Panhandle Perplexity - Judge Graham CPS Docket

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@ryannegarcia8478 Жыл бұрын
Omg the way Teresa Gutierrez talks makes me wanna scream. Like WHY IS SHE TALKING LIKE THAT. I Literally couldn't watch.
@blaize32 Жыл бұрын
Not related to the video… In 2020 I lost my kids to the state as the result of a crippling drug addiction . The case lasted 2 years. Within 6 months of those 2 years, all of my case plan tasks were completed. My rights were terminated in July of 2022. My case was very messed up- incompetent caseworkers with a special needs child - I watch your videos because they comfort me. Generally CPS does make all the efforts to reintegrate and it’s become therapeutic for me in an odd way. Anyways - my appeal is in progress - and I can’t express how much angst I’ve been having the past couple of weeks and how much your videos have helped me. Thank you.
@dpofahl Жыл бұрын
I have mixed feelings on ABA. We have two autistic kids and have had a couple really really good ABA providers that used other methods to help teach our kids appropriate skills. We insisted on only modifying behaviors that were dangerous and helping them overcome difficulties with interacting in public (mainly daily living skills like ordering food at a restaurant, asking a store employee a question, telling an employee at a deli counter what we wanted, etc). We also had a couple really bad ones that wanted to change “behaviors” that weren’t harming anyone or interfering with life skills. The bad RBTs didn’t last long before we asked for a new one. Ultimately we decided to stop ABA but we’re likely going to have to start it again with our son to help with the behavioral component of his restrictive eating disorder. He has a gtube for nutrition but everyone said he was just a picky eater despite my insisting for 9 years that it was more than him being picky. He’s been in feeding therapy forever and isn’t making much progress so I think ABA is going to co-treat. With that being said, the place where the kids go for therapies is phenomenal and they don’t utilize any of the controversial ABA techniques. They used a mixed method approach and it really helps kids learn to interact appropriately with the world. Even our son’s OT who hates ABA said that the way ABA is approached in this clinic is much different than he’s ever seen. In summary, I guess the way I see behavior modification is that we have to teach our autistic kids how to interact appropriately. We cannot allow them to continue inappropriate interactions because that will set them up for failure in the real world. Not all ABA providers are bad and the good clinics serve an important role in setting individuals with autism up for success.
@-HeyLyd- Жыл бұрын
Yes. ABA therapy changed the life of my sister's son who has autism. Learning the behaviors that help him to interact with others in the world opened up tons of activities and opportunities that were once closed off for him because of his behaviors.
@dpofahl Жыл бұрын
@@-HeyLyd- I’m glad your sister was able to get help for her son. It’s so hard to navigate life with special needs kids especially when there’s so much negatively surrounding ABA. I wish people would look beyond the negative experiences before forming an opinion. I was guilty of that then we were desperate for help for our kids behaviors and decided to try it. Now I kick myself for letting the negativity stop me from seeking help for my kids earlier than I did. I completely understand the negativity because some RBTs are awful but most people don’t write positive reviews. There’s far more that write about negative experiences and I think we all need to take that into consideration when forming an opinion. I really wish someone would create a behavior modification model that’s different than ABA and is more widely accepted so parents don’t delay seeking behavior modification therapy for their children. For some kids, it is absolutely essential to keep them safe and keep them out of jail. The criminal justice system doesn’t always take one’s disabilities into account when charged with a crime. My brother in law is a perfect example. He’s an adult and has had so many charges because of his behavior. It angers me but it is what it is.
@-HeyLyd- Жыл бұрын
@@dpofahl Much respect to you. I see what my sister and her husband go through day after day, year after year to advocate for my nephew and get him the services he needs, and it sounds like you're equally dedicated to staying on top of things. I feel for parents who aren't so well-equipped to make the right decisions and push for the best outcomes for their child. It's clear to me that even the most savvy and motivated parents could easily become overwhelmed or discouraged by that journey. Just by taking the time to post your thoughts here, you may be helping another struggling family. Best wishes to you and yours.
@britg8567 Жыл бұрын
Dani, I second this about ABA. Finding a compassionate ABA provider can be life changing. Masking behaviors should never be the goal. Teaching these sweet kiddos about safety is so important. That is the majority of what my kiddo's sessions are focused on. I certainly didn't just go with the first provider I came across! I had a very meticulous process because of the abusive past (current?) ABA has. I talked to professionals not connected to the providers, interviewed providers, and made a well thought out choice. My child's provider does not teach masking at all. Everyone at his center is so kind, and he is SO excited for every session. He asks every single day to go and was so sad when his hours were cut a little bit. If I sensed even for a second my kiddo was being mistreated even a tiny bit hell would break loose because I am a true mama bear. I am infuriated and absolutely heartbroken that so many have had abusive experiences with ABA providers. I believe them 100%. It's sick to go to school to "help" autistic people just to abuse them. There's a special place in hell for them.
@amarisse Жыл бұрын
As someone trained in ABA I can tell you our guidelines state we should not change behaviors unless they are dangerous or cause distress to the child. If you had someone trying to change behaviors for their own benefits they are going against what we are supposed to do.
@jessicaking8752 Жыл бұрын
Wiggins tone drives me NUTS. The high pitch at the end of every question or statements. To go over her PLAN. 😂
@Godlim17 Жыл бұрын
For me and my family, I'm in the anti-ABA camp. I know not all ABA is the same, but my husband is an adult autistic and it seems to be the "actually autistics" against the "autism moms" when it comes to ABA. We choose to do floortime therapy, speech, OT, and PT. Then at home, we use collaborative proactive solutions by Dr. Greene. It works for us. I would hate to ask neurodivergent people to mask who they truly are. My daughter doesn't need to apologize for being different. It's like asking a child with Down syndrome to get facial surgery so they look "normal" but are they really? Are you honoring who a person is, when you are asking them to be someone they are not? Even in situations where a child is higher needs, you're not going to ever have a neurotypical child so why are you trying to have them be that way? Traditional ABA is based on shocking autistic children and it is used as evidence for its legality of it in Massachusetts. I am not okay with being associated with any of those things. My child won't be a part of it. I have also meant a lot of people who have PTSD from being put in it. So, we're a no.
@-HeyLyd- Жыл бұрын
Omg, the CPS lawyer with the up-talking. Ugh.
@Annie1962 Жыл бұрын
she needs to watch herself and note it.
@orapronobis2149 Жыл бұрын
Judge Graham is awesome in these cases. No hesitations when the parents are not meeting the required task and shuts it down with extensions when the parents seem to think they continue their drug use or not complying is going to fly with excuses.
@Annie1962 Жыл бұрын
Wow Michele is looking after the dad financially, telling him what to say.. wow.
@bytchesagainstbullshyt3696 Жыл бұрын
These parents have zero interest or intentions of getting their kids back, they think Grandma and Pops will get them and life will go on and they will have more kids and the cycle continues
@TheCEM421 Жыл бұрын
Respect to Miss Marshall for her honesty, (that her drug screen would be dirty) her attorney looked like she might not of agreed lol but I thought it was refreshing/admirable!!!
@stunzeed3066 Жыл бұрын
I agree and Savannah kingcade smiling and smirking when she said it was disgusting
@liveformybabies1190 Жыл бұрын
Wait, we have kids being given back to mom? Wow. Don't see that often enough
@Finallyretired2022 Жыл бұрын
Judge are you allowing a witness to drive while testifying ?! Bad precedence to get started. Anyone else irritated by the CPSLawyer ? (Dark hair, thin)
@LaZeeWitch Жыл бұрын
Ms Gutirrez sounds likes she's in the Miss Texas Pagent, I wonder if she's secretly a cobra in the courtroom and just suddenly gets all fiesty ala Ms Bonnie when the case calls for it
@dpofahl Жыл бұрын
Yes!!!! I couldn’t pinpoint her manner of expression but pageant describes it perfectly. I agree that she’s probably a cobra in the courtroom.
@rockylenon3301 Жыл бұрын
I can’t stand the way she talks. It’s so annoying. I’m so glad I’m not the judge because he has to put up with her every hearing. So annoying. You described it perfectly as padgent vibes. Or even sounds like she is talking to a kindergarten class.
@-HeyLyd- Жыл бұрын
​@@rockylenon3301 Lord, yes. Those who have to listen to that sing-song up-talking for case after case must brace themselves before each docket. I came so close to stopping the video because it was becoming too much. Why do people up-talk?? Can't they hear that others don't talk that way? ;)
@Rebellious_Flower Жыл бұрын
It is so hard to listen to her!!!
@to_tell_the_truth3618 Жыл бұрын
No she isn’t. Same in person. 😂
@kerryadams9100 Жыл бұрын
It is illegal to drive and be on your cell phone, so how can someone be on zoom while driving? Depending on who the judge is some are more lenient than others. It is just sad how many children suffer at the hands of their parents.
@-HeyLyd- Жыл бұрын
Cell phone laws vary by state, some allow hands-free use while driving. Not that it's appropriate for court, though.
@kerryadams9100 Жыл бұрын
@@-HeyLyd- I live in Wisconsin and in 2020 they passed a law making it illegal to use a cell phones while driving except to call for emergency assistance. They face a fine and costs totaling $162.70 for the first offense
@-HeyLyd- Жыл бұрын
@@kerryadams9100 I recently lived in MD, and the use of cell phones hands-free while driving is permitted. Thus, my comment about different states having different laws.
@rachelpauley6843 Жыл бұрын
How do people expect to get their children back if they’re using drugs? It’s not going to happen. Get help. Get on suboxone and pass your drug screens. Or just give your children up now. And I say that as a recovering addict of seven years, with over a decade of drug use prior to my clean time.
@ashleydesiree4974 Жыл бұрын
AA & NA are not “out patient” treatments.
@mrjones2721 Жыл бұрын
What do you mean? “Outpatient” means the patient isn’t staying at a medical facility. Most AA and NA meetings are outpatient.
@OnTropolis Жыл бұрын
They're definitely part of an outpatient treatment plan along with substance abuse education and counseling
@ldegraaf Жыл бұрын
​@@mrjones2721 AA & NA are considered peer support and while they are helpful for a lot of people they aren't a replacement for actual outpatient treatment. AA & NA groups aren't always led by a licensed therapist. They are meant to be a place for everyone to talk about their struggles and get help from their peers. In AA & NA you aren't drug screened, no one can prescribe medications and you aren't followed by the same group of people. In outpatient/inpatient treatment individuals are assessed by licensed professionals that have the ability to tailor the therapy and classes that each person needs. They are then followed by the same program and are given drug tests and possibly meds for the withdrawal symptoms.
@mrjones2721 Жыл бұрын
@@ldegraaf That’s fair. Thanks for the explanation.
@orapronobis2149 Жыл бұрын
Love this Judge on the 1st case. Drop the mike here!
@heathermariesmith5267 Жыл бұрын
Shame on gma my mom would have given me the boot and rightfully so.
@savage_optimist Жыл бұрын
These parents don't care
@kcarmymomxs2551 Жыл бұрын
IMO if they didn’t care they wouldn’t be in court because we have all seen them not show up for court :/ Dad isn’t doing a very good job at this point tho
@kristenshafer2262 Жыл бұрын
Still on first case..both parents are fine with family adoption? Neither of them thought to say they want to keep their own children?
@galacticunicorn6319 8 ай бұрын
Anyone else think Erin Mulanax looks like Tina fey?
@kcarmymomxs2551 Жыл бұрын
Kills me how HIPA goes out the window in live court online lol to Hell with privacy
@dpofahl Жыл бұрын
HIPAA only applies to healthcare providers but in court PHI is often important information that’s necessary to make decisions, especially for children. They’re pretty good about keeping things as vague as possible online but you also have to remember that our courtrooms are open to the public. In an actual courtroom, the same information is shared but in more detail
@corinnem Жыл бұрын
Sounds like you don’t know what HIPAA is.
@MIurbex Жыл бұрын
not what hipa means
@mrjones2721 Жыл бұрын
That’s not covered by HIPAA, but I know what you mean. Cases involving kids shouldn’t be online. Putting these cases out for anyone to record and repost as entertainment isn’t doing anything to forward the public interest. And unlike adult defendants in criminal cases, the kids did nothing to get in this position.
@bytchesagainstbullshyt3696 Жыл бұрын
I'm commenting again 😂 I was all judgy with Drug use Mom and then I remembered to practice what I preach and I always say until you take accountability change can't begin and she definitely took accountability, so props to her 🎉
@Whats2c Жыл бұрын
Why the heck is Gutierrez talking like that ??? Annoying much
@Annie1962 Жыл бұрын
don't know but she needs to listen to herself. Condescending and annoying voice
@liveformybabies1190 Жыл бұрын
Why meds? How about therapy? Kids don't need to be medicated for behavioral issues
@lisanoonan2947 Жыл бұрын
I wanna go on a cruise can I go into CPS care??
@bethmackins2433 Жыл бұрын
Well that’s an ignorant comment! You can’t choose your foster parents and you’d have to get lucky if your foster parents go on holidays. Im not entirely sure but it sounds like the child has been split from not just their parents but their siblings also, doesn’t really sound like bliss to me.
@lisanoonan2947 Жыл бұрын
@beth mackins OMFG get over yourself it was a JOKE. Meaning wish I could go .. I think its fantastic fostercare can afford it! So considered yourself PUT IN YOUR PLACE!!!
@bethmackins2433 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely not you fucking maniac. Calm the fuck down
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