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My Recent Visit to the ER

  Рет қаралды 29,243

Joseph Garner

Joseph Garner

Күн бұрын

It's been a wild few weeks and I just wanted to give you guys an update on what was going on. The emergency room visit was scary but the good news is I'm almost at 100% again:) thanks for everyone who was checking up on me through social media. You guys are the best!
Instagram: @josephgarner94

Пікірлер: 239
@Jmlisheid 3 жыл бұрын
I almost had a full-blown panic attack just listening to your story. The fact that you were able to travel while under that distress is admirable. And I really hope you're feeling better and fully recovered soon.
@Mikerochip1 3 жыл бұрын
What a nightmare! I'm glad you are improving. Also, an insured person should never need to worry about paying for medical attention merely because they are in a different state. America needs universal health care.
@shelbysears8903 3 жыл бұрын
Oh my!! That sounds like a nightmare. I'm glad you're feeling better. We love you!
@josephgarner94 3 жыл бұрын
Me too, love you guys!
@shaunjohnson5046 3 жыл бұрын
I am so glad you’re feeling better! I felt sooooooo sorry for you during the retelling! What an ordeal for such a sweet guy
@robertbarnier45 3 жыл бұрын
So sorry this happened. This is a great indicator of the US medical system.
@b4804514 3 жыл бұрын
Joe This is the time when you don't care who sees your junk or touches it just bring everybody in.... The catheter is the worst thing ever for us guys. Pain is an understatement. Having 3 or 4 goes at it OMG what could be worse. I know what you went through. Happy you can even talk about it. Make sure you treat that early so it does not come back again.
@richardwhytsell7974 3 жыл бұрын
So sorry u had to go through this, I am sending love and prayers for your quick recovery.
@NativeNYker73 3 жыл бұрын
Wow! I hope you're feeling better. My husband also suffers from occasional bouts of Prostatitis, so I know the pain you must be in with the onset of symptoms. In addition to the meds, a Urologist advised my husband to take warm baths. Sorry that you missed your friends, but given the circumstances I'm certain they'll understand. As always, thanks so much for sharing...
@michaelmoore4700 Жыл бұрын
So glad you are better. Really hope everything gets where it should be for you. You are WONDERFUL and when you share it makes me a better person. ❤️
@chrisk5651 3 жыл бұрын
So sorry that this happened. The only good thing was that you had your family to help you & take care of you.
@markegerpetersen8731 3 жыл бұрын
My friend asked me to watch this. I had the same symptoms in April. I lost 20 lbs. Doctors couldn't figure it out after 2 negative covid tests. It passed over 3 months. byw, I love Utah. Stay well!
@jameskantor0459 3 жыл бұрын
When you can’t pee, you need the emergency room. Please do in the future .
@williamwalcott8808 3 жыл бұрын
God yes, if you can't pee, don't wait for anything. If you rupture your bladder you are in a world of hurt. Just cause you can't go pee doesn't mean your kidneys aren't still producing pee.
@cf3619 3 жыл бұрын
Oh my goodness. Hope your well soon & I’m so thankful for the NHS in the UK. Hope all goes well 🏥🤞🏻🌈
@Richie07a1 3 жыл бұрын
You just triggered some memories of when I had to have a catheter after surgery for a kidney stone. I also couldn't pee after the surgery and it got real painful until they got the catheter in and I had to wear that for a week so I understand what you went through and I'm glad you're OK now. And I also remember when they took the catheter out after the week I just stayed at the hospital waiting room for hours to make sure I could pee on my own. It was hella scary.
@onelovedisco 3 жыл бұрын
Omg I went through almost the same experience! But, I was at work when this happened. And imagine my shock when I tried to go pee and NOTHING would come out! Well shock turned to fear as my bladder was filling up but I wasn’t able to relieve myself! So I had to call for an ambulance to take me to the ER. And it felt like I was waiting at the ER for literally hours before I was finally seen by the nurse and then a doctor. I was also given a painkiller and a catheter to finally relieve the pressure on my bladder. So I had to keep my catheter in for like a week along with the urinal bag. Turns out I had UTI along with an enlarged prostate. So an important lesson I learned from that experience is that I’m drinking more water than before. Thanks for sharing your story and Happy Pride!
@richardackley1823 3 жыл бұрын
Oh yeah I’ve had that. But the relief is amazing.
@hishamw6755 3 жыл бұрын
Just stumbled on your video. I sympathise with you. I have prostatitis now and have had a catheter in for the past week with another week to go 😩 it impacts on all aspects of your life.
@Thegirlwithapinkbag 3 жыл бұрын
It's so sad that while you were in pain, you had to think about costs/insurance. No one should have to do that. So glad you're doing better now.
@brentfisher6484 3 жыл бұрын
Awful. Poor guy. I have felt this same symptom (but as a 60 something). Good you shared your story, because so many of us--including more than a few docs see a young guy and don't think prostate, but it's indeed possible for this to happen at any age. Congrats on getting to the bottom---pardon the pun, of the problem. Be well!
@donaldthomas1963 3 жыл бұрын
great to see you, you got a glimpse of getting old
@stevenbellusci9084 3 жыл бұрын
@pppmanly 3 жыл бұрын
So sorry to hear you went through such a painful ordeal. Like you, when I lived in the U.S., if I got sick my first concern was navigating where I had insurance coverage and avoiding crippling medical expenses. Thank God for universal healthcare in Canada!🙏🏽 👍🏽🍁 Since I started living here about a decade ago, I have more peace of mind that when I get sick, I can focus on the care that I need instead of worrying about the expenses. I have been to the hospital emergency room a few times here, and didn't pay a cent (it's covered through our taxes, and I'm okay with that).
@robertbissonnette5160 3 жыл бұрын
It's very painful been there had it done i been through worst 4 year's ago i almost died i know exactly what you went through glad your doing better looking good my friend💝
@pacificodelnorte6628 3 жыл бұрын
I go away for a few months (well, several months...sorry😥) and this is what happens!😉 OMG, Joe! I was wondering why you looked so thin. I am so glad you are healing and feeling better! Happened to me 4 years ago; but luckily antibiotics were able to clear it up. No catheter.👏🏽 Oh, the pain, though!😣
@ryanm5671 3 жыл бұрын
Oh nohs and that is quite the ordeal also I hqve spent way too much time in the ER for someone our age! Blessings for your improved health Joseph hope you continue to get better!
@bryanmcnulty899 3 жыл бұрын
I so sorry to hear of your health scare and of your visit to the ER. I am glad to hear that you are doing better and on the road to recovery. I want to apologize to you for I have not watched your videos since Last December but in that month I was diagnosed with a disease that forced me to undergo chemotherapy treatments during the months of January and February 2021 and the recovery process was quite rough and by God's grace he saved my life. God did give me a great birthday present because I was able to celebrate a my 60Th birthday last May. I did receive a clean bill of bill of health some weeks ago and I can completely identify with you when all of your bodily do not work for it can be painful and very depressing. I am so sorry to hear that you and your boyfriend broke up for you made a wonderful couple I am heartbroken for you. My prayers and best wishes to you, your friend Bryan from San Lorenzo California.
@michaecarney2626 3 ай бұрын
@michaecarney2626 3 ай бұрын
@jmwjr1900 3 жыл бұрын
"I'll just drink lots of fluids and force it out". Kind of like priming a pump. LOL. Glad your better. I too was in the ER this weekend for the first time in my adult life. Similar problems. Thank God for pain meds.
@isd9120 3 жыл бұрын
So scary. I am glad you are better. I hope you stay well. Best wishes Joesph.
@sladersawyer5576 3 жыл бұрын
You are a real trooper - first for getting on an airplane to Utah when you were not well. Then, flying back to Texas - via Florida nonetheless. Thanks for sharing your story. There is a good lesson here about delaying seeking medical attention in hopes an issue will go away on its own. Hope you are 100% soon!
@johnmoyer4745 3 жыл бұрын
Liked the video Joseph. I too have had an experience with catheters. Several tim got to a point where I just wanted to tell the medical personnel, just leave the damn catheter in! I have a small bladder and frequent urination has always been a problem for me. Anyway, suffice it to say I'm okay, but have never been happy all this. Glad you're okay. Take care.
@markharkey3279 3 жыл бұрын
I’m so sorry to hear this. Hope you get better soon.
@taddkelly3267 3 жыл бұрын
My first ER and ambulance ride was due to a kidney stone. Your ordeal sounds worse. Hope it continues to improve and I second an appt with urologist.
@mocowan6642 3 жыл бұрын
I feel your pain! I had surgery in 2005, and they put a catheter in while I was in the OR. I was in my room later, and the catheter bag was empty. They realized there was a kink in the line, so they had to partially pull it out and put it back in. OUCH!
@macgyverhemmert9306 3 жыл бұрын
Oh dear, you sweet baby boy…. I wish I could give you a huge hug!!!
@drej 3 жыл бұрын
Wishing you a speedy recovery, and good health. I’ve dealt with kidney failure and now undergone a transplant(so grateful). The catheter pain is “Real”!! Best of health to you…
@zanadu4 3 жыл бұрын
Joseph have been down the catheter road, can empathize. What a tough time for you, but glad you are on the road to recovery. Stay well, health is important.
@johnnail4595 3 жыл бұрын
Sorry to hear all of this health trauma. Wishing (and a prayer) for full healing and wellness! John
@davidojeda830 3 жыл бұрын
Glad to hear you're doing better. Have been through a very similar problem and treatment course and I can definitely sympathize with you. Wonderful of your parents to be there and take care of their baby once again.
@zacktong8105 2 жыл бұрын
I sympathize having been treated for prostate cancer 15 years ago followed by external beam radiation which subsequently led to some radiation burns that were extremely painful. Subsequently the prostate shrank to such a degree that I could not pass urine and a catheter couldn't get through meaning they had to put on a super pubic tube through my abdomen directly into the bladder which empties into a bag which I hang from shirt buttons and works quite well.
@jpmasters-aus 3 жыл бұрын
Well done for sharing this - good for young men to know about this. Some years ago, I had an incident that sounded like yours to start with. My GP, after a rectal exam, sent me to the emergency department straight away, and they immediately put a catheter in, and so much came out they thought that was the issue. The Emergency doctor said I could go home or if I had any concerns stay in the emergency department for the night, which I decided to do. The following day, when the morning shift doctor did his rounds, I was still in pain in the #2 area; they did another examination. They discovered a fistular tear, and I ended up having surgery that afternoon. Before I went into surgery in the afternoon, the emergency doctor from the day before came to see me, and I think he was concerned he had missed it. Over the last year, I have had many surgeries on my shoulder, and each time I wake up with a catheter (great, it was put in when I was asleep!), but each time it was taken out, for the next couple of pees, the nurses had to use an ultrasound to make sure the bladder was emptying correctly.
@rjyeezy76 3 жыл бұрын
the reason they wasted no time at the ER is because that situation can be very dangerous, depending how much fluid you are retaining due to the blockage. Worst case, it could result in kidney damage or a ruptured bladder. Very glad you didn't wait any longer. Hope you're doing better after this ordeal.
@mitchellbarnow1709 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing this very personal and painful story, Joseph! The moral is that you can never put off taking care of your health because of work or travel. I am so glad that your prostate is settling down!
@coachab100 3 жыл бұрын
I can relate. I didn’t have a Cather but when I had kidney stones, they put a string in my euretha and it “tickled” my bladder and made me think I had to pee every couple minutes! It was awful. And I had a flight the next day to California and I had to ask for a seat next to restroom. People thought I was crazy getting up a million times to go pee!! An awful experience! I survived the trip but super uncomfortable! When I got home, they had to pull out the string and OUCH!!!! (When they put it in, I was under!). Luckily they’re days they don’t have to do this anymore!
@jonmcintosh2729 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the video. Im sorry you had to go through that.. I had to have a catheter for a week and hated it. And like you I didn't want to be around alot of people with a urine bag strapped to me. Stay strong Brother.
@steveweston117 3 жыл бұрын
Glad you are doing better Joseph. Always a fun time when the body decides to do weird things to you :)
@taylorj959a 3 жыл бұрын
sitting on a heating pad will help. I use a Thermophore wet heating pad which gives you moist heat without having to add water to the heating pad. Speaking from someone who's had it worse, chronic prostatitis I feel your pain! I've also had kidney stones and bouts with UTI's.
@tracerloenan8020 3 жыл бұрын
I feel for you. I have had lifelong kidney problems and have had catheters many times; and once had a hard plastic temporary ureter inserted from my bladder to my kidney. A passing kidney stone had ripped the ureter from end to end. My kidneys shut down after my second covid shot. I am fine now and sure hope you are doing as well as I did, as this is a very painful experience. Cranberry juice works well when you are having any urinary tract problems. It is the old home remedy and has eased this process for me on many occasions. I won't swear by cranberry juice as helpful, but, it always helps me. As always, It is great to see you.
@josephgarner94 3 жыл бұрын
Wow yikes, glad you’re ok, I’ll try the cranberry juice!
@lapipesmoker3751 3 жыл бұрын
Thank God you got this resolved! Years ago I had to have my gallbladder removed and I remember being in the emergency room with so much pain. I'm so glad you're okay.
@tjason296 3 жыл бұрын
I’m so sorry you went through that
@josephmillraney1061 3 жыл бұрын
So glad things are getting better. Been through many painful moments, and they're no fun. Blessings, Joseph! Always glad to see one of videos!
@angelusavila3832 3 жыл бұрын
I am new to Joe’s site! Wow 😮 first video!
@patportran4683 3 жыл бұрын
Was at Emergency few days ago.... the most horrific experience ever! Over 9 hours, and still no answer to my problem. No staff, long waits. Complete humiliation..... no respect to me as a person! Heaven help anyone with a real emergency! Didn't eat or drink anything the entire day! And yet they wanted ANOTHER urine sample? From where? Won't try that again in the future! No matter how sick I am!
@mikebegonia6134 3 жыл бұрын
The crazy part is that you have a sort of insurance but still have to worry.
@blue_jay31 3 жыл бұрын
I hope you get better !all the best !
@williamj.rieger8965 3 жыл бұрын
You poor guy, so sorry you had to go through this. Hope you get better soon, check with medical people, may be some things you can do to prevent a recurrence. Bill
@woofenme1596 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing and educating. Hope you are on the mend and keep taking care of you! It’s important to listen to your body and reach out for help. Sharing reminds us of that. Be well Joesph and keep taking care of you
@robertbottorff763 3 жыл бұрын
I am so sorry you had to go through all of that, especially when you were on a trip back home. It's awful that you had to worry about your insurance coverage while going through such a painful situation. Hopefully when you go back everything will go well. Take care of yourself.
@maurinet2291 3 жыл бұрын
Glad you're doing better, hope you found a good Dr in TX to monitor your recovery! Was that a normal backslide after your catheter came out? I would have thought they'd have warned you if it was.
@williamtourot5601 3 жыл бұрын
glad that you are on the mend.
@chrisfiala 3 жыл бұрын
Glad you're feeling better!
@redstarrjackson115 3 жыл бұрын
U have a lovely carming voice also the clock in the background is cool 💛
@peterwinstonaldredge6927 3 жыл бұрын
That is super scary! I'm so happy that everything worked out for you but, that must have been so distressful.
@eugenefrankmd5433 3 жыл бұрын
P.S. Joseph, the probability of facing a life of chronic prostatitis is scary h hence you need to take precaution. You are responding to the Flomax (Tamsulosine 0.4 mg, available as a generic, much cheaper) which is a good sign, hence always keep a supply in your care and at home and in your gym locker: the problem with urinary retention is damage to the kidneys which you MUST avoid. You might suggest to your urologist the addition of Tadalafil 5 mg, along with the Flomax, to synergise the effect. You are a bit too gracious, too kind, too responsive to others needs, which gets you very much loved, but may not allow you to act in your best interest when you need to.
@oldwestguy 3 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry to hear this... hoping for your speedy recovery.
@zhicw 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for being vulnerable and sharing your story especially as a guy. We don't tend to talk about stuff like this.
@democraticpatriot2657 3 жыл бұрын
Straight guys don’t usually like to talk about stuff like this.
@MrJbirder 3 жыл бұрын
Yep. Been down that road before. My dear mother said “ ahhh your just have a bladder infection, I’ll bring you over cranberry juice.” After drinking gallons of that and blowing up like a pregnant man with unbearable pain. Can’t sit, stand lay down. Oh my god the pain!!! off the the hospital I went. After 4 attempts getting catheter inserted I just watched my stomach decompress. I was like I took off to heaven. Rah the two weeks after with a pee bag attached to my leg wasn’t all that grand. But it is what it is. Never want to repeat that for sure. Hope your back to 100% soon.
@josephgarner94 3 жыл бұрын
I had never even heard of prostatitis till I had it, I’m sorry you had to do all that too!
@jeepman1244 3 жыл бұрын
As a older gay man, what you went through is what you need to prepare yourself for for when you age! Not to make lite of your current illness! I wish the best for you!
@roderickshaka3626 3 жыл бұрын
sending you love today 💗💗
@trainsupporter9088 3 жыл бұрын
Wow - what a rough time. I am sorry you had to go through that, and I trust it doesn't happen again. I've not experienced such, but I remember my last visit to the ER - I was so sick, but not in pain. Turns out, I had a heart defect and had to have surgery to fix it.
@Psych911 3 жыл бұрын
You poor thing, I was sat here crossing my legs the entire time you were telling that story. Ouch! Also, I really don't understand how there's still debate about the health care system over there in the USA. That sounds like a whole other nightmare. Here in the UK there would be no question, you'd just go to the emergency room, and beyond maybe $20 for prescriptions there would be no cost.
@deltonabf 3 жыл бұрын
Holy Cow! Praying for your health and don’t mess around in the future!
@thomasthompson6378 3 жыл бұрын
I don't usually give medical advice, since I'm not a doctor, but experience tells me that, at the first sign of really severe pain (especially if coupled with the other symptoms you mention) the only helpful option is to make your way to an emergency room and not to make an appointment with your regular physician. I'm sure that's one of the lessons you learned from this. Sorry you had to go through all that.
@josephgarner94 3 жыл бұрын
Lol I think that’s very sound advice 😅
@roberthamilton5600 3 жыл бұрын
Well, to my American cousins across the pond. I am puzzled as a duel trained senior nurse clinical and male matron, I have lost count of the number of male catheterizations I have done! I'm shocked the hospital not using a local anesthetic whilst inserting the catheter! and as for the canular, this too is an easy procedure? it is no wonder the best Doctor and Nurses are in the United Kingdom. God Bless our National Health Service and God Bless America.
@josephgarner94 3 жыл бұрын
That’s what my parents and I were saying as we left the emergency room. They should have started with the anesthetic then did the catheter not the other way around:/
@pippopapero5373 3 жыл бұрын
So sad hear that a young man has to go through your health insurance system, and have also too worry about the cost...but before they put the catheter they did all the blood exame? Did you get why was happen? Hope you get well soon🤞💪👋🇨🇭
@jowah360 2 жыл бұрын
I've had a catheter put in....what they do is to get a syringe w/o a needle....they put in some gel like stuff that's a numbing agent.....they squish that into the urethra first....and after a few minutes, they insert the catheter and it doesn't hurt since it's numb......
@oliverroche6040 3 жыл бұрын
Ahh Joseph you have been through the mill,thoughts and prayers,good wishes to you
@kat2641 3 жыл бұрын
Well I can relate to dealing with the prostrate :-( I guess I might of abused it a tad over the. Years. . An. Unfortunately I am one of The many that has had to deal with kidney stones for the last 20 years. An having to go pee, but nothing; but drips come out?? Yea I know exactly the type of pain.. barfing passing out.. last one was. 3/8"". Long. 1/4""wide. An 3/16. Thick that was my worse ever! Not easy to pee out a mountain top! an God only knows how many thousands I have had to pay out to hospitals... prostrate cancer runs high in my family so yea I am watchful.. yearly test just like my 1/4 AD test.. I really feel for you in a personal way!!! Stay on your meds an My advice to you is spend the time an money once a year for the prostate exam it isn't painful , but what you're going through?? There is no words in the English language to describe the pain level..... hug's.... ((Edited fur a tiny spell boo boo))
@mathiaspoelman1493 3 жыл бұрын
Hopefully you will be fully recovered soon enough. Just think about the great time you will spend with your friends and family in a few months!
@thomaslloyd8496 3 жыл бұрын
I'm learning a lot watching your videos!!!!! I've been living in the Portland, Oregon area now living in Vancouver, Washington. I am currently talking to Mormon Missionaries. There still coming over after I told them up front that I'm gay and it will never change. Sorry about your emergency room experience.
@bobgentry9208 3 жыл бұрын
Glad you’re feeling better
@stevenwilgus5422 Жыл бұрын
I hope, at this point, you are Well and Happy.
@eugenefrankmd5433 3 жыл бұрын
Joseph, You take such extraordinary pains to care for others, their emotions, their well bing, and fearful that they have an adverse reaction to your distress, you keep it all to yourself: bad, bad, bad. Joseph you need to begin to care for yourself a lot better than you are now capable of doing. Given your intelligence, self-awareness, and introspection, ignoring your own needs (not wants) will complicate your life, but it will compromise any relationship you desire to have. Unless you learn to take better care of yourself there is no way you will be able to reasonably care for the guy you love. At your age prostates is rare, hence, the cause is important or you will have chronic prostatic problems lifelong. You certainly are a sweetheart to all others, but you do not need to be a sweetheart to love and be loved: you must learn to be more selfish in caring for yourself so you will be able to care for the guy you love.
@alleynabel9774 3 жыл бұрын
Pleased you are feeling better all the best and continued good health
@echt114 3 жыл бұрын
Hopefully that infection gets wiped out. They can be stubborn and persistent. There are techniques to help though....
@stevenbellusci9084 3 жыл бұрын
Hope your feeling better ♥️💛🧡💚💙💜
@davidchapa4455 3 жыл бұрын
Glad you're well
@chazgurrero3090 3 жыл бұрын
Oh poor boy. Hope yr feeling better.
@tylershepard4269 3 жыл бұрын
I’m so sorry to hear about your experience ❤️ I had surgery and I also couldn’t pee after from the anesthesia. They had to cath me and it was NOT fun! I hope you feel better soon!
@ethan-mylifestartsnowgo5598 3 жыл бұрын
Wow. How awful. But seriously, if you’d just gone to the doctor when you first started having issues and pain, you likely could have avoided a lot of the pain. Trust your doctor or find a new one. It’s so important.
@ethan-mylifestartsnowgo5598 3 жыл бұрын
Ugh. I sound like I was lecturing you. I didn’t mean it to come out that way. More just my concern for you. Even though you are young, fit & healthy, weird shit can happen - just listen to you body. Glad you’re doing better. Pls follow up with your doc. 💙
@ilovetotri23 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing.
@Yourockrock24 3 жыл бұрын
Universal healthcare, amirite? You would have gone to emerg right away. Come to Canada 💗💗💗 So so sorry you had to go through this. Awful!!
@nicolasvillanueva3000 3 жыл бұрын
Glad yur getting better! U and yur sis are adorable!
@tianamatson 3 жыл бұрын
Oh dang! That's scary. I'm glad you're going better. I had a kind of similar experience when I went to Hawaii for the first time earlier this month. At one point I genuinely thought I was going to die I felt so ill. So that first night/day was miserable.
@kerryboilard7132 3 жыл бұрын
hope you are getting better all the best
@jeffkeeth6929 3 жыл бұрын
RN here. RE: IV...You were probably dehydrated. Never let the same person stick you more than once, anyway. Same catheter, probably put Xtra KY jelly on it. Should have given pain meds BEFORE cath. Very painful. PEACE.
@josephgarner94 3 жыл бұрын
That’s what I was thinking! Like why did they not put me on pain meds before inserting the catheter?!
@rjyeezy76 3 жыл бұрын
@@josephgarner94 fast acting pain meds need to go through an IV. My guess is that since they were having trouble getting the IV started they must have opted to not wait any longer to attempt the cath insertion to relieve pressure on the bladder and kidneys. A local anesthetic wouldnt have done much for you with the inflammation/pain stemming from the prostate/bladder. Sorry to hear that you had to go through that. BTW, were you given any antibiotics through a second IV, or just sent home with a course of oral antibiotics?
@chrislockwood1476 3 жыл бұрын
What an awful experience. I hope your 100% bud.
@NaumRusomarov 3 жыл бұрын
Blood in stool should always warrant a visit to your gp unless you know exactly what it is. With the exception of inflamed hemorrhoids, everything else can get very serious very fast.
@Peter-vo1gt 3 жыл бұрын
Dear Joseph, i can see that you have lost some weight and you don’t look too bright either. Thanks for sharing your experience. Trust you will soon be back to full health.
@josephgarner94 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah I’m hoping to gain it back soon.
@joeh4796 3 жыл бұрын
Oh my, that doesn’t sound like fun at all! Glad your doing better! I had my first emergency room visit earlier this year, what ended up being one kidney stone, that very luckily passed that day, but it was excruciating, as it was passing from my kidney into the bladder. Not fun at all!
@s7erling696 3 жыл бұрын
That shirt needs to be ironed. Cute guy! Nice smile.
@vennispollock8549 3 жыл бұрын
I know the feeling, I just had prostate surgery..had to have a catheter in for a week.. oh my..
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Joseph Garner
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❌Разве такое возможно? #story
Кэри Найс
Рет қаралды 6 МЛН
1ОШБ Да Вінчі навчання
Рет қаралды 4,5 МЛН
Фейковый воришка 😂
Рет қаралды 4,8 МЛН
I Moved!
Joseph Garner
Рет қаралды 9 М.
One City Memphis
Рет қаралды 505
Unchained Melody sung like you've NEVER heard!
Austin Brown
Рет қаралды 16 МЛН
Maui Boys
Joseph Garner
Рет қаралды 16 М.
ADHD MAX - Max Lawrence Coaching
Рет қаралды 7 М.
6 Years Clean - Leaving my abuser
Jellie's World
Рет қаралды 39 М.
My dog Arbor ran away
Рет қаралды 57 М.
Falling in Love
Joseph Garner
Рет қаралды 10 М.
I’m in a Relationship
Joseph Garner
Рет қаралды 22 М.
❌Разве такое возможно? #story
Кэри Найс
Рет қаралды 6 МЛН