Kobold DnD Player Blows Up Game rpghorrorstories

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DnD Doge

DnD Doge

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@YouW00t Жыл бұрын
Charm Person makes it so "the charmed creature regards you as a friendly acquaintance", and I don't think her character was that kind of person.
@andrejg4136 Жыл бұрын
Anyone who lets Charm Person work like straight up mind control and/or brainwashing is not a person I want to continue playing with.
@robinmohamedally7587 Жыл бұрын
and they're also too retarded to even read the spell description in the book, because that is not how it works. Dominate Person would do that, but not Charm person. @@andrejg4136
@shadiafifi54 Жыл бұрын
Second story: DM is partly to blame because he okayed something the player wasn't okay with, but he clearly understood that people should face the consequences of their actions. Love the Ranger's revenge, of course. Then again, the GM should not have allowed a human trafficking plot either. Ranger was right to leave the group, and I hope she found much better groups after that.
@robinmohamedally7587 Жыл бұрын
PLus, and this is VERY important: .........that's not how Charm Person works. Does ANYone read the fucking book, anymore?
@icarue993 8 ай бұрын
in one of my tables, you can't mechanically change the player's opinion or force them to act (aka: roll diplomacy, bluff, etc, or charm person). Which is good to evade this scenerios... bad if you are bad at lying...
@idigamstudios7463 3 ай бұрын
@@robinmohamedally7587 Plenty but these are horror stories in which the people involved either A.) don't or B.) do but lie about it to try and do heinous shit.
@georgeholstein5230 Жыл бұрын
why the hell do so many people think "charm person" is the equivalent of enslaving someones damn brain, the spell is just suppose to make the target see you as a friend, is most descriptions of the spell it litteraly says the target still wont perform any actions they wouldnt perform without the spell, like ifa pacifistic character was charmed, you cant just tell them to murder someone
@GummiArms Жыл бұрын
Honestly, the spell as written is very difficult to use well, and I've never known a game where casting it publicly didn't come with an inquisition attached. If it is being used to that potent of an effect, there's malfeasance at the table, it is best to leave.
@georgeholstein5230 Жыл бұрын
@@GummiArms yeah, thats dnd magic for ya, its usefullness depends on either the dm or players creativity (when its not being misused)
@unluckyone1655 Жыл бұрын
Many house rules say that you can't use mind altering spells on other players. But sadly this isn't a house rule at every table.
@robinmohamedally7587 Жыл бұрын
EXACTLY. That IS NOT how the spell works. All involved are retarded, for not reading the fucking spell description, and that includes the DM. Not the ranger, it wasn't her problem to read the spell description.
@janinecat1865 Жыл бұрын
Old-school versions, and jrpg Charm effects.
@MrB-bx7dz Жыл бұрын
Story 1 : "You hocked a priceless hotori honzo sword?" "I wouldn't say priceless, man at the pawn shop gave me five thousand for it"
@realdragon Жыл бұрын
I wouldn't sell it to pawn shop because they're scam. I would try to find someone who appreciates it like a dragon
@robertwildschwein7207 Жыл бұрын
hotori honor sword my ass. I would trade that against the first maul I find.
@minnion2871 Жыл бұрын
@@realdragon Plot twist, the Pawn shop is secretly run by a Dragon... Anything actually good goes straight to the Hoard...
@lethaldream50 Жыл бұрын
@@minnion2871 For the Horde! .......wait wrong game
@kungfukeeanu72 Жыл бұрын
@spiffiermage0040 Жыл бұрын
Ah yes, the spell that simply makes someone treat you as a best friend being turned into Power Word Fuck, a classic of the RPG horror genre.
@Nyrufa Жыл бұрын
People mistaking Friends and Charm for Dominate.
@VidelxSpopovich 11 ай бұрын
1st lvl spell Catapult = Power Word: YEET
@Fluffykeith Жыл бұрын
First Story. The GM is also very responsible because he allowed the sale to happen. If it’s a plot vital item....don’t let your players sell it, because as soon as you do, you either need to build into the game some way to resolve or bypass the problem....or accept you just allowed the player to nuke the game and call it there. There are situations where deference to player agency over all else is actually actively damaging to the game.
@somebody4952 Жыл бұрын
I just could not imagine having fun in that kobold's position. I get anxious at disagreements between party members, I couldn't imagine just repeatedly painting a target on my back like that
@AmaryInkawult Жыл бұрын
Imagine being an absolute bastard like that and believing you did nothing wrong when you did EVERYTHING wrong.
@realdragon Жыл бұрын
Different people are different, for example in my group we have no problem killing each other. Other player literally exploded me with bomb on purpose
@paulman34340 Жыл бұрын
​@realdragon Yep remember reading a reddit story About a guy who's SO Deleted all his hard work Because she wanted to see how he would react! Some people are feel good vampires Who just wanted to suck out the fun Or peoples calm feelings for the EVULZ They are the type who you would beat to death and their last words would be "WORTH IT"
@realdragon Жыл бұрын
@@paulman34340 However the big difference is you're comparing something that was done in real life out of character to something done *in* character. They're not the same thing, if my character punches other PC it wouldn't be the same as me shitting no the table in front of everybody irl. Because one is just a game and the other is real life
@paulman34340 Жыл бұрын
@realdragon No I actually didn't Just because it wasn't tabletop doesn't change the fact it was still the same in some TROLLING someone else for the laughs! I didn't ever say anything but comparing that "People are assholes just to BE assholes" doesn't matter if in THIS story the DM was enabling while in the one I mentioned it was an SO being a dick! Outcome is the same. "People being dicks for the fun of it" regardless of the consequences! And it's always funny when there are consequences And they start whining and crying and saying they didn't deserve this like all of a sudden their innocence Or something like that. Or more specifically they never expected this type of reaction/Consequences
@Inhaledcorn Жыл бұрын
Nothing rustles my jimmies more than people treating SA like it's some big joke - like it's something you didn't know you wanted. SA isn't about the sex, it's about the assault.
@realrealwarpet Жыл бұрын
As my pathfinder half orc paladins mother found out. Also, yes, his mom is an important npc to him. He doesn’t even know she’s his mother. Despite literally crying to him about the event. He went and commited patricide.
@RiveroftheWither Жыл бұрын
Remember, in the court of D&D, "Its what my character would do" can and will be used against you. If "what you're character would do" is fuck over the party, prepare for the party to rock your world in retribution. When thinking about what your character would do, stop and think about what THEIR characters would do after. Would the party really do nothing if you sold the Mcguffin? Would that guard just casually walk away after being punched by you? Would everyone just be chill with you being a broody loner and just follow you around everywhere as tagalongs to your epic, totally not over done redemption arc? Its not a videogame where you can get away with anything and everything like running as many people over in a GTA game as you can before your car explodes and you're just back at the hospital with a little less money. You're playing with other people and they're going to respond to your actions like people which means your actions will have consequences and unless your character has int and wis in the negatives, they should be able to understand that.
@Creshosk Жыл бұрын
"It's what my character would do!" "Then play a better character." "But I want to play this one." Then YOU are choosing for this action to happen. Don't shift blame onto a fictional character that you're in control of. YOU chose to sell the thing for some shinnies and be a disloyal smear on the wall to be. Your character could have chosen loyalty to friends over the shinnies. YOU chose to play a character that picked the shinnies You chose the shininess.
@GummiArms Жыл бұрын
You're not wrong. I do feel compelled to offer a little pushback based on their individual circumstances. What is not being said here? It sounds like the game was running along a tight railroad. You had level 5 characters trying to guard an artifact weapon from a constant rain of hitmen being sent by the DM. Let's be real, the party only gets to have the artifact for as long as the DM allows them. Not to mention that artifact becomes an excuse to deny giving the party any wealth for the foreseeable future. Why do you need magical weapons, when you have the artifact? Why do you need potions and scrolls and whatnot when you have the artifact? Point being, they were likely being squeezed as well as railroaded. Selling off the artifact therefore become a rational choice, as far as the character is concerned. From an in-universe perspective, it is probably more safe in the hands of epic level wizards than it is in the hands of a rag-tag group of newbie adventurers that can barely hold off a single assassin. They also can't persecute a war against the big bad if they have no money to do so.
@RiveroftheWither Жыл бұрын
@@GummiArms Spoken like a problem player who gets upset when he's kicked from a game, you the Kobold? Having a mcguffin needed to beat the bbeg and bad guys that want the mcguffin isn't railroading, it's a standard story troupe that even Curse of Strahd does it. If "beat Strahd" is your goal then you NEED the mcguffins. These people wanted to beat the bbeg and wanted the mcguffin to do it, having the mcguffin came with a consequence they all agreed to, until Kobold player suddenly decided he wanted to actively ruin the game for everyone and the DM allowed it. Wait, dm allowed it? Yup that's what it says, the DM allowed him to do it and even egged him on until he realized the rest of the party wasn't having fun. Pretty strange for someone you're accusing of railroading to do. Even if the game is railroady, everyone but the problem was enjoying it. If everyone is having fun but YOU then YOU'RE the problem, this isn't the game for you and you should just leave and find a game that suits you, not actively ruin everyone's fun and antagonize them then act shocked when no one likes you and wants to play. He was a douchebag, plain and simple, things not being to your liking alone is absolutely not an excuse to be disruptive, disrespectful and to try and destroy the game. Grow up.
@GummiArms Жыл бұрын
@@RiveroftheWither Maybe you should take your own advice and grow up yourself. Learn to be a little discerning. And maybe don't attack people for playing the devil's advocate once in a while. And no, I'm not the kobold in this story. However, as a player of D&D, I can empathize, having been on both sides of similar circumstances. And if you want to talk about disrespect, how much disrespect is it to choose the plot over your own party member? He didn't even try to understand the Kobold's actions, he just automatically assumed the guy was griefing them and started to plot against him in the voice chat and private DMs because he was personally butthurt.
@RiveroftheWither Жыл бұрын
@@GummiArms Oh yeah, you're definitely the Kobold 🤣 also you AREN'T playing devil's advocate, you're just trying to defend the problem players attempted destruction of the game while entirely ignore every context of the post. At the very least you are showing yourself to be someone who has done exactly this, a disruptive player who thinks they should be allowed to do whatever they want and throw hissy fits when they don't go their way. Anyone with actual discernment can see through your bs, you're being painfully transparent.
@WolfHreda Жыл бұрын
Story one: OP is a Dhampir Twilight Cleric. Is somehow not the problem player. Wonders never cease.
@GummiArms Жыл бұрын
I'm glad someone else noticed this too.
@marybdrake1472 Жыл бұрын
Yet another DM that failed to understand, likely willfully, how charm person works. And the rogue, and warlock definitely didn't grasp how it actually works, on purpose. Anyone tries to pull that with me and I'm done on the spot. I simply refuse to deal with that.
@Kaiser8513 Жыл бұрын
So while I agree with you that if the DM didn't allow for the plot device to be sold it could be seen as taking away player agency what shows that DM is not as innocent is the fact when things started getting heated in the game he was adding emojis that were encouraging the behavior and as an effect was further escalating the issue.
@GummiArms Жыл бұрын
Yeah, I think there were some details being left out of the story. It sounds like the party was being railroaded pretty tightly, and I believe the two players that confronted the kobold were more invested in the storyline; whereas the kobold saw the railroad crossing signs, didn't like it, so he tried to find a rational way to get them off of the railroad.
@ladydarkangelyuki Жыл бұрын
18:49 That's not how charm person works also that DM as a special place in hell for him.
@iank472 Жыл бұрын
The DM in the first story wasn't crap because they let the player sell the priceless plot weapon. They were crap because they found it funny and let the player use "Don't metagame!" to try and cover for their shitty behaviour.
@3of6mylove Жыл бұрын
Charm person run like dominate person here. The charmed condition by itself only prevents you from attacking the caster, it doesn't otherwise control your actions. Being "friendly and comfortable" with someone doesn't mean automatically sleeping with them.
@mentalrebllion1270 Жыл бұрын
Last story reminds me of one of the first tables I opted to just leave. It was maybe the third table I had joined since I began playing. My first was a paid game whose dm I still play with and we managed to complete that campaign and beat the bbeg. The second was one I found through my discord group and started as a playtest and was very fun, was ongoing until recently due to school for some players. And my third table…I found through roll20. It wasn’t the first I signed up for there or had applied for but it is the third table I had joined that wasn’t with any of my other dm’s or players. I decided to try playing a samurai fighter/light cleric combo. As wisdom is a preferred stat for both classes/subclasses, I obviously put a lot in that and took perception. As such, I had the highest of that party. This led to my character noticing a gem encrusted child in the camp we were asking questions within (the child was tucked behind an adult and hiding). I had the group leave the tent as we were making the adult nervous and then told them about the child and that this was probably why the adult was not forthcoming and we should try elsewhere. Except…one of the players decided he wanted to steal the child to sell. I want to point out that one of the things I brought up as a solid line to not cross for me is harm to children. This is due to my working with them and strong caretaking instincts that make this such a vile thing to me that I retain no fun in such a game. It makes me feel ill. For comparison, I have my phobia of needles as a veil, not a line, so this to me is worse than an actual phobia I have. It’s that bad. I immediately shut down this player’s suggestion, nicely at first but as he kept insisting, I got stern and then even went above board to remind him that I absolutely will not accept harm to children, which was what he was suggesting. He honestly didn’t quit until another play decided he was done with it and told him to knock it off, and then reminded him (scathingly) that he was supposedly playing a lawful good player which this action would absolutely go against. After that the guy finally shut up about it and focused on our actual quest. I ended up talking to my discord group and other dm’s about it later, and how the dm of that table did nothing about it to the point another player had to intervene. I was recommended to leave. Given I had an overwhelmingly bad feeling I decided to do exactly that and bowed out of the game. I remember the listing popping up a few more times after that but it seemed to bleed players and then eventually stopped. I don’t know what happened and don’t care. But it stuck with me because this was the first game I left of my own accord because it felt wrong. I have since had some absolutely amazing dm’s and absolutely love the time I spent at their tables and playing with those other party members. I have had my line of harm to children NEVER crossed by any of these dm’s or other players and I’m grateful for that. I consider it a good learning experience and still feel I made the right decision.
@BlazeDarks Жыл бұрын
some how I just knew before I even finished reading the whole post that someone was going to remind the idiot he's playing a good aligned character
@REfan2002 Жыл бұрын
I love the title card. Cute little Kobold
@schwarzerritter5724 Жыл бұрын
Making a character that works together with the rest of the party is the default. Unless stated otherwise, you can not betray the party. So not allowing a player to sell a plot critical item does not take away player agency any more then not allowing characters to level up whenever they feel like it.
@GummiArms Жыл бұрын
I think you need to read between the lines a little more there. The story doesn't quite add up as presented. That being said, it's true that the party all being on the same page is pretty important.
@schwarzerritter5724 Жыл бұрын
@@GummiArms In what ways?
@GummiArms Жыл бұрын
@@schwarzerritter5724 The DM going along with the kobold doing something that seemed like an exceptionally stupid move on the surface level. Also the attitude of the player was a bit sus. Yeah, I can understand why losing control of a plot important item is frustrating, but I get the idea there's more to it based on the severity of his reaction. I think he was more angry about the plot being derailed. It likely would have been a temporary state of affairs if he'd have stuck with it, and the party would have had more resources to deal with the BBEG and more experience and levels from shenanigans getting the artifact back. And that's if the DM would have allowed them to keep hold of it in the first place, which from his actions I suspect he never intended to.
@TigerW0lf Жыл бұрын
@alexandramusilova8148 Жыл бұрын
People need to stop throwing around the word gaslighting when they just mean lying.
@schwarzerritter5724 Жыл бұрын
People also use mental disability slurs when they mean bad people.
@sharkjumpingwalrus6744 Жыл бұрын
People calling gaslighting "just lying" is also a problem. I've made that mistake in the past, and it doesn't help anybody. Trying to backpaddle on admitting to sell something that has the same emotional value as a family heirloom by claiming "it was just a joke and it was really in a safe place" is just like turning down the lights and claiming it is all in their head. The point is to get people to doubt their own judgement so they can't call their bully out for treating them like toilet paper. It doesn't matter how poorly someone does it, since politicians do this crap all the time by trying to tell you something you know for a fact actually never happened, and that they are really good people who have your best interest at heart. Lying is saying that the lance was sold to a person that claimed to worship the same god, gaslighting is admitting to selling something that had significate religious value for money while laughing about it, and then claiming to put it somewhere safe upon seeing the reaction to play off the cruelty of laughing at the victims of said crime as a joke.
@alexandramusilova8148 Жыл бұрын
@@sharkjumpingwalrus6744 No, gaslighting would be "You agreed to this, remember?" not lying about who he sold it to. This is a dude being a dick and lying. Gaslighting is very specific and needs to tick multiple boxes. Simply saying things that are untrue can be a part of gaslighting but on its own, it does not match what gaslighting is.
@KatarnandKanos Жыл бұрын
Yes, ffs. This comes up all the time in these stories and it's aggravating. Using gaslighting as a catch-all term for manipulative behavior renders the word useless.
@schwarzerritter5724 Жыл бұрын
@@KatarnandKanos Doge said he would let the player do it as well.
@Radicalbeast Жыл бұрын
First story is a someone reposting someone else's story. Heard it on mutiple channels and race and class keep changing for some reason while the rest of the party stays the same.
@vortega472 Жыл бұрын
Not only will Simba get me through these stories - he'll get me through the week.
@slagarcrue85 Жыл бұрын
Simba adorable
@Theokal3 Жыл бұрын
Why do so many people forget that Charm Person doesn't work like that?--'
@robinmohamedally7587 Жыл бұрын
Because they're all too stupid to read the words in the book that describe the spell.
@GummiArms Жыл бұрын
@ShitpostingJoJo Жыл бұрын
Story #1: Y'know, it's at times like these that I wonder two things: 1) Why did the DM even allowed him to sell the story related item?! 2) Is it REEEEALLY morally wrong to kill a player's character when they're always actively acting like a snarky and selfish piece of shit OUT of character?😬😅 Personally, I SAY IT'S OKAY. KICK HIS ASS EVEN.🗿🚬
@unluckyone1655 Жыл бұрын
Honestly if the goal of a player is to betray/grief the other players and you have a DM that actively encourages it, then at that point, just play a board game like Betrayal at Hill House or Sattlers of Catan
@VidelxSpopovich 11 ай бұрын
@@unluckyone1655 I was once part of a group that was trying to stop a cult in the city of Grand Falls. Upon trying to find out about the cult we were branded as criminals and chased from the city. However, we later found two people who had info on the cult but were being hunted as well. They tried to flee from us after we narrowly avoided an encounter with the cult resulting in my character, a shadow monk, chasing them down and beating them unconscious and stabilizing them before bringing them back to our base camp. This caused a schism in the party and the next day while we were being attacked by a monster two of our party members freed the would be informants who then ran off and got themselves killed by the cult shortly thereafter. Upon finding this out my character leaves the party to fend for themselves as they had treated him like a monster for trying to protect the two from themselves. He left for the city, now in disguise and tracked down a cult member who he followed to one of their safe houses. There he struck a deal for his own name being cleared and in exchange he gave the cult the location of the party’s base camp. The cult paid him 1k gold and he proceeded to leave for the capital city where the group had originally come from. During this time, the party, which had consisted of myself(The Monk), a bard, and two wizards, was reduced to just a single wizard and bard since a fight between the bard and wizard had broken out resulting in one of the wizards leaving as well. The cult arrives at their camp in the night and kills the bard, reducing her to ash by way of a beholder zombie. The remaining wizard fled into the forest never to be seen again. My character however went on to be a successful crime lord in the main city, working with the local guardsmen as a cover for his criminal enterprises.
@unluckyone1655 Жыл бұрын
That second story is why i often play male characters if any of the players give me a certain vibe.
@williek08472 Жыл бұрын
I found kobolds annoying, but this is just ridiculous. Also I love it when cats show their big dilated pupils, it makes them so adorable 😻
@chongwillson972 Жыл бұрын
@williekopenski8471 i mean its more of his player fault then his character being a kobold.
@AmaryInkawult Жыл бұрын
As a rule of thumb, PUT THE ARTIFACTS IN A DAMN VAULT AND THROW AWAY THE KEYS! This way no one is tempted to sell quest items.
@GummiArms Жыл бұрын
There might not have been a vault along the rail line they were on.
@enyxio2553 Жыл бұрын
PP: You can't punish me. That's meta gaming. DM: You wanna bet 😈🙃
@Yojimbo16 Жыл бұрын
The Kobold story reminds me of when my problem player got his hands on the MacGuffin that I submitted to the DnD Doge Subreddit
@Crocogator Жыл бұрын
As someone who's suffered from tinnitus from an extremely young age, I honestly don't know what life would be like without the ringing. Would I be relieved or go insane? What's it like having it gone after a couple of months?
@brushdogart Жыл бұрын
I am reminded of the story of the lighthouse keeper whose foghorn sounded regularly all nigh, every night. One night the keeper woke up in a panic, shouting about a noise. Turned out the "noise" was the foghorn not sounding. In other words, I am sure you would get used to the silence but it might take a while.
@Crocogator Жыл бұрын
@@brushdogart Dang. I'll keep that in mind if this ever goes away.
@myevilplans Жыл бұрын
Why am I not surprised most horror stories seem to be online?
@barriehannon6857 Жыл бұрын
im currently playing as a Kobold Artificer named Inglip i plan on him being chaotic with his obsession of grabbing as much Cutlery as possible but i never intend on having his antics ruin the experience for the other players
@Creshosk Жыл бұрын
"That would take away player agency." Sometimes player agency needs to be taken away. You've read enough of these stories to kno0w that sometimes "No." is the appropriate response to problem players. Either take away that bit of player agency or let your game be destroyed by problem players being able to do whatever they want. Not just here, but other times. Player agency is not the be all, but it can be the end all in the hands of a problem player. "Why won't you just let me kill all of the quest giving NPCs? Your'e taking away my agency by not letting me destroy the game for you and the other players!"
@GummiArms Жыл бұрын
Why are you assuming that the kobold was really the problem here? From an in-universe perspective, his actions were entirely rational. The framing tactics might make it seem otherwise, but perhaps you're overlooking that the poster was clearly invested in the story and wanted it to go a certain way. Maybe the kobold didn't like the idea of being railroaded down a particular path. Maybe he thought the party would have his back if he went off-script to put the DM on the back foot.
@BiigBean Жыл бұрын
The kobold thing seems like fun? If they role played it right they could go on a quest to get it back and just not trust him in game. Seems like there was more to it tho
@dracone4370 Жыл бұрын
The Halloween season is fast approaching, and I'm wondering what plans Doge has for that.
@jakethegreatest473 Жыл бұрын
Cat suit
@dracone4370 Жыл бұрын
@@jakethegreatest473 I've suggested Doge dress up an Aralez a few times in a few prior video comments, that way he can be a winged doggo. And for added fun, he can dress the cats up with wings as well. I'm not aware of any cats in mythology that could be a reference to, but if Doge ever read the Catwings book series, it could act as a homage to that.
@jakethegreatest473 Жыл бұрын
@@dracone4370 there is a wierd mutation called "winged" cats.
@BlazeDarks Жыл бұрын
for story 1, it's what my character would do.....the vengeance paladin, I know oath of Vengenace isn't all about being a goody goody, I'd say this might be against your oath a little, would be DMs call, but seemed the DM wasn't very good, a decent DM would have nipped this in the bud as soon as he tried to sell it, hell if you have to him the god that gave them the weapon a curse that can only be removed by getting the weapon back, a hardly plea of forgiveness, a doantion to their temple and maybe a little something else that relates to their domain
@tesuniekataren46 10 ай бұрын
Ah, yes. "You wont do what I want you to do, so I'm gonna cast Charm Person and force you to!" misconception. People do realize that... um... Charm Person only makes you "friendly" towards the caster. It changes the charmed person into believing the caster is "their best friend". It does not in fact force any actions. It is not control person. Someone who has cast Charm Person on, for example, a guard, could then go "Hey, seen as we are such great friends, would you mind letting me go through? Oh. You know me so well, you don't really need to check the cargo in the wagon, right?" and, provided that the guard would do said action for a best friend, they are more likely to let you go. Charm person, though, will not let you go "Guard! Attack the other guards! They are all corrupt and you can only trust me!" The guard would likely be going, "Friend, what are you talking about? I know these guards. They are all good people. Certainly you are misinformed. I think I shall call a healer over for you, for friend I think you hit your head too hard and need some help."
@TheNaexis Жыл бұрын
So.. I definitely know for a fact that as a Kobold player- I also would have sold it for shinies. Like, Godly or not, it is a roleplay game. They went into the in-character with out-of-character animosity. Feels bad. Let us Kobolds have our shinies.
@_PannieCake_ 2 ай бұрын
The problem is that the DM doesnt realize that Charm Person does not permit those behaviors because it only makes you friendly. Should they do something to hurt you, be it mentally or physically, the spell ends. Basically you are able to break out if you are being assaulted in ANY WAY.
@janski8029 Жыл бұрын
Before going in. This seems normal kobold things
@Shoyro Жыл бұрын
My response to the cat clip: The silent meow hits my soul!
@raffaelepassarelli6444 Жыл бұрын
Story#1: If everybody knew about Jay's history, why they trusted him with such plot item? Not want to defend the kokold, but he didn't rolled initiative first, other players did. To achieve what exactly? even knowing to who he sold the lance....and then?
@fleacythesheepgirl 11 ай бұрын
The kobold story wasn’t even that hard to fix. If you’re going to allow players to derail things have a servant of the god join the party and organize an oceans eleven style heist with extra loot in the end for everyone but the kobold. It gives the party a breadcrumb and makes the kobold into more of a likeable scamp (which I think was what they were attempting) than just a jerk.
@tuffy135ify Жыл бұрын
From the description of the lance in the lore, the most sensible solution would be the person he sold the lance to turning into a herald for the god of the lance, or the god itself, and smiting the kobold. You get player agency, but with logical consequences.
@realdragon Жыл бұрын
Certified kobold move, I approve it
@tazkol Жыл бұрын
why is it so many dm's interpurt charm person as mind control?
@robinmohamedally7587 Жыл бұрын
Becaues they are incredibly stupid, stupid people.
@robertwildschwein7207 Жыл бұрын
The Kobold used the lance as a * * * toy, didn't he?
@DisneyChar 11 ай бұрын
I havent played much, but 100k gold sounds game breaking, plus dms actions, it feels like he was goaded by dm.
@Jermbot15 Жыл бұрын
Kobold story, 2 plays. 1st attack the kobold immediately, reasoning that losing the lance either means he's another disguised assassin but the power of the lance makes it unable to be included in the disguise, or that he's working with the enemy and must be a spy. 2nd, conclude the kobold has been afflicted with a modify memory spell and robbed. Find the lance, never trust him with anything important again because he's too feebleminded.
@ZombieDireWolf Жыл бұрын
I'm a chaotic player and DM as in I love stuff like "deck of many things" type items and wild magic. but I would never go against the party ever.
@7thsealord888 7 ай бұрын
Story #1 - Yeah, ret-conning the game AFTER kicking Jay was the smart thing to do. Just why the DM allowed things to go that way, and why that #$%^ was tolerated for this long, both mystify me. Story #2 - I do like how OP left this group. Some justice right there. Another instance of wondering why the DM didn't step up.
@WTFisTingispingis Жыл бұрын
Kobold had it coming, the just fate of fools.
@elementairttv Жыл бұрын
Perfect way to start my morning!
@gerbill13 Жыл бұрын
Oh it’s not my kobold phew
@sagekoh3158 Жыл бұрын
No one: Simba: 👁👄👁 Me: Yes master! 🤯 I will now surrender all Tins of kitty food to nearest fuzzy baby.....
@fateric007 Жыл бұрын
The DM of Story 1 should quit the game.
@Charnel_Heart 11 ай бұрын
The kobold story is further proof that killing problem characters is always justified.
@VidelxSpopovich 11 ай бұрын
Never trust a player who wants to play a Kobold. Literally EVERY SINGLE TIME. They always do the same kind of shit.
@chongwillson972 11 ай бұрын
@VidelxSpopovich that's not really true.
@vampire9545 Жыл бұрын
The dm let him sell it?
@XtraSquishy Жыл бұрын
God damn right I did
@chongwillson972 Жыл бұрын
@@XtraSquishy you're the dm of the story?
@mark9960 8 ай бұрын
CHRAM PERSON DOESNT WORK THAT WAY. why do so many people forget this.
@sagexalcen4708 Жыл бұрын
Actions have consequences. We had that happen the first time I played D&D. 3.5 Horror Campaign, I was the dread necro. We had a druid, rogue, and a warrior as well. The druid was experienced and evil, my DN was evil, the rogue was somewhere between neutral and evil, and the warrior was decisively good. The druid was a veteran and the rest of us were first timers. I joined the second session where we enocuntered our first BBEG. I had actually accidentally managed to screw up the DM's initial plan my first time playing, it was an amusing story for another day. So we went into town to do our usual stuff. The warrior had a nice sword (it would turn out to be a sword of Pelor) and he went to the tavern. He was looking for a fight so this cleric challenged him. My character was there watching the whole thing go down. He accepted and they went outside. He got floored and the cleric took his sword and fled. Now, simple and easy plot hook right? Well the warrior was pissed and said one of the dumbest thing I have heard someone say. "I punch the first person near me." That.....was a guard. This did not end well and he got taken away for that. Which led to a hissyfit. First experience of actions having consequences. It was interesting to say the least. And this sort of thing would continue and ultimately end on a boat with one slashed redead zombie, a DN who didn't take kindly to his minions being attacked for no cause, and a blind and deaf warrior pushed overboard.
@antoniokontos5677 Жыл бұрын
Why trust a Kobold with something so important
@chongwillson972 Жыл бұрын
@antoniokontos5677 wait a second , why did they give the kobold the item, its a small race which means it cant really use big items (because 5e hates small races)
@Doodle1776 Жыл бұрын
Another great example of a bad GM who allowed a bad player to screw over the entire party and mess up the game for everyone else. A simple "No, you cannot do that" would have solved so many of these issues before they even happened and the bad player might have left on their own. Instead of this dumb "punish their character in the game" crap advice. "Player agency" isn't letting one player screw everyone over and there's nothing wrong with telling that person no. Agency isn't "you can do whatever you want" it's "you can do what you want within reason." That includes the other crap and why I disallow sexual content within my games. You don't need it and people will take it too far, and bad GMs will allow crap like rape to happen too.
@davidtherwhanger6795 Жыл бұрын
That is true. People will take things way too far.
@Doodle1776 Жыл бұрын
@@davidtherwhanger6795 The rest of the players also shouldn't be forced to sit around listening to you mentally whack-off to your fetishes.
@unluckyone1655 Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately there are people who enjoy grieving other people because making people upset is considered fun to them. DM tend to like them for the drama they cause players to spice things up I guess, but DMs have to know how to reign it in or else problem player can interfere with other players agency, which is a cardinal sin in ttrpgs. Also for some reason some guys believe that SAing a female players PC will instantly make them fall in love with them out of game?
@realdragon Жыл бұрын
That depends on a group you play with tho what is the group dynamics and how they want to play. Selling important item isn't the problem of that's what their character would do. I don't know why some people think there cannot be party conflict in roleplaying game
@Doodle1776 Жыл бұрын
What does it gain other than pissing off the other players? This is why groups end up falling apart because people think that bad ideas are worth playing out or trying. Even though it fails 99.9999999% of the time people still think that "this time" it'll work. Just ending up creating a toxic group and angry players.@@realdragon
@animefanboy201 10 ай бұрын
You know, alot of these stories could be solved if people werent so afraid to learn some conflict resolution skills and not be afraid to be confrontational. Most of the bad players are just big spoiled babies who lack and crave discipline
@SaintofM 9 ай бұрын
1st Story: DM shouldbhave stopped this. This was as much instigation as much hands off. As for J, yeah...any conversation that is i did A becaUse B is what my charecter would do is going to be bad. 2nd story: D&D horror story + only female in the group told me i needed to have my companion cat and bird next to me. And yep, i was right.
@dwaynejackson551 Жыл бұрын
I was late because I was catching a bus
@templebeast1324 Жыл бұрын
"Blows up game" Is that literal or...
@slagarcrue85 Жыл бұрын
Your dog avitar doggie is so cute. Animating your non human body of yours to move so flawless much be very time consume process.
@TheSqoad Жыл бұрын
Both stories are examples of problem DMs. Both are terrible people.
@mikelsmith6803 Жыл бұрын
I don't believe a sexual interaction would be something harmful by nature. Sexual assault is hatful because is against one's will. And is as violating as force feeding someone a something that makes them gag. It's not eating the thing that is harmful is it in a specific context. If that makes sense. However, that aside. Charm person is not mind control. It ONLY makes someone perceive the caster as a close and trusted friend, giving it advantage on charisma checks against the target (checks one has no business making against a player to begin with). The key part is "trusted friend" there is nothing making someone more likely to sleep with the caster. I know I wouldn't fuck a "trusted friend" just because. Yeah, there are some more easy going, or more promiscuous people who would I suppose, but that is for the target player to decide. Basically don't cast charm person on other players. And I know dungeons is in the name but I'd rather people leave romance out of it (at my table at least), it's not that type of dungeon.
@GummiArms Жыл бұрын
On the first story, I don't believe that the Kobold really did anything wrong. First of all, that party was cringe af. But more pertinently, what is a level 5 party doing with an artifact weapon? Sounds like a railroad job if I've ever heard it. And I can be quite honest in saying that the DM was never going to let them keep ahold of that weapon in the first place. So, I can completely understand the Kobold's player wanting to the ditch the Macguffin to take the heat off of the party, and maybe making some cash in the process. I wouldn't be surprised if they were being starved for resources too, probably only had a handful of treasures beyond their starting wealth, and the DM was cranking up the prices for magical items because "muh rarity in dah setting" which is why the Kobold would be tempted to sell it and the other party members were so sore about the money. The other players were just too dense to realize what he was doing would ultimately benefit them. So no, I'm not going to blame the kobold for trying to exercise his agency, get off the railroad crossing, and break the stranglehold on resources he was under.
@shadenox8164 Жыл бұрын
That's a whole lot of conjecture you're pulling out of your ass just because they had a story weapon. You're ignoring them mentioning that the player does stupid shit like this all the time, the kobold player also didn't say anything like that but just taunted them about it OOC. Now if the DM was making magic items prohibitively expensive how did the kobold buy three different magic items and have a not insignificant amount of change left over? Also if the rest of the party is invested in the story it's a dick fucking move to derail it out of some misguided attempt to assert agency that makes no sense in character. Like congrats, you sold your only leverage. If you're playing a campaign with an overarching story and the rest of players are invested you either get on board or leave the table not be a jackass.
@RenaDeles Жыл бұрын
If you don't like how the plot of a game is going quit the game Don't ruin it for everyone else, It's selfless as hell if all the other players are having fun but you decide you don't like the direction it's going so you're going to burn it to the ground. So no he did a lot wrong, if you felt it was railroady you *quit the game*
@calvinladlie1246 Жыл бұрын
One min club
@CooperAATE Жыл бұрын
@d34dj3d1 Жыл бұрын
Wow, total degenerates in a 5e game. Imagine my shock......
@DarkEvilFoxy Жыл бұрын
DM letting him sell a plot item is so dumb it shouldnt have never happined in the first place be better dm's drama olny leads to more drama
@unluckyone1655 Жыл бұрын
Yup, DMs please realize, too much inter player drama can and will spell disaster. Don't just sit there with popcorn when your players go at it
@realdragon Жыл бұрын
Why tho? Why drama is bad. Why DM shouldn't let player sell important item?
@GummiArms Жыл бұрын
What if that was the DM's plan all along? The party is tasked with guarding/relocating plot device. The DM's job is therefore to take the plot device away from them. Direct combat is not the only means to do so.
@unluckyone1655 Жыл бұрын
@GummiArms also having a player, encouraging saboteur behavior is something DMs need to handle carefully. See the other players are often also invested in the campaign, and when the saboteur is given the most favor from the DM, players can often pick up on this and call it out or quit. Now that is not to say that one player being a mole can't be done, if done right, even the screwed players can applaud it if, again, done right. But I get the feeling that this DM just wanted that player to antagonize the other players so they didn't have to make more content and enjoyed watching the fight over chat, which tells me that this DM sucks and that player seems is a classic griefer that gets their fun by ruining others fun
@GummiArms Жыл бұрын
@@unluckyone1655 That seems to be most people's interpretations of it yeah. I kinda get the impression the OP was a bit butthurt that things didn't go the way he wanted them, story-wise. From that perspective, the move would certainly have seemed like a dick move. But if you look at it from other angles, it could actually make a lot of sense. The artifact was bringing heat on the party, it wasn't safe in their hands, it was becoming a crutch. Plus powerful items can screw with and often have mental effects on a character. A lot of concerns tied to it. If the player suspected that the DM wouldn't likely let them keep it anyways, why not take advantage and sell it off instead of just having taken away by an arcane trickster with misty step and a scroll of teleportation. Not saying that was strictly the case, but it should serve as an example that there may have been alternate explanations as to why he acted the way he did. I think the real problem I have with this whole story is that OP went right to the nuclear option, and he really didn't have to. Bitching the character out, punching him in the face, and then stealing the artifact back or something like that would have been a more appropriate response, and imo a much better story.
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