| Internet Mysteries
The Cash-Landrum Incident
21 күн бұрын
The Most Disturbing Reddit AMAs
28 күн бұрын
Nostalgic Internet Mysteries
Disturbing Reddit Posts #9
The Ibadan Forest of Horror
2 ай бұрын
Mark & John | Internet Mysteries
CR6 | A Lost Media Internet Mystery
The Dark Side of Club Penguin
Delia Day | Internet Mysteries
The Neuralink Iceberg Explained
Daniel Fraga | Internet Mysteries
@gentleAsDoves777 42 минут бұрын
There was a lady on Reddit who was prozzing herself out smoking whilst pregnant (Lord knows how I even found that, it may have been through the Trashy subreddit IDK) Anyway, she was heavily pregnant, and filming herself in her underwear chainsmoking. Her house was a tip, she had her wedding ring still on, and she was advertising her OnlyFans to a bunch of dirty internet dregs. That poor kid was being used for fetish content before it was even born...
@kenthomas7471 51 минут бұрын
I believe most of these people who cannot love their child cant love anyone but themselves. True genuine narcissism.
@sadrabbit53 54 минут бұрын
I got into a tiff with an incel recently over younger gens not having kids. I posited that a lot of folks my age don't want to be parents until they feel they can be good ones, and that unwanted children are unhappy children. (Among other things.) He responded saying those essentially were excuses, and that, unlike his inceldom, weren't proper "reasons" for not having kids. Like dude Edit: the longer this vid goes on, the more I'm considering just donating my eggs
@Credit_Fraud_Committer Сағат бұрын
the woman on the plane has responded and it’s worth while to see her response. she was struggling but she got the help she needed
@gentleAsDoves777 Сағат бұрын
I feel awful for everyone involved. On the one hand, the Parents are human beings crying out for help, but on the other, they need to get out of this toxic subreddit, and reach out to people in real life. The poor kids will be able to pick up on this resentment towards them, children are far more intuitive than some adults realise. God help them all
@hashidashifunubashi Сағат бұрын
My son is nearly six and autistic. He has the language skills of a two year old and has a lot of trouble socialising with other kids. I love him to bits. Seeing people with kids who won't face the kinds of challenges my son has and they still don't want them is hard. They don't realise how lucky they are.
@Procc75 Сағат бұрын
I have felt this before, and dealt with this before. Either way, its terrifying.
@arthurfleck629 3 сағат бұрын
A few years ago one of my friends told me that his grandmother claimed she was pretty sure she had a close call with Ivan Milat. She said that when she was in her late teens or early twenties she was hitchhiking and got picked up this guy who seemed alright for the most part, but slowly began to give her the creeps, he’d do and say little things that were red flags. Eventually, he more or less insinuated that he wanted to get out of the car and go off into the bush with her for some one on one fun. She told him she was interested, but said she needed to get to where she was going by a certain time and couldn’t be late, the time she said she needed to be there made it clear to him that it was urgent and couldn’t wait. She told him this to trick him into believing she was up for it so she could get out of the situation, it was her method of passively, and in the safest way possible, creating an escape for herself. A few years later she saw him on the news when he was being convicted and she was blown away, her initial instinct had been dead on and trusting her gut feeling had kept her alive in an extremely risky situation.
@teslajeffrey 3 сағат бұрын
ewwwww the comparison to queer people was gross. being ostracized/treated differently for being attracted to consenting adults is wayyyyy different than being ostracized/treated differently for permanently scarring someone and potentially ruining their life.
@clockworkcookie 3 сағат бұрын
I'm particularly fascinated by the queer studies person . there is definitely a lot to improve on rehabilitation of so's in general especially for some of the smaller crimes. like indecent exposure . but to go as far as saying that as a queer person you're in the same "struggle" as them is basically going back on decades of trying to detach queer people from being labeled deviants. she's doing precisely what she claims we need to fight.
@colorbar.s 3 сағат бұрын
We NEED to get rid of the societal expectation everyone needs a child. And we need reproductive rights.
@Someone-iw4kl 3 сағат бұрын
Facebook its such a shithole now tho. What this guy did its very "normal" for people to post for the lols. Theres many groups that share g∅re and cp videos through links, theres other groups that are full of pedos and zoos. Many of this groups are full of edgy teens (adults at worse) that think this kind of stuff its funny to share or even joke about. Of course people had tried to report them but facebook just wont do anything. I believe its a rabbit hole on its own.
@EliasLarsson-ck6qn 4 сағат бұрын
I have watched this video and the hospital footage is graphic so i warn you, dont watch if you cant handle blood or flesh
@fffmcfff9112 5 сағат бұрын
The woman narrating sounds like Chills' Australian cousin
@clockworkcookie 5 сағат бұрын
I love my son more than anything else but I say this as a mother, don't ever ever decide to have kids for ANY reason other than a genuine wish to raise them. It seems many of these people wanted to have kids and not to actually raise them which is supposed to be the point... We seriously need to start educating young people on exactly how hard it is and that it comes with a huge responsibility . It's also extremely common to have depression as a new parent and if there was more awareness and support for that, some of these people wouldn't become so psychotic .
@RooftopKoreansMusic 6 сағат бұрын
omfg... get a different narrator or delete this channel.
@sabrinatscha2554 8 сағат бұрын
Some things about humanity, I feel, were meant to remain a secret. That’s the problem with the internet. Humans were designed to be miserable. We are selfish creatures, equipped with pride, lust, envy, jealousy, fragile egos and breakable hearts. We get sad, sometimes for no reason. The grass is always greener, and for a lot of us; no amount of “happiness” will ever be enough. We all see the veneer of other's lives, and think that we are the only ones who’s own lives are lacking. We associate our unhappiness, solely with our environment, but still fail to find peace when subjected to change. At least in the good ‘ol days, before social media and forums; designed for every last topic one could imagine, we still retained that one little shred of dignity. Now it has been obliterated into nothing. We look at one-sided discussions of others misery, and apply it to our own lives, without knowing wether or not the person behind the post, is even real.
@kinopiodon 9 сағат бұрын
“Join for ad free” lol Adblock still works on vpn luv
@Victorpayaso 9 сағат бұрын
idk why i remeber a video when they talk about this but they added a video of a ad of the park. but idk if i just something im remember bad
@Cyyruzz 10 сағат бұрын
The comments are literally 1. Internalized ableism 2. Promoting fucking eugenics
@cube9967 11 сағат бұрын
22:52 to quote dave chappelle "if you can kill em, i can at least abandon them"
@CoperliteConsumer 13 сағат бұрын
Prob a honeypot fed server
@Archimedes-v2o 13 сағат бұрын
And people still attack others for not wanting children, especially women
@cube9967 14 сағат бұрын
I remember running one of these "creepy" facebook accounts, and id just send "cursed images" to people with bible verses translated into languages that dont use a latin script (Hindi, Russian, ETC). i was a weird kid.
@TsovoaLevone 14 сағат бұрын
I feel like gore would be more disturbing to see than cp, unless the cp is gorey in some way imo I was in a facebook Minecraft chat and a guy from nepal said he has a video of a kid getting his head cut off with a buzzsaw, he said he wouldn’t send that one, but he sent a video of a guy shooting up an outdoor market 😬
@K.G-I.N.F.P. 16 сағат бұрын
I feel like a big part of this is not really entirely about the children, I think these parents sound really depressed, with an element of narcissistic victimization. They have obligations so they can't focus on getting themselves admiration, attention and validation like they normzlly would. . They lack the self-awareness because maybe their own parents never taught them how they feel.Or proper emotional regulation and being a healthy person when life changes and adjusts. I also believe that a lot of people just don't know that they're depressed, so they don't have to self awareness or discernment to be able to understand that. They think the child is the problem because the child is there irritating them when they're already preoccupied with their owm depression and unconcious anxiety+, they are always victimized in their manifestation or whatever. Its a "why me" type default narcissist. but not like the intosprctive introvert because its so victimized. Any secondary stressor to that parent's "suffering" (such as a special needs child) interrupts them from trying to seek admiration to regulate their depression. Bonding with their child is also impossible when a parent is pervasively preoccupied with their own emotions and is not preasant. Loving attachment and bonding.its inaccesable and dont know, but that is what it seems like to me. I'm sure at least to some degree this could be true
@emilys9976 17 сағат бұрын
I have 2 amazing parents who love me more than anything. However both have STRONGLY discouraged me not to have my own kids because it's just extremely difficult. I had severe mental health issues as a kid/teenager. I am better now, but good god was it difficult for my parents (and myself)
@Cozy_Misfit 17 сағат бұрын
I say this as a person who doesn't want kids, please never force YOUR life expectations onto others. I've heard over and over "But you should have kids! They're little miracles! They'll complete your life!". I would be a horrible father because I can barely take care of myself due to things like depression and ADHD, how the hell am I supposed to take care of another human being who is completely dependent on me?
@eseweychido7243 17 сағат бұрын
I actually had the guy on facebook THE original one One day he just posted a long paragraph where he basically said I was bored and started doing this stuff But he growed tired of people copying the exact same thing And well He wanted to move past this edgy phase The worst part of all of this is the fact that he actually was a pretty chill guy I remember being scared of this guy But I had the courage of sending a message to him And well Eventually he made me an admin for one of his "sects" I actually did not wanted to be there because of my open account on facebook But all of the members where kind of more fucked up than him And actually hackers who said that if I quitted they where going to hack and doxx me It was an interesting experience But as I said A pretty chill guy I think he was from chile Because he was not mexican (I am mexican) And he had some words and form of writing that were not mexican Either Chile or Perú
@o.o6340 17 сағат бұрын
Hearing the specific complaints these people have about their kids is mind-boggling because... that's just regular kid behavior?? They're gonna yell and fuss and everything headache inducing. I do not understand what stupid ass fairytale these parents conjured up for themselves. I just hope that publicly sharing their stories at least makes others think twice.
@edwardmarshall2035 18 сағат бұрын
Raised 3 productful members of society. Helping raise grandchildren. "I'm unfulfilled". What? Had kids cause its what you did 30+ years ago. Yeah and all the years before that. Some people are just miserable.
@Sebastian_Michaelis 19 сағат бұрын
Sooooo it's a p0rnsick man. Yep, checks out. They do this kinda stuff alllll the time anymore 🥱🥱🥱
@frankreads8618 19 сағат бұрын
Children know when they're unwanted and unloved, they are damaged by it, and they remain damaged for their entire lives.
@fronthal157 19 сағат бұрын
Having children is your purpose for existing. Like every animal, you exist to reproduce. There is no meaning, no higher purpose, no gods, no masters. If you feel like you don't want that, it would help the planet immesuarably if you left the Earth and stopped mindlessly raping its reaources for your hedonistic pleasure.
@Archimedes-v2o 13 сағат бұрын
There is more to life than reproducing. Such a narrow minded point of view
@fronthal157 12 сағат бұрын
@@Archimedes-v2o there is more that we've invented in life, yes. But as for what really exists for all living things? No. There's nothing else.
@Archimedes-v2o 12 сағат бұрын
@@fronthal157 humans are more developed than that to only have one purpose. You do not need to reproduce to be satisfied or to feel as though you have left a mark in this world, although that can be the case for others, it is not everyone. There are other ways to make life worth living, reproduction is truly not everything, and it is limiting to think that.
@tiamystic 12 сағат бұрын
Yawn. What a backwards way of thinking. Still not going to reproduce, stay mad boo ❤
@bobcrane-hr1mf 19 сағат бұрын
What the heck is wrong with these people? Marriage and children don’t make you unhappy, you make yourself unhappy. They look at what they don’t have instead of what they do. And a kid being a brat is totally the fault of the parent, they’ll be well behaved if you structure that good behavior and discipline them. As for all the people trying to justify abortion, stop. Killing the person who’s going to be suffering isn’t the way to end suffering. Not the just way anyhow.
@tigrexkiller1548 20 сағат бұрын
I think this subreddit also perfectly shows why so many people consciously decide to not have kids today: you cease being yourself because of what's now expected of you. If you make that decision for yourself that you want kids its probably a lot different. but if you're suddenly robbed of that decision, be it due to you being the guy and not having a say or the removal of the child not being an option of you're the woman... of course this would breed resentment, and the one to suffer sadly ends up being those children.
@saintsea-hat7891 21 сағат бұрын
And is the nefarious baby snatching trans man in the room with us now? 🙄
@gairisiuil 22 сағат бұрын
Story about 50 minutes is is diabolical. Getting someone to start a life ruining habit by taking advantage of them during vulnerable times...
@tiamystic 22 сағат бұрын
I’m sure my mother is on that subreddit.
@NellyAldrich-u4f 23 сағат бұрын
Dax Road
@Scrinwaipwr 23 сағат бұрын
58:31 England: the Florida of the UK.
@thewhitesakura597 23 сағат бұрын
I went to school with Kids Who knew This stuff, I can 100% tell you they.could.tell.
@Skinfaxi 23 сағат бұрын
Some people want to never grow up. This is because they are stupid. The irony of wanting someone else to care for you but never caring for another is astounding. Only someone that selfish and stupid could hate a child.
@GianfrancoGalassoBaller Күн бұрын
This sounds like an American Dad B plot.
@Solar_Corpus Күн бұрын
One sure fire sign of rabies, is hydrophobia, literally your body rejecting and reacting violently to water. Can’t even drink it, Touch it, probably not even look at it. But I understand OP’s fears more than I should, I have an irrational fear of having meningitis. Idk why. But health anxiety is definitely nothing new to me. It’s luckily not as bad as OP’s.
@rangalover6936 Күн бұрын
The minecraft one and the phone one are so fake it hurts come on now
@brony_in_the_sticks Күн бұрын
Rules to follow If evidence can be faked it was. If society supports framing the accused, they're innocent unless THEY SAY OTHERWISE. If x is a minor and did x because they were groomed to think doing x is okay,x is a victim. If x is a map, apply rule two automatically, as society interferes with their ability to get medical treatment when they need it by not making it illegal to fire someone for having the condition. ( If you can't pay for your medical treatment or your medicine you can't get said medical treatment) Remind yourself, you don't have to Ally with any side to, uphold the value that it is better to not jail an innocent person and deserve their wrath. Then it is to just blindly accept that every person convicted actually is guilty.
@addinoir Күн бұрын
i’d bet some good money that at least one of my parents have posted on here
@Scrinwaipwr Күн бұрын
Isn't it strange how EVERY SINGLE ONE of those deathrow inmates forgiving themselves did so by bringing God into it? Religion: allowing terrible people to pretend they're good for over 6000 years.
@DaveLikesLimes Күн бұрын
Hearing "September 19" while watching this video today (September 19, 2024) gave me a little chill, ngl.