Reading, screens, iPhones, books, my job as a massage therapist…😬… thanks for this!
@tomz32142 жыл бұрын
THiS WORKS- my necks been Stiff holding ALoT of tension & PaiN. The visualization of the head sliding down @ 45 degree angle (the ramp) of the cervical column. Released the built up Presure. THIS Works 4 WHoLE SPiNe to Down to HiPs. - Imagine the disks of the spine sliding down column @ that same angle. VISUALIZE a stacked deck of cards being fanned OPeNeD (Down) & SLiDiNG them Back UP - One by One...Go Up & DowN... multiple times- Feel the Release... This is a HiDDeN GeM... Please do a Part 2 focusing on the actual Release.
@kephns3 жыл бұрын
The problem I see occurring here is one is using the very delicate neck muscles to lift the head. The excessive strain one repeatedly attempts to straighten the head upward will ultimately cause a very tight neck and jaw. As you said in the video, the head position is at the mercy of much larger tighter tissues disorganized below it. Don’t you think that using something as delicate as the neck to counter larger issues down below is counterintuitive?