Old School Dads Know How To Deal With Bullies | Etta May

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@midgemooney6908 Жыл бұрын
I went to Catholic school and the public school kids would wait for for me. One day I came home crying and my older brother asked what happened. I told him some boys hit me and pushed me down. He was calm and asked where did it happen. I said at the baseball field and they were in the dugout. He came back a half hour later dirty and dusty. He said not to worry anymore that they wouldn’t be bothering me. I was 8 and he was 11. The bullies were 13. They never bothered me again. I am now 74 and my big brother passed in 2016. I miss him every day.
@rondaallen7211 Жыл бұрын
so do i!!
@sunshineandwarmth Жыл бұрын
You had the best brother ever! Mine just joined in tormenting me. Nobody taught me to protect myself but I taught myself 2 things: 1.how to stand up for everyone who had nobody to stand w them; and, 2. How to make and find the bravest, most loyal, most worthwhile friends. Sorry for ÿour loss. Hope you have a stand-in, ppl are way worse at targeting old folks.🏋‍♂️🤸‍♀️🧘‍♀️❤️
@JesusIsTheAnswer332 Жыл бұрын
What a Great big brother!!!
@ShaySwag18 Жыл бұрын
My brothers and I all picked on each other at home but if anybody else ever messed with one of us out in public, they had to deal with the other two
@damontcoyle2809 Жыл бұрын
Awesome brother
@cierakitty Жыл бұрын
I was raised different than most girls were when I was growing up. My Dad had been in Special Forces (but seldom would talk about it)....and long story short....I was Mama's little frilly lady....BUT Daddy's little tomboy. I learned defense, animal tracking, animal poop, survival in the woods, mountains, and desert. I loved it all. First grade, a boy named Johnny....always picking on me. One day walking back to my desk, he tripped me and laughed. So, I hit him under his chin and he bit his lip. Yep, the office. The next week he knocked books out of my hand.....again, but a kick between the legs this time. Th last time...I slung him down, sat on top of him and beat him good. Daddy said "Never fight like a girl with the hair pulling, slapping stuff....do, and do it right. " Here came his mom and dad to talk to my mom and dad. Johnny admitted what all he had done. Johnny's mother blurted out "But Bobbie might kill him next time ! " To which my Daddy calmly replied...."Well then...maybe your Johnny will leave her alone now." No more problems. Girls need to learn things...and in todays world.....even more so.
@michaelsorrentino9279 Жыл бұрын
A great story !!
@psychshell4644 Жыл бұрын
My dad was Military Intelligence & had seen his mother endure domestic abuse. So he taught me everything he showed my brothers & more. I thank him all of the time, especially when I had to walk away from my marriage and start over again.
How to change oil in car, fix flat tire, change lightbulb😂😂😂, radiator fluid, check battery, etc etc.
@cynthiamarston2208 Жыл бұрын
Yeah and probably only liked you
@psychshell4644 Жыл бұрын
@CHUCKSNORRIS I change the battery & jump start. Taught women's self defense & shot rifle, shotgun, revolver, & pistol. My ex was anti-gun.
@chriss377 Жыл бұрын
My son has been bullied at his private school. One day I get a call to come get him. He'd been body slammed in gym and got hurt, but they had it on video. I looked the principal dead in they eye and told her, with my son standing right there: "Ma'am zero tolerance might work for you but that's not how it is in real life. Someome hits me I get to hit back so that's how this game is being played from now on" I looked over at my son and said: "Anyone lays a finger on you I want you to knock them the hell out period, do you understand?" Teary eyed my son nodded back, principal gave me a look like she was going to say something, I just said "Don't!" And walked out. Now it's summer and my son and I are lifting weights together. He'll arrive back at school in September significantly stronger than he is now, and with a few move I taught him. Zero tolerance is the dumbest concept I've ever heard of.
@orlandobritt1460 Жыл бұрын
Not if it used right other kid starts it zero tolerance is what you have for before you knock the hell out of them
@MichaelDunn-cu3nw Жыл бұрын
Right on brother. Make your son the bully slayer. A good smack down and your son will win much respect.
@chriss377 Жыл бұрын
I have a friend who is now 6'3 and 300lbs but when he moved from Detroit to my town in freshman year of HS he was skinny. His drill sergeant father told him to spend the first week figuring out who the biggest bully was and the next week walk up to that bully and punch him square in the jaw. My friend spend the next four years of HS without having to fight anyone. People will get away with what you allow. I am not a large man but my position and experience demands respect. I've yet to have a bully, or otherwise trouble some employee give me any trouble once I made it clear their behavior will not be tolerated. This attitude has served me well in running a business. Set standards and hold people to account. In my case the consequence for not meeting standards is termination. In my sons case messing with him will mean pain and embarrassment. In both cases bullies are rarely as tough as they act. Ive had grown men cower when I speak with authority. I am convinced this is because I am generally very kind so when I do speak up they know I am dead serious and will not tolerate certain things.
@dpz9872 Жыл бұрын
Zero tolerance is just another liberal fantasy. Eye for an eye tooth for a tooth is how I taught my children and guess what ? They ain't ever been bullied or bothered in school or otherwise.
@rhondaharris6407 Жыл бұрын
I'm all for zero tolerance, as long as the admin. backs it up. Illustrative story: Back in 1975 my niece attended a Montessori (the home of misplaced tolerance) preschool. She came home one day to show me a bite mark some little boy had given her., I was not happy, my sister assured me the school had a zero tolerance policy a.nd the situation was being dealt with. A week later the fuel was still being bitten. I am officially pissed. My advice to this sweet little girl, next time he bites you, get a piece of him, bite down as hard as you can and do not let go. Monday comes, she follows my advice, my sister asked her why she had bit him my niece replies Aunt Rhonda told me to. Sus goes ballistic on me, my reply, I have a zero tolerance policy on repeated victimization of girls by entitled males. Zero tolerance only means something when authorities take action at the very first incident.
@SerenityPeaceTree Жыл бұрын
I have a "softer" story. In 8th grade there was a girl who kept writing me nasty notes. I got upset because before that she was my friend, my pal among a group of girls. I told my parents at the dinner table what was happening. My Dad put his fork down. He said "Don't give her power anymore. Next time she hands you a note don't open it. Rip it up and throw it in the trash." Next day I got another note. I did exactly what my dad said. The look on her face was priceless - shock, dumbfounded. I dusted my hands and sat back down. Never got a note or nasty word again. That's helped me a few times in my life and works every time.
@SerenityPeaceTree Жыл бұрын
@JohnPhilip-be5ys nope. Not available in any capacity.
@SerenityPeaceTree Жыл бұрын
@JohnPhilip-be5ys sorry no. Bye.
@rora8503 Жыл бұрын
I very much agree with this approach. I thought there is something intrinsically wrong with solving you problems by punching back. Not giving it power is the best way to resolve it if that is a reasonable soluting.
@Marc-rf9ei Жыл бұрын
Your dad is wise. We need more common sense people out there as our civilization seems to be unraveling.
@alicel3992 Жыл бұрын
Great advice
@j.d.7838 Жыл бұрын
I'll have to admit I fall in the same light as your Daddy. We lived in Fort Worth at the time and my oldest boy as I think in the 5th grade. I got called into the school for him gettin' in a fight. Well I walked in headed into the vice principles office and three parents, two mom's and a dad sittin' with their boys ( three of them..all tore up ). I just shook my head and walked into the office. There sat my son, red eyed and shakin'. The VP goes to tellin' me the my boy got into a fight with them three outside and beat em' all up. I turned and looked at my son and he started shakin' and cryin', and I asked him "what happened son?". He had his head hung and said " I can't say Papa". I told him this is your one chance to tell your side son, now speak up. Say whatever it is you gotta say and best tell the truth. Well he looked up at me and said "well..Papa..they um..they called my Momma a bitch..." I looked down at him and said.."Did they now?" he said " Yes Papa " I stood up and he kinda cringed down in his seat. I reached down and patted him on the shoulder and said " Lets go get some ice cream son". The vp looked up at me all shocked and said "You ain't gonna punish your boy" I said " No Ma'am. If a grown man called my wife a bitch I'd whoop his ass, don't expect my son to react no different to someone callin' his Momma one." and we left the office. Well the father of one of the boys stood up as we came out and said to me " You need to get control of your boy!" I stopped and squared up to him and said "And you need to ask your son why he thinks it's ok to call someone's Momma a bitch" He turned REAL slow to look and it son, the boy started shakin' and cryin'. He turned back to me and tipped his head and said " I got this" and I walked out of the school holdin' my son's hand and asked him "What you want from the Dairy Queen son?
@georgiarasmussen8343 Жыл бұрын
Reminds me of that scene in the last "310 to Yuma" where Russell Crowe's character offs the Pinkerton for insulting his mother. Time for chivalry to return.
@odellgreene234 7 ай бұрын
The female Principal was a moral coward and bad at math! How does one kid beat up three people bullying him, and the "one" is the problem? Especially when the three are using disparaging language against females? Principal should have heard the story and sent the three packing.
@jennifermccrary7103 Ай бұрын
My older sister came home crying when she was in first grade. Seems a boy was stealing her lunch box( days before hot lunches).....my dad taught her to punch....end of story
@renatoruiz8534 Жыл бұрын
My mom used to sell Tupperware back in the late 80s. One of her clients lived in the projects and she took all us kids with her. Me and my 2 brothers were getting jumped on the playground by 6-8 boys, when our sister came in barreling outta nowhere. She was all fists and kicks- and teeth. She bit some of those boys real good. I'll never forget them climbing over the chain link fence to get away from her. She turned around to see if we were OK. She had a nice shiner and when she smiled, there was blood on her teeth. She was 10 at the time. When she turned 18, she enlisted in the Marines.
@rickebert7548 Жыл бұрын
Honest, i did not see that comin’. Ooo-rah.
@rickraber1249 Жыл бұрын
Did you hear this story? A teacher asked her class to tell a story with a moral, and several kids did. Then little Johnny got up and said his Aunt Karen was an Army pilot in Iraq. One day she flew a general to a different base, and he forgot a half empty bottle of whiskey in her plane. On the way back, the plane was shot down and she ejected, grabbing her rifle and the whiskey bottle. She could see a group of 20 or so Iraqis on the ground, so she polished off the whiskey on the way down and hung onto the bottle. When she hit the ground, she emptied first the rifle and then the pistol into the enemy force, then took out a couple more with her knife, and finally busted the bottle on a rock and used that to finish off the last man. The horrified teacher was speechless for a moment. Finally she weakly asked "Well what was the moral of that story, Johnny?" "Oh that," he said. "The moral is, don't mess with Aunt Karen when she's been drinking." Your sister might appreciate this story.
@debrapaulino918 Жыл бұрын
@wandaarnt234 Жыл бұрын
Tell her Thank You for your Service blessings from Pennsylvania 🙏🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🎚🎚🎚
@marybourgeois5235 Жыл бұрын
@cindy6479 Жыл бұрын
1968..First day at a new high school. Guy grabbed me by my hair slammed me into the lockers. He told me in vivid language what his afternoon plans for me were. A whole lot of people were in a ring around us. Next thing I knew my brother had grabbed the guy by the back of his pants, between his legs slammed him into the locker next to me. My brother said, Don’t you or anyone else ever touch my sister again. The guy says in a high squeaky voice, Sir, yes sir.. Best brother ever.
@tonycat721 Жыл бұрын
My elder brother had "A WORD" with my bully's dad..... I NEVER got bullied again ever ..................
@jameswilliams3241 Жыл бұрын
I was lucky, I had 6 cousins from my mom's side and 8 from my dad's that was just my first cousins. Nobody messed with us, we made up a gang of our own. I graduated 1969.
@sunshineandwarmth Жыл бұрын
@sunshineandwarmth Жыл бұрын
@@jameswilliams3241 😄
@mja91352 Жыл бұрын
Indeed her was!
@TYCT777 Жыл бұрын
My daughter had the same issue. I told her to tell the bus driver and nothing happened. I told her to tell her teacher and nothing happened. I told to tell the principal Sr. Mary. Nothing happened. So, I told her “we don’t throw the first punch but we do throw the last. If that girl touches you again beat her tail like you have lost your mind.” The girl hit my daughter, my daughter beat her with a full book bag, the nun called me, I went to the school, the nun asked me if I demonstrated good moral conflict resolution,and I told her if she want moral she should have stepped in. Then I took my baby to breakfast and a movie and she spent 3 days at home eating pot tarts, watching cartoons,and very proud of herself.
@johnjuly854 7 ай бұрын
I want some pot tarts
@irecruitfish7410 6 ай бұрын
Freakin beautiful
@janethogan3105 5 ай бұрын
That happened to my son, a boy keep breaking his pencils, pushing him down the stairs. Told him to take the first hit, but finish the fight. He did a few days later. He got pizza and ice cream. Proud Mom
@JaySandt 5 ай бұрын
My mom told me the same thing. They told my mom they were going to hold my report card over the summer until i do two weeks of suspension. This was after i did what i did what my mother tomd me. Told my teacher. Told my orincipal twice. My mother said three strikes he is out. He throws the first you throw the last and put him in the hospital. The principal called my mom. My mom daid to him if my report card is not in our mail box in three days she will be talking to an attorney as to why the school did nothing the first three times i reported the issue. Lol. The report card was over nighted, the other kid got 2 weeks inschool suspension, and the next year no one screwed with me.
@JaneHicks-ym3qd 2 ай бұрын
@blaneyacademyofmartialarts8997 Жыл бұрын
I have a similar story. Only my dad took me bowling before the ice cream. My mother and father both yelled at the kids parents and the principal. Not a single kid bullied me after that day. In fact I became quite popular. Then high school started and so did the bullying all over again. My dad put me in martial arts and I still deal with bullies the same way today, except I don’t always engage as I have the confidence to know I can, so I choose not to. Usually I can end conflict with a hand shake and eye stare. I also tend not to get into situations where I need to get into a physical altercation as an adult now. Still best way to stop a bully is to knock them on their ass.
@TheBaumcm 11 ай бұрын
True now as it was in childhood, except now, knocking them on their ass usually involves a snide comment or completely emotion devoid logical statement delivered with wide eyed innocence and matter of fact attitude that melts their brains.
@wendykelly4624 10 ай бұрын
My sons had the bullying from the latino boys and since I had never been bullied I didn't understand. I lived where most kids went to school together from first grade.
@sharonbender880 9 ай бұрын
Truth. I was horribly bullied in high-school until I snapped one day. Gave her a big black eyes and cut underneath it. Never bullied again after that. And a teacher was outside the door when it happened. He just smiled, stepped back inside and closes the door.
@brendadavis5391 9 ай бұрын
Unfortunately, that's true.
@leonorababoolal5825 7 ай бұрын
Hope Brenda Brown heard.
@TheHockey06 Жыл бұрын
As an only child there's no sibling to get help from in a bully situation except your best friend....thanks Mom!
@murtleturtle4027 Жыл бұрын
I love how this doesn't even feel like a comedy skit to me, it kinda just sounds like my mawmaw talking to me about her life experiences and I nod and laugh along. What a great feeling.
@Important_stuff Жыл бұрын
Same to me) She has that exact vibe
@ryanmcclosky3312 Жыл бұрын
@andreahopkins4185 Жыл бұрын
Well said. Me too!!😊
@justdoingitjim7095 Жыл бұрын
I got my reputation as a hunter while in Junior High. I got my reputation as a fighter while I was a Freshman in high school. I didn't pick any fights, but I never let someone hit me and get away with it. As I got older I started taking up for the kids being bullied. After high school I joined the Marine Corps and I've been taking care of bullies the rest of my life!
@giveematug7093 Жыл бұрын
Thats funny, because from this old, disabled, combat vet, marines were infact the bullies that needed hugs and never got them 😂😂 But jokes aside, you dont go in the marine corps unless you want to be treated like dog shit. Worst branch and full of toxic masculinity. By a mile... Morale of the story folks, dont join the marines unless you want to be treated like shit ( could argue that of any branch, but the marines take the cake)
@fancy-on5hn Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your service Marine!
@kevinmonahan5425 Жыл бұрын
⁠@@pavilionbugBetter the world sees us as War Mongers than pussies.
@kevinmonahan5425 Жыл бұрын
Semper Fidelis. I joined the Marines because I hate bullies.
@ivylagrone8632 Жыл бұрын
@@pavilionbug don't let the door hit you as you leave....
@margricks Жыл бұрын
My daddy told me never to start a fight. But if someone starts a fight with me, I better kick their ass. Took the advice and it served me right thru school. RIP daddy.
@dlmg5707 Жыл бұрын
Two older boys on the school bus was bullying my son. My son was an easy going kid and just liked to play and be friends. I knew I had to motivate him to fight back. So I promised him ANY video game he wanted if he kicked one of those boys front teeth out. But only IF they hit him first. He said but mom I'm going to get in trouble. I told him NO, you're not going to get in trouble you're going to go on a Disney vacation and on a video game shopping spree. We practiced every morning. And he was determined to accomplish his goal. Fortunately, he never had to because he told the boys what I told him to do. And they left him alone. I wanted those boys to think of my son every time they smiled.
@janecooney8641 2 ай бұрын
I approve this message. I was bullied and I work in the dental field. PS It is not that easy to Kick out teeth. The aim is difficult,
@brandieo6165 Жыл бұрын
My parents taught me that if someone hit me & I didn't hit back I'd get my butt whooped when I got home. I never got bullied. Taught my daughter the same thing & she wasn't bullied either. Thanks mom & dad!🙂
@caitjohnson6021 Жыл бұрын
Bullying a child at home isn’t being a good parent. Take some parenting courses.
@mja91352 Жыл бұрын
@@caitjohnson6021 Ahhhh ... i mommy forget to bring milk and cookies to your room in her basement?
@Shirley-fu1zx 7 ай бұрын
Can we be friends?
@sandman9924 Жыл бұрын
When my brother and I were kids, my dad told us of three things that would earn us a whuppin' from him. 1) starting a fight; 2) running away from a fight; and 3) not coming to the defense of your brother. And when the bully was bigger? No exception. We were still expected to wade in and take our lumps if necessary. The good news was all rules of fairness were suspended when the bully was bigger. We were greenlighted to defend ourselves with any means or methods at hand.
@mja91352 Жыл бұрын
Good father!
@wendyrobinson4990 Жыл бұрын
Smart dad!
@FH-cn3mg Жыл бұрын
My dad was the same. "Don't start a fight. However, if you have to fight, you're gonna earn one whoopin for fightin, just know that whether you are defending yourself or not the school is probably gonna getcha. If you fight a bully and lose, that's two whoopins. If you don't fight that's three because I am gonna whoop you when you get home. So, my suggestion is that if you have to fight, you make that other boy get all those whoopins."
@aditiban002 Жыл бұрын
Respect for your Dad from India. Reminds me of my father. Do Not start a fight, but if the fight comes to you, give back good... No running away..
@mauriceortiz8817 Жыл бұрын
That is the perfect way to deal with a bully. Remove the fear of the victim.
@demitriuswilliams4729 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely 💪🏽
@TheHockey06 Жыл бұрын
Exactly. Case closed.
@charlesmoore8445 Жыл бұрын
The only thing that works!
@gatheringmoss5726 Жыл бұрын
Exactly! And, do it without beating fear INTO the victim first.
@AlastorTheNPDemon Жыл бұрын
That's the ticket! That's how a patriot deals with terrorists!
@damaliamarsi2006 Жыл бұрын
I got bullied by two big guys in high school but never wanted to hurt anyone or get in trouble so just dealt with it week after week. Finally I realized any punishment was worth it and one day i told both of them not to mess with me anymore and this was their last warning. The next day they both messed with me, punched me and were going at me twice as hard as usual. Fed up and fully expecting to get my ass wooped and go to jail I just started swinging. To my shock I plastered the first guy to the hallway wall and remember the look of shock and terror on his face as my fists plowed into him again and again. I saw the other one run, which shocked me so I stopped plastering the first guy and tore off after the second. I caught up to him going down the stairs and jumped on him, riding him eown the first flight to the turn to go down the second flight and started pounding on his face as hard and fast as I could. When I realized I was hurting him and he was not fighting back i stopped and calmly ask him if we were done. He shook his head yes so I got up and headed back to where it had all started to pick up my books and get ready for the heaping mess of trouble I was sure to be in. I know at least three teachers had seen it and so had everyone in the hall. I got my books, went into class and sat down to wait for the police (our school called the police for fights). I waited all day and finished out the week with no commens and best of all those two guys...never saw them again.
@lesliegums5119 Жыл бұрын
I love revenge success stories. This turn the other cheek crap is for church only. Not the real world which just happens to be the devils playground. Kicked quicker is my motto. Ya want to watch a great come to Jesus movie?? "Nobody" with Bob Odenkirk. Makes Segal look like a boy scout.
@perniciouspete4986 Жыл бұрын
What happened after you woke up?
@dpz9872 Жыл бұрын
@esterwyman Жыл бұрын
@@lesliegums5119Turn the other Cheek … iS ok for minor insults . BS for anything else .
@mja91352 Жыл бұрын
@@lesliegums5119 I ha no ie Trump supporters knew how to type
@kyledreger4254 Жыл бұрын
I got bullied hard till jr year, it was my fault for letting my grandma convince me to turn the other cheek and violence was always wrong, finally moved awayed from my single grandma to my other grandparents (German) my grandparents gave us a tour of the area/town/school. One of first things my grandpa told me was "you ever come with blood, it better not be yours.if the school calls saying you bloody someone ill tell the school off." My grandparents got that call the first day of school a month later and grandpa Took me out to celebrate after. Rest in piece grandpa and grandma, illl never forget the lessons you taught me.
@damo2142 Жыл бұрын
We sent my son to Catholic school because we thought it would be better. Of course, the school had a known bully that nobody would do anything about because parents were big school and church supporters. I told my son never to run, and next time, the bully shoved him to turn around and pop him in the nose. Well, my son proudly did as I told him, and next we knew we got a call from the principal requesting a meeting. True to fact, they wanted to give my son detention while the bully got nothing. I told the principal that my son has my permission to fight back at anytime and I would be serving the detention with him to prove a point. Well neither of us ever served detention and the bully never bothered my son.
@cherylrivera7115 Жыл бұрын
My dad taught me 'If someone hits you and you don't hit back, I'll hit you!'. I was never bullied. Thanks Dad.
@Georgemoore620 Жыл бұрын
Hey Cheryl, God bless you. Amen. Good evening 🌃 how're you feeling today...?
@heatmoon Жыл бұрын
Your dad was also a drunk and probably hit you for any reason or none at all. Have a cry ...
@Brumstikryder100 Жыл бұрын
Same..we were taught never to start a fight but always finish 1
@rebeccamills5527 Жыл бұрын
With my Dad it was start a fight and I'd get a whooping and if I didn't finish a fight, I'd get a whooping
@TheLanceUppercut Жыл бұрын
It's an important lesson. People have to respect themselves enough to stand up to their bullies. I'd give you a like, but you're at 69 and I don't want to ruin that.
@Vader99ify Жыл бұрын
My mom raised 5 kids almost all by herself. Because of how she was raised, she told all of us that she better NEVER get a call saying we started a fight or that we did not participate in one that someone else started! She told us that if we didn't take our part in a fight (win or lose) we would get the worst butt beating we could imagine. So glad I had a brother 8 years older that did all the fighting and caused a reputation amongst me and my siblings that we are not to be messed with. Never had to fight anyone outside my own siblings because of that. Thanks mom!
@mja91352 Жыл бұрын
You mean, thanks older brother!
@carolynmills936 Жыл бұрын
I grew up on a ranch and tromped all over that land with my Daddy...he was a retired Navy Officer. I loved him so. One day in elementary school a boy named Tommy pushed me while I was playing 4 square...my face and mouth crashed into his head...I broke my front tooth on his head. When the teacher called my Daddy and told him what I had done...my Daddy laughed at her! That took care of that!
@helbent4 Жыл бұрын
Glad to hear your brother had your back! Too bad for Etta May her nine brothers didn't have hers.
@kweaver1965 Жыл бұрын
@helbent4 Жыл бұрын
@@kweaver1965 I am glad.
@kiand7174 Жыл бұрын
That exact same thing happened to me! The only difference is that it was Johnathan in kindergarten and it was my Grandfather. He took me into the basement and taught me how to throw a left handed upper cut. The next day was the start of my 3 day suspension. My mother paddled me raw and handed me off to my Grandfather to complete tanning. Instead, he was so proud, he took me for an ice cream. Those are the best memories I've been blessed with!
@eugene7304 Жыл бұрын
Obviously your Grandfather was a lot smarter, or just a better person than your mom, too bad it hadn't been passed down through the gene pool.
@caitjohnson6021 Жыл бұрын
Gosh, confronted by a bully at school and then having to face at least two more at home.
@VeraHoward-q6u Жыл бұрын
I love the story of these Heroes I get tears in my eyes we should have more of these stories. It makes you have a real sense of pride. God Bless America God bless the young Heroes stand up for what they believe in
@elizabethanthony3916 Жыл бұрын
I'm in my 70s too, I lost my brother to an aneurysm when he was 46, he was a thoughtful considerate man as well as my protector, and my knight. Your comment made me realise how lucky I was to have a good man for my brother, we can always be grateful for that.❤
@Shirley-fu1zx 7 ай бұрын
Hello Elizabeth can we be friends?
@alyshaharper8730 Жыл бұрын
When I was a kid I had two bullies. Well three, Charlie and Chris always attacked me as a team, Alicia always jumped me when I had my guard down. My mom was in the principals office every other day showing him my bruises and demanding something be done but he refused because it was "her word against theirs" Eventually my mom got me a small black purse with a long strap. She helped me decorate it with a bedazzler then she filled it with rolled pennies. Just like that the small disabled kid became a weapon wielding maniac you didn't fck with!
@Shirley-fu1zx 7 ай бұрын
Can we be friends?
@d.d.ucheabba5461 Жыл бұрын
My petite little girl at about 8 yrs old saw her toodler neighbor outside being bullied by a boy from down the street, my daughter watched the slighly older brother of the little toddler girl try to defend her but the boy was beating them both. I had no idea what was going on until i heard a scream from outside....my daughter had ran and bulldozed the boy, wrestled him and was sitting on top of him choking him with all her strength, it took 2 of us to pull her off of him. I sure didnt ever see that boy on our end of the street again, fast foward....my daughter still hates bullies and now she has a daughter....Lord God save anyone who bullies my grandbaby.
@davidjudd951 Жыл бұрын
My stepdad taught me that when dealing with a bully, there's no such thing as fighting dirty. First time I stood up to a dude who constantly messed with me in H.S., I probably lost the fight. My friends said it was a draw. My body the next day, said I lost. But hey, he never bothered me again. Probably had something to do with the huge wad of hair that I kept as a souvenir from the brawl we had.
@blank557 Жыл бұрын
Even if you lose a fight to a bully, they learn you are not worth the effort if they take some hurt from you. Keep fighting.
@ikkenhisatsu7170 Жыл бұрын
I was in the Navy (submarine service) for 6 years, so profanity is kind of a hobby of mine. But I have to admire a comedian/comedienne who can be funny without cursing. Well done!
@lesliegums5119 Жыл бұрын
I try to hold it as credibility can suffer with profanity but fk yeah. One thing that gets the F bombs flying is pain.
@joybeum7177 Жыл бұрын
Speaking of Red Skelton, funniest comedian who ever lived, ...
@joellarose3806 Жыл бұрын
"Profanity is kind of a hobby of mine😂." I grew up as a Navy Brat (Sub Service LDO) ans spent 20 years in AD, 4 E and 16 O. So to me, it's more than a hobby. Thanks alot for the laugh.
@selenepickins4874 11 ай бұрын
I'm a retired Labor and Delivery RN. Profanity is more than a hobby for us, it's more like an avocation. LOL
@sunnyscott4876 7 ай бұрын
I just admire you for saying comedienne! 😊
@timberwolfbrother Жыл бұрын
Schools really have been trying to teach victims not to defend themselves for decades, haven't they?
@williamhaines7752 Жыл бұрын
I. Think the do that so you continue to allow victim hood at work
@jackwoodward774 Жыл бұрын
Exactly. Why aren’t there 100 thumbs up?
@SamsonOfOld-Gaming Жыл бұрын
This is why public school systems are trash and I will teach my kids to defend themselves I'll never let my kid be the victim my kid want the beating the hell out of bullies who pick on other kids
@TripReviews Жыл бұрын
And that is exactly why there are bully problems! It’s alway existed but the kids can’t defend themselves anymore, the system is bullying the kids as much as the bully’s are by talking them out of self defence.
@SamsonOfOld-Gaming Жыл бұрын
@@TripReviews you know growing up as a mentally disabled young teenager when your bleeding picked on and mocked and even you have friends who are disabled and they bully and pick on them you get advice from your father and when he tell you just stand your ground and fight back and you do it exactly that you make the bullies run with their tiny little tail between their legs they either run or they get the crap beat out of them what is one of the two situations and I'm thankful for my dad who taught me to stand My ground and only fight back if I'm forced to but I was also taught and told to defend those who can't fight and defend themselves
@alanmolox2095 Жыл бұрын
Laughter mingled with tears. Pain is best served up with a smile. Love this lady.
@gregbraum7330 Жыл бұрын
My dad led a commando unit during WW2 and taught us how to deal with bullies the exact same way, and it worked 100%, so I taught my boys the same, and it worked 100% .........
@hsny76h4l9 Жыл бұрын
What did your dad teach u
@brandiebrooks7135 Жыл бұрын
Yes what did your dad teach you??
@editedforprivacy207 Жыл бұрын
@@hsny76h4l9be vicious and fuck them up. Even if you don’t win, hurt them and hurt them bad. Lessons from my childhood.
@0MissPhoenix Жыл бұрын
@@editedforprivacy207 Yeah that works. Bullies don't want to mess with someone they know will hurt them every time regardless of how much punishment they dish out even as a group.
@Jhhuhhhytf8 Жыл бұрын
​@@0MissPhoenixIf you act like a fruit tree they can just snag an apple from without issue, they will everytime. If you hit first and go nuclear vicious, it ends.
@tidefanyankee2428 Жыл бұрын
Etta May is one heck of a story teller Some people say funny things, but Etta's telling of this story is epic.
@maez4718 Жыл бұрын
The couple of times I was bullied, my father (ex military, career in Defence, 6ft+ and very muscled) would just go have a chat with that child's father and tell him that if there was even a hit of bullying again, my dad would be back and deal with that father. I saw him in action one time about it, and oh the fear on that other man's face when my dad stepped real close and spoke quietly. I wish I had a camera. lol
@georgiarasmussen8343 Жыл бұрын
It's always the quiet men who are most respected.
@maez4718 Жыл бұрын
but not always to be trusted, just like most people. :) @@georgiarasmussen8343
@ItsLifeLibertyFreedom Жыл бұрын
Taught my kids to stand up against bullying. Got a couple calls to school with my daughter. Was so proud she was standing up to teachers who were bullying a student. Informed the school if they thought she was bad i was worse. The teachers stopped and so did she. Until a new student needed a lesson. Long story short by the time my youngest left that school they asked if i had any more kids coming. I said no and there was a visible sigh of relief from everybody.
@Grounded75 7 ай бұрын
I so relate to this story!!!! I was in 4th grade and I had multiple bullies that enjoyed beating me up on the daily. One day my Dad, who just happened to be a cop, got fed up decided to teach me how to fight. I remember for 6 months my Dad taught me and every day i asked if today was the day because for those 6 months I was still getting beat up. One day my Dad said go to school and get suspended. I asked why and he told me if I didn't get suspended that I didn't do it right. The next day Derek rolled up and asked if I was ready and I said come on. I turned that turd into a pile of goo. The teacher immediately informed me that I was suspended and I hollered thank God! The teacher looked at me and I said, "I am not afraid of you but my Daddy told me that if I didn't do it right that I'd regret it." We arrive at the principals office and the parents were called. His idiot parents were making all kind of threats until SGT. C.W. Elder of the Washington State Patrol Longview/Kelso detachment arrived. My Dad marched in 6'4" 230 lbs of let's get down to business, and everyone stopped talking and looked at him. I said hi Dad, he replied you alright bud? Yep. Derek's parents start to chime in and my Dad simply looked at them and they shut up. My Dad proceeded to ask which one of his parents wanted to go to jail because he was going to hold one of the parents criminally liable for their son's actions. At that point, both parents start crying, looking at each other, and trying to figure out who was going to jail. Derek's Dad said he couldn't because he was the breadwinner and the Mom said she couldn't because they had babies at home. My Dad let this all play out for a minute. My Dad then interjects, "There is another option IF you'd like to hear it?" The silence coupled with anxious anticipation was awesome. My Dad said, "We could acknowledge that Derek has learned a valuable lesson and it's in his best interest to leave Patrick alone." "We will move forward with the suspension and the kids can return back to class on Monday." "IF Derek chooses to mess with Patrick, Patrick will defend himself, and the next time this happens, an arrest will be made where one or both of you go to jail." We went to Dairy Queen!!!! Seriously!!! My Dad is STILL my hero!!!
@ianthomas739 Жыл бұрын
I was about 7yrs old and during the week we all got a school dinner provided - except I never did as a girl called Brenda Whip would take all the food of my plate. I was scared of girls at the time as I had four brothers but no sisters so knew nothing about girls. The shame of it meant there was no way I would tell any of my brothers or parents about what was happening. Worse still, Brenda had an older brother, about 9 - 10 yrs old who Brenda would threaten to set on me if I spoke back to her. On my way home one day, Brenda's brother came up behind me and slapped the back my head. I hadn't time to be scared and didn't know it was Marcus but my instant reaction was to turn around and deliver a punch that made Marcus's nose bleed like a gusher. Marcus and his posse of friends ran off. The next day at school I expected the worse but turned out Brenda couldn't even look at me, never mind take my food. I owe it to Marcus for that coward slap, and I reckon we both learned a valuable lesson that day.
@tracilester659 Жыл бұрын
My middle kid was always bullied at school. He is a high functioning autistic, but his speech is horrible and kids were mean. One day he wasn't watching where he went and bumped into one of his bullies. This kid got up, let my son apologize, and then tripped him. My son tried to get up and walk away, but this kid tripped him again. This time, my son got up and shoved this bully into the brick wall so hard his hands got scrapped up. The school had both kids appear in student court and both ended up doing community service. My son attended 2 thirty minute days and then his community service sponser siigned off on his 16 hours. Turns out her daughter is bullied a lot, too. When she found out that my son went through this because he defended himself, she refused to make him keep working.
@serenth8310 11 ай бұрын
​@@Mataylor17As someone who also has autism I will point out that grammatically we use these terms interchangeably for most issues. Getting your knickers in a twist about it is simply a waste of everyone's time. No one is victimising diabetics by not calling them people who have diabetes...
@MasochistMouse 11 ай бұрын
​@@Mataylor17​@MrsMayhem17 Grammatically either is correct, but maybe their son prefers person-first language. I don't know them or you, but I am autistic & know others in the community- it's personal choice what an individual prefers for themselves. Me personally- I refuse to say I have autism- it's not a disease or a handbag, it is a part of who I am as a person & I wouldn't change my wiring for anything! It's the same with pronouns- I'm not afraid to respect someone & call an individual they/them/him/her/etc as they tell me they want to be called. I do NOT correct them & insist on calling them what I prefer. If they identify as nonbinary/trans I respect that. If someone feels ''have autism'' for how to describe themselves I'd respect that, and if a person talks about a family member as being autistic I respect it-- if I knew they were purposely being disrespectful to their kid then I might say something.
@jodyharnish9104 Жыл бұрын
This mom knows how to deal with bullies, too! A bully was picking on my kids, and he weighed more than the two of them together. He weighed a little more than I did, in fact. I talked to his mother, and she didn't know what to do. I asked her permission to have a talk with him. The next time he picked on my kids, I told them to come with me to have a talk with him. I told the bully, "I took judo, karate and fencing in college. I've thrown a 230 pound man over my shoulder. Because he was my friend, I didn't kick him in the face when he started to get back up. If you're hurting my children, you are not my friend. I have a legal right to protect my children." I also pointed out that if he didn't change his ways, he would spend his adult years living in a cage like an animal in the zoo. End of bullying.
@gridtac2911 Жыл бұрын
Yeah you tell him mom! That had never caused the bullying to get worse instead of better.... 🙄. Jesus Christ. This is why men handle conflict and not women.
@Shirley-fu1zx 7 ай бұрын
Can we be friends?
@ScottScarbrough-uk3te 11 ай бұрын
Hell yes, D.Q. for standing up for yourself.!! Great story. Awesome Dad.
@colineames5818 Жыл бұрын
i am a 75 year old man who got expelled for the same reason at the age of 14, and has kept me from being beat and bullied ever since, cried my eyes out when i watched you, but hey thats the way it was done in the 60 ts, and my Dad was a head teacher, thanks for the memorylove it colin
@sincerely-b Жыл бұрын
My dad gave me the same advice when I was getting bullied. I waited for the guy at recess and the minute he came out those doors I punched him so hard he fell to the ground. Never bothered me again after that and I stopped being afraid.
@kathleenkirchoff9223 Жыл бұрын
As a teacher i can guarantee that teacher cheering inside. Yeah we have to write them both up for fighting but are glad when a kid stands up to a bully.
@paulbenoit6076 Жыл бұрын
@DKMET642Because teachers do not make the rules. The did you miss the part where the teacher was cheering on the inside?
@jimveybe7689 Жыл бұрын
@DKMET642 Old school teachers and Principals understand. The neavo types are social justice warriors and don't know what fairness or equality mean.
@steppy3736 Жыл бұрын
​@DKMET642because teachers have to follow the administration's rules
@chameleon4206 Жыл бұрын
Shame on TEACHERS for not stopping the bully!!! Or reporting it!!! Stand by allowing a child to be beat on ,chased, ridiculed, humiliated, tortured??? You are supposed to be MANDATE REPORTERS
@chameleon4206 Жыл бұрын
Because the school system is ridiculous on defending the kids who are there to really get an education!!!
@monicaluketich6913 Жыл бұрын
My mom was one of those, "Don't rock the boat or make waves. They are just jealous of you." I put up with verbal bullying and name calling for a couple of years in Jr. High, but one day, I had had enough. The leader caught me in a bad mood. I swung my fist at her so hard I missed her by a foot - but she got the hint. " I'm going to tell my mother what you tried to do. "Go ahead, and I'll tell her about your bullying and your brother and his friends' name calling that you encouraged." The look on her face was a sight worth waiting for. She nor any of the other girls who bullied me never tried ever again. Sometimes, parents don't protect you, and you just have to get fed up and do it yourself!
@randomgeneration7781 Жыл бұрын
I hear that. I remember never telling my mom I got bullied because she'd cry and wail and make it all about her. One day I had enough, picked up a chair and went after my bully at a brisk march. Turned out he was all bark and no bite, that moment when he realized I was willing to actually hurt him put an end to his harassment campaign against me. I never got in trouble for it, I was only asked by the principal to please don't misuse any school property in the future. I guess she and the teachers were sick of him too.
@hughmiller925 Жыл бұрын
I'd never heard of this comedian until today. One hell of an entertainer!
@simon-515 Жыл бұрын
Yep, my kids were the tiniest in the class. My daughter came home crying because a boy had knocked her down and hit her. She was so afraid she told me she couldn't speak. The rage that went through me was red hot. My baby girl laying on the ground hurt and so afraid she couldn't speak. This boy did whatever he wanted and would tell people his parents would sue anyone that dared to do anything about it. And his parents were fairly influential in our small town. I grabbed the phone and called said boy...it was lunch time...and I told him if he ever touched my daughter again I would break his arm and then his parents could sue my ass off. I ran into that young man about five years ago. He is now in his late forties. He still remembers that phone call and reminded me about it. I told him I would have done it too. He laughed and said...I know. But my kids weren't touched again.
@palermothegoalgod-wd2wp Жыл бұрын
I went to greece with my family and at the time my son was 6 and my daughter was 10. Near the hotel there was a gang of lads having a football match (all greeks) and my kids asked if they could join in. Cut a long story short some of these older bigger kid's started to give my lad a bit of over physicality. He came over to sidelines crying with big snot bubbles and I was telling him to man up and dish it out himself. In the background, I heard a comotion only to spot my daughter laying into these kids scragging them around by their hair and generally kicking the shit out of them......Ive never been prouder in my life.
@rondaallen7211 Жыл бұрын
telling a 6 year old to stand up to a bunch of older kids makes you a bad mom
@palermothegoalgod-wd2wp Жыл бұрын
@rondaallen7211 I didn't tell him to start throwing hands I told him to stand up for himself. Maybe his mom would agree with you, but Im his dad, and I dont give a shit what you think.
@mywifesboyfriendisfire Жыл бұрын
@palermothegoalgod-wd2wp Жыл бұрын
@jasoncarter9091 before I get into my daughters sexuality, why is she 'obviously a lesbian' enlighten me....this looks interesting 🤔
@palermothegoalgod-wd2wp Жыл бұрын
Jasoncarter9091 has deleted his message wot a fkn snowflake lol
@Kamabushi999 Жыл бұрын
She is absolutely right not only that I love her southern accent. I suffered from bullies until I was 12 yrs old One day on my own since I had no father to help I confronted my first bully at 8 yrs old and asked him to fight me. my heart was in my throat but I roared with threat expecting to be beaten to a pulp but to my surprise he backed off. I thought the bully problem was resolved but on later years i was beaten by other bullies. I finally asked my momma to pay 5$ per week so I could take Judo lessons from a brand new Dojo near our home. She looked at my teary eyes and accepted to pay for the lessons. Every bully walked by the schools which was on a main street with see thru glass like most store fronts My bully problem was over. The word spread around not to mess with me. I continued with practice and after many years and many contests i got as far as 2nd degree black belt then I switched to karate Okinawan style and received a black belt The after college I stared to learn Butaijutsu and from there developed my own self defense system. At the hight of my training I could break a coconut with my right hand. I taught both my sons from the time they were 10 till 16 Till they bacame black belts Them they went on to college They were never bullied by anyone because I had their back and expected them to stand up for themselves. And me ? Well never was bullied after 12 yrs old I grew up in tough areas and walked into neighborhoods where my friends would not dare. All possible attackers respected me because of the aura by just. looking at me according to my friends Never feared again I finally had peace A boy or girl needs a father To tell them to stand up for themselves .. if not Then it has to come from the inside. The civilized liberal approach to bullies hurts the victim for years to come. Sometimes violence is necessary. all boys used to be taught by their fathers how to fight how to fix things and there was a rite of passage but those days are gone. They spend their time locked in their room playing video games now
@dragondad7733 Жыл бұрын
My wife and i both agreed how we taught our girls to handle bullys. They never had a problem with anybody twice. Give a girl self-esteem and confidence and they will succeed.
@KanadianRaven Жыл бұрын
My father did the exact opposite. He tore down my confidence instead. I'd been the leader of the neighborhood kids, as a young girl. By the time I left home at 18, I was indecisive, passive- aggressive & a follower 'looking for love in all the wrong places'. On my bad days, I nurture a strong hatred for that man, while on my good days, I force myself to consider what made him the way he was & try to forgive him. At 71 I still struggle with it, yet I'm proud to say my daughter has grown to be a strong woman who doesn't take crap from anyone! My granddaughters will be, too. The cycle has been broken.
@anitakristensen4679 Жыл бұрын
I was a only child. I was not a spoiled brat as some are. I was a tomboy and yes I would wear dresses and play GI Joe with my barbie doll. The advice my dad gave to me. Was stick up for yourself, Because nobody else will. I still take his advice to heart 54 years later.
@carolnahigian9518 Жыл бұрын
At work they have a ' sweet face" type phony; she is a Ugly temper& every thing makes her MAD( she is ICE PRINCESSCONTROL FREAK ug)!
@debrabecoats3171 Жыл бұрын
I wish I had had that😢
@kirkygirl Жыл бұрын
I 100% agree with you. I used to be bullied badly by the boys in elementary and less so in middle school. I did need to shove around a boy or two to get my point across, but once I did they left me alone. Parents got a couple of calls from the school about this, but the teachers backed me up. My father told me later he was real proud of me for responsibly standing up for myself with minimal injuries to the boys, just enough to get the point across.
@dingfeldersmurfalot4560 Жыл бұрын
Never heard of this lady, but what a great storyteller!
@danieldavid3160 11 ай бұрын
Etta May! You´re something truly special. Many thanks for making millions of people laugh and cry with you. 🤗🥰
@karencahill4798 Жыл бұрын
I’m 67 now. I was the older sister by 3 years. - I had no fear when it came to protecting my younger sister- not just her but anyone being bullied. I was mellow but confident. I think that alone defused confrontation. That and the look in my eyes. Never once got physical. Always made my point.
@chandrabrame4344 Жыл бұрын
I was the same. No one bothered me because they said when I saw injustice being perpetrated by a bully, my eyes went from hazel to bright blue and even the bullies dispersed. Never had to beat a single person up but being in self defense, Kendo and Aikido Jui Jitsu (black belt), could have had something to do with our understanding.
@h2o2drink Жыл бұрын
Wow, I love that. Kudos to you both.
@JH-ex6mb Жыл бұрын
My 2nd son was getting tormented by a kid in 5th grade who would flick his ear when in line at school. He asked me what to do and I told him to ask him real nice to stop it and if he doesn't, to hit him hard where it would knock all of the wind out of his lungs and scare him good without leaving a mark. I got that call from his school headmaster to come in for a talk. He started by apologizing for taking my time and said that the kid my son punched probably had it coming. As it was witnessed by all of his classmates, no one ever messed with him all the way through high school.
@SarahWRah Жыл бұрын
In about the 5th grade I fought and licked a troublesome boy after school. As an adult in my 30s, some college guys almost ran me off the road in La Jolla CA. I was on my way home from a conference, wearing business attire (5'2" at 120 lbs). I followed the car to their destination, approached them while they were still in their car, punched the driver in the face, and walked away -- leaving them all a bit shocked. Ettamay's story brought a tear to my eyes. I don't how much is real or exaggerated, but it's a terrifying story.
@wms72 Жыл бұрын
You're lucky. These days, young men would rape and /or shoot you.
@gridtac2911 Жыл бұрын
Yes let's equate defending yourself from a bully to being a raging maniac on a power trip, as a woman with zero risk of getting the shit kicked out of you by a man. Real big of ya.
@GarthAstrology 7 ай бұрын
Bravo, Etta Mae. You're a shining example of "write/perform what you know" and you're a fantastic and charismatic storyteller.
@deannatreat6819 Жыл бұрын
I told my daughter that if she ever sees someone bullying her friends or family or if they are bullying her...go to a teacher and tell them...if they won't do anything about it and that bully hits her or her friend of family then she has every right to defend herself and those with her. I told her not to throw the first punch, but she can sure enough throw the 2nd, also told her she wouldn't be in trouble at home and that I'd take her out for ice cream....well, it just so happened that not long after I told her that it happened...her teacher called me and told me she had punched someone...went in and my daughter told me that a kid was messing with her friend and wouldn't leave them alone, she had told the teacher and the principal and they did nothing...She got ice cream that night.
@tedkrillies5326 Жыл бұрын
I have a three part rule for my girls. 1, ask them to stop, 2, if they won’t ask an adult for help, 3, if it still doesn’t stop, do what you need to do 💪💪 my daughter knocked out a boy pulling her hair in middle school 🤣🤣 she skipped step 2 but guess what he stopped 🤷🏼‍♂️ best call from a principal I ever received.
@libertybell8852 Жыл бұрын
I was the girl.that tended to skip step 2, as well😂😂. My sister is deaf and kids picked on her all the time. I was younger and hot-headed 🤷‍♀️ I caught one once throwing food at her and her friends, she was crying. 😢 made me so mad that I took off running down the hall, next thing I know, I've hit this kid with my metal lunchbox (remember the ones from the 80s with the matching thermos?😂) dented the lunchbox so it didn't close anymore lol. I busted his lip, blacked both of his eyes.. the principal called my mom. Then they had to call my dad because my mom told the principal she'd whip him with his own paddle. 😂 My dad was DYING with laughter when he got there. I mean like can't breathe, tears down the face and coughing type laughing. Fast forward to 30 years later when he died, he KEPT that My Little Pony lunchbox😂😂 My husband just died laughing because he's heard the story for years and there is the infamous lunchbox Dad had to replace because I broke it lol
@jmda58 Жыл бұрын
Our middle son stood up for himself in middle school and I was proud of him. I told Principle I’ll be right there to pick him up because he got suspended my kid isn’t a punching bag!!
@judeirwin2222 Жыл бұрын
You have zero idea of what punctuation is.
@tedkrillies5326 Жыл бұрын
@@judeirwin2222 I’m sorry didn’t realize this was English class!!! I have a punctuation for you though…go f*** yourself 👍👍
@talaifinamounga4324 Жыл бұрын
My cousin got bullied in middle school she chase those boys down but never got to them so she slash there bikes typres with a pencil when her dad got called to the office he simply say tell them to stop or I come and stop it for them and that was the end of the bullying 😂
@MrJohnnyboyrebel Жыл бұрын
Since I was smaller than my classmates, I was the target of bullies a lot. One of them lived just four houses away. “Mike” stopped me one day and I just knew I was going to get beaten up, so I stopped him by saying “My mom asked if you can come have supper with us tonight?” Mike was stunned, I guess, and ran home to ask his mother if he could have supper at Johnny’s house. He did and the bullying stopped, at least from Mike. For the rest of them, I just made sure I had bigger friends.
@MaryEllen10862 Жыл бұрын
I was the one that stood up against bullies and I guess was considered a bully to some but I never stopped protecting the innocent because I could and would never have changed it. I am 60 and I would still try and protect people from senseless bullies. I did what my heart told me was the right thing to do.
@safffff1000 Жыл бұрын
Perfect excuse if you want to be a bully and fight, just do for the right reason and enjoy it defending the weak
@eugene7304 Жыл бұрын
@@safffff1000 Obviously like you have no idea what the word 'Bully' means. She also said that she "was considered a bully to some", not that she WAS a bully.
@HenshinFanatic Жыл бұрын
Ah, another anti-bully. Though my time as one was when the bullies were some grade 6 "kids" who had probably been held back at least two years whereas I was a little tyke in the first few grades. So since head-on would be a losing proposition, I got at them through their weakness, intelligence. I'd goad them into ignoring whatever hapless kid they'd decided to beat up for 💩 & giggles and focus on me, and lead them on a merry chase right into the path of teachers so that they would be forced to actually do something. Of course after school I'd often get "payback" for whatever miniscule punishment the school deigned to give them (clearly they never got expelled though as I went through multiple grades pulling this off and they never wised up before my family moved to a different city where bullying was a lot less physical than what I was familiar with at that point.
@sandrablomberg3687 Жыл бұрын
This did make me cry. I was bullied in school from day one elementary all through to the day that I did quit highschool in my junior year. Thankfully I was not punched in the face by anyone from school , just other things did happen. I am having Terrible PTSD from it even still. Hopefully you Are having a Much Better Time in your Life Now ❣️ Many Hugs, Take Care, Stay Safe And Healthy 🖖✌️☮️
@janetgao6201 Жыл бұрын
I got a few of those really bad belt whippings, one kept me home for days, because of a bully that stole my princess watch in first grade. I tried many things to avoid her but nothing worked. One day I was playing with a neighbor girl in the alley (we made clothesline tents with the sheets drying) when she pulled down our tent, stomped my child’s sewing machine and called my mom a bad name. I chased her all the way home and on the way picked up a spare board from one of the construction jobs in the area and beat the hell out of her. They had to pull me off. It was that day I learned about repressed anguish and anger. At 72 I’m calmer but everyone who knows me steers clear when they see my slow burn. I still work on it. Many in the audience laughed at this story but those of us who didn’t completely understand and find nothing funny about it.
@rhondabennett8530 Жыл бұрын
My Daddy told me "Don't you start it...but, you damned well better end it". Yes Sir, enough said Sister!
@scottishhellcat Жыл бұрын
My Daddy told my brother the same thing.
@paulabears7882 Жыл бұрын
So funny. My mom told me if I hit anyone first she would spank me but if i did not knock the living daylights out of someone who hit me first she would beat the living hell out of me! I never had trouble with bullies.
@joynkindness Жыл бұрын
Country parenting. M
@jeepstergal4043 Жыл бұрын
I always told my kids the same thing. Son and his friends had trouble with a bully in 3rd grade. Small parochial school, but teachers would not do a darned thing about it. Told son, "Don't you hit first, but you defend yourself. I will always back you for defending yourself." Son defended himself. I backed him. Then, the other kids started defending themselves, too. Bully kid left the school.
@ms.n4878 Жыл бұрын
My mom told us the same.
@paulbenoit6076 Жыл бұрын
Always hit first is what I tell my kids. If a person is upset with you and they get to close you should hit first. They can be upset from a distance, they can even voice their anger at me from a few feet away but if they are close enough to be hit then they are close enough to harm you or me as well.
@richardturk7162 Жыл бұрын
I had one boy that always picked on me but one swift kick in the nuts and then his face while he was on the ground holding his nuts. Never had anymore problems with the guy. Some other kids saw it all go down and at a HS reunion 45 years later it was brought up and it was a highlight of the night.
@wms72 Жыл бұрын
I did that to a boy who was harassing me (a little girl 2 years younger than him. He wouldn't let go of my wrists). He got his gang after me in school. I had to stab his arm with my pencil. Got called into the office, threatened with expulsion. I threatened the teacher saying my dad would sue if I got kicked out. They told the boys to stop ramming their shoulders into girls.
@mja91352 Жыл бұрын
@southerngirl1960 Жыл бұрын
@gloryakiepper7918 Жыл бұрын
This is my first time to run across this funny lady. She is a delight and I'm going to look for more.
@shizuma2007 Жыл бұрын
My dad was the same, loved him for teaching me to stand up for myself.
@lorrainedempsey3320 Жыл бұрын
I was raised in a large city, with three brothers. They taught me so much. I was concerned when my grandson was starting middle school. I mentioned this to him, and he said, I walk through the school halls with confidence. If someone should get in my face, I will go right back at them, and ask them if they would like to take this off school grounds. My grandson plays left tackle to the quarterback, and never backs down; but always remembers to use his brain first.
@DroppinJewelzz Жыл бұрын
I just love the way Etta May tells this story😂💜
@TheKjoy85 Жыл бұрын
My mom is number 5 of 8 kids, 2 older sisters (15 and 13 at the time of the story) and 2 older brothers (11 and 10). My mom's hometown was a small town and at the time all grades rode the same bus to school. My mom was in 3rd grade when she bumped into a 6th grade boy on the bus. The boy was a known bully and he punched my mom in the stomach. She spent most of the day feeling like she needed to throw up. When she finally did, she was sent to the nurse who called my grandma. My grandma brought her home and when the oldest 4 got home they were given their marching orders. The next morning, my grandma walked my mom and her siblings to the bus and gave the bus driver his orders. After school, my mom's siblings got off the bus at the bully's house and beat the snot out of him. Then they got back on the bus and came home. Everybody on the bus watched him get beat up by 2 girls, a boy his own age, and one that was younger than him. He never bullied anyone ever again, and nobody messed with my mom's family. The memory of "we defend our own" carried into my generation of cousins. It didn't hurt that 2 of my aunts worked for the school district while we were growing up. My mom's younger sister has worked as a teacher's aide for over 30 years.
@williammahaffy4642 Жыл бұрын
THIS is EPIC storytelling. Full stop. True or embellished, it pulls you in and gives a visceral sense of each line, each pause, each inflection. Even the blocking is exquisitely smooth and natural. A masterclass. Well done!
@user-cr3fz8lz2i Жыл бұрын
Etta May made a local commercial in my house. I can tell you…she’s funny ALL THE TIME! Wonderful lady!!!
@scottishhellcat Жыл бұрын
I was 4 foot 10 and weighed 70 pounds. One of the many bullies was the instigator weighing in at 424 pounds. Similar to this comedian, my Daddy told me if I got my ass whooped one more time and didn't call him that I would get whooped again when I got home. And thank goodness he did come. They were still talking about his entrance at our 50th class reunion. The 6 weeks she terrorized me (along with unknown buddies) seemed like forever. Fast forward 7 years. I wish Daddy had lived to see it. (The reason I know how much she weighed is because she came to the hospital and we had to weigh her on the commercial scales down in the laundry). Anyway, she got a brief taste of my daily terror when I walked into her hospital room and bent over the bed and smiled as I said "Good afternoon. I'm going to be your nurse today". Big girl was scared shitless".
@maryerb6062 Жыл бұрын
Scottishhellcat, I like your style! 😅 😅 😅
@stephenkennedy8305 Жыл бұрын
So you took pride in frightening your patient. Thought it was your job to ensure and provide comfort your patient. But you are proud of doing the opposite
@sheanelson4769 Жыл бұрын
​@@stephenkennedy8305 She just smiled at her....
@lori6911 Жыл бұрын
@@stephenkennedy8305 she was probably smiling about the workings of karma. karma at that moment probably freed her of the injustices that woman brought to her and maybe had a hard time shaking off. I bet because of the few seconds of karma realization, she was then able to let go of the past, deal with the present and provide her with good care. just another way of looking at things imho.
@kristyrigsby4309 Жыл бұрын
​@@stephenkennedy8305Hey look bro, sometimes you are in a position to rub a bullies face in it. I was bullied relentlessly in Middle School by girl named Shannon Smith. Tried to hold me underwater, slap me in the face repeatedly, verbal abuse you name it. I never did anything to this girl. Never told on her again after the first time the teacher did nothing. Fast forward 15 years and I see her on Facebook fighting cancer.... even been on the local news for being "courageous". So I messaged her ask her if she remembers me, and I say I forgive her. For everything she ever did to me I said I forgive you. I said I didn't know what you were going through then but I know what you're going through now. She blocked me. I said to myself...."fuck it. enjoy your cancer bitch"
@chastonburke6558 Жыл бұрын
I always told my son I would take him for ice cream if he defended himself. When he was in middle school I got the call. He was being bullied. He stood up for himself and it was on. The kid got a few more punches in. But my boy got one really good punch in. I picked him up from school and took him to Baskin Robbins just as I said I would. The kid never messed with him again. Actually all the bullies left him alone after that
@Madiba76 Жыл бұрын
You can deal any bullying but sometimes you might need a small support either from family or teachers.
@reneebrown2968 Жыл бұрын
Yep, mom always taught me don't start none but finish it, and above all protect my little brother. Well I can honestly say I only got in one fight that wasn't because someone picking on my brother. That was when I defended my friend who had her arm in a cast from her bully who caused her broken arm. I can honestly say I never lost a fight in school. If I got sent to the office because of fighting I always made sure they called my momma. Dad tried to whip my butt but momma told him he would hurt worse than I would if he did. And luckily I and my friend were both living with her when ww3 started at the high school. Hell it ended up causing a serious gang war all because I told a bully bitch that she could wait till her arm was healed or come through me to get her. Needless to say my friend stayed safe and her bully had reconstruction surgery. Don't start none won't be none.
@staycool163 Жыл бұрын
Wow, something very similar happened to me in 8th grade. I was always very shy & timid growing up. There was a girl that picked on me everyday and left bruises, and when my mom seen them she was not happy. I was told that I better stand up to her "or else". I did, got suspended for a few days, and she NEVER did it again! One other incident similar kind of thing.... I punched a girl in the face after class for picking on me, knocked her out and had to go to the principal's office...another 3 day suspension. She never picked on me again either. You got to stand up to those bullies!
@sunrayrosin7181 Жыл бұрын
I had to teach my daughter to stand up to bullies and she got real good at it. But it wasn’t t without tears and lots of emotions. My day standing up to a bully was in the second grade. I had to use a wiffle ball bat to beat this kid up and the teacher strode back and let it happen. Standing up to a bully can change a young persons life. Good story EttaMay.
@fakshen1973 Жыл бұрын
I was a skinny 10 year old with bad hair, glasses, and the smartest one in class. I was default near last over the other other boys when being picked for sports. So it was no surprise that some people thought I was an easy mark to be bullied. Steven set his sights on me and wanted to dump Elmer's glue in my hair and I kept pushing him away. I was warned by the other students that I better let him do it or there would be trouble. I pushed him away one last time and told him if he didn't stop, I was going to take him outside and beat his ... he tested me, and so we went outside after school. I took odf my glasses and he punched me square in the nose. My brother was almost twice my size. I fought him almost every other day. Black eyes, busted lips, that was par for the course. Steven was my size. I beat that kid so bad that my knuckles swelled up and were red for a week. He needed it and I gave it to him properly. He never bothered me or anyone else that year or the next. Nobody bothered me... because now they knew and saw first hand what happens when you pick the wrong kid to bully.
@samTollefson Жыл бұрын
Once when I was 8, I took my favorite pet rat to show and tell at the elementary school and told all the kids about how I raised rats and mice in my backyard shed. The next morning when I went out to feed them I saw that the window screen was torn and the cage door opened and my pet rat was missing! I was devastated. On the walk to school, there was the class bully surrounded by his buddies with my rat! Just grinning at me and taunting me, I said to bad you got the wrong one, that's just one of the breeders, and went on to school. That afternoon I cleaned up the cage with fresh cedar chips and set a #1 Victor trap (the half-round jaws type) under the cedar chips and nailed the ring at the end of the chain to the bench edge hoping to have the thief dangling in the window the next morning. As soon as I woke up the next day I ran out to see if I had him, the window screen was wallowed into a 3' circle where you could see quite a struggle happened, the cage was about destroyed and everything was a mess and the trap was dangling at the end of the chain, empty! On the way to school that morning there was the kid with his buddies and a huge white bandage around his hand, I was scared Sh`tless knowing I was soon going to be dead! Nothing happened! From that day on through middle school and high school, that kid never even looked at me again! Looking back I can hardly believe what a horrible thing I had done to another person, but then again, word got out to all the bullies I guess, because I never got bullied again from anyone.
@lillybrooks7662 Жыл бұрын
GOOD FOR YOU!!!!! 💖💖💖
@932ForeverLove 11 ай бұрын
Wait, I’m confused, was your pet rat OK?
@samTollefson 11 ай бұрын
@@932ForeverLove No, I never got back the one he stole, but he never stole from me again.
@932ForeverLove 11 ай бұрын
@@samTollefson 😥 But good that he didn't do it again
@argonunya6768 Жыл бұрын
In the late 90s, during my 2nd marriage, she had a son. A gentle type of boy, really a good kid. Never bothered no one, but like you was the object of brutality from another boy who thought he was just the coolest. He would come filled with tears one day, so I took him back up to the school and had a little chat with the principal. I asked that boy be kept separate from my boy as much as possible. She agreed and had a chat now hernown with Jim and his parents. Even so much as told me what had transpired during their talk. Well the boy didn't like the fact that my son had gotten him in trouble. (Child logic, not my fault I ouck on you and then get caught, and grounded. Well, I PUT MY SON IS MARTIAL ARTS CLASSES. TO HELP BOOST HIS CONFIDENCE. I TOLD HIM DONT EVER USE THIS TO START FIGHTS. ITS FOR YOUR PROTECTION, ESPECIALLY IF YOU AND YOUR MOTHER ARE OUT AND I'M NOT WITH YOU. Summer came and went, and he started a new school year at a new school. MIDDLE SCHOOL... I hadn't so much as gotten home when the phone rang. It was the school. The assistant principal telling me that my son was suspended for fighting. I dropped the phone and told his mamma to get in the truck we have a problem at rhe school and I believe I already know what happened. We get there and see an ambulance parked out front. I'm thinking couldn't be because of a couple kids having a "fight". Oh how wrong I was. We walk-in and see the parents hollering at who I learn is the assistant principal. Then they turn their attention towards my son. BIG MISTAKE! I saying a loud voice WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? THATS A CHILD THAT HAS PARENTS AND YOU AREN'T THEM! I KNOW THAT BECAUSE WE ARE! I WAS ALREADY UNDERSTANDING HOW THAT OTHER KID thought he could get away with acting like he owned the place because of his parents' behavior! We talked.to the assistant principal, and then the teacher who saw the "incident". Then it was my son's chance to tell me what happened. It seemed this other kid had continued to be in the band as well as my son. He started being mouthy towards my boy, and he (my boy) told him to knock it off, they weren't even supposed to be talking during class. Well the kid had taken one of his drum-sticks and hit my son in the head. The next thing my son does is place a single kick right to the center of that boys chest and sends him scooting across the floor. Out cold! My son is freaking out! Tears fill his little blue eyes as he continues to explain. The other boy is now on the stretcher being wheeled out by ambulance EMT's. The assistant principal starts in with this ZERO TOLERANCE GARBAGE, and I stop him in his tracks mid sentence. I say you're pretty much the boss here right? So these children could be considered your employees, right? Sonyou should have read the files on these kids, especially the new students, right? Especially WHEN TWONOF THEM ON THE FIRST DAY OF THE NEW YEAR IN THE FIRST CLASS GET INTO A SCUFFLE, RIGHT? YOU HAVEN'T EVEN READ THEM NOW, HAVE YOU? YOU THINK THIS IS JUST SOME HORMONES OUT OF WHACK MALES GETTING TESTOSTERONE FORNTHE FIRST TIME IN THEIR LIVES, RIGHT? IF YOU'D HAVE TAKEN JUST A FEW MINUTES TO GLANCE AT THEIR FILES YOUD HAVE SAW WHERE THAT KID HAS BEEN PICKING ON MY SON FOR THE LAST COUPLE YEARS IN THE OTHER SCHOOL! THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO BE KEPT SEPARATE BECAUSE OF THAT BOY. AROUND THIS TIME THE OTHER KIDS DAD PIPES UP AND ASKS ABOUT THE MEDICAL BILLS TO WHICH I REPLY WITH LAUGHTER, TELLING HIM HES LOST WHAT LITTLE MIND HE HAD! TJIS WAS SELF-DEFENSE, YOUR CHILD WAS THE INSTIGATER, AND GOT WHAT HE DESERVED! HE KINDA ACTED LIKE HE WAS GONNA STAND UP SO I ABLIGED HIM BY DOING SO MYSELF AND EXPLAINED THAT ROAD OUT FRONT OF THE SCHOOL WAS BIG ENOUGH TO SETTLE OUR DIFFERENCES. IFNHE CARED TO JOIN ME... NOW IN SERIOUS ALTERCATIONS THEY, AS A RULE, CALL LAW ENFORCEMENT. SO IT WASN'T REALLY A SURPRISE TO SEE THEM WALKIN ABOUT THE TIME I SAID ALL THAT. THEY CAUGHT THE TAIL END OF MY LITTLE INVITATION AND CHUCKLED. MR. ______(my last name) because one of the officers knew me from the local bar which he parents owned. We chit-chatted a bit, and then he took the report from both sides. Upon reading the files from the school, finding the school to be in the wrong by not separating the2 boys, the other one to be the instigating party, and that my son had acted in SELF-DEFENSE, no charges would be against our son. Of they wanted to pursue compensation for medical care, they'd have to file for it through civil court. To which HE would be able to be a witness to reading the school files, in courtn and probably getting the case either thrown out and they would in fact lose the counter claim for mental & assault & battery! $5000.00 maximum payout. So I said ½ jokingly just go ahead and write me the check now! While all this is going on my then wife was just amazed how relatively well I spoke. (I'm country as a turnip green and extremely REDNECK when it comes TO PROTECTING MY FAMILY. Our son has a smile from ear to ear, because his biological father, was/ would be considered a snowflake by today's society. The kid ended ip with 3 broken ribs and a cracked sternum! FROM A SINGLE KICK FROM A 10 YEAR OLD BOY, FRUSTRATED FROM BEING RHE OBJECT OF UNPROVOKED A BULLY WHO WAS HUMBLED THAT DAY. I WILL SAY THIS, MY SON WASN'T EXPELLED, AND WHEN HE WALKED HIS NEW GIRLFRIEND DOWN THE HALL, EVERYONE MADE ROOM! HIS MOTHER AND I DIVORCED A FEW YEARS LATER, BUT THAT IS ANOTHER STORY!
@Saintm-lk5iu Жыл бұрын
@argonunya6768.....great story.
@palermothegoalgod-wd2wp Жыл бұрын
I actually read that story in the same accent I imagined you spoke with 😂
@six-gunsound1145 Жыл бұрын
I think my neck just turned a little more red from reading that😂 Well done sir, you are a credit to fathers everywhere.
@joshuatoledo8844 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing. Outstanding.
@brmam1385 Жыл бұрын
I hope your son never had to do that again, & that his reputation preceded him, making sure other bullies had wised up. I say that because a middle school aged kid using his skills for defense probably still wouldn’t feel good seeing the bully leaving in an ambulance. That’s the kind of indelible ink print left on your brain for a very long time.
@pryelomitchell1797 Жыл бұрын
That's the best storytelling I've heard in a long time 😂😂😂👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾
@pkwilliamson4579 Жыл бұрын
I was bullied once every day by the guy next to my locker. I really didn't have any plan or ability to confront him, but one day we were partnered up in school to wrestle. By mistake, I pulled him down, fell on him and broke his shoulder. The next day, I expected him to continue bullying me, but somehow he was now afraid of me. No one else did either. Shocked me, actually. Boy, was I an idiot.
@rublehead Жыл бұрын
God bless this woman the gift of laughter she gave us all is what the soul yearns for thank you Etta May 😂
@waltblackadar4690 Жыл бұрын
Funny. I'm one of those old school parents (though I don't beat my kids). My son (Nate) had a problem in HS with a kid getting physical and I told him to kick the livin' shit out of the kid next time he laid a hand on him. A few days later he hit Nate and Nate retaliated. I was called to the school and the administration told me that they were suspending both kids. I said "Nate just defended himself". The administrator looked at me and said "yeah, but he didn't have to hit the other kid at least 6 times". Turned out that Nate not only floored him but made sure the other kid wasn't getting off the floor anytime soon. My response was simple - "the other kid will never, ever lay a hand on him again now so the problem is solved". They suspended him (out of school) for the next day so I took my son to the movies. He's a grown man now but he still appreciates my reaction.
@danielstewart7163 Жыл бұрын
I think the most proud of my daughter was when they called me at work and told me my daughter had lost bus privileges for a week. For fighting of course. It wasn't that the skool had much of a problem with the fighting as much as they did with the fact my daughter's cd player got broken, she wasn't in the fight one of her friends was. While she checked her cd the fight broke up. The problem was when she found out it was broken she lunged across the seat and bashed the other girl in the head with her newly broken cd. The bus driver and principal agreed the other girl deserved it but this was the absolute lowest punishment they had. We agreed and everyone left. Then i had to explain to my daughter, if you're gonna hit someone in the head with your cd make sure nobody sees you. My father's philosophy on street fighting: there ain't no money or rules in street fighting, so do what you gotta do and get out. Everyone loses.
@fieryjalapenos4442 Жыл бұрын
My senior year there was a freshman (Corey) that wanted to be the big dog and in MS, he was known as a fighter and being a lot bigger than most of his classmates so he got away with being an asshole. I saw him and a few friends picking on a kid after school and I broke it up. Corey tried to swing on me and missed and a knee jerk reaction came over me and I threw a right straight and hit him just under the left eye and he went down. His friends scattered and the kid he was bullying finally got himself free of the bushes and jumped on him and hit Corey a couple times before I pulled him off. I ended up getting 1 day OSS while he got 2 weeks. Corey tried saying the other kid hit him too and I took the blame so he didn’t get suspended as well. The day Corey came back he picked a fight with someone else and ended up getting expelled. Kind of funny. A couple years later I ran into the principal and he told me he was glad I got involved because I was big enough to handle the situation and when he heard on the radio I was the one Corey squared off with, he was giggling because he figured Corey got manhandled. The school board wanted to drop the hammer on me because I was a senior and he was a freshman but the principal was able to cool them down by showing them I had been in little to no trouble up to this point and was an excellent student and it was in defense of another student and I guess I couldn’t get off scot free because of the zero tolerance policy so 1 day was what they all agreed on. If Corey ever stumbles across this I hope he’s doing ok.
@danielstewart7163 Жыл бұрын
@@fieryjalapenos4442 man card: approved.
@tonygroves5526 Жыл бұрын
My Dad always told my brother and me that he wouldn't give us trouble for defending ourselves, just if we were the bullies.
@jimveybe7689 Жыл бұрын
If you don't spank, you ain't old school.
@susanstyles9147 Жыл бұрын
My dad always told me, no matter what happened, if I ever lost a fight he'd whoop the butt right off me. I was the quiet kid in school. Smart as a whip and never spoke. Never had homework, always had A's. When I got teased, I took only so much then lost it. I never, ever lost a fight. When my sister was threatened in middle school that 50 girls were gonna jump her, I went to their houses, yanked them out and beat the snot out of them all while telling them to bring a few more friends. When my boys were teased in school, I let them know in front of the principal that they never started a fight but they finished it. They would never get beaten by their bullies or punished at home for defending themselves. The first time my middle child got jumped, he turned around and grabbed that kid by the throat, lifted him a foot in the air (he was the tallest, biggest kid in the class), a punched him dead in the nose. Kid's head hit the wall and they went to the principal's office. When I got there, I shut the principal up (cause momma don't play) and told him it didn't matter what happened here, he wasn't in trouble with his parents. I told him and the principal that if this kid's mom didn't take care of her little sheet (def not the word I used), I'd beat the crap out of her and watch as my kid beat the crap out of him again.
@SLO-Ride Жыл бұрын
I learned one single "Kung Fu" move from the old TV show, and until I was in the Army, it was the only martial art I knew. I has to do with a bully, grabbing a fistful of shirt, and they are already halfway to pain-town and don't even know it. It finally came in handy when I was in the 9th grade, and the "school bully" wanted my super cool multi-color changing ball point pen. Well, he grabbed a fistful of shirt. Now, having no actual Kung Fu training, I had no idea this move could/would/should result in near instant, extremely painful, and mostly permanent damage to the arm that had the fistful of shirt. But I whipped that move like a Ninja, and left him screaming in the main hallway of the school building, as I smugly walked away with the echoes of "Atta boy! Way to kick butt! THAT kid did it??" ringing in my ears! However... I was suspended for a week (this was 1976!), and a mark was placed on my school records. Seems, I actually wrecked the boys arm, which required surgery to repair, and left a forever destroyed ligament, from the wrist to the shoulder. He couldn't reach to blow his nose, or scratch his butt anymore. Police were called and took a report, Dad was happy I stood up for myself, but soooo disappointed too. It was almost 30 years later, at a class reunion, that I saw him again, and couldn't apologize enough. Still hates me, sure. But he never bullied anyone ever again! I also never used that Kung Fu TV show crap ever again.
@brandiebrooks7135 Жыл бұрын
Can you tell me what movie or move you used
@cardboardbox191 Жыл бұрын
It didn't need surgery to repair it could just be a permanent reminder to not be scum.
@jasonstarr6419 Жыл бұрын
well... play stupid games, etc., etc. Bullies are always acting out an inner sense of low self-esteem, lack of self worth, or to quote James Garner in the movie "Tank". Sh*t rolls downhill. Still, for the same reason that cops carry guns and don't call out social workers to stop armed assailants, bullies need to learn where the line in the sand is drawn.
@cardboardbox191 Жыл бұрын
@@jasonstarr6419 A sociol worker might do it well. if they can I think the police bring in negotiators who focus on the right way to talk but I see your point. That said that is for a standoff off not shots being fired.
@TreasonsBeta Жыл бұрын
Kindergarden. Even my older brother was afraid of them. Their mistake was going after the kid sitting next to me. Took a page from Lion King and clawed them across the face. Gave em a scar and never got bullied again. That entire bus made the story spread like wildfire and it followed me through high school 😅 Never go after the quiet ones.
@relikborg Жыл бұрын
When I was 6 years old I had a bully at the church my family went to, I took it for a while before telling my mom. The next sunday my mom watched from a distance and saw what was going on, she called me over and gave me the green light to fix the problem. So the next time I saw the bully I started punching as hard as I could then pulled his shirt up over his head like I saw done in hockey games, worked like a charm, he wouldn't even look at me for more than a few seconds after it went down. Thanks Mom.
@cynthiadavis1782 Жыл бұрын
I had a similar experience with this girl she would follow me home every day saying I’m going to beat you up, told my father what happened and he (military man) said the next she followed me home I was to stand my ground and ask her why she wanted to fight me well when I did that she got scared and said I just wanted to be your friend 😮 I told her that’s a weird way of trying to be a friend, after that we became friends. She later told me nobody liked her. I see why. 😊
@skovol007 Жыл бұрын
My retaliation against my high school bully didn't involve a single punch (not that I wasn't tempted). I'm 5' 10" and only weighed 150 lbs in high school, so a pretty easy target, but I pretty much got along with everyone, except one bully who tormented me relentlessly. Flash forward 8 years of working in a lumberyard later (and some weight lifting and martial arts training along the way) and we happen to cross paths as I was leaving a convenience store. When he saw me he said, "Wow, you look like you could mop the floor with me if you wanted to." I very calmly said "If I wanted to" and kept walking. As I was saying the words I thought "Oh no, what if he wants to start something?!" It turned out I had nothing to worry about. In fact, the look on his face after I said that was priceless.
@sylviacarlson3561 Жыл бұрын
you were due a payback moment and you did it in a classy way. Good for you!
@skovol007 Жыл бұрын
@WilliamTeach17 I wouldn't say he bullied me again. The way he said it didn't sound like he was trying to start something. Rather he seemed to be surprised by how much I bulked up since high school. After I said what I said he looked absolutely terrified.
@kevincrozier8625 Жыл бұрын
I stood 6' ft in 8th grade and all through high school. But I weighed around 125. Skinny as all get out. Just nose, toes and kneecaps. But after I got whupped the second time, I said no more. And the neighborhood I grew up in, you had better learn to fight. After that second fight, I notched it up a bit. I may get my ass whupped, but they are gonna know I'm there. And every year I had to go a couple of rounds with someone till after a while, those bullies backed off. They figured it wasn't worth them getting knocked around some trying to bully me. I told my boys that if someone starts it, you fight back. I don't care what that school says. If they don't stop the bullying, then you take it to the bully. And if he's twice your size, nail him in the nuts and he will go down. Do what you gotta do. But....never start it. Don't start it, but don't back down. And I told them Don't worry bout getting in trouble. If they start it and you are defending yourself, then I will back you up. Me and the principal will have us a pow wow.
@Abbie-ct2rd Жыл бұрын
@aldewachter7986 Жыл бұрын
Don't ever start a fight. Stand your ground if you're right. Give just ONE warning (not every day ... just one warning EVER). After that warning, make sure you have witnesses that see you draw blood - that'll get around and stop the nonsense. And if you are defending yourself, you will never be in trouble at home, and you'll get backup - guaranteed. And I told her (daughter) how to hit so it hurts without doing permanent damage. She had to test those lessons just once, and it all worked exactly the way I had promised. I was proud of my "little" girl. Still am, 30+ years later.
@lizzyannseattle5054 Жыл бұрын
She had me drinking bowl after bowl of laughter! And I won't get full on that kind of comedy! Terrific!
@andrewwright8507 Жыл бұрын
Best memory I have of my dad teaching me how to fight when I was 10 was my dad accidentally knocking me out 🤣🤣
@MrSandroengland Жыл бұрын
my dad was crazy. when a teen bullied me once my dad pursuit the kid with such anger. thankfully the kid got away and I decided I would face my own bullies and never complain again otherwise my father would kill someone.
@yearight1205 Жыл бұрын
This is why bullies today can get away with anything. Because we've turned our society into this horrific monstrous thing where if you actually deal with bullies in the only way they can be dealt with, you literally go to jail and will have an assault on your record that makes it so you won't ever be able to do much in life ever again. This ladies dad knew what was right. And the sad truth is it gets worse when you get older. Because you got a lot of people walking around out there who realize that you can't do anything about it, so they feel completely comfortable bullying people.
@eugene7304 Жыл бұрын
Sounds like you live in a Democrat run city or state. Where I live, as bad as it is, at least we're allowed to carry pepper spray & a pocket knife with no more than a 3" blade. Lesson: STOP VOTING DEMOCRAT! Just look at the crap holes created by Demoncrat leadership around the country, like San Francisco, Baltimore, N.Y.C., Portland, etc., & the ones in D.C. are trying to turn the whole COUNTRY into a crap hole. WAKE UP AMERICA!
@mja91352 Жыл бұрын
If you would get out of your room in mommy's basement, you would know how wrong you are.
@yearight1205 Жыл бұрын
@@mja91352 I work 50-70 hours a week. At my job we have a guy who bullies everyone. He went to a location we service and gave a massive attitude to this tall huge black guy. As he was walking out the door the black gentleman charged him and took a fake Swing at him. The guy from my job ran to the car, called our manager and literally broke down crying, saying that he shouldn't have to deal with this at work..... Now the black guy lost his job over this, which was WRONG. Because if he landed that hit, guess what? The jerk from my job would straighten up and realize that acting like that to people will get him hurt, and so he'd better be a nice person. You're an idiot so I recognize you don't have the ability to see how things really are.
@1zebracrossing Жыл бұрын
.... Spot-on......
@alisterfolson Жыл бұрын
Until those bullies meet someone who doesn't GAF who or what happens when they go off on that bully
@webcrawler2007 Жыл бұрын
This is hilarious. One of the best clean comedy routines I've seen in a while
@lynnieb Жыл бұрын
What a masterful storyteller! That’s what makes Dave Chappelle so good.
@elaine8013 Жыл бұрын
My dad did the same to me! He had never spanked me and there was that girl Linda who was as big as a teacher. One day she tore my sweater, another stole my pencils but the day she put gum in my hair (it was down to my waist), my daddy lost it. Gave me the same ultimatum.
@gwumpyolman Жыл бұрын
I’ve found that the best way to stop a bully is to just push their off button. It’s easy to locate. It’s below the eyes and above the mouth. Depending on your model of bully, multiple pushes could be required.
@charlottehawkins188 Жыл бұрын
Reminds me of my mom and how she was taught to fight by her big brother. Bullies at her school learned a valuable lesson with her and how to not fight her (my mom is a passive person by nature. She just doesn't tolerate being bullied).
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