Рет қаралды 799
Consejos para facilitar una adaptación al calor y lograr un mejor desempeño deportivo.
BIHUB team
barca innovation hub
Buchheit, M., Voss, S.C., Nybo, L., Mohr, M., Racinais, S., 2011. Physiological and performance adaptations to an in-season soccer camp in the heat: Associations with heart rate and heart rate variability. Scand. J. Med. Sci. Sport. 21, 1-9. doi.org/10.111...
Link, D., Weber, H., 2017. Effect of Ambient Temperature on Pacing in Soccer Depends on Skill Level. J. Strength Cond. Res. 31, 1766-1770. doi.org/10.151...
Lorenzo, S., Halliwill, J.R., Sawka, M.N., Minson, C.T., 2010. Heat acclimation improves exercise performance. J. Appl. Physiol. 109, 1140-1147. doi.org/10.115....
Maughan, R.J., Otani, H., Watson, P., 2012. Influence of relative humidity on prolonged exercise capacity in a warm environment. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 112, 2313-2321. doi.org/10.100...
Mohr, M., Krustrup, P., 2013. Heat stress impairs repeated jump ability after competitive elite soccer games. J. strength Cond. Res. 27, 683-689.
Nybo, L., Lundby, C., 2016. CrossTalk opposing view: Heat acclimatization does not improve exercise performance in a cool condition. J. Physiol. 594, 245-247. doi.org/10.111...
Oberholzer, L., Siebenmann, C., Mikkelsen, C.J., Junge, N., Piil, J.F., Morris, N.B., Goetze, J.P., Meinild Lundby, A.K., Nybo, L., Lundby, C., 2019. Hematological Adaptations to Prolonged Heat Acclimation in Endurance-Trained Males. Front. Physiol. 10, 1-8. doi.org/10.338...
Rønnestad, B.R., Hamarsland, H., Hansen, J., Holen, E., Montero, D., Whist, J.E., Lundby, C., 2020. Five weeks of heat training increases hemoglobin mass in elite cyclists. Exp. Physiol. In press. doi.org/10.111...
Zhou, C., Hopkins, W.G., Mao, W., Calvo, A.L., Liu, H., 2019. Match performance of soccer teams in the Chinese super league-effects of situational and environmental factors. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 16. doi.org/10.339...