My Top Io Tips That You Aren’t Using (2600+ Games)

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@founiseres6097 4 ай бұрын
giff io guidee pls!
@idktbh6841 4 ай бұрын
translate from luxembourgish
@JoBlinz 4 ай бұрын
Giff io guidee pls!
@iWonInHD 4 ай бұрын
@alexcarson2065 4 ай бұрын
Giff io guide
@SuperThunderPanda 4 ай бұрын
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
@Quartermistress 4 ай бұрын
It's a crime nobody hasnt gifted you one of the io sets yet you deserve it bud.
@user-ec8cg1nx8x 4 ай бұрын
io is one of the heroes blessed with better looks than any of their sets
@teslawp 4 ай бұрын
the companion cube arcana is nice though@@user-ec8cg1nx8x
@iksbob_ 4 ай бұрын
There’s also another trick that I’m using quite often: if you are chasing someone with a teammate, start channeling Relo in front of the enemy, and if they see it and turn around, then you just cancel the tether and the enemy runs into your teammate
@arminangel 4 ай бұрын
u cant cansel relocate now i think
@NickoVasley 4 ай бұрын
@@arminangel He said to cancel the tether not the relocate. As in you relocate yourself without an ally.
@SubZeroSoundworks 4 ай бұрын
Niche tips from 2000 games at 5k mmr: 1. Silence does not cancel relo if you dispel it before the relo finishes (greaves or lotus) 2. Euls cancels relo but windwaker does not for whatever reason, so if you relo and instantly ww you can avoid being stunned, expensive item and very situational 3. Adding to the chrono save, you can use a force staff or blink and change direction at the last second to avoid getting stuck in chrono (if ally was going to die otherwise) 4.Relo with a teammate if it is safe and take t1 towers 5. You can bait tp's from enemies if you intentionally cancel relo (trying to snipe base), they will see the minimap indicator and start to tp, if they aren't paying attention, they will waste it. 6. The TP trick was patched years ago but was quite fun to pull off, ping made it very hard though 7. Relo for healing lotuses if more than 3 8.Things that can save you from dying going back after relo save (timed pudge hook, kunkka x, well timed kotl tp) 9. If pudge uses his shard and eats you, he can delay going back to the original spot, you can wait long enough for enemies to leave and then safely tp back 10. Tether can pull you out of slark leash 11. If you are desperate, you can relo and meteor hammer to cut lanes when enemies are pushing while your team is dead. 12. You can try to relo steal aegis if desperate, with the right items and good game sense you can pull it off somewhat consistently, if you fail it can be quite bad though. 13. While Tethered to pugna, life drain on wisp will give full hp then mana if done correctly. 14. Io disjoints projectiles upon relo'ing OUT but not when coming back, and the ally does not disjoint.
@Paul-go8jw 4 ай бұрын
For tip #5, how do you cancel IO relocate? Was trying to click R (ult hotkey) and S (stop) but both do not work. Is it possible?
@dimitrj 4 ай бұрын
How do you handle the spirits? After some handfuls of games the fiddly nature of this spell is keeping me from really commiting to this hero I otherwise love.
@SubZeroSoundworks 4 ай бұрын
@@Paul-go8jw euls mainly, situational item but if you are desperate it does work, it has to be something that would cancel relo like a disruption from sd, also the t5 neutral that silences and mutes, etc.
@SubZeroSoundworks 4 ай бұрын
@@dimitrj they are mainly used for vision at least for me, good damage in some cases but I think the value point for stacking and then later keeping vision of enemies in fog is very helpful.
@lanonymepaul5129 4 ай бұрын
My guys is dedicated, recreating scenarios in lobby,. Love the content you might be the one that fill the void left after wisper stop uploading io content
@2wheels2 4 ай бұрын
ive been spamming IO (1000 games) and i have a 59%+ win-rate in the last 60 games(54% overall) or so at 3kmmr. i would recommend letting yo self lose 20-60 games to learn the hero and understand what it needs to be strong then playing around the hero's strengths as well as your own personal playstyle. my playstyle is simple, pre-laning stage: look at opposition in lane and buy your starting items wisely(like with every hero -- but especially here--); stick, 2 set of tangos, fiery-fire, 2 branches and a sentry if there is spam(BB, SW SD,...), if the enemy laners are weak b4 lvl 3 then buy stats and a fiery-fire so you bully them out of lane and snowball, if there will be harass but no spell spam then just buy a headdress and let partner tank(they get double the regen from headdress) and take smart trades. when it comes to itemization, don't get hung up on the fact IO can heal. IO can also dish out dmg if he needs to with a partner. for example, i sometimes go urn and then build it into a vessel, u can use it as a heal while fighting others(just kite the enemies as to not cancel the heal, u can do the same with a salve) or u can use it as a means to deal a load of dmg. another option is vlads as it gives good dmg and sustain in an AOE. in the same vain u can also buff more than you already do with solar crest if the game is bad for heals (enemy have doom and AA) if the game is normal (not snowball nor anti heal) then just go a mek/holy-locket, glimmer/force/ghost (help you/others survive), mek/holy-locket/halberd, heart/satanic and if u get to lvl 25, buy right-click items that will let u do a lot of dmg with left talent at lvl25. in general, don't be afraid to use your body in fights to body block and slow ppl, IO has a form of root and that is body blocking, if u can communicate with your partner and examine their movements, u can align your self in front of the enemy and block them to the point of a crawl, thats y i would take right talent at lvl10 if u can do that in your games (no blink or mobility spells and you dont get bursted) and when ppl are in tether, if they decide to stand their ground, they will have 0 attack speed as tether also reduces that. With tether, get used to the distance of 1000 units, there are visual indicators for the 1000 unit break point of tether (the tether will start vibrating). further more, realize the distance that tether can be used at when u want to tether someone; in fights u can stay very hidden till you are needed or can be used as an escape for your self. also realize the speed of travel for tether as u can use it in niche cases (bara charge with items is fast enough that u can tether him when he charging and you both will fly to the charged person or same idea with blood when he fast), it can also be a time buffer for relo as in the case of chrono, black hole or pit-of-malice. the slow of tether is very strong as i have noted before so use it well. it also damages the enemies in tether so use it to farm with or without spirits (the damage to tether update made me cream as it let IO farm quickly, albeit in lanes or with controlled units and jungle). spirits are a good value point but only if you have the mana( someone has mana-boots and you have arcane ring). they are great at getting vision on any target(anyone in fog of war, in trees/invis or smoked); they are a great scouting tool for chase and a proximity sensor for invis heroes. over charge is simple, use it for regen in down times, just make sure to balance your hp with mana, and use it for trading or buffing with partner. relo is very versatile. it can be used as a save to fountain, to relocate ally to the backline in fights, it can be a blink to get on top of a fleeing enemy, or it can be used to gank with or without a +1. another use of it is like kunka x-mark , relo in your place and walk up; though risky, it is a viable method of using relo. also, the relo tp thing from years past is not possible so dont try it; instead glimmer or the invis component of glimmer can be used as an escape once u come back. IO is versitile but needs a level of compitency from both u and your allies. without a decent draft, u will fall short and have a hard game, though its not an instant lose so keep playing(u can always relo and risk a kill with ganks). with good drafts you will often find your self stomping and end b4 25 mins. IO is very much a feast or famine hero when learning but if u can edge in game then u can out goon the enemies. a very important note is that u dont need a specific lane partner to play IO nor should you expect it in pubs. u can play with AM, riki, pa, pl, naga, ... literally any pos 1. the reason is simple, if they can blink, u need to adjust your positioning in a way so when they blink, it wont break tether(tho hard, u will get the hang of the distancing of heros eventually). if they are a ranged backliner, u can tank or have them tank(remember that they get 2x the heals, both from u and their own sources, while u only get your self). u can later pair with the pos 2/3/4 at any time after the lane, just pair with whoever u CAN make stronger and that WILL/CAN use u. when playing with an IO: ***listen and ***ask, read your lane partner and their lvl of agro. if the IO thinks yall should go agro, trust. let your trust be broken, only then do what you will on your own. when playing with IO, its much like 1 player microing 2 different heros; like Lone Druid. niche things to take note of: if your IO is getting gone one, their attention is on IO, they are stunned in a sense; attack them when they focus on IO, a good IO will do the same for U, in an IO lane, there should never be a moment where one of you is not right clicking or harassing. if it is not possible to harass, then make it possible; boots and OOV are a great way to do this, buying extra tangos to tank more, and making sure to use tether and not break it. though tether is the responsibility of IO, if both of you share that responsibility of keeping it going then it will be better used and less of a burden for only one of you. also NOTE: if your IO is getting gone on and tether was broken by the IO or yall are retreating and IO runs the other way, DO NOT COME TO THE IO, go as far as he-can-tether, as when he does re-tether, he will fly to u, Its like an AM blink; you dont want to blink on top of your enemies when running away. play IO and learn him, very fun and make friends. that is my guide, hopefully yall can read...
@Onl1neCooL 4 ай бұрын
bro made a whole thesis on IO
@takedazz331 4 ай бұрын
Sry bro i read it until the 3k mmr
@arthurSM37 4 ай бұрын
@ameyakale2739 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for the tips man!
@CEUprimate 4 ай бұрын
why would we lose 20-60 if we could avoid it by learning from experts?
@OlafderPirat 4 ай бұрын
Bro the ambulance meme when zeus pulls out the io gun had me howling. Well done.
@12MYCRYL17 4 ай бұрын
Conditional situation: IF you build Helm of the Dominator to Io it can also be used for the saving grace tether when you are about to relocate back to the enemies + perma movespeed boost since you get bonus ms thanks to HoTD's bonus ms to the creep
@Daniel-zr4pk 4 ай бұрын
bro made 1 play with relocate and showed it 37 times in 1 video
@zzadrianzz 4 ай бұрын
Loool yeah I just thought there were some useful tips for people in that clip
@rayanmusaabubakar3608 4 ай бұрын
It's not just once I think. But it's his most recent, and if you think it wasn't cool. Then you can scram
@AndresDavidCalvache 4 ай бұрын
Because there was a lot of thought process and nuances behind the "1 play" . It's not good enough to be told relo a chronoed hero. But the how and thought process are integral to getting better even if you aren't an iO enjoyer.
@williamyuei1534 4 ай бұрын
We have the same photo profile, what a coincidence.
@Blade2323B 4 ай бұрын
ngl it was badass
@FBSambu 4 ай бұрын
Give me the GUIDE
@zackmiller1196 4 ай бұрын
yes please an io guide. i just started playing io because of the crownfall even and getting tokens for it. i realised i actually love this hero. went on youtube, sorted by upload date, lo and behold your video is at top of the list. Subscribed to your channel. so many tips that i have learnt from your channel
@ultimatelearningexperience9547 4 ай бұрын
@azminalibsp4800 4 ай бұрын
I also play Io and I liked playing this guy (though I'm playing in 2k - 3k brackets). His amount of healing and support contribution is crazy high, I've heard Io was this hero that helps your team snowball and save allies from imminent death, this video really helped out a ton. Thanks!
@shigotoh 4 ай бұрын
the short distance relocate can be double value when the enemy chases to your new position, because you can take your teammate back to the old position
@SAL1Mbl4 4 ай бұрын
Io guide waiting room
@sadcyclops8909 4 ай бұрын
secret herald tip: buy dagon lvl 1 on Io. If used on a beefy neutral creep it heals for about 1k health instantly and you can also snipe low life heroes globally with your ult+dagon
@raflyarafat4882 4 ай бұрын
i have a suggestion sir. Rather than just an io guide, i think "inside the mind of io player" format will be better. it could be about early-mid items, trading, tempo plays, etc. Nice video btw
@BigDigAbbdog 4 ай бұрын
Great video! Can’t wait for the full guide! giff io guide plz I’ve been inspired by you to play Io and have been enjoying playing so much and think he fits my play style as a sacrificial pos5 player!
@lordcrusader861 4 ай бұрын
That baiting clip is something I actually don't recommend doing most of the time, a second early on that luna stun and the zeus was a goner, try to keep friendlies at half health and above.
@themikelou1 4 ай бұрын
Yo the amount of work going into this video recreating the scene and chronoing while tethered just to showcase a point. I tip my hat off to you my sir.
@xalix86 4 ай бұрын
takes less than 10 min and he is doing it cuz of the income from youtube + reputation .
@narayana8293 4 ай бұрын
​@@xalix86 good. Work smarter, not harder
@slightlyfaulty 4 ай бұрын
Good tips, but I'm like 85% sure that relocate play only worked because chrono ended just in time before you flew into it. Though it was still a sick play regardless.
@SubZeroSoundworks 4 ай бұрын
the concept works just fine regardless of the example
@slightlyfaulty 4 ай бұрын
@@SubZeroSoundworks Agreed. And to be fair, I think Dazzle dies if he waited any longer. It was actually a perfectly timed save, just not exactly in the way he mentions :D
@mlgboom9600 4 ай бұрын
pretty good io tips. i will for sure try to use it in my next io game. anyway maybe you should do a video about lesser known mechanics like certain hero's having increased vision in night time like slark has daytime vision range in nighttime. and how night stalkers vision range decreases in day time.
@xalix86 4 ай бұрын
u just said " lesser known mechanics " and u explained it in 1 line of text . its that simple .one thing u might already know aswell can be night stalker abilities refresh when you press ulti
@pauldudley1273 4 ай бұрын
i saw a crazy IO tp after relocating to base, going back into the fight. he started channeling the tp, and timed it so well that he relocated back to origin. and instantly tp'd back to safety.
@horaciorios6002 4 ай бұрын
TY! As an IO lover im alway down to learn something new, in this case the glimmers cape trick was new to me, even thou I´ve playing io for so long now. I love io bacause i think its onw of the few heroes that can played in almost all positions, few years back i was spamming it was a midlaner and it was beautiful, and on long late matches it can do all, heal, tank and kill! ty again.
@karnbrar555 4 ай бұрын
More IO content please, I always wanted to learn this hero
@andreiaa3489 3 ай бұрын
pls pls pls pls. make full video. i played 2 days this hero and you inspired me. you made me lake id . I wanna see more tips from you. I was a suport but i never had the courage to play io untill i saw your video
@neromah 4 ай бұрын
Adrian is good with IO, but would love to see his analysis on the difference of IO gameplay comparing Chinese io and European io
@peacefist4413 4 ай бұрын
Agressive teleport behind enemy T3 when you lead the game, it will be an epic ambush if you play with PA and she has aegis. Or when you can't push their T3. Chasing with teleport is also very very strong. IO is a very fun hero, very powerful in right hand. Also Lotus shards is an OP item, like early game cheese.
@dhanushsenthil9113 4 ай бұрын
If you make an io guide please give tips on how to play in solo queue, and how to coordinate with randoms!
@pipsqueaker1163 4 ай бұрын
U should try reloing before you tp to help your core, then tethering when you get there for an instant relo save
@Biit88121 4 ай бұрын
Give that guide, and a little tip: try to pay attention on some random io games, how much damage they dealt with tether, it shows the really good io combos. Thats why marci+io is so strong, dispose throws enemys into the tether, the double slow setup easy rebound stun.. (that you usually will not even need because tether slow is soo strong..) My favorit io combo was always anti mage, blink behind enemys, tether and slow them to death..! Sadly this only works when i know my carry…. Random public guys don‘t realize how strong tether is and don‘t ever use it (thats why a guide mught help alot..) PS: i believe they added tether damage cause 95% of io players(or their cores) don‘t utilize tether slow.. Just as they gave zeus his shard so he finally uses his autoattack.. (god of thunder was always sad when he had to hide behind trees instead of fighting with his allys..)
@seowth 3 ай бұрын
0:57 listen to everything here: *exceptionable*
@drrrw 4 ай бұрын
That relocate move is eye opening. Nice. Gonna speedrun my token for teleporting hahaha.
@durere 4 ай бұрын
After watching the video: thank you for the short relocate and tether tp ideas, I never really did those, and I'm gonna start today. That being said, with my other comment providing a backdrop: your skill build makes me wanna flame. But that's just personal preference. Also, those clutch bait-heals are the best thing this hero has to offer, dopamine-wise, especially if you manage to edge your tether target around 2-3 hits of his death through the entire fight. The enemy cannot resist trying to finish the job, and they gather to the slaughter like moths to the flame. *Laughing Beeps*
@iksbob_ 4 ай бұрын
What’s wrong with the skill build? This is the main build for Io for last 5 years or so
@CompleteReview 4 ай бұрын
I'm also an Io spammer (4k bracket), but the thing is mid to low tier guys always has this "Io is trash no stun no damage hero" mindset, that made them underestimate their own teammate. Thus making them doesn't want to make plays(?), shooing Io players away when tethered, etc. I was waiting on that "how to play with Io on your team" portion of the video, but it never showed. I think most people need that bit, so they know how to capitalize on having Io on their team.
@emberhydra 20 күн бұрын
I wish we could get the portal io set. I was one of the few who signed a petition and annoyed valve for io arcana
@KarennaJP 4 ай бұрын
Lately I've been trying to find another hero that I could use as pos5 (my second role for when I don't play mid), but I as pos5 mains I only have Oracle, and lately I've been enjoying playing Wisp in Turbo, wanted to learn it so bad, a guide will be really helpful!
@xalix86 4 ай бұрын
try pugna and try to do this combo : first spell first , before it land and dmg enemy , use ulti , and then second spell ( the order will be like : QRW quick cast makes it so ez to do) and u will the Maximum dmg and usualy people will try to stun / stop u and u just made a big space for the team . pugna is really strong . REALLY 💘
@espeonage150 4 ай бұрын
Put the Io guide in the bag and no-one gets hurt
@chanchan6734 4 ай бұрын
i dont want to lose few sanity left playing io. Great plays btw !
@rudolfchristian813 4 ай бұрын
Give IO guide, especially for pos 4-5 player. I tends to pick direct stun / CC heroes, like CM, Venge. Tell us about how you see draft using IO.
@andreipanganiban4509 4 ай бұрын
Nice video! Ive been looking for tips so I can get better ranked.
@johnreyes-g9j 4 ай бұрын
thanks i've been playing IO but still in progress
@mickolesmana5899 4 ай бұрын
i mean technically speaking, iO is an ambulance 6:39
@durere 4 ай бұрын
IO is for real one of, if not the most versatile and overlooked hero in the game. I hate the word underrated, but it doesn't even scratch the surface. The situation is getting better tho, since I don't get instant ''omg he picked IO, reported'' as much these days. A few years ago, it happened _every game._ I also strongly believe that 90%+ of players waste it completely by just playing it as a glorified bottle. I play it as a nuker, and I consistently finish games with damage dealt somewhere in the top 3-4 players on the map. Matter of fact, if I don't have a snowballing carry on the team, I'm usually the main damage dealer. They call me IOppenheimer. Remember the name.
@zaihanm 4 ай бұрын
with your situational. i love STR io, not Universal io. that stat really huge different.
@manuelmarce2544 4 ай бұрын
giff io guide plz. As a pos 4/5 enthusiast who never played Io, I think it is time for me to learn the beep machine.
@robinobser6475 4 ай бұрын
Hey Adrian, can you please make a video how ET Aura really works with all base stats reduction? Or the UD ultimate aura :D Thank youuuuuu1!!! :D
@mattg590 4 ай бұрын
swing io guide forsure, nobody has really put out a fresh one since he got put to universal, other than some people trying core
@oliverallan4263 4 ай бұрын
Also you can solo relocate to split push with balls or steal enemy xp rune
@salad3955 4 ай бұрын
double bracer on Io for first items is goatedddddd
@Cosmic_Yuuki 4 ай бұрын
i alway buy 3
@Hebertoon 4 ай бұрын
We have Techisor, Invosor, Meeposor and now Iosor 😎👍
@Fate025 4 ай бұрын
Dude's Ana's long lost twin...... Just has to join a pro team and win a TI with another Io
@DeeJaysWord 4 ай бұрын
I play IO to flex my exclusive arcana.
@koujin4406 4 ай бұрын
also quick tip if you want to get +25 just play ogre and max bloodlust. easy no carpal tunnel just ungga bungga gameplay
@vinnyto4932 Ай бұрын
Been playing Io and I’m hooked. Playing turbo. I never get any kills.
@iksbob_ 4 ай бұрын
giff Io guide please, I’m Io main myself with 1300+ games and I’m using all the tips you’ve mentioned here, but I’m still stuck at 3500-4000 mmr range
@raulmontero8736 4 ай бұрын
Great job. Thanks for so great content. Mb try an Io core guide. It seems verrrrry good for me on this patch
@ollieman302 25 күн бұрын
Heart of Terrasque is a funny turbo item
@m136dalie 4 ай бұрын
Io guide sounds good but at this rate I'm clicking on all your videos anyway
@coffee_kafa 4 ай бұрын
i got 1k games on io , the best tips that are not mentioned is that ur lvl 25 attack talent does not use mana from revenant brooch and sometimes its better to put only 1 skillpoint in spirits and the rest in stats (ofcourse the other abilities are maxed out)
@melanchole1890 4 ай бұрын
io guide pls
@andriedelosreyes9757 4 ай бұрын
Giff io guide plz. I was inspired to play io from your support guide but apparently I'm trash at it, it really would help.
@type1life304 4 ай бұрын
2:10 u actually got lucky that the chrono disappeared
@editmanjaw619 4 ай бұрын
give io guide plz. and u missed one important part of playing io its ur teammates have to be smart enough to take advantage of ios abilities anyway i am obsessed with io and would surely love to see a full guide. oh that glimmer cap trick man thats a life saver why didnt i think of that earlier i dont know
@subschool5 4 ай бұрын
giff io guidee pls! thank you so much for the content. do you have any tips for solo queueing IO at lower MMRs (3.5k)?
@emberhydra 20 күн бұрын
Bro why does relocate not work while stunned or hexed. That is so dumb. Is BKB viable option on IO?
@alexm.3968 4 ай бұрын
giff io guide plz. I just started trying IO. Laning phase was bad, mid-game was bad, ended up feeding a bit, but we won thx in no small part to heals, overcharge and relocate. I'd like to see some early game stuff, since I'm really out of touch with IO. I also play 1 and 3 mainly, but right now I'm in a spot where I just afk farm until we lose if I see demented stuff like eth-lens, aghs, midas or blink on supports, so I'd rather play support until I regain enough mmr to play with non-brain-damaged teammates.
@akzakz6018 4 ай бұрын
Pls. 3 hr in-depth io guide pls 😢
@gustanoid 4 ай бұрын
In second clip chronosphere just ends. Relocate would still be canceled since you used it too early.
@Gwgitu77 4 ай бұрын
Now we need the whole guide lul
@cheesus2289 4 ай бұрын
I love io but I have no idea on how to farm efficiently, my nw and damage is the lowest every single time. (I understand thats not the main focus)
@auroth6805 4 ай бұрын
my friend needs a pos 4 bounty hounter guide pls
@brendansantos3066 4 ай бұрын
May I ask what else can you offer to laning besides from sustain in terms of offensive measures? Like how do you harass enemies? I feel like IO is much better played for parties or coordinated teams wherein they know one hero will not be able to contribute offensively (damage wise in fights). In solo queue its much harder to pull off wins unlike say an Oracle which has a save and a nuke.
@SubZeroSoundworks 4 ай бұрын
headress and buy branches, build bracer, gives you tons of damage compared to not, being a uni hero.
@lukeskywalker6641 4 ай бұрын
Can't get a single DotA match. Is the matchmaking system down for everyone??
@SPAHI43 4 ай бұрын
no meathook relo save mentioned?
@macistax9498 4 ай бұрын
Full io guide pls
@Andreeezy 4 ай бұрын
cook me some io content please
@mrclickclickboom69 4 ай бұрын
3:17 - "This is a good opportunity to learn."
@amirulhakeem1908 4 ай бұрын
rarely play IO but its fun until enemy dive deep straight in just to kill me also give IO guide plz
@xXlizamaXx 4 ай бұрын
I wanna learn how to lane with IO, please Io guide
@devinda_me 4 ай бұрын
Isn't doubloon a s tier neutral item on wisp ?
@thertcll 4 ай бұрын
Did I hear relocate is an "exceptionable" skill?
@BlueRey2 4 ай бұрын
Please make the IO guide!!
@antonioemilio9932 4 ай бұрын
Can someone pls explain who the guy is in this guy's DP? is that supposed to be him? I keep saying that guys face around social media and I can't recognise him.
@rainchopper898 4 ай бұрын
Hey, can you do a video on tusk's walrus punch? The tooltip is misleading. It generally does twice or three times as much damage than it should according to the tooltip.
@y-y8118 4 ай бұрын
Do you ever farm leaving tether lvl 1 and maxing W after E ? If overcharge is not needed just leaving it 2 or 3 points for laning stage can be cool. But idk what items to get with such playstyle, any recommendations ?
@grimreaper.-.8073 4 ай бұрын
love the video and i have a question if you can expand upon it. what are some abilities or status effects that give you vision on smoked/inviable enemies ? saw on a waga video that because of blood seeker passive he could see the enemy kunka that was smoked, and it looked wierd. what are some others. and can you interact with them or no ? sometimes you can see an invis enemy, but can't attack it. love the videos as always
@xalix86 4 ай бұрын
specter first ability on invis target / sprit breaker charge on invis target and one extra thing i can say xD is that when you are teleporting , spam alt , sometimes u can see people all around the map xD its like make whole map bright ( full vision ) for 0.1 sec , its enough to just see if someone is next to enemy tower or so :D ( im tinker player and using this trick )
@grimreaper.-.8073 4 ай бұрын
@@xalix86 well thats nice, but what is this about alt spam. is it when you yourself are teleporting ? or when someone is teleporting and you can see where they are teleporting for example NP ?
@apo8616 4 ай бұрын
giff io guidee, also I hope you can publish some guides on Dota 2 workshop
@lordless12 4 ай бұрын
Ggiff io guide plz, I love io
@mikeyr290 4 ай бұрын
I didn't know that you could untether then tether to a different hero new immediately. 😳 Anyway, giff io guide pls
@utopin-xt4qt 4 ай бұрын
full guide plz
@nyaa2054 4 ай бұрын
Gift io guide plss especially about laning phase
@hossx2001 4 ай бұрын
In legend bracket your carry will flame you for saving dazzle xD . probably break his items and feed enemy divine giff io guide plzz
@Cosmic_Yuuki 4 ай бұрын
if maximum how many bracer for io? i alway buy3bracer for io its toomuch?
@misaelsilvera4595 2 ай бұрын
Wtf man, you are awesome
@vikramkaushik2251 4 ай бұрын
io guide io guide
@hornbag1 4 ай бұрын
GIVE IO GUIDE PLSSS also love pudge io my fav combo
@zeningren8648 4 ай бұрын
How can you not have IO skin?! We need guide videos!
@Engr.Avocado-pv2ut 4 ай бұрын
The dps of tether is good
@HaHa_enjoyer 4 ай бұрын
make how nullfier work video pleas
@sidazhou 4 ай бұрын
Does healing work through tether if you have full hp?
@subschool5 4 ай бұрын
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