Pretty darn good for your first Tesla Coil! That's bigger than mine! You're getting a huge output too. The only thing that concerns me a little is that you are getting some corona and small streamers from the top of your secondary winding. You can see it in the video at about 1:12. That might eventually burn the winding. If you can, move your topload down a little bit closer to the winding, because it acts as an electrostatic shield and helps to prevent corona from forming.
@hal970fx16 жыл бұрын
D: I would add a strike rail around the primary coil and an actual toroid, unless you want to ruin your setup, I saw some mid-secondary strikes, the toroid will help with that.
@kinura2616 жыл бұрын
ya this vid is old i have done some mods to it and it no longer has the mid strikes and the tuning is better :) i'll post a new vid of it soon.