Response To Bisquik3006's Ammo Hoarding Vid

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Something many preppers don't look at it in reference to home defense in WROL/SHTF.
• Ammo Hoarding Bastards

Пікірлер: 319
@xekul 10 жыл бұрын
if SHTF, a man with 12 rifles and plenty of ammo is still just a man with a rifle. but a man with 12 rifles, plenty of ammo and 12 friends is a make-shift infantry squad.
@chachi44089 8 жыл бұрын
Funny how fellow Americans talk about how they can take each other out in the event of some national disaster. I sure hope the real Americans band together in a civil manner to survive together.
@Kaltwasser45 8 жыл бұрын
I hope you're right, unfortunately many of us are students of history. When food supplies and other public services fail, the civil structure of society breaks down. This isn't the 1920's where people had basic skills to survive, too many people depend on the "System", and when that system goes, their humanity goes with it when they or their children are starving. Many deviants would welcome it to live their fantasies out. I wish we were the people you speak of.
@purplecrisp 10 жыл бұрын
the key is creating a community of "preppers" that will protect and help each other you have to rebuild or at least stabilize your area
@jameshalleluyah8133 10 жыл бұрын
I'm ready to die, I only ask that I can take a few of the wicked with me when they come.
@dant1239 8 жыл бұрын
The key to defending your home is not to defend it....once the fight reaches your door it is too late, you need to take the fight out of your home and engage the enemy before they reach your house.
@RayBlackburn 6 жыл бұрын
See ..... Dan gets it
@quicklady 10 жыл бұрын
guns and ammo dont only save your life but make better currency than gold and silver
@ssnidely 7 жыл бұрын
@SmokeRingsPipeDreams 10 жыл бұрын
I too have had a frustrating time getting ammo, but Bisquik3006's argument that people (preppers) shouldn't be buying all of this ammo (for whatever reason) is just an excuse to be butt hurt about the ammo shortage. This is America, land of free enterprise, not communist Russia land of rationing. Does he want the govt to step in and make it all "fair"?? If he wanted more ammo, he should have bought it when it was available. (just as I should have) Instead of whining about and blaming the NRA and other gun owners. This is why people hoard ammo, ... for times of shortage. Not because they think they can hold off an army from their paste wall houses. It's a silly argument against hoarding, and it doesn't hunt. I say be a man and deal with it (as I have) and stop whining like a little school girl, or blaming others. Perhaps he'd rather we live in Obamas perfect world where everyone gets a trophy? And while we're at it, lets not for get who caused all of this, ... gun grabbing governmental traitors to our constitution.
@HydeMyJekyll 8 жыл бұрын
I would stock up on ammo more in preparation for future price hikes than for a SHTF scenario. And like you said, there are plenty of things that are more important than guns and ammo.
@corbinfathandme 10 жыл бұрын
I think it would be fine to buy a ton of ammo if you call in, say a week earlier, or just anytime beforehand.
@alexcolin2009 9 жыл бұрын
The US is not an egalitarian place. It's not the customer's responsibility to think about other customers, it's the stores. Ammo hording is NOT what caused the ammo shortage. The Wall Street Journal wrote a rather long article, several years ago, that reported a banking cartel, was using a wall street hedge fund, to covertly buy up US ammunition manufactures. I don't own guns, but I do read the paper.
@jeremiahjohnson9908 10 жыл бұрын
What are these people zinging rounds through my house hiding behind out there? I would rather have a roof, food, water and ammo than be the one outside trying to get whats inside.
@gaborhorvath3319 8 жыл бұрын
I say the more you have is the better
@yellowbusguy 11 жыл бұрын
I've decided to begin reloading because the retail supply has vanished. I'm not alone either, every store and website that sells presses is out of stock and back ordered.
@USPatriotsUnited 11 жыл бұрын
this was not boring. its a verry well thought out video and i hope people take the time to house is built out of 4x6s and i put 1in ply board around all the outer walls. really solid and will stop larg rounds. but i still dont by more than i can carry in my house is verry strong but it is still nothing more than a giant tinder box or kindling.keep it to what you can carry and stash some in other places so if you have to bail out you still have guns ammo food water that you need
@armeddefender 11 жыл бұрын
Skilled enemy insurgents have pinned down experienced fire teams in Iraq and Afghanistan with nothing more than a bolt action rifle.
@TommygunNG 11 жыл бұрын
This reminds me of the time I was doing my arms inventory at a friend's place. I had most of my 9mm in one .50 cal ammo can. He tried to lift it, but has back issues. So we weighed it, and it was something like 45 pounds. Ah, those were the days. I had a thousand rounds of American Eagle 9mm in 50-rd boxes. Each box was tagged $6.99. It was great go to ranges a few days ago and say out loud, "Wow. I paid $6.99 for just this one box!" And I really did... in 2002! LOL
@brandishwar 11 жыл бұрын
Ammo supply in my area has actually gotten so bad that some of the smaller gun shops have reserved a box of ammunition for each gun they have on display to ensure that people who come in to buy a gun can get the ammunition to go with it.
@bakerfamily808 9 жыл бұрын
buying ammo is ok....learn to reload and get those supplies instead
@StandAsYouAre 9 жыл бұрын
I think the question is. How much is enough? There is a difference between someone having a lot of ammo and they keep stock of what they have. And someone who just continues to buy ammo just for the sake of buying ammo. Ammo you may never end up using. Hoarding is an illness. And ammunition can be very dangerous even without a gun.
@goodlord20ad 10 жыл бұрын
There are other options. Because we shoot a lot of 22lr here and cant find it at a reasonable price anymore, we picked up some nice .22 air rifles. We are going to shoot pellets until people run out of money & quit driving the price of ammo through the roof....just saying for those who like to shoot it's another option.
@rlmarin1968 9 жыл бұрын
Although I agree with the premise of this video...there (in MY opinion) are a couple of flaws. First, the whole "a guy with one of these (Mosin Nagant) can make my life a living hell..." makes an assumption that the guy shooting into your home has an endless supply of ammo to just shoot aimlessly into your home hoping to hit you so he can then take what you have. If they are on foot, they can only carry so much ammo...if they are in a car...still only so much ammo they can bring. In winter..."I'm just going shoot the windows out"...and what do you think the guys outside are going to have to deal with? It's not like they shoot your windows out to freeze you out in the winter and they will be all comfortable and that SAME weather won't impact them. I don't just seems like the video is designed to rant on anyone who doesn't think and act like this guy. Oh yah...I also have the right to disagree with the rant in this video. You can't begrudge others on how they choose to buy/store ammo and then have your humungous stash of ammo in the background.
@rre9121 9 жыл бұрын
For $250 I can buy a mosin and 440 rounds of mild steel core ammo. That steel core will pass through about half an inch of non-armor steel plate. I had it in my mind to buy a mosin *yesterday* I made sure my finances were fine and *today* I went about finalizing the above deal. 440 rounds (which is plenty to mess up a house) and will threaten anyone inside.
@rlmarin1968 9 жыл бұрын
R Re I understand your points and I'm not disagreeing with the effectiveness of such a firearm and ammo. But if you were besieging a house, would you just fire rounds into that house without knowing your target? Would you be willing to waste shots on "maybe" hits? I would think not.
@rre9121 9 жыл бұрын
Waste? Every shot has a chance to miss, a safe shot with a low chance of hitting is not a bad bet when the effect on target is so large and diverse. Winter camouflage is easy and effective, but winter fighting *sucks* for someone not at the top of their physical game (it sucks otherwise, but not as much). A young man with a winterized mosin, 100 rounds of 7.62x54r silver tip and some white/gray clothes out in the snow is going to be next to impossible to see in a winter forest environment. One shot every hour into the house for a couple of days is going to break people. I could hike a mile away at dark, wait until the next day, hike around the building and come from another angle the next morning with little chance of interception and harass the building for another day. Maybe I hit a person, maybe I hit their gear. Maybe I just let them know that they have no protection against someone that wishes them ill. Want to really make them squirm? Pummel their fireplace. You'd think it would be the last place to hit, but if you can screw up their ability to flue gasses properly, you cause them to live in smokey fumes, and that really gets to people. A week of this would cost a nominal 56 rounds of ammo and I think it would have a very *very* good chance of drawing them out. Then what? They are hunting for the hunter on their turf. The Mosin works in the cold, the mosin is at home in the cold, a properly outfitted, physically fit person with 60 rounds to spare could drive a building of people to the edge of sanity. You get one person out and they are toast. They even open a door and you pretty much have a 25% chance of hitting them (left or right of the door-50% for misses). It would make sure they never believe they are safe, and that is the greatest loss that you can suffer. The inclusion of doubt into someone who thought that their ammo would keep them safe is a monumental threat.
@justacommenter4361 9 жыл бұрын
R Re .
@rre9121 9 жыл бұрын
I don't think you understand how this works. If you are in farm land, it would be a ballistics job. The mosin nagant is graduated to 1000 meters (and is reasonably accurate and still extremely lethal there). That is a lot longer range than an AR style rifle is effective to. Even a match grade AR is pushing it at 800. The fact is that if you stay inside a house, you are always a target. The probability of hitting you is always the same if you make the bullet hit the house. The shooter has all of the outside, and he only needs to hit your house enough times to make it unpleasant to live in. Your ceramic armor point is hilarious too. Who said he is shooting you in the chest? Nobody. The round that could strike anywhere in the house could strike *you* anywhere. Head, chest, arms, legs, it only offers protection against where it covers. The low light gear is moot too. You still have to see them, and farm land would fall into weeds and grass in about a few months to a year. A field of wheat is perfect sniping territory because it is such easy and consistent camouflage. So you would shoot anyone with a gun within sight, how does that make it safe to approach your house to ask for food? You obviously haven't really thought this out because you think yourself some superhuman. Everybody sleeps, when you are woken up by the ring of a shot there is *no* way you would know where it came from, but it would make you worry... unless you are a complete idiot.
@bud1014 11 жыл бұрын
Miller, You have never made a boring video. Lots of great points.
@GtForLife123 11 жыл бұрын
I like your philosophies. Not boring at all. MOAR MOAR MOAR
@neoconsnightmare4 11 жыл бұрын
But they typically had bolt action rifles that fired 300 yards or more against soldiers who had m4s with short barrels (good for house clearing, lousy for fighting at a distance). Bolt action is nice and worry free maintenance, but realistically, can't beat semi - auto or full auto.
@skipwadoo 11 жыл бұрын
Just like they say, United we stand divided we fall. Strength in numbers.
@neoconsnightmare4 11 жыл бұрын
Jessicataylor25, I'm a fan of the AR15/M16 series. For me, there was no reason to shorten the barrel (then again, I'm 6'3" and have long arms), where in Basic Training all of us were hitting targets at 300 and 400 yards. That said, most soldiers and marines will NEVER successfully take a 16" barrel and consistently kill a sniper 300 plus yards away. Even if they can 'hit' it's doubtful it would be enough (on a regular basis) to kill. That's why the military had to dust off M14s and the 7.62m.
@yellowbusguy 11 жыл бұрын
Today I bought one pound of powder and one thousand primers #500 small pistol. I also bought 250 once fired and cleaned 9mm brass. There was plenty of powder and primers and brass, but no lead. I'm in Louisville.
@jameshelmling4225 10 жыл бұрын
Liked what you have to say, was not sure what to expect t first. The gun shop I used holds a box of ammo for each fun in the store. They do not allow the crazies to buy up everything just because its there. This keeps customers coming back. I will not buy a firearm at a shop that does not have the ammo in stock. Its like buying a car with no gas.
@smokestakz 10 жыл бұрын
im glad someone made this point amounts of prepping in the world will make a difference when you are behind virtually nothing....cant use ten thousand rounds and 20 guns when you get shot up in ten minutes.....bugging out with your most proficient weapons prior to the event or when you can is your best option.
@daneguitarist1 11 жыл бұрын
there is no way a successful businessman would prevent someone from buying all your ammo if they had the money to do so.
@siulanainad 11 жыл бұрын
Not a boring video my Man ! I learned a lot today, thanks so much.
@Jessicataylor25 11 жыл бұрын
The short barrel of an M4 can reach out and hit the 300meter target if the shooter is trained to shoot that far.
@martian59 11 жыл бұрын
I'm not buying ammo for "prepping", I'm buying ammo for the day the government strictly controls it or taxes it so heavily that it is unaffordable. Taxation on ammo as a weapon against citizens has already started since they can't restrict the weapons like they want to.
@armeddefender 11 жыл бұрын
My shop does and we are pretty successful. We will not let one person buy out all our ammo and leave nothing for people that are buying firearms.
@l3arrett82 11 жыл бұрын
they also dont think to stock up on cloths boots socks blankets and so on. cloths and boots wear out and if they cant be replaced...
@tnjrcfl1 11 жыл бұрын
Great points, sane line of thought I'd why safe room was incorporated into home build plan years ago. And every addition has been strategically placed to harden that corner of my little place. Water, pool and pond, food is work in progress, orchard garden and a new philosophy revolving around permaculture has been worked on. Of course love my weapons n ammo,the sexy part of prep,but small part of overall if one is realistic. Train monthly, practice wkly,and pray daily I'll never needthis
@high5en 11 жыл бұрын
Sure they would, if the demand is high enough (which it is) they will sell it anyways, all while pleasing multiple costumers (who will likely return later) instead of pleasing just one buyer, and turning away many others and leaving them disappointing (and will shop somewhere else in the future).
@jackpinesavage1628 6 жыл бұрын
My house is built out of six inch diameter white cedar logs. Even with that, if I know "they" are coming, I won't be here waiting for them. A person can make themselves sick thinking about all the "what if" situations. One thing I'm certain of is this; none of us will live forever.
@rdsii64 11 жыл бұрын
I'm in California, all components are scarce here. I would urge you to by what you can while you can. if push comes to shove you can melt tire weights and cast lead bullets if you barrel doesn't have polygonal rifleing. ( that type of rifleing seals really good and that causes problems with shooting cast lead bullets) I've got more 9mm than I can count because I load a lot of it but don't shoot as much as I load. I should be able to ride this out with 9mm as well. 223 is my biggist concern.
@glockonr 11 жыл бұрын
Much said about someone sending rounds into a structure but no mention of someone sending rounds out of the structure.
@mojomonkey12 11 жыл бұрын
Cabelas backorders are starting to come in, I just got 1700 rounds of .223 from them. Three different backorders,
@fightinfarmer26 11 жыл бұрын
my dad says that if it was the SHTF all you have to do is burn them out. How many people can defend against their house on fire. If they are sleeping what would they do when they realize whats happening they run out and BOOM! I really used to think that bugging in was a good idea, not so much anymore. there will be no rules
@Snibbons 11 жыл бұрын
DHS are the ones putting strain on the ammo supply. Not the guy buying 500 rounds..
@Garron88 11 жыл бұрын
What none of you have thought of is the shooters outside the US, with everyone buying up rounds and components (powder, primers ect) the makers are concentrating on US domestic production so the export for other countries just dried up, so our prices rise (when they are expensive anyway) and some things are difficult to get and when you do they cost even more.
@politicalsheepdog 11 жыл бұрын
I think it's disturbing when the pundits on T.V. get all upset over a person having 1,000 rounds of ammunition. I use over 1,000 rounds for my Monday night shooting league which last for 3 months.
@MichelLinschoten 11 жыл бұрын
You got a insane good point! The walls in American made homes, are a complete joke. Steel plating, seems to be a very good option. Creating a panic room of some sorts.
@Jesses001 11 жыл бұрын
If you want to harden your house, a good place to start is like this place I live in. Get a 1950 built brick home. The walls are made or brick and backed with wood timbers. That will stop even a .308. It is not perfect though. It will fail if an area is hit enough times. That combined with my steel roof also makes me very fire resistent...though I have fire fighting equipment anyway.
@Zerosen89 11 жыл бұрын
in my area, at least with hand gun ammo, some shops have a one box per costumer per day with it. Its understandable because the current environment.
@tayronachan 10 жыл бұрын
Certain parts of your home could be hardened, somewhat at least, with cinder blocks along inside rooms. That would at least stop the first few rds. The best bet is to simply organize with neighbors.
@MrPir84free 11 жыл бұрын
Actually, I would think that more "preppers" than what you think actually have thought of this. I prep some- but I also realize that if you live in a densely populated area- you might be able to bug in say 5 days or so. Suburbs- maybe two weeks... WROL- get the heck out of town with as much as you can carry! Living in the suburb area- I realize I cannot easily plan on defending it; maybe surviving for a week or two- that's it.
@goatmoag 11 жыл бұрын
Maybe a good idea would be to think about making some death box a little hardened?
@malevolentburrito 11 жыл бұрын
Just a heads up. E-sarcoinc(com) still has some 30 round AR 15 magazines in stock for $19.99. They are israeli military surplus polymer mags. I think the reason they still have them in stock, is that they are hidden in a different category than their other magazines. Type in (AR15/M16 MAG Orlite 30 Round) in the search box on their website. Please be gentle on them.
@moorvogi 10 жыл бұрын
I love preppers that don't use or practice with the ammo they have.
@notsure1783 9 жыл бұрын
+moorvog i practice? Oh shit, that's what i forgot! Now to add to my 55 gallon drum full of XM855 12,500 rounds, Now you are telling me I have to buy practice ammo? Shit! ok, I guess I'll only get 5,000 rounds... Mortage the house and spend the kids college tuition! F-it! It's not like those liberal drone factories will last much longer anyway...
@paulcrooks6008 2 жыл бұрын
If you have to abandon your house in order to survive an ongoing looting/shooting situation especially in or near a sizeable city how much ammo can you carry? How many guns? If you have to leave a lot of it behind who will get their hands on it? I'm not saying don't have a large stockpile. I'm just saying think about what you will do.
@ResponsiveResolve 11 жыл бұрын
Our Local Cabelas limit 10 boxes of ammo/per day.
@GeLsEnKiRcHeN95 11 жыл бұрын
thanks any ways..... I've been checking on popular websites and it seems that ammo for 5.56 and 5.45 seem to be in short supply, how long do you think that will last?
@Extremekhan24 8 жыл бұрын
ya but it's the fact that no one else knows that is also a huge benefit.
@Crafter1992 11 жыл бұрын
Sand bags on the inside of the house walls?
@taylo226 9 жыл бұрын
Yea i think the easiest way to force someone out of there home is burn it to the ground. They either die inside or they come out in the open. Either way they lose all there hoarding, concealment, and cover. kinda of a rough situation
@imbrandon16 9 жыл бұрын
i have one of those plastic ammo cans you have on the right down there. i got it at my local mil surp store for like 16 bucks. i like it i have 1000 rounds of 5.56 and 2 pmags and a small thing of clp break free in mine lol.
@Jesses001 11 жыл бұрын
How are you going to get anything, ammo, food, or any other supplies from a house you just burned down?
@pwu8194 2 жыл бұрын
If there is no rule of law, a hoarder would probably have more ammos than he has food. His electricity, water, and gas can be turned off from outside. Unless he carries his 10,000 rounds with him wherever he goes, his ammos can also be stolen. So, forget the no rule of law scenarios. If one has so many enemies that he needed 10,000 rounds to be safe, he's in a deep pile of shit. My condolences to him.
@garyquail2347 6 жыл бұрын
Now is that a pre-war 1917 Remington?, it sure does look like it.
@EDarien 11 жыл бұрын
You're welcome. I would also point out that a few reports have been released that the government itself is buying unusually high amounts of ammunition in the past year than it had previously been buying. This is part of why there's less of it in civilian hands, but it's also what is scaring so many people into buying as much as they can in response to the government stockpiling. I believe it's Homeland Security that is buying the billions of rounds of ammo.
@xxxkillersandyxxx 11 жыл бұрын
whats the distence you can shoot with that gun with scope and without depend on your eye site
@JojoCrazyCat 11 жыл бұрын
yep, a gun without ammo is a club
@project820 10 жыл бұрын
Next person I see buying out a stock of ammo is getting knocked out right in the store. No questions asked.
@ddaverr 10 жыл бұрын
Why you buying ammo? You're such a bad ass you dont need a gun.
@Crafter1992 10 жыл бұрын
And getting shot in the face in self defense by that person.
@notsure1783 9 жыл бұрын
+Crafter1992 shot in the face? I think you would be charged and incarcerated fella. there has to be life threatening circumstances. a fist to the face won't convince a jury you needed to kill the guy.
@Crafter1992 9 жыл бұрын
Jon Hornung Yeah...and getting hit so hard that it makes you loose consciousness is not life threatening? Any person who can do that is considered a deadly weapon anyways. I do agree that a small hit won't stick in court but if the person assaults another person and that other person can't escape they can easily plead self defense and be exonerated.
@notsure1783 9 жыл бұрын
Ok, I know what you mean now. Multiple strikes , the other guy is not fighting back or is on the ground, that would fall under the Castle Doctrine Law we passed in Pa 2 years ago. U don't have to make an attempt to get away if obviously one cannot because they have been backed into a corner or on ground still being assaulted. Anyone who is on public property or a place of business or your home or car, (basically anyplace you are legally allowed to be you may defend yourself if you believe the attacker is or may try to kill or do you bodily harm, Without having to worry about a civil trial. Peace and hopefully we won't need to test our theories!
@Corpsealot 11 жыл бұрын
So, the moral of the story from MillerUSAF: Fear the knuckleheads.
@barnettzack 11 жыл бұрын
.25 acp, .32 acp, 7.62x54r, & 12ga always available.
@BryantAvant 11 жыл бұрын
If you're ever in a war or apocalyptic situation where you need more than a thousand rounds of ammo just to protect your house, then that is a pretty hairy situation and you're not going to make it out alive. In other words, these people that hoard thousands of rounds are never going to shoot them either way. And when they die because they're attracting a bunch of attention shooting off hundreds of rounds, I'll be there to grab your left over ammo if I need it.
@garyl43 10 жыл бұрын
There will be no defending of a fixed location, period. The people on the outside will always have the advantage of numbers and patience. They can also burn you out if they please. My whole plan is to be mobile, on foot or on my mountain bike (with a killer trailer! and a lot of .22lr for hunting), I don't count on there being much gasoline around.
@voodazz 11 жыл бұрын
That settles it. I'm going to be a nomadic Marauder and call myself 'Lord Humongous'.
@Brown-streak_studios 11 жыл бұрын
so the metal doors i put on my windows are useless?
@amess6442 5 жыл бұрын
Leave some for the small guys
@jnsnj1 11 жыл бұрын
All I could think of while watching this was, damn I have that same KMart rug.
@dannesideback 9 жыл бұрын
First, this was a very good video, second it was a real eye-opener for me, and third how do I harden my home, wood frame house with rockwool insolation? big sheets of hardox 500 Steel or just sandbag the inside?
@MattD86 8 жыл бұрын
You're honestly considering steel reinforcing your home or lining up sandbags?!? Such bizarre fantasies some people have.
@armeddefender 11 жыл бұрын
I work with the owner of the shop.
@austinismyfirstname 11 жыл бұрын
But there's nothing wrong when or if you buy 5000 rounds of .223 and you put up half and shoot half.
@raider762 10 жыл бұрын
Good points made. Yeah a smart person in a rule with out law situation who wants the ammo hoarders have would just shoot out the windows of the house or pick the people off in the house one at a time. Then just walk in and take what they want.
@nocknock31 8 жыл бұрын
then I will buy thosands of cinder blocks to bullet proof my house lol
@dant1239 8 жыл бұрын
+bush survival craft101 just buy a bunch of sand bags, they wont take up that much room and if something happens you can fill them
@rh5549 10 жыл бұрын
Number one thing, I go by is don't put all your Eggs in one basket!! have other places you can go with supplies... what do you think?
@Captain-Electro 11 жыл бұрын
Building community relations before society has problems is a sure way to prevent from being shot and drug out your own home. There are few gun shops around here that will sell you thousands of rounds, but my neighbors .357, my other neighbors shotgun, and my other neighbors rifle are good ways to defend myself if we are friends. I keep a few rounds of ammo for their weapons just in case, maybe a couple of boxes is all.
@xxxkillersandyxxx 11 жыл бұрын
could you build that gun from start to finsh with use of what you have without spending money
@patrickmagee6459 8 жыл бұрын
'It is what it is!"
@Hill_Billy_Without_A_Hill 11 жыл бұрын
what are some ideas on how to harden your home?
@23honest 10 жыл бұрын
questions if all this stuff happens what do you do when your food and ammo runs out what do you do
@valkarie47 11 жыл бұрын
i have plans to let someone come in and i get out and find a way in to get that guy do you think that is good?
@calebroach1281 8 жыл бұрын
oo oo, how about if some one makes a secret little room right under their house.
@edwo6648 10 жыл бұрын
So now that ammo supplies are for the most part back to normal as of July 2015, now is when you stock up! Don't be the dumb ass that buy at the peak of a crisis, have a little maturity and stock up when it is plentiful. O and one other thing, there is no such thing as hoarding in a capitalist society.
@justinwood4822 8 жыл бұрын
powder is getting harder to find then ammo anymore
@basicdude 11 жыл бұрын
how many people will have gasoline and lighters torching down shit rather than trying to get lucky and shoot thru your walls
@CrotchetRocket 11 жыл бұрын
my glock dont shoot in cold weather. sent it back to block, they couldnt fix it, so thy gave me my money back and i got a taurus and tons of booze with my savings
@Cabanas751Dunhill 11 жыл бұрын
My buddy owns a shop and he won't allow it... he will even hold ammo if he knows you and you say your coming over.
@MrPir84free 11 жыл бұрын
And that is based off from what ?
@iamnotpaulavery 10 жыл бұрын
You hit the nail on the head! Great video!!!
@neoconsnightmare4 11 жыл бұрын
So, the government buys it all up? Why do the ammo manufacturers SELL it to them? Because they can make lots of money fast. Don't blame the government...blame the ammo manufacturers who sell it, cry 'shortage', and then jack up the prices for retail sales.
@optimusmikey 10 жыл бұрын
Do I buy a lot of ammo and sit on it? Yes because in the next shortage I will be able to shoot my guns. Also I do prepare for SHTF, WROL, but I have absolutely no illusions that my home will stop incoming rounds which is why I bought my own body armor.
@IMABEAST191 11 жыл бұрын
I thought you were going to show us your ammo
@jhippl 11 жыл бұрын
ammo is fine but its hard to eat bullets if shtf
@nyoutdoorsguy9679 11 жыл бұрын
I stocked up on ammo but not just for a shtf case but so i don't gotta buy any soon and pay $10 for a stupid background check
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