r/Revenge + r/AssholeTax - HOW I BANK ROLLED MY STUPID BOSS!

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@warrentreadwelljr.treadwel2694 3 жыл бұрын
As a proud parent myself but having been extremely abused growing up, I understand what it took to work up the courage and report everything. I ran at 15 and it took a long time to fix my self esteem and to believe I was worth standing up for myself. As a parent, I am so proud and happy you are recovering.
@artemisofthemoonandhunt1486 4 жыл бұрын
The frozen apartment story: Markee, this is exactly who you want as your roommate. That completely legal takedown was EPIC!
@coltalexis5174 3 жыл бұрын
you all probably dont care but does anybody know of a tool to get back into an instagram account?? I was stupid forgot the login password. I love any tricks you can give me!
@bradleycharles9108 3 жыл бұрын
@Colt Alexis Instablaster ;)
@JanieBgrand Жыл бұрын
Wrong. Not legal.
@steveadams7592 4 жыл бұрын
A-hole: "Y'all need to stop shooting guns and leave!" OP: "I own this land." A-hole: "I'm calling the sheriff." OP: "Be my guest." It's hilarious watching a-holes double down with no chips on the table.
@TheNormExperience 4 жыл бұрын
What’s odd is apparently how often this happens. I have a friend who heard these stories a lot but only experienced it when he bought extra land next to his family’s ranch. Crazy lady decided that since the old land owner used to let her ride her horse on the land whenever she wants, she can not on only continue to do so, but order the new owner to leave when she’s there. She’s gone nuts on them doing archery/shooting on his OWN land. No matter how he tells her she is trespassing she refuses to believe she doesn’t have ‘ownership from constant use’ which isn’t a thing. He finally just started calling the cops everytime he sees her. She STILL shows up.
@Foxxie0kun 3 жыл бұрын
@@TheNormExperience A consistent history of trespassing should factor into maybe getting her charged with harassment or something that'll involve tangible consequences (A fine, jail time, community service, etc.). Heck, maybe the old bat has dementia and needs to be confined to an assisted living center for people with alzheimers/dementia?
@saigyl9149 4 жыл бұрын
9:00 since when did the employer give a 2 week notice, that's for when you're quitting not being fired
@brianshoman1723 4 жыл бұрын
That confused me also.
@AshenTechDotCom 3 жыл бұрын
some places its the "norm" for either side to give notice unless its something drastic warranting instant firing.
@WobblesandBean 3 жыл бұрын
That's because it's a very likely a fake story. Reddit's fulla those.
@jaggirl 3 жыл бұрын
Nice thing to do I guess. But I've never heard of any company giving you notice of firing you..lol
@llcdrdndgrbd 3 жыл бұрын
My current employment contract specifies a 4 month notice for quitting or being terminated, but also this is in no way legally binding. Most US states are at will, meaning the 2 week notice is not actually legally binding for the worker.
@Drago_Whooves 4 жыл бұрын
I didn't realise this was a 3 hour vid when i clicked it, still watched the whole thing, good content
@alexfelix6699 4 жыл бұрын
Same here. I was doing a 2 hour drive for work, so I played it while heading out, and when I returned back (another 2 hours), finshed it and then started a few more. Fastest 4 hour drive
@08codys90 4 жыл бұрын
Drove from indiana to washington. Markee made this whole drive possible. Just put on a long one and keep hitting next. Hands free entertainment for hours. Sooo much better than radio static
@quiet2365 4 жыл бұрын
Basically heaven
@Sight-Beyond-Sight 4 жыл бұрын
Same. Stuck at work and not much anything else to do...
@shadowswithanxiety 4 жыл бұрын
Lol same
@juliebaker6969 3 жыл бұрын
My husband is 62 and he can STILL hear that high pitched whine. He avoids the stores that have it like the plague.
@daveholden2711 4 жыл бұрын
Illegal tree cutting: In my state is treble damages. That means each tree cut down is assessed for it's lumber value, then that number is tripled. FOR EACH TREE!
@jaggirl 3 жыл бұрын
That's a good call..👍
@ladykay5891 3 жыл бұрын
Well that’s good. Ya each tree can be used after for lumber. But what about the loss of environmental protection? Animal habitats? Property values? Some places the tree makes the property look better.
@marialindell9874 3 жыл бұрын
@@ladykay5891 Also the fee can cover planting new trees or samplings back to keep it sustainable
@WobblesandBean 3 жыл бұрын
Gotta love Tree Law!
@heididietrich9800 3 жыл бұрын
That OP with her mom was like The Incredible Hulk. Don't make me angry, you wouldn't like it when I'm angry. But Hulk used the phone instead. Good job in speaking up for yourself, OP! By the way, you wouldn't happen to be green, would you? Lol.
3 жыл бұрын
I drive a truck and I came across your channel several hours ago. You are by far my favorite Reddit narrator and I will now binge your videos everyday listening to them while I drive. Love you, my wonderful Australian Daddy lol
@linkjsn 4 жыл бұрын
The guy is lucky that he doesn't live in my hometown, $125 for littering. And each piece of litter is a separate ticket.
@hmms5256 4 жыл бұрын
My state has a $750 fine in towns and cities for littering and a $1100 or $1200 fine for littering along the highway and busy roads 🤕 Out of state people are such Karen's about it until the police educate them 😈😂
@linkjsn 4 жыл бұрын
@@hmms5256 Does it apply to each piece of trash?
@hmms5256 4 жыл бұрын
​@@linkjsn Think if it'd they're caught with any rubbish. But if they're dumping that's a whole other offence.
@grootsChannel 4 жыл бұрын
@@hmms5256 what? So if you're caught with some rubbish you were gonna throw away later you'll get fined? Remind me to never go there
@DeathPunk11394 4 жыл бұрын
I am so excited at the fact that this is a few hours long. I love listening while playing games.
@daveholden2711 4 жыл бұрын
"Adult hugged"??? Never heard that one before...
@deshanaewilliams2464 4 жыл бұрын
@clintonstahlman4618 4 жыл бұрын
Forget Adult hugged and read Atlas Shrugged . Perhaps you will learn something!
@daveholden2711 4 жыл бұрын
@@clintonstahlman4618 Oh, please, all I'll learn from that teenager fantasy is how to not think critically about anything, and how Ayn Rand was a hypocrite of the highest order. Nothing she wrote has ANY merit at all.
@brianshoman1723 4 жыл бұрын
@@daveholden2711 LOL, it just meanders endlessly in this cartoonish world, real characters do not exist. It is obvious in the description of John Galt when he firsy appears the author is typing with one hand and doing something else with the other.
@daveholden2711 4 жыл бұрын
@@brianshoman1723 The weird part of Atlas Shrugged was how these supposed rugged individualist CEOs were described as *building* things. NONE of these people would ever have done one minute of *work* in their lives, yet somehow they could physically build, say, a power grid. Yeah, right! One thing for sure NO CEO knows how to DO anything, that's why they have underlings- which are missing in Atlas Shrugged.
@kiratheusagiisworkshop5266 4 жыл бұрын
Charlie is a legend. Bless her.
@chaosreaver3597 4 жыл бұрын
Too right, she went thermonuclear on her family for being hypocritical and planning to throw the wronged party under the bus to save their "image" and then comes out and kisses her lover in front of those scumbags. She sounds like a heroic movie protagonist.
@eph2vv89only1way 3 жыл бұрын
Actually, Brain Games did an episode where they talked about things we lose as we age. We actually do lose the ability to hear some frequencies (and see some colour frequencies too) as we age. My daughter was watching the show with me and they opened with a sound that my daughter heard but I didn’t. They also told us what age we were above according to when we stopped hearing frequencies they played. They were dead on with my daughter and me. It was really interesting.
@emeraldqueen1994 3 жыл бұрын
48 minutes in : I feel bad for the puppies involved EDIT : 1 hour 48 minutes in : I have a friend with fynbomialga and she works as a pet sitter... the mother in this story is just straight up toxic EDIT TWO : I also have PTSD, and my Spyro plush is practically my emotional support animal! Don’t feel bad OP!!
@Audiogeek-kf2ez 4 жыл бұрын
That is a hell of a story. What a beautiful story of young people over coming the hypocritical religious right and their power struggles. You young girls are great. I applaud you girls.
@GoCoyote 3 жыл бұрын
I knew some one who managed a company that provided similar last minute work. But they charged double for last minute jobs. This made it worth their while as the employees could get overtime if they wanted it, and it discouraged clients from not scheduling time better, and helped to make sure that no shop workers got stressed or burned out. He once said "if my employees cannot keep the business going if I want to take a vacation or get sick, I am doing this wrong". He also did not take more vacation time than the maximum time employees took, or buy sports cars when denying wage raises. When he retired, he sold the business to his employees for way below what he could have gotten for it. It is still open as far as I know.
@lauriemeyer7030 Жыл бұрын
As a woman, I heartily approve of the vengeance on that sweet, petite girl who can't wear the GIANT tampons.
@Hedoneo0 4 жыл бұрын
Pizza is the food of the gods
@camwyn256 4 жыл бұрын
Andrea Shore I used to think as you do. So much variety to be had! Then stay at home orders went in. Started cooking pasta. It’s easier to make and has even more variety!
@the_inquisitive_inquisitor 4 жыл бұрын
@@camwyn256 Have you tried making your own pasta from scratch yet? I've been meaning to try it, but my job was deemed "essential" so I haven't had as much free time as a lot of people these days.
@scarletassassin523 4 жыл бұрын
You’re god damn right
@TheFlamingoBird 4 жыл бұрын
Ok so where’s mine?
@potapeto7288 3 жыл бұрын
Yes I make pizza they are food of gods
@sharolynwells 3 жыл бұрын
My mom used to say, You can divorce your spouse, but you can't divorce your kids.
@dennislangston487 3 жыл бұрын
In the food industry , consistency is the key to success . People don't eat at Mickey D's because the food is so good , but because they know just what they will get from coast to coast. More people than you can imagine find ways to become irate when given more than they expected. Years ago I was called to replace a water well pump ( around $450 at the time and checked out by a neighbor, so he knew it was needed ) When I found his minor problem and fixed it , then charged $15 for a service call , he screamed bloody murder about the charge because I was only there for 5 minutes . In retrospect , I should have charged him for the hour and a half round trip drive time on top of the call .
@entertainment-knone9344 4 жыл бұрын
I'm shocked that the "sheriff" didn't arrest the father for child endangerment. Everybody knows that children are required to wear safety gear when riding offroad vehicles, even on private property. CPS should have also been called on the father for that, as well. It's common knowledge that minors are required by law to wear safety equipment when operating ORV (Off Road Vehicles). In some states, you are also required to have a license, safety certificate or permit, even on private property.
@happenstancially4132 3 жыл бұрын
For those attempting to freeze out a crappy neighbor, about 35 degrees is adequate to keep the pipes thawed, but you could go as low as 33 as long as there’s water movement. The slumlord with the $300 security deposit sounds like my old place in NJ 💯
@judyfirpo4422 4 жыл бұрын
Chef Have some of the biggest egos I have ever seen in my life. This particular chef is notorious. I would rather work in the summer roofing, then in the kitchen with a chef!
@user-uj6sc7ls9y 4 жыл бұрын
What is this crap about students working it out amongst themselves in a group project if someone (everyone else) is not pulling their weight? In the adult working world when this happens, the slackers are reported to the boss, who rectifies the situation. The teacher who leaves one kid to do all the work, while everyone else in the group rides on their coat tails, is irresponsible and only teaching the slackers that they can get away with using others.
@toomanyhungrycats0554 3 жыл бұрын
I hate group projects, if the group isn't pulling their weight on day 0 i ask the teacher to work alone because if im going to do things myself anyways id rather not deal with dead weight.
@Falney 4 жыл бұрын
"pillow pizza" That's how I do it. O: It is amazing.
@WobblesandBean 3 жыл бұрын
Heck yeah it is! Nothing beats a thicc, soft pan pizza 🤤
@NazukiraMiyasaki 3 жыл бұрын
The story with Greg at around 4:00 "Stuck up millionaire who thinks he is perfect and spiritual"... I get Onion Boy vibes here, ngl
@MrANTICRAZY 4 жыл бұрын
Ok so my mom drives a Nissan Altima and somehow can never drive in just one lane! She takes up 2 or 3 parking spaces regularly and NEVER uses her turn signal. I dont know how she hasn't had her license suspended. She has had more accidents and tickets than any 5 members of my extended family combined.
@MrANTICRAZY 4 жыл бұрын
If you're ever in Southern California and a navy blue Nissan Altima with a woman with shoulder length brown hair and glasses for your own good pull over.
@WobblesandBean 3 жыл бұрын
This is the first time I've ever heard "data" pronounced as "dhaugh-dhaugh". I can't hear you say it without immediately thinking of the Dadaist movement 😂
@pamelabuczkowske7294 4 жыл бұрын
I had to crack up on the cleaning up after yourself. I do that. Can't help it. I clean up the crumbs and stack my dishes.
@barelyasurvivor1257 4 жыл бұрын
🌟🌟🌟 Oh The Horror, waiting 2 minutes in line at a fast food chicken place.such horrible service Then not noticing 3 uniformed officers in the place and cursing the employees,throwing a fit and making a mess where he ate, then cleaning out his car and littering the parking lot again in front of 3 police officers . Hope he enjoyed his ***hole taxe
@Simkitty 3 жыл бұрын
Re: The Jerk Discount - On the tag line I have on my Book of Faces account I say, "Why would I want to look younger when looking my age gets me discounts and seats on the bus." 😉 😷(laughing under my mask) =^..^=
@nicoletteedwards8750 4 жыл бұрын
I love bubble baths and listened to 2 hours of this while soaking . thank you !
@autumn557 4 жыл бұрын
Don’t stop payments on cheques cost 35$ to do? I could have sworn they cost a fee so it’s dumb to do that in a 60$ cheque just to screw someone over.
@JC-tf2jb 2 жыл бұрын
About that comment in the food distribution thing. The reasons restaurants and other organizations do not donate to food pantries and other organizations is because it leaves the organizations open to law suits. Some bum claims he got food poisoning. Then tries to sue the pantry. Pantry say we got the food here it must be their fault! A few bad apples ruin the bunch. I once worked for an organization that was so worried someone would dumpster dive and say pull out a ladder. We would have to break it to the point it could not even be considered usable in case some bum pulled it out of the dumpster and tried to use it and claimed they got hurt!
@mykaelnyx8821 4 жыл бұрын
Story at 2:16:50 had me laughing. I love it when hypocrites get their comeuppance!
@jaggirl 3 жыл бұрын
Ive met a seemingly slimy looking Pastor like that on the Gold Coast. He's always praying for a church building of his own, instead of using the community hall he's been using, for at least the last 20 years that I know of.. Hmmm, the fruits of his labor. The Freezing Apartment..turning off the heat was bloody brilliant. Evil, but brilliant. Desperation makes you do crazy things...👍😁
@ladytenor9876 4 жыл бұрын
A marvellous marathon 🇦🇺💖🇦🇺😉 Thank you for award-winning stories 🇦🇺💖🇦🇺
@bellajaid 3 жыл бұрын
Private property jerk tax: started that story over and replayed it for my husband. I was laughing so hard I was in tears!
@crotchwolf1929 3 жыл бұрын
2:50 Little Caesars isn't Detroit style pizza, it's a Detroit based chain. Detroit style pizza is a rectangular pizza with a thick crust that's crispy and chewy and is usually topped with Wisconsin brick cheese all the way to the edge and tomato sauce on top of that. Little Caesars dose sells a pizza they call "Detroit style" but the round 5 pizza's you normally get are generic NYC style. Source: I'm a Detroit native.
@Pocketraisins 4 жыл бұрын
@ 22:57 Beware that the term "pre-approved" literally means "before approval". EVERYONE is pre-approved. It does NOT mean you can secure a loan for a vehicle with good terms and payments. I know they intended to mean only go when you have a loan available, but that term is a marketing term to get people to walk in the door. I despise that term for so many reasons. It's deception at its technical finest and nothing but word play.
@chaosreaver3597 4 жыл бұрын
The whole car sales/finance industry is pretty shady. I learned that a problem that has been developing lately is a type of sub-prime sales practice were a salesperson will approve a car loan they know the customer will be unlikely to be able to afford (often over valuing the car), then wait until the customer misses the legally required number of payments, then they will aggressively pursue repossession, slap the customer with fines for breaking the finance contract and then take the car and sell it to some other sucker. I think John Oliver did a video about it. Your would think the government would do something about it but it's unlikely to impact the economy in the same way the housing sub-prime bubble did, so most politicians don't care.
@toastycomfyghosty1891 3 жыл бұрын
the girl with the abusive mother. my heart goes out to her. i think it belongs on raised by narcisists tho
@baileealligood7862 3 жыл бұрын
It would have been illegal to dump and block the driveway. If you don't get paid it's a civil matter. You can not undo the work either. All you can do is take them to court. I have to call that one BS. legal Options: File a Mechanics' Lien on the Property, Sue the Homeowner for Breach of Contract. Dumping a load of fill in their driveway for your recourse is criminal damage.
@camwyn256 4 жыл бұрын
Revenge, like gazpacho soup, is best served cold, precise and without mercy. Because you can never have enough precision in your soup
@chaosreaver3597 4 жыл бұрын
How... how do serve soup... without mercy? Do I even want to know?
@camwyn256 4 жыл бұрын
@@chaosreaver3597 I'll tell you. You don't want to know. And I don't know
@dominicjdunn 4 жыл бұрын
Pizza is all you need, all the important food griups
@LadyAdrasteia 3 жыл бұрын
And just what is wrong with the Nissan Versa? They are peppy, don't take up much space and are good on gas. Wow, that did strike me wrong. Lol
@kellyk6652 3 жыл бұрын
I HATE group projects, but I am LOVING how my current professor assigns them. She posts a discussion thread having people post which city's finances they want to review (governmental accounting class). People sign on to the group if they like that city and when you have the three members needed, she creates a separate discussion thread where everyone posts their progress and she can see it, keeping tabs on every group's progress and communication. She has everyone post what part they are doing and if that part isn't done, that person loses points. If everyone does their part, everyone succeeds. If someone slacks, without proper communication, they take the hit, not the group. I specify the communication because each person was allowed to skip one part of the 4 to allow for scheduling issues.
@ladykay5891 3 жыл бұрын
My ex husband always put the uneaten food onto 1 plate then stacked our dishes and put it all at the end of the table for the wait staff to easily grab even if we were staying longer for more drinks. It’s easier for the staff then reaching across one of us. He was also one who would buy some of our favourite waitresses a flower if he bought me flowers. Oh why do we change as we grow up....
@franktuckwell196 3 жыл бұрын
During the early 1970s we used to meet up in our local pub, this started as a once a week ocurrance but quickly grew to three or four times a week. Also our numbers grew to eventually on average sixteen if us at a time. This was good news for the pub as business was usually pretty slack mid-week. We all eventually went onto the bottled beer which in our opinion was better quality than the draught beer. The downside was that because of the amount of beer we were drinking went up the landlord saw ££££ signs and put the price of the bottled beer up by four pence a pint, thinking ( quick profit ). We revolted by switching back to the draught beer which was about eight pence cheeper per pint. This caused two reactions, firstly loss of non existant quick profit and secondly, better beer because we were drinking it before it went off, on average about 150 / 200 extra pints per week. The last i heard of the pub was in the 2000s and the pub had shut down.
@chaosreaver3597 4 жыл бұрын
I'm not familiar with that particular chef, but I do know 99% of all chefs are completely [expletive]birds who think they are the world's greatest gift to food. How do I know this? One of my brothers is a chef. My family can't take him anywhere to eat. He will always find some small fault with anything he orders and will complain about it, not loudly, but so relentlessly wait staff don't like being anywhere near us (I end up feeling the need to tip them very generously, and I'm British, I'm practically allergic to tipping). Fortunately, he's not anywhere as near as bad when it comes to home cooking, but that's because he thinks "Well you didn't go to culinary school, so you don't know any better", as such he doesn't complain. He is actually a really great guy and his cooking is quite exceptional (I may be biased because he's my brother). But the fact came top of his class of culinary school (not a famous one) and that he became a head chef of a high-end restaurant in just a year after graduating, he has a Jupiter sizes ego when it comes to his job.
@melkiorwiseman5234 4 жыл бұрын
Not-so-Fun Fact: Any loud noise, whether you can perceive it or not, will damage your hearing. If the sound level is high enough, whether it can be perceived or not doesn't matter. It's considered a health hazard and can attract huge fines. Or putting it another way, the pitch of the noise makes no difference to the law. Noise is noise, and loud noise is internationally recognised as being dangerous to health, which is why there are laws to limit how much noise you can make and where and when.
@skyelindsey687 4 жыл бұрын
The college one. I had 2 people pull that shit. 1st was a girl in my Comp 1 class. We had to choose a media source that represented AI. My group was me, 2 girls, and plagiarizer. Night before the first part was due I noticed that plagiarizer’s part was indeed plagiarized. So I spent 3 hours fixing it. It was the best last minute work I ever did. And then she went and reuploaded her original work with more plagiarized shit added to it. I was so pissed because I had done it on blackboard and didn’t think to save a copy on my computer. I contacted my other group members and my professor and apparently my professor could feel my rage and how upset I was through my email. She was removed from the group and all we were told was her grade was given and set in stone. On day of presentation she gives us a poster board that was the same plagiarized information she tried to upload to blackboard. We didn’t use it because we had a PowerPoint. Second guy was in my technical and business writing. We were autoassigned groups. So I was stuck in a group with 3 guys. The first 2 were good and we got everything worked out with all the required meetings planned out with where and medium. The first was in person in campus library. The third guy arrived but barely participated. The second meeting was in the student center and “something came up” so the third guy couldn’t make it. Third meeting online and he had technical difficulties. All of our work was online through Google docs. Which showed he did nothing. After that assignment we filled out a group member assessment. I answered it truthfully and attached screenshots. Second assignment was a class assignment where we had to present it the next day. We had to do pairs and low and behold we were the only two without partners. So auto partner. We work on it that day. And then he never touched it again. I finished and he doesn’t show up the next day we had class. So the professor says to write that your partner wasn’t there for people whose partner wasn’t there that day. Screw that guy.
@jaggirl 3 жыл бұрын
Wow, you need some friends to talk to..😁
@kittykat65 3 жыл бұрын
Glad to hear I'm not the only person who had their kids to clean up after theirselves when going out to eat. I would stack the dishes, cups & or glasses, silverware and trash like napkins. Neatly on the table and I'd give a tip of at least $5 but usually more it depends on the services bad service $5
@georgecharles941 4 жыл бұрын
I'm from eastern Pa, near NYC, and I dated a woman in Milwaukee. I got exposed to thin-crust pizza...I love it! My favorite is Tomaso's in Cedarburg, and my second favorite is Marco's in Milwaukee.
@rmhartman 3 жыл бұрын
Telling them we are fully booked is nothing. He should have taken reservations.
@ljwendel798 4 жыл бұрын
He called nine one one nine eleven 🤣😂 you had to remind us of that fateful day
@kannathraymaker 4 жыл бұрын
I made it to 2:08! But it’s bedtime for me! Thanks 🙏 for the long show the other day!
@faithgilfillan4777 Жыл бұрын
Last story was EPIC INDEED 😂
@SherriLyle80s 3 жыл бұрын
The car thing happened to me. I said no to an upsale. He still put it on the contact and was trying to talk to distract me. I found the item and pointed it out, and he seemed irritated, but took it and redid it, same thing... He tried to put it into the price which changed. I called him out on his BS and said I worked for a car auction where he gets his used cars from... and with a big smile I turn the paper around and slid it back to him. My husband was very impressed when we walked out with his new work truck.
@frogsquared7867 4 жыл бұрын
Guess I’m staying up till 1 am
@michaelbastarache7124 4 жыл бұрын
Where I work? Every day there is a decimal reading record of noise level from the machines we use. Two advantages. #1. Good way to determine what maintenance is needed, such as nipple greasing gears and other moving parts. #2. Ensuring that coworkers are comfortable working, and clearly able to receive/hear pertinent instructions regarding to doing the job and/or not doing the job in a safe manner. Workplace safety is a priority for me. Unfortunately, this is due to bad experiences at *other* places of employment. Absolute nightmare situations. A work safe enviroment is your right!
@alsinakiria 3 жыл бұрын
So I do cut trees on a stranger's property, but I've never made a new trail. We're just maintaining an old one that's been there for decades. He went to live out of the country and we had always been allowed to use the trail by his grandfather so we just started maintaining it ourselves when he moved away. There's no other access to the property other than this old trail so I don't think he would have an issue with people doing free maintenance work for him. We just cut any new trees that come up every 3 years or so and clear any fallen logs. It's actually to his benefit that it looks like the trails are used because illegal loggers cut on property they think the owners aren't paying attention to. If they see fresh tire tracks they aren't likely to cut since they know they'll get caught.
@victorsturdivant4731 3 жыл бұрын
Please understand, the kid has taken note of his father's screwup.
@caninedrill_instructor5861 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Markee, The OP in the pizza story must be confused. Chicago isn't known for thin crust pizza, its known for deep dish. Now New York City is famous ( or infamous ) for its thin crust pizzas.
@the_inquisitive_inquisitor 4 жыл бұрын
Chicago style > New York style
@elizabethduffy2145 4 жыл бұрын
30 now and I can still hear those bloody mosquito things meant to drive away teens. Not only does it hurt, it's disorientating. I hate those things.
@Silver_wind_1987_ 4 жыл бұрын
I have hyper senstive hearing so Yay! .-.
@chaosreaver3597 4 жыл бұрын
I'm in my early thirties too, and those things are a curse. What really irritates me is I'm the oldest brother of 6 other siblings (the youngest of which is barely in his twenties) and I'm the only one who can hear that bloody Mosquito System. They are convinced I'm crazy or suffering from a brain tumour. I swear if I can figure out time travel, I will go back in time and murder the [expletive] [expletive] juggling [expletive] that invented it at birth.
@Soapartisan875 3 жыл бұрын
I’m from Chicago but living in Texas and I miss Chicago style pizza so much .. The crust tastes like sourdough and they add fennel and anise to their meats that give it a very different taste .. I could live on Chicago Italian Beefs and Home Run Inn pizza 😬
@AshenTechDotCom 3 жыл бұрын
i had an instructor who did the "random groups" crap, but at least gave me 2 of my friends as part of the group, the other 3.... would not do anything, they were too busy, too important, etc, best part, they actually said as much in email after email... so, we talked it over, and changed our subject, focused on self entitled people and their behaviors in group settings, the intructor told us to "Deal with any problems yourselves, i wont be involved, you are adults, act like it", even better.... the 3 jackasses bought a shitload of X with their student loans...tried to sell it to everybody in our class.... several people called the cops and came back to class, the 3 got arrested and the gals got out on monday with minimal bail, the guy, because, hes a guy, was given much higher bail his family was still trying to come up with, (even the legal professor said that being male was why he was treated harsher despite the gals having multi criminal arrests before and after they turned 18... ) anyway, they show back up to class about a week before its time to present, still dont have time to come and contribute or even learn to do the presentation... and, said as much, best part, the prof heard them lecturing us about how *ramdom insults directed at people who arent stupid and vapid* should feel honored to have them in the group at all, we should have this done by now, why are we bothering them... on and on... after they stormed off because we wouldnt just agree with them.... prof came over... asked if we had time... it was all of our only or last class of the day so, he had us present what we had....and really fast realized what/who it was about, he ended up laughing, and saying we didnt have to present but, if we would, he would give us all top marks+ for the whole course, he wanted to see their faces as he told them to sit back down, then see if they figured out it was about them.... he changed his policy on group issues, and started doing his best to shuffle groups around to put all the ones who wouldnt work, in the same group, so they where not really harming anybody else, just themselves and their parents wallets/their own credit, he was shocked how entitled they acted, even more so when they demanded the same grades we got since they contributed by just being there, without them we wouldnt have had a subject.... we pointed out... we had a fallback project also over 90% done and could present that... the class..even the other slackers... sat just staring at them insisting he couldnt remove them from the group... he told them, he heard them talking to the rest of us, and had already seen our presentation about them, and had asked them to re-present in front of everybody.... each of us took a different aspect of how their actions impacted those around them... the girl even talked to their families and... 1 of 3 had a family who moved her out because they couldnt deal with her behavior and attitude any longer, the others... at least one parent was the rolemodel for the behavior... interviewed their classmates they had been forced to do group work with from other courses... we had a fucking "war and peace" thick bound study on their behavior.... the social and psychological motivations, repercussions/fallout, how their behavior effects not only those directly impacted but due to that, impacts others, one case, a father had to spend a 4 day weekend he was going to use to take his kids charter fishing, getting the whole project done because, of 3 people put in the group, he was the only one who had done anything, and...he had to get a passing grade for his work to continue to pay for his education... and give him time to complete it.... eventually it was enough that we actually got great grades in a few classes based on that work.. hell 3 profs read it, had us audit the class free, then had it put in that we got top marks like we paid for it... they all had been around for a long time and, were seeing more and more entitled little victims who always blamed the rest of the group, society, their parents, etc... but really just didnt put any effort into anything... just expected to pass because they paid... we were told, they each wanted to use parts of what we turned in for text books they had been working on for their subjects, so the school could just sell people a reem bound copy for a reasonable price rather then text books that cost hundreds and, that they only use at most 30-40% of the book for the classes... i just laughed, "oh thats why you gave us those grades/credits, butting us up huh" the old gal... turned so red.. i had to make it clear i was teasing and at least for my part i gave no shits if they wanted to use it, go for it, the other 2 felt the same, but did ask our names be put in credits/we were given credit some way.. the cheeky old broads used our online names/handles.... genuinely made us all laugh.... the psychology of that kind of behavior still confuses me.. but then... im mildly autistic so... lack of logic often just perplexes me...
@HikariYamiNoah 4 жыл бұрын
Well, I don't need sleep lol. I have to say, I love watching your videos and I really look forward your newest updates. 😊
@juliedyke7581 3 жыл бұрын
@Cruzinshootr Жыл бұрын
@fixfireleo 3 жыл бұрын
You will NEVER get "excellent" condition on a trade at a dealership. Also, on-line estimates are just that...estimates. Many dealers DO try to rip you off on your trade however if you go to a reputable place, they are going to make you a fair offer based on how much they can buy or sell that car for at the auction. If they can buy your car for $8000 at the auction, they cant pay you $10,000.
@B3Sirius 3 жыл бұрын
Two things. I'm a fat kid who grew up and became a Chef. In particular, because of my love of foods that crossed cultural lines. Like pizza.
@zanman8808 3 жыл бұрын
Sometime handicap drivers will double park if there are no handicap spots available they need the room to get out and in their chair. Just keep this in mind befre exacting “justice”
@iheartcryptoverse2857 4 жыл бұрын
This was such a fun one to listen to whuile doing chores. Made the work go faster. Thank you.
@jaggirl 3 жыл бұрын
I put it on at work and use their Wi-Fi. Double bonus..😁
@michaelbastarache7124 4 жыл бұрын
As to story #4? Should have paid a hacker to screw with the main program. Would have been worth the money. There are some hackers who will do it for free, just for the challenge, and a chance to bring down such a assinine company. Hint, hint. Just saying.
@warrentreadwelljr.treadwel2694 3 жыл бұрын
Excuse me, but fired manager was getting a lot of unreported money that was not claimed on her taxes to the IRS. It’s criminal you leave them out of the fun.
@TwoBySevenLeo 3 жыл бұрын
Hey, Markee....the Chicago style pizza chain is called Stefano's Pizza. Not many of them left nowadays. 😊
@briannaghten2201 3 жыл бұрын
On the subject of British Public schools A few hundreds years ago schools were generally run by monks or other clergy. You had to be invited to study there (usually conditional on joining the religious order) Public schools were open to all on payment of the fees and perhaps passing an entrance exam. This started a whole industry with "prep" schools for very young boys to prepare to pass the exams for the best public schools (and perhaps getting their fees paid through a "scholarship") often paid by a generous benefactor like a former governor of the school through his will.
@niranthbanks3595 4 жыл бұрын
‘...he can be aware of his impact on the world AND help make it better.” Emphasis is mine. There are far to many whom have to yet learn both parts of this lesson.
@maryharvey6909 3 жыл бұрын
That $10,000 fine went to who? I think it should be used to get the children’s ears checked every year till they’re 18 or 21
@buckfisherGBY 4 жыл бұрын
In Canada Private School refers to Catholic Schools, (They have a separate School Board, and you can choose which school board gets your school tax). Public School is the regular, government regulated school. I think there may be other than Catholic Private Schools that can be eligible for funding from school tax.
@eph2vv89only1way 4 жыл бұрын
Buck Fisher I live in Canada. Private school is one pay to attend. Catholic schools are separate schools not private
@buckfisherGBY 4 жыл бұрын
@@eph2vv89only1way My mistake, it has been a long time since I went to Separate School.
@Veneziamore 4 жыл бұрын
Ugh the batch bonus story reminds me of this Karen I served when I worked in a fast-food wok restaurant. We had three portion sizes (small/medium/large) where you would obviously get more if you paid for more. Whenever I worked the Meat & Vegetable station and there was a high chance we'd have left-over meat, I always gave out a little extra so as not to waste the food (we would refrigerate the vegetables for the next day and use it first but chuck out any protein at the end of the day). Because of this, I had gotten two unofficial warnings to stop giving extra, seeing as extra food would often make the take-home containers bulky and sometimes leak and we'd had some complaints (also because the delivery drivers were quite reckless, causing the tape on the containers to shift or break). These were soft warnings though, so I wouldn't lose my job over them Then one day when we were serving the last two pairs of customers for the day and we had a little extra beef left, I decided to divide it over their four beef orders. The first two customers had ordered large portions, which really meant 1.5 times the regular beef serving, and the last two had regular. So I decided to give each of them three-quarters of a regular serving extra so we cleared out the remainder, and then to also give them the option to get one extra serving of vegetables because I'm nice like that (and we were allowed to do so occasionally). The first two customers noticed they were getting a lot of extra meat and were really thankful and happy, but the woman from the last two customers took issue with this. So when I was scooping her meat she started yelling ''I saw you giving them **points at other customers** extra meat! We want extra meat too!'', to which I politely replied ''You are getting extra as well ma'am''. This made her happy for about two seconds, but then she yelled ''We want as much as the other two! You're giving us less!!''. Which y'know, was the fair thing to do because she and her husband had paid for regular servings whereas the two customers before them had paid four bucks more for large servings. They were all getting the same amount of extra meat but I wouldn't and couldn't give her as much as the other two. This was enough for Karen to aggressively lean over the counter and start screaming in my face that I was a bad employee for unfairly giving out extra meat to some customers and that she had ''seen that I scooped the least amount of food when compared to other servers!!'', who hadn't even worked that station that day. So I explained the sizing differences to her and then smilingly said that ''Actually, out of all the servers I'm the one who gives out the most food, seeing as I'm the one who's had two warnings for it'', which was meant to politely stop her in her tracks but somehow made her even more angry. She pointed her right index and middle finger towards her eyes and then to me, then shouted ''I've been watching you work while I was waiting and I saw you scoop almost DOUBLE what we're getting for the other two customers!!'' (a blatant lie). Meanwhile, said customers were standing to the side and listening to the tirade, until one of them told her ''We ordered large, ma'am, we paid for it''. This caused her to start yelling even harder, demanding to see the manager. He had been watching the situation unfold from afar and sent me away while he tried to reason with her but she wasn't having it. She even went as far as to say that I shouldn't be working there if I couldn't treat all customers fairly. I then had to finish scooping her and her husband's orders while she yelled at me to give them three extra servings of vegetables. In the end she did get the extra meat I already got for her but no extra beef on top of that, simply because we were out (which was the entire effing point), but the manager made me give her the three extra vegetable servings. Karen even had the gall to say ''Oh so now you're giving us very small extra scoops'', after which she kept staring at me like I was a dirty rag. Then, as expected, I got my third unofficial warning for giving out extra food and causing trouble. Which caused my job no harm but did make me feel bitter towards entitled customers and that particular manager Edit: a word
@christinawhitehead4034 Жыл бұрын
Oh sweet girl, your case worker should have given you food resources, at least since you were in foster care originally
@NickHey 3 жыл бұрын
LOL "those jerk biting dogs"
@michaelbastarache7124 4 жыл бұрын
Car dealerships are crafty. Cars do not last as long as they used to, and a lot of so called "warranties" are a pain in the a** when the warranties are used. The dealership will make you jump through hoops, before they honor the warranty, with more excuses than you can shake a stick at. Upselling is where they make their profit and higher commission's based on how much crap they can sell you. It's all about the money, not you.
@johne.osmaniii7217 4 жыл бұрын
Apparently, you only “think” you know something about pizza, ... 1st, the Chicagoland region, is the home of “pizza”, it was designed developed, & created in “Chicago, Illinois, in the USofA”. Not from Italy, New York, Detroit, or LA, Cali. Chicago Say it, cherish it, love it, ... Chicago! Chi, Cah, Go, ... That is how you pronounce the name of the Windy City, ... several types of foods are special to Chicago! Pizza is not the only type of food created in Chicago, and also home of the atomic bomb! (Wife’s grandmom, worked in a factory that made parts for the Little Boy, & FatMan), ...very secret stuff back in the day, ... I now live in Gadsden, Alabama, but remember the recipe for making the dough, the sauce, & what type of real Italian sausage used, for Sam,& Amato’s pizza, ... they were offered $5,000,000.00 (with some other perks thrown in), if they would sell the recipe for the dough, & this was back in the mid-late 60’s, ... The women who cooked for the restaurant there, knew all kinds of homemade Italian types of dishes, & was my introduction into the world of said culinary skills, ... huge 30, & 40 gallon stock pots would simmer on the stove with various types of Italian foods, ... (& was also the very 1st time I ate several of the huge snails, from a dish called Escargo, ... wow! Tender, yet meaty, the flavors imparted from this dish made my mouth water, every time I would visit them in the kitchen, years after I worked there), ... Their version of a “Blue Plate Special” entailed super generous amounts of whatever was considered the “dish of the day” and was served from 11 am, until 1:30 pm, ... & the place was standing room only, as the line for the restaurant would filter in through the bar, & out onto the sidewalks, ... & most of the time, these consisted of woking class men, like laborers, masons, pipefitters, ironworkers, engineers, concrete finishers, & the like, ... and would also draw a crowd of Dr.s, nurses, & medical staff, from the hospital a couple of blocks away, ... in those days there were several places to eat a really accommodating meal, for under $3.00 including the tip, & a couple of brown bottles, ...
@grootsChannel 4 жыл бұрын
Wasn't pizza originally something poor people made from scraps in Italy?
@johne.osmaniii7217 4 жыл бұрын
GROOT there might have been something along those lines, but the term pizza, and the various types of “toppings” that has varied since the original “pizza” which was a thick garlicky type of tomato based sauce, layered afterwards with bits of Italian sausage, real mozzarella cheese, pepperoni, was added later, as an alternative type of meat, if Italian sausage was not available, ... then the fancier types of toppings were added, ... onion, peppers, mushrooms, then Canadian bacon, & a million other kinds of toppings have become trademarks but the main consistency has always been about the dough, ... deep dish is a different recipe to make, from the cracker thin type of pizza dough, I became accustomed to making by the tub, ... & I’d go through about a tub, & 1/2, up to 2 &3/4 tubs per week, ... the most pizzas I ever rolled out, & cooked in one night, was 67 pizzas, ... with only a couple being on the small end, & the majority of them had been in the large, to extra large size, ... Making a tub of dough, in roughly an hour, then covering it, allowing it to rise, then working the dough for about 15-20 minutes, after letting it rise for a full day, ... grab some dough, & make your own in your kitchen ... having fun making several different varieties of such a great type of snack, or turn it into a meal, ...
@grootsChannel 4 жыл бұрын
@@johne.osmaniii7217 Christ dude you are really interested in pizza, I gotta hand it to ya.
@lee-jj1js 4 жыл бұрын
So if i put a case on an iphone I created it not steve jobs he may have made something similar using all the same parts in the same configuration but I invented the iphone. Thats how dumb you sound. Yes it may have been refined in america by Italians. We know what americans added to global cuisine hvo and corn syrup. Seriously most american food would be illegal to sell in Europe due to quality concerns well if you could find anyone dumb enough to buy it
@grootsChannel 4 жыл бұрын
@@lee-jj1js angry italian?
@maryrust3310 4 жыл бұрын
I want more about the butt hole in story 2. The one who owed everyone
@theoriginalmissquinzel6937 3 жыл бұрын
47:20 instead of buying all that other stuff why not just buy a mini heater for 20 bucks and then put it in your part of the apartment because you turned off the the heat not the electricity plug it into a wall and go to town
@pamelabuczkowske7294 4 жыл бұрын
Going back to the thin pizza. I don't think we have a Chicago style thin pizza. Ours are all deep dish. I live in Chicago and it's my home town.
@the_inquisitive_inquisitor 4 жыл бұрын
That's what I said, it's NYC that has all the thin crust bs
@stacys8729 3 жыл бұрын
I love these super long videos!
@RTJames-gq9xg 3 жыл бұрын
Enjoy your work for us. Thank you.
@were2baby134 4 жыл бұрын
WTF is a Chicago "thin" crust? Chicago is known for Deep Dish. I LOVE cracker crust pizza with extra cheese
@partysuvius 4 жыл бұрын
Seeing how Pastor Bob was not an actual customer, he automatically voided his confidentiality. OP HAD paid for the information for putting money toward the pastor’s laptop, and therefor the information also was his legally. Pastor Bob deserved to have been shamed with those packets. Edit: the memes are right! British people say chewsday! Haha! It’s adorable
@angieskidney 4 жыл бұрын
I used to work at a food place and you had to throw out the excess. A guy who worked there longer than me still didn't throw the excess out and guess what? He actually got fired!
@ResidentMilf 4 жыл бұрын
Wait, so what do British people call what Americans call public schools, if the term "public school" means private school?
@curtisfranzen986 3 жыл бұрын
Chicago style thin crust is difficult to describe. Our best Pizzaria's here are family owned places. Each one has their own recipes. No 2 are exactly alike. However, if you order cheese only, we know your from out of town. Also, the crust is usually good enough to stand on it's own.
@Audiogeek-kf2ez 4 жыл бұрын
This mother is a swinderler. I hope she ends up in jail..
@_Fizel_ 4 жыл бұрын
I mean if you park at the back end of a lot way out of the way, like the last third of the lot where you no one ever parks because it takes like 10 minutes just to walk up to the store, then you can take up four spots. But not right at the front of the lot.
@mikasmith817 3 жыл бұрын
Uno's Pizzeria has Chicago thin crust pizza. That's probably the chain he was talking about.
@kaitlynmcclintock9894 3 жыл бұрын
If a car is taking up two spaces be mindful it may be someone using a wheelchair who couldn't get a disabled spot
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