb was taking the discussion to other direction and it was necessary to realign the momentum of discussion. My observation is that respected Dr. was able to defended the flaws you pointed out. You are the winner.
@introspectivex8346 4 жыл бұрын
This was absolutely brilliant. Respect to both for keeping it cordial and having a good balance of love, laughter and academic seriousness. Dr Abdul Majid was very good at not interrupting and did raise some good points. But overall Abu Layth’s level of critical analysis is unmatched. He’s operating at a much higher level of academic critique and that’s why majority of Dr Abdul Majid’s responses fall short because they’re more dogmatic than critical. But this was a brilliant eye opener and lovely discussion. This is why it is always better to do these things face to face than just responding to comments or doing rebuttal videos as those turn sour very quickly. May Allah bless you both 🙏🏼 keep at it Mufti!
@zainsarfraz4040 4 жыл бұрын
Mufti, you're love 💕💕💕💕. Had we more scholars like you and equally the Dr. Abdul Majid engage in this way with no intention of talking down other, we would've been at a much better place. The Islam would've been at much better stage. Respectssssss!!!!
@sameerpangarkar2409 4 жыл бұрын
Assalamu Alaikum Mufti Sahab!!! I been following your channel for the last few months now.i just wish you get many more followers in years to come I must admit that the knowledge and the depth you have is beyond anyone's perception.. The discussion was indeed was enlightening and hats off two both the speaker to keep it humble and respect the other opinion This was the first time I woke up in the middle of the night just to coincidentally tune in to this mindtrap(I work in KSA) To be frank I felt not going back to sleep was better (for the first time in my life)
@MuftiAbuLayth 4 жыл бұрын
Dearly appreciate your feedback Sameer! ❤🙌
@sameerpangarkar2409 4 жыл бұрын
@@MuftiAbuLayth Mufti Sahab on a side note U have made my life less miserable....and I am dead sure u wld have done this to many more People alike... You are doing a great service for our Deen!!! No one can take that away from you... This will help the generation X to stick with our deen rather than fighting inhibitions...
@asathelogiclaman637 4 жыл бұрын
@@sameerpangarkar2409 assalamu alaikum... Really felt good seeing your comment.. Ar u indian?
@sameerpangarkar2409 4 жыл бұрын
Walaikum Assalaam yes brother I am from Mumbai
@mohebarghandiwal6434 Жыл бұрын
I have never watched such a peaceful debate before l, having such respect to each other.
@majeedmlp 4 жыл бұрын
TIMESTAMPS 0:06:00 : introducing Dr. Abdul Majid 0:13:50 : Al-Muhalla & ibn Hazam & Mufti’s first experience with Al-Muhalla 0:20:30 : BukhariGate & why it’s relevant in this day and age 0:28:00 : Imam Al-Daraqutni is among first to object narrations in imam bukhari’s book 0:34:40 : How established is Saheeh Bukhari ( Qati’ or Zanni ) 0:39:00 : Qati’ ? Saheeh Bukhari differences from how Quran is Qati’ 0:44:00 : discussion continues: Mufti speaking on how Saheeh Bukhari can’t be a Qati’ ? & Regarding Manuscripts 0:51:41 : at the time of Sultan Abdul Hamid & copying manuscripts 0:55:00 : how did Saheeh bukhari reached us ? History & Sanad & Al Farabari’s draft copy? & his students 1:02:00 : Al Farabari’s students edited his copy? 1:05:48 : discussion continues : did his students moved around hadiths including sanads? 1:10:38 : about Imam al-Zuhayli & many other rawi’s of Saheeh bukhari 1:12:20 : Imam Bukhari used to do Tadlees? What about Imam Malik, Al-Daraqutni & Imam Muslim 1:15:45 : what is Tadlees / Mudallis ? 1:16:37 : Dahabi speaking about Imam Bukhari’s Tadlees 1:16:47 : Imam Bukhari self acknowledgement on him being not necessarily bringing exactly what he heard? 1:20:25 : unlike Imam Malik, Imam Bukhari used to allow hadith paraphrased? / Riwayah bil ma’na / explanation? 1:23:10 : discussion continues : what is the problem if Bukhari allowing to record from the narrators their interpreted hadith rather than Prophet(s)’s actual words? & mufti talking about a study by the name of Story of the Ghosts 1:29:00 : There are other books which allows interpretations so what is the problem if bukhari also does it? Mufti then speaking about how Saheeh Bukhari is different from because of the unique position / authority Saheeh bukhari holds in this day and age & speaking about problematic hadiths about killing apostates 1:30:55 : Dr. Abdul Majid speaking about how Prophet(s) did not killed an apostate 1:32:24 : about transmitter Ikrimah 1:33:00 : Nobody successfully transcripts Famous Saheeh Bukhari except Al-Farabari, who is not vouched by anyone in his time & it’s suspicion 1:36:00 : why vouching is important? Hadith transmitters members club? Reliability of Al-Farbari? What about how no one says he is unreliable? Innocent until proven guilty? 1:56:40 : why Al-Farabari’s vouching is important because of what he presents 2:04:30 : Al-Farabari: Mufti : “bigger the claim bigger the proof required” 2:07:25 : A good question? in the past many criticized hadiths in the bukhari yet why none of them raised concern about al-Farabari? 2:18:50 : Bukhari as a person and his books : Saheeh hadith book and his Tarikh books. Did anyone praise his Saheeh books specifically or they just praise Bukhari as a person? 2:20:25 : if they are praising Imam Bukhari as person is that not enough? what else it can be if it’s not for his books? Besides, they are not saying they praising him only for his Tarikh book and not his Saheeh hadith book? 2:21:07 : discussion continues: Mufti bringing up an example of a scientist to shed more clarity on this 2:31:48 : Al-Farabari was in the members club? 2:33:30 : all the hadith can be found in other hadith books ?? 2:36:42 : interesting question: so if, all the same hadith can be found in other books why did they choose Saheeh Bukhari? 2:37:00 : coming back to Why same hadith exists in others books? What is Bounce effect / Boomerang effect? 2:38:10 : discussion continues : An example for bounce effect triggered from Saheeh Bukhari? Interesting discussion - Abu huraira - Ibn Shahab Zuhri 2:44:15 : Another example : from Dr. Bashar Awwad 2:50:45 : Mufti speaking about what’s going on with Bukhari in Arab world? How is it different from what we are dealing with / secular arab world & Dr. Bashar Awwad 2:57:25 : hadith : Prophet(s) memory about the Quran 2:58:50 : Farabari himself in the chain of Saheeh Bukhari & questioning Mufit’s joke about it. 3:02:30 : hadith about “slaughtering” wine & discussions regarding Mu’allaqat ( informations bukhari bringing up which is not part of actual hadith ) 3:20:10 : discussions continues : word “Slaughtering” 3:20:40 : discussions continues : what is Neenan : plural of ن ?? / can it be fish ?? 3:34:28 : hadith about Prophet(s) forgetting verse of the Quran 3:34:40 : discussion continues : can Prophet(s) forget verse of Quran? 3:39:45 : discussion continues : did Allah made to disappear some verses? 3:46:37 : discussion continues : “Prophet(s) was reminded by someone else” 3:53:38 : discussions continues : Allah is making Prophet(s) drop some verse from the Quran? What does drop mean? 4:05:39 : hadith where Prophet(s) asking a women to give yourself to me?! 4:19:35 : discussion continues : conflict in multiple narrations, is there multiple events? 4:21:53 : discussion continues : conclusion 4:22:54 : hadith about Prophet Moses(a) running without clothes exposing private parts 4:33:52 : side note : Mufti distancing himself from his abusive “followers” & talks about mutual respect. 4:35:26 : discussion continues : coming back to Prophet Moses(a)’s hadith 4:36:17 : hadith about Prophet(s) got bewitched & imagine things? False memory 4:41:00 : Dr. Abdul Majid talking about his personal experience about memory 4:44:19 : discussion continues : wordings on hadith 4:46:07 : discussion continues : difference between forgetting and false memory 4:53:07 : discussion continues : difference between vision and false memory 5:00:44 : Mufti made a silly mistake? Analyzing Mufti’s statement about Isra wal Mi’raj hadith 5:02:35 : discussion continues : night on which Prophet(s) ascended 5:02:35 : discussion continues : Mufti brings Ibn Hajar’s comment 5:18:28 : discussion continues : there are two nights. In-between two nights there are gap of 10 years? 5:30:20 : discussion continues : conclusion 5:32:00 : conclusion
@khanG-gq9hc 4 жыл бұрын
This was incredible. Long but sp needed. It showed that muftis BukhariGate isnt baseless. Many haters said mufti can only say it to his ignorant fb followers. But if a scholar was infront of him his whole Bukharigate would be dismantled. It clearly wasnt lmao Loved it
@nrjee6041 4 жыл бұрын
So true
@zain7270 4 жыл бұрын
Mufti if u get famous like other scholars there will be a great revolution in Islam.
@shohorabahamed3753 4 жыл бұрын
I am sorry for saying this Mufti, but I dont think Dr. Majid is making any coherent argument because he is not addressing your point. He has created his own caricature to attack, which is a strawman. He always makes the case "they didnt condemn it" but your argument is "it is not the greatest like people claim", so he is giving a false dilemma to viewers where he is making it either the greatest or bad enough to be dismissed. Its so bad, no matter how many times you repeat your point, he never understands your point. Because he has come with a false premise, his whole argument and all his data is only to backup his claim which is a false dilemma, and a strawman argument to yours, and he suddenly cannot change his position so he sticks to his platform even if you repeat the same point a million times. I enjoyed this argument, but honestly it was quite similar to listening to a Christian evangelist like David wood or Nabeel Qureish. Slightly more scholarly than them, but quite similar in making logically fallacious arguments. Peace.
@arampm 4 жыл бұрын
Very true......
@rosh70 4 жыл бұрын
Mufti Abu Layth is no doubt an informed, educated and immensely knowledgeable Scholar.
@rajaahsan1569 4 жыл бұрын
Mufti sb it takes a while to get my mind back from the discussion..... You have wonderfully defended your claim of Bukhari gate.... Your discussion with Dr Majid sb is a example for lot of scholars from sub continent and middle east. ❤️❤️❤️.
@Wenutz 4 жыл бұрын
According to Dr Saab, Allah can make the Quran forgotten by only removing the memory of it from the Prophet but not from the common people? Sorry but it doesnt make sense. If Allah wanted a verse to be forgotten, surely He would make everyone forget, not just the Prophet.
@abhinavmenon9140 3 жыл бұрын
So my question to you is why didn't prophet include it back in the book if he was reminded in that sense? So prophet knew that it was abrogated.
@CihansThoughts 3 жыл бұрын
Bismillah My big respect to both of you! To debate for almost 6 hours about such a hot topic and be still respecting each other is definitely something that needs to be honored and respected! Said that I wanted to share a few of my takings: 1. I wished the debate would have been more technical, rather than about stories and the matn. Because the biggest claim for me is, even though in Bukhari we have sahih and mutawatir Ahadit, if we cannot rely upon that Bukhari's Sahih came until us with at least mutawatir certainty, how can we rely on the content of the book as reliably in that sense? If the source about something is not certain, the delivered content of that something cannot be certain as well. And if there is a claim that Bukhari's Sahih was spread only by one guy named Farabri, then someone who wants to debate about this has to prove that that is either wrong or if it is the truth, that even though it was spread by only Farabri, that this guy was very reliable and trustworthy man. But also then, how can we claim that there are Mutawatir Ahadith in Bukhari, when his own book was only spread by one man? I hoped that question would have been discussed in more detail and stronger arguments. 2. Discussions about the Matn are difficult and relative. As we also saw in the debate, everybody will interpret a matn from his/her own perspective and try to fit it in his/her own view. Sure, one's argument can be stronger than the one of the others, but even then it is still no real evidence or prove that a specific hadith is wrong or correct. I am not talking about grammatical or obvious historical mistakes (like if it was before or after a specific event etc.). For instance the story of the woman, who rejected the Prophet, when he wanted to touch her. It will be very hard to prove over the Matn that this Hadith is absurd or not truth. Because such stories, only give us a few seconds of an event, we even don't really know what really happened before and after. It is just a little window to something. It is very possible that the name can differ in different hadith, because some could think it was the woman ABC, and they met in the house of the woman XYZ, and another could think it was actually the woman XYZ the Prophet met. Could a woman be rude to the Prophet? Yes! Is there a possibility she really didn't know who he is? Yes, even the possibility is low, it is possible because we don't know the entire event, we just know a glimpse of it. Do we need to picture the Prophet as someone who goes and touches women just like that? Definitely no, this is not acceptable, and that's why if this event is true, there will be an explanation for it, which we maybe cannot explain with the sources we have currently in our hands. It is as I would say: "Mufti Abu Layth beated up yesterday a black man, and the black man got very angry and was rude to him." Everybody would ask first: "Why did Mufti Abu Layth do that? He is actually a very peaceful man, there must be something, we have to investigate further...". If we don't know what was happening before the beating up, and if we don't know Muftu Abu Layth as a person, we will think that he is an aggressive man, who is also maybe a racist! The same is with stories about our Prophet. We know his character, we know his great adab. If someone sees such a hadith, and it seems to be sahih, then we can try to interpret it in the best way, which matches the profile of the Prophet! Yes, it is easier to reject such a hadith, but if is this the healthier way? I don't know, and that's why discussions about only the matn will never bring us to the goal! The same goes with the hadith, when they did magic to the Prophet. The argument was, the Prophet had wrong memories. Ok, well but, we know actually from the Quran that Allah corrects wrong actions of the Prophet over wahi! A wrong memory is even lesser than wrong actions because a memory stays in the memory, an action comes to reality! If that wrong memory had directed the Prophet to do something "wrong", there is a 100% certainty that Allah had corrected him over wahi! The question about, why the Prophet didn't read the Surahs to protect himself, and the angels had to tell him that. Well, it could be that the Prophet actually didn't know that someone did magic on him, maybe he simply thought he gets sick or is not feeling well! And by vision or dream, the angels told him the real situation. A copied hadith: Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that we were in the company of the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) when we heard a bang. Thereupon, he said: "Do you know what this (sound) is?" We said: "Allah and His Messenger know better." He said: "That is a stone that was thrown into Hell seventy years ago, and it has just reached its bottom, and now you've just heard its bang." If someone now only would hear this hadith, nobody would really understand what is going on. We would try to put our own interpretations into it and try to explain it. As we know from other stories, that stone was a metaphor for a man, who just died and reached hell. And there are many such hadith, which we might not understand in the first place! The Story of Moses and the Man, who killed a boy and made mysterious things, even the Prophet Moses couldn't understand. If we wouldn't have this story told in the Quran, I am sure many of us had doubted it, found it absurd, etc. But because it is in the Quran, nobody will do that, the only way to go is to explain and find interpretations for this story. Some will say it was not a real thing, it was simply a vision or a dream, others will find other ways to explain it. As you see, to defend or not defend Bukhari, going over the Matn is the weakest path in my opinion. Technology is developing very fast, and I am sure in the future there will be a kind of AI (artificial intelligence) which will be fed by all the ahadith and historical facts we have and based on patterns, it will give us a very accurate result if a hadith is reliable or no, and in which degree it is reliable, etc. Hoping to see studies and works of Muslims in that direction!
@belowed1190 4 жыл бұрын
That was awesome mufti! Your intelligence and the way you present yourself is refreshing 🤟🏼❤️
@Saracen786 4 жыл бұрын
Dr Majid you may have lost this debate badly but you won our hearts ♥️ May Allah swt bless you and your family.
@darth_veda 4 жыл бұрын
Dr Sahib gna need to be go down to his local and hit a couple of shots of old school Luton chilli sauce after this encounter. Loved the Bromance between the 2 though. A far more worthy adversary than #OurBelowed
@gingerbreadzak 4 жыл бұрын
@@darth_veda old school Luton chili sauce 🤣🤣
@Abdullah-nb5jx 4 жыл бұрын
@@gingerbreadzak lmao 🤣🤣🤣😂
@Saracen786 4 жыл бұрын
@@darth_veda after I heard about old school Luton chilli sauce I took an oath I’m going there after lockdown.
@darth_veda 4 жыл бұрын
@@Saracen786 I have a freezer full at home coz I live 200 miles away lol. As my oath to uphold southern hospitality If I knew where you lived I'd have some dropped off to you right now.
@ateeqn1985 4 жыл бұрын
Was really looking forward to this. ...Will take a while to watch +5h epic Great start!
@QuranicIslam 4 жыл бұрын
Monk mode level patience from Mufti in this
@26nurhakim 3 жыл бұрын
May Allah grant Dr Abdul majid to be together with imam bukhari rahmatan wasi'ah for protecting the sunnah.
@momentsworthlivingfor5523 4 жыл бұрын
watched it live and now I'm here again...respect the guy with the gottie!!!
@ruhinamehdi1645 4 жыл бұрын
Epic.. Loved this discussion. Very civil and respectful. DR Majid is bringing all the prophets down along with Rasul Allah when talking about the hadith of illusions. He is saying so what if happened to prophet, it also happened to others🤔. After watching this long discussion one thing is sure people can have different opinions n interpretations but can discuss decently.
@nickhobbs6514 4 жыл бұрын
Excellent debate, Mufti has a great depth of knowledge and thought, it really came across here. Dr Majid was a worthy partner and most importantly, both showed adab and fondness to the other. I am looking forward to the next one already.
@nasirshah19786 4 жыл бұрын
the level of verbal gymnastics that Salafi scholars resort to to justify the mistakes in Bukhari is simply astonishing. The sheer academic dishonesty is overwhelming. However, as a person Dr. sahab was very cordial and nice.
@ZubairAhmed-od2xv 4 жыл бұрын
So he's cordial and nice ,but a bit of a sophist , and may be a tad deceitful..ok
@irshaadali9904 3 жыл бұрын
@@ZubairAhmed-od2xv lol
@hassanabdur-rahman1559 3 жыл бұрын
Cocaine/hadiths is a hell of drug.
@stephenjackson3390 2 жыл бұрын
The struggle Dr Majid is doing in order to explain the hadith of the Prophet forgetting the verse of the Quran is just astounding. Mental gymnastics he has to do to prove his point actually goes against his own argument or the whole discourse he is presenting.
@l2t865 4 жыл бұрын
Oh my god, probably the biggest of all sessions, yaar mujhe to bukhar aa gaya 🤣🤣
@MuftiAbuLayth 4 жыл бұрын
@justCommando 4 жыл бұрын
This is one of those comments where I wish I had thought of it first 😂
@jivaji2028 4 жыл бұрын
Mufti was amazing..👍 you know your stuff, anyone can say whatever but they cannot say that you have no knowledge, rather your level of knowledge is impressive..
@jivaji2028 4 жыл бұрын
@@abdullahk9606 I wonder why are you so obsessed with Mufti..inferiority complex? Gangu teli fanboy?
@asathelogiclaman637 4 жыл бұрын
@@abdullahk9606 who are you? Ge lost
@hazardghazali4113 3 жыл бұрын
One of the best discussion I have ever watched, Don of Maliki Fiqh 💐❤️
@asathelogiclaman637 4 жыл бұрын
REMEMBER GUYS!!! - "THE Prophet of Allah can surely make mistakes, get clumsy, make up things of his own that never happened having mental issues... BUT! BUT! BUT! Our belowed BUKHARI is the only human to ever walk on this earth not to make even a single mistake in his works and writings! Never made up things! Never got clumsy! Never to be doubted! Thus theorem proved - BUKHARI >PROPHETS OF ALLAH . FANTASTIC! ✌️✌️✌️
@ruhinamehdi1645 4 жыл бұрын
Honestly... That puzzles me.. Come what may people defend bukhari but honour of prophet.. Its ok to bend backwards to defend Bukhari!!! 🤔
@fatimaxo4885 4 жыл бұрын
Agreed. People are killed for questioning Bukhari by the same individuals who would acknowledge that the prophet saw is indeed human and capable of human error.
@asathelogiclaman637 4 жыл бұрын
@@fatimaxo4885 absolutely and highlights the dumbness and resoning level to the power infinity of some blind cults.... They will disrespect the prophet of Islam muhammad sm and thow the clear verses of Quran under the bus! For proving that Bukhari is without error and he couldnot make any mistakes..... The Quran says!!! - there is no compulsion is the deen... But they will say no! No! There is compulsion! the apostates needs to be killed....they will kill people on a weak hadith but will throw the verse of the quran..... PATHETIC!!! 🙏🙏🙏
@umbriumbri3291 4 жыл бұрын
@AryanAli0007 3 жыл бұрын
True .. trust me christian and jews makes joke of these hadith and bcos if these books our religion islam is becoming a fun
@MrParadox5353 4 жыл бұрын
Ok, Let's be honest and just, with due respect dr abdul majid had no answer, neither Had any clue, to answer the critical points.
@MrParadox5353 4 жыл бұрын
Dr abdul majid underestimated mufti, & to be honest couldn’t answer any point convincingly.
@muhammadrayyanfahershahab1510 4 жыл бұрын
@The Real Joe Biden no actually, dr Abdul Majid can't bring even a statement of a scholar in the lifetime of Farabri that vouched / gave testimony for Farabri. Let me explain. What dr Abdul Majid said was there was no need for Ta'dil ( testimony / vouching ) because there was no report of Jarh (discrediting / bad testimony) to Farabri either. Well, that's obviously false because in the Study of Hadith, someone has to be vouched / given Ta'dil for in order to be someone that is considered reliable, thus will be acceptable as a chain narrator of hadith. If someone doesn't get Ta'dil nor Jarh by the scholars of his time, it means he has to be considered Dhaif / weak in chains. The problem is, Farabri can't be a Majhul (unknown) person because he is in the time of Bukhari. But, the fact that nobody vouched for Farabri, even though he is in the time of the early scholars (bukhari, muslim, nasai, abu hatim, ibn hibban, etc) who have done Jarh and Ta'dil to considerably large amount of people, it definitely raises a question on the reliability of Farabri. And this question can't be answered by simply saying "no scholars during the time of Farabri discredited / gave bad testimony (gave Jarh) to Farabri either so he must be a reliable person", and that's what dr Abdul Majid said. Well that's obviously unacceptable because anybody who have studied hadith knows that someone has to be vouched for in order to be considered reliable. So this particular problem still haven't been answered successfully by dr Abdul Majid and also why does the mid great scholars such as ibn hajar, imam nawawi, and ibn shalah didn't answer this problem or gave at least satisfying explanation or at least evidence of Farabri, but rather surprisingly treating sahih bukhari as if it's "semi-divine" is also a question on it's own.
@criticalrationalism975 4 жыл бұрын
Abu Layth you are truly a Don of our time! Much love!
@muhammadrayyanfahershahab1510 4 жыл бұрын
@fahad alam definitely mufti from my perspective, I've watched until the end
@polymathpolemics 4 жыл бұрын
@@muhammadrayyanfahershahab1510 You’re obviously a Johnny Bravo fan boy.
@muhammadrayyanfahershahab1510 4 жыл бұрын
@@polymathpolemics I'm a fan to anyone who has deep and sincere knowledge & arguments, any knowledge basically, including religion. I always hated blind following doctrines
@michaelreynolds8204 2 жыл бұрын
I love you brother Mufti Layth I am Christian I have watched over a dose of your videos The Hadith is very scary to Christians thank you for giving explanations. More Muslims must learn what Hadith to question and minimize I love your smiles and laugh Jesus Bless you
@Bakhteen_zeb 4 жыл бұрын
Aaaaaaaaright! Was waiting for this clash. Mufti Saab I’m counting on you!!!!!!
@ZubairAhmed-od2xv 4 жыл бұрын
@Bakhteen_zeb 4 жыл бұрын
@@ZubairAhmed-od2xv 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@viczworld8109 4 жыл бұрын
I'm really looking forward to hearing and watching this later today on my long walk. I respect both and its so good that both were able to come together and discuss with love 🙏
@viczworld8109 4 жыл бұрын
I finally got around to listening to this 🙌 ... so was it 1 night, 2 nights... 10 years apart, 3 years... Time machine 🤔
@akashchauthmal8559 3 жыл бұрын
Just done with full video. Enjoyed whole discussion. Happy to learn lot of new things. Thanks to both the scholars.
@alaminrakibtonoy 4 жыл бұрын
Wah wah!! What an awesome discussion. I just woke up for that today and I am happy for that 😎 Much love mufti saheb ❤️
@slimshady7625 4 жыл бұрын
@epic7716 4 жыл бұрын
Watched the entire discussion ...can’t believe....Abdul Majid relies on the theory infallibility of Hadith...Which is in itself a question...He has I think never opened a critical eye to Hadith looking into the fact how it reached us and when it was written ...So he just stood his ground by not going into the critical aspect....Any person can defend his position that way...But Abu layth is a very learned man i say amazing person with heavy intellect....Hats off Mufti....The reason I like you because I also reached certain aspects and conclusions independent of you and when I heard you it synchronised with my study and conclusions though I am not as learned as you....
@m.wilkinson9559 4 жыл бұрын
I personally really enjoyed this discussion and was in fact someone looking forward to it. In my view Dr Abdul Majid did not explain those hadiths in a satisfactory way to counter your reading of the hadiths. There was a motif during this discussion of "that's how you're understanding it, but I take a different understanding". In Dr Abdul Majid's mind for example the hadith about the Prophet Moses being exposed naked to the Jews was Allah's way of preserving the dignity of the Prophet when in reality being exposed naked is a humiliation and a shameful thing. How is it a fruitful discussion if one says I understand blue to mean green when the word says blue and we know it means blue. Saying "I understand it in a different way" is honestly not a very intelligent thing to say. The intelligent thing to do would be to say "I have such and such an understanding based on this and that". And it should be obvious to people the connection between your understanding and the evidences that support it. If to us we can't see how the evidences leads one to the conclusion then we can conclude that you believe in the conclusion out of a personal conviction but not directly based on evidences. All in all this discussion has made me want to learn Arabic even more. I'm tired of being handicapped in my understanding of Arabic.
@sydulchoudhury7444 4 жыл бұрын
You are completely spot on. Felt the exact same way.
@umbriumbri3291 4 жыл бұрын
Lol I feel handicapped too. LMAO.
@imammazhar 4 жыл бұрын
Historic Dialogue Wallah!!!! 📚 بارك الله في علمك وعملك أيها المفتي الغالي @Mufti Abu Layth وجزاك الله كل خير! ❤️💯
@imammazhar 4 жыл бұрын
I genuinely wish more people who disagree with you would just come forward for a conversation like Dr Abdul Majid did. Conversing inspires and educates!
@Fahad-gf1wx 4 жыл бұрын
Are you a real imam
@imammazhar 4 жыл бұрын
@@Fahad-gf1wx try to be 🤯✌🏻
@theanalystkr3255 4 жыл бұрын
Got on my desk this morning for work, pull up youtube on the side monitor and notice and noticed this long awaited Mindtrap dropped last night! Oh wow 6 hours, must of had some really interesting concepts and defence arguments on the sheikhs side to keep this going for that long. So I skip to 4 hours in thinking let me see what I'm in for... before I watch this whole 6 hour video. I notice Mr layth brings up the ol' "noon" hadith that makes no sense. The sheikhs response: "so what". LOOOOOL okay this is going to be hilarious.
@abrarshahriar6598 4 жыл бұрын
Mufti: Brought quite a few solid objections against Bukhari. Dr. Majid : To him these objections do not hold water as he has some strong positive review about Bukhari from other sources. Me : Then Bukhari is an apple whose 50% is rotten and other 50% is fresh. Decision: I am not going to depend on a fallible book like Bukhari to follow a divine religion like Islam. Let me give this job to Al-Quran. A 100% fresh apple. As a side note: 1. The best respectful debate ever I came across. 2. Both scholars are well founded upon their knowledge and expertise. Kuch to khubi hai ei dono me yaro
@amadmohammed 4 жыл бұрын
Multiverse reality Mufti and Dr Majid are the same person from different universes
@fahadalam8322 2 жыл бұрын
Love U with all my heart n soul Mufti Abu Layth al Maliki !!!!!
@rg8128 4 жыл бұрын
I was worried Mufti was going to shut him down and play into the hands of others. Alhamdulillah both scholars did a great Job. Big respect to Dr. He's actually a likable character. Great knowledge and brilliant character shown by both. Maza ah gya! GEO
@nafzak100 4 жыл бұрын
took me 4 days to watch this. Kudos to both. This is how discussions should be, i.e., civil and respectful. Of course, the Mufti clearly won, however, Dr. Majid also won the respect for all of us who may disagree with him and he is also very personable.
@babulsarwar3714 2 жыл бұрын
Enlightening discussions. Dr. Majid is a very knowledgeable person. He is sometimes being illogical to to justify his case as he is emotionally attached to hadiths.
@JohnnieWalkerGreen 2 жыл бұрын
00:20:14 Discussion begins. Mufti's reason for Bukharigate.
@JohnnieWalkerGreen 2 жыл бұрын
(5:49:00) Finally done!
@FahimusAlimus 4 жыл бұрын
I tried to be as unbiased as possible here but Dr Majid disappointed me.
@maturidiwesley4107 4 жыл бұрын
Who’s going to be the timestamp champ?
@moedot7 4 жыл бұрын
@explorehongkong1149 3 жыл бұрын
Some of the doubts that an average Muslims have about some problematic Hadith is plainly solved because Hadith is not 100 percent the word of our beloved prophet....we grew up thinking our Deen is soo strick and everything is haram...
@mohamadafzal203 Жыл бұрын
Dr and Majeed is defeated comprehensively here...He showed the example of people defending Bukhari putting it above Quran and the prophet s.a.w
@fushiigso7145 4 жыл бұрын
Mufti you did AMAZING !!!! Aaah I’m so proud damn it you nailed it!! ❤️🤣🤣
@phun1901 4 жыл бұрын
:( 4:22:00 No. No. You can't say it's ok for men to touch women in some kind of romantic gestures while the woman thinks the man is a creep. And even go on to slander her character, and exonerate the man who made her uncomfortable. Don't say that.
@Lolleka 3 жыл бұрын
I enjoyed the conversation a lot but I really can't understand why communication was often so difficult and you had to be mighty patient with your guest.
@maturidiwesley4107 4 жыл бұрын
Bismillah, 18:40 background Dr. Abdulmajid 31:45 Mufti’s reasons for Bukharigate 38:23 Dr. Abdul Majid weighs in on his reasons to engage with Bukharigate 44:04 discussion on whether bukhari is dhani’ or qati’i 58:03 discussion proceeds on whether Bukhari reached us the same way as the quran reached us 01:02:50 discussion proceeds on how the copy of Bukhari today is the sultaniyya version, a 20th century version that is compiled by scholars from al azhar. Given the fact that scholars corrected the mistakes of of the manuscripts, how can we be sure that the sultaniyya version reached us with certainty and that everything inside is, is perfect. 1:06:46 farabri discussion, and how his copy was incomplete. Chapters and names were missing. And how the versions of scholars who took from farabri were different from eachother. Narrations were missing, narrators wee different. 1:10:13 the spreading of sahih al-bukhari begins 100 years after bukhari. It begins in the after the students of farabri 1:16:25 discussion goes back to the missing chapter headings and more importantly the missing ahadith in the copies of bukhari, and how the students were editing the copies. 1:22:26 discussion on the tadlees of imam al-Bukhari 1:28:06 imam Bukhari never transmits the ahadith exactly how he hears it and how he would hear ahadith in one country and wrote them in another country
@MuftiAbuLayth 4 жыл бұрын
ive edited it to removed the first 11mins 31 seconds (is being processed by youtube, will take couple of hours) in light of the timestamps 😭😂 much love for doing them ❤ DM me on insta
@maturidiwesley4107 4 жыл бұрын
@@MuftiAbuLayth aahh maaaann i’ll dm you.
@sharps8726 4 жыл бұрын
Bukhari did not forget but the Prophet forgot . In reality Salafis hold Bukhari higher than the Quran and Prophet (saw) as Dr Majid clearly demonstrated.
@MrZubi02 4 жыл бұрын
Good Point 👌
@sharps8726 4 жыл бұрын
@Mehamed kaddih the stupidity is beyond me ....
@MrParadox5353 4 жыл бұрын
They will do any Gymnastics to overlook the mistakes in bukhari
@darth_veda 4 жыл бұрын
Things start moving at 30 mins an absolutely amazing discussion... I think Dr saying I will never change my belief about Bukhari summed up the cult it has become... regardless of the proofs you bring. Dr had a Yasir Qadhi moment when he started claiming the Quran has had verses "removed" not dropped or chucked out but Removed Mufti. Much Love!
@gsb433 4 жыл бұрын
You naughty naughty !
@MuftiAbuLayth 4 жыл бұрын
have edited to remove the intial 11 min disruption
@darth_veda 4 жыл бұрын
@@MuftiAbuLayth Mufti Sahib, if I told 100 people in Luton that Dr Sahib claims the Prophet forgot verses of the Quran no one would believe me, thankfully it's on video. I would have simply countered Dr that he is claiming then that Jibraeel does a worse job of teaching the Quran than the molvi saab down the Rd who produces 10 Hafiz a year. The Hadith is claiming that the Prophet wasn't a competent Hafiz.... and this isn't scandalous enough yaar?? Its the equivalent to Michael Jackson sitting at a bar and one of his songs comes on and he's like oh yeah I forgot I sung that song lmao... this 1 not nice my friend.
@batman-sr2px 4 жыл бұрын
YQ never said the quran isn't preserved. He only said the qiraat narrative doesn't fully add up.
@JDVmusicSound 4 жыл бұрын
Fantastic chat! It definitely went up and down throughout.
@michaelwhite6989 4 жыл бұрын
Exceptional work Mufti. Keep it up 👍
@tenderstembroccoli6265 4 жыл бұрын
Dr Majid did very well in my opinion Alhamdullilah, I’m not vouching for Bukhari but I’m in awe of the knowledge of both mashAllah wow
@fatimaxo4885 4 жыл бұрын
At the end if the day, even if most scholars agree with Abu Layth, they will continue to teach the hadith in the same exact manner despite having that bit of doubt. We have to accept the scholars in general are either afraid to face that or unwilling, both are which are a problem.
@asathelogiclaman637 4 жыл бұрын
The will be thrown out if they leave the cult....no cult no place no money
@519jani 4 жыл бұрын
Mufti is my champ no second opinion on this but I have to give credit to Dr sahib as well what a great piece of discussion purely based on respect and evidence-backed knowledge.
@snappedthem 4 жыл бұрын
if only you could have a conversion with those people in hyde park just like this, It is much needed
@snappedthem 4 жыл бұрын
@Undead Legionnaire I watch them not only that I love them because they put my confusion about the Islam major tenant to rest for me
@snappedthem 4 жыл бұрын
@Undead Legionnaire but when they try to justify the age of AishA is we’re i cross the line you see abu layth save many people from being confused by these things he has done a great work on explain that she was not 6 or 9 or even teenager for fact
@snappedthem 4 жыл бұрын
@Undead Legionnaire do you still believed now
@snappedthem 4 жыл бұрын
@Undead Legionnaire that's good, now how much mumbo jumbo can you believe in those hadith, you see the reason people dont like abu layth is because he is a critical thinker, I was one of those 2 who used to say it a different time period ta know marry was 12, king henry it was this and that ya know its okkk hbdbdvgdb, but thats wrong
@snappedthem 4 жыл бұрын
@Undead Legionnaire exactly, yo for a second I thought you was trying to justify it to lool
@tenderstembroccoli6265 4 жыл бұрын
Mufti and Dr Sab I did not know you’re both Hafiz Quran Allah reward you for this high accomplishment. SubhanAllah I’m just a normal person and have no cause for a pardon with my Lord when I have to answer for myself and this scares me a lot, there are people like both of you and I’m just an idiot, I often cry before I sleep in remembrance of this, please make dua for me.
@abrams9916 3 жыл бұрын
Salam Alaykum I will pray for you. Be at peace. God is a God of mercy
@rabbi619 3 жыл бұрын
Hafez does not get a free ticket to jannat everyone will be questioned even the big scholars how can you even think that allah will show mercy to only the hafez and not to others everyone will be judged by good deeds and bad deeds but hafez and scholars they dont get a free pass to jannat.
@adeebfeeroz3434 4 жыл бұрын
Seeing this is brainstorming 🤯. Like never saw scholars discussing in such a jolly way. Hope Mufti Abu layth bhai and Dr Abdul Majid will clear about last Hadith "isra" . Love to both Scholars.
@Tskyn 3 жыл бұрын
Goes to show that others should not be afraid to engage in dialogue with Mufti. Miles better than the Asrar Rashid one.
@yeabutnobut8564 4 жыл бұрын
Gained so much respect for dr Saab. He’s actually a pretty cool character.
@yeabutnobut8564 Жыл бұрын
Wow 2 years goes so fast I can remember writing this comment in winter.
@stanzas7960 4 жыл бұрын
I really love the debate between two great scholars.Respectful to each other. Would really appreciate a second mindtrap on the second return of Jesus with doctor Abdul Majid whois really amazing and incredible person.He is very knowledgeable. Respects to both dr and mufti.Be blessed.May Allah guide you on theright path.Amine.
@nourhelel2873 4 жыл бұрын
Asalaam aleikom mufti it was epic.jazaikum Allahu gairan both for this mindtrap.i learnd a lot.sokran sokran and may Allah bless and guard you....i hope you are doing well mufti maybe soms sleep.hahaha❤👍
@awakenedsight 4 жыл бұрын
Mufti at the beginning I almost slapped you and call it naughty naughty lol 😂
@justCommando 4 жыл бұрын
I've completed watching intently the FULL 5 hours, 39 minutes and 34 seconds. Can I get a mufti certificate too? But for real, this was so interesting that 5 hours flew by. Watching you flex your knowledge at every turn with expert confidence was really inspiring, it made me feel like an inbred bystander 😂 watching a master display a fraction of his prowess and holding back his full power. I hope this starting challenge encourages others to have a go, and I hope they're not discouraged by your confidence and charisma. Let's get Yasir Qahdi on, let's get him to descend from his library in three heavens.
@aliditta7768 4 жыл бұрын
@mohebarghandiwal6434 Жыл бұрын
Great discussion. Thanks both.
@muhammadrayyanfahershahab1510 4 жыл бұрын
Great! This is how every muslims treat others. Even with those differences, they still respect each other, one that majority of mulvis and salafi scholars can't do. Watching their discussion really deepens my love towards all muslims in the world.
@kanwar47 4 жыл бұрын
Very good discussion, Hazret. I believe Dr Saab caught you cold when he mentioned Musa (AS) and Sulaiman (AS) being affected by magic :-D
@affarokurz1486 4 жыл бұрын
According to the hadith, he is saying, “may Allah have mercy on him he reminded me” you don’t say that if the verse were abrogated from the Quran as the DR suggest, the prophet would’ve said stop him and tell him no to read I, but instead he makes dua for him 4:12:12 is so painfully to watch
@AdJeanL 3 жыл бұрын
Came here after watching Hamzas Den (The Arena)
@hassanabdaladl 4 жыл бұрын
Mufti bro lol I love how you get so excited to get into the mental boxing ring lol I can hear it in your voice.
@MuftiAbuLayth 4 жыл бұрын
ik! there's the child within me! alive & kicking 🤣🤣🤣
@hassanabdaladl 4 жыл бұрын
@@MuftiAbuLayth looooool ohhhh you naughty naughtyyyy
@jayre872 4 жыл бұрын
When me and my friend talk about this topic we end up with weird temper😁 but next day we do the same thing😂
@MrMShake 4 жыл бұрын
Salafi Muslims need to abrogate the concept of abrogation in the Quran. Quranic Abrogation is an absurd concept that goes against the Quran’s claim of having no contradictions, whereas Muslims who believe in abrogation maybe not explicitly but implicitly concede that the Quran has contradictions. Mufti, I agree with your understanding that the verses that speak about abrogation are NOT speaking about verses within the Quran but previous scripture which is similar to the understanding of the late Muhammad Asad in his commentary/translation The Message of the Quran.
@dbr295 4 жыл бұрын
It comes from "Imam" Shafi abrogating Quran verses with Hadith narrations. He had great love for the prophet but ended up assassinating the revelation he brought.
@sss4882 3 жыл бұрын
MALM is one man army!🤟🏼
@hassanabdur-rahman1559 3 жыл бұрын
Hadith Followers never cease to amaze me. In the words of Rick James, cocaine is a hell of a drug.
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