How Parents React to NO CONTACT

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Patrick Teahan

Patrick Teahan

13 күн бұрын

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@patrickteahanofficial 11 күн бұрын
There are more resources for childhood trauma survivors here. -discount code - NOCONTACT (20% off of 1st two months)
@thesehandsart 11 күн бұрын
If you ever offer scholarships, please send me an application!
@peachesandpoets 11 күн бұрын
You're saving lives bruh. Thank you.
@thesehandsart 11 күн бұрын
@@peachesandpoets so freaking true!
@HomeFromFarAway 6 күн бұрын
@@patrickteahanofficial Can people all please start reporting the abusive comments from people trying to shame and re-traumatise members of this community? These sick individuals are only here because their own victims have gone no contact and they cannot survive without hurting people who fit the same role
@AnonymousSquirrel123 5 күн бұрын
*I went no contact in 1973, and never looked back. Best thin I have ever done for my own mental and physical well being!* *Unfortunately the parents weren't willing to sit down, shut up, and let me decide if I was going to make it permanent: they sent out private detectives, etc., to try and track me down to "correct [my] inconsiderate behaviour". Yes, really. In the end, I had to change my name several times in several different States to muddy the trails, change my Social Security Number (that took a lot of money and a n attorney to accomplish), and ultimately, to move two thousand miles away, followed by a bunch of fake death notices in papers where she was the looking for me. It finally worked, and I hadn't so much as thought of either of them in more than 40 years - until I ran into a family acquaintance in early 2020 or maybe 2021. She confirmed that everyone was convinced I had died decades ago in my fake traffic accident, and that my "mother" had died in the early 2000s. She had no idea where my father was, or if he was alive. I chatted for a few minutes, warned her off of spreading her findings, and said goodbye. That's where it sits today. I have been free for more than 50 years, 30 of them married to a great woman, and 8 of them retired early. Life CAN be good even if you have whackjobs for parents: you just have to get creative.*
@PrplPoppySystem 11 күн бұрын
What a parent that has a child that has gone no contact may not realize is that we (the children who have gone no contact) are mourning. Not only do we mourn the parent that we never had, but we also DO mourn the parent that we DID have. We're not heartless beings who don't care about the person that raised us. We just don't want to get hurt by them anymore, and every interaction with that person is stressful and painful. We have a right to live in peace and they have no right to cause us harm.
@lordfreerealestate8302 11 күн бұрын
Jeannette McCurdy is proof we honestly don't have to care about the parent who raised us, either.
@AlvinKazu 11 күн бұрын
For a long time I always said that "No one in this world can understand the pain in my heart," because my father was my world, the center of my universe, my everything.... ` However, I'm realizing more and more that even though people might not have had the EXACT same life as I did.... So many people lived basically the same life. We were abused in basically the same ways, and we react and feel very similarly to each other. ----------------------------------------------- Throughout my life he caused me levels of pain that no one should ever feel, especially a son towards the father who is supposed to be his "universe...." All `because mom would always say I did something and he would come to her defense in a rage and in an angry way because she would usually interrupt his work while he was busy coding.... Except I would be the one to get the blame, not her. I always would tell myself "If only he knew my side of the story... Things would be different." I(in my mid 30's) realized, a few years ago in my late 20's to early 30's, that if he actually cared... HE would have asked for my side... He never did.. I realized this, after I confronted him and came to him multiple times to tell my story... In the end, he just didn't care, because he said he's "too old to change," and other bs like that, even though he changed politically these last number of years. He would be defensive, or shame me by saying things such as I'm too sensitive, etc etc. Would bring up his own abuse and deflect/diminish my abuse... It was just sad. I realized he's just not a good person, and everything is a lie. I realized that he has makes his own choices, and it's not anyone else but HIS choice that HE did something. See, when you have a mother blame you, and a father taking action against you, you are confused about who caused what. You think well it must then be mom's fault that dad came out, and it's mom's fault dad acted the way he did, because I apparently caused mom to act the way she did( and would be told that later in life). This is a subconscious thought/reaction. Now I know that people have to take responsibility for their own actions. At this point, after a life of never wanting to leave my father's side, I don't want ANYTHING to do with either of them. IT HURTS ME SO MUCH. I literally have reoccurring dreams of my father not listening to me, and just believing whatever anyone says. To the point where I throw things, go nuts, etc etc. I wake up in tears. These dreams started I believe in 2016, but maybe even 2014. So maybe 10 YEARS of these "Dreams" (NIGHTMARES). The last number of them had to do with something happening to the point where I'm so angry that I don't attend my brother's wedding(which actually happened 2 years ago, this month). I actually had one last night, where my parents kick me out and I'm homeless, but for some reason my mom cooked me a meal somewhere but I denied it(Maybe it was in jail, as many of these nightmares are me getting arrested for something I didn't do, and my parents not believing me that I'm innocent, I've never been arrested or anything like that before). Then at the end of the dream I'm talking to someone in a desertish area and I randomly see my dad poking his head out over a truck looking at me from behind and when I turned around I glanced at him for a second, and then just went on with my business not caring. Very sad dream. My mother has been telling my father to kick me out, or put me into a hotel. I really don't want to be here anymore though. I don't think being on the street will do anything for me though.
@Chichimee 11 күн бұрын
Yea well said.
@marinat187 11 күн бұрын
If you are mourning now, what you will be doing when your parents die ?
@TruFlyFox 11 күн бұрын
​@@marinat187that is a very unfair comment.
@TheWriterNW 13 күн бұрын
I really don't care how my parents reacted. Their reaction is not my problem. Their feelings are no longer my burden. Their perceived reality is not my concern. That's the entire point. I am free from their chains.
@saragates2255 11 күн бұрын
@@TheWriterNW This is SO LIBERATING isn't it! ❤️‍🩹🫶
@kimparke6653 11 күн бұрын
I agree. Except for the other parent who was so easily discarded because of unconditional love. Someone foreign to a child manipulated to hate their other parent. You didn't deserve this, and neither did your loving parent. We have no idea what we did, only you know the lies that you were fed. Wouldn't the absence of malicious intent and character slander of them by your loving parent be a clue.
@InfiniteGoddess971 11 күн бұрын
@@kimparke6653 Beautifully said. Never to excuse malicious intent to harm ever. When we all mature n thru healing, we can gain understanding of actions from all involved to heal the trauma. It is far too easy for our children to be manipulated n lied to about a parent that does unconditionally love. As u said the other parent. So many hurt people hurting others n society has become rife with mental health illness/disorders. Compassion all round 💔
@WhatWouldLubitschDo 11 күн бұрын
@@kimparke6653this isn’t always the case though, and many parents who enabled abusers (I don’t REMOTELY pretend to know your personal situation, just pointing out that this isn’t universal) create a narrative about being slandered to avoid their own accountability. An adult child’s trauma response doesn’t discredit the other parent’s love (in cases where there’s an “other” parent), but neither does that love discredit the trauma.
@1Shawol416 11 күн бұрын
@christinavanbeek 11 күн бұрын
I went no contact in November. Last weekend, I saw my parents, because I was attending my 13yo sister's musical theater performance. They walked towards me with their arms out for a hug. I simply said "I don't want a hug, thanks". My dad immediately went to a place of anger and said a few sentences like "I don't know what we ever did to deserve this behavior. This is not how I know you." And my mom started crying. Even my grandma (whom I live with while I attend university) said that I should be ashamed of myself, which I did not expect to hear from her. I stood there, stonewalling, just observing their behavior. I had a small epiphany that they all talk from a place of me owing something and wanting to keep up appearances. There is zero curiosity about how I feel or what I have experienced. In their eyes, they are the victims and I am breaking apart the family. I did feel guilty for a second there, but I reminded myself of the past, that I don't owe them anything, that I am not responsible for their feelings, and I got through it. I cried after I left, because of the built-up tension. I'm glad I saw my sister again.
@Bronte866 11 күн бұрын
This sounds like low contact. It may not be enough to keep you sane judging by your comment. I’m sure it’s all very difficult. All the best.
@jesusrules9925 11 күн бұрын
What a bunch of gaslighting freaks. All ganged up to make you look bad. They always do that. Trying to make it impossible for you to see your sisters performance without a dose of their sadistic crap. They want you to pay for being there for your sibling. You did the right thing. Don’t ever let them hug you. I don’t ever fall for that anymore. The Narcs do not deserve a hug.
@rifatherapper 11 күн бұрын
I’m proud of you for making it through what I’m sure was a stressful encounter. Keep going; your healing and freedom is worth it!
@a016202 11 күн бұрын
It’s hard when you still have siblings living at home. I didn’t go fully NC with my mother until right before my grandmother died. My grandmother knew what kind of person my mother was but she begged me to be civil while she was alive. My grandmother was everything so I abided by her wishes. I miss my grandmother everyday, every single day, but her death also freed me.
@misspatvandriverlady7555 11 күн бұрын
@@Bronte866These situations are all excruciating and deeply personal. It’s understandable that a sibling would want to see their sibling in a public setting, even if it opened them to contact with other family. All options are awful, and only the person stuck with the consequences can make these choices. I tried to reconnect with my father (who cut ME off) shortly before my grandma, his mom, died several years ago. He spent the funeral I attended acting like I AND my brother (who has also since cut me off) were invisible. It hurt, but was honestly probably the best thing he could have done. If he can’t use you, he wants nothing to do with you. 😔
@simplyixia3683 11 күн бұрын
Any time I received unwanted gifts/letters from my parents via friends and relatives, it always felt like I was being handed a cursed object.
@RAHHicecream 11 күн бұрын
It’s garbage. I never kept any gifts. I showed them to the police and threw them away at the police department
@simplyixia3683 11 күн бұрын
@@RAHHicecreamI would drop them back at my parents’ doorstep when I knew they weren’t home or knew they were asleep. They eventually stopped. It was thankfully never bad enough that police had to get involved but there were clear attempts to get the tendrils sunk back in me. Still makes me shudder to remember that feeling.
@sarahw7616 11 күн бұрын
In a way they are. Got that bad energy all over those items. Yuck
@mj-rg9kp 11 күн бұрын
Bc it was, there’s a string attached to every single one to trap you into submission
@breakfastime 11 күн бұрын
In the book “soul murder” by shengold this is brought up a lot and likened to Pandora’s box. Lots to unpack for me.
@AFAskygoddess 11 күн бұрын
I went no contact with my mother when I was 43 years old. She died in my mind and in my heart. I never wondered about her again. She couldn't hurt me again. Twenty years later, I found out she died when I received a letter from the probate court since I was her only child. They wanted to know if I wanted to contest her will, since she went to such an effort to leave everything to her stepdaughter. I signed an affidavit waiving my right to contest. All I wanted from that woman was my freedom to lead a life far away from her hateful manipulation.
@magicalspacegiraffe 10 күн бұрын
@valentino-valentina 10 күн бұрын
This comment hit me at a funny time, currently going through probate with my very toxic grandmother's estate. She really decided to screw over everyone with inheritance as much as she could (deliberately set it up so her sons would lose SSI). Anyway. Good on you for closing that door as firmly as you did. Kinda wish I'd had the same level of resolve.
@alwaysyouramanda 9 күн бұрын
😢❤ This one really hurt
@TibiSum 8 күн бұрын
@@valentino-valentina - We don't sort of expect it, although we sort of do. Not your fault, re: resolve. It's just so awful. Mine has messed about in estates as people have died, one brother included. Then she cut me from their will. She made the mistake of flashing her hand in doing that, now she can't get me or my sibs with any of her tactics, we'll know not to open the bomb. Abusers manage everything by creating confusion and in doing that, sometimes it backfires. The rest of the time, we do the emotionally sound thing in response and that blows up in our faces because they are twisted and it's hard to imagine things their way. Good luck, I am aware of the stress involved. I wish the sons well, they don't deserve the mess she's left. I hope they don't lose their dependable income. Looks like disability or something (Canadian here)? If so, her abuse could be one of the factors in that (I live with a range of health issues as a survivor of childhood abuse and trauma). Hugs to them and you from a stranger who cares! Dealing with estates is so hard. I've had to do that 3 times and each time was a different learning experience. Please care for yourself the best you can.
@valentino-valentina 8 күн бұрын
@TibiSum yes, it's essentially disability, which is very... tightly regulated in the US, to put it mildly. I'm sorry you've had to go through this process so many times, but I appreciate your well-wishes. We're all doing our best to maintain our sanity through the process. Thanks, stranger.
@loriwilde3977 11 күн бұрын
I didn't have to go no contact. In therapy, with support from my therapist, for the first time in my 60 years on the planet, I set a boundary with my mother. I told her if she ever left another message on my voicemail screaming and cussing that I would no longer take her phone calls. She went no contact with me.
@user-vp7kn3js4x 11 күн бұрын
It's beyond shocking isn't it. I can relate🙏❤️
@Kelly-pp1et 10 күн бұрын
😂😂😂😂. What a piece of art.
@sharonlear2097 10 күн бұрын
😢😢💔💔 POS. MY egg donor would do similar voice mails!! Passive aggressive, guilting, flipping out etc. I went no contact in 2021. My only regret is I didn't do it sooner. I think it's even worse when a mother goes no contact with a child they brought into this world!!! That's a really freaking weird ass s***. But at least you can rest assured the problem is definitely her!!!!💔
@annklonl5207 10 күн бұрын
I told my sister that I want her to talk to me respectfully and to stop mocking me or talk behind my back or else I prefer no contact at all. She hung up on me. Since then, we have not spoken again. She can't even blame me for that.
@ddl4374 9 күн бұрын
Even Better !!!!
@briteeyesnsmile 11 күн бұрын
I just did this recently...and I'm still grieving the loss. I tried for DECADES to make them love me. I heard "You'll never be a good child to a bad parent," and it really hit hard.
@ashleypg1708 11 күн бұрын
Wow! I needed to hear that quote, it's perfect. I tried for decades to fix things too-- they don't change.
@briteeyesnsmile 11 күн бұрын
@ashleypg1708 They don't. I tried desperately. I think the worst part for me is that eventually, my mother completely poisoned my father once they were retired and spent all their time together. I always had issues with my mom, but my father had always been the rational one. He REALLY has changed in the past year or so, and it was the most painful thing to cut contact with him.
@moscowcowboy_13 11 күн бұрын
You are not alone, you are worth it!
@billyb4790 11 күн бұрын
Here’s a thought exercise. Think of a friend you knew growing up as a kid. Now make that person your parents kid instead of you. How would it go? How would your parent react to that kid? Do you think it would have really been any better? Would it have in fact been even worse? Would that kid be the same as you know then today? I doubt it!
@dv52528 11 күн бұрын
It is as if we are buying their love by doing anything to please them.
@harmonystewart7258 11 күн бұрын
I love the subtle humor in your serious videos. "I haven't slept in six months, but I hope you enjoy these strawberry preserves." After a certain point, it becomes easier to see the absurdity in a lot of these behaviors.
@gabrielle-AV-n-PFloyd 11 күн бұрын
Well said!
@uniquegeek2708 11 күн бұрын
For us, it was pickled beets 😅
@SusanKG 11 күн бұрын
I literally laughed out loud at that line too!!!
@paulabroadway1697 10 күн бұрын
When he said, "And that's why I threw the table..." I really did LOL!
@ttllondo 10 күн бұрын
Homemade pickled blueberries 😅
@BAsed_AFro 12 күн бұрын
Most folks today are absolutely fed up with the antiquated “Authoritarian” parenting style, which very closely resembles narcissistic personality disorder. It may have served its purpose when your child was an infant… or maybe if you own a dog. But it’s no longer acceptable to treat a grown ass adult like that, period! The delusions of superiority and infallibility with the whole “I can’t be wrong!” thing, along with the controlling/manipulative behavior are simply no longer going to be tolerated by most people.
@kateashby3066 11 күн бұрын
This was my dad. He absolutely destroyed our mental health as children because we were terrified of our only caregiver. Mom took off. Turns out he was a narc!
@AlvinKazu 11 күн бұрын
~It shouldn't be used PERIOD. Young children need LOVE AND GUIDANCE, not Bullies.
@AlvinKazu 11 күн бұрын
​ @kateashby3066 This happened to a girl(classmate) I knew. Mother left, FAther was awarded full custody because "Mother abandoned the kids at home." Meanwhile I was told he was a mentally abusive narc who abused the wife to the point she left(she also got the wild/hyper ADHD son, as it seemed the father probably didn't want ot put up with him, and ended up just living with his 4 daughters[weird huh]}?). Narc dad ended up lying about a family friend saying family-friend grape soda'd his daughter, Narc-Dad manipulated ALL 5 kids into believing it was grape soda, and it was a big mess... I learned about this after the eldest(my classmate), told me that the guy was a grape sodaist after I told her I was going to his home with my parents for a New Years Party, because I thought they were close(WERE!)... I was so damn confused when she said that to me... I couldn't believe it... ~I was so surprised she said that. The entire thing was so confusing, because when i asked her about it she mentioned he touched her little sister, but when I asked her details of the situation (not `what happened to her, just details about the story to make sense of wtf I was hearing), she really couldn't tell me anything, was dodging the situation, and just ended with "It's my sister you have to believe me," or "how could you believe this didn't happen to my sister," type nonsense. `so I was confused. I also wasn't(still have issues) very perceptive to things due to all the narc abuse, I'm sure others get the same feeling of not being very "Socially" aware and having "Situational" awareness, since I was mostly ruminating about things in my life and never really could think much about things and have the knowledge to get things as I do now, even though I still am learning.` ------------------------ Then I confronted him about it(I believe that night), when we were alone in his basement playroom`(kind of fking stupid to do that alone if you think about it, but yeah, I trusted him). I just asked him randomly, because I couldn't believe it. He was a good dude. I couldn't imagine being a grown man having a 13 year old kid wondering why his friend/classmate called me a grape sodaist and having to explain it. He told me the story about the lawsuit and his wife defending the narc-dad's wife and how he didn't want to side against his wife to defend narc-dad, which was really stupid that his wife even got involved in the first place, but he said his wife sided with abused-wife, because she knew how she was abused, which was also most likely a strike because good-friend's wife going against narc-dad wasn't good, and then good-friend not being on narc-dad's sad was even worse. In the end he told me about how much he loved those kids, and just how horrible it all was, but nothing was found to be at fault, and they found the child to be lying. The kid was like 3-5 years old btw. Something very young. His own daughter was that young at the time I Believe too, so it was even worse for him I bet. So the revenge? Narc-Dad blames good-dad for grape-soda allegatations. We were close to him and his daughter went to school with us (very small private school).` So very sad all around though. It makes me wonder if HE(Narc-Dad) ever touched his daughters because of the weird allegation as well as` not living with the son and only the 4 daughters. I assumed it was because he was a wild kid, but who knows.` ```````````````````````````````````````````````` The worst part, was this family friend would take care of all the kids constantly while the father was busy being a useless father. He treated those kids like they were his own. He said he would take care of them all day, all the time. It was so fking sad to hear.... and now it's just crazy to think about. So the kids lost a mother, lost the second family they had, and had to break it all because the selfish father gaslit and brainwashed them into believing something that was a lie.` Everyone gets destroyed all because of selfish abusive dad.` Even afterwards, he said he would never hurt those girls, he said he still loves them and it hurts him so much. He said even if they physically attacked him, he wouldn't stop it. I said I would get in the middle of it, and he said "No, I would let them do whatever they had to do," and I Believe he added something along the affect of "just so they don't have to be sad, and to let all the pain out." This man cared more about these kids than their own father. It's just sad he only had 1 child(a daughter) and I'm assuming she might have been an accident (another family we were both friendly with had a daughter as an accident, both of the men were very childish, so I don't think they actually wanted kids, as they were kids themselves. I would hang out with both of them and their families. They would take me to the waterpark with them and we had a great time. I miss those times).
@alexandrachapman5134 11 күн бұрын
​@@AlvinKazu Did anyone ever look for that woman?!😳
@Bronte866 11 күн бұрын
Dogs do not benefit from such behavior from humans. They are sensitive and intelligent as humans are. In my childhood home animals were subjected to profound abuse (as I was) and it’s my worst memory. No living thing is helped by a caregiver being a tyrant.
@jenni4claire 10 күн бұрын
You can just "quiet quit" them. I moved 3000 miles away, barely kept in touch and moved on with my life without them but never officially severed ties. No drama, Mama.
@sanashams7836 10 күн бұрын
Are you happy?
@cucumberwhale 9 күн бұрын
Damn, I should do this too.
@patti.autocad3652 9 күн бұрын
I know they appreciate your absence in their lives🙂.
@ddl4374 9 күн бұрын
I Believe that works great for some! And for some the PEA E OF MIND OF ZERO SUPERSEDES EVERYTHING !! NO MATTER WHAT - it's YOUR Heart and TOUR peace of mind! YOU KNOW YOU !!!!!! EXCELKENT COMMENT - THANK YOU !❤
@Anonymous_joe445 7 күн бұрын
Most people should move away from home if they’re parents are not bad enough to go no contact but not pleasant enough to live in the same town or state so you move and see them once a year on holidays and send some flowers on her birthday
@sixthsenseamelia4695 13 күн бұрын
What I actually needed from my estranged parents is action, not a reaction.
@aiureapriniarba7 11 күн бұрын
I needed accountability not even apology. Cause the abuse was and is denied still. Good for us that we are healing ❤️‍🩹
@Tutume1111 11 күн бұрын
Same here
@WhatWouldLubitschDo 11 күн бұрын
@@Tutume1111I’m not even sure if that was a typo, cause it works either way
@karenduckett5288 11 күн бұрын
Well put!!
@emilysmith2965 10 күн бұрын
Bravo! Well said!
@suburbanshaman6227 9 күн бұрын
"Couldn't you have taken pity on your poor old parents and waited until after we were dead to have all these feelings?" -- exact quote from my mother, when I tried to begin talking about our family difficulties and what it has done to my mental and emotional health. Pretty much told me what I needed to know right there. Their comfort is more important than my mental health. Got it. We're NC now.
@wateheckful 9 күн бұрын
My mum said the same thing to me. I had to remind her that her own mother (aka my grandmother) is still alive today. She's 80+ yrs old and my mum is near 70.😅
@caseycoffman9692 7 күн бұрын
Are you kidding me!?!?? This is so incredibly selfish and heartless. I'm so sorry to hear this is how they reacted
@AlexisHiemis 7 күн бұрын
My mom is like that as well. Her feelings are always important and her need for assurance and being pitied come first. Someone else having feelings and problems? Rude, that's worrying her! She won't be able to sleep because she is so worried! I never even told her so many things like getting hit by a tram or going to therapy. I think I'm almost there to cut contact once and for all.
@thenerdgirl1 6 күн бұрын
I've been deconstructing a lot since I've had some epiphanies about my childhood. My mom didn't like me talking about it. She'd ask why couldn't I just get over it? Maybe because you refuse to acknowledge you hurt me?! My dad was my biggest bully and her response was that I always rubbed him the wrong way. I was a little kid! What?! Grow up! They never helped me as an adult. They never lent me or gave me money. They refused to cosign loans. They undermined my efforts to go to Uni. They offered no mentorship or support. They babysat my kids ONCE and complained that the children made noise and rolled cars on their furniture. She was all distressed when telling me this. I was like, did you ask them to stop? No. Like... Just talk to the children maybe? Omg. And they were parents. It's mind boggling. There was basically no loss to going no contact. They never did anything for me. Didn't even love and support me. F em.
@joannaritchot3239 4 күн бұрын
My mother had a favourite child and it wasnt me. In my 30s i gained confidence to tell her how i felt about how she treated me and my kids compared to my sister and hers. 10 years of trying to improve our relationship I finally just went no contact. I was in the middle of a marriage breakup and instead of support she texted me 3 times telling me how ashamed of me she was. I didn't even tell her I was going no contact. I just changed my number and ended up moving and that was that. I never felt such freedom. For awhile I felt guilty for NOT feeling guilty over it. It's been 13 years.
@marcyrogers13 11 күн бұрын
I built up to no contact. By the time I actually told my mother I thought it would be healthier for both of us to lead our lives independent of each other, I had stopped seeing her in person and was just down to sporadic phone calls and sending flowers for special occasions. I did not update her on my contact information when I moved. It has been 41 years since we last spoke and I can only assume at this point that she is dead. I have no regrets. I would never have become the person I am today with her in my life. It hasn't always been easy but I wake up every morning looking forward to what the day may hold.
@HomeFromFarAway 11 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing. It helps. I wish this was my life story. Perhaps it can still be...
@patti.autocad3652 9 күн бұрын
@@HomeFromFarAway Believe me, your parents will die in peace🙂, without your condemnation.
@derica9 6 күн бұрын
God. I hope I can achieve this. Thanks for the inspiration 😊
@HomeFromFarAway 6 күн бұрын
@@patti.autocad3652 my dad died last year, but thanks for the gaslighting
@JacquouilleLaFripouille 5 күн бұрын
Sometimes that is what is needed to live in peace and away from toxicity.
@RJ-lt5lk 11 күн бұрын
I got no reaction. I am ok with that. I now understand more about why I feel invisible.
@sharonlear2097 10 күн бұрын
I didn't get much of a reaction either. I was blamed for me setting a boundary and her betraying me. She betrayed me for the last freaking time. She even sent me a letter to yours later begging me to go to counseling session with her and the whole letter was just about her her her her her her her her her. And what she wants never even acknowledging the fact that I went no contact and that we had not spoken for 2 years. I have since moved change my phone number and she has no clue where I am. I will continue to keep it that way!! I was a burden to her. She had three children she acts like she has one two of us do not speak to her anymore my older brother and myself my younger sibling and her have a very codependent toxic relationship. It's really disgusting
@capncanada22 6 күн бұрын
Also got #2, and I expect after a month or two she’ll send a loving message pretending nothing happened. I hope you stay strong RJ ❤️‍🩹
@RJ-lt5lk 5 күн бұрын
@@capncanada22 it's been 6 years. I'm good! You stay strong as well ❤️‍🩹
@ENR400 11 күн бұрын
Went no contact about 2 years ago. Tried to take them to lunch, go to counseling, talk things out before I had to cut off completely. I Stopped calling, reaching out and going to holiday gatherings. Nothing. They never tried to reconcile. Just crickets. Still to this day. I got tired of trying to teach them how to love me. Same as it’s always been. I’m just invisible to them. But… I don’t not regret getting out of that invalidating space.
@mikeburr3441 11 күн бұрын
are... are you ME?? This sounds identical to my situation. For me, the anger seems to stick. It's like knowing a criminal escapes punishment forever, _and_ has surrounded themselves by people who defend them. Poor, poor Ted Bundy; he's just so misunderstood. I know this is a me-problem. It's just hard to get past. It's hard to just drop a parent from your mind. Power on. Much love, friend.
@AlvinKazu 11 күн бұрын
@@mikeburr3441 The thing is, it's different than that. Because they are now in prison... a prison they cannot escape, the prison of not being able to get your supply again. It's like saying Ted Bundy was surrounded by flying-monkies and people who cared for him... all while locked up and couldn't do anything about his circumstance. Sure, you can find a new supply, but to them, you WERE the MAIN SUPPLY, and that will destroy them forever. You win/won... They lost. They just keep up the mask of "everything is okay," when deep down they are SEETHING in rage.
@karennield1986 11 күн бұрын
"Crickets" that's how I described it😂
@NobodyHasToAgreeAllTheTime 11 күн бұрын
This is what happened to me. You realize you were the only one who was interested in the relationship
@user-vp7kn3js4x 11 күн бұрын
Me too 😊 4yrs and not a peep from them 🤷‍♀️ I'm healing nicely 🎉
@yoltere7873 11 күн бұрын
My parents do not admit anything what they done. Painful fact.
@Elizabeth-yg2mg 11 күн бұрын
I know--just one acknowledgement and sincere apology would have meant the world, but it never came.
@Bronte866 11 күн бұрын
They will rarely admit anything. Many kids spend a lot of energy trying to provoke an abusive parent to admit their abuse, to take some responsibility. This is very understandable but useless. It won’t happen. Your best practice is to get past this and not care what they do or not do. A therapist can be very helpful with this. Take care.
@MissyMuthaTruckiN 10 күн бұрын
Mine said, get over it. like yeah i'll just magically get over 30 years of CPTSD thanks mom
@patti.autocad3652 9 күн бұрын
Do not have children.
@henriettehofsink8003 3 күн бұрын
Parent admit it but won't admit to a narcisitist child
@2shadyladies 11 күн бұрын
I went no contact 18 yrs ago. Sad part is my father convinced my siblings to shun me. Thankful for my female friends who have become my family and support.
@Elizabeth-yg2mg 11 күн бұрын
My mom did that toi--alienated sister, brother, nephews, aunts, uncles and most cousins. She was evil.
@joannepingtella8002 11 күн бұрын
@shadyladies....I feel your comment 💯. Same situation happened to me...for the most part, I have let it go, but the lack of response just supports that uneasy feeling I had growing up that I was barely tolerated and not really loved...that hurts. 😢
@chary2k 11 күн бұрын
@@joannepingtella8002I couldn’t have described it better myself- it’s like they were passive-aggressively tolerating my presence and treating me like an outcast when I was with them, yet my mother was very angry if I didn’t still show up, as well as call three times a week. And when over a period of years I tried to communicate about my feelings, I was dismissed every time and told it was all in my head. It’s coming up on six weeks of not calling my mom and it’s radio silence from absolutely everyone. My mother never called me to begin with anyway (that was “my job”). Same for my sister and her two adult children but I’d get a text occasionally; now though it feels like a united front against me. Ironically, I personally feel a lot better not being put down and made to feel lesser than all the time. I just wish they could forget my existence because it bothers me to know they’re not far away badmouthing me and blaming ME for everything…
@msdemeanour 11 күн бұрын
​@@joannepingtella8002Same here. Just remember: They have the problem, not you. Stay strong 💪🏼
@boxelder9167 11 күн бұрын
30 years no contact, I made one phone call and realized that nothing had changed. Over 7 years no contact since then. It’s been easier now than before to accept that whatever that was, it’s not love and I don’t need to chase it.
@smoozerish 11 күн бұрын
I'm 5 years no contact. After years of emotional abuse from my mother as an adult and enduring extreme physical abuse as a child I finally walked away. No arguments, no shouting.....just one day she said something nasty to me out of nowhere and something in the back of my head said "ENOUGH!".....I quietly walked out the door of my parents house that I was visiting that day and knew I wouldn't be coming back. My father is the dutiful alcoholic husband who says nothing to defend me because he only wants to drink and save his own skin. So I never heard from them again. Not a peep. No reaching out, nothing. It was like they had been waiting all their lives for me to go no contact so they could use it as another form of abuse by letting me know silently I did not matter in the slightest to them. It validated my decision to go no contact and crystallized in my mind that I needed to build a completely separate life from them and be responsible for myself 100% and my own happiness. Acceptance of reality is the greatest gift. Stay clean, stay sober, quit addictive things that are a crutch. Learn to respect yourself. These things are so important as a child of narcissist parents.
@rastamuff1 9 күн бұрын
Beautifully written, I hope you are doing ok ❤
@BlankMoments 13 күн бұрын
Years after going no contact, my mother came to my work looking for me. Ended talikg to an older co-worker(very sweet woman) and played guilt trips about how I'm awful. I don't talk to her, come over to see her, she misses her daughter soo much, and is very sad she couldn't find me. Luckily, I wasn't on shift at the time, so she left after getting her pity points. My co-worker told me about the encounter and asked why I didn't go see her. "She's your mother." To which I had to explain to her that I have my reasons. I wasn't mad at her(co-worker) for being concerned, and she never brought it up again. It just really showed me that my mother was still, after all these years, still playing manipulation games to anyone who'll listen.
@BAsed_AFro 12 күн бұрын
When they realize that they can not control you, they try to control how others see you (re why she dropped the guilt trips and talk of how awful you are). This is triangulation (textbook NPD stuff) meant to try to turn 3rd parties against you, and also serves to provide the "poor little me!" (perpetual victimhood) external validation that they absolutely depend on.
@BlankMoments 12 күн бұрын
@@BAsed_AFro Yeah. That checks.
@scandia67 12 күн бұрын
They will until their last breath.
@saragates2255 12 күн бұрын
I'm quite sure my mother still invests plenty of time and energy into convincing those around her what a terrible person I am. She did it when I went NC 15 years ago and the fantasy is so necessary, the ego so fragile, I'm convinced she's likely still doing it today. The greatest gift I ever gave myself was removing that toxicity from my life.
@BlankMoments 12 күн бұрын
@saragates2255 Couldn't agree more with this. I just don't care who she talks shit to. She knows nothing of my life, and the people she gets validation from don't know/affect me. I see it as a win-win.
@petercomrie1924 11 күн бұрын
The fact that you had multiple clients that had gifts sent to their pets really hit home for me. I’ve never experienced it but it seems like a special kind of hell so I’m truly sorry if anyone reading this dealt with it. You are stronger than the abuse you endured.
@grumblefkitty 11 күн бұрын
my mom would send *absurd* gifts to my son: a ride-on elephant bigger than he was, a fucking rocking chair that took up an enormous amount of space but was too small for him to actually sit in…like that. she never asked if we wanted it, if our small house could hold it, nothing. my kid didn’t even want these things. and then she’d be all guilt-trippy to try and make me do shit that was terrible for me.
@DataRae-AIEngineer 11 күн бұрын
"I haven't slept in 6 months but I hope you enjoy these strawberry preserves." 😂 OMG so funny but also so something my mom would definitely say.
@AlexisHiemis 7 күн бұрын
It's such a typical thing, isn't it? Immediately reminded me of my mom.
@1cr19 13 күн бұрын
PERFECT timing! I just spent the last 12 hours dealing with the emotional fallout of an NParent who decided to wait four years, stalk me on social media, and then leave a series of comments full of lies, pity parties, and how she’s so perfect. I NEED this today. Bless you, Mr. Teahan. I don’t believe in any higher power, but bless you anyway.
@angelapitts2123 11 күн бұрын
Make sure you block them and anyone they know, from all social media and email and phone, etc.
@lisabeaumont 11 күн бұрын
Ah, the pity party. Yes.
@RAHHicecream 11 күн бұрын
Dude. My mom stalks me too it’s scary
@SohviK 11 күн бұрын
@@RAHHicecream same. why do they do this?
@RAHHicecream 11 күн бұрын
@@SohviKI have no idea. They’re toxic af and narcissistic?
@rosamoreno4794 10 күн бұрын
I went No Contact at age 18, just turned 47. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Take care of you in a healthy manner and keep growing. No one is coming to save you.
@arbieWA 4 күн бұрын
It took me until I was in my 40s to go no contact with my mother. My husband went no contact with his father almost the very day he turned 18. My biggest regret in life is that I didn't do it much sooner.
@megan1778 11 күн бұрын
Mine did #1 after ONE full day of no contact. Full on showed up at my house (new house I never gave her the address to btw) in a rage & banging on my window. She didn’t ring the bell. Tried to jiggle the handle and get in. My husband was home and had her leave. I absolutely agree, the parent that reacts like #1, they see us as property and how dare us take distance.
@HomeFromFarAway 11 күн бұрын
I sent my mother and sister a letter via a lawyer called a "cease and desist" It's one step away from a restraining order. now if they do any of that it becomes proof in support of the restraining order, should I choose to get one. Taking power back is profound
@megan1778 10 күн бұрын
@@HomeFromFarAway That’s good! We’ve been looking at a no trespass order at least, but we have to use a private processor since she lives in another state.
@hiddenhand6973 4 күн бұрын
My FIL did the same tbjng. BANGED on the door and window for 45 minutes. I thought he would break the glass with how hard he was hitting. Psycho! Who thinks that will work? I had a two week old baby at the time and started to think I’d have to flee out the back because the police never showed up.
@megan1778 4 күн бұрын
@@hiddenhand6973 That must have been so scary with your little baby, I’m so sorry!!
@anns9688 11 күн бұрын
My parents didn't care about No Contact until I moved away and was no longer forced to be the Caregiver or go to family events. When I moved I tried to re-build a relationship with my mom from a distance. The abuse was worst than ever. The biggest mistake of my life was looking back!
@user-yn6jh3cb5k 11 күн бұрын
When my malignant narcissist older sister was dying from pneumonia I refused to visit her. She told my nieces, "He's just being mean." The last words out of her mouth that I ever heard was her projecting her cruelty onto me. It's been ten years and I haven't missed her one bit.
@merylmel 5 күн бұрын
Good for you! It's taken a long time for us to realise that I was my older sister's first victim. Her kids were next. When 2 of them went no contact I found out my sister was telling any and everyone that it was because of my malignant influence. It's what narcissists do. I'm so glad you refused to put up with such nonsense.
@Vercanya 11 күн бұрын
I hope their will be talk about the parent who just chooses to ignore the child - as if they never had the child in the first place - a sign of how easy it is for that parent to stonewall and abandon their child as a retaliation for anything. If a child goes NC and the parent goes "Good riddance", there's a special hurt in that.
@angelapitts2123 11 күн бұрын
That's pretty much how it went for me when i went nc. To me, she would text a couple times asking me to please talk to her. I blocked her. But , to everyone else, she just acted like, well no big deal. I'm gonna live my life and carry on. So yes, that could have hurt me even the tiniest bit, except the fact that I was waaaaaaay past caring at all what she thought by then. So, no matter how good we are or how well we treat others, the narcissist will never change their way of thinking. Moving on has beenthe best thing I've ever done for myself❤ hugs to you
@laurenkellyartist 11 күн бұрын
This is #2 in the list in the video
@wallhagens2001 11 күн бұрын
That's how it's gone for me. Shocked at how easily they turned away instead of reply to my respectful, albeit difficult because honest, letter.
@anna-rosephipps3132 11 күн бұрын
Same here
@SylviaRustyFae 11 күн бұрын
Yeah, i was always a child of neglect, so it isnt all that shockin that they neglected me even when i went NC; but i wish it didnt hurt that they had no reaction
@urawizardharrie4173 10 күн бұрын
five years no contact for me, I ran away from home when I was 17. tried reaching out to my mother when i was 19 and immediately remembered why i left. it’s hard to go no contact, and i’ve faced a lot of criticism from people for doing it. “that’s your mother.” “that’s your family”-what most fail to consider is this was never a petty fight, I wasn’t just a troubled teen that ran away from home because i was some kind of brat. i did it because i was abused for so long and couldn’t take it. others don’t have to understand why i did it and i finally came to terms with that. i know what happened and i always will.
@ddl4374 9 күн бұрын
THATS what's UP!!!!!
@stampinturtles 11 күн бұрын
My daughter’s friend left home at 19. Left a note and said don’t contact me. Well that mom had been showing up at my house, texting me asking me where her child is, even sent the police over. I felt bad for the mom at first but she kept asking me to tell my daughter to tell her child to return items that she took. It started to seem petty. I’m glad I watched this because seems like the mom was trying to still control her child. (Adult now). It’s a sad situation. But I pray for safety of my daughter’s friend. I also pray for the mom. She’s had two other kids go no contact.
@develyntwocentshenderson5739 11 күн бұрын
when every child goes no contact, that is when you start looking at the gonad donor(s)
@sharonlear2097 10 күн бұрын
Please protect your daughter's friend at all costs!! You want nothing to do with that situation and that she will have to figure it out on her own. People don't go no contact for no reason.
@msdemeanour 9 күн бұрын
Praying won't help either of them
@stampinturtles 9 күн бұрын
@@msdemeanour you’re wrong. I’ve seen prayer change lives. But I know that for a lot of people their prayers go “unanswered” but I think it’s because they ask for the wrong things. Not because of selfishness but because they don’t have a relationship with God do they don’t know what to ask for. God gives us the desires of our hearts and He loves us. So sometimes we ask for a smaller thing to happen than the more important thing to happen. 🙏🏻❤️I pray for you too my friend. Hearts are broken everyday by broken people who need healing. God can heal those hearts. Peace is waiting for you. Trust in Him.
@ddl4374 9 күн бұрын
@sookiebyun4260 11 күн бұрын
I didn’t think my adoptive parents even cared that I cut them out of my life. They thought I was a loser and my older sister was the Golden Child. That Golden Child accused me of everything she was doing, herself, and I became a black sheep AND a scapegoat. My adopted parents never even told me she was making the accusations and just believed her. Even after they learned that she was the one who was stealing from them, they still never trusted me. My thought was,”F them.”
@CreativeCreatorCreates 11 күн бұрын
There is a modicum of schadenfreude in the fact that she is more than likely continuing to steal from them. We can leave the demons to their devices, we don’t participate in those games anymore.
@Smartbeautifulawesome 10 күн бұрын
@@sookiebyun4260 they seem to mix these roles a lot…seems off
@darwinshrugged7347 10 күн бұрын
I didn't announce my going NC, just stopped participating in rugsweeping and pretending everything is fine when it isn't. It wasn't a surprise to see nobody in my family do anything with the new situation... but it still hurts on an emotional level. It legitimizes all the pain I've endured during childhood and even adulthood whenever I came into contact with my family system. There's just so much apathy, a complete lack of awareness, or interest even. I'll say, from having seen the type of parents who continually ignore boundaries and continue to harass and smear their adult child (a friend of mine), I do have it easier on the outside, since I don't have my privacy invaded. But this kind of complete absence of care is ... difficult to process.
@merylmel 5 күн бұрын
A very thoughtful comment. I suspect we don't stop processing the trauma of a family narcissist.
@laurafergs88 11 күн бұрын
I went no contact with my parents in December 2020. I got exactly both reactions you described - I wrote them an email and got: no reply from my dad and a reply from my mum which expressed disappointment and sadness (and didn't respond to -why- I was ending the relationship). My mum messaged me on my birthday last year and I replied before realising who's number it was. I had to tell my sister to tell her not to try that again and to communicate that I'd blocked her number. Every year that passes I feel a little freer and a little clearer on just how toxic and hurtful my family environment was. And in the intervening years I haven't ever felt regret about my choice. Guilt and shame, yes, but nothing compared to how I felt maintaining the relationship. I know the choice was the best for me and my wellbeing.
@JadeoftheGlade 11 күн бұрын
My dad always liked Mad Max when i was a kid. I saw the new movie, Furiosa, and liked it a lot... Made me think it'd be really nice if my Dad and i could just go and watch it together, have a nice outing, and... Yeah. I've been torturing myself for the last four weeks, thinking i might call and propose it, but each time I'm reminded why i went no contact in the first place. He's never shown he can treat me with human decency, let alone respect. My magical thinking won't change that.
@iloveFreedom. 11 күн бұрын
You write well. I think we are strong if we can treat ourselves and others the way we Wanna parent ourselfs 😂 now I feel like I've left a cult it's taking time. Hope u go see the new Mad Max film
@indigoigloo 11 күн бұрын
Kinda poetic bc I think Furiosa the character would very much want you to throw off the chains of abuse. It’s her whole bag.
@billyb4790 11 күн бұрын
I know just how you feel. We cling to those little crumbs like golden nuggets.
@Yoshemo1 10 күн бұрын
Maybe you could enjoy the movie together. Maybe you could have a nice bonding moment together over it. But then what? Nothing else about him will change. You'll have let the beast back into your life and you'll be right back in the suffering. I've had good times with my dad too and they only make the bad times worse. Because i know what he could be like but chooses not to be.
@annem7806 10 күн бұрын
Throw a Mad Max viewing party w friends. Next day have plans for all to meet at the theater for the new movie. Make it special and your own to enjoy. NO more what ifs that lead to disappointment.❤
@lisac3398 11 күн бұрын
NC since 2015. My only regret is not doing it 20 years earlier.
@351cleavland 11 күн бұрын
By the time I went no contact, my understanding of its importance superceded ANY concern (worrying) about what they thought. IF you do have this worry, please treat yourself with kindness and understanding and throw in some self-empathy. That's what a loving parent would do FOR YOU!
@AlexisHiemis 7 күн бұрын
Thank you! I somehow needed to hear this.
@acwilliams1343 11 күн бұрын
My psycho mom literally did every single thing on this list!! 😮 Thank you for reaffirming my decision to go no contact. Going on around 4 years of freedom and healing now. ☺️
@RAHHicecream 11 күн бұрын
Same except im only 1 year in 😢 he says decades.
@StephieGsrEvolution 11 күн бұрын
​@@RAHHicecream I'm almost 25yrs in. It gets better! Trust! 🤍
@lizblock9593 11 күн бұрын
I have a chronic medical condition where symptoms are triggered by stress. My dad totally stresses me out. I'm not putting my hard earned stability on the line to feed his ego. There are a lot of really good reasons to go no contact, and this is the primary one for me right now.
@lizblock9593 7 күн бұрын
@@frankcastle6159 What a thoughtful reply, thank you! Yes, I totally recognize that feeling of panic. Good for us growing in our lives!!
@BrokenHeartedVS 11 күн бұрын
For 28 years, I allowed my dad to manipulate, cross boundaries, and outright hurt me. I have PTSD, Major Depressive Disorder, and Social Anxiety Disorder thanks to him. And my therapist is suspecting a minor case of DID, which I'm almost certain he has. This year, I finally had enough. He had 0 reaction, which is pretty normal for him. His whole thing has always been "you're not my problem" and "my children are a burden to me". He does try to seek a little information from my sister, but I'm okay with that. What she could say he already should know from past conflicts. I have been very emotionally raw for the past couple of months due to my decision to cut him off, as I once looked up to him as a hero, when I was little, so my inner child is very conflicted. My therapist has been a blessing throughout the whole process, validating and teaching me how to cope without dissociating.
@DavidPellerinmaison 9 күн бұрын
I experienced much guilt and strong family pressure to "shut up" and go back in the rank... and stop asking to resolve things... Your video is a good reminder why I've severed my toxic parents and broken family system. One good side effect of stopping having to deal with such behaviors is that you rediscover who you really are without all this constant masking.
@nikkimason8726 11 күн бұрын
My mom has done all 9 of these. Sometimes I feel bad for her because she has no one. But sometimes I get mad because I can’t believe that someone like that is my mother. I’m jealous of people who have a halfway decent relationship with their mom and I will never have that.
@SusanKG 11 күн бұрын
I literally encountered every reaction you listed. She started off by telling me she was glad it was over. The next day the proverbial poop hit the fan. She stalked and harassed me (to the degree that she could) for decades. She passed away three months ago. I never relented. I am proud of myself for not caving in. The reality was that she never knew me. She only knew the version that she painted of me, and it was hateful.
@BAsed_AFro 12 күн бұрын
A huge problem in society today is how we are very heavily-conditioned from infancy to internalize that to be wrong/mistaken equates to being a "bad person", which is not at all true. All too often, this "I can't be wrong" mindset effectively prevents people from allowing their self to come to terms with and admit when they made a mistake... such as allegations of some form of abuse from their adult child. They simply can not process and admit it, because they believe that such mistakes mean that they are a "bad person"... and that's simply too much for their psyche/ego to bear. So, what's happening is most of these estranged parents are gravitating towards some form of echo chamber where they can get drips of confirmation bias to reinforce their chosen stance of that it's their "adult child that is the one who's bad". There are countless clips up here on YT where you can see 100's of these estranged parents in the comments giving ea other "cyber hugs", agreeing that "the younger generations today are all F'd up" and so on... yet none are really talking of how destructive and damaging their abusive ways were to the adult child that went no contact with them for that reason. These echo chambers and the confirmation bias that they receive from them allow for the estranged parents to emerge as "the victim" and/or "the martyr", which serve to garner the external validation that they so desperately crave, instead of simply hearing and acknowledging (and apologizing) for what they're adult child is upset with them about.
@NoPlaceIdRatherBe 12 күн бұрын
Egos can be destructive
@billyb4790 11 күн бұрын
Trouble is…..they ARE basically a bad person. I mean for me there’s no one thing she can apologize for that would otherwise insinuate that she was a good person. “I’m sorry for threatening you with abandonment at every turn” Does this sound redeemable? I almost can’t blame her for going silent after no contact. There’s no defense.
@ddl4374 9 күн бұрын
So wise! 'Echo chamber' So good! Thank you !
@draquela96 2 күн бұрын
Funny how y'know if my mom only admitted how many times the police were called on her maybe that sympathy might die down
@BAsed_AFro 2 күн бұрын
@@draquela96 I recently read from one person that he pulled out his camera and filmed his parent(s) abusive ways, and he said it rapidly put an end to it. lol So, maybe it would be a good idea for other younger folks who are in such a situation (or anyone being subject to abuse at that) to do the same. Get a few "instances" recorded and later let the abuser know that you will be archiving the videos somewhere and making them available for others folks to review. I mean, if someone is not okay with such actions/behaviors being recorded and displayed for others to see, then they will surely rethink how they choose to behave going forward. Same thing has worked in school situations w abusive teachers/caregivers, and rendered that problem a thing of the past.
@kenbasil1996 11 күн бұрын
Give or take, almost every behavior of my estranged parent lol. Most people I know who estrange, including myself, have spent their entire lives trying to communicate to their toxic parents about their hurtful behavior. 100% of the time, the parent dismisses and ignores and treats us like we're neo-adults, never quite fully grown people, permanently in a limbo of being unformed children to them. And because they do not respect children's agency, or believe in their ability to think for themselves and foment their own opinions and know their own needs, they continue to disrespect you into adulthood. No contact was my last resort, and only once I had finally accepted for myself that I would have a better, happier, more peaceful life on my own. I have one life to live, I care how I am treated in this life, and if I do not matter to my parents then I must matter to myself.
@still2093 11 күн бұрын
This one deserves a part 2 👏
@DIrizarry07 11 күн бұрын
My dad passed when I was 6. The Narc abuse started not so long after, with physical violence. The verbal/emotional revved up right around middle school. So I tried, until around age 35/36, to get through to her. During these years she expressed to me that she would not change who or how she was, not even for ME: the daughter she "prayed for" to have. No Contact was really the only option for me. 30 yrs of this ill treatment and BULLSHIT was more than enough, wouldn't you say?
@lsisak7651 11 күн бұрын
Patrick, these no contact videos are a lifesaver. I have never had support on this matter, and you explaining my situation as if you know me is so healing. For real thank you. From one bad therapist to the next, I gave up on finding support after 10+ years of trying and many, many dollars wasted. You actually knowing what you are talking about is greatly appreciated.
@black_sheep_nation 11 күн бұрын
My father did all this. Over and over again. But it was only to make his own narcissistic self feel better. Once I was back in, he was abusing me again, back stabbing. I've not spoken to him in 4 years. He's 85. I say good riddance. They don't get any better, folks. They only get more diabolical.
@romi2276 13 күн бұрын
They do not seem to care a lot. No reaction exept a hoover from my mother now and then when my brother is drinking again and she wants a scapegoat a target for my fathers anger. First I fell for it... not any longer but it still hurts... All the best from Hamburg!
@inbillsmind3048 11 күн бұрын
"I went no contact after 2 years of trying to work things out. They accepted the no contact and haven’t contacted me in 4 years now. I was not horrible to them; I just asked to talk about my childhood. I was told I had a wonderful childhood. This, I found out, wasn’t true. My life has never been better since I broke contact and broke free from what was a very bad pattern of emotional neglect within my birth family structure. It’s all good now 😊"
@user-vp7kn3js4x 11 күн бұрын
I thought I'd written your comment for a moment 😊 Glad you're doing well 💪✌️
@inbillsmind3048 10 күн бұрын
Ha ha , my parent’s were both covert so I suffered on silence until I took something shamanistic a kind of purge , I then realised they were bad parent’s ! I don’t do round taking drugs in general never had really, anyway that refused to talk to me , even the most simple questions. I was actually shocked they didn’t even want to talk to me and carried on with the Gas lighting . They told everyone I Hurd that I had taken drugs and gun mad ! Only one thing happens, a frend of my dads that Hurd I had been suffering came round to see me to check if I was ok . He said to me “ you seem better than ever “ and he also explained that he new what my dad was like and that I have done the right thing . My hole family disowned me which has also helped as they just made it worse . Now my family I have for myself and my relationship with my wife is better than ever . Took 4 years to get it all sorted and purge my lost childhood , I am grateful now for it all as I can help others when needed as I understand it all , Patrick and his Chanel helped a lot hear and there so I am grateful to him for his hard work. Hope all is good with you , and you have or are pushing through 🙏
@user-vp7kn3js4x 10 күн бұрын
So happy that you've survived and that you and your wife are thriving 🙏 Mine are covert aswell. What an absolute head eff it's been! Grateful now though, as healing is so much more than I could have imagined 😊🎉Best wishes to you 🙏✌️
@throttle4593 11 күн бұрын
I was estranged from my father for about 20 years until he died of C-19 during the epidemic. I didn't really have feelings about it one way or the other for a long time, but since he passed, some shame and regret. I still feel like there was no other option for me. Trying to see him now as a very damaged person and have developed some sympathy for him. Forgiveness is taking longer but starting to feel it.
@carlyar5281 11 күн бұрын
Talk about timing. My husband is dealing with what to do about his parents and them constantly triggering him. It’s negatively affecting the entire family (him, me and our kids). Just 2 hours ago I told him that whatever he chooses I support him. Part of me wants him to go no- contact, but it’s his choice. I expect some of these, especially #4 &#7, so this is very timely. Thank you!
@marias3786 11 күн бұрын
I really can’t put into words HOW useful and important a no contact video is to me right now, THANK YOU for your presence here ❤️❤️❤️
@mixrouse_ 11 күн бұрын
You have to talk about codependency, its such a big part of cptsd and many of us don't even realize that is codependency what is getting in the way of finding our individuality 😢 i know you have videos talking about it but we need a Q&A
@ryuuka1498 11 күн бұрын
I myself just moved out and went no contact 4 months ago at 26 and its HORRIBLE because while their behavior is exactly how I thought it would be (every single one listed in this video) the constant calls, texts, boundary breaking, stalking, calling my work and university for info and showing up in real life to ambush me and threatening to ruin my life is way too much, especially since when I cut them off, I lost everything, I don't have anymore family or friends and I'm completely alone. Nobody talks about how to deal with that and if they do, it doesn't work
@sanashams7836 10 күн бұрын
You might end up worse than before. You need to find an alternate community if you are determined to not see your family again. At least one or two good friends.
@HFTLH 9 күн бұрын
You might need to move far enough away that they can't follow you.
@ddl4374 9 күн бұрын
Stay Strong. I hope the light and joy comes soon. I wish you ALL THE BLESSINGS ! There is Better for you out there ! Do what feels safest and best to You xo
@reginafromrio 11 күн бұрын
Went no contact 14 yrs ago. Just was read an email my aunt received, my mom talking about how I defamed her, went m.i.a. (I went traveling around the world) and that I was trying to make everyone live vicariously through me (what? Just enjoying life). She went on about how my marriage was demonic (what? Just because my dad is a Catholic Deacon and we didn't have plans to baptise our non existent children?).... that's a hot mess I'm so glad I've been in recovery from for a non toxic 14 years!!🎉
@junaaaykaaay 10 күн бұрын
What a wonderful video! I went no contact with my Mom this past Friday and saw this on my feed. So glad I watched this and am grateful to God for His perfect timing. I was really wrestling with the “Guilting Last Words” because she said “I’ll always love you, goodbye. You’re amazing no matter how terrible of a mother you think I am. I did have something to do with that.” It was SO HARD to let her have the last word because I’m so programmed to wanting to calm her down. Crazy how this is all because I asked for 30 days of space to deal with something she did that really hurt me…she violated my boundaries several times after agreeing to give me the space I asked for. It’s way too toxic and if she hasn’t changed in 10 years, I literally refuse to waste a second more of my time.
@warchikk 11 күн бұрын
NC with FOO since 2021. I've fully deleted my Facebook account (which I'd had since 2008), changed my phone number and asked my postal carrier to throw out all postcards without delivering them. I luckily live 6 hours away from my mother so she's never driven to my house. My brother has shown up unannounced though, I refused to see him, my friend talked to him. He told her my dad was having health problems and maybe i should call him before he dies. "I havent slept in 6 months, enjoy the strawberry preserves." Patrick you have a gift for clarity when you explain these behaviours! I got at least one of each from my three immediate family members. I'm glad I've been able to stick to my guns, but it has been very hard at times. I'm finally starting to feel better about it more often than not.
@sarahs472 11 күн бұрын
Great video, my situation is with one dramatic self-absorbed parent and one codependent/enabling parent, though they were both abusive and neglectful when I was a child. After years of therapy I had a PTSD breakthrough and disclosed that I had remembered CSA, which my mother completely denied was possible before she told me "Have a nice life - I won't be in it." Literally in the same conversation. Not that I blamed *her* for any of it. I realized that I had a mandatory role to play in my family and everyone (siblings included) got very upset when I couldn't put that smiling mask on anymore. After that, when I'd be around my family I'd basically lose control of my body, falling back into the role of taking care of everyone else. My true self hides away when I'm with them, and they have no interest in who I have become.
@wen6519 11 күн бұрын
Dude, are we the same people from parallel universes? Except I never confronted them on the CSA. Because I know I physically can't take it. You were so brave.
@rastamuff1 9 күн бұрын
Yes, having to edit yourself and compromise who your truly are at your core is no picnic. I’m sorry you had to go through that and I hope you are ok. X 😊
@xYSarenArteriusxY 11 күн бұрын
I went NC about five years. My mother reacted with the aggressive contact attempts. I had to block her on everything and several of my friends blocked her as well because of how harassing it was. Thankfully this was during COVID so neither one tried to drop by and surprise me and I've moved several times since then. I saw them during a family funeral a year or two after NC and was told that I was dead to them because I insisted in maintaining no contact and would not entertain their "let's pretend everything's ok! Let me hold your hand in public and trick you into family pictures!". I didn't react to it but family members, who are aware of everything, continue to try and get me to be the "bigger person" because "you know how they are".
@simplyixia3683 11 күн бұрын
Let me get this straight, they are trying to punish you by *checks notes* adhering to your wishes of no contact by pretending you’re dead? Sounds like a win to me.
@HomeFromFarAway 11 күн бұрын
I sent my mother and sister a letter via a lawyer called a "cease and desist" letter. It's one step away from a restraining order. now if they do any of that harrassing stuff, it becomes proof in support of the restraining order, should I choose to get one. Taking power back is profound
@ddl4374 9 күн бұрын
@ddl4374 9 күн бұрын
@lordfreerealestate8302 11 күн бұрын
There's a woman named Diane who has an Estranged Parent KZbin channel and she ticks almost every box you mentioned! Smear campaigns are definitely another response.
@NancyPittman-lc3ey 11 күн бұрын
I saw that.She now runs a paid group for desperate parents.$$$
@StephieGsrEvolution 11 күн бұрын
I had to block her channel so it wouldn't come up in my suggested feed.
@aliceanneacts6164 10 күн бұрын
I’ve only see her in reaction videos by a mental health KZbinr. OMG. She is almost a cartoon.
@antreject4068 12 күн бұрын
idgaf how they react. hence the no contact.
@ashleypg1708 11 күн бұрын
@kateashby3066 11 күн бұрын
I hear you but the point is that they come for us HARDER, so this is about how to respond to that.
@reginarainer9740 11 күн бұрын
A friend of mine went NC with her parents around 10 years ago. For months they would show up multiple times a week trying to get information about her. They abruptly stopped when I told them that I didn’t talk about them to her at all and was never going to. It was so painfully clear that they were just trying to hurt her more through me.
@CrystalBrightz 3 күн бұрын
My mother used the recent passing of my uncle to say, "Mike's dead now, if you even care." That's just gross. She also uses having gifts for my children as an excuse to have anything to do with them, then tells me I'm a monster for refusing her the "right" to bestow them gifts in the first place.
@bellaluce7088 11 күн бұрын
I only recently realized that my mother went no contact with ME first. 🥺 And not just by moving across the country when I was a kid and not writing or calling, or renting an apartment without room for us when she moved back and pressuring us to keep living with our dad. She was my primary caregiver most of my childhood, but she trained me to hide in my room by getting angry whenever she saw me, and literally never talked to me except for logistics (yet chatted for hours with my golden child brother). It may have been "parenting" according to the level required by law, but it was more like she was marking days 'til the end of a prison sentence. Needless to say, she's never come knocking at my door, yet when I sometimes admit to strangers that we're not in touch (which you do NOT have to do!) it's usually assumed that I'm a disloyal bad child. < : - (
@billyb4790 11 күн бұрын
That’s how most of them are. My mother usually cuts anyone close out of her life. It’s just a moment of time before they get discarded. The reason she’s mad is because my sister and I cut her out before she could do it to us. If she cut us off she’d have no problem with it. But now she’s got to do major damage control and try to rework the entire narrative that she’s the best mother ever. Spoiler: it ain’t working very well 😂 Anyways I’m sorry to hear that. Just know that the problem is with them and you’re better off 🤗
@bellaluce7088 11 күн бұрын
@@billyb4790 Yes, being scapegoated made me think it was me, but I've since learned she's apparently generally miserable with everyone. Thanks for the sympathy, and I'm sorry you got a dud mom too. Best wishes!
@NancyPittman-lc3ey 11 күн бұрын
That's so unfair
@SashaPrettyVacantPunkHour 9 күн бұрын
Her “marking time til the end of a prison sentence”- yep that’s my mom too. It does feel odd when they don’t have a reaction. Except when you look at their lifetime track record. Stay strong. And enjoy the new extra space in your life for non-toxic people. ❤
@bellaluce7088 9 күн бұрын
@@NancyPittman-lc3ey Thank you for the validation. < : - ) ❤
@mrshouse5114 11 күн бұрын
As always, you've hit the nail on the head! We experienced and heard of a degree of most of these from my sister, stepfather, and mother when we were setting boundaries. The reactions required increasing boundaries over about a year or so until we finally chose to go no contact. The erosion of my mental and emotional health, and the safety concerns for our children, made that hard decision necessary. It has been so challenging and so healing in many, many ways. These truth telling videos are very helpful. They expose these hidden interactions which renders their manipulations more powerless. Thanks so much!
@annie_charcheologist 11 күн бұрын
You’re spot on! I was originally distancing so I could work through the past trauma (mostly childhood) but there was so much going on in real time that confirmed my theories on the family, dynamics etc and trying to create some space was not respected, along with doing research and f/t study and being constantly interrupted, that felt like deliberate efforts to sabotage my study. All of their behaviour got increasingly worse to overt abuse, yelling, name-calling, stalking etc - I can only imagine the smear campaign because I’ve seen them do this my whole life with others. My sister has been the biggest surprise, the most unsafe, abusive and realising that’s always been the case, I was just so subjugated and the family was worse than I’d originally thought - I thought it was simply their psycho alcoholic violent ex partners but they were merely temporary scapegoats acting as distractions and I believe were actually doing their bidding. Our father was diagnosed and died thru this - his abuse got worse that I didn’t speak to him in those final months. Their reactions (which is increased abuse tactics) require more boundaries, now I’m no contact - although I haven’t blocked anyone, I just refuse to respond.
@HomeFromFarAway 10 күн бұрын
the ongoing harassment mostly ended when I sent my mother and sister a letter via a lawyer called a "cease and desist" It's one step away from a restraining order. now if they do any of that it becomes proof in support of the restraining order, should I choose to get one. Taking power back is profound
@nadineelizabeth195 11 күн бұрын
I've had smear campaigns all my life from parents and others
@Smartbeautifulawesome 10 күн бұрын
@nadineelizabeth195 10 күн бұрын
@@Smartbeautifulawesome 💔
@ddl4374 9 күн бұрын
So incredible to just CHUCK EM IN THE DUCK-IT BUCKET !!!!!!!
@thenewyorkcitizen 11 күн бұрын
My mother has been excommunicated from my family. I cut her off before everyone else. I wrote a letter last summer to my mother telling her how specific situations made me feel and wanted to know why she did these things; I got the sound of crickets. Nothing. It's just sad.
@Bronte866 11 күн бұрын
I hope you won’t put yourself through that again. I spent years trying to get my parents to a take responsibility. It was the biggest waste of my limited energy in my entire life. Even on his death bed my father denied all responsibility. I wished I had never come to the death bed for all sorts of reasons. I wouldn’t be allowed to say here what he did to me. And my mother was far worse.
@Chibi_Sashi 10 күн бұрын
My Christian mother blames all of my “issues” on a Buddha ornament in the yard of the house I’m renting instead of taking any form of accountability.
@sanashams7836 10 күн бұрын
She does not have the mental and emotional capacity to grasp what you are trying to do. And, like 99.99% of parents, she did not intentionally hurt you. I know it does not feel that way. You were trying to make her see or acknowledge all the harm she did to you. You wanted to have your day in court. Won't ever happen. Only thing you can do is heal and then be a source of mercy to your parents. That is the only thing that will bring you peace.
@rastamuff1 9 күн бұрын
@@Chibi_SashiI’m speechless 😮
@AlexisHiemis 7 күн бұрын
@@sanashams7836 For some people that may be the case. I have been a source of mercy for my parents for a while. It doesn't matter. They are not changing even when I'm being gentle and telling them how I want to be treated. They are never taking responsebility. And it's not helping me heal, it's just producing new wounds that I don't retaliate for because I'm not an abuser myself. At this point, I'm stopping, forever. No one is responsible to handle their parents just because they are the parents. They had their chance, they blew it.
@fillistine 11 күн бұрын
I have gone no contact since 2019. Best thing ever
@amberinthemist7912 11 күн бұрын
Damn everybody's narc mom is in these comments whining about being cut off for not being perfect. Totally wild!
@NancyPittman-lc3ey 11 күн бұрын
I haven't seen any such comments but this is how far t have read
@ddl4374 9 күн бұрын
You called it! Bingo! 😂 💯 %!!!
@jackwilson9195 11 күн бұрын
This video hit hard, because of my lifelong relationship with a parent and what is happening in real time currently. So much of this applies, are things I've thought almost word for word, or are things that I very much needed to hear right now. I know now my not reacting to it, hard as it is, is my best strategy. I am going to seek out more info at your link, but this relatively brief video really helped me today in a real state of crisis. Thank you so much for making it and sending it out to people who may need it.
@mapleext 11 күн бұрын
I understand your position. It’s very hard.
@pyenygren2299 11 күн бұрын
16:35 I had to think for several years to be able to go no contact. Not because I thought it would be fun, but _I needed_ it.
@suzannec.4677 11 күн бұрын
Patrick - You're the best! I love your videos. I went no contact back in 1988 and there was nobody talking about this then. It was pre-internet and pre-social media. It's just amazing to me how clearly you get it. You're teaching is invaluable and it supports me, these many years later. Love 💙💜💙
@StephieGsrEvolution 11 күн бұрын
Wow! 1999 for me! So true how helpful and validating these are! ❤️‍🩹
@ashleypg1708 11 күн бұрын
My mother literally stalks me. It's been 3 years and it's exhausting. But I still have way more peace in my life than if she were still in it.
@RAHHicecream 11 күн бұрын
Same :( she is no longer a safe person for me. I imagine if I came back around and went to family gatherings, she would poison my food in revenge for the cutoff. I will never contact her again. This is all because of her insane reaction to the space.
@StephieGsrEvolution 11 күн бұрын
Protection From Abuse/Restraining order
@annie_charcheologist 11 күн бұрын
I’m 44 now. Sep 2022 I had to buy a house due to increasing rental costs (the rental I was in was sold and new owner increased), after many offers and becoming desperate I stumbled across this house (it wasn’t on the market). I hadn’t planned on buying in this town but my son was starting an apprenticeship and wanted to stay. I didn’t tell anyone but as we got closer to hand over date my sister came to visit and I thought Id take her for a drive by, which turned into a walk through because the owners were home. As soon as mum found out she demanded I take her, I said I’d see as the owners are busy and packing. My mother got the address (I’m guessing my sister gave it to her as it still was not listed) and turned up - the owners weren’t home but she still walked around - walk around a strangers yard. After I moved in she kept turning up unannounced and I found out that she’d been coming over when I’m not home - no text or anything to say they’d been over. I put cameras up. She kept turning up unannounced, uninvited. Prior to moving I was already trying for minimal contact. I ended up yelling I was so fed up with it - I’ve had many polite conversations and texts saying I don’t like people turning up uninvited.this enabled further reducing contact - no contact since Xmas. Last week I was leaving the house, when I got to the end of the block I realised I hadn’t turned the backyard and carport cameras on, so I pulled over - when I finished and looked up, here’s mum and her husband driving down my street. Makes me wonder how many times a week or day they do that. It’s bizarre.
@HomeFromFarAway 10 күн бұрын
​@@StephieGsrEvolution I did this!! it genuinely helps. I sent a "cease and desist" letter via a lawyer, detailing the harassment and abuses. so now if they do any of that I have proof to apply for the restraining order
@ddl4374 9 күн бұрын
​@@RAHHicecreamsome people really ARE THAT ef fl 16:36 ing Crazy. BE SAFE.
@sandykeating7147 11 күн бұрын
Almost 15 years NC and it's been radio silent the entire time. It absolutely is painful. I've had 3 children in that time. It just proves that I've never mattered to her.
@puddles4004 11 күн бұрын
I can guarantee you she's thinking about you right now.. but her pride won't let her call
@Respectable_Username 10 күн бұрын
When I went no-contact, it was on the condition that it was no-contact until they apologised and organised family therapy. It took almost a year and the threat of them not being invited to my uni graduation for them to take it seriously and actually try organise the therapy. I suspect a lot of parents also just go "they'll get over it" and keep acting business as usual until are given a reason to be knocked out of that belief.
@fiamedknuff 10 күн бұрын
I have taken in a young adult escaping from toxic parents. I picked her up at the other side of the country and brought her to my home. She made it clear in an email to them that she didn't want them to attempt to contact her. Yet, they did just that. After a week they sent the cops to my doorstep. A week later they showed up themselves unannounced at my doorstep demanding to speak with her. I have to go outside and confront them and tell them to leave. The only thing they accomplished was to strengthened her resolve to remain no contact forever.
@kellyhannah5933 11 күн бұрын
I just had to do this with my mother. I feel extreme guilt about it because I was just diagnosed with terminal brain cancer and I know she wants to spend the time with me that she has left. But as soon as I found out I told her that I was going to be myself from now on and that she had never seen that. She didn’t like that. Then she started undermining me to my teenage daughter and told me this list of rules that my radiation doctor told her that I had to follow (I had just had brain surgery which is why he told her apparently). So I started chemo and radiation and two weeks in I was well enough to research on my own. I found NOTHING of what she told me. So I asked my doctor. He said he never said those things to my mom. I was livid. All I asked was that she admit she lied. She continued to lie. So I was out. But I feel such guilt. She keeps reaching out to me like nothing is wrong. I finally told her to not call me anymore. So she started calling my daughter. She will never stop. But that does not mean that I will give in. Only when I have days left (3-5 years left at this point) will she be allowed to come back and say goodbye.
@Shakabrah44 11 күн бұрын
My mother got hit with stage 4 cancer 20 years ago and her mother showed up and said she didn't eat enough veggies and that's why she got cancer (as well as critiquing her looks and hairy arms while bed ridden. Awful woman). The fact that terminal brain cancer isn't enough to get your mother to change her tune only further shows me just how futile it is to hope these people will change in response to the reality of the given situation. My mom has unfortunately turned out much like my grandmother because she's always been afraid of cutting her off and felt responsible towards her. The fact that you can be handed such a fate and still choose to make this difficult but right decision for yourself speaks greatly to your strength and belief in doing right by yourself and others. I hope you make the best of the time you have and continue to be a beacon of strength to those around you. Thank you for sharing.
@dv52528 11 күн бұрын
@mapleext 11 күн бұрын
Stay strong and I hope this video and many comments help you feel supported, and not alone with your pain and decision.
@HomeFromFarAway 10 күн бұрын
I sent my mother and sister a letter via a lawyer called a "cease and desist" It's one step away from a restraining order. now if they do any of that it becomes proof in support of the restraining order, should I choose to get one. Taking power back is profound
@sanashams7836 10 күн бұрын
I'm so sorry. I hope you can forgive her and find peace. Wish you all the best.
@saragates2255 12 күн бұрын
This is such a great topic for discussion! I consider myself very lucky that I was already in therapy when I went nc and had the benefit of preparation for what could happen afterward. Many do not have this benefit, and yet, the information is still essential, so thank you for choosing this topic. 👍
@avenginggoddess 11 күн бұрын
I'm glad you mentioned friends and in-laws. My mother, who doesn't know anything about my current friends, went on facebook and contacted some of my high school classmates--not even friends, just classmates. I think she was so delusional that she thought those people were my friends and she could pump them for information about me (note that I'm in my 50's and haven't seen these people since 1989). She also began harassing my in-laws with repeated and excessive phone calls until they blocked her. She also would google search my name and managed to pull a new email addy from my LinkedIn page (before I disabled it). It really started resembling stalking behavior. I think the only reason she didn't show up on my doorstep is I live too far away.
@RAHHicecream 11 күн бұрын
It doesn’t resemble stalking. IT IS STALKING
@kelliesmith4068 11 күн бұрын
"Going no contact is a decades long process" opened my eyes & heart to being gentle with myself & provided greater insight as to why I felt the need at 59 yrs old to go no contact with my mother 4 years ago. It wasn't a decision made overnight, but instead was made after decades of being unheard, scapegoated, slighted & mistreated. TY, Patrick. 😊 ETA: My mother still sends Christmas & birthday cards & gifts. Fortunately my husband runs interference, opening any cards, letters & gifts, let's meet know there is nothing to report, shows me the gift & disposes of said items. The 1st couple yrs I found satisfaction in burning the card & check, but now my husband takes care of it, shredding all paper items & throwing away the gifts. I wish she'd stop with those cards & gifts, but refuses to stop.
@gf-nw6no 11 күн бұрын
sometimes parent gave up not out of kindness or understanding, but because they have someone else for them to replace the emotional satisfaction we once provide, like your younger siblings or newborn cousin, with them being more obedient and clueless, why chase after the ones who fought back?
@ddl4374 9 күн бұрын
@sherrihaight2724 11 күн бұрын
Dad blamed my first husband for anything in my life he disapproved of, and from second one trested him horribly. My husband has been dead for 20 years, and dad is STILL harping on him. I've refused to accept any discussion about old business and dad went Kaboom!!! Trying to get me to be less calm and break my boundaries. Narcissistic bingo ensued. "But he's 80!" Mom tells me after being gaslit. I said: "That's plenty of time to learn how to interact politely"
@pnwadventures2955 11 күн бұрын
Uff.... I didn't think this video was for me, but the first one hit hard. Showing up unannounced. It's become a habit of theirs. We even moved. Hard to hide from a "true stalker" with public records everywhere.
@RAHHicecream 11 күн бұрын
I’m in the same boat. I had to move from my stalking mother…. It’s been 3 months and they haven’t shown up yet… I plan to move 1,000 miles away next year. There will still be public records though :( im afraid of her
@StephieGsrEvolution 11 күн бұрын
@renw426 11 күн бұрын
I have been 'no contact' with my mother for 7 years and only stayed in contact with my father. She was always a no. 2 - radio silence. When my father health drastically deteriorated, I connected with her because I felt that was the time. I supported her by being the care taker of my dad. After his passing, I kept my contact with her through calling since we reside in different states. She didn't seem like or want to engage in conversations with me so they were always the same and short. Very soon, she made an extortionate request (not surprised by me) that I had to go 'no contact'. And it's about one year now, radio silence. I have no relationship with my extended family members and this is on me. I am always the bad child, even my husband feels that I should contact her. I had to explain or reiterate I don't want to contact and leave it as that. My husband actually blocked her and refused to talk or see her anymore. Thank you for reading.
@ddl4374 9 күн бұрын
I'm soo grateful my life partner is the opposite. He never should me and recognizes sickening abuse and is so appalled that there not only is no remorse there is no admitting and there is Huge rewriting of history with the abuse partners Always the superstars and the kids bad disappointing worthless loser jerks. His position is with no truth all lies, what relationship IS there? NO Right to Anything when that bs is what you are committed to offering !
9 күн бұрын
This morning a family member got in contact, asked for my advocate's phone number, denied stuff, texted like I had broken with reality, and threatened to call police and public trust (for my finances). In my mind this is gaslighting, committing fraud and wasting public resources. Texted them 3 times to back off. Blocked them again.
@fridge3489 9 күн бұрын
I went no contact, then years later decided to try SOME contact: just phone calls. Fast forward a couple of more years and I see it doesn't work. I'm called a childish screw-up by my sibling, who's on her side. But I'm not the one who refuses to be held accountable and keeps pushing that toxicity. I'm the one who is doing something that is extremely difficult, all alone, but it's something right. I'm grateful that there's a community of people with advice and vindication. I know it's not just me going crazy. Someone even said that I seem more stable since I moved far away from her. It's like breaking out of a CULT. It's taking the red pill. And, for me, people around me are baffled by my behaviour. Instead of support or at least understanding, they point their fingers. But what's my alternative? This is why, for me, it's basically a solo fight against an army. But hey. So be it.
@josephineshort6494 9 күн бұрын
@fridge3489 "but it's something right." play this for one for yourself ... ...and when or if you think that its wrong to be you... play "never letting go"... for yourself too....
@Marylou-Johnson 10 күн бұрын
I'm 2 1/2 years NC and your vids on the subject have been extremely helpful to me during my entire process. I appreciate how you address the many years of trying to improve/save the relationship before NC. What was really weird is that I said NC wasn't on the table until it happened. It wasn't a snap decision but it also was. Anyway, I love your content (as does my therapist!) and look forward to your next installment on the NC topic.
@junaaaykaaay 10 күн бұрын
That’s crazy Marylou, but I felt the same way! I thought NC sounded so extreme and out of character for me especially since two of my siblings have already done the same and I was able to see my parent’s reaction blaming them. It was even harder since I’m the golden child and have always been my mom’s emotional support. I feel the same way, thanks for posting your comment. It was extreme until it wasn’t and I had to make a firm decision for me not to spiral. 10 күн бұрын
My mom kept calling the police on me for wellness checks and hoping the police would be able to force me to call her. 😅
@momo90416 11 күн бұрын
Thank you!!! Everything you said is eerily accurate 🎯 . My mom has tried almost all of these as I've gone progressively lower and lower contact. I have gotten better but even just seeing that she texted me is triggering and I get frustrated with myself for that. It was compassionate and validating to hear you say it is normal and it reminded myself healing takes time. I figured out the best reaction is no reaction on my own. Today I blocked my mother about three hours before I saw this.
@junaaaykaaay 10 күн бұрын
Good for you for doing what helps you out. I just blocked mine too. The triggering texts out of the blue were so destructive to my mental health. It’s hard not to beat myself up when I wonder why it took me so long to block her. Anywho, I hope your journey gets better and easier as time passes
@AlexisHiemis 7 күн бұрын
I feel this. I have also gone lower and lower contact and the texts are always triggering me just by being there. I'm planning to go no contact, but I'm still gathering my strength to do it.
@marlenaeva3813 7 күн бұрын
I went no contact once and there was radio silence right after that. In the past, them being silent after NC was hurtful, yes but now it is not. I have done so much work on myself that them not reacting to my NC will only be a relief. You will find it hurtful if you still expect them to care and change. Narcissistic parents will not change. My experience of going back into a relationship with them after a long NC proves that they are even worse and more hurtful with age. Accept that they were not your parents but your roommates growing up. You had to parent yourself. NC is like self-parenting, it's an act of love. Thanks for this video.
@catie5939 9 күн бұрын
Thanks for mentioning those of us who get little to no reaction. It's a lot to process when you feel like you've been ignored your whole life, and that just continues so profoundly. I never wanted an awful reaction, and I wasn't ever doing it FOR the reaction, it's just telling. And it's sad and hard all the same.
@kateashby3066 11 күн бұрын
I took space from my mom in Jan. She then stalked me, and I’m not exaggerating. But she lives 3 states away so she texted non stop, then she switched to calls, then she posted to my PUBLIC Facebook, then she called my half brother whom she doesn’t even know, then she called the cops… this is why I am no no contact!! And she takes no responsibility whatsoever for ignoring my request for space.
@RAHHicecream 11 күн бұрын
Insanity right. same here. It’s stressful. If you cut off from anyone else and they act like that people will think they’re crazy. But when it’s your parent they think you’re just mean wtf.
@StephieGsrEvolution 11 күн бұрын
PFA needed
@HomeFromFarAway 10 күн бұрын
Thanks to the harrassment, I sent my mother and sister a letter via a lawyer called a "cease and desist". It's one step away from a restraining order. now if they do any of that it becomes proof in support of the restraining order, should I choose to get one. Taking power back is profound
@ddl4374 9 күн бұрын
​@@RAHHicecreamyep you ha e to TRUST truth YRUST yourself and LET GO any need to be liked or approved of by people who are wrong and out of line themselves to judge YOU by the unreliable creepy sneaky smear campaign narration of a toxic abuser.
@AllisonMariePhD 11 күн бұрын
I put my mother in a "time out" for about a month. It helped her reflect on the way she engages with me and it has been a bit better since. I have also just realized that I have to keep our communications more surface level (and not talk about my mental health/serious past issues). I think part of what made no contact easier (without her trying to show up at my home/work) is that I live on the other side of the country. I think if I still lived 20 minutes or even an hour away, she would have just showed up at my house with granola bars or some shit.
@junaaaykaaay 10 күн бұрын
Lol I put my mom in time out too 😂 we agreed on 30 days to give me space and reset and the NEXT MORNING she messaged me lol terrible. Her messages were filled with more and more rage and manipulation as the days went by and I realized at the 30 day mark that there was no reason to return to that toxic situation. Blocked it is.
@AllisonMariePhD 10 күн бұрын
@@junaaaykaaay i’m so sorry. That sounds awful. My mother just texted me a couple times to tell me she missed me. She’s far more passive-aggressive than your mother, I would guess based on our relative scenarios.
@fairygurl9269 11 күн бұрын
BFFs & I Were Both Counter Blamed For the Other Going to The Dark Side 😂
@MrTeesabrat 10 күн бұрын
I went no contact when I was 30 years old after trying everything including woo woo “forgiveness” with my parent. I just wanted a normal relationship but it dawned on me she was incapable of it.
@AlexisHiemis 7 күн бұрын
I'm at the same point now. I tried to have an adult relationship, but my parents can't stop themselves from being petty, agressive and hurtful.
@wingwmn217 11 күн бұрын
😂 "I haven't slept in 6 months but I hope you enjoy these strawberry preserves"!
@mm-gp9ot 11 күн бұрын
I went NC with my entire family a few years ago. Their reactions pretty much ran the spectrum of what was discussed in the video. Some of them gave up on me instantly, others send me holiday cards/gifts, others still try to message me on Facebook. I gave them a second chance but quickly realized nothing changed so cut them off again, and while I was in contact again they even admitted to driving past my apartment to "check up on me" without me knowing. Crazy.
@RAHHicecream 11 күн бұрын
My mom has been stalking me for over a year since the cut off. It’s scary af (Uninvited showing up many times and unwanted gifts and obsessive texts and reaching out through others - everything you mentioned she’s done)
@RAHHicecream 11 күн бұрын
I’ve moved to another place in the same city, it’s been 3 months and she hasn’t shown up cause she doesn’t know where I live. But this year im saving my money to move 1,000 miles away so I don’t have to worry about her showing up ever again. But also bc I’ve been in my hometown my whole life and it’s time for me to move and grow and create my own identity
@Poultrychick 11 күн бұрын
My MIL is similar- except she hasn’t shown up out of the blue YET If she ever does the cops will be called. She wants me dead so I have zero tolerance for her shenanigans
@simplyixia3683 11 күн бұрын
I see you and hear you. I used to have nightmares about this thing happening. I was lucky I could quit my job and move out when the family was out of town, so they had no idea where I was living and working when they came back. I still have HR keep my name off the company directory and refuse to update my LinkedIn until *after* I’m done working at a company. Write down every time she attempts contact. Document everything. If you write to her to tell her she has to back off, keep a copy for yourself, and make note of the date you sent it. If you keep documenting and taking history, you will have a case and evidence to bring to police if it persists and/or get worse. I hope you get the support you need so you can escape her gaze. I hope you are free one day. ❤
@RAHHicecream 11 күн бұрын
@@simplyixia3683thank you so much. I have heavily documented every contact she has made the past year and also contacted police each time. They don’t do anything yet. My worry is that she will show up at my job this year since she doesn’t know where I live. I only plan to work there 1 more year but hopefully she doesn’t make it hell for me. If so I will continue to document and do my best to get a restraining order
@ashleypg1708 11 күн бұрын
Yep! Same here. For three years. It's EXHAUSTING.
@vanessapetrea2490 11 күн бұрын
Great talk, and thank you so much for sharing with us! I’m sharing this with friends that have been struggling for several years with back and forth “no contact”. He, like me, and most of us, still wish and want our parents to completely change, and they won’t.
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