My Coming Out Experience

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Calvin Bremer

Calvin Bremer

10 жыл бұрын

I don't really have any videos planned for the rest of September, so I thought I would share this video I recorded a couple weeks ago. I was very hesitant to post this and I'm still unsure if I should leave it up, but here's my "coming out experience/story." It's kinda mopey and blah blah depressing; I'm sorry 'bout that. But hopefully it can help someone out there who has shared a similar experience.
I'll be back to making fun, exciting videos when October starts. Halloween-themed! Costumes in every October video. KZbinr guests. Challenges. It'll be fun. :)
Here's my other social media links if you'd like to follow me elsewhere. :)
/ calvinbremer
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/ heycalvinbremer
/ www
I'll see you guys very soon!

Пікірлер: 831
@stanleyjensen1950 10 жыл бұрын
I can't imagine anyone not being proud to have you for a son. Keep on being you, Calvin, and you'll be just fine.
@technodream 9 жыл бұрын
The damage religon does is appalling.
@CalvinBremer1 10 жыл бұрын
I just want to let you guys know I still read all the comments. :) There's a lot of them, but I read every one and thank every single one of you for your kind words. It makes me so happy inside from your words of encouragement. And to anyone out there who is in contemplation of coming out, I hope all goes well for you the day that you do. Much love.
@uxueperes8434 10 жыл бұрын
Hi, good video, I´m from Argentina, I`m twenty eight, I´m a bisexualy. my english is bad, do you speak español? well good luck
@connorsteele3486 10 жыл бұрын
your so hot
@averymartin321 10 жыл бұрын
Aww Calvin your video touched my heart, you are strong, you know the ones who love you the most may need more time grow. So it's nothing wrong with you, I know how you feel I came out to my dad and he wasn't supportive at all. But you are loved, so don't feel bad. :)
@Maltravers2011 10 жыл бұрын
Tryst T Sorry you are such a troll
@joshua69069 10 жыл бұрын
Tryst T What do you mean by "chill out"? That you are joking, or that chilling out can make a guy less gay? I don't get it!
@ethanc8821 10 жыл бұрын
My mom keeps hinting at it. "Is there something you want to tell me?" "You know I'll always love you no matter what, right?" She told me the other day that she doesn't care if I brought home a man from the moon because as long as I'm happy, she'll be happy...and I STILL can't get the words to come out of my mouth.
@intochill 10 жыл бұрын
When you're ready and its the right time it will come out easily. One day hopefully in our life time I hope that its as easy as saying you're straight. Good Luck! :)
@zackarydavidboos 10 жыл бұрын
***** Ethan C i think that its a lot easier to tell a friend first (a girl) thats what i did. girls are usulay a lot more accepting
@ethanc8821 10 жыл бұрын
zack boos I actually have since come out to my sister! I'm just waiting for a decent time to tell my mom. Things have been a bit chaotic for the last few months, and when things calm down we'll tell her together. I feel so much better about telling her after telling my sister. I think it was just that first hurdle of admitting it to someone else for the first time. She was awesome. I swear she already knew and had a speech planned out for when I told her. haha... Any way I completely agree with you. I think a lot of it just has to do with the fact that girls understand how we could like penis, to put it bluntly. Just how I don't see the appeal to vagina or boobs, straight guys don't understand how or why we like guys. And I think guys are more accepting of lesbians because they do understand why they like women. In the words of Macklemore, "America the brave still fears what we don't know." It's just human nature to fear what we don't understand, unfortunately.
@zackarydavidboos 10 жыл бұрын
ya... its really hard to do it... i would have never done it if i hadn't seen this one youtuber a year ago... i think it was like exiledleopard1?
@xCitadeI 9 жыл бұрын
My mom does the same thing lol
@LettingGoTV 10 жыл бұрын
It's sad that some people think we actually choose who we like, they don't choose to be straight. We don't choose to be gay. We were born this way and I'm honestly so proud of you. Thank you so much for your story :) SO many people, like you said, will always be here for you. Me included. I love your videos and you seem like a awesome person.
@rayrothermel4861 8 жыл бұрын
Your mother abused you. She ought to be ashamed of herself. People that put religion over their own families are completely despicable. You are smart. Put your knowledge to work for you.
@billscus 8 жыл бұрын
+Bruce Wayne what are u laughing at ur parents are dead
@waynelankenau3295 4 жыл бұрын
Hey MoM Turn that Hollier than Now Cross UPSIDE DOWN AND RIDE IT God makes no mistakes Bible beater
@DonAllenDe 10 жыл бұрын
Came from a similar background. Graduated H.S. shortly before my 17th birthday and joined the Air Force when I turned 17. You will never get fundamentalists to accept you and you can forget that. Live your life the way that you are and remember that God, in his infinite wisdom, made you who you are and he did not make any mistakes. I am 76 now and had a 36 year relationship which only ended with his death of a heart attack when he was 59. You seem to be a bright, intelligent and handsome young man (from your video). Life is precious, live it to the fullest and if your relatives don't like it, tough! They are the ones missing out by not really knowing you.
@LauderdaleJoeM 5 жыл бұрын
Don D, though I had a better experience than Calvin, I also enlisted in the Air Force at 17 & graduated HS at 17. After Basic/Tech Training, I started f/t @ IL State University (since I was serving 6 yrs in Air Nat'l Guard + TDY active duty tours every summer semester: 1 in The Pentagon, 1 on Andrew's, 2 in Knoxville & a KC-135 air-refueling mission over Cuba to Grand Cayman for 4 days. Plus college tuition was free). I feel terrible 4 Calvin & others who have their ostrich head stuck in the ground & dont hear anything but their preachers biblical B.S. Hope u enjoyed USAF.
@rick92rr 10 жыл бұрын
It's so depressing, I just hate religious fanatism T.T
@tombrooks5933 10 жыл бұрын
calvin, what a tough story to tell, so thank you for sharing. terry and i have been together for 33 years and coming out in the 80's wasn't easy, but the quality of person you are inside is what helps people understand things a little bit better and you have discovered that. whether you feel like it or not, you are a stellar role model and i wish you the best of good fortune, long life, and happiness. hugs, brooks
@SupraWes 10 жыл бұрын
I am sorry that your family has treated you so poorly. Your story is powerful and one that needs to be heard. You will marry the man of your dreams someday, and I hope your family comes to their senses and fully supports you both.
@jesspessiepess 9 жыл бұрын
I am so incredibly proud of you for being so unbelievably brave, being able to accept yourself the way you are even in the difficult situation that you have been in, and I am so sorry that your family and your mum in particular reacted the way she did. It is so courageous of you to make this video, and I absolutely admire you for believing in yourself, breaking away from your family, finding your own place, making your own path with your friends and the people that believe in you. You deserve to live life as the perfect and wonderful and unique person you are, without having to change yourself to please anyone else, and I dearly hope that you live and love happily, and have a loving prosperous life, and find love, and marry a man someday, despite your circumstances. The fact that you have had the strength to live through, film and upload this is truly so admirable of you and i honestly admire and love you so much for this. Thank you so much for sharing your story, as I know it has helped me, to know that you can do it, and I'm sure it will help many others also. I love you so much, and think you are incredible, and wonderful, and I hope you have an incredible life. Good luck with the rest of your journey
@AdamE96 10 жыл бұрын
Very moving indeed, I nearly shed a tear near the end. While I live the very open and diverse city of Liverpool in England, I'm still on the road to coming out to my friends. I've told my inner family but they're pretty neutral about it and have told me not to tell anyone, it's something that they choose not to talk about so I have to keep my thoughts to myself. Good luck for the future my friend and thanks for sharing this, you've helped a lot of people.
@NonstopDan 10 жыл бұрын
Awww stay strong! You're amazing!
@mehmetates98 10 жыл бұрын
I came out to my mother and that was the biggest mistake of my life. The friends I had told that I was gay all supported me but she called me horrible things 'till this very day. My mother is the only bully in my life right now which breaks my heart because I needed her support the most. I'm now living with this but I don't know what to do. I feel shitty everyday and it's killing me inside.
@KnightRaymund 9 жыл бұрын
=( I'm so, so sorry. I will never understand a 'parent' who could do something like that. My dad wasn't happy about it but we just don't talk about it and we act normal. I'll have to confront him again eventually but anyway. It sucks, and your situation is even worse. Just make sure to lean on their friends for support. Hopefully she'll come around in time but unless she does, don't let her get to you. You may have to distance yourself from her if you can. Don't let it 'destroy you'.
@Tum.-. 9 жыл бұрын
I live with just my mom, and she hates it too. I know how much it hurts your heart... It hurts me too
@johnlondonbimeetup7961 5 жыл бұрын
Mimit, so sorry. Her job as mother is to love you no matter what though. You're still the same person she loved before, but now she has a more intimate awareness of who you are. Would she be willing to listen to how hard it was to come out and how much trust you had in her that has been betrayed somewhat. I hope it can get better. Even If she does not become more ok with it, it will still get better as you get older and more independent and know yourself better and build a supportive community of friends. Use online and real world groups. Maybe see if she would go with you to an LGBT-positive therapist (not a gay-hating/conversion therapy suggesting religious one? If so find one yourself.). Just some ideas... find out what exactly it is about you being gay that makes them unhappy. And if they can only come out with "the bible" then there are plenty of cases to make point that god loves everyone no matter what, and some anti-gay interpretations are down to modern religion and their choice about what to believe/follow - plenty of other crazy things in bible we don't do now. If worried about you having a family or being hurt by others cos of it then those can all be mitigated by friends and loved ones and her job to protect you while young enough. Surrogacy/adoption/... options if you even want a family when older.
@PosthumousAddress 9 жыл бұрын
Really sorry to hear about your experience :( I find it hard to understand how parents can do that to their own children. It's like hitting a puppy, and the little pup can't understand why it's being punished. Stay strong bro, it sounds like you're pretty robust and you will thrive no matter what
@topher2seattle 10 жыл бұрын
It is so amazing to me that this boy's story is not unlike the experience of young boys from the 60's and 70's...I thought we were more advanced than this in this day and age...he may as well have been born in 1950 with the experience he has had.
@CalvinBremer1 9 жыл бұрын
#HappyNationalComingOutDay Remember, only do so when you're ready and feel safe. You're brave and I hope the best for you. I'm happy this video has helped some of you out there. :) Much love, Calvin.
@TheRealDanTerry 9 жыл бұрын
Just come across your video. I don't know how to word this but well done on telling your story because it has already, and will continue to, help so many people :)
@marcdelacroixz 9 жыл бұрын
Wow, it takes a lot to share this kind of story, Calvin. Thank you for your courage and advice. I can relate a lot since I'm in a similar situation but I hope things by now have improved with your family. Even if there's little progress, it's something. Thinking more about it,... more than normal, I think everyone of us is unique (with faults and virtues, nobody is perfect) so we should live our lives in the way that makes most sense to us, being true to ourselves and others. It's important though, like you say, to do it when it's safe.
@kc3302 9 жыл бұрын
Calvin, thanks for posting this video. Like you I'm not close to my family (not because of anything specific, it's just how it is). My friends are the number 1 most important thing in my life. Many people find that hard to believe but unfortunately all families aren't emotionally close.
@SASEntertainment 9 жыл бұрын
I had those same fears, had a BF, but could not say, raised Christian and had family try to change me. It's comforting to know I'm not alone and someone had a similar journey as I've struggle with!
@lenovovo 8 жыл бұрын
+Calvin Bremer Thanks for posting the video Calvin, it's a very good video, and you give very good advice ... Have a great day! :-)
@Anchanthea 10 жыл бұрын
This made me cry, I'm so glad that you've come so far, especially with a family like the one you have. Stay strong Calvin
@pvampire 10 жыл бұрын
I was just watching your video again, it's been a month since I watched it the first time. It's just so heart wrenching to hear your story about how your own family treats you. I don't know why supposed "Christians" are always the most judgemental of everyone. I know Jesus loves you and accepts you as you are and sees you as perfect and complete. That's the nature of God and forgiveness...salvation...ect. Don't ever change one bit. Your awesome and very inspirational to me and others. Your story gives me strength. Love is the key and that's what makes you strong and amazing. Even after being treated like you have been you still love your mom and family and that's just incredible. That's true Christianity and spirituality.!!!
@zXJulianXz 10 жыл бұрын
Oh, you have had the worst experience, you're so strong despite it. People don't understand how difficult it is to go against everything you've ever been taught and everything you've ever known because you don't fit in with that ideology! I wish you all the best in the future, stick to your guns, you will make the world a better place I'm sure of it! :)
@charlottejeanflamel5043 9 жыл бұрын
Calvin, your story is so inspiring and I'm really glad you decided to share it. The world needs people like you, people who are strong enough to live through any bad experiences that may happen to them, who are brave enough to stand up for themselves and give others faith. I can only say I'm thankful to live in a world where people as amazing, beautiful and inspiring as you are exist. Much love xx
@ristin59 10 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your story. Similar story, except my dad was dead before I came out. My mom ran me out of the house in the same way. I lived in my car for a couple of weeks, until my BF and I found a place to live. Always be true to yourself, it hurts when the family turns against you, my mom finally came around and we became closer. Be strong!
@JustinAzzarello 10 жыл бұрын
LOVED this and its very inspirational!! It DOES get better!
@flyboy172r 10 жыл бұрын
It's very sad to see that this sort of stuff still happens. Glad you got through it!
@CraigMcArthur 10 жыл бұрын
A heart felt and brave video. I came out many years ago and had a, relatively (for the time) good experience. Your story explained to me why some find it so hard (but then, I have never lived in a small (religious) town). Anonymity in the city is easier, but doing it your way exposes some to something they wouldn't otherwise experience. Hopefully, after a few experiences, they may learn something! Stay strong! So pleased you could share this for those that follow us into a new and better life!
@destiny199825 9 жыл бұрын
I don't know if you still read comments anymore but you are such a genuinely brave and strong human being, even though you have been threw alot you are still brave enough to tell nearly 100,000 people your story which is honestly amazing. I hope that your family will come around one day and you will be able to have a healthy relationship with them but until then dont sweat it if they won't except it they are missing out in having you in their lives. Stay strong Calvin:)
@mikewilk4950 10 жыл бұрын
You are just so cute and sweet. I can't imagine what you went through, I'm so sorry. I just want to give you a hug. Sounds like things are much better for you now and hope only the best for you.
@Aldarandir 10 жыл бұрын
I feel your pain Calvin. My family is very similar to yours when it comes to the subject of being gay. Comedy moment, I came out to my parents over a pork sandwich when my mother started yelling at me for stupid stuff and the subject came up. I was thrown out of the house, called and told so many things it hurts just thinking about it. Finally they told me I could come home if I "Prayed the Gay away" and I accepted. It was the worst feeling in my life having to stand there and tell them that I would "Change my ways". To this day they still believe that I prayed the gay away. My biggest regret is going back into the closet and if I could do it all over I probably would. No parent should make their child feel or go through what some of us have. A parents is supposed to love their child unconditionally, not make terms and agreements. Anyways, thank you for sharing! Don't take this the wrong way when I say I find it a relief to find someone who went through some of the same things I did when coming out. Many blessings to you and any boyfriend you are with!
@juliocandradeja 10 жыл бұрын
I'm scared of coming out because I know that when I do, my parents and most of family will react the same way as yours. I'm sorry for you, but I'm also glad that you're doing good now! And you are actually the first one that I see that doesn't have a good coming out experience, and I thank you for sharing that story.
@theot6374 10 жыл бұрын
The reaction of your family is atrocious, this is so sad. I don't understand how you managed to still talk to them, but they don't deserve this. At all. You're very, very brave, and I think you touch a lot of people by doing this. You're amazing ! Carry on, and thank you.
@superguitarman727 10 жыл бұрын
You are such a great person and I respect you so much.
@MiamiMase 10 жыл бұрын
You make us all proud ! Sending lots of love your way !
@compeau8 9 жыл бұрын
After hearing your story I just want to give you a hug for being strong and pulling through when you didn't have a lot of support from your family. You keep being you!
@nadhir0369 10 жыл бұрын
my heart goes out to you, i can relate to everything you just said. just be strong and know that even if our parents can't accept us, we can choose to accept them and their limitations.
@aarontrevino1626 9 жыл бұрын
OMG im on the same Noah boat it suucks!!! i have christlike parents that i love but i have created this wall that i cant open up to them without being mad(its gotten easier). they love me and i know it but they will NEVER except the fact that i like guys... i feel ur pain its hard but im much happier after i told them. we have those dark times but i can always see the light at the end of the tunnel. I still have a personal relationship with jesus its not as stong as I hope it could be but it'll get better. your trully AWESOME im a 22 yr old that lives in texas and i've got mad love for you man. stay BOLD
@timothyhill2092 10 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for posting this. As you said there are so many videos on youtube about guys coming out and having an easy-going experience. It was so enlightening and inspiring to hear you talk about your personal experience. I know it's quite possibly futile but I hope your family can one day see you for who you are and accept you to some degree cause you deserve at the very least that. You're one courageous dude :)
@rickdinan7927 8 жыл бұрын
Also remember that "Family" is also defined as people who love and support you.... Just because you are not blood related does not make them less family. You are very brave Calvin, i think stories like yours are more helpful than the "Sun Shine Stories" Sadly, Not all of us have amazing parents.
@rbnyc5836 6 жыл бұрын
Very important story. You went through very very rough times and many can relate. It is of immense value. So sorry you had to go through all that and that, much of it (family) is still unresolved (in difference to other many video stories out there - hence it’s importance). You braved through courageously. Thank you for sharing.
@La1930CosaNostra 5 жыл бұрын
So much love for you Calvin... Watching your video and listening to your story is really heart breaking. But you are an amazing human being... Just how down to earth and sincere you are when you tell your experiences. I do hope all of your family have seen your video and to understand your story. Keep your head held high and the world is your oyster buddy!
@blizzlenizzle 8 жыл бұрын
I love you so much Calvin. I cried watching this. I want to hug you. So inspired.
@Aoina376 10 жыл бұрын
Aww you're a beautiful person. No one deserves that kind of treatment from their family or anyone else. Best of luck for the future.
@GarycorbCorbett 10 жыл бұрын
I came out in around 1979, when I wrote a letter to the editor concerning two boys that were kicked out of Disneyland for dancing together. I simply said that two women could, and do, dance together and no one thinks anything about it, but two guys, its bad. Wow, I got so many people writing the paper, they came to me to insure I responded, so I did. My family was split, most against my stance, some for, but no one asking if I was gay. Then the Editor asked me to write a final rebuttal, and gave me copies off four letters, and I was supposed to "hit a home run" for gay rights, so I drew facts from the gay library in Hollywood, and wrote the rebuttal saying simply that, as an American I took personal offense to their attitudes, as would the following, and listed 100 famous Americans. I got offered a job by the paper, as they felt gay rights was the final civil rights issue. They got it part right. I didn't take the job, came out to everyone, but no one seemed to care anymore. I have written a book on aspects of gay life, older and younger relationships, and, at 67, know it gets much better as you get older. Persevere and you will excel. Now, if I can just manage to get videos uploaded to my channel, I can help others, like you are. Love you, and all you do. corbpi
@davisgreen3992 10 жыл бұрын
This video really spoke to me and I was truly shocked by some of your experiences. I respect you for making the decisions that you have made with your family and everything, and I wish you the best.
@myWoWclips 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you Calvin for sharing this story. It's obvious coming out was a very hard time for you but also obvious your beautiful nature has buoyed you through. I'm sure this video has helped many others have strength during their hard times
@JTheMusicDudeTV 8 жыл бұрын
Literally crying right now. Thank you so much for doing this Calvin. I have struggled with this for years and it's hard because I recall myself as a Christian. I went to a church youth group for almost a year and I could tell I was being discriminated against. I feel like the preference might always be a struggle for me and that really, really scares me. But, seeing you being yourself and getting through it, gives me a little hope. Thank you for being yourself Calvin. You're such an inspiration.
@blackstarriot 10 жыл бұрын
Really inspiring. You went through, what appears, a really difficult "coming out". It could inspire so many people that have a very strong Religious Family and are fearful of telling their family. You are an amazing guy, be strong and even if it was difficult and there are times where it isn't easy for you (with the family situation), just remember you have your friends and subscribers here to support you!
@twospirit333 10 жыл бұрын
I just want to say it was a privilege to hear your story. Trust me in saying that your journey will resonate to anybody who is contemplating coming out. Even though the acceptance of family is important, nobody can take away your strength and courage if you don't get it. I can relate in that my father couldn't accept me. It has been a couple of decades and I am not sitting and waiting for that to happen. Life is way too short.
@leonardodavinci3772 10 жыл бұрын
I just want to give you a hug Calvin. Thank you for sharing, truly inspirational
@viceroyzh 10 жыл бұрын
Religion is such a strong force - it can give hope, it can destroy. If it is there for good or for bad very much depends on the people who handle this force. Your circumstances were not easy but I think you made the best out of it. Respect.
@joshuapond6461 9 жыл бұрын
I love that take the time to tell us some of your personal experiences, we all have hard things that we go through. My coming out experience sounds very similar. When I came out, my parents are very religious, so they had a hard long talk to me about it. They wanted me to change who I was and. Your schooling through high school sounds so awful and I'm so sorry for that. I've never had a first boyfriend. And how your best friend first reacted is basically how my whole family is. I have people that call me names at work, but most of them were really accepting. Thank you for sharing your experience! It really helps others come out too.
@AndyZaturno 10 жыл бұрын
Omg you are so cute! Stay strong! Andy.
@WeAreFishAndWeDrown 10 жыл бұрын
You are such a brave boy! This was so encouraging, thank you ! Lots of love !
@Grero 10 жыл бұрын
Sorry to hear what you had to go through. Remember that you don't need validation from bad people who ditched you when you needed them the most. That's just how they keep themselves in power over you.
@DentalTech1000 6 жыл бұрын
I know that you recorded this a long time ago, but thank you. Thanks for helping others. I hope your life today is going well. Sending a hug your way!
@TheMrIndividualist 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you for making this video Calvin! You're an amazing role model and an inspiration. I wish the best for you. Stay strong. You're special and amazing, and nobody can ever take that away from you.
@crazyforvideosdx 10 жыл бұрын
Wow, this just hit me hard. My family is the same way as yours and that's the reason I haven't come out. It's getting hard though, to feel trapped, to feel lonely. Here I am really late at night just trying to find some understanding so thank you. Your story truly gives me strength. It's so hard to even write this because I don't see an end to my problems but I know that one day I won't be able to hide anymore. I just hope my family is even a little more understanding.
@beachesboy1994 5 жыл бұрын
After five years from when you posted youyr comment, I really hope things have worked out for you.
@Nyaatastic 10 жыл бұрын
You are so strong. I admire you. Thank you so much for posting this. Don't give up, don't listen to them. They don't know anything! Thanks again.
@sho942000 8 жыл бұрын
Calvin, you are an amazing human being. While your story is tragic, your resolve and ability to get back up when knocked down is extremely admirable. You certainly didn't deserve the reaction you received but to get back up after that is incredible. Thank you for sharing this with the world. Every coming out video I watch makes me that much more comfortable with being gay. Again, thank you.
@trisshandy 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks for having the courage to be yourself and share your story - even though (or, especially since) it's not all rainbows and unicorns like a lot of the stories on KZbin. You are a great example for those of us who have had rough experiences with our relatives. Keep your heart open to your family, but don't make excuses for people who are mean-spirited and willfully ignorant. They lose out by not sharing in your life.
@themaushpit9791 6 жыл бұрын
Omg I'm so sorry you had to deal with so much of other people's baggage in your coming out process. You handled that with such amazing strength! Much love to you!
@FrapeCake 10 жыл бұрын
You're amazing!! Such an inspiration being able to pull though tough times, wishing you all the best :)
@magrudergrinder23 10 жыл бұрын
It took my mom 8 years to fully be okay with my sexuality. She would tell me I was too young to have sex, that I should pray it away, that it was a phase, that I should just get a girlfriend and it'll change me, force me to go to church more, but all it did was make me do was respect her less and less. One day she was saying negative things about my sexuality and I snapped on her. It reached the climax when I came home from a christian convention that she had sent me to. One of the seminars was about homosexuality. The preacher said gays were going to hell and they were worthless. The moment I got home, I told her I didn't believe in god anymore because any deity who tells me my love is an abomination or lesser or perverse or what have you, is not a god I want to follow. She was pissed but a couple months later, she realized I was much happier when she stopped forcing me to go to church, and then gave me my space. Fast forward to the present; we still may not agree on a lot of things, but she's finally okay and accepting. It took a long time, but family can come around. There may be a long bumpy road, but it can get better. Calvin, I really hope your family comes around. Thanks for sharing.
@johnlondonbimeetup7961 5 жыл бұрын
Many other YT-ers have said that friends and family can take a while - noting that you've probably had a while thinking about it and working it out and deciding when and how and whether to come out; if & when you do, this might be the first they knew of it, and it can take a while for them to process and build into their understanding of you. Doesn't mean it always will fix itself, but its good to give people time to see if they become easier with it if they're not initially embracing of the news (and if they see you be much happier and less stressed now you're out and growing in new ways, that may sway their view too).
@TheWayISam 9 жыл бұрын
This is one of the best coming out videos this to this day, after a year of it being up. It helped me a lot coming out to my friends and my high school!
@marktaylor8656 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you for doing this video CALVIN. Your situation, and you openly telling it I am sure will help some. I would think many are going through what you did. Again, Thank you. Mark
@albert3801 9 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video! Good on you, I admire your courage and am so sorry you have to go through the problems with your family. You don't deserve that. I hope everything works out and that you can be truly happy being who you are.
@lucymillward2988 10 жыл бұрын
This is incredible Calvin! Your truly amazing and I hope everything with your family goes well! I'll support you calvin ily
@abckade123 10 жыл бұрын
Hi Calvin. I just want to say that you are an incredible human being. I am so sorry that you had such a negative coming out experience but I'm a big believer that everything happens for a reason. This will, and probably has, made you a very strong person. You have given me and countless of other people inspiration to just accept who they are. Times are changing, and fast. I am privileged that I was able to see this at a time when I and so many other people need more people like you in the world. Stay strong Calvin. Love from England.
@Zamalandre 10 жыл бұрын
You tell your coming out story showing respect to your family, and I find it remarkable. It shows your maturity. It's beautiful. Wish you the best ! I have the impression that you deserve it. :)
@rc5chi539 10 жыл бұрын
Calvin , you should be very proud of yourself ! the coming out process is not easy for the majority of us , yes , there are many great and envious stories we get to hear but we don't get to choose our families and how they react and treat us ? your opinion of who you are is more important than what anyone else thinks , including your parents . I hope you are in a better place with your parents ( although i'm guessing not by the sadness in your voice when you talk about them ?) Always remember to love yourself , when that happens it makes it easier for someone else to love you as well . Good luck in all you do . thanks for posting and your honesty .
@LiamHagan 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing this with us, man. You're a beautiful guy, Calvin - remember there's still a lot of love in this world. Bless you xx
@rocky315w 9 жыл бұрын
Just a horror story, what a shame but what a character builder for yourself. This was hard to watch but very much necessary and informative. I'm 71 and it would have been impossible to come out in the 50,s all the strength to you and hope many more watch this. thanks it didn't sound easy for you.
@BattleRogue 9 жыл бұрын
I loved this video because it was so genuine. Not all coming out stories end well. It's awesome when they do, and fortunately it's getting better all the time but it's important to not delude yourself into thinking it's always going to end well. Frankly, I'm appalled at your treatment by your supposedly 'loving' parents. Clearly their attitude is dictated by their religion which just goes to prove how dangerous all religions are in one aspect or another. I wish I could confront them both so I could give them a piece of my mind. But on the upside, you seem to be a healthy, normal, young man, who is comfortable in his own skin now, and I applaud your courage through all of this. Know that we've got your back and your family doesn't deserve a son as great as you. Cheers and best wishes.
@ebales83 10 жыл бұрын
I am so sorry that you have had such a hard time with Coming Out! In a perfect world, it wouldn't be an issue. You are very strong person to have gone through all you have, and be the person you are. Stay strong!
@camillemeli280 10 жыл бұрын
HI Calvin! :) It's my first time watching you and I usually don't do this but I just wanted to thank you for sharing your coming out story online. It takes a lot of courage to do so and I hope one day your family can truly love and accept you for who you are. I know it'll take time, but know that you've got our back! You just got yourself a new subscriber! Haha. Keep it up. :3
@josemunozjlm 10 жыл бұрын
you are so strong, im very proud to belong to a community with such strong and loving people, im so happy you are living your life happily even if important people for you, like your family, are not supporting. Big Hugs!!
@mikewilson4377 9 жыл бұрын
Calvin.... Great video. Thanks for sharing. Sorry your coming out didn't go so well. It broke my heart when you said the way your mom treated you. You seem like a great guy. Hope things are better in 2015. God dose love you. Don't let anyone tell you diffrently. Please keep staying positive. Lot more people accept you then don't. Stay positive my friend. God bless.
@crewby3 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you Calvin! Love is unconditional, so it is clear to me that your family doesn't love you, but they certainly have lost an opportunity in rejecting you. I can see that the names you were called are still hurting you; please look in the mirror and give yourself the love you have been denied. Your compassion for your family is really a good lesson for all of us, and, in the long run will win you respect and help you heal. A very good video from a brave person helping others to live better.
@BlueHairChad 9 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry that coming out has been so difficult for you, but it's very inspirational that way you have overcome and learned to be your self! you deserve love and happiness and I hope you've found it or it finds you soon! All the best to you
@LonelyHunter995 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing this Calvin! This might give me the courage to come out myself.. Much love xo
@EnricoWebers 4 жыл бұрын
You're awesome and your video touched me more than most coming out story videos have. You're inspiring and I hope that in the past 16 years life has become a bit easier for you.
@IndigoPheniX 5 жыл бұрын
I'm so glad I discovered you today and saw this. I wish it wasn't so easy to relate to your story, but at the same time it's nice to know I'm not alone in the world. I hope your life is full of happiness and peace. :)
@paulandrews298 6 жыл бұрын
Your story is heartbreaking, I hope things are better with your family today. Acceptance was never an issue for me and I came out in the '70's. Much love and happiness. ❤️
@RepensGaudium 10 жыл бұрын
You know what Calvin? I am very proud of you! I had a similar experience some time ago and my mom and i have a very good relationship even though we can not speak about my personal life! As for my father, we try to make baby steps for him to accept me. Stay strong, believe in yourself and enjoy giving and receiving love with the people you really want to! I send you all my love and support. G
@patrickmclaughlin2088 10 жыл бұрын
Calvin, your story reminds all of us that the experience of discovering who you are and coming out isn't the same for everyone. Most of the support tends to be concentrated in the big cities and blue states and there are still a lot of young people like you who don't have a supportive environment. That's why you being courageous enough to post your story and be out is so vitally important to those who don't live in a family or go to a school or live in a town that is accepting. Cheers to you!
@cjb1962 10 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your story. Your strength comes through in this!
@ronaldjperry 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your honesty, Calvin...I can relate to your experience...I'm sure it will be very helpful for others going through the same things.
@jeroengortworst9994 9 жыл бұрын
That is a great story man! Thanks for sharing, I subscribed. I realized when I made my own coming out video, I should be so lucky to have so many supportive people around me. I wish you all the best!
@russmorgan7941 9 жыл бұрын
You made me cry here. Not fair! I thought my coming out in an evangelical family was tough. Your story made mine look like a tea party. The sad part for me is that this happened to you in the 21st century. I came out in 1982. I know things get better, but these sad stories continue. I created my life 3,000 miles away from my family. They're accepting and all, but it's been an emotional roller coaster. I wish you all good things. No one deserves the treatment you received. You're a very strong man.
@tomasmendoza3156 10 жыл бұрын
This was absolutly amazing to watch :') loved it
@MangoManZ1 10 жыл бұрын
Awesome video Calvin, this has helped a lot! I am in a similar position but not out yet, I like when you say there will always be people out there who can support you and become friends with. There's always a positive way, just down to you to make it. Thanks again :)
@neverlookback75 9 жыл бұрын
*hug* wow, that was a lot to deal with. :/ I thought I had it tough coming from my Christian family, but what you had to go through was kinda insane. It really sucks when your family isn't supportive and having to keep an entire portion of your life away from them. I know what you mean about being jealous of some youtubers who are ridiculously attractive, well off, and have amazing, supportive families that could care less about them being gay... (I'm the same way about sharing with my family as well. I announced by engagement and got likes and comments from lots of friends and family, but none from my brother and I knew that I couldn't share it with my parents, even though I was ridiculously happy...and it really sucked...)
@VAABoy081 10 жыл бұрын
I have literally just been moved to tears by this incredibly brave sharing of you're experiences. It brought a lot of memories back for me and I think you're putting this out there is a very selfless and positive thing to do. If any other young gay, bi or questioning men see this then it may help them to see that they are not alone in feeling the fear and confusion. I was one of the lucky ones with my family, but you still suffer the emotions. I'm 30 and happy! Thank you and take care :) x
@lillyhamlin37 9 жыл бұрын
sweet heart, I'm so glad you posted this video, it takes a lot of courage to poor your heart out
@DarioBunschoten 10 жыл бұрын
Hi Calvin! Your story really touched me, thank's for sharing, it's very encouraging! I still can't believe that there are still parts on the world where you can't be yourself! Just never give up! :) Lotta love from switzerland
@jonhuse95 10 жыл бұрын
This is the most gut-wrenching coming out story I've seen on KZbin. My heart goes out to you. I'm so glad that you now seem happy and that it hasn't affected you too badly. All the best. P.S. You're beautiful. Like seriously....
@AldyWaldy 10 жыл бұрын
It's great to hear your story. Thanks for sharing, man!
@jeffj5129 10 жыл бұрын
Your story is so inspirational but also so sad. Attitudes in the U.S. are much improved since I was young, but you remind us that not every teen today has an easy road to come out. All I could think while watching this is "Whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger." I'm now a subscriber and wish I could be your friend.
@thomasmartin5101 10 жыл бұрын
thankyou for sharing this video Calvin, you are a very brave and honest young man! I have tears in my eyes for you.this can be a shitty world we live in but its such a better place with good men like you in it! I hope your family wake up and realise what they are missing by not embracing the whole you.i will subscribe now and follow your fun videos and wish you all the good things in life as after all you've had to endure you deserve it my friend!
@pepperstorm9338 9 жыл бұрын
You are such a strong person. You're family will accept you one day - people just need to understand. Thank you for posting this :) xx
@nicolelopez1010 10 жыл бұрын
I really respect you, I'm sorry to hear how you're family reacted, mostly your mom. But you are who you are. Hopefully you'll be able to live some day with the man of your dreams. Best wishes
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