My Girlfriend Wants Me To Sleep With Her Twin Sister r/Relationships

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Mark Narrations

Mark Narrations

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@TriXJester Жыл бұрын
Story 2: I almost spit water all over my laptop when Mark read out "pregnant women are built for function" dude, I AM autistic and even I know that is just something you never ever ever ever say out loud.
@jakemarie828 Жыл бұрын
Yeah this is a misogyny problem. The OP deflected in the update and said her body wasn't "what the woman wanted." No dude. It's not what you want. I hope he is honest in therapy cuz he needs a reframe big time.
@Swnsasy Жыл бұрын
ROFLOL same.. I'm like wtf?! Built for function? What on earth is wrong with this dude? Hell every pregnant woman I know, including myself, was needing MORE naughty touch!! 😂 This dude has nothing to do with not being able to lie, he just has no empathy and to me, education in a field of psychology, he sounds more like he has some personality disorder, might be sociopathic actually. I'm using that term not as a violent person, 99% are not, it's his inner lack of understanding how to communicate correctly and lacks the ability to "think" before he speaks.. He sees things in a functional way and not an emotion way...
@ronhall5395 Жыл бұрын
Funny, she wants more sex while pregnant. You don't want it. Dude, suck it up and do the deed. I did want sex with my pregnant wife. She found that disgusting. So sometimes you lose no matter what you do.
@jrytacct Жыл бұрын
I'm an Aspie myself and even *I'd* have told him "Whoa. *Stop* . Don't say that."
@beeppboopp Жыл бұрын
​@@jrytacct yeah, there's a difference between being autistic/bad with social cues, and using that to justify misogyny. Also, unrelated to the actual story, but I wouldn't call yourself a aspie, it's a really awful term. (it's anti-semitic and ableist) I always try to tell people when I see them using it, because most people don't know how bad it's origins are.
@H.P._Lovecrafts_Beloved_Cat Жыл бұрын
OP slaps roof of pregnant fiancé: “This baby’s built for function.”
@mercurialmelody Жыл бұрын
I get the impression they're severely neurodivergent...or perhaps a sociopath. 🤔 Edit: Ope, sounds like it's the latter possibly.
@margaritap.9459 Жыл бұрын
@megangwilliam5343 Жыл бұрын
This was a throwback
@lux0rd01 Жыл бұрын
"this can fit so many babies in it"
@myraeugeniauribeguevara4454 Жыл бұрын
@twentyfiveyears5010 Жыл бұрын
Last story: I have a favorite cartoon cut from a magazine decades ago. Imagine the classic 1960's cartoon meme of a psychologist's office, with the patient lying on the couch and the psychologist sitting in a chair with his notepad, and the psychologist is saying, "You know, Mr.Thompson, my nurse has an interesting theory about you. She thinks you're just an asshole."
@heathermiller5765 Жыл бұрын
@helianabanes4875 11 ай бұрын
He did say they were leaning his diagnosis towards NPD, so...yep😂
@francinetitherington4060 7 ай бұрын
😃 😀 😄 😁 🤣 😂
@laraq07 4 ай бұрын
yeah, I'm going with the you're the a'hole judgment.
@justinjones-smith5168 Жыл бұрын
Oh my gosh, I thought the girlfriend wanted to sleep with her sister.
@nerdygeekgamer5528 Жыл бұрын
I can see this going SOUTH pretty QUICKLLY if OP actually goes through with this INSANE idea his girlfriends proposed to him
@willh1655 Жыл бұрын
thats fun too
@dragonqueen7922 Жыл бұрын
That’s how I misread the title too
@CouncilEstateRach Жыл бұрын
How? The clue is in the words!!!
@katerinak96 Жыл бұрын
I honestly thought the same. I was thinking eww. But then I reread the title and was like "oh, I'm an idiot"
@SappyDuder Жыл бұрын
Story 1: NEVER sleep with anyone in your SO's family, even if they say so... just... don't do it.... Story 2: and I though I had bad "foot-in-mouth disorder". Jesus, I get what he means, but God *damn* he said it so badly
@damoeman6004 Жыл бұрын
Story2: even his "let me clarify some things" update was cringy AF!!! All I was thinking was he needs to just shut up at ALL times! Imagine how bad he must be that he had to be tested a few times. Even docs want to know why so many stupid things come out of one person's mouth. Oh well, he can always go into politics.
@sidhedanu Жыл бұрын
His update was ridiculous! Yeah, the baby is taking her calcium and pressing on her bladder. That is completely irrelevant when talking about her attractiveness and desire for sex.
@mellttabor2134 Жыл бұрын
Story 2- I like that he’s not smooth or clever. This guy is just real. Actually normal… just doesn’t express himself clearly, but not a bad guy, not mean, and not vicious. To many Reddit stories where the woman gets pregnant and the guy turned into a complete jerk. Not the case here. Hope he and his wife work it out. Cheering for them
@thatjeff7550 Жыл бұрын
@@mellttabor2134 exactly. I mean, I can understand what this guy is trying to say but damn, dude, you really need to learn how to express your thoughts better.
@CircusoftheMoon Жыл бұрын
He was deep throating his foot by the 3rd time he tried to explain himself. lol
@Mia-dt3gl Жыл бұрын
When I was reading Story 1 I couldn’t help but think “The gf is cheating, her sister knows, and wants to sleep with OP as a form of blackmail”. After the update I’m still convinced something fishy is going on with the gf and her sister. But after OP’s talk with his gf, even if the sister fesses up I don’t think OP will believe her.
@carlrood4457 Жыл бұрын
Probably a test. He passed, so now she's backtracking so he doesn't realize it was a test.
@valgardener7656 Жыл бұрын
The twin lost her relationship, now she is trying to destroy her sister's relationship. Twin feels negative about herself, so she is trying to tear others down. Twin clearly doesn't want to get over her hurt or even try to be happy, and people like that put their energy into hurting others, so their misery will have company. OP senses this about her, which is why he's annoyed.
@SunnyD74 Жыл бұрын
I think the sister has completely convinced his gf that this is all totally normal twin behaviour because she wants op.
@miminana-hd6nf Жыл бұрын
@@carlrood4457 I was also thinking it was a test. Then when the the girlfriend said her sister always had a crush on OP, that got me. The sister wants OP for herself. At some point twins/siblings need to forge their own identities and move on to be independent. The girlfriend needs to separate from being a "twin" to being a person.
@taylie673 Жыл бұрын
Its more like insecurity. Being a twin gets you asked a lot of disgusting things. And there’s always thought that you can simply be traded out for your twin. It was simply just to see if you would do it.
@DrewLSsix Жыл бұрын
Why can't the sister just be single for a while? Why can't she be down for a while until she gets over the guy? What's with the need to patch someone up right away?
@joshuaagbettor5610 Жыл бұрын
Because that would be a healthy response. Internet hates those😂
@valgardener7656 Жыл бұрын
Because that would mean working on herself, being alone with herself, reflecting on herself, and enjoying her own company, and narcs cannot do that. Her constant whining is a way of putting the burden on others to do something. They are only trying to set her up because they feel this pressure from her. But she shoots their efforts down, because she prefers to wallow, and wants to use her misery to manipulate them. If they suggested healthy alternatives like hobbies, therapy, or good books, she'd shoot those down too. She's jumping at THIS "solution" only because she knows it will end up destroying her sister's relationship.
@gwdzee Жыл бұрын
IKR? While I agree that sister's ex was cheating trash and was probably abusive.... no amount of pressure or pushing from anyone will help her get over him faster. That will need counseling and her coming to that realization herself. The more they push for her to be over it, the more she's going to dig in her heels and refuse.
@nicholashodges201 Жыл бұрын
Really have you met a MoDeRn WoMaN? I'm not sure they can handle being single for more than a couple of days
@bhart3321 Жыл бұрын
​@@valgardener7656Was coming here to say this but you already nailed it. Absolutely this.
@sonialinsey8083 Жыл бұрын
s2: “Sorry, honey, I’m just stressed out and with the pressure of becoming a new parent soon, I’m just not in the mood lately.” That’s how you don’t p off your pregnant wife. Brutal honesty and pregnancy hormones don’t mix.
@kristinmartin2899 Жыл бұрын
Can I just say I’m glad op from story 1 actually wrote this on Reddit so there’s written record he was never going to do it. That’s nuts. It was never going to end well if he went through with it.
@Draggonny Жыл бұрын
All I can think about story 1 is that it's a trap. OP is fucked either way. If he says yes, he's a sleazeball who fancies his girlfriend's sister. If he says no, then he doesn't love his girlfriend to do this one thing for her. He should still say no. Maybe his girlfriend will realise how unreasonable she's being and what a mistake it is to ask her boyfriend to sleep with someone else. But no way is their relationship going to survive him sleeping with her sister. The jealousy and insecurity will lead to a breakup, then she'll be spreading it around town that he's a cheat who slept with her twin.
@Sherwoody Жыл бұрын
I can just imagine how OP’s gf would react if he he told her, “my brother is feeling a bit down today, wanna have a go with him?”
@HH-ru4bj Жыл бұрын
I would say that bridge has been crossed once it's been seriously considered. You will never feel secure in the relationship after one proposes opening g the relationship in any way, and id rather be with someone that would find it just as ridiculous as I would. No need to try patch things up, she can figure that out on her way to the next guy.
@marshawargo7238 11 ай бұрын
I don't think it's the sex at all. Sis keeps going after "bad boys" expecting "good boy" treatment, just like her sister & OP have. I think conscious or unconsciously sis thinks "we're twins, interchangeable! If OP tries me maybe he'll like me more?" Bad boy & good boy, rolled into one, TaDa!!!😢 Glad GF came to her senses in time!😊
@chi7818 11 ай бұрын
I dunno man, twins are kind of weird and are closer than you think they are. Like I learned this existed because of the island boys, but apparently some male twins who aren’t gay will like blow each other. It’s some weird shit man, so twin chicks sharing a man isn’t the most unbelievable thing. Let’s also not forget some people are polygamous.
@addicted2mako Жыл бұрын
I'd basically nope out of any relationship if my partner asked to pimp me out to someone else. GF is basically asking OP to give her sister a pity screw, and I'm not sure if that says more about her opinion of OP or of her sis if she thinks that's the way to go about things.
@bbjjbb61 Жыл бұрын
Seriously! I cannot believe no one told this man to run. Like, wtf!?
@Vgamefrk1 Жыл бұрын
100% if it was a female saying her boyfriend wanted her to sleep with his brother it would be the biggest shit show in 2023. Both ways Is bad. Respect your partners
@thefallennero5265 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: Good god OP needs to learn how to lie. "Pregnant women are built for function." What the holy hell?????
@raptoress6131 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: Completely messed up and break-up worthy. I don't know how you could come back from that. Story 2: OP needs to stop clarifying.
@samanthadetgen5041 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: really truly needs to stop. Bud. Bud. *Why*
@Gumbier_Than Жыл бұрын
Yeah the entire time I kept thinking "shut the f*** up". 😂
@victoriahackett8169 Жыл бұрын
I mean I’m 8 months pregnant and my husband and I had this problem around 6 months pregnant. Except he knew how to explain to me what he was thinking. He couldn’t get past that our child is “in there” and he felt like he was “poking him in the head” so he desired me but couldn’t get past that our child was in there part. My husband also has an anxiety disorder and he freaks out about weird things….I’m glad he can communicate better than OP
@terramarini6880 Жыл бұрын
That is a much more understandable explanation. It makes sense considering we grow up hearing, "you can't say that around kids", "don't let the kids see that", "shhh, there are children around". Then all of a sudden he's hearing I'd like you to pop a rock hard stiffy and go play with it in the nursery... I feel so bad for guys sometimes, seriously, I do.
@blazngheart3496 Жыл бұрын
Hearing Mark absolutely break character at 14:24 was funny and relateable lmao Who thinks like this? And about their *wife* no less?
@heathermiller5765 Жыл бұрын
Not necessarily breaking character since he's not playing one, just his own commentary. But yeah pretty hilarious 😁
@Swnsasy Жыл бұрын
I love when he breaks like this.. It was hilarious but, that's why he's my favorite😂😂😂
@miriam9419 Жыл бұрын
I guess it is like breaking professionalism??
@staceyearle2817 Жыл бұрын
Last story .....🙏🏾R.I.P .... Dude 😂😂😂😂😂
@glenpersinger3390 Жыл бұрын
One wrong thrust and he's an abuser!!! GET OUT NOW!!! IT'S A SETUP!!! How ridiculous would his pregnant wife look with her legs behind her head??? Of course she isn't sexy 🙄 I mean really???😮😮
@janedoe885 Жыл бұрын
Story 1, both GF and her sister are treating OP like a blowup doll and not a person. Can you imagine if it was brothers asking this of one's GF?
@thomasjoseph5876 Жыл бұрын
For all general purposes, their relationship is essentially over. It is just like asking a partner about opening up their relationship. Once the "thought" is out there, it can never be retracted no matter what. NO WOMAN who truly loves you would EVER suggest you sleep with another woman. Given that it is not only her sister but a TWIN SISTER, it is even worse. Somewhere down the road, the girlfriend would use the fact that he slept with her twin sister to get a "free hall pass" herself and/or beat him over the head with it during arguments. As a former man wh*re, I don't recommend ANY MAN ever seriously date or marry a "Twin". They will eventually ALWAYS pick their twin over their spouse at a crucial time unless they are so estranged they are "no contact" with one another. There are women you "Play With" and then there are women you marry. NEVER confuse the two kinds of women. They are NOT interchangeable and if you marry a woman you should only play with, they will eventually cheat on you somewhere down the line.
@eliashuapilla Жыл бұрын
And what will happen if he does follow through and she gets pregnant?
@damoeman6004 Жыл бұрын
@@thomasjoseph5876 Your response is spot on. I was thinking of that the whole time. No matter what the update is, she basically displayed signs of having a poly approach to relationships by offering him up to her sister and vice versa, as if she could loan him out sexually at any time. OP handled it well by refusing but at the same time I didn't get the impression he realized the implications of this request. If a gf offers up her attractive milf mom or a close cousin or her brother if the OP was bi, that would raise major flags that this behavior has existed in the past. Yeah she rescinded the offer and claimed she regretted it, but was that because she saw that he didn't bite right away. Twins is a porn fantasy for both straights and gays, but he didn't react the way she expected and perhaps is feigning the whole I regret mentioning it response a few days later. From many angles, this raises a red flag. OP clearly wants a monogamous relationship. I for one would NEVER want to sexually be where my siblings once were..... YECHH! It would be a major turn off for me. If he said yes and later they split up, they'd tell everyone that he seduced the twin and OP would be getting trashed by every girl he knows in the friends group.
@holeymcsockpuppet Жыл бұрын
Girlfriend would love to do it. Probably both at one time. Then break up and play victim.
@TsukiKageTora Жыл бұрын
The last part should NOT matter and I hate how we always need to bring it up to say this is just as bad against a man as it is against a woman. It’s just bad in general
@AndyyWithAY Жыл бұрын
There are weirder things than trying to whore your BF out to your twin sister?? That's something a normal person does?? Of course there's weirder, but this is pretty high on the weird meter. I stand by OP needing to nope out. This is soap opera level craziness. This couldn't be my real life
@randomusername3873 Жыл бұрын
Wanting to stay with someone like that is weirder
@thomasjoseph5876 Жыл бұрын
The girlfriend has proven neither she nor her twin sister are serious dating or marriage material. So, given that, why not have some fun. Bang them both and even try to get them to do a Twin Sister Sammich Threesome. Then, when he is done playing with them, throw them back to the streets for the next dude to play with. There are women you "Play With" and then there are women you take home to mom and marry. NEVER confuse the two different types of women as you can NEVER turn a "Play With" woman aka 304 into a serious Wife. These women are wh*res and should be treated as such and never taken seriously.
@celestialsoldier622 Жыл бұрын
Imagine if he asked to whore his girlfriend out for his brother? "Hey, my bro is sad, mind giving your body up to him to make him feel better? Don't worry, i won't be mad." Like bruh. I'm out of that relationship as soon as she asked.
@thomasjoseph5876 Жыл бұрын
@@celestialsoldier622 Yup, it was over the moment she suggested it. NO WOMAN who loves her man will allow him to have sex with ANY other woman, twin sister or not.
@fluidwolf Жыл бұрын
@@thomasjoseph5876 Technically there are, if they are in open or poly relationships, but that really isn't the case here.
@Ezojazol Жыл бұрын
Jesus, wtf was going on in the gf's mind. Self sabotaging to its core. She's lucky to have a self aware and considerate bf.
@mdlizzy Жыл бұрын
Op’s explanation of what he meant by pregnant women are built for function did not help at all.
@blix_xo Жыл бұрын
As I listened to that, I just kept shaking my head, saying, "Just stop talking. You're digging your own grave the more you do." While we get what he was trying to do, no matter what, she is not going to just throw her head back and say well silly me, I took it wrong. You explained it so easy! I'm not even pregnant, and I felt the insult in that @.@
@LadyPatricia362 Жыл бұрын
Totally agree x
@ivyproductions7097 Жыл бұрын
@@blix_xoHe (thankfully) didn’t say that to her
@staysilent4392 Жыл бұрын
​@@ivyproductions7097 Can you imagine if he did??? No coming back from that at all!
@antoinealez12 Жыл бұрын
He made sense but it was definitely no something you tell a pregnant woman
@jessicapalmer3455 Жыл бұрын
The update for story one unlocked a memory for me! Around this time 11 years ago, I was intensely depressed, stressed, and feeling crazy because my insurance kept dragging me around about my meds. I'd be properly medicated for a month, then go 5 to 6 weeks without. But my then bf (now husband) and I had just moved in together. I didn't want him to get scared of my crazy and leave! So one night he's holding me and I'm ugly crying. I told him I just wanted him "to think I was normal." He responded by laughing and said, "if you were normal, I wouldn't be with you!" This man makes me so happy! 💙💙
@katarinashackley2717 Жыл бұрын
There's no sense in causing problems by opening your own relationship just to take pity on the sister and boost her ego. Also the sister may fall for OP (if she doesnt have feelings already), so there may be a whole host of problems.
@Elrewin59 Жыл бұрын
The sister definitively has her eyes set on OP.
@thomasjoseph5876 Жыл бұрын
@@Elrewin59 Then "Go For It". Look, if you are dating a woman and she suggests you sleep with her sister for ANY reason, then NEITHER OF THEM is serious dating or marriage material. NO WOMAN who truly loves you will want, allow, or even suggest you sleep with someone else. The OP needs to have some fun, see if he can talk them into a threesome as well, and when he is done and wants to consider a serious relationship for marriage, send these two back to the streets for the next dude to "Play With". YOLO Baby
@carlrood4457 Жыл бұрын
Also, the sister would know it had nothing to do with her (except maybe pity), so how does that even help her self esteem?
@valgardener7656 Жыл бұрын
@@carlrood4457 Twin lost her relationship, so now she wants to destroy GF's relationship. She prefers to wallow in negativity than even try to get over it, and that leads to hatred and resentment of people who seem more happy. She is trying to tear others down, and make them as miserable as herself.
@holeymcsockpuppet Жыл бұрын
It's a trap of some sort. Their story is BS. Not sure what the game is, but this is a trap fir him of some sort. Blackmail? GF cheating and needs an excuse?
@TheDarwinProject1 Жыл бұрын
On the last story, OP needs to actually read about how pregnancy effects the body, including how all the hormones flooding to prepare her for being a mother will make her horny & sex that more enjoyable, so long as they pick positions that don't hurt OP's fiance (while also not assuming their fiance is made of glass). Even as a woman who has never been pregnant, I know that sex drive can increase, especially in the last trimester. Someone like OP, with an expectant partner should know even more than *I* do!
@heathermiller5765 Жыл бұрын
Really? All I wanted to do in my third trimester was sleep lol 😄
@CariAndLenny Жыл бұрын
@@heathermiller5765there’s always that one rare person
@terramarini6880 Жыл бұрын
Can confirm, had two babies and both times my libido shot through the roof... Husband was delighted.
@xXxD0m0Aki0KunxXx Жыл бұрын
For practically the entirety of my wife's pregnancy we didn't have sex....purely because initially she had sickness and then when that passed she had SPD so bad that regardless of position used it hurt her....I noticed this immediately and so just didn't ask for it
@PinkMarshmallows Жыл бұрын
Story 1: *IT'S A TRAP!* The gf and her sister are most likely going to hang this over OP's head, if he goes through with it. Update: This isn't going to end well, for both parties. OP and the gf will either have a big ass fight and break up or they'll have to cut ties with the sister, which might be the reason for the big ass fight. Story 2: 🤦‍♀🤦‍♀🤦‍♀🤦‍♀🤦‍♀ Update: With the therapist looking at NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) for OP, to me, it makes sense.
@anamonoke Жыл бұрын
Story 2 reminds me of two sayings. "honesty without empathy or tact is cruelty" and "They always think "he/she wouldn't ever do that to me" until they do". That woman watched him be an asshole too so many people to the point she cuts him off and does damage control. And still decided to stay with him and have a baby with him. That kid is going to have such horrible self esteme when they grow up.
@user-blob Жыл бұрын
First story is insane! Imagine if the sexes were reversed? The outrage would be massive and rightly so. His girlfriend has lost her mind.
@a.b.2850 Жыл бұрын
It the “twin fantasy” prevails
@audraverela3663 Жыл бұрын
Right? Like the solution isn’t to pretend you’re the twins bf, it’s for the twin to get therapy. Imagine if OP did that, the twin would be much worse off, and so would the gf, and OP. What a shitty solution.
@immortalsofar5314 Жыл бұрын
I'm not sure what you'd call it but I became the "pretend boyfriend" to a traumatised relative of my GF. No sex, no expectations, if she needed to scream at me, hold me, go on a date (with or without GF), tell me to f-off, or any combination thereof in rapid succession then that was alright. I was the safe danger and it seemed to work.
@ScandalizeMyName Жыл бұрын
My flabber was completely gasted. Like...SHE DEADASS TRIED WHORING HIM OUT. That's just disgusting no matter how you try to cut it. One thing about twins is that sometimes they develop an extremely toxic co-dependency with their sibling, and one tends to be the taker and the other the giver. OP needs to be fully aware of what he's getting into, because marrying these types of twins usually means you de-facto marry both, because these types of twins can turn toxic when it comes to their SO and even children, because they will ALWAYS prioritize their twin to the detriment of everyone else. Which in turn causes these sorts of situation where they seem to objectify anyone outside of them. Good luck to OP. At least his GF seemed to genuinely be apologetic about it and understand how she crossed the line. Hope she realizes that she doesn't have to set herself on fire to keep her twin warm...
@Emi_TheWinged Жыл бұрын
Yeah i was about to type that. Like if i imagine someone did this to me (woman) i would be disgusted. Im not a fucking object to be fucked for someone's self esteem. What the f are they thinking. And why op is even thinking about it is beyond me. Does he not value himself? Does men really think sex is just sex?... That's just so dumb. Not even the fact that this "salution" wont do shit and wont resovle anything and any sane person knows that.
@catherinecox573 Жыл бұрын
How identical are they? Can they switch without him knowing? 😬 I'd be worried about them trying to if they refuse "no" as an answer 😅
@jinxstheories4263 Жыл бұрын
I feel better knowing I'm not the only one who thought that
@catherinecox573 Жыл бұрын
​@@jinxstheories4263 think listening to all these reddit stories has me paranoid! 😅 lmao
@deppnut1 Жыл бұрын
The thought crossed my mind as well.
@a.b.2850 Жыл бұрын
I feel like they’ve already done this.. and now that the sister is single, they can openly talk and plan to that to the next step… Only me?
@catherinecox573 Жыл бұрын
@@LostSoulchild89 that's why I wondered *how* identical they are, and the sisters probably know each other better than anyone, they'd likely be able to act like each other. So I wondered if it was something they could pull off. I am aware twins aren't carbon copies.
@theajaxs720 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: Op is in that dog house and making tons of excuses. The more he talks the worse it gets for him. But he does have the right to not have sex with her. If this causes issues in his relationship then those are his consequences to bear. Though I think we're going to have a hard time telling op that.
@cmsxcb Жыл бұрын
Story 1: Don't understand how 'pity-f**king' the sister will improve her self-esteem - unless OP is a secret super-hero who's superpower is sperm containing Oxytocin. 🎊
@sliceofpizzainspace Жыл бұрын
Story 2 makes me sad for the wife :(. Im pregnant with our 2nd kiddo and if my husband said something like that to me I would likely cry and then rage lol 😂
@tashawilliams87 Жыл бұрын
Pregnancy sex is super awkward. Especially once the baby starts being active. If OP isn't comfortable then he needed to voice that differently.
@toothless3835 Жыл бұрын
yeah, but his eff up was hilarious. LoL I was cracking up the entire time.
@ffffffffffiji Жыл бұрын
Seriously though, don’t ask questions you don’t want the answer to.
@wmdkitty Жыл бұрын
He's gonna have to get used to it, because her libido is about to spike.
@eldeano9964 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: Sooo, gf was hyping up op to her sis, sis gets it in her head that he's the best thing since sliced bread. Both girls have a delusion where the fantasy in their heads obviously won't work in reality, and they've not thought things through. All because sis has an obvious thing for 'bad boys', hence why all their matchmaking isn't working.
@kevincoughlin3455 Жыл бұрын
Story 2, it sounds like "I don't understand lying" is just a way of saying "I want to be an asshole and make excuses for it, and not be held accountable for it!"
@agx8447 Ай бұрын
What reason would he possibly have to tell the full truth in situations like that? Sounds more to me like he’s autistic to some extent.
@BelleEFlopp-nk5xe Жыл бұрын
Story 2 😂 Speaking as a previously pregnant woman, we in fact DO want it more than normal. Maybe not the 1st trimester when the exhaustion and nausea is up, but after that… 🤔 Unfortunately for me, I was high risk with our boys and not allowed, not even just an O. I didn’t think it was possible for a woman to have a wet dream, but ya can…when I woke up and realized, I was seriously terrified I’d hurt my son. He was okay. Soooo maybe this helps explain how horny a pregnant mama can be. It was worse for me than my husband. And trust me, we know when you are losing attraction, but NEVER confirm it for your own sake.
@ninirossau2304 Жыл бұрын
yeah I remember that vividly, but my body wouldnt cooperate. she was like fuck that, you are not fucking until this thing is out of me. well the joke is on her. now I have shut her down.
@toothless3835 Жыл бұрын
Really? didn't know women could have wet dreams? we seriously need a better standard sex education in this country. We learned both boys and girls get wet dreams in 5h grade [2001] in my school. But my husband didn't get any kind of sex ed. -.-;;
@BelleEFlopp-nk5xe Жыл бұрын
@@toothless3835 I’m 39, not old but old enough that our sexed classes basically just taught us we were a whore if we had sex before marriage, we would become pregnant, and we would get STDs and die. 🤔 I knew it was possible, but not actually something women experience or often enough that it is talked about.
@brianlawson3757 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: Wow! Now that is crazy on a whole new level! I was almost certain that it was one of those toxic relationship "tests". But no, it's even worse! I don't see this working out long term for OP. He might have dodged the first bullet by rejecting the proposition. But, his partner is sharing explicit details about their bedroom with her twin, who obviously has eyes for OP. Now that it's been brought out into the open, there's no walking that back and things returning to normal again. There's no way this won't fester and eventually end in some serious drama down the line.
@veraguindos Жыл бұрын
Story 2, I feel like OP still hasn't understand about women's bodies... Like you can be pregnant and still wanna make the delicious... Every time he speaks about it, it gets worse... There is still a person behind a body, who has desires and feelings, it's not a machine that automatically becomes "Just a mom"...
@louellacharlton4425 Жыл бұрын
Tyvm Mark. Why is it that after a breakup everyone always thinks that another person is going to "fix" it? The twin needs time ,thats all. One week, month, or yr after heartbreak does not guarantee anything. In this instance the twin sounds like she has issues that would benefit from counseling and sad to say all the great people that were thrown at her to fix her are now off the table. When breakups happen never try to set up the sad person as they will need time and will let you know when they are ready to move on. Stay safe please, peace.
@jakeand9020 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: It's quite normal to find a woman less desirable when she's heavily pregnant, especially one you're emotionally invested in as worry and stress often greatly decreases libido. I myself am quite literal and will answer direct questions with brutal honesty, but damn bro, I couldn't imagine actually saying THAT. Am I the only one that didn't think the "pregnant woman is built for function" was off? I mean it's obvious he meant once a woman is pregnant not as an in general "women are built for function" way. Then there's also the fact that, in a literal sense, it's true.
@Adamskyize Жыл бұрын
I don't think he was ever talking about her weight or appearance. I think he was talking about the state of being pregnant.
@truthseeker9249 Жыл бұрын
Speak for yourself. I would want my boyfriend to tell me the truth.
@jakeand9020 Жыл бұрын
@@LostSoulchild89 That's the most myopic view you could possibly apply to that comment.
@CouncilEstateRach Жыл бұрын
One of the best things about being pregnant is having sex knowing you are not going to get pregnant!! Its great!
@AryonaSamoto Жыл бұрын
Story 1: I'm honestly concerned about sharing such intimate details about the relationship. I understand sharing general info but by the discription it sounds like the sisters go into details. It's their relationship, I guess, but I think it will just bring more problems(as it clearly already has). Sister needs help as to why she thinks the ex making her feel like he knows her as soon as they met is normal and healthy. Sounds like the ex was a narcissist. It takes time to get to know someone. Sister needs counseling as she is clearly turning to OP because he "knows" her. She needs to figure out why she feels that's essential at the start of a relationship. Story 2: I can't imagine how OP could have shoved his foot in his mouth any more then he did. Any further and he would have been walking out his butt. His wife will never forget what he said and will forever be questioning his attraction to her regardless of what he does and says now. While her feelings are hers to control it doesn't negate the words others say as those words effect how the relationship is viewed. OP has assured that the fiance will forever think OP views her as less than in the relationship now that her body has changed. I hope they can heal together and OP works on himself.
@valgardener7656 Жыл бұрын
It isn't *just* their relationship. Oversharing intimate details with a third party is a violation of one's partner. The way twin sis sits there lusting after OP and GF just sits there feeling "flattered" makes me feel like this is one of those relationships where one person has been boundary stomping so totally their whole lives that the other doesn't even notice.
@leahwilson9152 Жыл бұрын
Basically shoved his whole leg in his mouth
@winter_s_44 Жыл бұрын
Exactly. I consider it normal when you have genuine feelings for someone (and are emotionally mature) to NOT want to share personal details because you want to protect the intimacy you are your partner share. How there are no red flags going up that your partner is disclosing intimate details about your sex life to the point where such a request would even be made is telling. It shows they are all emotionally immature and this relationship is not going to last - no matter how open they think they are being. They have no privacy and literally anything that happens in their relationship would be open game for discussion with her sister and it will always be a threesome whether sex is involved or not.
@cynthiaholland13 Жыл бұрын
I'm married to a twin. He's an incredibly stable, logical person except when it comes to his twin. That's a really unique relationship.
@TheTrueKarin Жыл бұрын
Your ,,Oh, dear.“ really brought it onto the point😂
@jennydrake491 Жыл бұрын
Story two: The OP is not just socially inept, he is completely lacking in empathy and love. The OP's words and actions imply he does not really love his wife. Let me put it this way: a man who really loves his wife loves her changing body and is grateful for her sacrifice in carrying his child. So there is no need to "lie." When I was pregnant my husband wanted me MORE, not less. He told me every day how beautiful my belly was and marveled at the changes my body made to grow our children.
@adolfchan901 Жыл бұрын
Maybe your husband wanted u more, not less, but it`s only speaks about his sexuality, overall human male species aren`t suppose to feel same attraction for pregnant woman, because she`s already pregnant. In history of human evolution sex, pregnancy and reproduction were strongly correlated things, and sex with woman that already is pregnant was pointless in reproductive reasons. From an evolutionary perspective, it is quite expected that our (male) sexual attraction to woman decrease during pregnancy, especially when the belly becomes rly big (pregnant belly => woman already pregnant => sex is pointless(evolutionary speaking)). In conclusion, it`s quite natural for this man to feel the way that he is felling, our sexual desire is closely dependent on evolution. And i don`t see how loosing sexual attraction for some reasons(especially this one) is the sign of losing love.
@mellttabor2134 Жыл бұрын
So what happens to the husband who wants his wife MORE and not less as she grows a baby when the wife wants LESS not more sex because “she’s growing a baby”????? Now that’s a problem too….. In this story the hubby is wrong for not wanting his wife only because the wife wants it more. If the wife didn’t want it more but he did then they would brain him for being a pig……
@j12300 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: it’s totally okay for someone to be sad and depressed after a breakup. It’s not anyone else’s job to set her up or fix her issues.
@SailorMya Жыл бұрын
Imagine if they did "do the deed" it would be messy all around emotionally especially with the context of the update! The sister was confirmed for having feelings for OP already that would have escalated after sleeping together, his GF was already regretting telling him before he even answered her so that would have been a big deal in the relationship afterward and poor OP was put in the middle of twin sisters, a literal rock and a "hard place" that he couldn't win... My biggest fear would be the sister catching more feelings then she already has which TBH would only be cruel to the sister to dangle the ONE guy she is even remotely interested in, in front of her face just to pull him away after "using" her... (At least I would feel used rather than helped in this situation.)
@marahbaker8615 Жыл бұрын
Story 2 was just one giant facepalm. I wonder if OP realizes he will become fat, wrinkled, lose hair ect and he will not be as "attractive" as he ages, and what if his wife told him she doesnt find him attractive? I don't think I'd ever get over something like that. Its soul crushing
@Cjaj2 Жыл бұрын
story 2: Being less attracted to you're partner when they're pregnant seems understandable to me, but telling them that is just mean. if he really couldn't bring himself to have sex with his pregnant wife he could just say he's not in the mood.
@samanthadetgen5041 Жыл бұрын
I mean... he said he 'rejected her advances' so I assume he did. He just had foot in mouth lmao Tho I agree, some people are like "but what if we hurt the baby" or just generally feel weird putting it up where the baby is. Nbd. Others think it's hot. (Those people prolly have breeding kinks but to each their own)
@truthseeker9249 Жыл бұрын
But that excuse probably wouldn't have worked for very long and the truth would have come out anyway. Personally in the fiancee's position I wouldn't have reacted that badly. I would have broken down and cried but I wouldn't have run away. Though because I'M also an a*shole who is brutally honest with people no matter what, I am the type of person who appreciated and EXPECTS complete honesty from others. If my boyfriend was less attracted to me because I was pregnant I would much rather he just come out and say it than lead me on. To me, telling the truth is a much bigger gesture of love than lying and buttering someone up to spare their feelings. It shows that you see them as a grown person and not a child. It shows that you truly see them as a partner and respect them enough to believe they can handle the truth. I'm Autistic and people treat me like a child or like I'm made of glass. My boyfriend knew from the beginning of our relationship that if he was going to be with me, he could not do that.
@cats1900 Жыл бұрын
Story 2... OP sounds very unlikable. White lies exist so that you are not a complete jerk.
@carlrood4457 Жыл бұрын
There are so many things that change during that time. No matter how many times they tell you it's "perfectly safe", you can't help but think you're doing damage and that can turn you off. There's also the simple fact that she's incredibly uncomfortable 90% of the time and you see and hear it. You love and support her and try to do everything to make her as comfortable as possible, but that much negativity doesn't induce much passion.
@deborahyoung1873 Жыл бұрын
​@@carlrood4457if my husband said something like that to me, I would make sure that I wouldn't be having another kid with him. Her body will be permanently changed after the baby, so is he going to find that undesirable too?
@ccsorn 5 ай бұрын
Pregnant woman. Don't ask a question if you are not ready for the answer. She knew he would not lie and got a truthful answer.
@jessicamarsh9779 Жыл бұрын
Sadly Story 1 is 100% true. This happens way more then people think. My BIL was with his ex for years like since they were in HS. The had twins but lost them when she was 8 months pregnant when they were 16-17. They needed up having 3 more kids over time. When her younger sister who’s like 4-5 years younger turned 18, she begged my BIL to sleep with her younger sister. It was so bizarre. After being bugged & bugged about it he finally did it. His ex wanted him to randomly sleep with her throughout their relationship & so for another 2-3 years after they would. It was WEIRD.
@Kianna.Angulo 11 ай бұрын
The dynamics and suspicions in the story you mentioned are indeed complex and intriguing. It's not uncommon in storytelling for plot twists and unexpected developments to keep readers engaged and guessing. In real-life relationships, trust and communication are essential for resolving any doubts or suspicions. It's crucial for individuals to have open and honest conversations to address any concerns and reach a mutual understanding. While it's unclear how the story will progress, the characters in the narrative will likely face further challenges and revelations as they navigate their relationships.
@KansasNotTheBand 11 ай бұрын
story 2: am i the only person who perfectly understood what OP meant when he said "pregnant women are built for function" even though (thankfully) he didn't actually say it _to_ his fiancee? for the record, i'm a woman and i'm neurodivergent, if that matters at all. it never even occurred to me that he might mean her only purpose now is making babies; my immediate thought was that he meant he thought her body would primarily devote all resources to the baby and he didn't think there would be any extra energy or desire for sexual intimacy (not physical intimacy in general, though maybe that's just because i've known women who got much more clingy with their partners during pregnancy in the sense of always wanting hugs or forehead kisses or to hold hands or snuggle. i have no firsthand experience here though because i've never been pregnant). obviously you shouldn't say it with the phrase "pregnant women are built for function" but i knew what he was trying to say. the best example i can relate it to is periods. people say exercise is great for period pain but when i'm on my period i'd prefer to spend the week laying in bed and moving as little as possible (sadly not feasible if i want to keep my job), so i can kinda see where he was coming from with that assumption.
@Boe-Temeraire Жыл бұрын
I can’t lie for shit, don’t entirely understand why people lie (I’m autistic so I don’t really understand the fine details of why), but even I know that in that situation it’s best to say some shit along the lines of “you’re just as sexy as you’ve always been and I still love you so much but I’m worried about tiring you unnecessarily because you’re pregnant and need to rest and be pampered because you’re growing a whole ass human”.
@MarkNarrations Жыл бұрын
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 Жыл бұрын
@aquamarin4851 Жыл бұрын
Maybe somebody in the 2nd story should have told the guy at some point in time that many pregnant women experience an increased sex drive during the pregnancy due to the hormons and the „baby producing functionallity“ does not prevent this from happening.
@D-M-K-1-2 Жыл бұрын
Mark, you're gonna give me whiplash, I did a triple-take on the title alone! lol
@pelgervampireduck Жыл бұрын
First story: that's a crazy request. It would make me doubt the relationship. If it's not a big deal for the girlfriend then that means having sex with other people is not a big deal for her and she could be a cheater. The potential candidate being her own sister makes it even more creepy or disturbing. I know a lot of people are going to joke about it like "haha, lucky guy", but it's not a lucky or funny situation, it's a weird crazy situation. An alternative interpretation is maybe it's a set up, a trap, a test, so the girlfriend then can get mad and yell "SO, YOU LIKE MY SISTER!! YOU BASTARD!!!!". I don't know, the whole thing is insane, a sane partner wouldn't ask "hey, can you go have sex with my sister?".
@TNa-cp3bn Жыл бұрын
11:58 Mark's "oh dear" perfectly sums up Story 1 and the update 😂😂
@Ezojazol Жыл бұрын
I'm reading through the scenarios you guys are creating with story 1 and i'm losing it 😂😂😂😂
@rachaelclark8465 Жыл бұрын
Story 1) I'm glad that you didn't go through with this. It never ends well for everyone evolved.
@hvymax Жыл бұрын
OP could do the Sister Wives Tag Team thing!!! Knock them up at the same time so they can bond over that too.
@MrsSerene Жыл бұрын
First Story, that's describes being pushy....setting her up on dates already. The gf knew her sis liked OP and she needs to stop/never share details with anyone
@trashotaku Жыл бұрын
I’m fully convinced OP’s girlfriend’s twin is secretly in love with him and is trying to steal him for herself
@user-blob Жыл бұрын
So OP’s fiancé insisted on breeding with someone she thinks isn’t fit to be around the kid??? Well done love😏
@alexanderhenby1362 Жыл бұрын
I don't think he ever said anything as brain-cell murdering as what he said then. Especially if what he thought to put on the internet was "a pregnant woman's body is built for function" like he's selling a used SUV. Like there is a difference between saying that and telling your friend Jennifer, yeah, that blouse does make you look fat. One you can live with.
@sonialinsey8083 Жыл бұрын
Reddit is full of people making babies with morons and sociopaths. Did we already forget about the woman who thought you could give a baby FAS through s3x with your husband who haf 2 beers, or was that a different channel?
@heathermiller5765 Жыл бұрын
​@@alexanderhenby1362I said the same, he makes her sound like a machine. This guy is something else 😄
@TheOddityFair Жыл бұрын
S1 - There is no such thing as a hall pass. Especially, if it’s w/ an SO’s family member. Cheating is cheating. A pair means 2. Not 3, 4, etc. 2. Also, what kind of person is the sister to openly admit she s€xually fantasizes about her twin’s BF? That’s not normal. None of this is. OP made the right choice by saying no, but the wrong one for even entertaining it. I wish him luck. S2 - OP needs to find out what his condition is & get to work on it fast. Wife will NEVER forget what he said, & that could break them if she can’t (understandably) forgive either.
@theloverlyladylo9158 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: dump her. Now. Even if she felt bad after saying it, the gf felt that her SO’s body was a thing she could loan out, rather than viewing him as a person. That alone shows a level of disrespect and ownership that no one should tolerate.
@diarradunlap9337 11 ай бұрын
Story 1: The sister needs THERAPY, not sex. Also, it's a TRAP!
@BohemianScandalous Жыл бұрын
Story 2: Turns out he’s not autistic and innocent but bad at reading social queues, he’s just a narcissist. Godspeed, OP’s wife because her and her child are in for a world of hurt in the future. I doubt he’s ever gonna see her as much more than an organic machine.
@HarryVibes36 Жыл бұрын
Mr fantastic can’t reach this far holy shit
@Baizhus Жыл бұрын
This would be likely, if he didn't have a therapist (and likely a psych on standby) treating him for it, and likely will outsource him to a specialist if he is in fact NPD. The trouble with treating NPD most times is people with NPD wont even come in the door. This guy did-- but for autism. So yeah, he may actually be a case that can be worked with and rehabilitated. NPD people aren't all untreatable, unlovable monsters. They can work through their core issues if they can first step over that hurdle that is getting help. For the benefit of themselves and others.
@GabrielleHayes1921 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely terrified of being with someone with an identical sibling, especially after one story where the husband came home drunk af and the sister decided to sleep with him (rap e him) and then got pregnant from it, absolutely ruined their family and she did it on purpose. The husband was wasted and he truly believed he had slept with his wife and they found out because he complimented her about what little he remembered.
@ZoeTakami Жыл бұрын
Perfect timing 😂 I'm covering myself in metallic temporary tattoos lol
@MarkNarrations Жыл бұрын
Metallic tattoos?! I'm heading to google!
@YuumiMa1n Жыл бұрын
@@MarkNarrationsmark! Love you buddy
@ZoeTakami Жыл бұрын
@@MarkNarrations They're on Amazon 🤣 I got a gift card for Amazon after doing a course and of COURSE I wanted metallic temporary tattoos 🤣
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 Жыл бұрын
@carolroberts4614 Жыл бұрын
They sound great! My granddaughter would like them!
@jacobdionne4334 11 ай бұрын
Story 2: bruh. Pregnancy lets you fill her up as much as you can whenever. Take advantage of it
@AndyyWithAY Жыл бұрын
Well we're starting the day getting pissed off. My boss messaged me and told me I couldn't just work the less intensive cases. I told him that I wasn't which was true. We have a daily goal of work to do. But, lately he's been reaching out if at X time we don't have Y cases. The ADHD is strong with this one, so while I reach my daily goal I don't always have that average every hour. I'm just going to drink my coffee and I hope no more nonsense happens today ☕️
@MarkNarrations Жыл бұрын
Hope the coffee helps out andy!!
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 Жыл бұрын
Oof I'm sorry 💜💜🤗🤗
@immasnakeee6460 Жыл бұрын
Jesus that’s not too good….The girlfriend is something else and the sister is weird for commenting on her sisters boyfriend. Thing’s definitely won’t go back to normal.
@catherinecox573 Жыл бұрын
The sisters are WAY too close in a weird-ass way and all their relationships are irrevocably changed. They can't take that weirdness back. It's out in the open now and OP isn't likely to forget it soon 😬
@annabethsmith-kingsley2079 9 ай бұрын
“unless something… is going on” yeah, something IS going on: you’re dating an identical twin! 4:37
@onurkneezb Жыл бұрын
story 1: In cases like this, the fact it was even brought up has changed the relationship, and when someone suggests this sort of thing, someone is already cheating, or planning to do so.. I would so go for it, since the relationship, as it was, is already dead.
@jackwatt8988 Жыл бұрын
2 update: ... why is he talking about calcium and draining vitamins... that has nothing to do with wanting to have sex with her 🤨
@sardonically-inclined7645 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: I feel for that guy. I really do.
@carolroberts4614 Жыл бұрын
Me too! He does remind me of the chap who was asked by his fiancee who he would sleep with before marriage, if he had a hall pass! Should have been someone famous and unattainable, yes? No, he chose her younger sister!! And doubled down by saying sis reminded him of how his fiancee was 5 years ago!!
@Nathan_Bookwurm Жыл бұрын
Me too. My husband also didn't want to have sex with me when I was pregnant, even though I wanted. Turned out he felt like the baby was already there with us, experiencing the sex with us. He was aftaid having sex would hurt me, the baby or disrupt the growth. Understandingly, that was a huge turn off, even when it was only in his head, since it's not possible to hurt the baby with sex. I wonder if that's similar to what OP meant.
@lunaraynwolf7036 Жыл бұрын
Wow that second OP COULD NOT have dropped the ball harder. I hope he gets to work on that fast cuz daaaaaamn. If my hubby had said that when I was pregnant it would have shattered me.
@trvecvltfvckboy Жыл бұрын
More like dropping the ball into a pit of spikes and then setting it on fire.
@Tr_1391 Жыл бұрын
Story 2, I'm gonna be honest while op was definitely insensitive, I don't see what he said as that wrong outside of telling her he found her sexier before she was pregnant. And yes women's bodies are literally built to be pregnant. The fact people in the comments are freaking out about that floors me. That doesn't mean that's the only thing they're good for nor is it what he meant.
@deborahyoung1873 Жыл бұрын
I had a narrow hips and pelvis and couldn't give birth naturally and never would be able to, so actually no not every woman is built to be pregnant.
@deborahyoung1873 Жыл бұрын
I had a narrow hips and pelvis and couldn't give birth naturally and never would be able to, so actually no not every woman is built to be pregnant.
@Tr_1391 Жыл бұрын
@@deborahyoung1873 I'm assuming you know that because you got pregnant and had a baby but had to have a C section. So yes, dispite your narrow hips. Your body is still designed by nature to get pregnant and have a baby.
@CariAndLenny Жыл бұрын
@@Tr_1391That’s kind of hard to say that if the baby cannot come out naturally.
@Tr_1391 Жыл бұрын
@@CariAndLenny That's not the point. A woman's body is still designed to grow a baby. Why is this hard to understand?
@PuppyKatt Жыл бұрын
Story 1: I am still shaking my head in shock. I think that OP should make a clean break.
@asskicker4000 Жыл бұрын
Last story, so she married OP, got knock up by him, and is now surprised he is still the person he's always been? So many stories about couples that assume the other will magically change by the power of their love or something.
@CariAndLenny Жыл бұрын
Way to read the situation wrong. Yikes.
@GabrielleHayes1921 Жыл бұрын
9:36 just gonna pause here, this is the thing though, sex isn't just sex for everyone. Yes many do consider sex just sex, but there's many that consider it much more, who don't even like to be touched by someone they don't have feelings for, some can just turn off the emotions and have fun doing the deed, but not everyone can, for some of us the emotions play a massive part in intimacy. And so far where I paused at, he didn't say if any of them do feel that way.
@3adgamd3r Жыл бұрын
I once knew a guy who’d slept with a pair of twins and their mother (at different times) He was dating twin A, twin B had a crush so slept with him at a party pretending to be A, A caught them in the act, he later went on to sleep with their mother, which ruined their parents marriage 😂 It’s an absolutely fucked situation, but ngl it was pretty funny to watch
@youtopea Жыл бұрын
Dude didn't even try to complete the set by fuckin the dad?
@PeacheIIe Жыл бұрын
That's disgusting
@3adgamd3r Жыл бұрын
@@youtopea lmao nah, dads straight as a nail, would’ve been funny if he did though 😂
@3adgamd3r Жыл бұрын
@@PeacheIIe yeah, but hilarious to watch happen in real time, from a distance 😂
@carlrood4457 Жыл бұрын
Sounds like mom was to get revenge on the whole messed up family
@Tionois Жыл бұрын
Story 1: there's nothing wrong with a 22yo to stop dating for a year after a bad brakeup, OP has all the right to be suspicious. Sister needs therapy, not a step-boyfriend. Story 2: OP is well-intentioned but very bad-worded. Luckily he understands he needs to crawl and apologize.
@cafreria_en_pote Жыл бұрын
Story 2 - pretty sure he’s neurodivergent if not autistic. I understood what he meant. He was trying to be considerate of his gf thinking about all the interconnections of pregnancy and how it’s affecting her body. The issue with neurotypicals is y’all assume ill intent rather than ask for clarification or consider not everyone is built to be dishonest.
@SpidermanandhisAmazingFriends 6 ай бұрын
Story 1: IT'S A TRAP!!
@ivyproductions7097 Жыл бұрын
S2: Sure what OP said was super tactless and could’ve been worded better but I don’t think getting upset your partner won’t have sex with is appropriate, hormones or no. He rejects her sexual advances and she’s immediately demanding answers from him. Guilting him by asking questions like if she’s still beautiful and such. It’s gross. OP sounds like he’s on the spectrum and demanding he function and communicate like neurotypical people is just unfair. What he said was rude, but it’s fairly obvious he wasn’t intending to be. He was cornered by his partner who was already pissed at him for refusing to have sex with her, he wasn’t winning. He shouldn’t have to justify not having sex with her.
@CariAndLenny Жыл бұрын
I think you’re missing the whole point. It’s not about guilting him, it’s about him not making her feel attractive at all
@damien678 Жыл бұрын
I think what he said is bad but I also think coercive sex is very bad, and if she says she can only feel beautiful by being fucked then that's some gross af shit
@CariAndLenny Жыл бұрын
@@damien678 you are also missing the point. It’s about him basically stopping having sex with her because she is pregnant. AND because he said he isn’t attracted to her like her was before. It’s not about the sex. I am a mostly asexual person so I pay attention on whether or not someone’s trying to smash. Not all do but I do. Also a pregnant woman is more emotional. The point is that they went from sex to no sex at all to a little bit. And he Said he didn’t feel as attracted to her now that she’s pregnant. He body is never gonna be the same again. It’s not the sex it’s his behavior and what he said
@damien678 Жыл бұрын
@@CariAndLenny I agree he's being quite shitty (also hello fellow asexual!). I do, also, still worry about women that get like this because many don't seem to realise just how bad guilt-tripping to get sex is. Not saying that's what she's trying or going to do, it's just I'm very wary of it.
@CariAndLenny Жыл бұрын
@@damien678 if it were a different situation, I would agree and be completely grossed out. No one should guilt trip their partner about not having sex, but I don’t think that was the fiancés intent though
@gngrblls2thwall 3 ай бұрын
I don't understand what the commenters want S2 OP to say in response to the question he was asked that isn't a lie. Like, there's commenters basically saying "pregnancy f's up your body in all sorts of aesthetically unpleasing ways, and also I'd be devastated if my husband told me the same thing I just said". Well then... don't ask him a question where he has to either lie or give the answer you just said yourself is the truth.
@XRamenmaX Жыл бұрын
With that last story, it sounds like OP might have sociopathy. At least that's what I was diagnosed with at a very young age, and I also have severe issues with lying to others. (I see no purpose to lie) he didn't show empathy because he very likely doesn't have any, it's one of the major signs of sociopathy.
@grokitall 11 ай бұрын
Also, they tried teaching sociopaths empathy skills, and it only gives them a bigger toolbox for manipulating other people. The issue is not that they don't get other peoples emotions, although that is often true, but that they are incapable of imagining why you would want to put someone else first. It is well documented in the literature.
@XRamenmaX 11 ай бұрын
@@grokitall another is putting yourself in anothers place in a situation they haven't experienced before. Me trying to imagine something novel & new (situationally) to me is impossible. It's why I have issues with fantasy (and yet I'm an avid D&D player/DM). Masking is a very real thing they doesn't only apply to those with the 'tism.
@CrazyHLady Жыл бұрын
" Holy, way with words, Batman." 💀
@romonaelrod7870 Жыл бұрын
Woo hoo 1st. Hiya Mark and Poppy and all of you cheeky Waffle loving so and so's.
@MarkNarrations Жыл бұрын
Hey hey Romona, hope all is well!
@romonaelrod7870 Жыл бұрын
@@MarkNarrations All is well Mark. I hope that you and Poppy are doing well. Much love 💖
@Tammohawk1 Жыл бұрын
1. They have already talked about it? Holy cow!! I can hear the sisters talking years later, "Remember that time when we thought it would be a good idea for my boyfriend to sleep with you?" Yeah... Glad girlfriend wasn't on board with the idea. 2. All I have to say about this guy is Yikes.
@holdfast1979 Жыл бұрын
For story 1, I do understand why his friends can’t stop making jokes. I would be so uncomfortable with my friend telling me that! I would try to be supportive but I am so concerned that I would devolve into nervous jokes. I feel like everyone needs to step back and remember why everyone is in the relationship that they are in. Man was that ever an inappropriate ask of the sister. Wow.
@carlrood4457 Жыл бұрын
It's the sort of thing people can't really wrap their heads around in reality. It's like OP said, it's the stuff of dreams and porn. It's not something people take seriously because it simply never happens to 99.99% of the human population.
@HB-C_U_L8R Жыл бұрын
Story 2: I will give 50:1 odds that OP is an engineer.
@soogymoogi Жыл бұрын
OP2's inability to lie aside, I feel like he was really put between a rock and a hard place. He absolutely has the right to not want to have sex no matter what the reason, but his partner has absolutely caught onto the fact that he doesn't want it as much now that she's pregnant and her asking that question specifically... honestly I don't think any answer he gave would've satisfied her. Don't ask your partner questions you don't want to hear the answer to if you know they're a bad liar. I definitely think the partner should have worded what he said better but idk what his wife was thinking putting him on the spot like that
@ivyproductions7097 Жыл бұрын
I agree. It’s super weird how he rejects her sexual advances once and she’s immediately upset. I get pregnancy hormones and all but getting angry when your partner rejects your sexual advances and then trying to guilt them into giving you an answer why is shitty. She’s not only demanding sex, she’s demanding MORE than what they usually had. It’s ok to want more sex, but her attitude after immediately being rejected is gross. Just comes off as super manipulative to me. Obviously OP messed up by saying what he said but she literally cornered him.
@annabethsmith-kingsley2079 9 ай бұрын
This is why sets of twins will marry each other: only they can understand being that close to someone who looks exactly like you.
@AndyyWithAY Жыл бұрын
8 years is too big an age gap at 22. It's staggering how different the stage of life is. The GF has a major flaw in judgment. How exactly is this going to help anything. What if the twin gets d*ckmatized and then wants OP as her own BF? What if the GF gets jealous? This is just catastrophe waiting to happen. I'd break up with her and go NC with the lot of them. Nothing good can happen from this. OP WILL somehow be the bad guy.
@baneofdan 11 ай бұрын
Get loads of these recommended to me and all I can think is what do people gain from lying on the internet.
@AndyyWithAY Жыл бұрын
Built for function? YTA just for that! People are entitled to be attracted to what they're attracted to, but many men are more attracted to their partner when pregnant. Her body is never going to be the same as it was before. Even if she loses all the weight, she won't be the same. There's honest and there's completely devoid of tact. OP is the latter. You can be honest and still be kind. OP majorly effed up here
@audraverela3663 Жыл бұрын
“I was speaking from a biological perspective” and goes on to say that bc of that he doesn’t want to have sex with her. Bro wtf this is some incel shit right there. Many women experience an increase in sexual drive during pregnancy and this mf was like nah she’s gross now that her body’s changing. Literally wtf dude 😡
@Adamskyize Жыл бұрын
I don't think he was ever talking about her weight or appearance. I think he was talking about her being in the state of being pregnant.
@truthseeker9249 Жыл бұрын
While I understand what you're saying, I'm in the minority that values honesty over anything else. You say you can be honest while still being kind, but is that kindness even real kindness? For me the answer is no. I'd rather people tell me the honest truth and hurt my feelings than butter me up. Since I'm always treated like a child or like I'm made of glass, it's actually refreshing to hear someone be rude to me every now and then. If my boyfriend was less attracted to me when pregnant I would want him to tell me instead of leading me on. Nothing hurts my feelings more than someone lying to me. You like what you like and how could I possibly hate him for something like that. I would break down and cry but I wouldn't run away nor would I scream at him. We would just need to work through things and figure out the next steps.
@audraverela3663 Жыл бұрын
@@Adamskyize way to miss the fucking point
@Adamskyize Жыл бұрын
@@audraverela3663 I know, but many women are experts at finding ways to insert words like "fat" or "ugly" in sentences where the point was something completely different.
@tophesshtzgiggles609 Күн бұрын
story1: OP should realize GF doesn't see him as a permanent fixture in her future--Cause she won't long term be able to deal with this.
@tayganroberts5098 Жыл бұрын
s2 is a painful read. The comments completely missed the mark because they focused too heavily on the "built for function" comment. Men do *not* have to find you sexy and it *does not fucking matter if you are currently carrying his child.* He can find you beautiful without wanting to sleep with you. Your insecurities are not his problem to fix, especially when the only issue is his lack of desire to sleep with you. You know damn well you would not say half the shit you said to OP to a woman in her 3rd trimester not wanting to sleep with her partner. Nobody is owed sex and it's insane how his consent and desires are to be thrown out the window in order to placate the pregnant woman. Leave the man alone. Don't call him autistic because he wasn't as articulate as you think you may have been in the moment. Do not pressure someone to have sex ever. And her saying "I won't forget this" and " Don't act like this once the baby is here" is rich. She walked out on him, he has every right to throw her own words back in her face. Also what won't you forget? That you essentially tried to take his consent away and force him to sleep with you despite not wanting to or else you crack the shits and leave? That's fairly manipulative and I'm genuinely surprised the comments didn't mention that at all.
@truthseeker9249 Жыл бұрын
I was wondering when someone was going to say this.
@randomusername3873 Жыл бұрын
And the "her body is changed forever", what has that anything to do with it? He doesn't want to have sex with her because she is pregnant, do they think she's going to be pregnant forever?
@truthseeker9249 Жыл бұрын
@@randomusername3873 your body is different even after you give birth. You keep a lot of the weight you gain and it's hard to get it off. Or if your pregnancy makes you horribly sick and you're throwing up A LOT and can't keep food down, you actually lose a lot of weight while pregnant. A KZbinr I love lost 30 pounds when she was pregnant because of how sick she was. A lot of guys might complain that a woman isn't "tight enough" anymore after pushing out a baby. Plus you have the big scar if you have a C section. The bodily changes don't end once the baby is out unless you're just really really lucky. But a people still have a right to like what they like. And it's better to be honest about it than lead someone on.
@VadersFirst 11 ай бұрын
OP basically saying “she may not be quite as much of a looker as she did back in the day, but baby she functions real good” as he slaps her belly
@helenlewis2510 Жыл бұрын
I’m wondering if the last op is clinically a psychopath?
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