NATO Was Defeated Hands Down | Andrei Martyanov

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ANDREI MARTYANOV is an expert on Russian military and naval issues. He was born in Baku, USSR in 1963. He graduated from the Kirov Naval Red Banner Academy and served as an officer on the ships and staff position of the Soviet Coast Guard through 1990. He took part in the events in the Caucasus which led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. In the mid-1990s he moved to the United States where he currently works as Laboratory Director in a commercial aerospace group. He is a frequent blogger on the US Naval Institute Blog. He is the author of Losing Military Supremacy, The (Real) Revolution in Military Affairs, and Disintegration: Indicators of the Coming American Collapse.

Пікірлер: 393
@gregchijoff9959 13 күн бұрын
Glory to Russia! The defender of Freedom, fighting the Fourth Reich, also known as NATO.
@Nnomadd 13 күн бұрын
you getting a bit excited there.
@Tchernoziuum 13 күн бұрын
​@@NnomaddWhere are you from ?
@gregvoight8616 13 күн бұрын
@RadulovicDragan 13 күн бұрын
NATO is the Forth Reich indeed.
@markmewordz6860 13 күн бұрын
Sadly, true. Greetings from UK
@sinic1978 13 күн бұрын
NATO lost to shovels 👌
@MuantanamoMobile 13 күн бұрын
don't forget the terrifying washing machine chips and mouldy potatoes.
@markpovell 13 күн бұрын we say in the (dis)United Kingdom... 'they lost in spades'...
@jacekboczarski6698 13 күн бұрын
You are so desperate 😂😂😂 if Russia won with NATO - why is Putin panicking that NATO forces can be transfer to Ukraine??? 😂😂😂cope harder losers!
@artistmikelmato7159 13 күн бұрын
@anoushnewman1247 13 күн бұрын
You mean supersonic shovels?😃
@erikloganer428 13 күн бұрын
Andrei cracks me up. He's so blunt. No holds barred. Tell it like it is and don't mince words. I truly love this man. I could listen to him talk ALL DAY.
@christinepeach8213 12 күн бұрын
"There you go." Love him
@erikloganer428 12 күн бұрын
@@christinepeach8213 😂😂 I actually heard him say that when I read it!!
@christinepeach8213 12 күн бұрын
@@erikloganer428 Hahaha, Great
@ctcole77 9 күн бұрын
@@christinepeach8213 Russian fascists also say they defeated Japan in 1905.
@XiHamORTHOCN 13 күн бұрын
We love Andrei!
@christinepeach8213 12 күн бұрын
Yes, he is so knowledgeable & down to earth, "There you go." Love him
@heimomoilanen9654 10 күн бұрын
So there you go 🙂
@user-cf9np9cy8q 9 күн бұрын
He’s pro Russia. Pro China
@djape1977 13 күн бұрын
Around 70% of population of Serbia is against EU and 90% is against NATO. Therefore, official Serbian stance that Serbia is on the path of joining EU is pure bull***. Everyone in Serbia knows Serbia will never join EU because even if all other conditions were met, Serbia would still have to recognise independence of Kosovo in the end and that's a condition that nobody wants to fulfil in Serbia. Being basically surrounded by the EU and NATO, Serbia has no other choice at this time but to wait and keep quiet and do it's best to build up economy and military.
@danielapower1938 13 күн бұрын
О, in Bulgaria the population was against entering EC and NATO, but they put us in!!! Now, people are against entering Eurozone, 600 000people signed a petition for a referendum and ... no referendum. Bulgaria doesn't fulfill the requirements, but in spite euro will be adopted next year! Nobody cares about will of the people. Maybe Serbia will have better luck!
@Stublinsky 13 күн бұрын
About Serbia, the EU, and Nato, you are 100% correct ! This Martyanov guy is a pompous blowhard who thinks he's an expert on everything, and pontificates on subjects of which he knows next to nothing. When I traveled to Greece, I spent some time in Serbian villages and a little time in Belgrade. The people in the villages feared, loathed, and despised the EU and Nato, especially Germany, Britain and the US. In Belgrade, surprisingly, I came across some pro-western people. How anybody could be pro EU and the West, after being bombed with depleted uranium, is beyond my understanding. Fortunately the vast majority of people I met had nothing but disdain for the EU and the West !
@ranojutro426 12 күн бұрын
Exactly and probably those 30% are not Serbian
@djape1977 12 күн бұрын
@@ranojutro426 true to some extent but there's also quite a few "liberals" of Serb ethnicity that are too stupid to realize what's going on
@heimomoilanen9654 10 күн бұрын
​@@ranojutro426Agree. Serbia has difficult time ahead but it will be doing well.
@longw01 13 күн бұрын
NATO: 100% hubris , 0% legitimacy 👊🏽
@leithmark959 13 күн бұрын
All hat, no cowboy.
@longw01 13 күн бұрын
lol yup
@jacekboczarski6698 13 күн бұрын
You are so desperate 😂😂😂 if Russia won with NATO - why is Putin panicking that NATO forces can be transfer to Ukraine??? 😂😂😂cope harder losers!
@user-yk9em3je6q 13 күн бұрын
100% terrorism against those much weaker than itself.
@icandoit000 13 күн бұрын
@joaoabidogalvao1680 13 күн бұрын
Andrei Martyanov is the Best
@christinepeach8213 12 күн бұрын
Yes, Andrei's explanations are clear & to he point.
@PonyTrotsky 13 күн бұрын
The best guests in town - and Nima himself is turning into a very sharp, articulate, confident interviewer. Fantastic channel all around.
@arostwocents 13 күн бұрын
He has the same face as my best friend from school as well 😂
@ozyreynolds7403 13 күн бұрын
Nima is not turning, he has arrived.
@kirrausanov 13 күн бұрын
Западные европейцы, после падения континентальной Европы законопослушные обыватели Парижа, Брусселя, Осло, Копенгагена... не говоря уже о "оккупированной" Вене безболезненно привыкли/приспособились к немецкой оккупация в версии "софт". Западным Европейцам и скандинавам как братьям-арийцам геноцид нe угрожал так как для истребления предназначались евреи, славянe и другиe недочеловеки (menschliche Minderware). Довольно цивилизованная жизнь и совсем уважительное сосуществование с гитлеровским оккупантом датчан, норвегов, бельгийцев и французов и особенно француженок была несравнимой с геноцидной политикой Третьего Рейха на "диком Востоке". Были и есть среди нас ничтожные предатели, националисты, ксенофобы, антисемиты и расисты но их ненависть никогда не сотрёт с надгробных стелл русские, украинские, белорусские, азиятские, кавказские и... еврейские имена и фамилии на разброшенных по всей центральной и Восточний Европе советских военных кладбищах. Mолодые европейцы... и вы американцы тоже... Запомните, что в Краcной Армии мы - в отличии от американской - безпощадно искореняли расовую и... "гендерную" сегрегацию. Эти термины не плод умов наших поскольку человечность издавна и есть частью наших культурных ценностей. Не мы а ваши отцы и деды их придумали... только потому, что ваши предкам никогда не была дана возможность унизить сибиряка, калмыка, башкира, чуваша, тувинца, татарина, чеченца... да - уж не дай бог - обидить нашу "бабу". И вам не советую пробовать а то и получите бесплатный ускоренный курс обучения мултикультурализму, расовой терпимости, феминизму и... политкорректности. Цинизм стран Запада зашкаливает. Ceгoдня oни выдавливают наших спортсменов из мирового спорта нo Нюрнбергские расовые законы введённые нацистами в 1935 году не помешали цивилизовнным, западным демократиям проведению Летних Олимпийских игр в 1936 году в Берлине украшенном флагами со свастикой. Американцы и австралийцы неохотно вспоминают расовую сегрегацию во всех областях общественной жизни, которая просуществовала до 60-ых годов ХХ века. Немцы и австрийцы во время пребывания в техаских лагерях для военнопленных никак не могли понять почему белые американцы относились лучше к ним чем к своим чернокожим сослуживцам. Бывшие cолдаты Роммеля пользовались столовой с надписью "Whites-only". Бельгийцы, вы помните Экспо 1958 с выставкой живых чернокожих "экспонатов" из колониального Конго: мужчин, женщин и детей, задачей которых было учить и развлекать белых европейцев и проповедовать идею превосходства людей белой расы. У ограды толпились белые, ухоженные люди со своими ангельскими детишками. Они смеялись и издевались над конголезцами, а самые развязные бросали через ограду деньги и бананы. Этот «человеческий зоопарк» находился не так уж далеко от сегодняшних брюссельских офисов Евросоюза. Тем временем наши советские школники из всех уголков нашей многонациональной страны посещали ВДНХ в Москве. Напомню Baм, что c 1949 по 1991 год в советских вузах получили образование более 500 тыс. человек из 150 стран четверть из них из Африки. * Двойные стандарты Западных СМИ зашкаливают. Где были ваши правозащитники и неутомимые "майданные" корреспонденты "Голоса Америки", "Deutsche welle", BBC и "Радио Свобода" когда в 2014 в Одесском Доме профсоюзов горели люди? Понятно, если бы тогда в Одессе погибли представители польской, венгерской или - не дай бог - еврейской общин Украины Европа и весь "цивилизованный мир" yж точно бы не молчали. Hаконец мой главный к вам посыл. Западные друзья, во время Второй мировой войны вы боролись за демократию, свободу и ваши цивилизационные ценности. Мы на Востоке боролись за б и о л о г и ч е с к о е выживание/существование. Наши тогдашние враги, немцы, ни в чём "не виноватые" австрийцы и прадеды многих современных европейцев, которые - на свою беду - в 1941 году пришли незваные на нашу землю с огнём и мечом - слишком поздно это осознали. Как бы ни хотелось западным историкам уменьшить роль Рабоче-крестьянской Красной армии в разгромe Гитлеровской Германии им не удастся обмануть статистику: 75% военнослужащих Третьего рейха и его союзников погибло на Восточном фронте. Думаю, что имменно простые советские солдаты отучили (надеюсь навсегда) немцев и австрийцев от милитаризмa и похoдoв на Восток (). PS Как воспоминает немецкий солдат Густав Винтер во время высадки англо-американцев в Нормандии 6 июня 1944 года он - как и его сослуживцы - задавался вопросом почему цивилизационно и расово близкие им люди мешают немцам и их союзникам защищать Европу от большевизма и... освобождение угнетённых народов СССР. Эту байка появляется в многочисленных воспоминаниаях немецких ветеранов. Можнo подумать, что в случае свержения стальинского/большевистского режима (допустим в 1940 г.) и появления руководителей в роде Горбачёва или Ельцина Гитлер уж точно отказался бы от плана "Drang nach Osten/Lebensraum". В Великую Отечественную войну продержались под натиском немецкой машины: Дания 6 часов Голландия 5 дней Югославия 11 дней Бельгия 18 дней Греция 24 дня Польша 27 дней Франция 1месяц и 12 дней Норвегия 2месяца и 1 день Дом Павлова в Сталинграде держался 58 дней Советский Союз держался 4 года (1418 дней) И одержал Победу!
@jacquelineperet6599 13 күн бұрын
@Tchernoziuum 13 күн бұрын
Spassiba, merci.
@oluwatobilobaoyin-oluwa2355 13 күн бұрын
Great Russia
@gollygosh40 13 күн бұрын
Oh yes, love the biden/trump fascist emblem.
@user-sv8qv7pl8w 13 күн бұрын
Тачно тако, поздрав 🇷🇸󾓬🇧🇾
@yvonneollivier7088 13 күн бұрын
"Now, Britain and France have to think twice..." It would be refreshing if the would think even once.
@LuisNunes-ps4sl 13 күн бұрын
None of them think, they're all order takers...
@frreyes1314 13 күн бұрын
Bravo Andrei 👍👍👍👏👏👏🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺
@ZZ-ls5hv 13 күн бұрын
No matter what, Lavrov must be retained... PLS... PLS...
@AApnah13 13 күн бұрын
He is smart man
@OhYeah-qx9qn 11 күн бұрын
Retained for what, a urinal?!
@JuanPublo2023 13 күн бұрын
Thank you for inviting Andrei! Love his sense of humour and knowledge! He says as it is, no bs and no sugar coating👍🏻
@jf7558 13 күн бұрын
Mr Martyanov comes through with very articulated and factual analysis of the geopolitical situation in the world today. Thank you, Nima, for all the effort placed in your program and for the highly educated and intellectual guests you invite.
@eugenearokiasamy5662 13 күн бұрын
Absolutely, the Head of MI6 is from my school in the UK (I is because he thinks like a small bully boy). He is a pathetic clown. That's for sure. Well said
@renate5537 13 күн бұрын
Andrei Martyanov is very versatile in his analyses. He always expresses himself very clearly. That's what I like about him. I was very impressed by his precise insight into China.
@mattyballard5205 13 күн бұрын
Andrei is my favourite guest
@douglasrank-im1gp 13 күн бұрын
I appreciate these interviews.
@ro--M 13 күн бұрын
@user-wd5pb3up4r 13 күн бұрын
@@ro--M tora?
@user-fe2nk3qz2j 13 күн бұрын
@@ro--M … valid information, no political correct BS.
@ro--M 12 күн бұрын
@@user-fe2nk3qz2j You should check out our Johan Bäckman then. He also likes rubles and tells what you want to hear, true or not.
@douglasrank-im1gp 10 күн бұрын
Because Ray McGovern and the other interviewees present a coherent view of geopolitics.​@@ro--M
@IoannaPetroula-ok1on 13 күн бұрын
You are fantastic journalist!! Congratulations for your work,greetings from Greece!!!
@davidronson8712 13 күн бұрын
Mikhail Mishustin remains as prime minister
@jimmybraun4193 13 күн бұрын
General (Armageddon ) Surovikin has been in Africa, overseeing the works to securing the Sahel corridor which stretches from the red sea and to the Atlantic ocean. Mali, Niger, CHAD and Burkina Faso, half of the corridor is already secured. The transport/trade corridor consists of Russia, Azerbaijan Iran - Saudi Arabia - the Sahel corridor - Brazil. Connected to this transport/trade corridor is Belarus, Kasakhstan, Kirgisistan, Uzbekistan, China, Pakistan and India.
@arostwocents 13 күн бұрын
Interesting. He seemed to have been connected to Wagner though so it's interesting he is back and has been forgiven
@jimmybraun4193 13 күн бұрын
@@arostwocents I don`t think he had anything to do with the Wagner debacle in Russia.
@domenicamassaro8221 13 күн бұрын
A question for Mr. Martianov. Has Putin raised a new political class to substitute him? I mean, Putin had an idea of Russia and had the time to develop it. Now he is over 70, so I don't think that he can go on much longer than the next 6 years. Has he raised a new cultured and able new political generation to extend his policy for the next 20 years?
@Tchernoziuum 13 күн бұрын
He has 😊
@scottpalmer053 13 күн бұрын
Good question ⁉️
@ElenaKozyreva 13 күн бұрын
Where is the evidence?
@RoseSharon7777 13 күн бұрын
​@@ElenaKozyrevaHe's not an idiot. Of course he has planned contingencies.
@artistmikelmato7159 13 күн бұрын
Russians are smart, they are real chessplayers ...I believe he must have prepared a new leadership to take over from him....
@Mman. 13 күн бұрын
Any day that I can listen to the wise insights of Mr. Martyanov is a good day!
@jessicamacfarlane2761 13 күн бұрын
Thank you Nima for having Mr Martyanov as guest. I appreciate very much his analysis, especially of the politicians and military staff of the Collective West. He is so accurate, in my opinion, with his descriptions and analysis of them all.
@zeketorres9257 13 күн бұрын
AMERICA, AMERICANS!! What would Italians, Germans and Britons think if the French would claim "We are the only Europeans"? I don't understand why Unitedstadians think they are the only Americans??? America is a CONTINENT with 35 sovereign countries and over one billion people. Unitedstadians do not speak for the interests of all Americans! Haiti was already a state 100 years before the first USA city, Jamestown was founded! Haiti, Cuba, Argentina, Mexico, etc. are all American countries.... And have been American for over a hundred years more than the Unitedstadians! So this means that any Mexican is as American as any Argentinian. and vice versa! What shall we call the people of United States? ... call us what we are, UnitedStadians! If you are from outside the USA, don't participate in this name ignorance.... USA is part of America, it is not AMERICA! Yes, I am a USA citizen, I love my country and dislike arrogance and ignorance.
@Flitalidapouet 12 күн бұрын
"USA is part of America, it is not AMERICA!" gosh you're naïve, the second an American country (south or north) does not obey US, they kill it's president, or financed and coup or bomb it's citizens, or recall billions on loans destroying the economy, or install and embargo, or finance terrorism, or finance and equip drug lords. Just look at Ecuador right now 100% controlled by US corporation's and deep state. Justin Trudeau in Canada, 100% controlled by Washington and WEF. So from there we can say South and North America is 100% owned by "American's" (US+ British + WEF + deep state). Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela, Grenada are still paying the price TO THIS DAY, of saying "USA is not AMERICA" look what happened to them and how fucked they are today for daring thinking US is not America. In theory you're right, but reality and US corporations and deep state does not care about theories and lines on a map and even less about democracies or the rule of law. Heck, even Ukraine and Israel are AMERICA. 5000 miles away.
@atyafatima386 12 күн бұрын
Folks, google 'The Creatures of Jekyll Island'. I hope it has not been taken down. You will read a document that is 35 pages long. Download and get it printed. You will read a conspiracy that you will find mind boggling. President Wilson, when he signed into act in December of 1913, just a few days prior to Christmas break, remarked"I have just signed my country into slavery". This Act passed the printing of money from the U.S. Treasury to Private Sector Federal Reserve Bank, controlled by the Rothschild family of Britain. This is how America kept on stumbling from one war to another since then. The government kept on borrowing from the Feds. All you have to do is look at the current debt. From this, the 1% was born, to rule on the 99%. A certain cabal now controls the Congress through bribes also known as lobbying. JFK tried to return printing of money back to the U.S. Treasury. He was assassinated. This is an immensely important document.
@simonschneider5913 11 күн бұрын
colonial hubris. europeans arent any better, they are just to cowardly to be open about it.
@armellehalli4299 13 күн бұрын
Great discussion. Thank you
@rankoorovic7904 13 күн бұрын
They need to admit defeat publicly otherwise it's going to be like the 9th of May all over again people pretending that something else happened
@solomontesfamichael5321 13 күн бұрын
I agree. If the defeat becomes absolute, the entire West will be like the German, Italy & Japan of the WW2. The terms of peace deal will ultimately be set by the winner. Better to admit with remaining dignity. It won't be good that the West loose totally & another unipolar rise up.
@mohammadmossayebi2609 13 күн бұрын
Thanks for your great interview Andrei is very knowledgeable and funny
@leithmark959 13 күн бұрын
👍 number 38 came from Australia... Great analysis, thanks.
@scottstevenson8989 13 күн бұрын
Haven't seen the whole interview yet but I always enjoy listening to Andrei's commentary.
@ro--M 13 күн бұрын
@scottstevenson8989 13 күн бұрын
@@ro--M Because he knows both the US and Russia inside and out and therefore, his insights and biases give a broader analysis when compared to other western commentators.
@ro--M 13 күн бұрын
@@scottstevenson8989 We have a guy like him in Finland who gets his funding from Kremlin (although our guy isn't a convicted sex offender). These characters get a lot airtime in these kind of channels and they are also depicted as the "voice of the people" in Russian media although almost everyone outside Russia knows these dudes are talking total nonsense and that they are used as instruments of Russian propaganda. Kremlin most certainly approves their message (as it's their own message). By all means, enjoy.
@scottstevenson8989 13 күн бұрын
@@ro--M It's all propaganda! Both sides are quite guilty of stretching the truth to support their narrative. Have you listened to the western main stream news media? It seems that Putin woke up one morning and just decided to invade Ukraine for the heck of it. It seems also that the genocide in Gaza, which is not really a genocide, started on October 7 when Hamas terrorists beheaded children and roasted babies in ovens. Lots of people have skeletons in their closets but that does not mean that whatever they say is false. So who blew up the Nordstream pipeline? Why has there been no serious investigation? So why don't I trust MSM? I must be a Putin puppet.
@scottstevenson8989 12 күн бұрын
@@ro--M We also have lots of guys here who pose as journalists (Washington Post...) and all they do is spew CIA talking points. No credible investigative journalism is even attempted because if you go against the official narrative you are slandered and blackballed. If you think that propaganda is only what 'they' do, you need to pay more attention.
@blueztx 13 күн бұрын
Thank you, Andrei, for your thorough knowledge of Russian military preparedness. I never miss one of your videos...I just wish they were daily! You're very entertaining, I love when you snicker while reading various articles as you dissect them.
@theresamartin3629 13 күн бұрын
Thank you gentlemen for a great discussion and analysis. Andrei is brilliant and always teaches us so much. God bless to all.
@theinfralink6598 13 күн бұрын
I guess Andrei hasn’t heard about CJ1000 the Chinese domestic engine for C919 which is being test now and should be commercially operational in 3 years. But he is correct that Russia is ahead in civil aviation technology of China.
@user-cf9np9cy8q 9 күн бұрын
All the nations are preparing for major war. But the mystery is why? Does anybody really know? Because the devil is preparing because the time is drawing nearer for Jesus the king The son of Gods return is drawing near Satan is gathering all the countries stirring them up for war. But there WONT be a war, instead there will be a world wide announcement of peace and security……. And then after that announcement- the Bible tells us, there will be trouble on the earth as never before in the history of mankind and Christian’s will have to hide Some will be locked up in jail, others killed. Then all will see Jesus’ return in the atmosphere. The signs in the sky and according to the Bible -people will then know and will panic, will cry, will have heart attacks, will try to hide This was recorded in the ancient scriptures of the Bible by Gods prophets and we are now seeing the beginning of troubles take shape.
@KarenTookTheKids364 13 күн бұрын
Andrei's intelligent analysis mixed with his humour is always a fantastic combination. I've read his first book which is excellent and am starting the second one today. 👍
@barryshaw5660 13 күн бұрын
Always a pleasure to listen to Andrie
@doncapone8156 13 күн бұрын
Very powerful thank you Nima you directed the dialogue beautifully Andrea is brilliant keep up the good work
@stonefireice6058 13 күн бұрын
Brilliant Andey M. Again! Excellent overview with great humor! His portrayal of our mousy leaders, his aggressive pronunciation of letter h and saying: How to put it politely! I love his clear vision and understanding of modern geopolitics. Love this gentleman!
@adrianmorris5546 12 күн бұрын
It is always a pleasure to hear from Andrei Martyanov for his brilliant understanding of the situation and his great sense of humour and thank you Nima the madness is that The United States and Europe and Nato only know war never peace talks or diplomacy
@nightowl5475 13 күн бұрын
The best thing about Nima is his hair. He’s got the best head of hair I’ve ever seen on a guy!
@Wondering-oy6nr 13 күн бұрын
Have you seen Jeffrey Sachs? =)
@cowboywoodard2569 13 күн бұрын
Great Job Nima as usual!! And GOOD MORNING ANDREL! You are Fantastic
@ChristineEbadi 13 күн бұрын
Nima, I love that you put a mini bio of all your guests. Thank you.
@gerrycallaghan5519 13 күн бұрын
This guy is the best
@user-yw3wo6tr2q 13 күн бұрын
Very good Andrei and Nima thank you
@nomnoms1776 12 күн бұрын
I really enjoyed this guest, Nima. You do an outstanding job finding informed, intelligent people for your show, kudos and thank you!
@petem7118 13 күн бұрын
Good interview, thanks….. also thanks for putting the date up on the screen.. it really helps in understanding whether comments are made before or after certain events may have occurred… 👍
@arostwocents 13 күн бұрын
Agree - it also separates this channel from The Beggar Danny Haiphong who constantly posts old content pretending it's new
@just_golds 13 күн бұрын
Fantastic discussion again thank you Nima and Спасибо Андрей 👍
@EdwardofWoodstock-bc9ue 13 күн бұрын
Andrei can speak of rather complicated geopolitical things in a simple and understandable way !
@DP-je2sk 11 күн бұрын
Simple and wrong, just like his fans.
@ravipsk 13 күн бұрын
Your comments on India are spot on and well researched. It is hard to find any external analysts that get it right. 👍🏼
@timbassett9766 13 күн бұрын
Thanks Nima 👍👏 I could listen to Andrei all day 😂🇦🇺
@photon-9551 13 күн бұрын
Andrei misunderstands a lot about c919. China has all the technology to build its own engines. It chooses western technology so that it can fly in Western airspace due to certification issues for international transport. Russia produces it own engines but it is no good getting Russian engines because of the same certification issues. The West will play up allowing aircraft with Russian engines. If the West proceeds with sanctions then China will produce its own engines (CJ-1000 high-bypass turbo fan to replace Leap engines not as sophisticated but will do the job) and fly the airliner domestically where western certification is not necessary. This frightens the West would be the retaliation where West would lose access to the biggest growing air travel market and would be a disaster for West aerospace industry.
@vladimirnikolskiy 11 күн бұрын
At the moment, the C919 has little chance of entering the international market, since last year they raised the price of this aircraft by eight million US dollars at once and it began to cost 108 million at once, which is more expensive than the Boeing 737 MAX in the basic configuration.
@althomas7977 13 күн бұрын
One of the best interviews ever.
@MarinaDiaz-dp3dx 13 күн бұрын
@claudetteleece8076 13 күн бұрын
Love Andrei and his humour
@ramatgan1 13 күн бұрын
Given Putin's new term. Author should have asked about Shoigu and Lavrov. Both are getting on and reportedly they want to retire.
@vadimsegida2320 13 күн бұрын
Don't worry about it. when they retire,they send you notice
@nikolasevaljevic137 12 күн бұрын
Andrei is the best!!!!👍👍👍
@ShortbusMooner 13 күн бұрын
❤ Andrei!! 🥰
@hichic4390 13 күн бұрын
In fact, relationships based on mutual respect and interests are truly the desire of the parties to be a beneficial relationship for everyone. Until trying to intimidate others into exile from your wishes, which is known as the doctrine of American foreign policy.
@tmstms2769 10 күн бұрын
It is refreshing listening to Andrei.
@ismaelsamandu7078 13 күн бұрын
"Chihuahuas friends" is so funny!
@johnngolekabanda7373 13 күн бұрын
I appreciate this interviews
@MasterRedactor-bk1dx 12 күн бұрын
It’s always a pleasure to listen to Mr. Martyanov. God bless him and the Russian Federation.
@OhYeah-qx9qn 11 күн бұрын
God doesn't bless murderous dictators and their cronies
@probasket8159 13 күн бұрын
@rhondab9792 13 күн бұрын
Love Martyanov's referring to the EU NATOSTANs as chihuhuas.
@lenashagdaron5448 13 күн бұрын
Андрей ❤
@jasonanernathy5721 13 күн бұрын
Great conversation 👏. We need more truth and commonsense. WELL SAID
@sapentium 13 күн бұрын
The EU should stay well away from this conflict. Any long range missile must be treated as a possible nuclear missile by either side....a five year old child can see the catastrophic consequences that could easily ensue. If any US or EU policy maker or their advisors hear this talk; they need to wake up to reality....this is NOT a game.
@stepchicken3238 13 күн бұрын
What's happened to India? A sacred cow sat down, and they're waiting for it to get up.
@user-gp4tm4xe1u 12 күн бұрын
Love reading Adreai’s book Losing Military Supremacy, he is a prophet with an evidence based canon.
@mutawi3i 13 күн бұрын
This dimitri guy is very smart. Thx for having him.
@gregschofield2135 13 күн бұрын
Please send this onto Andrei re China's new aircraft, only yesterday did I learn CATL is producing 500Wh/kg batteries suitable for air craft, China had also been working on some years back on, if I remember correctly a ion thrust engine, which again if my understand is correct, has no moving parts. I think they have tested the design us US engines and some other parts because the plan to ditch them, originally thought they would use Russian engines - no longer think that either. A non polluting, extremely low maintence, and using batteries extremely cheap fuel costs - no one will catchup. This the first time I got ahead of Andrei, probably the last. Many thanks.
@briangrigsby1842 13 күн бұрын
I hate it that we are on the wrong side every time after WW2. I am not sure about Korea!?!? and that is why we are not told much about it. I got to talk to an attaché to the US commander in Korea it was interesting.
Can anyone tell me where/how I can read Andrei Martyanov's book: Losing Military Supremacy, The (Real) Revolution in Military Affairs, and Disintegration: Indicators of the Coming American Collapse for free ?
@truthseeker7649 13 күн бұрын
@OhYeah-qx9qn 11 күн бұрын
You don't need to read any books, just watch Putin's perfect example of losing military supremacy. Oh wait, he never had it to begin with. Go find your book...
@MailBoxExpress 13 күн бұрын
Why does Cameron and Macron have to pour troops and weapons into a victory they've already won 😂🤡🤡🤡
@aliciaczechowski3281 13 күн бұрын
Andrei never fails to go above and beyond. His views of India and Pakistan in the current global pecking order was very useful.
@dillonsawyer9377 13 күн бұрын
Smart guy
@mohammedhaji3506 13 күн бұрын
No doubt, BRICS will be the superpower delivering the world out of the age-old problems caused by the collective west. I am optimistic that the world order will definitely change for the better, and our planet shall be peaceful and stable with BRICS. Human suffering in whatever form and causes will increasingly reduce. Let Allah, God Almighty, make it a success. Amen!
@OhYeah-qx9qn 11 күн бұрын
🤣🤣🤣 I'm pretty sure God doesn't bless muderous dictators. Have fun playing with your toy BRICkS
@longw01 13 күн бұрын
@ozyreynolds7403 13 күн бұрын
India and all it's Ministries/Ministers are busy with the ongoing elections, hence the distancing from International affairs.
@robertjustice6489 13 күн бұрын
@mbvgvskvrs868 13 күн бұрын
An eye for an eye. A bridge for a bridge. UK Sir Lord Cameron says the Kerch, Russian FM spokeswoman says the Channel tunnel.
@marcusmurphy3640 13 күн бұрын
Glory to the Shovel.
@JaneSoole 13 күн бұрын
To your headline....WHEN?
@johngibson4834 13 күн бұрын
❤ Vladimir Putin And Russian People ❤️🇷🇺🐻🌍🤠🇨🇦❤️
@fraukestrecker274 13 күн бұрын
But this war never ends.....!?
@philippealexis 13 күн бұрын
"They know how to compile business plans and that's about it." Heck... Strategy for DC and the Pentagon when they think it's a good idea to have their police forces be trained by the Israeli Occupation Fiends??
@rhondab9792 13 күн бұрын
Gives an idea of what they intend for the USA population, no?
@billywilliams4778 13 күн бұрын
Great Its no more the bully over the world 😂😂😂😂😂
@slobodangataric2410 13 күн бұрын
The CFM International LEAP ("Leading Edge Aviation Propulsion") is a high-bypass turbofan engine produced by CFM International, a 50-50 joint venture between American GE Aerospace and French Safran Aircraft Engines. So, Leap engine is GE engine. It is also very advanced engine. Airbus is using Leap engines too.
@keithayre6793 13 күн бұрын
never underestimate the russian military & the patriotic, russian folks.a.hitler made this mistake & paid the ultimate price, folks 😁
@fogbullit1000 11 күн бұрын
Soon we will all thank Russia for not letting america destroy europe
@OhYeah-qx9qn 11 күн бұрын
You want to thank Putin for destroying Europe. He's already destroyed Russia
@damageincorporated8558 12 күн бұрын
Zakharova could take over from lavrov, she's quite impressive
@jimmybraun4193 13 күн бұрын
It was reported that Surovikin has been summoned to Moscow for a meeting with Putin. It has been suggested he will be assigned to command the new Kharkov front.
@stepchicken3238 13 күн бұрын
As Russia has hypersonic weapons now, which would beat any other opposing power (NATO) to the draw, what is the point of having a nuclear capability attached to these weapons? Why irradiate a country for decades to come when hypersonics are so effective?
@OhYeah-qx9qn 11 күн бұрын
🤣🤣🤣Patriots easily shoot down Putin's "impossible to shoot down" missiles
@rationalanalysis960 13 күн бұрын
The sign of great leaders is their ability to hire and keep exceptional and quality people around them as part of the team. Putin is such a man that has a collection of highly capable diplomats and state ministers; the collective West is simply a clownshow in comparison. The UK leads in this regard to the political layer being populated by fools, clowns and shyster career criminals (apparatchiks as rightly noted by Andrei).
@AntonioRomero-te4cb 13 күн бұрын
One thing about Andrei. He's a pleasure to listen to.
@AtlantaBill 13 күн бұрын
Very good points, but I must comment that Russians are incapable of saying "has been defeated".
@AtlantaBill 13 күн бұрын
For those who read Russian ASL but have trouble understanding Spoken Russian, I suggest setting playback speed to 0 75; it helps.
@robertjustice6489 13 күн бұрын
@diodio8592 13 күн бұрын
God bless Vladimir Vladimirovitch Putin
@Sanky101 13 күн бұрын
“So, there you go”!
@matovicmmilan 13 күн бұрын
I have to disagree that the withdrawal from Kherson was a good move.
@durandusvonmeissen 12 күн бұрын
If Lavrov goes, so does spokesperson.
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