ObGyn Reacts: Didn't Know She Was Pregnant at 40 WEEKS!?

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Mama Doctor Jones

Mama Doctor Jones

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@carag2567 Жыл бұрын
This is probably my favorite IDKIWP reaction. I love how Mom's initial crisis reaction was included and how the social worker adeptly handled it with such compassion and a clear understanding of the situation despite never having seen it before. And can we please give major credit to TLC's casting director for this episode because the actors are almost Doppelgängers of the real people!
@mimmyrose2970 Жыл бұрын
*Doppelgängers , sorry, I speak German. But I agree!
@london_liv5539 Жыл бұрын
I totally agree 💯 %!! I’m a Medical Professional myself & I love & appreciate Mama Doctor Jones & all her videos 🙏🏽 This one was great! And as an aside - MDJ skin looks AMAZING lately! She’s so bright, happy & gorgeous. Lovely to watch before I head into the trenches at work again 💗
@carag2567 Жыл бұрын
@@mimmyrose2970 Don't apologize, and thank you!! I'm going to fix my comment. Even though I'm only a native (American) English speaker, I still strive for accuracy!
@ichbinben. Жыл бұрын
Not disagreeing with anything you say, but as a German I am legally obligated to tell you it's Doppelgänger, not Döppelganger.
@carag2567 Жыл бұрын
@@ichbinben. Thank you! I fixed it! 🥰
@jinx18e Жыл бұрын
Other than month 9, I did not look pregnant. I knew I was pregnant from the day of implantation. My husband called it incognito pregnito.
@codename495 Жыл бұрын
Implantation? How did you know that.
@jinx18e Жыл бұрын
@@codename495 I thought it was my period starting. I got bad cramps, then I only bled for less than an hour. My cravings for grapes started the next day with mor pregnancy symptoms. I didn't get a positive pregnancy test until I was 9 weeks for some reason.
@gardeninginthedesert Жыл бұрын
I was the same, I knew both times the very next day. My body felt completely different. The first time I was only 16 and I'd only had sex once, the night before. I had no support and I had an abortion six weeks later. The second time I knew again the next day, same feeling. I waited a few days and went to the doctor for a test. He asked how late.my period was but it wasn't late yet. He laughed and told me to come back when it was a week late. Exactly six weeks later the feeling stopped. No more nausea,.morning sickness, nothing. I thought I'd lost the baby but everything was ok, he was born healthy and right on time.
@lissey0734 Жыл бұрын
I knew right away. Im 8 weeks now and just knew i felt different
@KristenK78 Жыл бұрын
I also basically knew right away. I don’t usually feel nauseated, but I had a random wave as I was getting ready for work, barely there and gone. Then on the bus to work, EVERY SMELL was turned up to 11. We were also actively trying, and I had taken Clomid, but my OB also told me not to test for 2 weeks. This was probably midway through week 2. I just knew. My husband tried to tell me not to test yet; that lasted maybe a day or so, and then I just did it. Positive. Two days later was the two week mark, still positive. 😂 Then I called my OB office, and their response was “well, ok, but we won’t see you until you’re six weeks, so call back then.” Wut, seriously? 😦I was on a TTC message board at the time, so I fully expected the whole multiple blood tests, see if the numbers double routine. I was not prepared to be told to go about my business for another 4 weeks.
@Kait2478 Жыл бұрын
MDJ, I just want to take a moment to say a big THANK YOU to you. A week ago, I was PMSing and my breasts began to hurt more so than normal for that; it felt like when I had been pregnant a few years ago. Pregnancy was NOWHERE ON MY RADAR and not intentional at this time. My period was still several days away. I was like, "Nah, there's no way." But then your voice came over me in my head like a loudspeaker: "If you have any changes, and you're having sex with someone who can get you pregnant, take a pregnancy test." I have a store of cheapies for this exact reason. So I took one, feeling all nervous and then telling myself, "Why are you so nervous? It's going to be negative anyway." WELL, IT WASN'T NEGATIVE. I'M PREGNANT. Anyway, I was due to be on vacation and at a good friend's wedding this past weekend, and I was planning on drinking while I was there. I would not have thought I was pregnant; I would've just thought I ovulated a bit late and that I would start any day now (I fertility track but hadn't been paying a whole lot of attention lately). You stopped me from drinking (got me to have way better info that I could do my best with!) and got me to take a whole lot better care of myself through the stress and demand of traveling. THANK YOU, MDJ!
@cheekyb71 Жыл бұрын
@j3nn1987 Жыл бұрын
Congratulations! I hope your pregnancy goes well and that you have a happy, healthy baby.
@hayleymoelker Жыл бұрын
Girl, this is basically what happened to me! (Currently 11 weeks) I track my cycles religiously but I felt off. It was while I was watching one of her commentaries when I went "I should probably take a test." Sure enough it was positive!
@shainaannx17 Жыл бұрын
Wow! Congratulations on your little surprise ❤️ wishing you and baby the best !
@Vikkigamesbadly Жыл бұрын
i was preggers didnt keep it but my boob were on fire after 4/5weeks clued me in
@aimeea5528 Жыл бұрын
I have a friend who her whole pregnancy she still wasn’t sure she wanted to be a Mom. She loved her baby because it was her baby. She’s not the kind of person who loves kids. She is a very kind and loving person, kids just aren’t her thing. But honestly she is a fantastic Mom! She posts and shares pictures of her kiddo with family and friends. She loves her baby to pieces. So important to figure out the major life things like kids before getting into a serious relationship, especially before marriage. Her being unsure and him being all for it makes a situation like this so much harder for them both. Wanting and not wanting kids is not something anyone should have to compromise on, it is not fair to either partner nor is it fair to a child brought into the situation. Creates resentment and is just entirely unfair to all involved. I’m glad it worked out for this couple though!!!
@WriterGirl719 Жыл бұрын
Yes! I'm really not trying to judge this couple, but the Kids discussion is something you should settle before you get married, not after you've birthed the child.
@aimeea5528 Жыл бұрын
@@WriterGirl719 Him wanting the baby so bad and her not (at first) and calling the Social Worker to do an adoption. Not fair for either of them! They seemed to be very supportive of each other but that is a topic that neither should have to compromise on. It worked out for them but I can’t imagine how many couples it doesn’t work out for, where one gives up what they truly want. “Compromise” although it’s not really a compromise if one wants a child and the other doesn’t, one person is having to give up what they want for their life. Just not fair all around. And for a child to be in a situation where one parent didn’t want them, just hard and unfair for everyone.
@olgapolygalova5369 Жыл бұрын
Not loving other kids is totally fine and natural. It has nothing to do with being a good mom or bad mom.
@aimeea5528 Жыл бұрын
@@olgapolygalova5369 Agree 100%
@bishielurfer Жыл бұрын
Yeah as soon as they talked about him wanting a family and her not being sure if she wanted kids, I was like 😬 I absolutely don't want to give birth or raise young children so I've always had that conversation very early on in relationships and made sure that my partner knew it was a non-negotiable thing. Cause I'm open to one day potentially fostering or adopting an older child, but like... If having our own biological child or having a baby is important to them, I'm definitely not the person for them! And you do get people who will say they're okay with it, but either later realize it's more important to them then they thought or, worse, they assume you'll change your mind at some point. And that's not a good situation to be in.
@jentam92 Жыл бұрын
My brother became a father overnight 😅 his girlfriend didn’t feel well and they went to her gyn and she told her „Congratulations! You’re pregnant, you’ll deliver anytime soon“ 😅 she wasn’t prepared at all (20 years old) and THE NEXT DAY she gave birth to my niece ❤
@Vikkigamesbadly Жыл бұрын
my sister didnt know till 5months in
@skyefirenails Жыл бұрын
OMG like, I probably could, but mentally right this second I COULD NEVER.
@rlovelace1307 Жыл бұрын
my cousin too! his girlfried still had periods and didn't show anything, gave birth in a store's bathroom because she had no idea, so i fully believe people can be pregnant and not know!
@tayloranderson7547 Жыл бұрын
Soon she wasn't prepared at all twenty-year-old and the next day she gave birth to my niece
@tayloranderson7547 Жыл бұрын
Yes they can
@brinagotsued Жыл бұрын
I don't think you ruin the show with educational content, I think you elevate it!
@angelalott2383 Жыл бұрын
Totally agree!!
@kristiwetsel9531 Жыл бұрын
100 percent!!
@helenbrown6341 Жыл бұрын
@@SuperNovaBass73 Absolutely!
@sandrathomson7288 Жыл бұрын
I totally agree. The educational content is welcome- it empowers women, and gives us the knowledge and freedom to make our own choices.
@patmaurer8541 Жыл бұрын
I agree! This show is useless without your commentary. 😊
@Liriand Жыл бұрын
Thank you for talking about that not everyone has that "starry eyed" love for their babies. I didn't have it with either of my kids, even though I, like you, would've instantly done anything and everything for them. I used to feel guilty about it, but as they've grown and I've gotten to know them (even though one is just 3months old), that love has grown.
@laurahubbard6906 Жыл бұрын
Have you seen "Adam Ruins Having a Baby"? The "instant love" bit is one of the topics covered.
@Lauren-gs1eh Жыл бұрын
That seems perfectly normal, after all the baby is a stranger to you until you get to know them.
@Evie_Cvie Жыл бұрын
It was the same for me with my twins and I love that mdj talks about this… I felt the protective instinct but not the love bubble feeling. My body was in shock I was healing and it was a lot to go through.
@mikaylamccay2219 Жыл бұрын
I was the same with my first. I remember thinking I loved him because he was mine, but if I could go back in time I wouldn't have him again. Took me about a month or so until I felt that intense love for him and it only grew. Interestingly enough I had the almost opposite experience with my second. I loved him instantly, but he was a difficult sleeper and so I grieved my days of only one child and felt I'd made a big mistake having 2. I don't feel that way anymore. I adore my kids and wouldn't want life without them. ❤️❤️
@dietotaku Жыл бұрын
that was me when my kids were born too. my oldest wasn't planned and at that point i considered myself childfree - i had no interest in having kids ever, but my then-fiance now-husband was super stoked about kids and while he supported me in making an appointment with planned parenthood, eventually i decided to cancel it and give motherhood a shot. i kinda feel less like it was consideration for one another and more like i just gave in to what he wanted, but yeah. once she was born it was just kinda like "so now i have to keep this person alive? for YEARS? by MYSELF?" i don't think i truly clicked with her until she started school and she had a real rip-roaring personality instead of a screaming potato that eats and poops.
@itisjustadream Жыл бұрын
Mama Doctor Jones and these episodes of I didn’t know I was pregnant have given me unbelievable comfort in the 7 years of infertility I’ve experienced. In between all of my missed periods due to PCOS, symptom hunting, and peeing on sticks, this channel has continued to entertain, educate, and keep hope alive. I’m sorry this post is so sentimental. It must be because I’m pregnant. ❤
@GoiterGoblin Жыл бұрын
Congratulations 💕
@mommabates8891 Жыл бұрын
@SugarandSarcasm Жыл бұрын
@a_l_e_k_sandra Жыл бұрын
That's amazing! Congrats! ❤️
@skyefirenails Жыл бұрын
I have PCOS too. I understand your journey. Congratulations!!!
@Sewingistherapy Жыл бұрын
I’m so glad they showed this one. I got pregnant with my twins on birth control. We still aren’t sure how they are here. But both my husband and I really struggled. We did not want any more. At. All. It took weeks after they were born for me to feel like I “fell in love” with them. And I had from 9wks to adjust to the idea.
@moniqueengleman873 Жыл бұрын
They are complete strangers. I Loved meeting my babies. I was so afraid that my baby wouldn't love me. And maybe I wouldn't love her, because I never ever liked kids. But once I had my own I continue to be Starryeyed with my adult children. I am so in love with them all. My oldest is 38 years young... My bonus baby is 24 years old. My heart just flutters. They are such good people. They have built healthy relationships and I have 3.5 grandchildren. I am always the observer, so maybe I am a pile of yummy hormones when they are around. 🌠🌠🌠🌠
@RedRoseSeptember22 Жыл бұрын
@ireneangelucci3733 Жыл бұрын
My mum got told she could not have any kids cause of the damages of an ectopic pregnancy she had...a year later she found out she was expecting me 😎😂 life really just happens when it wants to lol
@Mr_and_Mrs_Seiler Жыл бұрын
How did you get pregnant on BC? What kind were you on? I am on the pill 3 years
@Sewingistherapy Жыл бұрын
@@Mr_and_Mrs_Seiler that’s a question I wish I knew the answer to. I can say with 100% certainty that I never missed taking a pill. We knew we got pregnant easily and when I say we were done. We were absolutely done. We had started the appointment process for my husband to get snipped. And and certain times of the month we used condoms on top of birth control. I was terrified to get pregnant again. So yeah…I don’t know how. I also don’t remember what the birth control was. I had the twins via c-section and had my tubes removed. So I haven’t had to take any since so I just don’t know.
@kendramarie4602 Жыл бұрын
I was pregnant for 4-5 months and didn’t know…I just thought I was extremely sick. I had gone to my doctors after taking a pregnancy test at home even though it was negative. And the doctors test was negative. I waited and got more sick so I went to a stomach doctor and they did tests found nothing and asked if I wanted to just do another pregnancy test. I told them about everything else and they told it it couldn’t hurt anything. About a week later I got a call back saying I was pregnant. Only had half the time to process and start getting things ready. Even with that much time it’s stressful I can only imagine what emotions they went through. And I had major postpartum depression. But now I have a great relationship with my son.
@bendakstarkiller3407 Жыл бұрын
I feel you, I had issues with menstrual cycle, so I'd have like 2 per year so not really expecting to be pregnant, and I didn't get any morning sickness in first trimester. We found out about 4 months in because I was starting to feel really lethargic and I went to get some blood tests done by the doctor. Luckily they thought to test for pregnancy cause it still hadn't crossed my mind at all. I love my surprise baby! He's due in a few weeks.
@LynxChan Жыл бұрын
This is probably the best episode yet. It would have been so easy to treat this complex situation too simply, or demonise one of them, but they showed the story with compassion to all. Also, side bonus, coincidentally she was trying to get healthy to fix her belly aches and so probably had a pretty healthy pregnancy lifestyle by accident!
@RedRoseSeptember22 Жыл бұрын
Very true :)
@nikoletahanakova8573 Жыл бұрын
This was exactly my thought as they mentioned it in the video :-)
@darcistephenson5359 Жыл бұрын
Exactly! Unlike all of the other episodes she says " this is crap " and chucked it in the bin. I love what that social worker said and I'm hoping the mother didn't feel pressed to choose.
@chloeb1642 Жыл бұрын
Funny story. I had pregnancy symptoms, positive pregnancy test, had multiple ultrasounds, even moved and therefore had a second provider. And sometimes (until I started feeling movement at 22 weeks), I was still sometimes like, "Nah, it's just a giant prank. I can't actually be growing a human."
@amybrandt7376 Жыл бұрын
My co worker found out she was pregnant at 8 months . She had no idea. I think that’s so wild. This video made me so emotional 🥹
@smithn.wesson495 Жыл бұрын
Yes, I know this sounds ridiculous or impossible, but there are some women who didn't realize they were pregnant until days a few weeks before giving birth. Life can be so crazy and unpredictable at times.
@kairikasai Жыл бұрын
I didn't know until a little over 7 months when I saw my stomach move. 3 tests all said negative, my periods were always irregular and I only had morning sickness one time.
@ireneangelucci3733 Жыл бұрын
@@kairikasai i can't even imagine what you must have thought when you randomly saw you stomach move 🥲 that's so wild
@ferninthehouse Жыл бұрын
@@kairikasai irregular periods are a common reason for people thinking they arent pregnant!! many people also have monthly hormonal spotting that seems like a light period, but it's not! p.s. if anyone has spotting while pregnant please get it checked out because it can be a sign of something serious that can actually make you miscarry and lose your possibility of getting pregnant later
@kairikasai Жыл бұрын
@@ferninthehouse mine were so irregular to the point I was taking tests every other month up until I got my tubes tied. And definitely accurate about watching for bleeding while pregnant. I bled a little with my 2nd and went straight to the hospital. They said I was having a miscarriage but they were able to save her
@ivylear Жыл бұрын
The way the actress said “okay” after seeing him with the baby made me tear up. That’s love. The way they were both willing to sacrifice for each other. Beautiful ❤️
@heatherfeather1293 Жыл бұрын
I knew I didn't want children but despite birth control, I got pregnant. I was 18. Everyone kept trying to change my mind, but I chose adoption and stuck with it. I wavered a bit right after he was born, but I don't regret it now. I know this feeling is alien to most women, so I am glad they covered it here - showing a woman who didn't really want kids and was thinking about adoption.
@Godwinpounds4333 Жыл бұрын
Hello 👋 how are you doing?
@RedNymph234 Жыл бұрын
But in the end she caved to pressure from the male partner. These shows never end in actual adoption. It feels like propeganda, where the woman may think she wants adoption, but naaah "her natural God given woman instincts will kick in just as God intended" and she ends up keeping it.... Always
@kristajones7202 11 ай бұрын
​@@RedNymph234When she said she could see how good of a dad he was, I was saying, "He's been a parent for 90 minutes, tops. You know nothing about him."
@bogwife7942 10 ай бұрын
I feel you. I have 0 desire to have a baby. the thought of being pregnant makes me queasy. I'm glad the chances that it'll happen to me are basically 0. no one treats guys like they're defective when they don't want kids
@SaraFrakerWillowCreek Жыл бұрын
I had an amazing nurse that taught our pregnancy and delivery classes. She told that class that many of us would need time to bond. And not to feel bad if it takes us time. Birth and bonding is different for every parent. ❤️❤️❤️
@Godwinpounds4333 Жыл бұрын
Hello how’re you doing?
@generoush3823 Жыл бұрын
I was in the delivery room for all 3 of my kids. I was a little shocked when my oldest popped out, I was expecting a cute baby right from the start and all I saw was what looked like a wet slimey lizard, thankfully she grew out of that
@shannhlvb9873 Жыл бұрын
As an OB nurse, once on April 1, we came on our shift with no pts except 1 in L&D (small hosp) so before night shift came on, we rigged 8 fake patients, including fake babies and charts. The labor PT came out and saw all the cribs and said, How did everyone deliver before me? We assured her it was a joke on night nurses. We ended up giving report on all of our fake pts, including the last one April First.
@AK-jt9gx Жыл бұрын
That sounds super funny. What did the fake babies look like, were there just dolls laying around the department?
@shannhlvb9873 Жыл бұрын
@@AK-jt9gx we folded blankets and put the newborn hats on them and positioned cradles so faces weren't seen. The most fun was making fake charts for each patient and spending 15 minutes giving report on moms and babies that didn't exist. This was back before everything was on computers.
@sngray11 Жыл бұрын
That is such a great April Fools joke! 😂
@dietotaku Жыл бұрын
i would've loved to see a fake baby with the name tag "fools, april" and see how long it takes someone to get it lol
@kimberlyjones8152 Жыл бұрын
As an April fools baby (April 1) I approve 👌
@Dez861 Жыл бұрын
I'm currently at around 36 weeks, and the fact that you mentioned GERD reminded me of the time my husband didn't pick up my prescribed meds on time because he thought they were another set of prenatals ... which we have an abundance of. He picked them up, and went: "For Gerd? What the heck is Gerd?" And, I said: "Acid reflux." And his eyes lit up, and he goes: "Oooh, that's why you've been burping so much; I was worried you might be sick." If looks could kill.
@RedRoseSeptember22 Жыл бұрын
LOL guys really don't get how our bodies work :P
@rebeccahargis9061 Жыл бұрын
Yay finally seeing some medical Social Work representation 😊 we don’t often get portrayed in the media 🤪
@duhnay Жыл бұрын
Right?! Not in a positive light anyway 🤧
@j3nn1987 Жыл бұрын
How do you like being in the medical SW field? I'm currently working on my BA, and that is one of the paths I am considering taking.
@wendellgee11 Жыл бұрын
Social workers are there to help, and some people feel that the social worker is their enemy. I love that this video emphasizes the positive points. I depended upon those angels as a caregiver for a Lewis body patient, they helped me and guided me through the toughest of times!
@janedoex1398 Жыл бұрын
I applaud you to having the strength to care for someone with such a cruel, unstoppable disease, even more so one that might jump from "not ok" , to "a total nightmare/ emergency night" back to "halfways ok" - for the stage the person seems to be in at the moment or had been at least somehow " stable", to "a bit better" and just as you try to have a bit of hope that it will maybe stay that way a bit longer or start to breathe normal again - for two hours, a day, a week- it get's back to "worse than ever" without any warning , with no knowledge if it's a phase or a permanent decline. So d@mn unpredictable that ( It was for me ) it's sometimes a challange to decide to shower for 5 minutes. Or hope for a good day at all. (And believe me I - to an extent - having worked with dementia, stroke, heart attack + recussitated , TBI, Intensive care, palliative care, palliative ENT tumor patients, etc.) But it's ALWAYS a HUGE difference if it's a relative and you are on duty - at least in your mind - 24/ 7 , 52 weeks a year. I had a very authoristic (?) grandfather with 2 strokes, a grandmother with 4 or 5 .... Another one 600 miles away with MS and 3 strokes.... And my parents didn't want to listen that my mother at age 63 couldn't take her home, even with one 24/ 7 nurse, because she often fell out of bed or screamed at the nurse 4 times every night. Who went over the 5 houses? My 63 y.o. Mom. But I as a nurse in training and even after getting mz diploma was forced to stay silent " to not upset mz Mom even more. " MY DAD DIDN'T GET OUT OF BED 4 TIMES IN A ROW EVERY NIGHT. But what do I know. I just studied for 4 years. I also had a bf with addiction problems that made him abusive, combative, severely prone to grand mal seizures, in addition to the occasional overdose in a variety of stages of severity. )
@duhnay Жыл бұрын
As a social worker myself, I appreciate you saying this so much ❤️
@josiee1120 Жыл бұрын
I love this series so much! I had a friend who went through this except she was single when she delivered and didn’t know who the father was. She thought she had a kidney stone, went to the hospital, and less than 3 hours later, she had a healthy 9lb baby. She debated giving her son up for adoption, but ultimately decided to keep him and now he is a healthy 3 year old.
@karentiger8812 Жыл бұрын
I started tearing up when the social worker told her not to make a decision right then. It was so amazing. This episode was so real and she was so brave sharing her real emotions which our society can be so judgmental about. 😭💜
@abbienormals1669 Жыл бұрын
I don't have kids, but I had that starry eyed instant love... for a pup I found up for adoption. He was a little short haired chihuahua with pinned back ears and what looked like a nervous-hopeful smile on his face. So I adopted him and named him Pippin (from the Lord of the Rings. He's a fool of a Took if I ever saw one, lol) And he's my precious little nugget now as well as my emotional support animal. Yet, when we went to adopt a second dog to give Pippin a friend and my mom (we live together) found an adorable chihuahua mix puppy up for adoption, I thought she was cute, but didn't fall in love immediately. Mom did though, so we adopted her and brought her home. She was SO hyper that Pippin hated her after five minutes and we had to play with her constantly to decrease her energy. A few months later though? Not only have I fallen in love with Buttons, but so has Pippin and they're inseparable. Sort of my view on both types of the 'parent/child' bond.
@veryverte Жыл бұрын
Oh that is so cute 😭😭😭 really nice to hear that your extra effort to play with the new pup (that must have been exhausting!) paid off and you're all a happy family now
@beckiehubley5798 Жыл бұрын
My mom picked our new family dog when I was almost 15. I wouldn't have picked her. She was 12 weeks, and we thought she'd never bond with. When she'd cry in the middle of the night, my older brother would go get and stick her in my bed, and then go back to bed. So I'd take her back to the kitchen, because she wasn't housebroken and I had carpet. She ended up choosing me to be her person, and she was my best friend for the rest of her life. When I had my daughter, I was all starry eyed...I already knew her, from being pregnant. She wasn't planned, but knew I wanted her and loved her from the second I saw 2 lines. I'd had a scare a few years prior where my feelings were very different though. I'm a baby person. My baby is 17 now, but I work with a couple baby and toddler drop in programs.
@KimJongUnnie Жыл бұрын
lol all my maternal feelings go toward animals, babies and kids do nothing for me
@jonimiller7850 Жыл бұрын
I love how you normalize the lack of immediate attachment. It describes my experience exactly. I wanted my babies and I wanted to care for them and protect them, but I felt ashamed that I didn’t have that immediate connection. True love would come along and is just as real and deep as any. ❤
@curious98718 11 ай бұрын
I found out I was pregnant with my first when I went to the hospital for an allergic reaction. The nurse put me in a wheelchair and started wheeling me down the hall and she said to me "so, is this your first baby?" My response was "so, am I pregnant?" I was about 8 weeks along.😂😂😂
@il42 Жыл бұрын
I like that they included a pic here of her being 6-7 months pregnant, which they rarely do. You can kinda see her belly, but maybe there's a psychological denial factor here too.
@kieleyevatt2232 Жыл бұрын
I'm kinda lazy so when I haven't worked out for a while and my core muscles are weak it can make my lower belly look like it bulges out more, almost like a small baby bump. She might have a lower fat distribution or a similar problem with weak core muscles where that body shape isn't unusual for her
@SunshineJoleen Жыл бұрын
That didn't look like a baby bump to me. 7 months pregnant right now, and my bump is WAY bigger and shaped very differently... Her bump looked like my body before pregnancy... maybe after a big meal. If my stomach looked like hers, I would be a little miffed if people thought I looked pregnant...
@jasperj.d.g.4147 Жыл бұрын
That doesn't look pregnant at all, she is but it wouldn't be obvious if you didn't know.
@itsjustbrandy4290 Жыл бұрын
My cousin had a wonderful social worker help her as well. She found out she was pregnant from a home test and took about a month to decide she wanted to have an abortion. When she went in for the procedure they discovered she was already 30 weeks along and an abortion was off the table. She spoke with a very understanding and kind SW for about 2 hours going over what other options there were for her. She also told her to sleep on it and really let it all sink in as the baby wasn't going anywhere at this point as it was still baking. She ended up keeping our little Charlotte but has always said she appreciated that SW so much. Much better than the nurse I had when I had a baby at 17 and decided on adoption so she kept trying to talk me out of spending time with him before I left the hospital. It was really important to me to spend those three days with him before I gave him to his new parents. She ruined a lot of that for me.
@louiseglasgow Жыл бұрын
That that guy wanted a child so badly but was still supportive of his partner and aware that she was going through something momentous and traumatic, and knew not to push her, and didn't just push anyway to get his way, is one of the sweetest things I've seen. It's how things should be, but as you said, people often aren't, especially at the height of a crisis. The social worker was also amazing! And the mother, for being open to other options, especially when she saw her partner with the baby.
@RedNymph234 Жыл бұрын
He wasn't supportive. He pressured her to keep it and she ended up giving in. He KNEW she wasn't ready, yet he was unyielding. She gave into HIS desires. Not supportive at all
@TurtleMyrtle12 Жыл бұрын
He was not willing to abandon his child and she decided to stay as well. If she didn't want her own child, she could have divorced him and left. Good for HIM for having a backbone and keeping his son.
@NataliaBąba 11 ай бұрын
I mean, he was supportive but he would keep his child. The only difference is that he would probably divorce her
@kitkat2114 Жыл бұрын
The fact the husband wanted kids right away and she fell pregnant with condom use makes me question if he was honest with her in his usage.
@Ikajo Жыл бұрын
Yeah... it is one of those conversations you have before getting intimate. I'm childfree by choice. It is a dealbreaker for me, having no kids.
@juliemaggio1246 Жыл бұрын
Yeah maybe
@carag2567 Жыл бұрын
I think the fact that he vomited upon learning of the pregnancy and impending parenthood demonstrates that he most certainly did not tamper with her birth control.
@juliemaggio1246 Жыл бұрын
@@carag2567 he might have just been in shock because he didn't think she was pregnant.
@carag2567 Жыл бұрын
@@juliemaggio1246 Which would negate the idea that he was deliberately trying to get her pregnant. He wouldn't be in shock if he had any awareness that it was a possibility. Shock is....shock.
@dramonmaster222 Жыл бұрын
These reaction vids to "Didn't Know She Was Pregnant" are always fun to watch.
@aliaflow6877 Жыл бұрын
If you were a woman these vidoes would be terrifying
@dramonmaster222 Жыл бұрын
@@aliaflow6877 For clarification, I am laughing at the Doctor's reaction and the bad acting.
@luvinqfulYT Жыл бұрын
@elizabethporterfield7852 11 ай бұрын
I just really want to say thank you for talking about your experience with not having that instant "starry eyed connection." My son will be 8 weeks old on Thursday, and the amount of discomfort i have felt with myself bc I also lacked that is extreme. Like you said, I love him, and I would do anything for him, but I think that you saying you needed to get to know them is exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you MDJ
@terrioestreich4007 Жыл бұрын
I have a good friend from school who didn't know that she was pregnant. I never understood any woman who couldn't feel it, because I always felt it honestly within the first two weeks of pregnancy. My friend is a very down to earth, smart person and if she could be confused about it then someone else could be also
@Queenofgreen515 Жыл бұрын
Aaaand…this is why I don’t have sex. No sex, no babies. That’s how strongly I feel about never getting pregnant. And I’m on the pill lol.
@shainaannx17 Жыл бұрын
I love this one. It's nice to see a true reaction where it isn't that "fairytale" situation. In her shoes, I would have felt the same way. I personally don't want kids and have an IUD. I'm so happy for her and her family. Their son is adorable. But wow, what a marriage they must have to have worked through that together. It's amazing.
@pigpjs Жыл бұрын
As someone who is 7 months pregnant now, I am grateful that both my parents have been honest with me that neither felt an instant starry eyed love when I was born. It took my dad about 4 months to really fall in love with me. He did everything a dad was supposed to do because he loved my mom and wanted to support her. But he didn't know me as a person yet. He said there was something that happened when he was changing me at 4 months where he looked at me and realized that he loved me as my own little person. My mom loved me about 24 hours after I was born. She has said, having an unmedicated labor meant she was so tired after I was born and her body was so stressed and focused on recovery she felt nothing but relief labor was over then pissed when she found out you have contractions to deliver the placenta. About 24 hours and a good night's sleep (this was back when babies spent the night in nurseries away from the parents) she was able to better comprehend everything. At that point she became obsessed and has been my biggest fan ever since.
@carolynmacdonald7024 Жыл бұрын
Aww. They handled that so well! A lot of big emotions there so props to them for being so good to each other through that.
@Godwinpounds4333 Жыл бұрын
Hello how are you doing?
@bec7080 Жыл бұрын
I've said it on videos before that before sterilization my husband and I used both birth control and condoms because we are 100% sure that we didn't want kids. He was about to have his vasectomy retested (easy just recheck his "count" but I just got my tubes out so we both have now had sterilization surgery. I mean like... We don't want children. And we have ensured that now. But if you're not at the vasectomy/tubal phase in your life, doubling up doesn't hurt. Birth control+ condom is a pretty good bet
@ireneangelucci3733 Жыл бұрын
Would you think that'd be a good idea for someone ( me ) who is very sure she doesn't want kids but is also not in a relationship? I am currently hanging out with someone but it's very casual and free,and I keep thinking about taking double measures to be extra extra safe and sometimes I lean towards the yes, other times I think it would be a bit premature to go on hormonal BC too since I am not committed to anyone. I am so torn 😂
@bec7080 Жыл бұрын
@@ireneangelucci3733 it would be a good idea to talk to your doctor or OBGYN about what birth control is right for you. They have non hormonal options but even though I'm sterile I still take hormonal bc for example because I have very severe periods that I want to keep at bay
@codename495 Жыл бұрын
I got pregnant with my lady with one Fallopian tube and an in place hormonal IUD. Nothing short of surgical sterilization is 100% no matter what you do.
@gigglesmurf2004 Жыл бұрын
@@ireneangelucci3733 Double measures are recommended if you’re really sure. If you don’t want anything hormonal, a copper IUD might be a thought. They can stay in for 10 years. Use condoms for sti protection as well. Talk to your gynecologist!
@gigglesmurf2004 Жыл бұрын
@@ireneangelucci3733 I should add that I use double when involved with men as I’ve been on hormonal bc for years for other issues and not in relationship. When I was in exclusive relationship and only on nuvaring bc I got pregnant because it came out and I didn’t know it. And we weren’t using a backup method. Consider one to be a backup for the other.
@shaunaseifert4531 Жыл бұрын
This may not be the best but it's definitely related to what you mentioned about the starry eyed love when you see your baby, I didn't cry when I got handed my baby, I just stared at her still shocked that I had a baby! She's now 14 months and has such a BIG personality
@nmh7499 Жыл бұрын
I was in shock also! I didn't have that starry eyed feeling what so ever. I had a desire to care for her and keep her safe but the strong feelings of love took weeks to months to develop. It's totally normal!
@brittkelly6326 Жыл бұрын
What a great episode. The social worker is a rock star. I really appreciate that the couple gave each other space. So many emotions through this episode.
@karacampbell5192 Жыл бұрын
Can you do a review of Kendell Rae's birth story? She is a popular KZbinr and she shared her experience, which was really refreshing and honest. She was really open about so many things that most women and parents don't know about when they get pregnant. There are a lot of good talking points that I think you would really be able to expand on and explain to viewers. Love your channel!
@jenniferfreese6816 Жыл бұрын
Did she do a birth story video or are you just talking about her announcement video?
@karacampbell5192 Жыл бұрын
@@jenniferfreese6816 She did a video on “the sesh” where she talked about the whole experience, from birth to 2 months postpartum. And she brought on little baby Holly!! ❤️
@jenniferfreese6816 Жыл бұрын
@@karacampbell5192 which channel? And what was it titled? I must have missed it and couldn’t find it when I looked at her pages but I would like to watch that one
@karacampbell5192 Жыл бұрын
@@jenniferfreese6816 it was on the channel called “the sesh” I’ll link the video for you! kzbin.info/www/bejne/iGGzpXWOgNCooqc
@jenniferfreese6816 Жыл бұрын
@@karacampbell5192 thanks!
@8bitfae Жыл бұрын
When I was pregnant with my first son, he was a complete surprise Despite being young (19) and knowing I'd be parenting alone with my family, I was excited! I couldn't wait for him to be here in my arms. The actual birth, though? As soon as I gave birth and he was in my arms, I didn't feel that starry eyed immediate sense of love and joy. I was completely void of all happiness and felt like I gave up my dreams and life for a stranger. Of course, I found out later through the help of the internet that I was going through PPD, but I didn't know then. It took so long for those feelings to come about and it felt like there was something wrong with me. I didn't feel human. I also had PPD after my second son. It felt worse that second time around. With therapy and medication I was able to balance back out and I can say now that I would jump in front of a moving train for my boys. After birth care is so important, whether you have post partum depression or not - that extra support from doctors, family, and friends can really make a difference.
@larbakatariina1912 Жыл бұрын
Mama dr Jones has made me acutely aware of every tummy feeling or moving of gas etc that I've had since having my baby and I freak myself out thinking I'm gonna be pregnant again and not know it! For context, with my first baby I got my period back when she was 4 months old. Now my second is 11 months and still no period, I do breastfeed still, but baby eats so much solids you'd think my cycle would return... Freaking out and taking pregnancy tests regularly lol.
@RedRoseSeptember22 Жыл бұрын
Doctor Mama has actually explained that isn't a period, it's pregnancy bleeding :)
@chaosspy6723 Жыл бұрын
@@RedRoseSeptember22 she means after she had the baby it took 4 months to come back
@isabelleblanchet3694 Жыл бұрын
It took 16-19 months for my periods to return after my babies, and they were eating 3 meals a day.
@larbakatariina1912 Жыл бұрын
@@isabelleblanchet3694 good to know different experiences, thanks! I'm just paranoid since last time they returned so much faster, haha.
@tinkeramma Жыл бұрын
I got mine back different times with each baby. My 1st was a week shy of her 1st birthday. It was much sooner with my 2nd, but irregular for the first time ever and didn't regulate for about 4 years. My youngest is 6 years younger than my 2nd and I didn't get my period back for over 2 years and never regularly since.
@natasha-leainnes3737 Жыл бұрын
I'm glad you always mention typical use of condoms. I got pregnant at 8 months pp, I was ebf and had 1 or 2 periods. We were only using condoms and one time we decided not to use one and that time I got pregnant, as soon as i thought i missed my period i did a test. Now 17 weeks and after some initial shock I'm very happy.
@SassyWinterFox Жыл бұрын
Im 39w4d with my first baby. The waiting is killing me. I want her here already im so bored at home! I've had cramping for a few weeks now, my mucus plug has been slowly falling apart, baby is moving, tatas are feeling more swollen... she must be close. Hoping she comes spontaneously in the next few days.
@CandysYarnCrafts Жыл бұрын
😀 yay baby. Your super close pay attention to those pains once they start getting stronger and try to relax.
@kieleyevatt2232 Жыл бұрын
You could try focusing on the fact that normal gestation can be up to 42 weeks without being a problem. If you make 42 weeks your expectation, then when she comes sooner it'll feel like you caught a break rather than the end of an agonizing wait. It's like when you run a race and pretend the finish line is further so you don't start slowing down
@lifewuzonceezr Жыл бұрын
@@kieleyevatt2232 exactly!! Babies don't have a calendar..they come when they want..I knew someone who went to 45 weeks!!
@JuMiKu Жыл бұрын
@@lifewuzonceezr You really shouldn't let it go for that long though. The placenta does have an expiration date. Then again, it is entirely possible for the dates to be off.
@JuMiKu Жыл бұрын
I know how you feel, I'm at 39+0. I feel like I can hardly go on at this point. Just constantly tired, some early pains, itchy breasts. If she is like her brother, I expect her any day now, but we won't know until it starts, will we? 😅 I just hope she comes as quickly as he did. Even though the pain was a solid 10 from the get-go, I can't imagine doing a three-day-marathon like some women.
@jenfnp Жыл бұрын
Talking about if or when to have kids is a conversation before marriage.
@JustACitrus Жыл бұрын
I used to have nightmares about getting pregnant. My reaction this this situation probably would have been similar to her initial reaction, so it's nice to see it portrayed in media. I got a hysterectomy, so no more worries about that though! I would really be shocked if I ended up pregnant now.
@KiL0VE22 Жыл бұрын
I'm adopted and a new mom. It's interesting to see that he wanted to have a blood related child. I always knew I was adopted and I've always wanted to adopt too. My husband wanted a biological baby, so we got married thinking I'd have our first and we'd adopt our second. I gave birth to our beautiful baby girl earlier this year and we love her so much! To me family isn't about biological blood at all, but complete love. I'm not sure we're going to have the financial means for another baby let alone adopt. Either way, I love our little family. And your vids are amazing! Hehe!
@yesterdaydream Жыл бұрын
I love that you enhanced the heartbeat to assess its accuracy😂 Another curiosity quenched!
@uwepfaff9226 Жыл бұрын
I'm waiting for an episode where a baby is given away. Yes, it's tough, but it's life where every decision should be respected
@cfleming613 Жыл бұрын
Funny story: I had to have emergency surgery in August. My nurse was trying to lighten my mood so he made a comment that I was pregnant. I LOST IT!! He apologized so much bc he was just trying to be funny but hadn't realized I would take it so poorly. We both chalked it up to a learning experience for him and laughed it off after the surgery. But I couldn't imagine if someone had done that and I was one of those people with fertility issues(he did know I have 4 kids beforehand so he wasn't just blindly joking with me)
@spend4zen1 Жыл бұрын
This actually happened to a friend of mine. She was a heavy girl to begin with and never had any real symptoms that she was pregnant until she went into labor. She still did not believe the doctors even while she was in active labor, she thought they were mistaking her diagnosis.
@Kdhamija 5 ай бұрын
Dr Mike- chest compressions Dr Jones- Take a pregnancy test.🕵️‍♀️
@burstbeat Жыл бұрын
Mama Doctor Jones, these videos have really opened my eyes to how necessary it is to keep pregnancy tests in my house (just in case). My period is 3 days long at most but I skipped an entire year once I got the implant in my arm. And since then it's hit or miss every month. Once I became sexually active again and realized that I've been getting nauseous and had heart burn (almost 1-to-1 with this video), I immediately went out for a pack of pregnancy tests with these exact types of videos in my head. I was not pregnant (other health issues were discovered however!) but every single time I hear "I missed a period BUT" and my urge to just be sure grows. It's so important to keep a valid box of tests in the house and I only just realized that after I turned 30 thanks to your videos.
@lebby1688 Жыл бұрын
Same. My periods stopped completely after I got an IUD. I spot on occasion but never get a full period. After watching these I always keep a pack in the house. It's so frustrating how many other conditions have the same symptoms as pregnancy. I used to be terrified to take pregnancy tests because I really don't want kids. But now I'm more relaxed about it.
@yomigonzalez9870 Жыл бұрын
I got pregnant first on the mini-pill. Ended up misscarrying. I got pregnant again on the pill. Another miscarriage. Then I used the patch and got pregnant again. She's 6 now. Thank you for talking about not having an instant bond. For the first year of her life i took care of her cause she was a baby and needed me, but it felt like I was caring for someone else's child. I think she was like 9 months when something just clicked in me and I finally bonded with her. Now I couldn't imagine my life without her. I'd do anything for her.
@xopoppyox Жыл бұрын
Always feel a little sad just before and at the beginning of my period and this series comes right on time every month!!! Perfect pick-me-up from PMS 😆 thank you Mama Doctor Jones :)
@pollywells9892 Жыл бұрын
just got mine too
@lifewuzonceezr Жыл бұрын
It's coming soon..my poor back says ..i get these and Haley ??? At the perfect time every month
@RedRoseSeptember22 Жыл бұрын
I'm supposed to ovulate in a day or two then I get my period about 10 days later. Gotta love PCOS lol.
@kristineapodaca3173 Жыл бұрын
You got a PMU to help with your PMS!
@BelleRose11000 Жыл бұрын
The husband is exemplary to be willing to respect his wife's wishes even when he felt differently. Glad it worked out for them in the end.
@sharonkenyon531 Жыл бұрын
I love these vlogs, the comment of I thought it was a prank just made me laugh. However I also felt for her because she would have been terrified of course. As for the dad being adopted I can only imagine how he must have been feeling at the moment mom said yes to adoption even in the heat of the moment this must have been so hard. I’m only relieved that after the shock of the whole thing had subsided and her maternal instinct kicked in and these two parents are just so amazing to their baby boy. I can’t imagine how much they would have gone through at the time their baby was born.
@tfischrrt 7 ай бұрын
I loved what MDJ said about bonding with your baby. I had an identical reaction at the births of all four of my children as MDJ. All I ever wanted was to be a mom, but I had to get to know my babies. Even with my last who was my first and only girl, I was SURE I’d have that instant starry-eyed love and connection, but NOPE! I make a point to share my experience with other new moms and friends because there’s nothing wrong with this. I loved my babies fiercely, but they were strangers to me and it took me time to form that beautiful mom/baby bond. Thanks for using your platform to share such fabulous knowledge!
@imjuliewaters Жыл бұрын
The number one lesson is that you talk to your partner about kids BEFORE getting married.
@Godwinpounds4333 Жыл бұрын
Hello how’re you doing?
@amycronkright6421 Жыл бұрын
Different situation here, but I adopted my daughter (19 months old at the time). I had never met her prior to “Gotcha Day”. I loved the “idea” of her, but needed to get to know her before I could honestly say I loved her. I felt like such a terrible mom. Seeing the other parents in my adoption group completely melt when they held their child for the first time. My social worker said it was completely normal and as long as I was taking good care of her and meeting her needs, she had no concerns. It took at least 3-6 months before I could truly say I loved her.
@sandrathomson7288 Жыл бұрын
Such a great video. I love the fact you disclose and examine the idea that women fall in love with their babies instantly. It doesn't always happen- and it doesn't make us bad mothers. I never felt that instant " love rush". Sure I felt protective and wanted to reach out and care for my newborn babies, but it took months for that love to develop. I cuddled, cared for, stroked, nurtured my little ones with care and tenderness- in the early days-they were never short of affection or attention. The love started slowly,- gradually, piece by piec-e my heart was open, and eventually I did experience that powerful all encompassing love- but it took months. It saddens me to think of new mothers feeling bad aboutr themselves because they didn't get that big birth rush. There are many ways and routes to be a good parent.
@duhnay Жыл бұрын
So many people talk crap about social workers, but we support people in their worst times. This social worker in particular did an amazing job ❤️
@iqu33nlive33 Жыл бұрын
This video hit me in all the feels. I’m tearing up. So candid and real. My pregnancy was unplanned and I was in situation I was not happy with. I knew I loved my son, but when he came out, it was just like surreal, here’s a baby, I was tired, spent months in denial, and wow, it was strange. People look horrified when I say I didn’t like him when he was born, I loved him, I didn’t hate him, but I didn’t like him either. Just kinda going through the motions. I found him weird, loud and I didn’t know why he was crying, I didn’t know him at all. God I was scared to take him home alone. I can only speak from my experience, but hearing you describe how you felt, makes me feel so much better. It’s true, they’re your baby and that love is there, however, it’s not always so magical like we hope it would be. 4 months later was the golden time for us, I knew him, understood him and found a connection can be more than just love. 7 months later I feel starry eyes, he’s awesome and he’s mine.
@reecesimpson1356 Ай бұрын
When I was pregnant, I was under the impression I will immediately fall into a starry eye love but it didn't happen that way. It felt so unreal that I didn't know what was going on in my head. I knew that I had grown this child and now my top job is to protect and love this little baby with my whole heart. As days went on and she began to grow up my love has just become more and more. The motherly instinct and knowing the cries of your baby from when they are hurting to when they are hungry I feel changes the love too. The more personality she gets the larger my love gets for her becomes. I wouldn't have it any other way.
@hunterkat Жыл бұрын
So I have a question for you. How *would* you know to take a pregnancy test if you’re on something like a hormonal IUD or implant and you don’t have a “period” on it? Like how do you know to test in case you’re one of the ones it failed for? If you don’t have any symptoms of pregnancy, and you don’t miss a period because you’re not having them, how can you know? This is really worrying me lately because of the whole… situation…. In the US, and even though I’m on birth control AND we use condoms it’s incredibly worrying
@a.mcsweeney2547 Жыл бұрын
I'm not a medical professional but I'd say you can just routinely take pregnancy tests every so often as a backup check. It's worth keeping in mind if you do this the chances of a false positive do go up so definitely follow up a positive with more tests AND (even if the other tests are negative) a doctor's visit
@carag2567 Жыл бұрын
You can buy them in bulk and test every month for peace of mind. The ones from the dollar store work the same way as the $$$$ ones in CVS. Or get them on Amazon. Honestly, I understand why you're feeling like this. I'm also in the US and I have an IUD, which I got specifically ahead of the 2016 election in the event of a Trump victory because I saw all of this happening in advance. It was an insurance policy, so to speak. Granted, I haven't even been sexually active in 9 years but I don't know what the future holds and sometimes we have no choice in what happens to our bodies. Again, insurance. So I totally feel you, sis. Stay safe and stay informed. We have to support each other so please know that you have a friend in me ❤
@RosesAndIvy Жыл бұрын
I think the typical advice is to take a pregnancy test every month if you want to be sure. But also watch out for other symptoms I guess, like nausea, fatigue, weight gain, sensitive breasts, etc.
@SassyWinterFox Жыл бұрын
Hey, I got pregnant on IUD twice. One I had horrific nausea and the other I had a gut feeling. Both were unable to be carried to term for various reasons with me. But I am now 39w pregnant with my baby due this Friday. So happy my medical issues have gotten under control that I can do this.
@carag2567 Жыл бұрын
@@SassyWinterFox OMG!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!! That's so exciting! If you feel up to it, can you update us on Friday with how your delivery goes and all the stats? How are you feeling now?
@SraTacoMal Жыл бұрын
I've been listening to these since before I was pregnant, and when I had my baby, I felt the same way as Dr. MDJ toward him 😊 I knew for years before that it's okay to not be bowled over with love and sobbing at birth, and I've read anecdotes, but it was also helpful to have _heard_ Dr. MDJ's anecdote.
@lildee1814 Жыл бұрын
I'm glad everything worked out for them, but this is exactly why you shouldn't rush into marriage without discussing and being on the same page about big life decisions. I always highly recommend premarital counselling as we covered everything from life goals, finances and family, to who cleans the toilet or does the dishes. It's all about expectations and if yours don't align with your partner's, it can lead to huge arguments later down the line so it's better to tackle them (with a mediator) before you start.
@rachelmedling8695 Жыл бұрын
When my baby was born, they put her on my chest and in the commotion of post-delivery (complicated by the fact that I was hemorrhaging pretty badly), no one notice that I was in shock and full on panic and wouldn’t touch the baby. I was in such a panic, I couldn’t even tell my husband (who was having a starry-eyed moment) for a couple minutes that I was scared of the baby and wanted her off of me. I had to tell him multiple times that I was scared of her before he heard and understood me. They took her away and I ended up not being able to hold her again for 90 minutes because I continued to bleed out and was screaming in pain the whole time that it wasn’t safe for me to hold her. But…..very quickly after that, my fear turned to love and before we even went to the recovery room, I was obsessed with her. She’s now two and I’m still obsessed with her. ❤ I’m currently 19 weeks pregnant. We’ll see how this delivery goes, but I know that even if that magical moment doesn’t come at the moment of birth, it will come ❤
@33snowgal Жыл бұрын
I’ve had both experiences with having babies, instant love and taking time to build. Drastically different!
@Kageoni187 Жыл бұрын
The thing that caught me right away was that he knew he wanted children but she was closer to not wanting to have children. That is generally not a good thing for the longevity of a relationship. That social worker deserves a medal because unfortunately there more than there should be out there that are not skilled at being human. This is so incredibly heart wrenching and is why you have the conversation about having children before you get married. I am so happy that it worked out and that they grow in love and have many beautiful moments ahead of them.
@rachelsullivan6917 Жыл бұрын
My daughter is a case of I didn't know 🤣 she was born in October 2017 we found out in the last trimester, and we took a tess in February, March, and April, and they were all negative, and the only reason I took one in late July early August was my sister asking me to again after I felt what was probably the first kick I felt and that one came up positive 😊
@SannaiSan Жыл бұрын
First time I legit cried during one of these episodes. I love that they did not gloss over the emotional conflict of having a major life decision thrust on you, and that the conflict was handled in a professional and sensitive way. I am a little worried that the couple got married with such a different ideas about what their future family would look like, but they supported each other when it counted.
@allisonwilson564 Жыл бұрын
My favorite time of the month!!!
@sR-wu5or 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for touching on the ceilings that you highlighted. I felt that same way. I loved my daughter that I wasn’t feeling that starry eyed feeling because of everything going on with my first labor and delivery. There was so many other things happening besides just focusing on that one. Now when I look back on that day, it was a beautiful moment, and it was so surreal and, I’m grateful we’re all nice Nurses even though I still remember the one Nurse kinda had an attitude problem and acted like she didn’t care.
@raquelmarcalsantos Жыл бұрын
This is one of the greatest episodes! And of course, I got emotional too. It’s a really real and beautiful story. ♥️
@traceykoontz2868 Жыл бұрын
This social worker clearly understood her job bravo to her.
@chronicobserver5534 Жыл бұрын
I am still waiting for the starryeyed love for my youngest. I'm sure it will happen one day. He's almost 31 years old I'm still waiting. 😂
@raebee4321 Жыл бұрын
When I was a teenager, one of my coworkers advised me to "never accept a proposal of marriage while pregnant because your judgment might be a bit cloudy." I suppose that was her version of "don't make important decisions during a crisis."
@helensernett9477 Жыл бұрын
Why oh why oh why aren’t pregnancy tests free. Like every one who has periods should have access to free pregnancy tests. Like up to 20 a year if they want them. I can buy a whole fast food meal and an extra drink and fries for what a single drug store pregnancy test costs in my area. It is crazy.
@Godwinpounds4333 Жыл бұрын
Hi how are you doing??
@TTT69304 9 ай бұрын
As someone who had the immediate bond with one child and needed to grow a bond with the second child born only 15 months later, thank you for talking about how normal it actually is to need time to forge a bond. We talk about this with dads, but not moms. There can be stigma around that feeling because its "supposed" to be that immediate starty eyed love. As a doula I've attended home births (with a licensed midwife) that people have poured their heart and soul into planning, birth was perfect, but theu have a normal resoonse of needing to forge a bond but then they feel guilty for that, even experience a level of grief surrounding that.
@nmh7499 Жыл бұрын
I just want to say because of you I knew it was normal to not have that starry eyed I am so in love feeling after giving birth. I probably would have thought something was wrong with me if I expected it to be like the movies! I had an extremely fast labor..less than 4 hrs at 37+6 days so it was very unexpected. We almost didn't make it to the hospital because my doctor didn't think I was in active labor that quickly and I was in total denial as well. After I pushed her out all I could think was holy crap what just happened. I was in shock since everyone told me labor is long for first time moms and they usually go over due. Anyway it took me weeks to months to develop my bond with her and now I can hardly be apart from her! 😄
@kosipova01 Жыл бұрын
I’m so glad they covered this situation. I can’t imagine a shock that you now have a baby, which is life changing
@emmadentler5089 Жыл бұрын
I have wanted you to review this episode for so long. I wanted to see your reaction to the social worker because anytime I watch this clip on the tlc channel, she always makes me think of you saying "you do the best with the information you have at the moment". 🏆for both the social worker and MDJ for being amazing. So glad to see this!!!! Love your content MDJ❤️👍
@TheButterfly01010 Жыл бұрын
I had my right ovary and fallopian tube removed when I was 12 due to a strangulating cyst. Until they had the ultrasound to confirm I was being treated for acute appendicitis I also had no idea a gallbladder could hurt down there as well. Mine felt as though I was punched by the hulk in the middle of my chest.
@valentinewiggin7782 Жыл бұрын
This terrifies me, especially in a post-Roe USA.
@pearl_b Жыл бұрын
I haven’t even watched the video yet but I just wanna let you know I now have a pile of pregnancy tests in my bathroom from the dollar store and I CHECK even though I have an IUD lol. Any time anything feels unusual I hear your voice in my head “just take a pregnancy test” 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
@lifewuzonceezr Жыл бұрын
I still think it's awesome you can buy them there!!
@bichitenshi6696 Жыл бұрын
This is the episode I appreciate the most. I want to have a family one day but if I were to find out I was pregnant, my first wish would be to jump off a cliff. I wouldn’t be able to cope. I wouldn’t be able to face my parents or friends. It’s a very scary thing so seeing someone with a reaction I could imagine myself having was relieving. I didn’t feel abnormal for my fear of pregnancy for once. I’m so glad they included that part as it really shines a light on what society deems unacceptable for women.
@Iuxinterior Жыл бұрын
please make a video discussing type one diabetics and pregnancy and gestational diabetes 🙏
@annakermode6646 Жыл бұрын
I’m a type 1 diabetic and I have 2 healthy children. You need to have your blood sugar levels spot on, that’s the main thing.
@jasmingovers4403 Жыл бұрын
This was so different! I really liked it! It's important to show this situation, because not everyone is instantly on board with an oops baby!
@jessicaatkins5030 Жыл бұрын
with all mine it was that stary eyed movie crap lol. however one of mine i also had post partum depression. at that point in my life i only did the things that had to be done. like chores work making sure my babies were happy fed clothed and safe. i was not able to do much else and just worked through it all on my own. now that i am getting help for depression and anxiety i see that i was not really a part of my life around me at that time and it is hard to not be mad/ashamed of myself for not being able to join in with them. So hearing you say things like it is ok or it doesnt make you a bad parent is so great and wonderful. i know not the same thing as what you are talking about here but i love you talk people through these to help those who dont have the starry eyed feels right away.
@SugarandSarcasm Жыл бұрын
I’m sorry you had to work through it without professional help, but admire you for also being able to do what you felt you needed to get done during your PPD. Be proud of yourself for that!
@astrol64 Жыл бұрын
the worst time to make big decisions is when you're in pain!
@leah3801 Жыл бұрын
"We don't make big decisions in the middle of a crisis." What a great social worker
@Jen1N. Жыл бұрын
Thank you for such great content. Hope you all are having an amazing time in NZ and are going to enjoy the holidays there perhaps sharing thanksgiving with your new friends/family.
@simpindulgence6384 3 ай бұрын
That wee lad's squeals warm my heart.
@Christine-io3ml Жыл бұрын
ah yes i love flooding my sisters watch history with stuff that my mum will get mad at
@Stitchybecca482 Жыл бұрын
I love how you talk about not everyone having the instant love feeling with their baby. My mum was always very open about not having that feeling when I was born and I was so pleased she’d told me because I didn’t have it with my daughter. If she hadn’t spoken openly about it, I would have been really worried. I completely fell in love with my daughter about 6 weeks later, I even remember the moment I first felt it. My second baby was completely different and I was in love with him from the moment I saw him. Now they’re 6 and 2 and I don’t think the different feelings affected my mothering or our relationships at all.
@cherylsorrell74 Жыл бұрын
Yay! I love these ❤️ Your reactions totally make this better 😂
@Godwinpounds4333 Жыл бұрын
Hello 👋 how’re you doing?
@HappyBoxesART Жыл бұрын
I didn't have an instant bond, mine built gradually over the months. It really broke my heart. All of my friends and coworkers shared stories about starry eyed instant love, and the fact that I had a C-section, that delayed bond broke my heart even more. I felt so abnormal. Thank you for sharing that it doesn't have to be instant
@rachaelb8187 Жыл бұрын
Thanks to this show and your content on this show, I'm confident I would know if I was in labor. It's the only medical condition that eases off and then comes back on a schedule and gets worse over time. Right?
@SassyWinterFox Жыл бұрын
It can... if you're textbook. There are exceptions. Some women don't notice early labour and only notice once they hit transition.
@rosaspinosa85 Жыл бұрын
@@SassyWinterFox meeeeee I went into the clinic for a check up after losing my mucus plug and they asked me "so how long have you been having regular contractions?"... I was staring at them in disbelief. I was in labour and had no idea, it's a good thing I was in because I have a medical condition that makes it a very bad idea for me to give birth vaginally so they were able to give me a C-section and get my daughter out safely.
@sunkissed_grl Жыл бұрын
All symptoms are different for every person. With that being said, I have Crohn’s disease. While in the process of being diagnosed 8in of my colon was 98% scarred shut, it never showed on imaging. I have what I call rolling pains, I feel the pain coming on, it maxed out at about a 500 out of 10 on the pain scale, then subsided to 0-2. We knew I wasn’t pregnant, and to my knowledge no one timed them, but they were never within 3min of each other that I know for sure. I’ve never given birth, but my mom says it’s like watching me go throu gh labor. It is similar in that something too big is trying to be forced through a hole too small. Even with my Crohn’s controlled (very little to no scar tissue) I still get the rolling pains, never again as bad as before those 8in were removed, and seldom landing me in the hospital.
@AmandaStapley Жыл бұрын
@@SassyWinterFox this happened to me! I knew I was pregnant but I didn't feel any contractions until my water broke in the middle of the night and it hit me like a wall. They were so close we went straight to the hospital and I was 8cm when they admitted me 😬 He was born an hour later.
@seymat.3742 Жыл бұрын
I went to the ER saying I have contractions but they weren't real, so they gave me an IV. 4 hours later when IV is finished they wanted to check again just to be sure and I was in labor and didn't even flinch or feel anything 😅
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