My Journey with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia

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3 Hearts Designs

3 Hearts Designs

6 жыл бұрын

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@kellycapelle9515 2 жыл бұрын
I am in the diagnostic phase right now, waiting to confirm with a Rheumatologist. I feel like you just shared my story. I'm so greatful you used your spoons to tell it. 🙏
@jennifer7648 2 жыл бұрын
I am 42 years old and have had fibro and RA for many years now, but was just finally diagnosed 9 months ago. I am terrified of going to a rheumatologist and will not. There are two things I will be trying. One is seeing a functional medicine doctor near me. The other is a different kind of treatment that is about two hours away, but my mom is going to take me. I feel and know every single word you are saying. I am not on disability and do not have a handicap tag for my car either. In a way it makes me feel a bit better to hear someone say that I will never not be in pain. I force myself to function too for my husband and our three kids too.
@namesdaisy4538 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing. I'm 55, diagnosed with RA 6 years ago and fibro 1 month ago. I called my HR department today to start a disability claim. I'm terrified and devastated but I just can't work anymore. I'm happy that you are able to work, I can see how happy you are about that. Sorry your problems started when you were so young but glad you have your family to support you. Take care.
@scochran3495 2 жыл бұрын
Were you able to draw your disability?
@nataliestevenson3621 2 жыл бұрын
Wow! So glad I found this video. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia last summer and recently diagnosed with Seronegative Rheumatoid Arthritis. I swear im looking at myself. Everything you said you're going through and have gone through is almost identical to me accept being diagnosed as a teen. It sucks going through this crap every damn day! I'm 44yrs! And I can't even walk through the darn grocery store. I have to get one those battery carts. Forget going to the mall or something. I just stay at home. I feel all alone. The friends I thought I had are no where to be found. My poor kids, I know they get tired of me asking can they help me with stuff. I hope I can get to a point where I can walk with looking cripple and without needing an aid of some sort.
@ubself 2 жыл бұрын
I can relate to this 💯 if you ever want to personally become messenger friends I’m down. If your on fb try find me, I live in Hawaii my fb profile pic is all in white, outside, with only the back showing, long brown hair. 🌺🌺🌺
@nataliestevenson3621 2 жыл бұрын
@@ubself okay I will look you up now. Thanks
@sakshim7274 Жыл бұрын
Which specialist doctor are you seeing?
@sakshim7274 Жыл бұрын
@@ubself Hey I have the same issue may I please know which specialist doctor are your seeing?
@just_tosh 5 жыл бұрын
You nailed everything I say/do/have on a daily basis. I've been told I exaggerate my pain...plz do an update! Even down to the flip flops...
@ubself 2 жыл бұрын
I understand. And I know your not exaggerating your pain, I pray those who think this way, never get it. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
@Krystalmsperu 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing! I could relate to you in so many ways. Much love to you from California. 💕💪🏽 Brought me to tears. I’ve had fibro my whole life and just recently got the official diagnosis through Kaiser. It took me having cancer and going through 12 plus drs to get the fibro diagnosis. Life has been pure hell and have come to death so many times this past year. I’m thankful to be here even though I’m just now figuring out how to treat my fibro symptoms. Prayers to all us suffering! 🙏🏽
@katherineramirez8518 4 жыл бұрын
I never comment anything but I just found you and I just want to say I admire you, I don’t even have a year with RA&Fibro and it has been a loooong journey:( but I feel happy because I’m not alone and in fact haha that makes me feel kind of “special” so yeah, we are in this together 🤍
@Paperchacer2010 2 жыл бұрын
No one understands it at all unless they experience it. It’s a battle each and everyday.
@KickinItWithShun 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for being so open and transparent sharing your story... I was just diagnosed in March of this year and I’m struggling with accepting this illness n all the information about pain, medication n diet... it’s so strange how one day I’m feeling okay n the next day so much pain...your journey has given my a better insight and assured me that I’m not alone... praying for you n more pain free days💞🙏🏾
@LifeHacksbyStacy 6 жыл бұрын
You aren't alone. Thanks for helping me not feel alone either. We all have to give ourselves grace. Some days are hard and its ok to be angry etc. Hang in there and having a good support system is key! Keep me posted and praying for pain free days!
@PurpleSceneNinja01 3 жыл бұрын
From the bottom of my heart, thank you. I resonate so deeply with all your symptoms, down to the thoughts and feelings on things affected by your condition. When you talked about hating trampolines, I was floored. I hated things like that but I really couldn’t tell you why. It WAS pain. I should mention I’m 25 and haven’t been diagnosed yet.. I’d grown so used to the pain that I don’t ever think to mention it to my doctor. I thought it was normal to feel the way I did. I hadn’t yet looked into RA, never even considered until a few days ago when I had the worst bad pain day I’ve had in a long time. After listening to your story, I decided I’ll talk to my doctor. The realizations and connections I was making had me sobbing.. it made so so much of my life make so much since. I finally don’t feel like I’ve just been imagining this pain. Again, thank you! I can’t put into words the impact this has made on me
@cortiz222 4 жыл бұрын
I am living this. I wish I had friends near me that understands what we go through. my world has fallen apart
@gregmiller1491 4 жыл бұрын
Hang in there friend. Perhaps consider reaching out to fellow sufferers online via forums or facebook groups. You are not alone.
@needle_crafts8080 4 жыл бұрын
@@gregmiller1491 thank you
@richardthornton7277 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing your story very inspiring diagnosed with RA 2 years ago couldn't imagine being your age I'm 57 zell jams worked really good for me for about a year and now I get infusions remicade still have a flare up just started very depressing you need to have a support group thank you for coming forward
@jessicakenneally3963 4 жыл бұрын
We thought my daughter had RA for almost 1 year. We finally realized she was misdiagnosed and has had lyme disease the entire time. I always encourage anyone with RA or fibromyalgia to get a lyme test. Untreated lyme is debilitating.
@CloseToNature5524 Жыл бұрын
I have joint pain specially in RA is negetive doctor said that it is seronegetive rhematoid arthritis....I am suffering from 3 years
@mollyaloysius9095 5 жыл бұрын
Dear Stacy, thank you for sharing. I really appreciate it. My name is Molly. Since 17 after a fracture on my knee cap, I developed chronic pain - doc diagnosed me with Fibro. When you cried in the video, I felt the exact same way. I feel what you feel. I just wanted you to know that. I am 24 this year - and I find that my knees are extremely pain - first time using the wheelchair. My doctor is doing all the tests now to rule out the other diseases such as RA. Please pray for me - I feel like my diagnosis of Fibro is not quite accurate. I've always felt that way but have found no good doctors who will truly find out what's causing the problem. They put me on anti-anxiety meds too. I hope one day, like you I can be a mum and wife as well. I am a student right now. I watched the whole video - it was motivating and helped me. You did help me - you help me realize that even with whatever challenges, a person with chronic pain can accomplish things and grow. Please pray that this round of tests actually tests positive for something. I don't feel right and like you, I want a label (even if it's a scary label) that is accurate so I can truly fight it. My parents had the same running joke with me - about sleep. Just wanted to share that with you. Like you, I'm also very competitive. To go along with my TYPE A personality, I was and still am an A (4.0 CGPA) student. All I request is a prayer. A prayer that the doctors can finally help me. They keep saying I am too young to tests for this and that. My dad keeps saying I have to stop with all this. He keeps insisting that I am okay. But I just know that I don't feel good and somethings not right. Thank you for listening. I hope I have been a good listener. God bless.
@LifeHacksbyStacy 5 жыл бұрын
molly aloysius thank you for your heartfelt response. Praying for you for sure! Keep me posted please. Each day and hour at a time hang in there and enjoy the little things. It’s ok to have days of being mad and sad just don’t have that become normals life.
@mollyaloysius9095 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you Stacy. Yes, will keep you posted! Yes, be grateful for the little things !
@sheeara 5 жыл бұрын
We are our own best advocates... if you are listening and learning the info your doctors are giving you and still feel misdiagnosed.... please please please... find second, 3rd, or 4th opinions if you have to. Fire your old doctor (lovingly😉)and find one that will hear you. A good marriage where you and your doctor are working together to inspire your body back into its best health is so important!!! If you really do have a chronic pain disorder of any kind.. being heard can be the difference between feeling helpless and feeling empowered. It is nearly unbelievable how much stress can affect flare ups and daily health. You deserve to be your healthiest self and your doctor deserves to work with people the are effectively treating. So you’re doing everyone a favor when your medical care and you fit together well. Prayers from Alaska, hang in there you’re not alone 😊👍💕
@MayraGarcia-rb2zy 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you do much to be so brave and share your story
@madcaprhe 3 жыл бұрын
Pain like I have never experienced before in my life has hit my joints, especially my fingers and wrist, over the past month. Thank you for sharing your story, you are incredibly brave and strong.
@the_claire Жыл бұрын
can you elaborate on how it felt in your fingers and hands? thanks, and hope you’re feeling well!
@madcaprhe Жыл бұрын
@@the_claire it was stabbing pain that radiated, every movement, and heavy like every individualfinger was weighed down by a weight, I've never broken any bones before but I imagine it is a similar pain. Luckily, prednisone helped and then I started a course of Methotrexate and another medication (can't remember it's name right now) so the pain is mostly gone, just a little discomfort these days, manageable.
@the_claire Жыл бұрын
@@madcaprhe thank you for replying! this past month, i have experienced excruciating pain in my hands/finger, and toes/feet. it’s only when i wake up. i can not make a fist at all. everything feels very tight and won’t bend. i have to use my other hand to force them closed. same with my toes. can’t bend them. it has come to my knees recently as well. it’ll last for about a week, then i’ll have no pain for a week, then it’s all back. it only gets better with movement. even if i take a nap it comes back.
@madcaprhe Жыл бұрын
@@the_claire I'm sorry you are experiencing that, it is really scary when it first happens. The hardest thing I think is how exhausting it all is, when the pain is at that initial level and even when it morphs into the ongoing ever present ache and little stabs. Medication has helped a lot but it is exhausting. And medication effects people differently too, I am lucky that it works for me. I hope the pain eases for you.
@sakshim7274 Жыл бұрын
I have this pain in my complete left side of the body.... I am not able to find out to which specialist doctor I should go for the check up🥺 please help me
@sumairazia2940 3 жыл бұрын
Girlie, you really rocked... crying so badly while watching your video.
@grimmandmiagaming7572 2 жыл бұрын
I am so glad that I found this video. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2015, and even then my gp thought I might have Lupus or RA. The rheumatologist thought differently. Now, 8 years later, my new gp is running a bunch of tests and my rheumatoid factor just came back positive. My sed rates are more than double the normal rate and my c reactive protein is high. The blood tests just came back today, so no official diagnosis yet. I completely understand about your husband though, as mine is the same way. Some days he really seems to get it, and others he thinks that I can just work through the pain.
@Nanynmous 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing. I'm getting my puppy soon so looking forward to having a buddy on my bed days!
@pamelasmith2625 Жыл бұрын
I had Fibromyalgia for over 10 years before I was diagnosed. My doctor sent me to a psychiatrist who said I was obsessed with my health. Like you, I have been told to exercise more, get physio therapy. Take Tylenol. There is NOTHING that helps with pain. I cannot take Any of the meds they offer. I am allergic to them all. I was married for 55 years and after many years after receiving my diagnose I had a breakdown. My husband said Why didn’t you tell me you were in so much pain. He said you look ok! I couldn’t sleep with him as I would be up all night trying to sleep in my recliner and crying all night. I was devastated that after all our years together he wasn’t aware, or didn’t even try to understand what I was going through. I was in my early fifties when I as diagnosed, but feel I had it many years earlier. I can’t imagine how difficult it must be for you being so young. At least my family was grown up. I feel like I was an awful grandma to my grandson as I could never lift him or babysit on my own for my lack of energy and pain issues. My son and daughter in law just didn’t understand what I was going through as I always looked ok. Now at age 76 I am getting more and more symptoms as if Fibro isn’t enough. I just can’t imagine the hell you have been through. We just have to hope that the young scientists and doctors are curious enough to research this and come up with some answers or better yet, a cure. Most of us try to physically do as much as we can, but there are times when we need help with the little things. Please try to give yourself some tender loving care every day and surround yourself with things you love and people who are positive and support you. You have a long journey ahead. I pray you have strength,and eventually,get the help and relief you need for your your chronic pain. There are millions of us dealing with this very debilitating disease. I wish you lots of love and big hugs. There are no words to describe the pain and total discomfort we feel every minute of the day. I finally got a walker which enables me to go out for walks. It gives me the support I need and makes me feel safer so I won’t fall. I am so,proud of you being able to work and dance. What a great accomplishment for you. Love and hugs, ❤️🇨🇦❤️🇨🇦❤️🇨🇦💐🥰🌻🌹
@debragriffis938 3 жыл бұрын
You have an amazing heart for others! I know its not an easy thing to share the pain of invisible illness! Thank you for being so transparent! I've been hurting all over all day. Don't know what triggered the flare but it helps to hear how others are coping! We may not get better but we are going to get through this life with Gods help!
@jodiemorgan8063 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this video and your honesty. I can relate so much. I feel this video will help me come to terms with having fibromyalgia, and with learning to cope with it. Thanks again. ❤️💐
@sarahjames2245 3 ай бұрын
You're so brave ❤ thank you so much for sharing. I have Fibro and RA also... so I relate to a lot of what you are saying xxxx
@preistinadecruz3715 5 жыл бұрын
Stacy apart being such a beautiful woman, you are an extremely a brave one & God will be with those who fight the good fight, thank you for sharing, yes ppl need to know & have the sense or ask God for wisdom to understand if their loved one is going through such chronic pain and not continue to be idiots in assuming that it's not there, I pray God will make more & more ppl understand & realize this & not add to their loved ones pain. I have learned though initially was a complete idiot myself not understanding what was happening to my daughter Molly who is also so beautiful and brave. You are right most doctors ,just because they not knowledgeable enough about such things & because they happen to be doctors, pathetically they feel the need to keep referring them to unsuccessful treatments & give advice that makes matters worse. I am glad at least you found one who at least knows what is happening with you, I am praying for my daughter Molly that God will send someone to help her too & at the same time pray for God's healing. All the emotions and feelings you shared ,I have seen my child go through it, but I also know that there are many times she battles them alone in her room, but will continue to pray, thank you again Stacy, the Lord bless you and my Molly & all who go through this & keep you, May He make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you, May He lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace and healing and power and strength and courage and whatever you need in Jesus name.
@MayraGarcia-rb2zy 2 жыл бұрын
So sorry, it’s incredible that all the things you said is like you were talking about me😩 every single thing you said is so true.
@sarshatharayil7400 Жыл бұрын
I just pray that you keep doing great in life. Totally relatable I also ask my mom the same thing and I am pregnant and not sure how to deal with it.
@vanwyke1 Жыл бұрын
God bless you and your family during this difficult journey. Impressed with your story and very impressed with you, your courage and your daily struggle with this insidious disease. You are doing better now and you will continue to improve as new medicines and treatments are discovered.
@kateglastic9826 4 жыл бұрын
Thankyou so much for this video. I have RA also. You described exactly almost everything I deal with and it is so frustrating that nobody understands it. My kids bang into me often when they sit next to me and I say 'ouch' because it shouldnt hurt but it does..then they say 'that didnt hurt' because they dont understand how that little nudge can hurt so much.
@kateglastic9826 4 жыл бұрын
My dog is the same. She is 2.5 yrs old and lays around like a 12 yr old dog because that is all I can do. I have been considering rehoming her because I feel bad for her.
@toniboersna8724 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you Stacy... I am pretty sure u saved my life tonight ... suicide is a constant struggle when doctors can’t help and the is pain is unbearable... I too am loosing my voice and medications are not working... next visit to the rheumatologist will hopefully to start biologics... any way, I just needed to thank you it brought me hope and comfort to know someone is/has gone thru something very similar as me.
@LifeHacksbyStacy 5 жыл бұрын
Toni Boersna I am so happy you found me. Please make sure you reach out to loved ones or your rheumy that can help you work through this. It causes so much helplessness and depression. It’s ok to admit that. Yesterday marked 6 years since being actively treated. It has been a horrible 2 days from pain ironically. Hang in there you are not alone.
@LifeHacksbyStacy 5 жыл бұрын
I want to add. I haven’t gotten out of bed in over 24 hours other then a hot bath and bathroom. All my meals in bed if I even can eat. You also help me know I am not alone. Until you suffer this no one has any idea.
@LifeHacksbyStacy Жыл бұрын
You have been on my mind the last few weeks for some reason. I wanted to check in and see how you have been feeling.
@LadySax45 2 жыл бұрын
I came across this video! It has been a blessing for me! I have known I had fibromyalgia since 2003. I have not been diagnosed with RA because my test keep coming back negative. But my joints hurt so bad. I’m on Lyrica and Plaquenil now. But I really don’t feel it helps me! If anyone have anything they can share with me please do!!! I was told I have OA but sometimes I feel that it’s RA so my everyday pain is awful. And you saying about the flip flops and showering I feel you 100% on that that’s me!!!
@Valir15 2 жыл бұрын
Have you tried changing your diet? I have all the symptoms and have changed my diet immediately. I can already feel that I am getting much better.
@LadySax45 2 жыл бұрын
@@Valir15 Good morning! If you don’t mind sharing what was your diet change? Thank you in advance for your answer. Soft hugs and blessings 🤗
@Valir15 2 жыл бұрын
@@LadySax45 I have stopped eating wheat, gluten, meat (except for fish), anything with sugar, coffee. I eat lots of green veggies, deep coloured fruits, flaxseed, oats, a bit of brown rice, heaps of salmon, and nuts. Lots of water, yoga, and reading have helped me immensely too. Read Dr. Sarno’s books or listen to his interviews on youtube. You can do this girl 💪 Praying for you 🙏
@LadySax45 2 жыл бұрын
@@Valir15 Thank you! You are so kind! Yes I want to feel better! Because hurting and being tired all the time is very depressing. I really appreciate your information you gave me!!! 💜🙏🏽
@cecilebordamonte7093 4 жыл бұрын
I so much relate you my dear😭 nobody feel how pain it is...
@Lila-qr5zo Жыл бұрын
Hi! Just found this video, I know it’s old but I wonder how you feel? I have RA since 4 years ago, very similar story, even the rheuma nodules in my feet and all, but mostly and more surprised is the voice box. Mine was SO swollen that I had an operation 4 months ago and the ENT couldn’t pinpoint why I had vocal cords of someone who’s smoked for 20 years (I’ve never EVER smoked and I think he didn’t believe me), so he said had to be RA although there’s no evidence of it attacking the vocal cords 🤔 . Anyway, I’m glad I saw your video honestly and really hope you are well… if not, I can tell you from my own experience what has worked for me, I was about to start Biologics this September and thankfully been feeling SO good with this health protocol, I still can’t believe it, fingers crossed I won’t need the damn medication. My aim is in a year to stop MTX too. Wish u well!
@Kikimo588 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for posting this. I've felt so alone for so long 😭 I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and arthritis at 17 😭 I had to use my grandma's walker in school and missed so many days 😭 I slept for 2 or 3 years about 20 hours a day because of the pain being so difficult. I just wanted to know what was going on and if there was something to make it go away. I still cry because I'm scared and in so much pain. It's so hard being young and our pain isn't see able. I was told at so many doctors that I was faking or it was one of my psychological diagnoses. I'm praying for a job just for something to feel normal 😥 I'm on medication for both now and it helps but the pain on bad days still is killing. Could we be friends and I also ask for some advice 😭🙏
@erinharris8593 5 жыл бұрын
omg thank you for making this video. iam going through it all right now. I jut stared pt for water aerobics and I almost passed out from it. the pain is aweful. I have 4 kids and I hurt 24 hr. I wish the pain would go away. I push my self and I got to remind myself to slow down. but at the same I fill gliy. I agree with you 100% do you have a facebook? I would like to follow you
@timschannel910 2 жыл бұрын
Yes going through all this now so not sure what I have.
@myrenehowell2940 3 жыл бұрын right.......let people think and say what they want,..........I feel, and get same harassment issues!!
@jesus-is-the-way2079 5 жыл бұрын
I have this along with another auto immune!!! I am suffering greatly. People have no idea the pain we live with.! They think it is similar to what they have when they have an off day! Nothing can be further than the truth! I am in bed for days. Other people think your lazy, faking it, or drama. It’s just sickening how people have no compassion for others. They will never understand but have have love for them.!! We are suffering greatly! I said last week I wish I had cancer and die than live another day. How many people do you know that has cancer and people are so sympathetic and saying oh so sorry for your illness and we get treated like shit like well we shouldn’t complain because we are not dying like them. First not all die second some not all don’t have any pain and 3rd we would rather have that because we would wouldn’t hurt so bad. People think since they can’t see my illness than it’s truly not there. How stupid is this. If they have the flu can others see they have the flu. No!! Just because you told them you have the flu. People and even family talks behind your back. How sad is that. Many days I feel I could be in a wheelchair. I can’t work for many reason. One it exhausts me to the brink of total bed rest. I can’t even tell family members how bad because when I do I don’t get any respect. They wonder why I can’t be like them and be successful. Do people really think we don’t want to be successful. Does that even make since. They say things like get up and do something. They don’t realize getting up hurts because that requires so much from us.! It’s not a shower it’s hair makeup dressing etc. I live behind close doors because the emotional pain is catching up with the physical pain. The older I get it’s getting worse by the day. The doctors give you no hope,!which I do understand. Hang in there we are survivors for sure. I am grateful for the people who do love me and care but it’s far and few. I have no friends now it’s hurts too much and I have to keep having to cancel plans. I don’t even like planning. God Bless
@Ohkeh640 5 жыл бұрын
My fingers are killing me as is my back stiff joints etc. I gotta go dr,,, very painful :( using pain killers and arthritis creams/tiger balms ouch. Also tired non stop mind you: my feet hurt too. Every part of me Mornings suck I’m so stiff ouch Helpful video. I gotta go to the dr for blood work. Stay strong xx
@Vixinaful 3 ай бұрын
Holy COW.. Your story has me in tears. So young, peers thinking it's fake and doctors not helping either. And a pain so sharp you vomit.. Thats hardcore anxiety right there. I suspect I have rheumatoid arthritis. Im wondering if youre taking any vitamin D?
@candeezymarie9827 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video! I was recently diagnosed with RA, but honestly the meds aren't covering the pain. I am honestly thinking I also have Fibro. I am hypersensitive to everything. I can't even wear t-shirts somedays. The weight hurts my shoulders. I am unable to hold things. I can barely lift a milk jug. I am a single mom watching my daughter help me do normal things. She is so great, but she is sad. I had a hard time just getting a diagnosis for my RA. I already feel like getting someone to listen to me about Fibro. I have pain in all the typical Fibro points. I am losing weight like crazy! I tried PT and it did nothing for me. The pool made me so cold! It was horrible getting in and out of the pool which also like you caused more pain. Eventually I just stopped going. Steroids are the only thing that help. Doctors won't prescribe it to me. I am seeing a pain doctor and he does trigger point injections, but those work for only so long. I have a handicap sticker and I also get those looks. I know the feeling. Thank you for making me look at parking in those spots in a different perspective! I've never looked at it that way! I will from now on look at it that way! I was diagnosed at 30. I feel like my life is flashing by me. I am in pain everyday. I have depression and anxiety due to pain. I am shoved on meds and looked at like either someone looking for pain meds and judged. When really all I want is to function and live. Not be shoved away and covered up. None of this stuff works! You're so brave and this video was a blessing to come across. I have been in a flare now for three weeks.
@LifeHacksbyStacy 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for opening up! It stinks but we are strong and we will get through. Some days are harder then others mentally and physically. You aren't alone. Have you looked into biologic meds? The air hurts my face some days so you are not crazy on that one! Hang in there and keep me posted on your journey.
@shoshanachavab Жыл бұрын
I too have fibromyalgia my whole life has and arthritis and possibly RH and I am going next week to test for that. I have learnt to handle my pain to a certain degree. I take natural remedies. Turmeric and magnesium and many more supplements. I don’t eat gluten or lactose or anything with preservatives in it. And you go tell your doctors that unfortunately my grandson has had RA since 9 years old.
@mandygarcia8146 4 жыл бұрын
I’m begging rheumatologist to see that I have inflammatory arthritis I can’t move and gain weight because I can’t move and then they blame it on my weight been in progressive pain for 20 years my rheumatoid factor tested positive but than negative my other inflammation markers they blame on weight it’s hell and I just want treatment because it never ends
@PhavonAshura 4 жыл бұрын
My issues started when i was 16 as well it happened after a fall at school. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in summer of 2017 after blood work said nothing was wrong. i couldn’t find a doctor for a very long time. I have been having bad knee pain & my wife took me to a Dr who specialized in sports medicine. He did more blood work & then diagnosed me with RA. Thank you for sharing your story with us. Hugs. I hope you have a good day.
@sheeara 5 жыл бұрын
So... paused at 3:01 into your video I’m already laughing at the similarities.. hiding in the bathroom to be quiet for the sleeping family while you’re in your home making an effort to bring love and purpose to others before you...? If I’m misunderstanding your intentions... please forgive me. As I said... just starting your video as a first time visitor. Lol I just thought it might be kind of fun to say thank you before I restarted watching. You’re the first person that has both ra and fibromyalgia for as long as I’ve had it for. And just that feels kind of nice to know. Anyways.. I’m going to continue watching now. 39yr old mommy of 5 saying thank you from Alaska 😊
@LifeHacksbyStacy 5 жыл бұрын
Shii Wak thanks! Made my day. I am glad I help people not feel alone because it can be lonely when no one understands. Yes I was hiding from fam so they could sleep and also I could concentrate!
@Paperchacer2010 2 жыл бұрын
@wendabonazza5536 Жыл бұрын
I related to all of this so hard except the sleeping part. I spend most of my life in bed but I can’t sleep.
@shoshanachavab Жыл бұрын
Please find a functional medical doctor. I am soooo sorry you are going through this. Sending love and healing energy
@lauried6974 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing. Sounds like you have Ehlers-danlos syndrome. Hypermobile type is most common but a geneticist would determine and there are other types of hypermobility. The flexibility, some of the pain and the bruises are consistant. That would explain why you've had symptoms your whole life. The hypermobility is also associated with more frequent infections, allergies, and autoimmunity. There is a book called Disjointed that may help.
@RaghuvirSamartha 2 жыл бұрын
Is there a way I can connect with you directly? I am myself a patient for 35 years. I am having exact same issues you mentioned in this video. I would like to know what works! Body developing antibodies for medicines which worked earlier is the scariest experience I am having. It will be really helpful if I can connect and talk.
@luticiasmall817 Жыл бұрын
Just found out this past Monday when I call my doctor nurse bout my results n she that my A1c was good n my x-rays was good they foud out that I have rheumatoid arthritis n they referral me to a rehmatiodligist so I'm just waiting for them to call me n I be in so much pain my feet my hands n my shoulders my lower back n rite hip pain n left hip pain to n tailbone pain it's crazy
@nailz_byjenn9062 2 жыл бұрын
My family doesn't understand me only my 4 boys and i feel guilty that i cant function for them 😔
@sheeara 5 жыл бұрын
Oh! Ps... whether you get ahold of me or not... please keep hydrated!!! Dry mouth seriously affects your teeth. SERIOUSLY! 🤨It my new surprise 😢
@myrenehowell2940 3 жыл бұрын
Wooooo.......I can't get my disability.....25 plus yrs.........
@kimmead3683 9 ай бұрын
I've had dreams of sawing my legs off because I'd be in so much pain. It started as foot pain in '95. I had breast cancer in '97 and it was all downhill after that. I hate doctors now!
@myrenehowell2940 3 жыл бұрын
. good luck......he wanted a divorce, sadly..... frustration , is tight......but God, is still good.......!
@kimmead3683 9 ай бұрын
I've had dreams of sawing my legs off because I'd be in so much pain. It started as foot pain in '95. I had breast cancer in '97 and it was all downhill after that. I hate doctors now!
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