On Losing A Pet | TMI

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Joe Scott - TMI

Joe Scott - TMI

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@joescott-tmi 4 жыл бұрын
Wow, guys, I'm truly blown away by all the comments here. I mean, I expected some of this because you're generally great people but damn. Overwhelmed, really. I'm also blown away by how many people have had similar experiences and are currently grieving the loss of a pet, family member, or loved one. I want to thank you for sharing your stories and encourage you to share your condolences with each other. This is one of those universal things we all have to encounter at one time or another, might as well do it together. Thanks to all of you.
@m.l.rxx0782 4 жыл бұрын
No thank you Joe for starting this talk right now. I really needed something like this right now with what me n my 8yr old dog are going through. He only has a few weeks left and I'm terrified of losing him but it is inevitable just like our love for them. Love U Joe and thanks again bud.
@GeorgeDolbier 4 жыл бұрын
We deeply love creatures that choose to share our lives, almost as much as we love our children. The old joke "Humans will pack bond with anything" rings true. The last do I had was a 15 Y O newfoundland, 120 lb ball of fluffy love, she ended up with cancer and she was too weak to undergo treatment. This was over 4 years ago, and it will still be a few more years before I'll be able to have another dog.
@misiknuo 4 жыл бұрын
Living all my life with Dogs and cats atm i have 5 cats and one dog(record was 35 cats and 3 dogs)...lemme give you all few simple Tips and you will never be in this situation..first of all and the most important thing..never sterilize your animals,they go crazy most of time or become kind of katatonic..or even frustrated..mad,they are not made to be sterilized...they are your frends not toys,cat need a yard and other cats to fight for territory live die fall in love,hunt ..just like all of you...Cats are fully independent animals they do not need you to survive...they are always free..if you bound them to a closed apartment (imagine young cat or dog full of energy and nowhere to spend it)of corse that will destroy something or act weird..If you live in apartment in big city,cat need to go outside if she die she die..but at least she lived normal life not life in prison..If your cat is not free,then her life is miserable,if you live in building get a fucking hamster,he do not care...but cat are hunters..they will go outside hunt and bring it to you to show off..this is real cat not Fat sterilized frustrated cat with huge eyes..which never saw a bird or mouse never fight another cat for a mate or territory..Can not keep animals and do not have conditions for them to live normal life like you.Period..im sorry but this is how it is..My cats can not come to home for a week..tehn they come eat speep few ours..then they go out again in winter times they spend more time at home,im pretty sure that they eat at some other ppl aswell,from my neighborhood..this is how cats are..and Dog is not for a House..he need a yard..and warm place to sleep,not a warm house where he moving from bed to bed..and sleeps half of a day,this is not how Dogs are made to be living..
@henrythegreatamerican8136 4 жыл бұрын
Life is depressing. Better to die now and not have to deal with it.
@LuisAlvarez-gt9st 4 жыл бұрын
Damn, I've lost a pet as well. Really sucks. Get better soon Joe. We love ya!
@JSLeeds 4 жыл бұрын
Grief is grief. No need to compare it or qualify it. Feel better Joe.
@HeadlampMafia 4 жыл бұрын
@synceredagenius6084 4 жыл бұрын
@caneyebus 4 жыл бұрын
Exactly! It may be just a pet, but we get emotionally attached and they do become family.
@horisontial 4 жыл бұрын
@@caneyebus Immediate family even
@alisasandul190 4 жыл бұрын
Well said!
@LisaBowers 4 жыл бұрын
It's never really "just a cat" or "just a dog," it's an honest to God family member. I'm so sorry for your loss, Joe. 💔
@Gladiamdammit 4 жыл бұрын
@juliewayseer 4 жыл бұрын
Best, sweet answer. Wishing you peace, Joe.
@nassimabed 4 жыл бұрын
You got that right.
@nickimontie 4 жыл бұрын
True. I've needed to do this many times. Always heart wrenching, I miss all of them every day, but can't imagine a life without a furry friend in my life. ♡
@jameskenote3000 4 жыл бұрын
My wife and I recently lost our black cat, T'Chala. He was a rescue cat we had for several years. Back in January he stopped eating and we took him to the vet. After some x-rays and an mri it was discovered he had 7 large tumors. He was at the vet in Nov of 2019 and was given a clean bill of health. Anyway, we took him home and on the day we finally had to put him down I was inconsolable as was my wife. The night before, I found laying upside down and unable to right himself. Of course I thought the worst and immediately picked him up. He immediately started purring and that was when I first lost it. We had him cremated and he now resides on my dresser chest along with a picture of him. The house was very empty w/o him there to greet us when we came home. Although he was one of a kind, my wife and I have recently adopted another rescue cat. A tortoise shell(?) color and two years old. My condolences to Joe.
@doktormcnasty 4 жыл бұрын
Someone told me once that losing pets can be harder since they're family members you actually like.
@NoWokeSpeak 4 жыл бұрын
Life with a pet, any pet, leads to pain at their passing for most people as most of us view them as surrogate children. Thanks for sharing.
@VoIcanoman 4 жыл бұрын
Sorry to hear about this, Joe...I absolutely know that our pets are family members, and I know the pain of losing one. In January 2018, my dog of 12 years stopped eating...he wanted to eat, but couldn't actually swallow anything except water. And like you, I was really logical about it, asking the vet what could be done to at least get a diagnosis. The clinic didn't have the equipment necessary...in fact, the closest place that did have this equipment was about 500 miles away. So we drove it...stayed two nights. And they did the swallowing study, finding out what we already knew (they couldn't even get him to swallow a special liquid dog food); but they also took a lymph node biopsy, which told us the why. Epithelial cancer was causing the dysphagia. I mean, there were things that could be done. There are places that do chemo and radiotherapy on dogs and cats...but the goals are quality of life-based, so they don't push it nearly as much as they do in humans (where as you know, people can actually be worse-affected by the chemo than the cancer, while it's happening at least). And the nearest place that did it was, again, 500 miles away (and I wasn't going to just randomly live in this city that was not my own for months at a time, nor was it feasible to make the trip over and over again). We were able to get some food into him - those liquid diets (Ensure), and fruit juices could be frozen...he'd eat them and the liquid would slowly trickle into his stomach, allowing him to keep getting most of the calories and nutrients he needed. But (as you said) the writing was on the wall. And I didn't want him to suffer, after all the joy and love he had brought to my life. Logically, we should probably have had him euthanized right away, but we wanted time to say goodbye...eventually, he even stopped eating the frozen stuff, so that week, we went to our vet for the last time. Worst day of my life (not even exaggerating). We almost didn't get a new dog...the pain of this experience almost overrode the happiness of the years we'd had together. I know people who made this call, who decided it was too much. But we needed something to fill the void, a new, energetic friend to keep us young, to remind us that it's good to live in the moment now and then. So eventually, we got a puppy, same breed, TOTALLY different personality (which is fine, dogs are individuals). He helped us heal a bit, but there's still an open wound on my heart, this experience of over 2 years ago (it has gotten smaller, but it's still there). I've lost human family members where the impact has actually been less than losing this incredible canine who was so smart, so loving, friendly to a fault, and just...happy all the time (so you shouldn't feel bad about this, Joe...it's an incredibly human thing to have happen). And I still wonder if I made the right choice in getting another dog, if I can stand up to that pain again, after however many years I get with him.
@Puffycheeks 4 жыл бұрын
Joe, pets are part of the family so there's not much one can say at a time like this. But later when you've had the time you need I'm sure your memories won't just make you sad but you'll enjoy them and cherish them. Sometimes I dream about my two cats who passed 3 weeks apart and when I wake up, I'm smiling.
@ji3067 4 жыл бұрын
I really appreciate this post Joe. Every time I have lost a pet, a part of me feels like it was ripped away. I think the hardest thing is feeling guilty about feeling so sad about it and having other people think you’re over reacting to it... I actually think grieving for a pet is harder to do than a person... like we should just be able to get over losing a pet right away ... which has always made me struggle. I feel your pain and I am greatly sorry for your loss.
@averageviewer6286 4 жыл бұрын
That's tough, man. The fact that you care, is a testament to your character. Thank you for sharing.
@chrismidyette1098 4 жыл бұрын
My heart goes out to you and yours Joe. I can't recall ever crying at a funeral. But I've cried for every pet I put down. The Heartbreak is real and only the good memories will get you through.
@wulfenii64 4 жыл бұрын
I had two dogs I had to put down months apart from each other. I had them for 18 years. Most heart breaking thing I ever had to do. I couldn't have another dog for 10 years or so. You'll never forget them.
@johnneuman9470 4 жыл бұрын
The most difficult thing in life is to put your selfish feelings and wants aside to relieve the suffering of a loved one. Had to let go of my black kitty, Boo, two weeks ago, she was also 13. I feel your heart break and truly understand how deeply it effects the soul. Grief is just love with no place to go. huge bear hugs to you all, so sorry for your loss. Thanks for sharing, it’s helped me personally to not feel so alone in my own grief ❤️
@m.l.rxx0782 4 жыл бұрын
So sorry to hear Joe. My dog has limphoma and we are going to have to put him down in the next month or so. So dam sad. My heart goes out to you and your partner Joe. Much love from Melbourne Australia.
@gunner678 4 жыл бұрын
Stay strong. A horrible thing but necessary. Enjoy the time you have left!
@derekscanlan4641 4 жыл бұрын
I had my last checkup last november after beating hodgkin lymphoma 5 years ago. The same week the dog charity I foster for asked me to take on an old female dog. they said she was sick and she'd need to go for tests. the tests came back positive... for lymphoma! crazy!
@antoniopalmero551 4 жыл бұрын
Our patterdale was recently diagnosed with lymphoma and the vet told us there was nothing to be done and he maybe had 2 weeks to live , we had to have him put down just 3 days later. He was 15 years old and he had a wonderful life but although he was only a little dog but left a huge gap in our lives. We just have lots of pictures all over the house which helps. And of course his bed , balls, and toys still inside. 🌈
@m.l.rxx0782 4 жыл бұрын
@@gunner678 thanks bud. He has been such a beautiful dog ever since I adopted him and the connection he has grown with my daughter since she has been born is beautiful. I'm going to miss that.
@m.l.rxx0782 4 жыл бұрын
@@derekscanlan4641 I'm so glad to hear U are all clear after such a terrifying ordeal like that. I've lost a few people to cancer starting with my best friend at 8yrs old to a brain tumour and guess what, my dog is 8. Life is crazy.
@JaeElle 4 жыл бұрын
🥺 I lost my service dog and my cutie cat about 3 years ago. I put them down, my dog had old age and my cat had sudden rapid kidney failure. Three years later I still miss them so much. They are family. I lost my mom recently and it's horrible, different loss but not less. So my heart goes out to you and your family. There are channels that we would feel like this story was for views. I think we all agree that you try to connect and share with us. It means a lot that you think enough of us to share. Thank you! I'm super sorry for your loss 🥺 *grabs her cat and cuddles*
@kerryn6714 4 жыл бұрын
I cuddled my dog while watching this & she gave me one of those WTF looks 😊 I’m sorry to hear about your mum, I lost mine 2 yrs ago. Between pets & parents, it’s horrible to lose those you truly love ✌️🇦🇺🐶
@louisgrillo9218 4 жыл бұрын
Joe, The loss of a beloved pet is devastating. No need to say "it was just a cat". Pets are creatures that relate to us on a soleful level. Perhaps the hardest thing for me is that I can't explain to my pet that he has a medical issue and I understand that he is in pain and I am going to try everything I can to help him. And, of course, that he is a treasured part of this family who is loved dearly. When that aweful time comes to make the decision, I call a mobil veterinarian that comes to my home. That way, he can be sitting in my lap with his loving family surrounding and comforting him as he slips into sleep and crosses that rainbow bridge. It's always so hard when that time comes, but keep in mind that you gave him a great life and you were a great cat-daddy to him. In the end, that is what counts. Thank you for sharing.
@homer9k655 4 жыл бұрын
I used to know a retired block layer, just a massive guy. Probably 6' 3" with grey hair and a walrus mustache. I told him one day that I had put my husky down a couple days earlier and was still really bummed about it. He asked me one thing "Did you cry?" and I nodded. He said "Good, anyone who can't cry when he has to put his dog down never should have had it in the first place." That really made me feel better and has stuck with me ever since. I've since had to put other pets down over the years and what he said always comes to mind. Sorry for your loss.
@TristanSchaaf 4 жыл бұрын
My condolences, I have 3 birds. Every now and then I get scared something might happen to them. I love those feathery shitstains
@diyeana 4 жыл бұрын
I have birds too. 💚💙💛
@cannibalbananas 4 жыл бұрын
Me too. Especially since I've lost a few. They might be noisy & messy, but I love their little faces
@vinsullivan1733 4 жыл бұрын
Awwww, Joe. I understand. I’ve been with three dogs who told me it was time to go. They were hurting. It’s such a hard thing to do. And yes, it hurt me more to lose my beloved fur babies than it did to lose my father, whom I hadn’t seen on any kind of a regular basis since I was ten years old. They come into your life and fill spots you didn’t even know were empty. When they die, the spots become huge, gaping holes. Do your grieving. Take the time you need. Bless you.
@mollyscrivens611 3 жыл бұрын
bless you and your story
@bbeaumont5 4 жыл бұрын
My cat, Scruff, lived a healthy 22 years. I was forced to put him down about a decade ago when I was in my late 20s. Had to split the cost of care across 3 credit cards... but I didn't care. For a long time I'd find myself thinking that he'd be home when I got there. In truth, it still happens from time to time. Rarely these days, but... still. Thanks for the open and honest video, Joe.
@winstonbolen6090 4 жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry, Joe. It sounds like your "pets' are family, just as mine are. Thank you for sharing your loss. A few weeks back, one of my dogs just fell over dead, with no warning. It's broken our hearts, especially my wife's. They've been joined at the hip for years. Every time a fur baby leaves, it hurts so bad. But I keep taking them in and giving them a life full of love and try to make sure they feel the love they give me.
@jurisdrgirlfriend 4 жыл бұрын
I am so sorry about Falco and the tough decision you had to make. It sounds like you took every step you could to help him turn the ship around. I just lost my 13 year-old beagle Jake a month ago, and it is still just a raw, empty space for me. He was my constant, and I still hear him snuffling at the base of a closed door like he used to do when he was trying to find me in the house, but the fact is - he just isn't there anymore. I am hoping more time will make things better. All of my best to you, mister.
@i_love_rescue_animals 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing the photos - he was a really handsome house panther! Sorry again for your loss. Glad (well, sort of - it's painful) you had a good cry over it. 💔
@jamiewomack 4 жыл бұрын
I'm afraid that I'm going to be going through this soon. I've had a lot of cats and have grieved for them all, but my tuxedo, Ivan, has been pretty special. Instead of finding a kitten and picking it up at 8 weeks, Ivan was a foundling. He was born in an abandoned car in my neighborhood, and we discovered him after the remnants of Hurricane Ivan came through Cleveland, GA (370 miles inland from the Gulf). His eyes weren't open yet, he was cold and wet, and probably wouldn't have lived another hour. I took him home and cleaned him up, got him warm and fed. With all the noise he made, every other cat in the neighborhood was in the yard to check it out, but I never found the mama cat. He's been a great cat, a good friend and companion for 15½ years. Recently, he's been far less graceful than I'm used to and I figured out that he couldn't see very well. And over the past couple of weeks, he's gone completely blind. He's not a happy cat now, and it really upsets me that he's having so much trouble navigating the house. And for the past day or two, I can't get him to eat. Not food, not treats... He'll drink water, but I can't get him to eat. He's lost weight, never having been more than 6lbs in the first place. I'm not sure what to do yet, but since I'm unemployed at the moment, I'll be here for him all day every day.
@sujimtangerines 4 жыл бұрын
I never considered myself a "pet person" and then my family decided to foster a dog that belonged to a vet friend that went into rehab, and later killed himself. Monkey is already 13, and I don't think I could ever get another dog after she passes... She's become a part of my family. So sorry for your loss.
@diyeana 4 жыл бұрын
I firmly believe that every loss, every stress, every challenge is precious and we shouldn't dismiss them too casually by saying others have gone through more. Whereas it may be true and it's good to put life into perspective sometimes, you lost a family member. Thank you for sharing this with us. He was a lucky cat to have you and you were his lucky hooman. 🖤❤
@jimthompson4132 4 жыл бұрын
I've had pets die, when you love them, it really hurts, they're a part of you.
@bobleece4152 4 жыл бұрын
Joe, And everyone here who lost a pet so sorry for you loses. I've had a couple lately two. It hurts the longing to be with them again is like having your heart ripped out. But years later I remember the good times and fond memories.
@jeffreypicard6022 4 жыл бұрын
Aww Joe, I'm sorry man. We just went through this a several weeks ago. Our beautiful Maine Coon, Lana, seemed just fine on Christmas and then stopped eating and drinking a few weeks later. We thought it was a bad tooth and the vet agreed. A blood test proved otherwise. I cried myself to sleep for a week after (your video got me going again). Lana would greet me every night when I came to bed late and would sleep under the covers tucked into my side. We decided to adopt another cat very soon after and she is now doing her best to fill the shoes of the best cat that ever lived.
@anonymoususer855 4 жыл бұрын
So sorry for your loss. We've had to put our dog down a year and a half ago, so we know your pain. We still miss her and the emptiness hurts as if it was yesterday. Death is so scary and the finality of it is so devastating. I definitely have a very hard time accepting death and definitely not a good relationship with the thought of death, and that's something I'll have to work on for the years to come.
@first_maestro 4 жыл бұрын
Opened my eyes. Going to give my cat even more attention, taking her for granted way to much. Grew up with cats, 2died of kidney disease, 2 got hit by a car, 2 died of cat aids. The one we have now we adopted from a park (she was a homeless kitten). She destroys our furniture and pies on my shoes. But I will love her more now because the time is limited.
@Katatawnic 4 жыл бұрын
It's been over 4 months since my 13 yr. old dog died, and I'm still grieving. I can finally talk about her without breaking down in tears, but it still hurts like hell, and I still half expect her to excitedly poke at me with her nose when I awaken each morning. Pets teach us about love, then they teach us about loss.
@toddbeeman5933 4 жыл бұрын
Losing a pet can be indescribably painful, Joe. I'm sorry you're forced to go through that experience right now. Some pets truly become a family member and we're capable of loving them so much. If we knew each other, I'd say to call me anytime you feel like talking or you need to get away.. but I don't, so I'll tell you to reach out to your friends and family, let them be there for you, and try to stay busy so you're not alone and dwelling on the hurt. Peace & love from Missouri -Todd
@twm4259 4 жыл бұрын
We have rescued several older dogs over the years and so we have experienced lots of loss. What always occurs to me during the end of life process is that everyone and everything dies. It isn't a matter of if but of when. The important thing is that your pet while in your care was always fed, warm, safe, and loved -- to the very end. That is all that any of us can hope for. Bless you for caring and wanting the best for your pet.
@lossofwill 4 жыл бұрын
I'm really sorry for your loss. I'm a cat lover and I can fully understand. My family and I will be devastated when she has her time 😢
@paullamela 4 жыл бұрын
Joe I had to put my cat down that I had 17 years. He was part of the family. I totally understand the space you are in. It hurts. My heart goes out to you.
@LeksurAckus 4 жыл бұрын
Know exactly how ya feel, Joe. We just had to put one of our cats to rest yesterday for exactly the same reason as what happened to Falco. It wasn't easy to see her waste away, but ultimately the decision was the best one for her. No matter how you look at it, it still sucks.
@seanjones1346 4 жыл бұрын
My mother had to put her dog down a year ago. He is still missed by the whole family.
@ASIceman 4 жыл бұрын
I am so sorry for your loss Joe. I know the feeling and it’s really though. I still tear up when thinking about my old cat I lost two years ago. Thankfully the good memories lives on.
@somethingelse4878 4 жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry Joe, thank you for talking about this I lost my Lassie, my best friend. She was hurried with a brass plaque. Also a big thank you for helping he recover from a heart bypass. Hi from Britain
@TheBorderRyker 4 жыл бұрын
I’m so sorry for your loss Joe. They may have fur or feathers or a different number of legs but they’re still family. Best wishes from Scotland. Namaste 🙏🏻
@ReinerSchwarz 4 жыл бұрын
Dear Joe, my sincerest and deeply heartfelt condolences for your loss. I have two toms myself and just the very thought of some time having to put them down fills my heart with horror. They helped me through many a hard time have become a staple of my life. I will cuddle and treat them today in honor of Falco. Wish you all the best and hope your heart will heal soon!
@kbklt1 4 жыл бұрын
It's amazing how those little paw can get so deep into your heart and leave such a vast hole when they go. But they do leave a print that will be joyous to remember later.
@judilynn9569 4 жыл бұрын
I want to repeat..animals are spirits in a different vessel. We connect with them like any other spirits. When we're forced to part, it hurts the same. I still cry sometimes over my deceased cats. They were each individually special. And I lost my mom in 2018. I sob over that when Im alone as well. I miss them all. You needn't apologize or minimize your grief. Hold your kitten in your heart forever.
@AJ82778 4 жыл бұрын
Same exact thing happened to my cat, Boogie, back in October. He went from healthy to skeletal in a matter of weeks. Steroids, force feeding, etc. Nothing worked. Had to put him down. We still miss him terribly. Sorry for your loss, man.
@jerry3790 4 жыл бұрын
My condolences. I too recently had to put down one of my cats.
@Gu1tarJohn 4 жыл бұрын
It's SO important to let yourself feel those emotions and let them out. Glad you're doing better.
@cleoclaus69 4 жыл бұрын
I’ve had to put down two cats, and had two cats die in my arms (one who looked like Falco, incidentally). It is never easy, and my heart goes out to you and your family.
@Chaosrunepownage 4 жыл бұрын
There's no such thing as "just a cat." I'm sick with the flu suddenly with no will to do anything but groan and try to fall asleep but being unable to due to body aches but Buddy doesn't care. He knows I feel dreadful and he's been at my side the whole day, purring and snuggling. Having another living being around, sensing your pain and doing their best to help is immense comfort.
@bluewavebluewave1600 4 жыл бұрын
I know exactly how you feel. 5 years ago we lost our 3 cats over a period of 12 months. We said enough is enough. ... A year and a half later we brought two five year old sisters home from the cat rescue.... D'oh :D One of them on my lap as I watched this video. While watching I still got that feeling in the pit of my stomach and the front of my throat that I had back then... Thanks for sharing Joe. Excellent video.
@aislingekelloggdegomez4597 4 жыл бұрын
Oh, no, honey, I’m so, so, sorry to hear that. I know what you are going through. Not only have I had to put down or deal with my cats who have died, but I have gone with my father every time one of their pets - who were as much my pets, too - go down. In fact, I had to deal with that when my parents were on vacation and the woman who was feeding them and staying at their house had one pet die, and she panicked, so I had to take care of it. It’s losing a family member. No less. And no one who has a pet will ever say otherwise. It kills us, takes a small or a large part of our heart away. But you need to remember the joy your pets bring/brought, not the end. You’ll get to the point where it won’t hurt but you’ll never get that piece of your heart back.
@jenpinkerton773 4 жыл бұрын
I'm so very sorry for your loss 😟 I know this was super tough to put out and make. Don't minimize your loss he was your friend not just a pet. But just maybe this was good to talk . Get out of your head ect.. take care of yourself friend.
@andyinmichigan9058 4 жыл бұрын
damn right. you can't work though it if you don't think about it a little bit. I had a bad breakup yeeeeears ago as a young dude, broke my heart. Listened to, and cried to a lot of depressing country music. sounds silly, why would I do that, right? well i did , made me think about a lot of things , where i was right, where i was wrong and all the in between, but once the storm was over, the sun came out and it's good now. life is strange sometimes.
@havetacitblue 4 жыл бұрын
Damn, Joe. I just this past week went through this exactly as you described. It’s been exactly a week ago now. The lack, the void, missing him doing the things he did as I went through my day. It was horrible for several days remembering the last eight years of his companionship. It took several hours today before I realized I must be through the worst of it because I wasn’t thinking about my cat every moment. Thanks, KZbin, for sharing. Not a fan of the insidious algorithm, but this was spot on.
@romandesign26 4 жыл бұрын
My condolences that is hard. Especially when the issue is so hard to figure out and it turns out where you have to make that choice.
@billthomas2598 4 жыл бұрын
There's a reason why we call them our fur kids Joe. They occupy a major part of our soul and when they've gone it leaves a painful space. My heart goes out to you and your wife. Thank you for sharing, it bought back wonderful memories of our dog Max. We had to put him down about a year ago, he had been a part of our family for 18 years. Again all the best Mate.
@Itsgonnabeok1325 4 жыл бұрын
I appreciate your honestly in what you had to do and your feelings during and after. ❤️
@DarioRuellan 4 жыл бұрын
So sorry to hear that Joe. We buried our cat last Saturday ending a very similar situation: very skinny out of the sudden, barely eating, turns out he barely had renal function. We bought special food and for a couple of days kind of was recovering a little, he even called me to play on the garden as he usually did, so I played with him thinking that perhaps that was the last opportunity, and it was, after that, everything gone downhill, fast. So, for the first time I took that decision. My family always got cats, but he was the first cat I called my own, so I was (and I'm still) devastated. This things take time, so you don't need to push yourself Joe, everyone that once had a pet completely understands what is going on on your mind right now. Take care.
@justinaclayburn2248 4 жыл бұрын
When we had to put our cat down a few years ago (lymphoma if I remember correctly) the vet said that cats tend to hide it when they’re sick until it’s very bad. We’d had a dog with the same thing a few years before, but dogs tend to show that they’re sick earlier. I’m sorry for your loss, Joe.
@joyl7842 3 жыл бұрын
The pet taking out its frustration on furniture is something I really recognize. Before I was born my parents had a Scottish Colly. As soon as I was born he started to destroy the furniture. He even found the thread in the carpet at a friend's house, where he was staying the night, and completely destroyed it.
@garethbaus5471 4 жыл бұрын
My cat I have had since I was 5 hasn't been doing the best lately, I wouldn't be surprised if she will be going soon as well. She is a good cat and has lived a long life for a cat. Coincidentally also a black cat that has been losing a lot of weight.
@Ppaintkiller 4 жыл бұрын
Hope you the best.
@MultiBrian75 4 жыл бұрын
I just lost my cat, after having the best cat for 15 years. Went so fast, they should done some tooth work, but found out he had bone cancer in his jaw, and we agreed not to wake him up, but yes, that decision, even if you know it is the right thing and the only thing to do, hurts like hell! I miss him every day, he was so part of the daily rutines, that I miss him in so many small things during the day. He played a lot with my puppy, and he is often looking, searching for him the places he used to greet him.
@sabeaniebaby 4 жыл бұрын
Living in a country where few share my name, it's strange - and very sad - to hear your cat and I sharing said name. My heartfelt condolences.
@drVainMD 4 жыл бұрын
I understand your pain. last July I had to let go of my 7 year old Doberman, who I'd gotten at 8 weeks old. He had cancer and even though I knew I was making the right decision for him, I was still easily the hardest thing I've ever been faced with. He was my confidant, my best friend, and in the worst of times he was my savior--giving me a reason to keep going. Everything you said in this video resonated with me 100%, especially your ending. I'd give just about ANYTHING to have one more day, one more hour even with my buddy! It's going to be a year soon since he crossed that Rainbow Bridge and I still find myself getting tears in my eyes constantly when I look at my bookshelf and see his little teddy bear I gave him when he was little, that he had to have every night to sleep. He was indeed my best friend and part of my family. All this is to say, you aren't alone. You aren't abnormal, it is a HUGE loss and my heart goes out to you! Keep strong brother! Sending you love and light!
@_sawbonz_ 4 жыл бұрын
It's so sad and angering loosing a pet without even knowing what caused it.
@MajorWare 4 жыл бұрын
Been and done that. I had mine for 20 yrs and went into deep depression. I feel your pain. My condolences
@meghanr_2171 4 жыл бұрын
So sorry joe, me and my boyfriend went through a similar thing 2 years ago, we still miss our elderly cat dearly. It's so awful to see them suffer but you did the right thing. ❤❤ you treated him with the love and compassion that he deserved, sorry for your loss joe.
@jaymzx0 4 жыл бұрын
Joe, my sincerest condolences. I'm no stranger to needing to 'make the call'. I needed to let go of my 16 yr old cat and 14 yr old dog a few years ago, about a year apart. They grew up together and they were both awesome. Godspeed to Nermal the cat and Buster the chihuahua. Do keep in mind that by letting them go, it's an act of compassion and love. You're not letting their condition drag out and by putting them to sleep, you're saving them from potentially immense suffering. They feel things, and they know you're upset. That alone is a good reason to spare them the pain. One thing I always think about is while a pet can be a big *part* of your life, to your pet, you are their entire life. You are some omnipotent being and the only thing they know. They know you love them. But they also don't understand pain, and as you mentioned, they don't know when decisions need to be made. They don't understand why, and IMHO that's a good thing. The best thing you can do is be there for them when they cross that bridge so you can both feel that love for the last time as they pass.
@jaggybot9631 4 жыл бұрын
I’m sorry Joe, like most of us have lost pets but he was “your special pet. And really feel for you buddy RIP kitty cat ❤️❤️❤️
@PlanetReynoc 4 жыл бұрын
3 Cats, Panda, Bear, and Skunk. Lost our Mr. Bear this year, this is a cat that slept with his head and my hand, I -- like an idiot would just lay there for 45 minutes so I wouldn't disturb him. Having to make that call is harder than some people can imagine. I delayed watching this TMI because of Mr. Bear-- thank you for sharing.
@chrisgarcia6098 4 жыл бұрын
Damn I'm so sorry joe :( I had to put down 2 of my dogs for for severe health reasons, and my cat died at home. It's a very very tragic event, it hurts losing a pet. It's like using a family
@Sheyz123 4 жыл бұрын
My heart breaks for you and brings tears for you and I as memories of the loss of of our precious little friends are very painful. Peace to you Joe
@garyopt 4 жыл бұрын
Well everyone know I don’t like cats, but I was crying there for a little bit.. a lot actually
@drewnevdecker3182 4 жыл бұрын
Never commented before on a video, but wanted to send my sympathy to you, Mr. Scott. Thank you for sharing the story.
@1894db 4 жыл бұрын
I feel your pain. Euthanizing my dog was soul crushing. We knew she was terminal for a while and honestly we definitely waited too long to do it out of some hope for a miracle. It was a mistake that put her through too much pain, so I think you made the right call not putting off that choice after the writing was on the wall.
@i_love_rescue_animals 4 жыл бұрын
Really sorry to hear, Joe. I've had to put down several of my companion animals over the years (I'm older than you, so more pets) - and it's always hard. I currently have a very elderly kitty who will most likely need to be put to sleep because he is just getting old and very skinny (but he still enjoys his little kitty life). It's too bad you got so many negative comments on possibly rehoming Falco (I did comment on what stuff you could do to help him - and felt really anxious that was perceived as negative). Really glad things did get better with Falco for the last years that you had him. You tried everything you could for him and ultimately made the right decision for him to end his pain. 💔 I really believe it is our last kindness we can do for our companions. 💞
@abigailgrace8160 4 жыл бұрын
I lost my cat a few years ago and we had him most of my life. We take delight in knowing he chose us. He was a shelter cat our neighbors owned but he always came to visit us. When they offered him we took him and it was wonderful. He'd always want to cuddle and when we picked him up he'd put his two front paws around our necks and would nuzzle our faces. Whenever he'd walk into a room he'd chirp like it was a hello. And when my mom would say goodmorning he'd meow in a tone that sounded like that. He was also a social eater and would only eat when we ate. Whenever we'd come home from a week vacation, having given him all the food and water he needed but he'd be skinnier because he preferred to eat with us. He was always a skinny cat and a sickly one too. He had asthma and was regularly wheezing. But he was an active cat. We tried to keep inside and make him a house cat, but he'd always find ways to slip out. Often on our way back from an outing (we'd always make sure it wasn't too long if he was out) we'd see him on our porch, waiting. We'd always find dead birds and mice in our backyard and one time I saw him catch a bird mid flight. After he passed it took a bit of time before birds and other animals would feel comfortable in our backyard. He hated other cats and we had an angry neighbor come to our door saying he had her cat pinned down. Amos (the name of our cat) was the neighborhood bully but he loved us and every human he met. It was when we found blood coming out when he wheezed that we truly worried and we took him to the vet. We found out that he had a heart murmur, an artery was in a donut shape, and one of his lungs collapsed. My mom was angry that the vet neglected to tell us about the lung because we would've put him down then, but instead, which was a nice time, though painful to see such a cat in pain, we waited a week before we put him down. He would sit at our feet and just look at us, almost like he knew he was reaching his end. I wanted to marry that cat, I was young enough to think that I could. It didn't hit me hard at first but took time in buts and spurts of grief. I'd be sad after I thought I saw him in a pile of laundry or I'd expect him to come in and chirp a little greeting. It was when my parents and brother went out on a walk and I was all alone that I finally realized I was alone. Amos was not in some little corner keeping me company, but was purely myself. I cried so hard then but I think in the end that was helpful. I don't miss him as much anymore, I don't expect him to be there and we have another pet I can give my love to. But yeah, I feel your pain.
@Calliopa_22 4 жыл бұрын
Wow, he looked so similar to my cat Blackjack. I’m so sorry Joe. I understand your pain. I’ve had to put down too many beloved pets in my life already. Good on you for putting this video out. Many more people will remember Falco now.
@AndyCallaway 4 жыл бұрын
I know what you mean about imagining you're still seeing your cat around. I've experienced the same thing in the past.
@mrglayden1690 4 жыл бұрын
Sorry to hear the Joe, we've lost quite a few pets in my time, most recently we had to have our dog put down as she had cancer in her throat, never had to make the decision myself thankfully but yeah it hurts to have to say goodbye, just remember that these pets are given a right to die peacefully and painlessly that many humans are not granted
@korishan 4 жыл бұрын
A pet that has been raised for many many years, especially if gotten when a baby, becomes a family member. They are not just something there to occupy time/space, but they become part of our mind and heart. Loosing one is like loosing a family member, or a child even for some. The bond between owner and pet is super strong. I have a husky that is 10 years now. Not looking forward to that time down the road at all. It may be another 10 years, but it may not be. Still a rough road to go down when that happens. Thanks Joe for sharing your thoughts and feelings. I generally listen to your videos while I work on other projects. But this one, oof, I had to stop and pay attention completely. Thanks for the snap back to reality.
@sarasmr4278 4 жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry Joe. Lots of love coming your way. *I heard my husband calling my name or calling for help for a year after he died. It's completely normal. Your brain is filling in the blanks like it always does. I haven't heard him for awhile now. I kind of miss it. Also when those feelings come up put of nowhere and overwhelm you, that's called a grief attack, and it's normal too. 💜 I think it's good to talk about these things more openly so people know what to expect. Death is the one thing we all have in common.
@Historycanon 4 жыл бұрын
Lost my cat last year. Loved that animal more than I've ever loved any human being. It sucks, it hurts, it can't be helped. Only time can heal these wounds. Take care Joe
@JorgeArmandoCazares 4 жыл бұрын
Aw man. This wrecked me. I lost my doggy almost 2 years ago. No need to disqualify as just a cat. In our house pets are people. Your kitty was a people. The grief is real man. Love you Joe. Our hearts are with you.
@coreyaudet8574 4 жыл бұрын
He's not in pain anymore and his spirit is purring at you saying "Thank You" Joe. I'm sure of it. Well , pretty sure. I love cats.
@deeproots3552 4 жыл бұрын
I had to put my mini schnauzer down due to health reasons a little less than a week ago, that dog was my best friend and it was definitely the hardest thing I’ve ever had to go through. The best thing to do is to talk it out, tell the people you surround yourself with because letting it out helps. You made the right choice as hard as it seems.
@kensalter 4 жыл бұрын
I've had to put down my dog...it was so hard. My other dog is now 12 years old... I know what its like. I'm sorry for your loss.
@karnakknowsall 4 жыл бұрын
My heart aches for you Joe. I've had many a pet in my 65 years, and I know you love each one individually. Whether they die of old age, or an accident, or you have them put down, it still hurts the same. But the good news is that we have an enormous capacity to heal, and to love again. Someday soon another little lost kitten will work its way into your heart. Prayers sent your way. John Price
@studiokohl1 4 жыл бұрын
When I lost my first pet I was 72 months pregnant (at least I looked like it) and he got valley fever. Something we have in the southwest that can be a killer. I tried to get him to take his medication but he wouldn't eat. I was on bed rest myself so all i did was baby him. He had seizures and ended up brain dead after a week of vet visits. He was only 7. He was a 21 pound Lhasa apso that was with me 24 hours a day. He went to work with me. That was in 2000. So sorry for your loss. he will be in the house for awhile.
@AGDinCA 4 жыл бұрын
My mom has chronic valley fever now. She moved to AZ about 10 years ago and got sick pretty much right away. For some reason, she has been unable to kick the disease and now, apparently, it's going to be with her for life. It's really horrible!
@ross-carlson 4 жыл бұрын
The hardest loss of my entire life was my golden Jasmine. I've never sobbed so hard and couldn't drive for 2 hours, just sitting in the parking lot with snot and tears pouring down my face. When my 11 year old lab Daisy leaves me it's going to be even harder as while I was close to Jasmine I'm close to Daisy in a way I've never been to any other living creature. We've only been apart less than 96 hours in the 11 years we've been together (I've trained service animals in the past so she literally goes everywhere with me, everywhere). I just adopted a kitten, well he adopted me as he came to my door one night when it was 20 F outside crying for help and now he's mine. Animals have a way of getting into some of us that others just can't understand. I'm 46, have never had kids and never will - the bond I have with Daisy and will with future animals is something I'm both grateful for and terrified of (the heartbreak). It just fucking SUCKS that they live such short lives compared to us. I will miss her beyond belief when she leaves me and enjoy every day I get with her until then. You have my utmost sympathies.
@davidberry8808 4 жыл бұрын
Heart goes out to ya mate , lost mine after 18 years through a seizure ( not pleasant ) .
@rancidbeef582 4 жыл бұрын
I've been there. Several times. It's very hard. My sympathies, Joe.
@ShaunSommer 4 жыл бұрын
I had to put down my dog last year...I miss him everyday.
@firekrave1 4 жыл бұрын
Shaun Sommer same. About literally a year ago.
@ShaunSommer 4 жыл бұрын
@@firekrave1 me it was in June, then about 2 weeks later, my father died...rough year
@kateevans4892 4 жыл бұрын
When my beloved cat died, every time I opened the fridge he wound round my feet, and every morning we heard his greeting "haloo, meorning, food?' outside the bedroom door. It took several weeks before he faded away. This was 6 years ago, I still miss him. B C3 is right - it is what it is.
@dewiz9596 4 жыл бұрын
Cats don’t handle change well. When I had to take on an away from home contract 15 years ago, where I was no longer hone for the most of the day, my cat 10 years started Throwing up all the over the place. . . Etc. . . it was time. . . But as they say. . . freedom starts when the kids leave home and the dog dies. . .
@LukeRanieri 4 жыл бұрын
My sincerest condolences, Joe. From Cankerboy to AWJ, you have touched our lives in a deeply meaningful way, and we grieve with you.
@bonnibel_bubblebuns 4 жыл бұрын
My childhood dog died 3 years ago and I still cry every now and then thinking of her. And it's fine, I love her, what else could I do when I miss her.
@myronv4390 4 жыл бұрын
Man I feel your pain. We have 5 cats and it kills me to think this will happen to us at some point. God be with you.
@MCsCreations 4 жыл бұрын
I'm really sorry, Joe. 😔 Last year 2 of my oldest cats, both females, got sick because of kidney problems... The oldest got better, but the other unfortunately had to be put down as well... 😔 It's not easy... But unfortunately it's part of life. 😔
@kentw.england2305 4 жыл бұрын
I will face this decision someday. From all my friends that have passed through this trauma, don't second-guess yourself. You made the best decisions you could at the time, so don't torture yourself about what else you should have done.
@shannonwold638 4 жыл бұрын
At some point in every pet owner's life, we are forced to do what we have to do to end their suffering. No matter how many times I've had to do this, it never gets any easier. It's the price we pay for a lifetime (theirs) of love. My condolences for your loss.
@dennismiller5725 4 жыл бұрын
I have had 9 dogs in my lifetime and each have been devastaing losses, im old and most of my dogs have had long lives. My current dog is almost 15 and I don't know what I will do when he is gone, I even check his breathing when he's sleeping. Pets if you can call them that are family and losses are difficult. I say all this because your story resonates with me and other long time dog/cat owners.
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