@mum_on_the_run | Ellis May Matthews

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The Internet Investigator

The Internet Investigator

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@TheInternetInvestigator 4 ай бұрын
Watch uncut videos here 🖤 ko-fi.com/theinternetinvestigator
@greenonmyface774 4 ай бұрын
Did you ever get that thing with Jimmy's dad from Jimmy's wish sorted out?
@AlainaRene87 4 ай бұрын
Hey gorgeous. Will there be a yt members cut available for this one as well? I mean I'm more than happy to listen more than once ofc so no pressure. Also, I hope you're having an amazing day/night! 💜🖤💜
@ChocolateShaddixX 4 ай бұрын
Pleeease fix your audio - it's super quiet somehow! :( This problem was only with this and the last video, before that, everything was fine 🙏 Love all your videos! 😊
@KikiG75ThatBritishWoman 4 ай бұрын
Rejoining today ❤ I been skint af 😅
@Pankunchiiiii 4 ай бұрын
“She refuses to see a doctor as she believes shes fine”. Yeah that’s actually one of the signs of having a personality disorder, and why they can be notoriously difficult to treat. Cluster A and B especially.
@JaneDough11 4 ай бұрын
From those, the ones that ask most for help are folks with BPD.
@Hershewed 4 ай бұрын
@Pankunchiiiii No offense to her but that is exactly why I’m of the opinion that people with personality disorder’s specifically should not be allowed to have children until they have proven they are under better control of themselves.
@davidhughes4089 4 ай бұрын
If you have two kids taken away and they're coming for your third I don't think it's all lies. That doesn't mean you can't improve yourself and your situation but when kids are involved you have to err on the side of caution. There's no way someone is getting £1.6m payout or anything close - the UK does not have the same system for awarding damages as the US.
@TheInternetInvestigator 4 ай бұрын
Yeah, there’s definitely a lot more to it than Ellise lets on. I think she tried to sue for £1.6 million but that’s not the amount she actually received when they settled out of court 🖤
@HorrorsofCody 4 ай бұрын
​@@TheInternetInvestigatordo you think or is it fact?
@misseselise3864 4 ай бұрын
fr. my mom got booked for drug possession then failed three drug tests while on felony probation and she STILL didn’t lose custody until she went to prison
@mikesanders8621 4 ай бұрын
Be quiet and go back to tripping, Cody.
@prettyrabbitz 4 ай бұрын
@@misseselise3864bro my mom dropped dirty 2 months b4 i was born, we had her brother die in our house, and her in/outta jail. They talked to me once in 10 years. This system does noooot care
@hospitalcakewalk 4 ай бұрын
'took a male child back home with her' kidnapped... that's literately called kidnapping?
@kyleh636 4 ай бұрын
But it wasn't a girl so we gotta downplay it 🤘 remember. Boys get sexually assaulted not raped.
@adeer87 4 ай бұрын
⁠​⁠​⁠@@kyleh636 The phrasing has nothing to do with gender and everything to do with the fact that this dumbass though the kid was homeless and she’s got a white savior complex so she gave him a place to stay, until he decided to go home. Intent matters, particularly when the video is all about deciphering her intent. Oh, and “sexually assaulted” is an important term that doesn’t downplay the seriousness of rape. I was sexually assaulted. It’s used to describe both rape and other forms of sexual abuse that survivors of all genders experience. It’s not used to dismiss the rape of boys. You’re the one treating “SA” as something less severe than “rape.”
@AmbassadorKat 4 ай бұрын
As soon as someone mentions satanic rituals their entire story should be called into question
@adeer87 4 ай бұрын
True. Like, I’m sure she did suffer abuse as a child, but not SRA lol. You can’t really trust a thing she says
@AmbassadorKat 4 ай бұрын
@@adeer87 my favourite SRA story is this online guru (some would say cult leader) Teal Swan, who says that when she was like 7 or 8, satanists cut open a corpse and put her inside of it and sewed it shut and left her there for however long. Like, aside from anything else, you have to question if that’s even physically possible 🤦🏽‍♀️
@imaginekudryavka9485 4 ай бұрын
​@@AmbassadorKat The name Teal Swan gives such cultish, "indigo child" energy. Seems legit.
@trylifewithellisthetruth 4 ай бұрын
My page shows many videos of proving her lies
@lauren1779 4 ай бұрын
Exactly, I myself am a Satanist and have been studying the religion and occult for years; this type of ritual or harm to others DOES NOT EVER happen.
@bub83 4 ай бұрын
We investegæting with this one 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
@TheInternetInvestigator 4 ай бұрын
Investigæting 🤣🖤
@GENXJOPLIN 4 ай бұрын
​@@TheInternetInvestigator what specific English sub accent do you have?
@autisticrenatolyra 4 ай бұрын
​@@GENXJOPLIN I think it might be Irish?
@kermperm5277 4 ай бұрын
@@GENXJOPLINI think a more specific one was mentioned in the comments of one of her recent videos
@kitm141 4 ай бұрын
@@autisticrenatolyraI don’t think she’s Irish, it’s a Northern English accent to my (northern English) ears.
@myeru 4 ай бұрын
actually insane that she's on the run so her son "doesn't go through what she did", but then leaves him in the care of what are essentially strangers to very likely experience the same things she did... this woman is truly sick
@Bewilderebeest 4 ай бұрын
I almost did a spit-take with the first sentence! Social media figure on the run?! Those poor, poor kids. Sounds like she’s recreating similar traumas to those she experienced, sadly.
@Gsv-w2q 4 ай бұрын
I’m just here to repeat “behbeh” every time you say baby.
@01SaltyWitch 4 ай бұрын
If you’re groomed/trafficked into s*x work at a young age and have to continue to do so, to earn money, I wouldn’t go so far as to say she’s choosing to do it. Victims of serious abuse are in survival mode, and aren’t able to maintain regular employment until they’re able to receive professional help
@TheInternetInvestigator 4 ай бұрын
This is true, for the record I wasn’t at all judging her for doing sex work, I was just making it clear that she is no longer being groomed or forced into it 🖤
@CoperliteConsumer 4 ай бұрын
Still doesn't in any way excuse the treatment of her children. She can wallow in toxic feminine victimhood all she wants but the moment she brings an innocence into it she is the abuser, the trafficker, the monster.
@WobblesandBean 4 ай бұрын
That's true, but that doesn't mean your kids should be forced to endure that lifestyle. Her kids were rightfully taken away.
@JadedBelle 4 ай бұрын
A good point to me is... if she is debating not addressing her court case due to possibly having noone to watch the baby, then.... who's watching the baby while she works?
@alison4316 4 ай бұрын
Seems that, if she didn't _like_ the "harassment" by her "trolls", she would have stopped sharing her life publicly.....seems to me she liked the drama of it 🙄
@chris_the_heartbeat_lover.1994 4 ай бұрын
It's like you're saying whoever shares their life deserves to be harassed. Not really a good way of thinking..
@BrownAutumnSeal 4 ай бұрын
​@@chris_the_heartbeat_lover.1994if your consistently giving away your location despite knowing that multiple times people have used that to find you then yeah,even if you dont deserve it, it is partially your own fault at that point
@chris_the_heartbeat_lover.1994 4 ай бұрын
@@BrownAutumnSeal still no
@Nodeal757 4 ай бұрын
Right?!! I kept thinking PLEASE JUST STOP POSTING WHERE YOU ARE 😅 frustrating as hell!
@chrisball3778 4 ай бұрын
There are definitely lots of instances of mistakes and malpractice in child protection, but social services generally really don't like taking people's kids away. I don't say that because I think they're they're all kind, understanding angels, but because I know it it costs them an absolute fortune in legal fees and payments to foster carers. They hate doing it. Every social worker I've ever met hates taking kids into care because they're all overworked anyway and it means hours and hours of extra work, getting shit from the parents and getting shit from their bosses because of all the extra costs. They don't do it lightly any more. Most of the time the best way to 'fight for your kids' is NOT to fight, but to just cooperate with social services as soon as they become involved with your family. They will be very unlikely to be able to get a court order to take your kids away if you're doing what they asked you to do. Most of the time that's really basic stuff like attending a parenting class, not leaving your kids alone for long periods, making sure they go to school and not letting known abusers in your house. It's much, much easier to do that than it is to fight complicated legal cases. Probably some of the worst people you've ever met have kids living with them. That's because it's usually really hard and rare to lose custody of your kids. I'm sure there are a bunch of families out there who've been wrongly separated, but there are also a lot of kids who get left with abusive, neglectful monsters for far too long or until it's too late. Look at the news or just talk to a few of your friends for proof. Parents who lose their kids can go straight to social media and tell the world how miserably they've been treated. Local authorities and social workers can almost never give their version of events because they're bound by privacy laws, often put there to protect the kids in question. I'm not saying that all custody decisions are fair, but treat all claims sceptically if you don't know the inside story.
@adeer87 4 ай бұрын
Very good points
@crankypantsmcduff 4 ай бұрын
They can help a lot, especially Early Help with the SS. They don't want to get involved in taking kids. People fear the Social Services but they only want to help and keep you on the right path so your kids can still be with you. They get a bad rap.
@clarkem.5269 3 ай бұрын
Yes, more often kids are NOT taken when they need to be than are taken when they shouldn’t be. That’s not to say there isn’t a lot of systemic racism and classism in CPS because there is, BIPOC kids are taken when they don’t need to be much more often than white kids are. But still overall CPS would rather do nothing when they need to do something than do more than they need to.
@muma-kitty1639 4 ай бұрын
well if shes actively posting to social media she aint gonna be on the run for much longer, i can tell you that
@trashcanchic 4 ай бұрын
I understand this is very serious and unfunny, but the threats to throw miscarriage clots at people took me by surprise 😂😭💀
@adeer87 4 ай бұрын
Right?! Lol
@Zombii_x 4 ай бұрын
“Secret” “on the run” “scared” doesn’t add up when you’re dealing with a public social media account where the person is showing their name, face, and where they are 🙄. Another waste of a parent, abusing her situation and child for views and attention. If this is real, and cps are already involved with previous children, then I doubt she can raise this third safely. Her dodging them with such a smug attitude doesn’t help her situation at all.
@yoko.onos.yelling 4 ай бұрын
The fact that you're honest and straightforward in your stories and investigations and don't exaggerate or overdo things is the reason I keep coming back. ❤
@Macachee 4 ай бұрын
Hurting and threatening to hurt people’s pets and kids is the lowest of the low. If any of that is true she gets no sympathy from me.
@user-kz4ro9uq4q 4 ай бұрын
if two of her kids were already taken that does say something about her. I feel bad for the child that forced to be on the run with her, the kid won't have a normal life and will suffer. what you said in the start also explains she isn't mentally well and seems to not be well, a risk to the child. she should go back and let the kid be put in foster care while she prove herself that she can get better and actually be a proper parent. if she can't, its on her and shouldn't be on the kid. The way she is going through things with lying to people and other things, the kid's life is going to be in danger. If she is abusive to men she might do that to her son when he gets older, also seem to not take her kid safety first.
@user-kz4ro9uq4q 4 ай бұрын
even if half that said was true, she shouldn't have any of the kids. seems like she is a massive risk to them and others.
@algonzorithm 4 ай бұрын
TikTok has a lot of communities of people who are effectively CPS protesters -- and believe me, I don't think they're all or even mostly wrong -- who enable people who do things like "go on the run from Social Services" (or who attempt to abduct their children from social services care, or physically attack social workers, etc.). There are inarguably people in these groups who really were bullied, coerced, and lied about -- but they all blindly and unconditionally support each other, so the ones who are vastly less innocent will always have support for their behavior, no matter what they do, and there's a degree of believing "my child is my property" going on with those types. I remember one of them used her real name and I found out the reason her kids got taken off her was because she shot at the police with her children present, which is not exactly the same as someone who is too broke to provide children with everything they need. But this girl seems to be the most extreme example I've ever seen of someone in that mindset who needs serious clinical and legal intervention for her kid's sake.
@CoperliteConsumer 4 ай бұрын
She's The devouring mother meets horror cow. That poor boy needs to be rescued asap
@Sharauni 4 ай бұрын
Sorry but I hope they catch her and get her kid into a better home. Just because you had a bad life growing up doesn't mean you can't have a good life once grown. There are things you can do, services you can use, to better yourself and your circumstances and the fact she's running and pretty blatantly flaunting the fact just screams that she's enjoying all this. Like she enjoys the attention, the scrutiny she's getting for being "on the run", and the fact she's been doing such questionable things with and to her son is just...no, if you really loved your kid, you wouldn't be doing this kind of thing. The fact that two of her kids are in care makes me think the lies aren't actually lies. She COULD better herself, but it seems she's choosing not to, and it looks like it's all for attention.
@SoyBioIogia 4 ай бұрын
Always love seeing a new video from you on a dark and stormy evening!
@TheInternetInvestigator 4 ай бұрын
The weather matches the tone 🥲🖤
@clarkem.5269 3 ай бұрын
“She attacked one of the male slaves in her house and broke his hand” We’re just glossing over her having SLAVES?
@starryday100 4 ай бұрын
I've got several family members who are social service workers and also several family members who lost their kids to social services so I'm very invested and interested to watch this one.
@wowamber5107 4 ай бұрын
In your experience, do people only lose their children if there's something really wrong with the living situation or can people lose their children from a situation that just seems bad to one social worker or something like that? Cause I've seen a woman who said social services will just snatch your kids, but idk if i believe that lol
@unknown6390 4 ай бұрын
​@@wowamber5107I would go to a trusted source online for opinions about this
@gandhitheholeresizer8329 4 ай бұрын
That’s quite a mix up
@MisseryMoth 4 ай бұрын
@@wowamber5107 More children are murdered or abused due to the lenient policies of social services workers, and in general its a belief that children are better with their biological parents (not relatives, bio parents). It's expensive and draining on the system to take kid, not to mention the legal hoops they need to go thrrrough. I reccomend watching The Misery Machine on youtube to fully grasp how problematic and how much of a failure the system is. There is alot of graphic mentions of child death, molestation..etc.. and you know whats so common. Cps failing to do walfare checks on families that have been reported. Allowing a flagged family to refuse visits and not question where the child is.. until its too late. its awful.
@eepinwillow 4 ай бұрын
​@@wowamber5107 I've got no social services experience, but I've watched and read a lot of case studies. In the US, it can go both ways depending on where you're at, how the office is run, and your individual case worker. I usually see it in the opposite direction-- budget, case volume, and/or incompetence allowing a kid to stay in a bad home. But overreach still happens too. Heck, there was a case of a CPS employee weaponizing the system against people who rejected her advances. Awful stuff.
@taramadden2881 4 ай бұрын
This reminds me of another woman I used to follow on Facebook (back on 2017 or 2018) who openly admitted to ‘kidnapping’ her own baby off social services and everybody in her comments were praising her for what she did, they all believed what she said was true (I didn’t) most of these people were strangers too. Most people on the internet will spew crap just to get sympathy, views or even just to prove they are right. I’ve had social services in my life once, it wasn’t the best time I hated them back then and still don’t like them now over 10 yrs later, they did lie in my case but little lies etc. most people who have social services in their life don’t want to believe they did anything wrong I know I didn’t back then but now I know what I was doing was wrong, both my kids are now thriving into beautiful children.
@ashleydailey7844 4 ай бұрын
…. Never heard of this person, but I have no words. This is… something.
@XanianaAdlib 4 ай бұрын
this was WILD Thanks for this obscure coverage
@Sp0oky559 4 ай бұрын
There’s some of your content that I don’t know about because I’m from America but I still really enjoy it.
@princessfetus 4 ай бұрын
I can’t get over how much I love your voice. Reminds me a lot of DramaKween’s voice it’s both so nice to listen to 💕💕
@TheInternetInvestigator 4 ай бұрын
Thank you! 🥰🖤
@Stealth86651 4 ай бұрын
Love the accent for whatever reason, just calming and easy to listen to.
@c0rnflaek343 4 ай бұрын
This situation reminds me a lot of polish woman named Ela Gawin who also shared her address online and a school her daughter went to until her daughter was taken away by social services and now she livestreams on yt drunk ‚fighting’ to have her daughter back
@MissSallyB1 4 ай бұрын
she's putting her public business on tiktok and they still haven't caught her? Is she a goddamn magician?
@unknown6390 4 ай бұрын
This lady sounds like a victim of the system who never had an intervention. Now she's repeating the cycle she went through.
@meanbunnyonyt 4 ай бұрын
New internet investigator video always makes the day better❤ fam I cannot express how much I love your videos, they nourish a very hidden but important part of me that's into the disturbing and eery stuff, so thank you for making content that's so rich and well researched!
@tr4shboat109 4 ай бұрын
Thanks to anyone who considers this 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
@PinkYelloMonkey 3 ай бұрын
I say this out loud every time I watch one of these 😭
@tr4shboat109 2 ай бұрын
@@PinkYelloMonkey glad I'm not the only one 😂
@PedanticUnionist 4 ай бұрын
Why is nobody talking about the fact that this woman apparently owned slaves? 19:59
@jalifritz8033 4 ай бұрын
I assume it’s related to her time as dominatrix.
@PedanticUnionist 4 ай бұрын
@@jalifritz8033 I guess so
@sbalsamo410 4 ай бұрын
I don’t usually comment because you’re part of my evening wind down but I’ve been a fan for a while now. It’s terrific to see your channel continuing to grow as we investigaaaaht with you. 💜
@speedwagoncito 4 ай бұрын
I don't know if it's just me or what, but it seems that the audio volume in your most recent videos has been decreasing? I've had to turn my speakers all the way up to 100% for this and for some of your most recent ones and even then the audio still sounds fairly low, which is something that doesn't seem to happen with your older videos nor with most other vids here on youtube or anywhere. Figured I'd let you know, in case it is an error or something. Have a nice day!
@milkworm 4 ай бұрын
Not just you! Sounds pretty low
@unknown6390 4 ай бұрын
The master is several DB below whats normal so you're right. Its an easy editing fix so hopefully she can change it in the future
@adeer87 4 ай бұрын
I did notice this video was especially quiet!
@whattodo3116 4 ай бұрын
I noticed it as well, so is the last video of hers.
@absurdum-the-artist 4 ай бұрын
I knew it was about to get crazy when she mentioned satanic rituals
@wmdkitty 4 ай бұрын
Sounds like this woman is just a pathological liar, likes the attention. Hope she's caught ASAP.
@adeer87 4 ай бұрын
Kinda sounds that way to me too. Just an abusive attention seeking “mom.” Then again, maybe she is more of a victim than we’re likely to believe, either of abuse, mental illness, or both. Either way, not an excuse for her behavior.
@DahDestroya 4 ай бұрын
You should blur the little boys face tbh
@connorp11067 4 ай бұрын
I work a fair bit around child safeguarding as part of my local authority though I am by no means overly knowledgeable, but I wanted to throw in my 2 cents. With 2 children already removed from custody alongside her failing the drug test social services did have reason to put her child into care at birth, but in a lot of the cases I have read through this is a temporary measure so long as the mother is willing to better themselves and prove they can take care of of a child. This may involve parenting classes and drug rehabilitation. I fully get why she wanted to get away from this stuff but likelihood is if she showed that she was willing to change and be a good mother and worked with her local social services showing consistent and honest improvement she may have been able to keep custody and stay in the uk. If she were to go back now though I doubt there’s any chance of her keeping custody of her son.
@Paradox_Incognito 4 ай бұрын
Getting two mothers day ads on this video feels... a little wrong edit: two in a row, I may add
@AntimatterBeam8954 4 ай бұрын
I really enjoy your videos, I am interested in this kind of stuff because humanity is strangely psychologically fascinating online when things go so wrong and people do strange, disturbing things.
@skitts9896 4 ай бұрын
You should study psychology! You'll love it
@AntimatterBeam8954 3 ай бұрын
@@skitts9896 100% and I can't believe how long it took me to reply to KZbin comments this time lol
@Web_Crawler 4 ай бұрын
And she is back, ❤❤
@vaporduckwave 4 ай бұрын
Happy to be a kofi member! Your vids are nice to listen to at work
@emwalkerr1911 4 ай бұрын
Thank goodness you did a video on this, she’s insane
@djerk2138 4 ай бұрын
First time im on one of ur vids this early, cant wait to watch it!
@WhoamI-yz9nx 4 ай бұрын
Sounds like your typical cycle of abuse. She said she ran because she didn't want to put her child through the same things she went through, but that's exactly what she's been doing by *keeping* her son with her.
@Remnants_ 4 ай бұрын
This reminds me of someone else on socials in so many ways.. the sharing way too much about where they are, regardless of the safety of the child they flaunt around for content. It’s like they use their child as bait for p’s because they’re still views. The social services involvement, the very likely mental illness that isn’t being addressed, the scammy begging for money. It’s really sad that social media just makes bad situations worse.
@scarlettrxd6740 4 ай бұрын
Over here watching you while my mom prepares for my departure while I’m using IV 😩
@morgankaya2677 4 ай бұрын
I'm so glad you're covering this!!!
@shrimpyalfredo3933 3 ай бұрын
So how much longer until her third kid "mysteriously" disappears?
@Hershewed 4 ай бұрын
I apologize to anyone who has a personality disorder, but this is exactly why I’m of the opinion people with that type or types of disorders should not have kids. I’m a child of someone with a personality disorder (extreme narcissistic) which has left me with such a great deal or trauma that I was in ongoing therapy for years. True they may be some wonderful people that could also have these disorders, but I have yet to witness one such person myself.
@davespriter Ай бұрын
i know several pretty good people with personality disorders. i don’t know any with NPD, but everyone i know with a PD is a decent friend or acquaintance. they’re definitely not always easy mode friends(they are often sad or they require more attention than other friends which can be difficult to manage), and most need or are in therapy, but i think that with continued therapy and a stable living situation a few could make fairly good parents. definitely not all of them though.
@Hannahspooks 4 ай бұрын
Let’s investigheeeetttt!!!!
@mjrhmekssh 4 ай бұрын
Pretty sure the child's skull as a chalice was sth that happened in the 50s? or sth with the grave of a black boy on a segregated graveyard who's grave was raided by teens, but i can't remember many details from it. So yeah I doubt it happened to her
@Alexandraadftxr7052 4 ай бұрын
I started questioning it, when satanic rutuals where brought up.
@lillebror1567 4 ай бұрын
Been binging your stuff since your latest upload due to algorith, let's goooo
@svinjamaria 4 ай бұрын
uh why isn’t Interpol on this one
@burdy471 4 ай бұрын
Love the music in the background of ur vids. Reminds me of saints row customization music lol
@paulphoenix 4 ай бұрын
Lets Investigate 🔥
@karatecorgi7685 4 ай бұрын
so hype whenever internet investigator posts ♥️♥️
@deathheated 4 ай бұрын
time to listen and play stardew valley :) thank you for uploading! your hard work in your videos does not go unnoticed
@angeladonoghue9010 4 ай бұрын
Honestly, with her abuse history the speculation about a personality disorder might not be far off. Not to say that everyone who's abused develops a personality disorder, but if someone is genetically "primed", so to speak, to have a personality disorder then childhood abuse is something that is going to make that more likely, especially if that person has done no work (in therapy or on their own) to work through their trauma.
@juliana.x0x0 4 ай бұрын
Definitely! I know I went down a similar route and spiraled into addiction and reckless behavior, homelessness, etc. before I decided to work on myself when I found out I was pregnant (on the streets) and got myself some help. It's been years now in therapy, but I was diagnosed (?) with borderline tendencies, and they still pop up during stressful times, and I'm definitely extremely avoidant and anxious as well. If I did not have the motivation within me to give my kid a life worth living, and all the love and support I never had, instead of succumbing to what I knew as normal, I could see myself ending up in a situation like this. I think parenting has become less of a priority to a lot of people for a multitude of reasons (including technology and social media addiction, loss of community connection, etc.), and these situations are becoming more and more common, or at least we are more aware of it nowadays.
@ratpatterson8953 4 ай бұрын
this video is quieter than my computer fan.
@imaginekudryavka9485 4 ай бұрын
I _love_ the way you pronounce "baby"! Beebee
@lowwastehighmelanin 4 ай бұрын
Elise has clear signs of facial work. I have to wonder if some of that donation money went to getting fillers and things. Reminds me of that time Lindsey Lohan went somewhere and was weird at a lady who ended up beating her with a shoe.
@elleshacks3715 4 ай бұрын
Allot of people in the uk have been given payouts because of the treatment they suffered while in the care of the state care homes borstals going back 50 years who knows what happened in all those different places some evil people seek out these jobs not all but allot I've heard horror stories from friends and family
@WobblesandBean 4 ай бұрын
20:00 Why haven't the Cambodian or UK police done anything about this?!
@preciouslaurel5192 4 ай бұрын
can like interpol not get involved at this point?? that poor baby is gonna be FUBAR if someone doesn't put a stop to this, and if she's posting her location / people are finding it easily why is this not being forwarded to police/FBI???
@0therun1t21 4 ай бұрын
Like 666 whoohoo! ✌💥 I used to know a girl who claimed RSA but she was going to a religiously fanatical "therapist" who specialized in it so I highly doubt it was her own idea. I think most of the time at least a "mental health preffessional" pushes the idea on people who are ready and willing to blame their very normal parents for things they don't want to take responsibility for. I'm talking about fully grown adults, not children. Childten can't help what adults do. 12:10- Do what now? I don't think that's a thing. Interpol ought to go get her and straighten this out.
@Jljujubeats 4 ай бұрын
I don't know if it's just me but your volume level is very low last couple vids. Love the stuff btw!
@Pero-zl4jp 4 ай бұрын
Absolutely insane… it’s always the people you never suspect but a cycle of abuse is a cycle for a reason.
@ActuallyHoudini 4 ай бұрын
I think victims with memories of SRA are really some of the most tragic victims I have personally read about. The fact these people were victimised at such a young age only for that trauma to be manipulated by deranged adults who wish to form and create a narrative to support their religion, permanently damaging the victim further. It's really saddening how often this happens.
@strangecl0uds 4 ай бұрын
SRA is not real
@ShurrupWhinging 4 ай бұрын
SRA is an antisemitic conspiracy theory
@RejectDemon 4 ай бұрын
I disagree that "helping" while filming is better than no help, because 20 bucks or a single meal can't remedy how dehumanizing it is to be broadcasted to millions of people during the worst time in your life, especially when the unhoused are already constantly dehumanized-- turn off the camera & do the right thing bc it's the right thing to do, not to monetize it on your yt/tiktok. I've yet to encounter a single one of these content creators who aren't also scumbags in other areas of their lives. So sad her kid (and the kids of strangers) also have to suffer. Hope she gets mental health & addiction services so she can turn it around.
@juliana.x0x0 4 ай бұрын
Yeah, that's a tough one. In the moment I might have taken the 20 bucks, to get [d 0 p e] or whatever I needed, but that piece of media is forever. I think if that had happened, I certainly wouldn't like the long term consequences of that decision (shame, guilt, family/children coming across it, even things like employment opportunities being lost down the line). Bottom line is that those people are very vulnerable, and doing something, even something considered nice or generous, in exchange for exposure, clout, attention, or praise, is by default exploitation of the tough situation they're in, and the clouded judgement that comes from being in survival mode.
@Jlockjammers217 4 ай бұрын
What the actual fuck.
@stormylikeswafflz1632 4 ай бұрын
i love you and your videos, but i have my computer volume maxed out rn and i can barely hear you :( please turn your mic up or something
@smileyghostkat3068 4 ай бұрын
I can hear just fine i think it might be an issue with your laptop or headphones
@stormylikeswafflz1632 4 ай бұрын
@@smileyghostkat3068 it’s definitely not an issue on my end. other videos & games’ audio comes out just fine. computer is only about a year old too.
@H.Liddell 4 ай бұрын
​​@@stormylikeswafflz1632A lot of people are saying the same thing. So it's definitely not your laptop/PC
@caitlynjohnstone5154 4 ай бұрын
does anyone else think the audio is really quite? I can barely hear anything. I have to put my laptop audio up to 90 to hear (then i get jump scared by youtube adverts). its fine if the audio is quite, i just wanna know if its my computer being weird
@mrrictus 3 ай бұрын
For a hot second, I thought Ellis was Rose Mcgowan .
@WobblesandBean 4 ай бұрын
This is disgusting. I really hope she gets caught.
@Trololo231 4 ай бұрын
Why did you stop showing your face? That's the real mystery, let's investigaaaaate.
@Blakbox92 4 ай бұрын
Maybe she just doesn't want to? 🤷‍♂️
@yetanotheraccount3361 4 ай бұрын
She has broken free from her corporeal shackles and now has no physical body. She is omnipresent. *alien noises*
@gandhitheholeresizer8329 4 ай бұрын
@@yetanotheraccount3361 lmao like Giygas from earthbound
@skitts9896 4 ай бұрын
It's because she's so beautiful that she doesn't want to be known for her hotness and have biases due to pretty privilege affect the delivery of her message. (LOL jk idk but who the hell cares???)
@adeer87 4 ай бұрын
Maybe not using a camera allows her to focus on other aspects of editing, like now she doesn’t have to worry about lighting and such. I miss her face but I can understand.
@taramadden2881 2 күн бұрын
Can’t believe she’s still posting to this day. You’d think being on the ‘run’ would mean not being on any type of social media at all. She isn’t a good mum at all, I also can’t believe the comments she gets too, praising her for what she’s done etc. Being on the run isn’t a great life for a child and she’s neglecting that child. Also to add running away makes you more suspicious than it did before too, if you didn’t have anything to hide you’d fight tooth and nail against social services to keep your child but she has proved social services right by not protecting her child, she is dusgusting.
@randykitchleburger2780 4 ай бұрын
Hey, I came across this channel called Talking Kitty Cat, apparently the guy who made these videos ended himself. I think this would make an interesting video, the cute cat stuff paired with the horrible tragedy and all, you know. Just a suggestion.
@sberky98 3 ай бұрын
he had bipolar depression nothing "spooky" or "haunted" but still sad
@Digital_Apparition 4 ай бұрын
I love you but i cant hear you,the video has really low volume, am i the only one??
@TheInternetInvestigator 4 ай бұрын
Sorry about this! It sounded fine for me but I’ll make sure it’s louder next time. Thanks for letting me know :) 🖤
@danpaul4975 4 ай бұрын
Sounded spot on at my end.
@Digital_Apparition 4 ай бұрын
Please do, i listen to you in various devices and sound really low, i wonder if is only me, keep the good work tho, your voice is really plesant to hear
@adeer87 4 ай бұрын
Yeah it’s just a bit quieter than usual, still sounds good tho
@Alchemic_Spawn 4 ай бұрын
i think you might need to increase the volume of your voice, its really quiet compared to other videos. Unless its just a problem on my end.
@OttoVonBonesmarck 3 ай бұрын
idk if its just me but the sound on this video is really quiet, i had to turn my volume all the way up to hear you.
@mathieuleader8601 4 ай бұрын
this feels like the start to a more adult reimagining of Jacqueline Wilson's Tracy Beaker books
@rap6413 Ай бұрын
Why did they pay her money then, the point is she was failed so they payed her some kind if money. This woman obviously has tremor related to her turbulent upbringing.
@dylantaylor6740 3 ай бұрын
Let's investigöööööte❤
@galazyyss 4 ай бұрын
i can tell this is gonna be a good one
@KevinRAAMAAAGE 4 ай бұрын
This woman is a super villain, horror cow
@peenyyt4921 4 ай бұрын
Blackburn represent!!
@Maxis_Mi 4 ай бұрын
Your mic is progressively getting quieter with every video and the ads are jumpscares
@kateapple1 4 ай бұрын
2:48 whoaaaaaaaa do you know how you can tell somebody is just absolutely crazy from their eyes 😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬
@Oof-js7be 4 ай бұрын
why is the volume so low
@clown1jpg 4 ай бұрын
YIPPEE new vid
@emosunglasses5201 4 ай бұрын
Oh hell yeah. Had a shit day and we get a new video. Day is okay now hellbyeah
@emo_penguin420 4 ай бұрын
The stories surrounding this supposed human, Elis, reminds me so much of that other woman from a few years ago... Isabella Jenkins?? Anyone else remember her??
@wrtekcz538 4 ай бұрын
15:07 everyone knows that mentioned !!!!
@WhatDoesMyChannelNameMean 5 күн бұрын
I wish the videos on this channel didn't have that THUMPTHUMPTHUMPTHUMP so I could listen to the whole video. Those thumps give me a migraine, and why have those thumps on the video anyway, blocking the pleasant voice of the narrator?!
@jocylynkirsty4877 4 ай бұрын
no offense, but this sounds like my moms behavior in the 2020s...sadly very easy to believe...I hope she gets help and those kids thrive far away from her :(
@amp4105 17 күн бұрын
Is your mum going to see this comment?
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