My Parents Threw Me Out As A Child But Now They're Back As They Want Inheritance r/Relationships

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Mark Narrations

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@Mimikinn Жыл бұрын
I’m sorry, but I cracked up when the father started whining about how OP is the reason he didn’t become a big football star. Like, I’m pretty sure that wasn’t happening, no matter if OP was born or not, buddy.
@mage1439 Жыл бұрын
I bet he didn't even score 4 touchdowns in a single game for Polk High.
@karimygirl5826 Жыл бұрын
​@@mage1439😂😂😂ok AL
@PuppyKatt Жыл бұрын
Yeah, it sounds like it is OP's fault that these two teens could not keep their clothes on, and even then, OP's fault that they did not use any form of protection.
@jackspring7709 Жыл бұрын
Very true: and, even if he did have talent, can you imagine the drama and poison he would have brought to his team? They never would have won a game.
@linpittsburgh2375 Жыл бұрын
If you are going to be an NFL star, you will know it WAY before seventeen. Dream on, d-bag.
@bennergamer3052 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: You don't need toxic people in your life, not even your family. Story 2: I give them one or two years before they ended divorced.
@PrincessQ-fj9ly Жыл бұрын
Story 1: So true! And these are some of the most toxic people I've ever heard of. They make snobby people look nice in comparison. Story 2: Same here. I'm also willing to bet that OP won't be taking Brad back as his friend when he inevitably gets divorced.
@LunaMane Жыл бұрын
I give Brad and Vicky forty-eight hours after the honeymoon.
@lauralfreeberg2179 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, because of her cheating.
@DoritoBot9000 Жыл бұрын
After the talk with the fiance I can only wish OP got to tell his “friend” to do invite them both on his next wedding
@PrincessQ-fj9ly Жыл бұрын
@@DoritoBot9000 I'll be surprised if this friendship survives the wedding.
@macylouwho1187 Жыл бұрын
My husband’s father once told him in the middle of a crowded diner with other patrons listening that he wished that my husband had died during childhood, so that he didn’t have to pay child support. The people around heard it and looked shocked. The look on my husband’s face-I will never forget. He visibly stiffened, his face was full of pain. Like someone kicked him in the gut. I’m not exactly a “sit there quietly and take it” sort of woman, especially not after having seen the love of my life get annihilated. I had heard this man constantly talk bad about my husband’s mother because she left him (he was an absolute b-stard and she SHOULD have left him), and he had also been abusive towards my husband when he was a tiny tot. My husband had tried and tried with this man for years because he wanted his father’s love. All he had ever done was tear him down verbally and act like he was an idiot regardless of not deserving it. I had tried to be diplomatic because it was a delicate balance keeping a tentative relationship with him for my husband’s sake. I had acted as a buffer between them when he spoke poorly to my husband. I had gently reprimanded him for saying things like that. But not this time. I had had it. I said “maybe if you didn’t want children you should have either not had sex to begin with or used protection. It was your responsibility to prevent a pregnancy because MIL could not take birth control (bad reaction to it no matter which kind tried). That’s what condoms are for. Since you didn’t, it is your responsibility to care for any children that you create. Period. That’s the law. So maybe put your big boy pants on and deal with it like a man instead of a whiny child.” I stood so the kids did too. He actually said this in front of his grandchildren. They were high school age at the time, so old enough to understand the concept of all of this. My husband stood. He threw down cash for our meals on the table and we got up and left. We went home in a daze and I sent the kids upstairs. And then I held him while he cried into my chest for all of the years wasted trying so hard to get that man to love him. He did everything that he could for his dad. He knew then that he never would love him. I just kissed him and held him and wiped his tears away and said “You never needed him anyway. You already HAVE a family who loves you. I’ve sat by watching this painful thing happen to you all of these years, it’s time to end it. Babe let him go. You can’t win the love of someone who has no heart.” And still at the end of that motherfricker’s life when he went into a rehabilitation center and never came back out-he died there, my husband sat by his side knowing full well that it did him no good. But that’s just the kind of decent caring man that he is. Thank god he’s a better man than his father ever was. A kinder more loving one. And he was a great father himself when the kids got out of the little baby stage. There wasn’t anything that he wouldn’t do for his kids.
@hlb9834 Жыл бұрын
Oh, my Lord :(..... I'm feeling so horrible for your husband, you and your kids. You're right-The FIL was an absolute bastard and had so much hatred for his son and everyone. I'm so happy your husband has people in his corner who love him dearly and he grew up to be the opposite of his deceased "father". Tell you husband that an internet stranger's proud of him and that he deserves all the compassion; happiness; peace; and acceptance in the world. Continue being his guardian and dedicated wife and encourage your children to do the same.
@alisongeorge3089 Жыл бұрын
My heart breaks for your husband. My boyfriend's father told him that he was unplanned, and even that gutted him. I can't imagine the pain your husband felt. Give him an extra hug for me. You're an amazing wife
@naturalPaths Жыл бұрын
Story re: no ring. Whoaaaaa. Bride was upset that that OP chose partner over her? May I quote myself? Whoaaaa.
@mstb2023 8 ай бұрын
I am absolutely gutted reading this. I hope your husband finds peace in the family he created. He sounds like an awesome man. I wish him all life's greatest joys going forward.
@kanelovec4315 Жыл бұрын
Vicky dug her own grave. She sould have kept her comment to herself. People get a divorce everyday and it usually happens with relationships who go to fast.
@owl7072 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: Imagine keeping a child then blaming them for your life being messed up. Honey that was a choice you made, including the one where you outright abandoned them then had the nerve to ask for things from them while threatening to sue????????? Lmao the nerve.
@PrincessQ-fj9ly Жыл бұрын
You know, as much as I hate these types of stories, they still teach me a valuable lesson, DON'T EVER be like that despicable couple who breed and ruin their own lives by not being responsible. Seriously, those two deserve each other. I kinda feel sorry for the daughter because she was raised to be just like them, but still, it's clear that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
@Nathan_Bookwurm Жыл бұрын
The "keeping part" might not have been their choice though. Depending on where they live and what the rules of abortion are there. Seeing what happens in the US now, where in some parts you now have to abort before week 6 of pregnancy or it's illegal, the parents might have had no choice but to go through with the pregnancy. (They still could've put him up for adoption ofc) Other than that I agree that they're disgusting people.
@owl7072 Жыл бұрын
@Nathan the bookwurm oh the adoption thing was what I meant, should have clarified that better, sorry lol
@PrincessQ-fj9ly Жыл бұрын
@@Nathan_Bookwurm I still find that ludicrous, because not a lot of women will find out that they're pregnant before the six weeks. They usually find out during or after. (⁠٥⁠↼⁠_⁠↼⁠)
@jasonrustmann7535 Жыл бұрын
OP had more self control i would have, that's for sure
@Russman67 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: Well the "parents" sucks to suck. They abandoned OP and blamed him for their plight. Newsflash, they did that themselves. It's laughable that they would expect him to now help them at all because family!
@PrincessQ-fj9ly Жыл бұрын
Honestly, they lost the right to be called parents or family the moment they abandoned him in my eyes. Another perfect example of a couple who should've NEVER had children and another perfect example of why you don't want to peak in highschool.
@paulman34340 Жыл бұрын
Yep and you only have to look at what happened to their daughter And how in the end she grew up to be a loser just like them And never my fault type at that. And well it'll probably take her a good long while before she finally realizes that the 1st major mistake she made in her life was watching their terrible behavior and deciding that's the type of person she wanted to be she became a loser daughter to lose her parents because she chose took copy and emulate them. And now look what happened. She tried to go forward with something she wasn't good at, But like the losers believe that she deserved to be in failed out and is now completely unhappy with our life and likely doing her best a blame everything else, And everybody else but eventually it will land on her parents because she's trying to avoid that because she still feels some type of reverence to them but that's gonna fade in time if it has Not already. Individually if she will come to the true conclusion the true person responsible for all her pain and suffering. She's always known who the culprit was Because they always stared back at Whenever she looked into a mirror. And once she finally acknowledges what she's been trying to completely avoid that her failures are hurtful and no one else believe me the true despair will come into mind hope she's got a good therapist Because she closed off the Avenue of actually having a good support system which was the OP A good older brother Because she wanted to be anarchists just like her failure lose her parents and now He's happy and I hope the best for Him and tell him to be careful about the whole stepfatherhood As it usually doesn't end well sometimes for guys like him who are free And filled with money. Not saying all single mothers are bad I'm the product of a good single mother. But I have seen very bad examples in my little brother suffered from trying to do the same d*** thing but then she was just The next part of a string among many nut job X girlfriends Of his who just happened to have a son... And open cps case on her. Frankly speaking those who are good like my mother are the exceptions of the rules. So To him I say be careful Good luck and hope if he does become a step Father, He is accepted And becomes 40 times the man and father figure then his father could even have hoped to have been
@darkmask5933 Жыл бұрын
"No ring, no bring" is a rule that seems to have gotten popular over the past several years, and got twisted out of context. Generally speaking its supposed to be done to help keep costs down and/or keep guests from bringing people that they've only been dating for a few months or even weeks to a wedding, and risk making things awkward. However as the rule got traction people started twisting it, it shouldn't be used to alienate long-term couples, especially partners that the bride and groom have met before. It's like childfree or dry weddings now, people get a little to smug about their wedding rules and forget that their guests also hold the power to decline their invites if they don't like it.
@truthseeker9249 Жыл бұрын
Yep. we just hit our 2 year mark and we'd be pretty pissed if someone he knew was getting married and he wasn't allowed to bring me and vice-versa.
@GrumpyOldFart2 Жыл бұрын
I think the other issue is even more important. They’re looking at her as if she’s some kind of appendage. Mary was friends with the groom outside her relationship with Op. What if Op and her weren’t together? What excuse could the bride have used for “oh, well, I know you’ve been friends since hs, but she’s still not invited.
@DoritoBot9000 Жыл бұрын
Ar least they got to show their true colors, saving OP and GF time and money. Good ridance.
@vulpixle9659 Жыл бұрын
I mean I can kinda understand child free weddings if its no child under like 10 because no one wants a screaming toddler at there wedding
@toothless3835 3 ай бұрын
Haven't listened to the story yet but what's wrong with childfree dry weddings? Guests aren't paying for the wedding, the bride and groom are. If the bride and groom don't want to pay 1000's of dollars for kids to be there or for people to get sloshed, I don't see a problem. The point of the wedding is not what you eat. Not who can go. And not about the guests at all. It's about going to support the bride and groom and if the ones hosting the event don't want kids or alcohol, want it to be vegan, they don't want a service animal there because their allergic, or anything else that's not for everyone, I don't see what the issue is. If you can't have fun without alcohol for even one evening, you've got a problem. Not the fact that the wedding is dry.
@TheBailingling Жыл бұрын
I had 2 aunts that were in relationships for 10+ years before getting engaged. They just didn't feel getting engaged was necessary. Then something traumatic happened in the family, and they both ended up engaged within a couple of years. Did they regret waiting? No. Would they entertain people who had the "No ring, no bring" policy? Also, no. Those were all NO rsvp events because their relationships meant more to them than attending a wedding with rules made out of pettiness.
@animatorstanley Жыл бұрын
My partner and I have been together for over ten years now and aren't married. We don't need a piece of paper to prove we love eachother. It sucks we need it for tax and insurance purposes tho.
@Nevertoleave Жыл бұрын
@@animatorstanley same. We’ve been together for 17 years, over half our lives at this point. But for some people our decision to be only with each other, to have two kids (4 years and 9 months), joint accounts, a home, paid off vehicles, just generally planning our lives to be together until we die isn’t enough. I’ve had a few conversations over the years where people have decided that our relationship wasn’t “real”. Not like their got married on their one year anniversary two months ago relationship. All because we decided we would only get married if we had to. Which we don’t as we live in a place where common law marriage isn’t particularly different then normal marriage. Even if we were regular married and he moved out to stay on his friend’s couch for six months and died, the friend would have more rights to his shit then I would
@DoritoBot9000 Жыл бұрын
I have relatives that I wasn’t even aware were not married! Lol. They were leading your typical family life, with kids, a house, etc… and decided to finally marry in their mid-forties at the courthouse during covid. It’s almost like the ring and the legal title are secondary.
@mrs.h2725 Жыл бұрын
It’s also based on what culture you’re from. My husband is Norwegian and the main reason we got married is cuz it’s necessary for my immigration, otherwise very few ppl he knows or in his family are married despite most having long term committed relationships. Their society has such a great infrastructure for education, work and childcare that getting married just doesn’t really matter. Ppl can choose to commit long term, or can choose to be a single parent if they like. In the US unless you come from money, it’s very difficult to afford to be single parent. It’s quite difficult just living single on your own without having to have housemates. It’s pretty cool living in Norway where everyone can live independently and commit to each other based just on love rather than financial/logistical benefits.
@katie6731 Жыл бұрын
My sister has been with her partner for [math is hard for my insomnia brain] about ten years. She says she'll never marry again (her ex was *not a good person). I think of her as being just as committed to her partner as I am to my husband of twenty years. Hubs and I got married because that's what we wanted to do. My sister isn't interested. Neither way is objectively better; what matters the most is that the people inside the relationship are honest with each other about their wants and needs, are in agreement, and communicate if anything changes. Unfortunately, in the US, we're still ridiculously puritanical. When kids are told that the only available venue for sexual expression is marriage, then either sex or marriage must take precedence.
@mracula1667 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: NTA Bride: “You’re not married so you’re not really committed.” OP: Puts his partner’s feelings and their relationship above their friends wedding guest list. I ring truly doesn’t prove you’re relationship is more committed. It just means you file your taxes together.
@recycledapathy7411 Жыл бұрын
"You're choosing your long-term girlfriend over our wedding, how disrespectful" they say, not realizing that what's disrespectful is them coming up with a stupid rule about plus ones. Also, when the bride started going on and on about how they could break up because they're not really committed, if I were OP I'd say, "Yeah, that's why I'm not coming to your wedding. You guys could get a divorce and then it'd be really awkward. After all, you're not married yet."
@GrumpyOldFart2 Жыл бұрын
@@recycledapathy7411 I think it’s even worse than that. Like they said, Mary had been a friend since high school. She deserved an invite all in her own. Suppose Op and gf weren’t “together”; they were all just close friends. Would Mary STILL not have gotten an invite? What excuse would bridezilla use then?
@DoritoBot9000 Жыл бұрын
The irony of saying he could break up with her girlfriend of six years from one day to another just like that, and not realizing that by that logic fiance and groom could also break their engagement, as well as separating and divorcing. Some people…
@PrincessQ-fj9ly Жыл бұрын
@@GrumpyOldFart2 I think I agree with a comment that said Bridezilla just doesn't like Mary. And it's probably for petty reasons.
@robertx8020 Жыл бұрын
Well we all 'know' that ppl that are married will NEVER break up ...of they did there would be a word for it ...oh wait ...
@loverlyqueerbunny Жыл бұрын
Story 2: the irony of the couple claiming OP is disrespecting them when they are the ones disrespecting his relationship to his face
@magicaltour1 Жыл бұрын
Abusive people tend to do that when they’re called out for their behavior.
@polarbearhero9803 Жыл бұрын
My mom told my 4 year old self I had ruined her life. Over and over. Took me 65 years to finally figure that one out.
@maxinemyers9215 Жыл бұрын
So sorry 💐
@persephoneszeliga Жыл бұрын
Awww, that’s sad and I’m so sorry to hear that. Your mother was horrible to say that to you. But it sounds like you have dealt with it and you know you did nothing wrong. You were absolutely worthy of love. I’m 50 and I’m still trying to deal with neglect and abandonment issues. It’s freaking tough.
@J_Isak Жыл бұрын
Hugs fam
@MarionHogan-m5i 7 ай бұрын
Oh my dear, that was so mean. Online stranger sending you hugs ❤
@pearbear6418 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: NTA. "You're disrespecting us and shaming us for our decision," says the people shaming OP and his GF for their decision lol.
@stirrednotshaken4823 Жыл бұрын
Yep, I caught that too! Kinda two faced huh?
@Boundwithflame23 Жыл бұрын
The grandparents should have left OP’s parents one thing: A boot to the head
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 Жыл бұрын
Thats funny
@teleiosdawyz4044 Жыл бұрын
The boot is half of what my family jokingly refer to as Leather Works. The other half is a belt in the mouth. 😂
@RosesSpindle Жыл бұрын
And one more for Jenny and the wimp!
@musicallydisneyamvs6731 Жыл бұрын
I think the judge did that for them 😅
@recycledapathy7411 Жыл бұрын
A year's supply of ice cream. Boot to the head flavor.
@gcarr1089 Жыл бұрын
Story 1 - the father is the reason the father didn't do football, had he kept wood in his trousers then the mother wouldn't have got pregnant. Story 2 - bet groom mentioned when drunk he fancied OPs gf in the past before they were a couple and bride doesn't want OPs gf there because of this.
@jablue4329 Жыл бұрын
Still confused how the 3rd OP got to the "let's meet the parents" stage without talking about the two dads. Either a manufactured story or something happening that OP is omitting.
@SleepySlann Жыл бұрын
Story 2: It seems that there is a misunderstanding there. From the sound of it OP isn't dropping the wedding because of the rule, but because of the bride insulting his relationship. I bet a lot of the friends who berate OP, haven't gotten the full story.
@PrincessQ-fj9ly Жыл бұрын
That's the vibe I was getting. Bridezilla played the victim and groom went along with it.
@thatwitchychick2717 Жыл бұрын
Last story: I wouldn't be so quick to pass judgment on the girlfriend until we had a conversation about it. This is due to my own personal experience. My parents are raging bigots. They hate anyone who isn't straight or white. I'm my experience people that hateful will have no qualms punishing their spouses and children for not being bigoted enough. I was trapped in a white supremacist family until I was 20 because of the horrific tactics they would use to keep me terrified of them. There were death threats, guns pointed me and whatever else they felt they needed to do to make me hateful like them. To me this looks like what could be happening here. She might be a bigot, or she might be terrified of what her horrible family might do if they found out that she was dating a boy with 2 dads. Never underestimate the weird shit that fear, panic and bigotry can make someone do, especially if they feel like they need to protect themselves. I hope we get an update to this one some day. I'm really curious to know the whole picture.
@rf159a Жыл бұрын
Second Story: Mark you mentioned a VIP list. When my uncle (mothers brother) died I showed up at the viewing early. I wanted to pay my respects early because there would be a lot of people there and I just wanted a few moments to pay my respect to my uncle without having to wait in a very, very long line. My uncle knew a lot of people!!! I wanted to see my cousins and my aunt semi private to offer my condolences. My uncle gave me a job as a gofer for a construction company and also helped get me into a union. I was thankful for that. When I got to the church a man stopped me from going in. He asked me my name and looked at a piece of paper and said my name wasn't on the list. I was completely dumbfounded!! My mothers brother and I wasn't on the list like some VIP club!!. I turned around and drove home and never spoke to my aunt or cousins again even though they did try to contact me. i know it's not the same as the wedding story but when you said VIP club that really hit home with me and my situation. Great story telling again Mark!! Love the channel!!
@s.d.berard7518 Жыл бұрын
That is some petty shit! 🤯💚😺
@LoveableNiki Жыл бұрын
Wow! I am sorry that happened to you.
@SakuraMoonflower Жыл бұрын
​@@s.d.berard7518 It would be petty if OP slighted them in some way, but they didn't: this was just callous and cruel.
@rf159a Жыл бұрын
@@s.d.berard7518 Me being petty?
@rf159a Жыл бұрын
@@LoveableNiki Thank you.
@yvonnefobbs6232 Жыл бұрын
Story #2: I bet you a hundred bucks that Brad is going to catch hell after he says "I Do"!!
@helstok178 Жыл бұрын
"Son, don't worry this is nothing new"... That line is heartbreaking 😢
@Habitarse Жыл бұрын
I’m really sorry for OP in the first story. My mother loved me, but even so she said, too many times for my taste, that if she had noticed that she was pregnant, she would have ended the pregnancy. I felt awful about it.
@jenniferhanses Жыл бұрын
Story 3: NTA for not issuing a disclaimer: Hey, my parents are gay men. BUT, at the same time, it is very weird that you got to the point of taking an SO home and told her nothing about your family. No stories of you growing up in which either of your dads played a role, no talking about who is the better cook or that old family recipe you make together, no talking about Pops taking you go carting as a kid. Or that time you got in trouble in school and how each father handled it differently, etc. There are plenty of ways the information that you were raised by two men should have come up without you needing to issue a disclaimer. Because, yes, straight people do this, too. We talk about our families with our SOs and our personal relationships. We don't issue a disclaimer that our parents are straight, but it's going to come up that I have a mom and a dad when I talk about family activities, vacations, traumas, etc. Either you brought this girl home way too soon, or you're kind of being closeted about the whole gay parents thing.
@jlyo1991 Жыл бұрын
Exactly my thoughts. How do you get to the point of introducing parents and not even tell your SO their names? Like surely that would’ve been a giveaway.
@jakeand9020 Жыл бұрын
Yes, it is really odd it never came up before the parents meeting each other. If it was just her, whatever, it's not unusual to bring new relationships home before certain things come up, but her parents also? To me this indicates one of two things. Either he specifically keeps the fact hidden, or at least dodges around things that might make it come up naturally. In this case OP is definitely TAH on multiple levels. Second, they live in a more religious area, like southern US where parents tend to be more involved in who their children date and more importantly their families. In which case OP would have known it might be an issue, at least for her parents, so it would have been somewhat YTA for putting her in that kind of position. I don't know, just seems odd. I do know people are attacking this girl for no reason. Maybe she is fine with it herself but her parents are hardcore homophobes so she got them away before they could find out. That was my initial thought when she immediately jumped to getting out fast, she didn't want her parents to know his were gay. That much is pretty obvious, but it doesn't necessarily reflect badly on her. Though I'm sure many of you think she should have opened with a disclaimer that her parents were bigots, seriously, that's not exactly something you'd want to advertise. Yeah, I know I have no more reason to expect the best from her than you do to suspect the worst, just seems to me that jumping to conclusions like that is BS.
@13thMaiden Жыл бұрын
It's all too freaking weird for me, either they were rushing the relationship way too fast, or they really never talked enough about themselves, or were so damn oblivious about each other's lives outside of their involvement in it they totally missed it. Like seriously, who has parents meeting each other without having met the parents solo? Where I come from, your SO comes to a number of family events and dinners with SO's parents (and you do the same vice versa) _way_ before either family meets. Here parents typically only meet one another once engagement talks start, unless said families knew each other prior to the SO hookup. Gf should have met OP's parents way in advance through a dinner or something. It just reads weird all around....
@immortalsofar5314 Жыл бұрын
This sounds like the plot of The Bird Cage - I find it unbelievable that the GF wanted to introduce her parents before she'd actually met them herself. That's just the order things happen.
@jakeand9020 Жыл бұрын
It's not really unusual for families to meet before teens/young adults pursue any serious relationship, as in no unsupervised dates early, in certain cultures. However these cultures are almost always hyper conservative and OP would have been well aware it could be a major issue.
@disneydork100 Жыл бұрын
I saw RSlash read the first story and forgot that it wasn’t Mark who read it, but I remembered RSlash cracking up at “I should’ve been a football star!” Because it’s hilarious.
@hmspretender Жыл бұрын
In the last story, I couldn't imagine being so either arrogant or naive as to think it's perfectly normal to introduce my SO, let alone my SO AND their parents at the same time, to my family without giving my SO the basic run down on everything. That girlfriend didn't sound homophobic to me. IMO she freaked out because she knew her parents were homophobic and would cause quite a scene so she wanted them gone before anything could happen. And then, based on how OP is acting, she probably feels horribly embarrassed and like OP wouldn't understand. Just because something is everyday normal to you doesn't mean it is for everyone else, it's easy to forget. I'm not saying the the fact that OP has 2 dad's is anything he has to broadcast to the world, but to the girl he's bringing home WITH her parents, yeah, he should have told her before they planned for dinner.
@Deviczek Жыл бұрын
Even if they weren't homophobic, they might've brought gender specific gifts or it would just be super awkward without prior knowledge, it's obviously not normal situation and needs to be told beforehand.
@bcase5328 Жыл бұрын
She defiantly rushed having both sets of parents meeting. What else was she unrealistic about? She sounds young/naïve, more playing at society's check marked plan than really being a full adult dealing with a mess now world. A person can learn from history, but the world of the WWII generation isn't the same world that new graduates are going to face. The formula that GI Bill graduates followed doesn't work for current graduates, (AI and other disruptions will came for that old formula).
@hmspretender Жыл бұрын
@@bcase5328 You went off on a tangent there. What were you trying to say? I'm not trying to sound judgmental, I'm honestly confused.
@jisi8462 Жыл бұрын
It’s the automatic judgement. He’s alive and most likely talked about his “parents”. From a purely logical, biological perspective, it’s NATURAL to assume he meant a MOM and a DAD, not two moms or two dads. What’s “normal” for you isn’t normal for everyone else. There are people who believe in dressing up for dinner, there are people who eat certain foods that others find odd. However, the fact that this NEVER came up is highly suspicious.
@patzuk3463 Жыл бұрын
Have you ever had to disclaim that your parents are straight? Non-homophobic people would have just rolled with it and had a great time meeting new people.
@stutikhanna987 Жыл бұрын
Story 2- If you're long term friend ever try to pull such stunts in life please give a divorce lawyer number to them as a wedding gift. This will be the best and fabulous gift for them🤣
@joyzimmer5705 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: I think it’s so amazing that grandma died and it made grandpa push to fix the entire house. Was never doing it for himself but for OP to have
@CodenameTurtle Жыл бұрын
Story 1 makes me so sad. Irresponsible parents who won't stop blaming, mistreating and abandoning a child! Then they have the gall to show up at not the grandmother's, but grandfather's funeral with their greedy eyes...not even bothering to wear funeral attire! And THEN, bringing it to court after being absent his whole life when the grandparents didn't want anything to do with them either? Grrrr!
@PrincessQ-fj9ly Жыл бұрын
I know right? I despise people who blame their children for ruining their lives. There were plenty of people who unexpectedly had children and they still achieved great things. They could've done that too if they hadn't wasted their time, blaming OP for their lives laying in ruins.
@kailiek2402 Жыл бұрын
Story 3: I’m going to go against the grain and give a different perspective. Although there is nothing wrong with his parent’s relationship I’m from the south in the United States and if I wasn’t told I would freak out too. Not because I think it’s wrong but because of how my father will react and treat THEM. I haven’t even introduced my father to my boyfriend because he is Hispanic. Quite frankly he wouldn’t even be invited to the wedding because I value my bfs family being welcomed and comfortable. Some of the older generation refuse to change but it doesn’t reflect the children’s views necessarily.
@kateworkman921 Жыл бұрын
Who else really wants an update for Story 2? I wanna know if OP talked to his best friend, I wanna know what the response was, I wanna know if this wedding actually happened.
@ACCER Жыл бұрын
Story 1: I lived in an area (as an adult) that prioritized the football team and cheerleaders to the point that many parents waited until their sons were 8 to start them in Kindergarten (The State mandated education from the age of 7 on BUT due to a loophole, the kids that turned 7 just after the cutoff date (September 1st) could wait until the following almost 8) just in the hopes that by the time they were in High School they would have a better chance of being a starting player (because....big shocker.....a 17 year old male is likely to be MUCH larger than a 14 year old.) There are senior photos of some of these guys who are 21......they can literally drink at their high school graduation. Legally! These parents did the same thing to their daughters in the hopes that they would make cheerleader. And yes, a 17 year old freshman is likely to be FAR more developed than your average 14 year old. ALL of this in the hope that their kid can score an athletic scholarship and eventually go pro. In the 30+ years I lived there, ONE kid got an athletic scholarship AND actually played as a starter. For one semester. He never went pro. Not ONE KID from that area has EVER been a pro player or professional cheerleader. But parents are STILL pulling that crap. We had one Superintendent try and put a stop to that. The board got rid of him because he "doesn't understand our ways." Yeah.... Do you know what ALL of those kids have in common? They ALL peak in High School and then turn around and perpetuate the cycle. The few that manage to graduate college do so with the intent of teaching and coaching. They briefly leave high school....get a teaching degree.....and head right their old school. I SO wish I was kidding. OPs parents are jerks. OBVIOUSLY. They didn't want a kid but messed around and found out. They could have terminated.....but instead kept the kid and stayed together. I AM impressed that they stayed together. I also understand why they blame OP. They have to blame SOMEONE. They aren't going to blame themselves. So that leaves each other or OP. Mom could blame dad for not wrapping it up. Dad could blame mom for no birth control/not getting an abortion. Instead, they blamed the baby because neither of them ever wanted HIM. They wanted each he was the logical scapegoat to them. Story 2: There is something else going on here. Besides, why is the groom getting a pass here? It's HIS wedding too. He ALSO gets to invite people. This is just as much HIS fault. I'm petty enough that when they get a divorce, I'd send her a photo of my partner and I with the caption, "Still together!" Story 3: Yes, he should have mentioned that his dad is married to a man. No, he's not an asshole for not mentioning it. It's entirely possible she was scared about the reaction HER parents were about to have. The reason you don't have to tell people your parents are straight is because of biology. It takes a male and female to create a child. So that is logically the default assumption.
@DoritoBot9000 Жыл бұрын
Stalling their child education for three years to, best case scenario, leech off of them if they achieve any success? Damn. Stellar parents indeed.
@TsukiKageTora Жыл бұрын
Story 2: I hate this. Like Vicky (100% don’t doubt named after Icky Vicky from Fairly Odd Parents), has the right to make rules and OP did say he will go but didn’t like the rule. But she didn’t have the right to insult his relationship that was longer than hers by saying “well you could both break it off tomorrow cause you show no signs of commitment in the form of expensive rock, expensive dress, expensive party”. You do you girl but you don’t get to mock anyone else not doing what you do.
@christinasmith6399 Жыл бұрын
Story two reminds me of this couple my family knows they have two kids and have been together for literal decades. They tried to get married three times but every time their relationship would fall apart and they got divorced. A ring does not symbolize commitment, trust and love does.
@carlrood4457 Жыл бұрын
Here's a question. They've been dating for a few months and families simply haven't come up in idle conversation. I suppose she could have assumed he used "Dad" and "Pops" interchangeably about the same person . Wouldn't she notice he never mentioned mom, so why would she still think she has two parents if that were the case?
@LA-mz1dd Жыл бұрын
This is what I've been wondering. It's not a matter of 'BTW, my parents are gay', but it seems like they were never mentioned at all...
@skyelindsey687 Жыл бұрын
There is nothing worse than teens who decide to act like adults then punish the child that was the result of them acting like adults.
@shaetoons3602 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: If I was the grandparents of Op I would've gone scorched earth on those POS parents for the treatment of Op. The police and Cps would've got a call, they would've been cut off from the will still along with no contact. And I would've got custody of both kids and made sure the sister lost her golden child complex.
@swearimnotarobot3746 Жыл бұрын
I hate stories of horrible parents. Children deserve better. And for those parents to come back looking for money from the kid they abandoned at 10, it’s just sad. I also feel bad for OP’s sister, while the sister wasn’t abandoned, she does have the same parents. Story 2: @10:28. Why is Vicky blaming this on the rules. She is the one who made the rules and is the only one enforcing them. 😂 Glad OP is standing up for his girlfriend. Story 3: At first, I thought she was just surprised at first. Like “you never told me your parents were gay”. But then her and her parents left. So yeah, it wasn’t just surprise, it was disgust. Dump her. Although surely before she comes over to meet his parents, wouldn’t she ask their names or something. Like he shouldn’t have to tell anyone his parents are gay outright, but surely it would have cone up. Like have they seriously not talked about their families in any way 😂
@sacredbeastzenon Жыл бұрын
OP is a dude. He mentions being a stepfather potentially.
@swearimnotarobot3746 Жыл бұрын
@@sacredbeastzenon 👍 I never listen to gender on the stories. 😂I need to pay better attention. The amount of times I get it wrong is getting out of hand
@drea4195 Жыл бұрын
I dunno...sounds like the parents were very different in how they behaved toward the sister than OP. I'd say she didn't really have the same parents.
@snowingonolympus8588 Жыл бұрын
Story 3: I know everyone is saying the GF is the asshole and a homophobe, but what if it had something to do with her parents? Like, she immediately told them "let's go" and ran off. Maybe her parents are violently homophobic and she was trying to protect both families from a VERY bad encounter
@pinkpincol Жыл бұрын
Story 3: from the way she reacted i'd guess her parents are probably homophobic, from the sounds of it she didn't want them to figure out ops parents were gay maybe to avoid confrontation
@toxicginger9936 Жыл бұрын
I'd say the GF is likely homophobic too. Often the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
@venusbleu5764 Жыл бұрын
lol so two near adults knowingly have unprotected sex despite knowing the consequences but apparently it's the child's fault...k. hate stories like this.
@PrincessQ-fj9ly Жыл бұрын
Me too. Clearly, they didn't pay attention in sex education class.
@JoeyLaison Жыл бұрын
Today is my birthday!!! And instead of doing something fun, I'm filing medical documents and listening to you. XD Having you read stories is like having a phone friend to talk at me while I put zero effort into the conversation Keep it up, awesome internet stranger whom I listen to daily!
@yvonnefobbs6232 Жыл бұрын
Happy Birthday from North Carolina!!🎉🎉🎉🎉
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 Жыл бұрын
Happy birthday also from nc💜💜🤗🤗
@yvonnefobbs6232 Жыл бұрын
@@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 Hello from Enfield, North Carolina here in Halifax County!!!❤🖖🏾❤🖖🏾❤
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 Жыл бұрын
@@yvonnefobbs6232 I'm from Charlotte
@maxinemyers9215 Жыл бұрын
Happy Birthday 🎁🎂❤️
@nataliefletcher Жыл бұрын
Story 3: I think the issue was probably more with the parents of the girlfriend. She didn’t even let them go inside, so maybe the parents are very vocal about not liking gay people
@jackspring7709 Жыл бұрын
"I could have been the greatest sportsman in the whole world ever, but then this child just appeared out of nowhere. Just out of nowhere". Wow - how did that happen?
@sharontalladira Жыл бұрын
Then if he was such a great football player, where were the scholarships? He peaked in highschool.
@jackspring7709 Жыл бұрын
@@sharontalladira Exactly.
@KateKanenator Жыл бұрын
Story 2: Info needed: does Vicky think that Mary is prettier than her? Because. . .
@Grace_x68 Жыл бұрын
Had same feeling. She be jealous of Mary. Mary too pretty and Mary have a very good job.
@jaymel4691 Жыл бұрын
Or does she think her husband might have a thing for Mary since he was friends with her since they were kids?
@PrincessQ-fj9ly Жыл бұрын
That's what I was wondering, could there be some jealousy perhaps?
@ochioandco. Жыл бұрын
16 days until I graduate and it's getting tough toward the end. Hoping y'all have it better ❤
@erika_5237 Жыл бұрын
Hang in there. Congratulations
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 Жыл бұрын
You got this 💜💜🤗🤗
@hunnykun101 Жыл бұрын
@maxinemyers9215 Жыл бұрын
Congratulations 🎉
@jayne5375 Жыл бұрын
Congratulations! you’re almost at the finish line, you can do this! Just a little longer and it will all be over ❤❤
@anikanele7958 Жыл бұрын
its hilarious how in story two they are like "sorry, you´re not engaged, you´re not commited enough to your girlfriend" and then later they get mad at OP for showing commitment to his girlfriend by saying he wont come if she isnt invited. I´d have laughed in their face for being mad that I prioritize my partner over their wedding. Its just a wedding, which loving partner would prioritize a wedding over their SO??? Edit: I just now realised that Mary and Brad are friends too which makes it so much worse. How can Brad not realise that hes basically telling her that she isnt his friend any more?
@shebakoby Жыл бұрын
1st story: Tell me your parents are toxic abusive selfish Clusters of Bees with heavy narcissist traits, OP is the scapegoat and sis is the Golden Child, without using any of those words
@PrincessQ-fj9ly Жыл бұрын
Oh my gosh! Poor OP.............He did NOT deserve to have a crappy family like that. Thank heavens for OP's grandparents, they were absolutely amazing for raising OP. I'm so glad that good judge tore his sperm donor and birth giver a new one. Last time I checked, no one asked to be born. I just wanted to slap those two. As an aspiring mother myself, I absolutely despise people who breed and can't be bothered to raise their children, blame them for ruining their lives when they did that themselves by having unprotected sex or even abuse their children. Actions have consequences guys! ಠ⁠︵⁠ಠ OP was lucky to be rid of the toxic lot of them. I hope he's still doing well. ❤
@jenniferhanses Жыл бұрын
Story 2: NTA. You are never TA for deciding you don't feel like going to a party. It is an invitation not a command. The fact that the bride doubled down on insulting you when you called and were going to come, however, is strange. As is your GF not getting an invite in her own right if she is a friend of the groom. By not inviting her, it's a pretty clear indication she's not as good of friends with him as was previously thought. I do wonder if this isn't a sign that bride to be is an abusive person and she's currently trying to alienate him from his friends. Especially a nurse who is more prone to notice physical and mental injury. But that's extreme speculation. "No Ring, No Bring" is really a simplification of the rule "If there is a Ring, you have to invite both." Boss's spouse you've never met? If you invite boss and there's a spouse, you must invite him/her. Second cousin's spouse? If you invite second cousin, you have to invite his/her spouse. Evil stepmother you don't want to invite? Well,if you're inviting your dad to walk you down the aisle, you have to invite evil stepmother, too. Married couples are a package deal at formal events. You either invite both, or you don't invite them at all. So what's a couple to do when weeding out people on their wedding list because they only have money for 50 people? After you cut out bosses and second cousins and distant family members, you can shorten the list by cutting out all the SOs of relatives and friends that haven't sealed the deal with a marriage. And the thing is, if you do this, you have to be consistent with it. Rather like a "no kids" rule, people will get their noses out of joint if they show up and everyone else seems to have a date, but you didn't allow them to bring one, just as they'll be annoyed if they see Cousin Alice's kids running amok, but you made them get a babysitter for the night. You can't cut Steve's girlfriend Alice, but not John's girlfriend Jane just because you don't like one of them, because the snub will be noticed, and now everyone knows you don't like Alice. And heaven forfend if Steve's dating Alex and you didn't invite him, but you invite all the other SOs. You will have kicked the hornet's nest good and hard. But if you apply a no ring, no bring rule across the board, you don't have these problems. Again, this one is weird since Mary is presented as a friend in her own right, and I'd be side eyeing the bride on that one.
@phtevlin Жыл бұрын
"If it weren't for you, I'd have been a football player!!" Not likely that would have happened, but it is nice to have someone to blame for this failed pipedream.
@Chantal_P-v4x Жыл бұрын
Story 1 - Another story of a sadly growing list of many that makes me honestly wonder if some humans actually understand where babies come from! Story 2 - OP is absolutely right IMO. This is shaming behavior.
@ScooterBond1970 Жыл бұрын
Remember we live in a world where if someone gets arrested for a crime it's the fault of the police for arresting them, not their own for committing the crime in the first place.
@bobailanjian3700 Жыл бұрын
Story 1...I was luckier than OP. My creep of a father divorced my mother, tried to hide my brother and me from her, and when he was forced to return us, he and his family told us that we would be killed when we got to California where my mother and stepfather had relocated. I was 3 1/2, my brother was 2. Luckily, the day we flew from Virginia to California wax the last time I ever saw or heard from "dear old dad". That was fine with me because my stepfather was a GREAT Father, and did everything in his power to make sure that Mom, brother and I, along with my step sister and stepbrother, had the best of lives. BTW, the term "step" was never used or even felt in our family. Dad was "DAD" from day one, and my bro and I were his "sons" from day one as well. Dad is gone now, as is Mom, and I miss them both deeply.
@HaliaStone Жыл бұрын
Sorry, how'd you decide to just up sticks without one of your kids? If these 'parents' really didn't want the kid that bad the mum could'vr gotten an abortion or put her up for adoption. There are choices that don't involve fucking up a kid's life because you're pissed they 'ruined your dreams' when they had no say in whether they were born or not.
@swearimnotarobot3746 Жыл бұрын
The parents could be from somewhere where abortion is illegal, and adoption agencies aren’t very common. Still though, viewing OP as the one who ruined their lives is completely wrong.
@PrincessQ-fj9ly Жыл бұрын
​@@swearimnotarobot3746 I agree. Whatever the circumstances, they chose to have unprotected sex. They chose to keep OP. The real reason why their lives lay in ruins is all their own fault.
@AndyyWithAY Жыл бұрын
I don't think the last story is an AH verdict, but it's very bizarre he didn't tell he had 2 dads. Most people have a mom and a dad, so it would be a surprise to see 2 dads or 2 moms. Not a bad surprise, but a surprise all the same. Definitely something he should tell future partners to avoid this situation.
@quartzskull8772 Жыл бұрын
Cause most people don't introduce with their parents sex life
@AndyyWithAY Жыл бұрын
@Quartz Skull 1. This isn't an introduction. This is serious to the point of meeting parents 2. Sex or sexuality doesn't need to be mentioned at all. I have 2 dads
@LA-mz1dd Жыл бұрын
​@quartzskull8772 no but most people talk about their parents, espically before meeting them,like the comments suggested.
@quartzskull8772 Жыл бұрын
@@AndyyWithAY and why not let the parents talk about themselves?
@tashacooper1753 Жыл бұрын
There’s so many places they could of give the kid to if they hate them
@PrincessQ-fj9ly Жыл бұрын
I know right? But I guess they didn't want to be seen as bad parents for abandoning their son at birth. Which is stupid since they eventually abandoned him anyway.
@tashacooper1753 Жыл бұрын
@@PrincessQ-fj9ly my parents were teen parents too they put the blame on themselves going I’m sorry we don’t have much money which made us break the cycle
@LordGertz Жыл бұрын
If you put a rule on your wedding, no kids or no ring, then you must accept people RSVPing No.
@Tammohawk1 Жыл бұрын
2. My younger son and his fiance really don't have any plans to get married any time soon. And I'm fine with that. They are more married than most married couples are. And that's what is important, not the ring. Or the wedding day... People trip over the stupidest things.
@stevebanner5609 Жыл бұрын
It’s sad when the parents blame the child for their mistakes and immaturity, I’m glad OP is doing ok-except for his mental state. OP-GET THERAPY !!!!!! You need to make yourself happy with yourself and it appears you are not…..
@CircusoftheMoon Жыл бұрын
“No ring, no bring.” I’ll just cut your wedding costs even further by not attending. 😘
@MorganVsTheInternet Жыл бұрын
2- NTA, the only time a “no plus one” rule should be implemented is if someone tries to bring someone the couple doesn’t want it at their wedding!
@raviyien6560 Жыл бұрын
"You ruined my life!" Nah mate, that's on you and your incapability to use protection
@podunk_woman Жыл бұрын
No ring, no bring in this day and age is ridiculously pointless.
@unholysporkable Жыл бұрын
Dude The whole "Peaked in High School" set tend to take out the loss of what they thought SHOULD have been their future on their kids. Sadly enough, if they had just wrapped it up, they would have had a better shot at it. But better to blame the child they had then actually ADMIT they were at fault! Gasp!! They would have to admit that where they are in their lives are a direct result of their own actions!! Double Gasp!! I met a lot of these people working at an elementary school in a low income area. Sad, but people come in all kinds, even like these.
@PrincessQ-fj9ly Жыл бұрын
That's incredibly upsetting that people like this would take it out on their own children, just because they were too careless during their fun time if you will. (⁠٥⁠↼⁠_⁠↼⁠) If they were that concerned about their future, they should've protected themselves, but I guess they don't really understand unless they get the inevitable consequences of their actions.
@MizTameRumors Жыл бұрын
If OP was unwanted why didn't they just put him up for adoption? Why keep a child just to neglect and abuse them I'll never get it....
@momo382844 Жыл бұрын
Imagine putting the blame your own kid for you and your partner for being fast ass teenagers. Lol. Pathetic. I hope they continue to live unhappily ever after! 😘
@leviathan8215 Жыл бұрын
As a wedding photographer, we always know who isn’t happy to be there. If you’re going to have ridiculous rules and enforce them, a lot of people aren’t going to be happy to be there
@Arylwren1 Жыл бұрын
Last story, gonna go with another view point. Maybe Gf isn't homophobic, but her parents are. If that's the case, she removed her parents from a situation where they could have turned into a pair of nasty AHs. I also find it kinda sad that people jump on the "she left because she's a bigot" train
@TsukiKageTora Жыл бұрын
True, but the way she reacted told otherwise. But either if she isn’t or not and her parents are, it’s a sign they aren’t compatible because of the fact her parents are homophobes and her boyfriend’s parents are gay
@andrewi.crocker8675 Жыл бұрын
​@@TsukiKageTora Yeah, her reaction shows that either she also holds those views, or is at the least willing to tolerate homophobia from parents.
@shadout 7 ай бұрын
If she wasn't homophobic herself, she had an opportunity to explain to OP before the parents arrived that it would be an issue with them (even if they were already at the door when she pulled him aside that would have been enough). Instead she waited until they had arrived before leaving with them, leaving OP with no explanation. She doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt.
@Kristen70364 Жыл бұрын
The grandpa renovated the house for the grandson 😭😭😭
@ChronicallyMichelle1995 Жыл бұрын
The first story: I love the comment about aiming to be a step father I’m happy to hear others aim for this as I do too . I’m 28 female chronically ill since birth I can’t have children and I don’t want to be a mom because I know I couldn’t be the mom I’d want to be. I haven’t dated since about 18yrs old due to my health but I’ve often talked about being a stepmom as a goal I want to be an awesome stepmom to kids that are school age because I can handle that speed as I have a niece that age!
@moxee33 Жыл бұрын
"No bring.. No thing (no gifts) 🎁"
@brokenmask333 Жыл бұрын
“If I could I would make you never existed”. But he can’t lol 😂. He’s got to live with his mistakes and watch as op lives a better life than he ever had or ever will have. That’s the best revenge , living well while they suffer from their own actions.
@TheBreaker996 Жыл бұрын
Oh, it is awful to hear. I was "fix it" baby, second born to the family that hated each other to the hell and a little beyond. I was aware neither of my parents wanted me, they wanted a "fix" and when I didn't magically saved their marriage - they blamed me. 2 weeks before my wedding, my mother said to my face that her life would have been so much better if she had only my sister. She wished she aborted me. After that she had balls to say: but don't take it personally, hun ❤ Don't want kids? Don't have them.
@PrincessQ-fj9ly Жыл бұрын
My thoughts exactly! Babies aren't responsible for saving marriages, the couple has to do that themselves. And I think it goes without saying, but if you can't handle children then DON'T HAVE CHILDREN! I'm so sorry you had to deal with that growing up. I can only hope you've stopped talking to your so called parents and you're doing well. ❤️
@ScooterBond1970 Жыл бұрын
I hope you slapped her in her smug face and said "but don't take it personal, hun."
@eye-chan1711 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: I think I would consider my friendship over because of this issue. Vicky is a piece of garbage, but the groom is too blind to see it. Ending a friendship with one would lead to ending the friendship with the other.
@Voodoomaria Жыл бұрын
Story #1: Let me guess, father was a jock, mother was a cheerleader, so I'm guessing, also the popular kids in high school? The parties just weren't THE party if they weren't there, had their posses. I know the type. "Peaked in high school" describes them perfectly. All the "In" crowd in my old school ended up the same way. Many worse. They were and are the sort of people for whom the Germans coined the word "schadenfreude". They created their own karma and now live in a purgatory of festering resentment for living the lives they earned instead of the ones they THINK they deserve.
@TheRealVenna Жыл бұрын
I was married for 15 years. He was abusive, he cheated on me, and he and his mother had regular bitch fests about me behind my back. I divorced him in 2004. I met someone through a friend in late 2005. We ended up being coworkers and began dating in early 2006. Due to a dangerous living situation, where a roommate was creeping on me (came into my room while I was sleeping, requiring me to get a lock for my room) in June of 2006, he assisted me out of that by allowing me to move in with him. A month later, I learned I was pregnant, which was a shock as I had been told nearly ten years before I would be unable to get pregnant without medical intervention. My son was born in March 2007. His dad and I still live together, we aren't married though. I do have a ring, but it is in memory of our beautiful Siberia husky good girl, Sapphire, who we said good bye to March 2nd this year. Marriages can, and do, end all the time. Commitment to someone doesn't need documents, or symbols of that commitment if it is real.
@tarajamchenry171 Жыл бұрын
After listening to all these stories about weddings, I'm convinced people just want the wedding and not the marriage. Most times those relationships don't last.
@AutumnFire1414 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: Yeah, OP's parents had OP at 17, which means they were doin' the deed at 16. OP's dad can complain all he wants about what a mistake OP was, but he should be telling his 16 year old self to zip it up.
@liabowden8526 Жыл бұрын
Had a special moment when Mark pronounced Placated wrong, I corrected him out loud, then he tried it again the right way! 😵🤣 Thanks for the unintentional magic, Mark. 💚 💚
@CheryleaBerylea 5 ай бұрын
My sister used the “you ruined my life” line to my 16 yo niece. Her crying was turned to laughter when I asked if niece had been there holding her mother’s legs open.
@Bdear1 11 ай бұрын
The grandparent raised OP sounds like OP is the child the gparents needed, deserved, & worthy of great pride. I imagine seeing the son & what he became was awful, & OP sounds like they probably helped gparents heal some of that pain, & seeing what OP became. It proves OP was always capable & worthy, problems are clear. Hope OP always remembers. They wanted & chose OP more important than the ones was stuck with early on.
@guywhowatchesvideos-z2e Жыл бұрын
Story 1: OP should adopt an unwanted kid
@jessilynallendilla5014 Жыл бұрын
1: they peaked in high school and their attitudes stayed there as well "you ruined my life" uh sir it was YOUR choice to act your horniness then be resentful you had consequences
@lauralfreeberg2179 Жыл бұрын
Story 1 reminds me of a post where a child wrote their incubator a note stating that he was giving her the gift ending their life on mother's day since he loved her and she had always said that she wished she didn't have a child. I'm bawling just typing this. I hope to God that it was a fake post, but I pray for them if it wasn't
@quartzskull8772 Жыл бұрын
The op said he was gonna kill his mom?
@lauralfreeberg2179 Жыл бұрын
@@quartzskull8772 no they were going to kill themself
@quartzskull8772 Жыл бұрын
@@lauralfreeberg2179 oh shit misread that
@LoveableNiki Жыл бұрын
Story 3: NTA. Why did Bella want the parents to meet after a few months??? That's weird to me. Typically, we'd each meet each other's parents before both sets meet each other. OP definitely dodged a bullet. I feel like something else was going on with Bella.
@roxanhaandrikman7592 Жыл бұрын
Gotta love how people always toss their kids aside as soon as they get the chance but when the kid hates them and doesn't give them money, they're always surprised pikachu face
@unclelink Жыл бұрын
Story 1: no way, dude. Don't "step" anything! That's another bucket of worms that you don't need diving into! Biological or nothing.
@HonorWillow Жыл бұрын
Story 2: 1. you can't make rules like that excluding your fiance's people at both of yours' wedding like that 2. those rules are gross and ridiculous anyway as engagement or wedding rings don't make a relationship and it's so stupid and arbituary. A ring is just a ring 3. it's so sexist for Vicki to exclude Mary considering she WOULDN'T be breaking that rule as she should be invited not just as a plus 1
@SeraphsGenisis Жыл бұрын
Good day and many greetings! The weather is getting warmer and pollin is in the air! Make sure to drink plenty of water and take your allergy meds!
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 Жыл бұрын
You too m8💜💜🤗🤗
@goatkiller666 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: Skipping their wedding is a pretty good sign of how committed to each other OP’s relationship is. Just sayin’.
@LoveableNiki Жыл бұрын
Story 2: NTA. It's their wedding...blah blah blah. However, a guest has a choice to attend. Good on OP for declining. Vicki was hella disrespectful.
@PoipoleEntertainment1987 4 ай бұрын
I love how the parents in the first story lost their chance of having money with their entitlement. The mother and father are both perfect examples of failures since they blame OP too much instead of taking accountability with not using protection. It’s funny how the daughter followed her father’s steps by dropping out of high school. It’s like they say, "Like father and daughter!"
@Meme-kt3se 11 ай бұрын
we love debt-free and having a stepfather we actually enjoy.
@rangeraero 5 ай бұрын
Story 3: I think what is weirdest to me is that they didn't meet the parents separately, as in OP meets her parents, and she meets his parents, BEFORE introducing the parents to each other. I can't imagine how stressful it must be to be meeting her parents and introducing my parents, at the same time. To be fair, social situations are stressful for me anyway, so maybe that's the source of my issue, lol
@linkinlady06 Жыл бұрын
19:06 THIS IS THE WAY LMFAO!!!! I laughed SO hard at this!!!! I freakin love you Mark 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@Nathan_Bookwurm Жыл бұрын
S2: "you can just leave tomorrow when breaking up with your girlfriend. So it's not a true commitment." Erm no, I bet after so many years they built up a life together just like a married couple. They might have pets or kids, bought a house and share finances. They could've even changed their will so they have that covered too. You don't need to be married to do any of the the things married couples do.
@KatMarshmallow Жыл бұрын
Omfg Story 2- they said OP is disrespecting THEM?! They refused to invite a friend because they just happen to be dating another friend and haven’t yet married. THAT is disrespect.
@FanFicnic 2 ай бұрын
15:11 mark im so proud of you for correcting your own “placate” pronunciation!!
@ZomBeeQueeen Жыл бұрын
That is so odd that you could date somebody for months and not bring up anything specific about your parents like I feel like he must’ve been making very specific terminology for her not even to guess it
@rekslegiune6004 Жыл бұрын
Respect OP for putting your partner first.
@TheRichmaster24 Жыл бұрын
that gave me a Fairly Odd flashback: "how long ago did your dreams die?" "... how old are you again?"
@cynicalrabbit915 Жыл бұрын
Vicky already has Brad's ding-a-ling in a jar. I wonder how long it'll be before he at least tries to get it back?
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