Nietzsche's Psycho-Genealogy of Religion and Racism

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The Machiavellians

The Machiavellians

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@TheMachiavellians 11 ай бұрын
For anyone under the delusion that Nietzsche was an anti-Semite here's a quotation from the "Dawn" so that you can educate yourself. Of the people of Israel. Among the spectacles to which the coming century invites us is the decision as to the destiny of the Jews of Europe. That their die is cast, that they have crossed their Rubicon, is now palpably obvious: all that is left for them is either to become the masters of Europe or to lose Europe as they once a long time ago lost Egypt, where they had placed themselves before a similar either-or. In Europe, however, they have gone through an eighteen-century schooling such as no other nation of this continent can boast of and what they have experienced in this terrible time of schooling has benefited the individual to a greater degree than it has the community as a whole. As a consequence of this, the psychological and spiritual resources of the Jews today are extraordinary; of all those who live in Europe they are least liable to resort to drink or suicide in order to escape from some profound dilemma something the less gifted are often apt to do. Every Jew possesses in the history of his fathers and grandfathers a great fund of examples of the coldest self-possession and endurance in fearful situations, of the subtlest outwitting and exploitation of chance and misfortune; their courage beneath the cloak of miserable submission, their heroism in spernere se sperni [to despise being despised], surpasses the virtues of all the saints. For two millennia an attempt was made to render them contemptible by treating them with contempt, and by barring to them the way to all honours and all that was honourable, and in exchange thrusting them all the deeper into the dirtier trades and it is true that they did not grow cleaner in the process. But contemptible? They themselves have never ceased to believe themselves called to the highest things, and the virtues which pertain to all who suffer have likewise never ceased to adorn them. The way in which they honour their fathers and their children, the rationality of their marriages and marriage customs, distinguish them among all Europeans. In addition to all this, they have known how to create for themselves a feeling of power and of eternal revenge out of the very occupations left to them (or to which they were left); one has to say in extenuation even of their usury that without this occasional pleasant and useful torturing of those who despised them it would have been difficult for them to have preserved their own self-respect for so long. For our respect for ourselves is tied to our being able to practise requital, in good things and bad. At the same time, however, their revenge does not easily go too far: for they all possess the liberality, including liberality of soul, to which frequent changes of residence, of climate, of the customs of one's neighbours and oppressors educates men; they possess by far the greatest experience of human society, and even in their passions they practice the caution taught by this experience. They are so sure in their intellectual suppleness and shrewdness that they never, even in the worst straits, need to earn their bread by physical labour, as common workmen, porters, agricultural slaves. Their demeanour still reveals that their souls have never known chivalrous noble sentiments nor their bodies handsome armour: a certain importunity mingles with an often charming but almost always painful submissiveness. But now, since they are unavoidably going to ally themselves with the best aristocracy of Europe more and more with every year that passes, they will soon have created for themselves a goodly inheritance of spiritual and bodily demeanour: so that a century hence they will appear sufficiently noble not to make those they dominate ashamed to have them as masters. And that is what matters! That is why it is still too soon for a settlement of their affairs! They themselves know best that a conquest of Europe, or any kind of act of violence, on their part is not to be thought of: but they also know that at some future time Europe may fall into their hands like a ripe fruit if they would only just extend them. To bring that about they need, in the meantime, to distinguish themselves in every domain of European distinction and to stand everywhere in the first rank: until they have reached the point at which they themselves determine what is distinguishing. Then they will be called the inventors and signposts of the nations of Europe and no longer offend their sensibilities. And whither shall this assembled abundance of grand impressions which for every Jewish family constitutes Jewish history, this abundance of passions, virtues, decisions, renunciations, struggles, victories of every kind whither shall it stream out if not at last into great men and great works! Then, when the Jews can exhibit as their work such jewels and golden vessels as the European nations of a briefer and less profound experience could not and cannot produce, when Israel will have transformed its eternal vengeance into an eternal blessing for Europe: then there will again arrive that seventh day on which the ancient Jewish God may rejoice in himself, his creation and his chosen people and let us all, all of us, rejoice with him!
@Diogenes_43 11 ай бұрын
The guy couldn’t get everything right.
@dragonfishing 5 ай бұрын
He did you lack perspective on the matter, you need to apply pluralistic understanding to his work, this guy posts a single quote through the thread. But freddy warned us of the danger. That there hatred of the other is instinctual and pathologic, and history reflects this in the deaths of the billions they have caused throughout time.
@j.langer5949 5 ай бұрын
Honestly, this single quote proves nothing. In his earlier and later works, he wrote very negative things about them (and especially about what they represent). He wanted to solve their question by having them absorbed into the European ethnos, which would make their particularity disappear. Which is something they've been fighting their entire existence against.
@aussieWS 2 ай бұрын
Unpopular take… People’s interpretations of Nietzche are just a reflection of themselves. I have seen right wingers claim him. Left wingers. Marxists. Libertarians. Nazis. And everything in between. I have read nietzche, I have digested a lot material regarding him and I have to say, nothing is a bigger waste of time than getting to the bottom of what he thinks. He’s so nuanced, contradictory, contextual to the particular time he wrote something, etc that he just becomes someone’s own personal nietzche. Which is fine. He should be read. His powerful aphorisms deserve reflection. But anybody trying to have the final word on him is pissing in the wind. Anybody trying to teach him is basically telling you about themselves sprinkled with particular quotes they liked. Other philosophers don’t have this phenomena, but Fredrick is something special
@36cmbr 2 ай бұрын
He is a critic, not at all a philosopher or heaven forbid a Freudian psychiatrist.
@BlakeJortles 2 ай бұрын
Elitists claim him as validation of their superiority.
@theamericancristero7390 2 ай бұрын
He's little more than an intelligent schizophrenic.
@DefinitelyNotAMachineCultist 2 ай бұрын
Not really unpopular, even many of his fans might call him 'muddle-headed', but isn't much of his work just an opposing response to Schopenhauer? It feels like people are overcomplicating things and not bothering with the historical context, which makes it seem more esoteric than it actually is, since the language can be flowerier than needed and context can be missing. There're definitely some things that stay consistent with his stuff. You can basically summarize his worldview as: _Weakness corrupts, and absolute weakness corrupts absolutely._ Nothing inherently to do with left versus right, but some sides of the political aisle would definitely take more issue with it than others.
@apocolypse11 20 күн бұрын
Nice! I wonder what Nietzche would say if everything above the equator is Heaven n everything below the equator is hell? U could aslo ask the jews,hindu,islam,christians etc just for fun.
@ShareefusMaximus 11 ай бұрын
Nietzsche was not against the Jewish ethnicity, but to claim that he was not against the Jewish religion and it's accompanying world view, is bizarre. Have you read the Genealogy of Morals?
@Rally351 11 ай бұрын
His view is more nuanced about it-yes he did credit them with the genesis of slave morality (which he didn’t care for) but he also respected them for being able to forge their own reevaluation of values, which is no small feat to recognize.
@ShareefusMaximus 11 ай бұрын
@@Rally351 Did he though? Respect their revaluation? Or did he just acknowledge that it happened? As I read it, all of his praise is for the toughness of their ethnicity and all of his scorn is for their religious ideology. "That which doesn't kill me makes me stronger." They've been through a lot and have, therefore, been strengthened by the experience. But what does that matter if they then double down on slave morality? Nietzsche met and knew atheists of Jewish decent whom he had tremendous respect for, but that didn't affect their cast-off ideology and its position as slave morality. This video fails to separate the ethnically Jewish from the practitioners of Judaism and then ascribes "ressentiment" to those that oppose it as if it were master morality! Lame, and contrived to virtue signal under the weight of current events.
@TheMachiavellians 11 ай бұрын
@MalikiShareef yes I have read the Genealogy. Have you? have you read anything by Nietzsche? Because if you did then you would have no doubt come across aphorism 205 from "Dawn". The conclusion of this aphorism is critical. He thinks the Jews will become the masters of Europe and create a higher culture and that will be a good thing! Of the people of Israel. Among the spectacles to which the coming century invites us is the decision as to the destiny of the Jews of Europe. That their die is cast, that they have crossed their Rubicon, is now palpably obvious: all that is left for them is either to become the masters of Europe or to lose Europe as they once a long time ago lost Egypt, where they had placed themselves before a similar either-or. In Europe, however, they have gone through an eighteen-century schooling such as no other nation of this continent can boast of and what they have experienced in this terrible time of schooling has benefited the individual to a greater degree than it has the community as a whole. As a consequence of this, the psychological and spiritual resources of the Jews today are extraordinary; of all those who live in Europe they are least liable to resort to drink or suicide in order to escape from some profound dilemma something the less gifted are often apt to do. Every Jew possesses in the history of his fathers and grandfathers a great fund of examples of the coldest self-possession and endurance in fearful situations, of the subtlest outwitting and exploitation of chance and misfortune; their courage beneath the cloak of miserable submission, their heroism in spernere se sperni, surpasses the virtues of all the saints. For two millennia an attempt was made to render them contemptible by treating them with contempt, and by barring to them the way to all honours and all that was honourable, and in exchange thrusting them all the deeper into the dirtier trades and it is true that they did not grow cleaner in the process. But contemptible? They themselves have never ceased to believe themselves called to the highest things, and the virtues which pertain to all who suffer have likewise never ceased to adorn them. The way in which they honour their fathers and their children, the rationality of their marriages and marriage customs, distinguish them among all Europeans. In addition to all this, they have known how to create for themselves a feeling of power and of eternal revenge out of the very occupations left to them (or to which they were left); one has to say in extenuation even of their usury that without this occasional pleasant and useful torturing of those who despised them it would have been difficult for them to have preserved their own self-respect for so long. For our respect for ourselves is tied to our being able to practise requital, in good things and bad. At the same time, however, their revenge does not easily go too far: for they all possess the liberality, including liberality of soul, to which frequent changes of residence, of climate, of the customs of one's neighbours and oppressors educates men; they possess by far the greatest experience of human society, and even in their passions they practise the caution taught by this experience. They are so sure in their intellectual suppleness and shrewdness that they never, even in the worst straits, need to earn their bread by physical labour, as common workmen, porters, agricultural slaves. Their demeanour still reveals that their souls have never known chivalrous noble sentiments nor their bodies handsome armour: a certain importunity mingles with an often charming but almost always painful submissiveness. But now, since they are unavoidably going to ally themselves with the best aristocracy of Europe more and more with every year that passes, they will soon have created for themselves a goodly inheritance of spiritual and bodily demeanour: so that a century hence they will appear sufficiently noble not to make those they dominate ashamed to have them as masters. And that is what matters! That is why it is still too soon for a settlement of their affairs! They themselves know best that a conquest of Europe, or any kind of act of violence, on their part is not to be thought of: but they also know that at some future time Europe may fall into their hands like a ripe fruit if they would only just extend them. To bring that about they need, in the meantime, to distinguish themselves in every domain of European distinction and to stand everywhere in the first rank: until they have reached the point at which they themselves determine what is distinguishing. Then they will be called the inventors and signposts of the nations of Europe and no longer offend their sensibilities. And whither shall this assembled abundance of grand impressions which for every Jewish family constitutes Jewish history, this abundance of passions, virtues, decisions, renunciations, struggles, victories of every kind whither shall it stream out if not at last into great men and great works! Then, when the Jews can exhibit as their work such jewels and golden vessels as the European nations of a briefer and less profound experience could not and cannot produce, when Israel will have transformed its eternal vengeance into an eternal blessing for Europe: then there will again arrive that seventh day on which the ancient Jewish God may rejoice in himself, his creation and his chosen people and let us all, all of us, rejoice with him! Dawn 205
@ShareefusMaximus 11 ай бұрын
​@@TheMachiavellians THE GENEALOGY OF MORALS Let us come to a conclusion. The two opposing values, "good and bad," "good and evil," have fought a dreadful, thousand-year fight in the world, and though indubitably the second value has been for a long time in the preponderance, there are not wanting places where the fortune of the fight is still undecisive. It can almost be said that in the meanwhile the fight reaches a higher and higher level, and that in the meanwhile it has become more and more intense, and always more and more psychological; so that nowadays there is perhaps no more decisive mark of the higher nature, of the more psychological nature, than to be in that sense self-contradictory, and to be actually still a battleground for those two opposites. The symbol of this fight, written in a writing that has remained worthy of perusal throughout the course of history up to the present time, is called "Rome against Judaea, Judaea against Rome." Hitherto there has been no greater event than that fight, the putting of that question, that deadly antagonism. Rome found in the Jew the incarnation of the unnatural, as though it were its diametrically opposed monstrosity, and in Rome, the Jew was held to be convicted of hatred of the whole human race: and rightly so, in so far as it is right to link the well-being and the future of the human race to the unconditional mastery of the aristocratic values, of the Roman values. What, conversely, did the Jews feel against Rome? One can surmise it from a thousand symptoms, but it is sufficient to carry one's mind back, to the Johannian Apocalypse, that most obscene of all the written outbursts, which has revenge on its conscience. (One should also appraise at its full value the profound logic of the Christian instinct, when over this very book of hate it wrote the name of the Disciple of Love, that self-same disciple to whom it attributed that impassioned and ecstatic Gospel-therein lurks a portion of truth, however much literary forging may have been necessary for this purpose.) The Romans were the strong and aristocratic; a nation stronger and more aristocratic has never existed in the world, has never even been dreamed of; every relic of them, every inscription enraptures, granted that one can divine what it is that writes the inscription. The Jews, CONVERSELY, were that priestly nation of resentment par excellence, possessed by a unique genius for popular morals: just compare with the Jews, the nations with analogous gifts, such as the Chinese or the Germans, so as to realize afterward what is first rate, and what is FIFTH RATE. THE GENEALOGY OF MORALS Note what he called them: "nation of RESENTMENT par excellence." How ridiculously upside down to present them as the resented based upon a potential FUTURE, mentioned in Daybreak, that they never reached, and that they certainly didn't reach in the 6 years between Daybreak and the Genealogy of Morals.
@valerietaylor9615 11 ай бұрын
I wish the Jews had become the rulers of Europe, then history would have been very different ( and probably better.) I’m not Jewish, by the way, but my mother worked for Jews in her youth, and always spoke highly of them.
@ShareefusMaximus 11 ай бұрын
What an inversion. "Ressentiment" is part of slave morality not master mortality. Nietzsche has said that Christian morality arose from Roman subjugation and Judaism arose from Egyptian subjugation. to flip "ressentiment" out of it's context and claim that it means any despised person is VERY intellectually dishonest.
@HARV1991 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for being among the few free spirits, who like an eagle fly up above the herds fighting and arguing over their left and right idols. We ought to stay above petty politics.
@DefinitelyNotAMachineCultist 2 ай бұрын
23:11 _"Central to this morality, is the notion of the equality of souls before God."_ Wonder what Nietzsche would have made of Calvinism…
@VonKirda Ай бұрын
Do you have a picture of that writing ?
@brendangolledge8312 3 ай бұрын
Nietzsche must not ever have read the Talmud or the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
@darryldunmore5184 Ай бұрын
Protocols of the Elders of Zion was antisemitic propaganda and pure fiction. Are you a fan?
@sekarmaltum1695 Ай бұрын
I find it baffling how he apparently was so ignorant of the history of the j3.wish faith -and how its ressentiment in a very much obvious form. How they were a polytheist and irrelevant people, eventually reforming into a heretical monotheism as a matter of quasi nationalism. Judasim was and is a politically rooted and false religion. ~Just because the christians are WORSE in a petty, victimhood sorta way, and muslims in a pseudo rightous one, does not dismiss their roots, which is the poison which is judaism. The false god has mainly 3 components: -the heart (christianity) -the sword and loins (islam) -the mind (judaism) they also happen to represent what i call "the mark of heresy" which is the trinity of: entitlement, victimhood and rightousness. All of which lead to one another. It doesnt take long to see exactly these 3 foul qualities in all of abrahamic faith. (it also makes it very easy to see how communism is still very much abrahamic in character -as it follows the same themes and foundational qualities)
@he1ar1 11 ай бұрын
I think that in the US what we are seeing is the politicalisation of the legal system. All major factions, including the mainstream parties, use the legal system for political change rather than the political system. Americans do not know each others world view of morality. Christianity is no longer a unified moral system because every church seems to have its own different moral point of view. Some churches are pro life some are pro choice. These world views just so happen to be identical with the political ideology of the person who created it. That is it really. Religion is a political ideology which no longer is a social unifier. It has become an icon of difference.
@j.langer5949 11 ай бұрын
Nietzsche was certainly no friend of the Jews. The whole history of the Jews is about resistance to assimilation. Nietzsche was no mere superficial anti-Semite, but a sophisticated strategist. His solution to the Jewish question by assimilating the Jews into Europe would have led to what the Jews have always fought against, ergo the extinction of their particularism and Jewish ethnocentrism; the extinction of the nomadic Jew who would have been "consumed" by Europe.
@tariz32 11 ай бұрын
@tigernmas5796 11 ай бұрын
Ah yes, Nietzsche's antisemitism: The Jews should be allowed to be Jewish and not cursed and exiled until the end of time. Very anti Jew indeed.🤣
@Sharp931 11 ай бұрын
Despite this, many tried to assimilate, yet they were blocked by social stigmatization. That led some Jews to support and partake far-left movements with the promise of new social structures.
@handsomelyditto4215 11 ай бұрын
as another commenter said, the jews tried to assimilate (they overwhelmingly fought for their respective nations in ww1, for example), but they were still persecuted anyway. the idea that they were trying to subvert the societies they lived in is pure ressentiment and has no basis in reality
@zackc8207 11 ай бұрын
​​​@@handsomelyditto4215as if the whole idea of the jewish identity isn't based in ressentiment anyways. lol!
@ravenillusion2596 24 күн бұрын
Fun fact, Semitism pertains to a language form spoken by Arab, Jewish and other folks of that region alike.
@ericddl 11 ай бұрын
I really enjoyed your take on this. One thing I've wrestled with in Nietzsche's philosophy is how one would control their instincts without suppressing them. Any thoughts? Sublimation perhaps?
@TheMachiavellians 11 ай бұрын
Here's a direct quote from Nietzsche. I forget the original source. "Summa: mastery over the passions, not their weakening or extirpation! The greater the will's power of mastery, the more freedom may be given to the passions. The "great human being" is great by virtue of the range of free play of his desires and of the still greater power that is able to take these magnificent monsters into service." The theory is quite easy to understand but not the practice so in a future video I'm going to explore this in detail.
@ericddl 11 ай бұрын
@@TheMachiavellians Thank you, this was helpful.
@gregorian1493 11 ай бұрын
I appreciate your analysis, but i disagree with the idea that the nazis and christian antisemitism were based on the same impulse. Also that christianity would be tied to it, as you said it was the priests that levied guilt, not christ, certainly not his apostles who preached both to jews and gentiles circa the book of acts
@36cmbr 2 ай бұрын
Shall I authorize a school of psychological apologetics for the likes of Nietzsche? I don’t fancy that notion. Those who would endorse Nietzsche’s right to openly criticize must assure the soundness of his reasoning or quit the school of public criticism. The blind can lead the blind, and often they do. Stand down.
@kingdm8315 11 ай бұрын
@apocolypse11 20 күн бұрын
Poor Nietzsche he really try. Myth says the hawk wings represent east n west an its serpent head north with a double meaning n his talons south also a double meaning. lol who knows
@jessedarren1511 11 ай бұрын
Nice try isreal
@TheMatrixofMeaning 3 ай бұрын
These ideas about slave morality sound good but that's only if you don't have the Internet to prove all the immoral actions committed in the name of power for powers sake. Philosophy is a moral and ethical quest as much as it is about truth and reason.
@00MSG 11 ай бұрын
You could also talk about Islams dark legacy regarding antijudaism, that would be more interesting at the moment.
@bloodbased 11 ай бұрын
@handsomelyditto4215 11 ай бұрын
thanks for making this video, so many modern anti-semites seem to idolize nietzsche not realizing theyre the kind of people he would have despised
@TheMachiavellians 11 ай бұрын
Just doing some house cleaning. Using Nietzsche to take vengeance on the Jews is the most un-Nietzschean thing you can do.
@sanchoohches 9 ай бұрын
Well, you can use it to play Jewish game but better. New religion of racial supremacy, tribalism and being chosen by God to rule the World...oh, Nazism was like Judaism.
@BitterDawn 11 ай бұрын
Priest's, the OG gaslighters.
@p.d.stanhope7088 11 ай бұрын
Excellent video. A continuation of Ressentiment from Nietzsche's original work was Max Scheler's writings in the early 20th Century. How ressentiment would become pathological and lead to stratification of emotional life within communities (nations)
@TheMachiavellians 11 ай бұрын
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'm not familiar with that author but I will check it out.
@nupraptorthementalist3306 4 ай бұрын
​@@TheMachiavelliansIan Mcghilchrist is often praising Max Scheler.
@howardpope3932 4 ай бұрын
It is said that in letters Nietzsche wrote about Jewish grimaces ("Judenfratzen"), in "The Antichrist" he wrote that Polish Jews smell bad, and in "On the Genealogy of Morals" he wrote admiringly about blond aryan masterraces. So, he wasn´t free of antisemitism and racism.
@mayachico9766 4 ай бұрын
You can like Niche or you can be can't be both.....anything else is just cope...
@TheMatrixofMeaning 3 ай бұрын
Racism was created by Catholic Spain to justify the inquisition and colonization. Nietzsche's philosophy was more about natural law, survival of the fittest. It's darwinism not racism.
@bitterlilraccoon 11 ай бұрын
I would agree with your opinions on Leftist movements if was not for a key observation: The Left is far, far more aware of the existential threat that Capitalism poses to everyone as opposed to Right Wing movements. Nietzsche did not have the insight to perceive the threat of climate change, industrialized warfare, and nuclear apocalypse, something the American Right, and by extension, Christian Nationalism and Christian Zionism is all too eager to drive us towards nihilism and oblivion.
@TheMachiavellians 11 ай бұрын
I don't see how that's relevant. Even if the left is more aware of the ills of capitalism that does not mean their excesses are excusable. Nietzsche was no friend of capitalism. Nietzsche was more concerned with culture and so am I. Focusing on economic systems or climate is a diversion from the real problem which is values. Things like capitalism are only symptoms; if you want to change society then you need to change what people value. Capitalism is already dead, people just don't know it yet. But so is socialism and communism. AI changed everything. Is it labor or is it capital? We need something entirely new and people are stuck fighting for their ideology without realizing it's no longer relevant. I'm concerned with the specter of nihilism and Christian nationalism but the "cure" the left is offering is not better than the disease.
@bitterlilraccoon 11 ай бұрын
@@TheMachiavellians Obviously, the Ubermensche will be able to breathe carbon and microplastics.
@Opposite271 7 ай бұрын
In a struggle for power, nations will continue to exploite the environment until the sun blows up. Whether or not a nation is capitalistic or socialistic doesn’t matter, the outcome will be the same. As long as there is struggle and the means to exploit the environment (modern technology), all of this will continue. The only way out would be either the collapse of civilization, some kind of green technomiracle which will make exploitation not worth the effort or some kind of world state. But a world state can under current geopolitical conditions not come into being. And even if it could come into being, it would be unstable because of internal struggle in the absence of a external other to create a collective self-identity. And even if it where stable, it would probably have to buy this stability by exploitation of the environment anyway.
@JoBlakeLisbon 3 ай бұрын
They have been making up a new environmental threat every ten years and yet we're all still here. I lost interest after both acid rain and the methane that was to be released from the oceans both turned out to be rather unthreatening. Environmental change is a trade off. We have 7 billion more people on earth now than at the end od the 19th century. We can take a one degree temp increase.
@youremail3285 5 ай бұрын
This was great, thank you!
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