Very disappointed that the Tacon is discontinued. Especially considering that I just bought an E-flite Shoestring EF1 airframe, with the intensions of making it go as fast as possible.
@TheHarberHangar8 жыл бұрын
Nic, I've got another motor I'd love to see you destro...I mean TEST! D4023-850 outrunner: I've used this on several different projects, but only towards the end did I really start pushing it. It can put out FAR more than its listed "380W", and I'd love to see where its limits really are. I flew it on my Raiden in the FF16 World Record Flight, as well as my scratchbuilt A-4 Skyhawk (, both on 4S. It scoots! I think this motor is a really good value, power/$, and I'd love to know what you think of it.
@ChrisMisMYhandle8 жыл бұрын
how do you get over 1000W out of a 2820 when there 2826 motors that will only do 120W? Am i missing something with the numbers? i thought that the numbers corresponded to the diammeter and length of the rotor. If this is so, how do you get over 10 times the power out of a smaller motor? im confused :-S
@nerdnic8 жыл бұрын
Some manufacturers measure the outside can (this is most common), and others measure the stator. The Tacon 10 is measured based on its stator. If you were to measure it by its can the Tacon 10 would be a 3542. Hope this helps!
@ChrisMisMYhandle8 жыл бұрын
thanks a lot. I'm looking for plans / parts for my next build... can't decide :D
@ChrisMisMYhandle8 жыл бұрын
Nic Lechner how did you discover the power of this motor? did you read about its potential somewhere or just over prop the crap out of it until you broke one?
@nerdnic8 жыл бұрын
A local friend had used it with a similar setup. Overall you can get a pretty good ballpark of how much a motor can take (read:how many amps) based on its weight. There are a lot of variables that can impact how well a motor performs, magnets, winding, bearings, build quality, etc. But weight alone is a good starting point to know the level of abuse it will withstand.
@ChrisMisMYhandle8 жыл бұрын
Nic Lechner that makes sense. I guess the weight is an indicator of the cross sectional area of the copper in the windings. tried to make a video of my turnugy sk3 powered plane with a speed wing I derived from your builds. the cameras weren't set up very well and the GPS I used to log the speed upset the CG a bit but I've posted the video in my channel anyway. the GPS indicated 112 mph even though the plane was a right handful!
@rockjano8 жыл бұрын
Why don't you measure thrust as well??? Just attache it on a kitchen scale (with props upside down)
@nerdnic8 жыл бұрын
I just bought a thrust stand so I'll be able to do this now!