"Excuse to feel like you're special"-because, yes, my whole life I've felt I'm fitting in too well.
@vivianstewart7523 Жыл бұрын
I really did LOL on that comment.
@adinimal Жыл бұрын
Same here! I wonder how bland and boring the people who make these comments are 😅
@lindaturnowski3176 Жыл бұрын
I am not non-binary, and at first I wasn’t sure if I would watch this video. I’m glad I did. SuperGirl’s intelligence and logical thinking skills are a pleasure to witness. And, Ella, all I can say is try not to let the jerks grind you down. Not everyone thinks the way they do.
@brunaru7 Жыл бұрын
I think people who make this kind of comments are insecure. They probably don’t fit, but try their best to fit and lie to themselves. When someone talks about it, they get angry.
@aspidoscelis Жыл бұрын
@@brunaru7 Yeah. I can imagine myself doing that, in a different context / at a time when I was probably a more unpleasant person to be around...
@gabeangel8104 Жыл бұрын
I'm trans and I used to think that any gender identity outside of the binary was, at best, someone who hadn't come to terms with being trans yet or, at worst, just trying to be a special snowflake. After watching some really good and challenging explanations by various people I started to change my views and I now realize that it was my own insecurity, internalised transphobia, and fear of not being accepted for my own identity, that made me feel threatened by people who didn't just identify as either male or female. Now I realize that even if I personally don't understand something, that doesn't make it any less possible for it to be another person's truth. Also, if I want people to respect who I am then it's pretty hypocritical for me to not respect who other people say they are. Ironically, by becoming more open minded, I have realized that, although I still feel on the more masculine side of the trans spectrum, I would maybe identify as closer to trans masculine non binary rather than just as a trans man. Unfortunately I don't feel like I can be open about that because people close to me would not be accepting. Anyway, hopefully this video will help some people start the process of questioning their views and becoming more open minded, as other videos did for me. Speaking about these things is so valuable and Super girl is very elequent in putting her knowledge across. Also thank you Ella for being willing to be vulnerable enough to put out there the comments you have got and how you feel. Thank you both
@NormyTres Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this response too - it has really helped me to understand more.
@frozenlillypad2070 Жыл бұрын
Respect 💪👏
@lordhallibel3604 Жыл бұрын
non binary isnt real, yes they're trying to be a special snowflake, the others are just influenced and brainwashed, and others trying to fit in with a trend, I know this because I bully these types of people and call them out on their bs and screen shot the evidence of their lies an delusions and plan on posting it else where on the internet and other youtube channels
@helenalovelock1030 Жыл бұрын
Love this ❤
@TheOneManWhoBeatYou Жыл бұрын
The mental illness is real...
@Catlily5 Жыл бұрын
I think I am non-binary. I feel like I am part female and part male. Even though I wouldn't want to be called they/them personally I think that it is a matter of respect. Call people what they want to be called. No one's religion can be proven yet I still call people Buddhists, Muslims or Christians even If I don't believe in their religion. Because I respect their beliefs. You don't have to agree with someone to respect them.
@dreambrush7251 Жыл бұрын
There are plenty of non binaries who identify with other pronouns than they/them. You don’t have to use them :)
@Catlily5 Жыл бұрын
@@dreambrush7251 I didn't know how common it was. Thanks.
@himbosuplex Жыл бұрын
@@Catlily5 Seconding this. I know multiple non-binary people who use she/her, he/him or even are okay with ANY pronoun. I know many people who are non-binary (including those who would be seen as men) who are fine with being called she, him, or they. Likewise, I know many who just want to be called the same pronoun they've used since childhood and it certainly does not invalidate their being non-binary.
@Catlily5 Жыл бұрын
@@himbosuplex I wouldn't really care that much which pronouns are used. They/them just sound strange to me. If I heard them more maybe I would get used to them as well.
@allimo67 Жыл бұрын
My son (who also has asd and adhd) shares a house with 3 non binary people. Whenever he talks about them it can be confusing or hard to follow what he’s saying because I don’t know if he’s referring to one, two or three of them at times and I’ve misunderstood what he’s said. Would it not be simpler and easier for everyone if there was a completely new pronoun for those who wish to identify as non binary? Wondering what your thoughts on this are. 🤔
@FayCreative Жыл бұрын
I felt non binary before the internet was even invented! There was just no word ‘non binary’ back then.
@alisonmercieca1465 Жыл бұрын
I’ve used androgynous quite a bit throughout my life because I never felt ‘feminine’ in the way the modern world expects women to present. However now I just say f%$k you to all that and I’m female in my own way. But I love screwing around with the norms (I’m also autistic)
@zydomason Жыл бұрын
yeah it was simply called a "mental ilness"
@autumwho Жыл бұрын
Becsuse its not real!
@mewho619910 ай бұрын
Why do you need the label? Why not just be yourself, wear what you like, and shut up about it?
@d.asiatp10 ай бұрын
@@mewho6199 because they want to feel like they are doing something by claiming they are a buzzword instead of not giving a damn about the titles to begin with but that would be too much accountability for these people. they rather blame the majority for not supporting the insanity.
@Jacqueline_Thijsen Жыл бұрын
I am autistic. When I hear they/them being used as singular, my inner grammar nazi cringes. But!!! My inner grammar nazi is wrong in this case and even if it wasn't, that reaction is still a me problem and not a valid reason to be mean or disrespectful to others. Oh, and also I'm non-binary too, but don't use they/them because I can't get that inner grammar nazi to stfu. But once again, that's a personal choice and it's nobody's place to decide what pronoun someone else should use anymore than it would be to decide what name they could use or what clothes they could wear. And your daughter, BTW, is awesome!
@alicemlovegrove Жыл бұрын
I used to feel similarly, but honestly, if any party of my personality can be described as an inner nazi, that is not something I want to tolerate! :)
@THEBeastGohanАй бұрын
I think you are just a nazi.
@victorianwhovian Жыл бұрын
I love your daughters argument for “thee” and “thou” 😆 its very true! Also, she’s so well spoken!!
@mackenziedial6776 Жыл бұрын
Me too! She was so precious and equally an eloquent speaker and advocate for Ella! 💗
@moonlover2700 Жыл бұрын
@@mackenziedial6776 frfr
@JordanSkinner314 Жыл бұрын
I really loved your comment of "I am not asking you to change your beliefs, I am just asking you to respect my preferences." and I would love to quote you on this! I spend a good bit of time in both liberal-leaning and conservative-leaning circles and you can imagine the conversation about gender and gender identity is very different in each. The reluctance to use preferred pronouns comes up a lot in the latter, because people are uncomfortable speaking in a way that doesn't align with their own philosphy. But when it comes to actual people, I think being respectful of those people and their lived experience should generally take priority over expressing one's own opinions about that category of experience.
@JordanSkinner314 Жыл бұрын
& Thank you for sharing your perspective and experience! Sorry to hear about the hurtful comments, people can really be mean sometimes.
@lyricscott5134 Жыл бұрын
By using they/them pronouns it is asking me to change my beliefs. I believe there are 2 genders. Gender is not a feeling. But, to be as respectful as possible without forcing beliefs, I'll just use a persons name if that person uses they/them pronouns. That way, everyone is happy, that person doesn't feel hurt by me using the "wrong" pronouns, and everyone gets along bc I don't force my belief either. I think it's a good middle ground
@LuxPsy Жыл бұрын
I'm a psychologist and I'm so impressed by how intelligent and articulate Super Girl is! Her counterarguments are succinct and just hit the nail on the head. I gotta say, she's wiser than many adults.
@TheGenbox217 сағат бұрын
@ LuxPsy: Your not a psychologist one bit! Your just a fake and propogandist. TROLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!
@amandachapman4708 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for what you do, Ella. And thanks to Supergirl for her clear and logical rebuttals.
@Sethisalive Жыл бұрын
My favorite rebuttal to the grammar argument… “Hey, someone lost their keys. Does anyone know who they are?”
@amandachapman4708 Жыл бұрын
Plenty of such examples! "Someone broke into the shop last night." "Oh, no! What did they steal?" Easy, innit?
@Synchrodipity Жыл бұрын
@@amandachapman4708 Although, that would change to he or she once you know the sex of the perpetrator/s.
@amandachapman4708 Жыл бұрын
@@Synchrodipity so? The thing is, you don't. So they could be anyone. 😉
@Synchrodipity Жыл бұрын
@@amandachapman4708 That's exactly the point -- as soon as you know the gender, then it becomes appropriate to use pronouns correctly. So, when you meet someone who is obviously of the female sex, you correctly refer to her as 'she'.
@amandachapman4708 Жыл бұрын
@@Synchrodipity I think that either we are talking at cross purposes, or you are not seeing *my* point. Whatever.
@brunaru7 Жыл бұрын
As a lesbian and austitic person I kind of don’t like gender labels, binary or non-binary. However, it is a matter of RESPECT. Just respect pronouns, respect people feelings. It is not hurtful, it is just hurtful for the person that is not being respected . The internet is so bad in that sense. It is like people have lost the sense of empathy.
@unruffledaria9643 Жыл бұрын
You're on the button that it's a matter of RESPECT. It's also an acceptance of difference. A butch lesbian, queer woman, gender non-conforming woman, or an AFAB non-binary person can look superficially similar, but these people have inner differences and journeys which have led them to this place. Acceptance is especially important when people are afraid.
@brunaru7 Жыл бұрын
@@unruffledaria9643 yes, you’re right. But I don’t think people have the right to “not accept” how someone feels or looks. Acceptance of the differences should be a basic principle.
@ReineDeLaSeine14 Жыл бұрын
I kind of consider, in some ways, lesbian to allude back to a specific gender (or biological sex depending on whether you go by same gender or same sex attraction). I’ve known lesbians who’ve considered themselves butch and that’s a big part of their expression and identity.
@brunaru7 Жыл бұрын
@@ReineDeLaSeine14 I understand what you said, but when someone is lesbian/gay/bi this only say about their sexuality. Even when they identify as "butch lesbian", they still identify as a "woman that don't perform femininity". It is important because butch lesbians break gender stereotypes. But many lesbian are very feminine, so to compare being lesbian with a "specific gender" can be very invalidating for us, as women and as homossexual.
@thickachu6900 Жыл бұрын
I found this video by searching “being non-binary is valid” because mf’s online keep making it super complicated and and after scrolling through a couple homophobic videos I finally found this one……thank you.
@MOE.LESTER4211 ай бұрын
It’s not valid you spaz
@nettie7645 Жыл бұрын
Point 3 sounds like internalised transphobia. Like how biphobia was rife in gay culture in the 90s. I think you're proper ace. Supergirl is a superstar.
@Bmaessg Жыл бұрын
Go Super Girl! Crystal clear impeccable logic wins! And Purple Ella, you are not trying to be special. You are being authentic, and that helps us all. It helps your kids and other kids and it helps your peers who never got help being authentic. Someone has to lead the way, and that person will be picked on. Warriors!
@justwannaridemabike Жыл бұрын
What is a woman?
@Mel-wn9gb Жыл бұрын
The concept of 'nonbinary' is not a purely psychological phenomenon. It's fundamentally based in the sex stereotypes, roles and expectations typically associated with - or more accurately imposed onto - each sex in a given culture. That's what you're 'identifying' with, or not. It's not something innate within your brain. Given that fact, you can't compare it to somebody claiming to be gay or depressed, because being gay or depressed has no implications for anyone else. Claiming to be 'nonbinary' on the other hand is a claim not only about yourself, but about everyone else too - that we're all either 'binary' or 'nonbinary'. You're making a claim about the very nature of all human beings. The same applies to the concepts 'cis' and 'trans'. People are rightly rejecting that claim because it's literal sex stereotyping, ie. sexism. When you ask people to respect your pronouns, you *are* asking us to affirm that ideology, even though it violates our own rights. It has nothing to do with grammar or 'they' being singular or plural. It has to do with the ideological reasons for why you want us to refer to you as 'they/them'. Your comment that you're not asking us to change our beliefs, but just respect your preferences was disengenuous. Your *are* asking us to affirm your beliefs. You have that preference for a reason. Respect is a two way street. We can respect you by using your name, and you can respect our position by accepting that compromise. Everybody wins.
@unruffledaria9643 Жыл бұрын
I always love your videos Purple Ella, and good to see Supergirl there, too. Quite frankly, autism increases the likelihood of many different kinds of non-conformity, because: 1. Our non-conformity is actually authenticity. 2. Authenticity improves our resilience and reduces stress. 3. Stress management is a big factor in managing both autism and ADHD. People who think non-binary people are suffering a mental illness, and therefore should not be accepted or respected, are demonstrating a disturbing level of antagonism toward people who suffer mental illness in general. Given 50% of the population will suffer a mental illness at some point during their lifetime, and 20% of the population suffers from a mental illness in any given year, we really need stop the stigma. Stigma is hurting a lot of people who suffer from mental illness. Someone having a mental illness is not a good excuse for being nasty to them. They/them pronouns are an accommodation, just like some people need a wheelchair, or help with getting something down from a high shelf, or wearing coloured glasses, or needing frequest rest. As such, they/them pronouns assists with resilience and acceptance, which REDUCES incidence of mental illness.
@alexpoulpe979 Жыл бұрын
Nonbinary panromantic autistic middle-aged white Jewish and disabled (hEDS) person here. I'm already a snowflake of identities, why would I claim something 'that doesn't exist '? I've known I wasn't a girl since age 7, it's just that I used to describe myself as 'half a boy and half a girl'. Then in 2007 I heard about Genderqueer / Nonbinary identities, and suddenly it all clicked! Oh, and by the way, for those who think nonbinary people don't experience dysphoria: you're quite mistaken. I've experienced gender dysphoria since before puberty, and still do today. Some nonbinary people only experience social gender dysphoria, or only gender euphoria when living their best nonbinary life. We're not a monolith, as autistic people aren't a monolith, as Jewish people aren't a monolith, as hEDS people aren't a monolith etc. I'm all that, it's real, and I'm just me. Also: trans rights are human rights - and those rights do not deprive you of you own rights either. 🌹🌹 Being all allies and loving each others, LGBTQIA+ and cis-straight, is much better for everyone 's life and gives us much more hope than hate and constant infighting. Have a good week my human siblings.
@ashleyboots3386 Жыл бұрын
Heck yeah! Great video! Happy Transgender Day of Visibility to my fellow trans and gender-diverse siblings!! 💙
@withheldformyprotection5518 Жыл бұрын
Great points. This is a simple matter of respecting others. And thank you Ella for your final statement about being understanding of mistakes. Change can sometimes take time to normalize in the brain. For me, it feels like translating a newly learned language to the words that one knows. However, after enough repetition it becomes part of one’s lexicon, no longer requiring translation.
@xGoofyxGooberxYeahx Жыл бұрын
Supergirl is amazing! So articulate! I would never have had the confidence to sit in front of a camera and address the world at that age. You are clearly a great parent ❤
@zabmcauley5647 Жыл бұрын
I had a lot of trouble to wrap my head around using they/them as singular when referring to specific people. Many years later I discover I'm autistic AND non-binary.
@peterwynn2169 Жыл бұрын
And here's the thing that people need to be mindful of. Since the 1960s, more women have gone to university and developed careers. So, it is horrendously misogynistic, and I used to get angry with nurse for this, if someone says, "I went to the doctor yesterday," to reply with, "And what did he say?" I nearly cracked it one day with this nurse, and said, "My doctor's a she." So, if you can use they if you're not sure if someone's doctor is male or female, you can use they/them if a person asks you to for their identity. My pronouns are they/them and I am transitioning and want to be they/she.
@valorieohnesorge6855 Жыл бұрын
I appreciate the kindness and compassion you showed to the many people that have hurt you by not showing the comments. Your strength, love, and truth really shine through the shade that is thrown at you. Thanks for what you do!
@WeeLin Жыл бұрын
People use they/them as singular all the time without thinking. "There's someone at the door/What do they want?" or "I went to see the doctor yesterday/What did they say?" Even if it feels awkward at first (especially if you've known a non-binary person for a long time before they came out, or if they present in a way that feels very masculine or feminine to you), it gets easier and, even if you slip up from time to time, the fact that your making the effort and not dismissing them offhand will mean so, so much. Great video, I hope you don't have to shut down the comments because of idiots, and Supergirl absolutely rocks!
@MissingRaptor Жыл бұрын
Some more info regarding the "they/them" as plural argument. I don't remember where I learned this, however, I recall learning that "he/she/her/him" were originally derived from "they/them" and are likely an acceptable neutral personal pronoun from the time that English used to have genders in the language (the way that French or German do)
@subtleaggro Жыл бұрын
Awesome video as always! I had a thought about how people feel grammar is changing; Every language changes all the time, new words added, some get removed/forgotten and words changes meaning. So even if in this case there wasn't really a change in the language, when there is a change it's exactly how it should be.
@emxilyk10 ай бұрын
It's changing a bit too fast. Four years ago, I was the one arguing with my English teacher (I'm from Germany) because he always marked my usage of "they" in reference to an unknown individual as a grammatical mistake lol, now young people are starting to swap "they/them" for "pronouns"/"prns" (the literal word, as in "Prns(They) has said that Prns (they) is currently considering changing Prns (their) pronouns". Apparently, using they/them is just as problematic and transphobic as referring to everyone as "he/him" would be. I really hope that this fad quietly dies of, being called "prns" feels dehumanising.
@TheRawChuck Жыл бұрын
Some people just love to make other people hurt. They will be hateful and when they know our triggers they will enjoy pushing our buttons. I am a sis-male (not sure if I said that right). I also have Bipolar in addition to ADHD, and Autistic Disorder. I'm also bisexual. The one thing I know about people is that there are people who look for ways to hurt a person and those people, fortunately, are not the majority. I am also disabled and had to "retire early" because of my disorders. People see me as a boring old white guy until they know me.
@zenedd Жыл бұрын
Can't love this enough. Totally educated and happily so. Massive props to you both
@ligavasara-brakmane4051 Жыл бұрын
I kind of get your ideas. I am probably autistic (no diagnostic possibilities for adults where I live) and reading about these things I was considering that I too feel non-binary (in yound adulthood even went through a phase of thinking I am trans), bet then for me I decided it really is not an actual thing and I am just a biological female who does not confirm to gender stereotypes. I do not understand how one can feel like a woman or a man. I just feel human. At the same time - the biological reality is that I am genetically and visually (not clothes, but organs) a female, I was pregnant, gave birth, breastfed. And I would not know how being a gender non-confirming person is different from being non-binary, except probably feeling or not feeling the need to have different pronouns. I have no problems with other people feeling however they feel. I might have some trouble remembering how people want to be called, especially if they identify as gender fluid, but I would try. However for minors I would still try to convince them that you can just be the one who you are without trying to change your gender.
@unruffledaria9643 Жыл бұрын
For minors and adults both, avoiding a gender transition is useful simply because gender transition is difficult and stressful. In the vast majority of cases, the person considering gender transition is far more aware of how scary and frightening gender transition is, in addition to an expectation of it being difficult, so we don't need to try to "convince them". They already know. That's generally the case whether non-binary transition or binary transition. We need to accept them, just as people should accept you for being gender non-conforming. We shouldn't be making it harder, and when the 10th or 20th person is trying to "convince them", that gets old and unpleasant pretty quick.
@alicemlovegrove Жыл бұрын
I don't think you have understood.
@ancientpolyethnic2898 Жыл бұрын
I’m the same, I don’t feel like a woman. I don’t wake up everyday feeling some kind of woman essence. I don’t know if I’m on the spectrum or might have complex ptsd but I think it’s also a common feeling for people who are same sex attracted to not feel like either or. I know I’m a woman because of my biology
@alexpoulpe979 Жыл бұрын
I'm nonbinary and I can tell you it doesn't feel like I just feel human or feel like I just want different pronouns: before coming out, every time I heard my female name my skin crawled, it physically hurt and made me sad. Every time people said 'lady' or 'miss' I felt hurt and sad and wrong. My chest feels wrong, glued or inflated, not real, round things that shouldn't be mine. I keep wishing for a neutral body, flatter, ambiguous. I feel like there's something missing 'down there', like I should have both genitalia or something different. I feel wrong when people see me as a woman. I feel wrong going to the ladies toilet, but not right going to the gents either. Nothing feels right......except when I'm treated like who I am: Nonbinary. When I'm seen like what I feel, neither man nor woman. When I can be myself, outside of gender roles, norms, expectations, but also when I'm allowed to seek medical transition. My case is, all in all, very close to that of a binary trans person. Except I'm nonbinary. Some nonbinary people are less dysphoric than I am, some exclusively experience euphoria when they're correctly gendered, and treated like the nonbinary people they are. It's not like being gender non-comforming, because a gender non-comforming woman is still a woman - she's ok being seen as a woman, treated socially as a woman, albeit with many non-comforming traits. Nonbinary people are nonbinary because it's the only feeling that feels right. We don't really have a choice. Before we knew this option existed, we were just sad in our skin and our social existence for no reason we could really understand or explain. Now we do understand, and it's so empowering! Many non-western cultures had nonbinary/alternative genders before Christianity and/or one of the Abrahamic religions took over. Some still do! Feeling nonbinary always existed, it's just the words that are new in our culture. Let's embrace it and rejoice in it, rather than trying to disprove it. After all, we didn't have words for LGB attractions until about 100 years ago! Other cultures had those words, because there's always been homo and bi people. That's progress for you! ❤
@emxilyk10 ай бұрын
@@ancientpolyethnic2898That’s how almost everyone except people who struggle with gender dysphoria or some type of sex or/and gender-related trauma (or with OCD or another associated condition, or as a result of bullying/invalidation, e.g. for being a tomboy) go through life. I think this is a huge misunderstanding that confuses many people, us cis people hardly think of our gender, it all happens on a subconscious level and stems from the lack of an incongruity between our biological sex and our “gender identity”. We just accept it like we accept the fact that we’re part of a certain ethnic community and thus fall in certain cultural groups based on the traits we share with people from the same region as long as we’re part of a majority group. Experiencing racism, immigration and forced cultural assimilation (or exposure to people from different ethnic groups who have been deemed as superior due to racism, whether in the media or in real life) will however force the marginalised individual to reflect deeper on this topic, often due to trauma, internalised racism, shame..). You can compare the difference between how little your average white US American has had to reflect on what it means to be “white” in comparison to the often decade-long and traumatising journey towards understanding what it means to be “non-white” and “part of a certain ethnic minority group” that many citizens of colour were forced to go through. Cis people think as seldomly of their gender or feel “gendered” as white people think of their whiteness.
@noblethoughts4500 Жыл бұрын
Love and appreciate this video and the two of you so much. Getting a sample of Supergirl's fierce intelligence and unwavering commitment to social justice gives me hope for the future. Bravo!
@lordhallibel3604 Жыл бұрын
so shes a sjw that doesnt have intelligence
@BarryBazzawillWilliams Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video. As an AuDHD recently identified non-binary this was both helpful for my understanding of my identity and preparation against transphobia and those that don't understand.
@michaelkindt3288 Жыл бұрын
>Going to give my counters as I watch the video because that's easier for me. >Going to put everything in one comment to make it easier to find (unless I get booted out of the video and I can't find this comment). >Going to try to be polite. >The post comment button is too close to the speech-to-text button. @3:01-.-I find two problems with this argument: 1). Mental illnesses and sexual orientations are testable under the scientific method. In fact, during Johnny Depp's trial his ex-wife (Don't care enough about the details to remember her name or look it up, My point should be made fine) was actually caught trying to fake PTSD by a test design to catch those faking it, but diagnosed those who truly have. To use your examples specifically, sense depression is just having a abnormally high level of sadness for an abnormally long period of time, and sadness as an emotion has distinct, measurable biological and behavioral effects, it should be possible to distinguish people who truly have depression and people faking it. The same should go for homosexuality, but for what triggers their sexual arousal instead. Additionally, they can all be found in animals, further showing how they could be tested for scientifically. I'm pretty sure non-binaryness has been able to be tested scientifically. Surely you would argue there is a way to differentiate between people with autism and people faking having autism? 2). By this logic, we would also have to accept the "experiences"of pulled talking to aliens or God telepathically, and that otherkin and multi-systems are real things one can be. I do not believe either. @4:58-.-My following criticism probably won't apply it to you to, but it's still worth mentioning for why people would not accept non-binary identities in general. Without getting to political, while being marginalized may or may not be bad in general mainstream culture, different subcultures and communities will have different social norms, and will put people in a hierarchy by different criteria. There would appear to be many subcultures and communities (especially on the internet) that places people higher on a hierarchy based off of how oppressed/marginalized they are, and so there would be motivation to claim an identity that is considered "oppressed/marginalized" by that subculture/community. Again, I don't want to get too political out of politeness, but many people (including myself) what question these subcultures/communities standards for determining what is and isn't oppression/marginalization, and/or their standard of evidence for determining such matters. @6:26-.-I feel like this is straw man slightly. I think most transsaxuals who argue this likely think the same way about the non-binary movement as I imagine people with the dissociative personality disorder feel about multi-systems: they view the movement as being based off of, and thus perpetuating misconceptions of their mental disorder, and thus view them as a danger. As such, transsaxuals don't view non-binaries as part of the same group, but as a separate group. @6:54-.-I feel like you're not giving enough credit to conservatives, well the most radical/extreme conservatives probably will never truly accept transgenderism, most moderate conservatives will probably at least except the existence of gender dysphoria, since it is scientifically verifiable. However, these transsaxuals likely believe that there is no scientific validity to non-binary identities, and so they view lumping non-binaries in with them could be contributing towards the perception that gender dysphoria is "not a real thing". Keep in mind that there are conservative trans people, and I don't believe they identify as conservatives because of "internalized transphobia" or because they have some other form of bigotry. Conservatism is not solely defined by bigotry, I would say they're more defined by risk aversion (except for an economics, because the left/right political spectrum is nonsensical) and a bias for tradition. @8:08-.-I feel like giving you to some credit here, as I do think using proper pronouns is just polite. Well I don't think misgendering and/or using the wrong pronouns is a human rights violation (unless one has gender dysphoria), and so don't think it should be made illegal, I also don't really see any utility in being rude, unless one wants to count indulging sadism. @9:20-.-I'm pretty sure most conspiracy theorists are trying to get the water public to accept their conspiracies so this really isn't a good comparison. The above time stamp somewhat leads into a counter for previous point, so I'll put the timestamp for that point beneath here: @9:08-.-I imagine the same reason it would be validating to have personality traits verified by your star sign, or to have your Myers-Brigg personality confirmed, or for people to validate your Hogwarts house placement. People like to feel like they understand themselves on a deep level, and so they like finding ways to categorize themselves, and they like it when beliefs about themselves are reinforced. @11:20-.-I also agree with this point. Even outside of non-binaries, having the ability to not specify gender is just useful, and they/them works good enough for that.
@vivianstewart7523 Жыл бұрын
You are both so great! I'm really sorry that you have been dealing with this. Thank you for everything you do. Super Girl is so articulate!
@electron2601 Жыл бұрын
Hello 💜 🙌 Much love for you and Supergirl for doing this. Keep up the good content! Please put the Cintrapoints video in the description as I will like to check it out to learn more.
@PurpleElla Жыл бұрын
Done, sorry about that.
@SylviaRustyFae Жыл бұрын
9:30 On this part, folks also fail to understand that if you went and sought medical help for the "mental illness" of bein nonbinary... The doctor wud give you that validation of your existence and encourage you to do literally all the things youre alrdy doin, even if you dont have dysphoria; even if ya dont want to medically transition and just want to socially transition. Heck, even if ya dont want to transition at all and wanna stay perceived as your assigned gender; the doctor wud still validate your nonbinary existence Its utter nonsense to act like doctors are goin around tellin nonbinary ppl we arent trans and diagnosing us with other shite... They validate our existence and encourage us to do what works for us when it comes to treatin it This is how doctors **treat every medical thing**. If a patient isnt complainin of problems related to smth, even if its usually seen as a problem to others goin thru the same; then the doc will encourage the patient to continue what is workin for them, while offerin any options if the patient wishes to try to change things there and get diff kind of treatment for it. Docs dont make a habit of insistin on fixin things about patients without them voicin an issue with it (unless the patient is a child and its parent led; or the patient is an intersex person, bcuz for some reason its perf fine to "fix" us without our consent or knowledge in the same way that they claim happens to trans kids "forced" to transition (which ofc, doesnt happen; unlike when it comes to intersex kids literally forced to transition from infancy))
@wolfdreams2000 Жыл бұрын
Ella, stay strong! 💪 Those people don't matter in this context. You DO. We love you 😊
@oh_lalala Жыл бұрын
Love this! 🙌🏻 I don't think it's an angry video at all, it's direct and clear 🙏🏻 and your daughter is awesome! I'm fascinated by how little meta awareness a lot of (often neurotypical) cis people have. They simply assume that their experience is more natural or normal, just because it is (or appear to be) a majority experience. Many lack awareness of how cis centered western cultures are. But not all cultures center the cis gender experience the way western countries do, nor have we throughout history. I think of it as a lapse of meta awareness. But the behaviour that follow often end up being abusive. Prejudice comments and lack of support is enabling at best. The endless questioning is not curiosity, it is devaluation. Thanks again for the video. Sending lots of support, and happy to be a part of a community that validate you, as you see yourself ❤️
@superdrwholock Жыл бұрын
Great video idea as there's so much confusion around nonbinary people even within the trans community itself. And I just want to say you're a brilliant parent, I'm an autistic trans guy and I wish my mum had been as supportive as you are to your daughter and your other kids. It hurts to think about how I lost out on a happy, comfortable childhood because of ignorance (for both autism and transness), but it makes me happy to know that parents like you exist in the world :) tbh it feels like everything is going backwards in terms of progress of our rights, and not just trans rights, LGBT+ rights in general. Transphobia harms anyone who doesn't fit the gender and sexuality stereotypes, even cishet people who 'seem' to be a certain way to other people on the outside. All types of bigotry intertwine, and it seems to get recycled through history; I see a lot of talking points used against LGB people in the 80s now being used against the T, sometimes even by the LGBs! I've noticed quite a few transphobic people also being very ableist and acting as though autistic people can't know our own identity. But anyway people like you give me hope that we might be able to progress as a species and focus on things that actually matter like climate change and poverty rather than tearing eachother down.
@ThirrinDiamond Жыл бұрын
🥺I just saw the vid about your daughter and was thinking "oh i wonder if this will spark introspection on their part on their gender identity" since you had expressed in that vid that you previously hadn't been educated on things like the difference between sex and gender. And then i see this video! It's so cute 💗 So happy for you both!/gen
@info-world-hub7955 Жыл бұрын
I'm so glad I found this video. I came out as non-binary a year ago just after my dad passed away
@SlimeySalmonEggz Жыл бұрын
4:18 damn, im straight and that hurts. just by trying to put myself in ur shoes i would get really sad and offended. i hope ur doing good and ur pushing past these hateful ppl :D
@Schmuck11 ай бұрын
I fully acknowledge that gender dysphoria is a real condition. Wherever that stems from (autism, mental health, trauma, genetics), I don't doubt for a second that it's real. I think becoming non-binary is being proposed as a solution by trans-activists, but has some real problems. Most people are onboard with breaking gender-norms. The issue becomes when you need people to subscribe to the more modern ideologies under gender theory... that gender and sex are different. This is just not the case for everyone outside the west and the VAST majority of the people within the west. The current definition of she/her is a woman. The current definition of a woman is an adult human female. Breaking these definitions has real tangible issues throughout society, that may not even have anything to do with being non-binary or transgender. Every society acknowledges differences between the sexes, very few people are trying to dispute that. Therefore we have a lot of terms to differentiate sexes & sexual maturity in humans. There are 100 different conversations when it may be beneficial to have a term to distinguish an adult human female compared to a child human male. The majority of people will not be willing to give that up. There are loads of problems with the non-binary ideology. From the social contagion amongst young autistic females, to the implications it has on policies, to the willingness of society to subscribe to a gender theory, to the implications it has on sexual preferences, etc, etc. I mean, you could be exactly the same person, have the same interests, dress the same, have the same friends... but acknowledge that women and man are already terms we use in society to differentiate biological differences. If you can't acknowledge that, then I personally feel there is a longer journey for you to work through your gender dysphoria. Society affirming that you are different is not a realistic solution to gender dysphoria when society is built on these concepts.
@shizukashimoda2242 Жыл бұрын
On the lying to nonbinary people argument and refusing to use their pronouns, a stronger argument is that it is difficult to definitively argue that not feeling like you belong to one of the two gender options available is a disorder. Man and Woman are two separate fuzzy sets that have strong societal implications. If it is deemed that feeling like you do not identify with the gender that is commonly associated with your sex is problematic to society or the person in question, there would be grounds to argue that it is an illness. I don't think we're at a point where we can definitively argue one over the other. Even if it was deemed an illness, refusing to support someone's gender identity may just exacerbate the "problem". In English, its they/them isn't really problematic though the fact that it adds confusion and removes detail would be fair if he/she related specifically to someone's sex. If that is the case, asking people refer to yourself as they/them removes information that would otherwise have been there. I think a good counter argument is that sex is almost never relevant in normal conversation so requesting that information is unreasonable. Another argument is that he/she relate more closely to the gender identities man/woman as opposed to what is biologically going on (or even a combination of the two). If this is the case asking people to use your correct gender pronounce as you identify is asking them to use proper gramma. Using your sex as your gender identity in this case is misinformation, rendering the argument useless. It makes more sense in language that pronouns refer to identity as opposed to biology. In English we are lucky and have options for non-binary pronouns baked in. Not ever language is so lucky. The English speaking non-binary community is asking for much less that would need to be asked for in languages that use gender as core constructs for their gramma. I hope your are able to search in yourself and become confident in your gender identity. All the best.
@dhrlh Жыл бұрын
I think it would be helpful to see a video of your husband's response.
@alicemlovegrove Жыл бұрын
It would be helpful, to me anyway, to know why you feel that would be helpful!
@Katemarieeeee Жыл бұрын
@@alicemlovegrove I think that they're just curious, I don't think they were being disrespectful.
@alicemlovegrove Жыл бұрын
@@Katemarieeeee hope so!
@ReineDeLaSeine14 Жыл бұрын
@talkwithstrangers Жыл бұрын
Really poor circular reasoning. Being gay is observable cross species with sexuality being a biological reality. Depression is measurable by many psychological metrics and even anatomically by increased neuroinflammation. These are things people can’t identify into, they just happen. Whilst non binary is a totally subjective label worn by choice based on your own perceptions of what it means to be a man or woman (which may be totally regressive or distorted due to unhelpful thoughts). They are as real as identifying as a goth - basically you are seeking validation as part of a subculture. However this subculture has latched onto the concept of gender identity (which is socially constructed) for legitimacy. Maybe ask yourself why you don’t feel like a woman? Is it based on your own internalised prejudices? Should we teach children that if they don’t conform with male and female stereotypes that they are somehow not their sex? No we shouldn’t. It doesn’t exist except in the minds of those who believe in it.
@EloiseEighteen Жыл бұрын
Great video! I especially like how you both articulated the points about infighting within the community and with regards to "I'm autistic so grammar rules". SuperGirl is just epically smart, well researched and so so able to formulate her responses using logic and just...can I hire her as a union rep or something 😅
@shadesofgreenihoko4485 Жыл бұрын
your daughter reminds me of me at her age, shes absolutely great, and also you are a lovely mother, i can tell :)
@paisleyrosestuff Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video! I know it must have been difficult, because I've seen some of those comments and they were really upsetting. But I love that you are so unapologetically you, it's so inspiring. And your daughter is incredibly brilliant and witty, I loved all her insights!
@SOak145 Жыл бұрын
I genuinely feel like anything out of the 'he/she/they/them/(and yes even)that' group of pronouns are without any sufficient societal utility and therefore I simply won't use them. So neopronouns are simply off the table.
@kracklinkamphyre7142 Жыл бұрын
A wonderful combo of love and logic! Thank you both!
@nikandjb1 Жыл бұрын
Great video, Ella and I'm sorry that you have been receiving abuse for your non-binary identity, it's not acceptible. Super Girl has answered all of the unjustified criticism perfectly. It's great that you have this support from her.
@joannahenry7112 Жыл бұрын
your daughter is such a strong kid!! she's gonna be a great woman
@Alexandra-zu6gi Жыл бұрын
I admire your openness! In general, I do not like it when people demand something in an angry way. (Imagine what it feels like when someone demands somthing from you in an angry way.😇) An appealing invitation is so much easier to answer to positively ❤ than an angry demand. I see things this way: Each person is King and ruler over their body, time, thoughts, way of expressing themselves (even when another person finds that insulting, sorry🙂) Autistic people, as myself, often insult other people unintendedly. Feeling insulted is rather immature, i.m.h.o. When people say things to you that trigger you, there often lies the key to revealing a chance of (spiritual) growth. What is the reason you give unkind people so much power to let their opinions/words change your feelings and thoughts. Love your self enough to not need ANYONES approval. You deserve that. It is your birthright. It is also your birthright to hold your own opinions, likes and dislikes. Anyones in fact... Leave the unkind ones aside and choose to spend your time with people Who DO like you as you are. Eckhart Tolle has an interesting talk about needing approval and the way to release yourself from it on youtube.) LOVE & PEACE ❤
@SylviaRustyFae Жыл бұрын
On they/them and its singular use bein older than singular you; they/them has been used as a gender neutral pronoun since the 13th century. Notably, she became a pronoun that referred to women specifically so as to combat ambiguity of gender where before only he had been used for every adult person regardless... At some pt in the 12th century, and it didnt entirely become the pronoun we know it as until the 15th century So in some respects, she as a pronoun is younger than singular they as a pronoun, and in other respects theyre nearly as old as each other These anti-singular they ppl shud also be anti-she ppl and insistin that everyone be called he still, in all walks of life. Which is just absurd
@itzelalba8538 Жыл бұрын
Súper Girl is a STAR in video. She is sooooo articulate⭐⭐⭐
@pinkpanda6184 Жыл бұрын
Hi! I'm an asexual non binary woman, I didn't experience misgender due to my language (Filipino) has gender neutral third person pronoun, I still wear both gender neutral and feminine clothes
@Suebee1988 Жыл бұрын
Hitherly, thou hast done a goodly deed. Prithy, movest thineself forward, keepest calm and carry on! ;)
@RadioJunkie04 Жыл бұрын
Superb! Supergirl reminds me so much of a very wonderful young person in my life. Please thank her for sharing her knowledge in this way - what an awesome kid! One more illustration of they/them/theirs as singular, that I often use: You’re among the last few people to leave the pub at the end of the night. On the way out you notice a coat left on the back of a chair. You say “oh, look, someone’s left their jacket behind”. Doesn’t sound weird, right?
@shapeofsoup Жыл бұрын
You and your daughter are both amazing.
@janicenm914710 ай бұрын
Get therapy..
@LiminalDrag Жыл бұрын
I guess perhaps some are confusing the agent provocateurs out there shouting and roaring their narcissistic entitlement to the world, who are hijacking and using the trans and gender identity cause to bully everyone and garner attention and validation for their behaviour, with genuine people such as yourself, discussing life and celebrating our differences with poise and respect. ❤
@sj_the_invisible_audhd Жыл бұрын
🏳️⚧️♾️🏳️🌈💛 Well done Ella & Super Girl for confronting the transphobic comments and standing up for yourself and your identity. This past year I’ve learnt so much about both the gender and sexuality binaries, and at first I was really confused by the pronouns ‘they/them’, however that didn’t stop me from respecting those who identify as NB and/or use those pronouns. Let’s all try to be more inclusive and supportive of each other within both the Neurodivergent and Queer / LGBTQIA+ communities, rather than fight against those whose self-identities differ from our own identities and beliefs. After all…you can still be respectful of others without having to share their beliefs ☺️❤🌈💛
@alaskaface7147 Жыл бұрын
Tho I’m not particularly open or up front about it, and technically allow people to constantly misgender me because I don’t want to deal with the massive social repercussions of being honest-I’m very much nonbinary, I’ve felt that way since I was a small child and it’s been so confusing! I don’t want to transition, but that’s only because I’m pretty happy with my body, my physicality fits my internal feelings very well with the possible exception of my boobs (which are thankfully extremely small so I just use binders which work fine). I’m technically female, and I used to wonder if I wanted to be a guy… but I don’t. I want some male parts, sure, but I don’t want facial hair, or to be so bulky I’d be confused for a pure man, or to lose my existing female junk, etc. in short, I want to be something that’s right in the middle of male and female, and thankfully my build allows me to look that way naturally to a large degree. If it weren’t for my voice I’d be regularly mistaken for a man, and without my boobs I’d even be mistaken for a guy nearly naked a majority of the time since I’m so slim, devoid of curves and cut from working hard labor. However, all that said… there is a certain kind of entitlement and self centeredness associated with queer and trans people, especially non-binary people on social media, so speaking for myself I make a strong effort to avoid being one of those narcissistic non-binary “Karen’s” for lack of a better word. If you genuinely care about the community and not just yourself, optics really do matter.
@alicemlovegrove Жыл бұрын
Some of the commenters here have driven me into 'reply' mode, which I don't love, but the video itself was great. Well done on raising such an articulate daughter, too!
@graceface418 Жыл бұрын
Language is constantly changing and evolving, so rigid ideas about its uses are silly. It wasn't until the 19th century that Grammar was really developed into a standardized system, yet we act like it has laws that are unbreakable. In reality, the nature of language is very fluid. A lot of Autistics find comfort in rules & structure, so I understand why we cling to these language 'rules' that we were taught in school. We all need to step back and realize that these 'rules' aren't as black & white as we think. Learning about how English came into existence & developed into the language we speak today really opened my eyes and curbed my grammar correcting nature. Grammar rules are a made-up construct, just like gender. They/them is perfectly valid
@Synchrodipity Жыл бұрын
Language evolves naturally, sure -- but what we're seeing here is a tiny minority of people insisting we adopt new rules for what is generally considered a fringe idea, and then getting angry when people don't want to. There has to be some standardisation within language for it to be meaningful -- if we just created arbitrary rules whenever we felt like it, it would become difficult to communicate. (I have no idea if these debates even happen in Latin countries where everything is gendered) Anyway, the separation of gender from biological sex is a relatively new idea and still not adopted by a significant number of people. This does not mean people have to follow societal stereotypes or expectations; we should be free to express ourselves however we want -- but not conforming doesn't give you a whole new label that everyone should just go along with.
@graceface418 Жыл бұрын
@Paul Anthropologists have long documented cultures around the world that acknowledge more than two genders. There are examples going back 3,000 years to the Iron Age, and even further back to the Copper Age. In many cultures all over the world, there are traditionally third gender or gender-fluid identities. There are the Hijras in India, what are known as two-spirited people in Native American culture, Muxe in Mexico, and the Bakla in the Phillipines. Asking someone to refer to you as 'they' instead of he or she isn't "creating arbitrary rules" or even changing the standardization of the language. The word 'they' can and is already in use to refer to someone whose gender you don't know, like this, "Someone left a cell phone on this bench. I hope they come back for it." There. I just used it in the same general manner being discussed in the video. And guess what? It's proper English to do so. You argue that people should be free to express themselves however they want and that's all that is being said in regards to the word they. Ella should be free to use they/them pronouns to express themselves. It's not hurting you or anyone else, and it's not even hurting or changing the English language.
@Synchrodipity Жыл бұрын
3000 years ago people were sacrificing each other to random gods, enslaving each other and drilling into skulls to release demons -- fallacious 'appeal to history' arguments often tend to cherry pick the bits they like, while forgetting how primitive we were. We're in the 21st century now and understand everything so much more. And yes, people should still be free to say or be whoever they want -- but, unless we're writing a dissertation, it's very rare for anyone to use third party pronouns to address themselves. Therefore this isn't about self-expression. It's about demanding other people validate this expression, even when they do not wish to partake in the idea.
@graceface418 Жыл бұрын
@Paul First, it was that the idea of more than 2 genders wasn't historically accurate. Then, when i showed that you were wrong, all of a sudden, our ancestors were idiots who didn't know their butts from a hole in the ground. You must be dead set on disrespecting your fellow humans, John, which really is a shame. Seems like you're the one demanding people bend to your idea of what is "correct" by insisting they can't use the word 'they' to refer to themselves if they choose to. Even if it were grammatically incorrect (which it isnt) it doesn't hurt anyone or even take much effort for you to comply with. It's an act of respect for your fellow humans to refer to them in a way they identify with, Steve. It costs you nothing and shows then you value them as a person and respect their right to exist. You don't have to like it or agree with it to use someone's chosen names & pronouns, you do it to show love and kindness to others. They see your kindness and then pay it forward, makimg the world a nicer place to live, all by being tolerant. Since youve decided it isnt important to call people what theyd like to be called, I've decided that your "chosen" name isn't suited to you and isn't a valid form of self-expression, so I refuse to use it. I hope that doesn't bother you, Billy. Kinda seems like you're attention seeking, by wanting to be called something so unnecessary. Your refusal to show basic kindness & compassion to the people around you says way more about your character than your words here ever will. Thanks for providing a very real example of the type of people to avoid, Carl. I hope you have the day you deserve
@skahlan Жыл бұрын
Nice video, and Super Girl's contribution was impressive :3 I think making a video about it was the right approach instead of replying to comments. Of course, many who are just bad faith actors will still be bad faith actors, but hopefully you could get through to some, while also supporting other nb folks who deal with similar stuff
@antoinechambon4865 Жыл бұрын
Hey, I'm really sorry you had to face those nasty comments. I love your videos, and this one especially resonates. I wish you both the best, and I believe you. NB is real and some social norms could be thrown away for the best : the gender binary is one of them, I think. Can't see how it could ever be a positive thing ! Thank you again for all your really nice videos. Hearing you feels me with joy :) I hope we'll see/hear you both in another video some time :)
@lordhallibel3604 Жыл бұрын
Non binary isnt real, and it should be thrown away. you cant handle reality, everyone isnt a freak with mental issues related to sex
@jexnvix Жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry that you've experienced so much hate! You and your daughter are wonderful and deserve so much love and support 💖 I've found a huge link for myself in discovering I'm non-binary and discovering I'm autistic. Another point I like to look at is the fact that intersex people exist too and have existed long before these arguments. Even biologically, gender is not binary, I forget the stats but you'd be shocked to find how common it is to be born intersex. Unfortunately due to colonialism and other stuff, society has worked really hard to erase intersex, 2-spirit and non-binary people. It's similar with indigenous people like my family; modern society would rather erase us than adapt to our needs or deal with the horrible ways they've treated us.
@PJ665 Жыл бұрын
Supergirl for prime minister!
@himbosuplex Жыл бұрын
I have two thoughts: The first is that many non-binary people ARE transgender, so the thought that being non-binary somehow invalidates transgender people is always insulting to me when I hear it used as a criticism. I am non-binary, and I am also medically transitioning. I identify as both non-binary with they/them pronouns, but also transgender. My existence doesn't invalidate binary trans people, nor non-binary people who don't identify as trans. Second, non-binary people have existed throughout history. In North American indigenous communities, most tribes have their own words for someone who is outside of the binary and those people were, and often still are, viewed as spiritually significant and can be given important tribal roles as teachers or healers. It is the same in Native Hawaiian and Tahitian culture with Māhū, and several other indigenous communities and languages. It was only post-Colonialism that these people were viewed differently or hidden as colonial missionaries preached about the evils of such things, likening non-binary and other queer identities to "evil" Biblical figures like Sodom and Gomorrah. Anyone who says that we don't exist or are a "recent, made up thing" are at best woefully ignorant of history, and at worst openly bigoted. Also Supergirl is spot on with asking why anyone would want to say they are non-binary for social clout when in reality you receive hate for it. I have struggled so much with being non-binary because not only do I receive hate from binary cisgender people, but from many binary transgender people as well. Why would I openly say that I am in fact non-binary if it weren't true? I'm certainly not getting social status or monetary gain from it!
@bronya8108 Жыл бұрын
I don't want to offend anyone with this comment, this is just how I feel. It makes me feel extremely sad when I see so many people become obsessed and pre-occupied with "gender" and identity labels - gender is just stereotypes based on sex, I thought as a society we could overcome this and accept that you can behave and present however you want no matter what sex you were born as. Being "gender non-conforming" doesn't mean you should reject your sex. You can be a female that doesn't like any of the stereotypical female things and that doesn't mean that you are a man or not female. Also, I can't help but feel that the label of non-binary only serves to further regressive gender roles because it implies that gender non-conforming people can't be male or female and therefore it solidifies those male and female stereotypes and it creates a pressure to choose a label which I really don't like. I'm sad that so many autistic people believe this because it's causing a lot of harm - the stories of de-transitioners (so many of them autistic) are absolutely heartbreaking. I wish people could accept themselves as they are and that society wasn't perpetuating this regressive idea of gender. I just want everyone to know that it's okay to be your unique self. Be careful not to make drastic permanent physical changes to your body in an attempt to deal with the discomfort in the mind, this usually doesn't actually solve the problem - the way is to heal the mind towards self acceptance and love. I hope whoever reads this can see my comment is made with love.
@himbosuplex Жыл бұрын
Honestly this IS offensive, the idea that the mere existence of non-binary people is somehow "regressive". One, we have existed since before pre-colonialism. Two, the idea of "biological sex" as it is used societally is in fact regressive and woefully out of date. It ignores that human beings can be more than just "man" or "woman" - and I mean physically. If you argue based on CHROMOSOMES ALONE, there are at least six different sets expressed in adult humans. Nothing about non-binary people hurts or invalidates binary people and their ability to express themselves how they see fit.
@bronya8108 Жыл бұрын
@@himbosuplex Nothing I said has anything to do with anyone existing - I simply feel differently about how to label it. Gender non-conforming males and females always existed but they weren't non-binary, which is a modern reframing of identifying around gender non-conformity. Biological sex is of nature and life itself, it's not regressive or out of date at all and it's important in many ways, including medically - I'm a biologist. It's not about chromosomes, which there can be disorders of as in intersex people but male and female in mammals is determined by the gametes - female have large gametes which are eggs and males have small gametes which are sperm. The thing I don't understand is why people have to deny biological sex when gender is something different isn't it? Can't you be a biological female but not be bound to stereotypes associated with that and express yourself in any way you want? Reject the stereotypes not your body/reality is what I think. I myself am quite gender non-conforming but I feel very uncomfortable that the message is being put out that people like me should in some way identify out of our biological sex instead of expand what's seen as possible expressions for our biological sex. We likely have a lot more in common that you realise and I'm sorry you felt offended by what I said, I feel offended by things all the time - I find it useful to notice the triggers and examine them which leads to self growth.
@Izzy-wl7gl Жыл бұрын
@@bronya8108 this all sounds like it's based on the misconception that gender non conforming = non-binary. Gender expression can be a sign of gender identity, but it isnt always and being gender non conforming is completely valid alongside the existence of non-binary identities. We aren't saying that if you are a tomboy or feminine man then you are actually non binary, gender expression can exist separately to gender identity. You can have masculine women and feminine men and they are gender non conforming because they are still men/women, a masculine woman isn't non binary because she is still a woman. A non binary person is non binary because that us who they are, same as how women and men are women and men because its who they are, their expression is another layer on top that they can shape however they see fit. It is easy to fall into that thinking so I don't blame you, but we non binary people are actually very encouraging of breaking gender stereotypes and being yourself regardless of expectation for all genders, we are very much for freedom of expression because that benefits everyone, and we know the pain of forced gender expectations
@bronya8108 Жыл бұрын
@@Izzy-wl7gl what makes someone non-binary? I've tried to work this out and there doesn't seem to really be any defining thing other than just a feeling of not wanting to identify with your birth sex for some reason - and I do understand this but for me I feel that it's more psychologically healthy to accept myself as a woman instead of rejecting it. Part of the problem is that everyone is confused and no one can agree if gender and sex are different things - they get used interchangeably. I don't like feeling forced into choosing a gender identity - I just am.
@Izzy-wl7gl Жыл бұрын
@@bronya8108 that's just it, we are non binary the same way that you are a woman. You haven't chosen to be a woman, you just are and you know it would feel wrong to be anything else, that's exactly how it works for any gender. If you woke up tomorrow and your body had been switched into a male version, you would know its wrong and you would still be a woman, thats how it just is for trans people. It's not an easy thing to understand, the best thing you can do is not get too caught up on really trying to get into anyone else's head because you just can't, you won't understand what it's like to be non binary the same way you don't understand what it's like to be a man, don't get too caught up in trying to logic at all out. It's just important to remember that there is no choice or external factor, people just are who they are. You are a woman, trans women are women, men are men, and non binary people are non binary, there's no point of any of us trying to reject who we are. And gender and biological sex are different, the trans community (and science) does recognise this as the consistent standard, its just that most people are cis and so that doesn't really make a difference to you lot because your gender and biological sex just are the same, but for the rest of us there is that clear distinction. There is no need to choose because, as you have decsirbed, you haven't chosen your gender, you just matter of fact are a woman. "I just am" is how it is for everyone
@mette1245 Жыл бұрын
I am so sad to hear that you have had so many bad comments from people. So weird that people are disrespectful! You are perfect as you are and it is great that you can be open about who you are. I wish you all the best! Your daughter is also awesome and very wise.
@michaldaumcohen Жыл бұрын
Love, love, love ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ and thank you both from the bottom of my heart ❤
@abbyanderson3679 Жыл бұрын
I noticed on your coming out video that you turned off the comments which was super sad. It sucks that people can be so horrible and I am so sorry Ella. No one deserves this and this should be a safe space for everyone
@That_Awkward_Mum Жыл бұрын
I feel like I learnt a lot from this video. I'd personally always found "they/them" pronouns a little confusing to begin with, but once you start to use them in regular conversation, it does start to sound natural - a bit like learning a new language. So it's really not such a big ask to respect someone's prefences. Once again, I'm impressed by Super Girl's amazing brain power and articulacy! And I'm still shocked by how spiteful people feel the need to be on the Internet (and occasionally in real life...), so sorry you had to deal with those horrible comments. Please know that you have a lot of support here too!
@BilliesCraftRoom Жыл бұрын
Sending you so much love and respect. To me you are open, honest, authentic, keep being you. The opinions of others, including mine, is their opinions, nothing more, nothing less. I'm thankful that I was brought up to accept others, as individual.Thankful for all you do and share. What an EPIC video. Much respect 💏
@rinab98765 ай бұрын
I know I am going to be in a minority commenting on this, as I am someone genuinely trying to understand what is changing in society, or what is "coming out" in society. I respect everyone, and try to use correct pronouns, but catch myself because of what I hear or see in the person I am speaking to, or maybe I havent even been addressed by the person, and don't know their pronouns, and when I make an assumption because of what I see or what I hear, the person takes offense, and the conversation takes a very combative vibe when the person says "I'm a she", or "I use they / them", or "I am a he" - and it's not in a nice tone. Not every situation is like this, but it happens quite often I believe because the individual is frustrated at being misgendered, when that wasn't the person's intent. Can we just stop using he/her/his/hers altogether and only use they/them? Does that bother the queer community? There are also pronouns that didn't exist before - ze/hir/hirs, per/per/pers, and I wonder what your thought is with those? How is someone supposed to get those right , or feel natural using them when they didn't exist grammatically when most of us whet through school? Also is there a line that is crossed with identities ever, or is it something that is going to just keep growing, and what is causing it to grow? I know you made a point about it not being about feeling special, but isn't there a need to feel different in society amongst almost everyone? I appreciate the effort you have made here. Try not to lump all "conservatives" into a bucket that won't accept or love people. It's not the case. Lumping groups of people into labels is a huge problem in society, and it only incites more division, and an automatic combative conversation when labels are thrown around. Thanks for the video!
@КатеринаБарановська-н5ф Жыл бұрын
In my language they was never singular. Also the verbs and adjectives change for singular, plural, masculine, feminine and neutral. So it is really hard to use they/them. But I am still trying, showing my respect to person. Also, I identify as demigirl and use she pronoun yet.
@IntrovertAncom Жыл бұрын
I wish I could go back in time and yell at my 9th grade English teacher. He was such a stickler with the whole "they/them is plural only" nonsense, and tbh it kinda messed with my head for years but I couldn't quite put my finger on why. Back then, I knew I had both masculine as well as feminine traits, and yet I never felt like I belonged to either gender, but there were no words for it in the late 1980s. Tomboy felt inaccurate and kinda cringe tbh, and Butch wasn't really me either. Yes, I'm gender non-conforming, but I really don't like using that term for myself. I first heard the terms genderqueer in the mid 2000s, non-binary in the early 2010s, and agender in the late 2010s, and realized that finally there were words to describe myself that I felt like I could identify with and embrace. Anyway, back to my English teacher going on and on in class about they/them = plural and he/she/it = singular. What on Earth was his problem? 🤷 Maybe he didn't pay attention during his Shakespeare classes when he was in university? 🤦
@erischaos Жыл бұрын
I'm also nb/agender. Sorry you've had such a hard time of it these past two years and hope things get better for you. That said: 11:27 "Have you seen Clare today?" / "No. I don't know where they are." / "I wonder how they're doing." Okay, cute, but not a great example - in fact, it's a pretty bad one. If _you_ already know Clare's gender, you would normally use Clare's preferred pronoun when referencing them, who in this case I'm assuming is non-binary since you used "they." A better example is: "Hey, someone ran on by, did you see which way _they_ went?" "What did _they_ look like?" "I don't know, I didn't get a good look at _them."_ This demonstrates a classic use of they and them in the singular without inferring gender or sex in anyway. "You" comes from thou as the _th_ in thou was usually written as Þ which would often be replaced with y as it looked "close enough." 🤷 That's why when you see _ye_ olde tavern, it's actually properly pronounced _the_ olde tavern. 💁
@josephmartin1540 Жыл бұрын
Wow. Earthlings are strange: they act out of impulse and emotion rather than pure logic. Yet, I’m old and don’t quite follow the whole pronoun thing anyway. If I called you “her” there would be no insult in my best understanding! Nor would it be any comment at all on your self view or preferences. But, I’ve always had a lot of trouble understanding what people meant or were thinking. Took years to understand them - that us others - as not thinking the same way I did… Y’all are fun together and your videos are very helpful.
@EugeniaPortobello Жыл бұрын
You two are so beautiful 😍😍😍😍
@hiimchuckiewannaplay Жыл бұрын
THIS VIDEO IS SO BADASS!!!! I love the passion and execution of this video from you and your kiddo. AMAZING WORK Ella!!
@ejwyatt1285 Жыл бұрын
ND/NB/Future Psychologist in solidarity ✊
@justwannaridemabike Жыл бұрын
Ok, You identify as non-binary You’re a women, I will identify you as such and use she/her pronouns Using they/them them makes me feel upset and marginalised and goes against my gender belief system That’s my understanding of gender identify Please respect it
@Edanasaur Жыл бұрын
Good for you Ella!! So nice to see your daughter supporting you.
@shibenikvaysyor8309 Жыл бұрын
@spqr49 Жыл бұрын
1. Gay is a preference. Gay people realize they are a certain gender, and they prefer people who are the same gender. No one is denying that you IDENTIFY as "non-binary". We are just pointing out that you feeling a certain way does not change your biology. 2. Your counter to the claim of wanting brownie points for being "marginalized" is to list off all the things that make you "marginalized". I'd say that was a pretty self defeating argument. 3. All the trans stuff is ridiculous, but at least mtf and ftm people acknowledge that there are 2 genders and they are picking one over the other. They're at least acknowledging that physical traits are part of the equation. 4. You are expecting people to change the way they speak for you. In English we use he for boys and men and she for girls and women. It's so deeply ingrained in our biology that it's second nature to be able to identify male vs female. YOU are the one acting like you're neither when clearly we all see a woman. I don't need to see you naked to know you have a vagina... call it a super power of mine. 5. Joining a conspiracy group where everyone agrees with you and you don't have to worry about logic. Sounds like you already did that. Also, we can respect people who have mental illness without lying to them. If someone is schizophrenic and think the voices are telling them to jump off a bridge... it isn't "respectful" to tell them the voices are real. 6. You are correct that there is nothing grammatically incorrect about calling you "they", but at the same time you need to realize there is nothing wrong with calling you "she" either. Congratulations. You used your daughter as a pawn and your combined efforts haven't been able to make a single good argument. Now I have a question. What is a woman?
@ribbrascal11 ай бұрын
Gold. Except that's her son.
@a_bookish_honeybadger Жыл бұрын
I realized I'm NB, Ace, and autistic via therapy and personal development.
@ribbrascal11 ай бұрын
@wendyheaton1439 Жыл бұрын
Just for future reference. Thee, thou, thine etc are second person pronouns ie replacing the word you and therefore have nothing to do with they/them pronouns.
@alicemlovegrove Жыл бұрын
Except in the sense that English used to differentiate between singular and plural in the second person via different vocabulary, and now it doesn't. So in that sense - in illustrating that pronouns can be used differently over time - it is extremely relevant.
@alicekerby4569 Жыл бұрын
I think the relevance was that they/them as singular has been around since when we used thee/thou/thine etc. so Ella and Supergirl's points were that if someone is refusing to use they/them as singular because they refuse to adjust to that change, then they should also still be using thee/thou/thine in place of you
@jimiwills Жыл бұрын
I love the dungarees+turtleneck+plaid shirt ❤ 1. NB does exist... my oldest was NB before they had a word for it or knew that it was a thing. 2. Marginalised identity clearly brings its own shit, nobody who has one would choose it. It's crap. 3. Gender has a bunch of facets, and there is overlap in trans vs NB, but they're kinda different axes... I know NB trans ppl... yeah both. 4. They them is because he/she just don't feel right. My kid didn't care she/he until they discovered they/them, which they suddenly realised fit so well. 5. Oh fuck off! Some ppl are so shit. What a thing to say! 6. Nah, I grew up with they them meaning general folk whose gender you don't know. Arse. Eg: how much did the baker charge? Oh, they gave me it for 20p! You are plural! I love thee... I mean "thee". Well done. Good rant :) RESPECT! 💛🤍💜🖤
@wronggeometry Жыл бұрын
Worry that your daughter is not really old enough to consent to doing this. Please be careful.
@tristanwebber4434 Жыл бұрын
Amazing parent and amazing young person. Super Girl's answer to point 3 was everything...the essence of why all marginalised peoples need to push against conservatism...what a great video...thank you!
@savy7555 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the "they/them' clarification! Plus me being a Shakespearean allows this to make more since to me because I need relatable context to allow things to seep into my brain. I want to know if what I did in the past was bad; I refused to say :"they" because in was in a individualism phase after reading Anthem. Another thing; I replied a long time ago about dissociation and wanted to update you that I did get diagnosed with that spectrum of disorders and disassociation identity disorder. Thanks for making that video it helped me figure out how to get help.
@theladyfuria2 ай бұрын
your daughter is so well-spoken! like if she is nonbinary herself! love this channel even more as i found you who is exactly like me, queer in so many ways and neurodivergent!
@sixfourtyfive Жыл бұрын
I like debates by Vaush on gender and trans identities! I don't know if you'll agree with him totally, but he's helped me reply to transphobes in my everyday life.
@bird4816 Жыл бұрын
@sixfourtyfive Жыл бұрын
@@bird4816 Why? I'm honestly curious because I don't want to support creators who are not actual allies.
@bird4816 Жыл бұрын
@@sixfourtyfive he's a commie
@Jewellene Жыл бұрын
Great collab. Super girl is precious! Inside and out.
@JigmeDatse Жыл бұрын
This was honestly a lovely video, and I was just being "verbally ironic" in the other comment... I hope it's not seen as negative. I *really* have a hard time understanding why people comment negatively on stuff that really has *nothing* to do with them, but I also have a really hard time just ignoring it. It usually doesn't help to respond, but sometimes you'll get someone going, "oops, I didn't understand."
@RachelB_13 Жыл бұрын
Huge thanks to the both of you, I've been facing non-binary struggles at the moment and the information and answers you've both given here are so helpful (both in terms of helping me to feel valid and also giving me information with which to stand up against other people's misconceptions). I really like your delivery, too - not patronising or aggressive, just factual and calm. It feels really comforting to have you there doing research so that it's not all on me to have all of the answers, that's really valuable 😊 It's also really nice to see a younger person being an absolute role model for all of us. Super Girl definitely has the right name! You're both awesome, keep being you 🥳
@littlelimetree Жыл бұрын
So amazingly well-spoken! Go you and go Super Girl! 💚