World of Warships- You Need TO Do Your F*^&%ing JOB!!!.....Heres How

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Sea Lord Mountbatten

Sea Lord Mountbatten

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@tdbraun6837 7 күн бұрын
"Set a smoke screen!" -- Sometimes DDs can lay down effective smoke screens for the cruisers behind them to use ... but if you do that you MUST move out in front of the smoke to spot for your team behind; otherwise you are just blinding them. So set the screen and continue forward in front of. it, not behind it.
@mikehenthorn1778 7 күн бұрын
And the CA has to stop in the smoke. That doesn't happen much.
@doggzilla79 7 күн бұрын
That's why I use PotatoAlert to know who requested the smoke. If it's 20k battles 40% player I am keeping smoke for myself to get out of shit. If it's 45+ player he probably gets a smoke.
@anthonyware4033 7 күн бұрын
I am a DD main, Iove to see enemy smoke screens. When I am in my Shima I get as close as I can and send a wall of 8km torps into the smoke screen. I have got several double strikes doing that. Jingles says smoke screens are torps magnets.
@chenille28 7 күн бұрын
When I'm in a cruiser, a DD doing that for me gets an instant +1. But as @anthonyware4033 said, if you are farming in a smoke screen, be ready for the enemy torps and pop your hydro. Because there will be torps coming at you, guaranteed. And that is also why the DD have to move and spot. That way you actually boost your spotting damage a lot ! Especially that 2 min long US smoke.
@2XLBlazer 6 күн бұрын
Or don't smoke for random players at all, full stop.
@valkyriedown 7 күн бұрын
as a destroyer main, i can confirm that we died by 2 full salvos of cruisers or BB guns. So yea, Kill Red Doritos!
@gustavsudspitz1472 7 күн бұрын
Its because your own Team Noobin in Safe Zone and use YOU the DD as a Shield Instead of Sucking up Damage and suppress Red Cruisers
@anthonyware4033 7 күн бұрын
I play my Shima a lot. If there is a radar cruiser I wait to see where they are before I get into the cap. If they are on the other side of the map I slip into the cap and send my wall of 8km torps where my RPF is pointing.
@Karth3n 7 күн бұрын
As a person with over 3200 battles in DDs I can confirm it's true.
@anthonyware4033 7 күн бұрын
@@valkyriedown kill fritos and doritos?
@deaninchina01 6 күн бұрын
⁠@@anthonyware4033 I used to love my Shima with F3s. Try the Alvaro, my god it’s totally insane. Torps have hardly any reaction time, hit hard and then the guns. OMG the guns. Keep health for the back half of the game and use the burst fire prodigiously. There is no DpM hurt for using burst fire, and you get a big accuracy buff. I have had many 24/24 shell hits on DDs. If they are less than half health then they usually are dead. I’ve had many krakens in the last fortnight in this ship. 11 out of 10 Senior Alvaro.
@Notalent1337 7 күн бұрын
Spotting absolutely should have been number 1 on the DD list. You can play around caps as long as you have spotting, but without spotting you are nothing but targets.
@Holybajeebus1 7 күн бұрын
Spotting is a joke. The spotting mechanic is the most pissed on and raped mechanic in the game. I’m a dd main that doesn’t play dd at all anymore. It’s not fun (and yes I play80% gunboats so I’m not one of the shima’s) I don’t expect the dds to risk it anymore. I don’t expect it of others. There is no support from the potato playerbase and CVs are pissing on us. How often do you dd huh? What is your experience?
@SteelxWolf 7 күн бұрын
@@Holybajeebus1instantly yoloing caps in DDs is 99% of the time a deathwish. If you hang back and wait for the team to actually catch up maybe they can actually shoot something.
@chenille28 7 күн бұрын
​@@Holybajeebus1 You are exactly what is wrong with the game. "All the other are tools and can't play their ship and they don't support me and...." First, if everyone thinks like you, nothing is going to change. Two, the only person you can change is yourself, so stop complaining about the others. If you are not fine with doing what your class is supposed to do, then this is not the class for you. That is called being a team player, because guess what ? This IS a team game. If everyone was doing his job, those kind of videos would not have to exist. About experience, I play BBs (secondary and main gun focused), light heavy and hyper heavy cruisers, and torpedo DD (Halland, to name it). But to be fair... why do you think everyone is going to the operations now ? At least you can pass your frustration there. That said, even there, there are a lot of people who cannot play their ships.
@Skullpatroler 7 күн бұрын
Spotting can be near impossible in many matches when there are 3 or 4 radars and a cv. People are like DD spot DD spot. I had my shim at 3 mil potential yeah just spot. I play 10-12 out and slowly push in with torpedo fire and making them fall back. Guess what though most ships can’t be spotted at10-12. The biggest problem with spotting though is that most ships are behind an island and can’t hit what you spot or they are so far back that they are largely ineffective. Yet they yelling DD spot. Why the last 3 times I nearly died because you guys didn’t fire back. People play to far out and need to move up and actually be in position to support the spotting.
@Holybajeebus1 7 күн бұрын
@@chenille28in the end, nobody cares about your opinion. The game is a heaping pile of dogshit that’s on fire. If you wisen up you’ll realise that no one is joining you in your activism and that the majority is deaf and blind and doesn’t read internet stuff. I play to have fun and I don’t give a flying fuck about the potato playerbase. Even though I still regularly get frustrated at the sub human level of intellect, it’s become a whole lot better now that I care much less AND I’m not risking my bootyhole for a bunch of (braindead bb) players
@pheebs8451 7 күн бұрын
In my experience, DD support is usually pretty poor. Players in CA, CL, BS& BC are usually very willing to leave DDs out to dry with enemy DDs whilst demanding they be fed bigger targets.
@handsonkeyboardandmouse7321 6 күн бұрын
Exactly. Big ships want DDs to enable their big ship gameplay and win rate, but have little in game incentive to enable the DD gameplay. They might hear it in vids like this, but it won’t bring the big ships near the caps where they might take a salvo or two, regardless if it means a loss. 85% of players can’t see that far ahead, or are simply selfish to their own play style.
@markwurden6564 4 күн бұрын
Was in a match a while back, trying to play fairly conservatively as a DD, but also spot for my time. After like the 3rd time I'd spotted their DD, with his friends shooting at me each time, I finally died. When I mentioned the lack of support from my time, was told I was too far forward. I was 1 row in back of the center line on OUR side. None of them just ever put themselves in any position to fire. This is far more common than not. They want to hang from the back and have people spot for them...without being able, from there, to provide any support for said DD trying to spot.
@sardaukerlegion 7 күн бұрын
DDs: spotting becomes useless, if the team does not shoot indicated targets. Cruisers: often too hidden behind islands to be useful to DDs. BBs: sometimes it' s hard to chose a DD as target if you have APs loaded.
@xPureNRG007x 7 күн бұрын
Yes! I will add that AP is just fine for dealing with DDs, I actually use it 75% of the time. My rule is “take the shot” with whatever is loaded if a DD is spotted, it may only be for a few seconds. The 10% OP damage of AP is significant to a DD. You only lose incapacitation damage that the HE provides, but overall damage with HE is disappointing in most ships. I’ve hit DDs with HE that does 500 damage when an AP overpen would be 1k.
@chenille28 7 күн бұрын
@@xPureNRG007x It actually depends for me. When playing the Vermont, I only shoot DDs if they are less that 12/13 km from me. Because it is almost impossible to shoot a DD efficiently beyond that range. Unless he is just stopping in his smoke (I love when they make that mistake). That is worth it if you are sure to put at least 4 or 5 shells in it. Else you just waste a potential 60k salvo for 40s for 2k max on a DD. That said, if they are closer... I have already dev striked a few which were not expecting me to go get them in their smoke :D And that feels goooooooood. Because if you put at least 8/9 1700kg shells on them, even if they go through (an they will) it will hurt badly.
@deaninchina01 6 күн бұрын
@@chenille28even a miss sends a clear signal to the enemy dd he had better be a lot more careful. It’s not only damage which helps.
@TheJoe7Six 7 күн бұрын
I've been grinding the Shimakaze line and I'm currently at the Kagero. I had been spotting an enemy Lion for a while that was at full health and sending torps at him when I could. He was pushing our Yamato and Jager and had just ate some torps from me and the Jager and was down to a few hundred health. I shot at him hoping to finish him off before he healed, but alas my reload didn't allow that to happen. NO ONE shot him and the Yamato was behind a damn island. The Yammie captain asked me why I would shoot at him because he was right there and Kagero guns are crap... I tried to explain that if more people had shot him sooner, he wouldn't have had time to heal. He insisted that I should have waited for him to come around the island and the Jager claimed his guns were crap also... There is benefit in finishing off a ship when you have the chance. Don't worry about kill stealing. Don't give them time to heal or send another salvo to you or your teammates. One of my biggest pet peeves are DD's that won't use their guns... In my Kagero, I outgunned a Benson once because he wouldn't shoot at me.
@thumper7047 7 күн бұрын
I was in a game where I saw a full health Tier 8 CA, basically ambush the enemy (Red Derito). The Red Derito comes around the island, sees the CA, panics, throws Torps but they miss, and he then runs into another island. The CA is less then 5km away and not shooting but is being shot. He then drops torps (he wasn't shooting as he was lining up his torps to torpedo a DD with 1/4 health?!?!?!). His torps miss, the DD popped smoke in panic and got off many shots hurting the CA. The DD's friends also unloaded on the CA, who sailed away with a smidge of health, and he did kill the DD eventually with his guns. WHY? Why would any CA not use it's guns FIRST and FORMOST - especially on a DD and one that is already low on health?!?!?!? The amount of stupidity seen in these games is astonishing. Do you get more XP for killing with a torp? I doubt it. When the match is over, you have to pay credits for every torpedo you launched and shell you fired. I assume shells are much cheaper than torpedoes.
@EE41s 6 күн бұрын
great advice! if only more people would listen to it...
@cameronm5248 7 күн бұрын
DDs always behind the BB line seems to be the current fashion.
@simonthompson2963 7 күн бұрын
Yup :( Had a game yesterday where the Elbing was telling me to go forward and spot.... Shima!! I was in Venezia about 6km behind him, what better support could you want to hunt a Shima??
@ShockSmile 7 күн бұрын
@@simonthompson2963 i hate it when people pick DD and play like a cruiser or a BB
@SuperDare83 7 күн бұрын
@@ShockSmile I hate it when people play bbs and leave their flank or play in the next map...
@mikehenthorn1778 7 күн бұрын
It seems we have to play herd dog to get the BBs off the map edge and into the fight.
@xPureNRG007x 7 күн бұрын
@@mikehenthorn1778 When I keep losing because of moronic DD play: I switch to DD. Same thing works in reverse - just jump into a BB and play a few matches. Surprisingly a lot of these “herd” BBs will tag on to an aggressive push.
@middllepl 7 күн бұрын
About spotting. I can understand, why some players don't want to do it. Because when you spot half of the enemy team for 5 minutes and have 20k spotting - well, that sucks
@nastynate1219 7 күн бұрын
With a detectability at worst 7-8 km and at best 4.5 km there's no reason why DD should not be getting in there as close as can to caps
@nastynate1219 7 күн бұрын
You can get so close you can smell the cooking sauerkraut on the Bismarck. 😂
@xxgearboxxx 7 күн бұрын
​@@nastynate1219 radar is a very effective deterrent, and so is a kiting ally team while the enemy pushes
@angrybeargaming7756 7 күн бұрын
Then quit playing that's not an excuse to be a shitty DD player soon many people need to watch this video period
@clmwrx 7 күн бұрын
​@nastynate1219 what dds have sub 5km????
@TheBigGiant_SpaceChiken 7 күн бұрын
I play DDs, BBs and CAs (cruisers) but I´m a DD main. As such I can´t tell you how many times I have tried to spot in a cap or tried to go in to get it, just to see that my CAs and BBs have left me hanging. Whenever I see that, I back off the cap and then those same players start bitching about how I am not doing my job and getting the cap. Well duh!! I´m not going to go into a cap when I see my backup running away!! They also get mad if you do try to get the cap and die because the red DD spotted you and his backup ships tore you a new one. I have noticed that the loudest, most toxic players are the ones that don´t do their jobs and / or die early in the game because they didn´t know how to play their ship.
@headlessfool7050 6 күн бұрын
When this happens to me - and it does a lot - I type in TeamChat "No shot, no spot . If all you guys are doing is hiding in cover wanting me to stick my neck out for you to farm easy damage, Ima fk off this flank"...and then do it . I am not supporting selfish leeches who could not care less about what happesn to me, and only want to use me as bait for their personal benefit .-
@leeroberts163 6 күн бұрын
Absolutely this.
@EducatedTiger 6 күн бұрын
With regards to learning the weaknesses of premium ships (battleship section), I strongly recommend the All Ships In Tech Tree and All Ships In Training Room mods for learning about premium ships. The first one allows you to see the details of every premium ship in the game and preview the ship to see its armor scheme; the second allows you to put any ship in the game into a training room as a bot, so you can try fighting it and really nail down how to exploit the weak spots you found. Both mods are in the Aslain modpack.
@LegionOfEclaires 7 күн бұрын
Generally speaking, if you're full health in a battleship, you're not tanking damage. This means either your cruisers/destroyers are eating the damage or the enemy team is getting wipes and it's usually the former...
@Goldenfire49 7 күн бұрын
Submarine job: Don't contest cap! Find the open waters and assist DDs. Your job is still to spot so stop diving when you get to point. Diving is there to bail you out if you get Hydro'd or radar. Not for you to sit at 30m and rely on your team to find you targets. You will have 0 damage games! Accept it. On point. Send out torps and pings! You are there to play mind games and either make the enemy retreat from the point. Force out there DCP to deal with your ping. Or. Force the enemy to give broadside to your team. And for the love of God. Run away from red doritos. You are the mouse. They are the tiger. Now counter point. If they are pushed up too far. Sacrifice yourself. You can keep them lit up with minimum assistance from there team. But maximum amount from your team. 7 times out of 10. Your team will waste an enemy DD that is out of position before you die
@timlaw9250 6 күн бұрын
Subs are completely useless in 85% of games.
@horacy86 7 күн бұрын
The only thing thing you learn intier I-IV is that DD's should torp rush BB's, BB's should only (one)shot cruisers, and cruisers are garbage.
@tatsuhirosatou5513 7 күн бұрын
You aren't wrong
@taiko1237 7 күн бұрын
Yeah, because bots can't shoot and neither can a lot of players at those tiers. Although from T4 (and a few T3s) there are some decent cruisers.
@joedoe6444 6 күн бұрын
i know some BBs are good at long range shooting, but to many of them loose track of the cap points or refuse to move forward and take some of the hits so the CA's can live a little longer. they need to know when to take some potential damage and for the team.
@deaninchina01 6 күн бұрын
As a nearly exclusive DD main capping is number three. Miles most important is spotting and gaining map territory. Then denial and only after that caps. That said if I spot a DD my expectation is that everyone needs to shoot at it. If more than half my support ships continue farming ships at the back then I leave that flank, and will play totally to my benefit. Cause I nearly only play ranked it’s usually a lot better than terrible teams in randumbs. I wonder how some players even manage to turn the computer on.
@joedoe6444 6 күн бұрын
CA/BB players, "we don't like to shoot at DDs because they dodge our shots" me as a DD guy, "they can only dodge so many shots, and the more people shooting at them the more likely we get hits on it and kill it. then i can spot the enemy nonstop for all of you and we all have a good game."
@deaninchina01 6 күн бұрын
Yep, and even if they miss I know I had better be fuucking careful about being spotted again. There is no more lonely feeling than being in a DD when you spot another, and all their team instantly fires on you, while your morons are still farming the BB at the back of the map.
@user-rf2ey8ub4d 7 күн бұрын
Common scenario: BB supporting from a general acceptable distance, cruisers at same distance or slightly closer to enemy, DD, BEHIND the BB.
@adudeontheinternet8658 7 күн бұрын
My first and foremost "job" with games is to have fun. I stopped spending money on WoWs because its no longer fun. Nothing else matters. One thing that took away my fun is how harshly I was treated by other players. The other thing was how WoWs handles the money aspect. Hit a cord with some of you guys. Its really hilarious. Here is a hint: I don't need you. I can play the game or not. Its not weakness to not have fun playing a game when others are rude, arrogant, and mean. Sorry, explain why I should play a game intended for fun when this crap is going on? On the other hand, you lost a well-paying customer. That DOES impact you. I don't pay increases the chance you don't play. So go on with your rudeness and eventually you will not play either.
@crapmalls 7 күн бұрын
If I want fun I play derzki
@nicholasd.6515 7 күн бұрын
@@crapmalls so, why do you play wows?
@charlesoconnor7142 7 күн бұрын
Some games just have a minimum expected effort level, especially multi-player competitive games. If I went into a game of League of Legends and said "screw my job, I just wanna farm minions" as a support player, I'll get rightfully flamed and reported.
@crapmalls 7 күн бұрын
@@nicholasd.6515 I won 6 months premium. Otherwise I would have quit already
@crapmalls 7 күн бұрын
@@charlesoconnor7142 nah WG makes you sell body parts or grind to get a ship that doesn't suck. Anyone who doesn't like me grinding in games can suck it
@thumper7047 7 күн бұрын
I think people do this for selfish reasons: DD - "Why should I cap and spot with my DD? I'll probably get radared and killed if I do." So, they sit back and wait for easy kills which happen much later on after the enemy is thinned out at least a little bit." - That way they get their HP and XP, they finish high in the team ranks even though it is on a losing team. "How can you say that I messed up when I finished in the top 3 of our team?" - Not realizing the team either gets no caps and loses, or the BBs and CAs try to cap and that doesn't go well, and we lose our BBs and CAs. - Etc. CA - players think that Radar is for them. If they hide in the back, they use it when a DD gets close (they are spotted), then they pop the Radar. They never seem to use it for the team - spot what is in the cap or near the cap in smoke, etc. They use it ONLYU when they are threatened - not realizing, they may not ever get threatened, if they help the team spot them ahead of time. BB - As you say, again they want other players too contest caps, kill DDs and CAs, they just like sitting at the Max Range of their main guns and being a sniper. I try to tell people that are doing this, that my box of .22 shells says they can be dangerous up to 2 miles away (or something like that), but do I hunt squirrels and rabbets taking shots from 2 miles away? Does anyone? No. Being closer the spread isn't so bad and the penetration is better, so you get more shells penetrating better. Basically, everyone wants you to do all the dirty work while they stay safe. They will come out of hiding when the team is either desperate or the enemy team has been thinned out. Personally, I can't understand why anyone would play any type of war game if they are so scared of potentially getting shot. Go play Farmville or something. Some of those snipers, etc.) will tell you how great they are and they know what they are doing - just look at their Win % (hoping you don't notice 80% of their games are from tiers 4, 5 and 6 and almost none at tier 10, while you have 20K games and 18K are at Tier 10 and you only have a 48%win-rate.
@goodgod1234567 7 күн бұрын
Another point for any class is positioning and looking at the mini map lol. If you are taking on half the team by yourself you might maybe not want to go that way. As a bb I normally try to play the side I spawn on, unless everyone leaves.
@snowglyder 7 күн бұрын
Great video, hopefully people watch it. I think an important point is for people to know their ship's role but also pay attention to what your team is doing. Timing is important for engagements. I see a lot of people popping speed boost and rushing in at the beginning of a match and complain that their team isn't there to support them. Assess the area. BBs: let DDs spot before aggressively pushing a flank. DDs: let cruisers catch up and get into position. That's why playing all classes is important. You realize what other ships are (and aren't) capable of.
@apollo1316 6 күн бұрын
ya cruisers not actively hunting destroyers is the biggest mystery to me. if ur team has a destroyer and the other teams destroyer is sunk, ur team wins like >70% of the time. i think its becasue they dont understand the economy, so im glad ur pointing out that the rewards are based on percentage of a ships hp that u remove and not the total number of damage.
@sanitarium017 4 күн бұрын
A little credits earned counter in the match would fix that
@davinritcharoen9922 7 күн бұрын
Some DDs stay in their smoke and keep spamming "I need intelligence data" while pinging at CAs (without radar) behind them. Also some torp DDs don't realize that they have guns, staring and circling around a 1000 hp enemy whose turrets don't even turned their way without even shooting. I don't normally blame DD since it's a very hard class to play, but sometimes things just got weird. Fun fact, I once had a game playing Halland and there's a CA behind who kept ordering me to go contest a cap camped by enemy's Des Moines + Nevsky.
@xPureNRG007x 7 күн бұрын
Very common. Even in non-gunboat DDs I win DD gunfights because they are panicked when spotted and trying to line up a torpedo shot. Another common thing bad DD players do is fire all 2 to 3 torpedo launches down the same track, no spread. It’s ludicrous as most ships they shoot at are not full hp, meaning only 1-2 torpedo hits are needed, yet they send 12-15 torpedoes down a single narrow track, missing the target entirely!
@AlderaansRanger 7 күн бұрын
Agreed. People suck at playing their role and just think they can do whatever they’d like. And then their excuse is “it’s just a game, don’t get mad”. Well those people are wasting our time by not doing their part.
@gustavsudspitz1472 7 күн бұрын
90% of the BB Players are NOT REALIZERS They never learn when a DD goes down, its The BBs fault. BB had to Fight with their HP, not only with GUNs
@KENAXION88 7 күн бұрын
This has been incredibly helpful for me. I'm a newish player, so this is great to know what I should focus on when I'm playing those classes. As well as if I need to take point on what people should be focusing on in the match. They're usually pretty quiet, and I strongly believe the average player (aka me) automatically assumes everyone else knows more than I do. So when someone chimes in on what they should be doing, they usually do it.
@KaguyasBeat 7 күн бұрын
I haven't played the game in well over a year... but I will never forget the Fletcher on my team that failed to do the most basic part of his job. Spotting. And completely screwed over our teams flank. He rightfully got lit up for it by pretty much everyone on the flank but was then throwing his hands up in chat like "UwU I just got off from work I don't have time for this I just want to play the game I'm not an expert on everything UwU" Then maybe play the class suited for sitting behind an island and farming damage all day rather than the class that should be out there spotting for the team if not cap contesting. Tier 9 ship btw. More context: Guy parked up behind an island and just sat there trying to farm. Wouldn't move out to spot for us. They had a DD out there keeping all of us spotted. He proceeded to suicide yolo torp a German BC pushing us (AND MISSED) while getting torped by said German BC.
@K3NT97 7 күн бұрын
Have to admit the Colombo is now my go to ship, going from how bad Lepanto is to the Colombo, guaranteed 10k+ salvo's is phenomenal. Cant play it for the tank but I love playing it now.
@ShockSmile 7 күн бұрын
bro i'm only at T6 and i love the Italian ship, tried the Colombo on the PBE server and it's amazing!
@xPureNRG007x 7 күн бұрын
Colombo tanks surprisingly well, great ship!
@irishwind1971 7 күн бұрын
Part of the problem is there a players coming back to get the free stuff as fast as possible, and don't care about game play. Why play a full match when you can die early, and get another game or two in while that first match is still struggling to finish? And if your team manages a win without you, bonus points for you! And I gave up being a spotter DD player. As a lark, just tried it. Kept 3 ships spotted, and my 2 BBs and one cruiser wouldn't poke out from their safe space to shoot. And when I eventually died, I had 17k in spotting damage. I would have done better to pop smoke and farm HE damage.
@gkaldh 7 күн бұрын
DD's are the most important class in the game, and for some reason the biggest apes are sailing them. The amount of DD's that get struck broadsiding in their smokescreen by enemy torpedo's within literally the first 5 min of the game and then start yelling at the CV is unbelievable. and this is all happening in Tier X. whenever i see a Shima now on my team i always go "oh god here we go..." or the amount of DD's players that refuse to spot. they just go on a boat tour behind the friendly cruisers and BB's. if you want to camp play a HE spamming Cruiser or a BB in the back. the team that loses their DD's are 99% the team that always loses.
@IsKor06 7 күн бұрын
Even after all these years, I'm apalled to see that the website still doesn't have a proper tutorial on the roles fulfilled by each class. Thanks for the tips, I bet this will help newcomers! :)
@yannickfuhrmann7907 7 күн бұрын
Just Yesterday i had a Great Game in My Richelieu. I saw my Job as Supporting the DD to cap our side of the Map and blow the enemy DD Up. Meanwhile i distracted the Enemy Bbs and Cruisers By Bowtanking with my Turrets as my shields. Sure half my ship is a wreck but the DD has thrown torps at the enemy Bbs that wanted to get close while the Cruisers behind Harassed the BBs that still didnt get the message the Destroyer sended. The enemy BBs in turn did as follows. Their german Ship Turned in circles comming in and out of brawlikg range despite being close enough to hit my side. Their Japanese Ship Of course Ran away as soon as their DD was Dead and their DD at the start DIDNT smoke up or ran when confronted with a Destroyer and a Funny looking Baguette. He sunk in under 5 minutes.
@quoniam426 7 күн бұрын
Problem is, most of the time, I'm punished for trying to do my job... So that doesn't incent me to do it properly. Early in my DD play, I tried not really to engage but just stay alive. I won matches without firing a single shot or missing all of my torpedoes but I took caps and kept the enemy spotted long enough for my team to do the job. One of those game I did ZERO dmg but still was amongst the first of the team because I was useful. I also make a lot of blunders such as not anticipating enemy DDs to launch preemptive torps in my direction and I take them while making a u turn. When I am in a cruiser or a BB, I can't stand the DDs that deny me the opportunity of a good salvo that could ultimately save their own neck... I also remember in my old days on the Nagato, I was the only one shooting at DDs 16 kms away and hitting them. It was of my motivations to mount my IJN BBs with secondaries (before the Germans were a thing), so I liked to charge enemy smoke screens. Didn't work every time of course but that was fun. Sometimes, you've got to admit that we'd love to support DDs but have litterally no time to do it because they run in a straight line with speed boost to the enemy's grasp and die or stay broadside in their smoke taking a torp. And something kinda breaks the spotting mechanics: subs (or aircraft also), they can be so close that you get spotted trying to help your DD and can't do anything about it and die uselessly because your counter sub plane only goes 6 km away and the sub is 8 km away... and your BBs are too far away to help with this either. Playing IJN CLs is a PAIN, I pretty much have to play them in ranked to reach the 100 k dmg threshold because there are only 6 or 7 enemy ships instead of 12 and most of the time, I take the secondary flank where I only have one or two ships to worry about.
@mikehenthorn1778 7 күн бұрын
I can't even get my clan to work with the detection range of all ships. Layer them and be close enough to help your DDs.
@jan-pieter3695 7 күн бұрын
When i see DD and cruisers camping and not going for cap and i play BB i just leave them and join the bigger group. Last few games i played as a BB all better long range sniping spots were taken plus i had no spotters so i am absolutely useless as a BB. It gets even more frustrating when a cruiser pulls up sets his ship in front of a BB and just blocks all my shots or doesnt look at the mini map so i bump or sometimes even ram them. Played many games but this game has by far the most stupid playerbase by far.
@oldmangames9292 7 күн бұрын
@@jan-pieter3695 What gives you priority for spots over cruisers? Genuinely curious.. Not a leading question at all. Nooo...
@GRIGGINS1 7 күн бұрын
Hey Monty. Just a friendly reminder that I was a player in one of your videos that chunked you for a good amount of your health. And I only started playing this May. Granted I was in an actual US Navy Boat Unit back in the day so I know how actual gunnery works. And I play most of my ships like I would Play a Riverine Boat. But you get my point lol.
@sanderlittle9275 7 күн бұрын
All they need to do is have a casual random mode. That way the ones who think they are good enough, can play regular random mode and for the ones who just wants to play and shoot a bit, can choose casual mode. Casual mode could therefor also work for people learning the game, with out making the "pro" players mad. Not all takes a game equally serious, so a casual mode has been needed for a loooooong time...
@handsonkeyboardandmouse7321 6 күн бұрын
Am a DD main. The problem with playing the DD role in randoms is that without team support, you are being unselfish, working for the team, and foregoing damage/credits, while all other classes are working for themselves - points for caps aside. You spot the enemy DD multiple times no shots from the team. You get spotted, often other team (has to be a better team and it’s not yours if they don’t shoot) shoots you. Why spot or contest the cap again? I wish there was a way to turn off DD spotting for the team, just make it mini-map. If your team doesn’t shoot, you turn off fire control spotting - and forego the spotting damage. Today, there is no incentive for big ships to support destroyers, they just hide behind islands unable to shoot and spam the “I need intelligence data” key. Unless you have a Smaland (which largely doesn’t need team support) finding a team that supports you is like a 1 in 4 occurrence and most of the time you should go do your own thing and contest the caps last after you see a team is willing to support you. Else you are simply wrong in randoms 75% of the time.
@Bomber-ik4yf 7 күн бұрын
Thank you so much, Ive been looking for a video exactly like this. New to the game enjoying it so far and with this it helps so darn much! Great vid : )
@williamgrand9724 6 күн бұрын
Dd's and subs not capping is a personal hell I endure every other match.
@anthonyware4033 7 күн бұрын
I am a DD main, I try to contest caps. What makes it really difficult to contest or cap at the start of the game is radar and CVs. It is close to impossible to cap when there is a Des Moines radar ingredient the cap or a CV dropping fighter. I love to play my Shima. If I love late in the game I am very valuable.
@MechFrankaTLieu 6 күн бұрын
as a DD main , while I do agree with the statement in all generalized manner , but as the type whose supposed to do all the so call DD duties which usually do not reward but only place the DD in grave danger when the Cruisers and BB all only stay back there almost all the time without actually giving due support. That is the fact , so now that's the meta , the Q to ask , why do all of these when one are being asked to fight the front when the rest of the team just use you, the DD ,as decoy , fire bait , expendables so they can just farm and never fight it Sorry to say it but today ; staying alive is no 1 , not anything else , and as for all the contesting the cap , spotting , area denial ( well sorry the game just do not recognize area denial nor smoking for teammate , screening torp , flanking guard and loads of these dangerous DD team play ) NO ... Cruisers and BB today are not to be trusted for doing their part and as a DD main my take is just lone wolf it , supporting the team is a hypocritical demand upon DD , support should be mutual and when I do not see Cruisers and BB forth to do their part on the front line then there will be no support from this DD to them either One do not made a team and if the big guns decide they will not team then so be it ..
@headlessfool7050 6 күн бұрын
Exactly .
@jamesduzan3345 6 күн бұрын
Contesting a cap in a dd is the quickest way to die in a dd. Most of the cruiser and bb players that spawn close to you quickly run behind the nearest island. Once safely hidden, they rag on you in chat when the other team rolls over you as you try to cap. (Irony is dead in this game.) ESPECIALLY if there is a sub on your side of the map. And why spot in a dd? Where is the fun in that? Why risk my ship so the guys hiding from subs in the back can score some points? Assuming they shoot at what you are spotting, a very big if.
@charlesdix4831 7 күн бұрын
SO sick and tired of DD's not even attempting to cap or spot but rather slink off to the flanks/map edge or they hide behind an island. INSANITY! Then you have cruisers who just part behind an island and make no effort to support the DDs and just wait there forever before they do anything. The new NORMAL with BBs is they act like a cruiser and camp behind an island and do crap all game. I am nearly to the point of giving up on RANDOM and RANKED and simply play operation missions.
@jason41a 7 күн бұрын
nah let's be honest here. the real roles are as follows: DDs: hide in smoke and farm pointless HE, then sail around dropping torps to farm damage when smoke cooldown is on. CLs + CAs: hide in smoke or kite and farm HE. point your stern towards the enemies. BBs: farm damage by kiting, and farm potential damage by staying kited but visible. CVs: do not waste time spotting, target BBs and do pointless damage so you can show your 100k+ damage Subs: sail in and dive, then drop all your torps at BBs, not killing them but you get tons of damage, then sail away.
@psix130 7 күн бұрын
@Trae4k 7 күн бұрын
Thats most cruisers actual best strat though. You dont show broadside and can escape and go dark. Very few can actually push while spotted. You are usually dark when you are pushing up into a good firing range then make your turn out before you start shooting. Always play your life. Always have an escape
@marcom2248 6 күн бұрын
Agreed 👍
@I-merely-jest 5 күн бұрын
Jobs for DDs: Above all: play - the - objective! This can be achieved by adhearing to the following priorities: - Cap contestation (don't storm in head first, stay around the caps, support friendly dds - but don't take unnecessary risks, you are more valuable to your team alive than dead) - Spotting (be cautious of enemy dds, subs, cv and cs with radar tho - and don't get too far away from your allies) - Staying alive (see the above, but generally a late-game destroyer is immensely valuable to your team.) - Torp screening (more passive, you shouldn't actively go out of your way to track torps.)
@pheebs8451 7 күн бұрын
I’m always amazed by how many players don’t defend their DDs. So many battleship pilots are like big fat lazy chicks, cheeping to be fed.
@DarthMcLeod 6 күн бұрын
CVs screw up DD spotting with their counter-spotting, to say nothing of attacking the DD. A DD can't do big chunks of its job with a CV in the game, which is why an important part of the CV re-rework is nerfing plane spotting.
@Jedi_Master_Obi-Wan_Kenobi66 7 күн бұрын
Hello my fellow American insomicas 👋
@mwizard1464 7 күн бұрын
Yeppper... 👋
@Hunter_17825 7 күн бұрын
as an European that just watched this during lunch, hello there
@joedoe6444 6 күн бұрын
camping, suicides, flank dropping, it just takes 1 or 2 players to throw the entire match for a team.
@warbear622 13 сағат бұрын
On consols the situation is so much worse. DDs avoid caps at any cost,turn sround and drive back to spawn,cruisers hide or hug the map border and bbs dont even start the engines if a dd is in the enemy team. Or you drive wirh 3 ships to a cap,and as soon as the shooting starts you are suddenly alone... everyone flees,cause they are afraid to take damage,cause they dont know their ship or how to angle.
@davidscoltock3970 7 күн бұрын
The thing that grinds my gears, especially in brawl, the sheer number of people with German BBs who camp at max range. You grind the best close range, brawling line and camp like a Yamato?
@Apollyon-er4ut 7 күн бұрын
Newer players benefit from a more experienced (and at least decent) player to teach them the ropes. WG has tried to promote this through the "recruitment" program. Yet, a lot of players don't want help, and experienced don't want to help other learn because the recruitment bonuses for playing with new players are that great. As always has been true (probably in most games) toxicity is a problem, but more often than not, with the "more experienced." Why is it common that the guy who has 24K games, a 43-44% win rate, sits in back with his Slava, is the most toxic player in the game, especially toward a T8 light CA who still finishes #3 in the game? This wasn't a one off. I'm sure there's exceptions, but I'm almost able to to "prophesy" a guys stats by how toxic he is in game.🤔🤔
@marcom2248 6 күн бұрын
I absolutely agree with you. There are too many players who give a damn about their role. They often don't know the game mechanics, their ships and how to play the objectives. When I write something in the chat they often reply: with I play how I have fun. The they die at first. The stupid players in my team are frustrating.
@LeonidasRex1 7 күн бұрын
The player base is doing exactly what WG wants: fumble/pay their way to T10 and zooperships and then keep throwing cash at the game to get the latest and greatest pay to win ships.
@tardster 7 күн бұрын
While I agree with you each class has its own job/function the reason they do this is because players are more worried about doing damage and getting stats so they can brag in discord, reddit, etc. etc... This is caused by content creators posting videos of these awesome high damage games which encourages these guys to play like this and they will continue until that stops being the main focus of the game instead of fulfilling their role as whichever ship they are playing and playing as a team to win. Atleast in WOWS it's nowhere near as bad as it is in WOT but thats only because of the coop and operations mode. Be happy WOWS has those modes for others to play or if you think this is a shitshow it could be much much worse......
@Blu_Beard 7 күн бұрын
Would be nice if some players followed at least half of these rules but a large number of them either charge straight ahead and die or get to low hp and cuss the team for not supporting them. I had a game in a Delaware where i was spotting with the planes and shooting when they were on cooldown and got chewed out for not supporting the team and not doing damage. Not a single one wondered why the red ships were spotted behind islands. I finished that game with 350K spotting damage and first place on scoreboard. Still got called useless at the end.
@guyincognito1560 7 күн бұрын
While in Smaland, had a teammate in Napoli race me around an island and yeet into 9 ship herd, attracting torps etc and got smashed quickly. Instantly blamed me with the "Do your F*^&ing job!" I've never blamed another teammate for my being sunk, I blame the red ships for sinking me because that's what they do. Some players.......
@sanitarium017 4 күн бұрын
What did he think your job was?
@guyincognito1560 4 күн бұрын
@@sanitarium017 Spotting but he was around the corner too soon and cut off the angle I was going to take. Pandemonium set in and he was gone in a few minutes from start of match.. I tried to get around him but cut off by torps. If it was 5-7 mins in then I'd understand but I didn't even have a chance to spot for him. He just needed a scapegoat. I loaded a little slow but I would have waited once I saw DD coming, he just charged into the fray.
@Vega0bscura 7 күн бұрын
The amount of people that get mad I don't get in close with my keleber is frustrating. Know your dds, we are trying.
@mingmiao364 7 күн бұрын
This game needs an in-game xp earning display whenever you perform an xp-earning action (spotting, dealing damage, capping, taking potential damge, etc.). Quality of gameplay will improve if we have it
@meneldal 6 күн бұрын
But then we'd figure out how they nerf the rewards if you do too much of the same thing
@joedoe6444 6 күн бұрын
i almost hate seeing a shimakaze on my team, they are so likely to go spam their torps, then run behind the BB's until they reload more torps. meanwhile they have one of the best detect radius in the game and could easily do spotting for the team, but so few do.
@leeroberts163 6 күн бұрын
That's not how I play Shima. Stealth rules!
@patrickprafke4894 7 күн бұрын
From somebody who has been playing 8 months. Here are a few things. 1. Random players act like randoms are the only thing to play. And everything else is a waste. 2. Learning that when you do play randoms. It's a game of hide-and-go-seek. And it will take more tgen a few games of being wiped out early before you figure that out. 3. The roles the ships traditionally have in real life do not exist in this game. At all. Or have a reduced effect. 4. Roles? There is roles? 5. Destroyers can be absolutely invisible for 20 minutes and be just 3km from you the whole time. And your going to be dodging torpedoes all game. And if you ask how to do that. Nobody will answer you.
@waynelambeau8501 7 күн бұрын
This video should be mandatory including a passed final exam before people can unlock T7+ 😅
@faynk.6247 7 күн бұрын
Sometimes doing the bare minimum of a "job" of the class is too much too ask for some "play for fun" and "weekend warriors" folks. last night a Shimakaze flank to our base to chase our Malta and I ask him to spot the Shima that tried hunt him down so I can kill it with my Colbert and he completely ignored me. Instead of spotting the DD 6-7 km from him, he send AP dive-bombers to bomb a Shikishima 18km away. then of course he died to the Shima. He can't even bothered spot the Shima near him to save his ass. Some people just want to farm high damage and doesn't do teamplay like capping and spotting.
@goodgod1234567 7 күн бұрын
I had that too where a dd was running toward the cv. Could have helped him but he refused to help himself. I was talking in chat and pinging the map. He was oblivious to the danger
@tawelwchgaming8957 6 күн бұрын
In regards to learning what ships have what. I believe if you hover the mouse over the enemy ship, you can see what they could have (although you may need an addon for that)
@tizme6105 4 күн бұрын
I am pretty new to the game but one thing that does strike me is that many lower tier players (up to at least level 5) are concentrated on dashing about doing their own thing targeting as many opponents as possible before someone else beats them to it. Especially so in Co-op battles. Very few attempt to play as a team member. It seems that this trend continues on up through the tiers judging by many of the comments in here. I myself do not have communication other than text so also tend to stick to Co-op games where I now have a couple of T6 ships. I wont bother to move up any further now until after I start back down several tiers and get into team play instead of fighting with and against Bots. Love your videos and have learned a lot. Thanks.
@Tuning3434 11 сағат бұрын
99% of the players in coop are there to farm some mission, only reason to play coop. They prefer to run their higher tier ships in coop because more damage to be farmed = faster they can log of or do another less tedious mode. Go play some operations if you expect SOME team play, although WoWS certainly had more appealing times than the gameplay and playerbase in 2024.
@tizme6105 2 сағат бұрын
@@Tuning3434 Thanks for the reply. Yes I suspected that "farming" was the key to why I was seeing one or two successful players in co-op battles mowing down the bot opposition and ending up with 4 or 5 ships sunk per game through clever play. I can certainly do the same by dropping back down to level 2 or 3. I tend not to bother as I know how bloody frustrating it was for myself in the beginning, seeing someone swoop in and finish off a target I had clumsily struggled with. No sense of achievement for newer players in any battle if fellow 'team' players are simply there to pinch all the candy. OK so I start over, at the bottom and play anything but Co-op. Perhaps it will eventually become enjoyable again like the first couple of ships and achievements were.
@Caelum_NLD 6 күн бұрын
I love the guide, still relevant, but between CVs, Subs, the enormous different amount of ships, newbies getting free T10s and the "I play for MY fun" crew in a random competative environment, I dunno how much help it brings. At the core, WG doesn't want to improve the status quo either, rather working actively against it. And if the company does that, things look somber.
@Sira_Kackavalj 7 күн бұрын
If WG added an IQ test when queueing up for any PvP game mode half of the playerbase would quit on account of being too stupid. A lot of times I have teams that are worse than bots used to fill up tier 3-4 matches
@dodgedaytona7435 7 күн бұрын
I believe that us heavy cruisers are the best line for new players, they teach angling and positioning, marksmanship with shells and of course, switching shell type for situations.
@nimay13 7 күн бұрын
Agree except the guns. They're horrible at mid to long ranges.
@toplili0075 7 күн бұрын
heavy US is the best first tech tree to grind. you learn all the basics and it doesn't excuses mistakes.
@00spinz35 7 күн бұрын
@@toplili0075 omaha sucks to go through though , i played cbt when it first came out and phoenix and omaha sucks my will to play the game out of me back then haha, didnt play gain for like 4-5 years
@boydy7351 7 күн бұрын
The big issue I see is so many people playing either BB’s to sit back and snipe, cruisers that sit back and farm. I main Light cruisers and DD’s, and its so hard to find people who wants to support me when I push. barring the Worcester line, and A. Nevsky, most light cruisers need to get up close. So many times, I seem to get matched against teams that either do support, or, a div that plays well. Had a triple radar div yesterday….. never stood a chance, especially after the 2 BB’s on my flank both abandoned me. Right from the start. Add in the hybrids, which i hate more than CV’s and subs…… Yeah, games very ordinary right now, struggling to log in just to get my festive points. Every ship and its dog seems to have some funny gimmick, so now so many older ships are really suffering. From the San Martin (admittedly a fave of mine) to these 15km sec spec South American BB’s….. That’s longer secondaries than some Light cruisers main guns!!
@ShockSmile 7 күн бұрын
Play all classes, play ranked, play brawls. you will become the best. the most important role for a DD is just being there preventing enemy DD from pushing, yes i'm talking about you DD players who leave your side open for enemy subs and DD to flank and murder your whole team. for BB players, they don't know when to push and when to retreat or hold. keeping an eye on the enemy BBs will help you make a decision. if they push, your cruisers are in danger and you need to push as well. also if the side you are on has no BBs you also need to push it
@Arturogatti5494 6 күн бұрын
Hello good people of you tube and dont forget support your DDs priority number one always
@chenille28 7 күн бұрын
Thank you ! I am a mostly a battleship player, and I find it soooo frustrating to be the only one willing to take some damage. Thank you for putting the tanking aspect in first of the BB's goal. I find infuriating to see ships like the Schlieffen (for example) on the J or A line... You have the best secondaries, scary torps, a nearly impossible to citadel ship from close range, inaccurate main guns and you are not using ANY of that... Same with US BB. Yeah the Vermont has up to 30km range, but if you played it, you know you cannot hit anything moving passed 20 km because your shells are gonna take 2 hours to get there. Plus that big shit has cruiser concealment, a excellent maneuverability for its size and will vaporize anything in front of its guns under 17km. I shall know, I play that big shit ! Trust me, when you pop up with 12 457mm heavy AP firing guns within 15km, anyone is pooping his pants. Yeah, surviving is a good thing, but if you end up with less than a million potential in a BB, you're doing something wrong. That said : know your ship and know your ships !!!
@oldmangames9292 7 күн бұрын
@@chenille28 In the old days, BB players used to take turns tanking.. 3 on a flank, one would usually take most of the fire, have to fall back to heal, and another would step up to take their place - spreading the dmg over multiple players. Now as soon as one falls back, the entire flank turns and runs.. it's terrible..
@chenille28 7 күн бұрын
@@oldmangames9292 The main thing is that people play alone, like there is no-one with them, and they do not trust others. This has turned to a solo game. Which is funny, because the side that wins is ALWAYS the one with players doing their part and helping others. But well, when you have been left alone on your flank for the 10th time in a row... I can understand the frustration. This is usually when I change the game mode.
@Tuning3434 11 сағат бұрын
Yeah, the BBs not being able to tank any damage anymore is just freaking insane and neuters any attempt at your team to actually win by themselves instead of waiting for the reds to kill themselves. 1m pot. damage are still rookie numbers though. That is not 'playing it wrong', that is being completely ineffective or a first-to-die game in (almost) any BB above T5.
@EM-hb6sl 7 күн бұрын
@SeaLord… good video, thank you for not touching on Aircraft carriers as the roles vary widely and with changes coming will need to evolve. CVs are not personal radars they can spot or deal damage or deter at least, and in the right spot they can lay down close air support quickly (mid range), I hate seeing CVs boarder hump all match. Even if all planes are gone, CVs have guns and can become a 30knt torpedo. if the enemy is shooting the CV they aren’t shooting at you, light red team up.
@xPureNRG007x 7 күн бұрын
Good CV players do these things. Unfortunately a lot of bad CV players charge in late game without realizing that many times if you stay hidden and do not get sunk we win. Caution and situational awareness is critical.
@danielsherrill7085 7 күн бұрын
I am at the point I'm rage quitting every day I play the game now. I am being put on teams that die in less than 6 minutes. I estimate by the 7-8 minutes mark in 75 percent of my games, I am either the last ship on my team or one of only a few. My teammates die so fast you don't even realize they're all dead until you are suddenly being focused by the entire enemy team. The playerbase is crap anymore and I'm finding I'm losing interest fast for the game
@ShockSmile 7 күн бұрын
play ranked! it's much better than the 12v12 format in Randoms
@davidwhitfield6025 6 күн бұрын
You know its sad but it is true. Also sad that adults who act like children rarely learn to listen despite it being good advice. But as a teacher you have to keep trying. Respect Sir.
@RichieKeane 3 күн бұрын
Would say applies to whomever goes for cap or spots… had a few brutal weeks grinding BB and regularly have to try to cap when dd wiped out while 4 or 5 hide with 10-12km secondaries 18km out…
@kaollachan 7 күн бұрын
small personnal addition, a reason sometime i play a bit too rush, is Fomo, all those event and dockyard missions, trying to clear them quickly because never know if i will have time later
@caseyo6033 4 күн бұрын
No matter the class of ship, I think the biggest issue is what goal are they playing for. Way too many players for my taste play, "keep my ship alive as long as possible" vs playing to win, which requires risk. So what if your ship if safe behind an island if you cannot provide gun support to your ships out there getting into the action.
@leeroberts163 6 күн бұрын
I CANNOT give enough props for this. 👏👏👏👏🏆
@h0rseinthesands878 5 күн бұрын
What is spotting? Told just make sure you hit your target and kill it, assist in kill or kamikaze. No matter what ship you are in
@sighclop7827 7 күн бұрын
Some of my favorite matches are spent spotting for DD's who are 4 km to my south.
@octaviusmorlock 7 күн бұрын
Rough guide to Class Strength. DD: Strong against BB, Subs. Weak to CR. CR: Strong against DDs, CV. Weak to BB BB Strong against CR. Weak to DD, Sub CV: Strong against BB, CR, Sub. Weak to DD Sub: Strong against BB. Weak to DD
@bikeguy3034 7 күн бұрын
WOWS Player : Weak to being a whining crybaby...
@oldmangames9292 7 күн бұрын
@@octaviusmorlock I don't agree with this list.
@Sira_Kackavalj 7 күн бұрын
Thats real life logic. In this cesspool of a game BBs are the strongest counter to SSs
@jgemski63 7 күн бұрын
I call it all a byproduct of testicular tunnel vision. So many players dont know how have a wide fieldbof vision.
@xPureNRG007x 7 күн бұрын
This is hilarious!
@oldmangames9292 7 күн бұрын
Some absolutely terrible DD's on lately.. staying behind BB's, or sitting in smoke/behind islands trying to farm while spamming for someone else to spot for them.. WHO?? That said, I can partially understand it nowadays. It used to be that as a DD, you could push up to spot, and if you get spotted, you KNOW there is a DD near that you can either smoke from or push into to light up in return.. Nowadays you have no idea if you're gonna get lit up first by a radar from a CA behind an island - or a Sub that can just dive to safety. Had a game yesterday being chased halfway back by constant CV spotting and taking fire from 3-4 enemy CA's/BB's (French DD so no smoke).. After a while, on
@xPureNRG007x 7 күн бұрын
CV spotting cannot die fast enough.
@JPSavage84 7 күн бұрын
Subnote for gunship DDs: consider eschewing the greater stealth builds and skills for utilities like radio direction finding and torpedo lookout system. Since you're supposed to be shooting (and therefore visible) most often, a stealth build is wasted on these ships. Instead, use RDF and TLS to sniff out and wreck the stealthy torpedo boats that survive into late game.
@sycology2486 7 күн бұрын
Cant count how many matches ive lost with 5 bbs almost full hp in the spawn
@kodiak138 7 күн бұрын
Wanna hear the real reason why it's a cluster fuck of a mess now a days. I'm a cruiser player, I follow DD toward cap, DD pulls away first sign of a sub, he smokes, cruiser is now getting spotted, cruiser player than gets focussed on by BBS and sub, DD is now full speed going backwards. Bbs see the mess up ahead dont want to fire and get spotted and say fuck this cap and start turning away before they even fire on an enemy ship that might have been spotted by cruiser before he died. Cap lost in 3 minutes flat. I know you guys have been part of this mess so many times like myself especially if u are a cruiser player and what happens is that this scenario scares away everybody involved and nobody wants to be the first in a match to start the circus so nobody advances they just turn 90 degrees and sail into middle of map until some unlucky soul decides he will be the sacrifice to get things started. Hahahah that felt good typing that out.
@Jauger79 6 күн бұрын
How bloody true but alas some may heed your words but the majority will forget there is no "I" in team anyway keepthe faith and have agood day
@garce7039 6 күн бұрын
So sick and tired of BB mains telling DDs how to play, but this is actually quite good. People just want to sit back and let the DD take all the risk and complain about them not hitting enough torps. However, the DDs generally have no support and therefore very little area of movement. Easy to sit back and bitch, harder to get up there and risk your nose too.
@pontiacperformance1993 2 күн бұрын
I remember being new and when I got to the Pensacola aka first tier I ever grinded suddenly I died like crazy trying to rush like I did in tier 4 now that I can actually play the game properly I just had 2 3 and 4 kill 80k damage games lived thru both and my damage and survival rate is getting much better
@robjmck 7 күн бұрын
Opinion only, ships have to many specific features, so you cannot apply such generalities!
@damaddog8065 7 күн бұрын
The bots in the game are better then most players.
@timlaw9250 6 күн бұрын
So I have been playing WOW for over 8 years and only started playing and running DD lines the past few months. Even at high tiers the amount of players who do not support DDs in the cap is just insane. I will even remind my fellow players I need support if you want me to cap or spot the cap. Half the time even that does not work and CLs will be behind islands CVs will be dropping on BBs in the back of the map and BBs will not even shoot at DDs or are to far away to do anything oh and subs are useless in 80% of games so no help their. I just do not play much anymore because soon as I start getting frustrated or angry I just stop playing and get off.
@lcbowen3 6 күн бұрын
As a newer player, I wish we had more use of the voice channel. It would be nice for folks to tell others in the channel what they are planning to do (i.e. the destroyer tells you they are going to circle the A cap) but there would probably be too much toxic trash yelling at people.
@timlaw9250 6 күн бұрын
I agree but it is rare.
@thebes56 7 күн бұрын
When I'm a DD I try to smoke teammates that are in trouble. When I'm a cruiser I go after DD's, especially as a light cruiser. As a BB it's cruisers an BB's of course.
@davidb3155 7 күн бұрын
And when you try to do your job well you get yelled at. I had a match as a kitekaze. Killed my opposing dd but i could not push into the cap yet because a des moine was within 10km and already got me with radar earlier. I do my best to keep it spotted cause hes not using camo expert. My team keeps yelling but refuses to shoot the damn cruiser that is completely isolated. I just left them to go contest a different point
@danilp8757 7 күн бұрын
My way (ofc differs by ship a bit) to play classes : DD: Spot then Contest Caps and spot torps, Then Find the enemy DD and try to isolate and kill it (With Gunboats similar but using islands and good spots to shoot a few salvos at enemy BBs or CLs to lit fires or still hurt/distract them. CL: Staying behind the DD and Put pressure on enemy DDs when they Light up and Providing Hydro for BBs and keeping Planes and Subs away from BBs as well. And Providing Support if the Own DD nees help. BB: Staying a bit behind at the start of the game and providing heavy Fire Support and if a Flank Opens (DD/Torp CL etc down) ill go front and push infront of my DD/CLs and provide Armor for them. CV: Stopped playing them (Only playing some hybrids but using planes only for spotting or as extra damage mainly for Island Campers)
@TWM12 7 күн бұрын
doesnt help that battleships hide at the boarders of the map firing HE from a yamato lol, or cruisers simply just run away, rather than dealing with DDs like cruisers are designed for and usually it means the more aggressive team will steam roll due to knocking out DDs fast or if both teams are passive it becomes boring as hell
@xPureNRG007x 7 күн бұрын
I recognize that Louisiana fire! SLM had enough of these bad players!
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