A musical classic, it will be remembered for 1000s of years. I know there are some films dubbed for foreign audiences, which can irritating, but understanding learning and English is something all Japanese schools should have. I understand Japanese people have had bad english teachers which I think is improving, but I hope more Japanese people will leave Japan and mix with other cultures which is very exciting once you speak good English. I live in Ireland and there are few Japanese have settled here, mostly in Cork. So if you are thinking of coming to Ireland and feel home sick, you can go to the best tradional Japanese restaurant in Europe called Miyazaki in Cork city where everyone is Japanese.
さらやひさ セブの"why do you say 'romantic' like it's a dirty word?" に対して 姉が " unpaid bills aren't romantic." って言ってると思う 本編の字幕がどう扱われてたか覚えてないけど、本来は前後の文脈からして『未払いの請求書はロマンティックじゃないわ(まともな奥さん捕まえて、しっかりした職に就きなさいよ)て意味を込めた皮肉かと 突貫でつけた字幕っぽいけど確かに意味わからんね笑