Policing Dissent from Whiteness in Pagan Studies (Paper for Harvard Divinity School)

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Nordic Animism

Nordic Animism

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@MissKansaz 7 ай бұрын
This is so hard hitting. I found myself hesitant and unwilling to engage with anything "nordic" for fear of being seen as a white nationalist. I am so thrilled to have stumbled upon your scholarship. I would love to get a masters or PhD in religous studies (as we call it here in Canada). Maybe in my 50's lol. I am excited about your choice to share via cultural change/popular publishing. It gives me hope and inspiration. Thank you for all you do!
@foxmactavish2739 7 ай бұрын
Rune says that European nations turned colonial ideas back on themselves when they rejected the older euro-animist traditions. I think this is somewhat backwards and would say that euro-animist traditions were among the first to be persecuted by what academics have taken to calling "whiteness" but what I would call Rome. The colonial oppression he speaks of was pressed onto the people of Europe during the iron age at a time when the majority of European people were not engaged in the colonial oppression we connect to "white" culture today. Therefore, it was not really "turned back" on themselves. It was pressed on them by others who believed that they were culturally superior. They were victims of colonialism from the outside just like so many other peoples.
@nicolaapps6889 7 ай бұрын
i suppose patriarchy is a history of power=over ... there does seem to be a connection between white supremacy, misogyny and colonialism ... that came to a head in the burning times ...
@Nowa440 5 ай бұрын
That’s matched by indigenous turtle island decolonial activists and scholars ideas that ChristianRome was the first fascist society to impose one cultural mode on all others. Pagan Rome was still imperial and did conquer lands but it did not seek to eradicate but allowed peoples to retain ethnic identities and get tribute from them. Christian Rome sought to replicate itself culturally and then create hierarchies from that. Leading to present day racial caste systems that strengthened during colonial conquests and reaches modern day crystallization in the counter revolution of 1776 against slave revolts in the Caribbean and southern USA. Very brief and summarizing a lot
@Marc_ofthe_west 7 ай бұрын
Maybe I need to check my privilege as a white dude, but when I consider animism or the Runes teachings on Nordic animism, skin colour never came to mind. Just connection to the land and your local community. It’s a real shame what’s happening in North America (I’m in Canada) but we need to ensure to educate ourselves and stand against fascism in all its forms. I’m Norse pagan and I’m leaning heavily into Nordic animism and I know there can be a stigma there. My actions and beliefs separate myself from the bigots.
@Robert-gc9gc 8 ай бұрын
What a coincidence, I just used the QAnon shaman as an example of how social media is used in the modern age. Test question response for my sociology class about groups and subgroups. Not exactly a scholarly publication, but I referenced some of your past sayings on this. Keep going with challenging the mainstream ❤
@ribbrascal 7 ай бұрын
The mainstream *is* anti-white, though.
@GoodNaturedMischief 7 ай бұрын
Yes yes yes! Your content really articulates what I've been studying/observing/experiencing for a long time. I definitely plan on using your work when I eventually pursue my PhD in Ecology, Spirituality, and Religion
@ex_orpheus1166 7 ай бұрын
15:04 It's spelt Linda Tuhiwai-Smith.
@casuallyethereal1561 7 ай бұрын
This is a great video and got me thinking about this stereotyping serves to maintain the idea of linear social and historical development through the framing of this knowledge as backwards by associating it with ills we were supposed to have eradicated like racism and negative nationalism and in doing so serves to validate the current mode of knowledge production. Also, have you read any Stuart Hall, specifically the Fateful Triangle? I’d think you’d appreciate his analysis of race, ethnicity, and nation.
@flatlined904 7 ай бұрын
Wooooah. That's so cool your work is being used for deradicalization in prisons!
@craftyhobbit7623 7 ай бұрын
It is needed there urgently.
@charlesK12960 5 ай бұрын
good luck with your deradicalization bullshit in times of radical invasions and radical leftism.
@MasaroZilian 7 ай бұрын
This makes a good point, that the impulse to other Euro-descended people as "white" and somehow different from other groups of people (even without malicious intent), perpetuates the colonial mindset. I definitely need to work on this, since the politicization of whiteness (and racialization in general) is currently so prevalent. I believe that delving into animism and indigenous ways of thinking in all of our cultures, seeing ourselves as all relationally-based creatures, can help us to get away from this kind of perspective.
@nicolaapps6889 7 ай бұрын
@charlesK12960 5 ай бұрын
boring, bunch of harcore snitches in this wow
@charlesK12960 5 ай бұрын
@@nicolaapps6889 clean the kitchen
@janakselharderklitgaard1216 7 ай бұрын
I understand that you, as a scholar, finds this conversation, built on Gregorius article, necessary and interesting, but damn it must be "træls" to respond to such work and other such utterances, over and over again, that so deeply misunderstands (as I has always seen your work) the position from which you work. But wonderful defence (Y)
@timeenoughforart 7 ай бұрын
I need the Cliff Notes.
@blackphillip2393 4 ай бұрын
I have both Norse and Native American heritage and am interested in bio-regional animism as you seem to describe as "de-colonialized".
@aubreejobizzarro1208 7 ай бұрын
This is not my area of expertise, but isn’t it entirely possible given Scandinavias attention to scholarly record post Viking age, and alluding to a shared Germanic origin, the supremacy of “aryans” returning to tradition under the N@zi regime is how these symbols got co-opted in the first place? There is overlap with origin in animism for protogermanic peoples and Scandinavian peoples, however most of Germanic peoples culture was most likely heavily influenced by the Gauls and later the Roman’s. The emergence of Nordic animism is deeply tied to the lands of Scandinavia, not Central Europe… I personally believe Nordic animism was appropriated because it was the only living record of some sort of traditional spirituality before christianization of the region, but I’m just a layman hobbyist. It just has always bothered me seeing people take the symbols and bastardize them when others are genuinely trying to trace their ancestors roots… it does give me hope that (for citizens on Turtle Island) more indigenous knowledge systems are being uplifted and brought to the forefront of animism. It has been more fulfilling letting indigenous voices and stories guide my thinking and approach towards my ancestral stories and heritage. What I find almost borderline colonial is adopting an ancestors spirituality and disregarding the actual stories of the lands you live on. If you’re of settler descent, it is important to learn from the elders, the community, and the land. Otherwise it just feels like a spiritual colonial settler project… These are just my personal feelings on that subject- but if I interpret Kimmerers work correctly, she is calling for a naturalization of spirit for settler descendants as well. This doesn’t mean we’ll adopt indigenous spirituality, instead we will learn the stories and histories to become naturalized. I think of the Diné, whose stories say they came from the East, and became Diné with the families of some ancestral Pueblo people. Perhaps there will be a new type of people when we are naturalized, like the Rainbow people the Hopi speak of. ❤
@Pagyptsian 7 ай бұрын
This was super interesting and well articulated. Thank you for sharing it here!
@sophiadefossard2372 5 ай бұрын
Fantastic to see your indigenous scholars there. I am a big fan of Tyson Yunkaporta and Linda Tuhiwai Smith.
@benjaminlehr9310 7 ай бұрын
This is awesome Rune! Really looking forward to your reflections on Grundtvigianism. I'd also love to hear your thoughts on the historiography of the late 19th/early 20th century folklore that you reference often on this channel. Who collected the stories you share about, for example, bear kinship or the Year Walk in Sweden, or peasant relations with fairy-like figures in Denmark? What was the relationship among these folklorists, romanticisms, and nationalisms? How do the perspectives of these folklorists influence the material to which we have access today, if at all? How can we take inspiration from these stories while maintaining a critical distance from the folklorists' perspectives? You did a great job on this in your series on runes, for example. I wonder if more critique of the sources of nordic animist traditions might be another way to further strengthen your position against critiques like Gregorius'.
@NordicAnimism 7 ай бұрын
Haha! - great to hear from you Benjamin. That is a lot of questions. The rejection of animist knowledge in the construction of whiteness is a field that screams for investigation! but that nobody is really looking at. I have spottet it here and there in spite of not having the ressources to research it systematically. When someone gets their heads far enough out of their arses to give me a research centre 😀- someone will be researching the living shit out of these things also critiquing the entanglement with problematic roots and all that stuff. The people I have mainly on my map, are Axel Olrik and Hans Ellekilde, Evald Tang Kristensen, Vagn Brøndegaard - Henning Feilberg is a strong example of the rejection and the Year walk is first documented by Hyltén Cavallius if I remember correctly. , but there are others
@nicolaapps6889 7 ай бұрын
Thanks so much Rune. By the Goddess, you are a refreshing voice in the academic space :)
@Sacred.Grove.Tender 6 ай бұрын
Well then, I'm going to have to save this video and come back later when I'm more well versed. I thought I was up to par and able to keep up but that's surely not the case. I can understand that it holds a lot of really good information, though. Keep up the good work sir!
@ValQuinn 7 ай бұрын
I'm confused. Are you claiming that Nordic Animists are influenced by thinkers such as Viveiros de Castros and the others on your right column? That seems very unlikely to me. I agree Aleister Crowley is not a good example either but certainly popular writers like Robert Graves are much more influential on the development of neopaganism as a whole than any academic.
@crushinnihilism 7 ай бұрын
Crowley was far more influential than people think.
@ValQuinn 7 ай бұрын
@@crushinnihilismperhaps but i meant that it seems to be an example given in order to demonize. the magic/wicca strain of new religious movements (which is where i would place crowley) imo is distinct from neopaganism but there's certainly overlap.
@crushinnihilism 7 ай бұрын
@@ValQuinn I'm going to disagree slightly. Most forms of neo paganism started in the 60-70s as versions of wicca. They were, in some sense, direct descendants of the work of Crowley. The older crowd still follows that model. The younger generations seem to be going back to an older animist model.
@NordicAnimism 7 ай бұрын
what I am saying is that I read Viveiros de Castro and I am extremely influenced by his thinking - I know approximately zip about Crowley and don't feel particularly inspired by the little I know of him
@CreativeArtandEnergy 7 ай бұрын
What people don’t realize about Crowley and ceremonial practice is that it was something people with money did. The farmers and workers were close to their own practice that was more born out of a need for survival, like raw and totally different.
@jessereichbach588 7 ай бұрын
Very good and Interesting work. Ideologically motivated as well. This is the problem with postmodern academic language and paradigm itself, which essentially attempted to "decolonize" academia itself. And stereotype or caricature is the heart of the matter, and the problem with postmodern academic concepts themselves.When they say "anti-racism", they mean "positive prejudice" not the absence of racism, and this is a fundamental part of the issue as well. By entering the realm of scholarship,one has to accept the modern epistemological model to some effect because it is the most factual way of knowing, which is why its the fundamental foundation of scholarship to begin with. Now I wholly agree that disconnecting racial paradigms from this is important, and this isnt to suggest the now centuries old theories of the people who developed this modern epistemology weren't tied up with racialized concepts, they certainly were, but thats a clear distinction for me. Now as far as colonization is concerned, i see this is a very complex topic that has unfortunately been reduced to a caricature within modern scholarship and THIS is the inherent issue, not what they call "decolonization of the mind". Sure "decolonization of the mind" is all well and good to some effect, and im sure many individuals are in need of that sort of personal growth, and this of course stands on a societal level to some effect as well. But the way it's discussed and framed is itself, IMO, not at all accurate, and gets to the heart of both issues. Which is caricature itself. In both cases, whether postmodern minded academics discussing "colonization" or a sociologist subconsciously or consciously weaving concepts of what is called "whiteness" ,which imo is a terrible misnomer for basic prejudice of perception, into the framework , the issue comes down to reducing scholarship which inherently requires objective metrics based on modern epistemology, to a caricature. And this is a fundamental part of the problem with the postmodern academic paradigm itself. It reduces concepts like European prejudices, which varied widely in reality, and reduces colonization and everything that sprung from that, into a reductionist caricature of itself. Colonization itself is a neutral term. Arguably, Arab/Islamic colonization had a far more negative effect overall on the societies it touched than did European colonialism yet if you even suggest to some that Islam was a colonialist project and perpetuated imperial colonialism since is inception, many will deny and feign offense. But its quite factual. Not that European colonialism was all flowers and kittens, it achieved some horrific realities, but it also helped raise the globe out of a generally lower standard of living at least ultimately if not immediately as it sometime of course did the opposite immediatel, to a great extent, spread an effective material epistemology among a number of other positive influences. The fundamental issue though is caricature. which also is a driving force behind prejudice in society and academia , as racism itself is a form of caricature. A caricature of a European, for instance, ancient or modern, they weren't all the same skin tone, hair color. Mediterranean Europeans werent even considered white in large, until they were. And unfortunately this colorist paradigm is made worse by a 20th century post Jim Crow American intellectual and art export around the world, which spread caricature, like in holywood movies, whether of a European, African, Right leaning or left leaning person. Which is well displayed by the Q shaman, which itself does not due justice to the MAGA movement, and selectively uses a minority within that collective, as a representation of the whole. And I say this as someone who as never supported or voted for Trump and who has been a lifelong liberal. But I see the same problem on the modern left, as in the US this postmodern caricature the left has undergone a transformation from liberal values to socialist values under the moniker of "progressive". And I do think this matters a great deal as it has so many detrimental effects on society as a whole. I am pretty anti marxist though personally. Not to suggest nothing good ever came out of the Kantian/marxist tradition, as critical scholarship itself was obviously heavily influenced by that paradigm. And while that does work for academia, which develops ideas at a theoretical level, it does not IMO work as well on a societal, cultural or economic level. But thats a political matter obviously. Anyway, this is classic reductionist caricature in both cases. Even the term "whiteness" itself is a caricature of the basic phenomenon of prejudice. Yes, aspects of what is called "whiteness" exist, for certain, but the current postmodern model has in part reduced prejudice down to this one expression of it,and IMO this occurred due to political and ideological influence. Other ways of knowing are all well and good for the individual or community, but modern epistemology itself, time and time again, has proven itself to be a superior practical tool IMO. A more accurate form of knowledge and SHOULD on a broad societal level, be prioritized over other ways of knowing. This aligns somewhat with Rand's concept of "objectivism", not that I am an all out Randian objectivist on a personal level. But if we are looking to detach factual reality from our subjective experience to whatever effect we can, I dont see how any other knowledge form, other than the modern epistemological standard, or at least, that prior to postmodern influence, could as effectively achieve the desired results. That being separating factual reality from our subjective experience of it, which a great deal of modern scholarship fails to do in part because of this concept of "decolonization" of mind and perception. Why go backwards with technology? Which we can compare to these different forms of knowledge. Regardless of what paradigm these forms of knowledge derive from? I am very anti marxist politically an culturally. But end of the day I am still going to accept any useful tool that derives from kantian/marxist paradigms. In that sense, we need to be wary of not throwing the baby out with the bathwater just because we want to raise up other ways of knowing, it doesn't mean we have to tare down or even put them on the same level as the modern epistemological standard.
@saivitewilson141 4 ай бұрын
Brave and necessary work. That your work is being used by indigenous teachers says it all. Please! a follow up if Frederick Gregoris (sp) has a response to your paper or this directors cut video! I look forward to when white people can take full accountability for the destruction of their history of colonization (even against europeans) and actually contribute to the red, black and yellow nations in repair of the Earth and all relationships.❤
@jakemcnamee9417 7 ай бұрын
Indigenous religions are innately ethnocentric and attract those with ethnocentric tendencies.
@NordicAnimism 7 ай бұрын
Nope! ethnocentricity is a tendency that you find in humans, a bit like dickishness or deceitfulness - but only naitonalists make it into an ideal to strive for and project it onto other cultures
@Genetic_Memory 7 ай бұрын
The term 'Celtic' denotes an ethnicity.
@greenheart5395 7 ай бұрын
Ethnocentrism does not mean being an arse, it dies not mean hating other races. It means having concern for your own ethnicity and caring for it as you would an extension of your tribe and family. To say ethnocentrism is equivalent to hate or supremacy, is ti miss nuance and misunderstood human nature. It is not a defect but a survival mechanic on the collective level . Altruism theory when applied to evolution. All races and ethnic groups have the drive to survive and this is called ethnocentrism. That's like calling survival instincs bad because they can sometimes be distasteful
@NordicAnimism 7 ай бұрын
@@Genetic_Memory - Celtic has never been an ethnicity, though it may be currently in the process of becoming a kind of meta-ethnicity, - like ... people of American ethnicity identifying as Celtic etc. At the outset it is a linguistic category like "Germanic" or Slavic
@NordicAnimism 7 ай бұрын
​@@greenheart5395 People allways care for their group, but caring for group and ethnocentrism is totally not the same. It is the identification of this group that underlies ethnocentrism. You can Identify group through "identity" and ethnicity (like most current westerners, particularly north americans), but that is not the only option. You can also build group and self image through totemic landconnection. These group identifications can be very transcultural. So belonging into a beaver clan can traverse an entire continent and people can move between linguistic and ethnic groups through such belonging. You do indeed sometimes find indigenous groups that name themselves "the people" and their neighbours "Cannibal spirits", and this could perhaps be said to have elements of ethnocentrism, but it also looks like the opposite. Many groups seem to downplay ethnicity. So, they don't necessarily claim some grandiose carthatic "Danishness" or something of that nature. They just call themselves "people from the westside of X river". Animist theorists LIke Viveiros de Castro sees this as an intentional downplaying of ethnicity because it serves a healthy function in producing animist relation.
@hazyspirits3177 7 ай бұрын
I have so much to say. But none of it is gonna be received well. But I will say this: We seriously need to stop focusing on skin color, & more on how we are all connected.
@cinnamongirl5410 7 ай бұрын
@Hahndrei 7 ай бұрын
If I could do anything it would be this kind of work, I've just really struggled because so few people are doing it and I've never heard anyone else talk about it like you do. I'd want to approach it from a Balkan perspective, though. I will definitely look into your other work and the work of those who've inspired you.
@ValQuinn 7 ай бұрын
not specifically balkan but slavic paganism is having a bit of a moment, lots of perspectives to approach it from such as The Witcher in pop culture or debates about the role of rodnovery in russian far right
@NordicAnimism 7 ай бұрын
I think it would be awesome to do Balkan perspective on Majority Traditional Knowledge. Please do it. It would definetely kick ass!
@bullvinetheband7260 7 ай бұрын
Usually I don't like intellectuals in this field because religion is a personal connection but I like what you do.
@craftyhobbit7623 7 ай бұрын
I feel like the 'Age of Discovery' starting in the Elizabethan Age, Volkish/Folkishism and Nazism has done a lot of damage to the culture and spirituality of white people and people of European descent. (Ancient Rome's tendency to conquer caused a lot of damage, too.) (Sweden being the site of Atlantis is a new one on me - I did read some crazy stuff about Atlantis in a book on Druidry, years and years ago and thought it daft. Graham Hancock's theories regarding the land that was sunk between France and Britain at the end of the last Ice Age makes more sense - there's some craziness out there.)
@crushinnihilism 7 ай бұрын
Real indo European faith was filled with psychedelics and pedophilia. Is that something you want, or do you just want to wear a rainbow and call everything racist and toxic?
@jhfranc1 7 ай бұрын
Well said. Thanks for all the good work you do
@goblinwizard735 6 ай бұрын
you are, to some degree, telling people the sun doesn’t in fact revolve around the earth. keep it up. but also, take care of yourself! and i don’t know how applicable it is, or will be, but do not forget to ask for help when you need it. you are starting a project big enough that you won’t yourself finish it. i think you likely know those things, but sometimes we need reminders from afar, i think.
@nordicsoundchannel 7 ай бұрын
Excellently done Rune.
@AndreeaCe 2 ай бұрын
This KZbin monetization of wanting thanks in cash, I get it...I also get how it does not combat human trafficking and not only. So basically many of you don't in fact do anything to help, but instead take the money and make content out of others suffering. It's a general comment about not only this ecosystem.
@NordicAnimism 2 ай бұрын
Do you really claim that I take money out of other peoples suffering?! If, so - consider not dropping mushrooms before YT-commenting. Though of course- you are right that online systems are indeed incredibly flawed and dependent on problematic structures, but when you consider this paper.... really! shouldn't you be pointing your criticism at those institutions that ensure that a perspective like mine can ONLY be voiced by idiosyncratic mavericks in semi-invisible corners of SOME-space and is not given space in funding, institutions and spaces of cultural legitimacy.
@bardmadsen6956 7 ай бұрын
Dialog and engagement, that is not what I have run up against, more like shunning, treated like a pariah, and zero Oxygen. I watched just to see if I could glean a new white reference in Mythology, I know what is going on. Off hand there is the shiny white eyes of Thor's curled horned goats. The bright white light is universal and related to The Pleiades, this is mostly about the Superbolide, then stars, and comets. I counted three images in the video that symbolize this. The Aleister Crowley leopard hide represents the stars as spots, at Karanhan Tepe there is a spotted cloaked person alike Tauroctony and a large spotted snake, plus the Egyptian and Mesoamerican "priests" wore leopard. The Mjolnir necklace on the SP image is meteoric flying iron. And the headdress, although buffalo, represents The Taurus Constellation as Thor fishes for the World Encircling Serpent with a Bull's head. The commonality around the world is a full description of The Taurid Meteor Stream, the newest arrival in the inner solar system. This is about the anthropomorphized version of The Feathered Serpent, from the radiant star cluster, that is bright white as a bolide, it is the same as The Two Chinese New Years Dragons that chase a bright white pearl accompanied with fireworks, just compare it to the 2013 meteor event with the two vortices behind the arc welding bright white light. I do not know how everyone evaluates evidence, it is like the duck thing and I can go on and on, how many does it take? Webbed feet, bill, water repellent, quacks, wattles, etc....... Seems Academia has nothing, but lost on skin color, which has nothing to do with it at all. Illogical Fallacies to block their empty hands. Look under Pillar 18 of Gobekli Tepe, what is the symbol of the Pleiades? Seven Birds in a Row? The Tas Tepeler Culture venerated the apparent origin of said stream, in at a sister site two bovine scapula were placed over a grave alike Tauroctony with the placement of the blade at the shoulder, half of the bones on site were Auroch, and Pillar 31 has a bull's head on its chest. You seem to read a lot, read my work. Also, I watched the pumpkin video which is really about The Halloween Fireballs (The Taurids).
@chrisfoster6418 7 ай бұрын
Nailed it!!
@MrGregglesC 7 ай бұрын
I hate the term whiteness and hope it doesn't become as popularised as white privaledge was. You're losing a terrible optics battles using that kind of rhetoric
@NordicAnimism 7 ай бұрын
I recommend this short clarification of how to use - and how to not use - whiteness kzbin.info/www/bejne/a164mmyhgpt8haM
@cinnamongirl5410 7 ай бұрын
@@NordicAnimism isn't using ''whiteness" as a negative like slur, racist?
@NordicAnimism 7 ай бұрын
@@cinnamongirl5410 I am not using it as a slur. I am using it as a label for the processes that have produced white people as such, as being white. That is a process that have erased our more localised self image construcstions so we BECAME white, rather than being Appalacian or, Jutish (like me) Scots Gaelic, etc. etc. etc. kzbin.info/www/bejne/a164mmyhgpt8haM
@partridgefamilybus2021 4 ай бұрын
"whiteness" is a term emerging from marxist critical theory, which is fundamentally dishonest.
@Genetic_Memory 7 ай бұрын
I think that you have ancestors that hailed from the Levant, perhaps?
@NordicAnimism 7 ай бұрын
Not that i know of
@Genetic_Memory 7 ай бұрын
@@NordicAnimism Do you deal in shekels?
@enmac500 7 ай бұрын
You deal in bullshit and bigotry, we know that now for sure ​@@Genetic_Memory
@ItsSierra_ 7 ай бұрын
Professor!! ☄️🧯🧯🧯
@tillik1004 7 ай бұрын
Imagine someone actually discussing the need to remove "Blackness" from African folk traditions and religions, or someone actually discussing the removing or the wrongness of any "Asianess" in an analysis or discussion about Daoism or Chinese shamanism .... Imagine being Black or Asian and watching someone using the commonly accepted term for your entire race as a pejorative when discussing your own race's OWN native cultures/traditions or doing mental cartwheels to try and find a way to say they aren't yours somehow. Pathetic and hostile. I'm WHITE and I exist. I have a race. I have ethnicities. I have cultures. I have traditions. They are MINE and they go with my "Whiteness" and are a part of my Whiteness. No amount of hostility from non-White aggressors and envious appropriators of my culture, or backstabbing betrayals from one of our own, changes any of that, nor will it ever change any of that.
@lgnance 7 ай бұрын
gonna cry?
@TooMuchSchwanz 7 ай бұрын
Probably American, as you seem so set on being white rather than from a real culture.
@tillik1004 7 ай бұрын
@@lgnance Triggered and scared by White people existing much? 😃🎃
@UltraVioletKnight 7 ай бұрын
Taoism has never been an ethnic religion, and nobody should stop you from worshipping chinese and african gods, ther's no such thing as "apropriation" of religion.
@tillik1004 7 ай бұрын
@@UltraVioletKnight European Folk religions aren't Taoism. European Folk religions are strongly predicated on ancestry/ancestors, meaning ethnicity. European folk religions is part of European CULTURE and ethnicity is where cultures are created and informed. You would not be having this argument with me if we were talking about American Indian spirituality and cultural appropriation, where you would certainly make the claim that White people taking up American Indian traditions without the approval/specific invitation for them personally by a tribe, I'm sure. I'm sure you would also agree that should some White person start attempting to practice Shintoism, it might be a problem of appropriation. Can you practice Shinto as a non-Japanese? : r/japan Reddit · r/japan 40+ comments · 4 years ago Even if no harm is intended, it may come off as tactless cultural appropriation (which is more of an issue for Asian Americans than for Japanese ...
@irbis4617 7 ай бұрын
So sad you turned woke. Bye.
@hendrikwohlgemuth5223 7 ай бұрын
This has got to be a joke lmao
@crushinnihilism 7 ай бұрын
He's been a woke communist for years
@5minuterevolutionary493 7 ай бұрын
wow, babe. that is pretty sad for you to be in this state of mind. Old age is very unkind to racists... maybe it would be a good idea to visit some older people, and try to get some wisdom about the human heart.
@furtivedolus2504 7 ай бұрын
@@5minuterevolutionary493 You basically said nothing here, you realize that, yes?
@crushinnihilism 7 ай бұрын
He's been a woke socialist for years...
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Рет қаралды 3,9 М.
What is Animism
Nordic Animism
Рет қаралды 23 М.
The Literal Worst Way to Interpret Norse Myth | Mythic Literalism