[A] What Feelings Are For (educational ramble about emotions)

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Rainy Day Audios

Rainy Day Audios

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@carenm.7005 6 жыл бұрын
Just hearing someone talk about something that is very passionate about, fascinated me. I just love to listen to them... I hope some people would like to listen to me too... *sigh*
@clowneryandbuffonery 6 жыл бұрын
Same! I feel that a little too deeply.
@beefbroth4012 2 жыл бұрын
hi rainy, i really hope you’re doing well. you haven’t uploaded in a long moment and i hope things are going well in australia:). i want to thank you for all your audios. before a month or so ago, i paid attention mostly to your bedtime stories, but as i am struggling through my last few weeks of school and failing to go into work, your audios regarding emotions, “i want to” and “should”, shame, and relapse, i have gained a greater insight on how my self talk effects me each and every day and has held me back in the mornings. i truly appreciate everything you have put on this platform, and i believe many of us agree on that. again, i hope all is well❤️ thank you
@vtrmiao 3 жыл бұрын
you helped me a lot with my self-acceptance, thank you so much
@rainydayaudios7754 3 жыл бұрын
I'm really glad to hear that and I'm so proud of you!
@TheMichaelsuazo13 6 жыл бұрын
Your voice is ultra smooth; it's like liquid gold pouring into my being
@BellatrixDantis 5 жыл бұрын
I don't have enough words to express how much these audios have been helping me to calm down since I've found them, thank you a lot... I've been without therapy for a while now due to problems at home, so, even with the medication, things can get really rough sometimes and I just internalize everything and pretend nothing is happening. I neglect my own emotions and cope wrongly with them... So the physical aspect of me gets to express himself, building up tension all over my body, tiredness, oversleeping. I even get trapped in my nightmares pretty often and the messages I constantly get from my unconscious hurt me, cause It's like someone is no longer patient and subtly giving advices. It is actually screaming at me, telling me how alone I am in all of this and that It won't get better, no matter how hard I try to move on. My own self doing that... But it gets better, it needs to cause I won't take it if the contrary happens. Thanks to your audios I've been writing and expressing myself better lately, letting it out. The tension eventually leaves my body and I can finally breathe. Thank you
@Azakurahime 5 жыл бұрын
This is truly healing, and helps with self-acceptance so badly. Thank you for creating this masterpiece we can feel
@rainydayaudios7754 5 жыл бұрын
You're very welcome! I really love this audio and I'm so glad to see that it's appreciated. Thank you for listening and letting me know.
@glvdnbinge2440 6 жыл бұрын
I think about emotions all the time. And I have a feeling that you think about why people think. Emotions to me are useless. I often tell myself that I would sacrifice the emotion of love just to stop feeling pain. I’d rather feel nothing. And it just makes me think over and over again. It’s like a cycle. As in much I hate Pain I also learn to love it. Pain is as soothing as Love. It has its pros and cons. So thank you to hear someone else talk about emotions because I feel like I’m to premature to talk about these things so I guess that’s why I think. Thanks again
@PreludingEpilogue234 5 жыл бұрын
hello :). I have been bedridden for several months, and your audios are extremely helpful right now. they're such a blessing to me. thank you so, so much
@federica4829 6 жыл бұрын
My third time listening to this. I took notes this time! The shocking realization is... I don't know myself as well as I thought. Trying to get better at it. It's so interesting when you talked about how feelings are valid but at the same time can be inaccurate and not based on reality. This explains why some people often try and reason me out of whatever I'm feeling. I thought that feelings were just something completely irrational and out of my control. In some ways it's true but it's also true that I can pay attention to what is causing that feeling and try and change it (or at least understand it). This may seem basic stuff but it's not so basic if the majority of people (including me) don't know how to act on those feelings without hurting themselves or others. Thank you for taking the time and explaining this to us
@rainydayaudios7754 6 жыл бұрын
I'm really glad it was so helpful! It's tough to gauge how useful these sorts of audios are going to be, if they're things people already know, if they're too simple or too advanced, etc. I very much appreciate this kind of feedback. Yeah, it's a difficult realisation when you find out you don't understand yourself as well as you thought. We've all had this kind of intuitive understanding of emotions, but it tends to be a shallow understanding that we don't really think about consciously. Now you're aware of it, you can make connections between your emotions and what you're experiencing. Your emotions are indeed valid, but may not be helpful to your situation and may motivate behaviour that is unhealthy or counterproductive. We can't change our feelings directly, but we can try to change the thoughts and beliefs that can lead to those feelings. We can also choose to behave differently in response to those feelings. Often we need to vent our feelings first, to express how we're feeling and have other people acknowledge it, before we're able to see reason and have our point of view changed or to be helped in some way. If someone launches in with some helpful advice when we're still in the feelings stage, we're not ready for it and so we'll probably reject that advice, even if it's really good advice. If you want to help somebody or comfort somebody, the best thing to do is to first ask how they're feeling and then name that feeling back to them "It sounds like you're feeling angry" or whatever the feeling is. They can feel heard and understood, they might want to talk about it more, but eventually they'll calm down and be able to talk about things more logically. They can move from feeling to thinking, and can then try to understand what really happened and what to do or change. I'm really glad you're finding these audios so helpful! Thank you for writing such lovely feedback.
@federica4829 6 жыл бұрын
@@rainydayaudios7754 The transition from feeling to thinking is so cool. It all boils down to self-reflection and awareness I think (you indeed talked about investigation and exploration). Sometimes I'm not ready at all to hear what I really need to hear, maybe because some feeling is so engulfing that shakes me very deeply. It's very strange. Sometimes I need days before I can process what has been said to me. Maybe I'm just incredibly stubborn. Since I've heard you talking about it, whenever I feel like I'm being treated unfairly I'm far less impulsive. I tend to stay quiet, because I understand that a million different factors could have contributed to that particular exchange. So I try and reflect on what I'm feeling instead of lashing out at someone maybe because they're suffering too. In your Your Family Doesn't Define You audio you said that staying safe is more important than being myself. That was so painful to hear! But so true. This may be cliché, but maybe the simplest things are the ones that are often overlooked and thus not taken into consideration at all. One may think these audios are too simple, but I would rather look at their behaviour to see if they're really so knowledgeable. I don't see many people in my life that behave this candidly and according to what they really think and feel. But I can only talk about myself, and they're incredibly useful to me, so. As far as this kind of feedback goes, it's really no problem. Rather I often think, am I being selfish writing all this? Anyway, it's really a joy that you're so considerate. And I really hope you're doing well and taking care of yourself too.
@rainydayaudios7754 6 жыл бұрын
You're not at all selfish, I love hearing from people about what they thought and what an audio meant to them! I think that there are certainly times where being yourself can be more important than staying safe, it's about balancing risk and benefit. It's important we stand up for ourselves too, but there are times where doing so is unlikely to bring a positive result and will likely make things worse. Family gatherings where they are not receptive to other lifestyles or identities, for example, are unlikely to positively change if you assert yourself. It probably isn't going to have a beneficial result and will just make things even harder. Sometimes it *is* important to assert ourselves, though, and we learn the difference through experience, trial and error. You can certainly speak up if you're not being treated right, but perhaps it's best to do so more calmly but firmly, rather than lashing out in rage. Staying completely quiet and letting someone continue to mistreat you isn't good, unless you think that it's too risky and you need to bide your time until you can change things or remove that person from your life. I'm very glad to hear you've been finding so much value in these audios. I think that may also indicate that these topics are in line with *your* values and that this area may be of interest to you as a career or a direction for your own personal activities. That doesn't necessarily mean becoming a counsellor yourself, but it sounds like emotion, sense of self and mental health might be things you like to explore and learn more about. That's a wonderful thing!
@federica4829 6 жыл бұрын
@@rainydayaudios7754 Yeah, learning to balance when to assert myself and when to just let things go can be very tricky. As you said, we can only understand the difference through experience. These days I feel like it's best to just let things go because I've been trying to explain myself and I've been met by a dead end so many times. I never knew these topics could interest me this much. I think it's very important we listen to ourselves and I neglected doing this for so long. I see other people behaving so mindlessly nowadays it's almost concerning. Maybe I'm just observing a lot these days. I would love to help people understand that if you're more open-minded and learn to just listen a little more attentively then it's a chance for you to discover more about yourself too. Studying languages really helped me with this. Letting someone talk, not judging them for their mistakes. Listening to you helped me too. Sometimes you could say or write something and I can trace back the chain of thoughts, or a certain thought pattern if you will, that led you to say that particular thing. I then know you're being the most upfront and straightforward. I hope I'm not reading too much into this but when you said somewhere that you're trying to be your most genuine self (and your actions mirrored your words) I thought yes... this is why lately I've been feeling that I must reduce the activities I indulge in (not talking about self care here, just things that are not serving me at all) and spend more time doing things I can carry out for the next 5 or 10 years. Discovering my life path if you will. And I look up to you for doing that. That's why I prefer your rambling/educational audios to your role-play ones. The intimacy can be nice but you're literally on the other side on the world so I feel like I'm taking one step forward and two steps back. Plus you're so good they can be addicting and have a not so positive effect on me in the long run. And overall I much prefer interacting with the person rather than the persona. Never thought I could be this verbose either. Maybe this is what happens when something affects you this deeply. So thank you for being here and helping me discover more about these topics x
@rainydayaudios7754 6 жыл бұрын
@@federica4829 I'm very glad you're allowing yourself to speak at length. This is another way of learning more about yourself and exploring who you are. We need to talk and express ourselves, whether it's though journaling, therapy or talking to others. I agree, I like the personal rambles and educational stuff more, even if they aren't as popular. I think it gives people what they need, rather than just what they might *like*. And yes, the roleplay stuff can be addicting or habit forming; ideally they're stepping stones to help people feel able to pursue the real thing, but sometimes people get comfortable and complacent standing still on that stepping stone. I'm really glad you've been finding so much value in these audios. They're very near to my heart and very important to me. It's nice to have them appreciated
@positivelyopal8415 2 жыл бұрын
Hi there 👋🏽 I hope you're doing well at this point in time Rainy. Thank you for keeping the audios up. Every now and then it helps hearing what may seems kind of obvious (ex. all feelings being signs for x, y, or z) from someone else. This audio in particular really, really helped stop my spiral of negative over-thinking as today I had an important event that I really wanted to go well. So thank you for helping me regain clarity on the meaning behind my feelings. I hope you have someone you can reach out to and help you as well. Wishing you the best always 🙏🏽💜
@Vanna-31 4 жыл бұрын
Hi , Thank you so much for this video!!! This is so beautiful, motivational and such an inspiration.. Its really hard for me to express how I feel about things. This had really helped! You are amazing!!
@lynnae14 6 жыл бұрын
Lovely! I always enjoy your rambles. Would love an audio with some sort of soft dominance 💙
@princessahava 6 жыл бұрын
Two things: 1: this was beautiful and inspirational. 2: DDLG Birthday audio please!!
@Fun_Syz 6 жыл бұрын
Wait and a ddlb one, too!
@lisabenvenuti3123 6 жыл бұрын
Hi! I loved this ramble so much! It was very clarifying on so many points! I never got explained about emotions as well, so I find myself having a lot of confusion at times. For instance, I didn’t know the difference between guilt and shame as you explained it, and it makes so much sense, I can understand better how I’m feeling and how I’ve felt in the past. Also what you said about depression hit me hard, in an illuminating way that is. Your view on emotions and feelings is something I really really like and you have a way of explaining and talking about these things that feels very safe and reassuring! I just wanted to say, if you’d like to do more audios like this one as you said, please do! 🙏🏻 I would need more of this! I always felt like people around me don’t even notice emotions and that I’m the one who might put too much importance on them, but that’s wrong. Emotions are important as you said, and I’m really really glad I found someone that can speak in a language that really resonates with me about this! Thank you and keep doing what you’re doing, I’m talking about your other comforting audios as well, your work reaches people and it has an amazing effect! 😉
@rainydayaudios7754 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much! This means a lot to me, I'm really glad the audio resonated with you and that you found it helpful. It's a subject I'm passionate about and I love sharing it with others, helping them to understand themselves better. I'd love to talk more about this, about particular emotions people struggle with (like anger and shame) and to help people understand their minds and what's going on in their lives. I'm so glad you enjoyed this and found it educational, thank you for letting me know!
@blue_mara 6 жыл бұрын
That was really helpful. Thank you :)
@aursuniverse 6 жыл бұрын
i love these!
@astrosegolden 6 жыл бұрын
Great audios! Thanks for making these, they’re very comforting and reassuring in times I need it. Suggestion: would you consider doing more LGBT+-themed audios? Thanks again. :)
@charlysubs5833 5 жыл бұрын
I'm doing psychology in college 💘
@Missykrissywissy 6 жыл бұрын
Can you please please do a Loki audio?! Like talk about Asgard and stuff?? That would be soooo amazing!!
@rainydayaudios7754 6 жыл бұрын
Why would you want an audio that's just dead silence? Loki's dead and Asgard's destroyed. But seriously, no. I have no interest in doing that, that isn't at all in line with what I care about or the kinds of audios I want to make. I talk about that in a video titled [A] Why I Make Audios. I'm trying hard to be myself, to be genuine and congruent as a person and to help people live their lives better, to help them and heal them. I'm not really that interested in just entertaining them, but especially not by playing a character or pretending to be someone else.
@shreyaseebs 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you :)) ❤️
@cherrybakewell2449 6 жыл бұрын
I'm ok with emotions but some I do the thing of bottling it up at times and put it at the back of my mind,shouldn't really but it just happens. X
@Fun_Syz 6 жыл бұрын
You're amazing Random question, are you straight? What's your sexuality (if you're ok with answering)
@rainydayaudios7754 6 жыл бұрын
I answered this in my Q&A 2 video, but short answer: bi
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