🔥More Answers About Psychopaths and Sociopaths🔥

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Scott Rouse

Scott Rouse

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From Psychopaths vs Sociopaths to the Body Language of Culture, Scott Rouse answers more of your Body Language and Behavior questions.
As a behavior analyst and body language expert, Scott Rouse holds multiple certificates in advanced interrogation training. He has been trained alongside the FBI, Secret Service, U.S. Military Intelligence, and the Department of Defense.
His extensive training, education, and practice of nonverbal communication have made him an expert and consultant to law enforcement as well as Fortune 100 Companies, attorneys, private investigators, executives, and entertainers. He is also a multi-Grammy nominated producer and TEDx Speaker.
Study: An Evaluation of the Left-Brain vs. Right-Brain Hypothesis with Resting State Functional Connectivity Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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@littleblossom7827 4 ай бұрын
Another great episode! Scott is a legit expert who is surprisingly captivating
@littleblossom7827 4 ай бұрын
I cackled at the crudely drawn “SAD” 😂. High quality acts of mockery are top humor to me
@mariakleine5935 4 ай бұрын
Git it Scott! 😻
@ADoneGooner 4 ай бұрын
Tky, on the toe curl thing. How I survived for 60 years without that information is well...what it is. Better late than never!❤😂
@dilafng 4 ай бұрын
Oh, I’m not at all surprised how captivating he is. 😊
@ADoneGooner 4 ай бұрын
@@dilafng it's impossible to talk about it without being it.😆
@face1257 4 ай бұрын
Scott has a soothing voice. He is the Bob Ross of body language 😅
@princessskennnyy 4 ай бұрын
Totally agree!
@Kris98863 3 ай бұрын
@@face1257 agreed 🤝
@amandachristianson2402 2 ай бұрын
I was totally thinking this!
@dianacrisp5944 21 күн бұрын
😂. You speak the truth!
@LookAtTheTrees 5 күн бұрын
@@face1257 well said absolutely 💯
@arseneaultjohanne419 4 ай бұрын
I worked for almost a year in an audiotech in Quebec City. My job was to read texts on different subjects of interest to members of the organization who are blind people. My two employers, a woman and a man, were both blind from birth. It's true that the duration of the expressions on their faces did not often correspond to what we are used to. I would say, however, that their ability to decode what messages people's voices convey impressed me. They had a very developed sensitivity to the emotions conveyed by the voices of the people who spoke to them.
@9094nancyj 4 ай бұрын
It just took me 30+ years to realize my ex husband was a narcissist. He was so loving, kind, bought me gifts, etc. when we were dating. Once the ring was on my finger, bam, he turned 180. I hightailed it out of that disaster 2 years later. I got out quick, but I couldn't understand why he was like this - now I realize who he was.
@mainecoonmami 4 ай бұрын
My very first love was a sociopath. He love bombed me hard and after we were in a full on live relationship, he turned. Emotionally and physically abusive.
@9094nancyj 4 ай бұрын
@@mainecoonmami Sorry to hear about this. I can empathize with you.
@Joshualuv13 3 ай бұрын
Is a narcissist often a phycopath, and is a phycopath not always a narcissist?
@selfesteem3447 2 ай бұрын
​@@Joshualuv13​​A psychopath is always also a narcissist. However a narcissist is not necessarily always a psychopath but can be.
@selfesteem3447 2 ай бұрын
@9094nancyj, My "father" now deceased, was a psychopath. His first marriage must've taught him to play it, or play my "mom" more safely. His first marriage was to Bessie, he had told her " if you don't shut that baby up, I'll kill him". The 2nd time he said the same thing, she made a quick quiet escape. Her sister had been married to his brother. I have a feeling the brother (he died not long after these occurrences) may have backed Bessie up on her getting out of the relationshit, as the brother knew what a madman his brother was. All that to say, as a young adult I had many talks w/ my "mom" (she had low level psychopathy) "Tell me again? when did he start acting crazy ? How was it you had 4 kids with him and didn't notice ? Why did you keep having kids w/ him" ? She's swore to me that she never saw a single sign, untill all of us were born. The second go around he locked my mom down by having four kids, I would beg her to can we go with the woods. Edit, "can we go live in the woods"? And he did the same thing, he said every day, "If you ever try to leave me, I will shoot/kill the kids, you & then myself".
@PaintWithWheat 4 ай бұрын
Several years ago I was told by my counselor at Scott AFB Family Advocacy to read up on sociopaths. She had seen my ex's medical record and of course couldn't tell me what was in it but that I needed to read up on it. That's why this is interesting to me. He's long gone and I'm getting ready to marry a wonderful man so life is good. Lesson learned!
@nocapbussin 4 ай бұрын
I did 2 enlistments and in my experience, 90%+ of domestic problems were caused by the wife; that's why spouses aren't always treated the best because we've seen it all. The myth is that the men are these unhinged and violent animals when in reality the wives did everything from cheat consistently to making up false domestic abuse charges. I cannot tell you how many times I've seen guys wives at bars, clubs, and on dating apps while the husband was away and these same women all concocted the most evil plots one could imagine to finally leave their husband's while making him look like he was a total savage. And I cannot tell you how many investigations I've seen where the husband was proven to be innocent after his name was dragged through the mud and his life and career destroyed. So you said your ex was a problem and because he is currently unable to defend himself from your accusations here, I think it's necessary to make it very well known that there is and has been a campaign to make veterans look terrible on all angles. Truth is, most of the outbursts that cause veterans problems are the result of severe psychological torture (not even war) put on them by the military organization itself and made worse by absolutely VICIOUS women. Imagine working a high stress job with severe sleep deprivation to boot and on top of that you are coming home to a cackling harpie wife. Yes, that is enough to make a man snap. Does that mean he will get violent? No. But he may say things in anger and all you need is one recording of a man who is venting frustration and now you have every feminist, psychology quack, and simp saying "THIS MAN IS A MONSTER!!!". It's not right and men have to take a stand and put up a fight. When you have a naive young man who is emotionally vulnerable believes in the "women are angels" and happy family myth told to them by society, it makes him makes him a target for truly evil and sick women. I've seen it over and over and over and over again. And because we have a feminist society that "Believes all women", these naive men often pay for their naivete with their finances, reputations, and their lives. And so who knows, maybe your ex was a problem. But that still begs the question why you got with him in the first place; and knowing women as well as I do because I have a lot of experience, in the beginning he probably checked all your excitement checks on the checklist and once he was no longer exciting and fun that gave you carte blanche to start laying the ground work for making an exit while saving your own reputation. And so now you use his medical record (which is private information) as your weapon to say "He was fucked up, I know, I saw his personal and private medical information".
@cristineconnell7803 4 ай бұрын
​@@nocapbussinTo suggest it is always the woman is the epitome of ignorance with all due respect! Retired Lay Crisis Counselor/First Responder 45yrs, it very much depends in the person/people! Each case is unique!
@PaintWithWheat 4 ай бұрын
@@cristineconnell7803 thank you!
@nocapbussin 4 ай бұрын
@@cristineconnell7803 With all due respect, read what I said again. I didn't say "all" women are the problem. You twisted my words. I said "90%+", and I say that from both anecdotal experience of knowing men personally who've gone through hell with a former spouse or girlfriend as well as knowing of cases that were made public where the man had no other option but to record his wife, ex wife, or girlfriend. Example: Johny Depp and Amber Heard. How many people were drooling at the opportunity to destroy Johnny Depp and then it blew up in their faces when he was proven innocent and Amber Heard was an absolute maniac? There is video after video of vindictive women threatening men with very serious criminal charges that weren't true, and in some of these videos the women are so psychologically twisted that they even say things like "no one will believe you". The internet is a blessing and a curse, but one of its blessings is showing young men female behaviors that were once thought to be fringe at best and it is the exposure of this reality that's a HUGE reason why men are opting out of marriage, and some are even leaving the US entirely just to have a normal life with a healthy family dynamic. The fact you are a " retired crisis counselor" means that you arent someone who could be trusted as a reliable source because of how politicized Family Law has become. Your entire career field was established as a result of what was called "The Duluth Model". The Duluth Model was the brainchild of 1970s misandrist feminist activists and since then they have successfully incorporated this model into most states family law policies. I highly recommend people read The Duluth Model because its diabolical to say the least and the fact it was even entertained by government to begin with is enough for anyone to entertain the possibility of conspiracy or foul play. I digress. We have case, after case, after case, of good fathers AND good mothers terrorized by your goon squads and their children kidnapped. And I will use the extreme language of "kidnapped" because when you wrongly take another human being by force, that is by definition kidnapping. Just because someone works for the government doesn't mean they are noble with good intentions. It is because of the weaponization of your profession that is a HUGE reason why everything from false domestic abuse to false sexual violence accusations are absolutely rampant. Your former career field is so filled with misandry that taking your opinion ("experience") is like asking a Klansman his opinion on slavery. Are there men out there who are absolutely horrible? Yes. I never have and never will deny that, but there are patterns to those men. As the saying goes, when there is smoke, there is fire. If you have a man who has a history of anti social behaviors, constant run-ins with the law, kids living in filth, kids showing signs of physical and mental abuse (real signs, not speculation because a goon with a clipboard was given power and therefore can play god with peoples lives she or he doesnt like), that's one thing. But when you have what we have today where it's a fashionable trend for women to be victims and play the victimhood Olympics where in today's social environment they are rewarded for it, thats when men have to start standing up and calling foul and questioning these accusers more thoroughly. The concept of Due Process is all but lost on the common American woman nowadays because of how easy it is to say "HES BAD!" and society, media, and government will snap-to and immediately come to her rescue.
@Justice1911A1 4 ай бұрын
@@nocapbussin I read you post twice just to make sure I took in what you said and didn’t misinterpret it. I was also enlisted and have seen a lot. I am female and yes, have seen good men taken to the cleaners by their partners, I have also seen good women destroyed by their partners. I think putting 90% of the blame back on women is over reaching at best. I have seen many married men bonk anyone who will give it up when out drinking with the boys… is that the woman’s fault or is it a weakness in the man’s character. I have been married 25 years and believe I have a kind and gentle husband. He has never raised a hand to me and if he did, I would walk away. We support each other through tough times and forgive each other when it’s needed. I agree the psychological stress a soldier undergoes is a contributing factor but I don’t believe that excuses poor behaviour in either party.
@crowznest438 4 ай бұрын
A friend taught her babies simple sign language and by the time they were sitting up, it cut down on a lot of crying because they could communicate.
@samporter2146 3 ай бұрын
Wow . Fascinating!
@KathleenMorrison-no4id 2 ай бұрын
@crowznest438 One has to be careful because this can interfere with Expressive Language Skills. The child must produce vocal sounds in order to know that sounds make words that have meaning. Cooing and producing learning sounds while pointing to an object is a precursor to labeling items and building vocabulary. The parent/caregiver can then say, " Oh! You want juice! Without correcting pronunciation. Obviously, I'm a speech pathologist. A parent requested a hearing and speech evaluation. The child didn't produce any vocalization of sounds. He just looked around and pointed. He passed the hearing eval, so his difficulty wasn't due to a hearing deficit. He was almost three years old. I started therapy by picking up the item he pointed out and said, "Ball." Basically, I had to hand him the item while naming the item. It took him two years to learn how to say three word sentences. So, if your child isn't producing sounds by six months, have your child evaluated to see What's Up!
@ironDsteele 2 ай бұрын
I watch Canadian politics- exclusively to improve my understanding of narcissism and psychopathy. The first defense, Denial. Lying, gaslighting, revisions of history. Second, Deflection. Word salad, circular conversation. Third, Projection. Blameshifting, toxic martyrdom, false contrition, magical thinking, future faking, ignited fury. All examples of how their narcissism asserts control and vindicates them from accountability, the sense of entitlement, and lack of boundary recognition. As an unaware upper midrange narcissist that operates a facade of superiority, Trudeau is a great example of one who executes all of these manipulations; be it pathologically and unknowingly.
@odonnelldenise 2 ай бұрын
@ironDsteele Yes text book. It is so strange to live in a country where despite these blatant behaviours so few seem to agree or even care
@sarahfullerton6894 2 ай бұрын
Sounds exactly like leftist American politics!!
@hairdresser1300 4 ай бұрын
We had an awful little boy living next door for a summer. He delighted in hurting other children. It gave me chills when I saw his slow smile after surprising another by hurting them. The worst was when he was throwing rocks in between cars parked on our street. He would do this when he saw a car driving down the street and would encourage his 3 yr old sister to run after the rocks. She was almost hit and the drivers would get out in search of the parent. My question...Sociopath or Psychopath
@paulf2898 4 ай бұрын
Psychopath's tend to enjoy hurting people and small animals
@denisesophie8572 4 ай бұрын
I wonder how many times I’ve come across a psychopath in my lifetime and not realised? Fascinating stuff!
@jak9483 4 ай бұрын
I think the ratio to the population is one psychopath in every five people!
@sarahs413 3 ай бұрын
Most likely MANY.
@poolhalljunkie9 4 ай бұрын
When this guy said at the beginning if you're dealing with dopamine hits from your significant other to be careful I'll say this. If you even think you're dealing with someone like what he's talking about don't bother with being careful, run, as fast as you can. Get away. Rip off the band aid cause the longer you wait the harder it's going to get and the more dangerous it's going to get. Trust me. I've had one person literally ruin my life and that hasn't been enough for her so I've also been shot at because of her and recently ran off the road by one of her lackeys. Not to mention i have kids with her that I'm not even allowed to see which kills me and she knows it kills me. She also knows it hurts them and she doesn't care.
@jak9483 4 ай бұрын
She is causing child abuse, if only you could secretly record her and then tell the Court system.
@emr7712 2 ай бұрын
When you've just started dating and you are told 'you'll never leave me except in a body bag ....', don't think they're joking, they're not. My ex pointed a shotgun at me twice and shot at me once. Tried to gouge my eyes out. Burnt his business down and ultimately, tried to poison me. 😢 many a true word is spoken in jest.😱
@megonvi 4 ай бұрын
Summary on Narcissists, Psychopaths, & Sociopaths (Hope I got it right): -The DSM doesn't mention the terms "psychopath" or "sociopath," so technically there's only anti-social behavior. But that's how people may popularly refer to them. -All psychopaths are narcissists, but not all narcissists are psychopaths. -Quite often, they want to have a position of power (e.g. politician, leader of the clergy, CEO, police officer, etc). Clinical Narcissists: -They're right up there next to a psychopath. -Their brain may read fairly normal on an FMRI and can still be able to experience some empathy. -Most of the time they look pleasant and charismatic. -They can act "too nice" in order to be likeable and love-bomb people at the beginning to pump their ego and make them feel good. Then they cut it off, but people may still follow them back (because they already became addicted to the dopamine and oxytocin release). At that point, they start giving just breadcrumbs and would only love-bomb again if they need to "fix" the relationship after getting in trouble. -They're glib (i.e. answer questions or talk about things as if they actually knew about that and making it sound very important but without any real depth). -They're capable of being very mean and treating people horribly. Psychopaths: -They're unable to feel empathy or sympathy at a neurological level (some parts of their limbic system don't work properly, in particular the amygdala). -That makes them capable of doing mean, horrible things. -Most of the times they are already born a psychopath. In exceptional cases, they are not born that way, but later in life they experience damage to parts of the brain because of something like an accident or the use of drugs and become psychopathic. -They might not have a specific cue and say or do anything right out of the gate that would get your guard up, so they're hard to "spot in the wild." -They share the same traits listed above for clinical narcissists (except for the first two because again, all psychopaths are narcissists but not the other way around). Sociopaths: -Their brain may read fairly normal on an FMRI. -They're born without any neurological problem keeping them from feeling empathy or sympathy, but that part doesn't develop as well because those emotions are not nurtured by their environment. -Most of the time, they grow up without loving caring people around them but rather exposed to violence and cruelty. -They often become hardcore criminals and might end up killing someone violently (by accident or on purpose). Recommended Readings: "Without Conscience" & "Snakes in Suits" by Robert D. Hare
@dantheman5745 2 ай бұрын
This was great preparation for my upcoming Family Reunion.
@xzonia1 19 күн бұрын
Scott: People who are nervous about flying, they always sit next to me. Always! That's because you have a calming demeanor, and they're drawn to it. :)
@bethtaylor9773 4 ай бұрын
I love the chair idea! Will pass it on to my grandson. Another idea involving a chair is when someone is calling you names or telling you how horrible you are when you aren't being that way, think, 'if someone calls me a chair, does that make me a chair?' Keeps a person from reacting.
@KAli-dk6on 4 ай бұрын
Hi Scott, so glad I found your channel! Interesting quote.." all psychopaths are narcissist, but not all narcissist are psychopaths "! Wow that was an eye opener. Learned alot scott, thank you 😊
@RationalNon-conformist 4 ай бұрын
HG Tudor speaks about this, he’s really good at what he does.
@teschchr122 4 ай бұрын
My son was married to a woman for two years. She immediately moved in a younger man, once that one left, another. My son believed that it was a money saving decision. He had issues with his computer so he tried to get into hers, which he knew the code for, she had changed it and wouldn’t tell him the new code. My family are tech savvy and got in. The looked at her search history and she had been looking up ways to kill your husband. There were so many issues that we saw before that. So glad he found out before something happened.
@Dewey32 3 ай бұрын
A lot easier than spotting a psychopath or narcissist is learning how to respect yourself and keep boundaries. We don’t do enough of teaching people, girls, especially, how to do this.
@honeybee6154 3 ай бұрын
This is indeed the best defense against personality disordered individuals. 👍☺️
@AndreaCrisp 3 ай бұрын
YES! 👏 👏 👏 So important and so neglected.
@Kristi_Cookies914 3 ай бұрын
Very true.
@bdavenport9404 4 ай бұрын
Don't look for signs to label a person but, in a few minutes, the feeling from the words , eye contact, gestures, presence, lets me know everything about a new encounter. Scott you're amazing. It's rare that men understand that men and women have different ways to process information. Thanks.
@ScottRouse 4 ай бұрын
@daleenfarrell4587 3 ай бұрын
I'm a Nurse and get so stressed up about a lot of things, My therapist told me to drink ice water and also put this ice bottle against your carotid nerve at the side of your neck... And it really works ❤
@fee4756 4 ай бұрын
I just saw you pull The Wallace & Gromit face @3.33. 😆😆 Thank You very much Sir... 😊.. seeing someone else use it has made my day! 😊🌠
@Mithras444 3 ай бұрын
I am the ONLY one who knew my mom was both of these things! She cleverly hid her real self to everyone but me. She also made me the scapegoat of ALL of her problems! Its taken a live time to come to terms with this.
@lorisepulveda-cory2703 3 ай бұрын
We must have had the same mother
@amazinggrace5692 4 ай бұрын
I’ve been known as a human lie detector. I think part of it is natural, but I also think part of it is a result of my long term SA in childhood. Unknowingly,I learned to watch out for danger and to read intent from micro-expressions, body language and verbal speech.
@susang2535 3 ай бұрын
I'm hyper vigilant from childhood abuse (sadly all sorts of abuse). I know when someone is lying but couldn't tell you how. I also know when someone is about to be violent. I'm sorry that you went through abuse. It's hideous and awful.
@selenamcqueen3381 4 ай бұрын
Although we are watching for the content which is great, you have such a lovely way of communicating, it's calming.
@ScottRouse 4 ай бұрын
Thank you, Selena. I really appreciate that.🙂
@vana1888 4 ай бұрын
Wooo! Love this 🤩. Thank you ever so much Scott!
@muma6559 3 ай бұрын
52:20 Great point. The body never accepts lying. Even after a long time of lying. That's interesting to know about how we're constructed, lying never gets assimilated. Thanks for that.
@lynnschaeferle-zh4go 4 ай бұрын
I could listen to Scott and/or the Behavior Panel forever. I’ve picked up a lot from each guy and they say what mental health professionals don’t. My psychologist says “oh, you figured that out? Okay “. My tell is can they smile, laugh, hug, cry or pray?
@anitaholst7671 3 ай бұрын
Not related to tbe topic. I just want to share.... I experienced a human interaction decades ago that remains one of my most treasured memories. I was in a Kansas (City) airport. Drained after a demanding business meeting. Single, no children, at the time, btw. A mother, father and twin boys around 4 yrs of age were in a small waiting area with me. An empty seat was between Mom and me. One of the boys ("Joe") was with her. Dad and "Matt" were together in seating adjacent to us, facing us. I was quiet and smiled at the family. Matt was cranky; Joe was content. Mom and I talked quietly and sporadicly; I didn't speak to the kids at all (unusual for me). Joe was listening to Mom and me. He wasn't talking tho, entertaining himself quietly while he was standing. He started moving closer to me (Mom and I exchanged glances and i could see she was fascinated; I later was told he was a shy child). He took out his little suitcase and opened it on the seat between Mom and me. That's when I quietly started murmuring oohs and ahhs about his belongings. He didn't say a word. He moved closer to me so his body was against my leg. Mom and I marveled. Next thing I know, he leaned back over my lap (I dont remember if he was looking at me) and I held him. After 30 seconds I said, againly quietly, "Well, if we're gonna hug each other, I think we should know each other's names." I think that's when we looked at each other. We introduced ourselves. It was such a sweet quiet human connection...
@MrTrecutter1 2 ай бұрын
I had a friend in high-school we would hangout, but one night he invited me to spend the weekend at his house. The first night and last night he started staring at me then started drawing a picture of me. When he finished the drawing and showed it to me. The moment I saw the drawing and felt pure fear. It was like it was a perception thru a warp vision, hard to explain. I told him i wasn't feeling well and needed to sleep on the couch. Speed this up about 15 years it hit the news he had killed 4 female students from a local college. After being found guilty and receiving a life sentence he was found dead in his cell after having a brain aneurysm, wondering if that had something to do with his mental state?
@ScottRouse 2 ай бұрын
@rosannacellini2158 4 ай бұрын
Hi Scott! I'm sure not an expert on spotting a psychopath, but I'm pretty good at spotting a phony. Something in their eyes and smile, when they give someone praise, for whatever, that creeps me out a bit. I ask myself, if I maybe misjudging. I usually have strong intuition. All I know is, I want to be far from a sneaky, killer/narcisist. Lol. Thanks Scott, you enlighten us with great insight. Always a pleasure. 🤩👍😎👶
@christinabeehive7714 4 ай бұрын
Actors are sooooo easy to trip up. I have to live and work with professional film/stage actors. Acting is a group effort in a room full of supportive people. Not the real world. Often, actors look and sound really dumb during filming. But then in the edit, close up shot, with music…they are so amazing and powerful.
@AveriesMiranda 4 ай бұрын
My ex is in prison after committing a triple homicide.. I always believed he was a narcissist sociopath so these videos are right up my alley
@yvonnemccullaghward361 4 ай бұрын
Glad you got away in time x
@silviacarolinalangowski8442 3 ай бұрын
I have to say I was in a relationship with one hell of a narcissist, but somehow I knew it from the beginning, even on the 2nd date I said to him that this was not for me, but he convinced me that he was being nervous! Still, since the beginning, I disliked his love bombing and I told him so he was upset, He always big trips, and expensive presents that honestly ended with a discussion because I was not “ behaving” correctly, or had no in-depth conversation, I never had a great conversation with him, he felt less because he didn't know about any topic just architecture 🤷🏽‍♀️… He began cutting the compliments, gifts etc, just saying that I was not a good person etc. My kids didn't like him, because of him constantly screaming at me, getting my phone… It was horrible! In conclusion, if your intuition says run, do it! Greetings from Germany 🫶🏽
@kyraforeman508 2 ай бұрын
Watching you has made me realize that either my having ADHD or my family trained to me to basically respond in a way that makes me seem SUPER guilty. Older brother grew up to be a lawyer 😂
@Baptized_in_Fire. 2 ай бұрын
You speak really sensibly on this subject. No nonsense. I like that
@ScottRouse 2 ай бұрын
Thanks so much. I try to just talk about things so everybody can understand easily.
@justkiddin84 4 ай бұрын
The Ladybird Lake killer has not been found. A guy was arrested in February on one of them, but the killings have continued. Very informative! Thank you!♥️✌️
@Ana-n8y1c 4 ай бұрын
Some are ritualistic like jack the ripper
@viktoriar1762 4 ай бұрын
This is like having a fascinating conversation with a wise friend. I appreciate your willingness to share your knowledge and experiences. Thank you for creating this content!
@mtorres4445 4 ай бұрын
For whatever reason, people just spill their guts to me. I ask nothing, and people just start talking. I feel like a walking confessional.
@ScottRouse 4 ай бұрын
@nancythane4104 4 ай бұрын
@mtorres4445 You too, huh? 😁 My wife laughs about the fact I can talk to *anyone*. From Hell's Angel to Mother Theresa~~they all talk when I give an opener. Not a bad thing, overall. Makes for LONG phone calls! 😂
@mtorres4445 4 ай бұрын
@ScottRouse They are easy to analyze. It seems that those of us who have endured a lot of abuse in childhood and life can read people and rooms very well unintentionally. Also, having some studies in the area helps to confirm with more accuracy and explanation in reports regarding the reasoning behind the analysis.
@mtorres4445 4 ай бұрын
@nancythane4104 I don't offer opinions unless they are asking. I just silently soak it up. I have had perfect strangers on planes approach me and start the conversation without initiation from me. Those traveling with me are used to it. If I want to completely block whatever ,tell me everything look I have, I use my noise canceling and listen to an audio book. Phone calls, sad to say, but I love caller ID. Everyone knows not to call me or visit my house without advance notice via text.
@susanwofe9334 4 ай бұрын
Same. I had a guy say to me randomly, and note I have been in the public building for 7 hours, what year is my Cadillac.... First of all how he know what I drive? And I said which one I have two. He then says I thought you sold the other one? I said no a pastor asked to buy it I said no.... 😮
@erinjean9971 4 ай бұрын
I am fascinated with your lessons Scott. I am learning, not judging... to me it's about arming myself with knowledge so I can surround myself with healthy people who don't want to harm me.
@CrazyDiamond1124 9 күн бұрын
I studied psychology in college a few years back and I feel I’m learning more from your videos than I did in school! Pretty interesting things here! Love your videos!
@edie4321 3 күн бұрын
They just push that woke agenda in school psychology today. Which is very sad, as after 2020 until the present we' are all quite traumatized, and they are only paying attention to the ones they can drug.
@AremAsha 4 ай бұрын
“Sometimes they take something with em..” Scott grabs his finger, I think is going to say a ring/jewellery… “Sometimes a body part.” 😮😅😂😂
@jennarobinson4922 4 ай бұрын
Narcissists care only about themselves not you. Sociopaths really hate you. And psychopaths absolutely don’t care at all.
@sarahs413 3 ай бұрын
Exactly. They fall into "obsession" NOT "love" -- HUGE difference.
@elizabethramsey9295 2 ай бұрын
I’m the oldest of five kids and our dad was a civilian cop and became a career military policeman. And our mother was the enforcer if we ever stepped out of line while dad was away on an assignment. Usually it was tougher to face her than dad.
@A93-qg9xj 4 ай бұрын
I really love how engaged you are in the comment section.. 🙂 Love these episodes!
@magdalenachwaja9516 4 ай бұрын
Scott you have for such a nice calm voice. Really. You guys are just great. All 4 🌷
@Nurturing2 4 ай бұрын
You’re AMAZING, Scott❣️ Thank you for your generosity!!!
@nana-ly9mw 3 ай бұрын
bob is captivating, low key, down to earth, intelligent, easy to understand, and must have a new makeup artist - lookin good
@lifeisbutadream7397 3 ай бұрын
@m0L3ify 3 ай бұрын
Everyone's nice at first, and the worst people are the nicest
@estherclark820 3 ай бұрын
Maybe so, but some people are authentically, notably that nice. I don't think it can be a reliable assumption, I mean.
@Kristi_Cookies914 3 ай бұрын
Geez, I know a lot of genuinely nice people. You can weed out the fakes pretty quick if you're alert.
@m0L3ify 3 ай бұрын
@@estherclark820 All it means is that niceness during the first few weeks you know someone aren't enough to know for sure you can trust them. It might be genuine, but you have to know what red flags to look for to be certain.
@m0L3ify 3 ай бұрын
@@Kristi_Cookies914 People who were raised to ignore the warning signs will only rely on nicety levels to assess whether someone is trustworthy or not. My point is that it's not a sole indicator of character, and that manipulative people are extremely good at masking their true selves behind that mask - so good, they can take it too far and be _too_ nice.
@01jausten 4 ай бұрын
I wonder if that’s what happened to King Henry the 8th. By many accounts he was okay until a head injury in jousting accident. Then a couple of his 6 wives had serious head injuries.
@sarahs413 3 ай бұрын
There was an episode of "Everybody Loves Raymond" where his brother, Robert, was an officer and had arrested a guy thinking he was throwing gang signs when he was actually doing sign language. I wonder how often that actually happens.
@zoetrophy 4 ай бұрын
Criminal Profiler, Pat Brown was a Sign Language interpereter for hospital patients for years. I think the two of you would have some AMAZING conversations!
@MusicInMotion_67 4 ай бұрын
As a lifetime signer/ASL teacher and Interpreter first I want to say I commend you for taking the time to try and learn ASL. ASL is one of those languages that you need to practice with someone who also knows the language (It's not just hand signs but a actual language so there are rules that go along with ASL) but I would encourage you to take a class on ASL vs learning from an App. Many of the apps out there are either incorrect on a lot of the signs, or are created in Canada who although they primarily use ASL many of the signs may very from your local area. You also have what's called regional signs so there are signs in New York for example that may be different than those used in California or even the Carolinas. This is common all throughout the US, so I would recommend learning it from either your local Deaf community and hope they aren't teaching you wrong just to get a good laugh, or take some classes at a local community college/university so at least you'll know you're learning it correctly for your "region".
@Goodlk231 4 ай бұрын
I've seen what is called, " The psychopathic Stare". It's extremely creepy 😱.
@journeyspencer7308 4 ай бұрын
I watch your videos because I learn how my father saw the world. It helps me to understand that his abuse wasn't my fault. He treated everyone the same. I wish I could talk to Scott because I'm pretty sure dad was a serial killer. Everything about him was right for it. I never met a more evil, debased person in my life. He had zero will empathy. He only understood emotions in connection to himself or how to manipulate others. My childhood was hell. I've had nearly 30 years of therapy to heal. My father was one of the monsters.
@htmc2022 4 ай бұрын
So your dad & my mom - so sorry you lived through horror & fear - you survived - got therapy - be well!
@anitaholst7671 3 ай бұрын
Such a sad tale. You don't mention your mother, but 30 years of therapy speaks volumes. I wish you well.
@JuliaWallis-ie4wy 4 ай бұрын
Thank you so much Scott. I was glued to this video. You make everything so interesting and fascinating and I love your funny asides! You have such a warm way of presenting, I feel like you’re in the room talking to me!❤️
@ScottRouse 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for that. I’d rather hang out than just load you up on the technical side of things.
@consciouslyaware240 3 ай бұрын
I dated/moved in with a sociopath/narcissist, he had kids and I had 1, he nearly killed me, didn’t sleep 5 months after and thats when I started researching personality disorders…I feel I can spot disordered people pretty quick, kinda a gut feeling.
@specialtwice4975 3 ай бұрын
Once you SEE, your gut knows. I can spot them in a grocery store now.
@theriddlerUSA 3 ай бұрын
I'm glad you got away. Hope you are now living a great life. 😊
@consciouslyaware240 3 ай бұрын
@@theriddlerUSA yes! Thank you!
@theriddlerUSA 3 ай бұрын
@@consciouslyaware240 Good for you.
@eimearinez 4 ай бұрын
That’s such a sad life not having true feelings for people and animals and the World in general
@ferguson8143 4 ай бұрын
Only weird to someone that had something then try to make your brain make up a version of you that doesn't exist
@rosemadder5547 4 ай бұрын
I just cut off a dude i was going to go on a first date with, bc he kept going on about being a good friend, and putting his friends first, being there for these girls he knows, and this stuff...but way to often. I know it sounds weird but it came off as fake and... Virtue signaling. Do y'all think i was wrong? It was a constant thing, him talking about what a good person he is. It hit me weird... My gut just said to look out. He pushed this narrative. Maybe im paranoid.
@justkiddin84 4 ай бұрын
You were right, good job. Actually nice folks don’t toot their own horn like that. ‘I’m an empath’ ‘I’m a great friend.’ ‘I always help everyone I meet.’ For real? Never have a bad day or get angry? Suuuuuure.
@Jade-gq5cc 4 ай бұрын
Scott - can you PLEASE make a guided meditation video??? I could totally fall asleep to the sound of your voice. It is very relaxing - even when talking about personality disorders. :). Totally complimentary way too!
@investigator77 4 ай бұрын
They're already on his video list
@Jade-gq5cc 4 ай бұрын
@@investigator77 oh thank you thank you thank you for replying! Found them through your acct and saved them! Can’t wait to try it out tonight.
@TonyBurke100 2 ай бұрын
If I meet some joker who bombards me with a pile of compliments male or female then I get suspicious immediately but I'm a 70 year old man who has been around the block several times and my dog growls at them so I know that they are bad news.
@TheFirstManticore 2 ай бұрын
Your dog growls at them because he knows you think they are bad news. I'm older than you are, and a dog person. You are probably right, of course, at least most of the time. People develop a kind of intuitive understanding with their dogs.
@ADoneGooner 4 ай бұрын
Curl your toes in your shoes???? How did I not know this for 60 years??? Thank you. ❤😂 Well at least I'm better late than never. Subscriber.
@VelveteenRabbitinRedFern 4 ай бұрын
I successfully chaff and redirected my brother recently, based on him yelling at me about something. I'm scared of his wrath, but it worked!
@VelveteenRabbitinRedFern 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for the ❤ Scott, but I learned how to do it from YOU!
@Nathja83 2 ай бұрын
At 38.00 there’s a question about how their mouth move.. I think you misunderstood the question. Sure it’s normal when people stick their tongue out when they’re concentrating etc. - but that’s not what I think the persons asking the question is referring to.. -They have a habit of doing something subtle, weird movements with their lips. Kinda like pinching them together… there has been studies on it, but they don’t come to a real conclusion about what it is that makes them do it exactly..? - it’s mentioned in a book I’ve just read. However I’m from Denmark and I think the studies was done in Oslo -Norway. 😊 - just to say… it’s true. They do some very characteristic subtle lip movements once in awhile.. it’s always freaked me out when my x did it. He does it even more if he’s under influence of substances, but also in other random situations.. it gave me some kind of peace reading about it, as I have never heard about it elsewhere, and it always gave(give) me that chilling uncanny valley feeling…🥴😵‍💫
@blackjack5478 4 ай бұрын
I saw someone's eyes literally change colour to black , scary . Great vid
@gointothedogs4634 3 ай бұрын
I've seen that too, and was told once that mine turned black when a teacher did something very wrong in the class. I was angry and realized this can happen to someone's eyes when they're really angry.
@desert_moon 3 ай бұрын
It's just pupil dilation. not actually color changing.
@SusanneCaswell 4 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for that episode!! You activated my excitement to learn neurons many times and especially with the deaf/ASL conversation. I started my career path as an ASL interpreter and quickly switch into a ASL therapist...not much ASL therapy any more but loved the 15 plus years I got to live and work in it...I love the excitement I hear in your interest and hope and pray you pursue it. It is such a rich and fascinating language and culture. I remember a lot of my training was around learning how to tap into non verbal communication because we are taught to quiet those signals as hearing people. My humble suggestion if you want to pursue in the realm of your professional interest, and you might already know this, is to find a reputable DI (deaf interpreter). They could have insights you would never come across otherwise. Thank you again for your sharing and declared interest in ASL...and all the other wisdom you shared!! Thank you!! :)
@kelcritcarroll 3 ай бұрын
I actually have severe anxiety issues….and I just did that curl toe thing and it was an immediate relief actually! That is pretty cool!
@fibanocci314 3 ай бұрын
Ah, the "methinks the lady doth protest too much" technique for detecting liars. Classic.
@tinywalnut6337 3 ай бұрын
I have used that phrase with my ex so many times I've lost count. And for good reason! He was a fabulous liar and an addict. Still love the phrase though. So applicable.
@susan_elizabeth 4 ай бұрын
Scott, I'm learning so much from you. Thank you! 😊
@ScottRouse 4 ай бұрын
Yay! 🙂Thanks again for watching Susan! 🙂
@anon660 4 ай бұрын
Thank you Scott. Do you mind speaking about what to do to make a stalker uninterested in stalking you any longer?
@FaithAndRepentance 4 ай бұрын
12:46 until they destroy the relationship or youve personallly been broken and learned and came back. Then you start to see in hindsight and notice I n real time every single thing they say or don't say, do, don't do and so on
@donna_NC 4 ай бұрын
Thank you Scott! I pray you are healthy and happy! I am learning so much from you and the other Fab Three Much appreciated
@hfortenberry 4 ай бұрын
Snakes in Suits by Babiak and Hare is the book that discussed CEOs as psychopaths. I read that back when it came out in the early 2000’s but apparently it’s been updated and released again in 2019. I’ll have to get that one too and Without Conscience. Fascinating! Enron was one example that hit close to home for me since I lived in Houston at the time and my girlfriend in 1999 worked as a CPA for Arthur Anderson. She was innocent but would have lost her job when it dissolved after that (we broke up the year prior so I don’t know the details of how it ended for her).
@gointothedogs4634 3 ай бұрын
Yes Enron was a famous example, Health South another.
@JoyceTelfer 4 ай бұрын
Scott, I live in one of the suburbs of Vancouver, British Columbia - major city, large population, etc. Most of the suburbs here still maintain a weekly newspaper with region-specific as well as provincial news and advertising. Mostly these are publications that are delivered to each home or included in postal box deliveries (as most of our snail mail is no longer home delivered and goes instead to so-call 'community mailboxes' where about 60 - 120 boxes are housed together on a nearby street corner. We definitely still have newspapers that can leave ink on our hands!
@AmenAndAmen777 3 ай бұрын
One of the first things you will notice about somebody who is immoral, which can very well be a psychopath, is a penchant toward lying which can sometimes come out in just the first few hours of knowing them. It's safe to say that if you notice someone lying to you about things right after meeting them, it would be probably be best to leave asap and never look back. It is very difficult to succeed in any type of relationship with someone who is perfectly fine with lying to you and doesn't bat an eyelash at doing it. If they are willing to spin a web of deceit right out of the gate, it's probably one of the worst signs. I know from experience that being with a pathological liar is nothing other than a consistently rocky road. There is no stability.
@samporter2146 3 ай бұрын
Excellent point . I love the phrase " Trust but Verify " .
@AmenAndAmen777 3 ай бұрын
@@samporter2146 I love the phrase "trust must be earned". And I love this Bible verse: Psalm 118:8 - It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. I have found that not a single person on the planet is worthy of all of my trust and the person who was least worthy of it is my psychopath ex-husband who was and still is a pathological liar. Just like Jesus would not commit himself unto men because he knew what was in men, I feel the same. It's a big part of the reason I choose singleness for the rest of my life on earth.
@Kristi_Cookies914 3 ай бұрын
I had a boss who was a malignant narcissists. She was great at "love bombing" colleagues and folks up the chain of command. Her specialty was to weedle out personal info and then use it to trash you. She specifically used this on men to either control (with flattery, etc) or destroy. Another colleague went on to get her Masters in Psychology. She and I have had fun talking DSM and she was fairly certain that that female boss was actually a psychopath. Had a male boss who was a malignant narcissists too and at least two colleagues who were most definitely Hystrionic. Never knew precisely at the time but we all sure knew the icky techniques, turmoil and danger feeling at the time. Very grateful for the tools available to detect and define what it was we were experiencing. Wish I knew the tools before I retired.
@susiefoxy8130 4 ай бұрын
I love how Scott goes off on a tangent, I’m the same, 😂
@shannonmakhanian1365 4 ай бұрын
OMG this is so true & hurts so much. I was dating a director & first 6 months I felt like wow I finally found someone who really loves me! Then the abuse started & I stayed cos kept waiting for where is the person who loved me, the person I met they have to be in there somewhere. I stayed for 3 years. The gas lighting messed me up the most. My brain was trapped in I could not understand what happened: cognitive dissonance. It took me years to recover - and I use recover lightly I haven’t been able to be in a relationship but I have learned to notice the cues of love bombing. The person I dated btw at 2 & half years he told me he had been tried as an adult at 14 & had been diagnosed with conduct disorder as a child (I didn’t know what that meant at the time) at 18 he was diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder & went to prison again. These were said as an excuse for his violent past. I felt guilty if I abandoned him when he finally had opened up & confessed these things- his father had beaten him from 2 to 6 but then he began to beat up his friends, I’m talking broken noses, head butting people, running over someone with a car. But then noticed he would constantly have cuts on his knuckles because he would go out & pick fights because he got off on knocking people out, beating them up. When he did it to the locations manager on set- I realized I was afraid of him.
@GodsChildTM Ай бұрын
I didn't know enough about psychopathy at the time, but after 3 yrs of being out and researching, I know now that my ex-husband was a true psychopath. They can hide it very well.
@Brokersong 4 ай бұрын
My ex husband went psycho 2 weeks after the wedding. Said, NO ONE WILL BELIEVE YOU. IM THE NICEST GUY. ASK ANYONE.
@gointothedogs4634 3 ай бұрын
You poor thing. That's how they get away with abusing you.
@tas22222 4 ай бұрын
HEY why didnt I know about this channel lol :) HI SCOTT! Im getting busy watching all your videos posted, Brilliant Mind
@brenda8305 4 ай бұрын
Just an FYI... there has not been an arrest of a serial killer responsible for the Lady Bird Lake deaths in Austin. In fact, the police deny that any of the 12 bodies found over the past 22 months are the work of a serial killer. Lady Bird Lake is actually a part of the Colorado River which runs several miles through downtown Austin. They are claiming that some of the deaths were accidental drownings even though bodies continue to wash up :(
@ScottRouse 4 ай бұрын
@shannonericksen1291 4 ай бұрын
The question cracked me up. No chair in sight
@Zestnthyme 3 ай бұрын
I was recommended Snakes in Suits while in a university course with a focus on talent acquisition. I’ve recommended it to so many ppl in the decade + since!!!
@veeeds Ай бұрын
Whoa that's an interesting course!
@sabinatariba3325 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for answering!❤ One more great video!
@onion6foot 3 ай бұрын
What if the psychopath successfully uses psychopath lawyers and judges to heighten his abuse, as he stated he knew he would?
@NicolaMaxwell 4 ай бұрын
Scott! Congratulations on 1M views, that's a million people who've learned from you. My son turned 14 today🎉🎉 He's been here since 12, you're never too young or old to learn this stuff.❤
@audreydaleski1067 4 ай бұрын
What is scary is when it's your husband and your family is charmed by the creep and take steps to make sure their tie with him isn't broken.
@GinaHarrisToo 4 ай бұрын
What is scarier is when 1/2 the American population is conned by a sociopath, send him money, commit crimes for him, and believe his lies. He’s actively destroying the country while claiming he’ll make it great again. That’s what’s scary.
@ClaireWedgeworth 4 ай бұрын
*I LOVE this content🙌🏻 they’re so fascinating. Thank you so much for this video Scott🙏🏻 your hard work & dedication doesn’t go unnoticed or unappreciated💕*
@ScottRouse 4 ай бұрын
Thank you Claire. That’s very uplifting. 🙂
@Jacques.Smith_ 2 ай бұрын
I have a degree in psychology and I have learned that there's no real method of getting to the root of a personality type or pathology. I worked as a counselor for a few years, and what served me best was a constant reminder that I have no special insight into a person or problem. What's fascinating is the reaction you get from people when they learn you are a psychologist. They think you have x-ray vision into their souls. This is more common with younger people, but it's fun to play around with that in social settings. Just that odd inquisitive stare can make them fidgety for hours on end. The wise among us are not so easily fooled. Have you ever used that "I know what you are thinking" stare to have some fun at times?
@leecotton3242 3 ай бұрын
Goodness: this was so helpful to me … and very validating. Thank you.
@Nur100etc 4 ай бұрын
Here’s what’s always confounded me: if psychopathy is a physical brain disorder that can’t be helped (a disability, in a sense, a neurodivergence), how much can psychopaths really be blamed for their crimes? Arghh .. I’m not wording it the way I want to. I always have a hard time articulating or even formulating this question in my own mind. I guess … Like - does it just come down to, do they know right from wrong? Help me understand how this is navigated. As opposed to someone who is insane?
@ballengerfarmhomestead2772 4 ай бұрын
They absolutely know right from wrong, they just don’t care (no guilt or remorse).
@pixie3760 4 ай бұрын
Yes, as previously mentioned they do know right from wrong. They really just don't give a damn.
@anitaholst7671 3 ай бұрын
They're not insane. They know society's laws.
@home8046 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for this stream, Scott.
@helenestiernstrand6575 2 ай бұрын
The video of Israel Keyes interrogation🥶 Thats a psycopath to the core.
@sarahs413 3 ай бұрын
I LOVE when the neurological proof of what does or doesn't light up in various scenarios or images. It's a step in the right direction of de-stigmatizing those who go to therapy. I've been trying to tell people that the brain is a physical organ and can have chemical imbalances just as diabetics have a problem with the functioning of the pancreas. It's SO unfortunate that there's still so much stigma around going to therapy for growing past whatever the disorder, etc.
@princessskennnyy 4 ай бұрын
Your voice sounds like home. Another great episode, Scott!!!
@shirleymason3853 4 ай бұрын
My mother used to say someone was Glib…. I didn’t know what she meant & usually she’d say don’t be so glib about everything to my brothers, I just thought it meant what I heard all my life it was “don’t be a smartsss know it all”
@andrewpelham4906 4 ай бұрын
Hi Scott, Im from Ontario Canada, and I was wondering about the wink gesture, I find alot of people especially in northern Ontario have this habit of winking after or during a sentence or statement, also I was born in Manchester England and I remember most of my uncle's would wink seemingly at random, i would love it if you could do an episode on winkers, and even poke some fun at yourself, which is always a good laugh, thanks and I hope you guys stick it out for the long run, hope you have time to consider my request, 🙂l
@katfromthekong414 4 ай бұрын
What also helps to stop yourself from laughing is to say words that stretch the laughing muscles (like "broad" or "goal" ..... or "toot" for that matter, but that's not gonna stop you from laughing)
@LaraCross-lz2bv 4 ай бұрын
The process you are describing is not "Love Bombing". Love Bombing happens at the start of the relationship. When they first met you and hook you in. The hot and cold process is actually called "Intermittent Reinforcement" which is done to keep you starving for more affection, so you keep coming back to them.
@ScottRouse 4 ай бұрын
Google “Moonies”
@lynnwasdin3731 4 ай бұрын
Love Bombing happens a lot after you try to leave the relationship and "they" aren't done with you yet. I've been love bombed numerous times. Unfortunately, I fell for it a lot.
@LaraCross-lz2bv 4 ай бұрын
@@lynnwasdin3731 Within the cycle of abuse yes, there are periods of Love Bombing. But the original Love Bombing as described by S.Vaknin is the one that matters most, as it is the one that makes you addicted to them. He describes the Love Bombing as a moment when the abuser makes you fall in love with yourself. Which the victim of the abuser has never experienced before.
@LaraCross-lz2bv 4 ай бұрын
@@ScottRouse What a well timed comment, since this seems to be related to the non profit organization Julia Horn was involved with. That is how Cults spread, under the cloak of a caring, friendly community of good samaritans. It's all related when you are a conspiracy inclined person such as meself.
@colleenclements5715 4 ай бұрын
You're are such a fascinating & interesting person. That weird feeling . . . You feel -- exactly rights, your gut feeling rarely lie
@sarahs413 3 ай бұрын
Ohhh, the Johnny Depp situation. SOMEONE needed to make sure she wasn't intoxicated on anything and then get her some serious mental help. A mentally healthy person would not do that in a bed. It frustrated me to hear so many people making fun of her when she OBVIOUSLY needed to detox (if necessary) and then be under very professional and thorough mental help. I had to bite my tongue to not firmly say that to those I saw laughing about the situation.
@sionnach3104 3 ай бұрын
Intoxication wasn’t her only issue; psychiatric help is extremely limited when dealing malignant narcissists.
@sarahs413 3 ай бұрын
@@sionnach3104 Yeah, I've been with one and it was a NIGHTMARE. Then to have it out in the public to know and hear about it while she needed help .... NOT a good recipe for healing. I can't even imagine dealing with that in the public eye. That's help I've been getting as well, and for almost a decade now. They get into the core of your being and make life a living hell WITHOUT it being watched by the world. I'd NEVER want to be in a situation with someone of fame nor ever have become someone with fame. I wouldn't be able to handle that kind of exposure. Indeed! I agree!
@sionnach3104 3 ай бұрын
@@sarahs413 I think you misunderstood my post, Amber Heard is the very definition of a malignant narcissist. Sorry to hear of your struggles but I was married to one for years & a victim of repeated SA. Imo AH is the Jessie Smollett of the MeToo movement and shame on her for putting women victims back decades.
@sloene72 2 ай бұрын
What mental illness does Johnny Depp and Amber Heard have? Has anything been conclusive?
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