Predator Claims Homophobia After Getting Kicked From DnD | r/rpghorrorstories

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DnD Doge

DnD Doge

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@atroecious9357 Жыл бұрын
Story 3: I'm from an era where I remember homosexuality being treated as unquestionably the first step towards intolerable sexual behaviour. And it always makes me a little sad and angry when I see people cry "If you won't let me indulge in this sexually intolerable behaviour, you're Homophobic!" because they're basically claiming that the fundamentalist Christians trying to keep it banned were right to have done so.
@kimielle Жыл бұрын
Yeah being a sex pest isn't an identity. As a queer lady from that same era, I have had straight adults attempt to coerce my child self into uncomfortable situations by saying 'if you don't do it then you're gay. You don't want your friends to think you're gay, do you?" It's the same vibe. Ick.
@garrettbriscoe2329 Жыл бұрын
Yes, we are trying to keep this depraved behavior away from children no matter the degree of bat shit
@archiehughes6203 7 ай бұрын
​@kimielle ur the weird one in ur story
@AmaryInkawult 5 ай бұрын
​@@kimielle ikr? It's the "do it or ur gae" era all over again... It's just the teams got auto balanced
@marybdrake1472 Жыл бұрын
No, it's not homophobia when you get kicked out for being creep, and having your character die from your own terminal idiocy.
@unluckyone1655 Жыл бұрын
Yup That Guys aren't exclusive to straights unfortunately
@marybdrake1472 Жыл бұрын
@@unluckyone1655 No they are not.
@thfkmnIII Жыл бұрын
He's playing dnd to escape the real world problem of not not being able to express his sexuality freely in an oppressive, violently anti-gay society. Bigots has no place in dnd
@TigerW0lf Жыл бұрын
He's not a creep. He's a predator who needs to be on SEVERAL watch lists
@iknorn9494 Жыл бұрын
The moment DM decided that my telepathy can kill people i would start using it in combat lets see who back's out first
@ancapftw9113 Жыл бұрын
"The lich steps down from his throne to address you and..." "I read his mind." "Uh, ok."*rolls* "and.. he's dead. Great. You killed the BBEG's henchman effortlessly." "That wasn't the BBEG?" *sweating* "uh, no. Just a general. Also, you now can properly use your telepathy and it no longer kills people." "Can I purposefully attack with it?" "No, you don't know how to do that."
@iknorn9494 Жыл бұрын
@@ancapftw9113 thats precisely what i would do
@garuelx8627 Жыл бұрын
Watch the DM either screech when you turned his vindictive ruling against him, or he makes a bullshit rule that it doesn't affect hostile targets. He probably would be the kind of scumbag that fudges his rolls and every enemy would succeed on that save...
@Emilis2023 Жыл бұрын
DM gave that first guy an overpowered super ability. He should have just taken advantage of it and telepathically communicated with every opponent thrown at them from then on.
@BlueTressym Жыл бұрын
DM would've mysteriously had it not work on any enemies for... reasons.
@RusticRonnie Жыл бұрын
@@BlueTressymmaybe, its also possible the DM didn’t know what he meant.
@rynowatcher Жыл бұрын
Story 2: I think this is the other half to a lot of horror stories. Learning to dm takes some time and there is going to be a learning curve.
@Blueoriontiger Жыл бұрын
With Story #1, this exactly happened to me last June, except it was a long-running game of 6 months. One player specifically started getting antagonistic and started making inappropriate remarks, and convinced his other two friends to leave. When I tried to have that sit down, he unfriended me and refused to talk to me further. Not going to lie, it hurt me for several months and kind of still does up to now for running games. I've not touched Pathfinder 2e since.
@Derginator Жыл бұрын
Currently using the telepathic feat in a campaign and nowhere does it say you make a saving throw to telepathically talk to em. Only if you use the “free” Detect Thoughts aspect of the feat.
@oneofnone7947 Жыл бұрын
I really hate how someone of the worst people use the rainbow as an excuse and shield for their horrible actions as one of the more ignored in that demographic which I'm fine with because all Hollywood would do is say ace just is bie but I digress may these people suffer
@schwarzerritter5724 Жыл бұрын
I blame "allies" who speak for rainbow people, but refuse to speak w i t h rainbow people.
@StSubZero Жыл бұрын
@@schwarzerritter5724 My thoughts exactly. Much like that South Park episode with everyone overpraising the nurse with the fetus on her head who just wants to be treated like a normal person instead of a celebrity. likewise everyone today is basically enabling the mentality "I can call you a homophobe or transphobe and automatically be the innocent one." and leaving people who oppose this dangerous ideology as "bigots" (or other such buzzwords) instead of taking actual time to reflect on their actions as people, LGBTQ or not. Which ironically is actually quite poisonous and counterproductive to LGBTQ rights, and unfair to those who are actually civil and good people.
@EmoBearRights Жыл бұрын
​@@StSubZero I don't think that's actually that common. I think it's fine to acknowledge shitty people of all stripes but some people can leap to thinking ALL LBGT+ plus people are shitty because guess what some straights are too. You're also ignoring the people who try to hide their bad behaviour behind neuro divergence and how that still means that greater understanding of that is needed.
@thfkmnIII Жыл бұрын
Can confirm that there's hella metoo situations perpetrated by gay folks in the performing arts industry but they get conveniently ignored
@EmoBearRights Жыл бұрын
@@thfkmnIII That's a wrong that needs to be fixed but it's not a cudgel to beat the community and it's allies.
@Jaeger_Bishop Жыл бұрын
Story 1: The DM sounds like he smelled blood in the water and decided to just let out his sadistic tendencies on OP. That DM should just hand up his DM screen as he's shit at adapting to player creativity...and maybe get a psyche evaluation and put on meds, shock therapy.. something.
@Nazo-kage Жыл бұрын
6:13 considering the way they’re playing, was described: Where once one arc ends another player takes up the DM spot to play another game. It makes me wonder, with the player that was complaining and wanted the campaign arc over, were they the next one that was going to DM? Because if so, that shows what they really wanted. Because if the complaining player is going to be the new DM that means they just wanted the game done with, and they use the previous fight as an excuse to complain.
@Daman3tm Жыл бұрын
This is why I have a strict "no erotic roleplaying" policy, I've had 2 campaigns go completely off the rails and getting disbanded because of horny freaks
@SrslyTony 10 ай бұрын
Out of every RPG horror story youtuber, Doge's thumbnails are by far the most informative and the most hilarious 😂
@marmelaaden Жыл бұрын
So thankful for kitty palate cleanser! :) Anyway, this story reminded me of a time about 10 years ago when a famous artist in my country hit on my 14 year old relative at an exhibition opening event and later was very angry that people were mad and blamed it on homophobia....The artist was in his 50s at the time.
@therealmaizing5328 Жыл бұрын
Story #3: Having a certain sexuality is no excuse for being a scumbag.
@realrealwarpet Жыл бұрын
Even if someone tries to seduce my barbarian, he isnt going to start dating other men, until he rescues his son. Whom is actually his husbands bio kid, but he adopted him when they got together.
@rdmrdm2659 Жыл бұрын
The first time he pressed advances after the people said they were uncomfortable should be strike three.
@Thedragonlover95 Жыл бұрын
2nd story, that kind of person would be out the moment they pull that kind of stunt. And I have friends who wouldn't tollerate that ether
@alsenddrake7764 Жыл бұрын
The third one is also part of the reason I tend to give my characters love interests, multiple times said character being a backup. Had one player try to charm my Rouge to seduce a dragon ally but the GM ruled since it was uncomfortable that I just had to go basically "maybe, but Im taken already" (PC never did something like that again, think they didn't realize how it would come off as iirc they were ace) Another character I used the SO as a backup as for various reasons he ended up stepping away from the party (they went with a group he has a beef with, having refused to join and stay as the "man on the outside", and was escorting an NPC who wasnt going somewhere to investigate something for his personal goal) and when they arrived they ran into the SO who had tracked them down to find him and decided she was sticking around until he showed up.
@kylethomas9130 Жыл бұрын
For the 4th story. I know 5e has a Background system, where you can choose personality traits from a list of suggestions, or roll to have a random combination. So using an AI to randomly fill in the blanks with fluff isn't that different from looking up random tables for personal character creation. They are exhibiting problem player behavior with the unauthorized invite, mostly a distinct lack of respect for their fellow players. Its possible for them to do better by their group, more misguided than malicious at this point.
@ironhelix45 Жыл бұрын
I think the chatgpt can be nice because not everyone can write amazing backstories for a character. You can feed and modify the inputs to get a backstory you like while also making sure it hits some key notes. Say you want a barbarian warrior whose tribe is nomads as the base of your character, put that as the main plot hook of the backstory maybe sprinkle in some flavor like smallest of the tribe and boom you can have the bot fill out the other details that you might not think of or are more minor that are not major impacts to story or character.
@informitas0117 Жыл бұрын
While I don't like pre-made characters I understand why they need to exist and using the bot is actually less simple than using pre-mades. No issue with that at all, especially as they owned up to it when asked. These are new players after all, they need all the help they can get.
@pietrayday9915 Жыл бұрын
That's what I was thinking: I don't know what the results were actually like, but I find the idea of an AI-generated character backstory intriguing for the outside-the-box possibilities of an interesting character I'd have never thought of on my own... I kind of like the improv possibilities for working my own ideas into a pre-gen character, and I enjoy making oddball characters that play against type or otherwise put little twists on cliches, so an AI-generated character that might have a backstory that makes sense, but wouldn't be something a human being might have ever thought of sounds like it could be a lot of fun. It reminds me a bit of a game based on the 'Aliens' movie that my first DM ran in the early '90s, by having us randomly generate about a half-dozen characters each, using some sort of software that generated psychological profiles based on quiz questions (basically an MS-DOS-based Myers-Briggs test.) The test results suggested a lot of characters that none of us would have ever thought of creating on our own, while some random-character genration rules from the game system (including random ranks, specializations, education, past experiences, and so on) added even more unexpected detail, and we spent the first few days of the game just role-playing the Session-Zero of getting to know each other and interacting in-character in the mess-halls, weight rooms, target ranges, debriefing rooms, and so on... we never actually got our drop-ship out of orbit to start the adventure, because the DM felt so bad about his original plan of just killing off dozens of superfluous characters until we all had one each to start the first adventure with, destroying so many interesting and colourful characters in the process: those computer-generated personalities had a surprising amount of depth, personality, and character, and I remember many of them even 30-something years later. Besides that, some players just don't care about the whole personality and background thing: they just want to optimize a perfect combat machine and then throw dice at powerful monsters, and don't really care about the story or role-play or anything like that. Why force them to write their own backstories? If an AI can do it for them and get the same amount of attachment and interest from those players, then let them do it. Other players don't really have the confidence or talent for writing their own characters, and I don't see any sense in trying to squeeze blood from "turnips": many of these players can't create a character without copying their favorite movie, comic book, or video game character, or just play the same trite character cliche over and over out of habit, or whatever... if those players can get more interesting and original results by letting a computer create their backgrounds, then I don't think it could hurt much to let them try to do so, and might even help a lot with expanding their horizons and building their confidence, imagination, originality, and/or sense of adventure so that they can learn to put their own personal stamp on something inspired by an AI and make it their own creation. I mean, sometimes, expecting players to write their own backstories is a bit like expecting them to be able to draw their own portraits: some players have the artistic skill, training, talent, and confidence to draw some really nice pictures, and some players couldn't draw a convincing stick figure without the help of a computer to randomly-generate a character portrait for them, or picking through an art library to find someone else's art to get results everyone involved would be happier with!
@vidmanandrew09 Жыл бұрын
Story three: The problem player’s antics can be boiled down to a quote I know from Gurren Lagann: “The weaker the bird, the shriller the shriek.” Compare similar quotes if ya’ll like, that dude got his knickers in a twist over something only he saw as slights against him.
@Michaeljack81sk Жыл бұрын
I quite agree about Chatgpt. I think its great if someone without the ability to write well could enter their prompts and get at least a framework of their character backstory to work from. It it something that should be done with prior permission of the DM though for sure
@EpicWinNoob Жыл бұрын
I never understand why people try to do this kind of stuff in a game with people who haven't signed up for it especially when I'm pretty sure that it isn't difficult to find a group that would be willing to have that kind of content, somewhere.
@pietrayday9915 Жыл бұрын
It seems like there's apparently a kind of "Rule 34" for gaming: if it exists, there's a group somewhere that is willing to encourage and indulge it. That these sorts of people can't seem to maintain a gaming relationship even with each other, is probably telling... on the other hand, the realization that this could also mean that there might be many groups that enjoy gaming that sort of stuff out together in secret among themselves, and can cooperate with each other well enough to do so, is also deeply unsettling... it gives me the queasiest shudders just trying to imagine what a night of gaming with THOSE guys is like, and then I take the next logical step and start to imagine what else they might be able to cooperate with each other on!
@oxylepy2 Жыл бұрын
About ChatGPT for the backstory... people already use reddit builds and other stuff they find on youtube. At that point you may as well have a computer program write out the whole character for you. That way it won't be weird when you have the computer play by post for you.
@kevlonk 8 ай бұрын
Jesus, Sleazy reminds me a lot of the "Office Homophobe" sketch from Key and Peele. "Oh, I get it, I'm not persecuted, I'm just an asshole."
@sushiwade4095 Жыл бұрын
Inviting people to the game without asking the dm it's a big fucking NO for me, I wouldn't let that slide as a little thing
@pietrayday9915 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, I agree: I don't think it's necessarily doomed to failure, nor something that can always be helped - for example, I'm sure that there've been many long-running campaigns that took off after someone brought his/her little brother along after school because the babysitter wasn't available or mom was working late or whatever, that sort of thing happened all the time in the '80s, an era of latch-key-kids, and before cell phones and answering machines! Hand the drop-ins an NPC or a spare pre-gen or something to play with as a temporary character and see how things work out, and more often than not you end up with a new member who fits the group perfectly! BUT, whenever possible, it's just good manners to try to warn the DM and host that you're bringing a tag-along with you before you get there, so that the GM and host have a chance to accommodate the newbie with a character, dice, a chair, extra snacks, a hook into the story, and so on!
@unluckyone1655 Жыл бұрын
For the first story, yeah i think OP is being targeted. I can see there being side effects and backlash for someone trying to control their powers, but not every backlash has to result in death. Even psychic backlash in the WH40k ttrpgs don't always result in death when a psyker crits fails using their powers. I think OP should have a word with DM and maybe even their wife together to see what's up, and if they won't or refuse to listen, then it probably is time to leave. Sometimes you are just not a good fit for a table even if you may be friends irl
@Pachitaro Жыл бұрын
On one hand, it's 2023. You can't avoid lazy AI tools and you'll go crazy trying to. On the other hand, TTRPGs may not be for them if they can't be bothered to come up with at least some backstory on their own. Also eww? Inviting ppl without the DM's parmesan???
@laziadwobbit5331 Жыл бұрын
"DM's parmesan" made me laugh way too much 😆
@SuperMarioGamerBros Жыл бұрын
I sware there are just some memebers of the LGBT community dead set on making it so no one can stand the LGBT community. Until I joined my recent friendgroup a few years back every single LGBT person I interacted with was someone activally choosing to be a bad human. I'm glad my friends showed me that LGBT people can be good too
@newbienoah9461 Жыл бұрын
Goes to show that the actions of a few don't represent the many.
@deltagearadvanced5140 Жыл бұрын
You can blame the current political climate. It seems like anyone will do anything for power, even cause rifts and strife purposefully to keep relations bad so they can justify not only bad behavior but also justify their party's political policies to push extreme things. Both sides do this (Though the left is much worse by far currently) and i hate it. It's so bad the supposed "LGBTINFINITE" crazies will cannibalize the very people they say they want to help just to keep the pain train going. Case in point being Bi is no longer valid because you aren't "Gay" enough and you have "Straight passing" privilege meaning you are a traitor if you end up with a member of the opposite sex which they hate so much i think for multiple years in a row now some big lgbt proponents have straight up discouraged Bi people in straight pairings from participating in the pride parade events or much less just Bi people in general from coming. Craps screwed man.
@DarkWarchieff Жыл бұрын
Reminds me of that south park episode where Mr. Garisson shoved lemiwinks upon a guy's bum in order to get fired and sue the school for 50 mil.
@alphons1456o Жыл бұрын
The Keye and Peele skit said it best: "Oh...I get it. I'm not being persecuted. I'm just an asshole!"
@adamfutch6719 Жыл бұрын
Controversial take: Hearing D&D doge say "bitchmade" does more for me than the kitties.
@dylangudmundson8680 Жыл бұрын
I'm with you on that. Wasn't expecting that at all
@pietrayday9915 Жыл бұрын
14:01 - I don't know, as a player, I think that playing a ChatGPT-generated character might be fun for the outside-the-box improv: some players need to play the same dual-wielding drow ranger over and over, others enjoy trying something a little different and unexpected, even for them. As long as the players know what they are doing and do it in the right spirit of things, and everyone involved has fun, shouldn't be a problem. Inviting strangers over to someone else's house and game without warning, on the other hand, sounds like it might have been a little rude - sure, sometimes it can't be avoided and often it even works out OK - I don't doubt that more than one long-running game went over really well when someone's younger brother or sister tagged along for a first-time game after school when plans unexpectedly changed, and turned out to be model players! - but it's just common courtesy, I think, to try to at least give the GM and host a call to let them know first that you'll have some tag-alongs, and ask if it would be OK if they play some pre-gen characters or sidekick NPCs or something on a trial basis with no commitment for a longer game!
@DJ_Kalyan Жыл бұрын
That last story sounds incredibly familiar. It wasn't the worst story, and a lack of communication was indeed involved before the player just said they had to bow out because of life reasons. I think that might have been my group, because like it said. We are primarily in the game to further player goals rather than just 'bonk it with a stick'. We do follow a story. But the moments that matter the most to us are not about numbers. It's about the giant elemental eagle we had to barter with to share it's territory for the night, or our resident Wizard trying to find his mentor's lost friend who was last seen in the friggen sun.
@RyuSpike Жыл бұрын
Story #1: I am pretty sure Telepathy can't kill people unless there is some kind of mind demon possessing the player and it is up to the party to stop it, but somehow I don't the DM is competant enough to do a story line like that. Overall, I think the DM may have something against OP because if the bad stuff is only happening to them then that is very sus.
@professorsponge1554 Жыл бұрын
1st story: Wait. Does the DM think telepathy means you blow people's heads off Scanners style? Clearly this went on for a while, and OP doesn't even hint that telepathy doesn't work like that. Why the hell would mental communication cause people to die? OP seems to just go along with it and not question it. This isn't an 'Am I the Asshole' story, its an 'Am I gullible moron' story. and yes OP. yes you are. If this happened and its not just some guy RPing a D&D player for reddit likes and people like Dogge reading their fanfiction: all you'd need to know telepathy doesn't do that is to read the freakin' book, which he claims to have done. 2nd story: The title "My players won't let me improve" already has my BS meter pinging. wait. OP had 1 sloggy fight in your first time DMing, and the players are about ready to ditch OP because the fight was underwhelming. With the vagueness of the story I gotta wonder if there's information being left out. 3rd story: Starting off our story with the good ol' 'homophobic' buzzword. oh that's not a big cry for attention there. And this dude just announces in a hobby shop, a public place, likely within ear shot of customers and the owner about how he's getting nude and flirting with other players. Okay. Doubt continues to rise. TG continues to act like one of those reddit users that needed the suicide hotline when the ERP AI chatbot was down. Again, this is happening in what's about as public as it gets for a D&D game. He's creeping on a minor in front of a guy who works at the shop. "Everyone here knows we're not homophobic" yet OP starts the story with "people here are kinda homophobic." I know I'm going to get people saying 'what, are you Sleezy on an alt account' for saying this but this story is faker than a 7 dollar bill. And I do this kind of reaction to a lot of Dogge's past videos, so claims I'm Sleezy are invalid. 4th story: Okay, I would have put the kibash on that instantly. If my players were so lazy they couldn't come up with a backstory themselves I wouldn't have any interest in DMing them. I accept something like the random backstory generator like the Central Casting book because that at least offers a writing challenge of tying random events into a cohesive life story, but there will be no AI in my games ever. Then they invite people to the game without consulting you. If they want to phone it in like that, then they don't deserve you. Have some self respect. 5th story: "take on the game together with accountability and responsibility" whatever the hell that means. So the player didn't have a long backstory and OP didn't like that. gotcha. TG sounds like a low-interest player, or a player poacher. These players think they can do it better than their DM and try to run the SUPER KEWL game they know they can run aaaand it crashes and burns by session 2.
@Ultima1134 Жыл бұрын
I hate it when you describe the flavor of something you do in the game and the dm takes it super literally and tries to give you "consequences" for the specific way you word it, bruh, I'm just trying to make it sound cool, just use the effect of the fucking spell and imagine the way I described it as how it looks! It's not that deep!
@SamWeltzin Жыл бұрын
While I'm wary of how people might use AI stuff, I don't think using ChatGPT as a starting point for your character's backstory is bad. Backstories are kinda baseline things to grow off of anyway and for GMs to look at for plot hooks sometimes, and if you're not much of a writer, as long as you read over what it gives you and it strikes you as something you'd want to play out, it should be fine.
@pietrayday9915 Жыл бұрын
Yes, and it's not just for the GM to get plot hooks from - a backstory is there for the players to get plot hooks and ideas from, too - both the character's own player, and the other players too, in working out how their characters know and interact with the character. Ideally, a player should be able to write a good paragraph or so of backstory and characterization full of hooks that the player can latch onto and play the character at the table, and help the rest of the group tie their players and the bigger story together into a collaborative experience, but not all players have those creative writing skills! I don't see any reason why an AI couldn't do at least a fair job of generating character ideas for a group to work with for that purpose. And it's no more a "cheat" than any character generation tool in the rule-books: D&D and most other pen-and-paper game systems have included dice-rolling tools for years that are no less and no more a "cheat" in creating a character than an AI backstory generator would be: random stat rolls are a common example, but also I noticed that even 5th Edition D&D includes tables for rolling a couple D8s, D10s, or whatever to quickly pick a couple simple character flaws, hooks, and other traits to flesh out the character with: "Has a gambling habit, owes a debt to the thieves' guild, feels most at home when at sea, enjoys telling a good story" or whatever: whether rolling dice on a couple tables from the book, or letting an AI "randomly" generate the backstory all comes out to the same thing in the end, and both methods can generate an interesting and well-rounded character. The only thing stopping it from working out just as well as a character built from scratch using creative writing instead is the player's - and group's and GM's - skill and interest in actually translating those prompts into an interesting role-playing or storytelling experience! A group should never leave that out of its toolbox of valuable Session-Zero and other tools for creating a good tabletop RPG experience, in any case: reading each others' character sheets and backgrounds during Session Zero and afterward for ideas from other characters on how the characters will interact with each other, and how the GM's story is connected to the characters - which is something that the players should absolutely have a say in, along with the GM: the entire group is a creative team, working together on the story, and the players should be invested in suggesting ways that their own characters, and each others' characters, work together into a bigger story! Nobody HAS to accept another player's suggestion about their own character, and the GM doesn't have to accept a player's suggestion about the gaming world or story, but everyone should at least keep an open mind and think of ways that the suggestions can help improve the whole experience.... "Wait, I was an orphan foundling, and that player's character was raised as a paladin? Maybe my character was raised by the same church that the Paladin serves at, and we grew up together, but toward different sides of the law: he's a Paladin, and I'm a Rogue: we don't necessarily share the same outlook and methods, but we're still old friends - like brothers - working toward the same goals, and that's how we know each other? That might explain that troubled childhood the Paladin's character sheet mentions, and that might explain my rogue's difficult history with the Thieves' Guild, which the AI left conveniently vague - my Rogue is trying to reform, but still has valuable roguish adventuring skills, while the Thieve's Guild says that NOBODY leaves their 'family' alive!" The GM might suggest that a resentful Thieve's Guild still approaches both characters to this very day with job offers they can't refuse, one last, dangerous job and they're free! - which also provide potential hooks into the story, of course... and the Thieve's Guild also has no qualms about sending assassins to silence their defectors after the job is done, which may come into play as encounters in a longer-running feud subplot later on. Or whatever - the more players working together on an interconnected group with ties to the game world and story and with each other, the better it usually seems to work - it just requires a willingness for the group to work together during Session Zero and build on each other's ideas, and an interest in finding interesting hooks and common threads.... Anyway, an AI generator seems to me like it would potentially be a source of a lot of great ideas, as long as the players are able and willing to read the results, and the player is willing and able to make a few edits and tweaks to get the most out of the results. I for one think I'd have a lot of fun taking the results of an AI-generated backstory, and running with them!
@SamWeltzin Жыл бұрын
@@pietrayday9915 Yeah, for sure. It can also be used by GMs for adventure ideas/threats/encounters/locations and the like. Kind of no different than searching forums for people's ideas, which is already common practice. So yeah. As an artist, I've got an issue with the way that people are using AI to do art, but that doesn't mean the tool is bad. It's actually really cool and convenient and can make for a great jumping-off point for creativity. The only bad way it's used is when it actively stifles creativity, but that's more a capitalism problem than an AI problem.
@annormal1414 Жыл бұрын
story 2 op can be just lying\being delusional. Sometimes it happens in dnd horrors. It may very be that he's just terrible gm. Blank npc's, boring combat (goblin-goblin-goblin-ork-dragon) and railoared quests. And his group wants to have fun and play, not to help him improve his skills.
@CooperAATE Жыл бұрын
Yeah, the chatbot thing? Using it isn't a big deal at all.
@rollanddev Жыл бұрын
Agreed! Effort is overrated and to be eliminated; it does not contribute to any kind of personal growth nor is it ever rewarding. I really look forward to when it'll be able to play a character or even DM. Then I can hook up a few players up to a DM and, *finally*, I'll no longer have to put up with playing D&D anymore! :D
@asioca1992 Жыл бұрын
@@rollanddev The amount of effort that D&D requires to play is already far lower than what most other games ask of you as a player, so I'm not sure what the difference is between getting an A.I. to write a rough backstory for you and rolling up a backstory after choosing a background (which the GM will likely forget about 1-3 sessions into the campaign) instead.
@rollanddev Жыл бұрын
@@asioca1992 I was being facetious. (Although if your DM is never going to bother incorporating your backstory and the general growth of your character into things every once in a while, you need a better DM... :( )
@pietrayday9915 Жыл бұрын
I don't mind the chatbot thing. I'm fortunate in that I grew to love writing, and I have just enough talent at crudely drawing that I can draw my own character portraits, but not everyone has the talent or skill for creative writing or drawing, for example. And for my part, I struggle a bit with the maths or remembering rules on the spot, and struggle a lot with public speaking and acting in-character... maybe some of those guys who struggle to write their own backstories or draw their own portraits have other skills the group benefits from, encourage them to play to their strengths... encourage them also to work on their weak spots, but I don't see any sense in forcing them to try to write better backstories than they really can, try to draw portraits that they don't have the drawing skills to execute, or whatever. I WOULD hope that they would at least read over whatever ChatGPT generated to see if it makes sense, make adjustments to put a bit of their own personality into the results, edit to improve the results where they can, and so on, but if ChatGPT can generate a better backstory than they have, or generate a better portrait than they can, then I see no harm in letting them use that crutch, while diverting their effort into crafting the numbers and stats and rules they do have the talent and skills on, and maybe helping out those of us who aren't so good at that sort of thing. Hell, they'd better serve the group by ordering an extra pizza or something, than trying to write a backstory they aren't interested in, don't have the confidence or security who put out there, or don't have the writing skills or whatever to finish: forcing them to do something they don't enjoy isn't doing anyone any good! For my part, I enjoy creating my own characters and backstories, but I also enjoy putting my own unique stamp onto pre-gen characters, and I think I'd have a lot of fun letting an AI generate a character I'd never think of creating on my own, maybe giving it a once-over to make sure the character makes sense, and then trying my hand at role-playing a persona and history I'd never have created on my own: it's not for everyone, a lot of players struggle to play just one character they know inside and out, and that's OK, but I think that a lot of us who have GM'd enjoy stepping into character as miscellaneous NPCs with very different personalities and histories - the variety and outside-the-box surprises that come with that variety of characters can be a fun challenge for us. MAYBE those players are looking forward to the challenge of playing something AI might have generated outside their usual comfort zone... probably not, but hey, playing a character you didn't create isn't necessarily easier, nor lazier, nor the same thing as not bothering to read and understand and get to know and like and be able to play the character - I doubt it's any easier to play an AI-generated character than it would be to play one you created yourself, and it might even be harder but more rewarding to play an AI-generated character! I think it's only a problem once: allow the players to try it, and if they end up struggling with the role-playing because they just aren't into the AI-generated characters, didn't read the character sheet, don't have any interest in that part of it, or whatever, then it time to take a pause and get them to try something else, maybe they rewrite the character themselves, maybe they try to describe their characters while someone takes notes for them, or something? I mean, if it's not broke, don't fix it - it's not a problem! But if it is broken, you give them a chance to fix it, and they can't or won't fix it, and you can't make the game work around them, then you have an out-of-character problem, and no amount of forcing them to write their own backstories is going to fix that. if it's an out-of-character problem, and they can't or won't fix it, and the game won't work because they can't or won't fix the problem, then it's maybe time to part ways with them. But, I can't tell from this story that the AI-generated characters actually broke anything, and I don't necessarily see a problem. TL;DR: An AI-gnerated character isn't necessarily less effort to play, and might prove more of an interesting and fun challenge for certain types of players; for others, who don't have the skills or talent or confidence or interest in creative writing, AI can outsource a genuine source of frustration, stress, pain, awkwardness, anxiety, and trouble that won't necessarily produce a better result than the AI provides; I don't think of it as any more of a "cheat" than basing a character off of something you saw in a movie, video game, or comic book, or of any more of a "cheat" than downloading a portrait from an online portrait gallery to represent your character instead of drawing your own portrait, or buying a good, professional-quality miniature instead of sculpting your own. Maybe those players have other talents - let them put the effort there instead, and shine!
@ilonafleischer924 Жыл бұрын
I think using ChatGPT to flesh out a backstory could be great! I do want to point out that you can use ChatGPT in many different languages, though.
@Jermbot15 Жыл бұрын
Story 1. Not the a-hole for wanting to quit the game, I'm guessing the DM and other players also want that. I give about a 50% chance that OP is a problematic player in general. If only because he's playing a werewolf who took the telepathic feat because the sorceress was already psionic and he wanted her to roleplay teaching him psionics but never mentioned that the sorceress player was interested in this storyline or onboard with it. Story 2. So these players are not comfortable telling the DM about their problems with the game. The DM says he wants them to be open, I'm not sure why that has failed but... it's not a small thing to ask 3-6 people to give up 4-6 hours a week while you learn how to DM. Story 3. Every group has scumbags. It's almost heartening that homosexuality is so universally accepted in the west that gay scumbags aren't hiding their identities. Story 4. You know what... not that bothered by the chat GPT thing. So long as the player reads and approves their origin it's a good way to fill in details they don't want to worry about themselves. Inviting others without checking with the rest of the group is a problem. Discuss boundaries and table rules, including the introduction of new players, with the group at large, and if the majority of the group insists on boundaries and table rules that kill the experience for you, it's a bad fit and leave.
@Veridiansolar Жыл бұрын
@kingdarkem Жыл бұрын
I miss my necromancer days... I remember long ago (20 years) a rather chaotic campaign... The final battle we had to fight a dracolich and his pet necro and an army of everything undead...their army marched upon the Capitol city and its castle... I summoned my own little army from pretty much every inch of the country side....we were still outnumbered 10 to 1...better then 60 to 1...and being the unlucky necro with the nickname naboneon blownapart...things got really bad...our rogue critically failed his save and was flung from the ramparts having been caught in the ropes of a castle trebuchet and his leg ripped off from the knee down still stuck in the ropes... My undead army dumping boiling oil on defenders and enemies of my minions accidently shot our cleric with a ballista...she failed her save and was skewered to a castle tower...the ballista bolt knocking over a lantern that burned the wooden interior away....this caused the tower to fall onto our fighter, paladin and bard who was defending the main gate with the city watch...I revived those I could....they were not happy to be my minions but we eventually prevailed...the city was pretty much destroyed...found a lot of loot in the ashes...those who survived the chaos were scattered to the 4 winds...but the dracolich and his pet necro were stopped from taking over the I'd call it a win...
@thatonekid3870 Жыл бұрын
There are so many plot twists in this video
@rynowatcher Жыл бұрын
First one: seems like there are deeper issues there. OP seems targeted, but it is not clear why.
@Saru5000 Жыл бұрын
Using chatgp is fine. I usually use the random tables in Xanathar's or something. It's not really different. I also don't think inviting other people is an issue. The new players don't know it's not okay, yet. Explain it to them.
@undeadknight01 Жыл бұрын
Nordic Js are pronounced like Ys. Thorbjorn probably sounds like Bjorn.
@Mikethething Жыл бұрын
Story 1: op was a psychic werewolf, you got it wrong,there wasn't some other npc werewolf. Op sounds like they were playing some special snowflake character. We really need more context for all this since i really don't trust op
@pietrayday9915 Жыл бұрын
Really, I tend not to trust OPs on any one-sided horror stories: in life, I tend to find that every OP is the hero of his/her own story, and few have the self-reflection and insight to try to be as objective and fair as they can and give their "persecutors" the benefit of doubt, even if they don't seem to deserve it. This goes doubly true when signs that the OP has some problems sneak into the narrative, and they admit to doing things to escalate the problem without admitting they helped make things worse, show clear signs of inflexibility, leave no indication that they ever tried to meet anyone halfway, or that sort of thing. (And, furthermore, I've seen special snowflake characters work out OK before, but more often than not, special snowflakes prove sooner or later to be one of those "red flags" everyone keeps talking about!)
@joshuapierce3085 Жыл бұрын
the sad thing about the title story: There's currently an issue going on where an EXTREMELY creepy guy (think a male Madame Medusa from Disney's The Rescuers) has set up some private pages specifically to chat with kids and convince them to "talk with him" and teach them how "to go no contact" with their parents and such. Someone else called him out over this (as it is blatantly predatory behavior) and that person has been getting attacked since because "it's dehumanizing to call anyone a predator" and such crap. And most of the intolerance I've faced as a gay guy has come from the LGBTQ+ "community" and its "allies". That's why I personally am against the "community" but I have little problem with the individuals as the individuals actually take responsibility for their actions. And as for the "horror story in the making": If the players used the AI to get backstories literally so they wouldn't know what type character they were going to play and wanted to actually role play that mystery, then I have no problem with that. If they did it literally cause they were to lazy to write out their backstories? I'd be letting them know that this wouldn't be the right game for them at that point.
@FezFindie Жыл бұрын
Gee, some people really don't seem to at all listen to what comes out of their mouths. Then again, that would require self-awareness or not being a total arse.
@AmazingAutist Жыл бұрын
People like that one guy he tries to weaponize his sexuality, they need to get their asses kicked. It is a damaging stereotype that hurts the gay community that he clearly doesn't care about. Just start screaming about Kurt said because they have nothing to go on about, and the fact that you're lesbian in his face, because that rely on identity politics do so because they have nothing else. Once someone has the same identity called them out on their behavior, they absolutely meltdown as they have no defenses for their behavior . I've seen it happen time and time again
@ssighs2304 3 ай бұрын
Mr. Doge, Is it creepy if I call you the very goodest boy for your videos and kitty clips? Because I mean it from the pet lovingest place in my heart.
@IronicCliche Жыл бұрын
I'm really going to disagree with doge on the second story. Being a DM is as much a privileged as being a player and no one owes you a second chance. That's something you have to learn about not just D&D, but about life in general.
@pietrayday9915 Жыл бұрын
I think I know what doge meant, but you're right: it's just as true for DMs as it is for players: nobody owes you a second chance for bad behavior. I've made people made for saying this before, but "niceness", kindness, politeness/courtesy, respect, and love are not all the same thing, are not of equal value, and are not owed to anyone. The world is full of people who think they are entitled to all of the above, and who can't tell the difference tween the above, and who mistake one for the other, or expect the most rare and precious love or respect in exchange for the most worthless "niceness". A second chance is a courtesy or politeness that you offer to someone you sincerely feel has made a mistake that they've learned from. You are under no obligation to offer it, and you are under even less of an obligation to offer it more than once to someone who will not learn from their mistakes. It's courteous and polite to offer a DM who dropped the ball once and seems genuinely sorry they did it, and seems genuinely willing to do better next time, but not obligatory. The DM should feel lucky to get a second chance, and should work hard to prove that they are worthy of it, should that second chance be offered. And the same goes for players, too: it's polite and courteous to give a player a second chance if they make an honest mistake and learn from it, but nobody is obligated to give them that second chance, and they certainly aren't obligated to keep giving them more and more chances to keep taking advantage of and throwing away with more bad behavior. A good gaming group is built from a good grasp on politeness and courtesy, and when and how to give it, and expect it in return. A great gaming group benefits from rare but well-earned and sincere respect between members who genuinely deserve it. Sometimes, any group benefits from the charity of a little kindness to less fortunate gamers: with luck, they'll return the favor when they've built up their confidence, experience, or whatever... but, kindness is often lost forever, and nobody should expect anything in return for it. Chances are slim to impossible that a gaming group can be based on mutual love, and unrequited love and rejected love are almost always awkward and disastrous And, nothing good has ever been built from "niceness", the most worthless, groveling, and self-serving of social currencies: "nice" people always expect some valuable sacrifice of time, attention, acceptance, love, respect, advantage, money, property, status, or whatever for their cheap investment of "niceness", and always resent it when they don't get it... nobody owes anyone anything in exchange for "niceness", and in fact it's best to ignore it and decline it when people try to force their "niceness" on others: we might all benefit from a cheap investment in politeness or courtesy to grease the wheels of social interaction, and the world might certainly be improved by the investment of a little charitable kindness to those who are down on their luck and might be elevated by it, but the world would be a much better place without anyone's "niceness", the social equivalent of bribery, extortion, and confidence trickery to get something valuable for little or nothing in return.... It might be "nice" to give a terrible GM a second or third chance, but what do you really expect in return from so miserable a currency as "niceness" offered to so terrible a GM, as if they are your superior and have something of value to wheedle away from them while they are down on their terrible GM "luck"? A "nice" player might well deserve a terrible GM, and vice-versa, but the world would be a lot better if you just keep your pitiful "niceness" to yourself, stop trying to take shortcuts, and find something more valuable to offer a group of your peers than mere "niceness"....
@vellothedreepy5930 Жыл бұрын
Ah, I remember DS2! Ive managed to finish it a couple of times lol
@Grixis_Teller_of_Tales Жыл бұрын
Was not a big fan of that one but was fun to in its own degree
@unluckyone1655 Жыл бұрын
I call it a messy masterpiece. Not my favorite out of the series, but still pretty fun
@TetsuRiken Жыл бұрын
I like the game but that damn's hell
@rynowatcher Жыл бұрын
Second to last: I do not think using a chat bot to make a back story is bad, but I am not sure why you would. It is like having someone prechew your gum for you. You do not have to have a back story for a character, you know...
@APerson-ws4cw Жыл бұрын
I feel like making an AI generate your backstory means you don't care much about your character. It's not hard to write a couple lines at least
@silentdrew7636 Жыл бұрын
Might be fun to try once
@rynowatcher Жыл бұрын
@@APerson-ws4cw meh, some folks do not use back stories because they want to "feel out" the character in play. I get that, but if you are not going to write it, what is the point of having a back story? It is like buying pre-chewed gum to save yourself time.
@pietrayday9915 Жыл бұрын
I might make a comparison to drawing a character portrait: those of us with just enough talent to draw a picture of our character might well have a lot of fun with it, but not everyone has the talent, skill, confidence, and interest for drawing their own character, and much the same thing goes for writing a backstory - some of us enjoy the exercise in creative writing, even for a short paragraph, and have the writing skills to support that enjoyment, but others? Why force them to write if they don't enjoy it, and don't really have the skills or confidence to really put a proper effort into it, when they might get better and more satisfying results from an AI? Similarly, if a player who can't draw their own portrait can find a good portrait they like in an online portrait depository or get an AI to generate a good portrait for them, I see no harm in that, either. It reminds me a little bit of the weird emphasis some groups have on forcing all players to dress like their characters, use funny voices for their characters, act out what their characters say and do, and then base the gaming results on the quality of the acting and costuming and so on: why would you punish a player who struggles with portraying a character that is more intelligent, wise, charismatic, persuasive, intimidating, deceptive, or whatever? That's what the stats for dice-rolling are there for: to try to base gaming results on the PLAYER's social or intellectual skills or whatever, would be like trying to force the group's rogue's player to try to pick real locks with real lockpicks, or the group's fighter to bend real steel bars or lift real weights or chase real "orcs" down the street with a real sword or real crossbow to prove they can hack-and-slash as good as their characters, or get the group's cleric's player to fetch the first aid kit from under the kitchen sink to see if they really can brew up a potion or really use faith-healing techniques to quickly heal a real gouged eye or severed finger or broken leg... it's goofy and weird! It's fine to encourage the players to add some flavor by speaking in character, or at least narrating what their character is doing, and it's fine to give a small but appropriate reward for a sincere RP effort that goes above-and-beyond in entertaining the group and all that, but do have the player roll the dice based on the stats and skills on the character sheet, rather than requiring the player to LARP the performance as well as the character should while ignoring the character sheet. Don't punish the charismatic bard's character for mumbling awkwardly through his speech because in real life the player is a terrible public speaker - the players shouldn't be playing themselves at their superhuman best, they're playing a game of escapism in which they are probably playing someone with very different skills from themselves, because for just a little while it'll be fun to be someone else for a change! And I say that as someone who actually enjoys the storytelling and role-playing aspects of the hobby far more than the dice-rolling: hey, if the player enjoys trying to talk in character like a superhumanly wise, intelligent, charismatic, or whatever, and everyone's having fun, you should absolutely encourage it, but it doesn't come naturally to all players, and we should be working fairly with those players who maybe aren't so good at public speaking, acting, funny voices, and so on, just like we should be working fairly with those of us who are chubby, nerdy, awkward, and probably not as strong, healthy, or dexterous as their barbarian, fighter, rogue, or whatever. Maybe your monk's player happens to be a martial artist or gymnast or something and can demonstrate the sort of fancy martial arts kick he's describing, and that's awesome! But, probably not - and that's what the dice are there for. Anyway, I guess what I'm getting at is that not all the players are going to be good at writing backstories, just like not all the players are going to be good at acting or swinging a real-life sword or whatever. Work with them a bit, allow them handicaps... we're fortunate to be living in a world where a player doesn't have to be a skilled creative writer anymore to create a compelling backstory, that's not a problem, that's an opportunity that helps players who might have struggled with that and ended up jaded, disappointed, problem players back in my day, resentful of their fellow players who were writers. And Great Cthulhu knows that I've seen a lot of players in my decades of gaming who could - and would - write novels' worth of terrible fan-fiction about their own characters which nobody - not even the GM - wanted to read! Just because a player COULD write their own backstory, doesn't mean they necessarily should! If ChatGPT can do it faster and easier and better, or get at least the same results as THOSE guys, while relieving players who don't enjoy the effort of writing of a lot of pain and trouble and get them into gaming faster and easier, then we're not really losing out on much, and may be gaining a lot! ChatGPT can't be any worse at creating a backstory than a frustrated, uninspired, unskilled and untalented human writer, nor any worse at creating a backstory than an overenthusiastic, pretentious, boring human hack fanfic writer....
@DanaOtken Жыл бұрын
Using a bot to get a backstory isn't too different from rolling on a set of tables, and there are game systems which actually encourage that and where it works. Still, read and edit what it comes up with before you pass it on to the DM.
@pietrayday9915 Жыл бұрын
Exactly what I was thinking: D&D 5th Edition seems to have enthusiastically embraced those sorts of tables, popularizing a pen-and-paper version of basically the same thing that any AI bot worth its salt would do. I for one would definitely want to give the results a quick proof-read, cut out anything that doesn't work for me, and tweak the rest to suit my own interests and personality, to put my own stamp of creativity on the character, but I don't think that much effort is mandatory: I bet an AI bot can get perfectly useful ideas without that initial proofread. Sure, you might find bits and pieces of it that just don't work as time goes on, but even a backstory you creatively write by hand yourself should be given an occasional revision every few sessions as you go along, and find out what actually works and what doesn't: I have a feeling that very few players in the real world find their characters developing in the direction they imagined when they first wrote their backstories and characterizations... they think of new ideas once the characters hit the game world and interact with each other, they find ideas that seemed sound when they first created the character don't work so well after the game started, they find that the character took on a life of its own and revealed some hidden depths the player wouldn't have imagined before the game started! A hand-written backstory might be just a bit less likely to include something awkward and off-the-wall and completely unworkable, compared to an AI-generated backstory, but even a great hand-written backstory can still benefit from a revision later on after the game has run a couple sessions, and there's no reason the AI-generated backstory's revision can't wait a couple sessions for the player to try the AI's work out for size, and decide what doesn't work as the game goes along. As I see it from a GM's point of view, it's no weirder than just improvising with a pre-gen character, or working with someone else's NPCs (like in a published module, for example, or from your players' backstories: it can be a lot of fun to start with the bare-bones of someone else's character, and ad-lib your own details on top on the fly as needed, and an AI-generated character shouldn't work a whole lot differently from a pre-gen or a module's NPCs!)
@SophiaNyx Жыл бұрын
the doge knows
@dakotasan8719 Жыл бұрын
Wow, it’s Goober pt. 2
@CMacK1294 Жыл бұрын
Hoof, all of these are kinda rough. 2.) The obvious thing: Let people practice, help them if they'll accept it, but don't shoot them down over one rough combat. This sort of thing is exactly why games like 5E have a major DM shortage. It's instant self-gratification and an unwillingness to deal with the awkward adjustment phase that everyone has to go through. No one's born a DM. 3.) Jeez this is going to be a tough one, but I feel it needs to be said, so try to give me a charitable interpretation if I misspeak, and understand I'm coming from a place of love. LGBT is not an actual representation of any of the people it claims to be. It's become a socio-political label designed to group people together into a voting block, assuming that you can get people to identify with it, they will overwhelmingly follow group think (annoying quirk of human psychology.) Once you set up this sort of moving unit (you can almost think of it as a phalanx or shield wall of sorts) it offers protection to horrendous actions. This is why over the past year the 'Groomer' label has been able to catch on despite suppression. It resonates because it appeals to a very real issue currently happening -- We've gone beyond acceptance of 'alternative' sexualities, and we've pushed into the realm of militant overreaction. People freely throw 'homophobe' and similar slurs around when they don't get their way, because they're being primed to think *everything* that goes wrong for them is because of an immutable characteristic. This causes an arrested development that makes it harder for actual people who are gay/bi/trans/etc to be locked into an Us vs Them mentality that further drives division and breeds backlash. I've met people who are genuinely one-note *caricatures* of gay folks. They make it their entire identity, they shape every aspect of their behavior around this and end up losing all complexity/depth as a person. This is where things go when a movement has achieved all or most of its reasonable goals but cannot be allowed to surrender a position of social dominance and power. Then you get guys like this who hide behind their sexuality as a shield, and unfortunately far too many people buy into it. If the strategy didn't work more often than it failed, it wouldn't be so prevalent. tl;dr: Just act like people, treat eachother like people, and stop caring about who the other guy/gal/whatever sleeps with, and respect eachother's boundaries. It's really not that difficult. 4.) Chat GPT. The ridiculous hatted dog is correct. There's exactly zero harm in leveraging Chat GPT as a tool. Put in the parameters, and use it to fill in the blanks where you're not quite sure what you want to do. You've got a concept, and can fill things in, then clean it up and tweak from there. As a DM, the quality of my NPCs have certainly improved as a result, particularly when I need a fresh one quickly on the fly. As a player? You still fed it the basic parameters, you gave it the basic concept, it simply fleshed it out, providing you options and inspiration. **You** are still the one playing the character and making decisions. The AI isn't playing the game for you. So the user's complaint there makes no sense under scrutiny. Obviously other issues follow, but Chat GPT is not one of them.
@Pachitaro Жыл бұрын
Happy for you or sorry that happened
@Pachitaro Жыл бұрын
Nvm I skimmed and I'm just baffled by the suggestion that 'homophobe' is a slur. Peak comedy 🤡
@robinheinemann1740 Жыл бұрын
​@@Pachitarodid that hit too close to home for you?
@Densoro Жыл бұрын
The reason that LGBT people are grouped together into a political cause, is because there are political institutions with the goal of eradicating ALL 'deviation' from straightness. In some places, that takes the form of armed violence, where murderers may plead the 'gay panic defense' and get away with their crimes; in others, it's 'respectable' conversion "therapy" where people are tortured into denying a part of themselves and this behavior is defended under the law. People throw around false accusations like 'groomer' without evidence that the target has had _any_ interaction with children whatsoever. A queer person _holding someone's hand or eating a hamburger in public_ is decried as 'public obscenity.' Crying wolf like this makes it harder to take _actual_ accusations of grooming seriously. Statistically, most groomers are heterosexual, with the majority of little cis girls receiving their first instance of harassment by adult men at an _average_ age of 12 -- meaning there is a significant deviation downward in age as well. Straight people need to accept responsibility for -- and de-normalize -- the vast majority of grooming, instead of pointing fingers at everybody who's different from themselves. You can even see this in the scripture they use: a parable about gang-R is mistaken as a condemnation of same-gender relationships, as if it would've been okay for the angry mob at Sodom to gang-R and murder the women instead. What this isolated D&D player did was creepy and obnoxious, but LGBT don't do this any _more_ commonly than the general population, proportionally. LGBT people are not the ones 'making a big deal' about their identity; the people who hate them are. Cherry-picking examples of poor behavior to justify discrimination against everybody with one superficial similarity is part of the problem.
@rubyrose9367 Жыл бұрын
Homophobe isn't a slur (if it was, the word racist would also be a slur :/), and there are many other different issues I have with your giant text wall, but thank you for not hating the LGBT+ community (at least that's the message I get from your tldr)
@bulletmagnet1038 Жыл бұрын
Ds2 gameplay - Based
@kikiblair5132 Жыл бұрын
I'm playing Dark Souls while listening to you while you play Dark Souls 2. Lol.
@vortega472 Жыл бұрын
Cute Black Kitty playing - ah - good for the soul.
@Klonbold Жыл бұрын
An Ai tool can help writing a Charakter. but don't let it build the entire thing for you
@thatwaffleguy4958 Жыл бұрын
Exactly. It's a tool, not an entire construction crew.
@Klonbold Жыл бұрын
@@thatwaffleguy4958 also it works in German..
@thatwaffleguy4958 Жыл бұрын
@@Klonbold That too.
@pietrayday9915 Жыл бұрын
I don't even see a problem with letting an AI do all the heavy lifting. I enjoy playing the occasional pre-gen character, and as a GM I also enjoy playing a good variety of very different NPCs that I don't necessarily create myself, so an AI-generated character sounds like it could be a lot of fun for me! That said, I would want to give it at least one proof-read before submitting the character to the GM, just to make sure the backstory makes sense, is coherent and logical, works well with the character's stats and other features and rules, and maybe add a little of my own unique input if needed to keep my interest on an otherwise bland character: I could see an AI generating something that's either a little too flavorless for my taste, or something that just doesn't gel together into a coherent character! What I imagine for a best-case scenario would be an AI that would put together an interesting collection of character traits and background events that I would never have thought of on my own, which can work together to produce a vivid, coherent, interesting character with only minor tweaks and adjustments, and just a little bit of my own creativity to make the character distinctively mine from an artistic angle - with that last bit being my own preference, and not really something a player who doesn't enjoy characterization and creative writing needs to bother with. Anyway, I can see an AI possibly generating a very interesting character, and I could enjoy the challenge of getting into that character and giving it my best shot at telling his/her story... I don't necessarily see it as being "easier" or "less honest" than writing my own character from scratch: I've played enough module NPCs and pre-gens to know that the improve and adaptation skills in playing a character I didn't create might be a little different from the creative writing skills needed to write my own background and characterization, but they aren't really "easier" or in any way a "cheat" or a guarantee of a "bad" result - a badly-portrayed pre-gen or NPC is more a failure of my ability to translate the character backstory and characterization into a good role-playing experience, than it is a failure of my ability to write a character from scratch.
@KertaDrake Жыл бұрын
ChatGPT is actually pretty good at assisting in making character backstories readable if you don't have the best writing skills. It can take it and restate it with better grammar and added details. If you're using it to create the whole character, that's just being lazy and tabletop RPGs probably aren't for you if that's the level of investment you have in playing.
@pietrayday9915 Жыл бұрын
I don't know, as a GM who enjoys creating my own characters, and also working with pre-gens and NPCs frrom modules and backstories I didn't write (including NPCs created by my players), I don't even see a problem with letting an AI create the entire character backstory. Of course, proof-reading the results to make sure they make logical sense and all is going to be a good idea, but I don't see any reason that even a half-baked AI character backstory can't be a source of good plot hooks and role-playing ideas, as long as the player (and everyone else in the group, GM and other players alike) is willing to put the effort into reading what the AI wrote and then using his own common sense to pick the best ideas out of the results to work with in creating a character that plays well with the rest of the group and fits into the story... something everyone should be doing anyway, whether the backstories are creatively hand-written, or AI-generated, or pre-generated by professional writers!
@vegetin01 Жыл бұрын
Calling not being able to rape homophobic is what’s really homophobic imo. Like you think all gay men are rapists or what?
@TheZen0n Жыл бұрын
idk, using chatgpt to write your backstory isnt something i'd do, because writing up the backstory helps attach me to my character more. But, i understand that's just me. Not everyone can write, or does everyone want to get attached to their characters. i just feel like it invests you in the game more. So, whole i wouldnt use it, i can understand why some people do. However. when you take the fact that they used chatgpt because they "didnt want to sit down n write the whole thing" reads to me like theyre not even invested in the game at all. Not even a little bit. then, pair that with the fact that they invited 2 other players without talking to ANYONE about it, i feel like yes, we are in fact watching a horror story be born. If its causing OP so much stress, i think it'd be better to bounce. No dnd's better than bad Dnd.
@pietrayday9915 Жыл бұрын
Could be a horror story in progress, but I'm optimistic: it's not necessarily so, and I for one could really enjoy taking an AI-generated backstory, and running with it to create a unique character I'd never thought of on my own. I've noticed that not all players get the same thing out of a dungeon crawl: Some like telling stories. Some like wearing costumes and talking in funny voices. Some just like hanging out with friends, and telling jokes over something everyone has in common. Some like exploring weird locations and discovering new monsters or whatever. Some like solving puzzles or working math problems. Some like the wargaming and tactical aspect. Some like picking-and-choosing the character classes and options to create the most powerful characters. Some are like gamblers, and just live for taking risks and betting against the dice, or maybe they simply like the sound of rolling dice and the ASMR experience of seeing what each new dice roll brings. These players might not be interested in writing backstories, and whether they're forced to scribble out something generic, or let ChatGPT write for them, or copy something from a movie or something, won't make any difference: they aren't there for the stories or characterization or role-playing. Maybe they're just itching to get to the part of the game that matters for them: throwing dice at 5'x5' rooms containing orcs-and-chests, or optimizing a perfect character and plotting out a perfect tactical battle, or just getting that character generation chore over with so that all their friends can get their noses out of the books and look up so they can quote Monty Python together and reminisce about their favorite moments from previous games and banter and have a good laugh between turns. Maybe the players are wanting to get the character creation over with so they can launch their campaigns of terror against other players or the GM or whatever, because they like to see people uncomfortable, and simply need to be dumped from the game, or maybe the whole group likes making each other uncomfortable: it's not my cup of tea, but some groups thrive on awkwardness, embarrassment, and edginess, and that dynamic just works for them! Are they Doing It Wrong? Maybe, if some or all the other members of the group are not having fun... but each group is different, and might run on dynamics that could surprise the rest of us. Could be that the GM likes storytelling, the AI-gen players like rules-lawyering or character optimization, and other players like exploration or funny voices and prosthetic elf-ears, and somehow they all work together in the end, with the AI-gen players maybe not writing the most interesting or talented backstories without help, but more than happy to volunteer a helping hand for the GM while running complicated tactical combats, or helping the other players build effective characters, or keeping track of notes and other details that everyone else forgets or doesn't notice: not everyone's a creative writer, and not everyone enjoys solving maths problems or fiddling around with tactical maps or remembering obscure rules... for some groups, these guys might be irritating pests, and for others, valuable assets that just need a little management to keep their interests and talents focused in a constructive direction.... I'm willing to give them the benefit of doubt: I happen to love writing backstories and characterization, but it's not for everyone, and that's not necessarily a bad thing at all: I've never joined a group yet that had all players sharing exactly the same interests in the same elements of the game, and I can't suppose that a group that was like that would necessarily be any better and more fun than a group with different personalities and talents and skills and interests.
@deepseastonecore3017 Жыл бұрын
Thanks 4 all the hard work.
@Arthas30000 Жыл бұрын
In terms of the last story, I've actually done something like that, and I find it to be pretty impolite. If one has issues, it behooves us to bring it up w/the GM, and to try to resolve things and communicate like adults. That said, if a game is not bringing me joy for whatever reason, that is usually a good enough reason to get up & leave. No DnD is better than bad DnD
@Fixti0n Жыл бұрын
From Storry 1, i would totally weaponize the DM ruling of instakilling NPC's when the spell fails, minimizing the chanses of them making it. Dunno what level they were, but instakills are mid to high level stuff.
@brandonshelp4682 Жыл бұрын
DM... doesn't understand what telepathy is?
@BlueTressym Жыл бұрын
I do wonder whether Sleazy is actually homophobic himself, given how he is choosing to rp a gay character as a ridiculous and creepy stereotype. Internalised homophobia is absolutely a thing. Does he actually think that being gay automatically means chatting up everything that moves? There are homophobic people who think that gay people are ALL promiscuous, which is really weird and stupid but so is homophobia anyway. *shrug* With the uncommunicative player, I think it's easy to be judgemental and yes, what happened with the whole 'telling someone else they want to leave but not the GM,' was a problem but can we please remember that using one's words is a LEARNED SKILL and not everyone is given adequate tools for learning it at a young age while some are actively discouraged. If you are treated like crap every time you say anything that isn't what someone who has power over you wants to hear, for example, you soon learn it's not worth it to even bother trying. This may or may not have been the case in this instance but most people aren't just being difficult for the sake of it. Unlearning bad coping mechanisms takes time and support and the latter can be hard to come by, ESPECIALLY when people assume a person is 'being uncommunicative' for no reason.
@EveryDayALittleDeath Жыл бұрын
It's fine to make queer characters. It's fine to make flirty, promiscuous queer characters. But dnd, especially dnd in a public space, is not the place for ERP. And if ANYONE irl or in game says no, you back the eff off, period.
@ranaku603 Жыл бұрын
Don't really see a problem with the chat GPT thing, sure TTRPG is about imagination but it's no shame to get inspiration from somewhere as long as they don't like outright steal OC's from others. It's not like they are doing any harm with it, characters usually develop during campaigns and sessions, no character starts hopefully at the end of their story. So i see no problem to start with a artificially premade character and then over the campaign give it actually your own touch. I personally prefer to make my own characters cause i adore character and world building especially as a writer and author but i feel like this story is the typical "Ewww new technology" opinion our parents had too. Just cause something is different doesn't mean that it isn't valid but as we age we all lose our open mind to some extend, it is better to be accepting and make the best out of it instead of just seeing your own way as the one true way of doing things.
@RusticRonnie Жыл бұрын
I mean even if they did steal a character, they aren’t going to play the same. So it would end up unique
@vernonhampton5863 Жыл бұрын
In general, people throw the term homophonia and bigot around way too much. But THAT story, yeah, wrong. Sleazy is a turd.
@Pachitaro Жыл бұрын
No the fuck they don't. Get off Twitter it's poisoning you
@redacted9755 Жыл бұрын
DS2 is still my favorite souls game, wish more people got to play the original version, not Scholar of the First Sin.
@kaityrie7600 Жыл бұрын
yay more doge
@Dionysius8421 Жыл бұрын
Two hours til Crispy copies this video lol
@RiveroftheWither Жыл бұрын
2010 called, they want their toxic fanbase rivalry bs back.
@redacted9755 Жыл бұрын
Is that really a thing? LOL I know I see some crossposting on these types of channels, because there are only so many horror stories. But does he literally copy them story for story, in the same order and everything?
@Pachitaro Жыл бұрын
@ArcCaravan 15 күн бұрын
Doge probably copied the video too. All tabletop horror story narrators just copy reddit most of the time.
@diegorodrigues9528 Жыл бұрын
I see it i click it
@doms.6701 Жыл бұрын
Sleezy seems like the type who is gay to be different
@GodOfPlague Жыл бұрын
Eat that turtle 🐢 kitty
@BurroughsProductions Жыл бұрын
Who cares about how they wrote they're back story
@unknowfornow35 Жыл бұрын
If anyhting backstories hsould be done... 20 WORDS OR LESS! and not some freaking novel. Honestly just keep it to that.
@codydecoster9131 Жыл бұрын
@11:13 I will take things that absolutely never happened for $200
@stephenadams8712 Жыл бұрын
To be fair i don't think using a AI bot to wite a backstory is okay just read it over before giving it to your GM
@stephenadams8712 Жыл бұрын
To summarise it's okay not to write your backstory but it's lazy not to read your backstory
@vampire9545 Жыл бұрын
Gay doge?
@RiveroftheWither Жыл бұрын
@simopen Жыл бұрын
Doge Gay!🎉
@Kill3rrockstar Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry the last story was actually kinda homophobic let the dude flirt with a character and he'd probably stop anytime he talked to a character in a flirting way yall are like no that npc is straight
@ArcCaravan 15 күн бұрын
If you mean the titular story rather than the last story about communication, that player went beyond flirting and treated consequences as homophobic while never relenting when told no.
@andrewilliamson6057 Жыл бұрын
Sad that people feel forced to use pronouns. Remember guys and gals. It's okay to not be PC
@pietrayday9915 Жыл бұрын
I've got mixed feelings about it - in principle, I agree, on the other hand, this is a hobby that has always attracted a lot of eccentric people, and in the general scheme of things, a polite request for me to play the pronoun game would be one of the milder eccentricities I've run into. On the gripping hand, the classic gaming rule applies: "no D&D is better than bad D&D", and a game of D&D where you're forced to spend more time measuring pronouns than throwing dice at monsters and telling Monty Python jokes is bad, bad D&D. And that works the other way around, too: a group full of purple-haired pronoun people who DO want to spend that much time comparing their pronouns shouldn't have to put up with having you or me messing up their gaming experience, either. It's fair enough to get the pronoun thing out in the open and set the ground rules for it as quickly as possible, I think, so that those of us who can't find a way to game together without engaging in Political Correctness wars can go our separate ways before we commit to extended sessions of Bad D&D together. I for one think I can get along with a Pronoun Person for multiple sessions of good enough D&D, as long as they are willing to meet me halfway, too: I can make a good-faith effort to accommodate a polite request to use their pronouns, as long as they make a good-faith effort to give it a pass if I forget sometimes, and don't really see the big deal. And I say that as a guy who works with foreign coworkers who don't speak English natively and sometimes get my perfectly normal and basic and simple but undeclared he/him pronouns wrong sometimes: I've been accidentally called "she" a few times, and it never killed me, and was never important enough to interrupt them or correct them or report to HR or whatever! It wasn't a big deal to me, and I don't imagine it being a big deal to any reasonable alternative-gendered gamer: I'm not there to pick political fights, I'm there to tell stories, explore strange places, discover creepy monsters, throw a few dice where necessary, and laugh at a few of those inevitable Monty Python quotes, and I would hope that the rest of the group are with me on that enough that they're willing to ignore MY eccentricities, because otherwise, someone's in for a night of Bad D&D whether we want it or not, because that's just the way it works! TL;DR: it doesn't cost me anything to try to make a sincere effort to accommodate someone's exotic pronoun thing, as long as they are willing and able to make a sincere effort to accommodate my lack of interest in it, which might result in my saying something politically incorrect from time to time or using the wrong pronouns by honest mistake because my mind is on D&D rather than walking on pronoun eggshells. I'll try to avoid hijacking the game to talk about Austrian economics or the US Constitution or gun rights or something, if they try to avoid hijacking it to talk about pride parades or drag queen story hour or something: if the conversation looks something like 50% D&D, and 40% Monty Python quotes, music recommendations, horror or fantasy or sci-fi movie recommendations, and what to order on our pizzas for dinner break, and maybe 10% on bickering aimlessly and flipping tables over rules questions and getting confused about when the next game session is scheduled, then I guess we're doing OK, but if we have to bicker much more than a tiny percent of the time over pronouns and political correctness and which incompetent and corrupt assholes we plan to vote for this time and which of us is the real fascist, then I have a feeling we're heading into Bad D&D territory, and it's time to part ways..... Anyway, compared to, for example, That One Guy I gamed with back in the '80s or '90s who insisted he was a centuries-old vampire ninja hitman, and pulled me aside one night to try to plan a kidnapping and struggle-snuggle of a coworker while making vague and creepy threats about how easily he could unalive someone who reported him to the police, or compared to the inevitable stinky stranger who follows you around the gaming store mumbling about his home-brew half-drow-half-werewolf-half-cat-woman-half-cyborg-pirate character while farting and stuffing his face with Funions, I think that trying to work with a pronoun person who genuinely is more interested in playing D&D than arguing over pronouns or politics and asks me politely to do the pronoun thing as long as they politely hand-wave my occasional lapse of political correctness in remembering the pronoun thing, would be fairly easy to game with. I like to imagine I can keep my off-putting eccentricities reasonable, as long as they can, and if everyone involved can both keep reasonable, then the hard part to do right will just be our part of the actual gaming....
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