I really like this handle material. I enjoy using the half hawks that I have. Thanks for sharing and God bless.
@Kyoko123456786 ай бұрын
This is one of my favorite RRs in my collection
@ericstarr93996 ай бұрын
Beautiful knife and a great pattern! Thanks for sharing! I have a single blade half hawk from the Classic Carbon II series and really like it.
@kjgas69456 ай бұрын
Thank you, Tobias
@richard1thorne9596 ай бұрын
ABSOLUTELY STUNNING knife Sir Regards Richard. 🇿🇦
@timwilliams83436 ай бұрын
Great knife, I also Love and have the red Sawcut Bone Half Hawk "Bolster Lock" knife. Thanks for showing.
@JoseGonzalez-yx6vm6 ай бұрын
The cinnamon bone stage has a very interesting 3d look to it, thanks for showing these, Tobias.
@bdh39496 ай бұрын
Love those cinnamon bone stag knives. I have personally not seen as attractive and well made knife in any RR series as the RR2181, Copperhead with a Damascus blade finish on both blades and acorn shield. Would love to see more in the series 21's and 24's. Thanks for showing the differences Tobias.
@jeffjackson53316 ай бұрын
Beautiful knives
@Mmagnus77 ай бұрын
Gotta say I'm really glad i decided to become a memeber of the channel. Love seeing these videos, thanks Tobias!
@KnifeChatswithTobias7 ай бұрын
I’m glad you’re enjoying the members area. Do I owe you a SWAG pack. If so let me know.
@RandysWSG6 ай бұрын
Great video Tobias. I had this one and really liked it.
@davidkurle54186 ай бұрын
That’s a great looking knife, I’m a fan of the half hawk👍I’d love to get my hands on an old Case loom fixer someday too. Cheers, buddy!
@JoelPerri77776 ай бұрын
This is one of my fav series from RR. I like collecting all their carbon steel patterns, and I’ve found that this series is great too. I had to return 2 of them cuz of blade issues, but that goes with the territory. The 2 I got to replace them, were perfect. I like that the stockman in this pattern is a little smaller than 4 inches, I think it’s 3.88 closed, which makes it perfect for my pocket. The bow canoe is the special pattern in this series I think. The one blade Barlow might be one of the nicest rough Ryders I’ve ever bought. The fit and finish rivaled case, but for 1/6 the price. Another great vid, I’ll have to grab this half hawk sometime.
@PensandPenBlades6 ай бұрын
Beautiful knife and a great pattern! Would love to see an elephant toe in this series! Great review and thanks for sharing!
@KnifeChatswithTobias6 ай бұрын
Elephant toenails are welcome in any series as far as I'm concerned!
@PensandPenBlades6 ай бұрын
@@KnifeChatswithTobias Agreed!
@mangojack16 ай бұрын
I really dig the cinnamon bone series, picked up the Barlow and Stockman waiting for the Scout knife restock missed it first time sadly. That Half Hawk looks pretty nice! Thanks Tobias 👍
@dm15236 ай бұрын
I like this series, but all mine came very gritty and a couple have a sticky feel I can’t get off. My half hawk feels like there is grit in the joint. In spite of that I do like the series and I’ve been altering through the stockman, copperhead and Barlow for daily use. I’ve also been picking up some discontinued models of the half hawk. Got the workman version a couple days ago.
@traviswagner36566 ай бұрын
I love the rr single blade half hawks. If like this one, check out carbon II half hawk in black micarta. Thats my favorite. Thanks for showing
@propblast82nd6 ай бұрын
Looks like a great cardboard box opener
@richardmcginnis53446 ай бұрын
Just picked up my marbles mr101 folding bowie or riflemans knife. What a beauty. I got it from the pawn shop unused in the box for less than half of what optics planet has it priced at and while i was there i got to look at what was coming out later that daycand got a buck 110 auto for 70 bucks
@KnifeChatswithTobias6 ай бұрын
Wow! Two Great knives in one day. Congratulations.
@artawhirler6 ай бұрын
Just wondering - what are the stock numbers for the big scout knife and the Barlow that you showed us in this video?
@KnifeChatswithTobias6 ай бұрын
I'll have to look them up. Sorry I didn't include it in the first place.
@KnifeChatswithTobias6 ай бұрын
The single blade Barlow is the RR2429. It is currently in stock at SMKW the large Scout is the RR2424. It is not in stock at SMKW but is a Chicago Knife Works.
@artawhirler6 ай бұрын
@@KnifeChatswithTobias Thanks for looking them up, Tobias!
@hleeky7 ай бұрын
i REALLY like the Damascus ones. also, while they are cinnamon bone, they have a different finish from the standard cinnamon bone series
@slick_slicers7 ай бұрын
I think in UK this would more likely be called a ram’s foot or Arthur Wright would call it a Farmer’s Knife. Whatever it’s called, it looks pretty good to me!
@KnifeChatswithTobias7 ай бұрын
Americans have to be contrary when it comes to naming knives.
@Tarheelsteel6 ай бұрын
Very cool. I almost picked one of those the other day. Why did I think the term Bonestag was proprietary to Case?
@KnifeChatswithTobias6 ай бұрын
Case does have a trademark for the name "6.5 BoneStag." This might be where the confusion comes from. They do an amazing job with it! The Half Hawk is pretty cool. The big difference between the RR BoneStag and the Case 6.5 BoneStag is Case does each 6.5 BoneStag individually by hand. Rough Ryders is done with machine jigged using C-N-C so the jigging remains consistent from knife to knife. The Case 6.5 Bone Stag is truly a unique cover for each knife.
@Tarheelsteel6 ай бұрын
@KnifeChatswithTobias ohh that makes sense! Thanks for the reply. I'm very partial to the 6.5 but the RR bonestag is very nice 👍
@ed.barker70696 ай бұрын
A UK legal soddy with this Cinnamon Bone would be wonderful. I have one of these Half Hawk's and can't fault it. My only minor gripe is i wish they didn't have the machined 'tram lines'. I know you have to look hard to see them but it spoils the look for me.
@artawhirler6 ай бұрын
I'm not really a big fan of carbon steel, but this is a beautiful looking knife.
@KnifeChatswithTobias6 ай бұрын
I'm sort of with you , especially when it comes to pocket knives and blade steels. So many people clambered over carbon steel, but I prefer stainless. I really don't see T-10 as an improvement over the standard 440A that Rough Ryder uses.
@trynsurviven24406 ай бұрын
Here comes what some may think as a silly question but when was bone handles first used and why? Please don’t get me wrong I like them just curious.
@KnifeChatswithTobias6 ай бұрын
Bone has been a common knife handle material since before the industrial revolution. It actually predates written recorded history. It is used because it some ways it is more durable than wood
@randyblackburn97656 ай бұрын
I like the half hawk and have one , but I don’t care for the liner fill . To me it looks like a short cut around fit and finish.The Colts , Queen , and Marbles have good tight tolerance on the scales.
@Orlosthedruid6 ай бұрын
Tobias.....doesnt a RAMS FOOT have a curved belly on the cutting edge? The Half Hawks Ive gotten are straight edged? I know, semantics and details, but.....
@KnifeChatswithTobias6 ай бұрын
Nope. A rams foot has a a straight edge (no curve). See: kzbin.info/www/bejne/q6SrZ3ptj7OKd5Isi=4ksJgAY3vihrUzox I start talking about the difference between the Sheepfoot, Ramfoot, and Lambfoot, at the five minute mark. The Ram foot is a sheepfoot that has a straight edge and spine that are get further apart as you move away from the spine.
@bruceswearingen77186 ай бұрын
Practical 🔪 shape
@rasputinscastle6 ай бұрын
I like those cinnamon bone knives, but i dont want a knife that half of the coloring just rubs off. I may buy one and see if I can polyurethane that black. 😊
@KnifeChatswithTobias6 ай бұрын
I have had mixed results with the color coming off. The first thing I do is wash them in warm soapy water and scrub them with a toothbrush. The black seems to be more permanent that the torched part. I'm thinking of getting a small propane torch and burning the bone a little bit more.
@rasputinscastle6 ай бұрын
@KnifeChatswithTobias I've tried burning bone before and can't duplicate the black. It browns fine. I may be too tentative and just need to focus the flame on one spot . An inexpensive Rough Ryder is the knife to try it on. I was doing it on one of my vintage knives.
@flitdek6 ай бұрын
The only knife pattern I think looks good in Cinnamon Bone is Bow Canoe, Bow Trapper, and Doctors knife. The only knife I want in Cinnamon Bone, is the Doctors knife. I want a single blade carbon steel half hawk but they just aren't offering it in the scale pattern I like.