Assalamalaikum Sheikh Sahb it’s like when you’re playing videogames and your character in the game which is known as avatar where this avatar is the character that you’re playing but your actual self is outside the game so similarly our Ruh I’ve heard that some part of it is inside our physical body but some part of it is actually seperate from the material physical body and realm and somewhere outside the physical realm maybe AlameArwah and as you know you’re actual self is the Ruh, the body is just an avatar just like in the game so I’m feeling that when Allah Subhanataala tells us that He’s closer to us than our jugular vein He’s actually talking about Him being closer to our Ruh our real self but the Quran also says that knowledge of the Ruh is but very little that He’s given to us humans. So where this Ruh is and what it is, is unknown. It could be that it’s inside of our physical self and also could be outside of us in AalameArwah as everything is created by Allah Subhanataala and in everything Allah Subhanataala used as example and we can find example for every other thing so as we play videogames and our actual bodies are outside of the game, although today’s advanced technological games are so engrossing that one feels inseparable from reality when he’s playing them that he thinks that he’s the person or avatar he’s playing although he’s actually outside of the game so similarly our Ruh feels that it’s the body but I’m not sure but it could be that our Ruh may not be inside our body but could be somewhere else or maybe a part of it could be inside our body but a part of it could be someplace else but I feel that when Allah Subhanataala tells us that He’s closer to us than our jugular vein I think perhaps maybe He’s talking about being close to our actual self which in reality is our actual Ruh and AllahuAlam