My Brother Proposed To My Fiancee Who Was His Ex r/Relationships

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Mark Narrations

Mark Narrations

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@GuardianHalberd Жыл бұрын
@OceanSongBird6355 Жыл бұрын
@VidGirl88 Жыл бұрын
What kind of a manlet dumps a girl after a month , admits he has no feelings about her yet destroys his relationship with his brother because ego? Dude needs therapy
@sonialinsey8083 Жыл бұрын
Manlet 🤣
@CyrusMaelstrom Жыл бұрын
New Cuss word unlocked: Manlet - a short but possibly muscular man (under 5' 6") who overcompensates for their lack of height. Lmao perfect
@NightEyeStudio1995 Жыл бұрын
The same kind of person who gets angry if the ex "moves on too quickly." It's an insecurity thing, like the ex living their life and not waiting around for them is somehow an evil plot to show them up. They don't like that an ex has a better life without them.
@persephoneszeliga Жыл бұрын
Yes dude is a FREAK. But what kind of person does not illuminate their partner that they dated their freaking SIBLING?! Jesus!!!! Weirdos all around
@amandasunshine2 Жыл бұрын
Ikr, I'm like "bad idea to date your brother's ex" but is she really?? A month?? That's not dating 😂
@YoYo-gt5iq Жыл бұрын
I know a guy who dated around like OP's brother. When his brother got married the wife wanted to name a child (if they had one) "Alicia" and the brother was like 'i dated someone named that. You can't name her that. All his relationships ended badly, so all names of women he had sex with were non grata. The wife said 'Alicia was my grandmother's name and she saved my life.' The parents were like "you dont understand," because he's very sensitive. He's not sensitive. He just thinks the shit is okay because people don't treat him like an adult.
@errantwinds-up8uu Жыл бұрын
Lol imagine thinking you can tell other people what they can and can't name their own kids.
@senatorarmstrong4662 Жыл бұрын
Some people parents need to tell their kids sorry but the world doesn’t revolve around you. You have an issue here’s a tissue.
@TheBreaker996 11 ай бұрын
Omg, my BIL was like that. Sis was pregnant with my niece and they choose the name pretty early - "Chloe" For 9 months it was the name of the baby. Sis goes into labor and BIL says: "Oh, Chloe wouldn't do! I had an ex named Chloe" Sister yelled at him. Loud. There was some choice words. So they had no way but to rethink Chloe. Sis had no idea, so she looked up at my list of names and chose number 1. Like,name dibs ain't a thing, but... Couldn't she had just... Googled? Their family is veird
@CygnusPrime Жыл бұрын
*Story 1* I think people are forgetting that there is a *HUGE* difference between dating someone who was in a committed relationship with your sibling versus dating someone your sibling dated for one month a year ago and whom they lost interest in but they are now acting butt-hurt.
@nr7701 Жыл бұрын
Especially when your sibling had no idea that you dated this person.
@TortoiseNotTurtle Жыл бұрын
​@@nr7701Yep. And the whole "Why didn't she tell OP?" How many dates happen in a month? Like idk let's say a date a week are you gonna give your full dating history like that? "Yeah I met this guy named Greg Smith for one date, he was about 5'6, smelled bad, we ordered chicken at waffle house on June 14th, 2007 at 4:50 pm"
@tatkkyo9911 Жыл бұрын
​@@TortoiseNotTurtlenailed it 👌
@senatorarmstrong4662 Жыл бұрын
@@TortoiseNotTurtleand why do people think everyone even wants to talk about their ex? There’s plenty of people that would rather their ex stay in the past cause that’s what it is in the past and they usually want bring them up unless it’s absolutely necessary. So acting like gf is in the wrong cause she didn’t give op a list of every guy she dated is odd to me. Also dude got bored and left what women would wanna talk about a guy like that? Not to mention she most likely assumed she’d never see him again so why bring him up?
@senatorarmstrong4662 Жыл бұрын
@@nr7701and then demanding they break up cause you can’t get over the fact that she found someone that’s not you. Lil Bro needs to grow up and realize the world doesn’t revolve around him.
@paulagoeringer9466 Жыл бұрын
So any girl he has ever dated can never date anyone else ever? What a spoiled brat. Like a toddler that tossed a toy and gets mad if anyone picks it up ever again. 😂
@stirlingarcher7972 Жыл бұрын
This situation notwithstanding, it’s not an abnormal boundary to have. Most people wouldn’t date a friend’s ex or a family member’s ex.
@user-wr3vt8uq4s Жыл бұрын
It was "a few weeks or a month" and he dropped it. You were farther away, didn't know about it. The toy analogy was apt. The guy's a real brain surgeon with the lame proposal on top of it.
@aalokshah8655 Жыл бұрын
can we really call it an ex when they dated for a few weeks? that guy screamed of listening to too much andrew tate
@anggamaulana3498 Жыл бұрын
It seem that something bad had happen in the past but OP let his family back into his life. Your brother is playing you and your fiance, why are being so soft.
@impishrebel5969 Жыл бұрын
@@stirlingarcher7972 Are you seriously missing the part where he didn't FIND OUT until they had been dating a while and she was about to meet his family? Are you seriously supposed to dump someone you've been dating months on the whims of someone else just because you found out they had known each other, not even dated properly, KNOWN each other and the person demanding you dump them was the one that dropped them?? Are we seriously making that a "boundary" now?
@TwiggyHetfield27 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: They dated for a MONTH! Which is practically nothing in adult dating standards. And he broke it off with her. Him being angry OP is dating her is extremely childish. And the audacity he had to propose to her. As if to say "yea she still had feelings for me" Dude, your not special. After Update: Dudes straight up a child. All his "reasonings" are bullshit. Story 2: OP blaming herself for her husband's affair breaks my heart. Like, No sweetie, your husband's a piece of shit & it wasn't your fault. And those "people" saying "i should've kept an eye on my husband. I should've been a good wife. Otherwise he wouldn't have cheated" FUUUUUUCK them!! How is it OPs responsibility to kept her husband's dick in his pants? HE wasn't a good husband. But yea blame the wife who wanted a career 🙄 Shit like this makes me so angry.
@WyntheRogue Жыл бұрын
Some people are absolute chuds who let manosphere podcasts *coughgrifterscough* rot whatever little brain they had in their noggin. OP could be the embodiment of a stepford wife, and her husband would have still cheated because he was a selfish pig who didn't know how good he had it and the ones blaming OP are a bunch of salty incels who need to lay off the Tate and go touch grass. That said, I'm glad OP I'd getting her self-esteem back and living her best life, may her scumbag ex-husband forever have sharp pebbles in his shoes and his socks forever wet and cold. [Seriously,those podcasts are pure cancer]
@CircusoftheMoon Жыл бұрын
People like to delude themselves into believing that they can control if their partner is going to cheat on them when in reality you can’t control it.
@dionysus_adores Жыл бұрын
He has no right to try to control his ex, OP shouldn't have apologize for anything.
@Hiraeth_Nightshade Жыл бұрын
Why would someone want to be with people that will cheat unless you go out of your way to watch their every move? The logic of those people is weird.
@kamicokrolock Жыл бұрын
Story 2: for those who need it, Your partner cheating on you is THEIR moral failing not yours.
@ronhall5395 11 ай бұрын
Dude was not in love with being a family man. He wanted the wild carefree times of not having children. It happens. A family is a lot of work. I hope she nailed him for some healthy chidcare.
@iamalbertwesker2 Жыл бұрын
Seriously Mark, you're trying to steal people's fiancées now? 😂
@lyranorthernstar3802 Жыл бұрын
@Wulfyr Жыл бұрын
He's so wholesome online too!
@Clopez9000 Жыл бұрын
@Okamithegod Жыл бұрын
It’s cause they are part of the waffle gang
@Wulfyr Жыл бұрын
@@Okamithegod Does Mark invoke his ancient Lordly rights of "Prima Noctae" on the wives of Waffle Gang members?? Like a feudal Warlord he swoops down to despoil our brides on our wedding nights? Jeeeezus, I'm gonna start reading the small print from now on....
@Russman67 Жыл бұрын
Off the chest story: If he wasn't cheating with the babysitter, it would be a coworker or a woman at the bar. OP's husband was a cheater. And the babysitter likely will be the next one saying "Why me". Live your best life and whatever door he walked out, nail it shut.
@Kalossupremacy3356 Жыл бұрын
Dude will prolly screw himself over
@arleneclark6369 Жыл бұрын
I love that line, " Whatever door he walked out, nail it shut" 👍✌
@sonialinsey8083 Жыл бұрын
Yep even if she had maintained a perfect body, stayed at home, etc. Some men just see the mother of their children as “used up” instead of “badass who helped make future generations” and just scuzz around with other women instead of accepting responsibility for their family. At least she figured it out afterwards. Dressing cute always helps me even if I don’t leave the house. It’s about treating yourself well.
@ladyv5655 Жыл бұрын
Exactly. The nanny did her a favor. She will find out soon that OP's ex is no prize. She will probably get jealous seeing OP happy and living her best life, even if she stays single.
@frozenheart7133 Жыл бұрын
Honestly, it sounded like I could have wrote that story years ago. My ex married her, stole her youth, and left her too. He’s on to his 5th teenage wife. I feel so bad for OP but I hope that she finds herself where I am, or even better. Him leaving was the best thing that ever happened to me and I couldn’t be happier, even though I’ve been homeless twice since the divorce. I don’t regret a moment without him.
@godking Жыл бұрын
Mark from story 1 is a craven backstabber. OP should not be surprised if Mark decides to sabotage the wedding.
@lifewithlee6298 Жыл бұрын
And 😂an immature idiot
@LunaP1 Жыл бұрын
People like him are always projecting their guilt on to others when they don't want their victims to be happy. At least the rest of the family are on OP's side and don't take kindly to Mark's pathetic behavior.
@hilaryc3203 Жыл бұрын
He has "failure to launch syndrome" and mental health issues. Yes. he should hire security for the wedding.
@MomokoTuHarumaki Жыл бұрын
He's a total snake
@zitronentee Жыл бұрын
@@hilaryc3203 Also 'peaking at highschool'
@tallyp.7643 Жыл бұрын
S1: Geez--that little brother makes my head hurt with his stubborn narcissism and I'd have a hard time talking to him again. Yeah, I get the sibling code, not dating exes, but hell, he and Jenn dated a MONTH. And he threw her away because he was bored and didn't want to be tied down, and she didn't even know the OP til later. Little bro is superficial and selfish, and at the rate he gets bored with the women in his life, OP would NEVER be able to date. Anyone OP met could be a potential ex of his brother. Bro just doesn't want him to be happy for some reason.
@maggpiprime954 Жыл бұрын
Right? It's not even a matter of small town vs big city, it's a matter of generation, universities/schooling, careers, popular restaurants/social venues etc.
@catmaxwell6691 Жыл бұрын
Getting engaged after less than a year seems a bit speedy, but whatever floats your boat. Similarly, weird the gal never mentioned dating his bro before meeting the fam. That aside, dating someone for a month isn’t really a relationship, it’s the prologue. Not to mention, just proposing to an engaged woman is crazy town.
@impishrebel5969 Жыл бұрын
"not dating exes" "weird the gal never mentioend dating his brother" Did everyone miss the part where OP found out when she was going to meet his family and not before that?? Are people supposed to fully disclose their dating history to new courtships or something? And what makes people assume she even knew they were related until it came up?? My sister and I are like night and day and mutual friends we met separately didn't realize we were sisters until they saw us together, it's really quite common to not realize until it's explicitly stated, ffs.
@thomasjoseph5876 Жыл бұрын
@@impishrebel5969 So....... they never discussed things like families when they were getting to know each other??? The moment the OP said he had a brother named xxxx the girlfriend KNEW she was dating her ex's brother but yet, never mentioned it. Unless She did mention it and the OP decided to stick it to his brother at the dinner where he showed her pics around the table. It seems odd he would have never at least mentioned he was dating a woman and given some normal info about her such as HER NAME, where she went to school, where she works, etc. Why was he keeping it such a secret??? Or did he and his girlfriend never discuss things like where she worked or went to school or what her name is (LOL), just like they must have not discussed things about each other's families??? There is some serious gaslighting going on here or the story is fake.
@alexkarma8133 Жыл бұрын
@@impishrebel5969 Op found out that they dated when she meet the family, beacuse they didn't see each other before that
@LaineyBug2020 Жыл бұрын
Story 2- If people in your life are telling you it's your fault your partner cheated, you need to remove those people from your life. There are lots of single parent social groups to join. I had a friend in middle school whose Mom was in this social club called Parents Without Partners and when I would spend the weekend at their house we always got to go to the events with the rest of the single parents and their kids. That was before social media. There are so many ways these days to find new groups of people to be your support system!
@user-de2wv8ri8n Жыл бұрын
1) we are getting only one side of the story so who know what was era going on. 2) this was a big life event that may have changed her which could be the reason the husband fell out of love. Could be why people in her life judge her 3) no I am not giving him a pass on the cheating … if he had those feeling he should have left before any other relationship happened.
@jazzywarrrior1414 Жыл бұрын
The first brother just sounds like he can’t fathom a woman getting over him or he treated her badly and didn’t want anyone to know.
@thomasjoseph5876 Жыл бұрын
That could be. There are several "ick factors" in this story. There is no way the OP's girlfriend didn't know she was dating her ex's brother. When they started talking about families and he mentioned he had a little brother named xxxx she KNEW she was dating her ex's brother but yet didn't tell him. Why??? Is it because for most people dating someone who dated and slept with their sibling would be a dealbreaker??? Sure, the OP would eventually find out but if she played her cards right, that wouldn't be until he had already fallen in love with her. I wonder who brought up "marriage" in the conversation first???
@michelledalenaa Жыл бұрын
@@thomasjoseph5876 Mark is a common name. How would she have known? The OP admitted that he didn't have a whole lot to do with his own family anyway and he and his brother don't look alike. My own husband has been low contact with his own family since he was 18. As a result, I had no idea that his brother's wife was someone I knew fairly well growing up. These things happen.
@tallyp.7643 Жыл бұрын
@@thomasjoseph5876 You should write soap opera episodes. When a relationship turns out that unimportant, it's easy to forget details. Maybe a passing deja vu thought popped in her head when OP mentioned his family, but it didn't click til they were all in the same room and she could see the resemblance to OP. Mark & Jenn were probably still in the "getting to really know you" stage before he dumped her. Took months for OP and her to get into the family history talk. Bro didn't have that long. Only socially inept nervous babblers like me would pour out their whole history the first week or two of a relationship.
@thomasjoseph5876 Жыл бұрын
@@michelledalenaa If this story is real, which I really don't believe it is. How do I put this nicely ...... Your family dysfunction won't be even remotely similar to the family in this story. Sure, you stretched it to be that way to justify this story as being EXACTLY how the OP wanted us to believe it was even though there are always 3 sides to every story, his truth, their truth, and the ACTUAL truth. Use some common sense here rather than cognitive dissonance. If you started to date someone and they gave you the name of their sibling which, even though it is possibly a common name, is still EXACTLY THE SAME as someone you used to date and dumped you after a month, wouldn't you be at least the smallest amount curious as to whether you are dating their sibling????
@Nevertoleave Жыл бұрын
@@thomasjoseph5876 no. Cause normal people aren’t obsessive
@saldiven2009 Жыл бұрын
It's funny that people even consider OP's fiancé as his brother's "ex" when they only dated a month. If they only dated a month, they weren't even really boyfriend/girlfriend. They probably only went out on maybe a dozen dates or so. Rather than calling her his ex, she was just someone he went on a few dates with.
@thomasjoseph5876 Жыл бұрын
Then you must agree they are getting married way too fast only dating a few months and engaged??? Right??? This story is just gross and doesn't really pass the smell test. Would you marry someone your sibling was dating and sleeping with???
@Ashbrash1998 Жыл бұрын
​@thomasjoseph5876 We don't even know they slept together eo be honest, because on sure the brother would have brought that point up
@saldiven2009 Жыл бұрын
@@thomasjoseph5876 The speed of the relationship is up to the people involved, not you or I. The only reason I brought up the length of the brother's relationship is because even the brother stated that he wasn't really into the girl that much, so not even he considered it serious. Regarding my siblings, it's not something I have to worry about because my siblings' taste in women are radically different than mine. But, for me it would be a matter of how serious the relationship was. First, they dated a month in this story, and there is no mention of whether or not they were sleeping together during that time, so that's a red herring argument you've made. If one of my brothers had serious relationship with a woman, even if I found her attractive, I'd not even bring it up so as to not hurt my sibling. But, if they went on a handful of dates over the period of a month? Nah, wouldn't bother me at all. Obviously, he wasn't that interested, now was he? Acting that possessive over someone that you don't even really like is kind of crazy.
@jerrychicks2420 Жыл бұрын
​@@Ashbrash1998They kinda have had too for the brother to propose.
@gawainethefirst Жыл бұрын
I would not date someone my brother dated.
@eye-chan1711 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: Usually I dislike when people date their siblings’ exes… but he had no idea when they dated and OP dated her longer than how long mark dated her(when OP introduced her to the family.)
@Mglay556 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: OPs brother only likes the fiancé cause she isn’t dating him anymore. Op needs to go no contact and get security for the wedding.
@Domino365 Жыл бұрын
If you have to "keep an eye" on your significant other, then the significant other is the problem. People need to get rid of this mentality that people get seduced away. You can't steal someone who doesn't want to be taken.
@ronhall5395 11 ай бұрын
If she had become a stay at home Mom, he would have cheated with a coworker or the cashier at a local store. He was not into being a family anymore.
@kathyniebylski6735 Жыл бұрын
I've seen my mom blame herself so many times for what horrible things my dad did to us. The OP in the second story needs therapy and a support group really bad because everything that she is blaming herself for was never her fault to begin with. She is stuck in the grief of losing somebody who got distracted so easily that it's made her think she doesn't deserve to live anymore.
@SteviiLove Жыл бұрын
Story 2; you are absolutely correct when you say if it wasn't the nanny, it would have been someone else for sure. Beyonce, Shania Twain, Shakira are just a few phenomenal beauties whom have been cheated on, sadly confirms it can happen to anyone no matter how much money, fame and how attractive they are.
@emaleemorton2963 Жыл бұрын
Story one, the comment about moving too fast made me chuckle. My husband and I were engaged six weeks after we met each other. Married six months after we met, two weeks after we graduated high school. We have been together for almost fifteen years now. There is not time frame for a one-size-fits-all all.
@TheCRAZYAunt128 Жыл бұрын
My mom and step dad were married less then 2 years after they first met, mom said she just knew- they've been married about 15 years now
@BersealiaDreamheart Жыл бұрын
It was a year for my parents, and my mom just graduated high school. They’ve been married for 33 years.
@ScandalizeMyName Жыл бұрын
You are the exception, not the rule. It still doesn't change the fact that getting engaged as a high schooler, and getting married two weeks after you graduate isn't the best idea in general. It worked out for you, it doesn't for most. So I really don't understand why it made you 'chuckle', as it seems utterly dismissive of the fact that in general, it's NOT a good idea in these modern times. and outside of religious and cultural reasons, one should really take these decisions seriously enough to give it a bit of time, specifically and especially if one is under the age of 30. You can have a long engagement, there is absolutely no sense in rushing when you are young. I'm glad it worked out for you, and I hope it does for everyone else that makes the decision. But that doesn't mean you get to dismiss all the downsides the decision can have.
@thomasjoseph5876 Жыл бұрын
Your situation is a rarity and 99% of the time results in a divorce at some point. Being you are only 15 years in, a divorce can still happen. Just saying.
@emaleemorton2963 Жыл бұрын
@ScandalizeMyName , it made me chuckle because everyone is so dismissive of the fact that it can work. If someone gets married soon or quickly, people are too fast to jump on the "it won't work out" train. Truth is, marriage is hard work. No amount of time is going to change that. Our society throws the towel in way too fast because we are a society of self-gratification and instant gratification. Neither of which you always get in marriage. My parents dated for years before they were married and still got divorced. I don't think the problem is how long you date before getting married, I think the problem is our societal standards. We are told "self-love and love yourself" or "you do you" ... when you're in a marriage, those things don't work. You should be doing what you can for the other person. True love is selfless, not selfish. When you get married two lives merge into one, you can't go into it expecting nothing to change in your life, which i have seen time and time again. The beautiful thing about marrying young is you build your life together, and you grow together. It can be quite beautiful.
@mracula1667 Жыл бұрын
The comments on story 1 about “why didn’t she say about dating your brother” or to that effect are so strange. How much detail to you go into about someone you dated for a month? How much detail do you go into about each member of your family when you first start dating?
@shanittathompson2039 Жыл бұрын
Right! Who talks about a damn Ex!!! The comments act like they intentionally went behind brother's back on purpose.
@diamcole Жыл бұрын
I don't think it excuses any of the brother's behavior, not at all, but it's probably something I would have mentioned if I were her. Easier to get ahead of the narrative than try to course correct midway.
@kateemma22 Жыл бұрын
People who clearly don't date a lot must think people rock up to the second date with a list of names and photos of all their exes lol
@sgm8265 Жыл бұрын
I do wonder on learning OP's last name, assuming the brothers have the same last name, if she didn't think about her ex and maybe look him up on sm. Or it was long enough ago and such a short "fling" she forgot all about the ex.
@thomasjoseph5876 Жыл бұрын
Usually, when getting to know another person you are dating you ask them questions about themselves and their family. The moment he mentioned he had a brother named xxxx, she KNEW she was dating her ex's brother.
@AndyyWithAY Жыл бұрын
We have heard a ton of stories recently about men who were having sex with their spouse several times weekly but still stepped out. I think that guy with 2 families was with his wife 6-8x a week. When the mistress becomes the wife/GF she creates an opening. He'll cheat on her too. She did you a favor. Get some hobbies, get some friends, enjoy your job and kids.
@tully6648 Жыл бұрын
There are more and more stories of men cheating on women who are perfectly good partners, but for whatever reason it isn't good enough, so they cheat. It's really depressing, since it's like… WTF can you even do, you know? I'm still thinking about that story of the 33 year-old woman whose husband jumped into the manosphere and cheated on her because he decided she was "low value" and wanted a virgin. Ten years of a marriage, gone for NOTHING.
@asmith8692 Жыл бұрын
In the movie "She-devil" the protagonist commented that if a man cheats his wife for a mistress, he'll cheat on the mistress when she starts acting like a wife.
@Lily_of_the_Forest Жыл бұрын
Story 2: Why are men let off the hook? MEN CAN CONTROL THEMSELVES. Stop excusing cheating men!
@sandeesandwich2180 Жыл бұрын
S1: I don't even know why the bro is referred to as an "ex", because they only dated for a month. I've had jugs of milk that have lasted longer. S2: Just found a post from 2 months ago. OP's ex called her in the middle of the night to wish her a "happy anniversary". Here's her account of the call: Him: Hey, I am sorry didn't mean to disturb you. Me: Why? Are the kids okay? (He has the kids for few days) Him: No, they are fine. I just wanted to talk to you because today is a special day. Me: What? Him: You don't remember? It is our anniversary. I thought you would remember since you always remind me. Me: Well, we are divorced. So I don't see the point in reminding you. Plus anniversary is for people who are still married. We are not married. Him: I know, it's just something I randomly remembered so I thought I would call you. Me: Ok, and? Him: Nothing. What a douche! I guess he thinks he has this magic appeal with all women he's come in contact with.
@MaryTheresa1986 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the update! I'm glad OP put him in his place. "Okay, and?" Sent me 😂😂😂😂😂!
@Nortarachanges Жыл бұрын
“Randomly remembered” *eye rolls*
@allanmartinez7535 Жыл бұрын
Cool video, My relationship of 5 years ended a month ago. The love of my life decided to leave me, I really love her so much I can’t stop thinking about her, I’ve tried my very best to get her back in my life, but to no avail, I’m frustrated, I don’t see my life with anyone else. I’ve done my best to get rid of the thoughts of her, but I can’t, I don’t know why I’m saying this here, I really miss her and just can’t stop thinking about her.
@allanmartinez7535 Жыл бұрын
Amazing, how did you get a spiritual counsellor, and how do i reach her?
@allanmartinez7535 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this valuable information, i just looked her up now online. impressive.
@Russman67 Жыл бұрын
Mark is salty about OP having a successful relationship with Jen. He made a hail Mary and got chin checked. He and his friend came up with a rom com level dumb plan.
@thefallennero5265 Жыл бұрын
"He made a hail mary and got chin checked." Great way to describe it. 😆
@ChrisAndCats Жыл бұрын
I think she was wrong to date brothers. She shouldn't have done that - how did she think it would go?
@Russman67 Жыл бұрын
@@ChrisAndCats Mark and her were together for a few weeks if that. OP didn't show up to the first date with the family portrait. How it should have gone doesn't include Mark dropping to a knee to propose to a woman he doesn't give two shits about.
@ChrisAndCats Жыл бұрын
@Russman67 of course he shouldn't be doing that. But that aside, there's likely to be drama. I don't think she should have done it.
@tatkkyo9911 Жыл бұрын
​@@ChrisAndCatsdude do you ask every person you date for a list of siblings so you can avoid dating them? Also which date do you ask for that cause it seems to weird to bring it up in the first few. They dated for like 4 weeks I'm not surprised that she didn't get the list.
@AryonaSamoto Жыл бұрын
Story 1: OP shouldn't have been so accepting and apologetic. The brother didn't even properly apologize. I'm glad OP uninvited the brother and I hope OP and his fiancee have a beautiful wedding and happy marriage❤ Story 2: I'm so glad OP is healing and moving forwards in her life. The ex is a piece of trash that will have Karma hit him. I wish blessings and happiness in OP's future❤
@thomasjoseph5876 Жыл бұрын
Story 1 is just gross and SOMEONE is gaslighting. I highly doubt that the girlfriend didn't know she was dating the brother of her ex-boyfriend. As you get to know someone better who you are dating you usually talk about your family. Once he would have mentioned he had a brother named xxxx, it would have clicked in her head she was dating her ex's brother but yet, she never told him??? UNLESS She did tell him and the OP decided to stick it to his brother at the dinner where he showed his family the pics of him and his girlfriend who he had been dating for a few months. Are you going to tell me he never bothered to mention her name or what she did for a living or where she worked, previously??? Who does that unless they are intentionally withholding info??? This story is just gross. Why would someone want to date and marry a woman they barely know anything about who previously dated and slept with their sibling??? That is just a massive "ick factor".
@anxnymous_bodies Жыл бұрын
@@thomasjoseph5876They dated for a month… it’s totally plausible that something like this could happen. It’s not like they were in a long-term committed relationship
@NJ-kp3wu Жыл бұрын
​@@thomasjoseph5876I think your comment definitely wins the ick factor competition.
@thomasjoseph5876 Жыл бұрын
@@NJ-kp3wu Well, it is one or the other unless the story is fake which I would believe more easily than the garbage we were fed here LOL. Here is a fun stat for you, 22% of cheating spouses are cheating with a relative. yummy, huh???
@castleplayz2361 Жыл бұрын
​@@thomasjoseph5876didn't op literally say he never talked about family because he moved to get away from them
@cmsxcb Жыл бұрын
Story 1: "He said I shouldn't have violated him like this". Bloody hell, OP is only engaged to a lady the half-heartedly brother went out with - OP didn't bend him over a table and insert a baseball bat, however tempting that must be!
@AndyyWithAY Жыл бұрын
I strongly agree with leaving a review for the former therapist. Therapy is too expensive and it can take too long to change to a new one for you to waste time on the wrong one. Some people will see her review and look with someone else
@robertx8020 Жыл бұрын
I agree And as long as you're honest it can help others too And don't believe the 'there are no bad therapists" bs ..ofc there are!
@AngelaVEdwards Жыл бұрын
Story 1: The reason Jenn looks more attractive now to Mark is because she is unobtainium to him. He's an AH guy for sure.
@ghostcatcoon8175 Жыл бұрын
So he only dated her for a month and then dipped because he "didn't want to be tied down". Never talked about her to the family, evidence being the family didn't make any comments when they saw the pictures of her or when he told them her name until the pictures got to the brother, and got mad when his brother, who didn't even know about the fact that they had dated, got with her. Listen i get the who never date your siblings ex. But come on, this is really stretching it. They were only together a month and he decided to ditch her, and then got mad when his brother actually got along with her, and decided to marry her? Also the whole, moving too fast comments are a bit silly. Not everyone dates at the same speed, if that works for them. Then kudos.
@robertx8020 Жыл бұрын
This And some ppl seem to 'think' that if you date for (e.g.) 3 yrs nothing can go wrong ..I can only laugh at such ignorance
@ynat2198 Жыл бұрын
Is this a generational thing? One year is way too fast. Doubly so in a situation like this and i do personally agree that this is all pretty weird ish. “hitting it off” is lust/obsession, not “if they know, then why not”. Obv its still their choices. But yeah a year is still just honeymoon phase 🤷🏾‍♀️
@ghostcatcoon8175 Жыл бұрын
@@ynat2198 It happens in almost every generation. Some people just mesh and it works out. Like me personally, I'd have to date someone a few years before I'll even consider marriage. But some people don't and that's fine. It doesn't hurt me, so why should I care. Besides some of even my grandparents friends got married like that and are still happily married. And there are others who divorced long ago. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. It may not work for you. But if they get married that soon, it doesn't really affect any of us, so why get so bothered about it, you know?
@robertx8020 Жыл бұрын
@@ynat2198 I agree , ppl should only get married after at least 50!! years ..if you marry earlier then you marriage will fail /s
@hodgeelmwood8677 Жыл бұрын
There's a lot of wisdom in not moving too fast. You only have to look at Mark, who apparently thought he had ownership rights over someone he dated for a month. And if I were Jenn, at some point early on with OP I'd have said, "You know what's interesting, your last name is the same as the last guy I dated," which might have lead to a convo wherein OP would've learned his brother dated this woman and at least he'd be prepared ahead of time for possible drama.
@mayfl0wers Жыл бұрын
Story 1: Mark sounds like a spoiled brat/misogynist. Because how dare a woman find someone else attractive who she unknowingly knew was your brother. Does he have a right to feel uncomfortable that his brother is dating someone he used to date? Yes. Did throwing a temper tantrum and fake proposing to her going to make then break them up? He's real delulu.
@amandasunshine2 Жыл бұрын
Yup 💯
@senatorarmstrong4662 Жыл бұрын
Honestly op had no idea they dated so it’s not his fault she fell for him nor is it her fault for moving on. It’s the brothers fault he was the one he dumped her cause he got bored he has no right to say who she can or can’t date. Also demanding they break up cause he couldn’t get over that she found someone that appreciates her is very selfish of him.
@HaliaStone Жыл бұрын
Strapping in for this one based on the title alone.
@ThatgirlL18 Жыл бұрын
Clicked it so fast!
@damien678 Жыл бұрын
It sounds SO MESSY!!
@rmhartman Жыл бұрын
"Look, bro. I never even knew you had a girlfriend, much less who it was "
@JasperCatProductions Жыл бұрын
That upset over a few weeks long relationship? What an @$$. I’d just drop the brother, he seems like a jerk. But don’t the brothers have the same last name? Did I miss that?
@ZValerian21 Жыл бұрын
They probably have a super common last name. Like Smith or Jones or something.
@Nevertoleave Жыл бұрын
She might not have know her ex’s last name. He didn’t sound very into her so I don’t even know if they could really be considered boyfriend and girlfriend after seeing each other for a month. He may never have mentioned having a brother (OP). Especially since they didn’t living in the same city while she dated the brother. I don’t recall knowing the last names of half of the guys I dated in high school. If I knew it to begin with I quickly forgot. And both cases are guys I didn’t date seriously for any significant length of time. And if they (OP and her) met randomly and hit it off in a bar. She may not have known OP’s last name until they went out on a date.
@thomasjoseph5876 Жыл бұрын
@@Nevertoleave WOW look at the mental gymnastics here to justify a very gross relationship. Seriously, when you are getting to know someone better who you are dating you naturally end up talking about family, usually the very first night and the moment he mentioned he had a brother named xxxx, she KNEW she was dating her ex's brother. But yet, she didn't tell him??? Why??? Could it be for most people that sort of thing would be a dealbreaker??? I bet she was the first one to bring up "marriage" in their conversation. This is just gross. Or perhaps the OP is gaslighting us with his version of the story or the story is completely fake because the OP got bored one day.
@Nortarachanges Жыл бұрын
@@thomasjoseph5876… gaslighting? Seriously? OP is making us doubt our sanity? You’ve been commenting an awful lot about this story. Maybe you need to log off for a bit
@owenfautley Жыл бұрын
The brother in the 1st story sounds like a child crying over wanting a toy that they discarded when someone else is now playing with it.
@elizabethbasileo1861 Жыл бұрын
Story 1- I get the whole not dating a sibling’s ex, however, in this situation, the brother barely dated her and OP already had feelings for this girl by the time he found out she was an ex. Not to mention, by the time OP knew she was an ex of his little brother he had already been dating her longer than the little brother. So I don’t think OP should break up with her. Also with the comments of “to fast” or “to early”, when you know you know. My husband and I dated, got engaged, and were married before we were together for 1 year and we’ve been together for 17years. I know couples who dated for years, did the long engagement and are now divorced. When it comes to relationships no amount of time is is the right time, it all depends on the couple.
@GMAMEC Жыл бұрын
I agree! It’s too bad that she didn’t meet OP first. It was a month and things didn’t work out. The brother sounds like he has control issues. Why does he care so much?
@user-wr3vt8uq4s Жыл бұрын
Similar story here. I felt like after the third date that they were the one. Of course, I lucked out. If I had gone down a different path, who knows, I might've been divorced twice by now.
@Midgetbear-nk1fe Жыл бұрын
You never know man they could of have such a passionate strong relationship for that month (this is sarcasm)
@impishrebel5969 Жыл бұрын
"Not dating a siblings ex" internal screaming HE DIDN'T KNOW. By then they had a relationship. Are you supposed to magically know who your friends and siblings dated on meeting a stranger and go "oh my spidey senses are tingling! You must be my brother's ex!" and dump them the second you find out? And I agree with the "no amount of time is the right time." My husband and I decided within months we started dating that we'd be married eventually. We've been together 24+ years now and married for about ten of that.
@Midgetbear-nk1fe Жыл бұрын
@@impishrebel5969 right like I know personally I would like to wait a couple years because some trust issues I have but my parents only dated for year then got married they have been together for almost 30 years
@janjanl1812 Жыл бұрын
No one owns the life of an ex. She or he can date whoever she or he wants after the break-up. Best friend, brother, sister, cousin, etc. even an ex of yours can hook up with another ex of yours. Perfectly legit.
@ComaLies225 Жыл бұрын
I think the bro in story 1 is more hurt that his ex moved on and seems happier. He also seems to think he’s a hot commodity. Just from the comments he made in the update: (I.e. the ex was asking about him even though it was only once and the fact he thought she might accept his proposal.) Bro thinks he’s the best cut from a steak when he’s a cheap hot dog at best.
@Oggystein Жыл бұрын
A month is barely a relationship, much less become that obsessive with the idea that your brother who lived out of state, had never met her before and didn't even know he was ever dating just happened to meet the girl his brother took out probably a few times. And its so bazaar to think the ex-brother is so arrogant he thinks either a) the girlfriend is so hung up on him that she's dating and marrying the OP to get back at the ex or b) the brother violated some unspoken rule by dating her without knowing they had "history". And yeah, if you categorize that history as a textbook, it doesn't even make a paragraph.
@Nevertoleave Жыл бұрын
Story two. You can’t steal someone that didn’t want to be stolen. If they used a service I’d report the nanny. In a couple years he’ll dump the nanny and she’ll need a job. Make sure she can’t try to break up another home.
@annabethsmith-kingsley2079 7 ай бұрын
I don’t think being afraid of having your heart broken is an “irrational fear”, that’s always the risk you take.
@hilaryc3203 Жыл бұрын
One month is not a relationship; it's just a few dates and no unwritten rules about siblings and dating partners comes into it.
@juresichj Жыл бұрын
Hey Mark! My brother, first husband, and sister's BIL are all named Mark. Sister's kids had 3 Uncle Marks. When my brother was playing baseball as a teen, his team, every year, had 7 Marks on it. Many men feel your pain.
@MMKMoore1 Жыл бұрын
Story 2 - Someone who leaves you for their AP merely creates a job opening. Love is a choice that you make daily, not the feelings you have during the start of a relationship. Some people never learn that. I'm glad to see that OP is starting to heal and move on. It sucks when your marriage is blown up because he cheated on you, especially with someone younger and "prettier".
@piratsnygg Жыл бұрын
4:07 "Why is it always Mark?" I've been thinking this SO many times! Like half the times you read a story about some douchebag, they call him Mark! Hahaha! And I can so relate, cause my name (Jessica) is also used a lot in these stories, and in movies, as soon as someone portrays a b-word, lol!
@LadyPinkmonsta Жыл бұрын
I always feel bad for Mark when one of the aholes gets given that as a fake name 😅
@heidifruchtl354 Жыл бұрын
First story, the one comment on getting engaged in less than a year, my parents met in September, got engaged in January, and married in July. Yes, it was 53-54 years ago, and they lived in different states, but they were together for 52+ years until dad passed away. And the worst thing about their marriage was dad's mother and sister, horrible women.
@Swnsasy Жыл бұрын
Story 2: I need her to look in the mirror and tell herself she's worth it!! There is no punishment at all, he wasn't the one. I need her to keep her head up, hold it high and my goodness know her worth by telling it to herself over and over until she believes it... This breaks my heart❤
@connierichards9121 Жыл бұрын
Op 2. Good for you girl. Live your life to the fullest. Make your children and your self happy. Forget anyone else. Thats the best revenge.
@dominicwehrmann8515 Жыл бұрын
I just never understand people to get married within a year. That's such an important question, legally, emotionally, financially and personally. You can't know a person well enough to marry them in under a year.... what's wrong with dating? It's not like a race to put the finger on her ring
@RoseKoneko Жыл бұрын
Right? The answer is always “but I’ve known/heard of people being married for thirty years after getting married quickly”. That doesn’t make it wise, just because a few people made it work. Twice as many get divorced because they didn’t have the big conversations and weren’t happy with their views. Or “I thought I knew him/her”.
@ZValerian21 Жыл бұрын
Every person/relationship is different. Some people know what they want right away, some don't know even after years and years.
@ineedhoez Жыл бұрын
To be fair, you CAN absolutely get to know a person in a very short time period and make a decision on marriage. If you understand the following about a person, you can make a decision: 1. Conflict resolution style 2. Values on Kids 3. Values on Religion 4. Values on Money 5. Boundaries with family 6. Attachment style If you understand these things and negotiate a solution, in the areas where you have conflict, you will be fine. If not the amount of time, rather it is the depth of understanding that you have for a person.
@uncr0wnedKing Жыл бұрын
I mean there is a reason why divorce rate is like 50% 😅
@Rashi0220 Жыл бұрын
I honestly find it so weird that while they were dating he never showed the gf his family photos or told her about the brother?? How close they even were before getting engaged
@SP-io7lj Жыл бұрын
Story#2: A man who needs adult supervision to be faithful is not a worthwhile man! Be thankful he is gone and let it go. The best revenge is succeeding. If you want to feel sorry for yourself because your husband cheated, give yourself a moment to do so and then let it go, pick yourself up and move on! There are plenty of people's out there and you don't want to waste your time on someone who isn't right for you! As Mark says, "Assholes are gonna asshole!".
@MarkNarrations Жыл бұрын
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 Жыл бұрын
@PastorRapture Жыл бұрын
Story 1: Mark in S1 is a sociopath. OP needs to cut that cancer out of his life and actively lobby the rest of the parents to go LC or NC with him. What Mark in S1 did is unforgivable. This is a cancer you remove from your life and never bring back into it under any circumstances. Story 2: I sincerely hope OP’s children grow to hate and despise him and refuse to have a relationship with him, even refusing to meet him on his death bed after a life time of misery. I also hope he is never able to have children again and gets financially bled out too. The husband’s affair should be widely publicized to his friends, family, and coworkers, along with the mistress’s family, friends, and coworkers too. I hope OP is getting alimony and child support out of him and bleeds him dry.
@deborahyoung1873 Жыл бұрын
If you have to keep an eye on her husband to make sure he doesn't cheat, you are better off without them. Just make sure you can suck as much child support out of him that you can get. He is a pos.
@WhitneyDahlin Жыл бұрын
‼️STORY 2 I feel so terrible for the OPand I feel terrible that her family is telling her it's her fault for not being a stay-at-home wife! NO it isn't her fault at all!! If he didn't cheat with the babysitter he would have cheated with someone else. It just happened to be the babysitter because she was there. If she wasn't it would have been some girl online he ran away with or someone at his work etc. Poor OP. What kind of psychos does she have in her life telling her its her fault!! Its no one's fault but the husbands! And also the babysitter! They equally suck! But her marriage was already over he was just too much of a coward to admit it
@alyzu4755 Жыл бұрын
Mark needs to a) Find better friends and 2) GROW THE EFF UP!!!!! Story 2: NONE of this is OP's fault! She needs therapy and to get rid of everyone who blames her. Her ex would have found a way to cheat and someone to cheat with, regardless of whether she was a SAHM. And yes, he'll either cheat on his new partner or she'll cheat on him. What they do with you, they'll do to you.
@alec5803 Жыл бұрын
Story 1. The brother is just jealous of Op's. The brother is mad because he has to watch her move on with his brother. It's similar to a child throwing away an old toy. Then another kid picked it up out of the trash. All of a sudden, they want their toy back. Now that she is living her best life with Op. The brother either wants her back, or he dont want Op to have her either. Ijs
@Foxxnsocks Жыл бұрын
Ngl, I clutched my pearls as soon as I read the title 😱
@LostCause-69 Жыл бұрын
This pretty much like a child who loses interest in a toy and only wants it back when they see someone else playing with it.
@telinhajp Жыл бұрын
Good afternoon, Mark and Poppy! Wishing you a fabulous week ahead! ❤️🤗
@MarkNarrations Жыл бұрын
Hey hey Telinha!!
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 Жыл бұрын
Hope you have one too m8🤗🤗💜💜
@ebayrose Жыл бұрын
First story: The brother is obviously a narcissist.
@kp2223 Жыл бұрын
Perfect timing for my spread sheet review
@SheenaReine Жыл бұрын
the brother is very much “i am feel uncomfortable when we aren’t about me?” he just couldn’t fathom she didn’t do this to spite him, and he’s nothing to her.
@tallyp.7643 Жыл бұрын
Wow--not expecting it. never been first before
@MarkNarrations Жыл бұрын
@sgtwhisker26 Жыл бұрын
Congratulations, I’m usually super early, too, but I don’t comment on anything
@sowutsurpoint Жыл бұрын
Damn you both ! It's 12am in Australia ...and I'm.not even close to first
@sgtwhisker26 Жыл бұрын
@@sowutsurpoint I’m in the States crazy too.
@tallyp.7643 Жыл бұрын
@@sgtwhisker26 I just found it funny to refresh the channel menu and it said the vid dropped "6 seconds ago". Like wow--I didn't know it got THAT accurate. I just found it funny, but it's nice to get that dose of Mark's waffles in the morning.
@viennperidot1119 Жыл бұрын
Story One: I'll take Narcissistic Injury for $500, Paul. What a self-absorbed soggy potato chip!
@jessiec1384 Жыл бұрын
breakfast is never complete without the waffle! have an awesome day everyone!
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 Жыл бұрын
You too m8🤗🤗💜💜
@catcando1131 11 ай бұрын
I am very pleased most comments are ‘Dating for a month does not make an ex’ because that is so true.
@jennilynne1977 Жыл бұрын
Hey Mark and Waffle Gang! Got home at 1:30am today from my trip to North Carolina safe and sound. Had a great time while I was there. I hope everyone is having a great day/afternoon/night! Peace ☮️, hugs 🤗 and love 😘!
@Standinthegap4ever Жыл бұрын
Hon, the reason he committed adultery is because he lacks morals & refused to resist, avoid & flee temptation. That 20yr old WILL leave him for someone else, he might be younger & buffer than your husband & his “performance” will probably be able to last longer & be more frequent. Or he may be older & richer. But it will not last.
@MaryTheresa1986 Жыл бұрын
When that happens, I hope OP and her new, better man laugh in his face.
@adriennewaterhouse5174 Жыл бұрын
Yes Good morning one and ALL!!! Have a stupendous day!!!
@MarkNarrations Жыл бұрын
You too!
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 Жыл бұрын
You too m8
@ReyK_47 Жыл бұрын
Story 1 makes me appreciate how close my brothers all are and how none of them are baths*t crazy.
@AndyyWithAY Жыл бұрын
Dating and accepting a marriage proposal is pretty big steps to go through to "to get back at someone". Like no sane person does that. The ick factor in this one was over 9000. I still don't understand how so many people are comfortable dating their siblings ex. The idea of being with someone a family member has sex with is so gross to me 🤮🤮🤮 Some people get engaged quickly. Nearly a year isn't that short. You can get to know people well if you actually talk to them. Then Mark proposing to Jen to spite OP. NTA, but I need a bath
@Pastel_Dreams Жыл бұрын
Not to mention that the only reason Mark pulled this little stunt was because his equally moronic friend planted the idea in his head that Jen was only with his brother because she was still hung up on Mark. What little men do for an ego boost 😅
@ScreamingDucksShotMyMother Жыл бұрын
Yeah, I personally couldn’t date someone who banged my sibling. Even just a one night stand situation. It’d be icky to me. 😂😂
@ScreamingDucksShotMyMother Жыл бұрын
@@Pastel_Dreams You call tell he still thinks she’s hung up on him 😂😂 he wants to be wanted by her so bad.
@Yume10605 Жыл бұрын
​@@ScreamingDucksShotMyMothershe was never supposed to move on. She was just supposed to sit in the shelf he left her on till he was ready to get her back.
@Pastel_Dreams Жыл бұрын
@@ScreamingDucksShotMyMother What makes it all the better is the fact that HE dumped HER and NOW thinks she looks "even better" from then
@randomusername3873 Жыл бұрын
2nd Op should just drop a hint she's dating someone and the cheating ex will 100% start begging her to get back together Then expose him to the homewrecker and then enjoy the show😊
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 Жыл бұрын
Hey can you take care of yourself? Just do one small thing that will make yourself happy. And if you feel like you can do more, please stretch, drink some water, and eat something. You matter so much. I send all the virtual love. 💜💜🤗🤗💜💜🤗🤗
@telinhajp Жыл бұрын
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 Жыл бұрын
@@telinhajp 🤗🤗💜💜🤗🤗💜💜🤗🤗💜💜
@blueyoshi8880 Жыл бұрын
Story 1 sounds like he's not over her but is mad she is over him. I clapped inside when she told him to put the ring away and stand up. OP, you got a keeper and bro is mad he threw her away
@indigo2734 Жыл бұрын
Monday Morning Mark, let's goo! 💪
@MarkNarrations Жыл бұрын
Hey Inigo, hope all is well!!
@indigo2734 Жыл бұрын
@@MarkNarrations We keep on keepin' on! Hope you and yours are well also!
@AdmiralBlackstar Жыл бұрын
Story 2, I remember my mother having a lot of the same thoughts about her ex. He didn't cheat (that we know of, though he did move on surprisingly fast) but aside from that he seemed to have a lot less struggles, more success, etc. after the divorce. But the best solution is to move on and live your best life. Maybe karma will take care of him, maybe not, but your best choice is to live your best life and learn to enjoy it without him because in the end it's about you, not him.
@paulastiles5507 Жыл бұрын
Terrible people are really good at pretending. I mean, think about it - they were really good at lying and fooling people that they were a devoted spouse who had no interest in straying when you were married to them. Did you think they would just lose those skills after they dumped you? The thing is (and I am speaking from personal experience here because my dad was just like this ex, and he died miserable and alone), anyone who has to lie and put on a front of being happy *isn't* *actually* *happy*. They are the prime example of misery loving company. Don't like the (mis)use of the term "karma"? Okay. Think of it as a psychological version of Newton's Third Law. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, and you know what? That includes cheating.
@FriedaMMartin Жыл бұрын
Good morning! I packed some Halloween boxes to send to a couple of out of state friends
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 Жыл бұрын
Ooo fun
@DanniSoRude Жыл бұрын
Well that was nice of you ❤
@rickraber1249 Жыл бұрын
First story: Well, that last comment from OP explained a lot. Trouble with his parents explains his brother's behavior. What is this business of not being allowed to date a sibling's ex? If you hit it off, no one else should be allowed to stop your relationship. Mark sounds like an egotistical, immature spoiled brat, with way too much time on his hands to obsess about OP and Jen. If I were OP, I wouldn't let my parents tell Mark where or when the wedding is, or I'd at least have a couple of buddies at the church door to keep his from crashing the wedding. Total loser.
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 Жыл бұрын
Hey you yes you, take a deep breath let it out slowly, and lower your shoulders. Know that you are important to someone even if you feel like no one loves you, guess what I do. I'm so proud of you being here. Thank you. Now make sure you take care of yourself and drink some water, eat something and take a stretch break.💜💜🤗🤗💜💜🤗🤗
@telinhajp Жыл бұрын
Heeello, Broken! How are you doing today? ❤️🤗
@MarkNarrations Жыл бұрын
Hey Broken hope all is well mate!!
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 Жыл бұрын
@telinhajp I'm alright how about you? Hope you have a great week 🤗🤗💜💜
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 Жыл бұрын
@@MarkNarrations all good, hope you're well m8🤗🤗💜💜
@FlamesofJagger Жыл бұрын
Good morning Broken. I hope you have a great day 🤗🤗❤️🩷🤗🤗♥️💜🤗🤗🩵💙🤗🤗💚💛🤗🤗
@__rogue___ Жыл бұрын
S2 : Too early to judge once a cheater always a cheater. Home wreckers don't build one, she will cheat on OP's ex husband for sure
@champslim Жыл бұрын
Sooo you never bought up your brother??? Not even his name? Before you took her to the family dinner, she never saw a picture of anyone?? This is weird.
@impishrebel5969 Жыл бұрын
Yeah because when you go on a date you totally want to talk about your siblings dating history /s. My siblings aren't something I talked about routinely with my husband if at all. I also didn't show him pictures before he met them. Why would you. That's so strange. Likewise my sister and I met the same people separately and THEY didn't realize we were even sisters until they saw us together, it's not out of left field to not realize the person you met but haven't met the family of was related to someone you already knew.
@TheBlueDsc Жыл бұрын
I don't know about you, but I don't tend to talk about people I'm not close to
@nela3986 Жыл бұрын
It's one thing to date the ex of a sibling or a friend on purpose. Another if they met and fell in love without even knowing it. OPs brother has a bunch of screws loose. Just toxic.
@darkmask5933 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: while the comments are trying to help, it's not healthy to reassure someone by claiming karma will come for the other person and to hedge them feeling better on that. I know Reddit is biased thanks to stuff like /ProRevenge, but there's a lot of times karma doesn't seem to come. Sometimes terrible people just get away with it and end up happy. Best advice OP got and what I am glad she took to heart was to live for herself, not to see her ex maybe suffer someday. Reminds me of a story a few months ago of a guy who's parents were neglectful POS who drank wine and looked down their noses at everyone and kicked OP out of the house at 18, only to years later break into the house OP purchased from his grandparents, lie to the cops, and squat there. OP did kick them out after several months, only to find out his parents started a new successful business and were doing well for themselves.
@user-blob Жыл бұрын
First story. Leave the 3 of them to it. Brother is slightly mad. OP and fiancé are gross for keeping it in the family 🤢🤢🤢
@Araraki-Itto1 Жыл бұрын
OP is not wrong. What happened between his brother and his ex is between them and only them. HE broke up with her cause he lost interest. Now if she had done something to hurt him, i could understand. But no, she didn't. There's no issue with it. I hate this "How could you date my ex?!" Shit. Listen if there's bad blood I get it. If there isn't. Leave em alone.
@nilianstroy 11 ай бұрын
Story 1... from the first reaction after op showed the pic of his fiancée, their parents seemed to not even know her, meaning the brother never treated the relationship seriously.
@lexdiamondz1991 Жыл бұрын
They're all trash. He's trash for dating his brother's ex (even though he didn't know immediately) She's trash for dating her ex's brother (I mean, that one is pretty self-explanatory) Brother's trash for staging a fake proposal to ruin this relationship even though he dumper her in the first place.
@prince_sylex Жыл бұрын
Poor Waffle-Mark is so unlucky to share his name with so many Bad-Marks. He deserves better😢
@lorrainemontagnon1537 Жыл бұрын
Hello everyone! Hope your day is turning out to be awesome. I am enjoying my hot coffee and my usual morning routine. A big part of that is sharing it with you all, Mark and little Poppy. Hugs!
@maggpiprime954 Жыл бұрын
@Swnsasy Жыл бұрын
❤❤❤❤Doing the same, having tea though and laying with my husband's mistress.. Well, I'm laying, she's kneeding bread to get her spot comfy on his pillow since he left for work.. Hugs to you! 🎉
@maggpiprime954 Жыл бұрын
@@Swnsasy Kisses to Mistress Kitty! 😂💕
@Swnsasy Жыл бұрын
@@maggpiprime954 Hehe thanks! I call her that because as soon as he leaves for work she "SCREAMS" at me that he's gone. Then, when he gets home, she beats me to him because she has the ability to jump on chairs and across the table. Trust me, I'm doing some pilates so I can best her 🤭 Then she crackle meows at him, stares at me like I did something to her all day and don't feed her! Then, she gets the head rubs while I have to wait in line 🤣🤣
@maggpiprime954 Жыл бұрын
@@Swnsasy Omigosh that's adorable! I recommend you invest in a parkour-proof table to launch yourself safely (I'm imagining the look on her face lol). Btw, is she a calico, a tortie, or a siamese? My own kitties want to know. 😉😹😽
@shadesofjade Жыл бұрын
Oh-ho! Bro only dated her a fucking month?!? Where does he get off claiming his ex when they only dated for a month?!?
@theseeker9442 Жыл бұрын
That "who are you to decide when enough time has passed to get married" comment like I get it but still, under a year? That's absolutely way to soon and it's widely known that marriages that are rushed like this usually fall flat in their face
@michamocha Жыл бұрын
S1: Lmao, I had the suspicion that this was the problem. If he only knew her for a month, wouldn't be more that they went on dates rather than them being in an actual relationship? Either way, while I do think they are moving too fast, Op nor her really owe the brother an explanation or rights to their relationship. He doesn't even like her, he just delude himself into believing that she is definitely not over him and is trying to force her way into his life again which is kinda pathetic ngl. I wouldn't be surprised if he makes a fuss at the wedding because of another idea from a friend. S2: You can't stop a grown adult from cheating if they want to cheat. It's a character flaw, not something you can take responsibility for. It's really gross that people told Op these things rather than turn their scrutiny towards the one who chose to step out of his marriage.
@CouncilEstateRach Жыл бұрын
65 veiws in a minute wow
@MarkNarrations Жыл бұрын
They're a lovely bunch to me
@sagesaria Жыл бұрын
So...OP's brother expects not only that any girl he ever asked out be off limits, but that OP should read his mind? Yeah, that's a no from me bro.
@bhutehole Жыл бұрын
Don't date your siblings ex partners. It always causes problems. There are billions of other people to chose from.
@Jrskeetpro Жыл бұрын
Be careful, every time I write that, I get shit on😂
@bhutehole Жыл бұрын
​@@Jrskeetproit's OK to be able to recognize patterns. These all end the same
@Jrskeetpro Жыл бұрын
@@bhutehole I agree completely. Just too many people defend it. At least this one has the short time frame. Most others are multiple years or life long best friends situations lol
@shebakoby Жыл бұрын
Hmm story 1, if OP was off to be away from his parents, sounds like maybe one or more of them was a Cluster of Bees and Mark may have inherited that (I won't say Mark is the Golden Child as I'm not really seeing signs of it).
@patty-pat-pat Жыл бұрын
I just want to know why Jenn is OK with having forked both brothers. I believe she did know. When women start dating someone, we stalk their social media pages. She mustve known she was dating her exs brother.
@tabbynakamura Жыл бұрын
Not all women do that. The thought to check someone's social media would have never occurred to me, personally, though I know some friends who would definitely do that. Always seems a little weird to me but meh. As far as forking both, they may not have between Entitled Brother and Jenn. They only dated a month so it's just as likely that they had a couple of dates and he got bored.
@aphelion4616 Жыл бұрын
Bold of you to assume she 'forked' the first one. have a sneaky suspicion the reason he got 'bored; was because she wouldn't sleep with him.
@patty-pat-pat Жыл бұрын
@aphelion4616 the brother wouldn't be so mad if they didn't. He probably smashed and got bored rather than chase and got bored.
@patty-pat-pat Жыл бұрын
@@tabbynakamura you should definitely vet for your own safety before you meet and date. Why so careless?
@tabbynakamura Жыл бұрын
@@patty-pat-pat I mean, I'm married and have been for awhile but it's probably just not something common in the small town area I'm in.
@rickraber1249 Жыл бұрын
2nd story. This is Mrs. Rick. Many years ago, I was dumped by "the love of my life", or so I thought. Turned out that the love of his life was him - yup, a Class-A narcissist. He found his true love and dumped me for her, and I was shattered. A year later, I was chuckling to myself, because now SHE was stuck with HIM, and they flat out deserve each other. OP, you have to remember: a cheater left you for another cheater. Cheaters will cheat, and this new, great, love of the ages just might not last. If it does, they just have that much more time to make each other miserable. Either way, you have your best revenge. You have a right to have children, and to have a job. He'd have cheated on you eventually, because he is a cheater. You got out of that marriage cheap. And I hope he's paying the absolute max in child support. Ignore the busybodies who tell you that this was in any way your fault. It wasn't. It was him and the nanny. Good riddance to both.
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