Werner Herzog vs Piers Morgan | On Putin, Hollywood Cancel Culture And More

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Piers Morgan Uncensored

Piers Morgan Uncensored

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@nickmagrath 5 ай бұрын
I was his interpreter on a visit to Brazil and man, what a genius! I got to chat with him and told him that Fitzcarraldo is one of my top 5 movies ever. It was a privilege!
@liltick102 4 ай бұрын
I heard about this event and that his Portuguese was in reality fine
@airoski 7 ай бұрын
man I will even suffer through Piers F’ing Morgan to listen to Werner Herzog speak
@bienmal 6 ай бұрын
exactly my thoughts haha
@Waldvogel45 6 ай бұрын
you both miss the ball. Stay on subject or swtch off . Werner IS the subject, no question. I thank PM for the platform , basta.
@1247.cccccc 6 ай бұрын
The pain.
@martinpaddle 6 ай бұрын
If only there was a way to automatically mute Piers in this, lol
@mikemiller3582 6 ай бұрын
he asks such stupid questions
@tchocky71 7 ай бұрын
This is the first interview I've watched of Werner Herzog. I admire him even more.
@grosbeak6130 7 ай бұрын
You're easily impressed.
@loremipsum685 7 ай бұрын
Give 'Burden of Dreams" a try - its an easy to appreciate documentary
@loremipsum685 7 ай бұрын
@@grosbeak6130 please please please tell me who impresses you, we want to know
@michael-4k4000 6 ай бұрын
He's gay, bet u didn't know that, ah?
@Llllltryytcc 6 ай бұрын
His interviews are a universe of their own lol. He was once shot with an BB gun doing an interview with critic Mark Kermode, his reaction is amusing
@sneakyreptile6667 5 ай бұрын
love how werner evicts all of morgans polarizing questions by answering more intelligently than the questions were put
@PontschPauPau3451 4 ай бұрын
Imagine thinking about social issues with nuance and realism, and not just parroting whatever dogma the side of the aisle you identify with tells you you should say. You can tell Pierce is frustrated with how slowly and deliberately Herzog speaks, because he's actually thinking about what he's going to say.
@mita6010 7 ай бұрын
Herzog has a warmth and depth of spirit along with being a creative genius. Thank you for the opportunity to hear his wisdom.
@warpnl1 7 ай бұрын
Lmaooooooo the last line cant be serious bro
@itomba 6 ай бұрын
If Werner heard you call him warm he would stab you in the eye.
@itomba 6 ай бұрын
If Werner heard you call him warm he would stab you in the eye.
@itomba 6 ай бұрын
@@warpnl1LMAO at you, this man has more insight into life than you can ever hope to imagine. His catalogue of documentaries, let alone his films, have examined the very basis of humanity. You obviously no nothing of him or his work.
@warpnl1 6 ай бұрын
@@itomba I've seen most films by him, so be quiet about that. They're good, but it's not like he's at the top of the cinematic landscape.
@kat_a_bru 7 ай бұрын
Werner is truly a gift to the human race. What an introspective, honest man he is. Thanks Piers for this gem
@shaheer151 7 ай бұрын
Not just a great Filmmaker but an amazingly wonderful Human Being.....so much wisdom he imparted to those capable of hearing it, in such a short interview. I made a good decision in choosing to watch this despite my aversion to Piers and his ilk....feel totally rewarded.
@Giantidiot 7 ай бұрын
Herzog is a wise and brilliant man and artist. He’s an oasis of thoughtfulness and modesty in an arrogant and crazy world. Thanks for this interview.
@foadghavami2004 7 ай бұрын
So pleasant to listen to him, his accent, his selection of the words and the content of talk.
@skyhawk747 7 ай бұрын
What an interview, wow! This man is cinema royalty.
@paulheydarian1281 7 ай бұрын
As long as you don't conflate Werner with Hollyweird Royalty. Hollyweirders nowadays are highly untalented and immensely irrelevant. 😮
@jhegre 4 ай бұрын
He surely is, but that german sounding guy is boring.
@frankisfrank69 7 ай бұрын
Finally, a GREAT artist being interviewed here. Thanks Piers Morgan for having Herzog on.
@sandymac4678 7 ай бұрын
"So many mised opportunities" - Morgan spends most of the interviews asking questions which Herzog already answered - and seems entirely unaware that Herzog lived in the same house as Kinski as a young man.
@fifibibi3213 7 ай бұрын
The contradiction and contradiction found in the book cannot in any way occur in heavenly revelation, as it means lying and disagreement, and the Lord Almighty does not lie or disagree with Himself. The sacred is the greatest evidence of its distortion and invalidity. This is because contradiction is a characteristic of human thought. Here - dear reader - are some of them Contradictions in the Gospels that exist today: (1) Both Matthew and Mark cited the story of Jesus cursing the fig tree. It was mentioned by Matthew in 1 18:21] and was mentioned by Mark in [11:12 But they fell into a clear contradiction: Matthew said that Christ cursed the fig tree 1 after he cleansed the temple and expelled those who were buying and selling in it. We find the opposite of that in the Gospel of Mark, which mentions that Christ was cursed. The fig tree [before] the temple had been cleansed of those who were buying and selling in it!! The story of the cleansing of the temple was reported by Matthew in [21:12] and Mark mentioned it in [11:15]. It isThe story of the cleansing of the temple was reported by Matthew in [21:12] and Mark mentioned in [11:15]. It is one story of one event, and there is a contradiction in its narration. Matthew and Mark. (2) While we find in the Gospel of Mark [11:12] that Christ cursed the fig tree and that the disciples, including Peter, knew that it had withered on [the next day] when they saw the tree withered as they were returning to the city [11:20]. We find the opposite of that in the Gospel of Matthew, as it tells the story of all the events occurring on [the same day] and that the tree withered immediately and that the disciples saw what happened and said: How did the fig tree wither immediately? Matthew [21:18-20] Can this contradiction be said to be an inspiration from the Lord of the Worlds? (3) According to the Gospel of Mark [14: 32-43] that Christ was arrested from a village called (Gensemane). According to the Gospel of Luke [22: 29-47], Christ was arrested from the Mount of Olives ! The contradiction is clear and present in the name of the place From which Christ was arrested. To confirm the difference in the geography of the village of Gethsemane from the geography of the Mount of Olives, see Matthew 26-30, Mark 14:26 and 32, and John 18 (1). See also the map of Jerusalem in the days of Christ found at the end of the New Testament, so that no one would claim that the location of Gethsemane = Mount. Olives as 3 = 1. We ask this question to Christians: If the Gospels are sacred to you and were written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, how could this happen? Contradiction? (4) Matthew wrote in [18] the account of Christ’s healing of the leper who came to Christ, saying, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.” So he extended Jesus took his hand and touched him, saying: I am willing, so be cleansed. then Matthew wrote in [148] the account of Christ's healing Protecting Peter from fever. However, Luke is incomplete, as he wrote in [4:38] the account of Christ’s healing of Peter’s mother- in- law first, then he wrote in [12:51] the account of Christ’s healing of the leper The contradiction is clear: According to Matthew, Christ healed the leper before he had healed Peter’s mother- in- law from fever, but according to Luke, Christ healed the leper after he had healed Peter’s mother- in- law. fever ! It is no secret to you, O discerning reader, that the advances and delays in the history of the facts and the timing of the events are from those who claim to write Inspiration is a clear contradiction. (5) Matthew wrote in [12:17] citing In the Old Testament (regarding Christ): (So ​​that what the prophet Isaiah said might be fulfilled: Behold, my servant whom I have chosen, my beloved, in whom I am well pleased, I will My soul is upon him. ) This phrase was mentioned only by Matthew, and it contradicts the original phrase found in the book of Isaiah [42:1], because Isaiah’s phrase is like this: ((Behold, My servant, whom I uphold, My chosen one, in whom I am well pleased.) myself )) So consider, O discerning reader, between Matthew’s phrase (Behold my servant whom I have chosen) and the phrase Original (Behold my servant) The description of slavery has been changed, and it is the most honorable description of creation, especially since God Almighty added it to Himself, and who would refuse to Be a servant of God? His first characteristic is that he is: Abdullah. When Christians agree that the first characteristic of Christ is that he is a servant of God, Christian unity will be achieved. As for citing a passage that says that Jesus is the servant of God, and then other passages from the Gospel that say otherwise, this is a clear contradiction that leaves the decision to be decided by the mind of the reader. and conscience (6) According to the Gospel of Matthew in [8:5], Christ healed the officer’s servant first before he healed Peter’s mother- in- law from his fever. According to the Gospel of Luke in [4:38], the healing of Peter’s mother- in- law occurred before Christ healed the officer’s servant in [1:7]. The story of the healing of Peter's mother- in- law is mentioned in Matthew in [8:14] and in Luke in [4:38].We ask Christians: Isn't this a clear contradiction in the date and timing of the incident? How then could he believe that the Gospel writers wrote under inspiration from God? The sayings of the inspired people must be free from contradiction and disagreement, so their news of revelation and inspiration does not differ, and this is what we do not see in the four Gospels. (7) It was mentioned in John [18:9] that Christ said: “Those whom you gave me I have not lost None of them) Christ in this text did not lose anyone at all, but when you return, O discerning reader, to John in [12:17], before this text, Christ himself was saying: (When I was with them in the world, I kept them in your name. Those you gave me I kept, and not one of them perished. Except the son of perdition, so that the Scripture may be fulfilled.) In the eighteenth chapter, he did not lose anyone, and in the seventeenth chapter, he lost one, and the difference is clear: it is a contradiction! (8) It was mentioned in Matthew [24:29] about the signs of the end of time, the words of Christ, “And immediately after those calamities, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not shine, and the stars will fall from the sky,” until he said, “And people will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven in all power and majesty, and he will send his angels.” With a great trumpet to the four winds,
@fifibibi3213 7 ай бұрын
Who carried the cross, Jesus or Simon?! Then they went out to crucify him, and they forced a man passing by who was coming from the field, namely Simon of Cyrene, the father of Alexandros and Rufus, to carry his cross. Mark 15/20 And as they were leaving, they found a man from Cyrene named Simon, so they forced him to carry his cross, Matthew .27/32 When they led him away, they caught Simon, a man from Cyrene, who was coming from the field, and they placed the cross on him to carry it behind Jesus, Luke 23/26. But John disagrees with the three, and makes Jesus the bearer of his cross instead of Simon: “So they took Jesus and led him away, and he, carrying his cross, went out to the place called the Skull.” John 19/17 The question here is who carried the cross, Jesus? Simon's mother?! Mark 15:25 And it was the third hour, and they crucified him (John 19:14). And it was about the sixth hour, and he had not yet been crucified. Matthew 27:32 And they commanded Simon to carry the cross of Christ. John 19:17 So Jesus went out carrying his cross. Mark 15:23 And they gave him wine mixed with bitterness to drink, but he did not accept it. Matthew 27:34 And they gave him vinegar mixed with gall to drink his food. John 19:29 And there was a vessel standing there full of vinegar. Mark 21 They put him on the cross Peter 2 (24) They put him on a tree. He bore our sins in his body on the tree. Galatians 13:3 Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us. For it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree.” Matthew 27:5 That Judas went and created himself Acts 1:18 That Judas fell to the ground, and his bowels were silent. John 120 Only Mary Magdalene visited the tomb Matthew 1:28 Mary Magdalene and another Mary: the mother of James Luke 24 10 Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Joanna Mark 16:8 Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Salome Mark 16:8 Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome quickly left and fled from the tomb. Sunday nothing because they were afraid
@fifibibi3213 7 ай бұрын
God is truthful when He says... If it had been from other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy...✔✔✅✅👍🕌💯
@fifibibi3213 7 ай бұрын
“From” the texts of the Gospels, we will find this confusion: God, who is Christ, is seated at the right hand of God, but they are one.... One of them will submit to the other, but they are equal.... One of them has raised the other to heaven, but there is no distinction in their abilities.... And one of them sent the other, but they are both of one essence.... One of them is born of the other.... But before birth, both existed.... To whom glory was crucified and killed.... And God is greater than Christ, who is God.. .. And God knows the time of the resurrection..... But Christ, who is God, does not know it.... And there is only one God, but the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God.. .. And there is only one Lord, but there are three, each of them is a Lord . And the only God “from whom are all things” sent the only God “by whom are all things”...... And the Lord said at the crucifixion (Mark 15:34 My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?) And when he did not find an answer to him, he said before he died (Luke 23 : 46 He said, “Father, in your hands I entrust my soul.” And when he said this, he gave up the spirit and died...... But this was for the sin of eating from the tree! Religion, or monotheism, or reason, or anything!!??........ By God, we live in a great blessing if God Almighty created us Muslims.......... Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, number ----------☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆¤¤☆ 10 second if we assume. What did the false prophets mention? I ask your living conscience, O Christian, the defeated and deceived, regardless of the sins of the so- called Lord Jesus. Nor is the sin of our father Adam, one morsel of an apple, the sins of his adulterous whore grandmothers 1 Is the sin of our father Adam greater - nor are the sins of the prophets he sent, oh ||||||||||||| -------☆☆☆□□●♤☆☆ Christianity and paganism Psalm [91:9-16] is a prophecy that describes a servant who turns to his Lord, who is saved and raised Christians believe that the psalm is a prophecy about Christ, and Luke 4:10 and Matthew 4:6 quoted from it, paragraph 11, the text of the psalm: ((I say to the Lord: You are my refuge and my bosom, my God who is in Him and Yath. 3 For He will truly deliver you from the snare of the hunter. With His fears He will overshadow you. Under His wings you will take refuge. Shield and shield are His right. 5 Do not be afraid of the fear of the night, nor of the arrow that flies by day. And not from your doom spoils at noon. 7 A thousand and ten thousand at your right will fall from your side. He will not come near to you. 8 But with your eyes you look and see the reward of the wicked. And because you said: The Lord is my refuge, and you have taken refuge in the Most High, 10 no evil will happen to you, and no calamity will come close to your dwelling. 11 For he will command his angels concerning you So that they may be kept in all your ways. 12 They carry you on their hands, lest you hit the stone of your foot. 13 You tread on the lion and the serpent, you trample the lion and the lion. 14 The Lord said: I will deliver him because he is attached to me. I lift him up because he knew my name. 15 He calls upon Me, and I respond to him; I accompany him in distress; I rescue him and honor him; 16 I prolong his forgiveness, and I show him my salvation.” -------☆☆ Sayings of Christ blow up the Trinity. From the words of Christ in John (17:3): “And this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus, whom you sent.” Christ did not say that eternal life is for them to know that there are three Persons and that Jesus is Tasut and Divinity, or that Jesus is a God incarnate; Rather, he said that eternal life is in the belief in the true monotheism of God and the belief in the message of Christ...., and the fact that Christ is a messenger is the opposite of his being a god: because the discrepancy between the messenger and the messenger is obvious. One of Christ's sayings in Mark (12:29).... Jesus answered: “The first of all commandments is: Hear, O Israel. The Lord our God is one Lord.” The first of the commandments in the Torah and in all the books of the prophets is to believe that God is one and there is no god but Him. It is said that Jesus, peace be upon him, is the first of the commandments. From the words of Jesus in Mark (13:32): “As for that day and hour, no one knows about them, not even the angels who are in healing, nor the Son except the Father.” And this saying calls for the invalidity of the trinity, because Christ, peace be upon him, singled out the knowledge of the resurrection with God and denied himself as he denied the other servants of God, and equalized between him and them in this; If science is specific to theology and not to humanity, how can it be ignorant of theology when it is united to humanity?! ------------------ In the Bible, the Lord says in Genesis 1:6 My spirit shall never rest on a person, because he is a body. And since Jesus in the Bible is just a human being, as he said in John 8:40 I am a human being who has spoken to you the truth that I heard from God. And those around him saw that he was a man, as in Luke 32:47, the leader of the sect.. He glorified God, saying: “Truly this man was Barala So why do the Christians believe that the Spirit of God rested on the body of Christ, and that a human body enclosed him in his mother’s womb until the time of his death? And the Lord in the Holy Book says: “My soul will not dwell on a human being ever, because it is a body.” And how does the spirit of God descend upon Christ, and God is a spirit, as he said John in 4:24 “God is a spirit”: that is, it is not a tangible body, while the rosary had a tangible body, and Christ says about himself in Luke 39 24 “Behold my hands and my feet, that I am groaning, and behold, for a soul has no flesh and bones as you see I have.” And how does the spirit of God, which the heavens cannot contain, dissolve in the body of Christ, as in 1 Kings 8:27, does God really dwell on earth? Behold, the heavens, and the heavens of heavens, shall not be shed." While Christ was a fetus, then a child, he became a boy, and he was gradually growing and becoming stronger, as in Luke 2:40 (And the boy was having fun and was strengthened by marriage, so we have wisdom, and God’s tone was upon him) -------------------------- And how could the Spirit of God descend upon Christ, when he had a visible body, while God is not seen, as in 1 Timothy 6:16, “whom no man has seen nor can he see.” And as John 1:18 said God no one has ever seen * And how did the Spirit of God rest upon Christ who sought and died - as mentioned in the Gospels - and he died, when God says about himself (Deuteronomy 32:40 I live forever) (Jeremiah:10:10 but the Lord is the true God, the living God and the eternal King.) (Habakkuk 1 12: 12 Aren't you from eternity, O Lord my God, my Holy One? Do not miss it (1) Timothy 6: 16, whose unity is immortality...) And how can the Spirit of God rest upon Christ when no human can see God, as in Exodus 33:20, “You cannot cover my face, because man does not see me and live.” And in John 5:37, “And the Father Himself... you never heard his voice, nor did you see his aura. Christ was seen by everyone around him and his voice was heard?! So... the spirit of God, which is His characteristic, does not dissolve in bodies - according to the texts, not to mention the solutions of His sublime Essence If the Christians insist on believing that Jesus is the incarnate God; They disbelieved in the texts of their book to follow the opinions of their fathers ---------'---- Christianity and paganism are among the texts by which Christians infer the divinity of Jesus: a text mentioned in Unity 8:23: You are from below, but I am from above. You are of this world, but I am not of this world.” The response to this claim says thanks to God Firstly, Christ’s saying: “As for me, I am not of this world” is not evidence of divinity in any case. What is meant is his difference from all other human beings by his transcendence from the material world: rather he, as a prophet and messenger from God, made his concern above that wreckage that the rest of the people are panting after, so he was one of the seekers of God and the Hereafter. Those in whose heart there is no attachment, but God is love The expression of Christ contains a kind of metaphor, as it is said: So- and- so is not from this world, meaning that he does not live for this world and does not care about it, but his concern is always the pleasure of God and the abode of the Hereafter. Second: Christ said the same thing against His disciples also after touching in them the love of the hereafter and turning away from the world. He said in John 15:19 if you were of the world, the world would have to be conquered. the world. " And in another place he said about them in John 17:14, "I have given them your word, and the world has destroyed them, because they are not of the world. As to me, I am not. The world. Of. Here is the cry, he said about the disciples that they are not of this world: Are they gods?! with
@maevey3 6 ай бұрын
I love how he answers the questions so reasonably. He's very fair & measured.
@dronezone2955 7 ай бұрын
He is one of the most intriguing people on the planet, his mind and perspective is a one of a kind. His films, or poems as he would say, are just simply excellent.
@patrickpaganini 7 ай бұрын
I know it's hard with the delay interrupting each other, but I appreciate Piers here behaving very well, and letting Werner talk - well done!
@garymacmillan6401 7 ай бұрын
I met Werner in a Venice restaurant. A lovely guy.
@IggyGoesPop666 6 ай бұрын
I hope that you didn't make him wait too long for his food 🤣🤣🤣
@garymacmillan6401 6 ай бұрын
I've also met Iggy Pop, so get you and your hilarious put downs.@@IggyGoesPop666
@felicitashilmer1368 7 ай бұрын
Really enjoyed this!! What an interesting, incredibly intelligent and articulate man with great insight and humanity!! I could have listened to Werner all day. Please bring him back again!!
@mariahayworth4840 7 ай бұрын
Love this man. Brilliant, human, and humble. Not to mention the extraordinary talent.
@gavinaustin4474 6 ай бұрын
I was impressed with Werner as well.
@Tchild2 6 ай бұрын
Herzog is a gem of a human being.
@andrewb445 7 ай бұрын
What a man, Werner Herzog! Piers Morgan, sir, I have this ambivalence about you. Whenever I am on the caustic side of my evaluation of your interviews I will try to remember this one. Thank you for this interview. Have you ever visited the Caribbean region Mr. Morgan?
@hmq9052 7 ай бұрын
It seems highly likely. He enjoys cricket
@racializedkanadian 6 ай бұрын
I have many favourite Herzog films. The one I've been pushing for the last few years is his documentary called "LITTLE DIETER NEEDS TO FLY". I watch this at least once a year. Whenever I think life is getting too 'difficult', I simply ask myself, "what would Dieter do?"
@stephenpitkin5492 6 ай бұрын
Exactly. Dieter and that film were a direct injection of life.
@TomDollard 6 ай бұрын
@@stephenpitkin5492 I knew and admired Dieter, worked with him in Sausalito. Only learned about his "experiences" in SE Asia after he died. Dieter Dengler and Jochen Peiper are my role mdels.
@claystore 5 ай бұрын
I still remember the first Herzog movie I saw - Grizzly Man - and how shocked I was that here was the director, interjecting in the viewpoints of the main character... adding his own opinion. And I thought "Who the hell does he think he is?!?!?". I soon learned that he was Werner Herzog, and that his voice is crucial to how his stories are told. A very unique and talented person!
@lorisnaith9650 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for this fantastic interview, Piers!
@davejlh4988 7 ай бұрын
I agree with Werner that Grizzly Man is a good film to show to younger people as a way to introduce them to his work because that was exactly how I became a fan. I would also suggest ‘From one second to the next’ which is a documentary about the dangers of texting and driving. It shows how easily people are distracted by their smartphones and how that can quickly lead to deadly consequences.
@Gaudine 7 ай бұрын
I don’t think I’ve ever seen or heard of that movie. Now I must watch it.
@uretanairobi Ай бұрын
Wonderful interview. Herzog is a living legend.
@LindyK 7 ай бұрын
WHAT A FABULOUS INTERVIEW! I love Werner Herzog. A great conversationalist.
@SuchetB 7 ай бұрын
Love Werner Herzog - Such a great human being, as well as a great filmmaker.
@lavenderbee3611 7 ай бұрын
I have loved Werner Herzog for a long time, there's something genuine about his art that is becoming rare. I agree with him about separating the man/woman from the art and I have no trouble doing that. I can say without shame that Harvey Weinstein was responsible for so many great films of the past 30 years and am grateful for that. He however was a flawed man who abused his power but was also caught in the me too fervor (a changing of the guard). The casting couch has been part of Hollywood and other industries since it's inception and was in full flower when Harvey entered the business. I'm happy that women don't have to deal with it any longer, it was really unjust. Everybody knows that it will no longer be tolerated and that's a welcomed outcome.
@massashihosono 5 ай бұрын
This man is such a jewel... very thoughtful of him sharing his views through his movies.
@obiknobi8447 7 ай бұрын
Every time Mr. Herzog finished a sentence, I was anticipating that deep sinister gaze. That gaze that could extract your soul, turn your skin inside out. Always captivating.
@tummelluv 7 ай бұрын
this is sweet- I just finished listening to his audio autobiography....Myself and my family are huge followers of Werner..his movies are our go to for family movie time with our kids age 10 and age 13. He is so inspirational.
@mevdinc 5 ай бұрын
This is by far the best interview conducted by Piers and mostly thanks to Werner Herzog. What a great man. But also well done to Piers for not trying to engage his guest in a heated discussion.
@danielfulop 2 ай бұрын
Werner might be the only person that Piers doesn't interrupt!
@shaunsmith6703 5 ай бұрын
Werner is surely one of the greats. A great documentarian too; a list as long as your arm of amazing films: I urge anyone to watch Land of Silence and Darkness.
@jargandargan 7 ай бұрын
What an absolute living legend. So impressed with his answers during the 5+ minute stretch where the host tried to bait him into railing against “cancel culture” crap.
@GothamClive 6 ай бұрын
And later the same with comic book movies. Herzog doesn't participate in group think. Whatever he gets asked about he has deeper thoughts that are very insightful.
@gentlemantramp7528 6 ай бұрын
Funny, that was the disappointing part for me. I mean, he did nudge back, but very, very gently. A younger Herzog would have been far more strident, in fact, openly derisive of censorship. I guess he is having too much fun playing villains to attract the ire of Disney. But disappointing because there is a pivotal, if imprecise, distinction between art & propaganda. I think art critic, David Hickey, put it best, "All art is somewhere between pornography and propaganda-without being wholly one or the other." So there is overlap, but when the pendulum swings too far, "one or the other" inevitably eclipses that elusive and ineffable thing we call art.
@nancydupuis8083 7 күн бұрын
I didn't think he was baiting him, it's a huge issue and relevant to our culture in many ways
@SuperZangieff 5 ай бұрын
He is just one of a kind. One of the very last copies of an extinct species: A man with ideals and vision at the same time.
@bitspieces1107 7 ай бұрын
They say Piers Morgan is like Marmite, you love it or hate it. I understand why that might be said but when he is on form with excellent interviews such as this you have to just love what he can produce, this is an extremely well-conducted piece. Chapeau/ hats off to him!
@foadghavami2004 7 ай бұрын
Hats off to P. Morgan to chose Hertzug to interview and just getting 97000 view, while his interview about Harry former prince of Sussex had 1.5 million viewer😢😢😢
@Rayve1609 7 ай бұрын
I am about 7 minutes in it, but i already love this and save it as a favourite. He just mentioned Kurosawa and for me as an japanophile and cineast its just great to hear from someone who really knows how to make movies, what a great director Kurosawa was. But to be honest, i thought, Werner would have mentioned Tarkovsky.
@johnhull2941 7 ай бұрын
what a fantastic interview
@thedrunkenchefs4577 6 ай бұрын
This is one of the best interviews Piers has ever done.
@DragonballYFighter 7 ай бұрын
What a amazing man❤️ so much knowledge and wisdom. It's been a pleasure listening to his way off thinking.
@sholehmidtbo3051 7 ай бұрын
@johnkalap9314 7 ай бұрын
Can we all just concede that Werner Herzog is more articulate and fluent in English than many English speakers?
@maevey3 6 ай бұрын
Without a doubt
@GothamClive 6 ай бұрын
Not just many: Most
@Chipoo88 7 ай бұрын
What a beautiful soul
@tedmills 6 ай бұрын
Asking a creator those "what is the best film" questions always shows a paucity of intelligence and curiosity
@VIRGONOMICS 7 ай бұрын
Icon. His works have changed the way I see the world .
@paulholbach3716 6 ай бұрын
He survived Klaus Kinski. That’s already an achievement. I love him.
@mrnice7570 7 ай бұрын
Finally a man of respect
@preciousmousse 4 ай бұрын
Werner is right! The initial world of Barbie is hell, but it advances to offer an alternative to the hell. Really loved it! Everything is so new: from decors, to acting method, to approach on conflict. As a 30 year old, I found it very loving and comforting to attend for about 2h to a world where nothing awfully traumatic happens and nobody dies. What a dream!
@maxheadrom3088 6 ай бұрын
This is the interview version of the debate between Jordan Peterson and Slavoj Zizek!
@JayB.USMC. 2 ай бұрын
Werner is such a genius! I need to watch more of his films. Grizzly man is one of my favorite documentaries.
@thoso1973 7 ай бұрын
That Barbie quote at the end should be put on the poster 'Is the world of Barbie sheer Hell?' 😄 (and I liked the film; Herzog's line just puts a different spin on it)
@karenbaughn6625 7 ай бұрын
Herzog is a living legend a very wise man indeed, when he talks we all should listen.
@mchris65 7 ай бұрын
Had to watch Wings of Hope after seeing this. Astonishing story and Juliane Koepcke's story should be more well known.
@terryh5334 7 ай бұрын
Great interview Pieers. I could listen to Werner all day long.
@humbertsmith8864 7 ай бұрын
Well done! Chomsky, Finkelstein, and now Herzog, great additions!
@nrayanerhg53h 6 ай бұрын
Mr Morgan has really improved his interviewing style. Little to no interruption and great line of questions. Excellent work discussing with a magnificent human being.
@SuperRobertoClemente 6 ай бұрын
He's a complete buffoon. I can't believe Herzog decided to be interviewed by someone with such a crude understanding of art and politics. He's being used to keep Morgan's disgraced brand afloat. Shameful.
@XavierPeypoch 6 ай бұрын
Such a force for humanity! great interview
@mickyeverton 7 ай бұрын
Mr Herzog comes across as a very respectful decent Person!! 🙏🙏
@mrmrgaming 7 ай бұрын
Every time I hear his voice, I think of Jack's Reacher "I chewed these fingers off before the frostbite could turn to gangrene." A great director and a fine actor.
@joejoe2658 7 ай бұрын
now you will hear him impersonating the npc line from gta5 "im gonna eat yer fingers"
@chazlewis8114 7 ай бұрын
Wow! Wasn't expecting this! Fantastic
@Joe-ym6bw 5 ай бұрын
Herzog is one of the greatest filmmakers ever
@kellybrincks 7 ай бұрын
Herzog is a legend. What a mind.
@erstwhile6163 7 ай бұрын
Legend. Best interview yet.
@loganross1861 17 күн бұрын
Anyone who hasn’t seen the Reacher movie with Herzog needs to watch it. The villain he plays is the perfect rendition of what we’re all up against today
@machtnichtsseimann 7 ай бұрын
Werner Herzog is a fascinating man. He seems like a true free spirit involved in any facet of story-telling and film he wants to do. Who cares what anyone else thinks? His comment here agreeing with Scorcese with the caveat to not forget the importance of Fantasy is cogent. To my great surprise, he even did a docu-series on the brilliant and eccentric preacher/pastor Gene Scott many years ago. Regarding his comment here on how he barely had any kissing in his works and if you want to watch sex, then watch porn, he at least was in "Incident at Loch Ness" which had gratuitous nudity. Alas, he's human, not entirely consistent all the time. He's still fascinating and I personally appreciate his blunt ( often humorously dry ) opinions, not to mention his contribution to Culture and Art.
@GothamClive 6 ай бұрын
"Incident at Loch Ness" is a movie he is in but it's not one of his movies.
@MrMehreiran 7 ай бұрын
What a great man! What Refreshing point of views on the concept of justice.
@alexa7553 7 ай бұрын
I agree with Herzog's comparisons with Caravaggio and the Old Testament. And the same question applies to the films produced by Harvey Weinstein. However, Morgan's claim (at 9:48) that Harvey Weinstein is "the most Oscar nominated person for his movies there's ever been" seems to come out of nowhere, as he was nominated for a total of 2 Academy Awards. It would be quite a stretch (and a misleading statement) to count the Oscar nominations received by actors, screenwriters, composers, and others involved in films produced by Weinstein as his own Oscar accomplishments.
@miadebrecin1071 6 ай бұрын
Love this guy. He is a true genius.❤
@socorroeletronica 7 ай бұрын
Great interview!!! Love Herzog!!!❤❤❤
@elizaleroux9173 7 ай бұрын
Amazing seeing Werner on your show.. IF we could clone anyone.. it should be this Man! My vote.. Grizzly Man.
@jeffdumpster1470 6 ай бұрын
He's not an easy man to interview, you did a good job just letting him speak.
@tommyrocker33 4 ай бұрын
Remarkable gentleman, could listen to his stories for hours. Smashing interview too, cheers 👍
@Scottie444 7 ай бұрын
Brilliant... Such an honest, poised filmmaker and Man.
@multiversos1 6 ай бұрын
Marvellous man, heaps and bounds above most in power at the moment and he's not even a politician.
@carolinelabe3542 7 ай бұрын
EXCELLENT interview (thank you Piers)
@yngvehansen666 6 ай бұрын
Werner makes Piers seem like a human being
@etch-a-sketch 7 ай бұрын
Fantastic interview!!!
@user-ih6kc1rb7t 7 ай бұрын
i love that he really did not get sucked into the negative about Hollywood. i love Hollywood entertainment. not all of course but i don't pay attention to the rights negative take.... life is to short.
@southLondon-jx6qv 7 ай бұрын
I love his death row stuff
@mrebholz 6 ай бұрын
Could sense that Pierce sometimes fell into the habit of rushing to the next question but bit his tongue out of respect 😂, great 👍🏾 interview and very interesting 🤔 and in depth answers from Werner. Really enjoyed his perspective.
@Marius_vanderLubbe 7 ай бұрын
'wars very often start with a climate of demonization' - and morgan rolls right on with his demonization. All of this blood is on your hands, morgan.
@joselozada6640 6 ай бұрын
We should all have the story of our lives being narrated by Herzog! What an amazing person!
@nicolettacinci3053 7 ай бұрын
Mein geliebter Herr Herzog❤
@diment0857 7 ай бұрын
Thank god for Werner Herzog
@RootinrPootine 7 ай бұрын
It’s so funny to be like “Sometimes something has to be done about horrific situations like the Nazis, so anyway isn’t it horrible that people are criticizing Israel for being Nazis doing another holocaust?” lol Lmao
@ecyranot 6 ай бұрын
If you haven't seen Grizzly Man, I highly recommend it. The protagonist is one of the most fascinating characters I've ever seen on screen.
@nicholaswilliamobrien2451 7 ай бұрын
Fantastic interview
@riffraffrichard 2 ай бұрын
Love herzog! No-one can get simple reductive soundbites out of his interviews. Way too nuanced and thoughtful answers!
@johncaracciolo8368 7 ай бұрын
best interview piers morgan has ever conducted, by far.
@louiepalma2436 Ай бұрын
I love this guy, a formidable artist with a vision, a veritable Renaissance man. Thank you Mr Werner, for making this world a better place.
@alessandrotorza6120 7 ай бұрын
Great answers to embarrassing questions.
@alexandrebittencourttande3264 6 ай бұрын
What a joy to watch this wonderful man talking about anything. And no Mr Herzog. You don´t have a vilain's face. You could very well be a true hero, cause that's what you really are.
@TinaReutin 7 ай бұрын
Great interview, Piers. Good questions and good listening.
@artofsam 7 ай бұрын
Well now I want Herzog to be the first man on Mars and there is nothing else you can to convince me otherwise, I don't even care about him landing I just want to see video updates of Werner and what he gets up to in isolation and zero-g. It could be the greatest podcast ever made.
@Chris-sq7bh 7 ай бұрын
Piers! When Werner’s telling you to “be vigilant”, he’s referring to your mate Trump.
@Expat-gy4wz 5 ай бұрын
@Demention94 6 ай бұрын
Smart, how he answers questions.
@kcwestern 7 ай бұрын
Love Herzog! Thank you for the great piece.
@carricoveiro6534 6 ай бұрын
What a delight of a conversation
@chadbentoski5778 8 күн бұрын
Werner said look at my face... LOL This man's expression never changes lololol
@brookes432 7 ай бұрын
Classic with a true movie artist..herzog could be a good politician he makes sense and crossed so many cultures in his travels
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