Nine plays Sanctuary Shattered Sun Survival Pre Alpha

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Sanctuary: Shattered Sun

Sanctuary: Shattered Sun

Ай бұрын

Sanctuary: Shattered Sun is an RTS currently in development
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Пікірлер: 165
@complover116 Ай бұрын
Seeing the move orders get immediately calculated as routes for each unit as well as their target positions is magical! By far the most impressive feature of this game. Can't wait!
@doppelrutsch9540 Ай бұрын
I am pretty sure that isn't quite unique. At the very least Planetary Annihilation had something close to that.
@complover116 Ай бұрын
@@doppelrutsch9540 PA? You do not see per-unit paths in PA, they do not build formations and instead travel around as blobs, loosely staying together. This is quite different from that!
@doppelrutsch9540 Ай бұрын
@@complover116 You can draw formation lines. They aren't multi-line formations (though that is something other games have too, Sins of a Solar Empire comes to mind, BAR more recently) but the units do consistently find their way to the next spot in their line formation to cover a large spot.
@sanctuaryshatteredsun 4 күн бұрын
Formations don't move in formation. Each unit has its own path to a predetermined final destination.
@Kenabukanyo Ай бұрын
lt looks very optimized so far. This is an extraordinary job. :) I love it and every FAF player is too :) Also, Gyle will be pleased.
@Antypodish Ай бұрын
Thx. :) And funny part is, we develop even more optimized build ;)
@kamekazi1123 Ай бұрын
​@@AntypodishAmazing. I alone have probably 20 people waiting to play together. BAR is keeping us satiated till this comes out.
@peterc504 Ай бұрын
@@kamekazi1123 i tried bar couldnt get into it...the units jus look so goofy and the land...dunno something looks off about it all
@kamekazi1123 Ай бұрын
@@peterc504 That's coz it's a Total Annihilation tribute. The predecessor to SupCom. It's not meant to be like SupCom. That's why the coms are shit and do nothing. SupComs units also look goofy to be fair.
@PastaEngineer Ай бұрын
I can tell I'll be addicted to this as I am FAF. The quality life improvements are great.
@BonteKochanek Ай бұрын
Thank you! :)
@sulfur1368 Ай бұрын
Looks very familiar, love it
@jamie7472 Ай бұрын
An option to adjust the size of the icons might be something to think about at some point.
@Antypodish Ай бұрын
We have this planned for near future.
@robinb9470 Ай бұрын
Yes I argee , The UI is looking a bit „washed out“, „far away“ dont know how To Describe it better. Supcom UI was Perfect. Sharp Perfect sized icons and clearly structured
@Tim06TR Ай бұрын
@@Antypodish Also I have problems seeing black icon font in dark colors. Switching it to white for dark colors like marroon would be great.
@Antypodish Ай бұрын
​@@Tim06TR Thank you for the feedback. I see why it may cause discomfort for some players. I will forward feedback to the team.
@mindsoulbody Ай бұрын
@@robinb9470 I post the same thing you've stated in a previous video. I prefer the supcom FA UI compared to this UI that looks more like beefy planetary annihilations UI.
@F_Du_Sea Ай бұрын
This looks awesome. Love the way you can arrange the units. Cool game mode.
@MumboJumboZXC Ай бұрын
This game really does look like a blast from the past, and in a good way.
@lee0495 Ай бұрын
I honestly wasn't sure if I was going to play this over FaF, but seeing how well they kept true to the vision of being a spiritual successor has me really wanting to play now.
@kasper_rubin Ай бұрын
Nice to see a whole playthrough! Hope the wreckages still fall. Like the select and drag army formation!
@arbiter1010 Ай бұрын
Absolutely cannot wait. Would be cool if Shattered Sun take a page out of Beyond All Reason on the control scheme
@christianmoore7932 Ай бұрын
They will have their own or base it off of supreme commander
@BonteKochanek Ай бұрын
BAR has some fantastic controls schemes that really more strategy games should take note of. I cannot say for certain how similar our controls will end up being with BAR -- especially in our demo. (We are still pre-pre alpha.) But I can say that we have taken note and will continue to look at bar in future discussions about controls.
@fantasypvp Ай бұрын
waiting a decade for the real "supreme commander 2" was worth it
@iansmith3301 Ай бұрын
Check out Beyond All Reason in the meantime, the commander leveling and tier 3 units in that game are super fun.
@itspavka Ай бұрын
The truth was spelled
@bioboy1819 Ай бұрын
So was! I really hope the campaign is good to! HW3 made me sad.
@peterc504 Ай бұрын
@@iansmith3301 bar is meh...wish it looked better jus looks funky...i love the way supcom looks in every way. all acus, air sea land, maps etc.
@mortismortisowy7232 Ай бұрын
The only issue I have with this game is... the "tactical" icons of buildings and units are still visible even on a pretty close zoom. Supreme Commander got it better, icons were visible only when player scrolled back a little bit more. That way the immersion is greater and you can look at those spectacular battles. Other than that, it looks neat
@jackliao15935441 29 күн бұрын
Amazing work, looking forward to get it first hand
@ROACH123_ Ай бұрын
little things like: upgradeable extractors, storage banks, attack-move engineers defaults to reclaim, selecting holograms, simplified assist, and the way you can spread your units around with the click and drag formation. this game really was made by fans of the genre, i love where this is going, looks very comfy and i cant wait to see more videos as the game progresses! Id love to see a "global icon scale" added, so people with high resolution monitors can have the icons smaller so they dont overlap as much. A PATROL function along the "spread" formation would also be super convenient, maybe by pressing P before doing the spread formation. IMPORTANT FEEDBACK PLEASE READ: Im curious if you will enable us to draw DYNAMIC lines with our formation? perhaps by holding a modifier button like CTRL/ALT/SHIFT? Id love to be able to select all my units, and draw an oval/triangle around my base, and they just spread around it. If you can make them ***PATROL that "organic line"*** you draw around the base or objective; I really think a TECH DEMO/TRAILER of a feature like this would set this game apart from other games in the genre... Micro is one of the hardest parts of RTS games, but if you can empower players to have armies dynamically moving around along their dynamic lines, easily and accessibly, it will create a huge point of satisfaction. This WILL NOT take away from the necessity of high level micro in pro-play, but it will add some level of autonomy which ***makes your army feel ALIVE, compared to the static icons of the rest of your base.*** Ive always found "patrol" mechanics extremely powerful, but also very primitive in 99% of RTS games (such as selecting a start and a finish line, and everything in between is at the mercy of the pathfidinging and other jank), ***if you can create something new here, it will add YET ANOTHER way you can set yourself apart from the rest (innovatively speaking).*** DYNAMIC LINES WITH PATROL ENABLED FURTHER EXPLANATION (if needed): If you just select your army and draw an organic line around your base, and your army just comes alive and patrols along the route, it would be very satisfying to watch and use. The patrol aspect would probably be pretty easy (conceptually), as you would just have an inner and outer route, and as they got to the end of the line on the outer route, they would loop around onto the inner route. Once the units are interrupted by enemy aggro, they can abandon their route and engage in combat until the enemy is dead, then return to their dynamic-shaped patrol line. LIKE ANTS FOLLOWING THE TRAIL TO THE FOOD EXCEPT IT LOOPS AROUND ALONG THE SAME LINE! (((Based on how many units are selected compared to the total distance of the line, these "inner and outer routes" could be 2 units wide, or even thicker, very similar to the tech you are currently, just using organic lines instead of forced straight lines. You may run into the phenomenon of the "shorter" inner routes needing the units to move slower compared to the outer routes just like how OLYMPIC *TRACK AND FIELD* RACING LOOPS HAVE DIFFERENT STARTING POINTS due to this, which may require a bit of problem solving on your part, but if you made it this far already it will be no issue.)))
@malthenielsen7157 Ай бұрын
this 👆
@Antypodish Ай бұрын
Thank yo for the feedback. "Im curious if you will enable us to draw DYNAMIC lines with our formation?" We have future plans for that, but requires more work. Similar like in Zero-k of Spring Engine as an inspiration. "DYNAMIC LINES WITH PATROL ENABLED FURTHER EXPLANATION" Patrols is something we still missing as a feature atm.
@BonteKochanek Ай бұрын
@ROACH123_ Anty is effectively right. We do actually have patrols orders in the game, however, at the moment, there is no way for the player to issue them. As the guy that put in the formation stuff, I definitely want to explore more organic ways of issuing orders. Besides the better useability, I think players really enjoy issuing orders which feel tactile. The formation drag being one of them. So, I think exploring orders where the player can draw lines or shapes is important. It's just VERY difficult to do this at our pre-pre alpha stage when funds are limited and there are so many core things which are still required to ship.
@ROACH123_ Ай бұрын
@@BonteKochanek @Antypodish For me there is no rush, as long as the feedback has reached you, im happy! 😁 Its clear this game is a labor of love, so dont forget to enjoy yourself while you make it too! Me and many others are rooting for you. Godspeed! 😁
@doppelrutsch9540 Ай бұрын
One thing I really, really appreciate here is how *big* it feels - this is something that SupCom got right and no other RTS really to the same extent. The slow explosions in particular help this feeling a lot.
@volodymyr_budii Ай бұрын
This is especially funny for the fact, that scake of units in Sanctuary is actually 2 times smaller or so
@doppelrutsch9540 Ай бұрын
@@volodymyr_budii Scale relative to what? Their movement speed? The map size?
@volodymyr_budii Ай бұрын
@@doppelrutsch9540 Most likely in everything? Like their size is somewhere 2 times smaller than average supcom unit( like T1 tanks in Sanctuary are somewhere the size of our modern tanks), and 10x10 km map was said to behave and feel like 20x20 km map in supcom
@Flanktank2 Ай бұрын
Looks incredible so far! You guys have nailed the unit movement, command orders, & pathing. It looks like such a huge improvement over the tech limitations from Forged Alliance. No more unit bumper cars 😆, I can't wait!
@Paulusss1 Ай бұрын
Can't wait to get my hands on this in early access 😍
@iskandr7270 Ай бұрын
The first time I saw a big unit on wave 20, I thought it was an badass looking mobile artillery unit.
@khaldoun6260 29 күн бұрын
it looks great ! good luck guys!
@justushett152 Ай бұрын
this looks incredible! I can't wait to see the next step in the large scale RTS game! one minor thing that I would appreciate would be more cursor states like drag cursors and selection and such just to have a cleaner looking ui
@misterproper6633 21 күн бұрын
It looks really good. What would be a pain in the ass to add, but would add tremendously to the realism of/identification with the units is to add some small animations to them (like supcom), barrel recoil/body roll when firing, slight body tilt of the units with legs walking. But whatever, its good already.
@sanctuaryshatteredsun 15 күн бұрын
These things could happen. Right now the game is in pre-alpha and missing a lot of those finishing touches.
@t3h_bl3nd3r8 Ай бұрын
really start to look good keep up the good work
@FPRobber Ай бұрын
I love how snappy the UI and controls feel. Compared to Supreme Commander and Planetary Annihilation
@roxbantv Ай бұрын
In sc2 the unit icon changes size as u zoom in and out, here the Icons looks way big
@Antypodish Ай бұрын
We will add adjusting to icons sizes.
@arrisan8283 Ай бұрын
@@Antypodish speaking about sc2, what could be good is way you give order to a group of unit when you dezoom they have a group icon selection who make it more easier to grab thing on the go without having to redo selection
@Antypodish Ай бұрын
​@@arrisan8283 Yes, we are aware about this required feature. We do plan to add group strategic icons it in some later stage of development.
@lilDarkSidelil Ай бұрын
Оптимизация управления просто шикарная, юниты не зависают, инженеры не мешают друг другу, еще и графикой это все помазали вкусно. Жду недождусь раннего доступа
@doctorowl2004 Ай бұрын
И всё-таки бы тут ещё увидеть систему построений как в Beyond All Reason, когда в любые удобные линии самых разных форм можно выстраивать юнитсов.
@lilDarkSidelil Ай бұрын
@@doctorowl2004 я думаю это уже реализовано, но немного иначе
@KlavoHunter 27 күн бұрын
If we could get a mini-window that just constantly shows close-ups of action, that might help us see more than just the icons on the map :)
@KfRRucH Ай бұрын
I am so excited!
@blindsidedgames 25 күн бұрын
This looks amazing
@Sjihtske Ай бұрын
Really nice work so far, exiting for further developments and great performance. Like others mentioned already: icons too big if you zoom a bit out, you can't see the cool units anymore. Or maybe only display the icons when you zoom out from more far above. In FAF I like the way the commanders are fighting each other, curious how that plays out with the commanders in this game. Happy that this game is not going into the direction of BAR where every base unit is like paper and blows up because of a fart. Oh and one more thing, like the music as well.
@BonteKochanek Ай бұрын
Thank you for the feedback!
@piticvictor2878 Ай бұрын
GG! lets let the spice begin to flow!!
@nathancupp1361 19 күн бұрын
Lol "We haven't built the pause button. ". You know that's going in the next sprint.
@sanctuaryshatteredsun 15 күн бұрын
You'll be pleased to know.... we have now built the pause button.
@rzrx1337 Ай бұрын
The unit models are shown off in the previews and showcases but it seems like they're hidden behind the strategic icons most of the time even at zoom levels where it should be possible to distinguish one from another.
@Antypodish Ай бұрын
Size of icons and culling distance will be adjustable in the future.
@antinoob42 Ай бұрын
So hyped
@Barbarossa97 Ай бұрын
something about the icons (pop in distance and their size) is not right. Hope, they are adjustable.
@tommyvice9244 27 күн бұрын
Looks great, but I wish the unit visuals would pop-in way earlier when zooming in. In the video the unit icons only went away when zooming-in extremely close. I hope they fix that or at least make it a feature in the settings.
@lapplandspirit3116 24 күн бұрын
This game deserves more attention from the RTS community.
@sanctuaryshatteredsun 22 күн бұрын
I agree. Share it far and wide.
@yousefwayne8659 Ай бұрын
Love it. Only suggestion although this is nitpicky. I would prefer that the symbols over the units only showed when I am too far to be able to see the individual units. I feel like it is hard to appreciate the huge graphics upgrade when everything is constantly covered by the symbols.
@fehlix5134 Ай бұрын
awesome work, guys. can't wait to spend my hard earned money! :)
@cast5439 Ай бұрын
Is the T1 PG ( the one that shows the sun ) Is that model side or does it actuality remove the surface vertex Plaines? - I would imagine its model side. also the music is awesome good job to how ever did it.
@BonteKochanek Ай бұрын
We cut holes in the terrain! So, basically the latter.
@cast5439 Ай бұрын
@@BonteKochanek wow the amount of depth you guys have done is awesome.
@BonteKochanek Ай бұрын
@@cast5439 We still have MUCH to do. This is still our pre-pre-alpha demo lol
@cast5439 Ай бұрын
@@BonteKochanek Yeah I was working on my own RTS for a bit and there is so much back end stuff that you just don't think about a whole lot that you have to start doing.
@Antypodish Ай бұрын
@@cast5439 Indeed ;)
@alfreynope5660 Ай бұрын
10:20 now that was sexy, formation attack move to reclaim I do wonder about com upgrades though, this game seems more based on supcom than TA, and it would be a shame to just let the com sit around as a slightly better engineer. Personally would have loved to see the commander in this scenario take to the frontlines, both dishing damage, reclaiming wrecks and building PDs while using the time between waves to grab upgrades that change how you engage
@volodymyr_budii Ай бұрын
yes, commanders are gonna have upgrades, and even better - they would be able to change chassis using the dedicated building. What does it do? Lets say, you want a dedicated front liner - turn your commander from a walker into a tank with new set of upgrades. You want to have something more passive or building? Get a dedicated for this chassis.
@alfreynope5660 Ай бұрын
@@volodymyr_budii That sounds very cool
@lucasoave3612 27 күн бұрын
If you're going to have engineering stations, make sure to add an option that lets them rebuild structures that have been destroyed within their radius. This way building a defensive line using defense towers and engineering stations can actually be viable and low-maintenance just like the infinite build-queue feature is for units. Otherwise maintaining a massive defensive line made up of defense turrets will become too tedious and energy consuming and you will just resort to factories producing infinite units. This way engineering stations that are within each other's radius can infinitely re-build themselves (given you have the economy) giving you a semi-automatization of your defensive perimeter. It will also allow the maintenance of your base to be a lot smoother resulting in an exact reconstruction of the outline of your base, in case you get attacked and your engineering stations survive. This way each engineering station will be responsible for the maintenance and re-construction of a small sector of your base and will become incredibly valuable assets to protect(especially when your base is massive). They will remember where everything is, unless you personally delete the structure. You should be able to turn them off and on again to save resources. You should be able to see all the things they are going to rebuild by pressing "shift" like in supcom. And maybe if you click on a building they are going to rebuild, make they build that one first. They should be available at T2 and at T3 their radius and build speeds increase. If 2 engineering stations have the same building in their queue, they can build it together. T2 ES(Engineering station) should only be allowed to rebuild T2 structures, but a T3 ES can rebuild T2 structures more quickly. A T2 ES can assist a T3 ES rebuilding the same structure. You should be able to upgrade each ES to an above tech by clicking on it just like metal extractors. That way you don't have to replace them when upgrading your base (would be annoying). One faction should have experimental T4 ES, that surpasses all the other ES of the game. Although it may be too op. If you implement these structures like I stated above, they will become one of the most essential structures in the game, and the game (especially late game) will revolve around them a lot. So maybe one faction having a T4 ES would be too much. But ALL factions should have the ES or they will have a severe disadvantage. I think if you put this above idea in your game, it would greatly distinguish it from it's contemporaries while adding such a big QOL feature as to make it an instant staple when talking about SANCTUARY and other games like it. It would make the game unique and imo would be a big step forward in base management, automation and logistics handling. Your role will no longer be to annoyingly rebuild everything in your base but to "supervise" it kind of like Factorio. This will also mean the ES will maintain crucial relevance for the whole match and be among your most guarded structures. Making it an essential way to cripple a base in the long run. If you make them, make sure to design them to be rather big and easily identifiable. also I think they should be half as big as a factory and maybe half the radius of a T1 defense at T3. They should be quite expensive. Radius should be big. I think a big base should have at least 3 of them to signify its stature and progression. If an ES gets destroyed and rebuilt by another ES, it should not regain its memory in my opinion or getting through bases would become too annoying and slow. Although if you added the option for them to regain the memory of all the structures in its database before being destroyed, I would certainly always enable the option, because I love automation and I'm lazy like that. Id love to see it xD Please consider. :)
@volodymyr_budii 26 күн бұрын
I wonder how do you play that your base is in constant need of huge repairs? Not saying that what you suggested us bad, but from my own perspective of FAF gameplay experience, you are really overestimating how strong and needed it would be. I rarely ever have my bases getting damaged/destroyed in big scale. Also, if we are taljing about easy repairs of dead structures, why limit it only to engibeering stations? Give refular engineers a command to restore any dead building in designed area.
@lucasoave3612 26 күн бұрын
@@volodymyr_budii it would allow you to take bigger risks because you know your base can take a beating. It doesn't change the flow of gameplay too much because its just adding one structure to your build queue. I'm not saying it's needed in FAF to balance it. Faf or even Sanctuary don't "need" it. It would just be imo an amazing step forward in base building and base maintenance. Allowing much more destruction over the course of a match and less need to micro manage repairs. I was thinking of players Vs ai and having fun with your friends mostly. I think it would make the game generally more entertaining for everyone. I even think ranked would be good with it because I think matches would actually lead into the late game a bit more. Although I believe you should be able to turn it off in the settings menu, because it would change the flow of the late game a lot, and also make it a lot harder to rush in the T2 era. It makes the game safer, and there for you are more likely to see dangerous and risky plays. I think its an amazing addition if they do it 🤩🤩🤩
@lucasoave3612 26 күн бұрын
@@volodymyr_budii if engineers had it too, it would be far too OP. It would make destroying bases far too tedious, and you would put engineers everywhere making your base a cluttered mess. By making the ES big you also limit how many you can have in your base making this feature not only unique but not so over powered that anything destroyed is instantly rebuilt. Things would be re built at a medium-pace let's say. I think everybody would be happy with that :)
@lucasoave3612 26 күн бұрын
@@volodymyr_budii it would also make artillery a bit less of a game ender which is good imo. Also the effort required to place one is low (for the player) , but the rewards and gameplay benefits imo are great. It wouldn't t change the way you play, only change your strategic options to include more variety and scale. Although as I said it would limit T2-era rushes and such. But one small trade off for much wider in scale late game, and more gameplay freedom is so worth it :D
@volodymyr_budii 26 күн бұрын
@lucasoave3612 How is it op? If you have a couple of engineer stations around, it wouldn't get instantly repaired too? And who said you have to keep engineers all around? Got damage? Select engineers and give them a command to repair. They can even assist other stuff until needed. And how is destroying a vase would become tedious? You need same amount of resources to destroy it anyway, except that enemy can now properly repair it. Trying to make engineering stations useful through limiting a great QoL feature specifically to them is an awful philosophy. Why limit it only to this building that can't move? How immensely useful it can be in repairing new built bunkers or 30 T3 AAs that are spread all around your base and got destroyed for some reason, and limiting this feature to one building to try and make it useful with it? That's just bad. I would rather have engineering stations as useless as in FAF(which they don't have to be, there are other ways to make them good too)if it means that engineers can do this too
@GalaxyXYZ888 Ай бұрын
OPINION Viewer feedback: The strategic symbols on the units need to disappear a little bit earlier in the zoom. The scale of T3 T4 and T5 units seems off to me. Probably because of FA t4 colossus and other experimental units being like 3 or 4 times bigger than the T3 cybran spider bots or the others. Or sometimes even bigger like the Czar and the Awhassa (probably written 😅 wrong but the stratigic bomber T4 of the Seraphim) Here it seems like the T3 are kinda small and T4 are a litle bit bigger and then T5 is the real jump.
@Antypodish Ай бұрын
"The strategic symbols on the units need to disappear a little bit earlier in the zoom." Strategic icons culling distance (on / off) is some our near future feature :) Thx for the feedback.
@jonlevee Ай бұрын
any advantage to creating a long line of energy generators to the north as opposed to building a more local block of energy gens?
@ROACH123_ Ай бұрын
if the energy generators have a "death explosion radius", they will be destroyed more easily as a clump from chain-exploding each other to low HP also certain enemy weapons like heavy artillery have big explosion radius on the actual bullet impact
@volodymyr_budii Ай бұрын
Other then less chances of all of them getting damaged and exploded by AOE damage, I think no. I guess this is more of a competitive player habit - commanding your engineers to build in a line is much faster than making a grid. At least this is how I do.
@Antypodish Ай бұрын
As per vid, it is just fast way of placing orders to build. But obviously as mentioned below, these can cause chain reaction. Some buildings do have benefits of adjacency bonus. For example power stations next to the factory, can reduce power consumption on that factory.
@zombuster2233 Ай бұрын
Wow! The Illuminate experimental units from Sup Com 2's revamp mod making an appearance was a real suprise! Do you have someone working on this game that also developed that mod? Specifically i am talking about the Chosen's T4 Hover Bot being very similar to the "Andromeda" which made an appearance in that mod! Also the Chosen T4 Bot, the walker one with 6 legs looks super similar to the "Apastron" from the Illuminate experimentals as well which showed up in that mod! They are different from what i remember playing with all those years back so if you do have someone who worked on the revamp mod for Sup Com 2 who used those units as a base to build off of for this game they did a really good job!
@nine2337 Ай бұрын
You have good eyes. Avitus worked on RVE as well as Sanctuary. He was one of the founding members of Sanctuary... he is AWESOME!
@benjiro8793 Ай бұрын
Maybe its me but the units feel a bit, how to say, difficult to see the difference between the units on medium zoom level. They are all so dark / small? Is that the right word? Even the big experimental just blend into the terrain.
@GemblerCZ Ай бұрын
btw when we see some real air combat situation? 🙂
@Antypodish Ай бұрын
Planning as potential feature for Kickstarter.
@athenbook1773 Ай бұрын
@Erictraiven 29 күн бұрын
The movement line indicator seems too big and cover the laser beam, need to fix that
@revolver2750 Ай бұрын
Any reason your not using structure like shields and put your beam units under it to preserve them and let the shield take the damage?
@peterc504 Ай бұрын
Would love to see a commander? Like in action doing things like killing the enemy lol
@TehOwn Ай бұрын
This Supreme Commander mod looks great!
@TheInspire96 16 күн бұрын
does sanctuary solve faf's issue with the game slowing down after so many units are on the map. will i be able to watch a 500v500 asf fight without going to -10 assuming my hardware can handle it lol
@sanctuaryshatteredsun 15 күн бұрын
There's a huge amount of optimization going on behind the scenes.
@Moonblighter Ай бұрын
Will there be a story campaign?
@volodymyr_budii Ай бұрын
If their future kickstarter is successful enough - yes.
@Optem_xd Ай бұрын
When is the release? I want to buy
@shaak_s Ай бұрын
2025 in plan
@volodymyr_budii Ай бұрын
@@shaak_s More like late 2025 or early 2026, but it could change
@koerner180 Ай бұрын
Wann können es wir endlich apielen???
@Antypodish Ай бұрын
Sorry not yet public release. Unless you are a patron, with relevant tier, to support the project development.
@alekseytimanov1414 Ай бұрын
Готов сделать первый предзаказ в своей жизни, лишь бы игру выпустили со всем что запланировали
@croskerk Ай бұрын
Whoa, you guys are using unity? I thought you were using unreal Gameplay looks awesome and soundtrack sounds really cool
@Antypodish Ай бұрын
Unity yes, with its DOTS tech. Unreal is not suitable for large scale simulation and RTS games. You would need spend fortune to tailor and repurpose Unreal engine for that.
@croskerk Ай бұрын
@Antypodish Aaah, I see Did you guys use unreal at the start but redid stuff in unity or am I misremembering things?
@Antypodish Ай бұрын
@@croskerk No, we never started with Unreal. We did evaluate options. But we knew what we required in terms of the tech from day one. So we choose Unity with DOTS tech.
@croskerk Ай бұрын
@Antypodish understandable. I guess i got confused along the way of your development process in the server hahaa Thanks for the information. Still pretty awesome regardless
@ross_codes Ай бұрын
​@@AntypodishWere there many challenges getting DOTS to run deterministically over the network? I remember it being tricky to keep the order of events consistent as it's very parallel and threading focused, but it's been a couple of years since I last used it.
@OlivierSimpleLife Ай бұрын
it's a purely cosmetic and subjective element, but I find that the lines showing the direction of the units are far too thick. I hope it will be possible to modify their rendering, as it overloads the rendering of the strategic map. Anyway it's really promising.
@BonteKochanek Ай бұрын
Visual items like unit icons and order line thickness will 100% be configurable in the options. We are in pre-pre alpha still so much of these have not been done.
@anton_rotanov 5 күн бұрын
this looks very good! faf casual player here, hear me - just make it close enough to FAF and take your time to polish it to not blow yours and ours chance at having a finally good enough successor to forged alliance forever, and I'll buy it with no hesitation. Really tired of FAF's oldness and crashes with poor performance. I'm gonna wait as long as you take, just make it fine.
@sanctuaryshatteredsun 4 күн бұрын
Hey thanks very much for the kind comments. We're keen on producing the best possible experience with Sanctuary. We are sure you'll love the finished product!
@fearan9406 Ай бұрын
no audio?
@cast5439 Ай бұрын
There is audio - it may have been a mistake on upload and was renctliy fixed or it is on your side.
@fearan9406 Ай бұрын
Ya it's fine🎉
@shaak_s Ай бұрын
I am still guess icons too big, we not see the units, only icons
@shaak_s Ай бұрын
Maybe you need to move the icons higher - above the 3D models?
@shaak_s Ай бұрын
And I Hope you'll give us settings to apply opacity for icons and maybe the distance from camera when icons must popup.
@davidalvarez646 Ай бұрын
At a zoomed out level, icons are better imo. Easier to tell at a glance what is what, and you can keep performance up of the game by not rendering units that are completely hidden by their icons
@ROACH123_ Ай бұрын
global icon scale setting would fix this issue, 4k monitor does not need 1cm wide icons, so we can tune it to be smaller if needed alternatively you can hold "V" or something to see the map without the icons aka a cinematic "view" mode.
@BonteKochanek Ай бұрын
The good news is the game already has a global icon scale. The bad news is we are still pre-pre-alpha, so we have no options menu to configure it! If you do get your hands on the demo in the distance future and really wanted to change the scale, you can do it in the Lua files that the game runs off of! Just hit is up on the discord. The demo also has the ability to toggle the icons completely. Its some keybind... like ctrl+al+i or something.
@marekkos3513 Ай бұрын
Another gameplay with icons every where !.I want to see units , and animations.Come on !.
@Antypodish Ай бұрын
We still have lot of animations missing ;) But I get, you want see some units and explosions up-close. Maybe in next vid. Don't know to be honest.
@csollermoller Ай бұрын
u can play starcraft
@jamesmillerjo Ай бұрын
Boxes with sprays vs Boxes with sprays
@chris987123 Ай бұрын
Those icons are way too big. Need to be at least half that size.
@RandyArmy 21 күн бұрын
I can't call it supreme comander 3, because they DEAD, we need new one and IT THIS.
@sanctuaryshatteredsun 15 күн бұрын
Supcom 3 is never going to see the light of day. Square Enix own the IP rights to Supreme Commander franchise.I can't see them wanting to plough millions into an RTS.
@dancedance1589 Ай бұрын
Ждём всем селом
@revolver2750 Ай бұрын
Hmm looks like the faf philosophy in pvp just spam units. Not like it's bad and i am really going to enjoy this game but the speed is a lot faster then supreme commander.
@fearan9406 Ай бұрын
@sulev111 Ай бұрын
imagine building a game with good graphics and then hiding all units under 2D icons... Why not just keep playing supcom.
@manblood173 26 күн бұрын
You're criticizing over pre-alpha icons for units ? Lol
@sulev111 26 күн бұрын
@@manblood173 Can you point me to a dev update that specifically says those icons are only in the alpha build and not in the full release... no? Well, seems you are talking out of your arse.
@sergeikalita5477 23 күн бұрын
Разработчики! Пожалуйста русский язык добавьте! поднимите в топ коммент!
@volodymyr_budii 22 күн бұрын
Your nation does not deserve one. You didn't even bother to write this request in English
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