My Ex Is Angry I'm Dating The Guy I Told Him "Not To Worry About" r/Relationships

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Mark Narrations

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@sardonically-inclined7645 10 ай бұрын
So she proved him completely right? And is actually asking if she's TA? Yes, yes she is. Also, her friends are scummy.
@dorianleakey 10 ай бұрын
Why are her friends scummy? You don't believe they supported her do you?
@Masenken 10 ай бұрын
​@@dorianleakeyshe literally said they were all going out after she sent that bullshit story of how she chose them over her ex. They might not be scummy per se, but they definitely ate her BS hook line and sinker
@KaityPea3 10 ай бұрын
Honestly, the minute that she basically said she left him so she could have more fun, I was like "nah something smells here 🐟..."
@MrJpaynebb 10 ай бұрын
She's 21 and many, not all but many young people do shady crap in the process of leaving one relationship for another. At the least they were emotionally cheating. Whether she wants to actually acknowledge it or not doesn't change it. The ex was jealous for a reason and he tolerated her actions because he still loved her. He put down that ultimatum when he heard M was single because he saw that train coming down the tracks. Her friends may buy her BS but reddit certainly isn't. Hope OP remembers that how she met M is how she can lose him. He did have a girlfriend when they met at the club, did their friend meetups and were texting.
@immapotato1 10 ай бұрын
I mean people like this usually hang out in groups so no surprises there
@madambutterfly1997 10 ай бұрын
She went to a bar met a guy and cheated on her boyfriend but she sounds like one of those dumbasses who think that because nothing sexual happened it doesn't count as actual cheating
@tyron2854 10 ай бұрын
They kissed, it was sexual that first night
@KyrieChii 10 ай бұрын
@@tyron2854 And she wrapped her legs around him (in a SKIRT). Yeah, that's sexual too.
@musetorn 10 ай бұрын
It was clear to her from that night, that this guy was available to her. That's the point. No doubt, if she never met him or if nothing inappropriate happened, she'd still be with her ex.
@Swnsasy 10 ай бұрын
I rolled my eyes to the back of my head when she said HE didn't call what she did cheating on him.. Bye Felicia! 🙄
@ermorgan0926 10 ай бұрын
@@musetorn he would be with his ex too.
@rachaelvaughan1017 10 ай бұрын
If the roles were reversed, she would be furious. She sounds manipulative and karma is real...
@Janjones7735 10 ай бұрын
Except not a single person has mentioned this dude did exactly what she did. No one’s called him out as an AH or a cheater. Only her. And then shaming her for moving on too fast even though if she wants to have casual hookups she can. Nothing wrong with it.
@Allmightyimortal 10 ай бұрын
​@Janjones7735 she made the post. What would calling the new guy out do. He didn't make the post or read the post. If he did, he would have been called out as well. Your argument isn't one. Plus yes, she had an emotional affair and money branched when she knew something was there. You can try justifying it to yourself and her all you want, you know what she did was wrong.
@shadowkissed2370 10 ай бұрын
@@Janjones7735 of course no one has called him out, he didn't make the post she did...
@nothereyetlost 10 ай бұрын
Well yes she WOULD, as HE is. Doesn’t mean he would’ve done anything wrong exactly like she didn’t do anything wrong. It’s not like people need a valid reason to ever be mad at another person
@brialapoint2608 10 ай бұрын
That might be why she said she got what she wanted and cut off all further communication. Because on some level she knows what she did was awful but doesn't care
@PlasticBluVentRabbit 10 ай бұрын
Story 1. Funny how all the “oh he was controlling and all he does is smoke and i was miserable” comments only come up after she got the asshole verdict 🙄 she knows she’s a cheat deep down. The ex is gonna be better off without her.
@BruinPhD2009 10 ай бұрын
Story 1: Is she trolling us? Seriously, what planet is she on? I was done when OP says she wrapped her legs around him when they danced. It only got worse from there. Holy cow... And that update about her ex? Nice job, taking a dump all over him AFTER THE FACT. If he was that terrible, she should have called off the relationship long ago. Listening to that made me feel dirty.
@LetholdusKaspyr 10 ай бұрын
In the update, all of a sudden the ex is a pathetic shut-in loser who didn't deserve her and that she was going to dump anyway. Standard mental gymnastics technique for avoiding acknowledgment that she was in the wrong. All that sudden hatred and scorn indicates that she's desperate not to feel guilty. She picked up another dude, lied to her boyfriend about it, and monkey branched immediately when called on it. It's still cheating if you put the new guy on layaway.
@sambhawmaharjan8562 10 ай бұрын
Its one of those magic post.. where when most people don't side with OP the first time..... somehow magically in the updates the situation becomes surprisingly in their favor and people have to side with them.
@eleethtahgra7182 10 ай бұрын
@@sambhawmaharjan8562 Either shes lying to make it...."justifiable" that she left the ex. Or shes speaking the truth. And if so, I pity the new BF.
@sambhawmaharjan8562 10 ай бұрын
@@eleethtahgra7182 maybe.. but why pity the new bf? he's arguably worse.. atleast based on the info we know , OP's ex-bf didn't consider it cheating..... but we don't know if its the same for the woman on the other side.
@benjiro8793 10 ай бұрын
@@sambhawmaharjan8562 That is what she tells, remember, she can say whatever she wants, its not like we have the ex-boyfriend OR the ex-girlfriend (of the other guy). Her responses in the reddit thread attacking people, seems to indicate her character very well. And what is up with that guy breaking up with his girlfriend. It all sounds a bit too coincidentally to me... different goals in life stuff, ... sounds odd, so OP want to hook up with a guy that does not want to commit to a stable relationship with kids, that has no issue kissing OP, and other flirting? Long term relationship material here folk (from both OP and the Guy)
@thylionheart 10 ай бұрын
That text OP sent her friends in Story 1 was soooo manipulative. Making it about the friends and the friend group? She matyred herself. Yikes.
@alexanderhenby1362 10 ай бұрын
This same friend was part of the group that just on a whim took her AND this guy to London where they got hotel rooms? This friend group OBVIOUSLY wanted op and M to hook up. Why else would they just happen to invite the two newly single people who obviously click and like to hang out with the group on an obvious couple outing? Heck it was the friend group who took her to the bar and left her with this guy. The friends didn't like J and wanted him gone, then they hooked up OP and M.
@Empress58 10 ай бұрын
@@alexanderhenby1362the entire sequence of events made the post sound incredulous. “We accidentally kissed” “We decided to stay another night in London like we don’t have jobs to get back to” “I’m going to meet his parents” “I’m only replying to comments so I can practice defending my actions” There is a difference between lacking self awareness and going outside your way to make yourself look like a jerk for ragebait.
@nothereyetlost 10 ай бұрын
Yeah no
@agesofshadow8136 10 ай бұрын
Also, for all of OPs talk of "context", you'd think that adding the whole shitty relationship thing would've come up. Which makes it pretty obvious she made it up afterwards. People like her will make up anything they need to in order to make sure they don't seem like the bad guy.
@Empress58 10 ай бұрын
@@agesofshadow8136 that’s what happen with some OPs. “YTA” “No, wait, this person was SO abusive” Then proceeds to give such damning info you wonder why they left it out while arguing in the comments.
@sergeipohkerova7211 10 ай бұрын
"Dear Reddit, I've performed lots of mental gymnastics to convince myself that I'm not a lying, cheating POS, but can you agree with me that I'm actually the victim even though I'm so obviously the perp?"
@mikehawthorne5146 10 ай бұрын
Story #1: She knows she’s in the wrong. She wants strangers to tell her otherwise. I guarantee you she never told her ex boyfriend about what really happened in the club that night.
@PizzaMadeMeFat 10 ай бұрын
yeah she probably told him that she met a pretty cool guy while she was out and that her and her friend had fun she almost certainly didn't tell him and i'm betting his angry texts to her were because he found out what really happened that night as well as the fact that they went on vacay together
@christopherjones8448 10 ай бұрын
I guarantee you more happened than she let on. Did lol at the kissing cheek part though. Remember all the times you accidentally kissed your grandma on the lips while she was going for your cheek? 😂 it's just so easy to do by accident am I right? Also who tf kisses random strangers they just met at a club on the cheek?
@andrediamond4374 5 ай бұрын
She probably didn't even tell the full truth in her post
@jonathantyler3420 10 ай бұрын
Yeah story 1 she’s the bad guy. Very toxic and manipulating. “I wrapped my legs around him when we hugged” the whole holding hands period is cheating and immediate grounds for breaking up. “He said I was gaslighting” YOU WERE!!
@Justaperson354 10 ай бұрын
Maybe it’s because I’m not American, but I don’t think holding hands is inherently cheating or weird for friends to do in a crowd. I hold hands with my friends both male and female and same for my wife. Op definitely was a cheater but not for holding hands imo
@jonathantyler3420 10 ай бұрын
@@Justaperson354 I’ve been overseas to European countries and I agree it’s common over there. But it’s not the same here. To me it’s seen as sort of a precursor of things to come. I’m not holding hands with my guy friends haha they’re dudes if they can’t make their way through a crowd then they shouldn’t be there
@waitwhat1029 10 ай бұрын
​@@Justaperson354... I'm rolling trying to picture a bunch of frat boys going out for an evening all holding hands. LOL!
@knotletis 10 ай бұрын
⁠​⁠@@Justaperson354holding hands has a lot more of a romantic connotation over here, if my girlfriend held hands with anyone besides like her close girl friends it would be cheating in my eyes, and I’m sure my girlfriend would feel the same for me. Men holding hands is always seen as gay, to the point where even touching hands with another guy can feel awkward.
@coreymartin6486 10 ай бұрын
"He's controlling"....of course....I'm not surprised that her lack of accountability would manifest itself for her to be cliche.
@imjustgonnasayit415 10 ай бұрын
Op: “I need some outside opinions” Reddit: “you’re the AH” Op: 😡
@ian7064 10 ай бұрын
Story 1: OP is not a good person and the mental gymnastics are entertaining to read. If I were OPs friends I'd keep any future partners away from her
@jakemarie828 10 ай бұрын
They kissed on the lips on "accident?" She called him her boyfriend as "pretend?" Yeah nah that counts as cheating in my book
@LadyBern 10 ай бұрын
I had someone try that "on accident" kiss with me. Flirted a bit gave him a hug,v he requested a kiss on the cheek and tried to turn real quick for lip touch. Two months later I saw him at a store next to his very pregnant wife.
@waitwhat1029 10 ай бұрын
​@@LadyBern... Oh I had a guy do that to me once. I channeled my inner methhead, bit his lower lip, shook my head and pulled like a dog. Now he avoids me like plague. Really awkward to explain to people why my nickname is Cannibal though. LOL.
@LadyBern 10 ай бұрын
@@waitwhat1029 wish I had thought to do that but it was a quick action.
@waitwhat1029 10 ай бұрын
@@LadyBern ... No, it was a lot grosser than you would think... I just tend to leave out the part of the story where after he left I went and threw up in the trash can. LOL! You immediately lose all of your badass points when you puke after confusing yourself with John Wick.
@LadyBern 10 ай бұрын
@@waitwhat1029 naw I'll chalk it up to them being so gross it induced vomiting.
@alaaesong164 10 ай бұрын
"I can see from the outside that our intentions looked suss". SUSS???? SUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS??????????????????????????? You CHEATED on your ex. OFC he wasn't going to be happy about you being "friends" with the guy. IMAGINE THE AUDACITY to cheat on your partner, and then gaslight them into thinking they're jealous and controlling.
@Number-vt1fl 10 ай бұрын
I'm assuming her ex didn't see what she did as cheating because she gave him a filtered version of the truth.
@benjiro8793 10 ай бұрын
If that statement is even true... she can say whatever she wants, not like her ex is posting his side of the story.
@johneddiecox741 10 ай бұрын
Anybody else going to talk about the fact that not only did she gaslight her ex-boyfriend, but she also did the same thing to her friends? She pulled the whole “I did this for you” thing and acted like they should be grateful for what she did. Guarantee you That she has a history of emotionally abusing the people around her into falling in line with what she wants.
@loganjoh1 10 ай бұрын
That’s what got me. I doubt the ex bf was any of those things she just turned the story to make him look like the bad guy.
@W0lfscythe 10 ай бұрын
Other than meeting the motherfuckers parents. I doubt most of the update is even real.
@onurkneezb 10 ай бұрын
@@loganjoh1 Perhaps the BF was, but she did use the situation to break up with him while pinning the blame on the BF, still a shady move. I await the next update when she does the same thing to this new guy, or he cheats on her.
@tiawheeler1153 10 ай бұрын
@@onurkneezb That is true... the "M" guy had a girlfriend as well. Both of them are pretty scummy in that regard.
@VesnaVK 10 ай бұрын
Who wants to bet her friends did not give her that enthusiastic answer?
@skyelinkhyrule5715 10 ай бұрын
Story 1: Ex-BF dodged a bullet in all honestly. OP, YTA and demented. Just wait in the future, she is going to be back on Reddit crying about M emotionally cheating on her with a more beautiful woman.
@coreymartin6486 10 ай бұрын
Yep And when her new bf leaves her....I hope her ex doesn't give her the time of day.
@skyelinkhyrule5715 10 ай бұрын
​@@coreymartin6486 100% facts. Also I have seen some comments here that are trying to defend OP. Guys, stop white knighting these type of women. Come on, you sound just as delusional as her. Grow up. 🙄😒
@DomSte128 10 ай бұрын
Story 1: OP's ex BF was 100% on point. She indeed had an emotional affair and dump her BF once she was certain that she and the friend would be dating next. OP in the post was saying bad things about her ex-bf, but I don't think that's the truth and more like she wants to justify her decision and convincing others she made the right choice because she created a lot of excuses for this new friend. I'm also betting "M" (the friend) cheated on his girlfriend before getting with OP.
@orchidoxs126 10 ай бұрын
Nah she kissed him the first night they met... while in a relationship. Twice technically but the second time was "accidental".
@SakuraMoonflower 10 ай бұрын
She dated that guy for two years, but all she has to say about him is negative? She's the red flag. 😂😅❤🎉 Because it's one of two things: A) She has terrible judgement and/or a victim complex and she KNOWS IT, or B ) She felt her boyfriend made her look good in comparison even though she actively thought less of him the whole time. Both of these things speak terribly about her character, so she's the freaking problem..😂❤ Hands down, if it was a dude doing this to the chick, I'd accuse ol' boy of cheating- and statistically, I'd be correct. Emotionally, OP DID cheat on her boyfriend to be with her new boy toy. 😂 "How you get 'em is how you lose 'em," they say. Watch this chick cry when she gets cheated on. 😂😅
@symonsan 10 ай бұрын
She was playing a game by gathering resources and she believes has the bigger hand.
@MatildeVallespinCasas 10 ай бұрын
They broke up. Whatever she does afterwards is up to her
@MatildeVallespinCasas 10 ай бұрын
​@@symonsannope, she like the other guy better
@IrisAsuras 10 ай бұрын
Story 1: She was absolutely into "M" from the first and lying to her boyfriend and probably to herself. She was cheating on her ex. She is with who she wants. She keeps digging a hole. I don't care about my ex, I'm practicing what to say to friends...manipulative.
@GMAMEC 10 ай бұрын
Not sure why she didn’t break up with the bf.
@jdenameinit 10 ай бұрын
@@GMAMECshe monkey branched. Kept the ex around to make sure M would take her. Once she was sure she moved on. Once M breaks her heart I guarantee she will be crying about how horrible men are and why she can’t find a good guy.
@nothereyetlost 10 ай бұрын
Maybe she was, but she STILL didn’t cheat. You CAN have feelings for someone else and still not cheat. I love how you are all dropping your useless opinions just so people know you exist. The question here was if she cheated. She didn’t.
@jdenameinit 10 ай бұрын
@@nothereyetlost um kissing another guy, holding his hand and jumping on him is normal relationship behavior for you? If you saw your wife doing this in front of you that would be okay to you? I’m just trying to see what your definition of cheating is because that behavior is cheating behavior to me.
@nothereyetlost 10 ай бұрын
@@jdenameinit she didn’t kiss him on purpose it was an accudent. Holding hands was not cheating. It only LOOKS like cheating. Who says those are normal behavior? Men looks at women’s ass. We know that’s not normal relationship behavior but it’s also not cheating. Please quit pretending every behavior is cheating or faithful. There are in between behaviors. It’s really not cute how you men become unhinged when it comes to women like you’re desperate for lay. That’s not cute or attractive to girls. We don’t care if you’re desperate or need your John scratched, we are not interested in entertaining parasite-seeming desperate incels.
@TheIronwil 10 ай бұрын
S1: YTA. Holy crow! Before OP and her boyfriend broke up, she held hands, danced, WRAPPED HER LEGS AROUND HIS WAIST, and he pulled her skirt back into place. If I had been OP’s boyfriend, that would have been her walking papers right there. She was cheating, whether she slept with the guy or not during that time. Total lack of self-awareness.
@samiamtheman7379 10 ай бұрын
I find it funny that she said "If I wanted validation, I would've left that part out," then after everyone was saying YTA, suddenly gave more info in the update that she left out for some reason to make herself seem validated in cheating.
@cryofist 10 ай бұрын
dont forget when she wrapped her legs around his waist she was wearing a skirt that rolled up too lmao
@coreymartin6486 10 ай бұрын
Pretended to be his gf....kissed him...and who knows what else she's not telling us.
@benjiro8793 10 ай бұрын
@@samiamtheman7379 Yea, the "here is what happened", ... o, everybody is calling me a cheater (and let me attack the people that call me a cheater). O, and here is the "truth" about my ex-boyfriend. Its strange how somebody did not start with that, but only tells about all his defects after being called out. Its like a child caught with his hand in the cook jar, the tales they spin...
@colleens1107 10 ай бұрын
Story one: I hate people who come onto AITA and then double down when the judgement isn’t what they wanted. OP was being sooo aggressive in her responses to people calling her out on her behavior. The fact that she IMMEDIATELY went out with the guy after dumping her boyfriend OF TWO YEARS totally proves he was right to be concerned. She can lie to herself all she wants. If he hadn’t pressed her to cut this guy off, she WOULD HAVE eventually cheated on him fully rather than just emotionally
@ndawn90 10 ай бұрын
And she's already meeting the new dude's parents *AND* planning a vacation with him when they've only known each other for like a month and have only been dating for like 2 days... Yeah, this is an excellent way to start out a relationship!
@samiamtheman7379 10 ай бұрын
Her: "If I wanted people to make people side with me, I would've left out details on how we met." Also her: Proceeds to make a bunch of excuses in the update in order to make people side with her.
@otakueve117 10 ай бұрын
@@ndawn90don’t forget, the first hour they met, they were flirting and getting Handsy with each other. What a wonderful story to tell your family and kids on how I met your mother Kids: Dad how did you meet mom. Dad: We met at a bar and then cheated on our partners with each other
@mgaus 10 ай бұрын
She's for the bowels of the sewers
@Streetwisefirst 10 ай бұрын
The girl was fighting for her life in the comments. If her and M both weren’t in relationships when they met they would have hooked up that night. That night is enough to be called a cheater and then to continue with emotional cheating afterwards. I want to know how OP would feel if some random woman did the same thing with M. Cause it’s not considered cheating, and she would have no reason to be upset. If her bf sucked so much break up with him, and get into a healthy relationship.
@kuno3336 10 ай бұрын
OP: I came here to get opinions and try to gain perspective Also OP: I refuse any perspective that makes me out to be wrong
@maestech8605 10 ай бұрын
The way op in Story 1 gaslighted her friends: don't think I chose between my ex and M, no no no.. I chose between my ex and you guys, I did it for you guys... Even though we are part of the same friend group and we hung out together, I had to cut him off to be friend with you... Long story short, I did it for you. SMH
@magiciandice 10 ай бұрын
I love so much that OP tried to justify "providing context" about how she met the new guy but didn't talk about her ex and how unhappy he made her until she needed to prove that breaking up was always on the table.
@nicknitro86 10 ай бұрын
Basically the one she really wanted is finally free, so she dumped her boyfriend to get with him. She did her damnedest to make the other guy sound as great as possible while making her ex sound as shitty as possible.
@ScooterBond1970 10 ай бұрын
Just wait until the next greatest guy in the world comes along.
@KashyaCharsi 9 ай бұрын
It just makes me think less of her. Why did she keep leading her ex on if she didn't even like him for years?
@GLoLChibs 9 ай бұрын
Can't wait for a year from now when OP is back on Reddit whining that M is cheating on her with the new girl he told her not to worry about.
@megaspit 10 ай бұрын
"our intentions were pure! We're only holding hands... And dancing... And kissing... And wrapping my legs around him... And texting all the time..." Modern dating is a cesspool. I'm glad I'm taken. I feel so bad for younger generations
@MisaoMeowchan 10 ай бұрын
Speaking from a males perspective in the current dating pool/women mindset. We're fine, I'm happy not having to deal with a woman's bs I own my own house and get to do whatever I want whenever I want, no arguments no stress just constant chilling
@vanzy01 10 ай бұрын
@coreymartin6486 10 ай бұрын
I'm not taken, but I'm happy to being single and willfully celibate rather than deal with modern day dating. I don't even want hookups because who knows where they've been.....
@MisaoMeowchan 10 ай бұрын
@@coreymartin6486 if you have a absolute urge to get some just use a professional, way cheaper in the long run
@azadalamiq 10 ай бұрын
hate to say.. but modern dating is no different then dating years ago... dating sites just replaced those match making agencies where you would watch interview videos and pick out a chick. meeting at a club now a days.. is no different from long time ago. Cheating happen.. hell in the 80s and 90s used to be a cheaters tv show... like cops...
@actuallynotsteve 10 ай бұрын
The title alone has me chuckling. Literally every guy that I or a friend has been told to not worry about has ended up being something to worry about.
@carolroberts4614 10 ай бұрын
Yes, my long ago ex told me not to worry about the babysitter......
@samiamtheman7379 9 ай бұрын
"I didn't leave anything out because I'm not looking for validation." *Gets YTA criticism* "Oh, here's this info on why my ex was actually really shitty that I left out of my original post. Give me validation, please!"
@Hogwarts_dropoutt 10 ай бұрын
Story 1: I find it very interesting that it was so important to tell how she met M in detail because ✨context✨ but never even mentioned that she didn’t love her boyfriend anymore, had been miserable this entire year and had basically already broken up with him in her head until the update. It’s interesting watching her fight like hell to paint herself as the person in the right here when in reality both her and her friends agreeing with her seems like garbage people. She knew well before she broke up with bf that she wanted M. Unfortunately she seems to be an expert in lying, and especially to herself.
@brenscott5416 10 ай бұрын
Exactly my own thinking. My guess is that she was going to cheat with him if she was given the chance, its highly likely she was just waiting for him to do something
@samiamtheman7379 9 ай бұрын
Giant x to doubt on her boyfriend being "a loser gamer who stays in his room, smoking pot all day." If he was, then she would've mentioned that in the first update, he never would've agreed to hang out with friends if he just wanted to game all day, and no way in hell that relationship would've lasted 3 years.
@KashyaCharsi 9 ай бұрын
​@@samiamtheman7379I can believe that some people can be spineless enough to keep dragging a relationship on.
@Natalie66796 10 ай бұрын
Judging from the title I'd get why the ex is mad, I'd be mad too Edit: Okay, the story is way worse than I could have possibly imagined
@Aetriex 10 ай бұрын
Why would you be mad about someone your ex is dating? Idk, maybe it's my husband and I have the same philosophy, but we are both "once we break up, you no longer exist" kind of people. I could not care less about what my ex is doing, I couldn't care less when we broke up either. They are now irrelevant to your life, you know? EDIT: I get that she cheated while still with her ex, but that's not the title. The title is stating that her ex is mad about who she is currently with. She should no longer exist in his world, so it shouldn't matter to him who she dates. EDIT 2: Alright guys, I get it, I'm a sociopathic and probably cheating asshole for this opinion. I'm just having a hard time thinking anything other than OPs ex dodged a nuke of a human and should be grateful he's no longer dating human garbage.
@kuno3336 10 ай бұрын
​@@Aetriexjealousy is a natural emotion, and it is also natural to have lingering feelings. Even in awful, abusive situations, it's borderline impossible to just turn off those feelings
@Natalie66796 10 ай бұрын
@@Aetriex It's not even that. I mean she KISSED him while she was still dating her ex and told him not to worry about it
@taylorwashington7682 10 ай бұрын
​@Aetriex I mean, she cheated on him with this "friend" and tried to downplay what she did. She knew she was wrong.
@MegaShinobi2011 10 ай бұрын
​@@Aetriexbecause sometimes you want to essentially make sure that things weren't amiss during the relationship. And in this case the BF was correct given the flirting that went on during their relationship
@jakeand9020 10 ай бұрын
"na, I literally don't care about my ex at all..." Obviously, why would she care about him now when she didn't care about him at all while they were "dating."
@crisrodriguez5693 10 ай бұрын
Fr, she says that like it makes her sound good. Like of course she doesn't have a guilty conscience, but not because she didn't hurt him, but because she doesn't care she did, lol. She's doing a live representation of the narcissist prayer, also.
@TheNoWayOut85 10 ай бұрын
Story 1 - OP: I don’t want validation, I just want an opinion. AITA? Everyone: Yes, YTA and a cheater! OP: Shut up! You’re all wrong! I’m NTA! T_T
@Takeoverartist1987 10 ай бұрын
First story “ here is how I was in an emotional affair that started with me cheating. Now here I’ll gaslight y’all into believing I wasn’t gaslighting my bf”
@dm9078 10 ай бұрын
He’s angry that she is dating the guy she cheated on him with? How unreasonable. Final story. Why did OP give that lousy company an extra month?
@DerekScottBland 10 ай бұрын
She didn't cheat on him though. Sounds like she went about it the proper way, she was sick of her boyfriend and how he was acting, she found someone she liked better, she broke up with the boyfriend and then hooked up with the other guy.
@Jrskeetpro 10 ай бұрын
@@DerekScottBlandshe flirted and kissed the dude while they were together lol
@anahkit 10 ай бұрын
@@DerekScottBland Haha what? She was holding hands and stuff with some random dude, even kissed him and flirted while in a relationship, but you're saying that she went about it the proper way? Lol, that gotta be a joke. She's a cheater.
@MisaoMeowchan 10 ай бұрын
​@DerekScottBland you mean other than the flirty body contact and kissing? And I doubt the boyfriend is actually any of what she said seems more like she didnt like reddit calling her out and is trying to swing their opinion of her so she can pretend she isn't a horrible person
@crowwithinternetservice 10 ай бұрын
​@@DerekScottBlandCmon it sounds like you weren't even paying attention
@swearimnotarobot3746 10 ай бұрын
My judgement will depend on if she had feelings for him during or soon after dating her ex or if she developed feelings for the new guy months after. then it’s probably fine. 1:50. We flirted the whole night and then “accidentally” kissed. 😂 The boyfriend’s perspective is on point. She repeatedly flirted with another guy. Always defended the friend over her boyfriend. And got together with him very shortly after she broke up with her boyfriend, meaning those feelings were already there. Edit: It’s weird how all that important context was left out of the original post. Almost like she’s using it now to justify everything. Even if what she said in the update was real, she still emotionally cheated and refuses to admit it. She lied to her boyfriend when she said he had nothing to worry about. So she isn’t reliable when she’s saying he’s the problem.
@YuumiMa1n 10 ай бұрын
For real, i totally cheated on my ex with my bf lol im fine right?
@DomSte128 10 ай бұрын
She check out her relationship with the BF way before they broke up. The BF was not a bad BF, I'm very sure she just wants to paint him as a bad guy.
@chinaking918 10 ай бұрын
@@DomSte128yeah all signs show she was having at the bare minimum an emotional affair. She’s a shitty person who can’t take accountability for their bs. She was wrong all the way around. I’ve never hugged a male friend while wrapping my legs around him, pelvic to pelvic. I’ve jumped on backs but never chest to chest. She was already planning this she’s just want to deny it. Edit:Then she sucks her supposed friend off two weeks later? Yeah she was moving on and the BF called her on her shit.
@otakueve117 10 ай бұрын
@@chinaking918don’t forget about the making out while sleeping in the same bed
@sabr4174 10 ай бұрын
I could caught that too. She says she wrote so much because she didn’t want to leave out context, but then proceeds to leave out the bit where she was apparently in an awful relationship. I hope karma gives her exactly what she deserves tbh.
@jam1494 10 ай бұрын
Just remember that OPs in AITA and relationship stories are often going to embellish their side in such a way that makes them look like the one who was wronged or lessen the thing they did to make it seem like they're not that bad a person. Despite this, she comes out looking really bad anyway. There is no doubt in my mind she did a whole lot more with this new guy she cheated on her ex with.
@brenscott5416 10 ай бұрын
Yup, i was just starting to consider this myself. If this what she said and she looking awful already, imagine what ahe didnt say
@confederatetearsaredelicious 10 ай бұрын
The OP in Story One is delusion AF. She must be the hero in her own story
@williamallen2777 10 ай бұрын
I love a narcissist circular logic... " I know my X, my friends, and the internet thinks I'm cheating but me and the guy I'm cheating with don't think we are so I'm not cheating"
@belalugosisdead4444 10 ай бұрын
Story one, they were cheating with each other from the very beginning. She's gonna lose him the same way she got him.
@madambutterfly1997 10 ай бұрын
That is a clear red flag. When your SO refuses to cut contact under the excuse of that other person is going through a hard time
@lasmirandadennsiewillja9435 10 ай бұрын
The problem with the first OOP: trying to paint herself as a picture of sainthood in her first post. Seriously. Nobody in their right mind would have had any issue if she had said, "I felt stuck in my relationship for a while. My bf is unambitious, lazy, only shows any attention to me when he wants sex, and puts zero effort into the relationship or his life. I met a guy by chance and when the sparks flew, I realized how much out of love I fell with my now-ex. Yeah, I had a crush on the new guy while still in a relationship and ultimately, the relationship ended. AITA for immediately moving on with the new guy to see where it goes?" But the way she phrased it in her first post? Without going into greater detail about her unhappy relationship and acting all faithful waifu that would never! THAT makes her sound like she had to hide something and that she was desperate to twist and turn her situation and decisions into something unnecessarily innocent. Girl, you're young. You got into a relationship with a guy who decided for himself "Yep, this is the life, it can stay like this for the next few decades" and you felt "nah!" about it. Painfully unoriginal and not one bit special. You met another guy and rediscovered the excitement of flirtation and sexual attraction. Again, painfully unoriginal, this situation. Someone older and more experienced would have realized at that point that it was about time to leave the current relationship. Young and naive still thinks in Disney-terms of romance and the first love has to stick so the inevitable breakup is delayed. Story as old as time. It's really and absolutely unimportant if someone starts a new relationship shortly after a breakup, rebounds with a few ons, or finds a fwb, or starts something casual to, as said before, see where it'll go. Doesn't matter if it's strangers, an old friend, an old flame, a new flame or whatever. The only bullshit there was: OOP lying to herself that the encounter and feelings for the new guy were innocent. Sometimes, falling out of love with one person and falling in love with another overlaps. Nobody has control over that. The pearl-clutching and "HOW DARE anyone say I wasn't a dainty faithful young lady!" are stupid. With a little bit of more honest self-reflection and less gasping, the old relationship could have ended much sooner and smoother and no one would have had a real issue. The only bullshit that would be: Stumbling out of a relationship and immediately jumping into the next one and declaring it as THE super serious thing and the new partner as THE ONE when you barely know them. It sounds like that was what the friends worried about. But yeah, when you have a guilty consciousness because deep down you know what you felt for a non-partner wasn't 100% pure and innocent, it's easy to misinterpret and project. And for other young ones: It's okay to fall out of love. It's okay to look at a partner who felt like The One True Love when you were 16 or 18 and think, "I'm 20 now. I might easily live for another 60 years. Is this really what I want every single day of those 60 years to be like, and that's the best-case scenario?" If the thought horrifies you, it's okay to end things and move on at whatever pace you want. Just don't declare the next person who makes your lower abdomen tingle your "THIS One is the ONE True Love THIS time!" before you haven't at least a) lived on your own or with roommates for a year (both of you), b) planned and experienced a trip together, and c) spent a Saturday afternoon at Ikea either during the summer break or in the holiday season. If you can agree on one piece of furniture, five decorative items, and lunch together without arguing, shouting, pouting, and/or crying, get married.
@jameshutchinson2817 10 ай бұрын
Whats funny is she doesnt think what they did was cheating, well lets see how she feels when her new bf acts like that behind her back. Having a gf clearly didn't stop him when they met, so she is insanely naive to think he wont do it to her, and vice-versa.
@mkj8973 10 ай бұрын
This chick knows she's been sly. She knew the situation and trying to make her ex seem controlling is stupid. Shame on her.
@kateemma22 10 ай бұрын
Thinks she is being sly. Helen Keller could see through her.
@MatildeVallespinCasas 10 ай бұрын
She was single, she could do whatever she wish
@mihirojha4475 10 ай бұрын
​@@MatildeVallespinCasasdidn't she literally 'wrap her legs around him while dancing', 'kiss him', 'held hands with him', 'hugged him', on the very first night they met, in a bar and that too while being in a relationship? I can 100% say that had this OP been a man you would be hating all over him, but you're giving them a pass simply because its a woman. Disgusting.
@MatildeVallespinCasas 10 ай бұрын
@@mihirojha4475 she mentioned that she was flirting and doesn't go to specifics. And anyway, she started the relationship when they broke up and she was free from any obligation she had with her ex. They don't have a mortgage, kids and not even the possibility of giving him a STD so, what's the point? Why is she "sly" if she gains nothing of the situation?(neither does he, for that matter)
@MatildeVallespinCasas 10 ай бұрын
@@mihirojha4475 had this OP been a man we wouldn't be speaking because the woman would be carrying on with her life.
@davidlionheart2438 10 ай бұрын
Story 1 - On today's episode of "I'm A Big Ol' Cheating Sl*t But I'll Never Admit It!".............................
@aengusdedanann181 10 ай бұрын
Return after this commercial break where all the details of how OP's ex was a complete asshole. Why wasnt that initially included? The world my never know!
@BIGEAGLEDUDE 10 ай бұрын
With the first story, let's be real here even with the update. She knows automatically she's in the wrong, but she doesn't want to admit that to herself. Because then it will make it seem like she's a total horrible person way worse than what she truly believes. And we all know that if her ex-boyfriend had dated the very person she had issues with or was worried about. People. Would be saying you're not in the wrong for how you feel. This is a woman who would rather have everyone. Tell her she's dead wrong but don't want to face the reality because then it would make her take a huge ego hit..... In addition, your girlfriend's don't wanna tell you straight up. That you basically have cheated on your boyfriend with the very dude. He was worried about and now you're moving full circle into another relationship. But they would rather have the friendship circle state intact instead of basically telling you the truth. And y'all want to move on from it as if it's never happened. I can see that the girl code is staying intact until you start sleeping. With one of their boyfriends congratulations. You just opened app Pandora's box because you just created a vacancy. Where's the man that you're now with?
@johnbradbury8610 10 ай бұрын
Op is a lying 304, she probably cheated on the first night. She just wants people to take her side.
@BIGEAGLEDUDE 10 ай бұрын
​@johnbradbury8610 We all know she definitely did. But you got a wonder when she put in his ethnic origin. You are wondering if she wanted those chicks. That has a black Dick fetish for this dude. Not to mention. I wonder how her parents are going to feel when they find out about how they got together. Because she's going to lie and say something. Think about you break up with your boyfriend. 2 weeks later and then you're all happy and I knew relationship. She didn't give a damn about her boyfriend to begin with. And I guarantee it the moment. He cheats on her and she breaks up with him. Guess who's the first person she's gonna go back to
@sergeipohkerova7211 10 ай бұрын
"He was abusive. I mean, I have literally no evidence whatsoever, and everyone who knows him says he's a nice guy, even his exes, but he was so cruel! So that's why I cheated on him and lied to his face for months. I was in -cheating scumbag- survival mode..."
@fawnjames76 10 ай бұрын
The first story , I think she was looking for a way out of that relationship to begin with but like most people stayed even though she wasn't happy because its better than being alone. Im glad she broke up with the ex before she physically cheated on him with M but she should have ended that relationship way before.
@DerekScottBland 10 ай бұрын
How is she in the wrong? She didn't cheat on her BF. She broke up with him and then hooked up with the other guy. Exactly what is always said in situations like this, if you're unhappy break up and THEN hook up.
@destinedtogame 10 ай бұрын
Wow she cheated hard with that guy
@aafinkle5162 10 ай бұрын
Lol she wrapped her legs around him and “accidentally” kissed the guy while in a relationship and not sure if she’s TA 💀
@imjustgonnasayit415 10 ай бұрын
Oh god, the update 😂😂😂 It’s funny how she adds how her ex bf wasn’t good after ppl called her out..
@lemarch57 10 ай бұрын
I suspect OP came on Reddit to garner support. Not finding it, she says she doesn't care. Another lie.
@DMobi 10 ай бұрын
Karma will eventually get OP in story 1, and I bet they'll lie to the parents about how they met.
@SnowMoonWitch 10 ай бұрын
Girl you cheated, got called out, gaslit your boyfriend, and then got with the guy you cheated with. Then you tried to gaslight Reddit. Naaaah
@Pikaman20008 10 ай бұрын
Funny how she didn’t mention how bad her relationship was until after she got called out for what she did
@Wtfamidoing2970 10 ай бұрын
Just the story of how they originally met would be enough for me to leave my significant other. Then to think that after every show of ownership she made over him, she just “accidentally” kissed him? 🙄 Nah, I’m not buying it. 🤣
@dorianleakey 10 ай бұрын
They are so, so soooo dishonest, so keen to make excuses and unwilling to take responsibility. I don't believe the stories about Jay either. Suddenly he never leaves his room and is permanently stoned? Yeah, right, whatever you say.
@coreymartin6486 10 ай бұрын
Yeah....and even if that were true(which I doubt), he still deserves much better than OP.
@Calalilyuf 10 ай бұрын
She came to Reddit to find the good defense to gaslight her friends into thinking they are in the wrong and it worked. Nobody uses legs to hug a new friend.
@tabytha7636 10 ай бұрын
No, this girlie is the dumbest I've ever met. She gave up on a life that she didn't try to change whatsoever, is she cheated and is trying to find every little thing imaginable to cope with it. She could have explained how awful the relationship was in the first story, but she hadn't thought of it yet. She's giving all of these excuses of how horrible her partner was and the relationship was to justify why she gave up on it so easily and cheated. She could have talked to him. She could have changed that life. She could have done a lot of things before she cheated but she did it and now she's trying to cope with that
@srkh8966 10 ай бұрын
Relationships end. She shouldn’t have to settle for a bf she isn’t happy with at 21, but she handled it badly
@alexanderhenby1362 10 ай бұрын
Is not a woman's job to change a guy. It's not a guys job to change a woman. I think the biggest issue here is people don't need a "reason" to break up
@tabytha7636 10 ай бұрын
@@alexanderhenby1362 nope you don't have to try and change anyone but if you think about using that as an excuse to why cheating isn't that bad in this scenario, maybe try a little with fixing or saving that relationship before Just saying you know I've been unhappy so it's fine for me to cheat and do highly inappropriate things and I'm definitely not only saying this afterwards because my first excuses weren't getting the positive affirmation that I thought I was going to get. With her second update with her. Trying to get pity points from us with her second line of defenses just don't do anything for me because you're not going to get any empathy for how horrible your relationship was when you didn't discuss any issues with him before or bring up any of these issues in the first post when it was really relevant to bring it up at the beginning. " Oh my relationship was so horrible" okay and did you express any of this to him cuz it sounded like everything was fine until you met knight in shiningarmor dude. It sounded like you were fine with that lifestyle until the other dude came into the picture. It feels like we got a clearer real picture with the first story and excuses in the second one that were just made up to make her look better.
@tabytha7636 10 ай бұрын
@@srkh8966 "nope you don't have to try and change anyone but if you think about using that as an excuse to why cheating isn't that bad in this scenario, maybe try a little with fixing or saving that relationship before Just saying you know I've been unhappy so it's fine for me to cheat and do highly inappropriate things and I'm definitely not only saying this afterwards because my first excuses weren't getting the positive affirmation that I thought I was going to get. With her second update with her. Trying to get pity points from us with her second line of defenses just don't do anything for me because you're not going to get any empathy for how horrible your relationship was when you didn't discuss any issues with him before or bring up any of these issues in the first post when it was really relevant to bring it up at the beginning. " Oh my relationship was so horrible" okay and did you express any of this to him cuz it sounded like everything was fine until you met knight in shiningarmor dude. It sounded like you were fine with that lifestyle until the other dude came into the picture. It feels like we got a clearer real picture with the first story and excuses in the second one that were just made up to make her look better."
@brenscott5416 10 ай бұрын
​@@srkh8966lets be real here, i sincerely doubt what she said about her ex was the truth. Not only did she not mention it in the first post but if it was thar bad then the obvious question has to be asked, why didnt she leave him before the ex told her that shes gotta pick between them?
@fantasystaplesuwu1554 10 ай бұрын
You can't just "accidentally kiss" someone, it's not possible, real life isn't an anime 😭
@owl7072 10 ай бұрын
To be fair, if Op was actually being truthful about that, it's entirely possible to accidentally kiss someone if you're both going to kiss each other on the cheek, but aren't expecting the other to also do it, cause you're still technically aiming for the face, you both just moved unexpectedly 🤔 On that same note, I don't believe Op about it being an accidental cheek kiss gone wrong 💀
@eldritchthorne 10 ай бұрын
@@owl7072 Yeah, I'd only buy that if both were SINGLE. Her and M were in relationships and shouldn't have been kissing anyone other than their partners. Accidental kiss my ass, what the hell was she doing trying to kiss another rman?
@mavisvioleta 10 ай бұрын
I don't believe her about her boyfriend suddenly being a bad one, she is only to justified her actions,why shw didn't said how bad he was from the beginning? Obviously , she pushed to his break point, and when he finally told her "me or him" she jumped very quickly.
@danganryanne9499 10 ай бұрын
Off topic but I love your pfp But yeah I agree, it's fairly common for people who are voted the AH is to lie and make up stuff that paints the other bad
@loiracitr 10 ай бұрын
Maybe he really was this bad. However, she couldn't break up with him before getting a new option. Pretty much like Tarzan who doesn't let go of a liana until another one is on his way
@dementesf 10 ай бұрын
Now that I heard OP's replies, yeah she's unapologetically the AH.
@tabytha7636 10 ай бұрын
The first story must really think that we're idiots cuz girly cheated and is trying to play the victim😂😂 everything in this was gross and wrong and both of them knew exactly what they were doing 🫠
@kitkakitteh 10 ай бұрын
She’s just naive if she thought keeping in touch with a drunk crush was a good idea. Her bf def got the subtext.
@AndyyWithAY 10 ай бұрын
These titles have been juicy this week 👀👀 Aint no way in hell I'd be OK with MY man doing all this at a bar. She was acting very very single. I didn't think this would be an "AH" situation bc I think when you're dating you can end it for pretty much any reason, but she was so incredibly inappropriate. This was NOT insecurity on the existence part. OP was grossly disrespectful. Then she got with M right after? They were cheating, simple as. Why you always lying?
@Swnsasy 10 ай бұрын
I am staring at my phone like 😑girl bye! They wanted each other from the first night and both broke up with their partners but oooh, soooo innocent.. I rolled my eyes to the back of my head.. She is trying hard to show, but it wasn't like that.. Bye Felicia.. 😂
@hritwiksom3032 10 ай бұрын
Imo it doesn't matter if they got together or not, she cheated while being in the relationship and would have gone home with him if not just for ex. In a bar, doing small talk with a stranger is the limit, and some aren't even fine with that!
@Tomicrat 10 ай бұрын
OP: "I just want to get comments to tell my friends." Translation: "I want to figure out how best to make my cheating not sound like cheating."
@YuumiMa1n 10 ай бұрын
Yeah, she cheated on him emotionally lmao so ywah
@madambutterfly1997 10 ай бұрын
Is it wrong that I kind of want her relationship with M to suffer?
@brenscott5416 10 ай бұрын
Not at all. It would be the definition of poetic justice
@eldritchthorne 10 ай бұрын
It will once the "fun" wears off and she finds herself bored again or something about M she doesn't like, which she'll use as justification for leaving him when she finds another schmuck who's okay with what she pulled.
@MsSamiam2 10 ай бұрын
If you need a perfect example of ‘Tell me You cheated without telling me you cheated’, then story 1 is for you.
@reddogjrs 10 ай бұрын
Story 1: oh thats what a cheater thinks of being a cheater. 😅
@honeybunny244 10 ай бұрын
This girl, after breaking up with her bf of TWO YEARS, RAN FASTER THAN USAIN BOLT to prove her ex-bf right. Like, the sheer lack of self-awareness is like... I wish I could have this much lack of self-awareness.
@UchuKejiMovan 10 ай бұрын
Her ex DODGED A TACTICAL NUKE with her!!!!! She basically cheated on him when she first met M smh
@coreymartin6486 10 ай бұрын
You aren't kidding....then she followed it up by lack of accountability, gaslighting, etc....
@ShadowGladiatorX 10 ай бұрын
Pfft and you something funny the guy she cheated with doesn't seem to be all there for "love" he just wanted a piece of ass and in order to get it let's spoil the lil gold digger the first two days in the relationship I give it 2 months before she comes back crying on reddit that her new dude ditched her ass
@sardonically-inclined7645 10 ай бұрын
Story 2&3: Excellent outcomes and well wishes for the future after navigating dealing with idiots.
@Amber-zg6ir 10 ай бұрын
Yeah my ex was like the 1st stories’ OP. Not even 3 weeks after we broke up because of the broken trust, I saw a posted picture of him and the girl who was “no one to worry about”, “just a friend”, and “a druggie who has a long time boyfriend” all cuddled together up at his parents house. My heart broke for all of 3 minutes before I realized I was right the whole time. OP is TA. 100%. I wish her ex all the best and hope she matures and reflects on her actions to become a better person.
@Tiogair 10 ай бұрын
Story 1: I love how none of reasons she mentioned in the update were present in the original post
@drakeloki4214 10 ай бұрын
OP cheated basically and her BF at the time had every right to be pissed.
@SirFailsalot91 10 ай бұрын
Personal experience: my mum cheated on my dad in a similar fashion to how OP1 cheated on her boyfriend and made the same excuses - "I was bored not going anywhere, I wanted to have fun," "I wasn't happy just staying in every night, he was working too much and we never went anywhere," and she even had her friends covering for her while she was going out and sleeping with someone else outside of her marriage - then she wondered why nobody wanted anything to do with her once the dirty laundry was hung out to dry. The first story is frankly just a repeat of what happened to my family, with the cheater trying to make excuses and justify their actions, all while denying that they could possibly be in the wrong when everyone points it out to her. If she was so miserable with her do-nothing boyfriend, she should have just broken up with him first instead of doing all that crap in the first place, then she'd have no reason to cope, seeth and mald so hard when everyone points out she's the bad guy.
@whimsicaltitan 10 ай бұрын
Story 1: Halfway through it, I kept rolling my eyes at OP and was like "Give it up, lady. You clearly emotionally cheated" lol OP is a joke 😂
@T3MediaStudios 10 ай бұрын
story 1: I didn't believe at all that she told her boyfriend exactly what happened with that other guy the way she told in her Reddit post but the second the update came about how she didn't like the way her boyfriend smoked and was lazy and smoked weed I realized she must have told him everything. Because she wanted an excuse for him to break up with her. When her boyfriend gave him that ultimatum about boundaries when the other guy we became single that was her opportunity to do what she always wanted to do from the get go.
@RomeGod177 10 ай бұрын
Titled alone reminds me of my ex when she said the same. You don't have to worry about him. He just s friend. We knew each other before I met you. I love you and only you, so stop being insecure. I am leaving you because of your jealousy. Just to start dating that same friend, not even a week later. Yeah guys don't buy that BS.
@Bleg94 10 ай бұрын
1. Story: She cheated and gaslights her ex about what happened Does she seriously think ANYTHING she described about their meeting is even remotely innocent? Comments: OP is practicing her future lies, she even admits that What a horrible person
@QuietRage 10 ай бұрын
Story 1: "Cheating is a boundary decided by people in the relationship, your opinion is irrelevant." THEN WHY THE HELL ARE YOU ON AITA?!?!?!
@jusminejustice2794 10 ай бұрын
Trying to get justification and continue on some BS about how ‘unhappy’ she is. Cheaters will always be one of the most selfish people in world.
@LivBee. 10 ай бұрын
I don't even want to hear all of Story 1's update. OP is doing everything in her power to not be the one in the wrong because she's obviously a helpless victim. I don't believe her fake innocent bullshit for a second, and even if it was "innocent", she's still a spineless idiot for continuing on. This is the real timeline of events: - OP is upset in her current relationship, mentioned in the first part of her update, feeling trapped. - goes to a club with her friends and without her boyfriend, where she is repeatedly flirting, touching, being possessive of and EVEN KISSING M. - Doesn't cut things off there and continues to text and hang out with M constantly (where the emotional cheating REALLY began). - mentions seeing two paths: funnily that the other one is "staying friends with M", which also means losing her boyfriend... convenient lol. - Breaks up with her ex because now she has an excuse where she isn't a bad person! He's being controlling and won't let her be friends with the guy who she obviously is crossing boundaries with! (this entire time, downplaying her ex's reactions). - ends up going on a couples trip "as friends" where they end up in the same room with only 1-2 beds and does sexual things with him BOTH TIMES!!! - Upset her friends and ex are calling her out for being the absolute skank she is. To make things worse, she kept acting nonchalant and was coping so hard in the comments, which she only "used" to figure out where her friends might poke holes in her obviously genius scheme (i.e., how she can manipulate them). My favorite part is actually her arguing about it not being cheating bc : cheating is whatever the people in the relationship decide-- which is true, BUT even though she says her ex said he didn't consider it cheating, his interactions with her and M while they were still together and his obvious rage upon finding out she was, in fact, planning on cheating on him, indicates that... HE HAD AN ISSUE WITH IT. Doesn't that mean that counts as cheating?? OP is a horrid, fetid shitstain who believes she's in some Wattpad fanfic where this hot guy whisks her away from the problems she created for herself. She thinks she's the main character. I fucking hate slimy people who play word games to shrug off any responsibility they have for the people they hurt.
@michaelwoods3651 10 ай бұрын
Soooooooo, she cheats and it’s his fault?!? Wow! She’ll never truly be accountable.
@KashyaCharsi 9 ай бұрын
She is the Main Character in True Love, after all.
@konradkhuslivski7822 10 ай бұрын
She literally cheated on him, and literally Kissed the dude and said it was an accident ?! WTF is that ?! Lol
@majesticllama1405 10 ай бұрын
Story 1: i really hope M cheats on op. She's so toxic.
@botanicalitus4194 10 ай бұрын
and wishing cheating on someone else isnt??? thats an effed up thing to wish on someone even if they suck
@majesticllama1405 10 ай бұрын
@botanicalitus4194 im sorry but she deserves it. She didn't even try to save her previous relationship. Just dismissing her ex and gaslighting him. Also she did cheat, its emotional yes but cheating regardless. So karma will come back.
@fabianbiere5653 10 ай бұрын
​@@botanicalitus4194it's really not this is eye for an eye not a ego driven wish for evil purposes
@aengusdedanann181 10 ай бұрын
@@botanicalitus4194 I mean both M and OP cheated on their partners so i really dont wish happiness for either. I hope op gets the karma she deserves.
@ShadowGladiatorX 10 ай бұрын
​@@aengusdedanann181I give it two months cause there's no way in hell that man is in it for "love" especially if your already spoiling and going on trips when you just got together two days ago yeah he just wanted a fuck buddy for a while then he'll get tired and find the next girl to ruin as well
@nilianstroy 10 ай бұрын
Story 1... she counted on reddit women to back her up, when it failed, she returned with an update that turned the ex into a horrible person to justify her cheating, as that still failed, i wonder what will be her next step to validation.
@katiegeorgeripia 10 ай бұрын
Story 1: You cheated emotionally & knew exactly what you were doing. YTA absolutely
@MizTameRumors 10 ай бұрын
First OP feels like she would call herself an 'Empath' I've known people like her, the saintly emotional vampires.
@kaylalaster1038 10 ай бұрын
Story 1- OP’s ex dodged a major bullet. Ol’ girl disgusting, manipulative personality oozed literally from the way she talked and responded. Honestly her and M deserve each other and with how they started it’s guaranteed one of them is gonna repeat what they did to their exa to each other sooner or later.
@savannah4439 10 ай бұрын
Story 1: how does this girl write all of this out without seeing that she is in the wrong? It’s not even about moving on quickly. It’s about her cheating on her boyfriend and then trying to gaslight him about it. I’ve had plenty of friends of all genders, and I’ve never “accidentally kissed” a single one of them lol…not even touching on the hand holding and leg-wrapped hugging. Even if OP’s an affectionate person who does that to all their friends-who-they’ve-known-for-3-hours, she should still recognize that it’s at the very least disrespectful to both of their partners. Sounds like her ex really dodged a bullet
@ShadowGladiatorX 10 ай бұрын
Narcissist tend to do that but she'll get her karma cause the way dude is acting cocky and spoiling a girl he knew for two days yeah he's using her just to flaunt and fuck
@juliearmfield2634 10 ай бұрын
Story 1. Yta. She made a comment in the comment section about how she didn't care about her ex well yeah she made that blatantly obvious by cheating on him
@dianasmith8248 10 ай бұрын
Story One: I love how she couldn’t make herself the victim during the original post, and then tried to make him sound so awful to still make herself look good. I hope M cheats on her all the time because she deserves nothing less. The fact that she is already meeting his parents, tells me that his parents probably meet a lot of his girlfriends.
@hughg.rection1421 10 ай бұрын
You don't "accidentally" kiss someone. That shit only happens in anime and it's cringe whenever it happens.
@kateemma22 10 ай бұрын
Congratulations to the ex for both amazing deduction skills and for being away from this vile AH.
@troubleinthevalley5884 10 ай бұрын
Yeah that wasn't an accident. If you weren't flirting with each other all night and bordering on the edge of kissing each other anyways you would have never "accidentally" kissed each other on the lips. You completely lost me at wrapping your legs around him. I guarantee to everybody there it looks like you guys were going to leave together and go do the nasty. It's always the one our partners "don't have to worry about". This chick is so disrespectful to her relationship and I'm pretty surprised not a single one of her friends called her out on her/their behavior. Her boyfriend dodged a bullet anyways. Those two deserve each other. It would be great if their exes got together. This girl is not fooling anybody with that whole "our intentions were innocent" thing. No, they weren't. You might think you can lie to yourself, but the rest of us aren't buying it. Also, I 100% guarantee your boyfriend didn't get the entire story of how you guys met and became "friends" aka waiting in the wings to swoop in the second you guys break up with your respective partners.
@eleethtahgra7182 10 ай бұрын
LOL, yup, She wanna bang him that night. The presence of her friends, the risk of her reputation, prevent that from happening.
@benjiro8793 10 ай бұрын
" I'm pretty surprised not a single one of her friends called her out on her/their behavior" ... So called "Friends" never do, they simply gossip behind her back. Real friends that tell you that your wrong, tend to not be friends with such a person or they get dumped by OP very fast for "not supporting her". Aka, people like that only want people around that tell them, what they did was perfectly fine. Aka, "yes friends". The "O dear, yes, you did nothing wrong"... /turn around,. "What a fucking whore, lets me quickly text this to Y, W, Z"
@troubleinthevalley5884 10 ай бұрын
@benjiro8793 yeah sadly that's true. I feel grateful to have friends that will tell me when I'm wrong because they care about me and want my life to go down the right path and I do the same for them. Sure you might be upset at each other for a little bit but then you realize that they are right and they are telling you out of love and then you make up
@PinkMarshmallows 10 ай бұрын
Story 1: YTA by that title alone. Let me guess (before I start the video), he was a fwb and you caught feelings for, you cheated, and are now with the AP, all the while telling the ex that he's CRAZY jealous because he broke up with you? Edit: "sort of accidently kissed" "It was awkward, but we continue to text each other regularly" 🙄 So, you cheated. That's one down. "Bf wanted me to cut contact as M was now single, I broke up with him and called him jealous and controlling" That's 2 down. Yep, it would go down as I expected. Why are cheaters so predicable? Update: OMG! The mental gymnastics, good Lord! She's trying to CONVINCE HERSLEF that she's not a bad person and a cheater. She knows what she did was wrong, she just doesn't want to admit it.
@owl7072 10 ай бұрын
Story 1: Jfc, I'm really affectionate with my friends (we literally joke that we're all married to each other), but even I'm side eyeing the hell out of Op
@1DivineDeparture 10 ай бұрын
Yeah but that’s different than kissing, wrapping your legs around them and pretending to date someone just to get other girls to back off.
@owl7072 10 ай бұрын
​@@1DivineDeparture Oh of course, I'm aware, I'm just sharing from the perspective of someone who is _really_ affectionate that even _I_ consider what Op did as so far over the line that I don't think Op knows where the line even is anymore 💀 /gen /nm
@Carehuea 10 ай бұрын
Story 1. Master manipulator (or so she thought), masquerading as the victim, rationalising everything to try and fit her narrative. And after a barrage of negative comments, she’s still attempting to defend herself by deflecting and gaslighting, because the truth - that she is a horrible person - is too much to accept
@Sunnysunshine626 10 ай бұрын
Story one OP is disgusting. She’s horrible. I can’t help it but get so angry and annoyed with her update and comments. She’s blinded by her own selfishness and now she’s trying to twist it in texts to her friends and the update. It’s such BS all that added information because people are calling her out and ripping her to shreds. She’s disgusting, period.
@pitviper2 10 ай бұрын
Story 1: "My ex agreed it wasn't cheating when I told him everything", I GUARANTEE she did not tell him everything about when she first met that dude, just another cheater trying to play victim
@EluneAnzu 10 ай бұрын
Story 1: Gonna laugh if there's an update in the future where karma hits and he cheats on her given they were both in relationships when they met and cheated on each other, that or she'll cheat on him when she find someone else she likes.
@konradkhuslivski7822 10 ай бұрын
Story 1 : You’re absolutely the AH.
@jacearmor5274 10 ай бұрын
1:18 Wow!!! Dang, you know you're in the wrong!! What the f***?!?!? I hope the ex finds a relationship with a girl who actually deserves him!! How much you want to bet she trickle truthed him?!
@0215tania 10 ай бұрын
Look how on the update, the exBF suddendly was the worst boyfriend ever while she is already booking a trip, a family meeting and going everywhere because she was soooo trapped (even tho she was on a club when she met her New boyfriend)
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