r/AmITheA**hole For Calling The Police On MIL, She Claimed I Was Trying To Poison Her

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Mark Narrations

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@seankeller1560 3 жыл бұрын
story 2 is everything wrong with AITA, no one cares the the sister suddenly has a selfless personality when the trust no longer benefits her, sure using the kid as a punishment sucks but thats it.
@chrismccloskey2502 3 жыл бұрын
Right!? She received the money to the end AND still lives with her parents. She did not do this out of a wish to help her parents. She spitefully f'd her sibling. Now, is op right for relying on the money? No, but that is not the question. And, redditors are nasty jealous a'holes. Anyone gets something they do not, they automatically hate them.
@Azulakayes 2 жыл бұрын
True. OP doesn't deserve the YTA and it seemed unfair. Its like its wrong for someone to be a trust fund baby, it isn't. The commenters are giving jealousy vibes and they should question the fairness of OP losing 4 years of that privilege and if his sister is so responsible and good at adulting wtf is she living at home as a 31 year old. It was a biased judgement, resenting OP for having rich folks who paid off their way.
@willj24 2 жыл бұрын
I agree. Is the OP an entitled trust funder? Sure. But... they made their life decisions based on knowing they had that. Life expenses rise to meet income, how often do we think "If I could just earn 10% more, I'd be fine" but then we get a 10% raise and it goes to upgrading to a faster internet package or a better phone or upgraded netflix or renting a better place or a new car, and you're right back to "If I could just earn 10% more..." OP made life choices based on the understanding that they'd have that money, and then it suddenly went away, with (if the story can be believed) little warning. That's kind of an AH move on the part of the parents. But the big issue for me is the sister. Three years older than the OP, so years more of payments, and she suddenly decides that NEITHER of them should get the money? While she's still living at home and getting subsidized life expenses through not having any rent or mortgage expenses? Oh hell no. You want to stop taking the money, stop taking it. But to reach 31 (having had 14 years of payments and by the way having reached the age where they were supposed to stop anyway) and decide that the parents should stop giving the same thing you got for 14 years to your sibling after only 12 years? While you're living at home and living off of Mom and Dad's money, but think your sibling, who has at least TRIED to have an independent life, and your payments should have ended anyway due to your age? Yeah, the big AH here is the sister who decided that because SHE'S no longer eligible, then they BOTH are adults and shouldn't get the money any more. Holy crap, how entitled is that. I'd have more respect for her if she'd actually given anything up, but she didn't. The payments were set to end at 30, so hers stopped, and THEN she decides that they're "adults now" and "shouldn't get the money." Selfish, entitled, and probably just trying to preserve Mom & Dad's money so there will be more for her when they die. The OP is certainly privileged. But at least based on how they tell the story (we'll ignore the human tendency to skew stories to make themselves look the best they can), they've made at least SOME good decisions, like trying to save some money and like getting out of their parents house and living on their own. Sister hasn't, but had a snit because she reached 30 and her payments stopped, and couldn't stand that her brother was getting what she got. She's the AH and the parents are also the AH for letting the entitled child take from their sibling what they themselves got (and continue to benefit from in the form of free housing).
@DerekScottBland 2 жыл бұрын
I don't get it. The only thing I saw wrong with that story is that OP didn't go NC with sister and parents over this. OP planned their earnings around that money being part of their budget since it was promised to them. I challenge anyone here to suddenly have $3k taken out of their budget and only have a few weeks to figure out what to do.
@kmaguire7161 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah lots of bitter poors in the comments on that one.
@mpmansell 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2: What a lot of people forget is that the sister had received the full allowance while he didn't. While he is extremely entitled and frankly lazy, he does have a point about his sister's hypocrisy that she waited until she'd maxed out her value from the support before making a big gesture. As for being an asshole using his child, what planet are people from? If he feels she did this to spite him, he's perfectly entitled to cut her out. In general though, this is a problem of his own making.
@malthungaming3466 3 жыл бұрын
I agree on all fronts save him being lazy. Here's why: He was operating under the assumption that, until 30, he had a constant influx of $3000 a month. With that much money, he doesn't *need* to work himself to the bone like the rest of us. He can work comfortably and be just fine. Everyone sees someone not working as hard as them, usually as part time employees, and immediately assumes they're lazy when, nine times out of ten, they aren't *lazy* but rather either comfortable with where they are or busy with other jobs/projects/schooling.
@mpmansell 3 жыл бұрын
@@malthungaming3466 I disagree and will also add 'careless'. As circumstances proved, this was not a guaranteed trust but an informal arrangement by his parents. This income could have stopped at any time (death, accident, medical bills, critical house repairs, ...) and he was both careless, and lazy, in not ensuring he had a backup income, especially with children in the picture. I doubt very much that his parents were intending to just pay his way but, instead, were trying to give him a leg-up and that he should have used that money, in conjunction with his own efforts, to secure a decent income and lifestyle. An opportunity he wasted, making his parents' financial sacrifice worthless.
@nobullshitgaming9776 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2: NTA. Yes the brother is entitled, the sister however is toxic, stopping his allowance while she still benefits dirty move. If lightening the families financial burden was her goal she would stop her own.
@cl1cka 3 жыл бұрын
Nah he is DEFINITELY the AH - why the fuck are you making babies when you can't even pay rent by yourself?? I mean how irresponsible can you be.....
@tiryaclearsong421 3 жыл бұрын
@@cl1cka He isn't asking to be judged for a choice he made back when his financial situation was different. He could afford the baby when he made it. People experience unexpected hardships long after the baby making ship has sailed all the time. His parents were going to stop paying in 2 years. He was budgeting around that not expecting to be cut off essentially overnight. His family has put him in a pretty shitty situation here regardless of their circumstances. It would have been better for them to give him a warning, not wait until he called them after not receiving a payment.
@cl1cka 3 жыл бұрын
@@tiryaclearsong421 No he couldn't... He couldn't even afford HIMSELF when he decided to have a baby....Didn't you read - he couldn't pay his own rent for the past decade...... By how he wrote and talks - he doesn't talk to his parents. Maybe the money stopped cause the parents are in trouble and he is so self-absorbed, that he didn't even care to check and assumes it's against him..... But I mean - what do you expect from someone who hasn't payed their own rent in YEARS and decides that a baby is the best solution to that problem.....
@tiryaclearsong421 3 жыл бұрын
@@cl1cka I did read and he doesn't talk much about his parents beyond the details of their contract. The post was about his conflict with his sister. The parents are a backdrop. If his parents were in financial hardship they could have called him whenever they realized and warned him that money would stop. Even if it's last minute it's more kind that way. If we're going to play a game where we read more into the story than can reasonably be deduced, then it sounds to me like the sister is jealous. She got an extra year of funding and lives with her parents rent free. Once her money is cut off she made sure the parents also stopped paying her brother with no notice. In my opinion, it was done this way so OP would have a negative reaction that would make him look spoiled.
@cl1cka 3 жыл бұрын
@@tiryaclearsong421 Saying nothing about the parents, not even that he contacted them to ask - simply means he views them as a credit card. And again - who the fuck makes a child when they can't even support themselves and depend on their parents to do it for them.... To me it seems the child was the last straw - the parents didn't want to be stuck raising another child for 18 years and cut him off. It's the wake up call he needs - he can't coast and expect the parents to pay for his family....
@goddessmelanisia 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3: Start crap in public, get it handled in public.
@Park-Kim_VMin 3 жыл бұрын
Yep 💯
@Bleg94 3 жыл бұрын
2. Story: NTA OP having made bad financial decisions is one thing, but he made them under the assumption that he gets that money for a while because the parents told him so the parents cut him off from basically one day to the other without it being his fault, only his sister that got jealous is at fault for that the sister being jealous basically made OP close to homeless, sure he could've planned without that money ... but let's be honest here ... who would do that? he knew that he gets that money so why not plan with it
@MaryTheresa1986 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly. He was ripped off and his parents are aholes for not giving him more notice. Maybe he should cut them all off. If the grandparents don't care about their grandbaby being homeless, they don't need to see them.
@Bleg94 3 жыл бұрын
@@MaryTheresa1986 yep, even if the parents got financial problems, the sister only talked to them about it after she did not get it anymore, so she did not care about the financial burden on them since it did benefit her and if the parents got financial problems they still should've talked to OP a long time ago, to me it sounds more like that he bum sister was really jealous about him still getting that money and her not getting it anymore
@cl1cka 3 жыл бұрын
Nah he is DEFINITELY the AH - why the fuck are you making babies when you can't even pay rent by yourself?? I mean how irresponsible can you be.....
@wmdkitty 3 жыл бұрын
@Ana Ta No, it's irresponsible to have kids you can't provide for. Period.
@Khajitxi 3 жыл бұрын
@@wmdkitty a) he was able to provide for his child. B) that logic means that only the wealthy are allowed to have children and is an argument for eugenics/sterilization of the poor. I am not speaking theoretically here. This was an actual argument for it used by the US and Nazis as justification. C) If everyone actually followed your rule ,civilization would literally collapse. Most children nowadays are subsidized by the government. Yes, it is awful.
@samuelkremer441 3 жыл бұрын
The girl in the third story, my god. Her: (Shames OP infront of their friends for something she doesn't even knows all the factd about) OP: (Calls her out infront of their friends for said shaming) Her: (Shocked Pickachu face) HOW DARE YOU?!
@Park-Kim_VMin 3 жыл бұрын
@mbyerly9680 3 жыл бұрын
She's a bully. So, typical bully behavior.
@JSainte17 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah she sucks but OP also intentionally was vague and didn’t correct her multiple times. Sounds like they’re both dramatic.
@mattblood4201 3 жыл бұрын
@@JSainte17 It was never that girls business so OP doesn't have to correct anything for the girl she should have stayed out it when OP never told her
@Mewse1203 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2 NTA. She unilaterally changed his circumstances without talking to him with no regards to the outcome. That was a major asshole move. OP is a bit entitled but sister benefited from the parents money and then convinced them to stop both their money so she wouldn't get "less". He may be a bit privileged and entitled, but he has every right to be angry, and I wouldn't let my kid around someone who took thousands of dollars from me with no regard to how that would impact my family. It's not fair to OP in the slightest and sister didn't cause she didn't think he should get it if she didnt. That doesn't even get into the fact that she lives with the parents when OP has a family and lives on his own. In a way they are STILL giving her money but NOTHING TO OP
@emilyrose9854 3 жыл бұрын
That's what I'm thinking I think all these people are just f****** mad because they're jealous that the majority of their circumstances are shity but by principal he didn't do anything wrong not in the slightest he wasn't acting out on malicious intent just hurt I wouldn't trust his sister either yes it was up to his parents and anybody would love the chance to have this opportunity as long as it actually benefits them and the parents aren't just holding money over their heads trying to control them and their lifestyle and it seems like he was trying to be responsible by Saving as much as he could have been till he was 30 just like his sister and he still had a job working as a technician which is very lucretius field and then his sister goes behind his back after she's already turned 30 saying they're adults now we don't need this money any more why the f*** is she bringing someone into the conversation that is not present when they're talking about finances when I guess the terms of agreement is already up for her my guess is that yes she was going to be jealous that her brother was going to keep getting money for the next four years simply because of their ages they probably started at the same time as soon as these turn 16 which means he's not getting any more money than what she's getting I see a lot of people on Reddit calling people assholes if they're getting things paid for by their parents well after they turned 18 and depending on how much their parents spend on them because they automatically assume that they're spoiled brats who needs to grow up and get a real job and become an adult that doesn't rely on their parents when they're physically and mentally capable to do so and yes when push comes to shove that's what you have to do but that doesn't mean you can't have money given to you by someone else like winning the f****** Lottery and still be all those things I swear these people only believe in one thing because that's their situation and anything that deviates from it makes anyone seem like an entitled assholes when they're just fortunate
@cl1cka 3 жыл бұрын
Nah he is DEFINITELY the AH - why the fuck are you making babies when you can't even pay rent by yourself?? I mean how irresponsible can you be.....
@Mewse1203 3 жыл бұрын
@@cl1cka He was promised a certain amount of money. Everyone would budget for that.
@cl1cka 3 жыл бұрын
@@Mewse1203 Not really - he can't even pay rent and works part time cause "it's comfortable". Why on Earth would you make a child in that position and depend on someone else giving you money is beyond me....
@briannahenry3978 3 жыл бұрын
Yea I agree here...sister seems a bit vindictive tbh
@Mewse1203 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3: she called OP out in public but is pissed she got called out in public? Turnabout is fair play.. Then she thinks she's entitled to know OPs private medical information and if not is allowed to shame her? What a horrible person.
@MrJpaynebb 3 жыл бұрын
OP is NTA. Don't start no shit, won't be no shit.
@songohan3321 3 жыл бұрын
I am going to go further and say that OP did tell that lady a couple of times in private and that stupid lady kept going.
@bethanntay 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2 Can we just say sister waited until hers ended to convince them... to stop. Not saying they don't have a choice to pay or not but she waited until she waited until she got the last of hers.
@JEDIPrincess12 3 жыл бұрын
If I understood correctly nite only did she get her share but she also received an additional year. Regardless of what people think of OP the sister sucks too. Why not say something before she received her share and then some.
@hellkitelord8319 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2: WTF NTA the sister lives with the parents wile OP is on there own. Not even told in advance. I can see ESH b/c he is using his kid to spite his sister. Talk about burning a bridge as you cross it by the sister. If you see this OP just cut that sister off. Sounds like the rich version of the GC throwing a fit just b/c she wont get the money so they cut op off to be "fair" wile she still lives at home. Bet the parents didn't kick the sister out so in a way there still giving her that money by paying all her living expenses.
@songohan3321 3 жыл бұрын
This story really does show one of the problems with r/aita. When a large group of people decides that they hate a person for whatever reason, they will shutdown and not offer anything related to the situation.
@who_the_fuck_is_riley5813 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2: NTA, and proof that Redditors hate anyone who is more well off than them
@dufftheduff7335 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah me and my little above $3000 a month in welfare just laugh at their jealous asses 🤣🤣 I love my union.
@froggy8195 3 жыл бұрын
Everyone complaining that he is a spoiled trust fund baby and they didn't get money so they don't feel bad for him are just wrong. So what if you didn't get the money. The thing is the parents said until 30. They gave it to the daughter until 30. She decided she was jealous and got it taken from him, with no notice by the way. If you all of a sudden were $3,000 a month lighter I am sure that would be an issue. The problem is it seems the parents arent in financial trouble and its favoritism to give it to one until 30 and not the other. Period. The fact that he has more than the rest of us is irrelevant. If this was a normal family and they gave the daughter $50 for Christmas and the son less everyone would say they were the assholes....because they are and so is the sister. However, I don't believe in taken kids from people unless those people are dangerous to them. The kid deserves family even if the family may not.
@somedragonbastard 3 жыл бұрын
I have no sympathy for an entitled, whiny, trust fund brat or his sister. Seems like a spoiled rotten set of kids.
@bobbyjay205 3 жыл бұрын
I was thinking along your lines. if this ws an inherentace everyone would be screaming 50/50. So he gets screwed out of almost $100K. Being spoiled and unable to handle and invest money is on the parents.
@animebabe44 3 жыл бұрын
@@somedragonbastard its not about the trust fund, facts are the sister got her "full due" and yes since the money was promised to them with a timeline it is their "due". Now that she no longer is getting it, she has decided to take her brother down with her if there were extenuating circumstances like financial ruin, I feel like the OP would have mentioned it. Its not about their prevlidge its about an, at the very least, verbal familial contract if not a written one. In some places verbal contracts have legal standing and if the sister got all of hers and he didnt that can be used as proof of contract violation. Or even hust proof of a long standing agreement. The sister is the AH for being petty and selfish, how come its "we're both adults" now that she's run out her trust not when she was still getting it? the parents are the AHs for giving no notice, and OP is getting a harsh reality check but he's not an AH for wanting to keep someone detrimental to his family away from them. And yes fucking with someones money in anyway at any class level WILL be seen at a threat to their stability.
@lsmmoore1 3 жыл бұрын
I want to add that I know an old lady who was a trust fund baby herself (so I can assure you what I have to say about this is not confined to one generation). The pressure to have an expensive lifestyle in such families can be immense - kids are made to feel OBLIGED to have a bigger house, upscale lifestyle for their kids, or any number of things, and to feel like they are "failing" if they don't. And the parents will pressure the kids to maintain that lifestyle by any means necessary, which means accepting trust fund money if that's what it comes to. Probably, when he says he "can't support the kid" he means that he can't support them at the expensive level needed to keep from being accused by his family of being "bad parents" - which he will be if he moves to a remote area and scrimps and saves like a normal person. And he may be likely to need the trust fund money until he is 30 in to give him time to get enough promotions to avoid that pressure and "bad parent" accusations from his family and that's assuming he would even be promoted fast enough for that) - and this goes double considering the pandemic resulted in earnings losses for many people. And that makes the parents triple the assholes - once for failing to anticipate a crisis, twice for not doing their damnedest to counteract the pressure to live an affluent lifestyle, and third for taking for granted that the son would be promoted high enough to maintain that lifestyle since there are no guarantees of sufficient promotion.
@benry007 3 жыл бұрын
Yes the fact that she only said that once she stopped getting the payments. Also it sounds like this was a sudden change. If the sister gave back 100k to the parents then it would be fair. As it is he should get the extra 100k in his inheritance. Also the parents should have given him more notice. They agreed to do something and then went back on it only giving a months notice.
@darkmantlestudios 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2 is NTA. There was an arrangement, and the sister convinced your parents to reneg for no reason.
@Beth-jy4gl 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3: This comes up a lot - someone calls you out in front of people, but you’re supposed to wait until you’re alone with them to correct them? No; if it can be said in front of people, it can be corrected on front of people. It’s so ridiculous that people expect to not be shown to be arseholes when they are in fact arseholes.
@83gemm 3 жыл бұрын
“Why didn’t you just tell her?” Because it’s not her freaking business. OP told her to stop, she didn’t listen. You shouldn’t have to divulge your private medical history to get someone to shut up about their presumptuous opinions on plastic surgery. This was not a close friend but the SO of a friend. Who does she think she is? NTA.
@Akichan07 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2 I'm going to go with a controversial NTA The entitlement? Yes it sucks But the only reason the sister said something is because her well is dry
@Mewse1203 3 жыл бұрын
I agree. She benefited from it but took it away from her brother. It sounds like she did it out of spite and I wouldn't want my kid around someone who I felt robbed me of thousands of dollars without thinking of how that would effect said child. Yes he's a bit entitled, but he also legit got screwed.
@JEDIPrincess12 3 жыл бұрын
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one thinking the sister sucks. I still give OP a mild AH because of the entitlement but you can't blame them too much for how they were raised.
@Mewse1203 3 жыл бұрын
@@JEDIPrincess12 not to mention the sheer unfairness of being promised it until you're a certain age, then sister's jealous actions taking that away. She got the money until she was 30 AND lives with her parents but OP has a kid. Sister is a major asshole.
@MaryTheresa1986 3 жыл бұрын
OP should cut them all off.
@shubham221992 3 жыл бұрын
THIS! I don't understand all the YTAs, feels like jealousy towards trust fund kids, like "Haha the trust fund kid got owned!". Sister sucks for convincing the parents to stop giving BOTH of them money instead of just her, and the parents too for not discussing this with the son first.
@Bos187 3 жыл бұрын
Story 4 NTA ProRevenge idea: Husband takes the wife's last name
@bobbyjay205 3 жыл бұрын
Hey Mark, gang, all others If the parents promised him the money until he was 30 then he should get it. There's nothing wrong with being a trust fund kid. if he has the chance to live a little easy for a while than it's his choice. The sister is the AH for getting in his business. Parents are AH's for not preparing him better for adult life, and going back on an agreement. Personally I want to know why either of them don't own a home? If he paid a mortgage instead of rent he wouldn't be in this situation.
@HighPhoenix1754 3 жыл бұрын
I actually agree on this. He was planning on getting that money for at least another 3-4 years and had plans based on that. Just because someone is more privileged and was raised as such doesn't mean that they should have their nuts bashed in for not being properly prepared by their parents. And besides, he was still saving regardless of getting trust fund money. So he obviously had a plan for the after.
@unforgottenmemories8605 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2. NTA. Learning from the comments in the video OP had 2 more years it sounds like left of his trust fund. And probably planned to get it for 2 more years. So his sister convincing his parents to stop giving it to him could very much throw a wrench in his plans. And 3k or so is still quite a chunk of money to a new family. Especially since if that 3k was specifically only for rent. Which they’re now not getting. To me the sister is TA for doing this after she turned 30 even though she’s still living at home (from what I understand from the video) while OP is not. I’m not saying his financial planning is the best, though suddenly losing 3k dollars could effect quite a lot of people. NTA.
@VR0180 3 жыл бұрын
Another thing no one points out is that he banned his sister from seeing his child, not his parents. So he’s not actually punishing them just her.
@wheelsndealz 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2. Yeah, everyone sucks. Commenters are always blinded when they hate someone. So they had an agreement that the parents would provide that money until 30. You can say that's a bad idea but that's the parents problem. They failed him. They created his attitude if you hate him for being a "spoiled trust fund baby". Regardless, the sister gets an extra year and cuts him short with no warning. He was at least being smart about it and saving it while his sister lived with her parents while still getting the money and he's the biggest asshole? If there were money issues she could have given up her money since she wasn't using it when she wasn't supposed to be. If there still were more they could being it up to him and let him know he's being cut off. He definitely shouldn't use his child to punish his sister but also he doesn't have to let her in his life. For any reason. End of.
@JEDIPrincess12 3 жыл бұрын
I was thinking the same and came to the comments to see if anyone else agreed. Yes OP sucks for being spoiled, but like you said the parents raised him that way. The sister sucks too because like you said she got an extra year, so got all the money she was getting plus more and then says "yeah we're too old for that", which I fully agree with but why didn't she say that 2 years ago at OP's age. Everyone sucks in that one.
@bethanntay 3 жыл бұрын
She waited till she was at the end of hers to say something.... she didn't want to do good by them. If she did, she would have done it when she was still receiving hers.
@Flufferz626 3 жыл бұрын
One thing I want to know is how he works in IT, his wife has a job, and they cannot afford rent on a 2-3bdrm apartment where a 1 bedroom is $1500? That is like where I live, average rent for a 1 bedroom is $1300-$1500. I don't get a windfall of $3000 a month for years, don't work in IT and neither does my spouse, but we can still afford to live comfortably, pay just under $2k rent, can afford some luxuries like going out to eat or going on day trips into the mountains, and are able to make a nest egg for when we try for a baby next year. They have other expenses he is obviously leaving out from the story. ESH in this situation.
@quix66hiya22 3 жыл бұрын
@@Flufferz626 depends on where they live. In Austin, Texas a run down 1BR is over $1,200 now. Can’t imagine LA, NY, or SF. Or Vancouver, Canada. Nicer ones in my Southern US small town are close to that much too.
@Flufferz626 3 жыл бұрын
@@quix66hiya22 I live in Denver and our rent is extremely bloated but $3000 a month plus an IT job is more than enough to cover rent for a 3bdrm and a baby. Actually with that much a month he could have actually done another investment--purchase property instead of renting once he got his job. He also invested NONE of it, it seems. I likely get half per month what he does and still invest into Roth IRA, stonks, savings, and we are in the market for a property with First Time Colorado Home Buyers. He is literally flushing his money down the toilet in some fashion. Also he mentioned the property he rented for $1900 a month has 4 bedrooms. That is cheap even in places cheaper to rent!
@canadalovesanime3137 3 жыл бұрын
story 1: MIL is a toddler. So if she wants to act like she's unstable, she can get treated like an unstable person. NTA story 2: Sounds like sister wants to make sure there is more money for her when mummy and daddy pass on. She doesn't need the money since she has no expenses. I wouldn't be surprised if she convinces the parents to leave her everything because, "OP is ungrateful". OP should move far away. When the parents start complaining that they "never see the grand-baby." OP can just explain that he had to move because the cost of living was to high where he lived before. ESH story 3: They are all upset about HER being called out in public; but it's fine for HER to humiliate OP and insult OP's parent because SHE decided that it could only be a cosmetic surgery. How does that even make sense. Also it is none of her business what OP does with their own body. NTA story 4: OP is NOT the disrespectful one. They are trying to make OP's choice of wife for him, because they don't "aprove of" the adult choice HE made. WTF!! Then they show up to; I'm sure ruin the day for them and try to break up their relationship. These people are toxic, and need to be cut off. NTA x 1000
@Lyca31 3 жыл бұрын
The last story, just wait till OP has children with his wife. Toxic family will probably want to see grandkids and exclude stepson. I hope OP goes NC with his toxic family and I hope he has a wonderful life with his lovely new wife and stepson.
@cjandauntieyaya1446 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2: OP is NTA. Her sister is OLDER than her and is living with the parents RENT FREE, so she's getting that money anyways simply because she doesn't have to pay for any household bills. I'm thinking this is the case of the older sister poisoning the parents and trying to get all the inheritance for herself. OP should sit down with HER PARENTS ONLY and discuss how this feels like favoritism. Their eldest gets to stay home and save up while OP is left to fend for herself. Ask the parents if there's room in their house for OP, her husband and baby. I mean they get to be grandparents (aka free babysitting). Otherwise, OP just needs to suck it up, find a better paying job in another state far away from her parents (and toxic sister) and just make her own way. Just acknowledge that maybe her sister will get all the inheritance when the time comes. Sad but this happens all the time.
@justlooking1299 2 жыл бұрын
I’ll say that fending for yourself is really a ridiculous thing to say . They’ve legit received 300,000 at least for the last 10 years of life . Shes not really struggling where is op partner? Like imagine saving a million dollars for your kids . Like it’s not favoritism it’s probably enough
@CalmQueenKey 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2: The OP is entitled but that doesn't mean he's wrong. He got screwed over by his older sister and parents. He has a right to be mad. Edit to put NTA.
@gelasiakidd8076 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3: as someone that "doesn't look sick" I'm so sick of abled people *needing access* to our private medical history to stop being abused verbally or physically. The gf, her bf, and their mutual friends are top tier assholes because you shouldn't have to reveal private medical concerns to stop being verbally abused ESPECIALLY "for your own good"
@wmdkitty 3 жыл бұрын
I'm a wheelchair user with an actual disability. I'm tired of people with "invisible illnesses" taking up spaces meant for WHEELCHAIR USERS.
@gelasiakidd8076 3 жыл бұрын
@@wmdkitty I use a cane / walker. I have a risk of cracking my head open at any time as a fall risk. This is not a who is more disabled contest. I understand you are frustrated but it's an absolutely shitty thing to do to call out ANYONE for not being "disabled enough" by your standards. You just made me explain pieces of my disability to stop you from being verbally abusive. That's the whole damn point. Is my neuropathy obvious to someone who looks at me, colorful, peppy? No! Could I die trying to walk from the other side of the pavement, my knees deciding not to exist and busting my head open? YES. do I deserve the accomodations to not die? YES. We need more disability accessibility, not Disability Accomadation Hunger Games. Write to your congressman, don't verbally abuse people when you don't even know whats going on. Disabled people going at each other's throats solves the whole damn problem for the places that don't give us enough aid. Stop feeding into it and stop verbally abusing people you don't think count as disabled enough so that they don't have to tell you their medical history to make you stop. You can easily frighten a disabled person who doesn't need a wheelchair *yet* into not using the Accomadation that is meant for more than just wheelchair users. Ultimately that could cause injury that puts them in a wheelchair. So. Stop.
@leelee7731 3 жыл бұрын
@@wmdkitty you are outrageous! I know wheelchair users who have far more mobility and less pain than I have with my “invisible” disability. And how about another close family member who with her “invisible” disability has every step an agony. She on her best days goes to the store to buy grocery and maybe have a bit of normal interaction in life. If she had to walk from middle parking lot to the front of the store she would be so drained she wouldn’t make it in the store to go shopping and get food, you know, to eat! To hell with you! according to you doctors and people don’t get to make a moral and legal determination of eligibility. These spaces don’t say paralyzed and legless parking only. When they do you can feel self righteous to park there. Until then it says disabled and disabled people have every right to be there. You are a rotten cruel person.
@benry007 3 жыл бұрын
Reminds me of a reddit story when someone at OP's work found out she had a boob job and harrassed her continually about it. Turned out it was because she had breast cancer and they were actually smaller then her original size. When you don't know what someone is going through you should mind your own business.
@gelasiakidd8076 3 жыл бұрын
@@leelee7731 I feel like the most hurtful ableism is from the people who should be on the same side. They were cruel to us because they are gatekeeping disabilities. But they should know more than abled people how hard it is. I'm not sure why the most painful ableism comes from other disabled people but solidarity in the face of cruel disbelief, right? 💜
@TsukiKageTora 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3: so she didn’t want to be called out on a video call for a misunderstanding, but she thought it would be ok to “call out” OP on something she misunderstood. Why are there so many double standards these days?
@ceciliacalvin9469 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3: NTA. My dad had his eyes done because his eye lids dropped so bad they cut off his peripheral vision.
@TsukiKageTora 3 жыл бұрын
Story 4: friends said “they finally wanted to support you” No. They want free food and free party. They didn’t care about OP nor his marriage cause they “only wanted to celebrate with OP not the girl he chose to marry.” Nope. Gtfo of here.
@Chubbasaurus 3 жыл бұрын
OP needs to ditch the toxic family AND friends.
@quix66hiya22 3 жыл бұрын
The 32 yo sister and the parents are the AH. She got her money for her full term but interfered in OP’s. That a separate issue from any entitlement or money management issues OP might have. The parents had a verbal contract with OP that they reneged on.
@Chubbasaurus 3 жыл бұрын
I don't understand how and why so many people are utterly failing to grasp this!
@nonamenoface3654 3 жыл бұрын
@@Chubbasaurus Cus money isn't go to them
@songohan3321 3 жыл бұрын
In story 2, wanna bet that if the roles were reversed, everyone on Reddit would be singing a different tune.
@babycakez8070 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2 NTA I would say if your financial supporting someone to the point they are dependent on it you don’t get to stop without any notice. I get that it there money however they choose to raise there kids to believe they will always support them, so they would need to deal with the consequences. This mentality doesn’t come from no where. OP parents should have done the adult thing and talk to OP first so he can put all his ducks in a row. Most people raise there kids to know they need to be dependent on themselves. OP parents chose to raise there kids to know they have an allowance every month. The random no notice is punishing OP on their parenting.
@emilyrose9854 3 жыл бұрын
Actually they can if there's no documentation but I do say it isn't fair that they're obviously playing favorites because apparently they cherish their daughters wishes even when it screws over her little brother I mean if they both started at 16 and the cutoff date was when they were 30 they were going to get the exact same amount of money just starting at different time due to their age Gap apparently this b**** of a sister is bad at math and you know she did this out of malicious a tent and everyone's hyper focusing on the fact that he was getting money from his parents yet he was still acting as an adult yeah he wasn't working as much as he could but given the environment of where he was working I don't blame him any still in a field that's very much in demand the problem these idiots aren't seeing because they're so jealous and don't want to admit it that they would love to be in this position is that it's not the money itself is the fact that the sister and parents had a conversation about their finances about his finances without him being present and apparently didn't say anything and just cut him off without giving him time to figure out a different strategy just completely blindsided him I've cut them off to for going behind my back like that when I do have a family to take care of legally and morally he did nothing wrong and I'm seeing so many people that just think he's an a****** because his parents was giving him an allowance as a full grown man I wonder what they would say to somebody who won the lottery calling them entitled brat because they didn't earn that money and not somebody who just had fortunate events shows how jealous people are just like the sister again who's bad at math
@philwill0123 3 жыл бұрын
I love how people are slamming op for relying on the allowance. However if he didnt need the money, they would be moaning how he didnt need anyway. This is purely sister whinging that OP gets 2 years more payment than her. If parents didnt give adequate warning of the shut off, i would be upset as well.
@emilyrose9854 3 жыл бұрын
@@philwill0123 people keep telling me that he should have been prepared well before then like having a better paid job and or investing the savings which may have worked for his parents but it's not a guarantee in the slightest check out what happened with GameStop and there are some people that are even saying that he shouldn't have taken that money at all to me they just seem jealous of the situation because they likely never had that kind of opportunity probably always having to struggle to me both the sister and the parents are in the wrong the sister for going behind his back just to spite him because there's no other reason to say it after she already had her time and the parents for never bringing it up until they just cut him off I have brought up possible reasons why the situation is what it is such as besides the allowance the parent probably didn't pay anything else like college or the wedding and because of where they live everything besides just rent cost so much more including insurance and that possibly they live there because that was part of the terms and conditions of the allowance most likely being close to the parents which to me would be controlling but that's OP's choice regardless if we had more information I would contest whether or not OP is dumb with money only if he chose to live in a high-cost area of his own volition but being grandfathered into a place again makes me think that his parents are involved in a lot of this making those conditions I don't really know all the rules when it comes to grandfathered in but nothing he's done has shown me any signs of malicious intent so to me he's not an a****** at all both legally and morally he didn't do anything wrong in the situation I do admit when it comes to Reddit stories you do have to kind of take it at face value but there are some wording of reading in between the lines to give you an idea on how this person feels about the situation I do admit that completing a pregnancy does kind of sound weird but does not make anyone a bad person and now though people on Reddit and hear on KZbin have seem to make up their own story trying to read Beyond the Lines without any thought process of why things might not be the way they are and acting like they're facts that just peeves me off all they seem to focus on Is that he's getting money from his parents
@slayedkill187 3 жыл бұрын
I love how people are pointing out that opinion story 2 should grow up but the sister is still living home with the parents and nobody's telling her the same thing she's still benefiting from the same thing she's trying to stop him from benefiting from whether they're paying her directly or not there was no mention of her paying them rent for living with them it best to be at everyone sucks there
@reinwolf534 3 жыл бұрын
Op did say she doesn't pay rent
@slayedkill187 3 жыл бұрын
@@reinwolf534 if I missed that part thanks but if she still benefited from it for the full time that she was supposed to then got mad because he had a child it's still hypocritical to me because she's still benefited and they're making one rule for one child and one for another are they at different points in their life yes when I see you so much on these videos that people get mad for parents having favoritism over one child over the other and this is obviously favoritism they were quick to cut him off because she asked them to don't seem like they actually chose to they just listen to her not to say that they're not responsible for their own actions though either
@reinwolf534 3 жыл бұрын
@@slayedkill187 I agree with you on all of it. I was just saying op did say that she was staying rent free with the parents. The parents are favoring the daughter and still helping her financially technically because she lives with them.
@slayedkill187 3 жыл бұрын
@@reinwolf534 that's why I started with thinks I might have missed that part so thank you for pointing it out that I missed it I was I'm sincere about that
@Mariet31 3 жыл бұрын
I don't agree, the parents and OP are stupid. The parents should have used that money on a saving account for him to help him to buy a house or something to invest. Either way, the should have told him in advance that they would cut the money to give him time to prepare. OP is an idiot and financially irresponsible, how on Earth was he expecting his parents to always financially support him? Why didn't he get a better paid job? All that money could have been used to buy a property and he used it to make his life easier.
@rossvegas1346 3 жыл бұрын
I’m surprised by the responses to the second story. It feels like everyone in the comments was just bitter that they didn’t get money from their parents and instead of looking at the scenario as a whole, they were only judging it based on the fact that they were mad and jealous about OP’s money. OP wasn’t asking for judgement about whether or not it’s cool that he gets money from his parents, he was asking for judgement about the situation. They had an agreement and OP was doing his spending and saving with that additional income factored in. The parents gave him no notice that he would no longer get that additional income, and now he has to restructure his finances because of it. Also I feel like people were just glossing over the fact that he said part of the income from his parents went to rent and the rest went into savings. He IS being responsible by putting it into savings, presumably to be used once his allowance ran out at 30. I’m on mobile so I can’t rewind the video without throwing my comment away but from memory I think it was a $3000 allowance every month until 30, and I think OP was 26. If I’m doing the math correctly... that’s about $144,000 that he was expecting that he will no longer be getting. The commenters were blinded by their bitterness about his privilege. The short of it is that they had an agreement, and the sister convinced the parents to end that agreement early. Should OP have established himself better and not relied so much on his parents’ money? Yeah, probably. But that’s not the issue here. That’s not what we’re here to debate or discuss. And why should OP allow his sister to see his kid? She took away money from the kid by convincing the parents to stop the payments. If she had wronged him in any other way, would people still think his sister was entitled to see his kid? Like if she had stolen from him, insulted him, or screwed him over in some other way?
@Chubbasaurus 3 жыл бұрын
All this, not to mention she lives rent free with the parents and is apparently still getting money! She's the biggest AH here, followed by the parents.
@basicimagemarketing6499 2 жыл бұрын
*slow clap*
@causegryffindor2450 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2: I get that OP seems entitled in the story, but overlooking the trust fund aspect I would understand that OP is pissed. OP literally had the rug pulled from underneath them with no time to prepare thanks to the sister. The parents promised the trust would be paying out till thirty only to pull the plug early without talking to OP about it because the sister decided that OP was grown ass adult and didn’t need it. I say ESH. If I was the parents, I would’ve given OP six months warning so they had time to get their shit together. Any issues after is on OP. Imagine if someone were on welfare relying on this money and they got their check pulled without warning because someone in government decided their were a grown ass adult.
@WatsonAndDaughter 3 жыл бұрын
I was with you until the end there. Most people on welfare are doing their best and struggle to survive through no fault of their own. OP chooses to live outside his means and work a job that can't sustain his lifestyle because mommy and daddy keep giving him all the money he needs. Maybe actually having to struggle will teach this asshole how to manage money. 🤔 Sorry, but it just isn't a fair comparison.
@AngelaMerici12 3 жыл бұрын
I also see it this way. And the sister is living with the parents 😆!! Which is not bad but she doesn't have to think about paying for her own place.
@causegryffindor2450 3 жыл бұрын
@@WatsonAndDaughter You’re right. That wasn’t a fair comparison, but I still think that the parents more or less are at fault here. They shouldn’t have given OP that kind of money if he intended not to fully work his early adult life. But they did and they ended up doing another extreme by pulling the rug without warning.
@Park-Kim_VMin 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3. NTA it's none of her business what the surgery is for anyway, and she was publicly trying to shame you, so you did it back karma it'll bite you every time.
@fishsticks3729 3 жыл бұрын
Trust fund story: not the ah. It seems people don’t realize that getting 3k a year was a given for op because 1. His sister received the full amount 2. It was promised 3. The parents can pay it as far as op knows. It’s such an ass move to get mad that your brother still gets 3k a month from ur parents when you don’t anymore because you turned 31, and still live at home. Although OP sounds entitled to people because we are not all treated like this by our parents, being that this was a family norm, that was completed for OPs sister, op is not entitled, and his sister is an ass. Just because people are more privileged than us does not mean they are entitled when that privilege is taken unfairly. It’s the same as when ur parents say “well kids in Africa dont even have food, so you should finish ur plate/be grateful/ etc” like, remember how u felt when they said that. Just because we have more/others have more doesn’t mean they cannot struggle, it does not make a rich person going through a tough time any more entitled than a poor person going through a tough time. Tough time is defined differently for everyone and there is always someone who has it worse who would think ur entitled if u found op entitled.
@Mariet31 3 жыл бұрын
There is also the factor that they didn't tell him in advance they would stop give him the money, that would give him time to make the arrangements. I think the communication was the problem, but I also think OP is extremely irresponsible for using that money as an extension of his salary. The parents should have put that money into saving account for him to buy a house... or invest the money properly. Imagine using extra cash which is intended for a limited period of time for rent.... OP is dumb, VERY.
@fishsticks3729 3 жыл бұрын
@@Mariet31 sure they may be dumb, but that’s not being an ass hole, but yeah, it seems pretty dumb
@ShatoraDragondore 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1: NTA MIL doesn't sound like she has a real allergy, who knows maybe it developed suddenly. But SO not knowing about it even if he was kicked out young a lack of BBJs growing up should have been a clue. It sounds like MIL didn't like OP was doing a big kind gesture for some one and over shadowing her.
@mpmansell 3 жыл бұрын
Wedding: NTA. Personally I'd have called the police on all of them. The family didn't show up to report OP and his wife. They turned up to cause drama. Write it up. Use screen shots. Describe every action and send copies of that to everyone who was invited and everyone criticising.
@YoZakuraStore 3 жыл бұрын
"I choose you snorlax" Mark whispering: "no no no squirtle" Me: I LIKE SANDSLASH
@didyasaysomethin2me 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1: She was so allergic to the cake that she was willing to ignore the risk of triggering an allergic reaction from exposure to residue when she picked it up and threw it. Something certainly was triggered. But it had very little to do with allergies.
@HackiePuffs 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1: NTA. If MIL is allergic to almonds fine but she could’ve said so or passed on the cake no one was forcing her to eat it. Instead she decided to flip out smash the cake and ruin the night for everyone and make it all about her I would do the same thing. I’d honestly cut her out of my life. If anyone else has a problem with that it’s my life my choices DEAL WITH IT!!
@t.matthies3049 3 жыл бұрын
In fairness, some people with severe allergies (usually peanut allergies) can go into shock if they come into contact with anything that has touched the allergen (or even smell it). However, given that she was able to throw the cake without having to go to the hospital, I suspect her allergy is not that level of severity. Also, people with allergies that severe are usually hypervigilant about making sure there are no allergens around.
@MrJpaynebb 3 жыл бұрын
NTA. The only opinion that OP needs on her side for this is her husband's because that's his mother. Husband kicked her out and he didn't have an issue with OP calling the police to escort MIL off property for trespassing. Everyone else can piss off. It's not OP's job to tolerate outrageous idiotic behavior in her own home from anyone.
@diepssuarez2676 3 жыл бұрын
@@t.matthies3049 As someone with dangerous allergies myself, that is NOT how you react. You tell them "Oh, sorry, I can't eat almonds." And stay away from the cake. You don't flip out and start destroying everything! Was it a bit rude to make an almond cake when she couldn't eat it? Yes. Was it rude enough to warrant her behavior? No!
@harrypotter2700 3 жыл бұрын
@@t.matthies3049 That’s a fair point but if she was able to physically grab and throw the cake to destroy it without risk then I highly doubt that the allergy was severe enough to harm her by just being nearby. I should clarify that I saw that point in your comment and I’m agreeing with you, I realize it sounds like I’m arguing.
@Mewse1203 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1: NTA She wouldn't leave.
@songohan3321 3 жыл бұрын
Play stupid games and win stupid prizes. In this instance she played 2 stupid games and she the prize she won was to be shown the door.
@groofromtheup5719 3 жыл бұрын
It doesn't matter what happened before, If you are told to leave by the homeowner, you leave. Call the cops if they refuse because they are criminally trespassing at that point. The hissy-fit about the cake, or the fact that she is a crap parent, is irrelevant to the question.
@itsjustmaddisen 2 жыл бұрын
And the BIL needs to shut his mouth. Nobody asked what he thought about it.
@reptiles3244 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2 nta his sister got his parents to cut off the money altogether where she got everything. His parents were the ones who decided to give him the money to begin with but they were not the ones decided to end it it was his sister don't let up o.p never let that manipulative twat you call a sister see your kid again
@b.f.2461 3 жыл бұрын
Re: Story 3. It's not well known that plastic surgeons are the go-to doctors for hand surgery. I had one fix a severed tendon in my thumb. Just so I could use my hand, not to make it look good.
@pansprayers 3 жыл бұрын
Naw, call the cops if the main ringleader refuses to leave. I actively avoid circuses, and clowns freak me out. If you're allergic to something, protip: Do what I do, ask what's in the food, and don't eat it, but don't depend on others to pander to you, especially if you don't say anything about it, FFS.
@Park-Kim_VMin 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1. NTA the last redditor is right she was on his property, also all she had to say was oh I have a nut allergy I can't eat nuts and avoided the cake all together. Instead she chose to destroy the cake that the other ones could ate, a good cake wasted. 😣😭😭😔Poor cake
@moonbear5929 3 жыл бұрын
Whenever I think my family is impossible and fucked up, I listen to these stories and I know my family isn't that bad or toxic. It's a strange mood booster.
@destinysphinx27 3 жыл бұрын
Story 4: ok, so the family wanted to celebrate OPs wedding but without his new wife... what were they celebrating then? OPs marriage to thin air?? No way near being an AH, OPs family however...
@Jennifer_helen 3 жыл бұрын
“Ichoseyousnorlax... nonono...squirtle” Excuse me mark Bulbasaur Edit spelling
@Pidgeyato 3 жыл бұрын
bulbasaur is the only correct choice /j
@Bleg94 3 жыл бұрын
@@Pidgeyato the only correct choice if it is about not choosing^^
@candlegal10311 3 жыл бұрын
Um you misspelled Eevee
@Jennifer_helen 3 жыл бұрын
@@candlegal10311 oh damn, I’m so sorry Bulbasaur and/or Eevee My mistake 😅
@Bleg94 3 жыл бұрын
@@candlegal10311 Eevee is nice and all, but not a starter Pokemon^^
@sylvestercat1898 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3: NTA. I might have mentioned this before but I am getting jaw surgery that is considered cosmetic because it will change my facial features. Luckily no one in my life claims that I’m doing this to be “more beautiful.” There’s such a stigma for cosmetic surgery that you have ignorant people like the friends gf in the world.
@MsBELLE7 3 жыл бұрын
I had plastic surgery as a BABY because my kidneys and bladder wernt connected properly. Which caused me to have a belly button that stuck out about an inch and half, the plastic surgeon my mom worked for at the time gave me a new belly button. Not all plastic surgery is cosmetic, it can be medically necessary. Plenty of people that have plastic surgery because they were born with deformities, or something of the sort. And it becomes medically necessary because of the damage it may be doing to their mental health or ability to work which makes it more medical than cosmetic. Plastic surgeons at the end of the day help a person look the way, or feel the way that they feel inside...so yeah that chick needs to chill.
@wmdkitty 3 жыл бұрын
That's corrective surgery, not plastic surgery.
@MsBELLE7 3 жыл бұрын
@@wmdkitty it's done by plastic surgeons though, even if it is corrective it's still a form of plastic surgery. Plastic surgery can be for cosmetic or reconstructive purposes.
@Lycagon231 3 жыл бұрын
Here me out yes op spoil in the trust fund story but I would be mad if my older siblings say we don’t need this any more when they got it for longer than me she 31 op 27 I think that stupid like when my sibling got older my parents tried to treat me like them till I pointed out the age gaps between us and so when I’m there age I will be treated the same as they were but not till that age
@PoisonedTongue 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2: asking “what was your plan when the trust fund ran out?” as some sort of gotcha! is total bullshit, as if there was no way op didn’t have some sort of long term plan. NTA, and the sister is a hag. Of course they’re suddenly “too old” for the trust fund when the sister is literally *too old* for the trust fund. I wouldn’t let her see my kid either, especially if she screwed my family over that badly
@shecoda4402 3 жыл бұрын
Story #2 OP NTA I had a similar situation. Somebody gave me money every year for "Christmas for the kids" I appreciated every penny of it, made for better Christmas than we could ever afford (we both worked but regular bills and rent took just about every penny). One year it didn't happen. The person had every right to not give us money and I never asked why as it was truly none of my business why. I still felt every second of that loss and for several years. It hurt because Christmas was a lot less at that point. I feel for OP because he was promised, he depended on that promise and without warning he was cut off at the worst time ever (pandemic). I would never trust that sister around or near my baby or home because who knows what she might do next. She is untrustworthy. She does not have OP's or baby OP's best interest at heart.
@kerribottriell-baxter7345 3 жыл бұрын
Last story: I wonder if OP could ask for a transfer to a different hospital or practice to elsewhere. Take his wife and son away from those... things...?
@saotomesakura8648 3 жыл бұрын
And dont forget, they showed up to a WEDDING unannouced. They is a reason, the couple always wants to get RSVP. So they could plan the entertainment and especially the FOOD. Imagine OP let them in, and them, being at a wedding, demanded food, because... it's wedding... and OP had none to give them? Like, would they just accept it? I doubt it. They would make another scene, because how dare their son not to take care of his family at his wedding? Especialy after they were so kind and showed up? How dared he, not know, that they would come and didnt get enough food? It probably the brides fault, that she is so vile, and didn't want them there, and breaking off their son from HIS family. How DARE she embarrass them so much? Yeah, no. Police was the best course of action.
@mysticaccy 3 жыл бұрын
Why do people need their family to approve or come to the wedding, people always forget that you are marrying your SO not the family
@memorysdancer 3 жыл бұрын
Last story... wow that's beyond delusional, almost psychotic! Who comes to a wedding but thinks they can ignore the bride??? The logic is astounding!
@cjandauntieyaya1446 3 жыл бұрын
Story 4: OP is NTA because his family is TOXIC! Like they found out that they couldn't cancel by not coming, so they arrived to cause a scene.
@catandrobbyflores 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3: nta you poke the bear you dont get to be upset when, where, and how it reacts.
@TheAuthorgal 3 жыл бұрын
MiL: I’m allergic to almonds! Proceeds to grab cake with almonds. Also, she’s lucky it didn’t hurt someone. Especially if it was on glass plate.
@fcold9402 3 жыл бұрын
3. NTA. Since when are.wedding crashers ever allowed in. Though there should not have been an arguement only the word "leave" and a shut door in your dads face.
@Ghostcyborg71 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2: the guy is clearly privileged but thats what everyone is stuck on, and not the fact that all their plans for life suddenly got burned up in their face while the sister got to live hers out without issues. You wouldn't want contact with someone like that either. NTA
@ericajacobson2683 3 жыл бұрын
Story 4 is insane. Groom's family said "You Can't Sit With Us!"
@smellyolegoat150 3 жыл бұрын
I strongly disagree with every comment Mark read on story two. I really feel like all of those people were so blinded with jealousy and judgment because OP was benefiting from a trust fund, that they forgot every “woke” moral stance people on Reddit tend to espouse. The comments upset me as much as the selfish, entitled, hypocrite of a sister’s actions. How does everyone ignore the fact that the sister is suddenly concerned for her parents the first year after she’s lost her stipend? How does everyone ignore the fact that the sister still benefits from living at home with her parents. How does everyone ignore the fact that OP has been very responsible with this money? He chose to keep a job that allowed him to be a good husband and father, rather than a stressed out, over worked, unhappy, absentee husband and father. There was absolutely nothing wrong with that. As a matter of fact, I would call that the right choice. OP was told he would receive those payments from 16-30. He has received them for 10 years. His sister apparently received them the entire 14 years she was told she would. There was absolutely no reason for OP not to count on that money as it had been promised to him as it had been to his sister. None of us know what OP’s plans were when that money stopped coming in. Everything I read told me he was responsible enough to make whatever adjustments were necessary when the time came. In my opinion this was probably the work of a bitter, jealous, spoiled, woman who because she lives with the parents has undue influence over them. How many times have a heard people go off on Reddit about parents breaking promises to their children? How many times have I heard people on Reddit go off about parents treating one child preferentially over another? How many times have I heard people on Reddit go off about parents prioritizing the mooch living off them at home over the kid that goes out and actually creates a life for him or herself. Personally I think a bunch of green eyed monsters wrote those comments. For those whom have never heard that phrase. It refers to people being green with envy, simply put, very jealous.
@DivaViews 3 жыл бұрын
No tolerance for cake abuse!
@Acidfunkish 3 жыл бұрын
Hope everyone's having a good day! Do something just for yourself today, please! Also: HOW DARE YOU RUIN A CHEESECAKE! It wasn't even HER birthday. Who does that?! I make cheesecake with an almond flour base, and it's fantastic. 👍🏻
@precious_toebeans 3 жыл бұрын
I will do this strictly because someone told me to
@Acidfunkish 3 жыл бұрын
@@precious_toebeans Please do. 😊 We often forget to take care of ourselves, when we're focusing on others. You're important, too!
@AngelaMerici12 3 жыл бұрын
I would call the cups and then pick up that cheesecake. Come on!!! Who does that!!
@jackspring7709 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1: Wait a sec: if she has a nut allergy how can she possible live with herself?! :D
@depressedglub32 3 жыл бұрын
That girl from story 3 doesn't get privacy when she tried bringing up your medical situation in a public call. If she doesn't like it how does she think you feel?
@bonniebaldridge1248 3 жыл бұрын
Cake Story: NTA, cripes, some kook throws a cake, yeah, call the cops, OUT she goes! Wedding Crashers: NTA! Your family, now that's another story. Good God, I'd no idea there were so many assholes in the world!!
@superpotatogod 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2 is a perfect example of why you shouldn't trust reddit for judgements, all those comments are looking at the large amounts of money and immediately judging by that and not the actual situation. The sister intentionally took away the money that OP needed to take care of their child without warning while still being supported herself when she still lives with them, this is straight up unfair treatment from the parents if not blatant favoritism. If the parents think they should cut off support that's fine but there needs to be notice so OP can adjust their lifestyle beforehand and the same treatment needs to be given to the sister, if OP gets no support then the sister shouldn't get to live with the parents rent free, plain and simple.
@gelibeanzcantrell7192 3 жыл бұрын
"where there is cake, there is hope. and there is always cake." unless OP's MIL from story 1 is there 🙄
@abbyjackson5288 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2 even if you think op is a spoilt trust fund baby, you can't just drastically change someone's financial situation without warning!
@potato-rp2bf 3 жыл бұрын
Did no one read the trust fund story? The sister is 30 and living with her parents. For her the $3k WAS extra spending money. She got it until the end date. OP did not. If the sister had suggested it while she was still under 30, I would say op was tbe AH, but this is clearly a situation where the sister is an asshole
@lulospawn 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2 NTA. I usually hate trust fund kids but you can't just pull the plug on someone like that. Specially bc there is no record of OP being nasty to parents or anything. I'm not heartbroken about not-so-poor OP's fate, but his (and his family's) life got unnecessarily complicated because his sister decided to be self-righteous.
@leelee7731 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2. I’d ban the sister from my life also. Sister made sure to get her full payment until 30. The sister happily screwed with a situation she had no business in. She caused problems. One month is a massive change to shift your life. Sorry Additionally if you depend on a promise and that promise is rescinded to your financial loss, it is recoverable in a lawsuit. For example if I put a non refundable deposit done and you have promised to pay the rest. But you then change your mind and don’t, and I lose my deposit because I depended on your promise I can sue you and win my losses. Sister is terrible! Parents are terrible also. To not give any notice to this cut off! He well might have a lease, he sure will have made living and job decisions based upon this promised amount. Now he has had the rug ripped from under his feet. It doesn’t matter if he was gaining this advantage from his parents deal. They had no legal right to rip up his life abs break this promise he depended upon. That is the kind of thing that destroys relationships for life! If they really wanted to stop they should have discussed it with him. Let him make the changes he would need and pay off his responsibilities like a lease he can no longer afford. Give up a job he cannot keep because of housing costs etc. He will need to change his him, his work, any kids schools. Effect a move and is on the hook for current costs he cannot cover with the need to make an expensive life change. I’d hate people who ripped the rug out without giving me a chance to stand on the floor first
@marist6734 3 жыл бұрын
@2:20 Mark: realizes he can’t swear otherwise he’ll get demonetized. 😝
@81babyruthluv 3 жыл бұрын
I'll be the devil's advocate: I would be mad at my sister too (gasp!). She got four more years of money than you did, that is upsetting. True, you are an adult now and you need to learn to take care of yourself. I sense some long-term simmering sibling rivalry here. It's probably more than not receiving your money; have you and you sis not gotten along in your life? It's up to you whether or not your sister can see your kid, but make sure you are doing it for the right reasons.
@KCCAT5 3 жыл бұрын
4. The aunt said you don't treat family like that? After what they did to this poor woman? GTFO! NTA
@TheSignGuy1234 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2: I'm gonna say NTA Mainly due to lack of communication. The OP is not a mind reader nor can he see the future, if he had known ahead of time they were gonna cut him off early, he would've been able to prepare earlier. This whole situation about the allowance should've been discussed between the OP, his sister, and his parents. I wouldn't really call it "being spoiled brat" because this whole thing was just sprung on him without warning. Again the OP is not a mind reader nor can he see the future. None of you can convince me that you wouldn't have the same reaction as him if put in the same situation. Sure refusing to let them see his kid is dickish, but so is not involving him in the conversation that effects him like this, actions have consequences.
@philipquenault5102 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2 - I think NTA. A lot of those comments saying YTA are channelling a lot of their own jealousy. In context he was promised the money until a certain age. I don't think OP would be the AH for not letting his sister see his kid. After all why would you want someone around your family who literally has done something that negatively impacts your family unit. Though OPs parents are AHs for not teaching their children about fiscal responsibility. IE Daughter living at home and OP relying solely on his parents money to pay his rent. OP is an AH for the separate reason of being fiscally irresponsible and dependant on his parents money that he'd have to plan for this exact same scenario when he's 30.
@joimumu 3 жыл бұрын
If Op wanted to petty to his sister after she screwed him over then that’s his right, that being said he will have to live with his choices both good and bad
@maryashton8365 3 жыл бұрын
I think the sister in the trust fund story needs to back off. She got her money until 30, she lives rent free with her parents, she is sitting bloody pretty and should not interfere in the trust fund agreement for her brother. If the parents were having financial difficulties they could have discussed it with the brother before cutting him off without any notice. If they are not in difficulties they should be ashamed of themselves for backing out of the agreement.
@WolframKKM 3 жыл бұрын
It's great coming down to the comments and seeing all the NTAs on Story 2. He plans his life around what is a essentially a second income and expects he won't have to have to adjust that lifestyle for another 2 years. He should have been better prepared but I don't blame him for not expecting to be blindsided by his own fucking parents of all people. *Especially* since his sister got her money right up until she was 30 and is continuing to live with their parents until this day. I wouldn't speak to the sister for a loooong time and kiddo is probably better off without her for example of how to be a money-grubbing eldest sibling.
@kookybadger156 3 жыл бұрын
Although if the MIL in the first story did a Lonely Island impersonation and screamed "I threw it on the grooooouuuuunnndddd" then they're redeemed.
@roelthas 3 жыл бұрын
Cut contact! You don't mess with cake. 😤
@Ichigo-by4ln 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1: Did she mention what was in the cake? Was it visible? Or did she just go "There's that cake she made" and then smash it?
@keikoscorner4176 3 жыл бұрын
The final story makes me so mad. People are talking about the obvious family idiots, but what about the friends? I would have told them to shut up and leave if they would let people who would hurt my SO near us. My SO is my world and the person I love. If they really were my friends they would understand what we were going through. I've burnt bridges before and after weddings and it messed me up further when people I called friends refused to understand or even hear my side and assume they know everything and demand I get over it.
@RainMakeR_Workshop 2 жыл бұрын
No one is EVERY the AH for removing someone unwanted from their HOME!
@DystopianOverture 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2: I'm not understanding Reddit here, the money isn't the true issue it's the favouring towards the sister. Soon as she got all she can at 30, she made sure her younger brother was cut off, even tho he's not 30 yet. The parents are enabling the sister to sabotage the brother. I get the feeling if OP was a woman, and the sibling was the older brother, Reddit would be screaming NTA.
@LillyianPuppy 3 жыл бұрын
I know this wasn't the point of his post, but after listing all the things wrong with his wife, including being unattractive, I really would have really liked to hear some of those positive traits he says he loves about her. lol
@carg0_b00m 3 жыл бұрын
he was naming the reasons mom didnt approve of the wife.
@AprilTrix 3 жыл бұрын
LillyianPuppy- same bro. I mean, His family is still a dumpster fire, but some little something in the back of my brain makes me think his story is a little 'off', I guess... Can't explain it. Idk
@kimmmerkim5811 3 жыл бұрын
Well he did say there were HUNDREDS of reasons why she was the one for him. I just don't think he saw any truth to their B.S.
@oliviabean8264 3 жыл бұрын
NTA on story one for sure, a nice little birthday cake can go for upwards of 40 bucks where I live, she refused to leave private property where she was being extremely disruptive to put it nicely, and she should have been disowned by the entire family years ago from the sounds of it. Kicking out a young kid from your home with no proper explanation should be the last straw for a family member, not just the start of a somewhat awkward family dynamic.
@Scherzkeks4104 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2: For arguments sake, let's say that op won the lottery, and chose to get the money paid out on a monthly basis. That money is included in his financial planning, since op knows that he will get 3000 a month until he is 30yo. Now all of a sudden, from one day to another, the bank doesn't send the money anymore and closes the account. That would be grounds for suing and nobody would call op the AH. Why here? If you talk about money in this magnitude, you have to consult both parties first if you want to change something. The parents are BIG AHs for just cutting off OP without at least talking to him beforehand. Like wtf? Edit to NTA
@oliviabean8264 3 жыл бұрын
NTA on the second story, I may not have as much sympathy for him as many OP's as he's in a relatively ok situation due to having a healthy mindset with the mindsey parents where giving him, kudos on that... but I have WAY LESS SYMPATHY for the sister. She sounds like she was just jeoul9us and spiteful and at the very least is a disingenuous hypocrite of the highest order given she still completely depends on them to put a roof over her head but felt okay saying that when OP had just had a ficken baby. In my opinion many of the YTA come off as people themselves being jeolous A-holes which is ironic, they completely focus on his situation while forgetting that the sister responsible is still completely dependant on them and is therefore being scummy and disingenuous and is actually the one manipulating the parents using that dependant relationship in a sense. I say that as someon in a similar situation as her.
@missantlers1821 3 жыл бұрын
“And I choose you Snorlax-” *whispers* “No no no Squirtle” x3 Okay that's made my entire day xD
@mbyerly9680 3 жыл бұрын
The cake is a lie, ( but delicious! ) -- Portal.
@ChuckleberryFinn 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2: wow! I am the farthest thing from rich, not a fan of spoiled brats but just wow! So he's under the assumption of payment till 30, doesn't piss it away, uses it to live comfortably and work a job they don't have to hate...SPOILED!!! Sister does get her money till 30, obviously wasted it (remember still lives at home) and she's right!?! Really!?! Sounds like some people just wanna hate and lack any perspective.
@AaaaNinja 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1 - Lol somebody ought to be the AH for even allowing MIL to come to the party in the first place.
@Tammohawk1 3 жыл бұрын
First Story: NTA WTF is the matter with that woman? That is over the top dramatic and I would have called on her too. Throwing perfectly good cheesecake because you say you have an almond allergy. Whatever, no excuse for bad behavior. Fourth Story: NTA How do you celebrate with only one person who just got married? Really? I don't blame OP.
@loris1620 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1 isn't just trespassing. Throwing things is considered domestic violence.
@josephbrown9665 3 жыл бұрын
So the sister got her money living in her parents house the entire time and she decided to stop her brothers money when he was working a plan. He is not a asshole because he said that he was only working in his lower paying job for his child so he could have more time with his kid . He had a plan for his future with his wife and son. He was going to get a better job and his wife was going back into the work force. He had a plan set up with his parents money coming in to finish getting his son to school age and then his wife would start working and he was getting to find a new job that pays more.
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