Pepper Spray: The Most Practical Self Defense Tool?

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Tacticool Girlfriend

Tacticool Girlfriend

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@GuffeyYT 3 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for this, Ms. Tacticool. Because I am sometimes suicidal, I don't think I should ever own a gun. But I think I will start carrying pepper spray.
@Lioish 3 ай бұрын
Hope you’re feeling well and safe, friend.
@MalkavianC 3 ай бұрын
It’s extremely important to know yourself around things like this 💚 as much as some of us advocate for armed self defense nobody worth listening to would suggest having a tool that might be dangerous for you one day
@Soboba.Fett69 3 ай бұрын
This might sound strange but if it helps everyone has bad thoughts. It's only if you're willing to act on those thoughts. Take care and just know you are loved & welcomed.
@DahVoozel 3 ай бұрын
Glad you're hear and looking out for yourself.
@edwinrollins142 3 ай бұрын
I'm glad you're self aware enough to make the right decision. I owned a firearm for self defense for many years, but when my mental health started to spiral in a scary way, i knew i had to give it up. Solidarity. 🖤
@dameanvil 3 ай бұрын
00:02 👋 Introduction to pepper spray and its importance for self-defense. 00:11 🌶️ Explanation of what pepper spray is and its effects on the human body. 01:30 🛡️ Non-lethal nature and safety considerations of pepper spray. 02:12 📏 Different types of spray patterns (cone, stream, gel, foam) and their pros and cons. 03:38 🐻 Specific sprays for animals like dogs and bears. 05:26 🔑 Various canister designs and mechanisms for pepper spray. 07:16 ⚙️ Ergonomic considerations and options for different canister sizes. 08:55 💼 Importance of carrying pepper spray as part of a self-defense strategy. 10:23 🔬 Factors to consider when choosing a pepper spray, including formula strength and expiration. 11:52 🛠️ Step-by-step guide on how to use pepper spray effectively. 14:45 🚿 Tips on how to counteract the effects of pepper spray if exposed.
@QwertyCaesar 3 ай бұрын
When I was a little kid I mistook the pepper spray on my mother's purse as some kind of breath spray and sprayed it directly into my mouth. Learned a lot of lessons that day. One of them is that pepperspray is effective in the mouth and can even disrupt breathing to a degree. That said, it's still worse in the eyes, as I found out when I spread it to my eyes.
@aelainem 3 ай бұрын
As someone new to firearms/self-defense, your channel was suggested to me by friends, and this was a great starter! Breaking down the steps involved during a potential incident was super helpful for tying it together, thank you so much :)
@noahmiller4839 3 ай бұрын
Really glad to see this video. As someone who's used pepper spray against an aggressor once and having drawn it on a couple occasions strongly advocate most people should carry it if they can. I Agree with most of what you said. Just to expand on some of what you mentioned 1) as you alluded to, with quick release mechanisms, you do not want to be fiddling with it when you need to actually deploy it. You want to either have it already in a state thats ready to use OR have a mechanism where the ONLY THING YOU HAVE TO DO IS PULL. Having been in the shit, I can absolutely say you do not want to be fucking with the pom style mechanism. When you draw, speed can make all the difference. At least in my experience. 2) Also not a fan of twist tops. Never ND'd with one but Ive have safeties deactivate on them more times than I can count on a key chain or in a bag or pocket. I still carry one on a belt occasionally but thats pretty much it. If youre gonna carry one pay attention to that safety. an ND with OC spray is not the end of the world but I gotta imagine it sucks. 3) Do not underestimate its usefulness. I have had multiple people back off after seeing it, including an actual cop who was harassing me. Wouldnt recommend drawing on a cop generally but I was young and dumb and it worked under very specific circumstances. When I actually did have to use it it instantly sent an abusive asshole running and crying. He never threatened me again. This stuff is useful and powerful. 4) Pepper spray is one of the only defensive tools I carry in places where its not allowed. This isnt a recommendation, make your own choices, but honestly the price of having it where you shouldnt is usually not very high (most places will just make you throw it away and leave you alone) and the price of being defenseless is not one Im willing to pay if I can avoid it. 5) You will probably get some on yourself if you use it. I was using gel and I still did. Just be prepared for that outcome. If youre smart, it wont be too much and it wont be a big deal. But its just something to remember. 6) Additionally, I know some people say you wont know when youre gonna be attacked, and thats true sometimes, but it wasnt for me. I knew this guy would come after me one day or another, and I knew where he'd do it. I had the spray either in my hand or somewhere I could pull it from without thinking (I dont remember all the details now, trauma and all that). Dont underestimate your knowledge of your surroundings. You probably already know if there are people in your life who would hurt you or places where you go where youre vulnerable. Be extra careful in those situations where you know youre at risk. Think about the tools you have and make sure theyre accessible when youre gonna need them. If Im walking home late at night in a cute femme outfit I dont take the spray our of my hand til Im in my door. That might be an overreaction due to trauma, but it might also be the thing that saves me. Just some stuff to think about. Honestly I really think for most people buying a couple cans and a trainer once every couple years is a very easy and cheap thing that will SIGNIFICANTLY improve your ability to defend yourself. In my opinion its the most underrated and possibly one of the most useful defensive tools in existence. Edit: Just wanted to add a note here that while I talk about all the great things about pepper spray, please do be careful with it and treat it with the respect you would treat any weapon. You can hurt yourself or a loved one with it and you really dont want to. Just use your head and you'll probably be fine. But be smart. Thanks again for a great video about a very important topic. Take care, be safe, and when you cant be safe be dangerous
@tomarmstrong4761 3 ай бұрын
In my sixty-plus years, I have never felt an urgent need for a self-defense firearm. Once, in my work as a security officer, I have felt it prudent to have my company-issued OC Spray holster unsnapped, but I'm happy to say I didn't draw. The person never decided to swing at me or anyone else, so nobody had to suffer a face full of spray. I HAVE, however, been happy to have a few trauma supplies on my person, and first aid supplies where I could reach them quickly. And, frankly, I know myself well enough to know I'd rather deter an attacker and hobble away than have to stand there and answer to cops after an attacker's life is ended by my defensive actions. Add in the legal ramifications, and, well... To a point I saw you make elsewhere and am glad to see you mention it here (at the 14-minute mark or so): A practice canister is a GREAT idea! I was issued two "live" canisters, and told to occasionally practice with one. After all, the best time to learn how to use ANY tool is before you need to know! Now to find one that goes with the issued canisters...
@lazy_girl1991 3 ай бұрын
This is quickly becoming my favorite channel! Not only did I learn the different typed of pepper spray but I learned you can practice! I had no idea manufacturers made that! ❤
@TheOnlyRatDragon 3 ай бұрын
The boop count did not increase, but I did get some good advice from a former Marine MP about dealing with pepper spray contamination. He suggested giving your face a quick wash before showering. While it will reactivate the spray (as TGF said), it helps prevent it from contaminating your genitals when used as part of a more thorough decontamination.
@diggacha 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for this! That was some great info on decontamination at the end! I think that's a bit that a lot of people miss.
@charles_wipman 3 ай бұрын
Has been a great overview of the realities of the papper spray; really useful for anyone that needs it or it's considering on using it.
@Kattbirb 3 ай бұрын
I feel that the flashlight holds, or at least should hold, the title of "Most Practical Defensive Tool". It's not considered force to shine a light on someone, and it's important to know that the figure in the bushes isn't a child out late hunting for a lost nerf dart or a figure kneeling between two cars in a dark parking lot isn't someone who dropped their keys. And if they did turn out to be bad actors, they would immediately know you're on to them, and they don't have the upper hand like they expected. Still love pepper spray, I carry POM, just felt a little pedantic.
@TheSundayShooter 3 ай бұрын
Splash damage: _enabled_
@salemite 3 ай бұрын
Great vid! I've always carried pepperspray as my first line of self defense alongside cardio exercise. Spray and leave are the winning combo! I would also recommend for folks that have dogs or deal with animals that you can carry citronella sprays as an extra option. I carry it next to my pepperspray when we walk our dogs, they are really distinct in size/color to avoid mistakes bur I would advocate carrying them in consistent locations so you use the right thing for the right situation. In all truth, my main thought is I'd be using the citronella on an aggressive dog and then pepper spray on the dogs owner who might get pissed off when I fogged their dog. :D
@ThePerfectRed 3 ай бұрын
Here in Germany, pepper spray is sold as "animal defence spray", and thus legal. Carrying the same product as defence against people would be illegal, but it IS legal to use your "animal defence spray" aganist people if you are attacked. So just carry it and use it as needed. What a legislative mess.
@NyctophileXIII 3 ай бұрын
Excellent, as always!
@TheeDeeM 3 ай бұрын
These new gun policies on youtube are terrible. The first thing I thought about was how this will affect you. I always felt the firearm community was crazy but you showed me it wasn't. I really appreciate your education and calm cadence on this subject. I hope youtube methinks this policy.
@elenna_alexia 3 ай бұрын
Note that in for example Germany, any pepper spray has to be labeled as being for defense against animals for legal reasons. In some countries like Austria it might also be labeled as such cause the product is sold across all German speaking countries with a German label and Germany happens to be the largest German speaking market. If you are in Germany carrying pepper spray, make sure it carries that label. And if any German authorities ask remember that you are carrying it because you are concerned about aggressive dogs. If there is another threat of course and that's just what you happen to have to hand then using it is just legal self defense as long as the response is proportionate to the threat. And as always, if you think they might try to criminalize you for defending yourself in this manner, get a lawyer and let them do the talking.
@QwertyCaesar 3 ай бұрын
Glad you called out the folks who only carry firearms for what they are - people with murder fantasies, not folks who care about self-defense.
@jamesg4460 3 ай бұрын
The folks who saw the de-escalation video and just ignored it 👁
@jamesg4460 3 ай бұрын
@@Spectre_HWSActual the fact that non-lethal means can become lethal doesn't negate the issue with only having lethal means as self defense
@QwertyCaesar 3 ай бұрын
@@Spectre_HWSActual there is no circumstance in which being legally responsible for a human being's death is better than the alternative situation in which you used a non-lethal such as pepperspray.
@QwertyCaesar 3 ай бұрын
@@Spectre_HWSActual Open carry of handguns is prohibited in more states than concealed carry.
@QwertyCaesar 3 ай бұрын
@@Spectre_HWSActual Because anyone who cared about morality or legality would, in fact, carry a pepperspray.
@derekbroestler7687 3 ай бұрын
AWESOME video, and YES OC is, IMO, a vital part of EDC, but as someone who's been involved, directly or otherwise, in four different OC related incidences while I was working various security jobs, a few things I, personally, REALLY want to hammer in. 1. DON'T pocket carry if you can at ALL avoid it. Years back I was cleared to carry OC from work, but didn't have a pouch for my duty belt yet so I elected for pocket carry. Later that very night I leaned against a counter to fill out my hourly report, which cased an ND in my left front pocket... A VERY short burst, I don't know HOW the safety was bypassed, but I DO know it was NOT a fun shift and my junk didn't feel right for about a week after. 2. Blowback is a thing, ESPECIALLY in close quarters, close distance, or with wind. Gels are streams ARE better than the OG OC spray, BUT, I would HIGHLY recommend practicing in a controlled environment with not only inert canisters, but live as well. Even if you do everything correctly, there IS a GOOD chance you're gonna feel a little spicy after and it's better to know that before relying on it. Also, during practice or self defense deployment, WASH YOUR HANDS WELL before touching ANYTHING you value. OC has a bad habit of lingering and can even bond to some natural materials and plastics and be near impossible to get rid of. I had to chuck a fairly nice leather jacket due to this. 3. While OC is USUALLY considered a nonlethal method of self defense, and is pretty safe to use, there ARE many common conditions that complicate that, including allergies and any breathing issues, including asthma. If you have any of those conditions, (PLEASE refer to number 2.) One member of a training class I was in found out the hard way that they had breathing issues that they were unaware of. Thankfully they were transported to the hospital and were just fine after, but better to know that up front. Also, in the event that someone who attacks you has one of those conditions, while you might be safe from criminal liability, civil liability is a completely different ballpark, so if you can afford it some form of self defense legal insurance is STILL a good idea. 4. OC is an "area of effect weapon". When I was working as a bouncer the local PD sprayed a belligerent customer we'd escorted out earlier. Even though they sprayed him in the opposite direction of the door (they were sliding, "barn door" style doors, so always open unless shut), there was enough wind that we had to close early to let the place air out and then had to do a complete scrub down. Be safe, y'all and take care of yourselves, and each other.
@mrchiefbs 3 ай бұрын
Can I ask what brand you were carrying in the pocket? I was trained if you're pocket carrying to only have the spray in that pocket to prevent ND. I have carried POM OC for a year with no concerns.
@derekbroestler7687 3 ай бұрын
@@mrchiefbs It's goin on 30 years ago so I don't remember the brand, but I do remember that it was INTENDED for belt carry in a pouch, so the safety was simply a spring loaded flap that went over the button. Looking back it was NOT my smartest decision. Nowadays I carry Saber red gel in a canister that has a rotating button type safety and a pocket clip and haven't had any issues with it.
@OphidianTactical 3 ай бұрын
Loved the video. Great topic.
@zenja42 3 ай бұрын
I have neutral eyedrops in bag like the single packed 0,5ml ones. In my car I have an eye shower (2-3 bottles) with 0,9% NaCL in it, mainly for work reasons. Both are nice to have to sash things out, if you have something in your eyes in general, but also help for cleaning of OC. these are like 8€ at the professional hardware store/work safety store. For me it's likely to have particles, sand, dust or so around me, that I like to wash out before doing anything else. Also in store in germany we have 10% (normal) and new 15% oc, but also CS Gas. Legally OC is only sold as animal defense, CS is legal, while OC can be on, but need to be juged afterwards. I have one in balistic without a safety. This is not a problem, because the trigger is lower in the casing, what helps aming when triggered with thumb or index finger, because you can only press the trigger streight. Personally I feel better with thumb trigger, while holding the can in my fist, because it needs less tunring of the hand to aim ahead. In case needed, can can just be dropped, while not leaving the fist possition. Index finger triggering feels... delicate and needs more time to get the right positon and finger placement is way slower for me. Also I feel the need to have the hand vertically at near 90°, what needs time to drop and get into a fist possition again. In general it feels like index triggering could shere of/break my fingers more likely when defending, while holding it. Also... don't put in in the corner of your bags/jacket. Having it at an angle where you can grab it is important. Horizontal mount on the belt, 45° mount on a under skirt holster or just on the bra works... or inside the bra if you are still growing them. Weired thing I saw was someone had it mounted on their collar on the neck, while having their hair over it. Also an option in germany, is to have a carrieing allowance for blank fireing guns, that you can load CS or OC rounds in. These are for exampe the Zoraki 917 or other replicas, mainly because you can't carry in germany. Also the paintball pepper guns, you can only carry on your own ground, but not in public at all. The part about the UK as a visitor for me is, that pepperspray is totally illigal, blank guns are not allow to fire anything out, knives are only allowed in toy sizes, but it's totally ok to bring a hunting rifle with like two Pages of paperwork. Don't know if you have thought about this, but also flashlights with strope function works good in combination with pepperspray, especially if you have a mid sized one like an LED Lenser P7R, Olight warrior or Nitecore P10. They are like a beating stick. Also there are small strope enabled ones like the Baton3, that also fits in a bra. Holding the flashlight offcenter from you, draws the attetion of the attacker to beside you, especially at night. In general it gives more room to aim. Also hiding wider zipties in the bra's soulderstraps is interesting, if you want to fixate them afterwards.
@ArthurMorgan18993 3 ай бұрын
Always a great day win TGF uploads! I’ve been excited for this one as someone who can’t own a firearm. Pepper Spray is my EDC💯
@HormoneMuncher94 3 ай бұрын
great vid! and also great timing :3
@spaghetti7782 3 ай бұрын
Some extra notes: do not force someone's eye open to wash it out if you are helping them, wait for them to be able to open it themselves and then you can hold it open. Some people may be physically unable to open their eyes at first and all you can do is wait. When flushing eyes out, tilt your head to the side you are flushing so the contaminated fluid flows off the side of your head and doesn't wash down the rest of your body. After rinsing for around 15 minutes you can dab the eyes with a clean, dry rag. I would avoid any wiping motions because they can rub it in more and cause more irritation, this is also why decon wipes are not preferable (they do still work if you have no other way.) For decontamination at home the shower doesn't need to be super cold, just not warm at all. Edit: also I wouldn't recommend testing your pepper spray because with some brands once the seal is broken it can leak or there can be residue left on the canister, which can cause you to accidentally expose yourself, this likely depends on the brand and different people will have different experiences.
@Touchdownbane 3 ай бұрын
I’m actually surprised the keychain quick release gave you problems, I’ve had one for a couple years now and never had an issue with accidental release, but that’s definitely something I’ll keep in mind when getting a replacement
@coyote.precision.tactical 3 ай бұрын
I think this a double-edged sword, a as non armed guard. My company uses a non gel based one. It was a horrible experience. I ended up with collateral damage.
@mattthekiller9129 3 ай бұрын
Sadly, in many countries of the world, this is the only legal way to defend yourself (and even that is a big maybe) but still, i get your point, expecially about non gel-based Ps
@Studio23Media 2 ай бұрын
I only buy gel for this reason. And also get the triple action with tear gas and UV dye!
@seven_sixtwo 3 ай бұрын
Gel is a great way to "de-mist-ify" OC spray. Great and very informative video, information certainly tracks with what I've heard from other people that use these sprays. Irrelevant question that I kept thinking about, do you put the mask on before, or after the earrings?
@TacticoolGirlfriend 3 ай бұрын
Hah, thanks. I put the mask on after the earrings.. just takes a little extra maneuvering.
@heathert.4727 2 ай бұрын
So nice to find a channel focused on how to defend yourself not how to kill.
@cygenta_modernCRTgamer 3 ай бұрын
You're seriously the best! Thank you!
@IvyGlacial 3 ай бұрын
You reminded me to check the expiration date. Mine expires next month. So I ordered two new ones. One for me and one for my best friend. Sabre flip top.
@dominicds9551 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for the video!
@justjoe5373 3 ай бұрын
As somebody form a hellhole where owning guns is a nono, let alone using them in self defense, I appreciate this video. Moreso for weaker or smaller people because while I'm not exactly Tyson you would be better off picking somebody else to fight. But not everybody is like that and they should really know stuff about pepper spray in order to use it effectively
@Ducaso 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for breaking down the topic! I've never kept pepper spray on my persons, but I have a lot of things to consider now.
@newrecru1t 3 ай бұрын
I actually own a pepperball launcher, specifically the Byrna pistol unit which I'd consider one of the most optimal options if this is a platform anyone's interested in. It's fairly large and most viable to be carried in a bag really, but the neat part is you can train & familiarize yourself with it rather cheaply since it operates with disposable C02 cartridges-relatively comparable to .22 lr for the cents per rnd/shot. You can reclaim reusable hard plastic rounds by scavenging for them, letting you run drills to stay sharp, and it's simple to operate with easily transferable skillsets from the firearm to the marker. Overall? A fantastic option if you want a more robust less-lethal response that, IMO, is more reliable than a Taser.
@pablodelsegundo9502 3 ай бұрын
8:00 - Hey, that's the exact size/color of the Pom 3pack I got last week! Great taste, TGF.
@merelymayhem 3 ай бұрын
great video
@FlamingKumquat 3 ай бұрын
I have a peperspray with one of thoes "slide to the side"style safetys. I dont trust it too much so i put a tiny piece of duct tape on it. Now I think it's perfect, It becomes ready to use instantly if I have intention but it won't go off in my pocket
@scarletNbloom 3 ай бұрын
I wonder if any 3d printer folks could come up with something for the flip top cannisters. Definitely something to look into. I also am not a fan of the side switch.
@EricMoritz 3 ай бұрын
POM has a flip top and can be pulled apart like your side swipe one
@TacticoolGirlfriend 3 ай бұрын
I haven't seen one, but I checked their website and still can't find what you're talking about. Could you post a link?
@noahmiller4839 3 ай бұрын
would also like a link to this. If this is a thing I am buying several
@noahmiller4839 20 күн бұрын
@@TacticoolGirlfriend after further investigation on all of the pom pepper sprays the bottom half of the plastic (below the colored line) serves as a cup similar to the one you have in the video that you can pull it out of bu just grabbing the top half. Carried one for like 2 years before discovering this
@TacticoolGirlfriend 20 күн бұрын
@@noahmiller4839 I appreciate the update, that's great to know, thank you!
@jg-ub4ek 3 ай бұрын
Cool and good!
@NunSuperior 3 ай бұрын
I chopped jalapenos while cooking but really had to pee (standing up). Let's just say the experience is probably similar to OC'ed junk and I really don't recommend it. Stay safe, stay cool.
@mrchiefbs 3 ай бұрын
I learned in another training video to not alert the attacker you have pepper spray. It should be in your hands well before determining a threat, Creating distance and not presenting until fired in short 2-3 second bursts.
@SpidermAntifa 3 ай бұрын
Some other considerations for pepper spray. 1. You can walk down the street with it in your hand if you are alone at night. You can't do that with a lot of other defense items like a knife. 2. I don't recommend pepper ball guns. If you are being assaulted and you pull out something gun *shaped* and they think it's a real gun and they have a real gun, they will probably pull theirs in response. Just carry pepper spray, don't have it in anything that can be confused for a gun. 3. Lots of other defense items take serious consideration before use. With a knife or bat or gun you have to ask "is this serious enough for me to potentially hospitalize or kill this person?" With pepper spray you are going to ruin the rest of their day without a doubt, but that's about it. No further consideration of consequences.
@dameanvil 3 ай бұрын
How about thousand of lumens ”tactical” torches?
@trioptimum9027 3 ай бұрын
Whenever someone mentions that they own a gun for defense (home or self), I always ask if they have pepper spray. It's very disappointing how often the answer is "no" or even "huh?" There's a lot of murder fantasies out there.
@sexytgirl757 3 ай бұрын
unrelated but where did you get those sleeves?
@sexytgirl757 3 ай бұрын
creative name ik
@ezekielzapataez 3 ай бұрын
Have you tried the little kimber pepper spray gun thing? It’s supposed to shoot little burst out to 20 feet.
@TacticoolGirlfriend 3 ай бұрын
Nope. I personally haven't used pepper guns and don't really want to bother with them, but still, it's good to see options like that on the market if they're what they're advertised as.
@ezekielzapataez 3 ай бұрын
@@TacticoolGirlfriend FYI… I couldn’t find ur vid on no comps. With more guns going that route. Do you see yourself spending more time with them?
@TacticoolGirlfriend 3 ай бұрын
@@ezekielzapataez Sorry, I don't understand what you mean by "no comps"?
@ezekielzapataez 3 ай бұрын
@@TacticoolGirlfriend I’m sorry, I’d asked you about your competition having a comp on it to help with recoil. You said you don’t comp your carry gun. I’m curious with more carry guns coming ported or compensated , do you think you’d ever carry one?
@TacticoolGirlfriend 3 ай бұрын
Oh, I remember now. I just can't carry comps, I don't have room for that. If I could, I would potentially be more open to it, but it's just not an option for me at the moment.
@pyeitme508 3 ай бұрын
@juver890 3 ай бұрын
And for reason i can not fathom it's a forbidden weapon in my neck of the woods
@Penguini_ 3 ай бұрын
This was so helpful, thank you so much!
@delroku 3 ай бұрын
Woman you're way too close... PEPPER SPRAAAAAAY!!!
@mikemarzoa5720 3 ай бұрын
Just wondering if you train any hand to hand or knife combative?
@Vincent_Boogaloo 2 ай бұрын
@AkiSan0 3 ай бұрын
distilled water is not recommended. either get water specific for eyes (i.e from industrial suppliers) or one can just use still mineral water. the slightly higher salt content absorbs more and doesnt remove minerals from the eyes/body.
@AkiSan0 3 ай бұрын
also water pressure is not recommended, as you can push it under the lids / into the back of the eye. just tilt the head and rinse from inside out (i.e. nose to ear) - slow and steady wins the race.
@edwinrollins142 3 ай бұрын
Back in the day I made the mistake of carrying a swivel-top cannister around in my pocket, and one day it went off in there. I didn't notice at first, until it ended up soaking into my underwear and and onto my crotch, and hooboy, that was NOT pleasant! I had to rush home and spend at least a half hour in the tub running cold water over my nethers! 😬
@jaynedoug9453 2 ай бұрын
@WolfInArms 3 ай бұрын
Howdy! I'm a queer LEO and really appreciate the diversity in content that this channel's putting out. Hopefully I can offer an alternative but helpful perspective on use of OC spray. I personally don't like OC spray and don't recommend it for the average person. Some of it's for reasons highlighted in the video: it's very easy to cross contaminate with and if you're facing a serious aggressor, OC spray usually just makes them angrier. In most defensive situations as the average person, you can either remove yourself without injury or otherwise can articulate using deadly force (i.e. resorting to a firearm). That's not to say there aren't scenarios where OC spray can be useful for the average person. I can imagine and have seen situations where deployment of OC spray was necessary. I do think on average, though, someone is going to be able to remove themselves from a situation easier than they are successfully deploy OC spray without a negative outcome. If you're going to go for OC spray, be mindful of your space and what you're deploying with. Using it indoors is always going to suck for everyone. Double so if the building has a HVAC system. I really recommend using a gel or foam-based solution to avoid blowback as much as possible. As always, practice with what you're going to use. Companies sell refillable inert canisters for cheap which are incredibly useful for figuring out how your OC is actually going to deploy and how to aim it. If you're committed to a nonlethal option but don't want to use OC spray, a taser/CEW that fires projectiles is a good bet that I do recommend. It has its own complications (cost, effectiveness of deployment versus layers, etc), but you're much less likely to cross-contaminate. In most states, like with OC spray, you don't need any special licensing to carry a taser.
@JohnnyTheWolf-d3p 3 ай бұрын
9:24 This reminds me: whatever happened to Kyle Rittenhouse? 🤔
@nickkennedy9034 3 ай бұрын
he outlived his usefulness to the American right wing and was dropped. He then took some photos with Tobuscus and has been largely irrelevant.
@_dont_9926 3 ай бұрын
there is this goofy ass video on twitter where he is “training for the next civil war” and his technique is complete ass.
@AkiSan0 3 ай бұрын
@@nickkennedy9034 depends on who you ask. he just lives his life.
@justjoe5373 3 ай бұрын
He beat his charges, showed up on camera a few times and is living his life
@JohnnyTheWolf-d3p 3 ай бұрын
@@nickkennedy9034 I remember him starting an awkwardly-named initiative ("MAP") with the goal at exacting revenge on the media that accurately portrayed him as the murderer that he is. Whatever happened to that?
@AkiSan0 3 ай бұрын
"Z" pattern is plain dumb. in most situations, no matter how many times people train, your average person wont remember the Z. a better solution is to use the most famous Baldurs Gate Quote: "GO FOR THE EYES BOO, GO FOR THE EYES".
@ImpalerVladTepes 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for mentioning how awful the tab "QD" is. It boggles my mind that to this day there's both manufacturers and EDC people claiming these are in any way a functional QD solution. For my money, I use retractable fisherman's tool rings. Reliable, instantly available, no hand eye coordination required, attach to your favorite belt loop and you're good to go, and they're available at any sporting goods store.
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