1. 基於現實的正面思考、不盲目樂觀 2. 用The ABC Method 重建負面情境 - Adversity(逆境): 以較客觀的、不帶情緒的角度去描述逆境 - Belief(信念): 採取成長型思維(犯錯代表有進步空間,不代表自己是全然糟糕的人);不要輕視錯誤信念帶來的毀滅力道(「我就是個錯誤」完全不等於「我做錯事」,前者使人失能的威力遠大於後者) - Consequence(結果): 自問信念會衍生什麼樣的結果?例:自證預言 (self-fulfilling prophecy) -> 深信自己很糟糕,導致表現自然也很糟糕。結果又鞏固了當初的信念,不斷循環鞏固不健康信念,導致失去改變一切的動力。 Disputation(辯論):質疑對自己或他人驟下的結論。例:問問自己,我真的有這麼糟嗎?我會不會太誇大了? Energization(激勵):專注在有進步、較正面的地方。設立小一點的目標,一點一滴去達成。 3. History of the Future: 想像未來那個克服過困難的自己,「當初」是如何走過這一路的?(寫下來思路更清晰,也可以提供未來可能再度迷惘的自己一個參考) 祝願大家都身心健康。
@EugenePigene2 жыл бұрын
@saprinnachuang97052 жыл бұрын
@Sandy-qn1np2 жыл бұрын
@judyoo13542 жыл бұрын
超級感謝 你熱於助人的行為!
@YaSkatt2 жыл бұрын
CBT ACT DBT 成長性思維 老實說都沒甚麼用... 大家都知到做不到...
@jackiechang40632 жыл бұрын
「沒事」 「會好起來的」 「你已經很好了」 「加油」 這些都是我在低潮時很不想聽到的話,所以我不喜歡跟別人訴苦(寶寶心中苦,寶寶不說😂) 我很想反駁他們,但也知道他們就是關心我而已。 我的伴侶反倒是跟我說 What can I do to make you feel better? 或是 What can I do to support you? 馬上融化 🥺
Thanks for producing this video. It makes more sense to people who has gone through the path fighting against negative feelings no matter what it was. The main point is at how you perceive your feelings and it's always not too late to find another angle looking at your mental difficulties before the sadness and self-deprecation takes away your control of your own mind. I believe by overcoming mental difficulties , it does make me feel tougher mentally. But also that as i understand how hard it was to fight when it gets serious, preventive actions are what should be taken. Thanks Sherry, this really helps.