Parents Refused to Pay Daughter's College Tuition but Fund Nephew's Education Instead, Later...

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4 ай бұрын

Parents Refused to Pay Daughter's College Tuition but Fund Nephew's Education Instead, Later Grandparents Cut Them Off From Inheritance Cause of Me.
#redditrelationship #redditupdate

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@Destructor45098 4 ай бұрын
I think the parents wanted a boy instead of a girl
@MinkxiTes 4 ай бұрын
Most likely, yes.
@smokinggnu6584 4 ай бұрын
Yup, had exactly the same thought. The weird emotional distance that basically limited their interaction with her to dinnetime small talk and the normal expected childhood financial assistance, then turning around on a dime to happily support the nephew when a bit of trouble started brewing in that regard. The way OP phrases the whole thing has bits that make her side seem a bit selfish and entitled, tbh, but i'm thining that's probably a product of how she's been 'brought up', if that's even the word for what's been described here.
@laquietagray9323 4 ай бұрын
I think you hit the nail on the head. Why aren't the parents mad at the dad he is the reason she's a girl.
@CainEverest 4 ай бұрын
​@smokinggnu6584 as soon as I heard about OP's father and uncle's "brotherhood," I suspected that that's the reason why OP's parents did this to her
@ThickestSkull03 4 ай бұрын
I agree
@cheryljones8875 4 ай бұрын
I understand wanting to help the cousin but you don’t forget your own kid and not pay for their college. Just excuses to me. OP has the right to be upset.
@MinkxiTes 4 ай бұрын
They probably help the cousin because he is a boy and the parents had a daughter, op.
@mannydcbianco 4 ай бұрын
Given how downright emotionally abusive and neglectful they've been to OP her whole life, while obviously still being capable of being loving to their nephew, I can't help to think there's more to this than meets the eye. OP might not even be both her parents' bio child. Maybe she is the result of cheating or something, and even though they decided to keep her they ended up despising her because of it because she's a constant reminder of the infidelity.
@lillia2479 4 ай бұрын
​@@mannydcbiancoI was thinking along the lines that maybe the cousin was their real child that they let get adopted into the uncle's family. 😂
@justisolated5621 4 ай бұрын
Literally the immigration crisis
@femboy__bunny 4 ай бұрын
@@justisolated5621 what the f*ck does this have to do with anything?
@DarkEinherjar 4 ай бұрын
The fact that the parents asked the cousin to block OP so she wouldn't find out about the funding shows just how wrong they knew they were and how vile they were. NTA. The parents' words after being disowned are just excuses, gaslighting and blame-shifting from two pieces of human filth who are salty about being forced to face the consequences of their actions.
@taminostam9912 4 ай бұрын
i agree with this. they fucked OP over with no semblance of an apology.
@SonicPrimus 3 ай бұрын
@Nolbolt 4 ай бұрын
The cousin was bluffing he's a spoiled brat he ain't gonna run away, so it's either op's parents are stupid, or they really just hate their own kid
@Iris_too 4 ай бұрын
I think it's probably gender issue. OP's parents must've wanted a boy but couldn't afford to have another kid for the sake of their career so they settled for OP and didn't had another kid. They had a nephew, so they probably decided to shower him with their money instead of OP.
@polarbear2080 4 ай бұрын
I think it both with possible maybe explanation of them plus the brother being misogynistic idiots due favoring the male cousin over OP being female, but even if remove the misogyny reason - That was straight up stupid & hateful of the 2 parents for how they treated OP all her life and purposely told her not seek help from grandparents because they both knew they the grandparents would definitely help her if she asked. And the text they send to OP after she spoke to the grandparents and the grandparents effective so done with their 2 sons over what happened that they left entire inheritance to OP, pretty much guarantee there will be no reconciliation like ever.
@Nolbolt 4 ай бұрын
@@polarbear2080 I didn't even think of misogyny good point
@Afghanisstan 4 ай бұрын
@l-l-l-l-l-l-l 4 ай бұрын
He is an art major student. This is just him performing the art of deception and manipulation.
@emily.letsendbslintheuk554 4 ай бұрын
If OPs dad had connections in a bank then why didn't he put the cousin in touch with them and instead pay for OPs college? The parents sound like AHs who don't deserve to be called parents. Wishing OP all the luck and regarding her grandparents it sounds like they were looking for a excuse to cut the others out of the will and to give it all to OP so she shouldn't worry about what they are doing
@jetkirby 4 ай бұрын
OP has the better credit score with her 2 well off parents which is also why she could fair better to pay off student loans, even with OP's parents vouching for cousin with banker friend can't just ignore the cousin coming from a broken family and give them low interest loan and would not be able to pay for that bank loan or student loans, credit score is super important when it comes to loans and the parents probably figured their family including their daughter could easily sustain low interest rates from having good credit score but the cousin would be buried with high interest rates and bring the whole family down that's why the parents decided to pay for that education out of pocket which comes at 0% interest
@petharaguruge2023 4 ай бұрын
@@jetkirby Thing is that they never told this to OP the first time, they hid the fact that they were helping her cousin at all. From what I understand from the post, the dad only brought up the banker friend as a method of reconciliation and meaning that it was not actually apart of the original plan. They were in fact just going to leave OP hanging, providing no support, leaving her to figure stuff out on her own. They were never once ever upfront with her about anything.
@jetkirby 4 ай бұрын
@@petharaguruge2023 the parents are definitely at fault for not discussing their thoughts and ideas and plans with their daughter, I don't believe they were just going to leave her hanging though they just thought they could orchestrate her life without involving her, part of that orchestration was saddling her with the burden they thought she could handle without asking her
@petharaguruge2023 4 ай бұрын
@@jetkirby I hope your right, I just can’t understand what was going on in OP’s parents’s head? Like why did they think this was a good idea. My own parents were always upfront with what kind of support they could provide with my college education, 2 years in advance before my graduation, so we could come up with a plan together. Their plan just seems utterly bizarre to me.
@emily.letsendbslintheuk554 4 ай бұрын
@@jetkirby either way they still prioritized OPs cousin over her, they didn't tell OP to pick a cheaper college they let him go to the expensive collage of his choice while telling OP she needed to go to a cheaper college who doesn't have the reputation of her chosen college. In all honesty this post seems like they didn't want to help OP cos she was female and things would of been different if she was a son instead of a daughter (much more common than people assume). They are more than happy to make OP get into debt before she has even started her career yet can't see the cousin in debt, still think they are piss poor parents and that what the grandparents did was right.
@kitsune4058 4 ай бұрын
The fact that they tried to hide their actions tells you that they absolutely KNEW what they were doing was fucked up and inconsiderate. Imagine prioritizing your nephew over your own child after years of emotionally neglecting them and then thinking you can make amends by giving them the short end of the stick.
@cww2490 4 ай бұрын
She probably got hate as it sounds like rich people problems, but it's very childish and shows a lack of comprehension of the replies to think just because you had money its fine if your parents never loved you. And OPs situation her parents money was the only source of support or interest from her parents, so of course she's hurt that her very well off parents didn't pay for her education or help her in any way. They chose work over being parents and denied their only daughter the one thing good about choosing work over home, money, to help their nephew/uncle who could have easily gotten help from the grandparents. And it really shows a lack of care and foresight these workaholics didn't even set up a college fund in the 18 years they had. Where is all their money anyways? Were they partying it away when leaving OP alone? Anyone saying she needs to learn the value of money you may be right, but that's the parents responsibility and this isn't the time or place for it. If they were never going to pay for it they should have told her when she was a freshman in HS so she could work or get a scholarship. Last minute after encouraging her to apply to expensive schools is far too late.
@mannydcbianco 4 ай бұрын
It's weird how so many people on reddit can't seem to grasp that children who are financially well off can still be abused and neglected by their parents, and that the parents' money won't make up for the abuse. Children need caring parents who love them more than they need their money. There's so much jealousy on reddit against those who are well off that they seem to think that it's ok if a child of rich parents is emotionally abused and neglected. And then to top it off in the end it turns out that OP couldn't even count on them for the one thing they were providing, and had promised: her college education. Of course she's right to be hurt and lash out at them. They're nasty people and even worse parents.
@gemmobian454 4 ай бұрын
@dogguy8603 Ай бұрын
I still believe that the parents were shit parents but the fact remains that she is extremely privileged and lucky to not only get into an exclusive school but also have it completely paid for, hell just getting tuition for a local state school completely paid for by the parents shows how incredibly lucky she is in life. Not trying to excuse her parents but the way she worded things erks people who had to scrimp, save, sacrifice, and fight to get a college education. Or thoes of us that had to work and go to a community college because we couldn't afford to attend a 4 year university. OP has a headstart over the vast majority of people. Thats not a bad thing, but she dosent seem to realize this
@BaeBunni 4 ай бұрын
Why do I get the feeling that when Op actually becomes a micro biologist and gets way more money then the parents uncle and cousin make combined they are gonna come crawling back demanding Op pay them.
@troublesomegirl007 4 ай бұрын
We're gonna be impatiently waiting for that story 😂😂😂
@artemisia457 4 ай бұрын
100% parents wanted a son but had a daughter instead. this is why they iced her out the entire childhood but were ready to drop everything for the cousin instead
@lordfury18 4 ай бұрын
calling it now, OP's dad is gonna have a hissy fit when he finds out he's not the one to walk OP down the asile in her possible future wedding, "what do you mean grandpa is walking you?!?! i'm your father do as i say, ME ME ME ME ME ME"
@DarkEinherjar 4 ай бұрын
The parents' actions also strongly suggest that they resent OP for being born a girl, that they always wanted a son instead of a daughter, and their nephew became the son they wished they'd had. This reminded me of another story in this channel where OP's wife cheated on him and his mother took the cheating wife's side because she was the daughter the mother always wanted.
@CatCatCaat 4 ай бұрын
Exactly what I was thinking
@HauntedGalMars 4 ай бұрын
The parents refused to tell her why they weren't going to pay for her college when they told her they wouldn't pay. They just said "they'd no broke." So them telling her she should have talked to them first before going to her grandparents is bs... because she literally did and they mentioned nothing about the cousin until they were cut off
@DrFunkman 4 ай бұрын
Reminds me of that one story where the dad paid for his nephew’s college but not OP and it later came out in updates that the reason was because the dad cheated and the nephew was secretly his kid and it ended up tearing the family apart
@CainEverest 4 ай бұрын
That one seriously had me going "what?!"
@M1ch43l33 4 ай бұрын
If the dad is too proud to take money from his parents then why does he care if hes cut from their will?
@LoretaGalvonaite-nf7xb 4 ай бұрын
My best guess is he wants a bragging rights of being a self made man but at the same time he doesnt't want to loose cushiness of big fat inheritance in not too distant future.
@Killahbee168 4 ай бұрын
Stories like this really pisses me off I hate when parents trying to play parents to other people's kids instead of Their Own like where is the logic in that
@mannydcbianco 4 ай бұрын
Yup. This is why I can't help but to think that maybe OP is the result of an affair and her parents both ended up despising her for it, because she is a constant reminder of the cheating. The parents are obviously both capable of loving and being generous and caring, as proven by their treatment of their nephew, so it's not like they're just emotionally cold and dead people incapable of kindness. They just chose to never extend that love and kindness to OP. Why?
@passionforMed4 Ай бұрын
my father prefers his nephews over his daughters too, cozz according to him sons are real genetic carrier of the family
@jadalaheartss 4 ай бұрын
I hope there's someone in this girls life that'll tell her she's not being spoiled or greedy for wanting love and attention from her parents and that what they did was neglect which is a form of abuse. The way its written it feels like the abuse has become so normalized that she doesn't even recognize it
@Devinedkenny 4 ай бұрын
I just don't get parents like this. Parents that does favoritism and choose other people's kids deserves jail time!!
@personwithaquestion1800 4 ай бұрын
Yeah just wait until the kids wise up and start asking them if the cousin is their real child instead of them? And why not adopt them instead of him/her? Lol
@AVDB95 4 ай бұрын
The fact that OP said she didn't even her cousin on FB because they werent close sugest that there paren'ts probably also weren't close to him either. So it sounds like they just did it to come across as the good guys considering the cousin made a post praising them for it on FB.
@xegin1572 4 ай бұрын
My guess is, OP's parent wanted a boy. That'd explain both why they neglected OP and why they imediately took the first chance they got to help to cousin as the son they never had.
@pastelbee8125 4 ай бұрын
No seriously what did people expect when she said she only sees her parents as a source of money, I would too if they treated me like that for 17 years
@xegin1572 4 ай бұрын
Yeah how dare she expect from the people whose only way ever to show they cared about her was taking care of her financial need to take care of one of the most important financial need of her life ?
@lemonjennie 4 ай бұрын
As a person who lives in a country with free education, the loans that I hear from people in the US are insane to me. Like at what age will you be able to live free from those debts? Is it a forever thing? NTA, they're insane.
@dimsufferer9951 4 ай бұрын
Most of the time people aren’t able to pay back the loans for *years* afterwards if not decades
@theguardianofthevoid 4 ай бұрын
I feel sorry that OP feels like she's wrong and q brat for wanting to be loved and not neglected by her parents. Neglect is a type of abuse and can really damage a child :(
@buttpiratesbuttpirate5913 4 ай бұрын
Parents can pound sand. OP live your life, get your education, and be happy.
@arthaiser 4 ай бұрын
i feel like she did good by skipping the "talk to parents" step after finding up and going straight to the grandparents step. at that point, the parents had already showed their entire hand really. they werent going to pay and they were hiding the reason behind it, had she confronted them about it first they would have simply had more time to do damage control. and probably get their way in the end.
@kcnichols8968 4 ай бұрын
Yeah, why should she have talked to her parents about it when she found out they didn't bother talking to her to explain it in the first place. Going to Grandparents was 100% the correct call.
@chung2055 4 ай бұрын
I’m happy that Op had found out the truth before it was too late.
@Jerseybytes2 Ай бұрын
I hope that op changes her mind about one day share whatever money her grandparents leave her with her father and uncle. Inheritance is not a right, it's a privilege, and she needs to remember that the grandparents have that choice and chose not to so she's doing is respecting their wishes and keep the money. or depending on how much maybe she can start a scholarship in her grandparents name with part of that money, or donate to a cause they believe in.
@seven1544 4 ай бұрын
Sorry, not sorry, but if you have the means to support your child and choose not to, you're a bad parent. Also, if you're calling op an entitled brat for her being upset about being cast aside by her own parents, you need to look beneath the surface.
@AVDB95 4 ай бұрын
This is also how I feel, I think she's actually more hurt about her parents choosing her cousin (who they aren't that close to) over her. Her parents providing her a good education (even initially telling her to pick whatever school she wanted) was the only sign off love she had ever gotten from them and that disapeared just like that. She was willing to repay her parents when they said they need the money for their retirement and was willing to work to help her grandparents pay for her education. So it sounds to me like it wasn't all about the money.
@seven1544 4 ай бұрын
@AVDB95 i agree, but their is also the perspective of her anger at her parents' lack of integrity. They made a huge promise but then broke it and lied to her. It could be that she really just wants what's rightfully hers (which it was rightfully hers, they promised after all) she does reiterate the point that she's over her parents' emotional unavailability and only see them as cash cows.
@polarbear2080 4 ай бұрын
Funny how the father and brother don't want their parents/OP's grandparents' money to resolve stuff BUT have the audacity to be upset in getting cut off from their parents' entire inheritance all because they wouldn't use nor asked said parents / grandparents' to pay for the cousin's college education, while OP basically asked after telling what happened and winded up with everything. Not helping the situation is both OP's parents and grandparents each have respective favorite golden child - too bad for OP's parents that picked the cousin while OP is the golden child of the grandparents. That's some irony and forever going to be screwed karma the OP's parents, the uncle & cousin brought upon themselves regarding the OP and the grandparents.
@AVDB95 4 ай бұрын
Also apparently it's not bad for the cousin to need help from family but OP shouldn't accept help from her grandparents.
@clamiyep7008 4 ай бұрын
Tbh, the first thing I thought is that they wanted a boy. It's so obvious it's almost funny.... They don't deserve to be parents ofc, but if they wanted a boy so badly, they should've adopted one instead of going for the 50/50 and taking it out on the innocent kid ... but I don't wish that kind of parents to anyone tbh, maybe the boy would've been treated better but would probably become a spoiled brat like the cousin, so no kids would've been better. The people on the internet say this constantly, but if you're not ready to take responsibility for the kid beyond the bare minimum, which does not even make you a decent parent btw, without any conditions, then refrain from having children YOU are the one owing your child bc YOU are the who decided to give birth to them, not the other way around
@darkgladiator1014 4 ай бұрын
Life long quote. Every child deserves parents but not all parents deserve a child
@mindob766 4 ай бұрын
"Put him in contact with a good banker" and how the hell is that going to help its still a loan 😂
@Kmosely42 4 ай бұрын
I like how they paid for the tantrum child so he wouldn't run away and that ironically led to her 'running away' Its not just about money. Its important to remember that emotional people ~usually~ don't have the best way of stating things. Its a choice to invest in another child's future over their own daughter AND lie (by omission) to her about it. Actions speak louder than words, and these actions communicate quite clearly that their daughter is worth less than the nephew is. Failure of her own parents by landslide and failure on her uncle as well. As a parent of three, your life ~should~ change after you first child. From the moment I held my first child, I knew my life was worth less than their own, that my ultimate goal was to ensure that I should perish before they do. Whether that means career sacrifices, hobby sacrifices, it doesn't matter.
@theblackrosedaughter 4 ай бұрын
And when Op starts doing well for themselves in life and in their career....the parents will show up to take all the credit...hell they'll probably show up at the graduation.
@alexsantos2526 4 ай бұрын
If OP's parents really wanted her to ''discuss it'' they should have told her the truth in the first place. The fact they lied right in the beginning annuled any arguments they had. So yeah why should OP be the one seeking them for a talk when they as parents and adults weren't able to do the same? it is not like OP lied to the grandparents like they did to her.
@emiliagolden4441 4 ай бұрын
NTA He literally has the same options as you. But your parents told you they couldn't afford it. That's a lie. you've got every right to be upset. As far as the inheritance, it's your grandparents' choice. They've probably needed a choice to justify leaving you everything. A parent knows their own childrens lacking in areas bc we raised them.
@Maninawig 4 ай бұрын
8:00 no, that doesn't sound petty. That sounds like a child's desperate cry for attention.
@nathansteele4358 4 ай бұрын
“I m making this right, I’m paying for none of your college, we should have gotten you a loan from the start!”
@chetlajackson9060 4 ай бұрын
It probably would have been easier for the cousin to get financial aid...his family couldn't afford it. The parents only came back because they wanted their inheritance back. Enjoy college
@JeSsE10mCcOy11 4 ай бұрын
OP's friend is the MVP
@Thaddius0 4 ай бұрын
lol i remember looking into college loans when i was at the end of highschool to find out my parents made too much money for me to qualify for assistance. I told them about it and they just said I should have gotten better grades for a scholarship. My dads version of the bank favor was getting me a construction job instead of school. I will say to their credit, they didnt have any money. It would have broken them at that point in their lives. They were very frugal and into long term investing. Their idea of parental support was to try and leave as much in their wills as possible. A little unconventional these days but I get it.
@CatCatCaat 4 ай бұрын
Just seems like they prefer a son over a daughter
@laynegrey2003 4 ай бұрын
Not a single thing the parents did added up with their perspective. If they were just helping family... why didn't they say that? Why did they go out of their way to hide it from OP, even having the cousin block her so she didn't find out? Nah, that's horse crap, the math ain't mathing.
@heysoniher 4 ай бұрын
Wonder if the situation is the same if she was a son. Sounds like they were disappointed she’s a girl.
@Im_Just_Here248 4 ай бұрын
My parents are both school teachers (dads retired military but used GI bill on his education and my older sisters). They still found a way to pay for my college and my little brothers college and still have enough to retire because both me and my brother promised to pay half of it back and the other half we didn’t have to because we got good grades. Bad parents honestly
@taetannim3581 4 ай бұрын
This absolutely sounds like OP isn't getting the full story; wonder what grandma and grandpa did that the parents would literally set OP's future on fire rather than ask them for help? That kind of bitter stubbornness has to have seriously deep roots and the idea that their kids hated them for starting a successful business is just ludicrous, it has to have been more than "they didn't get as many luxuries for awhile". OP probably shouldn't div for answers, though, nothing she finds would improve her situation and might cost her dearly now.
@eddiemilner5344 4 ай бұрын
NTA. Especially the part about not talking to your parents before running to your grandparents. My mother isn’t an amazing person and I run to my grandmother for help all the time because she is the only person my mother will listen to.
@mehulmalviya5800 4 ай бұрын
I think they are just trying to cover up the shit they did.
@Myconsciousisclear Ай бұрын
Uncle loosing his job and ex wife getting remarried is their own situation not her parents situation. The grandparents that changed their will is their own business not OPs. I also understand how op grew up. My parents were the same. Working but not having an emotional relationship. They were just there to provide me a roof. My sister choose to do life differently and got herself into trouble and they helped her and did more for her financially. Me on the other hand didn’t get anything that she did even though I chose a better life path. I do not hold resentment anymore and still talk to them. They admitted to me they do like me now as an adult but didn’t like me while living with them growing up. It is what it is….. sadly
@notnormalguy106 4 ай бұрын
Dam sure they're misogynistic people.
@freddywestside3763 4 ай бұрын
It's amazing how many of these stories would be solved by the most basic adult conversation. "Your uncle lost his job and we want to help your cousin with college. We want to split the college money we had saved for you and if you want to go to your a school we are going to need to talk about loans to make up a difference."
@katerynakukharicheva2456 4 ай бұрын
Parents at least could have told her the real reason, so she would know what’s going on. The other option might be to take loans for both of them, and then to help both of them with paying half of each. But no, parents preferred do appear as generous in public instead of solve the problem.
@_juju_jojo_ 4 ай бұрын
That's the thing, they knew it was wrong. As much as they were sht parents, they knew deep down that they were making a huge fck up so they tried keeping it on the down low
@allanmathewborja1198 3 ай бұрын
We have a proverb here in our hometown that says "Keep your own household in check before worrying about others". It's sheer hypocrisy to fund your nephew's education while compromising your own daughter's.
@CainEverest 4 ай бұрын
I hope that OP can work in the family business in some capacity and make it soar even higher
@williamk6267 2 ай бұрын
The entitlement of this girl is amazing, I can't believe the comments about this story.
@gregoryk.9815 4 ай бұрын
There was another one on here where it came out that the cousin was actually a half-brother because the one parent had an affair.
@89wolfcub 4 ай бұрын
Op tried discussing going to school with her caregivers several time, in which they could have brought the cousin topic up. Not saying it would be right then, just pointing out their hypocrisy
@slyph63 4 ай бұрын
Dont mind taking the inheritance though. Both boys were spoilt. Tough rocks you lose not only your inheritance and your daughter
@clay5291 4 ай бұрын
Sponsor someone going into art? Smh. Pathetic
@MalintzinTenepal 3 ай бұрын
Their own child end up fleeing away from home while they were so concern trying to avoid someone else's kid to run away. 😂😂 Those parents don't how to address priorities...
@mevan883 4 ай бұрын
NTA, Parents are supposed to put there kids first not there nephews and nieces.
@danielwozniak8411 7 күн бұрын
At the end of the day the parents could have sat her down and explained things to her. They could have also asked the nephew to move closer to home too or ask either to defer for a year.
@13din 4 ай бұрын
They’re throwing all that money away for an art major? Good luck
@icajunwoo 4 ай бұрын
They wanted a boy didn't they
@NessieNice 4 ай бұрын
To people who think calling the parents "source of money" is too harsh, I'm sorry, did that bruise your feelings? Then lets call them "human ATM". What's the difference between iphone and android? One is overpriced. What's the difference between human atm and parents? One got love.
@TheGrandy123 4 ай бұрын
Toxic parents.😢 You are right for leaving
@jelijh1375 2 ай бұрын
The parents have decided that they’re going to give the business to the boy when the time comes, so they have to invest in him.
@kaidrazarc8000 4 ай бұрын
Wow there are some really resentful people in comments "OP is an AH cause how dare she expect what her parents promised & are easily capable of financially providing" Yeah it sucks most people have to take out loans or go to cheaper colleges But you know what also sucks? Not having parents, not having running water, not having child labour laws etc
@dylanhunt4303 2 ай бұрын
Collage fund that was rightfully mine? Wtf is wrong with the op. The entitlement is mind-blowing
@diablo2078 3 ай бұрын
Hell no. Actions have consequences
@bradg8055 4 ай бұрын
look after your kid 1st then worry about everyone else
@vladsrun5662 2 ай бұрын
So it's ok for their daughter get loans but their nephew can't? That's BS.
@lyra6695 4 ай бұрын
Why the cousin didn’t ask the grandparents?
@MrArielK 4 ай бұрын
Why op was so against getting a loan if she was willing to pay parents back?
@cww2490 4 ай бұрын
​​@@MrArielKParents are much better options than banks. If you ever needed a loan and dealt with them you wish your parents had the money and you could borrow from them. No interest and would probably give you time to pay it back. That way you don't have to kill yourself and risk burn out and dropping out.
@MrArielK 4 ай бұрын
@@cww2490 67% of American university students took out loan, it’s hard buts it’s an option contrary to a lot of countries. OP has to option to get a full ride to a university that isn’t her dream or she can get a loan, on top of she being very confident that she can lend a good job. OP wants to have the cake and eat it to
@franciscopaulo2330 4 ай бұрын
@@MrArielK im sorry if im asking a loan on a back not only i pay the loan but also the interest% i guess if i ask my wealthy parents they arent gonna charge me a damn interest for a loan, further more thats the only thing the have given her, in her life and with no talks before they just dropped a bobm a few weeks months before college starts so there wasnt any time to start working and getting enought x:
@lyra6695 4 ай бұрын
@@MrArielK first, she already said that like why wouldn’t they do it when they have a high paying job and she know they can pay for it. Second, she said that she already search ‘what if’ she choose the student loan and will be drowning in debts like others plus she offer for them to pay and then she’ll pay them back later, maybe to avoid the growing interest etc. And to find out that your parents is unwilling to do it for you but do it for your cousin and (probably) make him to block you so you won’t see the post? Geez I don’t know
@dementesf 4 ай бұрын
Stories like this make my parents look a lot less shitty
@GenGamesUniverse Ай бұрын
No, they don't resent the grandparents because they started their own business and not able to get things their "friends got", they wanted the luxury of laughing in people's faces and saying "I got this, it's the brand new model...oh, where's yours? Loser!!!"
@kianna2530 3 ай бұрын
Some people are just so unkind to their children
@verygooddeal4436 4 ай бұрын
Why couldn't the parents just split 50/50?
@nabidisla.5086 4 ай бұрын
you would never catch me doing that to my children
@plsfollow586 4 ай бұрын
HI this is my favorite channellll
@elijahosborn2064 3 ай бұрын
My thoughts on the story started off “yes, asshole.” If the cousins school was the same amount or less, understandable they wanted to take over because they felt bad about their situation. As soon as the education became more, was a less guaranteed major, and only got upset their money was taken from the will, absolutely not the asshole.
@randomboi346 2 ай бұрын
I never understood why people want to go a specific college when there's cheaper ones that teach the same major?
@amangartia8415 3 ай бұрын
I feel like it's fake but if it's Genuinely true then it is Concerning for West
@smorphous8928 Ай бұрын
It isn’t messed up, they care about someone else’s kid more than Op, their actual daughter. If anything Op has a right to be mad because they’re literally choosing their Nephew education over Ops.
@LizardManDaGOAT 4 ай бұрын
Gurl time all the money, and then when you have it flaunt it to your parents and cousins
@Tamara_Middleton 2 ай бұрын
so bratty! If you want a higher education, you pay for it! It's not your parents job to pay for all your education
@joshschave6376 4 ай бұрын
Hold up if op parents didn't have enough money to pay for op tuition how would they have enough to go with legal action against op grandparents?
@dimsufferer9951 4 ай бұрын
Because they were *lying*
@user-ns8th6sj2j 15 күн бұрын
First of all, I have the feeling that the parents are lying Because the way they behaved towards our writers, I don't have the feeling that they are the people who are telling the truth
@catbeara 4 ай бұрын
A couple where I live found out their teenage son is gay and kicked him out of the house a few years ago, so his grandparents took him in. I do wonder how people turn out so different from their parents sometimes.
@haticeozturk6952 3 ай бұрын
The cousin is actually op’s dad’s child I remember this story he had an affair
@legolus 4 ай бұрын
The cousin probably has no talent at drawing in the first place and is going to waste her parents' money.
@DrkSnydr89 2 ай бұрын
Rich people problems. I can't relate. Finding it hard to empathize too
@Brownboywhippin 4 ай бұрын
9:01 as an art major let the cousin run away
@josefbeck4803 4 ай бұрын
My kid first than others. Plus they could just put him on less expensive college so both could go
@madmohawk6560 4 ай бұрын
Those grandparents chose their piece of that blown up family
@kirisaki2622 3 ай бұрын
why can't HE take a college loan, if he is dead set on going into that college of his dream make him take a loan. from what I can see they sponsor him because he is a boy.
@daxshrekford4548 4 ай бұрын
OP’s parents suck, but like… what’s so bad about student debt? Millions of people have to take out student loans because we don’t have any other options. I agree that her parents should’ve covered it, but the way she talks about loans rubs me the wrong way
@SwaggerChiick1 4 ай бұрын
What is the name of this on reddit?
@luluwachedjari3299 4 ай бұрын
After two months?! Once a week at least! People are so neglectful about their grands and family overall in the west
@sierrastanley3109 3 ай бұрын
But the cousins is op's dad's real son
@user-pg5nc4fh8c 4 ай бұрын
Not the ah
@gracelouise3091 4 ай бұрын
4th cus y not
@banespeace9079 4 ай бұрын
Whole family is annoying
@tryingoutlife 2 ай бұрын
The parents suck. But so does OP. Op is very entitled "they have the money and thats how it should be"
@ghaithshafie9970 Ай бұрын
you know this whole thing could work if you actually TALKED with your child and negotiated instead of this cloak and dagger agenst her
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