Psychology Lecturer Analyses Hi Ren for his Students in his First Ever YT Video!

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Dr Nic Analyzes

Dr Nic Analyzes

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A week ago I came across 'Hi Ren' by ‪@RenMakesMusic‬.
Like many others, I think it's genius and I think that the wisdom in the song is going to positively impact many people.
I'm a Psychology lecturer at Cardiff University, and having never made a KZbin video before, I thought that I'd try to use 'Hi Ren' to teach my students about the therapy I research, a therapy called Acceptance and Commitment Therapy or ACT.
Now I need to put in a disclaimer here - I think that there are million ways to analyse the content of the song, and it's important to know that my interpretation of it probably doesn't match onto the experience of the person who wrote it i.e. Ren.
However, I hope people who watch it find use out of my analysis nonetheless.
Note - I did end up making other videos following the lovely response to this one. My apologies for the lie!

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@martingilluk1 Жыл бұрын
Hi Nic; great to learn your perspective and modality. Ren’s stepsister xxxxx recently studied psychology at Cardiff. I’ve done some teaching there also on creative supervision methods for clincial practice. Ren’s dad. Martin.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
My goodness, I've just done some quick google searches and it strikes me that your sons talent is no accident, given your various expertise. You must be so proud of Ren, in terms of the authenticity with which he holds himself. I must have just missed Maia, which is a shame, because it might have been a nice experience for her to be part of a discussion about her brothers music! If you ever come across ACT Martin and need someone to point your towards resources then don't hesitate to reach out, and if you're back this way teaching and fancy a coffee then let me know. Nic
@Melly01 Жыл бұрын
@Martin Gill ... Ren's music hits me on all sorts of personal levels that make me examine myself and my own inner workings. However, please know that there are people everywhere that SEE him through his music and wish they could hug away all of the hurt for him ... as a human being. So please hug him tightly, so tightly, and when he grunts and says, "Dad. Let go, that's too tight!", hug him even tighter and let him know it's the love and thankfulness we feel that he exists, that he persists and that his music is here to make a difference. I also send hugs for your whole family as you all figure out how to traverse these obstacles together. ♥
@martingilluk1 Жыл бұрын
@@Melly01 ❤️
@Bearlissimo Жыл бұрын
Definitely got the Bard & medieval elements from Dad, I've seen your music too Martin.
@ninagray4441 Жыл бұрын
Hi Martin, I'm sure many have said words to this effect...Ren is remarkable. I've just recently discovered his talent and am blown away. I am a social worker and music is my biggest passion. I'm 46 and Ren is the most impressed I've been by any artist since I first heard Laura Marling live in a support slot in '09. His work blows me away, though Hi Ren and Chalk Outlines, break me most times I listen. So raw and vulnerable, yet by the end both songs by the end appear to be so full of hope. I love how he is helping people talk about their struggles. He is truly empowering. The world needs art likes his and by the reaction clearly the world agrees as his visibility grows ans grows. From comments below videos on KZbin, you can see that he is saving people by helping them feel thst they are not alone. Truly words fail to truly cspture how important Ren's work is. Praise be.
@loganyarborough7783 Жыл бұрын
I lost my nephew to suicide 3 yrs ago. And the spoken line "So I got older and learned to relax, learned to soften." Hits so hard. I feel like young ones just don't have enough life experience to know it will get better. I wish more teenagers would hear this song and hold on a little longer. Thank you for this and much love from Texas❤
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Yea I couldn't have said that better myself. Sometimes we don't see that the thing about storms is that eventually they pass, and usually all by themselves, with time.
@jenjenjen2222 Жыл бұрын
I showed Ren’s video to my 17 year old son, because he’s struggled a bit with, I guess you could say mental health issues. He’s encountered some not so nice “friends”, battles with his father, divorced parents since he was 4, identity issues. Anyway, he didn’t quite understand the video like I had hoped, but I know he has a good head on his shoulders and we keep the dialogue open between us. It’s a scary world for young kids, especially these days, and as a mom/parent it’s difficult to watch your kids hurt. My point is, I agree, a lot comes to light the older we get and with life experience and it’s such a challenge to try to explain that properly to young kids in a way that they can comprehend it. So, so sorry for your loss Logan, and Nic, thanks for letting us all be your students for this video. 💛
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
@@jenjenjen2222 Thanks for your comment here Jen and I hope things go well with your son. My book (the unbreakable student) might not be a bad idea to give him, and if he reads it then tell him to email me to let me know what he thought.
@ignoblesavage5559 Жыл бұрын
Logan, i'm 53 and i still struggle with the difference btwn being cognizant of this fact and actually having faith that it WILL improve. i guess that's why i've had so much therapy, but knowing and feeling are 2 different things, no? very sorry to hear about your nephew. i only ALMOST lost my 1st son 2 weeks after he was born, and it nearly wrecked me, and it wouldn't have been a suicide, which i believe causes a different kind of pain to the survivors. you seem to be doing well. hope that continues. cheers.
@srslyboomer Жыл бұрын
Hi there Dr Nic. I'm a Really Old Guy from the other side of The Pond, that is currently hooked on watching people's reactions/takes on Ren and his work. Stumbled over "Hi Ren" last week, been...utterly absorbed, since. Just wanted to take a moment to thank you - not just for sharing your thoughtfulness and insights, but for the clear passion you have for helping people be...more themselves? Maybe? You've given me a lot to think about; this will enrich my future viewings of Ren's work, because it's given me another lens into the message he's delivering. And it will certainly give me a lot to meditate on, when I next manage to take some time, to think about the lens you've given me into whateverthehell my *own* message is. I'm already uncomfortable - thanks for that? More seriously - thank you, so very much, for stepping out of your own comfort-zone, to prepare this discussion, share your passion, share your...glaringly-obvious *caring*, and then take the vast risk to post it up up for all us Internet Randos to comment on. (also - you work with People, so you have to know that many of us subscribed and liked, just because you told us not to. Nyah! :) )
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Hello there (I wish your profile gave your 1st name!). Your comment has made my day, so thank you. I also went down the Ren Rabbit hole and felt compelled to do something because his music is so real and raw that I think it can help people, and of course my background gives me some good tools to be able to analyse this stuff. I'm so happy you liked what I had to say and my approach, and thanks again for taking the time to let me know. Ps I honestly only made the video for my students and didn't expect to make any more, and so with a touch of humour (with many people scrambling around for subscribers), I thought I might do something more playful! Of course, I did that knowing that when you tell people not to do something it can sometimes result in them actually doing it : )
@Dragonartykay Жыл бұрын
I am so glad that the first thing you did you to claim Ren as ours. The Welsh. Ren is the antipathy of genus and he has a old sole, he even says that he kept his sole kind, he has given us all a space to talk about mental health, subside and illness. These are usually hard subjects to talk about with others, if you have any of them, you often don’t bring it up and others don’t talk to you about them. Ren has a great philosophy, mind and is just a genuine person. I love watching his videos and streams. Thank you for your reaction and discussion about ACT. very interesting, your students are very lucky.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Yes, 100%. He's real and authentic and raw and that draws people in. And then there's the music. I think he's destined for big things. Glad you liked the video and the ACT stuff in it! Nic
@eugenesiegel4556 Жыл бұрын
Dr Nic...after watching perhaps a hundred reactions to Hi Ren, I wasn't expecting to hear anything "new"...but I keep on wanting to share this experience with others, so I keep on watching. Needless to say, I was wrong! A lot of this, I think, has to do with your tone, with your gentleness, with your embodiment of what Ren call the ability to "relax" what is what you call "acceptance". Your perspective is extremely valuable, so please, please, please keeping on making more videos! I am sure that so many of us would be ever grateful!
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Eugene, that's all very kind of you to say and certainly encouraging.
@andrewsoss7962 Жыл бұрын
I’ve seen a silly amount of reaction videos of Hi Ren and I think your analysis is spot on. Thanks for making this. It was great
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Ah thanks so much Andrew, I really appreciate you taking the time to send over the positivity. Nic
@Frozmoh 11 ай бұрын
Acceptance is the thing to have harmony. People may be mean and you might be mean to yourself. Accept them and accept you. Thats gonna set u free.
@nichooper7 11 ай бұрын
Absolutely! Thanks for taking the time to comment and send over this wisdom! Nic
@bercio Жыл бұрын
I’m ignoring your request by liking, commenting, and subscribing. This was a fabulous class - my wife is in her last semester to become a professional therapist and we watched this together. She wishes she could have taken your class! She ordered your book and is looking into ACT now, as your description of it resonated with her. Please make more videos!
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Ah that's lovely to read. Tell your wife that if she needs some advice about resources that I've found helpful to drop me an email (my details are found easily enough on google!).
@loisbest77 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this, Nic. I'm 66 and, thankfully, have never suffered with any kind if mental health problems. I know that I am very lucky. My feeling about Ren is that, not only is he helping those that are having these battles (I've watched so many reactions where people have broken down because it relates so much to them), he is teaching people like me, empathy. I've always tried to be kind but maybe that is not enough. Since watching Ren, I have thought differently about so many people I know. All power to him.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
No worries at all Lois, Im glad you liked it! I hadn't thought about empathy before but now that you've said it I can see how that song could give people a great insight into what an internal battle looks like.
@Veeliscious Жыл бұрын
That's great to hear. So many of "us" who suffer the varying degrees of mental illness etc feel so misunderstood by those who've not experienced it (particularly the professionals who can only go by what they have learnt in books) which isolates us in the clutches of Darkness further and allows it to tighten its grip on us. The amount of times I've wished the person I was trying to articulate my experience to could spend just 1 minute inside my head and heart so they truly understood. Ren has been the closest to letting others see inside not just himself and his mind, but aspects of mine
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
@@Veeliscious Beautifully written Vanessa.
@judigrumm7190 Жыл бұрын
@Vanessa Wood My mother gave up trying to make anyone understand. All those stupid psychologists and therapists who think studying it is all you need drive her crazy. Ren gets her. He's her new best friend🙂(sorta).
@irmaamri6249 Жыл бұрын
I love the line where he says music gives him: ‘a purpose I can rest in’-the contrast between the drive/energy/direction of ‘purpose’ and the feeling of shelter or of catching his breath in ‘rest’. Feels a very real description of someone holding their nerve in trouble to actually do a very fine thing
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Yea I love that. That's the thing about the song - you could spend hours picking up on the details.
@Veeliscious Жыл бұрын
Love that insjght
@DanT100 Жыл бұрын
I suspected that this video would be studied by academia at some point. Glad to see it happening so quickly. I can see it being a staple of acting classes, creative writing, music, philosophy and so many other subjects. It’s a modern masterpiece. Great analysis, Nic.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Thanks loads Daniel, that's much appreciated. I couldn't agree with you more btw. I've spent the last week trying to process and figure out why it is that this song has captured me the way it has. I'll be showing it to my students year on year I'm sure.
@majikthise7063 Жыл бұрын
@@nichooper7 If you do want to do a second breakdown of a Ren piece I would suggest "Sick Boi" it has a large part to do with mental health and mental health professionals, there is literally a part with therapist and their interactions with each other. The song is more in his traditional rap style but is still as powerful in message. I can give you a little more back story on Ren if you are unfamiliar with his history. When he was young he started hearing a voice, later he started to suffer from some physical health issues. After contacting his doctor and other professionals they convinced him the issues were in his head, eventually they started him on psychiatric medication and continued to ignore most of his physical health issues. The medication made his mental health deteriorate and exacerbated his physical health until he was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. He eventually made it into Bath University where he was studying art and music, one day he literally did what he says in the video, while in an empty room he screamed into a blank canvas he would defeat the forces of evil. He sort help and was given a psychosis diagnosis and a medication adjustment. He then started busking with a band called "The Big Push" where he was spotted by Sony and he signed to work with them. While working with them he suffered another psychotic break and the dropped him as an artist due to his worsening health problems. With his health deteriorating and being passed around the NHS he sort a second diagnosis in the EU, where they discovered he had bacterial Lyme disease and auto-immunity problems, likely from a childhood bite possibly causing the initial voice due to the Lyme attacking his brain. He was then given treatment to try and "fix" some of the issues while some progress of recovery was made it wasn't that helpful. He is currently in Canada having stem cell treatment to make his condition more manageable.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
@@majikthise7063 Thanks for that history Majik. I knew some parts from googling but didn't know the detail that you have in the story. I talk about context in the video a little and that context you've described sounds like a super challenging one. I also think that that challenging context is probably part of the reason why there is so much wisdom in his stuff. I'm going to look more at Sick Boi when I get a chance.
@majikthise7063 Жыл бұрын
@@nichooper7 As someone who's had life long mental health and physical problems I have massive respect for Ren, not just for putting things into words things that I couldn't string together with a lifetime of trying if I wanted to explain to someone outside the mental health profession but more so for raising the awareness of hidden disabilities. The human condition is a massive part of his music, it's just a shame that sometimes you need to be dragged through the ringer of life to acquire that knowledge, in some regards and as you say in the video, the realisation that this is something we all go through to some extent is what connects people to his music and in others it's a shame he's had to go through this to become wiser beyond his years. There is something special about this man, he doesn't just write music he writes musical stories like an old minstrel or bard and always leaves you somewhat captivated and thinking about them afterwards. Like an onion the more you peel away one part of the experience there is always another layer underneath to consider
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
@@majikthise7063 Yea that describes my own thoughts about the man.
@bethosbornefischer3315 Жыл бұрын
Please PLEASE do not stop making these videos. There is a need in the mental health community to learn about and practice this view of mental health management.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Oh thanks so much Beth, that's really lovely to read because my inner voice is definitely saying "Who are you to speak in this space? You have nothing to offer".
@kouranko Жыл бұрын
@@nichooper7 oh no you're (it's?) wrong, so much to offer.
@chrisrose6859 Жыл бұрын
I'm a lifelong fan of rock, jazz, classical and many other genres of music (not rap though), and like many others I somehow (and inexplicably) arrived at Ren's 'Hi Ren' video and was intrigued at how creative, innovative and different he is at putting his message across. (I love his Jenny, Screech and Violet trilogy too.) And even though I'm not a lover of (what are in most cases) 'look at ME' reactions I really enjoyed watching your calm, measured, thoughtful, insightful, intelligent and interesting interpretation - yours is definitely one of the best 'Hi Ren' reviews out there. Great stuff Nic, thanks. Bookmarked! (PS. if you want more views you need to scream, shout, constantly pause at critical times and speak over the music and display oodles of phoney wide-eyed amazement - but please don't.)
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Lol! The thing is, with this song, I could easily react that way naturally because it's so good! It's incredibly clever, and 'talented' doesnt even come close to doing justice to what he does with this song, however, given my interests in mental health, it felt like that was the angle that I was qualified to speak to. Thanks for your kind words anyhow, Chris. They do mean a lot to me. Nic
@andyunwin9260 Жыл бұрын
I've watched countless videos of people "reacting" to Hi Ren and this is the best of them all. I hope that many more people watch this reaction and learn a little bit more about themselves (as I have done). I really like the sitting on the floor and chatting approach. Despite what you say I hope you do more
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Andy, I really appreciate your positivity here!
@Thomas.Saunders Жыл бұрын
"Hi Ren" is the masterwork of a generation. I'm an old man, and perhaps the most astonishing things about Ren the human being is that he possesses the level of understanding that he has, at such a young age. Among my peers, retired persons, I know many who aren't as self aware as he is. And at more than twice his age.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Hey Thomas, Yes we are on the same page with our view on this song and person. Thanks loads for the comment! Nic
@dehro Жыл бұрын
I am guessing Ren does know a lot about mental health and has had to learn it the hard way, to survive, given what he has gone and continues going through. It helps that his father is a therapist himself, I suspect. I am 44 and have suspected for years that I am suffering from depression or something in that vein. I have never done anything about it. in 2 days I will be going to see a doctor for a referral. I suspect that binge-watching Ren's catalogue and the reactions of many people to it, might have something to do with my decision to finally try and do something about it.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Incredible that Hi Ren has had such an impact on you but I'm not surprised at all. I really think it's a profound piece of work and it has kept me awake at times in the last week. I did not know that his father is a therapist! That makes this all more the interesting. Best of luck to you mate anyhow.
@Veeliscious Жыл бұрын
You're not the only one I've seen say they felt prompted - safer and less ashamed even - to reach out. I just hope many more professionals who get reached out to get to see and Feel Ren's work as sadly, in my experience also, many can seem so detached from truly understanding my experience. In saying that I've also met some who absolutely seemed to have reached right into the core of it without my having said a great deal and that feeling of Relief at feeling heard, understood and validated is Immense
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
@@Veeliscious Yes, 100%. That's what the best therapists are able to do.
@BadApple4Life Жыл бұрын
​@@Veelisciousthat is how introduced my friends to Hi Ren. My exact words were "after 20+ years of therapy and meds I finally feel heard" 🥹🥹🥹
@judigrumm7190 Жыл бұрын
Nic, Thanks for the educated look into this art. Some reactors really miss so much of what he's relaying. And thanks for all the responses.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Judi! I really appreciate the support!
@nettinoo Жыл бұрын
This is the perfect explanation of this song I feel. I'm actually getting a bit weary of "mental health" being painted as an abnormality these days. I needed help and feel like it's separated me from others and yet I look around and see other people doing things that are irrational and reactive everyday whilst saying they don't have any issues whatsoever.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
I'm glad that resonated with you. The concept of abnormality is alien to me these days just because the very thing that was painted to be abnormal is so prevalent that is must be normal!
@voxmagnetic6177 Жыл бұрын
Nic? Stepping out of the comfort zone and somehow accidently doing the "reaction vid". 10X better than most of the full time reactors. While simultaneously, accidentally inventing a new and greatly improved set and visual frame? And that's all in addition to yer actual hyper-articulate content its self. Seriously Nic, You're obviously a natural at this. Cheers!
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
It was definitely all an accident. I could have taught my students about ACT in various ways but I wanted to honour this song really because I think it can be so powerful for people. Thanks loads for taking the time to send that message though, it did make me feel warm inside and proud of myself ps there's such a thing as a 'full time reactor'? That blows my mind!
@jeffwilson3205 Жыл бұрын
Ren has been known to watch and comment on reaction videos. His parents and grandparents have even popped into a few videos. I hope somebody points them towards this one, because I think it would make them all extra proud to know that you’re going to use it in a college course…in Wales no less. I think you should make more videos. I’m sure you have a student who could help your it your setup!
@jeffwilson3205 Жыл бұрын
Somebody needs to forward this to Ren. 23:00 minutes in you unlocked the whole thing.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
@@jeffwilson3205 Ah thanks Jeff. It means a lot to me that you see value in this. I went back to watch 23 minutes in and I think that perspective was life changing for me personally ps yea maybe I could cajole a student into sorting out the tech side of things, as they're sure to be better at it than me!
@guitarmuscle6968 Жыл бұрын
Best Psychological Analysis i've seen of this Song, i think you are right Nic that this Song could be a Valuable Tool in many areas, the way you explained it made so much sense.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Ah that's good to read, thank you. The big worry with something like this, and during lectures to be honest, is that I won't make sense, so I'm glad that this was useful.
@Colleen998 Жыл бұрын
I really enjoyed your calm and analytical approach to this song. I have watched many Hi Ren reactions and it does make me cringe when so many reactors erroneously comment that Ren is showing that he has multiple personality disorder and, even more mistakenly, schizophrenia. I am surprised that so many people don't recognize that negative self-talk is something we all experience. On Hi Ren's release day, Ren spoke about what the song meant to him. Regarding the last line, he said, _"I think that's my favourite line in the whole thing. 'It's what separates human beings from angels, from demons and from gods.' While I'm not religious in the sense that I say I'm a Christian, I'm a Buddhist, I'm a Muslim, I like human's explanations for the Divine a lot; I love the stories. And what I meant by 'we must remember we are human beings' is that we're not evil and we're not good; we're not either of those things. We are something that is a mismatch of everything and we've got to embrace our own imperfections. And we've got to remind ourselves that, if we're hurting, it's just part of the human experience and better days will come too even amongst that pain. Whereas we look at a demon we see evil; whereas we look at an angel we see good and when we look at a god we see powerful. We're all of those things: we're demons and angels and gods mixed into some imperfect creature that ended up on this floating rock in space. Yeah, that's why I like that line."_
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Yea, although I think I explained the normality of suffering, I think I missed the opportunity to make the link between imperfection, suffering and self compassion. I also didn't quite unpack his point there about there being no such thing as good or bad, but experiences that shape us (perhaps that's something I'll do in another video!). Ren is a wise soul isn't he, and its amazing that he's managing to flow that wisdom into his music. I love it. Thanks for the lovely comment : )
@nettinoo Жыл бұрын
That's been my exact feeling too. I wonder if some people simply don't which amazes me as I've always had that negative inner voice. I don't want to jump in and say that everyone has this though because I wonder if it's more an ADHD or creative personality thing. I'm both so I immediately related to this song and it has been interesting to see that some people actually might not have the monkey on their back the way I do. What a lovely existence they must have! I honestly thought everyone went through the life the way I did but clearly not!
@KernowFishy Жыл бұрын
I so agree with you.
@brucegorst8005 Жыл бұрын
How much of our modern angst can be attributed to the belief that we exist on a random "floating rock in space"? Replace that concept with a more accurate understanding of where we live, based on our senses, and depression becomes pretty difficult to sustain.
@KernowFishy Жыл бұрын
@@brucegorst8005 i'd be interested to know what you mean by that? do you mean try to find meaning in our existence ?
@suedryden1182 9 ай бұрын
Ren is an absolute phenomenon! He has and is still helping people understand how to move forward. That there is light at the end of the tunnel, there is always hope no matter how awful things are. How to be patient. There are hundreds if not thousands of people still living because of this man, my son is one of them! Thank you for your reaction to Hi Ren and the educational breakdown of this. Much love. ❤
@mattslade1633 Жыл бұрын
Ren has had such an impact on life, since I first experienced Hi Ren in January I have only listened to his music and been blown away by everything he's done. I've also developed an obsession with watching reactions of his work on adaily basis. Almost everytime I watch a reaction or read down in the comments I'm usually left in tears, not only by his sheer talent but how his words hit people in various ways. All the comparison to previous legends are truly valid and ren will be remembered for decades as a real renegade. He's on a whole new level, he's raised the bar and now the mainstream music industry is left looking like a joke. Ren is making waves in multiple ponds globally and his talent will ripple on for years to come. Long live the RENegades!
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
I'm with you on all this!
@jeffreywhitehead9386 Жыл бұрын
Hi Ren came up on my feed in January. You've been on exactly the same path as my experience over the last several months with exactly the same responses. Clearly we are 2 of many many more. Ren first showed up on my feed probably because I like sorry tellers from Tom Waits to Nick Cave, C.O.F.F.I.N and saw Amyl and the Sniffers from my home town recently. But Ren is kicking down all boundaries. ❤
@judigrumm7190 Жыл бұрын
Bardcore is here to stay! You sound like my mom, but she only found him about 3 weeks ago.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
@@jeffreywhitehead9386 I'll look into those Jeffrey, thank you!
@owencox9310 Жыл бұрын
Hi Nic, I'm in your BI class, and just wanted to say i found this video extremely interesting, and informative. Also, thanks for drawing attention to this music video, its class.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Owen! I was half expecting that none of my students would watch the video, despite the fact that it was made for them! Really glad you liked it mate.
@user-wk3pk2sj1w Жыл бұрын
just say straight up, this will be interesting. I am living proof that if you are willing to defend yourself physically I am able to argue my spirituality. your argument comes from the belief that human law is absolute. on that note THX for opening your arms to a family member. The magic wand is called faith, faith in something that you can not prove. One youtube video only, that's prophetic, Thank you very much sir!
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the comment! I speak a little bit about this topic in my latest video but can see how faith can be such an important thing for people. Very best wishes, Nic.
@chronicinokla Жыл бұрын
Welcome to the RENaissance
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
I feel lucky to be a part of it : )
@nannettefreeman7331 Жыл бұрын
@@nichooper7 right? ✌🏼
@deborahw.a.foulkes6059 Жыл бұрын
@Synicizm Жыл бұрын
Hello, Dr. Nic. I'm not a student of yours, but I've learned from your video. I have a collection of diagnoses, including schizoaffective disorder (depressive type), GAD, OCD, fibromyalgia, DDD, and undiagnosed weakness in my upper limbs, and yes, it has been difficult so far. I also have a BA in psychology and have never heard of ACT. Now, I know that it's imperative to learn more. It means maybe more than you know to hear a psychologist admit that, essentially, life sucks sometimes, and we need to find the tools that will help us roll with that. Along with medication, positivity has gotten me very far when it comes to dealing with depression, but it does absolutely become toxic at some point, when you're not allowed to admit that you're going through something that is hard. I have to be on medication for the rest of my life, most likely, and I've had to learn to accept that it's my normal. I'm alright with that for precisely that reason. It is also wonderful to hear someone clarifying that DID is not schizophrenia, after hearing some others make some fairly derisive comments. Both illnesses suffer from quite a bit of stigma, but are two very different things, as you know. Ren's song really spoke to me. I am lucky enough to not experience hallucinations (I was diagnosed when I sat down in a psychiatrist's office and explained that I was suffering from delusions that my lizard brain wouldn't stop reacting to) . Although it's quite possible to view the song through that lens if you do (and I hope he reaches people who do also), to me, it represents exactly what you said - a battle with one's own mind. To me, it represents a fight with the lizard brain that reacts to things it shouldn't, along with defeat, self doubt, feeling like a burden to my amazing husband, mother, and daughter, and turning 50 and realizing that most of my life is behind me now. Ouch. We're far too concerned with the outward appearance of things being better on the surface without finding and equipping ourselves with the tools we need to do the difficult and necessary inner work to heal from within. I've subscribed in case that someday, you might just post another video =).
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your story with me. It seems like you've had quite the ride. I think that the concept of abnormality needs to be re-thought because once we accept inner angst as part of the human experience then we are no longer problems to be solved, but justifiably created from our experiences. It's slightly different with more serious issues (i.e. schizophrenia) but even those issues struggle to find legitimacy through biology. Bottom line is that life is complex, and mental health problems are complex, and so let's just accept that there is no easy answer to it. The Happiness Trap is a good ACT book if you're interested, as is my book, The Unbreakable Student : )
@WitsEndGirl Жыл бұрын
Dr Hooper, I was so pleased to see your reaction to this. I'm an integrative counsellor, just finishing a top up at Newman and chose to use ACT as the basis for my advanced cbt module . I really like your journal design, used it for myself, and draw on ACT and metaphor to work with clients who wish to go towards things they really value but struggle with the thoughts that hold them back. Ren's song has had a real effect on my inner conversations and tussles with imposter syndrome and procrastination and I hoped his art would be looked at by psychologists and therapists. Thanks for sharing your exploration in such a generous way.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Ah that's very kind of you to treat me with such respect (not many people call me Dr Hooper and I certainly don't feel like a Dr in my day to day life!). Really happy that you're getting into ACT, that you like my journal and that you like my video! If you get a chance to read my book for students then let me know, as I think it does a good job of exploring the ACT model. Thanks again! Nic
@FengshenNL Жыл бұрын
Disregard me being a 34yo. I'm a student of yours now! :) Really interesting breakdown of the song and I absolutely loved how you related it all to the ACT model. Despite you saying you're not going to do this anymore, I'm hoping you'll do more of these. It's absolutely something I'd love to see more of.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
It's very lovely of you to be so kind. I much appreciate it.
@kdavidreeves Жыл бұрын
Great, critical analysis of this art work. I was captivated by Hi Ren video; calling it art that touches ones soul (it actually led me to other Ren music which has been uniformly excellent and also other artists that I would not normally listen to). Not too troubled by mental health issues but the inner critic resonated with me (I have a little bit of dangerous knowledge since my late wife was a psychiatric nurse who assisted in the development of new therapies for borderline personality disorder and OCD at different times). At 26 minutes you mentioned that for every 100 positive reactions, Ren would get 2 or so negative reactions. After viewing what must be more than 100 reactions, I saw my first negative reaction yesterday and it really floored me. A so called vocal/voice coach was extremely negative saying she was sad that in modern world people were driven by desperate, attention seeking to produce work like this. It took me several hours to get past this, finally sorted out my thoughts with she was entitled to her opinion, but I did not agree. This was me as member of audience. if I had been author of this work, one comment like this would have driven me back into my shell. I only started looking at reactions after Hi Ren because I wanted to see if everyone was as overwhelmed as I was by this; now bitten by Reaction bug and regularly checking out reactors on all my favourite artists, The vast majority of reviews/reactions for Hi Ren are positive and say this helps (most poignant are from fellow sufferers of autoimmune or mental illness) but what really hit me was how one mildly, negative comment really stood out in a sea of positive comments. Lyrics and message in this video stand out as strongly as the genius level delivery so I hope the message continues to spread!! Your video was helpful in explaining why Ren's video hit me so hard and provided a great counter to the negative thoughts I was having due to the one negative comment. I saw your message not to like, subscribe or comment but I wanted to send you a message that your video had a value for me..
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Hi David, thank you for your insightful comment. Your experiences mirror my own - that one negative comment is what we tend to hold onto, and we often let that negative comment stop us from putting ourselves out there any longer. I really admire people like Ren for managing to be both accessible and open with fans whilst also keeping going when that accessibility bites them in the arse. I'm also really happy that the video had value for you.
@AndaraBledin Жыл бұрын
I know the reaction you're speaking of, and the woman who created it was actually railing against the attention-seeking as a contrast to what Ren was doing. Unfortunately, with English being her second language, and how much effort she spent on that rant, it was very, VERY easy to miss that she wasn't speaking of Ren in that moment. I had the same instantaneous response to her commentary, but reading her responses and clarification, it recontextualized the experience. I still don't care for the video she released, but now it's more just a matter of not caring for the direction it went as opposed to being vicariously offended.
@epishmeh Жыл бұрын
“This is my last KZbin video.” Famous last words! LOL Great analysis, mate!
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Lol!! Yea, I know. Thing is, if people hadn't have shown an interest then I'd never have considered doing more (as time is hard to find) but I've been astonished by the amount of views and so it seems like a worthwhile activity to try to spread the wisdom! Thanks loads for the comment and encouragement! Nic
@ciaranl7590 Жыл бұрын
Brilliant! You should find other ways to share your insights with more people and KZbin is a great medium to do that. I think a lot of people would find value in hearing more from you! Thank you!!
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Ciaran. I really wasn't expecting this sort of response. I basically thought that my students might watch it but I doubted that other people would even find it, let alone watch it! I really appreciate your positivity and support.
@mynameisheidi Жыл бұрын
Having read your other comments, you may review your decision on not doing more videos once you're ready to see more of Ren's work. I liked the sitting and watching the telly vibe. It felt familiar and not a form of forced face to face intimacy (that's ok of course, it's just not as natural). Every single piece, every single piece captures you and speaks to a different part of how we navigate life. Not every piece will warrant a video though I suspect you'll find at least 5 to 10 pieces in his existing catalogue that are worth it, should it feel right / good to do. You've chosen wisely to pause before you're ready to listen to the next song as I'm 4 months in and listened to nearly all of it and I'm a totally different person (I'm myself in a more coherent way that stands with dignity in the world and pride knowing ... well assured in a way I would have never thought possible - I'm 20 years in healing CPTS(D) so living the nightmare and coming through it).
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Ah it's incredible that the song has had that effect on you, and I'm delighted it has. This thing called life isn't a simple thing to figure out and so, from my perspective, it's all about being a 'student', looking at our difficult experiences, trying our best to keep our feet moving and to do things with those feet, however small, that we can be proud of.
@thickmike Жыл бұрын
But I *have* to comment. What a thoughtful response to this work of art. I’ve been consumed by this since I first saw it in December. It’s fun to watch people’s jaws fall open and tears spring into their eyes, but it’s more rewarding to learn a little about why it is so powerful. I think I need to know more about ACT. Feels like a truly pragmatic approach.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Thanks so much Trevor. I think it's easy for people to get caught up with the artistry of it, which I have done lots of times, and hence those plethora of reaction type videos. But I wanted to do a deep dive into the humanity of the music, which I think is the real reason it captivates people. Thanks again, Nic. Ps ACT is very pragmatic so it's worth a look.
@monikabeki6838 11 ай бұрын
Please keep on reacting to songs! It means a lot to people like me asking and struggling! It means a lot
@nichooper7 11 ай бұрын
Thanks so much for the encouragement. It means a lot to me to know that my videos can make a difference to people out there. Take care, Nic.
@Candlerush Жыл бұрын
Fantastic and compelling analysis Nic - truly eye opening and thought provoking - don’t make it your last!
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Much appreciated Steven!
@Mhantrax Жыл бұрын
Experiential avoidance: Alan Watts spoke about fears, which, to me includes the fear of feeling certain emotions or a specific emotive experience. He says that our own imagination can create a far scarier internal experience than the reality of what you are scared of. Thus, if you see a ghost run right through it. I feel Ren has done this, and this song and video are him actually doing this.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Yea lovely sentiment there.
@kdavidreeves Жыл бұрын
I meant to add that I appreciated how you explained why Ren's work was helpful on a psychological level.
@mattayc266 10 ай бұрын
As someone who is struggling with mental health issues, it's very refreshing to hear you say that Ren can teach us more on the taboo subject of mental health than you could as my old GP told me that i no nothing as he is trained on the subject and im not
@loganyarborough7783 Жыл бұрын
Oh quick thought, I know you are not a reactor but I would be interested on your take on his duet with Chinchilla "How to be me" live. It is a tribute to his best friend Joe, who took his own life at 19. Again thank you so much for analyzing this video! Ren truly is a gift ❤
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Ah I didn't realise that Ren had been touched by that pain too. Bloody hell, I've loads to catch up on : )
@nannettefreeman7331 Жыл бұрын
@@nichooper7 a number of his songs are about Joe, or make some reference to him. "It's Alright" (by Ren, as opposed to "It's Alright" by The Big Push, Ren's band), "Precious" (I think), & "Freckled Angels," to name a few. It (understandably) had a HUGE impact on him.
@smithyt2886 Жыл бұрын
I know you made this for your students, but I suspect you resonated with a lot of people watching this so thank you for doing this video. It's the first time someone has just said straight out that humans are made to suffer and to develop from that if we can accept it. If you get a chance, react to Chalk Outlines and How to be Me, both by Ren and Chinchilla... Hauntingly beautiful.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Hello Smithy! Really appreciate both the positive feedback and the steer with regards to some of Rens other songs!
@IanElkins Жыл бұрын
Not a student I’m a 40+ yr old dude but I was for those 45 or so mins. A key line in this for me was ‘there are no winners or losers in psychological warfare only victims and students’ I wish I knew that 20 yrs ago. Basically we either learn from it or suffer is how I took it and sad to admit but I’ve taken the victim stance for those number of years. It’s seems stupid to say but this song has changed my life. No bs. facts. I guess it’s not what you’re taught it’s how and this way I could really relate to. I’m sure I’ve been told before but it’s went over my head or I’ve thought yea whatever and carried on but he has a way of making it stick, at least with me. Good vid I hope not only your students enjoy and learn from it but the rest of the world too this song should be heard by everyone as well as a lot of his other songs. If you read all that thanks.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Thanks loads for your comment, there's a lot of wisdom in it. I liked that line too. I'm 38 and I feel as though I'm learning more now than I ever did! Best of luck with your journey mate.
@damianmann Жыл бұрын
I agree. I wish I had seen this when I was a teenager. I think it might have helped. Its a good starting point for therapy . Although he TOTALLY ripped it off from NF. He still manages to make it come across as original. At least he admits, in the lyrics, that he's a rip off artist. That was a bit of a dissapointment....that its not as original as I thought. But its still great
@IanElkins Жыл бұрын
@@damianmann Do you say that about every Love song that’s written daily. And did NF TOTALLY rip off Eminem plan b and multiple others that have done songs about subconscious? There’s no rip off about it with either of them. It’s a idea done completely different. It’s definitely unique so don’t be disappointed
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
@@damianmann I was aware of Eminem and Plan B but will look into NF. But irrespective of what's come before, I think it's genius. The lyrics by themselves make the song, and that's without the guitar, rapping voice, acting, and singing.
@markbeckens Жыл бұрын
@damianmann I'm not very versed in NF's music. I've heard others mention this is similar to NF. Could you share what song your speaking of. I'm curious to watch it. Thanks
@sketchtherapy1218 Жыл бұрын
Some of us have thought about killing it even if it kills us just to make it end, just to make it shut up, just for the sweet silence you kill you if you kill it, but then you don't have to hear it anymore & all that is left is the sweet sound of silence. It's hard to shape that voice into something constructive.
@jezdavis1865 Жыл бұрын
Great video and analysis. Love that you’re as much a clueless Gen-X as I am when it comes to embedding video! Isn’t it remarkable how Ren has allowed roles to be inverted? There I am, this 51-year-old maths teacher and I’m almost preaching to my students that they need to be following this guy’s work - not just because ‘Hi Ren’ would be so obviously helpful in the run-up to their GCSEs and A-levels in a month’s time but because he’s just so universally accomplished (I hate the word ‘talented’ as it hints at a lack of agency and plain old hard work). Isn’t the usual way for the oldies to be behind the curve while the youth laugh at our lack of up-to-date knowledge? Thanks for your thoughts.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Lol! Yes, that's usually the way! I also dislike the word 'talented'. I dont think 'talent' exists without hard work. I too am in the process of telling basically everyone I can to watch this guys videos. Thanks for the comment Jez!
@CasperLD Жыл бұрын
Beautiful video. I do hope you make more because you are really good at it. "Try to be a human you can be proud of". 😢 Made me tear up. Thanks for this 👏
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Try to be a human you can be proud of. That's like my mantra for life and so I'm glad you picked that out. A lot of things are out of our control but we can try to bring qualities of our choosing to our actions, and if we do that then I think we get to feel proud of ourselves.
@d2ndborn Жыл бұрын
Out of all the many,many reactions I have seen of Hi Ren, Dr Nic yours is the most complete, not just focusing on Ren's talent but more on his message. To bad CNN did not understand.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for the comment and for the kindness in it! I dont know how anyone can watch Hi Ren (and Rens other songs) and not see how useful they are in terms of their perspective on mental health.
@artsystarmaiden Жыл бұрын
The bit where he tries to lock negative ren inside forcably and fails is really great and i liked your metaphore about the monster playing tug o war, and i think another great metaphore and one that i was talking to my partner about would be not locked up but chained down, like ok i don't want to deal with this so im going to tie it to an anvil and throw it into the ocean, but becuase that darker critic is still attatched to us all we are doing is adding chains or weights to ourselves which makes it hard to go about our life and becuase we arnt dealing with the problem head on and acknowledging it, it ultimatly also pulls us under and makes us break (like what we see in the video) But amazing analysis, as someone whos struggled with alot of mental health and also has researched alot becuase its just an interesting topic i loved listening to your insights, i also love hearing a lot of people who are in or were in the mental health industry saying, damn this guy knows and has been failed by the system, and we all have to do better. You sound like an amazing Dr and i bet your students are proud to have you teach them, I would be ^_^
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
I think your insights above, in your 1st paragraph, are wiser than mine. Thank you for sharing them, and thank you for taking the time to encourage me. I really appreciate it. Nic
@nEthing4Her Жыл бұрын
Hey Doc, nice meeting you. First-time visitor to your channel (and will probably be my last time since you won't be making any other videos or so you said lol.) One of the things I've noticed no reactor address - and one of the most telling things about this amazing presentation - is the fact that while Ren shows you a bloody butcher in a pig's mask at the start of this video, by the end you've been taken so far away from that moment that you don't even remember it. Amazing stuff.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Having never seen anything from Ren before watching Hi Ren, I thought the pig mask was gimmicky. I only found out later that it had meaning (as everything does with Ren). You're correct though, it's like the further you move through the song, the more into the rabbit hole you go, and the less you can see of what came before. Thanks for taking the time to comment - I actually went onto to make more videos given the kind things people said about this one, and so let me know if you check them out too! Nic
@nEthing4Her Жыл бұрын
@@nichooper7 haha I'm going to have to wait I think to watch anymore of your Ren reactions, as I haven't had the courage to watch anymore of his stuff. I began to watch one - I can't recall which one it was now - but it began to hit me a little too hard and I had to back away. I will definitely be watching all of his stuff before I die LOL, but currently my Ren world consist of what I see on his KZbin Shorts and _Hi Ren_ reactions. I'm working up the courage though.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
@@nEthing4Her Plenty of time. And I like the you know yourself well enough to tread carefully. Seems like a great self care move to me!
@scottiewsutton Жыл бұрын
Thank you for doing this. Deeply. Truly. Thank you.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for taking the time to comment and for sending over such positivity! Nic
@startingfingerstyle Жыл бұрын
Fascinated to see this. When I first came across it (and I've overdosed on 'reaction' videos since) I felt sure that my son, who lectures in Music at Edinburgh, but spends quite a bit of his time dealing with pastoral matters, would be interested in it. I sent him the link! Even if he doesn't get to use Ren's masterpiece within the curriculum, it seemed a fair bet that many of his students will have become aware of this and the very, very dark trilogy 'Jenny & Screech'. Have you come across that yet? Felt certain that academia would latch on to this. By the way, I should say, I think you absolutely nailed it. Your students are lucky to have such a perceptive lecturer.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Ah that's very kind of you to say. I watched the first few minutes of Jenny and Screech, then stopped it and decided to come back in the future when I could properly pay attention to it. I think you were right btw, that this sort of video might be helpful when it comes to pastoral care with students. Thanks loads for your comment!
@mjfseven 5 ай бұрын
Glad this was not your last. Already bought the book loved it. You added a lot of context to a great message. First time I heard this song I cried. Pure Genius.
@rebeccarose7405 Жыл бұрын
I know you said not to comment, but I have to quote Ren where he mentions that “…There are no winners or losers in psychological warfare, but there are victims, and there are students….” I have tried to become a student, as I battle my crippling anxiety and depression. And as a student in general (but not one of yours from class) I found this very helpful. Thank you from North Carolina, USA
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Hey Rebecca, sorry to hear about your anxiety and depression. Listen, controlling those experiences is like trying to control clouds. It's really hard to do. Let those things be there as a legitimate part of you for now, and have a think about whether you can put those things in your pocket and take them with you, as you take steps towards a life that's closer to a life you want. It sounds mad but those experiences, in the long run, equip you with knowledge that may come in really hand one day because you'll have built in empathy and compassion for others who swim in those waters. Best of luck to you, and thanks for being so positive about the video! Nic
@rebeccarose7405 Жыл бұрын
@@nichooper7 Thank you! I am so lucky, because I have a great therapist, good psychiatrist, and supportive family and friends-as well as the money necessary to pursue that treatment. The coping skills and work arounds are in place and I use the tools I have. I will never love panic attacks, or my depression, but they are part of me and I am at peace with that….
@annfarmer9704 Жыл бұрын
I feel his whole point is that we have to accept all of ourselves, accept that we will make mistakes. If you try to kill that inner critic it can make things harder too. That's why he correlates the two as a dance. The dark and the light have to coexist for you to be able to move forward.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Yea I agree. Happiness would be meaningless without periods of non-happiness. And I'm not sure about acceptance of who we are (I think that changes across time) but certainly acceptance of experience. Thanks for your comment Ann!
@annfarmer9704 Жыл бұрын
@@nichooper7 it kinda boils down to opinions too. Too many people invest too much of themselves in OTHER people's opinions. Your own opinion should rank higher than others. Also it is good to know your limits, but always try new things . Learning and new experiences are key to satisfaction. Slow down, turn your cell phone off and smell flowers... Take off your shoes and dig your toes into sand at the beach.... Fly a kite.... Avoid instant gratification, it is an unhealthy trap, one promoted by capitalism. They need to study mental health and how it equates with different types of economies over long terms.
@lynette. Жыл бұрын
Not the cards we are dealt but how we deal with them.
@mjj29 Жыл бұрын
This was very interesting, thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us. You said you might not make any other videos, but I think it would be interesting to hear your take on Sick Boi, in which he more directly comments on the mental health system. Also Chalk Outlines which talks more about the experience of suffering from mental health issues and treatments for them.
@mjj29 Жыл бұрын
Also, if you want to hear other people reacting from a mental health perspective - particularly as a sufferer, rather than a professional, I can recommend Becca Doss's reactions and Mental Amanda's.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for taking the time to comment and say nice things! I am going to look at those other videos and see what comes up for me. Thanks again, Nic.
@chrispovey2736 Жыл бұрын
Thank you
@daveednufc Жыл бұрын
Not one of your students here either (but thought it was an excellent, informative video and gave a useful insight into your field. You have some fun in store with songs such as sick boi, diazepam, depression & chalk outlines to name a few as well as some of his more ‘fun’ songs such as the retake of bittersweet symphony & what you want. One thing I noticed in the video was the lighting and particularly the shadow of ‘negative Ren’ which was much darker…bigger, louder if you will contrasted with the lighter shadow of ‘rational Ren’. We’re all your students now though, look forward to your next breakdown of a Ren song
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for your comment here, and really glad what I said made sense! Tbh, I'm so flabbergasted by Hi Ren that I don't think I have the headspace for his other songs just yet!
@nannettefreeman7331 Жыл бұрын
Yes, when critical, self-doubting Ren is speaking, the lights flicker, & when hopeful Ren speaks, the light is steady & unbroken. Now, note that during the triumphant finale portion of the video, the lights are very much flashing, signaling that both sides of Ren are "working together." Self-criticism isn't ALL bad. It's vital in motivating ourselves to do better. If we didn't have that voice inside us, that voice of discontent, how would change come about? Or growth, or improvement? Like Nic said in the video, it's all about how we respond to that voice. You can't let it run the whole show, but you do need to hear it & integrate the parts that are useful for your continued growth. Another thing I don't believe I've heard in any of the reaction videos to this song is the fact that Ren does not play the note that would resolve the guitar part at the very, VERY end. He literally leaves the song "unfinished." Hmmm...🤔
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
@@nannettefreeman7331 Yea really perceptive and insightful. I noticed that bit at the end where both sides are working together too and thought it was symbolic of the acceptance of psychological messiness (wasn't clever enough to notice that while doing the video though). I hadn't picked up on the guitar until you pointed it out. Interesting stuff! You're also right btw, that self analysis is needed for improvement, but often that part of our self is so overpowering that it incapacitates people. Thanks for this comment Nannette!
@patjoyce Жыл бұрын
Thank you Nic for a beautiful presentation. In the same way that you never saw yourself posting KZbin videos, I never thought that I'd sit through three-quarters of an hour of psychological evaluation of a music video! I guess that's a testament to the power of not only Hi Ren but also much of his other work. I sincerely hope that Ren does get to see this video, he has watched and commented on many, although it's now become something of a Renfest for KZbin reaction posters. I'm glad that you've claimed him for Wales, you both needed that after the Six Nations 😉 All the best from Australia!
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Lol! Firstly, the welsh will bounce back don't worry : ) Secondly, well done for getting through the 45 minutes. I probably broke all sorts of KZbin conventions by making the video that long! Thirdly, I'm not surprised a Renfest is happening. It should be happening given the nature of the man and his music. If he watches this one day then great, but he's going to get busier and bigger and so I wouldn't be disappointed if he didn't i.e. the music and the message alone provoked me to do this, having never done it before. Just the act alone of paying tribute is enough for me. Thanks for taking the time to message Patrick.
@the_wexie Жыл бұрын
Dude, for you doing this, you are my hero. We are on the same intellectual and emotional frequency so to speak. Hate to use "woo woo" language, but it efficiently gets to the point.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
I'm really glad you're like-minded with your thoughts about this stuff too. I also do a 'woohoo' when people see the world the way that I see it!
@ManneyM Жыл бұрын
Wow, thanks for that Nic, that was an amazing reaction, breakdown, analysis. Loved the way you related it to ACT, something I've never even heard of , but I think you explained clearly enough for some noobe like me to make the connection. Please consider doing the same for some of his other songs, most tackle some issues that need good conversations ... Sick boi, chalk outlines (live), how to be me (live)
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Hey there Manney, really appreciate the positive vibes in your message. 9 days ago I had no intention of making a KZbin video (Rens song literally made me do it!) and the response to this has been so lovely that I'm not writing off doing something again at some point. Ps Noobe - lol! It's what my son calls me most days!
@ManneyM Жыл бұрын
@Nic Hooper haha, as a dad of two myself, that's probably where it came from 🤣
@kennethmichael5404 11 ай бұрын
"I suffer ...therefore I am. But I will NOT relent and I will learn to ride the waves." Life IS pain, but there is no battle more worth fighting. Ren's brilliance being "that voice that you hear when you loosen the noose on the rope." I'll never stop saying this- Ren is special.
@nichooper7 11 ай бұрын
100% I am convinced he is going to have an incredible impact in the coming years.
@analisasmith7927 Жыл бұрын
I really hope Ren sees this. I thought it was a great analysis - thank you.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Ah thank you. Looking back I feel like I could have said a lot more but a healthy dose of self compassion helps with those critical thoughts! It would be cool if Ren did see the video but (1) it's a 45 minute video! and (2) he's a busy enough man. Whatever happens, I hope he takes over the world, because the world needs more people like him influencing people.
@graceaute3648 3 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for this video. I’ve seen a number of reactions to this masterpiece, but I have to say this one is the best. I actually got something useful, past the enjoyment of others being impacted by this song as much as I was. I had never heard of ACT before, but I have always thought every methodology should be approached holistically. So I’m interested in learning more. Thank you again.
@user-zc6pn9kr1e Жыл бұрын
Brilliant analysis, Nic - and wonderful illustration of practicing what we preach! Thank you! Shelly
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Shelly!!!!!
@allanhill4359 Жыл бұрын
Thank you. Well said.
@williamalexander7481 Жыл бұрын
I really appreciate you covering this. You explain things so well.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Hey William, thanks loads for taking the time to send over this positivity! Nic
@aaronhommel4615 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for supporting Ren. I hope that you keep looking into Ren and check out more of his catalogue.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Aaron, given his talent, I reckon that Ren will be a lifelong journey for me! Nic
@poshzombie 11 ай бұрын
All of this was so eloquently stated, thank you for your expert take and your content.
@nichooper7 11 ай бұрын
Thanks so much for sending over the encouragement! Nic
@amandacollins2854 Жыл бұрын
It may be helpful to your students to also make them aware of the psychological devices Ren uses in his proformance. He has pulled out all the stops for this one ,but some or all of them are used in many of his presentations. The pigs head let's us know to let go of preconceived ideas,the trilling makes gives many a nervous giggle , and that is the very state of unguarded emotion he needs to take us into his emotional journey in which doubt and hope run headlong into psychosis and become waring gods ,quite a journey without our normal emotional protections .Its quite brilliant and makes me believe that when he talks about students of the psychological process he refers to himself . Other songs that are very worth study are .Sick boy and chalk outlines.they show how med.s can feel particularly if misdiagnosed. It was very nice watching someone who is trained in detachment and analysis, give himself over to Rens need for expression of the pain and confusion he must have felt after nearly 8 years of misdiagnosis at such an early age .Sometimes we have to study the exceptions to the rule to understand what human beings are truly capable of . ❤❤❤
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Well said Amanda!
@judigrumm7190 Жыл бұрын
He also used the lighting to show us what state of mind he's coming from for each character. They used similar lighting in the horror movie The Shining.
@FinarfinNoldorin 9 ай бұрын
This was an amazing, heartfelt, song. I thought it had so much meaning.
@allybandy3047 Жыл бұрын
First, thank you for sharing your experience with Ren's song. His music resonates with me. Your comment about being kind prompted me to go ahead and leave this here. I am old, and completely disabled. Ten years ago when I was still able to compose words, with a semblance of eloquence, I wrote this about my feelings on life: Many people live bright, vivid lives that leave marks so great they cannot be erased; not by man, not by time. I am not this kind of person. I never dove with whales in the Arctic Sea, nor studied lizards on the Galapagos. Never riveted the gridiron of a skyscraper, nor chiseled a statue. I never protested great wrongs, nor filled a political office. Never rushed into a burning building, nor rescued victims in the aftermath of destruction. I never created an AMD processor, or discovered the cure for Ebola. I never wrote a book, expounded wisdom, nor painted a picture worth a thousand words. I never wrote a song, or sang words that cut to the heart. These things are done by great personalities, larger than life. Their marks are etched as surely as the Grand Canyon cleaves the Earth. ~ The glory above is nothing I ever sought, nor wished to pursue. It does not lessen my existence, or the belittle the choices I made, the good and the bad. I have lived a life that pleased me with all its daily mistakes, with all the little tasks done right. I have not changed the face of man, but I have changed the face of ME. That is often a more difficult and delicate task. My life has been simple, and I prefer it that way. My jobs have been honest labor, that kept food on the table. I raised my children to love deeply from the heart, to be kind to all, no matter their status or creed. Speak the tender word, sooth the pain of one at a time. Be humble, be a peacemaker, show generosity whenever possible. I do not want to be remembered as someone that marked the world. Please, let it be that I touched the lives of those I met along the journey. ~Ally Bandy
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
An incredible poem. It seems to me that you've led a remarkable life if you've managed to live with that wisdom. I think it's a remarkable thing to be able to do the small but important things consistently, and I'm not sure a lot of people manage it. I think you get to sleep each night with the feeling of pride, like you're being in the world in a way that's consistent with who you aim to be.
@nannettefreeman7331 Жыл бұрын
Beautifully put. I've often said that the world needs people who dream big, or else big things wouldn't happen, but just as important are the "cogs" in the gears that keep society running, like worker bees are absolutely essential for the survival of the hive. And being a "worker bee" is much more difficult because you don't necessarily get recognition or credit for your vital part in it all. I don't know about you, but the people who have had the most positive impact on my life have done so in a very personal, sort of one-on-one manner, not from a lofty place on high. So I've always strived to be that person who tries to have a positive impact on all those with whom I interact (even the ones I don't particularly "like."). I genuinely believe that in doing so that I will have just as positive an impact on the world as the people who wind up in the history books, because the people whom I've interacted with will take something away from our interaction & pass it along to others, & there will be a sort of ripple effect. I much prefer the concept of gentle ripples on a pond reaching the far shore than a giant "kerplunk!" anyhow. Thanks for sharing your words with us. I'm sure they will resonate with many people, like myself. Everyone has the power to leave this world better than we found it. Just imagine if we all exercised that power! 😘❤️✌🏼
@allybandy3047 Жыл бұрын
@@nannettefreeman7331 Precisely!! I like to think that our words and actions have the ability to lighten the burden of others. Just as your words here brightened my day and my pain is lighter than it was before reading your comment ♥
@deborahw.a.foulkes6059 Жыл бұрын
This is beautiful Ally. Thank you for sharing ❤
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
@@nannettefreeman7331 Yes, lots of wisdom in your words above that resonate with me.
@RainOfPearls Ай бұрын
Way late stumbling across this. Loved your reaction, and the thoughtfulness and empathy that went into it. Glad to see you continued on with the channel (I stumbled across Sick Boi reaction first). I deal with physical and mental issues myself, and have to agree so much with Ren. You can improve by learning to relax. It's bad enough when the subconscious criticizes you... but it becomes so much worse when you consciously choose to accept that and level those criticisms at yourself. Before I learned this, my issues would often drive me towards feelings of self-ending. The healthiest change I ever made in my thoughts towards these issues... is to simply be willing to accept "Well, looks like I wont be doing much of anything productive today... or this week.... or this month... or even this season... and that's ok." Learning to be gentle with myself, to accept that I have issues that I cannot always control, that sometimes I cannot be who I would like to be, who society would tell me I have to be... you'll never help yourself by adding your own criticisms over things you cant control on top of everything else you already deal with. So sew the grain when the sun shines, and relax by the fire when the snows fall... don't criticize yourself for being unable to farm in the snow. You'll just make yourself miserable. My psych often chuckles and calls me a Stoic... cause we'll have our talks, and often enough it'll be like "So how have you been since we last talked?" "Oh, pretty rough, been dealing with X X and X... so overall... I'm doing ok." :P
@RainOfPearls Ай бұрын
(Apologies for the overly long post, been up over 48 hours and sorta rambly lol )
@nichooper7 Ай бұрын
I loved your long comment, and am happy you've made it to this place of acceptance. I also love that farm in the snow comment, Im going to steal that : )
@JosephLeeSoonsin Жыл бұрын
Dr. Nic, you should check out a few of his other songs such as Diazepam, Depression, Insomnia and Chalk Outlines.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Yea I definitely will Joseph. Just need to find some time to digest them properly!
@Silkytoaster Жыл бұрын
After watching dozens of reactions to Hi Ren I was convinced that I had tapped out every view point on this but after watching your reaction /analysis you have put Ren and Hi Ren in a totally new light . Having REN’s dad Martin join the conversation was also awesome. Please make more vids . New subscriber here from Canada
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Hey Mayanna, thanks loads for the encouragement, it means a lot to me! Nic ps I was delighted that Rens dad commented too!
@davidterry6155 11 ай бұрын
Nic: You would like Sick Boi, it explores how the mental health industry threats their patients
@nichooper7 11 ай бұрын
Hey David, thanks for the steer here - not sure if you sure but I've an early video about Sick Boi but I reckon there are others that touch on this topic too. Thanks for taking the time to comment! Nic
@christineraffa-diggon Жыл бұрын
Imagine if kindness was a measure. ❤❤❤❤
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
What a better world the place would be eh.
@sketchtherapy1218 Жыл бұрын
He makes his videos live with a lapel mic and a cord in his guitar that connect to a recording device on his back, you are correct this was recorded live. It took a few takes to get that perfect take.
@erryvanh9114 Жыл бұрын
He is saying so much more then psychologist ever said!!!
@stevensudit Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the analysis. I do want to share an interpretation: when he says "you gotta kill you if you wanna kill me", I think he's taunting himself into suicide. What supports this interpretation is that, in other videos, Ren has spoken candidly about contemplating suicide when his illness was at its worst. He said that he told his mother that he wasn't sure if he could hang on for much longer if this was what his life was like. He also has a song, "How to be Me", about living with a close friend's apparent suicide. I imagine that experiencing the effects of suicide on others might have helped him avoid making that choice for himself.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Yes I can certainly see how those words and those experiences point to the fact that that is seen to be a viable option by many i.e. they become willing to end their own life because at least it will mean no more inner critic / angst. Thanks for the input!
@mmoore4456 Жыл бұрын
So very well done, Nic.
@Veeliscious Жыл бұрын
Excellent review👌 👏 . And I especially like your key takeaway from this - learning to use our experiences and marrying them with our core values to achieve what we find meaningful and fulfilling as that's the true measure of our success "that's the definition of winning". Nailed it. I look forward to more content from you and sincerely hope healthcare professionals not only see Ren's work but also learn valuable insights from you too
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Ah that's very kind of you Vanessa, I really appreciate you taking the time to tell me this.
@alfiethompson7985 Жыл бұрын
Hi think your video is really insightful. For a first KZbin video you have done a very good reaction and analysis of Hi Ren.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Alife! I've done a couple more now and so I hope you might see an improvement in the quality!
@wexfordgirl1 Жыл бұрын
Wow Cardiff!. Im in Caerphilly and Ren is from Bangor. It really is a small world.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Small world Tara! Represented Wales well aren't we! : )
@lilbullet158 Жыл бұрын
(Apart from the similarities the lyrics have to my own life, such as spending more than half my life being ill), the Internal Conflict in *'Hi Ren'* also strongly reminded me of Shakespeare's Hamlet : *_"To be or not to be"_* monologue.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Yea I can see how you can get to that comparison too. The literary side of this is the most genius part of it for me, and given how good the rest of it is, that's saying something!
@lilbullet158 Жыл бұрын
@@nichooper7 I would not go as far as to say I've 'Studded' Shakespeare insofar as Reading his works, mainly because I suffered a serious brain injury many years ago which meant I had to learn to Walk, Talk, Read, Write, Count, even Tell the time and try to make sense of the world around me all over again at the age of 30 and I still have a BIG Problem with the Visual concentration needed to 'Read' and in truth I have by no means fully recovered and seriously doubt I ever will. I have, however, watched his plays countless times and have leant to understand the 'Old English' language used (which is usually the stumbling block for most English speaking people). His understanding of that thing we call *_"The Human Condition"_* is Immense and for me at least, 'WAS' beyond compare (which is the main reason why I latched on to it). But in my mind Ren's *"HI REN"* is a close a work of pure Genius as you could get... I have to add, I find it quite sad that you say this video is the One and Only video you intend to post. You have a VERY Calming demeanour that would be Extremely helpful to a LOT of people. Perhaps (and hopefully), you will change your mind at a later date.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
@@lilbullet158 Ah that's very kind of you to say. I guess what I meant is that I dont harbour any ambitions of being a KZbinr, the video was for my students really because the topic of ACT wasn't quite covered in lecture. However, I have to say that having kind people like yourself say nice things has added a load of good vibes to my life this week! I cant believe the you've managed to come out of the other end of a serious brain injury and yet can make sense of Shakespeare - that's testament to you. The human condition, yea that was a game changer for me too. It made me see that for the most part 'it's supposed to be this way'. With you, you weren't supposed to suffer from the brain injury, but all of the psychological trouble you've no doubt had since is exactly the way it should be given the context.
@lilbullet158 Жыл бұрын
@@nichooper7 I'm afraid in my case I had an AVM in my brain (probably even before birth), that was waiting to go BANG and it did. Fortunately I was 30. young and strong when it happened, I had almost 8 hours brain surgery in Nottingham queens medical centre where they practically dismantled the entire back of my head (& I've got the drill holes to prove it)... I've had a whole host of problems since then Epilepsy that follows me around like a Monster ready to jump on me at any random moment which in turn has left me with with severe agoraphobia. I'm in my 60's now and have spent well over 30 years out of the last 32 inside the same building mainly in the same 3 rooms. Prescribed Medications have impacted my life in a Huge way too. I've also had Bladder cancer which compounded my psychological problems... But now I'm sounding all 'Me, Me. Me...' ~ I found it VERY interesting that you focused and reflected on the words : *_"I was made to be tested and twisted ; I was made to be broken and beat"_* ... For me those words hit me like an emotional hammer by describing how I've felt for years, _'In One simple sentence.' I've watched a LOT of 'Hi Ren' reaction videos and you are the only one so far who has recognised the Importance and Gravity of that sentence. That alone speaks volumes about the degree of your understanding of Psychology.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
@@lilbullet158 Bloody hell, you've had an incredibly challenging journey. I hate it when people put suffering at the doorstep of individuals devoid of a contextual analysis. Your context is one that is outside the norm for human experience, and so the mountains you've had to climb are enormous. Like, yea there is tested and twisted and broken and beat but you've been pushed to the edges of that. You have my utmost respect, and the wisdom you have as a result of your experiences could be useful to many people.
@irmaamri6249 Жыл бұрын
Really interesting perspective, thank you.
@nebulousreactions Жыл бұрын
I appreciate this video a lot. Your knowledge and insight is fantastic, and you clearly have a deep compassion for your fellow human beings. I love that you say these dark feelings are a normal part of being human, and that it's our response to them that matters. And I appreciate that you consider the impact his chronic illness has on his emotional and mental state. As someone with autoimmune disease, I can confirm it takes a major toll on one's mental and emotional health, and it's something a lot of people don't take into account. I'm glad to know you're out there, teaching future mental health professionals. This world needs more people like you :) Cheers!
@nichooper7 11 ай бұрын
Oh this message went into my spam folder and so Im delighted I've found it. Thank you for sending me such a warm message, it means a lot to me. Im sorry to hear of your suffering but just that message alone lets me know of the kind of person you are. Very best wishes and sorry for not replying sooner! Nic
@BorisMinkov Жыл бұрын
One of the best comments on this song that I've heared. And I watched a lot! I am psychologist and psychotherapist too and I agree with the ideas you presented. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. 😊
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Excellent Boris! Thanks loads for sending over that positivity and encouragement - it means a lot to me! Nic
@peraugustesen8800 Жыл бұрын
"Bring your values to life" is a very true and important statement. Of course first step is to define them but then all your actions can be guided accordingly. Thanks for this analysis. I am thinking it would wild if Ren actually got invited to a Oprah show.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the comment! I'd love him to go on Oprah - just so that more people can benefit from his music. And you're right, values clarification, then action!
@jeffkunz8700 4 күн бұрын
Great job. Thanks for this.
@lieberlouis Жыл бұрын
Thank you for making this video. You've got another subscriber.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Thank you! Much appreciate you sending over the positivity! Nic
@jenneper Жыл бұрын
You're right, Dr Nic! I do love this. It's interesting to me that even when people are doing well, they still experience imposter syndrome. All of us have something that nags at us no matter how much change or positivity we put out. Ren really is helping to address some of those things and it's amazing to witness. Thanks for suggesting this video. 🙏
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Glad you liked it Jen! Do let me know if you ever have questions about the ACT model you think I could answer!
@jenkinda Жыл бұрын
It strikes me as odd that no one has mentioned this yet ( to my knowledge…) but to put this in simplified Freudian terms, it seems the id is at odds with the ego, with the super ego taking over at the end. I may just be stating the obvious here, but I’ve yet to hear mention of this perspective, so I thought I would offer it up for consideration. This song was particularly cathartic for me, and I absolutely love it. Incredibly deep & insightful…. Incredibly nuanced…. Nothing short of a wonderful piece of art. I look forward to hearing more from him & wish Ren nothing but success.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Yes, I had the same experience with the song. In fact, the last three lines of your message sum up my experience and perspective excellently. About the freudian analysis, I can certainly see where you're coming from with respect to the id / ego / superego but I cant really speak to the nuance of it in the absence of any real expertise in Freud! Thanks for your comment Danny
@RonNL70 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video 🙏👍 I shared this video with a few people. It may help them forward. Ren is an absolute ARTist. Well worth of going down the rabbithole. Hope you'll be continuing dropping video's. Yep, I subscribed.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Thanks so much Ron. I appreciate your kindness and totally agree about Ren. Nic
@periurban Жыл бұрын
It's impossible to look past this song, and this performance of it. I know it's not the same thing, but I feel about this song the way I feel about Bohemian Rhapsody or Good Vibrations, that it's a work unparalleled by its contemporaries, and one that we will be looking back on for decades to come. The meticulous planning that Ren puts in to every movement and expression is writ large here. It almost seems effortless, but he works everything out, right down to the finest detail. Which means that for all his mental issues he has a stellar memory for his own material, as well as the body coordination to pull it off.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
I couldn't agree more.
@UTube-gi1ct Жыл бұрын
the first time I saw this, I only wanted to hug him like a mother and wanna tell him, that everything will be fine. And even now I wonder where are his parents? I know he is 33 years and an adult man. My children are adult too and I would die for them and would go through hell to protect and support them. He has to do fundraising for his treatments and drugs. He was a boy when he got ill and I wonder what his parents has done to get him healthy. Sorry, but I ask myself this question everytime I see his Videos. I can’t imagine that a responsible mother you let years go by and see how your child get worse and worse. Great Reaction and explanation of mental issues … sorry for my bad english but that is not my native language 😊
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
My gut says that his parents would have felt helpless throughout this, as I'm sure they had lots of conflicting information from trusted professionals. I also think he has a knack for putting the human experience into words such that a lot of the struggles he talks of resonate with many people, and many of those people would also have had good parents. These days, having good parents isn't a surefire way to stop suffering from happening. Thanks loads for your comment and positivity! Nic
@lynette. Жыл бұрын
He has given voice to many.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely! Thanks Lynette.
@PeteFindsObscureStuff Жыл бұрын
Great analysis Nic. Great insight into the message Ren is delivering here. Hope your students enjoy this.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
I hope they do too Pete but there is a good chance that they haven't watched it I reckon, knowing students the way that I do : ) Glad you liked the analysis!
@kenjackman9874 Жыл бұрын
Best reaction i seen for Hi Ren. Thanks mate
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Ken. Your comment is much appreciated. Nic
@AliceinWonderlandzz Жыл бұрын
I've watched this video and reactions about 50 times now. If I may add some detail and observations I've picked up. The song is like an onion, peeling back the story in layers. It starts with a troubadour instrumental that you'll find common to his songs. His strings are purposely set close to the fret to create a rough vibration and one string is slightly out of tune, the riff itself has a flawed progression that sounds like a mistake but is not - it's purposefully portraying the flawed nature of life. It is designed to draw attention and tell people to settle down. The yodeling for want of a better term starts to take us on the journey into his inner self - like a whirlwind moving us into his world, again with the same break in vocal progression. Then the conversations between Ren get deeper and deeper and more sinister until Ren finally stands up and faces his inner voice. They represent the progressions in awareness that we go through in coming to terms with ourselves. Then we have the outtro that returns us to ourselves and the end cap message that ties it together in perfect balance. I have watched reactors from rap singers to suicide survivors react to this video for the first time and it is incredibly cathartic to see each one of them go through the same breakdowns as their own barriers are broken and they are laid bare and the incredible sense of catharsis and realization as they are literally emotionally changed by the end, you can actually see it. Truly the most life changing piece of music I've ever heard.
@nichooper7 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for your contribution here, and for that breakdown! You should do a video!
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