The COST of Mormon Temple Worship

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Nemo the Mormon

Nemo the Mormon

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@michaelgrey7854 7 ай бұрын
When I was paying tithing I was always in debt because my job could not cover all the costs of supporting six people on one income while giving away 10% of my income. Now I don't pay anything and in the space of 5 years I have been able to pay off a bank loan and a credit card. The quality of life for my family is soooo much better.
@Mon-Alisa 7 ай бұрын
I had a very similar experience. Always going into debt trying to make sure I paid tithing.
@thomaspearson1919 7 ай бұрын
Read above.
@ZelphBallard-bg9mt 7 ай бұрын
usually families who are paying tithing go without a LOOOOOT of things OR they become tight with money, always take opportunities to make a buck, get side hustles going, and although they deny it they will go after money hard
@garofani4 7 ай бұрын
10% on the gross while putting life on a credit card. Been there, done that! Oh yeah, and stay out of debt while you're at it. Bastards!
@michaelgrey7854 7 ай бұрын
What happens is that they make you reliant on the church for any help. Like a sort of religious social welfare. They know how to trap the poor.
@QuinnBeasley-tx1xd 7 ай бұрын
I’m currently dating a member who’s in a faith crisis and these videos have been super helpful. Thanks Nemo.
I’m really glad! All the best to you both!
@darrylkirky 7 ай бұрын
Gods of mormonism. I'm in same position as you mate. kzbin.infoKmQ8swbIvpg?si=41TmaZJSr1iXdPLe
@jacobsamuelson3181 7 ай бұрын
Are you trying to take her out or preserve her faith? If the former, please give her substance of scripture, service and prayer, not a person who follows an moldy recipe of overused tropes and wrinkly arguments. If your trying to take her out, just go to the movies or a coffee shop should do the trick.
@jeffs4483 7 ай бұрын
Go out for Coffee. Please tell her that having a cup of coffee is perfectly normal and there is no need be guilty about it.
@darrylkirky 7 ай бұрын
@@jeffs4483 agreed. kzbin.infoKmQ8swbIvpg?si=41TmaZJSr1iXdPLe. Gods of mormonism
@ChrisFBartlett 7 ай бұрын
“Inside [the temple], you are taught not to sell that information for money” And yet, the church sells us that same information for money (tithing) That is a brilliant point.
@Koppenholle1 7 ай бұрын
To me, it doesn't matter what is said about the leaders of the church, nor does it matter that mistakes are made in the church, much less when members do not behave properly. Over the many years I have managed to build a strong personal relationship with God (thanks to the church). This has resulted in me not only being able to feel the spirit so strongly but being abundantly blessed with great wonderful blessings. And it doesn't stop, to such an extent that it surprises me again and again. No, I will never leave the church, not even for all the money in the world.
@msemmahale4608 7 ай бұрын
@@Koppenholle1- I’m glad that this devotion to the LDS institution works so well for you. You do what works for you and others will do what works for them. I will suggest that your professed “strong personal relationship with God” is really independent of your relationship with the Salt Lake City LDS institution.
@Lomochenko 7 ай бұрын
@@Koppenholle1 spammer
@AS72831 7 ай бұрын
@@Koppenholle1such a culty answer. It’s actually embarrassing reading your words. Almost as embarrassing as knowing that I used to spout the same rhetoric. Lack of critical thinking and just repeating the brainwashing. Culty cult like speech. It really is embarrassing. Appropriate for Fast Sunday- the fellow cult members will love to hear it.
@Koppenholle1 7 ай бұрын
@@AS72831 What you write is wishful thinking. It is what you would like to be what it is. you seek support from others who have lost their faith. You would rather not know that the Heavens are open and that God reveals many of His mysteries to those who seek Him. More in recent years than ever before. You don't like to hear others talk about spiritual blessings they receive as they live the gospel, because it would mean that God is leading His Church and that he know His people. You would rather close your eyes to the wonderful blessing that members of His Church receive. Persecuting and attacking the true Church of Jesus Christ will have consequences. Because if it is true, you have a problem that could have serious consequences for your salvation. There is always a way back, but time is running out.
@sagesaith6354 7 ай бұрын
For Christians, The Price has already been PAID IN FULL.
@juliemackenzie559 7 ай бұрын
Amen!! 🙏🏻 🙏🏻 🙏🏻
@Koppenholle1 7 ай бұрын
My faith is not based on money but on a testimony that comes through fasting and prayer. It has made me stronger and enriched my life. As far as I'm concerned, the church can do whatever they want with my money, it doesn't bother me. If tithes are not used properly then it is their responsibility, not mine. Through the church, I have been able to develop a personal relationship with God and receive non-stop answers to my prayers. Many of those answers are too secret to talk about it, you won't understand it anyway. Even if everything you claim is true, it does not affect my testimony in the least. The church has given my life meaning and I will always be grateful for that.
@msemmahale4608 7 ай бұрын
@@Koppenholle1​​⁠That’s great that for you “it doesn’t matter what is said about the leaders of the church” however, how can you call deliberate LYING by the apostles and prophet “mistakes.” In my book, where much is given, much is expected. So if that holds true, the leaders of the global church should be held to a higher standard, but they can’t even pass the standard expected of your average member. You shall know them by their fruits, no? Their fruit is rotten to the core and they should be held accountable for their “mistakes” just as any regular member of the church or do believe that they are more special than the rest of us?
@Lomochenko 7 ай бұрын
@@Koppenholle1 spammer
@TEAM__POSEID0N 7 ай бұрын
That's such a difficult concept to make sense of. What is the "Price"? Who "paid" it? Most importantly...who demanded "the Price" and why? If I understand the story correctly, God (an omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient being) created humanity ("God's product"). God's product, for some reason, turned out to be less than satisfactory to God, so God decided to destroy all of his own product for the sin of being "imperfect" and displeasing to God. The only way to save God's product from total destruction and annihilation was for the only perfect being other than God (but also being God himself, according to some sects) to "die as a sacrifice" to pay the debt owed by God's product to God for the sin of being imperfect...due to God having made them that way. And the best way for the "sacrifice" to be carried out would be for the unsastifying/displeasing dirty and filthy humans to brutally torture and kill the perfect and pleasing "Son of God"...and this somehow made God MORE inclined to forgive the dirty and filthy humans. So the perfect sacrifice was carried out, supposedly being the death and loss of life of the perfect offering (the aforementioned perfect being) it turns out...never really died, but instead had a bad 3-day weekend and then came right back with a perfect body and unimaginable superpowers equal to those of God himself. (So...uh...not really a sacrifice, but more like a promotion, a la Gandalf the Grey becoming Gandalf the White.) And now the dead but not really dead perfect being? Well, he's the boss of everyone and if you don't "follow him" and submit to him, then you can still be destroyed. I'm not sure how or why people believe this story. The amount of mental whiplash...from just trying to keep up with all the illogical twists and turns...can be painful.
@DanielJesseLife 7 ай бұрын
Start paying tithing to a charity of your choice, then go back for the interview, and say yes I do pay tithing. The question doesn't specify WHO to pay tithing to. Neither does the scriptures.
@michaelgrey7854 7 ай бұрын
Thats a good idea. I wonder if it would work?
@shawnbradford2243 7 ай бұрын
Or just don’t go to church
@TCAficionado 7 ай бұрын
I asked my Bishop if I could give tithing to the charity of my choice. He said it would not count as tithing. My friend's Bishop told her it was ok. Hmm.
@jamiehugh1212 7 ай бұрын
I give to the homeless and call it good. But u will can’t sustain the church leaders so the temple is out for me anyway and I’m at peace with that.
@sagesaith6354 7 ай бұрын
​@@TCAficionado of course it would not count as *Mormon* "tithing" In The Kingdom of God, all charity is welcomed. Kinda brings it to a point of realization as to just how much "of God" the Mormon "church" is .... ZERO.
@jongaulthero 7 ай бұрын
I finally left the church 2 days ago. It's a decision I've been fighting with for a few years now and your video reminded of the exact moment I started thinking about it, even if I didn't know it at the time. I took care of my Ma in the last years of her life. She was physically disabled from a massive stroke, had Alzheimer's, and severe dementia. It was a round the clock job. It was about 5 years ago, Ma had recently passed, and my major depressive order was in maximum overdrive, and still unemployed. I was leaning very hard on my church, Scriptures, and my church friends. It was suggested to me to ask bishop about finally getting my endowments. I prayed about it, and believed it would help me a great deal. So, I met with bishop and I'll never forget what he said. Without even skipping a beat or asking me anything else, his immediate response was, "Well, you're not paying your tithing, are you? I already checked the records." I was incredulous! Shocked, even!! I said, "TITHING?!?!? On WHAT??? I don't work! I eat one meal a day, if that! I'm already getting assistance with my utility bills and my food from the Bishop's Storehouse!" He just shrugged that off, sat back and said, "You don't think the Lord deserves a share of your increase?" "Again, bishop, what increase?!?!? You mean the $400 annuity I get from Ma's estate that's gone by the 10th for gas and the always unforeseen difficulties?!?!?" Well, the conversation went along in the same vein and was over pretty quickly. Now, I knew why I didn't have my endowments after 10 years of membership....I couldn't afford it!! Their answer and position was pretty much unchanged even a couple of years ago when I was diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer. I finally had enough and sent my resignation letter in to the bishop and bcc'd it to the Stake President 2 days ago. I'm never going or looking back.
@Koppenholle1 7 ай бұрын
Hello Nemo, you still have a long distance to cover. It appears that in the last two years many inactive Mormons and ex-members like you have been returning to the Church. They see that the Book of Mormon prophecies are now being fulfilled one by one.
@lieseljones2216 7 ай бұрын
I think it's really strange how they deny living members temple recommends (blessings) for whatever reason, but they go ahead do temple work for the dead no matter what kind of life they led.
@scandia67 7 ай бұрын
@@Koppenholle1 Which prophecies are those?
@Kristy_not_Kristine 7 ай бұрын
I am so sorry this was your experience! IF the LDS church was the true church of Jesus Christ it would not have behaved so abominably. Tithing was never meant to be 10% of one's income to begin with. And they are not using the money for the things they are supposed to... it's one big mess! I officially withdrew my membership last May. Best thing I could have done. Brigham Young was NOT the rightful successor. The true church was removed from the earth just a few years after it was restored. The people were not ready. It was never re-restored before Joseph was murdered-likely by BY and his cronies who also killed Samuel Smith. Anyway, the BOM was given to us without the need of a church. It's to bring people TO CHRIST, not to a church. Jesus Christ said that salvation was free, to come and buy WITHOUT money and without price. The LDS church is corrupt to the core and we are seeing the fruits of Brigham Young more and more each day. That is what I see.
@attieb316 7 ай бұрын
God bless you in your choice! Those men in that religion have committed serious grievances against so many families and it is wrong and also extends through generations of families creating a ripple affect of their selfishness which puts families into dire situations.
@johnnyscoolstuff8427 7 ай бұрын
So appreciate you, Nemo and all your commentary. My wife and I met as missionaries in 1979 and have been married 43 years. We left the church three years ago which wasn’t easy, because we worried that maybe our relationship would end as well, which was not the case, and we are so happy to be free from its shackles. There is so much more to our story.
@jeffreyyoung5119 7 ай бұрын
Nemo you always make quality content. Thank you brother, from one truth seeker to another.
I appreciate that
@DRT279 7 ай бұрын
I can’t believe this clown had his mom write this comment.
@Koppenholle1 7 ай бұрын
My faith is not based on money but on a testimony that comes through fasting and prayer. It has made me stronger and enriched my life. As far as I'm concerned, the church can do whatever they want with my money, it doesn't bother me. If tithes are not used properly then it is their responsibility, not mine. Through the church, I have been able to develop a personal relationship with God and receive non-stop answers to my prayers. Many of those answers are too secret to talk about it, you won't understand it anyway. Even if everything you claim is true, it does not affect my testimony in the least. The church has given my life meaning and I will always be grateful for that.
@msemmahale4608 7 ай бұрын
@@Koppenholle1​​⁠That’s great that for you “it doesn’t matter what is said about the leaders of the church” however, how can you call deliberate LYING by the apostles and prophet “mistakes.” In my book, where much is given, much is expected. So if that holds true, the leaders of the global church should be held to a higher standard, but they can’t even pass the standard expected of your average member. You shall know them by their fruits, no? Their fruit is rotten to the core and they should be held accountable for their “mistakes” just as any regular member of the church or do believe that they are more special than the rest of us?
@Lomochenko 7 ай бұрын
@@Koppenholle1 spammmmer
@TEAM__POSEID0N 7 ай бұрын
Bottom line: It's still only a bunch of guys in suits working out of a high-rise office building in SLC who are simply CLAIMING that God authorized them to collect and manage money for him. I see no evidence that any such authorization ever was really given to them. The evidence for any such authorization is nothing more than their own assertion, reassertion and re-reassertion of it. "I'm here to collect God's money. He sez you owe him big time. He sez if you don't fork it over to me, he'll hurt you." People have been involuntarily committed to mental asylums for less.
@rubi-mq4qv 7 ай бұрын
I totaly agree. I am so sad, that so many people don´t know that they have the choice to get out. They even don´t want to get out. It is just sad... I am angry that these men in suits can profit from good people who just want to be with their family forever.
@Koppenholle1 7 ай бұрын
My faith is not based on money but on a testimony that comes through fasting and prayer. It has made me stronger and enriched my life. As far as I'm concerned, the church can do whatever they want with my money, it doesn't bother me. If tithes are not used properly then it is their responsibility, not mine. Through the church, I have been able to develop a personal relationship with God and receive non-stop answers to my prayers. Many of those answers are too secret to talk about it, you won't understand it anyway. Even if everything you claim is true, it does not affect my testimony in the least. The church has given my life meaning and I will always be grateful for that.
@msemmahale4608 7 ай бұрын
@@Koppenholle1​​⁠That’s great that for you “it doesn’t matter what is said about the leaders of the church” however, how can you call deliberate LYING by the apostles and prophet “mistakes.” In my book, where much is given, much is expected. So if that holds true, the leaders of the global church should be held to a higher standard, but they can’t even pass the standard expected of your average member. You shall know them by their fruits, no? Their fruit is rotten to the core and they should be held accountable for their “mistakes” just as any regular member of the church or do believe that they are more special than the rest of us?
@andycarrillo1477 7 ай бұрын
@@Koppenholle1 how about paying million dollar fines ($1M church, $4M by Jesus’ investment arm) for concealing $34B in assets from the SEC and the church membership by creating shell companies over a 20-year period? Or using tithing to build commercial upscale malls, bail out a church-owned and failing insurance company, or buying billions in commercial real estate but denying church help to the needy?
@beckygreenberg4283 4 ай бұрын
Your analysis and commentary are a refreshing cool breeze. When I was a teenager, 55 years ago, someone put a very short book into my hands, comparing mormonism to JW, to Religious Science, Christian Science, etc. and all of them to mainstream Christianity. I was intantly, involuntarily, mentally ejected from the One True Religion. forever. I occasionally dip back into the Conversation, and each time find my visit more and more healing. Your analysis and commentary are outstanding (in the fundamental meaning of the term). Thank you.
@rebeccaloveless3594 7 ай бұрын
You can make it 258 people that have been denied a temple recommend solely for not paying tithing. 🤚
@TheBoss-ie8dj 7 ай бұрын
Such a horrible cult. Fear, shame, guilt and pay up or never see your family again...
@gracebe235 7 ай бұрын
It’s spiritual extortion, huh?
@jeffs4483 7 ай бұрын
@@gracebe235 Yes. I specifically call it 'Ecclesiastical Extortion'.
@suzannedehaven6775 7 ай бұрын
Mmmmmmm,who does that?
@jeffs4483 7 ай бұрын
@@suzannedehaven6775 LDS
@Koppenholle1 7 ай бұрын
To me, it doesn't matter what is said about the leaders of the church, nor does it matter that mistakes are made in the church, much less when members do not behave properly. Over the many years I have managed to build a strong personal relationship with God (thanks to the church). This has resulted in me not only being able to feel the spirit so strongly but being abundantly blessed with great wonderful blessings. And it doesn't stop, to such an extent that it surprises me again and again. No, I will never leave the church, not even for all the money in the world.
@DanA.-jo4sg 7 ай бұрын
A subscription-based salvation requirement needed to get into heaven. Top pay gets you into the top level. Welcome to Mormonism. Jesus needs your cash.
Well said!
@robertbusuttil7848 7 ай бұрын
A money racking wicked business cult. So glad so many are leaving this cult.
@TS-iv9ml 7 ай бұрын
IE pay 2 play we want no part of a corporation masquerading as a man made religion mingled with scripture including plagiarized & created scriptures preaching honesty. Smh defines hypocrisy at the very least.
@TS-iv9ml 7 ай бұрын
@nemo you always go to the deeper facts & truths I had yet to consider! TY!!
@John-ne4fq 7 ай бұрын
You only have to go through the endowment though when you get married. Plenty of members are not active tithe payers. So I wouldn’t say it’s a subscription based salvation it’s a choice and the tithe is a covenant with God to build his church and bring more unto Christ. Many temples are built in poor areas of the world that would never be able to build something that nice with funds from the local populace. Tithing blesses others peoples lives
@justinturman 7 ай бұрын
There used to be a loophole for rich Mormons who didn’t want their local bishop to know their finances. It was to pay directly to Salt Lake. I was able to set it up for myself. Then the bishop had no visibility over the amount. He can only ask Salt Lake whether the member is paying directly. The temple recommend question is a yes or no question with no definitions. Pure Mormonism has a great article Are We Paying Too Much Tithing. Joseph Smith’s definition was 10% of your leftover money at the end of the year. It was 10% months f your increase. Not 10% of the entire amount you earned.
@Washingtontree 7 ай бұрын
I just read that post. Very interesting. It certainly helps me see things in a different light.
@MillerLite6970 7 ай бұрын
This is really eye open as well about LDS tithing history.
@Koppenholle1 7 ай бұрын
My faith is not based on money but on a testimony that comes through fasting and prayer. It has made me stronger and enriched my life. As far as I'm concerned, the church can do whatever they want with my money, it doesn't bother me. If tithes are not used properly then it is their responsibility, not mine. Through the church, I have been able to develop a personal relationship with God and receive non-stop answers to my prayers. Many of those answers are too secret to talk about it, you won't understand it anyway. Even if everything you claim is true, it does not affect my testimony in the least. The church has given my life meaning and I will always be grateful for that.
@lieseljones2216 7 ай бұрын
I used to pay directly to the church but they sent me a statement at the end of the year for tax purposes. The bishop asked to see that statement when I told him. My response was, "doesn't the spirit let you know that I'm telling the truth?"
@Washingtontree 7 ай бұрын
@@lieseljones2216 Wow! That was pretty bold of him. I'm trying to give people the benefit of the doubt, but sometimes it's really hard. I recently had an interaction with my bishop where he asked me something that made me feel super awkward (and I'm guessing he regretted asking after the fact). Every time I think about it I just cringe and laugh!
@joshuaconnelly2415 7 ай бұрын
The main point of Mormon extortionary tithing is that Mormon prophets teach that (A) you have to enter the celestial kingdom to be saved, (B) you cannot enter the celestial kingdom unless you go through the temple, and (C) you can't go to the temple unless you pay 10% off the top. So, in the Mormon gospel you pay your way into heaven. As the Savior said, "freely ye have received, freely give." Matthew 10:8. Oh, yeah, right. Do like Mormon prophets and disregard what Jesus says.
@Koppenholle1 7 ай бұрын
My faith is not based on money but on a testimony that comes through fasting and prayer. It has made me stronger and enriched my life. As far as I'm concerned, the church can do whatever they want with my money, it doesn't bother me. If tithes are not used properly then it is their responsibility, not mine. Through the church, I have been able to develop a personal relationship with God and receive non-stop answers to my prayers. Many of those answers are too secret to talk about it, you won't understand it anyway. Even if everything you claim is true, it does not affect my testimony in the least. The church has given my life meaning and I will always be grateful for that.
@msemmahale4608 7 ай бұрын
@@Koppenholle1​​⁠That’s great that for you “it doesn’t matter what is said about the leaders of the church” however, how can you call deliberate LYING by the apostles and prophet “mistakes.” In my book, where much is given, much is expected. So if that holds true, the leaders of the global church should be held to a higher standard, but they can’t even pass the standard expected of your average member. You shall know them by their fruits, no? Their fruit is rotten to the core and they should be held accountable for their “mistakes” just as any regular member of the church or do believe that they are more special than the rest of us?
@jaquino451 7 ай бұрын
Well i cannot afford to give 10 percent to a billion dollar church
@mtsaz100 6 ай бұрын
billion? where are you getting your info? Its almost 200 BILLION.
@rboddington 5 ай бұрын
@@mtsaz100 Yeah exactly, 10 billion is so 1955. 😅
@MustangWriter 7 ай бұрын
Holland misquotes the scriptures (and he's an apostle) "Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings." Malachi- 3; 6-9 Malachi in this instance was not speaking to the general 'CHURCH MEMBERSHIP' or to poor members... but rather about the PRIESTS IN CHARGE who were robbing God of dispensing tithes to the poor and oppressed? The "will a man rob God?" question is directed to the priests. They have stolen the tithes and offerings from the storehouse. "ye have robbed me, even this whole nation" means the priests have robbed God AND the whole nation - not that the whole nation has robbed God. Through Malachi the Lord is chastizing the High Priests of that day, who use His tithes and offerings unwisely or SPECULATIVELY instead of for MEAT in His Storehouse (for the poor and oppressed).
@Koppenholle1 7 ай бұрын
My faith is not based on money but on a testimony that comes through fasting and prayer. It has made me stronger and enriched my life. As far as I'm concerned, the church can do whatever they want with my money, it doesn't bother me. If tithes are not used properly then it is their responsibility, not mine. Through the church, I have been able to develop a personal relationship with God and receive non-stop answers to my prayers. Many of those answers are too secret to talk about it, you won't understand it anyway. Even if everything you claim is true, it does not affect my testimony in the least. The church has given my life meaning and I will always be grateful for that.
@MustangWriter 7 ай бұрын
Over 116 years ago during the April 1907 Conference the 6th President and Prophet, Seer and Revelator of the Church Joseph F Smith stated: "Furthermore, I want to say to you, we may not be able to reach it right away, but we expect to see the day when we will NOT have to ask you for one dollar of donation for any purpose, except that which you volunteer to give of your own accord, because we will have tithes sufficient in the storehouse of the Lord to pay everything that is needful for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. I want to live to see that day if the Lord will spare my life. It does not make any difference though, so far as that is concerned, whether I live or not. That is the true policy, the true purpose of the Lord in the management of His Church." Has the day that President Smith longed for finally arrived? Recently on May 26, 2022. Elder Bednar spoke to the National Press Club in Washington DC. In the Q&A, he said the following when asked about people struggling financially paying tithing given the great wealth of the church: He replied "The Church doesn’t need their money... ...but those people need the blessing that come from following God’s Commandments." In all fairness, I've heard Bishops and Stake Presidents say this... but NEVER a General Authority. Could President Smith's 1907 expectation of financial independence be the reason that the “We don’t need their money” has never been uttered by a General Authority before... UNTIL NOW? Has Elder Bednar revealed to the Church and the world the fulfillment of President Smith's 1907 expectations of enough tithes in the storehouse? Have we reached the day when we “have tithes sufficient in the storehouse of the Lord to pay everything that is needful for the advancement of the kingdom of God.”? What do you think? Is President Smith’s proclamation about not needing tithing anymore not binding? Has something changed? Has the Church just gotten used to the "income angle" and does not want to give it up? Do the Brethren truly believe that the blessings of "giving" outweigh the fulfilling of President Smith's expectations for a completely financially independent and self reliant Church AT SOME FUTURE TIME; leading to a financial Jubilee for it's members?
@msemmahale4608 7 ай бұрын
@@Koppenholle1​​⁠That’s great that for you “it doesn’t matter what is said about the leaders of the church” however, how can you call deliberate LYING by the apostles and prophet “mistakes.” In my book, where much is given, much is expected. So if that holds true, the leaders of the global church should be held to a higher standard, but they can’t even pass the standard expected of your average member. You shall know them by their fruits, no? Their fruit is rotten to the core and they should be held accountable for their “mistakes” just as any regular member of the church or do believe that they are more special than the rest of us? 😊
@msemmahale4608 7 ай бұрын
@MustangWriter - yet another reason to disbelieve the so called prophets in Salt Lake City. Either they are lying with the scriptures or they are uninspired and don’t understand the scriptures. Either way, they are exposed as false prophets.
@Kristy_not_Kristine 7 ай бұрын
Exactly! I learned this very point last year... missed it for 47 years!
@QuinnPrice 7 ай бұрын
Thanks Nemo. The LDS endowment, washings and annoitings and weddings are very culty. I was a viel worker, so I speak from experience. My heart breaks for the people who have been harmed by this cult; those who couldn't see their daughter or friend married because they "weren't worthy." It's all about control.
@user-bw3fl7fj9w 7 ай бұрын
Curious were you a convert? How long member? What changed your mind? Officially removed your name?.... I'm still trying to figure this out myself!
@rubi-mq4qv 7 ай бұрын
@@user-bw3fl7fj9w leaving the church was the best decision I made in my entire life. Speaking from experience I also reccomend removing your name officialy or they will come and find you (even if you moved) and will try to convert you again
@BrettsCorner92 7 ай бұрын
I have a friend they're group. That's the original endowment. With the penalty and everything. He is even going for his second anointing And I am technically a tithe Payer I have no Income technically I am self employed and I always show a loss So I do not have to pay anything. But I still cannot get a recommend because the Bishop said. I should pay on my Gross self-employment. But that would leave Me with even more of a negative income.
@user-bw3fl7fj9w 7 ай бұрын
​@@rubi-mq4qvyeah, i hear you on not sure i like that they cancel all the Temple work that i spent time and money on... I know it might not matter, but it bothers me! I still feel mixed about it.... what made you finally decide to leave? After how many years?
@rubi-mq4qv 7 ай бұрын
The moment I knew, that I had to leave church, was when I learned that Joseph Smith had married a 14 year old. I asked about it in class and suddenly everyone gave their testemony that he was a good person and a true prophet. He was inspired by god to marry all these women. Even though many of them werde already married. My bishop asked me into his office and had a whole conversation with me about that the church is true and that Joseph Smith is a true prophet. I was intimidated by all the people that shut me down. I wasn't allowed to speak my mind. That was the Moment I decided to leave. This is not the only reason. I guess you know the history of the church. And the teachings of the church can be quite toxic for your mental health. You suddenly feel all kinds of shame for literally nothing. We were taught to feel shame, so we could be controlled. When I moved away missionaries stood in front of my door. Seems like my parents gave my address to the local church. So I removed my name. And I cherish my confirmation of exit letter as a sign that I have my freedom now. I know, it is horrible that you have spent so much time, money and emotional work into the church. But they are using you. I was born into the church and left, when I was seventeen years old. After that I was so overwhelmed, because the world is so beautiful. It is hard work to let all the destructive indoctrination go (I still struggle with it, I am now 21) but it is the most wonderful thing to live your life without guilt, shame and strict rules. I live a good life. They say that people outside of the church have no morals and are no good influence. But. That. Is. Not. True. I met the most lovely people you can ever imagine. I own myself, I love my freedom. I could talk about this topic for ages. If you feel uncomfortable being there - no money and time you have already put in the church is worth it to have a life that you don't want.
@81bajaj 7 ай бұрын
Jeez! My first remark to any general authority would be: "Get a job!"
@SteveSmith-os5bs 7 ай бұрын
Priestcraft pays a lot better.
@Hymie-j3p 7 ай бұрын
Most are rich made Benjamin’s before the call! Don’t be jealous it really shows
@user-bw3fl7fj9w 7 ай бұрын
​@@Hymie-j3pthen they shouldn't be paid for their positions in the GA.... Local leadership doesn't get paid... I can understand paying for GA travel doing church business... otherwise, the should give freely their time,as they expect local calling to do ..
@charlesmendeley9823 7 ай бұрын
​@@user-bw3fl7fj9w The idea of tithing is to pay the Levite priests who didn't own land. Either you have a system of tithing with a paid fill time clergy, or you have a lay clergy and no tithing. The combination of both makes no sense at all. No wonder they are accumulating billions if they don't pay their local clergy.
@Washingtontree 7 ай бұрын
​​@@user-bw3fl7fj9wI've always found these D&C 42 verses interesting: 71 And the elders or high priests who are appointed to assist the bishop as counselors in all things, are to have their families supported out of the property which is consecrated to the bishop, for the good of the poor, and for other purposes, as before mentioned; 72 Or they are to receive a just remuneration for all their services, either a stewardship or otherwise, as may be thought best or decided by the counselors and bishop. 73 And the bishop, also, shall receive his support, or a just remuneration for all his services in the church. Should my husband ask for back pay? 😅
@samhunt9380 7 ай бұрын
I now pay the equivalent of my tithing to a palliative hospice who provided ALS/MND care for my late wife in her last days.They approached me for help and because of the work they do, I agreed. I assume the loving God understands what I have done, and why.....The Temple recommend is less important to me if I have to 'buy' access.
@lilatueller 7 ай бұрын
Take a look at what the temple ceremony actually is. Where it came from, why it’s been changed over and over and soon you will realize the ceremonies are man made and had cult beginnings. There is nothing true about any of it. And certainly won’t get anyone into any sort of heaven. But they make people pay to have that recommend. So wrong
@sagesaith6354 7 ай бұрын
I agree -- our Loving God DOES understand what you have done, and why. Their "god" is, first of all, not God, and secondly, if it were a god, it is not loving.
@Koppenholle1 7 ай бұрын
Am a member from Belgium and my faith is not based on money but on a testimony that comes through fasting and prayer. It has made me stronger and enriched my life. As far as I'm concerned, the church can do whatever they want with my money, it doesn't bother me. If tithes are not used properly then it is their responsibility, not mine. Through the church, I have been able to develop a personal relationship with God and receive non-stop answers to my prayers. Many of those answers are too secret to talk about it, you won't understand it anyway. Even if everything you claim is true, it does not affect my testimony in the least. The church has given my life meaning and I will always be grateful for that.
@msemmahale4608 7 ай бұрын
@@Koppenholle1​​⁠That’s great that for you “it doesn’t matter what is said about the leaders of the church” however, how can you call deliberate LYING by the apostles and prophet “mistakes.” In my book, where much is given, much is expected. So if that holds true, the leaders of the global church should be held to a higher standard, but they can’t even pass the standard expected of your average member. You shall know them by their fruits, no? Their fruit is rotten to the core and they should be held accountable for their “mistakes” just as any regular member of the church or do believe that they are more special than the rest of us?
@aubrey6538 7 ай бұрын
First of all, this video was put together so so well, and I absolutely love your content. Secondly, there are no words to describe how frustrating how greedy how selfish I feel like the churches. I cannot believe it took me 37 years to see through all the crap, in realizing of its corruption and greed. This just is so frustrating and boils my blood. Thank you so much for making such great content✌️💜
@Koppenholle1 7 ай бұрын
Am a member from Belgium and my faith is not based on money but on a testimony that comes through fasting and prayer. It has made me stronger and enriched my life. As far as I'm concerned, the church can do whatever they want with my money, it doesn't bother me. If tithes are not used properly then it is their responsibility, not mine. Through the church, I have been able to develop a personal relationship with God and receive non-stop answers to my prayers. Many of those answers are too secret to talk about it, you won't understand it anyway. Even if everything you claim is true, it does not affect my testimony in the least. The church has given my life meaning and I will always be grateful for that.
@msemmahale4608 7 ай бұрын
@@Koppenholle1​​⁠That’s great that for you “it doesn’t matter what is said about the leaders of the church” however, how can you call deliberate LYING by the apostles and prophet “mistakes.” In my book, where much is given, much is expected. So if that holds true, the leaders of the global church should be held to a higher standard, but they can’t even pass the standard expected of your average member. You shall know them by their fruits, no? Their fruit is rotten to the core and they should be held accountable for their “mistakes” just as any regular member of the church or do believe that they are more special than the rest of us?
@aubrey6538 7 ай бұрын
@@msemmahale4608 100% this wasn’t quite sure how to respond to the Belgium fast and testimony comment but you hit the nail right on the head. Thanks for your reply. I just wanna roll my eyes at the idiocy of comments like that but I have to remember that I was brainwashed hook line and sinker until I was 37, so I feel like I have to give a little bit of grace to their stupid comments but I love how you responded to it.
@AS72831 7 ай бұрын
@@aubrey6538yes and have you noticed how the Belgium Mormon is copying and pasting this comment all over the place after most comments and then she is copying and pasting her reply. It’s absolutely brilliant!!!
@thebigfoot2374 7 ай бұрын
Why did I never see it before? It is so blatantly clear now from the outside!
@Koppenholle1 7 ай бұрын
Am a member from Belgium and my faith is not based on money but on a testimony that comes through fasting and prayer. It has made me stronger and enriched my life. As far as I'm concerned, the church can do whatever they want with my money, it doesn't bother me. If tithes are not used properly then it is their responsibility, not mine. Through the church, I have been able to develop a personal relationship with God and receive non-stop answers to my prayers. Many of those answers are too secret to talk about it, you won't understand it anyway. Even if everything you claim is true, it does not affect my testimony in the least. The church has given my life meaning and I will always be grateful for that.
@Kristy_not_Kristine 7 ай бұрын
Isn't it!??? I've wondered how I didn't see it for 47 YEARS... but I guess we all see when we are ready to see for whatever reason/purpose. God is good!
@Kristy_not_Kristine 7 ай бұрын
@@Koppenholle1 I used to say the SAME thing! lol But actually, it is still your responsibility. Especially when you learn how the church is actually using the funds. It's one thing to not know, and maybe you don't yet. But once you are, then you are responsible if you keep giving them money. I now look around and see who I can help around me, and I do not delegate it to a corporation that is not transparent with tithing and offering funds, like they used to be in the 50s.
@Koppenholle1 7 ай бұрын
@@Kristy_not_Kristine Why are you so obsessed with what the church does with tithes? My testimony is not based on money, but on the spiritual blessings that come with it. And I would be a denier if I stopped paying tithing. Members can also go to church without paying their tithes. In fact, I remember when my mother was not allowed to pay tithe by the branch president because she had not yet been baptized. Moreover, I wonder if you know what happens to the tithe money outside of building schools, churches and temples? The church pays the expenses of church leaders, but no one gets rich or lives in luxury from tithing. That is a big difference from some other churches. The church has saved up a lot of money that no one will touch. The church does not say what the money should be used for, but I do have a suspicion and it is not what you think. I agree that transparency can and should be improved. That unnecessary expenditure will occasionally occur, seems very likely to me. That also happens in my personal life.
@Lomochenko 7 ай бұрын
@@Koppenholle1 People work hard for their money that’s why. Many members can’t even make ends meet and still have to pay their tithing. I take it you are not dirt poor and are privileged. Christ did not come to build up the mighty but to help those in need.
@pancakespandemonium 7 ай бұрын
I can’t speak to other areas In Utah many bishops are telling members the church is “ moving away” from helping {struggling} members with rent and other costs. While I can see not falling into traps of enabling poor financial choices there are many valid reasons to help a family with rent or other big bills especially in this economy. They will help with food but only after making families sit through a review of their finances. The scrutiny poor families have to face to get help is not what one my call charitable.
@loyalopposition4791 7 ай бұрын
❤ I wish I could like this video more than once.
@TS-iv9ml 7 ай бұрын
Share with a friend, they may like it too!
@TS-iv9ml 7 ай бұрын
@@NEMOTHEMORMON always!! 🌟
@james8996 7 ай бұрын
​@@NEMOTHEMORMONWhy Did GOD give Abraham Wine, And Told the Children of Israel it's ok to drink Wine And Alcohol ( Deuteronomy 14:22-26) And there is no Scripture in the Bible where it says you Can't drink alcohol or Smoke Cigarettes or Drink Coffee or Coke cola
@sagesaith6354 7 ай бұрын
​@@james8996 I'm sure that some so-called "prophet" got a DM from "god" that said that was ok for them then, but God says it's no longer ok now.
@meleniemacgregor2302 7 ай бұрын
@NemotheMormom My husband and I love your videos. We have Nemo the Mormon t-shirts and wear them proudly. People often ask us, “Who is Nemo the Mormon?” We enthusiastically tell them who you are and share your channel with them. I am shocked you haven’t been excommunicated (sorry…what I meant was ”had your membership revoked”) but I want to say we admire you for standing for truth while remaining a member of record. Much love and respect to you for all you do!!
Thank you very much, I’m glad you like the shirts!
@Koppenholle1 7 ай бұрын
My faith is not based on money but on a testimony that comes through fasting and prayer. It has made me stronger and enriched my life. As far as I'm concerned, the church can do whatever they want with my money, it doesn't bother me. If tithes are not used properly then it is their responsibility, not mine. Through the church, I have been able to develop a personal relationship with God and receive non-stop answers to my prayers. Many of those answers are too secret to talk about it, you won't understand it anyway. Even if everything you claim is true, it does not affect my testimony in the least. The church has given my life meaning and I will always be grateful for that.
@msemmahale4608 7 ай бұрын
@@Koppenholle1​​⁠That’s great that for you “it doesn’t matter what is said about the leaders of the church” however, how can you call deliberate LYING by the apostles and prophet “mistakes.” In my book, where much is given, much is expected. So if that holds true, the leaders of the global church should be held to a higher standard, but they can’t even pass the standard expected of your average member. You shall know them by their fruits, no? Their fruit is rotten to the core and they should be held accountable for their “mistakes” just as any regular member of the church or do believe that they are more special than the rest of us?
@AS72831 7 ай бұрын
@@msemmahale4608yup one rule for them and one for us. That’s called double standard and hypocrisy. Exactly like the Pharisees, whom Jesus challenged. The Mormon church is run by phariseetical business men.
@terrillmel 7 ай бұрын
Nemo. This one was an absolute banger!
@Koppenholle1 7 ай бұрын
Am a member from Belgium and my faith is not based on money but on a testimony that comes through fasting and prayer. It has made me stronger and enriched my life. As far as I'm concerned, the church can do whatever they want with my money, it doesn't bother me. If tithes are not used properly then it is their responsibility, not mine. Through the church, I have been able to develop a personal relationship with God and receive non-stop answers to my prayers. Many of those answers are too secret to talk about it, you won't understand it anyway. Even if everything you claim is true, it does not affect my testimony in the least. The church has given my life meaning and I will always be grateful for that.
@terrillmel 7 ай бұрын
@@Koppenholle1 I'm glad you enjoy it. People need different things. My wife says the church feels like freedom, which I can respect but not relate to. To me, making the world fit into the lens of Mormonism, felt like a belief prison. To my wife, the church adds magic to her existence, to me it kills the magic. I know members would respond by saying there is a problem with me that I wasn't doing it right or that I took it too seriously.
@msemmahale4608 7 ай бұрын
@@Koppenholle1​​⁠That’s great that for you “it doesn’t matter what is said about the leaders of the church” however, how can you call deliberate LYING by the apostles and prophet “mistakes.” In my book, where much is given, much is expected. So if that holds true, the leaders of the global church should be held to a higher standard, but they can’t even pass the standard expected of your average member. You shall know them by their fruits, no? Their fruit is rotten to the core and they should be held accountable for their “mistakes” just as any regular member of the church or do believe that they are more special than the rest of us?
@jacobopstad5483 7 ай бұрын
And it's all based on promises for things that can't be delivered (eternal progression, eternal marriage, vicarious ordinances) in any confirmable way
@Koppenholle1 7 ай бұрын
Am a member from Belgium and my faith is not based on money but on a testimony that comes through fasting and prayer. It has made me stronger and enriched my life. As far as I'm concerned, the church can do whatever they want with my money, it doesn't bother me. If tithes are not used properly then it is their responsibility, not mine. Through the church, I have been able to develop a personal relationship with God and receive non-stop answers to my prayers. Many of those answers are too secret to talk about it, you won't understand it anyway. Even if everything you claim is true, it does not affect my testimony in the least. The church has given my life meaning and I will always be grateful for that.
@jacobopstad5483 7 ай бұрын
@@Koppenholle1 I was a member for about half my life (technically I still am) so I do understand what you're talking about. Testimony is a very interesting subject, one that I think too few people are talking about these days.
@msemmahale4608 7 ай бұрын
@@Koppenholle1​​⁠​​⁠​​⁠(By the way, I am a former member lol) That’s great that for you “it doesn’t matter what is said about the leaders of the church” however, how can you call deliberate LYING by the apostles and prophet “mistakes.” In my book, where much is given, much is expected. So if that holds true, the leaders of the global church should be held to a higher standard, but they can’t even pass the standard expected of your average member. You shall know them by their fruits, no? Their fruit is rotten to the core and they should be held accountable for their “mistakes” just like any regular member of the church or do believe that they are more special than the rest of us?
@AS72831 7 ай бұрын
@@msemmahale4608I commend how you’re answering these cut and paste comments! 😂
@TEAM__POSEID0N 7 ай бұрын
Yes. And even the very claim that ANY of these men in dark suits has EVER received any kind of divine authority to tell other people what "God wants" is ludicrous. There is zero evidence backing up their claims to be special representatives of any deity. The best they can do is tell people that they can "know" based on an arbitrary formula that is illogical: "Pray...and if you feel good about what we say that means what we say is true because the good feeling is from the Holy Ghost. And if you feel nothing that means you have to keep praying until you are ready for the Holy Ghost to confirm it to you, which implies that what we say is true. And if you feel bad about what we say, then that means the Devil is trying to deceive you...which also means that what we say is true...because the Devil wouldn't try to deceive you if we were lying." If Mormons ever allowed themselves to think logically about the formula given to them by the church for "knowing"...they would quickly realize that the same formula can be used, and is used, by hundreds of cults and millions of scam artists around the world with similar effect and the Mormon version of the scam formula is just as illogical and invalid as the others.
@mardellarowland5339 7 ай бұрын your tithing rather than buy food! Good Grief!!
@user-bw3fl7fj9w 7 ай бұрын
And rent, mortgage etc.... it's pay the tithing and fast offerings first!!
@pfknob 7 ай бұрын
Does God really need the money?? It's a test of your faith.
@Koppenholle1 7 ай бұрын
Am a member from Belgium and my faith is not based on money but on a testimony that comes through fasting and prayer. It has made me stronger and enriched my life. As far as I'm concerned, the church can do whatever they want with my money, it doesn't bother me. If tithes are not used properly then it is their responsibility, not mine. Through the church, I have been able to develop a personal relationship with God and receive non-stop answers to my prayers. Many of those answers are too secret to talk about it, you won't understand it anyway. Even if everything you claim is true, it does not affect my testimony in the least. The church has given my life meaning and I will always be grateful for that.
@msemmahale4608 7 ай бұрын
@@Koppenholle1​​⁠That’s great that for you “it doesn’t matter what is said about the leaders of the church” however, how can you call deliberate LYING by the apostles and prophet “mistakes.” In my book, where much is given, much is expected. So if that holds true, the leaders of the global church should be held to a higher standard, but they can’t even pass the standard expected of your average member. You shall know them by their fruits, no? Their fruit is rotten to the core and they should be held accountable for their “mistakes” just as any regular member of the church or do believe that they are more special than the rest of us?
@msemmahale4608 7 ай бұрын
@@CocoisagordonsetterYou just confirm the Mormon teaching that you pay to play. This is not the US Social Security System or the European govt’s system, but rather supposedly god’s system. Normal Christians believe that Christ has paid for them already and the only thing necessary for salvation is to come to him with a broken heart and contrite spirit. Your understanding of Christian principles is skewed just like the Mormon Church’s.
@tracygittins6343 7 ай бұрын
Nemo, your simple idea of allowing members to donate 10% to a charity of their choosing is brilliant
@jgm33884 7 ай бұрын
I had a friend that was spiritual not religious. She carried money with her everywhere she went, looking for people to bless with her tithing. As a LDS member I rember feeling incredibly jealous. How fun to directly bless others as you decide verses just handing an envelope to the Bishop.
@harshitgarg419 7 ай бұрын
the church is the best charity organization.
@TheRastacabbage 7 ай бұрын
I guess that's why Abraham paid tithes to all of these randoms. Oh no, he paid it to the 'church' authority
@stevenpolatis 19 күн бұрын
By making tithing Money a prerequisite for temple admission indeed violates the temple ceremony ceremonial mandate warning of one not selling sacred signs and tokens for money. Per quoted ceremony, “do you sell these signs and tokens for money? “ “We do not.” Enter the modern Church: except the mandated 10% of each attendees income /admission ticket charge to gain entrance for the above stated signs and tokens knowledge.
@jamesmorphe8003 7 ай бұрын
not only pay 10 percent minimum to the church for at least a year. see if you can get a recommend if you keep refusing their 'CALLINGS" to give up your family time to clean restrooms in the ward or temple.
@Koppenholle1 7 ай бұрын
My faith is not based on money but on a testimony that comes through fasting and prayer. It has made me stronger and enriched my life. As far as I'm concerned, the church can do whatever they want with my money, it doesn't bother me. If tithes are not used properly then it is their responsibility, not mine. Through the church, I have been able to develop a personal relationship with God and receive non-stop answers to my prayers. Many of those answers are too secret to talk about it, you won't understand it anyway. Even if everything you claim is true, it does not affect my testimony in the least. The church has given my life meaning and I will always be grateful for that.
@msemmahale4608 7 ай бұрын
@@Koppenholle1​​⁠That’s great that for you “it doesn’t matter what is said about the leaders of the church” however, how can you call deliberate LYING by the apostles and prophet “mistakes.” In my book, where much is given, much is expected. So if that holds true, the leaders of the global church should be held to a higher standard, but they can’t even pass the standard expected of your average member. You shall know them by their fruits, no? Their fruit is rotten to the core and they should be held accountable for their “mistakes” just as any regular member of the church or do believe that they are more special than the rest of us?
@nello1591 7 ай бұрын
A Song called Strawberry Swisher Pt.3 by Dance Gavin Dance has a great line that goes: :Got a box of lies Gonna get you high with the words of wisdom that you need to hear Got a big ass book And I'm not a crook But I'll take your guilt in the form of dollars" I always feel that sums up tithing for me.
@Koppenholle1 7 ай бұрын
My faith is not based on money but on a testimony that comes through fasting and prayer. It has made me stronger and enriched my life. As far as I'm concerned, the church can do whatever they want with my money, it doesn't bother me. If tithes are not used properly then it is their responsibility, not mine. Through the church, I have been able to develop a personal relationship with God and receive non-stop answers to my prayers. Many of those answers are too secret to talk about it, you won't understand it anyway. Even if everything you claim is true, it does not affect my testimony in the least. The church has given my life meaning and I will always be grateful for that.
@nello1591 7 ай бұрын
@Koppenholle1 well make sure you keep paying up then, because if you don't, all that faith and belief you have will be for nothing!
@msemmahale4608 7 ай бұрын
@@Koppenholle1​​⁠That’s great that for you “it doesn’t matter what is said about the leaders of the church” however, how can you call deliberate LYING by the apostles and prophet “mistakes.” In my book, where much is given, much is expected. So if that holds true, the leaders of the global church should be held to a higher standard, but they can’t even pass the standard expected of your average member. You shall know them by their fruits, no? Their fruit is rotten to the core and they should be held accountable for their “mistakes” just as any regular member of the church or do believe that they are more special than the rest of us?
@DeathValleyDazed 7 ай бұрын
Love this solid report on the big Mormon Church scam as a charity.
@Koppenholle1 7 ай бұрын
Am a member from Belgium and my faith is not based on money but on a testimony that comes through fasting and prayer. It has made me stronger and enriched my life. As far as I'm concerned, the church can do whatever they want with my money, it doesn't bother me. If tithes are not used properly then it is their responsibility, not mine. Through the church, I have been able to develop a personal relationship with God and receive non-stop answers to my prayers. Many of those answers are too secret to talk about it, you won't understand it anyway. Even if everything you claim is true, it does not affect my testimony in the least. The church has given my life meaning and I will always be grateful for that.
@Lomochenko 7 ай бұрын
@@Koppenholle1 Do you worship the Church or Christ? It seems to me that you worship the Church. Christ is the living water, not the LDS Church. Read your Bible.
@Koppenholle1 7 ай бұрын
@@Lomochenko Another big mistake. If it were up to the members, I would have left the church a long time ago. From day one however I have strived to have a personal relationship with the Lord and over time I have succeeded. This has led to my life being richly blessed.
@Lomochenko 7 ай бұрын
@@Koppenholle1 Your a privileged white dude who has never struggled a day in his life.
@AS72831 7 ай бұрын
@@Koppenholle1I feel exactly the same since leaving the Mormon money making church. I still feel the”spirit” exactly the same- it’s just good feelings. I’m happier and content. Nothing has changed. Well, I have Sunday’s free and get to keep my money. But I have access to exactly the same “blessings”.
@sarahparkin2869 7 ай бұрын
This was the thing that broke my shelf 4 years ago. This. And the cost of garments. When I held the facts in front of the billions the church hoards, it broke.
@donsiraun 7 ай бұрын
Why does specifically the cost of garments bother you? The garments bother me in general, but are they turning a huge profit on them?
@sarahparkin2869 7 ай бұрын
@@donsiraun hey that's an good question thanks for letting me think about it. It's just another thing that costs money that is taught as an essential part of keeping covenants. The church teaches that we must wear garments and then asks us to pay for them. It feels yucky to me, like someone saying "you have to have this ballpoint pen or nothing you write counts. And I will sell it to you, will it be cash or card?"
@ron3537 7 ай бұрын
Thanks Nemo for keeping the "checks & balances" coming. No one is above it.
@Koppenholle1 7 ай бұрын
Am a member from Belgium and my faith is not based on money but on a testimony that comes through fasting and prayer. It has made me stronger and enriched my life. As far as I'm concerned, the church can do whatever they want with my money, it doesn't bother me. If tithes are not used properly then it is their responsibility, not mine. Through the church, I have been able to develop a personal relationship with God and receive non-stop answers to my prayers. Many of those answers are too secret to talk about it, you won't understand it anyway. Even if everything you claim is true, it does not affect my testimony in the least. The church has given my life meaning and I will always be grateful for that.
@msemmahale4608 7 ай бұрын
@@Koppenholle1​​⁠​​⁠​​⁠(By the way, I am a former member lol) That’s great that for you “it doesn’t matter what is said about the leaders of the church” however, how can you call deliberate LYING by the apostles and prophet “mistakes.” In my book, where much is given, much is expected. So if that holds true, the leaders of the global church should be held to a higher standard, but they can’t even pass the standard expected of your average member. You shall know them by their fruits, no? Their fruit is rotten to the core and they should be held accountable for their “mistakes” just like any regular member of the church or do believe that they are more special than the rest of us?
@Lomochenko 7 ай бұрын
@@Koppenholle1 Why are you spamming the comment section?
@Koppenholle1 7 ай бұрын
@@Lomochenko It is not spam but a correction of distorted facts.
@Lomochenko 7 ай бұрын
@@Koppenholle1 Your comment is literally cut and pasted on most of the comments in the comment section. Stop the cap.
@frittandy 6 ай бұрын
Grazie mille Nemo per il tuo video. Sei di grande aiuto.
@Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmjahnee 7 ай бұрын
It should be surprised to no one. That occult would think that THAT is the most thundering denunciation from a church that’s based on gathering wealth, not “love thy neighbor, as thy self” or love, your God, above others, know all the Mormon church wants his money and I’m glad that finally at least some people are waking up and leaving the cult and not letting their children be brainwashed as they were. Good luck to
@ronaldholverson257 7 ай бұрын
If you read the New Testament, Paul says to give to widows, orphans, and the poor. No intermediary. Also, give according to what you can afford.
@Koppenholle1 7 ай бұрын
Am a member from Belgium and my faith is not based on money but on a testimony that comes through fasting and prayer. It has made me stronger and enriched my life. As far as I'm concerned, the church can do whatever they want with my money, it doesn't bother me. If tithes are not used properly then it is their responsibility, not mine. Through the church, I have been able to develop a personal relationship with God and receive non-stop answers to my prayers. Many of those answers are too secret to talk about it, you won't understand it anyway. Even if everything you claim is true, it does not affect my testimony in the least. The church has given my life meaning and I will always be grateful for that.
@ronaldholverson257 7 ай бұрын
@Koppenholle1 I am a former member. The word of the Bible is the word of God. The church tells you that the book of mormon is the truest book on earth and then points to zero proof. In the church tithes are a requirement to get to the highest level of heaven. Event hough, in the Bible, tithes of 10% are only required every 3 years (old testament). In the new testament, when God establishes the last covenant with all the people of the world, you one have to pay what I mentioned above. God also says that of you know you're participating in something unjust you're guilty of sin. If you lent someone a vehicle, knowing they were going to use it for a crime, you're just as guilty as the one committing the crime. There's tons of videos out on KZbin about the church. I suggest you view them all. Lastly, the church still sees me as a priesthood holder. So, by their own logic you should listen to me as well.
@Koppenholle1 7 ай бұрын
@@ronaldholverson257 There is still too little emphasis that the goal is to strive for a personal relationship with the Lord. The authorities have often said that the heavens are open again, but most members have not yet realized that we should take advantage of that. Through study, fasting, and prayer, we can gain a more personal testimony that frees us from dependence on the testimony of others. According to our dignity and love for our family and others, and by our example, we see our prayers fulfilled one by one and more and more intensely. After a while of perseverance miraculous blessings begin to manifest. When we get to that point we are completely independent in our testimony. Once we get to that point we normally wouldn't go inactive anymore. At least we will no longer have any desire to consciously sin. If we receive even greater blessings afterward, they will be too sacred in nature to speak of. I've met at least one person who I'm sure fell into that category. He couldn't hide it anymore because his face radiated light every time you talked to him. He was a small man and hunched over, but when he gave a speech you could hear a pen drop in a crowded room. He became patriarch and later temple president in the London Temple for a long time. I could say more, but I have also come to the point that I am limited in what I say. I have noticed that there are members who take it lightly or do not understand it. And then there's no point in talking about it any further. There is one brother in our congregation who experiences the same things and every time we go to the temple together (The Hague, Paris or Preston) we are blessed with a spiritual experience. The Church is simply wonderful and truly brings joy into our lives and most importantly a sense of assurance that we are on the right path to eternal life and that is a satisfaction that I wouldn't trade for anything in the world. I can only encourage you to come back to church like many others have over the last two years. After all, they see that the prophecies in the Book of Mormon are being fulfilled at this time.
@msemmahale4608 7 ай бұрын
@@Koppenholle1​​⁠​​⁠​​⁠(By the way, I am a former member lol) That’s great that for you “it doesn’t matter what is said about the leaders of the church” however, how can you call deliberate LYING by the apostles and prophet “mistakes.” In my book, where much is given, much is expected. So if that holds true, the leaders of the global church should be held to a higher standard, but they can’t even pass the standard expected of your average member. You shall know them by their fruits, no? Their fruit is rotten to the core and they should be held accountable for their “mistakes” just like any regular member of the church or do believe that they are more special than the rest of us?
@Mon-Alisa 7 ай бұрын
The “will a man rob god” and widow’s mite scriptures they reference don’t even mean what they think they mean, either. They are both meant to demonstrate the hypocrisy of religious leaders asking tithing out of the poor (the widow’s mite story is saying how terrible it is to ask the poor to give of their last bit of money) and the leaders using the tithing for themselves (robbing God) rather than using it to take care of the poor and needy.
@user-bw3fl7fj9w 7 ай бұрын
Yes, he said then they can ask for help... but, if granted it's limited, you have to show your bills, and maybe temporary..
@WSalamon 6 ай бұрын
Wow! You always make great points! The temple doesn't do ANYTHING charitable. But it does make you
@EkeretteAkpakpan 9 күн бұрын
The Church is built upon the Rock of continuing revelations as the Saviour said to Peter who knew He was the Son of the most High God through divine personal revelation. Therefore if we have difficulty in sustaining any of the church 's procedures, we should pray for strength, understanding and a witness from God to know if the procedure or whatever it is,is true and of Him, with a commitment to follow and sustain if the answer is positive. If we are not receiving divine communications and answers,then we should search ourselves to know of any sin and transgressions of omission or commission that may be in our lives and repent of them, so that the Holy Ghost can take His place in our hearts and minds, dwelling in us and blessing us with divine answers and revelations that are expedient unto us.😊❤
@joannehiggins1005 7 ай бұрын
Had to watch 6:38 again😂😂 The montage of church leaders' emotional manipation and religious blackmail was superb. Great video💯
@Koppenholle1 7 ай бұрын
Am a member from Belgium and my faith is not based on money but on a testimony that comes through fasting and prayer. It has made me stronger and enriched my life. As far as I'm concerned, the church can do whatever they want with my money, it doesn't bother me. If tithes are not used properly then it is their responsibility, not mine. Through the church, I have been able to develop a personal relationship with God and receive non-stop answers to my prayers. Many of those answers are too secret to talk about it, you won't understand it anyway. Even if everything you claim is true, it does not affect my testimony in the least. The church has given my life meaning and I will always be grateful for that.
@msemmahale4608 7 ай бұрын
@@Koppenholle1​​⁠​​⁠​​⁠(By the way, I am a former member lol) That’s great that for you “it doesn’t matter what is said about the leaders of the church” however, how can you call deliberate LYING by the apostles and prophet “mistakes.” In my book, where much is given, much is expected. So if that holds true, the leaders of the global church should be held to a higher standard, but they can’t even pass the standard expected of your average member. You shall know them by their fruits, no? Their fruit is rotten to the core and they should be held accountable for their “mistakes” just like any regular member of the church or do believe that they are more special than the rest of us?
@kimanderson9380 3 ай бұрын
I pay tithing to local charities that actually feed the poor, house those who need it, provide medical services to those who can’t afford it etc. I feel I get to help those worse off than I am, and they get the direct benefit without having to pay for it. I got physically ill when I found out my “sacred” tithing wasn’t going to the poor, but to shell companies and gigantic hedge funds. Shameful behavior by general authorities. (That title needs to be examined as well)
@scotthullinger4684 5 ай бұрын
Be faithful. Or be not faithful. Your choice, just like every choice you make in life.
@bekind4374 7 ай бұрын
Keep up the good work Nemo!
@Koppenholle1 7 ай бұрын
Am a member from Belgium and my faith is not based on money but on a testimony that comes through fasting and prayer. It has made me stronger and enriched my life. As far as I'm concerned, the church can do whatever they want with my money, it doesn't bother me. If tithes are not used properly then it is their responsibility, not mine. Through the church, I have been able to develop a personal relationship with God and receive non-stop answers to my prayers. Many of those answers are too secret to talk about it, you won't understand it anyway. Even if everything you claim is true, it does not affect my testimony in the least. The church has given my life meaning and I will always be grateful for that.
@msemmahale4608 7 ай бұрын
@@Koppenholle1​​⁠That’s great that for you “it doesn’t matter what is said about the leaders of the church” however, how can you call deliberate LYING by the apostles and prophet “mistakes.” In my book, where much is given, much is expected. So if that holds true, the leaders of the global church should be held to a higher standard, but they can’t even pass the standard expected of your average member. You shall know them by their fruits, no? Their fruit is rotten to the core and they should be held accountable for their “mistakes” just like any regular member of the church or do believe that they are more special than the rest of us?
@Toothnut_Hamsterfolder 7 ай бұрын
Great video! I appreciate all of your efforts. Thank you, Nemo!
@Koppenholle1 7 ай бұрын
Am a member from Belgium and my faith is not based on money but on a testimony that comes through fasting and prayer. It has made me stronger and enriched my life. As far as I'm concerned, the church can do whatever they want with my money, it doesn't bother me. If tithes are not used properly then it is their responsibility, not mine. Through the church, I have been able to develop a personal relationship with God and receive non-stop answers to my prayers. Many of those answers are too secret to talk about it, you won't understand it anyway. Even if everything you claim is true, it does not affect my testimony in the least. The church has given my life meaning and I will always be grateful for that.
@msemmahale4608 7 ай бұрын
@@Koppenholle1​​⁠That’s great that for you “it doesn’t matter what is said about the leaders of the church” however, how can you call deliberate LYING by the apostles and prophet “mistakes.” In my book, where much is given, much is expected. So if that holds true, the leaders of the global church should be held to a higher standard, but they can’t even pass the standard expected of your average member. You shall know them by their fruits, no? Their fruit is rotten to the core and they should be held accountable for their “mistakes” just as any regular member of the church or do believe that they are more special than the rest of us?
@Revbone450 7 ай бұрын
"Send me money, send me green, heaven you will meet Make a contribution and you'll get a better seat" -Metallica
@nute742 7 ай бұрын
Comfort Plus, First Class, Business Class, Delta One! (lol) - Upgrades
@jacobsamuelson3181 7 ай бұрын
@nkosinathimasinga2505 7 ай бұрын
I think it's not right to not know unfront what you are agreeing to in covenants yet be held accountable for it afterwards.
@carolyearsley 7 ай бұрын
Starting at eight years old at baptism.
@user-bw3fl7fj9w 7 ай бұрын
Exactly...then they say you promised in the Temple and that's worse then never promising!
@NateHanson-b2w 7 ай бұрын
Lack of informed consent is exactly why any such 'commitments' are invalid. Be thee free!
@joshuaconnelly2415 7 ай бұрын
The corrupt brethren monetized the Book of Mormon: "If the blue is true, you owe Ensign Peak beaucoup."
@DRT279 7 ай бұрын
This clown monetizes the Book of Mormon.
@TalismanianDevil 7 ай бұрын
@Koppenholle1 7 ай бұрын
Am a member from Belgium and my faith is not based on money but on a testimony that comes through fasting and prayer. It has made me stronger and enriched my life. As far as I'm concerned, the church can do whatever they want with my money, it doesn't bother me. If tithes are not used properly then it is their responsibility, not mine. Through the church, I have been able to develop a personal relationship with God and receive non-stop answers to my prayers. Many of those answers are too secret to talk about it, you won't understand it anyway. Even if everything you claim is true, it does not affect my testimony in the least. The church has given my life meaning and I will always be grateful for that.
@joshuaconnelly2415 7 ай бұрын
@@Koppenholle1, you are exceedingly st up id. First, you lyingly evade the issue that the BoM was monetized, which is satanic wickedness. Next, you pepper us with you stupidimony. Irrelevant. Then you act brazenly st up id claiming you'll let the brethren financially ra pe you, and that's okay because you're too st up id to care. Wow.
@msemmahale4608 7 ай бұрын
@@Koppenholle1​​⁠​​⁠That’s great that for you “it doesn’t matter what is said about the leaders of the church” however, how can you call deliberate LYING by the apostles and prophet “mistakes.” In my book, where much is given, much is expected. So if that holds true, the leaders of the global church should be held to a higher standard, but they can’t even pass the standard expected of your average member. You shall know them by their fruits, no? Their fruit is rotten to the core and they should be held accountable for their “mistakes” just like any regular member of the church or do believe that they are more special than the rest of us?
@my2cworth4U 6 ай бұрын
I paid every cent of tithing for many years then needed help with fuel to get to conference which was half a days drive away and I was told no, then the bishop thought about this decision and said: not unless you pay it back.
@boysrus61 7 ай бұрын
The church will not accept it if you pay your tithes to any other entity except the church. The only difference is if you are a mixed faith marriage and one spouse will not allow a full tithe of the household income. Usually this is when the non-member husband is the main earner and won't allow his income to be tithed by the member spouse. But, I do know there are situations where both are members and one won't allow it.
@user-bw3fl7fj9w 7 ай бұрын
Yes, but technically they would still require the spouse to pay on their own income.. from my knowledge.
@kyrroti 7 ай бұрын
Now that I’ve taken a few steps back from the church, those tithing quotes are legitimately scary. How manipulative
@garycox9135 7 ай бұрын
7So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of [f]necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. 8And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work. 9As it is written:
@ZakMakoff 7 ай бұрын
I found a pattern to make 100% cotton garments... The settings on my mom's sewing machine allow for the cute zigzag stitches... Who wants organic garments made in Holladay UT?
@Washingtontree 7 ай бұрын
My MIL said that used to be an option, but is no-no now. Not sure where she got that.
@erintucker934 7 ай бұрын
Nailed it. Thanks Nemo!!
@TalismanianDevil 7 ай бұрын
There is no explaining away the Obelisk within the stone circle at Joseph Smith’s birthplace. It is the supreme symbol of the Occult. Please do an episode about the Kabbalist Freemasonic symbols and rituals performed in Mormon temples. Nibbling around the edges of this cult does not help anyone walk away from it. You could start with the pagan Egyptian ritual of Baptism for the Dead.
@johnrowley310 7 ай бұрын
You are so correct.
@inChristalone1960 7 ай бұрын
Agreed. Huge issue.
@carolyearsley 7 ай бұрын
The obelisk symbolizes the male organ, and the circle the female.
@truthbebold4009 7 ай бұрын
​@@carolyearsleydoesn't that just demonstrate the sacredness of the family unit 😌😉
@Freerangemormon 7 ай бұрын
You are aware the Kabbalah was formed in the Jewish mystics, called the Tzadik priests, which is where we get the Higher priesthood from. So yes, our temples would have that lineage which according to tradition, started in Eden.
@niddisins6875 7 ай бұрын
Remember kids, when you pay tithing, you are basically paying tithing just to say in the temple: "Oh god hear the words of my mouth." And you'll repeat that 3 times. You'll do other things of course like remember your secret new name and do hand signs and wear garments and temple underwear etc. All that just to live with god after this life. And you'll be expected to practice this ritual more than once.
@carolyearsley 7 ай бұрын
The god of the temple is Baal."The Lord" refers to him, not to any heavenly father.
@user-bw3fl7fj9w 7 ай бұрын
How do we live with God, if we have our own kingdom.? That's my recent thought.
@connormorgan6884 7 ай бұрын
Lol you aren't wrong
@MsCaterific 7 ай бұрын
💘Brilliant! So spot on!
@Koppenholle1 7 ай бұрын
Am a member from Belgium and my faith is not based on money but on a testimony that comes through fasting and prayer. It has made me stronger and enriched my life. As far as I'm concerned, the church can do whatever they want with my money, it doesn't bother me. If tithes are not used properly then it is their responsibility, not mine. Through the church, I have been able to develop a personal relationship with God and receive non-stop answers to my prayers. Many of those answers are too secret to talk about it, you won't understand it anyway. Even if everything you claim is true, it does not affect my testimony in the least. The church has given my life meaning and I will always be grateful for that.
@msemmahale4608 7 ай бұрын
@@Koppenholle1​​⁠That’s great that for you “it doesn’t matter what is said about the leaders of the church” however, how can you call deliberate LYING by the apostles and prophet “mistakes.” In my book, where much is given, much is expected. So if that holds true, the leaders of the global church should be held to a higher standard, but they can’t even pass the standard expected of your average member. You shall know them by their fruits, no? Their fruit is rotten to the core and they should be held accountable for their “mistakes” just as any regular member of the church or do believe that they are more special than the rest of us?
@Brighid45 7 ай бұрын
Many years ago, during a sacrament meeting where we were being harangued with some heat about how none of us were paying proper tithing and fast offerings, it occurred to me that we were all being subjected to massive spiritual extortion. And it was the last straw. I got up and walked out, and have never gone back. Best decision ever.
@mormonskeptic6836 7 ай бұрын
The church is an MLM.
@douglaswilkinson5700 4 күн бұрын
In the mid-1960s two men dressed in suits knocked on the front door of my aunt's & uncle's house. They told my uncle -- who had answered the door -- that he had not been paying his tithing to the Church and they were there to collect. Well, my aunt and uncle belonged to the Church of Christ, not the LDS. However, the gentlemen insisted they had the right man. So my uncle excused himself and when he returned he had a pistol. This convinced the gentleman to depart post haste.
@samtaylor5931 7 ай бұрын
I wasn't allowed to go through the temple with my oldest son and be his escort when he was getting ready to go on a mission because I wouldn't pay tithing. I told my Bishop I felt like the church has enough money and I didn't think God would make us pay money to enter his house. He disagreed and my son had to go through on his own. But this church is about families right...
@Post-MoMitch 7 ай бұрын
Mormonism is one of the most expensive subscription services you can have. Then you get shamed and guilted for not spending even more time and talents to it... Especially going to the temple
@andycarrillo1477 7 ай бұрын
To play you must pay corporate church taxes, while itself relying upon its tax-exempt status to amass B$$$ in wealth…then paying M$$$ in fines to the SEC for using shell companies to conceal $34B in assets from the US government AND its membership…for over 20 years! Thank God for whistleblowers who see the corporate church’s board of directors for whom they are…
@michaelwasiljov8633 6 ай бұрын
I was raised Catholic and married Lutheran end after not attending church for many years, I started to attend an Orthodox Church. We were told to pledge whatever we can give, and that was it.
@ericnelson9100 7 ай бұрын
At the beginning sure sounds like a shakedown to me!
@attieb316 7 ай бұрын
When my cousin was preparing to go to the temple they were told they needed to pay around $5-$6000 back tithing in order to go and “prove” they were genuinely seeking to do so. Her family was not well off, and struggled very much financially. Her and her fiancé had to borrow from others and save and pay “back tithing” in order to attend the temple and that in itself is wrong and gross behaviour on the behalf of that ignorant bishop, but once one realizes they have been duped and lied to and the grossness of the temple ceremonies (knowing where they stem from and how similar it is to satanism) it becomes even more horrible.
@micheleh3851 6 ай бұрын
@attieb316 - Official Church policy on tithes is you start where you are. The Church does not expect people to pay back tithing. The Bishop of your cousin was either going rogue or felt that your cousin did need to pay back tithing to demonstrate commitment. If a person is not paying tithes and seeks a Temple recommend, they are generally asked to prove their commitment for 6 months to a year to make sure they are taking the Temple seriously. Not only for tithes but for the other worthiness questions as well. It's like asking if a person keeps the law of chastity and the person says, well I have this week...
@attieb316 5 ай бұрын
@@micheleh3851The fact that there are policies for paying back monetarily in order to earn ones way and prove oneself is in itself proof that the god of Mormonism is not the God of the Bible because God says that only grace can save. God does not require a card with a barcode to get into Gods fold or church or handshakes to get into heaven. Policies for members to prove themselves to men, in order to enter a man’s building is a mock to God because God receives all who come to him in humility and don’t proclaim themselves righteous, He says “no one is righteous, no not one” and that in order to be considered righteous we have to be In Him (exactly why Jesus is called Righteous by name. And Gods name means, Salvation. Nothing else will do! I hope you will soon learn this through Gods grace and merciful intervention for you.
@rubi-mq4qv 7 ай бұрын
As a kid, I never got pocket money. I know many kids that had to pay tithing out of their pocketmoney. I had to pay tithing on money I got gifted on my birthday or christmas. This is so messed up. I just feel sad and betrayed that my parents did not protect me from all the harm the church belives and its members did to me. But the real sad thing is, that they are victims themselves. They just don´t know it and will likely never see it.
@michaeladams1523 7 ай бұрын
My parents as well. All 3 of my siblings and I have left the church.
@sc766 7 ай бұрын
Too much indoctrination, guilt and fear that keep our love ones in line to pay tithing even if they get food from local food bank, get government medical coverage, can't afford to fix old car, etc I doubt that Jesus would really want this😢
@rubi-mq4qv 7 ай бұрын
No Jesus preached love not what the church does...
@spymaster2455 7 ай бұрын
How I got around paying money to the church for tithing. If I gave 40 hours of work I gave 4 hours in the service of man paid for hours of volunteer work. The original format pay to God.
@Koppenholle1 7 ай бұрын
Am a member from Belgium and my faith is not based on money but on a testimony that comes through fasting and prayer. It has made me stronger and enriched my life. As far as I'm concerned, the church can do whatever they want with my money, it doesn't bother me. If tithes are not used properly then it is their responsibility, not mine. Through the church, I have been able to develop a personal relationship with God and receive non-stop answers to my prayers. Many of those answers are too secret to talk about it, you won't understand it anyway. Even if everything you claim is true, it does not affect my testimony in the least. The church has given my life meaning and I will always be grateful for that.
@spymaster2455 7 ай бұрын
@@Koppenholle1 I see that Self hypnosis is working for you. Considering nothing on this planet comes from the Supreme creator . .So your faith is fake the Bible is fake, a fake religion. You are basically basing everything on a fake God . Does Supreme Creator did not leave you no rules or regulations to follow on this plane of existence.
@msemmahale4608 7 ай бұрын
@@Koppenholle1​​⁠That’s great that for you “it doesn’t matter what is said about the leaders of the church” however, how can you call deliberate LYING by the apostles and prophet “mistakes.” In my book, where much is given, much is expected. So if that holds true, the leaders of the global church should be held to a higher standard, but they can’t even pass the standard expected of your average member. You shall know them by their fruits, no? Their fruit is rotten to the core and they should be held accountable for their “mistakes” just as any regular member of the church or do believe that they are more special than the rest of us?
@thelatterdayarbiter 7 ай бұрын
Ya know, I go to the temple as oft as I can. I'm disabled, so I don't need to pay money to go there. The temple has taught me to actually love my God more than money, family more than money, and to live within my means even if I don't make much cuz I'm disabled. I'm chuckled over how much people love money over even their own lives, like a process man
@Kristy_not_Kristine 7 ай бұрын
I chuckle (not really, it's actually very sad) over how many people still believe the manipulation and lies of the LDS church... Brigham was an impostor (according to Joseph Smith) and there is nothing in the Book of Mormon about temples as they are today with endowments and sealings and all the BS manipulation. Jesus said to come and buy without money and without price. Salvation is free. I left the church a year ago after learning the truth about BY.
@TEAM__POSEID0N 7 ай бұрын
It's not a matter of loving money more than God. It's just making reasonable observations and concluding that the transactions being pushed on people by the leaders of the LDS church do not really come from God. It's about the realization that: (A) It's just a bunch of men falsely claiming that God wants them to collect and manage money for God; (B) It's those same men relatedly claiming that God will reward people for going to the official temples (built according to the instructions of such men) and participating in rituals therein (also falsely claimed to be established by God): and (C) ultimately, claiming that people are not "worthy" of going to such temples unless they comply with the "tithing" requirements that obligate the people to pay money to those same men (as referred to in (A) above). If you believe the claims made by those men, nobody is stopping you from complying with their instructions, commands and guidance. It's up to you to determine how likely it is that the ambiguous rewards in heaven that they promise are real.
@thelatterdayarbiter 7 ай бұрын
@@TEAM__POSEID0N If a former heart surgeon (Russel M Nelson) wanted more money, he would’ve kept being a heart surgeon
@TEAM__POSEID0N 7 ай бұрын
@@thelatterdayarbiter Russell M. Nelson was already at the ordinary retirement age (60 -- not mandatory, but typical) for heart surgeons when he became a General Authority. Although he could have continued working in an administrative or teaching capacity, there wouldn't be much point to it from a monetary point of view. His retirement package from the medical profession was already secure and by becoming a General Authority, he gained an additional six-figure salary (FOR LIFE) in addition to his retirement pension/benefits, not to mention all the adulation, ego-stroking and many side benefits (unlimited healthcare coverage, housing allowances, transportation allowances, and all the other stuff) that go along with being an "Apostle". In any case, I'm not sure why you even think that your apologetic response (about Nelson being able to make more money as a heart surgeon) is even relevant to anything I said. Of course I don't mean that Nelson personally pockets 5% or 10% of all tithing money. But it all goes to entities that he presides over. As a heart surgeon, he would never be in a position to preside over 150 ~ 300 billion dollars worth of assets. It's not about the Apostles personally stuffing huge percentages of tithing cash into their pockets and personal bank accounts. All of those guys are in the top 2~3% in terms of wealth and material comfort with just the compensation package that they get as GAs in addition to whatever business income and assets they acquired previously. (Even Boyd K. Packer, Monson and Hinckley who were lifetime employees of the church or church-owned enterprises were quite wealthy...well above middle class. And many General Authorities came into it after already being millionaires and some of them owned businesses that continued to provide revenue to them in perpetuity. Ballard was bailed out of a failed business by the Church just prior to being made a General Authority.) Worse, we don't really even know how much the Top 15 rake in monetarily because there is no transparency or accounting made to the membership. The GAs (especially the Top 15) live in big, posh homes in nice neighborhoods. What they get beyond the creature comforts that tons of money can provide (and you can only enjoy a limited number of premium steaks, leather sofas and so on...beyond which additional money becomes redundant and unnecessary)---what they get more of is power and influence...something that you can see motivates many billionaires who clearly don't need any more money for personal comfort and luxury. Not needing more money for personal comfort and luxury, they nonetheless still greedily seek to acquire CONTROL over as much MORE money as possible throughout their lives..because it gives them MORE power over other people. Control over something does not always equal personal/legal property ownership of that thing...but it means power over that thing and all it can do. And control is often more desirable than personal ownership.
@petervukomanovic1320 7 ай бұрын
As a former member of the mormon church in addition to titheing we were admonished to pay into the budget for running chaples, missionary fund, and a generous fast offering every month. The temple session says we are to sacrifice everything for the mormon church. Beware the greedy wolves in sheep’s clothing
@DanielJesseLife 7 ай бұрын
Way back in my other life, I had a tithing check bounce. It was an awkward conversation with the bishop. So do the blessings get granted after the check clears? Or if the check bounces, are the blessings revoked?
@TS-iv9ml 7 ай бұрын
@MsCaterific 7 ай бұрын
Are those who have received their 2nd anointing still obligated to pay a full tithe?
@TEAM__POSEID0N 7 ай бұрын
I think they are issued asbestos underwear. When God is busy burning non-tithepayers he won't be bothering to check the 2nd Anointing list. So it's up to the 2-Anoins to wear their asbestos underwear. The 1-Anoins don't get the asbestos and instead have highly flammable underwear.
@Koppenholle1 7 ай бұрын
Am a member from Belgium and my faith is not based on money but on a testimony that comes through fasting and prayer. It has made me stronger and enriched my life. As far as I'm concerned, the church can do whatever they want with my money, it doesn't bother me. If tithes are not used properly then it is their responsibility, not mine. Through the church, I have been able to develop a personal relationship with God and receive non-stop answers to my prayers. Many of those answers are too secret to talk about it, you won't understand it anyway. Even if everything you claim is true, it does not affect my testimony in the least. The church has given my life meaning and I will always be grateful for that.
@MsCaterific 7 ай бұрын
@@Koppenholle1 I was a TBM for 45yrs so I do feel I would understand. It's wonderful that you receive non-stop answers to your prayers from God. I guess that makes you a more important and beloved soul than me, and I've come to accept such things. The fact that you willingly keep paying a full or any type of tithe regardless of how fraudulent a cooperating is, supports my point that we don't need organized religions to be spiritual, to have a relationship with God, to be good and kind etc... However, for me, Honesty and Trust are Super Important! Therefor I no longer follow Liars and choose to use my money to directly bless those who have less than me in the form of gift cards. I'm still the exact same person/soul now then when I was a TBM and follower. I realized I don't need lying men to dictate that I'm a sinner cuz I don't give the church my money, but do give to the homeless but I won't make it to the celestial kingdom. What works for you does Not work for my conscious, and that's okay that we are different.
@msemmahale4608 7 ай бұрын
@@Koppenholle1​​⁠That’s great that for you “it doesn’t matter what is said about the leaders of the church” however, how can you call deliberate LYING by the apostles and prophet “mistakes.” In my book, where much is given, much is expected. So if that holds true, the leaders of the global church should be held to a higher standard, but they can’t even pass the standard expected of your average member. You shall know them by their fruits, no? Their fruit is rotten to the core and they should be held accountable for their “mistakes” just like any regular member of the church or do believe that they are more special than the rest of us?
@Koppenholle1 7 ай бұрын
@@MsCaterific I do get answers to my prayers non-stop, but that doesn't mean I feel more important than others. That is certainly not the case. I respect and admire everyone both inside and outside the church. Also people who have left the church and I will never judge them. I'm not perfect myself. All I want to say is that the answers I get give me immense joy and I want to share them with others. Others can receive the same answers I receive because if the Lord so blesses me with all my weaknesses and shortcomings, He will bless others as well.
@Monkee7779 7 ай бұрын
Offerings are good to do. Tithing was a requirement to sustain the Levite Tribe as they didn't work paying jobs... The author of Malachi was speaking to the priests of the temple who were literally robbing the "tithes and offerings."
@teds5133 7 ай бұрын
Yes I agree the church needs to show the charitable work the temple supports. Fast Offerings have nothing to do with the temple.
@Koppenholle1 7 ай бұрын
Am a member from Belgium and my faith is not based on money but on a testimony that comes through fasting and prayer. It has made me stronger and enriched my life. As far as I'm concerned, the church can do whatever they want with my money, it doesn't bother me. If tithes are not used properly then it is their responsibility, not mine. Through the church, I have been able to develop a personal relationship with God and receive non-stop answers to my prayers. Many of those answers are too secret to talk about it, you won't understand it anyway. Even if everything you claim is true, it does not affect my testimony in the least. The church has given my life meaning and I will always be grateful for that.
@msemmahale4608 7 ай бұрын
@@Koppenholle1​​⁠That’s great that for you “it doesn’t matter what is said about the leaders of the church” however, how can you call deliberate LYING by the apostles and prophet “mistakes.” In my book, where much is given, much is expected. So if that holds true, the leaders of the global church should be held to a higher standard, but they can’t even pass the standard expected of your average member. You shall know them by their fruits, no? Their fruit is rotten to the core and they should be held accountable for their “mistakes” just as any regular member of the church or do believe that they are more special than the rest of us?
@Lomochenko 7 ай бұрын
@@Koppenholle1 spammmer
@cairosene 7 ай бұрын
the way these men speak about tithing and weaponize blessings and emotions to bolster their bottom line is so insidious. they joke about it to make it seem casual and easy. i really respect your refusal to pay tithing. i wish more members were willing to do it, even if they saw consequence from it
@melindawood4885 Ай бұрын
I’ve realized it’s dead works. Let the dead take care of the dead, besides they have a clearer perspective of things. Let’s be engage in living works! Let’s help the millions/billions around us. When you serve 1living person, that doesn’t only affect them, but can spread to their family & friends. Living works spread and helps thoughts who need help now!!!
@anoriginalcreationx 7 ай бұрын
Charitable worship?! Only a tiny portion of what is completed in the temple is done for the living. The rest of our time there was spent doing things for people who we will never even meet. I don't see a single thing that's charitable about doing ordinances for the dead. How can we get that investigated and removed? Can we write letters to someone to review their status?
@TEAM__POSEID0N 7 ай бұрын
I always had an instinctively negative feeling about the temple. The ridiculousness of it became even clearer to me when I realized that the whole voodoo proxy for the dead stuff was essential to keep the temple grift alive. Without the "ordinances for the dead" most members would only need to go to the temple once or twice for themselves in their entire lifetime (endowment and marriage)...and a few additional times to accompany living relatives. There would never be a need to do the handshakes and costume hokey-pokey again after the first go-round. The temple baptismal font could be converted into jacuzzi and spa room, since it is never used for anything but necro-baptisms. The whole premise of "ordinances for the dead" is preposterous.
@rilum97 7 ай бұрын
Tithing is not an obligation in the Bible
@wwrk25 7 ай бұрын
Its not about Bible teaching. Its about continous revelation. God tells LDS how to run the church in todays time.
@Fromage4972 7 ай бұрын
@@wwrk25 If it's not about Bible teaching, then why do the General Authorities keep quoting (mis-quoting) the Bible to justify their dogma? To your point, they would just say "God revealed this principle of tithing to us." However, they don't do this, they appeal to the Bible.
@rilum97 7 ай бұрын
@@wwrk25 See the thing is, If a person claims to receive revelations from God, he should be investigated. He should be able to tell when the revelation was, what the revelation was, and specifically how he got this revelation.
@Lomochenko 7 ай бұрын
Why are people still talking about the Bible which is 2,000 years old. It’s an outdated relic that doesn’t have any relevance in 2024.
@charliejones8909 7 ай бұрын
Worst "member's only" jackets ever.
@anoriginalcreationx 7 ай бұрын
the jackets aren't nearly as bad as the required head attire 😅
@bitherwack 7 ай бұрын
"Honestly and with integrity," Elder Holland?! Are you joking?! First exemplify honesty and integrity in your handling of holy tithing funds!
@Koppenholle1 7 ай бұрын
Am a member from Belgium and my faith is not based on money but on a testimony that comes through fasting and prayer. It has made me stronger and enriched my life. As far as I'm concerned, the church can do whatever they want with my money, it doesn't bother me. If tithes are not used properly then it is their responsibility, not mine. Through the church, I have been able to develop a personal relationship with God and receive non-stop answers to my prayers. Many of those answers are too secret to talk about it, you won't understand it anyway. Even if everything you claim is true, it does not affect my testimony in the least. The church has given my life meaning and I will always be grateful for that.
@msemmahale4608 7 ай бұрын
@@Koppenholle1​​⁠​​⁠That’s great that for you “it doesn’t matter what is said about the leaders of the church” however, how can you call deliberate LYING by the apostles and prophet “mistakes.” In my book, where much is given, much is expected. So if that holds true, the leaders of the global church should be held to a higher standard, but they can’t even pass the standard expected of your average member. You shall know them by their fruits, no? Their fruit is rotten to the core and they should be held accountable for their “mistakes” just like any regular member of the church or do believe that they are more special than the rest of us?
@droundyCubby 7 ай бұрын
Why would you even possibly want a temple recommend?
@kiloslouch4379 7 ай бұрын
If they don’t, then they can’t see their family in the afterlife
@droundyCubby 7 ай бұрын
To Kiloslouch, if the person believed, they would not mind paying tithes. If the person doesn’t believe, what is their intention to get a reconmend. His does not seem to have a belief base but a push the boundaries base.
@TisMountaingrown 7 ай бұрын
In the scriptures it says to pay tithing on your increase. For a farmer, if he plants 1 bushel of wheat and he harvests 101 bushels of wheat he pays tithing on the 100 bushel increase. However, if you trade, via barter, 2 goats for a cow, you have no increase and no tithe is required. When we work for an employer we are bartering our time for money, there is no increase, therefore no tithe is required. If on the other hand you invest $10 and it increases in value to $110, you have in increase of $100 that needs to be tithed. Now, try explaining that one to your Bishop or Stake Pres.
@barbiechopshop9538 7 ай бұрын
@Washingtontree 7 ай бұрын
Rock Waterton has a interesting perspective:
@AlanFenick 5 ай бұрын
The Church is redundant “When two or more are gathered in my name, I am there!” Matt 18:20 Jesus never talked or said anything about a physical church, but did speak of a spiritual one.
@11UncleBooker22 7 ай бұрын
It's 10% of your INCREASE or PROFITS, NOT 10% of the total or gross income. As is the case in MUCH of the church's doctrines and/or operational laws they've seen fit to make the rule different from the scriptural standard. Everyone can see that a secure 10% is by far more financially gainful than 10% of a POSSIBLE increase. 😊
@Washingtontree 7 ай бұрын
A very interesting take on Section 119. Seems like this is Spirit led, maybe a higher law where we are able to learn to be good stewards of what the Lord has blessed us with.
@gatecrashercanadamb 7 ай бұрын
Paying tithing isn't mandatory under the New Testament/Covenant. 2 Corinthians 9:7 7 Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 8 And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.
@spymaster2455 7 ай бұрын
Did you know they're technically is nowhere in the scriptures that even talks about tithing as money. Is a place in the Bible that talks about paying money but that's to the taxes not to God.
@kathrynclass2915 7 ай бұрын
Bednar says our agency is enlarged because due to our covenant making it's more important to represent Jesus. It doesn't add up. So illogical that Bednar says the obligation to pay tithing increases our agency. If anything it shrinks it. Right? 5:09
@TEAM__POSEID0N 7 ай бұрын
Bednar is a very confused man. But he covers for it by adopting an attitude of extreme confidence, assurance and authority...when saying utterly ridiculous things.
@user-bw3fl7fj9w 7 ай бұрын
But, I guess coming clean about church history, etc isn't covered under agency.
@CENTCOM467 7 ай бұрын
8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: -9 Not of works, lest any man should boast. Ephesians 2:8-9
@devinhildebrandt2709 7 ай бұрын
Thanks Nemo, you motivate me to keep paying tithes and fast offerings❤️
@maddog6466 7 ай бұрын
If you cannot sustain the leaders of the church or support the church by paying tithing, why stick with the church at all? Leave! It's as simple as that. It's what I have done. And I have been with the Church Educational System for 26 years!
@my2cworth4U 6 ай бұрын
I was excommunicated for saying I could no longer obey the priesthood or use my money, talents and abilities for their benefit.
@pfknob 7 ай бұрын
No. The questions are a self-evaluation of whether or not your are being obedient to your temple covenants.
@Fromage4972 7 ай бұрын
Except they're not a self-evaluation though are they. You are quizzed by a third party in the bishopric and then the stake presidency. Also, the covenants you make in the temple are vague and non-specific. They do not specifically address the majority of questions asked in the temple recommend interview. The interview seems to be more of a litmus test. However, that is completely the church's prerogative to have such a thing. The temple recommend questions have changed myriad times over the last hundred+ years. It's just interesting that tithing is now a requirement (as of 1964).
@pfknob 7 ай бұрын
@@Fromage4972 I am sorry that someone did not adequately explain the purpose of these "interviews". They are self-evaluating according to your agency and conscience. Remember, you can provide any answer that you want. It's up to you and it is between you and God alone. Regarding the covenants you make in the Temple, there is a principle involved in most ordinances, and especially the temple - the principle of "reveal and conceal". When you are ready and have done the work to prepare yourself through obedience, repentance, faith in Christ and His Atonement, scripture study, prayer, and actively seeking "great knowledge, even greater knowledge" (Abraham 1), according to your faith, you can begin to ask appropriate questions. There is an old Jewish saying, "there can be no stirring above, unless there is first a stirring below". Another way to state it is with another scripture: “Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you.” (D&C 88:63.) We have to make the first move. This life is a test-a probationary period where we have been placed standing in the middle between light and darkness, and we are being tested on how and what we will choose. We have to initiate the process of revelation. ALL revelation begins with a question. The temple covenants and ordinances are there to help you and empower you to make incremental "character" changes, line upon line, precept upon precept. Ordinances and commandments are useless unless and until an individual decides to become a "new man in Christ". It is all about your character and the choices that YOU make. It is your character that ratifies these ordinances. You have to choose to be exalted. The temple ordinances focus on the two laws upon which all other laws and commandments hang - loving God and loving your fellow man. The law of sacrifice, the law of gospel, the law of chastity (virtue), and the law of consecration are designed to help you love God and your fellowman, but you must LIVE them. The temple endowment is an endowment of knowledge and helps you understand the relationships between God, man, and the environment in which man lives. This is why all temple rituals begin with the story of creation. The ordinances help us to focus our mind and heart on what we need to do to change our character. Ordinances give us the hope of a future reality so that we can "act with futurity" (D&C 101). I hope this helps and please feel free to ask questions and I will do my best to answer them.
@nancywood3478 7 ай бұрын
The truth in my house, when we joined the church, every penny of every deposit was already promised for our debts . We started paying TITHING FIRST , AND THERE WAS STILL ENOUGH TO PAY OUR DEBTS. For 25 years we always had enough to make it, cause tithing came first. After a tough divorce and an expensive move farther away, Two times I ask for help buying food, until I built another house cleaning business, and we were supporting ourselves again. I am so thankful I can pay my tithing that builds temples and others who need help from church programs.
@Koppenholle1 7 ай бұрын
Am a member from Belgium and my faith is not based on money but on a testimony that comes through fasting and prayer. It has made me stronger and enriched my life. As far as I'm concerned, the church can do whatever they want with my money, it doesn't bother me. If tithes are not used properly then it is their responsibility, not mine. Through the church, I have been able to develop a personal relationship with God and receive non-stop answers to my prayers. Many of those answers are too secret to talk about it, you won't understand it anyway. Even if everything you claim is true, it does not affect my testimony in the least. The church has given my life meaning and I will always be grateful for that.
@Lomochenko 7 ай бұрын
#NotaCult. 😂
@JaguarKnight110 7 ай бұрын
I am unorthodox in my beliefs where I do believe in the standard works but disagree with the superstition: if you follow god’s commandments good will follow, but if you break them bad things will happen. I personally believe that God divorced himself from our reality to promote free will and for us to react accordingly (promotes atmosphere where judgement can be just not that we are puppets being puppeteered by God and the Devil). I personally believe “blessings” aren’t what we grew up to believe but instead knowledge gained from the good and the bad. I have seen too many people in the church blame lack of tithe paying, lack of regular attendance to be the cause of their problems instead of their life choices and poor decision making when presented with life’s problems as being the culprit (themselves being the problem).
@jamiepotts6102 5 ай бұрын
It was so disappointing to realize that the temple is truly a pay to play spiritual practice
@ChrisKirkland-k8k 7 ай бұрын
Is it possible to be a member of the Mormon Church and not go to the Temple? Is an adult male expected (required) to seek a "recommend"[dation] to go to the Temple for rites and ceremonies (endowment)? What would happen to a new member he refused to proceed further after baptism and confirmation? A related question: is one required to be an Aaronic or Melchesidik [spelling?] priest, also? As far as I know, no other Christian denomination has so many requirements for members. Even tithing in the Church of England is only encouraged, not required. It is assumed one will give out of love, not law.
@Kristy_not_Kristine 7 ай бұрын
It is possible, and it does happen a lot, but it is frowned on for sure. All are expected to "progress" through the temple covenants through to marriage. So nothing would happen if they refused to proceed further after baptism and confirmation, but they'd be treated as "less than" and as possibly inactive, especially if he or she doesn't attend church regularly. Lots of boxes to check off, that is for sure! And so many are not required by the Lord...
@ChrisKirkland-k8k 7 ай бұрын
Thank you @@Kristy_not_Kristine very much for your reply. All the best to you. :-)
@TEAM__POSEID0N 7 ай бұрын
Yeah. It is possible. Of course the more devout members will look at such person as being somehow stunted, spiritually lazy and destined for a lesser kingdom in the afterlife. But a person won't be kicked out simply for not going beyond baptism and confirmation with regard to participation in all the additional "ordinances" and "callings" and so on. Logically, though, if a person decides to be a "member" of the church in that way, it implies that they really don't believe in the teachings of the church, so it's hard to understand why anyone would bother with any of it--including the baptism and confirmation.
@ChrisKirkland-k8k 7 ай бұрын
@@TEAM__POSEID0N I see. Thank you for helping me. I think I understand. It's believing in Jesus Christ, plus doing the work of ordinances, covenants, sealing,, baptisms for the deceased, the Temple that they believe gives one eternal life? "He who has the Son has life..." No mention of all these extra things in the Scriptures (the Book of Mormon or the Bible). I appreciate your kind note. Best wishes to you.
@TEAM__POSEID0N 7 ай бұрын
@@ChrisKirkland-k8k Yes. You understand it correctly. Mormon "heaven" is kind of like flying with a commercial airline. Super Mormons fly in the "First Class" section. Hard-working, sincere Mormons who slack off a bit here and there and don't manage to come up with enough money to buy a First Class in the "Business Class" section. Lazy Mormons fly in the "Deluxe Economy Class" section. Non-Mormons and very flawed Mormons fly in ordinary "Economy Class" (Mormons who cuss, drink alcohol and skip many church meetings may end up being downgraded to ordinary Economy Class). Baptism and confirmation in the Mormon church may get you a "Deluxe Economy Class" seat in Mormon heaven. But you can lose that status if you commit serious sins (sins defined by the Mormon church) after the baptism and confirmation. Ex-Mormons who openly criticize the church and resign from it get thrown off the plane when it's cruising at an altitude of 30,000 feet. For deeper doctrine, continuing with the above analogy, only Mormon passengers in First Class heaven continue having s E x u A l activities. Also some of the Super Mormon guys in First Class can upgrade the wives of men in the lower classes of heaven, IOW, they can poach wives from the lower-class guys since the lower classes of Mormon Heaven Airlines don't recognize marriages. None of that (marriage and s E x) is allowed in Business or either of the Economy classes. Also, some of the Super Mormons in First Class are eligible to get a gold star ticket (called the "Second Anointing" in the temple). That means that after ticketing and before boarding they can commit some quite serious sins and will nonetheless be exempt from any kind of downgrade from First Class. If you're thinking Mormon heaven sounds absolutely c R a z understand Mormon doctrine about heaven very well.
@jeffs4483 7 ай бұрын
The word Mormon means More Money.
@annalisejones7466 6 ай бұрын
Pay your tithing to the Lord, not to man. “Inasmuch as ye have done it to the least of these thy Brethren, ye have done it unto me.”
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