Pentru schimbare cabluri nu demontați nici băncile, nici mocheta deoarece cablul circulă prin niște țevi de ghidaj. Nu este nevoie nici să desfaceți șuruburile de la tunelul central, deoarece partea din spate a cotierei se scoate prin declipsare, forțând-o cu o șurubelniță dreaptă.
@quickfixmechanics11 ай бұрын
Hey, cheers for the advice. I noticed after that I didn’t need to unscrew the central tunnel, I did need to remove the seats and carpet as the pipes were corroded and I could not get the old cables out. It was easier for me to replace the pipes that way and it only took a few extra minutes,here in Ireland we have a lot of rain and moisture and it corrodes everything.