精彩!1,2,3,搞定!简单而明了。有些小 tip 真是太好了!比如说要用不含碘的盐。这要到哪去学呀?在炸油条的菜谱里说是泡打粉含铝要用不含铝的泡打粉,这真还是第一次知道。葱油饼三饼胚一叠再杆平,实在聪明!小高姐大概是学理工的吧?真是个仙女!不过;我想放些烈酒还是有一定道理的。液体内如果含 4% 的酒精的话是一种非常好的自然防腐剂,可以使泡菜久存不坏。
The best container I've used was the ikea korken jar. It's airtight normally but the carbon dioxide created by fermenting can still push the air inside out so there will not be oxygen inside the jar after sometime. No need to open the jar to prevent explosion.