طريقة تحضير المقالي بكل التفاصيل French fries, Fried eggplant, cauliflower and tomatoes

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Suha's Dishes

Suha's Dishes

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مقادير الباذنجان المقلي:
كيلو باذنجان (6 حبات)
كوبان زيت نباتي
مقادير البندورة المقلية:
ملعقتان طعام زيت زيتون
نصف كيلو بندورة مقشرة ومفرومة
نصف ملعقة صغيرة ملح
فصان ثوم مهروسين
مقادير القرنبيط (الزهرة) المقلي:
حبتين قرنبيط (2 كيلو)
3 ليتر ماء
ملعقة طعام ملح
ثلاثة اكواب زيت نباتي
مقادير الطرطور (صلصة الطحينة):
ربع كوب طحينة
ربع كوب عصير الليمون الحامض
فص ثوم مهروس مع ربع ملعقة صغيرة ملح
ملعقتان طعام ماء
مقادير البطاطا المقلية:
كيلو بطاطا مقشرة ومغسولة
ثلاثة اكواب زيت نباتي
Fried eggplant ingredients:
1 kilo (2 pounds) Italian eggplants (6 eggplants)
2 cups vegetable or canola oil
Fried tomato ingredients:
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
500 g (1 pound) tomatoes, peeled and diced
1/2 tsp salt
2 cloves minced garlic
Fried cauliflower ingredients:
2 head of cauliflower (1 kilo or 2 pounds each), cut into medium flowers
3 liters water
1 tbsp salt
3 cups vegetable or canola oil
Tahina sauce ingredients:
1/4 cup tahina
1/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 clove minced garlic
1/4 tsp salt
2 tbsp water
French fries ingredients:
1 kilo (2 pounds) russet potatoes, peeled and rinsed
3 cups vegetable or canola oil
1. Peel the eggplant and slice into 1 cm slices.
Place a wire rack on a half sheet pan, then arrange the eggplant slices on the rack. Sprinkle with salt on both sides and let sit for 1 hour.
2. Meanwhile, fry the tomatoes.
In a medium saucepan, heat 2 tbsp of olive oil on high heat. Add the tomatoes with 1/4 tsp salt and stir to combine. Cook covered on low heat until thickens about 10 minutes. Remove from heat and mix in the garlic . Cover and set aside.
3. Dry with a paper towel the access water on the eggplants. Heat the oil on high heat, then fry the eggplant slices on both sides until golden. Remove from the oil to a plate lined with a paper towel. Repeat until you finish the whole quantity.
4. In a large pot, place 3 liters of water and bring to a boil on high heat. Add salt and half of the cauliflower, cover, and wait until the water starts boiling again. Cook for 1 minute. Remove from heat to a strainer. Repeat with the rest of the cauliflower.
5. Meanwhile, prepare the tahina sauce.
In a measuring cup or a small bowl, wisk the tahina, lemon juice, and garlic until combined. Pour in 2 to 3 tbsp water and mix well.
6. Heat the oil on high heat, then fry half of the cauliflower on both sides until golden. Remove from the oil to a plate lined with a paper towel. Repeat with the rest of the cauliflower.
7. Finally, slice the potatoes into 1 cm thick sticks. Keep cut fries submerged in the water to prevent them from going brown.
Transfer half of the potatoes to a colander and pat dry with a paper towel as possible. Sprinkle with salt and toss.
8. Fry in hot oil in 2 batches until halfway cooked about 5 minutes. Remove to a baking sheet, there's no need to line it with a paper towel.
When the fries cooled down, fry again until golden. Remove to a plate lined with a paper towel.
#frenchfries #friedeggplant #suhasdishes #friedcauliflower #vegan #tahinasauce #friedtomatoes #lebanesecuisine #vegtarian

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